How to properly apply a seam when welding

Types and techniques of welding seams

Today, the most popular type of joining parts into a monolithic product is welding. There are many types of it, since welding work is used in many industries, from households to the creation of complex technical structures. It’s not difficult to learn the art of welding, the main thing is to understand the basic concepts, distinguish between types of welding and get good at guiding the electrode (torch) to create a beautiful, durable and high-quality seam.

Welding principles and basic concepts

Before we move on to the technology of how to properly lay a welding seam, let’s look at a few concepts:

  • a welded connection is the joining of two parts using a welding method;
  • welding seam is a section of a welded joint, which was formed due to the molecular connection of the molten edges of two metal parts, as a result of further crystallization of the metal;
  • weld metal is an alloy that is formed as a result of thermal effects on the base metal (part);
  • the fusion zone is the boundary between the weld metal and the base metal (product);
  • a thermally affected zone is an area that was exposed to heat, but did not melt, but only changed its properties due to heating.
  • welding is a process during which metal is melted using special equipment that connects elements by melting their edges;
  • electric arc is a discharge that occurs between the workpiece and the electrode;
  • An electrode is a special metal rod with various chemical coatings that conducts electric current.

Different industries use different types of welding, which differ in the method of influence, the use of different materials and operating technologies to create simple and multi-pass seams.

For example, in arc welding, the main melting element is the electrode, which excites and holds the arc on the workpiece.

In gas welding, the heat source is a torch, from which, under strong pressure, an even, uninterrupted flame emerges, formed as a result of the combustion of a mixture of oxygen and acetylene.

Although different types of welding have different effects on the part, the essence remains the same: two metal products are placed tightly against each other or with a short distance if, for example, it is necessary to weld a leaky part.

Next, using a welding machine, the master heats the edges of the part so that they begin to melt. At this moment, a so-called weld pool is formed. In addition to the base metal, an additional one (electrode or wire) is often used to increase the amount of weld metal.

When the molten material is ready, a path is formed. It then crystallizes and forms a strong compound.

Types of seams and technology

When the master has already mastered how to properly weld, you can proceed directly to the types and techniques of the seam.

The key to a quality connection is the correct settings on the welding machine (transformer or inverter), in accordance with the characteristics of the metal and its melting point. Soft metals are cooked at low currents, dense metals at high currents.

It is also necessary to take into account the type of weld, since each of them has its own technique. The most common types of seams:

1. In appearance – flat, reinforced and weakened.

2.According to the technique of execution - single-sided and double-sided (in which the master solders the workpieces on both sides).

3.By the number of layers - one-, two-, three-layer.

4. By length - point, double-sided chess, chain, point, continuous.

5.In the direction of force - transverse, longitudinal, oblique, combined.

6. According to spatial placement - horizontal, vertical, ceiling, bottom.

Let's now move on to the technology of making the seam. Let's consider the main stages of work:

1. Preparatory. This step requires some preparatory work to be done. First, prepare the workplace in accordance with safety rules. Secondly, stock up on overalls and a protective mask to prevent eye burns.

Third, prepare the product for use. To do this, it must be cleaned of any remaining paint, varnish, oil, dust and other contaminants. To do this, use a metal brush or highly abrasive sandpaper.

Then you need to set all the settings on the welding machine and you can start.

2.Creating an arc or igniting the torch (depending on the type of welding). Features of electric arc welding can be read here, and gas welding here.

3. At this stage, welding seams are created (consider electrode guiding techniques in more detail).

4.Final stage. When the track is ready, you must remember to knock off the slag from the roller (for arc welding). Connections created by gas and plasma welding do not slag, that is, there is no debris from them.

Electrode guiding technique is the key to a beautiful welding seam

To create a perfect seam, it is not enough to move the electrode in a straight line along the gap between the parts. There are several methods for creating connections. All of them are based on the smooth movement of the electrode along a certain path, resulting in a smooth path.

To create a beautiful welding seam, the torch or electrode needs to be slightly rotated in relation to the part by 60 degrees. It needs to be done smoothly, but it is important not to hold the conductor in one place so as not to scorch the workpiece.

The easiest way is “zigzag”. In this case, the conductor is drawn from the right fusion zone to the left one slightly diagonally. You should return in a mirror image and the result will be as if the master is conventionally drawing a zigzag.

This connection can be used for different types of alloys and metals.

If the gap between the workpieces is more than 5 millimeters, then it is better to use the herringbone technique. In this case, more movements are made, which allow you to fuse more material for bonding.

It is recommended to start on the right side and lead the conductor with an even horizontal line to the left, then at an angle of 45 degrees you need to return down to the middle of the seam and at the same angle lay a line upward, stretching it above the one from which you started.

Thus, you will get a conditional Christmas tree created from many triangles. In this case, the main thing is not to increase the distance between the electrode and the workpiece, so as not to lose the arc (during electric arc welding).

Beautiful connections are obtained using the “loop” technique. It can be used for thin metal when working semi-automatically or gas welding. Here the seams should be applied in smooth, rounded movements, reminiscent of a continuous chain of loops.

In the picture you can see what other methods are used to apply welds.

Tips from the professionals

Masters who easily create tracks of any complexity and in any position share some tips with novice welders who do not understand why they cannot make this or that connection:

  • it is important to maintain the same width of the gap along the entire seam, then it will be of high quality and reliable;
  • the distance between the part and the electrode must not be violated, since when the arc is lost, the connection is deformed;
  • the electrode or burner must be held at an angle of 60-75 degrees relative to the seam, thus the metal quickly crystallizes without drips;
  • when working on a vertical surface, it is better to weld from the bottom up, this way you will avoid the spreading of the metal formed during welding.

In conclusion, it should be noted that we looked at the basic techniques for making a good seam. You can find out more in the following video:


How to properly weld a ceiling seam using electric welding? Different working methods!

The question of how to weld a ceiling seam interests even many professionals in the field of welding, let alone beginners.

The main problem lies in the spatial position itself. The welder has to work in an uncomfortable position, with his arms raised, and this causes rapid fatigue. There is a risk of melt dripping, which can lead not only to burns due to splashing, but also to the formation of a poor-quality seam.

To get a good result, you need to approach this work with the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Equipment used

The work can be carried out either by an inverter or a conventional transformer. Regardless of the device chosen, the current should be reduced slightly; its value should be about a quarter lower than for similar work performed on the floor.

For example, a reliable connection of 5 mm wafers can be achieved by setting the current to 100 Amps.

The optimal diameter of the electrodes is 3-4 millimeters, no more.

Before starting work, they are thoroughly dried. This minimizes splashing and also eliminates the release of gas. The edges of the parts to be welded are cleaned.

Safety precautions

Welding in the ceiling position is hard work, during which safety precautions must be observed. They look like this:

  1. Clothes - thick overalls, gloves with long cuffs that will not let scale get under the sleeves. The head should be covered with a thick hat. The length of the trousers should be with a certain margin, since drops of molten metal, hitting the floor, splash and can fall on the legs.
  2. All flammable objects and liquids should be removed from the work area.
  3. When beating off slag, you need to wear glasses to prevent small particles of metal from getting into your eyes.
  4. All wires are insulated; if work stops, the welding machine is de-energized.

During work, you should take breaks to relieve stress from the muscles of your neck and arms.

Important! It should be noted that if welding is planned in a room with a high level of humidity, it is better for beginners not to undertake it. This is dangerous and difficult even for professionals with extensive experience.

