How to polish steel with goyi paste

How to polish metal with GOI paste?

Recently, GOI paste has become increasingly popular in the chemical industry in terms of household and industrial use of products. Although this remedy was first discussed in the thirties of the last century, it began to be actively used only quite recently. It is widely used in the technical industry, applied arts and restoration.

Today this paste can be found in almost any hardware store and on radio electronics counters. Despite the fact that it is still considered a specialized tool, almost every person has an idea about its existence and purpose. Today we will learn how to polish metal with GOI paste, because this is the most popular area of ​​its application.

What is GOI paste and why is it needed?

GOI is an abbreviation that stands for State Optical Institute; in fact, it was created there. It was originally developed as a chemical product intended to restore damaged surfaces in order to protect them from aggressive influences and improve the reflective qualities of any surfaces.

What is it used for?

  • Today this product is used quite widely for processing plastic, metal, glass and many other types of surfaces.
  • Polishing metal with GOI paste is important in terms of removing scratches from the surfaces of kitchen knives and high-quality grinding.
  • The product cleans chrome surfaces no less efficiently, which after treatment become mirror-like and shiny.
  • Using this paste and special tools, you can even polish plexiglass. After such polishing, damaged and scratched glass becomes completely intact.
  • Car headlights that have lost their former transparency are polished in the same way.

Having analyzed all of the above, we can conclude that the main purpose of this paste is polishing and restoration.

Composition of GOI paste

This product consists of a fine-grained granular powder, supplemented by a whole set of components that give the substance the necessary texture and properties. GOI paste is based on chromium oxide powder, which is included in its composition in varying quantities, depending on its type. All other substances are added in proportions taking into account the type of paste.

Important! There are compositions on sale with different levels of hardness, and the percentage of chromium oxide is present in them in quantities of 74, 76 and 81%. In addition, this polishing agent may include the following substances:

  • Kerosene.
  • Fat.
  • Stearin.
  • Soda.
  • Silica gel.

Due to such specific proportions, the resulting paste can have a different appearance and differ in numbering. Due to the fact that this product has such an effective effect, it has become one of the best means for the technical treatment of various types of surfaces.

Varieties of GOI paste

Grit size is the main parameter that determines the division of restoring and grinding pastes into varieties. It must be remembered that this tool is widely used in many industries where there is a need for careful and high-quality work on parts.

Important! If you use the wrong type of paste for grinding, you can simply ruin the surface and scratch it with abrasive particles.

This paste is produced in four types, each of which has its own number, which determines the number of abrasive particles in its composition:

  • No. 1 - is a fine crumb, due to which this paste is used for polishing extremely smooth surfaces to achieve an ideal shine.
  • No. 2 – has a more pronounced graininess than the previous option.
  • No. 3 – ideal for sharpening steel and polishing metal.
  • No. 4 is the best option for removing scratches from metal surfaces.

How to prepare a surface for polishing with GOI paste?

For example, an event such as polishing a knife with GOI paste does not require any preparatory steps. The only thing you need to do is prepare the necessary equipment and, in order to achieve the best effect, remove all dirt and dust from the object. The product itself is not required to be applied directly to the object, since experts believe that this action can significantly worsen the result.

Important! It is also recommended to pay attention to the material of the tool that you will use for grinding. Please note that the rougher and harder the object, the rougher the material should be, accordingly. For example, to care for metal surfaces, as in our case, it is better to use felt or denim.

Features of polishing with GOI paste

Now we will look at how to polish a knife with GOI paste step by step. In principle, there is nothing complicated in this process. If you simply intend to make its surface more shiny, you can do this either manually or use an attachment for a grinder or drill. These attachments are made from felt, and you can use them without using any tools, simply working by hand with a felt wheel.

Polishing includes the following steps:

  1. The selected fabric is rubbed with GOI paste, and you can begin to grind the surface of the knife. To give the item additional shine, you can use additional machine oil or gasoline, but, of course, then you will have to wash it thoroughly before use.
  2. If you additionally want to sharpen the knife, then first you need to rub a bar of paste onto the leather or wooden surface, previously fixed on some hard object. Then, using the knife blade, make movements over the area treated with this composition, similar to ordinary sharpening of knives on a whetstone.

Features of surface grinding, depending on the material

We must not forget that grinding and polishing objects made of various materials using GOI paste has a different type and technology. As we noted earlier, you must first decide on the material with which the grinding will be carried out, and only after that begin work to restore the integrity of the surface and give it its former shine.

That is why below we will consider situations in which the processing technology will change depending on the type of surface in order to get the best result.

Application of GOI paste for processing plastic and glass

Quite often situations arise when it is necessary to polish or grind plastic or glass, for example, some parts on a mobile phone or watch. Doing this at home is not a problem:

  1. You need to apply paste No. 2 to a piece of fabric with soft pile.
  2. Then rub the fabric with a hard bar of the product until the layer of paste becomes noticeable.
  3. Now you can start sanding, and to do this, gently rub the surface for several minutes.

Cleaning silver with GOI paste

Silver jewelry often becomes dull and unsightly. So, using GOI paste No. 3 you can restore their original appearance:

  1. First, take a block of product, a soft cloth and a piece of felt.
  2. Then rub the felt with the paste, take the product, and work it with the felt base.
  3. The next step is to take a softer cloth and smooth the item by sanding for a few minutes.


As you have seen, GOI paste is a universal remedy for restoring the integrity and visual appeal of surfaces of various materials. Feel free to use it, and you will see that there is nothing easier than polishing metal, glass or silver with GOI paste.


The best polishing agent is Goya paste: Application stages +

Goi paste is a universal surface polishing product. There are several types of paste, depending on the material being polished. This instruction will tell you why you need goi paste and how to use it on metal, glass and other surfaces.

In addition to the correct choice of paste material, proper polishing is needed.

Goya paste got its name from the first letters of the State Optical Institute, where it was invented in the 30s of the last century.

