How to learn to weld beautiful seams

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

To create a special recipe, you only need a few simple ingredients. Nowadays, I simply don’t feel the need to pay more for this wonderful side dish at a cafe or popular restaurant.

Recipe ingredients:

  • a little oil;
  • rice cereal;
  • one banana.

Cooking technology

Clean rice, please note that you just need to rinse the rice 2 times so that bubbles no longer appear on the surface of the water. Many rice products lose the outer layer of rice bran, which contains many nutrients, if they are shaken or stirred during cleaning. Having lost this layer of starch, the aroma of the rice grain also suffers greatly in its taste characteristics.

Moreover, rice often becomes drier after washing and stirring it in water.

After washing, soak the rice in water for 20-30 minutes. The goal is for the grain of rice to absorb water, thereby enhancing its flavor and making it more fluffy. But this step is overlooked by many because it is not necessary, but in fact it is very important. If you forget, try it the next time you cook rice.

Place the rice in the rice cooker, add water, then add the peeled banana. You can add a little vegetable oil to make the rice grain softer and shinier.

Close the lid and turn on the “Cook until done” mode. When the rice is cooked, the banana aroma will be released, which will make it soft and glossy. Those who don't like rice will probably also enjoy this exciting smell.


How to learn to dance twerk

Twerking is just a super sexy dance that will pump up your flexibility, and at the same time give a good load to your abdominal and back muscles. First, we’ll learn a few basic movements, and then we’ll diversify our dance vocabulary and look at the main mistakes. And at the end you will get a bonus in the form of a playlist with suitable music.

If you have problems with the lumbar spine, perform movements with caution, or better consult your doctor.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders and point your toes slightly to the sides. Bend your knees and place your hands on your hips, turning them with your fingers inward, bend your lower back.

From this position, twist your pelvis down, and then, by bending your lower back, return it to its original position. Imagine that you are trying to reach the top of your head with your pelvis.

It is important to fix your upper back and work only with your lower back. You cannot strain your gluteal muscles, otherwise the movement will become stiff.

If you have difficulty, try a lead-in exercise first. Place your hands on your hips so that your middle fingers are on the protruding pelvic bones in front, and your thumbs are on the back, closer to the sacrum. Bend your knees, push your pelvis down and then up, controlling the movement with your hands.

When you feel more confident, remove your hands and use your knees. When the pelvis goes down, the knees bend; when it goes up, they straighten. There is no need to lock your knees at the extreme point; they should remain slightly bent.

The pelvis moves backward not only due to straightening of the knees. The lower back must work.

This movement is very similar to the previous one, only the emphasis is on pushing the pelvis forward rather than backward.

Place your feet wide and turn your toes slightly to the sides. You can place your hands on your hips to better feel the tilt. At the same time, bend your knees and sharply push your pelvis forward so that your butt goes down, and then bend your lower back and move your pelvis back.

The emphasis is on the first phase of the movement, when the butt points down. It is important at this moment not to squeeze the buttocks, but to change the position of the pelvis by tensing the abdominal muscles.


This element repeats the usual booty pop, only the movement of the pelvis in it is double: down-down, up-up.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders. At the same time, turn one leg with your toe and knee outward and transfer your weight to the opposite hip. Then switch sides with a small jump.

Try the movement slowly at first to get the hang of it, then speed up. Jump relaxed.

Up down twerk

Arch your lower back and move your pelvis back. On the count of “one”, simultaneously round your lower back, pushing your pelvis forward, bend your knees and bring your shoulders forward. On the count of “two,” bend your lower back and move your butt back in a half-squat.

On the count of three, straighten your knees, round your lower back and lean your shoulders forward. On the count of four, bend your back in the thoracic region, straightening your shoulders.

It turns out that at the lower point you bend in the lower back, and at the upper point - in the thoracic region.


To feel the movement, start doing it slowly. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your palms opposite your pelvis. Take turns touching your palms with one or the other pelvic bone. Gradually speed up.

You can perform the wobble while standing straight or bending over. Practice bending over and back up slowly as you move. Important: you should not squeeze, otherwise stiffness will arise and no shaking will work.

Zig zag

Get into a twerk stance, lower your right hip first and then your left. Then, one by one, lift them to the starting position. At first, perform the elements slowly, with fixation at each point, and then gradually speed up.

You can do this movement a little higher. In this case, start with a straight-legged, bent-over stance. In the same way, lower your right and left thighs in turn, bending your knees, and then raise your hips, straightening your legs.

Rise up onto your toes and rotate your heels in and out in a small range. Bend your lower back, try to relax your hips as much as possible.

This element can be performed in a straight position or in an inclined position, moving both legs at once or one at a time.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, point your toes forward, tilt your body and place your hands on your hips. Rotate your pelvis, lowering and lifting it as you move.

You can do this either bending over, leaning on your hips, or standing.

Happy twerk

Take the starting position for twerking, pointing your toes forward. Do one regular booty pop in place, then another with your toes and knees turned out to the sides, and then the next with them returning to a straight position.

Continue to turn your toes and knees outward and back, accompanying the movement by tilting your pelvis.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rise onto your toes. Move your pelvis back a little. Quickly move from foot to foot, trying to relax your buttocks.

Lift your right leg to the side, turn it with your toe and knee inward. From this position, simultaneously shift your weight to your left thigh and turn your raised leg toe outward. Return your foot to the floor and repeat on the other side.

You can dance twerk not only standing, but also squatting, on all fours, and even upside down on your hands, with your feet supporting the wall. Try different positions - this will help diversify your dance.


This is the same booty pop, only squatting. If you don't have enough stretch to move freely in a deep squat, start by working on your hip mobility.

Offset to one side

This option also requires good stretching. Otherwise, you will not be able to relax and move freely.

On knees

First, practice performing the element while standing to get used to it. Lift one leg onto your toes, turning your knee outward and at the same time leaning on the opposite thigh. Then smoothly switch sides.

Now place your palms on the floor, arch your lower back, bend your knees and lift your heels off the floor. Perform a familiar movement in a new position.

For starters, this will be enough for you. Try, combine movements with each other and, if something doesn’t work out, correct the mistakes.

Understand why you can't

There are three main reasons why instead of twerking you end up with some kind of bullshit. And butt size has nothing to do with it.

1. You lack flexibility

To twerk well, you must have good mobility in the lumbar spine and hips. If flexibility is lacking, you can improve it by doing stretching exercises.

How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

In a private house, country house or garage, quite often there is a need to connect various metal parts and create structures from them. It makes no sense to turn to professionals for help every time in such a situation, because you can purchase an automatic welding machine yourself.

A wide selection of different devices are available in stores in different price categories, so welding with an inverter for beginners is the best that the market has to offer.

Basics of electric welding

How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

Any hole, even in a visible place, can be sewn up or disguised so that nothing will be noticeable. A small tear (for example, from a cat's claw) is closed as if it were not with a hidden seam. You won't be able to sew up a large hole; decorative tricks will come to the rescue. Luckily, embroidery, patches and studs are back in fashion.

Hole in a knitted T-shirt

Welding seams

Welding seams

Welding seams

Welding is one of the main methods of fastening two elements, and welding seams are zones connecting two metal workpieces to each other. Such adhesions are formed during the melting and subsequent cooling of steel.

A good welder must know the types of welded joints and be able to apply all types of seams . Without these skills it is impossible to produce a high-quality and durable structure.

Welding seams

Types of joints

Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

At any time of the year, especially in winter, you need to include salads in your diet. After all, not only can they be prepared quickly, but they can also be a source of large amounts of vitamins and other useful substances. My sister taught me how to make winter coleslaw with seeds. This dish contains a lot of vitamins and can be eaten every day.

List of required ingredients

How to learn to write poetry

How to learn to write poetry

How to learn to write poetry

Who among us didn’t want to be able to write poetry? Who didn’t want to give their lover/beloved a poetic confession, sublime, full of passion and fire? But what to do if you write poetry at the level of a first-grader, and your rhyme is “shoes-low shoes” and “candle-stove”? And is it really possible to learn to write poetry ? If someone says no, that this requires an innate talent that you don’t have, how reparable is the situation? But don’t fall into despair and don’t trust anyone, everything is possible. You can teach a hare to smoke; You can learn to write poetry too! And sometimes writing them is much easier than prose! So, what does it take?

- Wish

- Lexicon

— Online rhymer

- Patience

— Perseverance

- Subject

- Sense of rhythm

- Inspiration

The main thing is to start!

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

In order for a person to enjoy life and be happy, he needs to learn some important things.

Accept criticism

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

How to learn to dance twerk

Twerking is just a super sexy dance that will pump up your flexibility, and at the same time give a good load to your abdominal and back muscles. First, we’ll learn a few basic movements, and then we’ll diversify our dance vocabulary and look at the main mistakes. And at the end you will get a bonus in the form of a playlist with suitable music.

If you have problems with the lumbar spine, perform movements with caution, or better consult your doctor.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders and point your toes slightly to the sides. Bend your knees and place your hands on your hips, turning them with your fingers inward, bend your lower back.

From this position, twist your pelvis down, and then, by bending your lower back, return it to its original position. Imagine that you are trying to reach the top of your head with your pelvis.

It is important to fix your upper back and work only with your lower back. You cannot strain your gluteal muscles, otherwise the movement will become stiff.

If you have difficulty, try a lead-in exercise first. Place your hands on your hips so that your middle fingers are on the protruding pelvic bones in front, and your thumbs are on the back, closer to the sacrum. Bend your knees, push your pelvis down and then up, controlling the movement with your hands.

When you feel more confident, remove your hands and use your knees. When the pelvis goes down, the knees bend; when it goes up, they straighten. There is no need to lock your knees at the extreme point; they should remain slightly bent.

The pelvis moves backward not only due to straightening of the knees. The lower back must work.

This movement is very similar to the previous one, only the emphasis is on pushing the pelvis forward rather than backward.

Place your feet wide and turn your toes slightly to the sides. You can place your hands on your hips to better feel the tilt. At the same time, bend your knees and sharply push your pelvis forward so that your butt goes down, and then bend your lower back and move your pelvis back.

The emphasis is on the first phase of the movement, when the butt points down. It is important at this moment not to squeeze the buttocks, but to change the position of the pelvis by tensing the abdominal muscles.

Try other twerk moves

How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

In a private house, country house or garage, quite often there is a need to connect various metal parts and create structures from them. It makes no sense to turn to professionals for help every time in such a situation, because you can purchase an automatic welding machine yourself.

A wide selection of different devices are available in stores in different price categories, so welding with an inverter for beginners is the best that the market has to offer.

Basics of electric welding

Inverter devices are characterized by fairly high efficiency and ease of operation. The main load for the operation of such equipment falls on the electrical network.

It has storage capacitors that allow you to accumulate electricity and ensure an uninterrupted welding process and soft ignition of the arc.

Unlike old devices, which provide a maximum boost of electricity for work, which can result in traffic jams, an inverter allows you to safely operate from a household power supply.

To understand how to cook using inverter welding, you need to understand the basics of its operation.

In such manual welding machines, the arc is formed as a result of contact of the electrode with the product. Under the influence of temperature, the metal and electrode melt. The molten part of the rod and the product form a bath.

The coating of the rod also partially melts, turning into a gaseous state and closing the weld pool from oxygen. This allows you to protect the product from oxidation.

Each electrode, depending on its diameter, is designed for a certain current strength. If you reduce it below the required value, then the seam will not work. Increasing this parameter will allow you to form a seam, but the rod will burn out too quickly.

At the end of the welding work, the coating cools down, turning into slag. It covers the connection of metal parts from the outside. By tapping the seam with a hammer, it is quite easy to get rid of the slag.

This is not easy to do because the electrode melts, so it must be fed into the welding zone at a constant speed. In addition, you must try to guide the electrode evenly along the joint in order to obtain a seam of maximum quality.

Welding methods

How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

Any hole, even in a visible place, can be sewn up or disguised so that nothing will be noticeable. A small tear (for example, from a cat's claw) is closed as if it were not with a hidden seam. You won't be able to sew up a large hole; decorative tricks will come to the rescue. Luckily, embroidery, patches and studs are back in fashion.

Hole in a knitted T-shirt

It is not difficult to put a hole in thin cotton knitwear. It’s all the more unpleasant when it shows off in a prominent place of your favorite thing. In such cases, repairs are usually made with simple threads using a hidden seam. But even then, “terry” threads often remain on the front side, and the thickness unpleasantly increases.

To sew up a hole on a T-shirt as discreetly as possible, use a thin (beaded) needle and thread made from chiffon, organza or waste nylon tights:

  1. Pull the thread out of the fabric and thread it into the needle. For convenience, we use a thread threader. We do not tie a knot.
  2. We quilt on the right side of the fabric, inserting the needle into the knitted loops. To prevent eye pain, turn on a bright light and arm yourself with a magnifying lens.
  3. Connect the opposite edges of the hole.
  4. At the end, we bring the needle to the wrong side and collect the missing loops.
  5. We fasten with stitches, not with a knot.
  6. Upon completion of the work, we go over the seam with an iron from the inside out to fix it and not accidentally tighten it in the future.

Hole on hand knitwear

Welding seams

Welding is one of the main methods of fastening two elements, and welding seams are zones connecting two metal workpieces to each other. Such adhesions are formed during the melting and subsequent cooling of steel.

A good welder must know the types of welded joints and be able to apply all types of seams . Without these skills it is impossible to produce a high-quality and durable structure.

Welding seams

Types of joints

Welds are divided into 5 variations:

  • overlap;
  • parallel;
  • butt;
  • corner;
  • t – shaped.

Welding seams and their varieties

Lap joints are often used to create cylindrical tanks that are planned to be operated in a horizontal or vertical position. The elements to be welded overlap, but do not completely overlap. The result is a structure that looks like a step. Welding seams are applied to the end sides of the parts .

Parallel application methods are used to increase the strength of the structure. Both components are tightly applied to each other and fastened by welding from the ribs. This technique can be used to strengthen structures whose exterior will be subject to strong mechanical stress. However, such technology is prohibited from being used in the repair of moving mechanisms.

Corner weld

The butt version is the most popular. The parts to be welded must be in the same plane, one opposite the other. This joint is used to fasten water pipes, chimneys, storage facilities or steel columns. This system is also used in mechanical engineering, in the manufacture of air and water transport, and in military factories. Yes, and creating such a “glue” requires a minimum of money and time.

Corner types of welds are well suited for fastening several workpieces that need to be positioned at right angles. The workpiece is made as follows: parts are installed at an angle of 90° (in the form of the “G” symbol), and a weld is applied at the junction of the edges . This welding is common in both industry and private use. And with its help you can make durable supports or boilers.


A T or T weld is not like the others because the finished part will look like the letter "T". It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to create this, since in the process it is important to take into account the restrictions related to holding the electrode (it is recommended to adhere to an angle of 60°). In this case, the thickness of the joined sheets may differ. Also, more wire will be required for execution, and elements welded by the T-method may come out with defects.

Operating technique

Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

At any time of the year, especially in winter, you need to include salads in your diet. After all, not only can they be prepared quickly, but they can also be a source of large amounts of vitamins and other useful substances. My sister taught me how to make winter coleslaw with seeds. This dish contains a lot of vitamins and can be eaten every day.

List of required ingredients

  • Carrots - one or two pieces.
  • Cabbage - half a small fork.
  • Cherry tomatoes - five to six pieces.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Sweet pepper - one piece. You can take yellow or green.
  • Lemon - half.
  • Beets are one thing.
  • Arugula - 50 grams.
  • Sunflower seeds - half a glass. They must be cleaned.
  • Olive oil - two tablespoons.
  • Fresh greens. You can take parsley or dill.
  • Pepper - to taste.
  • Vinegar - three tablespoons.

After acquiring all the necessary ingredients, we proceed to the main action.


How to learn to write poetry

Who among us didn’t want to be able to write poetry? Who didn’t want to give their lover/beloved a poetic confession, sublime, full of passion and fire? But what to do if you write poetry at the level of a first-grader, and your rhyme is “shoes-low shoes” and “candle-stove”? And is it really possible to learn to write poetry ? If someone says no, that this requires an innate talent that you don’t have, how reparable is the situation? But don’t fall into despair and don’t trust anyone, everything is possible. You can teach a hare to smoke; You can learn to write poetry too! And sometimes writing them is much easier than prose! So, what does it take?

- Wish

- Lexicon

— Online rhymer

- Patience

— Perseverance

- Subject

- Sense of rhythm

- Inspiration

The main thing is to start!

Decide what you want to write about? What words, topics have already appeared in your head? What ideas do you want to convey through the poem? Have you decided? Now feel free to write the first line. Because it is she who sets the rhythm of the entire poem.

Feel it and try not to stray from it in the future. Perhaps rhythm is an extremely important condition for writing poetry! Because it is precisely this that distinguishes the quality of a poem.

But you don’t want to write another “masterpiece” that the Internet is already full of, do you? No, of course you want to create a beautiful verse.


I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

In order for a person to enjoy life and be happy, he needs to learn some important things.

Accept criticism

It is criticism (if it is adequate) that helps a person grow and develop. People with low self-esteem react with rudeness and irritability in response to criticism, perceiving comments as a personal insult. If you feel that your self-esteem is suffering, then this is the first thing you need to work on. If a person loves and values ​​himself, then he is able to adequately perceive appropriate comments and work on his mistakes.

Adequately perceived criticism addressed to oneself as a sign of healthy self-esteem

Sincerely apologize

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

To create a special recipe, you only need a few simple ingredients. Nowadays, I simply don’t feel the need to pay more for this wonderful side dish at a cafe or popular restaurant.

Recipe ingredients:

  • a little oil;
  • rice cereal;
  • one banana.

Cooking technology

Clean rice, please note that you just need to rinse the rice 2 times so that bubbles no longer appear on the surface of the water. Many rice products lose the outer layer of rice bran, which contains many nutrients, if they are shaken or stirred during cleaning. Having lost this layer of starch, the aroma of the rice grain also suffers greatly in its taste characteristics.

Moreover, rice often becomes drier after washing and stirring it in water.

After washing, soak the rice in water for 20-30 minutes. The goal is for the grain of rice to absorb water, thereby enhancing its flavor and making it more fluffy. But this step is overlooked by many because it is not necessary, but in fact it is very important. If you forget, try it the next time you cook rice.