Secrets of work

Welding a ceiling seam with electrodes is carried out using some “techniques” that simplify the process and improve the quality of the finished result:

  • It is better to work with a short arc, this increases accuracy;
  • It is better to hold the electrodes with a slight deviation to the side, this reduces the likelihood of spreading of the deposited metal;
  • the width of the seam should not be greater than the diameter of the electrode used;
  • the seam is made “towards oneself”. This approach makes it possible to control its quality and condition, as well as choose the most comfortable working pace.

Working methods

Arc welding can be performed using the following techniques:

1. Crescent. The initial position of the electrode relative to the ceiling plane is in the range from 90 to 130 degrees. When moving, the master seems to describe crescent moons with elements.

Practice shows that this method is optimal for novice welders.

Yes, the time required here is quite high, which is explained by the need to form a seam in several passes, but the accuracy is as high as possible and there are no difficulties. It is enough for a specialist to ensure that:

  • the welding speed was not too high;
  • do not form beads of great thickness, which provoke spreading of the deposited metal.

2. Reciprocating technique. Here you also have to prepare for the fact that the work will be monotonous and slow; you will have to go over the seam several times.

First, the main, root seam is formed, for which an electrode 3 millimeters thick is used. The current strength when forming the root weld is set to the average value.

3. Ladder. As in the first case, the initial position of the electrode relative to the base lies in the range from 90 to 130 degrees.

During operation, the element is moved to the side, which eliminates the possibility of melt spreading. The welder waits until the metal cools down and then continues the process. If you need to get a long weld, then this method is the best option.

Rules and requirements

The following rules, recommendations and standards will help you understand how to properly weld a ceiling seam using electric welding:

  1. Before starting work, you need to bring the parts to be welded together as tightly as possible. The smaller the gap, the easier it is to get a high-quality and durable seam. Practice shows that it is almost impossible for a beginner to cope with a large gap; experience is needed here.
  2. The edges need to be cut. If the thickness of the metal part being welded is more than 5 millimeters, you need to form a V-shaped bevel.
  3. When bringing the electrode to the working plane, you must maintain an angle of 45 degrees. Beginners can be advised to use short half electrodes to increase the accuracy of manipulations.
  4. If the planes are initially tightly fitted to each other, the gap is minimal, then the first seam is formed almost without oscillating movements of the electrode. This approach allows you to fully fill the gap with fusion. The next seam is made with an increased width, which increases the overall structural strength.
  5. It is better to work with short intermittent arcs. This allows drops of deposited metal to quickly cool and adhere firmly to the base. This approach, firstly, ensures greater aesthetics and strength of the seam, and, secondly, it minimizes dangerous spattering.


How to weld correctly: weld seams, learn it yourself, electric welding for beginners, how to do it correctly

To learn how to cook well by welding, you should practice a lot. There are an incredible number of moments when you need to cook by welding, and this may be required at home, in a country house, in an apartment, in a garage, in any high-rise building, in particular in such fields as construction or home repairs, as well as plumbing, water supply and drainage installations and more. Hiring specialists to carry out welding work is not a cheap pleasure, and therefore many people prefer to weld the necessary elements themselves. How to do it right? Learning to work with electric welding from scratch is not easy, but it is quite possible, and for this you can attend lessons for beginners, purchase a tutorial for dummies, or use the tips presented below.


    • Recommendations: how to weld metal correctly
    • Welding seam options
    • Tips: how to learn to weld by yourself
    • What defects are worth knowing about in order to make the correct welding seam?
    • Precautions before welding with electrodes
    • Nuances for beginners in welding
    • How to cook using electric welding (video lessons)
    • Examples of welding seams

To weld metal sheets or pipes, you will need to familiarize yourself with safety precautions, study the work process, carefully follow the technology, or hire a welder such as a trumpeter.

Many people think that it is enough to learn how to use electrodes and how to weld seams, but you need to know all the intricacies of the work, especially regarding the connection of 2 different metals and what electrodes are needed.

Before you start welding metal, you need to read the recommendations of specialists and watch a master class

Theory is one thing, but a course of practice is required to begin independently welding various structures without mistakes and the likelihood of leaks. For example, before welding, each element must be fixed using ties, clamps and other elements.

Need to know:

  • What problems may arise;
  • How to avoid defects;
  • What is the welding technology for a specific type of element?

In addition, tack welds or, in other words, transverse seams, each of which holds the joints together, may be required, and it is advisable to install them at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Welding seam options

There are different types of seams, which may differ from each other due to various factors, in particular in how the metal products are joined. These are the very basics of welding that are taught to beginners.

The seam can be:

  • Butt;
  • Overlap;
  • Tavrovy.

Welding seams may vary depending on the type of welding machine

The profession of an electric welder is very complex and sometimes requires too much investment in strength and energy, since welding of metal products can be carried out even under the ceiling. The classification of seams can be based on where they are located in space, and there are vertical, horizontal, and ceiling types.

Tips: how to learn to weld by yourself

It is quite possible to weld a metal structure yourself in 1 day if you know how many electrodes are required, which ones should be used, and provided that the product is not too large.

What else do you need to keep in mind to learn how to cook on your own:

  1. For a welder, it is important not only to work correctly, but also to learn the basics, in particular what operating mode is required for a particular material, since the metal can be made of steel, alloys or fabrics such as metal.
  2. You should definitely study the methods by which you can make a specific seam.
  3. You need to choose the right electrodes and welding wire.

If you initially do not need to become a professional of the highest category, then you can learn welding yourself by watching video tutorials, drawings with seams, and also studying the advice of professionals. The training will be long, but possibly productive, especially if you gradually try to produce seams, increasing the amount of work experience.

To start welding, you need electrodes and the welding machine itself.

To learn how to weld well, you should get the appropriate education.

Many people prefer to use resanta, as the equipment can withstand long-term loads, which allows you to quickly complete the job. When first trying to work with welding, it is better to use an inverter, and only then, with a lot of experience, it is possible to use any other device. As for the electrodes, it is advisable to choose “3”. They are easy to use, and most importantly, they do not overload the electricity network.

In general, welding equipment is divided into types - transformer, rectifier, inverter. Why do inverters remain popular? They are compact in size, light in weight, and very easy for a beginner to handle. When taking the first steps to learning welding, it is worth taking simpler types of metal and preferably even elements, so as not to complicate the task.

Before welding you need to prepare:

  • Bucket with water;
  • Hammer for knocking down slag;
  • Iron brush;
  • A mask that protects the face and neck area;
  • Gloves made of special fabric impregnated with a composition to prevent fire and burnout of the fabric;
  • Special clothing with long sleeves.

Do not forget that welding is a fire hazard, and therefore it is strictly forbidden to have combustible or flammable objects nearby in order to avoid serious consequences.

What defects are worth knowing about in order to make the correct welding seam?

Making beautiful seams that look perfect is not so easy, since even a specialist with extensive experience cannot always carry out the process as competently as possible. Everything depends not only on whether the rules are followed and whether the angle of inclination of the electrode is chosen correctly, but also on many other factors.

It is worth noting that any training manual contains data on defects, which you must familiarize yourself with.

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The correct welding seam looks neat and practically does not differ in thickness in different places

There are critical ones, and there are non-critical ones, that is, those that can be left without additional processing. We learn how to distinguish a high-quality seam from a low-quality one and why defects occur.