GOI paste for cars

Over time, scratches appear on the car body, headlights and glass dim, which greatly impairs the driver’s visibility. It would be logical to carry out polishing from time to time in a car dealership or with your own hands. A proven green mixture will help you cope with your problems.

Sand or polish?

All car owners should understand the fundamental differences between these processes.

  • Grinding is a rough method of applying abrasives, which, by scraping off the top layer, level the surface. Used when serious scratches are evident. After this, the canvas will become matte, and additional exposure to compounds with fine grains will be required.
  • Polishing is the final stage after grinding. The goal is to add shine to the product using fine-grained products.

Interesting! To understand what kind of GOI paste you will need for polishing or grinding the body, evaluate the condition of the car. To do this, run your fingernail over it. If it clings to a scratch, then the body will need grinding No. 3, and if not, then impact No. 2 or No. 1 will do.

Features of grinding different parts of a car

To polish the windshield, headlights or mirrors, use flannel, and felt is suitable for the body. The polishing paste is used as follows:

For glasses and headlights:

  • Initially, wash the glass with water and shampoo, glass cleaner or alcohol, and wipe dry. This will enhance the effect.
  • Polishing glass or headlights from scratches should be done with a special machine with a grinding wheel or a drill with a felt attachment. Manual work will only remove the dullness.
  • Mix the green mass with machine oil at the rate of: a drop of oil per spoon of goya. Apply the mixture to the flannel pad of a polishing machine. Carefully treat the desired areas or, if desired, the entire glass.
  • The direction of movement can be any, but the principle of lane overlap is encouraged.
  • Periodically remove any remaining GOI with a paper towel and evaluate the result. Finish only when the area is perfectly smooth.

Important! If you are working on a specific area, then the surrounding area should be covered with plastic wrap so that you do not have to wash the entire car later.

  • It is better not to grind excessively deep scratches, but to fill them with a special colorless compound.

Important! For glass, use only a thin mixture No. 1 or 2. Monitor the temperature of the glass, otherwise it will overheat and crack during the cleaning process.

For the body:

  • To remove dullness from the body, clean the surface with a glass cleaner and wet it with water.
  • Apply the paste to the circle of the car, wait until it accelerates to a speed of 1100 revolutions, and, without stopping, move across the area, maintaining an angle between the circle of the car and the body of 4-6 degrees.
  • Remove any remaining drug with warm water under low pressure.

Features of polishing products made from various materials

It is important to note that products made from various materials require a certain polishing technology with GOI paste. First of all, it is necessary to select the type of technical means and fabric with which the surface will be treated. After this, in order to get the maximum result and prevent the formation of new damage, you should decide on the polishing process,

  1. For polishing glass and plastic, it is recommended to choose GOI No2 paste and a soft-pile cloth, such as cotton or flannel. In this case, the product must be generously rubbed onto a piece of rag material, and the surface of the product must be cleaned of debris and dust. After the preparatory work, you can begin polishing the surface. To do this, it is necessary to grind the product for several minutes without brute force, applying light pressure. It is worth noting that when processing the screen of a mobile phone or watch, you must carefully use solvents and oil so that they do not penetrate inside the case.
  2. Silver jewelry tends to lose its original shine over time. Correct use of GOI paste No. 3 will help restore the appearance of products. As a processing fabric, you should choose a material with a more rigid structure, for example, a tarpaulin or felt circle, or a piece of felt boots. After applying GOI paste to the fabric, you must thoroughly rub the product against it, completely covering the darkened surface. The final step is to polish the jewelry with a softer cloth until the final shine is obtained. To achieve the greatest effect, before starting polishing, it is recommended to boil silver products in a solution mixed from: 300 ml of water; 2 teaspoons of an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide; 50 g grated soap; 50 g washing powder.
  3. To polish knives or scissors, GOI paste is applied to a wooden block. You can also glue sandpaper to the board and rub it with this technical product, slightly moistened with a solvent. Then the steel alloy products should be ground against a block using a reciprocating motion at different angles.


Composition and types of GOI

Previously, the active ingredient in GOI paste was chromium oxide and it had a pronounced green color. GOI paste is still actively used, but it has lost its green color. Chromium oxide is a poison and carcinogen, its use is strictly prohibited by regulatory authorities.

Green pasta can still be found and bought, but the production of this particular paste has already closed. The colors of modern Goya pastes are white and red. Red is suitable for whiter, more intense polishing, and they are made from aluminum oxide.

 White paste is useful for better polishing of a smooth surface.

This polish comes in the form of a green bar or a thinner paste in a jar.

Even when GOI was green, it had three varieties depending on the level of polishing. Now the size of abrasive particles has received another meaning. GOI No. 4 is intended for rough processing of surfaces, preparing the area for further polishing, No. 3 makes the surface uniformly matte without scratches, using No. 1 and No. 2 the surface is brought to a perfectly glossy result.

How to use GOI?

The principle of operation of this polish is based on the careful removal of the top layer, which contains scratches and abrasions. This should be done with a soft cloth soaked in gasoline. Gasoline is needed to dissolve too large pieces.

Advice! If you don’t have a car and you don’t know where to get gasoline, you can drain it by carefully opening a gasoline lighter.

  • Before use, you need to wipe the paste a little on a piece of unnecessary metal.
  • If large pieces remain in the paste during use, you can achieve the opposite result - scratching the surface.
  • Polishing is a delicate process in which details matter. The paste should be kneaded and the cloth should be as soft and smooth as possible.
  • You can take a polishing wheel and apply GOI paste to it, but under no circumstances should you start polishing by applying the paste to the surface itself. The product can be lightly lubricated with liquid oil – “spindle”.

Can GOI cope with deep defects?

The paste copes with fairly severe scratches, if the thickness and strength of the material allows. You need to use all four stages of polishing, and then rinse the object with carp. Pharmacy kerosene will do. If you don’t have one or the polished item cannot be treated with kerosene, running water will do. This will wash away microparticles.

