How to solder a car radiator yourself

How to solder a copper car radiator

A leak in the device under consideration can occur only for two reasons: due to mechanical damage and due to corrosion processes occurring inside the tubes. In the first case, it may be the impact of a foreign object on the honeycombs or tanks. This usually happens as a result of traffic accidents, hitting a high curb, being hit by a stone, etc.

Everything is clear here. A visual inspection will allow you to accurately determine the location of the damage, as well as assess the possibility of repair. Corrosion is a little more complicated. In order not to make a mistake and solder the cooling radiator where needed, you will need to carry out a few simple steps to detect the problem area or even areas. The fact is that corrosion damage can occur in several places at the same time.

A clear sign that the radiator is leaking is the presence of traces of coolant on the ground under the car, on the engine guard, or on the engine itself. Finding the location of the leak without dismantling the device is almost impossible. But before you remove it, you should make sure that the problem is in it, and not in the pipes or, for example, in the leaky plug of the upper tank. When this is done, you can safely drain the coolant and remove the radiator for diagnostics.

If a visual inspection of the device does not yield any results, check it by immersing it in water. To do this, take a container of a suitable size and fill it with water. Close all pipes with plugs and immerse the radiator in water. Now all that remains is to create air pressure in the device. This can be achieved by simply blowing into the filler neck of the upper tank or by coming up with another option with a compressor (pump). The escaping air bubbles will show you exactly where the damage is.

How to solder plastic on a cooling radiator

Most modern car radiators have tanks made of heat-resistant plastic. This material does not react with coolant and does not corrode, but it does not have the elasticity to withstand mechanical damage. That is why some car owners, faced with the problem of a broken tank, are wondering whether it is possible to solder a cooling radiator whose plastic has been damaged. Can!

Today you can find hundreds of offers from organizations and individuals who are ready to solder a cooling radiator with high quality. The price for such services ranges from 100 rubles per sq. cm. You will have to pay separately for removal, diagnostics and installation of the device.

If the issue of repairing the tank has become very acute, or you don’t really want to pay, you can try to do it yourself. To do this, the damaged area must be cleaned and formed in such a way that the material that will be applied as a restorer can easily penetrate into the gap. Next, the treated area is degreased.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Installing heating radiators with your own hands

As for the gluing material, it can be soft plastic or two-component epoxy adhesive. In the first case, the plastic is melted using a soldering iron and applied to the damaged area with a small spatula. The glue is applied in the same way. When performing work on soldering tanks, it is advisable to use a reinforcing mesh with small cells.

Being in a risk zone, a car radiator takes on more than just a headwind. Often, stones, branches, rubble and even birds can damage the radiator. The driver should occasionally inspect its surface for damage. This will make it possible to identify problems at an early stage and take measures to eliminate them.

During the circulation of antifreeze or antifreeze, scale begins to form on the inner surface of the radiator. As an example, consider scale in a kettle.

A similar nuisance plagues drivers who love to use distilled water instead of antifreeze or antifreeze in the summer. It is this that is capable of producing such a sediment, which is tightly attached to the inner surface of the radiator.

Careless drivers who rarely maintain their car and do not monitor the cleanliness of the engine compartment are faced with a similar phenomenon. If even a small amount of engine oil has penetrated the engine cooling system, immediate measures must be taken to remove it and clean the system.

Otherwise, after mixing it with hot antifreeze, they form a substance similar to jelly. It accumulates in the radiator and disrupts the circulation of antifreeze, clogging the internal cavities of the heat exchanger.

Copper or aluminum

In order to properly solder a cooling radiator, it is necessary to determine exactly what material it is made of. Most often, cooling devices are made from copper and aluminum. It is not difficult to determine the type of material. Copper honeycombs have a characteristic reddish-brown color, aluminum ones – gray.

If you have determined that you have a copper radiator, you can consider yourself lucky. This metal is easy to solder at home. If you get an aluminum device, then you will have to tinker with it, because this material is difficult to solder.

Aluminum is a very specific metal. Its peculiarity lies in its high chemical activity, manifested in the formation of a so-called oxide film on the surface. It appears instantly when pure metal comes into contact with air, reacting with oxygen. And it is precisely because of this that it is impossible to solder an aluminum cooling radiator in the usual way. This will require additional substances that contribute to:

  • removing oxide film from the surface;
  • reducing surface tension;
  • protection from adverse factors affecting the soldering process;
  • improved solder flow.