Place the rice in the rice cooker, add water, then add the peeled banana. You can add a little vegetable oil to make the rice grain softer and shinier.

Close the lid and turn on the “Cook until done” mode. When the rice is cooked, the banana aroma will be released, which will make it soft and glossy. Those who don't like rice will probably also enjoy this exciting smell.


How to learn to dance twerk

Twerking is just a super sexy dance that will pump up your flexibility, and at the same time give a good load to your abdominal and back muscles. First, we’ll learn a few basic movements, and then we’ll diversify our dance vocabulary and look at the main mistakes. And at the end you will get a bonus in the form of a playlist with suitable music.

If you have problems with the lumbar spine, perform movements with caution, or better consult your doctor.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders and point your toes slightly to the sides. Bend your knees and place your hands on your hips, turning them with your fingers inward, bend your lower back.

From this position, twist your pelvis down, and then, by bending your lower back, return it to its original position. Imagine that you are trying to reach the top of your head with your pelvis.

It is important to fix your upper back and work only with your lower back. You cannot strain your gluteal muscles, otherwise the movement will become stiff.

If you have difficulty, try a lead-in exercise first. Place your hands on your hips so that your middle fingers are on the protruding pelvic bones in front, and your thumbs are on the back, closer to the sacrum. Bend your knees, push your pelvis down and then up, controlling the movement with your hands.

When you feel more confident, remove your hands and use your knees. When the pelvis goes down, the knees bend; when it goes up, they straighten. There is no need to lock your knees at the extreme point; they should remain slightly bent.

The pelvis moves backward not only due to straightening of the knees. The lower back must work.

This movement is very similar to the previous one, only the emphasis is on pushing the pelvis forward rather than backward.

Place your feet wide and turn your toes slightly to the sides. You can place your hands on your hips to better feel the tilt. At the same time, bend your knees and sharply push your pelvis forward so that your butt goes down, and then bend your lower back and move your pelvis back.

The emphasis is on the first phase of the movement, when the butt points down. It is important at this moment not to squeeze the buttocks, but to change the position of the pelvis by tensing the abdominal muscles.

Try other twerk moves


This element repeats the usual booty pop, only the movement of the pelvis in it is double: down-down, up-up.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders. At the same time, turn one leg with your toe and knee outward and transfer your weight to the opposite hip. Then switch sides with a small jump.

Try the movement slowly at first to get the hang of it, then speed up. Jump relaxed.

Up down twerk

Arch your lower back and move your pelvis back. On the count of “one”, simultaneously round your lower back, pushing your pelvis forward, bend your knees and bring your shoulders forward. On the count of “two,” bend your lower back and move your butt back in a half-squat.

On the count of three, straighten your knees, round your lower back and lean your shoulders forward. On the count of four, bend your back in the thoracic region, straightening your shoulders.

It turns out that at the lower point you bend in the lower back, and at the upper point - in the thoracic region.


To feel the movement, start doing it slowly. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your palms opposite your pelvis. Take turns touching your palms with one or the other pelvic bone. Gradually speed up.

You can perform the wobble while standing straight or bending over. Practice bending over and back up slowly as you move. Important: you should not squeeze, otherwise stiffness will arise and no shaking will work.

Zig zag

Get into a twerk stance, lower your right hip first and then your left. Then, one by one, lift them to the starting position. At first, perform the elements slowly, with fixation at each point, and then gradually speed up.

You can do this movement a little higher. In this case, start with a straight-legged, bent-over stance. In the same way, lower your right and left thighs in turn, bending your knees, and then raise your hips, straightening your legs.

Rise up onto your toes and rotate your heels in and out in a small range. Bend your lower back, try to relax your hips as much as possible.

This element can be performed in a straight position or in an inclined position, moving both legs at once or one at a time.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, point your toes forward, tilt your body and place your hands on your hips. Rotate your pelvis, lowering and lifting it as you move.

You can do this either bending over, leaning on your hips, or standing.

Happy twerk

Take the starting position for twerking, pointing your toes forward. Do one regular booty pop in place, then another with your toes and knees turned out to the sides, and then the next with them returning to a straight position.

Continue to turn your toes and knees outward and back, accompanying the movement by tilting your pelvis.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rise onto your toes. Move your pelvis back a little. Quickly move from foot to foot, trying to relax your buttocks.

Lift your right leg to the side, turn it with your toe and knee inward. From this position, simultaneously shift your weight to your left thigh and turn your raised leg toe outward. Return your foot to the floor and repeat on the other side.

You can dance twerk not only standing, but also squatting, on all fours, and even upside down on your hands, with your feet supporting the wall. Try different positions - this will help diversify your dance.


This is the same booty pop, only squatting. If you don't have enough stretch to move freely in a deep squat, start by working on your hip mobility.

Offset to one side

This option also requires good stretching. Otherwise, you will not be able to relax and move freely.

On knees

First, practice performing the element while standing to get used to it. Lift one leg onto your toes, turning your knee outward and at the same time leaning on the opposite thigh. Then smoothly switch sides.

Now place your palms on the floor, arch your lower back, bend your knees and lift your heels off the floor. Perform a familiar movement in a new position.

For starters, this will be enough for you. Try, combine movements with each other and, if something doesn’t work out, correct the mistakes.

Understand why you can't

There are three main reasons why instead of twerking you end up with some kind of bullshit. And butt size has nothing to do with it.

1. You lack flexibility

To twerk well, you must have good mobility in the lumbar spine and hips. If flexibility is lacking, you can improve it by doing stretching exercises.

Choose stretching exercises


How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

In a private house, country house or garage, quite often there is a need to connect various metal parts and create structures from them. It makes no sense to turn to professionals for help every time in such a situation, because you can purchase an automatic welding machine yourself.

A wide selection of different devices are available in stores in different price categories, so welding with an inverter for beginners is the best that the market has to offer.

Basics of electric welding

Basics of electric welding

Inverter devices are characterized by fairly high efficiency and ease of operation. The main load for the operation of such equipment falls on the electrical network.

It has storage capacitors that allow you to accumulate electricity and ensure an uninterrupted welding process and soft ignition of the arc.

Unlike old devices, which provide a maximum boost of electricity for work, which can result in traffic jams, an inverter allows you to safely operate from a household power supply.

To understand how to cook using inverter welding, you need to understand the basics of its operation.

In such manual welding machines, the arc is formed as a result of contact of the electrode with the product. Under the influence of temperature, the metal and electrode melt. The molten part of the rod and the product form a bath.

The coating of the rod also partially melts, turning into a gaseous state and closing the weld pool from oxygen. This allows you to protect the product from oxidation.

Each electrode, depending on its diameter, is designed for a certain current strength. If you reduce it below the required value, then the seam will not work. Increasing this parameter will allow you to form a seam, but the rod will burn out too quickly.

At the end of the welding work, the coating cools down, turning into slag. It covers the connection of metal parts from the outside. By tapping the seam with a hammer, it is quite easy to get rid of the slag.

This is not easy to do because the electrode melts, so it must be fed into the welding zone at a constant speed. In addition, you must try to guide the electrode evenly along the joint in order to obtain a seam of maximum quality.

Welding methods

Welding methods

Nowadays there are many methods used for welding. They are divided according to various criteria. This information will be useful for a beginner, so you should definitely read it.

Depending on the heating, the edges of the product may completely melt or be in a plastic state. The first method also requires applying certain forces to the parts being joined - pressure welding.

In the second, the connection is formed as a result of the formation of a weld pool in which there is molten metal and an electrode.

There are other welding methods in which the product does not heat up at all - cold welding, or is not brought to a plastic state - connection using ultrasound.

Methods and types of welding.

Other types of welding are listed below:

  1. Forge.
    In this method, the ends of the joined products are heated in a forge and then forged. This method is one of the most ancient and is currently practically not used.
  2. Gas press.
    The edges of the products are heated with oxygen acetylene over the entire plane and brought to a plastic state, after which they are subjected to compression. This method is highly efficient and productive. Used in the construction of gas pipelines, railways, and mechanical engineering.
  3. Contact.
    The parts are included in the electrical circuit of the welding equipment and current is passed through them. A short circuit occurs at the point of contact of the parts, as a result of which a large amount of heat is released at the junction. It is enough to melt and join metal.
  4. Butt, point and suture are varieties of the contact method of fastening the product.
  5. Roller.
    Used in joining sheet structures that require high-quality and reliable seams.
  6. Termite.
    The metal is held together by burning thermite, a mixture of iron oxide powder and pure aluminum.
  7. Nuclear-water.
    The edges of the product are melted by the action of an arc burning between two tungsten electrodes. The electrodes are connected to special holders through which hydrogen is supplied. As a result, the arc and liquid metal of the weld pool are protected by hydrogen from the harmful effects of atmospheric gases such as oxygen and nitrogen.
  8. Gas.
    The essence of the method is to use a flame to heat and melt parts. A flame is produced by burning a flammable gas in an oxygen atmosphere. The gas-oxygen mixture is produced using special burners.

The gas welding method refers to fusion welding. The gaps between the products are filled using filler wire. This method is widely used in various areas of human life. Most often found when joining thin-walled products, non-ferrous metals, cast iron.

When working with an inverter device, the polarity of the electrodes is of no small importance. Depending on the scheme, the heating intensity of the part changes, which allows you to create different welding conditions.

Step-by-step instructions for welding with an inverter

Step-by-step instructions for welding with an inverter

First of all, for welding you need to have protective elements:

  • gloves made of rough fabric;
  • welding mask with a special filter protecting the eyes;
  • a rough jacket and trousers made of material that will not catch fire from sparks that appear during welding;
  • closed shoes with thick soles.

Electrode position during welding.

Before you start welding with a welding inverter, you must take the necessary measures aimed at creating safe working conditions.

Proper preparation of the workplace consists of:

  • ensuring the necessary free space on the table, you should remove all unnecessary objects that could get splashed;
  • creating high-quality lighting;
  • Welding work must be performed while standing on a wooden floor that protects against electric shock.

Then the current is adjusted depending on the thickness of the parts and the electrodes are selected. The latter need to be prepared. If they were just purchased in a retail chain and their quality is beyond doubt, then this step can be skipped.

After preparing the electrodes, the ground terminal is connected to the product.

To obtain a high-quality and reliable connection, the metal must be prepared:

  • rust is completely removed from the edges of the product;
  • using solvents, various contaminants are cleaned;
  • At the last stage, the edges are checked for cleanliness; the presence of grease, paint and other contaminants is unacceptable.

Next you need to connect the welding inverter. It is better to carry out training on a thick metal sheet, forming a seam in the form of a roller. Make the first connection on metal lying horizontally on the table. Draw a straight line on it with chalk along which the seam will go.

Electrical circuit of the inverter.

  • In the process of training on such an object, you can significantly improve your welding technique.
  • The welding process begins with ignition of the arc.
  • There are two ways to perform this action:
  • scratching on metal;
  • tapping on metal.

The choice of method depends on the person’s preferences; the main thing when igniting is not to leave traces of welding outside the joint area.

After igniting the arc from contact with the metal, the arc is ignited, the welder removes the electrode from the surface of the part a short distance corresponding to the length of the arc and begins welding.

As a result, a weld is formed at the junction of two metal parts. It will be covered with scale - scale on the surface. It needs to be removed. This is very easy to do by tapping the seam with a small hammer.

Forward and reverse polarity

Forward and reverse polarity

Melting of the metal for welding occurs under the influence of an arc. It, as noted above, is formed between the surface of the product and the electrode, since they are connected to opposite terminals of the device.

There are two main options for welding, differing from each other in the order of connection and called direct and reverse polarity.

In the first case, the rod is connected to the minus, and the part to the plus. In this case, an increased flow of heat occurs into the metal. As a result, a deep and narrow melting zone is formed.

Direct and reverse polarity.

With reverse polarity, the electrode is connected to the positive, and the product to the negative. In this case, the melting zone is wide and shallow.

The choice of polarity is entirely determined by the product you are working with. Welding can be performed with two types of polarity. When choosing, you should take into account the fact that the element connected to the positive is subject to greater heating.

For example, it is difficult to weld thin metal products due to possible overheating and burning. In this case, the part is connected to the minus. Currents are also selected according to the diameter of the electrode and the thickness of the metal. This data is taken from a special table.

Effect of electrode feed speed

Effect of electrode feed speed

The feed rate of the welding electrodes must provide the required amount of molten material supplied. Not having enough of it can lead to undercutting. This factor is very important in both direct and reverse polarity when welding.

During electric arc welding, due to the rapid movement of the rod along the joint, the arc power may not be enough to heat the metal. The result is a shallow seam that lies on top of the metal. The edges remain unmelted.

Slow advance of the electrode leads to overheating. In this case, it is possible to burn the surface and deform the thin metal.

Modern welding machines have a wide range of different functions and capabilities. Nevertheless, at the moment, most of the quality work done is still determined by human skill.

Effect of current

Effect of current

Welding current selection table.

When mastering the basics of welding with an inverter, it is important to understand what current strength needs to be set in each individual situation. A properly configured inverter welding machine is the key to success.

Data on the current value are taken from the table, which also shows the size of the electrodes. However, these current values ​​are not exact; they are plus or minus several tens of amperes.

Features of welding thin metal

Features of welding thin metal

In everyday tasks, we are most often faced with the need to join thin metal. In this case, it is necessary to remember the basics of inverter welding for beginners, namely the importance of connecting the product to the correct pole. Thin parts are connected to the “minus” of the welding machine.

Here are some useful tips that can help improve your skills:

  • start cooking using the minimum current;
  • form the seam at an angle forward;
  • use reverse polarity;
  • secure the part to reduce distortion during welding.

Common mistakes made by newbies

Common mistakes made by newbies

Beginner welders tend to make mistakes due to ignorance of the basics regarding the use of welding equipment. For example, beginners may not know how to choose the correct polarity for welding with an inverter, which will lead to poor-quality joint formation or even burning of the part.

The following main errors can be identified:

  • neglect of safety precautions;
  • incorrect choice of welding machine;
  • use of low-quality or unprepared electrodes;
  • work without trial seams.

Let's sum it up

Let's sum it up

Having learned to work with welding equipment, it will be possible to solve many everyday problems that often arise when working in the country or in the garage. Beginners should pay special attention to the polarity of welding parts of different thicknesses with an inverter.

By understanding how to properly configure the equipment and choose an electrode, you will be able to obtain high-quality seams on any product. Be sure to pay attention to the forward and reverse polarity of connecting the welding inverter.

When welding thick parts, direct polarity is used when welding with an inverter, and for thin parts, reverse polarity is used.


How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

Any hole, even in a visible place, can be sewn up or disguised so that nothing will be noticeable. A small tear (for example, from a cat's claw) is closed as if it were not with a hidden seam. You won't be able to sew up a large hole; decorative tricks will come to the rescue. Luckily, embroidery, patches and studs are back in fashion.

Hole in a knitted T-shirt

Hole in a knitted T-shirt

It is not difficult to put a hole in thin cotton knitwear. It’s all the more unpleasant when it shows off in a prominent place of your favorite thing. In such cases, repairs are usually made with simple threads using a hidden seam. But even then, “terry” threads often remain on the front side, and the thickness unpleasantly increases.

To sew up a hole on a T-shirt as discreetly as possible, use a thin (beaded) needle and thread made from chiffon, organza or waste nylon tights:

  1. Pull the thread out of the fabric and thread it into the needle. For convenience, we use a thread threader. We do not tie a knot.
  2. We quilt on the right side of the fabric, inserting the needle into the knitted loops. To prevent eye pain, turn on a bright light and arm yourself with a magnifying lens.
  3. Connect the opposite edges of the hole.
  4. At the end, we bring the needle to the wrong side and collect the missing loops.
  5. We fasten with stitches, not with a knot.
  6. Upon completion of the work, we go over the seam with an iron from the inside out to fix it and not accidentally tighten it in the future.

Hole on hand knitwear

Hole on hand knitwear

A suitable repair method for knitted items is darning. How discreetly you can hide the loose loops depends on the size of the damage. Thus, a short hook with a torn or pulled out thread can easily be patched with a knitted seam, simply by gathering the loops together with a suitable thread.

If the thread breaks and the fabric unravels, the best option is to restore the torn thread in the top row (by tying the ends) or replace it with a new one, then arm yourself with knitting needles or a crochet hook and pick up the thread, re-knitting the section. Secure with a “crawfish step” or a simple overlock stitch.

How to remove a large tear if all or several threads are torn:

  1. Use a needle-forward stitch around the tear. This way the fabric will not stretch during darning, and the thread can be pulled out afterwards.
  2. Then, between the outer loops of each row of holes, stretch thin transverse threads as a base.
  3. Perform the darning itself by wrapping loops around each warp thread from the top to the very bottom of the break. Next row, “braid” the hole with the same girths, but from the bottom up.

Hole on genuine leather

Hole on genuine leather

Although leather clothing is practical and durable, even it is not protected from accidental snags on sharp objects. Light damage - holes and narrow cuts - is best fixed with glue to an internal patch made of plaster or any thin, elastic material.

To sew up a large hole, prepare two patches to match the color of the product:

  • fabric, slightly wider than the gust, will be located on the inside as a lining;
  • leather, identical in size.

Next, the edges of the tear are aligned, and the patches are carefully attached to the hole, joining together.

Hole in nylon tights

Hole in nylon tights

Nylon is a light and fragile material that breaks at almost any snag. If you don’t have the time and money to buy a new pair, you can get used to it and carefully sew up the tights both on your fingers and in a visible place:

  1. Prepare a thin needle and thread that is as close in color to the product as possible. Silk threads or thread pulled from unnecessary tights are also suitable.
  2. Gently pinch the opposite edges at the base of the hole.
  3. Sew tights, sequentially picking up loops from different sides. Try not to miss a single one to prevent the material from spreading further.
  4. If possible, go over the seam with a clear varnish.

Don’t rush to throw away tights with a long crease. Use them to pull out thin threads and make the most invisible seams.

Hole on lace and guipure

Hole on lace and guipure

Restoring torn guipure or lace is a painstaking task that requires special patience, and in most cases also experience in lace weaving. Repairing a lace product will make it easier to pre-align the edges of the hole to avoid mesh breaks.