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Polishing car parts

Polishing and grinding car parts is important not only for the sake of excellent appearance, but also to protect against rust and further damage.

Scratches appear on the headlights, which makes them dim; the paintwork rubs, damage begins to threaten the body; The dashboard loses its appearance due to scratches. Green paste and its followers are suitable for plastic, glass, paintwork and metal.

Information! Grinding and polishing are two sides of the same process. Sanding is a rough procedure using an abrasive to remove the damaged layer. Polishing – softly bringing an object to a shine. It usually follows after sanding. Glass surfaces of a car, be it headlights, rear-view mirrors or windshield, are polished with flannel. It is easier to work on the body with felt.

For headlights and other glass products, the following algorithm is suitable:

  • Start by degreasing the surface: wash with car shampoo, wipe with alcohol or glass cleaner. If there is even a little dirt on the glass, it can cause additional scratches.
  • Polishing should be done with a drill with a felt attachment or a special grinding machine. Manual work is only needed to remove the dullness; otherwise, you can’t do without a special device.
  • To polish, add a drop of machine oil to the GOI paste and apply the mixture to a polishing wheel.
  • Without unnecessary pressure, treat the desired areas, or carefully go over the entire surface of the glass.
  • Polishing movements can be made in any direction, but it is better to use the principle of overlapping stripes.
  • To control the result, wash the GOI with a paper napkin: when the surface has become perfectly smooth and transparent, you can complete polishing.
  • When polishing a single part, it is better to cover the entire remaining surface with film, otherwise you will then need to wash the entire car.
  • It is better to fill any deep scratches with a special transparent compound.
  • For glass, only GOI No. 1 or 2 can be used.
  • The glass may become hot during friction. This must be carefully avoided, as unevenly heated glass can crack.

The body is polished in the following sequence:

  • Clean the surface to be treated thoroughly.
  • Apply paste to the wheel and accelerate the machine to 1100 rpm, then grind the body at a slight angle.
  • Rinse off any remaining product with low pressure water.

Is GOI suitable for jewelry?

Polishing jewelry with GOI paste is the same as any other. You just need to take paste No. 1. Gold and silver jewelry can be polished well using this method.

The only difference is that they require special cleaning. Silver should be treated with toothpaste using a brush. Then you need to boil it in an enamel bowl with ammonia and soap shavings. To use knife paste, it is applied to a leather belt stretched over a block of wood.

No matter how versatile GOI paste is, there are surfaces that it is better not to touch. Do not use on watch glass or other metal parts. A mechanical watch is a thin and fragile mechanism. Soft versions of the paste do not give a good result on the watch, and rough ones will simply erase the coating from the metal. If the watch is covered with sapphire glass, then there is no point in polishing for another reason - this glass is so hard that it cannot be polished with paste.


When using this polish, especially the green one, you need to be very careful about safety precautions. Be sure to use a respirator, especially when polishing metal and using gasoline. Avoid getting vapors and particles into your respiratory tract. The shavings can cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes and even enter the lungs. If this happens to you, contact your medical service.


Polishing metal to a mirror shine with your own hands: features of the process

Stainless steel items have become a part of our lives. These are interior elements for the street and at home, various dishes at home and much more. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron and carbon mixed with special elements.

Steel acquires high resistance to negative environmental factors thanks to these elements. But under the influence of various factors, even such a durable metal can lose its original appearance.

How to polish to a mirror shine? If such a need arises, then you have two options:

  • Contact a specialized company that provides this type of service.
  • Do it yourself at home.

Let's look at how to polish metal to a mirror shine with your own hands in different ways at home.

The process of polishing to a mirror at home

There are several proven methods for polishing metal at home. One of them is chemical (without the use of mechanisms). It does not require much effort, the main thing is that it follows safety requirements. Polishing metal at home using a chemical method occurs in the following order:

  1. Sulfuric acid is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. The volume of the resulting mixture should be sufficient to completely cover the item being polished;
  2. Dip the object to be polished into the resulting solution for a few minutes, and, after removing it, rinse it in running water. Next, place it in a container filled with sawdust;
  3. Dip the metal object dried in sawdust into nitric acid for 2-3 seconds, then rinse thoroughly again;
  4. After the next drying in sawdust, carefully wipe the metal.

After such simple procedures, the metal object will look like new. A smooth and shiny surface will be perceived by the eye as a mirror.

TIP: Before putting a metal item into acid, you need to remove all elements made from other materials from it. Acid can have a detrimental effect on other materials and destroy them.

One of the most popular types of home polishing of metals is processing using GOI paste. This paste was created in the last century and is successfully used to this day. Initially it has a solid form and comes in varying degrees of granularity. For better application, it is recommended to dilute it with a few drops of machine oil.

Chemical polishing

During chemical polishing, the surface is exposed to a combination of a specific substance and galvanic fumes. This process determines the formation of a passivating oxide film, which leads to the leveling of surface microroughness.

The quality of polishing depends on the ratio of the rate of film formation and its dissolution in the liquid. The highest gloss can be achieved by forming a thin film. With chemical polishing of metal, it is possible to achieve a film of thinner thickness than with electrochemical polishing, which determines the possibility of achieving better shine, but large irregularities in the part cannot be leveled out.

Electrochemical polishing

Required equipment and chemicals

To get a good result at home, you will have to spend a little money and stock up on some chemicals, devices and mechanisms. Depending on the method by which you will polish the metal to a mirror shine with your own hands, you will need several items from this list:

  • Sulfuric acid;
  • Nitric acid;
  • Water;
  • Sawdust;
  • Paste GOI;
  • Felt circle;
  • Drill;
  • Wooden block;
  • Textile.

Mechanical polishing method

For many years, a mechanical method of processing the surface of a metal product has been used. Special sets of abrasive wheels and belts, when combined with GOI polishing pastes, make it possible to obtain a material with a roughness index Ra = 0.05–0.12 microns.