  1. Lack of penetration is a defect in which the joint space is insufficiently filled with liquid metal, this affects the strength of the joint. The reason may be low voltage or too high a speed at which the electrode moves. After the current has been adjusted and the arc has been shortened in length, the defect should be eliminated.
  2. Undercut This defect indicates the presence of a groove running along the seam. The reason may again be too long an arc, due to which the seam is not just bad, but wide. This leads to incomplete heating of the metal, due to which the edges begin to quickly harden. To fix the problem, it is worth reducing the arc length and increasing the current.
  3. Burns are through holes at the joints. The reason is a high current if the electrode is moved slowly, and too large gaps between the ends of the parts. The defect can be eliminated by correcting the welding mode.
  4. If pores form on the seam, randomly scattered along the entire length of the joint, this is due to the presence of a draft in the room, due to which the gas cloud is blown away from the work area, or if the metal is covered with rust.

There are other defects in the form of cracks, or the seam simply bursts; this occurs immediately after the metal has cooled. They can be longitudinal and transverse. Depending on when they formed, they can be cold or hot.

Precautions before welding with electrodes

Regardless of where do-it-yourself manual electric arc camping welding is used, safety precautions must be observed, as every welding textbook displays.


  1. It is strictly forbidden to use arc welding in cold weather or in rooms with high humidity.
  2. A mask and protective shield must be present to protect your eyes from burns.
  3. Clothes must be specially impregnated to prevent sparks and drops of hot metal from rolling off.

When welding metal, be sure to use a protective mask.

Hands should be covered with suede gloves or special canvas mittens. Due to the fact that welding work is carried out at high temperatures, and the likelihood of fire is very high, the process should be carried out where there is water or a fire extinguisher nearby.

Nuances for beginners in welding

There are many tips on welding and even each master has his own secrets, but there are a number of general instructions, guided by which, you can carry out work and lay seams at an almost professional level, even with self-study.


  1. You definitely need to remember about grounding, namely, there is a special clamp that needs to be tightly applied to the part.
  2. Be sure to check the cable insulation and how carefully it is tucked into the part.
  3. As soon as the ground is connected, the current strength is selected, it depends on the type of electrodes and the material.
  4. Before lighting the arc, you need to install the electrode relative to the material at an angle of 60ᵒ.

The principle of welding and the work flow diagram are not too complicated. Namely, if you start moving the electrode slowly over the metal, sparks will begin to form, which indicates the formation of a welding arc. For this to occur, the electrode must be held so that the space between it and the canvas is 5 mm.

During work, the electrode will burn out, but there is no need to rush to move it.

Beginners need to make small welds first

The speed at which the seam needs to be applied depends on whether it should be thin or thick. If the electrode gets stuck, simply move it away or tilt it to the side. The technique is simple but effective. It is worth noting that there is such a term as a weld pool, and it can have different sizes. For example, width 8-15 mm, length 10-30 mm, depth 6 mm.

The format depends on:

  • Location – indoors or in space;
  • Welding mode;
  • Configurations of each connected part;
  • Edge size and shape;
  • Arc movement speeds.

Welding techniques can be used to make a heating boiler or to connect water pipes. There are simply many places where welding equipment can be used, as it is used to erect fences, make playgrounds, assemble metal structures of high-rise buildings, install drainage systems, install railings and more.

Having not only the skills to work with welding equipment, but also the appropriate education, you can equip your home or site with all the necessary facilities, as well as get a prestigious job. Naturally, those welders who have a complete understanding of their work, welding modes, features and nuances of this matter are held in high esteem.

How to cook using electric welding (video lessons)

It is very easy to distinguish a beginner from a professional, since he will not be too hasty and will have to digest the seams more than once. If high-quality welding work is required, but there is not enough experience or knowledge, then it is better to entrust the process to professionals who can carry out everything at the highest level and at the same time provide a quality guarantee.

Examples of welding seams


Sequence of welding seams | Welding and Control

To increase the reliability and strength of welded structures, reduce internal stresses and deformations, a special welding procedure is used.

The order in which welds are made is understood as the sequence in which the seam is made along the length and method of filling the groove.

Welding extended seams

The sequence of seams depends on their length. According to their length, welds are divided into three main groups:

  • short seams up to 250 mm paired in one pass;,
  • medium seams from 250 to 1000 mm are recommended to be welded from the middle to the ends or back in a stepwise manner;
  • Long seams over 1 meter are recommended to be welded from the middle to the edges, back in a stepwise manner or by combining with two welders.

The sequence of applying welds of different lengths. The direction of welding is indicated by arrows. 1-5 – the sequence of welding in each layer.

a) to pass; b) from the middle to the ends; c) back stepwise method; d) from the middle to the ends back in a stepwise manner, by two welders

With the reverse step welding method, the weld is divided into sections 150-200 mm long, each section is welded in the direction opposite to the general direction of welding. Depending on the number of passes (layers) required to complete the design section of the seam, single-pass (single-layer) and multi-pass (multilayer) seams are distinguished.

Procedure for welding thick-walled metal

The weld can be made in one pass, in which case it is called a single-layer weld. For large thicknesses, welding is carried out in several passes, as a result of which the beads are sequentially superimposed on each other. This type of seam is called multilayer.

When welding joints made of thick-walled materials over 20 mm, when there is a danger of stress, deformation, and steel prone to hardening with poor weldability occurring after welding, the groove is filled using special “slide” or “cascade” techniques.

When welding “slide”, the first roller of a short length of 200-300 mm is directed, then the second, overlapping the first and having 2 times the length. The third layer overlaps the second and is 200-300 mm longer than it. Welding is carried out in this way until the groove is completely filled. Welding from the resulting “slide” is carried out in the same way further. This achieves slower cooling of the metal in the welding zone, which prevents the formation of cracks.

Welding "slide"

Welding in one pass is simpler and more economical, but the weld metal is obtained with lower mechanical properties due to the increased overheating zone and the columnar structure of the metal. With multi-pass or multi-layer welding, a heat treatment effect is obtained: the applied bead anneals the previous one, resulting in a fine-grained structure.

Pipe welding procedure

Pipeline welding is one of the most difficult welding jobs. As a rule, the pipe is in a rotating position and welding has to be carried out both in the ceiling and on the rise. Which requires a highly qualified welder. Welding of non-rotating joints of pipes with a diameter of up to 219 mm begins from below in the ceiling position, departing 10-15 mm from the lower point.

Weld half the joint to the top point of the pipe. The beginning and end of the welded area are cleaned mechanically, ensuring a smooth transition from the height of the weld bead to the blunting of the edges.

The second section of the seam is welded, starting welding from the ceiling position, mixing the beginning of its welding by 10-10 mm with the first section and overlapping the end of the first section by 10-10 mm.

Sequence of welding a pipe joint with a diameter of more than 219 mm

Sequence of welding pipes with a diameter of more than 219 mm.
Welding is performed in a reverse-step manner, with the length of each section being within 200-250 mm. The welding procedure is shown in the figure. The length of sections of subsequent layers can be half the circumference of the joint. It is advisable to carry out welding of large diameter pipes simultaneously by two welders. Everyone welds half the joint, from opposite sides of the pipe. Welding is also performed from bottom to top.

Source: BB%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D1%88%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B2/

How to place a welding seam correctly?