If the hole is not noticeable, you should try to find a matching guipure pattern in stores and hem it with a thin single thread from the bottom.

You can try to restore the lace mesh pattern so that the seam from the patch is not visible. A rougher finish will be obtained by crocheting the mesh. To do this, a strong thread will need to be tied into small bundles. The most accurate restoration of the pattern is achieved when weaving lace using bobbins - special spools onto which yarn is thrown.

How to beautifully sew up a hole in thick fabric

How to beautifully sew up a hole in thick fabric

It is not necessary to mask scuffs and rips on furniture, leather clothing, and denim. If they are located in a visible place, they can be decorated. Here are a few techniques:

  • “leaf”: the upper and lower edges of the hole are fixed with 1 stitch, then from edge to edge of the drawn leaf, stitches are placed crosswise and tightly to each other (each goes in a house and from bottom to top), so that a braid is formed, reminiscent of the texture of a hazel leaf;


Welding seams

Welding seams

Welding is one of the main methods of fastening two elements, and welding seams are zones connecting two metal workpieces to each other. Such adhesions are formed during the melting and subsequent cooling of steel.

A good welder must know the types of welded joints and be able to apply all types of seams . Without these skills it is impossible to produce a high-quality and durable structure.

Welding seams

Types of joints

Types of joints

Welds are divided into 5 variations:

  • overlap;
  • parallel;
  • butt;
  • corner;
  • t – shaped.

Welding seams and their varieties

Lap joints are often used to create cylindrical tanks that are planned to be operated in a horizontal or vertical position. The elements to be welded overlap, but do not completely overlap. The result is a structure that looks like a step. Welding seams are applied to the end sides of the parts .

Parallel application methods are used to increase the strength of the structure. Both components are tightly applied to each other and fastened by welding from the ribs. This technique can be used to strengthen structures whose exterior will be subject to strong mechanical stress. However, such technology is prohibited from being used in the repair of moving mechanisms.

Corner weld

The butt version is the most popular. The parts to be welded must be in the same plane, one opposite the other. This joint is used to fasten water pipes, chimneys, storage facilities or steel columns. This system is also used in mechanical engineering, in the manufacture of air and water transport, and in military factories. Yes, and creating such a “glue” requires a minimum of money and time.

Corner types of welds are well suited for fastening several workpieces that need to be positioned at right angles. The workpiece is made as follows: parts are installed at an angle of 90° (in the form of the “G” symbol), and a weld is applied at the junction of the edges . This welding is common in both industry and private use. And with its help you can make durable supports or boilers.


A T or T weld is not like the others because the finished part will look like the letter "T". It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to create this, since in the process it is important to take into account the restrictions related to holding the electrode (it is recommended to adhere to an angle of 60°). In this case, the thickness of the joined sheets may differ. Also, more wire will be required for execution, and elements welded by the T-method may come out with defects.

Operating technique

Operating technique

Moving the rod along a solid line will not be enough for good welding , and to become a master of your craft, you need to understand the technique of using the device. The main features of the technology are constant control of the gap between components.

If the distance is too small, the steel will not warm up well, which will negatively affect its strength. Both the speed of the tripod and the basic soldering procedure should be controlled. The main thing is that the molten metal is evenly distributed throughout the groove.

Weld characteristics

How to suture correctly:

  1. Cook in a circular or zigzag motion. The trajectory must be maintained throughout the entire adhesion.
  2. Hold the handle at the correct angle. The sharper the slope, the shallower the depth of steaming.
  3. Control the pace of movement of the electrode. It all depends on the voltage of the device. Higher current allows the holder to move at higher speeds, and the resulting seams will be thinner.
  4. Choose the adhesion layers wisely. Several rows can be made in the butt areas, however, a T-weld seam is most often made using this technique.

Taking these rules into account will help achieve the desired result, and the specialist will accurately produce any type of welding seam.

Application methods

Application methods

Application methods include:

  • Horizontal type. According to the rules, you can apply a seam both from right to left and in the opposite direction. Here it is important to maintain an acceptable angle of inclination, since excess molten metal will flow out. If a person has few skills, then the entire procedure can be completed in 2-3 passes.
  • Vertical type. The work surface can be located in the ceiling or wall areas. Welding joints can also be made using two methods: top-down and bottom-up. However, it is better to choose the first option, since the heat from the arc contributes to high heating of the alloy.
  • Ceiling type. The whole process must be completed very quickly, maintaining a stable pace of guiding the rod. Also, to maintain the alloy in the weld, you will need to make rotational movements. It should be noted that the current version is the most complex, and you should start working after gaining the necessary experience.

Typing of welding seams according to application method

From the first time it is difficult to understand what types there are and to study all the technologies. But regular practice will turn any beginner into a real professional.


Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

At any time of the year, especially in winter, you need to include salads in your diet. After all, not only can they be prepared quickly, but they can also be a source of large amounts of vitamins and other useful substances. My sister taught me how to make winter coleslaw with seeds. This dish contains a lot of vitamins and can be eaten every day.

List of required ingredients

List of required ingredients

  • Carrots - one or two pieces.
  • Cabbage - half a small fork.
  • Cherry tomatoes - five to six pieces.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Sweet pepper - one piece. You can take yellow or green.
  • Lemon - half.
  • Beets are one thing.
  • Arugula - 50 grams.
  • Sunflower seeds - half a glass. They must be cleaned.
  • Olive oil - two tablespoons.
  • Fresh greens. You can take parsley or dill.
  • Pepper - to taste.
  • Vinegar - three tablespoons.

After acquiring all the necessary ingredients, we proceed to the main action.



Wash all the vegetables needed for the salad thoroughly. Cut the cabbage into two halves. We put one in the refrigerator, we won’t need it. The other half must be finely chopped. We will need a cutting board and a sharp knife.

Place the shredded cabbage in a small saucepan or deep bowl. Grate the carrots and also add them to the pan. Mix everything. Take beets and grate them. You can do this directly over the pan. Mix everything again. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the rest of the vegetables. Cut the sweet pepper in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pepper into small pieces. Add some arugula leaves.

We wash the lemon under warm water and cut it into two parts. Squeeze the juice from one part into the chopped vegetables. Add olive oil and vinegar. And also a small amount of salt and pepper. Mix everything carefully. Lemon can be cut into pieces and added to the salad. Wash the parsley and cut it into small pieces.

It is best to buy seeds already peeled, then you don’t have to bother with them. Sprinkle the seeds on top. Now you need to give the salad a little time to brew. Take out beautiful plates and lay out the salad. It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, healthy.

Prepare it more often, and your loved ones will receive the required amount of vitamins even in winter.



Cabbage salad with seeds contains a small amount of calories. Therefore, it can be included in the diet even for people who are on a diet.

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How to learn to write poetry

How to learn to write poetry

Who among us didn’t want to be able to write poetry? Who didn’t want to give their lover/beloved a poetic confession, sublime, full of passion and fire? But what to do if you write poetry at the level of a first-grader, and your rhyme is “shoes-low shoes” and “candle-stove”? And is it really possible to learn to write poetry ? If someone says no, that this requires an innate talent that you don’t have, how reparable is the situation? But don’t fall into despair and don’t trust anyone, everything is possible. You can teach a hare to smoke; You can learn to write poetry too! And sometimes writing them is much easier than prose! So, what does it take?

- Wish

- Lexicon

— Online rhymer

- Patience

— Perseverance

- Subject

- Sense of rhythm

- Inspiration

The main thing is to start!

The main thing is to start!

Decide what you want to write about? What words, topics have already appeared in your head? What ideas do you want to convey through the poem? Have you decided? Now feel free to write the first line. Because it is she who sets the rhythm of the entire poem.

Feel it and try not to stray from it in the future. Perhaps rhythm is an extremely important condition for writing poetry! Because it is precisely this that distinguishes the quality of a poem.

But you don’t want to write another “masterpiece” that the Internet is already full of, do you? No, of course you want to create a beautiful verse.



Rhyme is as important as rhythm. Do not use banal rhymes, worn out by all poets before you, such as “roses-frost”, “blood-love”, “tears-thunderstorms”, etc. Try not to use verb rhymes. “Look-erase” was acceptable in the 18th century, but not acceptable in the 21st century. It is desirable that the verb rhymes with the noun or adverb, and vice versa. In general, even with any part of speech except the verb.

It is advisable to keep it brief. Try to do without unnecessary burdens. Brevity is the soul of wit! And this is precisely what distinguishes a beautiful poem - when everything is expressed clearly, clearly and accurately. To learn how to write poems beautifully, you need experience in writing them.

It is quite possible that even the poems of Pushkin himself, the greatest of the greats, came out in clumsy, vulgar and worthless lines. And it is equally possible that they rested in the bose (that is, in the paper basket) in the form of pathetic scraps of ink-stained paper.

But remember that Pushkin wrote not just for one year, but throughout his life. This is experience.

Poetic size

Poetic size

“no matter how hard we fought, he could not distinguish iambic from trochee”

Poetic meter is, of course, important. But you don’t necessarily need to know them in order to learn how to write poetry. The main thing is not to confuse them with each other, not to write a poem in two or even three sizes at the same time. As mentioned above, the sense of rhythm is what will allow you to avoid making such a mistake. Well, if you still want to learn about iambic, trochee, amphibrach, etc., then you can easily find everything in a search engine and study it thoroughly.

Rhymer programs

Rhymer programs

Don't think that true poets don't use things like rhymers. If they use it, then you can too.

There are a huge number of similar programs on the Internet, many of which work online. For example, you can download the program - whatever is more convenient for you. They produce about 2000 rhymes for one word, among which you can definitely choose the one you need.

Good luck to you, aspiring poets, in your creative flight! And stop wondering: how to learn to write poetry? Just write!


I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

How to make banana flavored rice

To create a special recipe, you only need a few simple ingredients. Nowadays, I simply don’t feel the need to pay more for this wonderful side dish at a cafe or popular restaurant.

Recipe ingredients:

  • a little oil;
  • rice cereal;
  • one banana.

Cooking technology

Cooking technology

Clean rice, please note that you just need to rinse the rice 2 times so that bubbles no longer appear on the surface of the water. Many rice products lose the outer layer of rice bran, which contains many nutrients, if they are shaken or stirred during cleaning. Having lost this layer of starch, the aroma of the rice grain also suffers greatly in its taste characteristics.

Moreover, rice often becomes drier after washing and stirring it in water.

After washing, soak the rice in water for 20-30 minutes. The goal is for the grain of rice to absorb water, thereby enhancing its flavor and making it more fluffy. But this step is overlooked by many because it is not necessary, but in fact it is very important. If you forget, try it the next time you cook rice.

Place the rice in the rice cooker, add water, then add the peeled banana. You can add a little vegetable oil to make the rice grain softer and shinier.

Close the lid and turn on the “Cook until done” mode. When the rice is cooked, the banana aroma will be released, which will make it soft and glossy. Those who don't like rice will probably also enjoy this exciting smell.

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What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

In order for a person to enjoy life and be happy, he needs to learn some important things.

Accept criticism

Accept criticism

It is criticism (if it is adequate) that helps a person grow and develop. People with low self-esteem react with rudeness and irritability in response to criticism, perceiving comments as a personal insult. If you feel that your self-esteem is suffering, then this is the first thing you need to work on. If a person loves and values ​​himself, then he is able to adequately perceive appropriate comments and work on his mistakes.

Adequately perceived criticism addressed to oneself as a sign of healthy self-esteem

Sincerely apologize

Sincerely apologize

Every person makes mistakes, but not everyone can admit a mistake, much less apologize for it. If you are wrong, you should apologize immediately and be sure to do it in person. It is also necessary to compensate for damages, if possible.

Value your own time and distribute it correctly

Value your own time and distribute it correctly

There should be enough time for both work and personal life. It is necessary to devote time to physical activities, mental activity and the spiritual side of your life. Don’t forget about rest, which the body simply needs for productivity.

Politely refuse

Politely refuse

Many people simply cannot say “no,” which is why they constantly suffer and feel unfree. You have every right to refuse a person and save your personal time and energy.

Polite refusal is not an insult



In any situation, try to put yourself in the shoes of another person, then you will be able to understand his feelings and emotions. It is empathy that makes us human.

Be friends

Be friends

Often friendships stretch from childhood and it is important that trusting relationships are maintained. A person needs a friend who can listen and give advice. If there are no old friends, learn to find new ones. Meet people, live in society, be open to communication.

Learn to communicate and make friends to feel like a full part of society

Maintain a budget

Maintain a budget

Every person should monitor their budget, regardless of their income level. Expenses should be calculated by writing down everything for clarity: utility bills, taxes, basic purchases.

Cook food

Cook food

It’s worth learning how to cook at least a few dishes. Let these be simple, accessible recipes, but they will definitely come in handy in life.

Learn to cook deliciously!

Wake up on time

Wake up on time

A properly designed daily routine will help you make the most of your physical strength and intellect. If you set your alarm for 6:00 and plan to wake up at that time in the evening, then you should not set the alarm for 6:30 when it starts ringing.

Always get up in the morning and then you will be cheerful and energetic throughout the day

Being alone

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

To create a special recipe, you only need a few simple ingredients. Nowadays, I simply don’t feel the need to pay more for this wonderful side dish at a cafe or popular restaurant.

Recipe ingredients:

  • a little oil;
  • rice cereal;
  • one banana.

Cooking technology

Clean rice, please note that you just need to rinse the rice 2 times so that bubbles no longer appear on the surface of the water. Many rice products lose the outer layer of rice bran, which contains many nutrients, if they are shaken or stirred during cleaning. Having lost this layer of starch, the aroma of the rice grain also suffers greatly in its taste characteristics.

Moreover, rice often becomes drier after washing and stirring it in water.

After washing, soak the rice in water for 20-30 minutes. The goal is for the grain of rice to absorb water, thereby enhancing its flavor and making it more fluffy. But this step is overlooked by many because it is not necessary, but in fact it is very important. If you forget, try it the next time you cook rice.

Place the rice in the rice cooker, add water, then add the peeled banana. You can add a little vegetable oil to make the rice grain softer and shinier.

Close the lid and turn on the “Cook until done” mode. When the rice is cooked, the banana aroma will be released, which will make it soft and glossy. Those who don't like rice will probably also enjoy this exciting smell.


How to learn to dance twerk

Twerking is just a super sexy dance that will pump up your flexibility, and at the same time give a good load to your abdominal and back muscles. First, we’ll learn a few basic movements, and then we’ll diversify our dance vocabulary and look at the main mistakes. And at the end you will get a bonus in the form of a playlist with suitable music.

If you have problems with the lumbar spine, perform movements with caution, or better consult your doctor.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders and point your toes slightly to the sides. Bend your knees and place your hands on your hips, turning them with your fingers inward, bend your lower back.

From this position, twist your pelvis down, and then, by bending your lower back, return it to its original position. Imagine that you are trying to reach the top of your head with your pelvis.

It is important to fix your upper back and work only with your lower back. You cannot strain your gluteal muscles, otherwise the movement will become stiff.

If you have difficulty, try a lead-in exercise first. Place your hands on your hips so that your middle fingers are on the protruding pelvic bones in front, and your thumbs are on the back, closer to the sacrum. Bend your knees, push your pelvis down and then up, controlling the movement with your hands.

When you feel more confident, remove your hands and use your knees. When the pelvis goes down, the knees bend; when it goes up, they straighten. There is no need to lock your knees at the extreme point; they should remain slightly bent.

The pelvis moves backward not only due to straightening of the knees. The lower back must work.

This movement is very similar to the previous one, only the emphasis is on pushing the pelvis forward rather than backward.

Place your feet wide and turn your toes slightly to the sides. You can place your hands on your hips to better feel the tilt. At the same time, bend your knees and sharply push your pelvis forward so that your butt goes down, and then bend your lower back and move your pelvis back.

The emphasis is on the first phase of the movement, when the butt points down. It is important at this moment not to squeeze the buttocks, but to change the position of the pelvis by tensing the abdominal muscles.

Try other twerk moves


This element repeats the usual booty pop, only the movement of the pelvis in it is double: down-down, up-up.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders. At the same time, turn one leg with your toe and knee outward and transfer your weight to the opposite hip. Then switch sides with a small jump.

Try the movement slowly at first to get the hang of it, then speed up. Jump relaxed.

Up down twerk

Arch your lower back and move your pelvis back. On the count of “one”, simultaneously round your lower back, pushing your pelvis forward, bend your knees and bring your shoulders forward. On the count of “two,” bend your lower back and move your butt back in a half-squat.

On the count of three, straighten your knees, round your lower back and lean your shoulders forward. On the count of four, bend your back in the thoracic region, straightening your shoulders.

It turns out that at the lower point you bend in the lower back, and at the upper point - in the thoracic region.


To feel the movement, start doing it slowly. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your palms opposite your pelvis. Take turns touching your palms with one or the other pelvic bone. Gradually speed up.

You can perform the wobble while standing straight or bending over. Practice bending over and back up slowly as you move. Important: you should not squeeze, otherwise stiffness will arise and no shaking will work.

Zig zag

Get into a twerk stance, lower your right hip first and then your left. Then, one by one, lift them to the starting position. At first, perform the elements slowly, with fixation at each point, and then gradually speed up.

You can do this movement a little higher. In this case, start with a straight-legged, bent-over stance. In the same way, lower your right and left thighs in turn, bending your knees, and then raise your hips, straightening your legs.

Rise up onto your toes and rotate your heels in and out in a small range. Bend your lower back, try to relax your hips as much as possible.

This element can be performed in a straight position or in an inclined position, moving both legs at once or one at a time.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, point your toes forward, tilt your body and place your hands on your hips. Rotate your pelvis, lowering and lifting it as you move.

You can do this either bending over, leaning on your hips, or standing.

Happy twerk

Take the starting position for twerking, pointing your toes forward. Do one regular booty pop in place, then another with your toes and knees turned out to the sides, and then the next with them returning to a straight position.

Continue to turn your toes and knees outward and back, accompanying the movement by tilting your pelvis.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rise onto your toes. Move your pelvis back a little. Quickly move from foot to foot, trying to relax your buttocks.

Lift your right leg to the side, turn it with your toe and knee inward. From this position, simultaneously shift your weight to your left thigh and turn your raised leg toe outward. Return your foot to the floor and repeat on the other side.