The features of this password encryption method include:

  1. to automate the process, special machines are used that are equipped with fabric or felt circles;
  2. a certain amount of GOI paste is applied to the abrasive;
  3. the goyi paste in question is a special powder consisting of an active substance that has an activating effect on the surface of the product;
  4. A typical paste consists of approximately 60% abrasive and 40% binder. content of activating additive 2%.

Finish grinding can only be achieved using GOI paste. In this case, a soft wheel and GOI paste with a fine abrasive are used. For such work, the material consumption is quite large: per 1 square meter of surface there are 0.3 felt wheels and an abrasive substance such as GOI, approximately 100 grams. When processing complex surfaces, a belt type of material and the same GOI abrasive are used.

Special attention should be paid to GOI paste. It is a special substance that is based on chromium oxide. The substance from the GOI category is produced in the form of a green bar. Special GOI sets contain bars with different abrasive grain sizes.

Safety precautions

When using a chemical polishing method, be sure to use special gloves, respiratory protection, and special utensils that do not react with acid.

Polishing metal to a mirror shine with a grinder or drill should be carried out using eye protection. And most importantly, you must strictly adhere to the technological process.

It is necessary to always have a medical first aid kit on hand, with which you can provide first aid before the arrival of the ambulance, although it is advisable to prevent such cases.


At the first production stage, after sawing, welding or casting, grinding of the still rough material is carried out. Its task is to remove irregularities and burrs from the surface, remove scale or old coating and bring the product to the required dimensions and shape. To perform this type of work, specialized mechanisms are used, which come in several varieties. They operate at the same high speed.

Grinding the bevel of the knife.


GOI paste - application, polishing and composition

GOI paste is a special abrasive material in the form of a dense granular paste intended for grinding and final finishing of metal surfaces. GOI paste has been used in metalworking, technology, arts and crafts and other fields of activity. The abbreviation GOI means State Optical Institute, the enterprise where this material was developed.

Types and composition of GOI paste

The basis of GOI paste is chromium oxide with the addition of stearin, fat, silica gel and kerosene. The more chromium oxide in the composition, the more granular the material is - the larger the grain size and the rougher the processing. Therefore, pay attention to the composition of the GOI paste you have chosen - the possibility of solving a particular problem depends on this. The coarsest has 81 parts of chromium oxide, the medium has 76, the finest has 74 and, among other things, contains bicarbonate of soda.

In general, the grain size of the paste is determined by its designation - fine, medium and coarse, or by number - from 1 to 4:

  • No. 1 - for final polishing and adding shine.
  • No. 2 is almost identical to No. 1.
  • No. 3 - medium grain, gives the metal a matte shine, removes small irregularities.
  • No. 4 – the largest grains, a high abrasive sufficient to remove small scratches. Not suitable for precision grinding.

Features of using GOI paste

A frequent question from users of GOI paste is how to use it in this or that case. The answer to this depends on the specifics of the problem being solved. Let's look at the basic rules of polishing.

So, the answer to the question: how to polish metal with GOI paste, let's start with the main rule - you cannot apply the paste to the surface itself. It is applied to a cloth or, if we are talking about grinding knives, to a wooden block. Before use, the paste must be rubbed on an unusable piece of metal to get rid of large pieces that can damage the surface. This is equally important for successful application.

Let us draw your attention to the following important tips:

  • Sufficient density and hardness of the paste requires it to be liquefied before use. To do this, you can use spindle oil, stirring it with the broken fragment until a homogeneous consistency. After this, you can apply it to a rag.
  • To polish knives, the paste is applied to a wooden block or board. Then you can move the knife back and forth at the angle required for editing.
  • To work on a grinding machine, the paste is applied to a felt wheel. To do this, you also need to dilute the paste with machine oil.

An important role when polishing is played by the choice of rags - soft or harder. To polish plastic, you need the softest flannel or cotton cloth. Fine polishing of metal can be done with denim, canvas or felt. Old felt boots are also suitable for these purposes.

In general, GOI paste is an important tool in metalworking for precision surface processing, high-quality grinding at minimal cost and without the use of special equipment.


GOI paste - what is it, composition, what is it used for, main types, how to use correctly?

GOI polishing paste is a product that has a wide range of applications in everyday life, in enterprises and car service stations. GOI paste is classified by number depending on the percentage of chromium oxide and abrasive particles.

GOI paste - what is it?

A special abrasive polishing agent used for polishing glass, metal, ceramics, plastic and other materials. It was developed by specialists from the State Optical Institute. When figuring out what GOI paste is, it is worth noting that it is suitable for use in both industrial and domestic conditions. Gives polishing objects a mirror shine, eliminates turbidity and dullness of surfaces.

GOI paste - composition

The main component of this polishing agent is trivalent chromium oxide with the addition of binders and auxiliary substances. These can be: kerosene, soda, fat, silica gel.

Depending on the concentration of chromium, GOI grinding paste can be light green and have high abrasive abilities, or rich green, almost black, intended to add shine and final polishing to surfaces.

GOI paste is a universal cleaning product, produced in the form of bars, viscous contents or impregnation.

What is GOI paste used for?

The scope of application of this paste is quite wide, both in everyday life and in production. The main purpose is to polish metal products (aluminum, cast iron, steel, silver).

This grinding paste does an excellent job of cleaning antique coins and removing corrosion. Fishermen use it to clean artificial fishing gear, thereby increasing its shine. In everyday life, GOI paste is used to polish knives, forks, spoons, and scissors.

Restores the shine and shine of silverware. Hunters use this abrasive to polish gun barrels.

GOI paste is also used for polishing plastic and glass objects. In the automotive industry, it is used to remove scratches and clouding on headlights and windshields of cars. This abrasive helps restore and add shine to jewelry, costume jewelry, and watch glass. In industry, it is used in galvanizing shops for grinding and polishing objects made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This processing is carried out using polishing machines using felt wheels.