Today, in the age of innovative technologies, a beautiful electrode welding seam remains a popular method for joining metal structures of various parts. But in order to know and be able to perform high-quality welding, you will need to study the question of how to make a beautiful welding seam using electric welding. On the Internet, as well as in scientific and technical literature, there is a sufficient amount of information that can help create a beautiful and durable seam for any surface of the product.

Beautiful welding seam

Features of welding technology

According to the generally accepted classification, there are two options for an ideal weld, in particular:

  • Detachable view.
  • One-piece look.

Detachable technology includes seams and connections that can be separated without damage without breaking the connecting elements. The simplest elements are a bolt and a nut.

Permanent connection refers to high-strength structural solutions; the parts are in no case separated, and the uniqueness and integrity of the structure is not compromised. This option includes riveting and welding technologies.

Experience shows that in order to achieve ideal quality, an excellent option would be the heat-affected zone of the weld, which ensures a high joint result.

Basic characteristics of the work process

Now you need to figure out how to properly weld the correct seam, which ensures the ideal plane of the parts being connected. As you know, welding itself is a unique technology; the parts being connected are joined together under the influence of melting, while ensuring a reliable connection. To understand how to make a weld correctly, it is necessary to study various factors of the welding process, among which are:

  • The principle of design and operation of technological equipment.
  • General degree of adjustment of the working device.
  • Size range of electrode diameters.
  • Classification, experience and skill of a master of technological devices and equipment.

The last factor is significant, and allows us to solve the difficult problem facing a specialist - how to correctly lay a welding seam using electric welding.

Welding a perfect weld

Equipment options for work technology

Innovative developments do not stand still, just like traditional methods; an ideal weld without stripping involves the use of one or another version of devices, where the priorities are:

  • Contact technology.
  • Gas compression.
  • Roller group.
  • Electroslag.
  • Thermite method.
  • Friction.


Are all welding seams the same: types, classification, scope of application

A weld or weld seam is a section of a welding joint where, under the influence of a welding machine, an inextricable connection of parts with a future structure is formed. There are different types of welds, which are classified according to different criteria.

What does a welding joint consist of?

The welding joint consists of the following elements:

  1. The weld itself is the area where the parts meet.
  2. Fusion zone.
  3. The heat-affected zone of a welding machine is an area of ​​metal where thermal changes are noticeable as a result of the effects of welding.
  4. Base metal - the remaining area of ​​metal parts that are connected by welding.

The terms “welded joint” and “weld seam” are sometimes confused. The permanent connection of two or more metal elements is called a welded joint. A seam is the area where two metal parts meet. In turn, the welded joint is part of a welded structure - a metal structure consisting of several elements welded into one.

When welding in several layers, the root seam is also isolated - this is the very first welding layer, located deeper than the others. When performing it, the impact should be maximum and, if possible, continuous.


Welds are classified according to several basic characteristics - depending on the type of joint, section, spatial location, etc. Each seam is used depending on the general idea of ​​the design, feasibility, and other conditions.

By type of connection

  • Butt welds

Butt or butt seams are the simplest and most common. They are formed when two parts are connected by their end surfaces. Thanks to the joining method, the metal consumption is less than when using other methods of joining parts.

The seam in this case can be:

  • Single-sided with a beveled edge - recommended for welding parts with a thickness of 8-25 mm. The most popular type of bevel is V-shaped, but sometimes a U-shaped connection is also used.
  • Single-sided without bevel of the edge - used when welding metal sheets up to 4 mm thick.
  • Double-sided with beveled edges - thickness from 12 mm. In this case, X-shaped beveling of edges is most often used, which requires less metal consumption compared to V-shaped.
  • Double-sided without beveled edges - when welding parts up to 8 mm thick.

When connecting without bevel of edges, it is recommended to leave a small gap (1-2 mm) between the sheets of metal. This is necessary to ensure quality welding. If the edges are beveled, they must be slightly dulled to avoid welding defects.

They are formed when two sheets of metal, or other metal parts, are joined in a "T" shape. One part of the future structure is leaned against the side surface of the other part. T-joints can also be without beveled edges, with one-sided or double-sided bevel.

They are used when two parts need to be positioned in parallel planes, slightly overlapping with respect to each other. Such seams are recommended for welding sheets with a thickness of 10 mm or more. Weld the parts on both sides.

  • Fillet welds

They are formed if parts are connected at a right angle or any other angle. Sometimes, for strength, such seams are made on both sides of the connection. Depending on the thickness of the parts, they can be with beveled edges or without them.

Fillet welds are also divided according to the length of the welding sections (areas of welding impact) into:

  • Continuous - continuous welding seam.
  • With a staggered arrangement of welding sections - the areas of welding influence on one side are opposite to the areas on the other side.
  • Chain - welding areas on both sides of the joint are located equally.

By degree of convexity

It is generally accepted that the weld should be smooth and almost invisible. However, the depth or concavity of the weld depends primarily on the type of welded joint and the selected welding mode.

Based on this feature, seams are divided into the following types:

  • Convex - recommended for static welding machine mode. These are the so-called reinforced seams.
  • Normal - with minimal convexity.
  • Concave, or weakened - used for corner connections. A defect is the presence of a concave seam in a butt joint of a structure.

The default is that all connections should be reinforced and slightly convex. The concave seam should be indicated on the drawing of the future structure.

By number of passes

Multi-pass welding seam.

Depending on the number of passes with the welding machine and layers, the seams can be:

  • Single-pass (or single-layer).
  • Multi-pass (multi-layer).

The term “weld layer” refers to the amount of metal deposited in one pass by a welding machine (welding beads).

For small metal thicknesses (up to 5 mm), it is recommended to perform single-pass welds. In corner joints with a thickness of 6-8 mm, one layer is also sufficient, and for butt joints - two. Seams with a large number of layers (5-6) can only be used for thick metal - at least 18-20 mm.

By actual force

According to this criterion, welds are divided into several types:

  • Flank - the acting force is parallel to the seam area.
  • Frontal - the force of the device is directed perpendicularly.
  • Oblique - the force occurs at an angle of less than 90 degrees.
  • Combined - combine several types.

By configuration and position in space

Based on this feature, all seams can be divided as follows:

  • Ring - used for welding cylindrical parts, welding occurs only from the outside.
  • Straight-line.
  • Vertical - the seam is located in a vertical plane.
  • Horizontal - welding occurs in a horizontal plane.

A special type of welding seam is the ceiling one. In this case, the force is in the horizontal plane, but above the level of the welding machine. Therefore, the ceiling seam is considered the most difficult type of welding. It is very important to follow safety precautions when performing this task - protect yourself as much as possible with a welding mask and thick clothing.

In ceiling welding, the metal is held on the surface due to the force of surface tension. Therefore, it is recommended to minimize the size of the weld beads - in other words, periodically move the electrode to the side and allow the weld area to harden. You need to weld in the direction “towards you” - this makes it easier to observe the process.

According to welded materials

Another classification is based on the materials that are connected to each other.

According to this criterion, the following are distinguished:

  • Seams on carbon and alloy steel.
  • On non-ferrous metal.
  • On bimetal.
  • On plastic and polyethylene.

The size of the electrodes, the force applied during welding, and the number of welding layers depend on the type of material. Generally, non-ferrous metals require less exposure than alloy steel.


Do your welds often have defects?

Never! Rarely, but they happen

After welding, it is recommended to clean the seam.