How to solder an aluminum car radiator?

In order to solder a cooling radiator, the honeycombs of which are made of aluminum, you will need:

  • powerful soldering iron;
  • solder (tin-lead or tin-bismuth alloy);
  • iron filings;
  • rosin;
  • fireproof container (crucible).

It is desirable that the soldering iron has a power of more than 100 W. Otherwise, it simply will not be able to warm up the aluminum. As for solder, a tin-lead alloy is suitable for sealing small cracks (holes). If the damage is significant, then it is advisable to use solder consisting of 5 parts bismuth and 95 parts tin.


Soldering a radiator without removing it is a fantasy. The quality of work will be very low. You need to disassemble the front part of the car, remove the bumper and remove the radiator.

Don't forget to drain all the coolant from the system. All work should be carried out only after the engine has cooled down. You can get severe burns to your face and hands.

When the fluid is drained, do not forget to disconnect the hoses and radiator mountings. The work must be done carefully and carefully so as not to damage the mounting elements. You need to remember the connection points of each hose and pipe. The fan, sensors and other electrical wiring are turned off.

Over the years of use, scale forms inside the radiator. They need to be removed. You can use a special cleaner to clean the inside of the radiator. It is poured inside the radiator and dissolves foreign compounds.

For convenience, the cleaning agent is dissolved in the amount of water specified in the instructions. The solution is poured into the radiator. After some time, it merges together with the remnants of foreign formations dissolved in it.

After chemical cleaning, the radiator is washed with plain water under good pressure.

For high-quality soldering of a car radiator at home, you need to clean it from the outside. Special cleaning agents are used that can remove oil stains, antifreeze spills and just dirt. It is better not to use aggressive chemicals, as there is a risk of damaging the radiator.

When cleaning the radiator externally, it is necessary to record and mark the areas of damage. This will make it possible to carry out repairs as efficiently as possible.

4.Drying the radiator

Before soldering a car radiator at home, you need to dry it and remove all water. It must be dry and clean. To speed up the drying process, you can use a hair dryer.

All soldering areas must be degreased and thoroughly cleaned. This is the key to a successful repair operation. Otherwise, there will simply be no luck and time will be wasted.

Soldering an aluminum car radiator is complicated by the oxide film that forms on the material. POS-50 and POS-61 are used as solder. The task when soldering an aluminum radiator is to minimize the negative impact of the oxide film.

Otherwise, the quality of adhesion between the solder and the material will be low. The completed car radiator repair will not last long.

  1. Metal filings are added to rosin (can be obtained by rubbing a file against a metal element);
  2. Apply rosin together with metal filings to the damaged area of ​​the radiator;
  3. A heated soldering iron evenly distributes the solder over the damaged area.

How to solder a copper car radiator?

Work on sealing a copper radiator should be carried out in a well-lit room. To do this, it is placed on a flat, hard surface. The soldering zone is preheated with a hair dryer to soften the metal. It becomes flexible and convenient to work with.

A layer of rosin is applied to the damaged area. It must be in liquid form. Without giving it a chance to cool, you need to lay the required amount of solder on top.

Using a heated soldering iron, the solder is spread in an even layer over the entire damaged area. Due to the rosin between the surface of the copper radiator and the solder, better adhesion will be achieved. At this point, the process of sealing a copper radiator with your own hands can be completed.

To solder an engine cooling radiator made of copper, you will need the following tools and tools:

  • powerful soldering iron or gas torch;
  • solder;
  • soldering flux;
  • pliers;
  • sandpaper.

First, you need to dry the radiator, especially if you checked it by immersing it in water. Next, the damaged area should be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper. If there are slats on it, they need to be removed locally. After this, the soldering area is treated with flux and dried again.

You can solder the cooling radiator using either a gas torch or a soldering iron. In the first case, solder is applied in place and heated with a torch until it melts and fills the crack. When using a soldering iron as a heating tool, make sure that it has sufficient power.


How to solder a cooling radiator with your own hands: description, diagram and recommendations

An automobile cooling radiator is designed to lower the temperature of the coolant (antifreeze or antifreeze) circulating inside the engine. Its design usually consists of two tanks and honeycombs located between them, which are a system of thin tubes equipped with thin lamellas. Reducing the refrigerant temperature is achieved through natural or forced air blowing of the cells.