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Types of GOI paste

Depending on the percentage of chromium oxides and abrasive properties, the grain size of the GOI paste can be from fine to coarse. They are identified by numbers:

  1. GOI paste No. 4 – has a light green color. The percentage of chromium is 75-85%. This paste is used to remove scratches and make the surface matte.
  2. GOI paste No. 3 – green color. chromium 70-80%. Used for secondary sanding, giving an even shine without streaks.
  3. GOI paste No. 2 – the color of the paste is dark green. The composition includes 65-77% chromium oxide. When polishing with this paste, a layer of 7-1 microns is removed, which gives the product shine.
  4. GOI paste No. 1 – the color of the paste is almost black with a greenish tint. The percentage of chromium oxide is from 65 to 70%. Used for final polishing. The product acquires a mirror shine.

GOI paste - how to use?

All-purpose cleaner can be used as follows:

  1. Take a soft cloth (flannel will do). Soak it in gasoline.
  2. Apply the paste to the fabric and rub it on a metal or glass surface that is not related to the product being polished. This is necessary so that the grinding paste with large particles does not scratch the desired surface.
  3. Next, when the cloth with polish is ready, you can begin processing the product. This should be done without much effort, gently rubbing the desired area with a cloth until a shine appears.
  4. After finishing work, the workpiece must be wiped with gasoline or immersed in a solvent to remove any remaining paste.

How to polish metal with GOI paste?

Depending on the type of metal, cleaning with GOI paste varies. For steel products, special devices are used, but it is better not to clean gold and precious metals with this paste, as there is a risk of removing the top layer. Very often, GOI paste is used for silver cutlery. Let's take a closer look at how to polish silver with GOI paste:

  1. To begin with, silverware should be thoroughly cleaned with tooth powder.
  2. Then, in an enamel saucepan, mix a spoonful of grated laundry soap and tooth powder, as well as a couple of drops of ammonia in water. Place on the fire and when the solution boils, dip the products into it.
  3. Remove silverware and rinse in cold water.
  4. After drying, polish with GOI paste No. 1 or No. 2.

Many car owners know the wonderful properties of GOI paste and use it to remove minor scratches on car windows. To do this you need:

  1. Wash the glass with car shampoo, soapy water, or wipe with an alcohol-containing detergent, and dry.
  2. It is advisable to carry out glass polishing work with a special machine, and manually only remove the dullness.
  3. Mix gasoline with the paste at the rate of a drop per spoon of GOI paste.
  4. Place the resulting mixture on a polishing wheel and carefully work the desired area of ​​glass.
  5. The polishing paste is applied according to the principle of overlapping scratch stripes.
  6. Polishing work is completed once the glass is smooth. GOI paste No. 1 and GOI paste No. 2 are suitable for such work.

How to polish plastic with GOI paste?

Plastic parts become scratched and dull over time. Polishing with GOI paste can restore the original shine to such surfaces. The sequence of actions is the same as for polishing glass:

  1. The surface is degreased and dried.
  2. Apply gasoline or motor oil to the felt circle of the machine or soft flannel or cotton fabric, mixing it with the paste.
  3. Gently rub the resulting mixture onto the plastic, periodically wiping off excess paste.
  4. Wash off the residue with gasoline or kerosene.

How to soften GOI paste?

If stored for a long time without use, the polishing paste may dry out, but do not rush to throw it away. You can restore its polishing properties. You need to mix the paste with gasoline or any technical oil. To do this you need:

  1. Break off or chip off a piece of dried paste and grind into powder.
  2. Then mix the resulting powder with oil or gasoline.
  3. The resulting soft mixture can be used for its intended purpose.
  4. You can also use kerosene, acetone, and white spirit to soften the paste.

Harm of GOI paste

When working with this abrasive, the question may arise: is the use of paste toxic to health? GOI polishing paste contains up to 85% chromium oxide, which is considered a carcinogenic and toxic substance. However, hexavalent chromium, which is red in color, is dangerous and harmful to health, and the main component of GOI paste is trivalent chromium, which has weak activity in the human body.

When working with GOI paste, despite its safety, you should adhere to the following protective measures:

  1. Use a mask or respirator, especially when working with a polishing machine.
  2. Wear special clothing, as paste particles can settle on the fabric and be difficult to wash.
  3. It is advisable to wear gloves when working with the paste, as it may irritate the skin and cause wounds and cracks.
  4. When cleaning products that come into contact with food (silverware, dishes), you must thoroughly rinse them in a soapy solution. Wipe other items with a solvent (gasoline, kerosene, etc. will do).

How to replace GOI paste at home?

You can buy GOI paste at a hardware store, hardware store or military store. Rubbing in with GOI paste does an excellent job of removing small scratches and cloudiness of metal, plastic and glass. However, there are situations when you need to polish something, but there is no paste. For these purposes, you can use toothpaste and a woolen rag or paper, ash or soda ash. To grind metal surfaces, it is effective to use a mixture of soda and technical oil.


GOI paste: what is it, composition, types, grain size, how to dilute it, how to use and polish correctly, analogues

GOI paste is a combination of materials created from chrome green. Thanks to them, they polish and grind glass products, objects made of metal, steel, plastic, ceramics and composites. This substance is optimally used to eliminate scratches, plaque, and give a shiny appearance to the product.

GOI paste is a universal cleaning product that can be used to successfully grind and polish any surface.

What is GOI paste

Many people wonder what GOI paste is? The answer is simple - a tool used to polish various objects to a shine. It looks like an emerald colored bar.

It got its name thanks to the State Optical Institute, which was the first to develop it.

The product is formed using powdered chromium oxide, organic fats that serve as a binder, and various additives that help improve the characteristics of this substance.

Polishing with GOI paste is simple and effective, so every owner should keep it on hand.