This process is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Cleaning the area closest to the seam - often drops of metal get here. They are beaten with a hammer or chisel.
  2. Polishing the seam - so that the seam does not catch the eye, it is polished using a grinder.
  3. Tinning the seam - this stage is necessary if soft metals are welded. A thin layer of molten tin is applied to the seam.
THIS IS INTERESTING:  What electrodes are for welding cast iron

Before stripping, you need to check the seam for the following defects:

  • Cracks on the seam.
  • Holes that are formed from sparking.
  • Scale from electrodes.
  • Uncooked areas.

All these errors can be easily avoided if you follow the welding technology, use high-quality and clean electrodes, and monitor the condition of the seam during operation.

Thus, there are many types of welds. Each of them is used depending on the welding joint, position in space, and other factors. The key when choosing the type of seam is its feasibility and justification for the future design.

other useful articles:

  • Welding electrodes: classification, marking, popular brands, storage rules, recommendations - which ones are best to choose for welding various metals
  • Inverter welding machines: types, model ratings, their pros and cons, how to choose the best one, tips for use and maintenance
  • How to use cold welding: instructions and tips, varieties, instructions for use

tip: how to learn to weld beautiful seams


How to make a welding seam correctly?

You can easily learn how to apply a correct and high-quality weld on your own. Electric or arc welding, designed for beginners, involves initial training in the formation of these permanent type connections. You should start with the simplest ones, gradually moving on to more complex connections when you have gained enough experience.

Preparation for welding work

To perform welded joints, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate equipment. To work with electric arc welding, you need to take the following tools and materials.

  • Directly the welded equipment itself, which comes in different types.
  • Electrodes of the required diameter - it usually depends on the thickness of the elements being connected.
  • A special pointed hammer that will be used to knock down slag.
  • A wire brush for cleaning the area of ​​metal where the weld is formed.

When forming a joint, you should remember the appropriate safety measures. It is not possible to carry out work without an appropriate mask equipped with special light filters.

It is advisable to wear fairly thick clothing with long sleeves and gloves made of suede materials. In addition, you should take a rectifier, or a transformer if the equipment is quite old.

However, recently, welds are increasingly being made using inverter equipment, which is equipped with everything necessary to convert alternating current into direct current.

Work technology

In order to correctly place the molten electrode on the weld being formed, it should be taken into account that welding is not a very simple and safe technology. First of all, this implies the use of high temperature, which must exceed the melting point of steel.

Under its direct influence, the base metal and electrode are melted. Accordingly, a so-called weld pool occurs, where the metals of the workpieces and the electrode are mixed, resulting in the formation of a welded joint or seam.

The size of the weld pool directly depends on the settings on the equipment, location in space, the speed at which the electrode moves, and the gap between the elements being welded. Forming the correct weld implies an average joint width of 4 to 30 mm, depending on the thickness of the workpieces.

Electric arc technology involves the use of electrodes with so-called coating. When voltage is applied to the electrode and welded elements, it creates a special gas zone above the bath. Due to it, absolute displacement of air occurs, which prevents direct contact of oxygen and the metals being welded.

When elements are welded, slag forms on the surface of the joint, which also prevents the molten iron from coming into contact with air.

The formation of a correct welding seam is carried out when the electric arc is removed: the metal begins to gradually cool and form a crystal lattice.

The protective layer of slag should be removed after the metal hardens.

Arc Welding Basics

To make a reliable welded joint and correctly place the molten electrode material, close attention must be paid when starting work. It is best to start mastering this work under the supervision of an experienced welder, who will help you avoid the most common mistakes and provide advice if necessary.

The parts connected to each other must be rigidly fixed. Due to the fact that the work is carried out at high temperatures, it is necessary to take all measures regarding fire safety. You need to place a bucket of water near you. Work should not be carried out on a wooden base.

The grounding clamp is fixed to the elements to be welded. Before doing this, you should carefully check the quality of its insulation. If it is damaged, this cable should not be used. In addition, it must be securely fastened in a special clamp.

Properly selected equipment settings allow you to apply the electrode smoothly and evenly, due to which the metal is deposited onto the elements being welded.

This gap will have to be maintained throughout the entire operation. If everything was done correctly, the electrode will begin to gradually melt and burn out, so it will have to be slowly brought to the workpiece, thereby maintaining the required distance. You should not bring it closer, as it may stick. If an arc does not occur, you will have to increase the current on the equipment.

Welding seam: how to move the electrode?

When performing welding work, the electrode should be moved along one of three trajectories.

  • Translational - the electric arc is directed along the axis of the elements being connected. This allows not only to maintain its constant combustion, but also to form a fairly thin and durable weld.
  • Longitudinal - allows you to obtain a thread seam of different heights, which will directly depend on the speed at which the electrode moves. In fact, the connection turns out to be very strong, but to strengthen it you will have to make some lateral movements.
  • Transverse - ensures the formation of the required width of the welded joint. It involves performing oscillatory movements. The width of the seam is selected based on the thickness of the elements being connected, their sizes and a number of other parameters.

Usually, when carrying out work, all these movements are used, which, when combined with each other, form a specific trajectory. It is usually different for each welder. In principle, the trajectory itself is not very important, the main thing is that the edges of the workpieces are fused as best as possible and, accordingly, a seam is obtained with predetermined parameters.

Pipeline welding: technology features

It is worth noting that welding involves the formation of not only horizontal, but also vertical seams, which makes it possible to weld industrial pipelines that require the highest quality connections. In this regard, only experienced welders who have all the necessary documents indicating their high qualifications are allowed to perform such work.

Unlike flat parts, when welding pipes, the electrode is held at an angle of 45 degrees. The maximum height of this connection should be no more than 4 m. Depending on the thickness of the pipes, the width of the seam can be quite large - in some cases up to 4 cm.

When carrying out industrial work, in order to obtain a complete and durable connection, the areas where the seam will be formed are cleaned of fat, rust and other contaminants that can reduce the strength of the seam.

Welding implies constant improvement of skills; only in this case will it be possible to obtain the highest quality connection that will serve for a long time.


How to weld a beautiful seam using electric welding

Electric welding involves the application of an electric arc to the metal being processed. It is formed between the product and the used electrode made of conductive material.

Too high a temperature causes the metal to melt, due to which the individual parts are connected. The connection point is usually called a weld.

To change its indicators, the technical parameters of welding are changed, for example, the amplitude and speed of movement. The features of vertical welding should be considered in more detail.

Features of vertical welding

The welding of vertical seams is characterized by a fairly large number of different features. These include the following points:

  1. When the alloy is exposed to heat, drops are formed that tend to roll down. This natural process creates quite a lot of difficulties, since the hot drops do not allow for a qualitative effect on the treated area.
  2. It is recommended to make vertical welds with a shorter arc, due to which the action of surface tension forces simplifies the transition of the electrode into the weld crater.
  3. In order to allow the drop to harden during welding, you need to move the rod to the side. The absence of a heat source causes the metal to quickly crystallize.
  4. In the upper zone, as a rule, the metal melts faster. In this case, the crystallization process accelerates in the area of ​​joints and connections.
  5. It is important to choose the correct current indicator. As a rule, it is selected from a lower range than for conventional welding work.
  6. It is possible to use point technology, which provides relatively low fastening of two elements.