You can dance twerk not only standing, but also squatting, on all fours, and even upside down on your hands, with your feet supporting the wall. Try different positions - this will help diversify your dance.


This is the same booty pop, only squatting. If you don't have enough stretch to move freely in a deep squat, start by working on your hip mobility.

Offset to one side

This option also requires good stretching. Otherwise, you will not be able to relax and move freely.

On knees

First, practice performing the element while standing to get used to it. Lift one leg onto your toes, turning your knee outward and at the same time leaning on the opposite thigh. Then smoothly switch sides.

Now place your palms on the floor, arch your lower back, bend your knees and lift your heels off the floor. Perform a familiar movement in a new position.

For starters, this will be enough for you. Try, combine movements with each other and, if something doesn’t work out, correct the mistakes.

Understand why you can't

There are three main reasons why instead of twerking you end up with some kind of bullshit. And butt size has nothing to do with it.

1. You lack flexibility

To twerk well, you must have good mobility in the lumbar spine and hips. If flexibility is lacking, you can improve it by doing stretching exercises.

Choose stretching exercises


How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

In a private house, country house or garage, quite often there is a need to connect various metal parts and create structures from them. It makes no sense to turn to professionals for help every time in such a situation, because you can purchase an automatic welding machine yourself.

A wide selection of different devices are available in stores in different price categories, so welding with an inverter for beginners is the best that the market has to offer.

Basics of electric welding

Inverter devices are characterized by fairly high efficiency and ease of operation. The main load for the operation of such equipment falls on the electrical network.

It has storage capacitors that allow you to accumulate electricity and ensure an uninterrupted welding process and soft ignition of the arc.

Unlike old devices, which provide a maximum boost of electricity for work, which can result in traffic jams, an inverter allows you to safely operate from a household power supply.

To understand how to cook using inverter welding, you need to understand the basics of its operation.

In such manual welding machines, the arc is formed as a result of contact of the electrode with the product. Under the influence of temperature, the metal and electrode melt. The molten part of the rod and the product form a bath.

The coating of the rod also partially melts, turning into a gaseous state and closing the weld pool from oxygen. This allows you to protect the product from oxidation.

Each electrode, depending on its diameter, is designed for a certain current strength. If you reduce it below the required value, then the seam will not work. Increasing this parameter will allow you to form a seam, but the rod will burn out too quickly.

At the end of the welding work, the coating cools down, turning into slag. It covers the connection of metal parts from the outside. By tapping the seam with a hammer, it is quite easy to get rid of the slag.

This is not easy to do because the electrode melts, so it must be fed into the welding zone at a constant speed. In addition, you must try to guide the electrode evenly along the joint in order to obtain a seam of maximum quality.

Welding methods

Nowadays there are many methods used for welding. They are divided according to various criteria. This information will be useful for a beginner, so you should definitely read it.

Depending on the heating, the edges of the product may completely melt or be in a plastic state. The first method also requires applying certain forces to the parts being joined - pressure welding.

In the second, the connection is formed as a result of the formation of a weld pool in which there is molten metal and an electrode.

There are other welding methods in which the product does not heat up at all - cold welding, or is not brought to a plastic state - connection using ultrasound.

Methods and types of welding.

Other types of welding are listed below:

  1. Forge.
    In this method, the ends of the joined products are heated in a forge and then forged. This method is one of the most ancient and is currently practically not used.
  2. Gas press.
    The edges of the products are heated with oxygen acetylene over the entire plane and brought to a plastic state, after which they are subjected to compression. This method is highly efficient and productive. Used in the construction of gas pipelines, railways, and mechanical engineering.
  3. Contact.
    The parts are included in the electrical circuit of the welding equipment and current is passed through them. A short circuit occurs at the point of contact of the parts, as a result of which a large amount of heat is released at the junction. It is enough to melt and join metal.
  4. Butt, point and suture are varieties of the contact method of fastening the product.
  5. Roller.
    Used in joining sheet structures that require high-quality and reliable seams.
  6. Termite.
    The metal is held together by burning thermite, a mixture of iron oxide powder and pure aluminum.
  7. Nuclear-water.
    The edges of the product are melted by the action of an arc burning between two tungsten electrodes. The electrodes are connected to special holders through which hydrogen is supplied. As a result, the arc and liquid metal of the weld pool are protected by hydrogen from the harmful effects of atmospheric gases such as oxygen and nitrogen.
  8. Gas.
    The essence of the method is to use a flame to heat and melt parts. A flame is produced by burning a flammable gas in an oxygen atmosphere. The gas-oxygen mixture is produced using special burners.

The gas welding method refers to fusion welding. The gaps between the products are filled using filler wire. This method is widely used in various areas of human life. Most often found when joining thin-walled products, non-ferrous metals, cast iron.

When working with an inverter device, the polarity of the electrodes is of no small importance. Depending on the scheme, the heating intensity of the part changes, which allows you to create different welding conditions.

Step-by-step instructions for welding with an inverter

First of all, for welding you need to have protective elements:

  • gloves made of rough fabric;
  • welding mask with a special filter protecting the eyes;
  • a rough jacket and trousers made of material that will not catch fire from sparks that appear during welding;
  • closed shoes with thick soles.

Electrode position during welding.

Before you start welding with a welding inverter, you must take the necessary measures aimed at creating safe working conditions.

Proper preparation of the workplace consists of:

  • ensuring the necessary free space on the table, you should remove all unnecessary objects that could get splashed;
  • creating high-quality lighting;
  • Welding work must be performed while standing on a wooden floor that protects against electric shock.

Then the current is adjusted depending on the thickness of the parts and the electrodes are selected. The latter need to be prepared. If they were just purchased in a retail chain and their quality is beyond doubt, then this step can be skipped.

After preparing the electrodes, the ground terminal is connected to the product.

To obtain a high-quality and reliable connection, the metal must be prepared:

  • rust is completely removed from the edges of the product;
  • using solvents, various contaminants are cleaned;
  • At the last stage, the edges are checked for cleanliness; the presence of grease, paint and other contaminants is unacceptable.

Next you need to connect the welding inverter. It is better to carry out training on a thick metal sheet, forming a seam in the form of a roller. Make the first connection on metal lying horizontally on the table. Draw a straight line on it with chalk along which the seam will go.

Electrical circuit of the inverter.

  • In the process of training on such an object, you can significantly improve your welding technique.
  • The welding process begins with ignition of the arc.
  • There are two ways to perform this action:
  • scratching on metal;
  • tapping on metal.

The choice of method depends on the person’s preferences; the main thing when igniting is not to leave traces of welding outside the joint area.

After igniting the arc from contact with the metal, the arc is ignited, the welder removes the electrode from the surface of the part a short distance corresponding to the length of the arc and begins welding.

As a result, a weld is formed at the junction of two metal parts. It will be covered with scale - scale on the surface. It needs to be removed. This is very easy to do by tapping the seam with a small hammer.

Forward and reverse polarity

Melting of the metal for welding occurs under the influence of an arc. It, as noted above, is formed between the surface of the product and the electrode, since they are connected to opposite terminals of the device.

There are two main options for welding, differing from each other in the order of connection and called direct and reverse polarity.

In the first case, the rod is connected to the minus, and the part to the plus. In this case, an increased flow of heat occurs into the metal. As a result, a deep and narrow melting zone is formed.

Direct and reverse polarity.

With reverse polarity, the electrode is connected to the positive, and the product to the negative. In this case, the melting zone is wide and shallow.

The choice of polarity is entirely determined by the product you are working with. Welding can be performed with two types of polarity. When choosing, you should take into account the fact that the element connected to the positive is subject to greater heating.

For example, it is difficult to weld thin metal products due to possible overheating and burning. In this case, the part is connected to the minus. Currents are also selected according to the diameter of the electrode and the thickness of the metal. This data is taken from a special table.

Effect of electrode feed speed

The feed rate of the welding electrodes must provide the required amount of molten material supplied. Not having enough of it can lead to undercutting. This factor is very important in both direct and reverse polarity when welding.

During electric arc welding, due to the rapid movement of the rod along the joint, the arc power may not be enough to heat the metal. The result is a shallow seam that lies on top of the metal. The edges remain unmelted.

Slow advance of the electrode leads to overheating. In this case, it is possible to burn the surface and deform the thin metal.

Modern welding machines have a wide range of different functions and capabilities. Nevertheless, at the moment, most of the quality work done is still determined by human skill.

Effect of current

Welding current selection table.

When mastering the basics of welding with an inverter, it is important to understand what current strength needs to be set in each individual situation. A properly configured inverter welding machine is the key to success.

Data on the current value are taken from the table, which also shows the size of the electrodes. However, these current values ​​are not exact; they are plus or minus several tens of amperes.

Features of welding thin metal

In everyday tasks, we are most often faced with the need to join thin metal. In this case, it is necessary to remember the basics of inverter welding for beginners, namely the importance of connecting the product to the correct pole. Thin parts are connected to the “minus” of the welding machine.

Here are some useful tips that can help improve your skills:

  • start cooking using the minimum current;
  • form the seam at an angle forward;
  • use reverse polarity;
  • secure the part to reduce distortion during welding.

Common mistakes made by newbies

Beginner welders tend to make mistakes due to ignorance of the basics regarding the use of welding equipment. For example, beginners may not know how to choose the correct polarity for welding with an inverter, which will lead to poor-quality joint formation or even burning of the part.

The following main errors can be identified:

  • neglect of safety precautions;
  • incorrect choice of welding machine;
  • use of low-quality or unprepared electrodes;
  • work without trial seams.

Let's sum it up

Having learned to work with welding equipment, it will be possible to solve many everyday problems that often arise when working in the country or in the garage. Beginners should pay special attention to the polarity of welding parts of different thicknesses with an inverter.

By understanding how to properly configure the equipment and choose an electrode, you will be able to obtain high-quality seams on any product. Be sure to pay attention to the forward and reverse polarity of connecting the welding inverter.

When welding thick parts, direct polarity is used when welding with an inverter, and for thin parts, reverse polarity is used.


How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

Any hole, even in a visible place, can be sewn up or disguised so that nothing will be noticeable. A small tear (for example, from a cat's claw) is closed as if it were not with a hidden seam. You won't be able to sew up a large hole; decorative tricks will come to the rescue. Luckily, embroidery, patches and studs are back in fashion.

Hole in a knitted T-shirt

It is not difficult to put a hole in thin cotton knitwear. It’s all the more unpleasant when it shows off in a prominent place of your favorite thing. In such cases, repairs are usually made with simple threads using a hidden seam. But even then, “terry” threads often remain on the front side, and the thickness unpleasantly increases.

To sew up a hole on a T-shirt as discreetly as possible, use a thin (beaded) needle and thread made from chiffon, organza or waste nylon tights:

  1. Pull the thread out of the fabric and thread it into the needle. For convenience, we use a thread threader. We do not tie a knot.
  2. We quilt on the right side of the fabric, inserting the needle into the knitted loops. To prevent eye pain, turn on a bright light and arm yourself with a magnifying lens.
  3. Connect the opposite edges of the hole.
  4. At the end, we bring the needle to the wrong side and collect the missing loops.
  5. We fasten with stitches, not with a knot.
  6. Upon completion of the work, we go over the seam with an iron from the inside out to fix it and not accidentally tighten it in the future.

Hole on hand knitwear

A suitable repair method for knitted items is darning. How discreetly you can hide the loose loops depends on the size of the damage. Thus, a short hook with a torn or pulled out thread can easily be patched with a knitted seam, simply by gathering the loops together with a suitable thread.

If the thread breaks and the fabric unravels, the best option is to restore the torn thread in the top row (by tying the ends) or replace it with a new one, then arm yourself with knitting needles or a crochet hook and pick up the thread, re-knitting the section. Secure with a “crawfish step” or a simple overlock stitch.

How to remove a large tear if all or several threads are torn:

  1. Use a needle-forward stitch around the tear. This way the fabric will not stretch during darning, and the thread can be pulled out afterwards.
  2. Then, between the outer loops of each row of holes, stretch thin transverse threads as a base.
  3. Perform the darning itself by wrapping loops around each warp thread from the top to the very bottom of the break. Next row, “braid” the hole with the same girths, but from the bottom up.

Hole on genuine leather

Although leather clothing is practical and durable, even it is not protected from accidental snags on sharp objects. Light damage - holes and narrow cuts - is best fixed with glue to an internal patch made of plaster or any thin, elastic material.

To sew up a large hole, prepare two patches to match the color of the product:

  • fabric, slightly wider than the gust, will be located on the inside as a lining;
  • leather, identical in size.

Next, the edges of the tear are aligned, and the patches are carefully attached to the hole, joining together.

Hole in nylon tights

Nylon is a light and fragile material that breaks at almost any snag. If you don’t have the time and money to buy a new pair, you can get used to it and carefully sew up the tights both on your fingers and in a visible place:

  1. Prepare a thin needle and thread that is as close in color to the product as possible. Silk threads or thread pulled from unnecessary tights are also suitable.
  2. Gently pinch the opposite edges at the base of the hole.
  3. Sew tights, sequentially picking up loops from different sides. Try not to miss a single one to prevent the material from spreading further.
  4. If possible, go over the seam with a clear varnish.

Don’t rush to throw away tights with a long crease. Use them to pull out thin threads and make the most invisible seams.

Hole on lace and guipure

Restoring torn guipure or lace is a painstaking task that requires special patience, and in most cases also experience in lace weaving. Repairing a lace product will make it easier to pre-align the edges of the hole to avoid mesh breaks.

If the hole is not noticeable, you should try to find a matching guipure pattern in stores and hem it with a thin single thread from the bottom.

You can try to restore the lace mesh pattern so that the seam from the patch is not visible. A rougher finish will be obtained by crocheting the mesh. To do this, a strong thread will need to be tied into small bundles. The most accurate restoration of the pattern is achieved when weaving lace using bobbins - special spools onto which yarn is thrown.

How to beautifully sew up a hole in thick fabric

It is not necessary to mask scuffs and rips on furniture, leather clothing, and denim. If they are located in a visible place, they can be decorated. Here are a few techniques:

  • “leaf”: the upper and lower edges of the hole are fixed with 1 stitch, then from edge to edge of the drawn leaf, stitches are placed crosswise and tightly to each other (each goes in a house and from bottom to top), so that a braid is formed, reminiscent of the texture of a hazel leaf;


Welding seams

Welding is one of the main methods of fastening two elements, and welding seams are zones connecting two metal workpieces to each other. Such adhesions are formed during the melting and subsequent cooling of steel.

A good welder must know the types of welded joints and be able to apply all types of seams . Without these skills it is impossible to produce a high-quality and durable structure.

Welding seams

Types of joints

Welds are divided into 5 variations:

  • overlap;
  • parallel;
  • butt;
  • corner;
  • t – shaped.

Welding seams and their varieties

Lap joints are often used to create cylindrical tanks that are planned to be operated in a horizontal or vertical position. The elements to be welded overlap, but do not completely overlap. The result is a structure that looks like a step. Welding seams are applied to the end sides of the parts .

Parallel application methods are used to increase the strength of the structure. Both components are tightly applied to each other and fastened by welding from the ribs. This technique can be used to strengthen structures whose exterior will be subject to strong mechanical stress. However, such technology is prohibited from being used in the repair of moving mechanisms.

Corner weld

The butt version is the most popular. The parts to be welded must be in the same plane, one opposite the other. This joint is used to fasten water pipes, chimneys, storage facilities or steel columns. This system is also used in mechanical engineering, in the manufacture of air and water transport, and in military factories. Yes, and creating such a “glue” requires a minimum of money and time.

Corner types of welds are well suited for fastening several workpieces that need to be positioned at right angles. The workpiece is made as follows: parts are installed at an angle of 90° (in the form of the “G” symbol), and a weld is applied at the junction of the edges . This welding is common in both industry and private use. And with its help you can make durable supports or boilers.


A T or T weld is not like the others because the finished part will look like the letter "T". It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to create this, since in the process it is important to take into account the restrictions related to holding the electrode (it is recommended to adhere to an angle of 60°). In this case, the thickness of the joined sheets may differ. Also, more wire will be required for execution, and elements welded by the T-method may come out with defects.

Operating technique

Moving the rod along a solid line will not be enough for good welding , and to become a master of your craft, you need to understand the technique of using the device. The main features of the technology are constant control of the gap between components.

If the distance is too small, the steel will not warm up well, which will negatively affect its strength. Both the speed of the tripod and the basic soldering procedure should be controlled. The main thing is that the molten metal is evenly distributed throughout the groove.

Weld characteristics

How to suture correctly:

  1. Cook in a circular or zigzag motion. The trajectory must be maintained throughout the entire adhesion.
  2. Hold the handle at the correct angle. The sharper the slope, the shallower the depth of steaming.
  3. Control the pace of movement of the electrode. It all depends on the voltage of the device. Higher current allows the holder to move at higher speeds, and the resulting seams will be thinner.
  4. Choose the adhesion layers wisely. Several rows can be made in the butt areas, however, a T-weld seam is most often made using this technique.

Taking these rules into account will help achieve the desired result, and the specialist will accurately produce any type of welding seam.

Application methods

Application methods include:

  • Horizontal type. According to the rules, you can apply a seam both from right to left and in the opposite direction. Here it is important to maintain an acceptable angle of inclination, since excess molten metal will flow out. If a person has few skills, then the entire procedure can be completed in 2-3 passes.
  • Vertical type. The work surface can be located in the ceiling or wall areas. Welding joints can also be made using two methods: top-down and bottom-up. However, it is better to choose the first option, since the heat from the arc contributes to high heating of the alloy.
  • Ceiling type. The whole process must be completed very quickly, maintaining a stable pace of guiding the rod. Also, to maintain the alloy in the weld, you will need to make rotational movements. It should be noted that the current version is the most complex, and you should start working after gaining the necessary experience.

Typing of welding seams according to application method

From the first time it is difficult to understand what types there are and to study all the technologies. But regular practice will turn any beginner into a real professional.


Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

At any time of the year, especially in winter, you need to include salads in your diet. After all, not only can they be prepared quickly, but they can also be a source of large amounts of vitamins and other useful substances. My sister taught me how to make winter coleslaw with seeds. This dish contains a lot of vitamins and can be eaten every day.