The composition also contains chemical reagents and additional substances: silica gel, stearin, kerosene, etc. How intense the shade and variety depends on the amount of the base component.

The more chrome green, the lighter the paste and the higher its abrasive qualities. The most variant is used for intensive grinding, the dark one is used for polishing and providing the object being processed with a shine akin to a mirror. Chromium sesquioxide is typically between 65% and 80%.

It looks like a greenish mass, sold in the form of a smooth block or in a sealed jar.

Goya paste can have a round shape intended for polishing. It is specially impregnated with a certain amount of paste and given a soft texture. Other variations: watery consistency, found in a plastic jar or as a soaking composition used for the same items.

The main component in the composition is chromium oxide. The grain size of the preparation and its characteristics directly depend on its concentration.

Note! Packaging and shape have no influence on the intended use.

How to use GOI paste

To understand how to use GOI paste correctly, it is recommended to read the instructions, since you need to follow certain steps:

  • A small amount should be applied to a soft cloth or felt circle. There is no need to apply the product directly to the item. The material can be pre-moistened in gasoline or kerosene.
  • Grind the paste using a metal. This method removes large abrasive pieces that can cause harm.
  • Add a little industrial oil to the surface and start polishing. From time to time it is recommended to update the lubricant.

The process should be carried out without any effort, do not press, but lightly rub until shine appears. After completing the work, wipe the surface with gasoline, kerosene or remove the remaining mass with water.

The higher the percentage of chromium oxide, the rougher the composition (variation can be from 60 to 85%).

Important! If you use larger grains in your work than necessary, and also add force, you can damage the surface of the product.

The green mixture is harmless to humans due to the fact that 3-valent chromium oxide is used in its creation, and only 6-valent chromium oxide is harmful.

The paste can be diluted with kerosene, diesel fuel and regular car oil. This is done so that the product becomes a uniform consistency. Initially it looks like a dry bar.

It is worth remembering that the rougher the object that needs to be processed, the rougher the material on which the product is applied should be. The paste is applied to the felt circle while it rotates, which is why the felt acquires a brown-green color.

Now it becomes clear what GOI paste is used for and how to use it.

Dried green mixture can be "reanimated" so that it becomes soft again. This is done using machine oil.  

Features of polishing with GOI paste

The use of GOI paste for polishing has its own characteristics:

  • Metal - the first thing you need to do is determine its type. When it comes to processing items made from silver, high-quality reading should completely eliminate damage to their surface, especially the appearance of various scratches. To avoid this, it is recommended to carry out cleaning activities in a certain sequence. First, wash the spoons or forks, then rub them with powder using a standard toothbrush. Then they will take on a shiny appearance. At the same time, pour a little water into a glass, add an ammonia aqueous solution, powder and soap. Boil items in this mixture and rub them with GOI paste. Processing steel requires the use of a special device. It is better not to use this method with gold, especially if you do not have special knowledge. After all, you can completely erase the top layer. When cleaning your watch, be sure to remove the mechanism.
  • Glass – Goi paste No. 2 would be an ideal option. The substance should be applied to a fabric that has a soft base and sanding should begin; this should be done carefully and easily. There is no need to press or apply any effort. The result is that the screen is polished to a shiny state.
  • Plastic - use Goya paste No. 2 in liquid or viscous form. To do this, you need to take a cloth, apply the product to it, rub the surface of the product, then do everything as usual.

Before use, it is better to read the instructions (in order to take into account important points) that are included in the kit. The manual indicates the percentage and rules of application.

The most common composition is GOI paste No. 2. It is ideal for products made of precious and non-ferrous metals, as well as glass and plastic.

Additional Information! If there is dried GOI paste left, do not throw it away immediately.

The material can be restored to its working qualities by softening. To do this, break off a piece, crush it into small crumbs, and mix with any technical oil (car oil is also suitable).

It is possible to use kerosene, but in this option the polishing effect may not be preserved.

For which products is GOI paste not suitable?

Goi paste is not suitable for processing all products. Some are prohibited:

  • Gold-plated products - under the influence of the product, the top layer can be erased, which is the main value.
  • Steel and nickel - they are processed using a special device, and not manually.
  • Metal watches - polishing is possible only if the mechanism is removed; otherwise, Goi paste is not used for them.
  • Sapphire glass – polishing will not provide the desired result; these items cannot be polished.

It is recommended to wear safety glasses and a mask when working, because when using it, dust appears that irritates the human mucous membranes.

Only if the abrasive is used correctly will it provide a shine effect. Otherwise, time will be wasted, and irreparable damage may be caused to the product.

Polishing the surface at home is easy. It is only important to follow the general advice and not spoil the fabric being processed.

Is it harmful to humans?

They constantly write on the Internet that Goya paste is toxic and harmful to the human body. This is due to the fact that it contains chromium oxide. However, based on chromium itself, this substance can be different.

Bivalent and tetravalent are black, trivalent is green (this is what is used in the paste), hexavalent is dark red. The latter is poisonous, as well as all its compounds. Trivalent is non-toxic and completely safe.

This statement was confirmed by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise.

Rub the desired area with light movements without pressure until the product begins to shine. This treatment will only take 3-4 minutes.

Analogues of GOI paste

Analogues of GOI paste include 3M abrasive pastes - materials with an innovative composition. Used for smoothing relief and fine cleaning. These products allow you to change the gloss level of the surface. The advantages include the ease of their removal from the treated object using ordinary hot water.

They can only be removed from hard-to-reach places mechanically.

Another analogue is Chinese paste HZ. It performs its functions, but not very well.

Goya paste is the most popular material for polishing and grinding. It is highly efficient and requires little time.

Do not forget that polishing even with such a miracle drug causes irreparable damage to some materials.

VIDEO: How to make GOI liquid polishing paste


How to polish metal with goyim paste correctly

Recently, GOI paste has become increasingly popular in the chemical industry in terms of household and industrial use of products. Although this remedy was first discussed in the thirties of the last century, it began to be actively used only quite recently. It is widely used in the technical industry, applied arts and restoration.