Position of welds in space

Vertical welding is quite difficult for inexperienced craftsmen, but it is carried out extremely often. This is due to the fact that a wide variety of defects are welded with an electrode and responsible and also load-bearing structures are created with it.

When using this welding method, it is important to follow all the rules and recommendations, since otherwise the vertical seam will turn out to be of poor quality

How to weld a vertical seam?

There are quite a few rules that, if followed, can improve the quality of the resulting seam. It is quite difficult to exclude the possibility of dripping of hot metal drops.

The main recommendations include the following points:

  1. The electric arc must be extremely short. A long one can cause the alloy to spread out as it flows under the influence of gravity.
  2. At the time of arson, the working part is placed exclusively perpendicular to the surface being treated. It is important that it is positioned perpendicular to both surfaces being processed, which ensures high quality processing.
  3. When working, it is recommended to tilt the electrode slightly downwards. By maintaining an acute angle, it is possible to retain the hot metal, preventing it from flowing down.
  4. In some cases, it is impossible to eliminate the possibility of metal dripping. Then it is recommended to increase the current strength and speed up the movement of the working part. However, when increasing this indicator, you need to be careful, as this leads to an increase in the arc. In addition, it is recommended to increase the width of the seam by moving the tool from side to side.

Vertical welding methods

The above technology is much simpler to implement if we compare the option of conducting the electrode from the bottom up.

Semi-automatic vertical seam

The quality of the weld seam determines how strong the resulting structure will be and what load it will be designed for. In addition, in some cases it is important to maintain an attractive aesthetic appearance. The most problems arise with the creation of a vertical weld, as the metal flows out of the pool. A fairly common question is how to weld a vertical seam. Among the features we note the following points:

  1. The material is prepared depending on what kind of work will be carried out. The thickness of the material and the degree of machinability are taken into account.
  2. A short arc with an average operating current is selected.
  3. The rod with a special coating is located at an angle of 80 degrees relative to the surface being treated.
  4. When creating a vertical seam, it is recommended to manipulate the rod across the entire width of the bead being formed.

A high-quality vertical seam can be obtained by welding with the arc separated from the surface.
For novice welders, this method is more suitable, as it is easier to perform. This is due to the fact that at the moment the arc breaks off, the metal can cool down. However, there is a significant drawback - the performance indicator decreases. Among the features of the application of this method associated with the separation of the rod from the surface, we mention the following points:

  1. When welding, the tip can be rested on the shelf of the weld crater.
  2. The pattern of movement of the working part from side to side, due to which the entire vertical seam is covered. In addition, you can use a loop pattern or a short roller when moving the working part from top to bottom.
  3. The set current strength largely determines the shape of the seam and its main parameters. In general, it is recommended to reduce the value by 5 A from the usual value for a particular alloy thickness

It is worth considering that the main parameters of the work being carried out are chosen experimentally in almost all cases. That is why the welder’s skills largely determine the quality of the connection and its reliability.

Creating a seam with an electrode

The seams created by an electric inverter have a fairly broad classification. When determining the main parameters, the type of parts being connected is taken into account. When considering how to properly weld a vertical seam using electric welding, you need to take into account their features. The most common types of connections are:

  1. Butt.
  2. Tavrovoe.
  3. Overlapping.
  4. Angular.

Creating a seam with an electrode

It is worth considering that to ensure a stable arc, it is necessary to clean the surface from a wide variety of contaminants.

That is why welding of a vertical seam is carried out with careful preparation of the surface. The technologies used make it possible to obtain a high-quality seam only with the correct choice of electrode thickness. It should be slightly smaller than the width of the seam, since to eliminate the possibility of the alloy running off, it is recommended to move the rod from side to side.

Top down technique

Moving the electrode from top to bottom can only be used to weld when using an electrode that produces a thin layer of slag. Among the features of this process, we note the following points:

  1. By using such a rod in the weld pool, the material hardens faster. In this case, the molten material does not flow down.
  2. It is recommended to use plastic and cellulose coated electrodes. An example is the LNO-9 and VSC-2 brands.
  3. This technology is characterized by high productivity. That is why, if there is a need to increase labor productivity, then the technology in question is chosen.

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Vertical seam from top to bottom

This technique is not suitable for beginner welders, as it is difficult to prevent the alloy from dripping.

Bottom-up technique

This technology is extremely common. It is characterized by the following features:

  1. At the beginning of work, the welding machine rod is placed perpendicular to the surface being processed.
  2. As soon as the arc has been excited and the first drops have formed, it is recommended to tilt the electrode slightly.
  3. A short arc is supported by the end of the rod and the drops are collected a little, and when it is withdrawn briefly, time is given for the molten material to cool and crystallize.
  4. Transverse oscillatory movements can be reported. This eliminates the possibility of a long delay of the heat source at one point.

Vertical seam from bottom to top

This technique allows you to get a high-quality seam. However, it is characterized by low productivity, since it is necessary to allow the drops to cool from time to time.

Principles of vertical welding

There are several other common technologies that can be used to produce a seam. Among them we note:

  1. Triangle technology is suitable for cases where the metal thickness is no more than 2 mm. It should be carried out only after the edges that will be joined have been blunted. The shape of the resulting bathtub resembles a triangle. For this technology, it is recommended to choose an electrode with a diameter of 3 mm. The current strength should be no more than 100 Amperes.
  2. The herringbone is used extremely rarely, as it is suitable for a base with a thickness of 2-3 mm. It involves chaotic and complex movement of the arc.
  3. The ladder is used when it is necessary to create the widest possible seam, the edges are minimally blunted. Among the features of this technology, it can be noted that the rod must quickly move from one edge to another with minimal vertical movement. There is no need to hold the tool on the edge for a long time, after which it is quickly transferred to the opposite side. A ladder is used when the thickness of the alloy is 4 mm.

Vertical welding is easier when using a modern welding inverter, which allows you to adjust the main parameters with high accuracy.

Conditions for a high-quality vertical seam

Almost all novice specialists are not familiar with the basic conditions for obtaining a high-quality vertical seam. In addition, it must be characterized by high strength, be made with high quality and have an aesthetic appearance.

There are several main mistakes that are made when carrying out such work:

  1. At the time of arson, the rod must be in a perpendicular state. If there is an angle, the arc may be unstable.
  2. The shorter the arc length, the faster the material crystallizes. This reduces the risk of leaks. However, many do not follow this recommendation, since a small arc reduces the performance indicator.
  3. The rod is tilted to reduce the likelihood of smudges, but maintaining an acute angle is quite difficult.
  4. If a leak appears, it is recommended to increase the current and the width of the seam. Due to this, the process of crystallization of the substance can be significantly accelerated.

To obtain a compound with a high quality index, you need to pay attention to the preparatory stage. An example is the removal of dust and dirt, paint and oil residues, and rust. In some cases, spot welding is carried out, due to which the risk of drips is reduced several times.

High-quality vertical seam

In conclusion, we note that the quality of the weld depends on a fairly large number of parameters. An example is the skill of the welder or the characteristics of the materials being joined. Depending on some of the above parameters, the most suitable technology is selected.


How to lay a welding seam so that it is reliable and durable: technique, steps and nuances

Nowadays, welding is needed to connect parts made of different materials, such as metal. There are many varieties of this process because welding is used for many purposes: from household needs to the creation of more complex structures.

The technology itself is not very complicated, if you understand the theory well (types of welding, technologies, basic concepts), then all that remains is to practice creating seams so that they are of high quality, and therefore not only beautiful, but also durable.