Despite its simple design, the radiator sometimes fails. Its main malfunction is a violation of tightness. In other words, it begins to leak. A coolant leak while the power unit is running threatens the latter with critical breakdowns due to overheating.

Replacing a radiator is not so much a troublesome task as it is an expensive one. And the bill here runs into thousands and even tens of thousands of rubles. In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to solder a cooling radiator with your own hands and what tools you will need for this.

Why does a leak appear?

A leak in the device under consideration can occur only for two reasons: due to mechanical damage and due to corrosion processes occurring inside the tubes. In the first case, it may be the impact of a foreign object on the honeycombs or tanks. This usually happens as a result of traffic accidents, hitting a high curb, being hit by a stone, etc.

Everything is clear here. A visual inspection will allow you to accurately determine the location of the damage, as well as assess the possibility of repair. Corrosion is a little more complicated. In order not to make a mistake and solder the cooling radiator where needed, you will need to carry out a few simple steps to detect the problem area or even areas.

The fact is that corrosion damage can occur in several places at the same time.

A clear sign that the radiator is leaking is the presence of traces of coolant on the ground under the car, on the engine guard, or on the engine itself. Finding the location of the leak without dismantling the device is almost impossible. But before you remove it, you should make sure that the problem is in it, and not in the pipes or, for example, in the leaky plug of the upper tank. When this is done, you can safely drain the coolant and remove the radiator for diagnostics.

If a visual inspection of the device does not yield any results, check it by immersing it in water. To do this, take a container of a suitable size and fill it with water. Close all pipes with plugs and immerse the radiator in water. Now all that remains is to create air pressure in the device. This can be achieved by simply blowing into the filler neck of the upper tank or by coming up with another option with a compressor (pump). The escaping air bubbles will show you exactly where the damage is.

Repairing a copper radiator

To solder an engine cooling radiator made of copper, you will need the following tools and tools:

  • powerful soldering iron or gas torch;
  • solder;
  • soldering flux;
  • pliers;
  • sandpaper.

First, you need to dry the radiator, especially if you checked it by immersing it in water. Next, the damaged area should be thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper. If there are slats on it, they need to be removed locally. After this, the soldering area is treated with flux and dried again.

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You can solder the cooling radiator using either a gas torch or a soldering iron. In the first case, solder is applied in place and heated with a torch until it melts and fills the crack. When using a soldering iron as a heating tool, make sure that it has sufficient power.

If the solder does not adhere to the surface or lags behind, it is necessary to repeat the stripping and fluxing process. You can check the repaired radiator using the method described above.

What is the difficulty of soldering aluminum?

Aluminum is a very specific metal. Its peculiarity lies in its high chemical activity, manifested in the formation of a so-called oxide film on the surface. It appears instantly when pure metal comes into contact with air, reacting with oxygen. And it is precisely because of this that it is impossible to solder an aluminum cooling radiator in the usual way. This will require additional substances that contribute to:

  • removing oxide film from the surface;
  • reducing surface tension;
  • protection from adverse factors affecting the soldering process;
  • improved solder flow.

Materials and tools for soldering aluminum radiators

In order to solder a cooling radiator, the honeycombs of which are made of aluminum, you will need:

  • powerful soldering iron;
  • solder (tin-lead or tin-bismuth alloy);
  • iron filings;
  • rosin;
  • fireproof container (crucible).

It is desirable that the soldering iron has a power of more than 100 W. Otherwise, it simply will not be able to warm up the aluminum. As for solder, a tin-lead alloy is suitable for sealing small cracks (holes).

If the damage is significant, then it is advisable to use solder consisting of 5 parts bismuth and 95 parts tin. Such an alloy can be easily purchased in stores that sell radio components.

Usually, it has the form of wire and is marked as POSV-33 or POSV-50.

Preparing gumboil

Soldering a cooling radiator with your own hands is only possible if you have high-quality flux. You will have to prepare it yourself. And it’s better to do this just before you start soldering.

So, pour 2 parts of ordinary rosin and 1 part of iron filings into a fireproof container. Sawdust can be made using a file with fine notches, processing any iron workpiece that comes to hand.

Heat the resulting mixture over fire, stir and let cool. That's basically it. Flux for aluminum is ready.

Flux for the most durable seam

To obtain the most durable protective seam at the site of damage to the radiator, a special flux called flux is used. It can also be obtained at home. To prepare flux, you will need the following substances in the following proportions:

  • potassium chloride – 56%;
  • lithium chloride – 23%;
  • cryolite – 10%;
  • coarse table salt – 7%;
  • sodium sulfate – 4%.