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Today this paste can be found in almost any hardware store and on radio electronics counters. Despite the fact that it is still considered a specialized tool, almost every person has an idea about its existence and purpose. Today we will learn how to polish metal with GOI paste, because this is the most popular area of ​​its application.

How to use GOI paste? How to polish with GOI paste?

GOI paste can be used for polishing the surfaces of products made from a wide variety of materials. Today, several varieties are produced. For each specific material, you should choose a specific type of paste. In addition, the polishing procedure itself must be carried out correctly. We'll talk about how to use GOI paste below.

History of pasta

This polishing agent was developed in our country a very long time ago - in the 30s of the twentieth century. It was invented by specialists from the State Optical Institute. Hence the name of the paste (based on the first letters) - GOI. For almost a hundred years, this product has been used to polish steel, other metals, ceramics, plastics, stone and even glass. Our grandfathers knew how to use GOI paste.

Initially, it was made from chromium oxide and auxiliary substances and had a green color. Today, such a product can also be found in stores and on the market. However, the production of green pasta is currently prohibited and discontinued. The fact is that chromium oxide is a toxic carcinogen. Modern GOI pastes are white or red in color and are made from aluminum oxide. Using the second type, polishing is faster.

Using white paste you can get a better and smoother surface.

We’ll talk about how to use GOI paste correctly below. Now let's see what varieties of this material exist. Once upon a time, three types of GOI green paste were produced. And today, in a store or online, you can purchase a product with different sizes of abrasive particles:

  • No. 4 - intended for initial rough polishing of surfaces;
  • No. 3 - gives the surface a matte appearance, while no strokes are visible on it;
  • No. 2 and No. 1 - used for finishing and give a glossy surface.

The green variety was produced both in solid bars and in the form of a more liquid paste-like mass (in boxes). The popularity of both types is due not only to the high quality of polishing, but also to their more than affordable price.

What to do before polishing

So, let's start figuring out how to use GOI paste. The small particles contained in it, when rubbing the surface, remove a thin layer along with scratches and microcracks. Polishing is usually done using a soft cloth dipped in gasoline (you can use a lighter). Apply a small layer of paste onto it and rub it a little on an unnecessary piece of metal.

This is necessary so that any too large pieces in the paste are broken. If they remain, the surface may not be polished, but rather scratched. The cloth should be really soft. You can take, for example, flannel. Sometimes the paste is applied to the polishing wheel. It cannot be smeared directly onto the surface of the workpiece.

The product is first lightly coated with liquid industrial oil (“spindle”).

So, the paste cloth is ready. Now you can start polishing directly. To do this, the surface just needs to be rubbed. However, you should not press too hard on the product. Otherwise, even more scratches may appear on it. For the same reason, too sudden hand movements should be avoided. Continue polishing until a completely smooth surface is obtained. From time to time, as necessary, a little “spindle” should be applied to the product.

How to polish objects with many deep defects with GOI paste? Usually in such cases the surface is pre-treated with option No. 4. Then they move to number 3. Treatment No. 2 is completed, and the final gloss is applied with means No. 1.

After the operation is completed, you need to rinse the product in kerosene. The latter can be purchased at the pharmacy. If this fails, you can wash the polished item in running water. In some cases, the surface of the product after processing, rinsing and drying is additionally coated with tsapon varnish. This allows you to significantly slow down the oxidation process. The knives are polished using a block with leather stretched over it.

How to use GOI paste on glass and plastic

Very often this remedy is used to bring cell phones into a “divine form”. In this case, you will need to polish, firstly, the case itself, and secondly, the display glass. Since plastic is a rather soft material, gentle paste from jars No. 2 should be used to process it. Otherwise, the case may be scratched even more. The answer to the question of how to use GOI paste on plastic is simple: exactly the same as when processing any other materials.

The glass is pre-polished with special rubber wheels. Next, use the actual GOI paste. The procedure in this case is carried out in the same way, that is, using a rag. Oil and gasoline are not used when processing phones.

How to use GOI paste to clean silver items

As already mentioned, this product, both green, red or white, can be used to process absolutely any metal. This also applies to silver. You can safely use GOI paste to brighten your spoons, cups and forks.

How to use GOI paste to clean silver? Before you start polishing, the product should first be thoroughly cleaned with a toothbrush with tooth powder applied to it.

Then pour a little ammonia into a glass of water, make some soap and add a little powder. All this must be thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved. Next, the liquid is poured into an enamel saucepan. After this, silver cutlery is lowered into it. Then place the saucepan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. After this, the silver should be removed and washed in cold water. Then you can begin processing it with GOI paste according to the method described above.

What can't be polished

Next, let's look at the cases in which GOI paste cannot be used. Now you know how to use it. However, under no circumstances should this product be used to process gold-plated items. Otherwise, the top valuable layer will be very quickly erased to the bottom metal.

Steel (except for knives) and nickel are usually processed not by hand, but using a special machine. Polishing metal watches can also be done with a cloth. However, they must first be disassembled and the mechanism removed. You cannot start polishing overly scratched surfaces with option No. 2 or 1. In this case, the defects will become even more noticeable.

Sapphire crystals on watches cannot be polished with GOI paste. She simply doesn't take them.

Where is the product used?

We figured out how to polish with GOI paste. Now let's see where exactly this tool is used. GOI paste is used not only at home for polishing silver, watches, straight blades and razors, etc., but also in production. In the latter case, it is used most often in galvanic shops for processing products made of non-ferrous and ferrous metals. Polishing is carried out using special polishing machines with felt wheels.

Foreign analogues

Today you can find imported versions of such pastes on sale. A very popular option is the French Dialux. The latter has a harder consistency and is worse applied to the skin of the whetstone when sharpening knives than GOI paste. Dialux is considered more convenient to use.