List of required ingredients

  • Carrots - one or two pieces.
  • Cabbage - half a small fork.
  • Cherry tomatoes - five to six pieces.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Sweet pepper - one piece. You can take yellow or green.
  • Lemon - half.
  • Beets are one thing.
  • Arugula - 50 grams.
  • Sunflower seeds - half a glass. They must be cleaned.
  • Olive oil - two tablespoons.
  • Fresh greens. You can take parsley or dill.
  • Pepper - to taste.
  • Vinegar - three tablespoons.

After acquiring all the necessary ingredients, we proceed to the main action.


Wash all the vegetables needed for the salad thoroughly. Cut the cabbage into two halves. We put one in the refrigerator, we won’t need it. The other half must be finely chopped. We will need a cutting board and a sharp knife.

Place the shredded cabbage in a small saucepan or deep bowl. Grate the carrots and also add them to the pan. Mix everything. Take beets and grate them. You can do this directly over the pan. Mix everything again. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the rest of the vegetables. Cut the sweet pepper in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pepper into small pieces. Add some arugula leaves.

We wash the lemon under warm water and cut it into two parts. Squeeze the juice from one part into the chopped vegetables. Add olive oil and vinegar. And also a small amount of salt and pepper. Mix everything carefully. Lemon can be cut into pieces and added to the salad. Wash the parsley and cut it into small pieces.

It is best to buy seeds already peeled, then you don’t have to bother with them. Sprinkle the seeds on top. Now you need to give the salad a little time to brew. Take out beautiful plates and lay out the salad. It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, healthy.

Prepare it more often, and your loved ones will receive the required amount of vitamins even in winter.


Cabbage salad with seeds contains a small amount of calories. Therefore, it can be included in the diet even for people who are on a diet.

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How to learn to write poetry

Who among us didn’t want to be able to write poetry? Who didn’t want to give their lover/beloved a poetic confession, sublime, full of passion and fire? But what to do if you write poetry at the level of a first-grader, and your rhyme is “shoes-low shoes” and “candle-stove”? And is it really possible to learn to write poetry ? If someone says no, that this requires an innate talent that you don’t have, how reparable is the situation? But don’t fall into despair and don’t trust anyone, everything is possible. You can teach a hare to smoke; You can learn to write poetry too! And sometimes writing them is much easier than prose! So, what does it take?

- Wish

- Lexicon

— Online rhymer

- Patience

— Perseverance

- Subject

- Sense of rhythm

- Inspiration

The main thing is to start!

Decide what you want to write about? What words, topics have already appeared in your head? What ideas do you want to convey through the poem? Have you decided? Now feel free to write the first line. Because it is she who sets the rhythm of the entire poem.

Feel it and try not to stray from it in the future. Perhaps rhythm is an extremely important condition for writing poetry! Because it is precisely this that distinguishes the quality of a poem.

But you don’t want to write another “masterpiece” that the Internet is already full of, do you? No, of course you want to create a beautiful verse.


Rhyme is as important as rhythm. Do not use banal rhymes, worn out by all poets before you, such as “roses-frost”, “blood-love”, “tears-thunderstorms”, etc. Try not to use verb rhymes. “Look-erase” was acceptable in the 18th century, but not acceptable in the 21st century. It is desirable that the verb rhymes with the noun or adverb, and vice versa. In general, even with any part of speech except the verb.

It is advisable to keep it brief. Try to do without unnecessary burdens. Brevity is the soul of wit! And this is precisely what distinguishes a beautiful poem - when everything is expressed clearly, clearly and accurately. To learn how to write poems beautifully, you need experience in writing them.

It is quite possible that even the poems of Pushkin himself, the greatest of the greats, came out in clumsy, vulgar and worthless lines. And it is equally possible that they rested in the bose (that is, in the paper basket) in the form of pathetic scraps of ink-stained paper.

But remember that Pushkin wrote not just for one year, but throughout his life. This is experience.

Poetic size

“no matter how hard we fought, he could not distinguish iambic from trochee”

Poetic meter is, of course, important. But you don’t necessarily need to know them in order to learn how to write poetry. The main thing is not to confuse them with each other, not to write a poem in two or even three sizes at the same time. As mentioned above, the sense of rhythm is what will allow you to avoid making such a mistake. Well, if you still want to learn about iambic, trochee, amphibrach, etc., then you can easily find everything in a search engine and study it thoroughly.

Rhymer programs

Don't think that true poets don't use things like rhymers. If they use it, then you can too.

There are a huge number of similar programs on the Internet, many of which work online. For example, you can download the program - whatever is more convenient for you. They produce about 2000 rhymes for one word, among which you can definitely choose the one you need.

Good luck to you, aspiring poets, in your creative flight! And stop wondering: how to learn to write poetry? Just write!


I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

To create a special recipe, you only need a few simple ingredients. Nowadays, I simply don’t feel the need to pay more for this wonderful side dish at a cafe or popular restaurant.

Recipe ingredients:

  • a little oil;
  • rice cereal;
  • one banana.

Cooking technology

Clean rice, please note that you just need to rinse the rice 2 times so that bubbles no longer appear on the surface of the water. Many rice products lose the outer layer of rice bran, which contains many nutrients, if they are shaken or stirred during cleaning. Having lost this layer of starch, the aroma of the rice grain also suffers greatly in its taste characteristics.

Moreover, rice often becomes drier after washing and stirring it in water.

After washing, soak the rice in water for 20-30 minutes. The goal is for the grain of rice to absorb water, thereby enhancing its flavor and making it more fluffy. But this step is overlooked by many because it is not necessary, but in fact it is very important. If you forget, try it the next time you cook rice.

Place the rice in the rice cooker, add water, then add the peeled banana. You can add a little vegetable oil to make the rice grain softer and shinier.

Close the lid and turn on the “Cook until done” mode. When the rice is cooked, the banana aroma will be released, which will make it soft and glossy. Those who don't like rice will probably also enjoy this exciting smell.

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What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

In order for a person to enjoy life and be happy, he needs to learn some important things.

Accept criticism

It is criticism (if it is adequate) that helps a person grow and develop. People with low self-esteem react with rudeness and irritability in response to criticism, perceiving comments as a personal insult. If you feel that your self-esteem is suffering, then this is the first thing you need to work on. If a person loves and values ​​himself, then he is able to adequately perceive appropriate comments and work on his mistakes.

Adequately perceived criticism addressed to oneself as a sign of healthy self-esteem

Sincerely apologize

Every person makes mistakes, but not everyone can admit a mistake, much less apologize for it. If you are wrong, you should apologize immediately and be sure to do it in person. It is also necessary to compensate for damages, if possible.

Value your own time and distribute it correctly

There should be enough time for both work and personal life. It is necessary to devote time to physical activities, mental activity and the spiritual side of your life. Don’t forget about rest, which the body simply needs for productivity.

Politely refuse

Many people simply cannot say “no,” which is why they constantly suffer and feel unfree. You have every right to refuse a person and save your personal time and energy.

Polite refusal is not an insult


In any situation, try to put yourself in the shoes of another person, then you will be able to understand his feelings and emotions. It is empathy that makes us human.

Be friends

Often friendships stretch from childhood and it is important that trusting relationships are maintained. A person needs a friend who can listen and give advice. If there are no old friends, learn to find new ones. Meet people, live in society, be open to communication.

Learn to communicate and make friends to feel like a full part of society

Maintain a budget

Every person should monitor their budget, regardless of their income level. Expenses should be calculated by writing down everything for clarity: utility bills, taxes, basic purchases.

Cook food

It’s worth learning how to cook at least a few dishes. Let these be simple, accessible recipes, but they will definitely come in handy in life.

Learn to cook deliciously!

Wake up on time

A properly designed daily routine will help you make the most of your physical strength and intellect. If you set your alarm for 6:00 and plan to wake up at that time in the evening, then you should not set the alarm for 6:30 when it starts ringing.

Always get up in the morning and then you will be cheerful and energetic throughout the day

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

To create a special recipe, you only need a few simple ingredients. Nowadays, I simply don’t feel the need to pay more for this wonderful side dish at a cafe or popular restaurant.

Recipe ingredients:

  • a little oil;
  • rice cereal;
  • one banana.

Cooking technology

Clean rice, please note that you just need to rinse the rice 2 times so that bubbles no longer appear on the surface of the water. Many rice products lose the outer layer of rice bran, which contains many nutrients, if they are shaken or stirred during cleaning. Having lost this layer of starch, the aroma of the rice grain also suffers greatly in its taste characteristics.

Moreover, rice often becomes drier after washing and stirring it in water.

After washing, soak the rice in water for 20-30 minutes. The goal is for the grain of rice to absorb water, thereby enhancing its flavor and making it more fluffy. But this step is overlooked by many because it is not necessary, but in fact it is very important. If you forget, try it the next time you cook rice.

Place the rice in the rice cooker, add water, then add the peeled banana. You can add a little vegetable oil to make the rice grain softer and shinier.

Close the lid and turn on the “Cook until done” mode. When the rice is cooked, the banana aroma will be released, which will make it soft and glossy. Those who don't like rice will probably also enjoy this exciting smell.


How to learn to dance twerk

Twerking is just a super sexy dance that will pump up your flexibility, and at the same time give a good load to your abdominal and back muscles. First, we’ll learn a few basic movements, and then we’ll diversify our dance vocabulary and look at the main mistakes. And at the end you will get a bonus in the form of a playlist with suitable music.

If you have problems with the lumbar spine, perform movements with caution, or better consult your doctor.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders and point your toes slightly to the sides. Bend your knees and place your hands on your hips, turning them with your fingers inward, bend your lower back.

From this position, twist your pelvis down, and then, by bending your lower back, return it to its original position. Imagine that you are trying to reach the top of your head with your pelvis.

It is important to fix your upper back and work only with your lower back. You cannot strain your gluteal muscles, otherwise the movement will become stiff.

If you have difficulty, try a lead-in exercise first. Place your hands on your hips so that your middle fingers are on the protruding pelvic bones in front, and your thumbs are on the back, closer to the sacrum. Bend your knees, push your pelvis down and then up, controlling the movement with your hands.

When you feel more confident, remove your hands and use your knees. When the pelvis goes down, the knees bend; when it goes up, they straighten. There is no need to lock your knees at the extreme point; they should remain slightly bent.

The pelvis moves backward not only due to straightening of the knees. The lower back must work.

This movement is very similar to the previous one, only the emphasis is on pushing the pelvis forward rather than backward.

Place your feet wide and turn your toes slightly to the sides. You can place your hands on your hips to better feel the tilt. At the same time, bend your knees and sharply push your pelvis forward so that your butt goes down, and then bend your lower back and move your pelvis back.

The emphasis is on the first phase of the movement, when the butt points down. It is important at this moment not to squeeze the buttocks, but to change the position of the pelvis by tensing the abdominal muscles.

Try other twerk moves


This element repeats the usual booty pop, only the movement of the pelvis in it is double: down-down, up-up.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders. At the same time, turn one leg with your toe and knee outward and transfer your weight to the opposite hip. Then switch sides with a small jump.

Try the movement slowly at first to get the hang of it, then speed up. Jump relaxed.

Up down twerk

Arch your lower back and move your pelvis back. On the count of “one”, simultaneously round your lower back, pushing your pelvis forward, bend your knees and bring your shoulders forward. On the count of “two,” bend your lower back and move your butt back in a half-squat.

On the count of three, straighten your knees, round your lower back and lean your shoulders forward. On the count of four, bend your back in the thoracic region, straightening your shoulders.

It turns out that at the lower point you bend in the lower back, and at the upper point - in the thoracic region.


To feel the movement, start doing it slowly. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your palms opposite your pelvis. Take turns touching your palms with one or the other pelvic bone. Gradually speed up.

You can perform the wobble while standing straight or bending over. Practice bending over and back up slowly as you move. Important: you should not squeeze, otherwise stiffness will arise and no shaking will work.

Zig zag

Get into a twerk stance, lower your right hip first and then your left. Then, one by one, lift them to the starting position. At first, perform the elements slowly, with fixation at each point, and then gradually speed up.

You can do this movement a little higher. In this case, start with a straight-legged, bent-over stance. In the same way, lower your right and left thighs in turn, bending your knees, and then raise your hips, straightening your legs.

Rise up onto your toes and rotate your heels in and out in a small range. Bend your lower back, try to relax your hips as much as possible.

This element can be performed in a straight position or in an inclined position, moving both legs at once or one at a time.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, point your toes forward, tilt your body and place your hands on your hips. Rotate your pelvis, lowering and lifting it as you move.

You can do this either bending over, leaning on your hips, or standing.

Happy twerk

Take the starting position for twerking, pointing your toes forward. Do one regular booty pop in place, then another with your toes and knees turned out to the sides, and then the next with them returning to a straight position.

Continue to turn your toes and knees outward and back, accompanying the movement by tilting your pelvis.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rise onto your toes. Move your pelvis back a little. Quickly move from foot to foot, trying to relax your buttocks.

Lift your right leg to the side, turn it with your toe and knee inward. From this position, simultaneously shift your weight to your left thigh and turn your raised leg toe outward. Return your foot to the floor and repeat on the other side.

You can dance twerk not only standing, but also squatting, on all fours, and even upside down on your hands, with your feet supporting the wall. Try different positions - this will help diversify your dance.


This is the same booty pop, only squatting. If you don't have enough stretch to move freely in a deep squat, start by working on your hip mobility.

Offset to one side

This option also requires good stretching. Otherwise, you will not be able to relax and move freely.

On knees

First, practice performing the element while standing to get used to it. Lift one leg onto your toes, turning your knee outward and at the same time leaning on the opposite thigh. Then smoothly switch sides.

Now place your palms on the floor, arch your lower back, bend your knees and lift your heels off the floor. Perform a familiar movement in a new position.

For starters, this will be enough for you. Try, combine movements with each other and, if something doesn’t work out, correct the mistakes.

Understand why you can't

There are three main reasons why instead of twerking you end up with some kind of bullshit. And butt size has nothing to do with it.

1. You lack flexibility

To twerk well, you must have good mobility in the lumbar spine and hips. If flexibility is lacking, you can improve it by doing stretching exercises.

Choose stretching exercises


How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

In a private house, country house or garage, quite often there is a need to connect various metal parts and create structures from them. It makes no sense to turn to professionals for help every time in such a situation, because you can purchase an automatic welding machine yourself.

A wide selection of different devices are available in stores in different price categories, so welding with an inverter for beginners is the best that the market has to offer.

Basics of electric welding

Basics of electric welding

Inverter devices are characterized by fairly high efficiency and ease of operation. The main load for the operation of such equipment falls on the electrical network.

It has storage capacitors that allow you to accumulate electricity and ensure an uninterrupted welding process and soft ignition of the arc.

Unlike old devices, which provide a maximum boost of electricity for work, which can result in traffic jams, an inverter allows you to safely operate from a household power supply.

To understand how to cook using inverter welding, you need to understand the basics of its operation.

In such manual welding machines, the arc is formed as a result of contact of the electrode with the product. Under the influence of temperature, the metal and electrode melt. The molten part of the rod and the product form a bath.

The coating of the rod also partially melts, turning into a gaseous state and closing the weld pool from oxygen. This allows you to protect the product from oxidation.

Each electrode, depending on its diameter, is designed for a certain current strength. If you reduce it below the required value, then the seam will not work. Increasing this parameter will allow you to form a seam, but the rod will burn out too quickly.

At the end of the welding work, the coating cools down, turning into slag. It covers the connection of metal parts from the outside. By tapping the seam with a hammer, it is quite easy to get rid of the slag.

This is not easy to do because the electrode melts, so it must be fed into the welding zone at a constant speed. In addition, you must try to guide the electrode evenly along the joint in order to obtain a seam of maximum quality.

Welding methods

Welding methods

Nowadays there are many methods used for welding. They are divided according to various criteria. This information will be useful for a beginner, so you should definitely read it.

Depending on the heating, the edges of the product may completely melt or be in a plastic state. The first method also requires applying certain forces to the parts being joined - pressure welding.

In the second, the connection is formed as a result of the formation of a weld pool in which there is molten metal and an electrode.

There are other welding methods in which the product does not heat up at all - cold welding, or is not brought to a plastic state - connection using ultrasound.

Methods and types of welding.

Other types of welding are listed below:

  1. Forge.
    In this method, the ends of the joined products are heated in a forge and then forged. This method is one of the most ancient and is currently practically not used.
  2. Gas press.
    The edges of the products are heated with oxygen acetylene over the entire plane and brought to a plastic state, after which they are subjected to compression. This method is highly efficient and productive. Used in the construction of gas pipelines, railways, and mechanical engineering.
  3. Contact.
    The parts are included in the electrical circuit of the welding equipment and current is passed through them. A short circuit occurs at the point of contact of the parts, as a result of which a large amount of heat is released at the junction. It is enough to melt and join metal.
  4. Butt, point and suture are varieties of the contact method of fastening the product.
  5. Roller.
    Used in joining sheet structures that require high-quality and reliable seams.
  6. Termite.
    The metal is held together by burning thermite, a mixture of iron oxide powder and pure aluminum.
  7. Nuclear-water.
    The edges of the product are melted by the action of an arc burning between two tungsten electrodes. The electrodes are connected to special holders through which hydrogen is supplied. As a result, the arc and liquid metal of the weld pool are protected by hydrogen from the harmful effects of atmospheric gases such as oxygen and nitrogen.
  8. Gas.
    The essence of the method is to use a flame to heat and melt parts. A flame is produced by burning a flammable gas in an oxygen atmosphere. The gas-oxygen mixture is produced using special burners.

The gas welding method refers to fusion welding. The gaps between the products are filled using filler wire. This method is widely used in various areas of human life. Most often found when joining thin-walled products, non-ferrous metals, cast iron.

When working with an inverter device, the polarity of the electrodes is of no small importance. Depending on the scheme, the heating intensity of the part changes, which allows you to create different welding conditions.

Step-by-step instructions for welding with an inverter

Step-by-step instructions for welding with an inverter

First of all, for welding you need to have protective elements:

  • gloves made of rough fabric;
  • welding mask with a special filter protecting the eyes;
  • a rough jacket and trousers made of material that will not catch fire from sparks that appear during welding;
  • closed shoes with thick soles.