The ingredients are finely chopped and mixed. This melt must be stored in a hermetically sealed glass container in a dark place.

We repair an aluminum radiator with our own hands

The radiator, as in the previous case, is washed and dried. We thoroughly clean the soldering area with emery cloth and then degrease it. After this, we apply pre-prepared flux to it using a soldering iron.

Rub it thoroughly over the surface. Next, we apply solder layer by layer, stretching it over the surface to be repaired.

The role of the iron filings is to destroy the oxide film at the very last moment before soldering, thereby allowing the aluminum and solder to bond.

Most modern car radiators have tanks made of heat-resistant plastic. This material does not react with coolant and does not corrode, but it does not have the elasticity to withstand mechanical damage.

That is why some car owners, faced with the problem of a broken tank, are wondering whether it is possible to solder a cooling radiator whose plastic has been damaged. Can! But it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. Heat-resistant plastic is very difficult to solder due to its rigidity.

Yes, and choosing the right material for this is quite difficult.

Today you can find hundreds of offers from organizations and individuals who are ready to solder a cooling radiator with high quality. The price for such services ranges from 100 rubles per sq. cm. You will have to pay separately for removal, diagnostics and installation of the device.

If the issue of repairing the tank has become very acute, or you don’t really want to pay, you can try to do it yourself. To do this, the damaged area must be cleaned and formed in such a way that the material that will be applied as a restorer can easily penetrate into the gap. Next, the treated area is degreased.

As for the gluing material, it can be soft plastic or two-component epoxy adhesive. In the first case, the plastic is melted using a soldering iron and applied to the damaged area with a small spatula. The glue is applied in the same way.

When performing work on soldering tanks, it is advisable to use a reinforcing mesh with small cells. It is placed between layers of adhesive material.

Of course, such soldering cannot guarantee years of trouble-free operation of the radiator, but it is quite suitable as a temporary measure.


Soldering car radiators made of aluminum and copper, repairing plastic parts

Aluminum is one of the common metals that combines many remarkable qualities, including high thermal conductivity with a relatively low weight.

But this material, which is in demand in everyday life and in production, has one significant drawback - it easily reacts with other elements.

This property significantly complicates the soldering of car cooling radiators, for example, and also leads to difficulties when it is necessary to weld a heating battery.

Car radiator repair methods

If you notice that your car’s radiator has become faulty, you need to take care of its speedy restoration. Otherwise, you will have to invest in more expensive engine repairs. In order to properly solder the radiator, you will need to decide on the most suitable method for this matter. The most popular methods for restoring the integrity of this spare part are:

  1. Soldering. Plastic housings of spare parts are always made of material resistant to high temperatures. This means that the product can be soldered with the most ordinary soldering iron. This way you can achieve a fairly long-term effect.
  2. Cold welding. This name refers to a special mass of plastic resins, iron and chemical additives. The cold welding method allows you to quickly cope with the restoration of a part from damage. In addition, this method makes it possible to quickly connect two surfaces and form a high-quality, durable seam between them.
  3. Gluing. This method is most optimal for eliminating minor damage. It is important that not every adhesive is suitable for these purposes: its characteristics must be ideal for working with heat exchanger materials.

How to seal a car radiator?

Now let's talk about how to seal the radiator and what glue is best suited for this. Thus, one of the best options is considered to be the two-component adhesive 3M DP 8805. The basis of its composition is acrylic, which makes it possible to use the composition for working with difficult-to-glue materials:

  • the main advantages of such glue are the ability to create a sufficiently strong and reliable seam that will not lose its original shape when exposed to high temperatures;
  • The disadvantage is the rather high cost.

Special welding adhesives are also a good option. They are designed for quick and, most importantly, effective elimination of defects on plastic surfaces. Adhesive joints after such compositions withstand not only high but also low temperatures. In addition, they are not afraid of high atmospheric pressure.

It is important that it is not recommended to use compounds like superglue to glue parts of the radiator. Be sure to take into account that the glue for repairing a part must ideally cope with high and low temperature conditions.

To avoid making a mistake in your choice, we recommend purchasing the required adhesive from a certified automotive store.