So anyone can do this, the main thing is to devote time to self-education.

Types of seams

First, let's look at what welding is. This concept refers to the process of melting the material of parts to firmly fasten them together with a weld. Usually special equipment is used for this.

In turn, a welding seam is a place where parts come into contact and are held together by melting the edges and creating weld metal, that is, an alloy from the material of the parts.

There is also the concept of fusion zone, which refers to the area between the weld alloy and the material of the part. The melting process itself occurs with the help of thermal influence and the zone in which it falls is an area that does not melt, but changes properties due to temperature changes.

THIS IS INTERESTING:  How to choose a welding machine for welding aluminum

One of the most important spare parts of the device is the electrode. This is a metal rod that contains chemical coatings and conducts current.

And the discharge that ensures the melting process occurs between the electrode and the material of the part, and is called an electric arc. Accordingly, different types of welding are used for different purposes.

Among their differences there are some characteristics. When welding, various materials, seam formation techniques and the seams themselves can be used.

For example, there are types such as arc welding and gas welding. In the first, the main melting element is the electrode. His task is to work with the arc, that is, to create it and hold it on the material of the part.

In the second type of welding, the heat source is a torch. It releases a flame that is formed when a mixture of oxygen and acetylene burns.

The bottom line is that different types have different effects on the parts that are fused together. But at the same time, the result is the same - the parts are fastened together.

This happens as follows - first, the parts are located at a close distance, as if they were already fastened together. Next, the parts are heated by the tool and their edges begin to melt - this forms a weld pool.

Sometimes additional metal is added to strengthen the weld, which increases the amount of metal. When the material melts, a line is formed, along which the molten section then crystallizes and becomes a seam.

It is important to first learn how to use the basic technique before experimenting with species. The welding machine must be adjusted so that its settings match the characteristics of the material that will be melted.

If you have mastered the basic principles of fusion correctly, then you can move on to training with different types of welding joints.

Each type has its own method of execution. Let's look at the most common of them. Externally, they are flat, strengthened or weakened. There are two types of welding seams based on the method of their implementation - one-sided and two-sided.

Double-sided is when parts are soldered on both sides, and single-sided on one side. Connections can consist of one, two or three layers. There is also a classification according to their length - point, double-sided checkerboard, chain, continuous.

Welding seams also have different directions for applying forces, for example transverse, oblique or longitudinal. One of the options is a combination.

And the last classification criterion is placement in space relative to the part. They are horizontal, vertical, ceiling, bottom.

Seam technology

Next, we will begin to analyze the direct principle of creating a welding seam. There are several stages in this process:

As the name suggests, at this stage you need to do some preparatory work. To begin with, you need to take into account safety rules when preparing the place where all this will happen.

Next, you need to choose equipment that will protect the body from possible technical damage. Then the details are prepared for further work.

To do this, they are cleaned of unnecessary coatings such as dirt, varnish or dust, and this is usually done with something like a metal brush. Then the necessary settings are set on the device and the process itself begins.

  • Creating an arc (igniting the burner)

This stage depends on the type of welding and there are separate instructions for each type.

Each type of connection has its own procedure that must be followed.

If you used arc welding, you need to clean the bead. With other types of welding, this is not necessary because the joints do not slag and, accordingly, there is no debris.

The key to a beautiful seam

In order to get a good, beautiful welding seam as a result, you need to know the techniques for creating it, because it is not enough to simply place the parts close to each other and move the electrode straight.

Each of the methods for creating welding joints has a common principle - this is the smooth introduction of the electrode along some path to get an even trace. In order for this mark to be beautiful, the tool we are working with must be rotated 60 degrees towards the fusion part.

You need to do it smoothly at the same speed, otherwise if you linger in one place, you can scorch the material. The simplest and most common method is the zigzag method. It is used for different types of materials.

The conductor needs to be led from the right corner to the left side, as if diagonally, and then in a mirror image move to the right. It seems that a zigzag is drawn on the product.

For sufficiently large distances between parts (more than 5mm), the herringbone method is used. This method requires more welding strokes, which results in more weld material being formed to hold the parts together.

It is best to start also from the right, and then draw a horizontal line to the left, then a diagonal one, which tends down to the middle of the seam. Then, at the same angle, line up to a point that is higher than the one from which you started.

This creates a considerable number of triangles that form a Christmas tree. Also, a beautiful welding joint is obtained using the loop method.

It is often used when working with thin metal, when working with tools such as semi-automatic machines. The connections are made using movements that resemble the continuous writing of a series of loops.


There are some tips from experienced professionals for beginners who have difficulty creating welding joints. There are times when you seem to be doing everything right, but still fail to do the job well.

To begin with, in order for the weld to be reliable and durable, the parts must be located at a stable distance from each other along the entire perimeter of the seam.

Also, the electrode must be at the correct distance in relation to the part, otherwise the arc is lost and the connection is deformed.

To prevent the metal from spreading when working on a surface that is located vertically, it is recommended to work from the bottom up.

In conclusion, in order for the metal to crystallize quickly and without drips, the electrode must be tilted at an angle to the part of 60-75 degrees.


Welding seams

Welding is one of the main methods of fastening two elements, and welding seams are zones connecting two metal workpieces to each other. Such adhesions are formed during the melting and subsequent cooling of steel.

A good welder must know the types of welded joints and be able to apply all types of seams . Without these skills it is impossible to produce a high-quality and durable structure.

Welding seams

Types of joints

Welds are divided into 5 variations:

  • overlap;
  • parallel;
  • butt;
  • corner;
  • t – shaped.

Welding seams and their varieties

Lap joints are often used to create cylindrical tanks that are planned to be operated in a horizontal or vertical position. The elements to be welded overlap, but do not completely overlap. The result is a structure that looks like a step. Welding seams are applied to the end sides of the parts .

Parallel application methods are used to increase the strength of the structure. Both components are tightly applied to each other and fastened by welding from the ribs. This technique can be used to strengthen structures whose exterior will be subject to strong mechanical stress. However, such technology is prohibited from being used in the repair of moving mechanisms.

Corner weld

The butt version is the most popular. The parts to be welded must be in the same plane, one opposite the other. This joint is used to fasten water pipes, chimneys, storage facilities or steel columns. This system is also used in mechanical engineering, in the manufacture of air and water transport, and in military factories. Yes, and creating such a “glue” requires a minimum of money and time.

Corner types of welds are well suited for fastening several workpieces that need to be positioned at right angles. The workpiece is made as follows: parts are installed at an angle of 90° (in the form of the “G” symbol), and a weld is applied at the junction of the edges . This welding is common in both industry and private use. And with its help you can make durable supports or boilers.


A T or T weld is not like the others because the finished part will look like the letter "T". It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to create this, since in the process it is important to take into account the restrictions related to holding the electrode (it is recommended to adhere to an angle of 60°). In this case, the thickness of the joined sheets may differ. Also, more wire will be required for execution, and elements welded by the T-method may come out with defects.

Operating technique

Moving the rod along a solid line will not be enough for good welding , and to become a master of your craft, you need to understand the technique of using the device. The main features of the technology are constant control of the gap between components.

If the distance is too small, the steel will not warm up well, which will negatively affect its strength. Both the speed of the tripod and the basic soldering procedure should be controlled. The main thing is that the molten metal is evenly distributed throughout the groove.