Electrode position during welding.

Before you start welding with a welding inverter, you must take the necessary measures aimed at creating safe working conditions.

Proper preparation of the workplace consists of:

  • ensuring the necessary free space on the table, you should remove all unnecessary objects that could get splashed;
  • creating high-quality lighting;
  • Welding work must be performed while standing on a wooden floor that protects against electric shock.

Then the current is adjusted depending on the thickness of the parts and the electrodes are selected. The latter need to be prepared. If they were just purchased in a retail chain and their quality is beyond doubt, then this step can be skipped.

After preparing the electrodes, the ground terminal is connected to the product.

To obtain a high-quality and reliable connection, the metal must be prepared:

  • rust is completely removed from the edges of the product;
  • using solvents, various contaminants are cleaned;
  • At the last stage, the edges are checked for cleanliness; the presence of grease, paint and other contaminants is unacceptable.

Next you need to connect the welding inverter. It is better to carry out training on a thick metal sheet, forming a seam in the form of a roller. Make the first connection on metal lying horizontally on the table. Draw a straight line on it with chalk along which the seam will go.

Electrical circuit of the inverter.

  • In the process of training on such an object, you can significantly improve your welding technique.
  • The welding process begins with ignition of the arc.
  • There are two ways to perform this action:
  • scratching on metal;
  • tapping on metal.

The choice of method depends on the person’s preferences; the main thing when igniting is not to leave traces of welding outside the joint area.

After igniting the arc from contact with the metal, the arc is ignited, the welder removes the electrode from the surface of the part a short distance corresponding to the length of the arc and begins welding.

As a result, a weld is formed at the junction of two metal parts. It will be covered with scale - scale on the surface. It needs to be removed. This is very easy to do by tapping the seam with a small hammer.

Forward and reverse polarity

Forward and reverse polarity

Melting of the metal for welding occurs under the influence of an arc. It, as noted above, is formed between the surface of the product and the electrode, since they are connected to opposite terminals of the device.

There are two main options for welding, differing from each other in the order of connection and called direct and reverse polarity.

In the first case, the rod is connected to the minus, and the part to the plus. In this case, an increased flow of heat occurs into the metal. As a result, a deep and narrow melting zone is formed.

Direct and reverse polarity.

With reverse polarity, the electrode is connected to the positive, and the product to the negative. In this case, the melting zone is wide and shallow.

The choice of polarity is entirely determined by the product you are working with. Welding can be performed with two types of polarity. When choosing, you should take into account the fact that the element connected to the positive is subject to greater heating.

For example, it is difficult to weld thin metal products due to possible overheating and burning. In this case, the part is connected to the minus. Currents are also selected according to the diameter of the electrode and the thickness of the metal. This data is taken from a special table.

Effect of electrode feed speed

Effect of electrode feed speed

The feed rate of the welding electrodes must provide the required amount of molten material supplied. Not having enough of it can lead to undercutting. This factor is very important in both direct and reverse polarity when welding.

During electric arc welding, due to the rapid movement of the rod along the joint, the arc power may not be enough to heat the metal. The result is a shallow seam that lies on top of the metal. The edges remain unmelted.

Slow advance of the electrode leads to overheating. In this case, it is possible to burn the surface and deform the thin metal.

Modern welding machines have a wide range of different functions and capabilities. Nevertheless, at the moment, most of the quality work done is still determined by human skill.

Effect of current

Effect of current

Welding current selection table.

When mastering the basics of welding with an inverter, it is important to understand what current strength needs to be set in each individual situation. A properly configured inverter welding machine is the key to success.

Data on the current value are taken from the table, which also shows the size of the electrodes. However, these current values ​​are not exact; they are plus or minus several tens of amperes.

Features of welding thin metal

Features of welding thin metal

In everyday tasks, we are most often faced with the need to join thin metal. In this case, it is necessary to remember the basics of inverter welding for beginners, namely the importance of connecting the product to the correct pole. Thin parts are connected to the “minus” of the welding machine.

Here are some useful tips that can help improve your skills:

  • start cooking using the minimum current;
  • form the seam at an angle forward;
  • use reverse polarity;
  • secure the part to reduce distortion during welding.

Common mistakes made by newbies

Common mistakes made by newbies

Beginner welders tend to make mistakes due to ignorance of the basics regarding the use of welding equipment. For example, beginners may not know how to choose the correct polarity for welding with an inverter, which will lead to poor-quality joint formation or even burning of the part.

The following main errors can be identified:

  • neglect of safety precautions;
  • incorrect choice of welding machine;
  • use of low-quality or unprepared electrodes;
  • work without trial seams.

Let's sum it up

Let's sum it up

Having learned to work with welding equipment, it will be possible to solve many everyday problems that often arise when working in the country or in the garage. Beginners should pay special attention to the polarity of welding parts of different thicknesses with an inverter.

By understanding how to properly configure the equipment and choose an electrode, you will be able to obtain high-quality seams on any product. Be sure to pay attention to the forward and reverse polarity of connecting the welding inverter.

When welding thick parts, direct polarity is used when welding with an inverter, and for thin parts, reverse polarity is used.


How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

Any hole, even in a visible place, can be sewn up or disguised so that nothing will be noticeable. A small tear (for example, from a cat's claw) is closed as if it were not with a hidden seam. You won't be able to sew up a large hole; decorative tricks will come to the rescue. Luckily, embroidery, patches and studs are back in fashion.

Hole in a knitted T-shirt

Hole in a knitted T-shirt

It is not difficult to put a hole in thin cotton knitwear. It’s all the more unpleasant when it shows off in a prominent place of your favorite thing. In such cases, repairs are usually made with simple threads using a hidden seam. But even then, “terry” threads often remain on the front side, and the thickness unpleasantly increases.

To sew up a hole on a T-shirt as discreetly as possible, use a thin (beaded) needle and thread made from chiffon, organza or waste nylon tights:

  1. Pull the thread out of the fabric and thread it into the needle. For convenience, we use a thread threader. We do not tie a knot.
  2. We quilt on the right side of the fabric, inserting the needle into the knitted loops. To prevent eye pain, turn on a bright light and arm yourself with a magnifying lens.
  3. Connect the opposite edges of the hole.
  4. At the end, we bring the needle to the wrong side and collect the missing loops.
  5. We fasten with stitches, not with a knot.
  6. Upon completion of the work, we go over the seam with an iron from the inside out to fix it and not accidentally tighten it in the future.

Hole on hand knitwear

Hole on hand knitwear

A suitable repair method for knitted items is darning. How discreetly you can hide the loose loops depends on the size of the damage. Thus, a short hook with a torn or pulled out thread can easily be patched with a knitted seam, simply by gathering the loops together with a suitable thread.

If the thread breaks and the fabric unravels, the best option is to restore the torn thread in the top row (by tying the ends) or replace it with a new one, then arm yourself with knitting needles or a crochet hook and pick up the thread, re-knitting the section. Secure with a “crawfish step” or a simple overlock stitch.

How to remove a large tear if all or several threads are torn:

  1. Use a needle-forward stitch around the tear. This way the fabric will not stretch during darning, and the thread can be pulled out afterwards.
  2. Then, between the outer loops of each row of holes, stretch thin transverse threads as a base.
  3. Perform the darning itself by wrapping loops around each warp thread from the top to the very bottom of the break. Next row, “braid” the hole with the same girths, but from the bottom up.

Hole on genuine leather

Hole on genuine leather

Although leather clothing is practical and durable, even it is not protected from accidental snags on sharp objects. Light damage - holes and narrow cuts - is best fixed with glue to an internal patch made of plaster or any thin, elastic material.

To sew up a large hole, prepare two patches to match the color of the product:

  • fabric, slightly wider than the gust, will be located on the inside as a lining;
  • leather, identical in size.

Next, the edges of the tear are aligned, and the patches are carefully attached to the hole, joining together.

Hole in nylon tights

Hole in nylon tights

Nylon is a light and fragile material that breaks at almost any snag. If you don’t have the time and money to buy a new pair, you can get used to it and carefully sew up the tights both on your fingers and in a visible place:

  1. Prepare a thin needle and thread that is as close in color to the product as possible. Silk threads or thread pulled from unnecessary tights are also suitable.
  2. Gently pinch the opposite edges at the base of the hole.
  3. Sew tights, sequentially picking up loops from different sides. Try not to miss a single one to prevent the material from spreading further.
  4. If possible, go over the seam with a clear varnish.

Don’t rush to throw away tights with a long crease. Use them to pull out thin threads and make the most invisible seams.

Hole on lace and guipure

Hole on lace and guipure

Restoring torn guipure or lace is a painstaking task that requires special patience, and in most cases also experience in lace weaving. Repairing a lace product will make it easier to pre-align the edges of the hole to avoid mesh breaks.

If the hole is not noticeable, you should try to find a matching guipure pattern in stores and hem it with a thin single thread from the bottom.

You can try to restore the lace mesh pattern so that the seam from the patch is not visible. A rougher finish will be obtained by crocheting the mesh. To do this, a strong thread will need to be tied into small bundles. The most accurate restoration of the pattern is achieved when weaving lace using bobbins - special spools onto which yarn is thrown.

How to beautifully sew up a hole in thick fabric

How to beautifully sew up a hole in thick fabric

It is not necessary to mask scuffs and rips on furniture, leather clothing, and denim. If they are located in a visible place, they can be decorated. Here are a few techniques:

  • “leaf”: the upper and lower edges of the hole are fixed with 1 stitch, then from edge to edge of the drawn leaf, stitches are placed crosswise and tightly to each other (each goes in a house and from bottom to top), so that a braid is formed, reminiscent of the texture of a hazel leaf;


Welding seams

Welding seams

Welding is one of the main methods of fastening two elements, and welding seams are zones connecting two metal workpieces to each other. Such adhesions are formed during the melting and subsequent cooling of steel.

A good welder must know the types of welded joints and be able to apply all types of seams . Without these skills it is impossible to produce a high-quality and durable structure.

Welding seams

Types of joints

Types of joints

Welds are divided into 5 variations:

  • overlap;
  • parallel;
  • butt;
  • corner;
  • t – shaped.

Welding seams and their varieties

Lap joints are often used to create cylindrical tanks that are planned to be operated in a horizontal or vertical position. The elements to be welded overlap, but do not completely overlap. The result is a structure that looks like a step. Welding seams are applied to the end sides of the parts .

Parallel application methods are used to increase the strength of the structure. Both components are tightly applied to each other and fastened by welding from the ribs. This technique can be used to strengthen structures whose exterior will be subject to strong mechanical stress. However, such technology is prohibited from being used in the repair of moving mechanisms.

Corner weld

The butt version is the most popular. The parts to be welded must be in the same plane, one opposite the other. This joint is used to fasten water pipes, chimneys, storage facilities or steel columns. This system is also used in mechanical engineering, in the manufacture of air and water transport, and in military factories. Yes, and creating such a “glue” requires a minimum of money and time.

Corner types of welds are well suited for fastening several workpieces that need to be positioned at right angles. The workpiece is made as follows: parts are installed at an angle of 90° (in the form of the “G” symbol), and a weld is applied at the junction of the edges . This welding is common in both industry and private use. And with its help you can make durable supports or boilers.


A T or T weld is not like the others because the finished part will look like the letter "T". It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to create this, since in the process it is important to take into account the restrictions related to holding the electrode (it is recommended to adhere to an angle of 60°). In this case, the thickness of the joined sheets may differ. Also, more wire will be required for execution, and elements welded by the T-method may come out with defects.

Operating technique

Operating technique

Moving the rod along a solid line will not be enough for good welding , and to become a master of your craft, you need to understand the technique of using the device. The main features of the technology are constant control of the gap between components.

If the distance is too small, the steel will not warm up well, which will negatively affect its strength. Both the speed of the tripod and the basic soldering procedure should be controlled. The main thing is that the molten metal is evenly distributed throughout the groove.

Weld characteristics

How to suture correctly:

  1. Cook in a circular or zigzag motion. The trajectory must be maintained throughout the entire adhesion.
  2. Hold the handle at the correct angle. The sharper the slope, the shallower the depth of steaming.
  3. Control the pace of movement of the electrode. It all depends on the voltage of the device. Higher current allows the holder to move at higher speeds, and the resulting seams will be thinner.
  4. Choose the adhesion layers wisely. Several rows can be made in the butt areas, however, a T-weld seam is most often made using this technique.

Taking these rules into account will help achieve the desired result, and the specialist will accurately produce any type of welding seam.

Application methods

Application methods

Application methods include:

  • Horizontal type. According to the rules, you can apply a seam both from right to left and in the opposite direction. Here it is important to maintain an acceptable angle of inclination, since excess molten metal will flow out. If a person has few skills, then the entire procedure can be completed in 2-3 passes.
  • Vertical type. The work surface can be located in the ceiling or wall areas. Welding joints can also be made using two methods: top-down and bottom-up. However, it is better to choose the first option, since the heat from the arc contributes to high heating of the alloy.
  • Ceiling type. The whole process must be completed very quickly, maintaining a stable pace of guiding the rod. Also, to maintain the alloy in the weld, you will need to make rotational movements. It should be noted that the current version is the most complex, and you should start working after gaining the necessary experience.

Typing of welding seams according to application method

From the first time it is difficult to understand what types there are and to study all the technologies. But regular practice will turn any beginner into a real professional.


Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

At any time of the year, especially in winter, you need to include salads in your diet. After all, not only can they be prepared quickly, but they can also be a source of large amounts of vitamins and other useful substances. My sister taught me how to make winter coleslaw with seeds. This dish contains a lot of vitamins and can be eaten every day.

List of required ingredients

List of required ingredients

  • Carrots - one or two pieces.
  • Cabbage - half a small fork.
  • Cherry tomatoes - five to six pieces.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Sweet pepper - one piece. You can take yellow or green.
  • Lemon - half.
  • Beets are one thing.
  • Arugula - 50 grams.
  • Sunflower seeds - half a glass. They must be cleaned.
  • Olive oil - two tablespoons.
  • Fresh greens. You can take parsley or dill.
  • Pepper - to taste.
  • Vinegar - three tablespoons.

After acquiring all the necessary ingredients, we proceed to the main action.



Wash all the vegetables needed for the salad thoroughly. Cut the cabbage into two halves. We put one in the refrigerator, we won’t need it. The other half must be finely chopped. We will need a cutting board and a sharp knife.

Place the shredded cabbage in a small saucepan or deep bowl. Grate the carrots and also add them to the pan. Mix everything. Take beets and grate them. You can do this directly over the pan. Mix everything again. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the rest of the vegetables. Cut the sweet pepper in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pepper into small pieces. Add some arugula leaves.

We wash the lemon under warm water and cut it into two parts. Squeeze the juice from one part into the chopped vegetables. Add olive oil and vinegar. And also a small amount of salt and pepper. Mix everything carefully. Lemon can be cut into pieces and added to the salad. Wash the parsley and cut it into small pieces.

It is best to buy seeds already peeled, then you don’t have to bother with them. Sprinkle the seeds on top. Now you need to give the salad a little time to brew. Take out beautiful plates and lay out the salad. It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, healthy.

Prepare it more often, and your loved ones will receive the required amount of vitamins even in winter.



Cabbage salad with seeds contains a small amount of calories. Therefore, it can be included in the diet even for people who are on a diet.

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How to learn to write poetry

How to learn to write poetry

Who among us didn’t want to be able to write poetry? Who didn’t want to give their lover/beloved a poetic confession, sublime, full of passion and fire? But what to do if you write poetry at the level of a first-grader, and your rhyme is “shoes-low shoes” and “candle-stove”? And is it really possible to learn to write poetry ? If someone says no, that this requires an innate talent that you don’t have, how reparable is the situation? But don’t fall into despair and don’t trust anyone, everything is possible. You can teach a hare to smoke; You can learn to write poetry too! And sometimes writing them is much easier than prose! So, what does it take?

- Wish

- Lexicon

— Online rhymer

- Patience

— Perseverance

- Subject

- Sense of rhythm

- Inspiration

The main thing is to start!

The main thing is to start!

Decide what you want to write about? What words, topics have already appeared in your head? What ideas do you want to convey through the poem? Have you decided? Now feel free to write the first line. Because it is she who sets the rhythm of the entire poem.

Feel it and try not to stray from it in the future. Perhaps rhythm is an extremely important condition for writing poetry! Because it is precisely this that distinguishes the quality of a poem.

But you don’t want to write another “masterpiece” that the Internet is already full of, do you? No, of course you want to create a beautiful verse.



Rhyme is as important as rhythm. Do not use banal rhymes, worn out by all poets before you, such as “roses-frost”, “blood-love”, “tears-thunderstorms”, etc. Try not to use verb rhymes. “Look-erase” was acceptable in the 18th century, but not acceptable in the 21st century. It is desirable that the verb rhymes with the noun or adverb, and vice versa. In general, even with any part of speech except the verb.

It is advisable to keep it brief. Try to do without unnecessary burdens. Brevity is the soul of wit! And this is precisely what distinguishes a beautiful poem - when everything is expressed clearly, clearly and accurately. To learn how to write poems beautifully, you need experience in writing them.

It is quite possible that even the poems of Pushkin himself, the greatest of the greats, came out in clumsy, vulgar and worthless lines. And it is equally possible that they rested in the bose (that is, in the paper basket) in the form of pathetic scraps of ink-stained paper.

But remember that Pushkin wrote not just for one year, but throughout his life. This is experience.

Poetic size

Poetic size

“no matter how hard we fought, he could not distinguish iambic from trochee”

Poetic meter is, of course, important. But you don’t necessarily need to know them in order to learn how to write poetry. The main thing is not to confuse them with each other, not to write a poem in two or even three sizes at the same time. As mentioned above, the sense of rhythm is what will allow you to avoid making such a mistake. Well, if you still want to learn about iambic, trochee, amphibrach, etc., then you can easily find everything in a search engine and study it thoroughly.

Rhymer programs

Rhymer programs

Don't think that true poets don't use things like rhymers. If they use it, then you can too.

There are a huge number of similar programs on the Internet, many of which work online. For example, you can download the program - whatever is more convenient for you. They produce about 2000 rhymes for one word, among which you can definitely choose the one you need.