For the most durable seam

There is another recipe for flux, which is commonly called “flux”. With its help, you can achieve special seam strength. To create the flux you will need the following ingredients:

  • KCl: 56%;
  • LiCl: 23%;
  • cryolite: 10%;
  • NaCl: 7%;
  • Na2SO4: 4%.

All components should be crushed and mixed thoroughly. The composition should be stored in a tightly closed container, protected from light.

Assessing the extent of radiator damage

It is customary to install the radiator itself in the engine compartment, or rather in its front part. This is how it is possible to create the effect of blowing with a counter flow of air while the vehicle is moving. The disadvantage of a car heat exchanger is its fragility. This device is often called the most vulnerable part of any car.

Even if the slightest impact occurs, the likelihood of mechanical damage to the spare part in question is quite high. Heat exchangers whose water tanks are made of plastic break down especially often.

Therefore, when deciding how to repair a radiator, you need to focus primarily on your capabilities.

Carefully study all the methods presented above and try to figure out which method will be the most convenient and simplest from a practical point of view.

It is also important to first assess the extent of the damage. If it is strong enough, it is recommended to focus on direct adhesion. This way you can deal with really large cracks that cannot be fixed with ordinary glue. If the crack is not the largest, cold welding type putty is quite suitable. Glue will be the optimal solution for restoring small cracks.

If you are not sure that you know how to seal a car’s cooling system, it is better to focus on repairing the system at a car service center. In addition, you won’t have to spend too much money on restoration work carried out by a mechanic, because the process itself is not considered difficult.

Determining the location of damage

Car radiators are at greatest risk of damage, as they operate in temperatures with different signs and under the influence of strong vibrations. Cases of mechanical damage to such devices cannot be excluded.

Radiators of air conditioners, which are used as condensers and evaporators, are less often repaired. But such cases also happen. It’s very unpleasant when the climate control suddenly stops working in a luxury car during the hot season.

One of the most effective and affordable repair methods is soldering radiators. If a car radiator is damaged, it is very important to promptly identify the problem and try to fix it.

The auto radiator, which is part of the engine cooling system, is a very important component. Structurally, this device consists of two vertical tanks connected by a large number of thin horizontal tubes.

The coolant circulating in them releases heat into the air through natural heat exchange and cools down. To improve heat transfer, the surfaces of the tubes in contact with the surrounding air are increased.

To do this, thin metal plates - fins - are soldered to them.

Signs of damage to the radiator are an increase in engine temperature during operation, as well as a decrease in the coolant level. Of course, fluid loss can occur not only through the radiator, but most often the cause is this particular unit.

Visually, major damage can be determined by observing the coolant leak. But it will be quite difficult to do this on a hot engine, since the antifreeze will immediately evaporate.

Some compositions are painted with special pigments that remain on the surface of the part after drying, which helps to identify the location of damage.

If it is determined that the leak occurred in the radiator, but no damage is visible, it is necessary to remove the device from the car, first draining the coolant. After this, you need to close all the holes, leaving one, and supply air under slight pressure into it, lowering the radiator into a container of water. The location of the hole can be determined by the escaping air bubbles.

Internal radiator repair using chemicals

Radiator repair can also be done using traditional methods. So, when all sorts of chemicals simply had not yet been invented, ordinary mustard was considered the most effective way to deal with a broken car heat exchanger. It was simply poured into the car radiator. Since hot water circulates there, the mustard swells quickly enough and covers all the small cracks in the pipes.

So, at any time you can purchase chemicals that act on approximately the same principle. They are often sold under the names "powdered remanufacturer", "repair agents" or "radiator sealants".

The main disadvantage of using such chemicals is that it is unlikely to know their exact composition or the exact place of production. Just like with regular mustard, the use of some types of such chemicals can lead to clogging of the heat exchanger. Moreover, sometimes these substances can damage the entire cooling system of the engine.

How to quickly fix a leak

First you need to determine the location of the leak. You can do this in several ways:

  1. We carefully and in detail inspect the line along which the fluid moves. There will be a wet spot at the leak site. This method does not always give a positive result, for example, in the case of microcracks.
  2. The compressor allows you to quickly find all problem areas that will need repair. All outlets on the radiator are closed, only one is left, the system is filled with water and air is supplied through the compressor. A pressure of 1 atmosphere will be enough. In places with drops of water, the cooling radiator leaks. This method does not require dismantling the faulty part, which is appreciated by many drivers.
  3. If the radiator in the car is leaking, but there are no wet spots on its structure and there is also no compressor at hand, then it needs to be dismantled. The structure is placed in a container of water, a bath is best, and air is supplied. Where the bubbles appear is where the problems are.
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How to solder plastic car radiator

Soldering an engine cooling radiator is considered a fairly simple task. However, not everyone can cope with it due to insufficient knowledge of how to solder a car radiator on their own. Most car owners prefer to take their car to a service station.