It can polish metal surfaces much faster and with better quality. However, such pastes are more expensive. There are many more varieties of Dialux than GOI types. This product is produced in sticks packed in paper of different colors.

You can use them to guide you in terms of using Dialux for a particular metal.

This paste is applied in approximately the same way as GOI, that is, with soft, smooth movements. However, when polishing knives or other steel parts, its layer should be thinner. In this case, the paste will work in conjunction with the skin. As a result, polishing efficiency will increase significantly.

Well, we hope we have answered the question of how to properly use GOI paste in sufficient detail. The polishing procedure using this product is quite simple. The main thing is to wash your hands thoroughly after polishing.


Polishing with GOI paste: a universal product for all types of surfaces

GOI paste is a universal cleaning product that can successfully grind and polish any surface: from rough metal to tablet and phone screens. Polishing with GOI paste is simple and effective, so every owner should keep the treasured jar with the greenish mixture on hand.

GOI paste: what is green mass?

The name stands for: State Optical Institute. This is where this cleaning material was created in the 30s. last century. It looks like a greenish mass, sold in the form of a smooth block and in a sealed jar.

Composition of the cleaning product

The main component in the composition is chromium oxide. The grain size of the preparation and its characteristics directly depend on its concentration. The higher the percentage of chromium oxide, the rougher the composition (variation can be from 60 to 85%).

Important! The green mixture is harmless to humans due to the fact that 3-valent chromium oxide is used in its creation, and only 6-valent chromium oxide is harmful. However, it is recommended to wear safety glasses and a mask when working, because when using it, dust appears that irritates the human mucous membranes.

Pasta varieties differ in grain size. Each of them is given a special number:

  • No. 4 - rude. It contains: chromium oxide - 81%, stearin - 10, fat - 5, kerosene - 2, silica gel - 2. Light green tint, best scrapes the top layer of the material. Cleans out large scratches left after using other abrasives.
  • No. 3 - average. Chromium oxide - 76 parts, fats - 10, stearin - 10, kerosene - 10, silica gel - 2. Pure green hue. Cleans out minor irregularities and scratches and gives the material a matte finish.
  • No. 2 - thin. Chromium oxide - 74 parts, stearin - 10, fat - 10, oleic acid - 2.8, kerosene - 2, silica gel - 1, baking soda - 0.2. This composition is characterized by a dark green color. Used for polishing most products.
  • No. 1 - thin. Nitric oxide - 65-70%, stearin - 10, fat - 10, kerosene - 10, silica gel - 1.8, soda - 0.2. It is distinguished by a dark color with a tint of green. Goi pastes 1 and 2 are designed for grinding or final finishing of the material, and give it shine and shine.

Important! The most common composition is GOI paste No. 2. It is ideal for products made of precious and non-ferrous metals, as well as glass and plastic.

Dried green mixture can be "reanimated" so that it becomes soft again. This is done using machine oil. Add 3-4 drops of machine or any other technical oil to a small piece, ground into fine crumbs. Place in the microwave for 30 seconds and grind the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.

Cleaning products using GOI depending on the material

The use of polishing compound depends on the type of material.

General principles of cleaning with GOI paste

Polishing the surface at home is easy. It is only important to follow the general advice and not spoil the fabric being processed. The product is used in the following sequence:

  • To prevent scratches on the surface, take a piece of rag and soak it in gasoline.
  • It is necessary to spread a little green mixture on a rag and wipe it on an unnecessary object made of metal or glass. This will cause excessively large crystals to disintegrate.
  • Rub the desired area with light movements without pressure until the body becomes shiny. This treatment will only take 3-4 minutes. It is only important not to scratch the treated area with large particles.
  • After finishing the processing, you need to walk over the sanded object one more time with gasoline or immerse the entire product in kerosene.

Before using GOI paste, it is important to decide on the type of metal. For example, silver cutlery (knives, spoons, forks) turns green over the years and requires high-quality cleaning. In order not to accidentally spoil expensive material with roughness and scratches, perform cleaning according to the following scheme, variety No. 3:

  • Wash all necessary silver utensils under running water.
  • Rub with a soft toothbrush and detergent.
  • Separately, pour a glass of water into the saucepan, adding a spoonful of ammonia, a pinch of laundry soap and a whisper of washing powder.
  • Boil the appliances in this composition.
  • Rub a piece of felt with a bar of paste and treat the utensils. Then take a softer cloth and sand each spoon for a few minutes.

Read more about other silver cleaning methods here.

  • Speaking of other metals, goyi is used with great success for knives, drills and other tools. Cleaning of metals is carried out according to the above scheme.
  • To polish a watch, you must first remove the watch mechanism.
  • Gold is cleaned with flannel or a piece of leather with mixture No. 1 applied. Try to apply without pressure so as not to damage the soft precious metal.

Important! Remember to always apply polish to a cloth or sanding wheel, not to the workpiece. This will prevent unsightly scratches from appearing.

Article on the topic: Methods for cleaning gold.

Processing your phone or tablet screen

To polish the screen of a mobile phone or tablet, you need composition No. 2 and a flannel rag.

Cleaning involves the following steps:

  1. Apply a thin layer of the green preparation to the flannel.
  2. Pre-rub any unwanted metal or glass surface with it to remove abrasives.
  3. Rub the display with light movements without pressure for 5 minutes, be careful when working with a fragile product.
  4. Remove any remaining product with a clean, dry cloth. The screen will be rubbed until it shines.

Important! The product for plastic is used in the same way as for glass.

For what materials is GOI paste not suitable?

Do not forget that polishing even with such a miracle drug causes irreparable damage to some materials. It is not recommended to influence:

  • gilding (risk of erasing the top layer);
  • steel and nickel (except for scissors and knives);
  • sapphire glass from a watch (the procedure is ineffective).

Have you used GOI at home? What advice would you give to readers? Write about your impressions in the comments below.

Finishing a knife with GOI


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