Good luck to you, aspiring poets, in your creative flight! And stop wondering: how to learn to write poetry? Just write!


I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

How to make banana flavored rice

To create a special recipe, you only need a few simple ingredients. Nowadays, I simply don’t feel the need to pay more for this wonderful side dish at a cafe or popular restaurant.

Recipe ingredients:

  • a little oil;
  • rice cereal;
  • one banana.

Cooking technology

Cooking technology

Clean rice, please note that you just need to rinse the rice 2 times so that bubbles no longer appear on the surface of the water. Many rice products lose the outer layer of rice bran, which contains many nutrients, if they are shaken or stirred during cleaning. Having lost this layer of starch, the aroma of the rice grain also suffers greatly in its taste characteristics.

Moreover, rice often becomes drier after washing and stirring it in water.

After washing, soak the rice in water for 20-30 minutes. The goal is for the grain of rice to absorb water, thereby enhancing its flavor and making it more fluffy. But this step is overlooked by many because it is not necessary, but in fact it is very important. If you forget, try it the next time you cook rice.

Place the rice in the rice cooker, add water, then add the peeled banana. You can add a little vegetable oil to make the rice grain softer and shinier.

Close the lid and turn on the “Cook until done” mode. When the rice is cooked, the banana aroma will be released, which will make it soft and glossy. Those who don't like rice will probably also enjoy this exciting smell.

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What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

In order for a person to enjoy life and be happy, he needs to learn some important things.

Accept criticism

Accept criticism

It is criticism (if it is adequate) that helps a person grow and develop. People with low self-esteem react with rudeness and irritability in response to criticism, perceiving comments as a personal insult. If you feel that your self-esteem is suffering, then this is the first thing you need to work on. If a person loves and values ​​himself, then he is able to adequately perceive appropriate comments and work on his mistakes.

Adequately perceived criticism addressed to oneself as a sign of healthy self-esteem

Sincerely apologize

Sincerely apologize

Every person makes mistakes, but not everyone can admit a mistake, much less apologize for it. If you are wrong, you should apologize immediately and be sure to do it in person. It is also necessary to compensate for damages, if possible.

Value your own time and distribute it correctly

Value your own time and distribute it correctly

There should be enough time for both work and personal life. It is necessary to devote time to physical activities, mental activity and the spiritual side of your life. Don’t forget about rest, which the body simply needs for productivity.

Politely refuse

Politely refuse

Many people simply cannot say “no,” which is why they constantly suffer and feel unfree. You have every right to refuse a person and save your personal time and energy.

Polite refusal is not an insult



In any situation, try to put yourself in the shoes of another person, then you will be able to understand his feelings and emotions. It is empathy that makes us human.

Be friends

Be friends

Often friendships stretch from childhood and it is important that trusting relationships are maintained. A person needs a friend who can listen and give advice. If there are no old friends, learn to find new ones. Meet people, live in society, be open to communication.

Learn to communicate and make friends to feel like a full part of society

Maintain a budget

Maintain a budget

Every person should monitor their budget, regardless of their income level. Expenses should be calculated by writing down everything for clarity: utility bills, taxes, basic purchases.

Cook food

Cook food

It’s worth learning how to cook at least a few dishes. Let these be simple, accessible recipes, but they will definitely come in handy in life.

Learn to cook deliciously!

Wake up on time

Wake up on time

A properly designed daily routine will help you make the most of your physical strength and intellect. If you set your alarm for 6:00 and plan to wake up at that time in the evening, then you should not set the alarm for 6:30 when it starts ringing.

Always get up in the morning and then you will be cheerful and energetic throughout the day

Being alone

I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

To create a special recipe, you only need a few simple ingredients. Nowadays, I simply don’t feel the need to pay more for this wonderful side dish at a cafe or popular restaurant.

Recipe ingredients:

  • a little oil;
  • rice cereal;
  • one banana.

Cooking technology

Clean rice, please note that you just need to rinse the rice 2 times so that bubbles no longer appear on the surface of the water. Many rice products lose the outer layer of rice bran, which contains many nutrients, if they are shaken or stirred during cleaning. Having lost this layer of starch, the aroma of the rice grain also suffers greatly in its taste characteristics.

Moreover, rice often becomes drier after washing and stirring it in water.

After washing, soak the rice in water for 20-30 minutes. The goal is for the grain of rice to absorb water, thereby enhancing its flavor and making it more fluffy. But this step is overlooked by many because it is not necessary, but in fact it is very important. If you forget, try it the next time you cook rice.

Place the rice in the rice cooker, add water, then add the peeled banana. You can add a little vegetable oil to make the rice grain softer and shinier.

Close the lid and turn on the “Cook until done” mode. When the rice is cooked, the banana aroma will be released, which will make it soft and glossy. Those who don't like rice will probably also enjoy this exciting smell.


How to learn to dance twerk

Twerking is just a super sexy dance that will pump up your flexibility, and at the same time give a good load to your abdominal and back muscles. First, we’ll learn a few basic movements, and then we’ll diversify our dance vocabulary and look at the main mistakes. And at the end you will get a bonus in the form of a playlist with suitable music.

If you have problems with the lumbar spine, perform movements with caution, or better consult your doctor.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders and point your toes slightly to the sides. Bend your knees and place your hands on your hips, turning them with your fingers inward, bend your lower back.

From this position, twist your pelvis down, and then, by bending your lower back, return it to its original position. Imagine that you are trying to reach the top of your head with your pelvis.

It is important to fix your upper back and work only with your lower back. You cannot strain your gluteal muscles, otherwise the movement will become stiff.

If you have difficulty, try a lead-in exercise first. Place your hands on your hips so that your middle fingers are on the protruding pelvic bones in front, and your thumbs are on the back, closer to the sacrum. Bend your knees, push your pelvis down and then up, controlling the movement with your hands.

When you feel more confident, remove your hands and use your knees. When the pelvis goes down, the knees bend; when it goes up, they straighten. There is no need to lock your knees at the extreme point; they should remain slightly bent.

The pelvis moves backward not only due to straightening of the knees. The lower back must work.

This movement is very similar to the previous one, only the emphasis is on pushing the pelvis forward rather than backward.

Place your feet wide and turn your toes slightly to the sides. You can place your hands on your hips to better feel the tilt. At the same time, bend your knees and sharply push your pelvis forward so that your butt goes down, and then bend your lower back and move your pelvis back.

The emphasis is on the first phase of the movement, when the butt points down. It is important at this moment not to squeeze the buttocks, but to change the position of the pelvis by tensing the abdominal muscles.

Try other twerk moves


This element repeats the usual booty pop, only the movement of the pelvis in it is double: down-down, up-up.

Place your feet wider than your shoulders. At the same time, turn one leg with your toe and knee outward and transfer your weight to the opposite hip. Then switch sides with a small jump.

Try the movement slowly at first to get the hang of it, then speed up. Jump relaxed.

Up down twerk

Arch your lower back and move your pelvis back. On the count of “one”, simultaneously round your lower back, pushing your pelvis forward, bend your knees and bring your shoulders forward. On the count of “two,” bend your lower back and move your butt back in a half-squat.

On the count of three, straighten your knees, round your lower back and lean your shoulders forward. On the count of four, bend your back in the thoracic region, straightening your shoulders.

It turns out that at the lower point you bend in the lower back, and at the upper point - in the thoracic region.


To feel the movement, start doing it slowly. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your palms opposite your pelvis. Take turns touching your palms with one or the other pelvic bone. Gradually speed up.

You can perform the wobble while standing straight or bending over. Practice bending over and back up slowly as you move. Important: you should not squeeze, otherwise stiffness will arise and no shaking will work.

Zig zag

Get into a twerk stance, lower your right hip first and then your left. Then, one by one, lift them to the starting position. At first, perform the elements slowly, with fixation at each point, and then gradually speed up.

You can do this movement a little higher. In this case, start with a straight-legged, bent-over stance. In the same way, lower your right and left thighs in turn, bending your knees, and then raise your hips, straightening your legs.

Rise up onto your toes and rotate your heels in and out in a small range. Bend your lower back, try to relax your hips as much as possible.

This element can be performed in a straight position or in an inclined position, moving both legs at once or one at a time.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, point your toes forward, tilt your body and place your hands on your hips. Rotate your pelvis, lowering and lifting it as you move.

You can do this either bending over, leaning on your hips, or standing.

Happy twerk

Take the starting position for twerking, pointing your toes forward. Do one regular booty pop in place, then another with your toes and knees turned out to the sides, and then the next with them returning to a straight position.

Continue to turn your toes and knees outward and back, accompanying the movement by tilting your pelvis.


Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rise onto your toes. Move your pelvis back a little. Quickly move from foot to foot, trying to relax your buttocks.

Lift your right leg to the side, turn it with your toe and knee inward. From this position, simultaneously shift your weight to your left thigh and turn your raised leg toe outward. Return your foot to the floor and repeat on the other side.

You can dance twerk not only standing, but also squatting, on all fours, and even upside down on your hands, with your feet supporting the wall. Try different positions - this will help diversify your dance.


This is the same booty pop, only squatting. If you don't have enough stretch to move freely in a deep squat, start by working on your hip mobility.

Offset to one side

This option also requires good stretching. Otherwise, you will not be able to relax and move freely.

On knees

First, practice performing the element while standing to get used to it. Lift one leg onto your toes, turning your knee outward and at the same time leaning on the opposite thigh. Then smoothly switch sides.

Now place your palms on the floor, arch your lower back, bend your knees and lift your heels off the floor. Perform a familiar movement in a new position.

For starters, this will be enough for you. Try, combine movements with each other and, if something doesn’t work out, correct the mistakes.

Understand why you can't

There are three main reasons why instead of twerking you end up with some kind of bullshit. And butt size has nothing to do with it.

1. You lack flexibility

To twerk well, you must have good mobility in the lumbar spine and hips. If flexibility is lacking, you can improve it by doing stretching exercises.

Choose stretching exercises


How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn on your own, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly - Website about

In a private house, country house or garage, quite often there is a need to connect various metal parts and create structures from them. It makes no sense to turn to professionals for help every time in such a situation, because you can purchase an automatic welding machine yourself.

A wide selection of different devices are available in stores in different price categories, so welding with an inverter for beginners is the best that the market has to offer.

Basics of electric welding

Inverter devices are characterized by fairly high efficiency and ease of operation. The main load for the operation of such equipment falls on the electrical network.

It has storage capacitors that allow you to accumulate electricity and ensure an uninterrupted welding process and soft ignition of the arc.

Unlike old devices, which provide a maximum boost of electricity for work, which can result in traffic jams, an inverter allows you to safely operate from a household power supply.

To understand how to cook using inverter welding, you need to understand the basics of its operation.

In such manual welding machines, the arc is formed as a result of contact of the electrode with the product. Under the influence of temperature, the metal and electrode melt. The molten part of the rod and the product form a bath.

The coating of the rod also partially melts, turning into a gaseous state and closing the weld pool from oxygen. This allows you to protect the product from oxidation.

Each electrode, depending on its diameter, is designed for a certain current strength. If you reduce it below the required value, then the seam will not work. Increasing this parameter will allow you to form a seam, but the rod will burn out too quickly.

At the end of the welding work, the coating cools down, turning into slag. It covers the connection of metal parts from the outside. By tapping the seam with a hammer, it is quite easy to get rid of the slag.

This is not easy to do because the electrode melts, so it must be fed into the welding zone at a constant speed. In addition, you must try to guide the electrode evenly along the joint in order to obtain a seam of maximum quality.

Welding methods

Nowadays there are many methods used for welding. They are divided according to various criteria. This information will be useful for a beginner, so you should definitely read it.

Depending on the heating, the edges of the product may completely melt or be in a plastic state. The first method also requires applying certain forces to the parts being joined - pressure welding.

In the second, the connection is formed as a result of the formation of a weld pool in which there is molten metal and an electrode.

There are other welding methods in which the product does not heat up at all - cold welding, or is not brought to a plastic state - connection using ultrasound.

Methods and types of welding.

Other types of welding are listed below:

  1. Forge.
    In this method, the ends of the joined products are heated in a forge and then forged. This method is one of the most ancient and is currently practically not used.
  2. Gas press.
    The edges of the products are heated with oxygen acetylene over the entire plane and brought to a plastic state, after which they are subjected to compression. This method is highly efficient and productive. Used in the construction of gas pipelines, railways, and mechanical engineering.
  3. Contact.
    The parts are included in the electrical circuit of the welding equipment and current is passed through them. A short circuit occurs at the point of contact of the parts, as a result of which a large amount of heat is released at the junction. It is enough to melt and join metal.
  4. Butt, point and suture are varieties of the contact method of fastening the product.
  5. Roller.
    Used in joining sheet structures that require high-quality and reliable seams.
  6. Termite.
    The metal is held together by burning thermite, a mixture of iron oxide powder and pure aluminum.
  7. Nuclear-water.
    The edges of the product are melted by the action of an arc burning between two tungsten electrodes. The electrodes are connected to special holders through which hydrogen is supplied. As a result, the arc and liquid metal of the weld pool are protected by hydrogen from the harmful effects of atmospheric gases such as oxygen and nitrogen.
  8. Gas.
    The essence of the method is to use a flame to heat and melt parts. A flame is produced by burning a flammable gas in an oxygen atmosphere. The gas-oxygen mixture is produced using special burners.

The gas welding method refers to fusion welding. The gaps between the products are filled using filler wire. This method is widely used in various areas of human life. Most often found when joining thin-walled products, non-ferrous metals, cast iron.

When working with an inverter device, the polarity of the electrodes is of no small importance. Depending on the scheme, the heating intensity of the part changes, which allows you to create different welding conditions.

Step-by-step instructions for welding with an inverter

First of all, for welding you need to have protective elements:

  • gloves made of rough fabric;
  • welding mask with a special filter protecting the eyes;
  • a rough jacket and trousers made of material that will not catch fire from sparks that appear during welding;
  • closed shoes with thick soles.

Electrode position during welding.

Before you start welding with a welding inverter, you must take the necessary measures aimed at creating safe working conditions.

Proper preparation of the workplace consists of:

  • ensuring the necessary free space on the table, you should remove all unnecessary objects that could get splashed;
  • creating high-quality lighting;
  • Welding work must be performed while standing on a wooden floor that protects against electric shock.

Then the current is adjusted depending on the thickness of the parts and the electrodes are selected. The latter need to be prepared. If they were just purchased in a retail chain and their quality is beyond doubt, then this step can be skipped.

After preparing the electrodes, the ground terminal is connected to the product.

To obtain a high-quality and reliable connection, the metal must be prepared:

  • rust is completely removed from the edges of the product;
  • using solvents, various contaminants are cleaned;
  • At the last stage, the edges are checked for cleanliness; the presence of grease, paint and other contaminants is unacceptable.

Next you need to connect the welding inverter. It is better to carry out training on a thick metal sheet, forming a seam in the form of a roller. Make the first connection on metal lying horizontally on the table. Draw a straight line on it with chalk along which the seam will go.

Electrical circuit of the inverter.

  • In the process of training on such an object, you can significantly improve your welding technique.
  • The welding process begins with ignition of the arc.
  • There are two ways to perform this action:
  • scratching on metal;
  • tapping on metal.

The choice of method depends on the person’s preferences; the main thing when igniting is not to leave traces of welding outside the joint area.

After igniting the arc from contact with the metal, the arc is ignited, the welder removes the electrode from the surface of the part a short distance corresponding to the length of the arc and begins welding.

As a result, a weld is formed at the junction of two metal parts. It will be covered with scale - scale on the surface. It needs to be removed. This is very easy to do by tapping the seam with a small hammer.

Forward and reverse polarity

Melting of the metal for welding occurs under the influence of an arc. It, as noted above, is formed between the surface of the product and the electrode, since they are connected to opposite terminals of the device.

There are two main options for welding, differing from each other in the order of connection and called direct and reverse polarity.

In the first case, the rod is connected to the minus, and the part to the plus. In this case, an increased flow of heat occurs into the metal. As a result, a deep and narrow melting zone is formed.

Direct and reverse polarity.

With reverse polarity, the electrode is connected to the positive, and the product to the negative. In this case, the melting zone is wide and shallow.

The choice of polarity is entirely determined by the product you are working with. Welding can be performed with two types of polarity. When choosing, you should take into account the fact that the element connected to the positive is subject to greater heating.

For example, it is difficult to weld thin metal products due to possible overheating and burning. In this case, the part is connected to the minus. Currents are also selected according to the diameter of the electrode and the thickness of the metal. This data is taken from a special table.

Effect of electrode feed speed

The feed rate of the welding electrodes must provide the required amount of molten material supplied. Not having enough of it can lead to undercutting. This factor is very important in both direct and reverse polarity when welding.

During electric arc welding, due to the rapid movement of the rod along the joint, the arc power may not be enough to heat the metal. The result is a shallow seam that lies on top of the metal. The edges remain unmelted.

Slow advance of the electrode leads to overheating. In this case, it is possible to burn the surface and deform the thin metal.

Modern welding machines have a wide range of different functions and capabilities. Nevertheless, at the moment, most of the quality work done is still determined by human skill.

Effect of current

Welding current selection table.

When mastering the basics of welding with an inverter, it is important to understand what current strength needs to be set in each individual situation. A properly configured inverter welding machine is the key to success.

Data on the current value are taken from the table, which also shows the size of the electrodes. However, these current values ​​are not exact; they are plus or minus several tens of amperes.

Features of welding thin metal

In everyday tasks, we are most often faced with the need to join thin metal. In this case, it is necessary to remember the basics of inverter welding for beginners, namely the importance of connecting the product to the correct pole. Thin parts are connected to the “minus” of the welding machine.

Here are some useful tips that can help improve your skills:

  • start cooking using the minimum current;
  • form the seam at an angle forward;
  • use reverse polarity;
  • secure the part to reduce distortion during welding.

Common mistakes made by newbies

Beginner welders tend to make mistakes due to ignorance of the basics regarding the use of welding equipment. For example, beginners may not know how to choose the correct polarity for welding with an inverter, which will lead to poor-quality joint formation or even burning of the part.

The following main errors can be identified:

  • neglect of safety precautions;
  • incorrect choice of welding machine;
  • use of low-quality or unprepared electrodes;
  • work without trial seams.