If you are confident in your abilities, then first you should determine how to seal the plastic radiator. Next, let's look at step-by-step instructions that will help you make a truly high-quality and durable repair of the plastic parts of the part.

Surface preparation

Before gluing the plastic on the car radiator, you will need to thoroughly prepare the surface for this process. For this purpose, we will need to clean it from grease, dust and dirt. Lightly dampen a rag and very carefully wipe the areas of plastic around the resulting crack.

In order to achieve a better effect, it is recommended to use an alcohol solution. It is important that in no case should you overdo it. The fact is that too active mechanical impact on the damaged area or excessive pressure on it when cleaning can damage the heat exchanger even more.

Preparing the adhesive mixture

Now you need to worry about how to seal the crack on the car radiator. So, let's prepare the adhesive mixture. If you decide to use exclusively glue specially designed for such purposes, then its use will be as simple as possible.


How to solder a car radiator: home repairs

It is no secret that a car radiator is one of the most important automotive parts in the vehicle engine cooling system. Its main purpose is the timely removal of heat from the internal combustion engine into the atmosphere.

This occurs due to the circulation of liquid through channels, of which there are quite a lot in the car’s heat exchanger.

Thus, the article describes relevant decisions for car owners on how to solder a car radiator, and what equipment should be prepared for these purposes.

Every driver should understand that the key factor for the correct functioning of the cooling system is its tightness. This means that even the smallest and most unnoticeable crack will completely disable it. Before working on soldering the part, it is important to study the process of repairing an engine cooling radiator with your own hands, and also determine which glue should be used in each specific case.

Cold welding

In addition, you can seal a car radiator using cold welding. Since it comes in the form of a fairly thick putty, it will be enough to apply it to the seam and wait until it cools completely. It is important that this putty must be applied in a neat and even layer so that the seam is of the highest quality.

Cold welding must be used as:

  • the main method of restoring performance;
  • an additional means of securing the result obtained by soldering or gluing.

A layer of cold welding applied on top of the glue layer will allow you to preserve the quality of the auto part repair for a long time and extend the service life of the part.

Final stage

When the glue has completely hardened and all the main working steps have been completed, you need to carry out final surface treatment. It is necessary to ensure that the resulting seam becomes neat and smooth. For such purposes, the soldering area will need to be treated with fine-grained sandpaper, and ideally with a grinding machine.

In this way, you will be able to get rid of all minor defects that will not have the best effect on the further operation of the product. After this treatment has been completed, install the heat exchanger back in its place.

DIY aluminum car radiator repair

Let's look at how to solder an aluminum car radiator at home. Typically, aluminum devices are repaired according to a special principle. So, you will definitely have to solder the damaged area.

First of all, you will need to remove the radiator and drain all remaining fluid from it. The tanks are washed under running water and dried until not a drop of water remains inside. In addition, you need to assess the condition of the tank as carefully as possible. Find even the smallest cracks and flaws in it.

So, to do this, take a large basin of water or a bathtub, prepare a pump or compressor. Close the cover fitting in exactly the same way as the cooling system pipes, and connect one of them to the pump tube. Place the device in the bathroom and supply air.

Watch for the bubbles that appear from the cracks.

It is not possible to repair an aluminum car radiator with an ordinary soldering iron. You need a fairly powerful device, which is unlikely to be found in everyday life. So, you will need a device whose power is approximately 250 watts. The aluminum itself will need to be preheated, for which you need to use a special gas burner.

It is important that this process requires strict adherence to basic security measures. Use of this equipment other than in accordance with the instructions may result in serious injury.

Security measures

When repairing a car radiator, you should be extremely careful and follow certain safety measures. The heat exchanger itself must be disconnected. Drain all liquid completely.

If you have not previously had experience working with a soldering iron, it is better to entrust this task to professionals. In this case, you should at least practice on less important surfaces and parts of the car.

When working with cold welding or glue, it is important to use gloves to avoid damaging your hands. In addition, be sure to follow the instructions for using the glue. This way you can not only achieve the ideal effect of the repair, but also protect your hands from the harmful effects of adhesives.