Weld characteristics

How to suture correctly:

  1. Cook in a circular or zigzag motion. The trajectory must be maintained throughout the entire adhesion.
  2. Hold the handle at the correct angle. The sharper the slope, the shallower the depth of steaming.
  3. Control the pace of movement of the electrode. It all depends on the voltage of the device. Higher current allows the holder to move at higher speeds, and the resulting seams will be thinner.
  4. Choose the adhesion layers wisely. Several rows can be made in the butt areas, however, a T-weld seam is most often made using this technique.

Taking these rules into account will help achieve the desired result, and the specialist will accurately produce any type of welding seam.

Application methods

Application methods include:

  • Horizontal type. According to the rules, you can apply a seam both from right to left and in the opposite direction. Here it is important to maintain an acceptable angle of inclination, since excess molten metal will flow out. If a person has few skills, then the entire procedure can be completed in 2-3 passes.
  • Vertical type. The work surface can be located in the ceiling or wall areas. Welding joints can also be made using two methods: top-down and bottom-up. However, it is better to choose the first option, since the heat from the arc contributes to high heating of the alloy.
  • Ceiling type. The whole process must be completed very quickly, maintaining a stable pace of guiding the rod. Also, to maintain the alloy in the weld, you will need to make rotational movements. It should be noted that the current version is the most complex, and you should start working after gaining the necessary experience.

Typing of welding seams according to application method

From the first time it is difficult to understand what types there are and to study all the technologies. But regular practice will turn any beginner into a real professional.


How to weld correctly with electric welding - making beautiful seams

In the modern world, welds are found almost everywhere, in any industry. But many owners resort to the services of specialists. But you can easily acquire this skill yourself, especially since the welding process is very exciting; you may be drawn from welding an ordinary garage to making an openwork fence. It’s not difficult to learn how to cook; just understand the nuances and you can safely move on to the welding process.


Before you begin any training and understand how to properly weld with electric welding, you need to stock up on certain accessories. For welding you need to purchase:

  1.  Welding machine – electric welding.
  2. Set of electrodes. Their diameters vary and must be selected depending on the density and thickness of the metal section. Necessary for supplying current to the welding seam. For beginners, you can purchase rods with a heating and easily melting composition.
  3. Long sleeve rubber gloves. It is recommended to wear suede ones.
  4. Mask with a darkened light filter.
  5.  Thick clothes.
  6. A hammer needed to knock down slag (glassy material).
  7. Brush for cleaning seams.
  8.  Transformer – used to convert direct current to alternating current. It is used, as a rule, when there is no need for a high-quality weld.
  9. Rectifier.

Instead of a transformer and rectifier, for a beginner you can use a simpler mechanism - an inverter. It is very convenient and versatile. They can be used to weld both aluminum alloys and durable steel alloys. It also comes with a pair of wires with clamps attached to them. An electrode is inserted into one end, and the parts necessary for welding are attached to the other.

When welding, do not forget about safety measures.

Before starting welding work, it is necessary to prepare the working surface. To do this, you need to remove rust from surfaces by treating it with sandpaper, a grinder or sandpaper. If you ignore this procedure, problems may arise when igniting the arc.

We recommend! Argon welding of stainless steel

Electric welding process technology

Welding is a process cultivated under the influence of high temperatures. Under its influence, the treated surfaces melt, forming a so-called bath in which the base metal is mixed with the metal core of the electrode.

The size of the resulting pool can be different, depending on the initial type of welding, position to the surface, speed of arc movement, and so on. On average, the welding width can be 0.8 - 1.5 cm, height 1 - 3 cm, and depth about 0.6 cm.

Oxygen, when combined with metal, can have an undesirable effect on the joining of the seam, which is why the electrode is covered with a special coating, which, when melting, forms a zone of gas in the arc area and above the molten pool, into which air does not enter. This is why the metal does not interact with oxygen. In addition, slag forms on top of the seam, which also prevents the interaction of the alloy and oxygen. At the final stage, it is cleaned with a brush.

Arc striking training

Before any type of activity you need to gain experience. Likewise in the welding process, before you start alloying several metals, you need to practice making beads on an unnecessary sheet of metal. To do this, you need to clean the rusty surface and dirt on it.

The electrode is then clamped into the welding machine holder (inverter). Next, in order to deliver current to the melting zone, you just need to scratch. Or you can also do it with tapping movements.

After the completed electric arc is created, the electrode is directed to the workpiece. It is worth noting that the gap between the electric arc and the metal surface should be the same throughout the entire gap, but not less than 0.3 cm and not more than 0.5 cm.

Important! If the gap between the arc and the metal is changed, the electric arc will break, and the welding seam will be defective and unsightly.

The electric rod is usually held at an angle of 71 degrees. It can be tilted forward or backward, as is more convenient for the master. In the future, the tilt can be changed depending on the convenience of the master or on the specifics of welding.

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And also at this training stage it is necessary to feel the required electric welding current in order for the supply to be carried out stably. If the current strength is small, then the electric arc will go out, and if, on the contrary, it is large, then the metal will begin to melt. Welding skills can be gained through trial and error.

Weld seams depending on welding speed

 Correct movements with the electrode

After training with rollers, which after hard training should turn out approximately smooth and beautiful, you can begin training welding seams. It is at this stage that you can understand how to correctly lay perfect seams using electric welding. This stage is already within the capabilities of beginners who have gotten good at using rollers, felt the required current strength, the distance between the gaps, etc.

For a welded seam, you must first prepare the equipment, as described above (light an electric arc). A distinctive feature from the previous stage is that this time the master’s hand moves not in a straight line, but along an oblique path, making light oscillatory movements with a small amplitude. It looks as if the master is moving hot, melting metal from one edge of the welded element to the other.

The movement can be different and can be a zigzag, looping or reminiscent of repeated bends similar to Christmas trees and sickles.

There are trajectories produced in three directions:

  1. Progressive. The electrode moves along its axis. For this purpose, maintaining a stable electric arc length will be sufficient.
  2.  Longitudinal. This is one of the thinnest types of seams. It looks like a thread. In order to apply it, it is necessary to maintain a height that depends on the speed at which the electric rod moves. In order to secure the resulting seam, it is necessary to make transverse directions of movement.
  3.  Oscillatory. This trajectory helps to obtain the required seam width. They can be done by making oscillatory movements of the hand. The height of the vibration wave is selected based on the size of the desired joint.

Electrode manipulation Recommended! Classification of welds and joints

The training also needs to be done on an unnecessary metal sheet. To begin, draw a line with chalk so that it can be seen through the darkened glass of the welding helmet. Next, along this line you need to draw a seam with an electrode along one of the trajectories listed above. After the joint has cooled, the slag is knocked off with a hammer, and a beautiful seam is obtained.

After obtaining these initial skills, you can safely begin welding connecting seams. They come in completely different shapes: horizontal, vertical, angular, butt, overlapping and others. After you feel that your hand is moving more or less confidently and have trained a lot, you can only then try to weld beautiful and delicate seams.

For a visual understanding of the welding process, we recommend watching this video

Thus, you can independently learn the very necessary skill of working with electric welding.

To do this, you need to stock up on certain supplies and tools. It is also worth remembering that welding is a very dangerous activity, so when working with it you need special equipment and protective measures (helmet, gloves, clothing).

To master this type of work, you must first practice on an unnecessary sheet of metal.


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