Let's sum it up

Having learned to work with welding equipment, it will be possible to solve many everyday problems that often arise when working in the country or in the garage. Beginners should pay special attention to the polarity of welding parts of different thicknesses with an inverter.

By understanding how to properly configure the equipment and choose an electrode, you will be able to obtain high-quality seams on any product. Be sure to pay attention to the forward and reverse polarity of connecting the welding inverter.

When welding thick parts, direct polarity is used when welding with an inverter, and for thin parts, reverse polarity is used.


How to sew up a hole so that the seam is not visible or with a hidden seam - step-by-step instructions

Any hole, even in a visible place, can be sewn up or disguised so that nothing will be noticeable. A small tear (for example, from a cat's claw) is closed as if it were not with a hidden seam. You won't be able to sew up a large hole; decorative tricks will come to the rescue. Luckily, embroidery, patches and studs are back in fashion.

Hole in a knitted T-shirt

It is not difficult to put a hole in thin cotton knitwear. It’s all the more unpleasant when it shows off in a prominent place of your favorite thing. In such cases, repairs are usually made with simple threads using a hidden seam. But even then, “terry” threads often remain on the front side, and the thickness unpleasantly increases.

To sew up a hole on a T-shirt as discreetly as possible, use a thin (beaded) needle and thread made from chiffon, organza or waste nylon tights:

  1. Pull the thread out of the fabric and thread it into the needle. For convenience, we use a thread threader. We do not tie a knot.
  2. We quilt on the right side of the fabric, inserting the needle into the knitted loops. To prevent eye pain, turn on a bright light and arm yourself with a magnifying lens.
  3. Connect the opposite edges of the hole.
  4. At the end, we bring the needle to the wrong side and collect the missing loops.
  5. We fasten with stitches, not with a knot.
  6. Upon completion of the work, we go over the seam with an iron from the inside out to fix it and not accidentally tighten it in the future.

Hole on hand knitwear

A suitable repair method for knitted items is darning. How discreetly you can hide the loose loops depends on the size of the damage. Thus, a short hook with a torn or pulled out thread can easily be patched with a knitted seam, simply by gathering the loops together with a suitable thread.

If the thread breaks and the fabric unravels, the best option is to restore the torn thread in the top row (by tying the ends) or replace it with a new one, then arm yourself with knitting needles or a crochet hook and pick up the thread, re-knitting the section. Secure with a “crawfish step” or a simple overlock stitch.

How to remove a large tear if all or several threads are torn:

  1. Use a needle-forward stitch around the tear. This way the fabric will not stretch during darning, and the thread can be pulled out afterwards.
  2. Then, between the outer loops of each row of holes, stretch thin transverse threads as a base.
  3. Perform the darning itself by wrapping loops around each warp thread from the top to the very bottom of the break. Next row, “braid” the hole with the same girths, but from the bottom up.

Hole on genuine leather

Although leather clothing is practical and durable, even it is not protected from accidental snags on sharp objects. Light damage - holes and narrow cuts - is best fixed with glue to an internal patch made of plaster or any thin, elastic material.

To sew up a large hole, prepare two patches to match the color of the product:

  • fabric, slightly wider than the gust, will be located on the inside as a lining;
  • leather, identical in size.

Next, the edges of the tear are aligned, and the patches are carefully attached to the hole, joining together.

Hole in nylon tights

Nylon is a light and fragile material that breaks at almost any snag. If you don’t have the time and money to buy a new pair, you can get used to it and carefully sew up the tights both on your fingers and in a visible place:

  1. Prepare a thin needle and thread that is as close in color to the product as possible. Silk threads or thread pulled from unnecessary tights are also suitable.
  2. Gently pinch the opposite edges at the base of the hole.
  3. Sew tights, sequentially picking up loops from different sides. Try not to miss a single one to prevent the material from spreading further.
  4. If possible, go over the seam with a clear varnish.

Don’t rush to throw away tights with a long crease. Use them to pull out thin threads and make the most invisible seams.

Hole on lace and guipure

Restoring torn guipure or lace is a painstaking task that requires special patience, and in most cases also experience in lace weaving. Repairing a lace product will make it easier to pre-align the edges of the hole to avoid mesh breaks.

If the hole is not noticeable, you should try to find a matching guipure pattern in stores and hem it with a thin single thread from the bottom.

You can try to restore the lace mesh pattern so that the seam from the patch is not visible. A rougher finish will be obtained by crocheting the mesh. To do this, a strong thread will need to be tied into small bundles. The most accurate restoration of the pattern is achieved when weaving lace using bobbins - special spools onto which yarn is thrown.

How to beautifully sew up a hole in thick fabric

It is not necessary to mask scuffs and rips on furniture, leather clothing, and denim. If they are located in a visible place, they can be decorated. Here are a few techniques:

  • “leaf”: the upper and lower edges of the hole are fixed with 1 stitch, then from edge to edge of the drawn leaf, stitches are placed crosswise and tightly to each other (each goes in a house and from bottom to top), so that a braid is formed, reminiscent of the texture of a hazel leaf;


Welding seams

Welding is one of the main methods of fastening two elements, and welding seams are zones connecting two metal workpieces to each other. Such adhesions are formed during the melting and subsequent cooling of steel.

A good welder must know the types of welded joints and be able to apply all types of seams . Without these skills it is impossible to produce a high-quality and durable structure.

Welding seams

Types of joints

Welds are divided into 5 variations:

  • overlap;
  • parallel;
  • butt;
  • corner;
  • t – shaped.

Welding seams and their varieties

Lap joints are often used to create cylindrical tanks that are planned to be operated in a horizontal or vertical position. The elements to be welded overlap, but do not completely overlap. The result is a structure that looks like a step. Welding seams are applied to the end sides of the parts .

Parallel application methods are used to increase the strength of the structure. Both components are tightly applied to each other and fastened by welding from the ribs. This technique can be used to strengthen structures whose exterior will be subject to strong mechanical stress. However, such technology is prohibited from being used in the repair of moving mechanisms.

Corner weld

The butt version is the most popular. The parts to be welded must be in the same plane, one opposite the other. This joint is used to fasten water pipes, chimneys, storage facilities or steel columns. This system is also used in mechanical engineering, in the manufacture of air and water transport, and in military factories. Yes, and creating such a “glue” requires a minimum of money and time.

Corner types of welds are well suited for fastening several workpieces that need to be positioned at right angles. The workpiece is made as follows: parts are installed at an angle of 90° (in the form of the “G” symbol), and a weld is applied at the junction of the edges . This welding is common in both industry and private use. And with its help you can make durable supports or boilers.


A T or T weld is not like the others because the finished part will look like the letter "T". It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to create this, since in the process it is important to take into account the restrictions related to holding the electrode (it is recommended to adhere to an angle of 60°). In this case, the thickness of the joined sheets may differ. Also, more wire will be required for execution, and elements welded by the T-method may come out with defects.

Operating technique

Moving the rod along a solid line will not be enough for good welding , and to become a master of your craft, you need to understand the technique of using the device. The main features of the technology are constant control of the gap between components.

If the distance is too small, the steel will not warm up well, which will negatively affect its strength. Both the speed of the tripod and the basic soldering procedure should be controlled. The main thing is that the molten metal is evenly distributed throughout the groove.

Weld characteristics

How to suture correctly:

  1. Cook in a circular or zigzag motion. The trajectory must be maintained throughout the entire adhesion.
  2. Hold the handle at the correct angle. The sharper the slope, the shallower the depth of steaming.
  3. Control the pace of movement of the electrode. It all depends on the voltage of the device. Higher current allows the holder to move at higher speeds, and the resulting seams will be thinner.
  4. Choose the adhesion layers wisely. Several rows can be made in the butt areas, however, a T-weld seam is most often made using this technique.

Taking these rules into account will help achieve the desired result, and the specialist will accurately produce any type of welding seam.

Application methods

Application methods include:

  • Horizontal type. According to the rules, you can apply a seam both from right to left and in the opposite direction. Here it is important to maintain an acceptable angle of inclination, since excess molten metal will flow out. If a person has few skills, then the entire procedure can be completed in 2-3 passes.
  • Vertical type. The work surface can be located in the ceiling or wall areas. Welding joints can also be made using two methods: top-down and bottom-up. However, it is better to choose the first option, since the heat from the arc contributes to high heating of the alloy.
  • Ceiling type. The whole process must be completed very quickly, maintaining a stable pace of guiding the rod. Also, to maintain the alloy in the weld, you will need to make rotational movements. It should be noted that the current version is the most complex, and you should start working after gaining the necessary experience.

Typing of welding seams according to application method

From the first time it is difficult to understand what types there are and to study all the technologies. But regular practice will turn any beginner into a real professional.


Unusual vitamin dish: I learned how to cook cabbage salad with seeds

At any time of the year, especially in winter, you need to include salads in your diet. After all, not only can they be prepared quickly, but they can also be a source of large amounts of vitamins and other useful substances. My sister taught me how to make winter coleslaw with seeds. This dish contains a lot of vitamins and can be eaten every day.

List of required ingredients

  • Carrots - one or two pieces.
  • Cabbage - half a small fork.
  • Cherry tomatoes - five to six pieces.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Sweet pepper - one piece. You can take yellow or green.
  • Lemon - half.
  • Beets are one thing.
  • Arugula - 50 grams.
  • Sunflower seeds - half a glass. They must be cleaned.
  • Olive oil - two tablespoons.
  • Fresh greens. You can take parsley or dill.
  • Pepper - to taste.
  • Vinegar - three tablespoons.

After acquiring all the necessary ingredients, we proceed to the main action.


Wash all the vegetables needed for the salad thoroughly. Cut the cabbage into two halves. We put one in the refrigerator, we won’t need it. The other half must be finely chopped. We will need a cutting board and a sharp knife.

Place the shredded cabbage in a small saucepan or deep bowl. Grate the carrots and also add them to the pan. Mix everything. Take beets and grate them. You can do this directly over the pan. Mix everything again. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them to the rest of the vegetables. Cut the sweet pepper in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pepper into small pieces. Add some arugula leaves.

We wash the lemon under warm water and cut it into two parts. Squeeze the juice from one part into the chopped vegetables. Add olive oil and vinegar. And also a small amount of salt and pepper. Mix everything carefully. Lemon can be cut into pieces and added to the salad. Wash the parsley and cut it into small pieces.

It is best to buy seeds already peeled, then you don’t have to bother with them. Sprinkle the seeds on top. Now you need to give the salad a little time to brew. Take out beautiful plates and lay out the salad. It turns out very tasty, and most importantly, healthy.

Prepare it more often, and your loved ones will receive the required amount of vitamins even in winter.


Cabbage salad with seeds contains a small amount of calories. Therefore, it can be included in the diet even for people who are on a diet.

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How to learn to write poetry

Who among us didn’t want to be able to write poetry? Who didn’t want to give their lover/beloved a poetic confession, sublime, full of passion and fire? But what to do if you write poetry at the level of a first-grader, and your rhyme is “shoes-low shoes” and “candle-stove”? And is it really possible to learn to write poetry ? If someone says no, that this requires an innate talent that you don’t have, how reparable is the situation? But don’t fall into despair and don’t trust anyone, everything is possible. You can teach a hare to smoke; You can learn to write poetry too! And sometimes writing them is much easier than prose! So, what does it take?

- Wish

- Lexicon

— Online rhymer

- Patience

— Perseverance

- Subject

- Sense of rhythm

- Inspiration

The main thing is to start!

Decide what you want to write about? What words, topics have already appeared in your head? What ideas do you want to convey through the poem? Have you decided? Now feel free to write the first line. Because it is she who sets the rhythm of the entire poem.

Feel it and try not to stray from it in the future. Perhaps rhythm is an extremely important condition for writing poetry! Because it is precisely this that distinguishes the quality of a poem.

But you don’t want to write another “masterpiece” that the Internet is already full of, do you? No, of course you want to create a beautiful verse.


Rhyme is as important as rhythm. Do not use banal rhymes, worn out by all poets before you, such as “roses-frost”, “blood-love”, “tears-thunderstorms”, etc. Try not to use verb rhymes. “Look-erase” was acceptable in the 18th century, but not acceptable in the 21st century. It is desirable that the verb rhymes with the noun or adverb, and vice versa. In general, even with any part of speech except the verb.

It is advisable to keep it brief. Try to do without unnecessary burdens. Brevity is the soul of wit! And this is precisely what distinguishes a beautiful poem - when everything is expressed clearly, clearly and accurately. To learn how to write poems beautifully, you need experience in writing them.

It is quite possible that even the poems of Pushkin himself, the greatest of the greats, came out in clumsy, vulgar and worthless lines. And it is equally possible that they rested in the bose (that is, in the paper basket) in the form of pathetic scraps of ink-stained paper.

But remember that Pushkin wrote not just for one year, but throughout his life. This is experience.

Poetic size

“no matter how hard we fought, he could not distinguish iambic from trochee”

Poetic meter is, of course, important. But you don’t necessarily need to know them in order to learn how to write poetry. The main thing is not to confuse them with each other, not to write a poem in two or even three sizes at the same time. As mentioned above, the sense of rhythm is what will allow you to avoid making such a mistake. Well, if you still want to learn about iambic, trochee, amphibrach, etc., then you can easily find everything in a search engine and study it thoroughly.

Rhymer programs

Don't think that true poets don't use things like rhymers. If they use it, then you can too.

There are a huge number of similar programs on the Internet, many of which work online. For example, you can download the program - whatever is more convenient for you. They produce about 2000 rhymes for one word, among which you can definitely choose the one you need.

Good luck to you, aspiring poets, in your creative flight! And stop wondering: how to learn to write poetry? Just write!


I learned from the Vietnamese: before cooking rice, I put a banana in the water.

During the cold season, my family often eats fried snails with chili and lemongrass, which is why we eat so much rice at this time. But not everyone knows how to cook cereal correctly and tasty. From the day my friend in Japan told me about the Teriyaki Chicken Rice recipe, my family no longer needed to go to expensive restaurants.

Rice is an integral part of families' daily lives. However, in order to cook rice, and it is tasty, aromatic and attractive, you need your own secret, especially so that the cereal has a slight special fruity taste.

Main secret

The main secret of the cereal is adding bananas during cooking. Many may be wondering what this fruit has to do with cooking a pot of rice. Indeed, bananas are always known as nutritious fruits that are good for human health. In particular, they have a very specific aroma and fresh taste. If the rice smells like banana, it will definitely be more attractive.

How to make banana flavored rice

To create a special recipe, you only need a few simple ingredients. Nowadays, I simply don’t feel the need to pay more for this wonderful side dish at a cafe or popular restaurant.

Recipe ingredients:

  • a little oil;
  • rice cereal;
  • one banana.

Cooking technology

Clean rice, please note that you just need to rinse the rice 2 times so that bubbles no longer appear on the surface of the water. Many rice products lose the outer layer of rice bran, which contains many nutrients, if they are shaken or stirred during cleaning. Having lost this layer of starch, the aroma of the rice grain also suffers greatly in its taste characteristics.

Moreover, rice often becomes drier after washing and stirring it in water.

After washing, soak the rice in water for 20-30 minutes. The goal is for the grain of rice to absorb water, thereby enhancing its flavor and making it more fluffy. But this step is overlooked by many because it is not necessary, but in fact it is very important. If you forget, try it the next time you cook rice.

Place the rice in the rice cooker, add water, then add the peeled banana. You can add a little vegetable oil to make the rice grain softer and shinier.

Close the lid and turn on the “Cook until done” mode. When the rice is cooked, the banana aroma will be released, which will make it soft and glossy. Those who don't like rice will probably also enjoy this exciting smell.

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What you need to learn in life: the most important things, tips

In order for a person to enjoy life and be happy, he needs to learn some important things.

Accept criticism

It is criticism (if it is adequate) that helps a person grow and develop. People with low self-esteem react with rudeness and irritability in response to criticism, perceiving comments as a personal insult. If you feel that your self-esteem is suffering, then this is the first thing you need to work on. If a person loves and values ​​himself, then he is able to adequately perceive appropriate comments and work on his mistakes.

Adequately perceived criticism addressed to oneself as a sign of healthy self-esteem

Sincerely apologize

Every person makes mistakes, but not everyone can admit a mistake, much less apologize for it. If you are wrong, you should apologize immediately and be sure to do it in person. It is also necessary to compensate for damages, if possible.

Value your own time and distribute it correctly

There should be enough time for both work and personal life. It is necessary to devote time to physical activities, mental activity and the spiritual side of your life. Don’t forget about rest, which the body simply needs for productivity.

Politely refuse

Many people simply cannot say “no,” which is why they constantly suffer and feel unfree. You have every right to refuse a person and save your personal time and energy.

Polite refusal is not an insult


In any situation, try to put yourself in the shoes of another person, then you will be able to understand his feelings and emotions. It is empathy that makes us human.

Be friends

Often friendships stretch from childhood and it is important that trusting relationships are maintained. A person needs a friend who can listen and give advice. If there are no old friends, learn to find new ones. Meet people, live in society, be open to communication.

Learn to communicate and make friends to feel like a full part of society

Maintain a budget

Every person should monitor their budget, regardless of their income level. Expenses should be calculated by writing down everything for clarity: utility bills, taxes, basic purchases.

Cook food

It’s worth learning how to cook at least a few dishes. Let these be simple, accessible recipes, but they will definitely come in handy in life.

Learn to cook deliciously!

Wake up on time

A properly designed daily routine will help you make the most of your physical strength and intellect. If you set your alarm for 6:00 and plan to wake up at that time in the evening, then you should not set the alarm for 6:30 when it starts ringing.

Always get up in the morning and then you will be cheerful and energetic throughout the day

Being alone

Some people simply cannot be alone and are always surrounded by other people. Situations can be different, for example, if a person moved to another city where he doesn’t know anyone. In this case, he will be forced to be alone for some time. It is important to be able to survive such a time without becoming depressed or panicking. Anyone who feels comfortable alone is always at peace of mind.

The ability to feel comfortable alone as a way to avoid emotional worries and fears

Believe in yourself and your strengths, be optimistic and open, don’t be ashamed to ask for help, be honest with the people around you and with yourself. Live and learn to enjoy life.

More interesting information on the topic in the video:


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