So, following the recommendations and advice in the article, determining what to seal a car radiator with will not be difficult. The main thing is to follow some safety measures and choose the best repair option. If you are not sure that you can cope with such a task on your own, it is better not to take risks and seek help from qualified auto mechanics.

Still have any questions? In this case, we recommend watching a video on how to repair a car radiator at home. We wish you good luck in your endeavor!


Equipment and materials for soldering a car radiator

When a car radiator starts to leak, not all car owners have the opportunity to immediately replace it with a new one. For some models, a car radiator costs tens of thousands of rubles, for others you have to wait for more than one week for its delivery. Soldering the cooling radiators can help hold out until replacement. The soldering method depends on the material from which the heat exchanger is made.

Why does a leak appear?

The main reasons leading to antifreeze leakage from the cooling system through the heat exchanger are the following:

  • mechanical destruction of tubes or collector tanks during an accident;
  • thermal destruction of joints due to overheating and operation without liquid;
  • corrosion damage.

The first two reasons are somewhat easier to repair because, as a rule, the location of the damage is easy to determine.

In case of corrosion damage, the location of the leak will have to be located. Moreover, it may not be the only one.

Looking for a leak

If a stain of antifreeze remains under the car after parking, it means there is a leak in the cooling system..

Before removing the cooling radiator or air conditioner, you should make sure that all pipes and the expansion tank housing are in order. The heat exchanger of the interior heating system is also checked.

Before dismantling, you need to drain the liquid from the system . The removed radiator is carefully inspected in good lighting. If the damage cannot be seen, all holes are plugged with tight plugs and the heat exchanger is immersed in water. The emerging chain of bubbles will indicate the location of the leak. If you increase the pressure by connecting one of the pipes to the compressor hose, you can detect a leak faster.

Copper or aluminum?

For high-quality soldering of faulty car radiators, you need to find out what they are made of. Modern devices are made of aluminum, copper or plastic.

The easiest way to distinguish material is by color:

  • copper: red-brown;
  • aluminum: grayish shades.

The plastic used for radiators is usually black.

Copper is quite easy to solder in a home workshop or garage . Soldering leaky aluminum car radiators is complicated by a number of its physical and chemical features.

We repair the radiator

Soldering copper radiators will require preparing the following:

  • high-power electric soldering iron or gas burner;
  • correctly selected solder;
  • flux paste;
  • abrasive paper;
  • pliers;
  • degreasing solvent;
  • rags.

At the preparation stage, the product is cleaned of mechanical impurities and thoroughly dried. To speed up drying, you can blow it through one of the nozzles with compressed air under low pressure. The leak area is cleaned with abrasive paper. If there are lamellas nearby, they are carefully trimmed. Flux compound is applied to the soldering area and allowed to dry.

A powerful soldering iron or portable gas burner is used as a heat source . The electric soldering iron can be powered from the mains or from a battery. Solder is placed in the soldering area and heated with a flame so that it melts and flows into the crack or hole. If the molten solder does not wet the metal the first time and does not flow into the gap, you will need to re-clean the surface and apply flux.

What is the difficulty of soldering aluminum?

A layer consisting of oxides with a high melting point quickly appears on the surface of any aluminum part . This temperature is three times higher than that of the metal itself. Until this film is destroyed, there is no point in soldering aluminum parts.

To repair an aluminum radiator you will need:

  • remove the oxide layer from the surface:
  • increase solder fluidity;
  • reduce the surface tension coefficient;
  • prevent the re-occurrence of the oxide layer.

This is achieved by mechanical surface treatment and the use of specially selected flux compositions.

Materials and tools

To repair an aluminum heat exchanger, you will need:

  • high power soldering iron (at least 100 watts);
  • tin-lead (POS) or tin-bismuth (POSV) solder;
  • rosin;
  • fireproof melting container.

You will also need a wire brush, hand brush or drill attachment.

Repairing brass

Soldering a brass radiator is carried out in almost the same way as a copper one . The soldering area should be thoroughly cleaned and degreased. It will take longer to warm it up; for this it is convenient to use an industrial hair dryer. Before soldering, the repair area must be etched with soldering acid, applying it with a narrow brush. For working with brass, POS-40 solder is recommended, which has a higher melting point.

We straighten aluminum with our own hands

Soldering aluminum radiators requires careful preparation of the repair site.

The faulty unit should be washed and dried completely. The repair area must be cleaned with abrasive paper and degreased with a rag moistened with a solvent.

Now you can apply a layer of flux with a soldering iron and rub it over the part. Next, solder is applied. Do this in several layers, rubbing and stretching each one. The steel filings contained in the flux will react with the oxide layer and destroy it. This will allow the solder to be in direct contact with the surface of the part and will significantly improve the quality of soldering.

After repair, it is necessary to re-check the radiator for leaks

How to solder plastic?

On modern cars, to reduce overall weight and reduce production costs, many parts are made of plastic. Radiators did not escape this fate either. First of all, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of plastic . This is done according to the markings on the part.

As a rule, polyamide (PA marking) or polypropylene (PP marking) is used for manufacturing. It is with this marking that you need to purchase welding rods for plastic.

They can be replaced with strips cut from an unnecessary plastic part with similar markings.

The following materials and equipment will be required:

  • industrial hair dryer for heating the workpiece;
  • electric soldering iron with adjustable tip temperature;
  • solder selected in accordance with the radiator material;
  • acetone;
  • rags.

You must act in the following order:

  • degrease the damaged area with a rag soaked in acetone;
  • warm up the repair area with a hairdryer;
  • set the soldering iron temperature to 250°C;
  • move the soldering iron tip along the seam line several times so that a recess is formed in the shape of the welding rod;
  • insert the rod into the recess and, smoothing it with a soldering iron, level it flush with the radiator body.

During soldering, you need to ensure that the plastic softens, but does not melt or burn. After the repair and before installing it back on the vehicle, you should check the tightness of the repaired area in a container of water.


How to solder a car radiator yourself - How to solder a radiator in a car yourself? Features of soldering radiators

Self-repair of a vehicle is an integral part of the life of most car owners, which is why it is so important to have a good understanding of various breakdowns and how to fix them. One of the common problems is radiator malfunction, which is a consequence of a variety of reasons. Of course, the easiest way is to buy a new part, but why, if you can repair the old one and save some money.

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Causes of radiator damage

There are not many reasons for problems with a car radiator, and they can be divided into two types:

Mechanical reasons – contribute to the occurrence of damage that compromises the integrity and tightness of the radiator. Even a small stone thrown from under the wheels of a vehicle can lead to a breakdown, but the first place among such reasons is a head-on collision with other cars or objects.

In addition, repair interventions are considered one of the subtypes of mechanical causes, when inept actions of the car owner lead to damage to parts (especially when dismantling the radiator).

Corrosion and natural wear and tear are another reason for a leak in the cooling system. Remember, even minor scratches or chips will very quickly develop into active pockets of corrosion, and if this problem is not solved in time, then antifreeze will begin to slowly leak out through such holes. It is quite difficult to notice such cracks, but a thorough examination of the system can still lead to the discovery of the problem.

These are two main groups of reasons that can cause damage to the radiator, its depressurization and subsequent leakage of coolant. However, there are also some operational problems that affect the normal circulation of coolant.

Among them are the formation of scale, which appears on the inner surface of the radiator during the circulation of antifreeze (like scale in a kettle) and mixing of oil with antifreeze, which is a consequence of poor cleaning of the engine compartment and carelessness of the car owner himself (even if a small amount of engine oil gets into the cooling system it should be removed immediately).

In the first case, this problem concerns drivers who in the summer do not use antifreeze or antifreeze, but distilled water, which contributes to the appearance of sediment that is tightly attached to the inner surface of the radiator.

Consequences of a leak

Considering that the car’s radiator, together with the antifreeze it contains, provides cooling for the power unit and protects it from overheating, it is logical to assume that, without such support, the engine will simply fail.

I think it’s not worth saying how much it will cost to repair it, especially since not all breakdowns can be “treated”, and it is likely that you will have to change the entire power unit assembly.

In addition, leaking antifreeze gets on other car parts, which does not have the best effect on them.

Determining where the radiator passes

If you notice that the car's power unit has begun to overheat, and the recently filled coolant has disappeared somewhere, it is worth checking the radiator for holes. To perform such a diagnosis, it is necessary to remove the part from the vehicle and carefully inspect it.

In cases where visual diagnostics have not brought any results, you can use another method: close all radiator holes with plugs, and then lower the part into a container filled with water. Now look at the surface of the water: there is damage in the places where the bubbles come out.

It is not difficult to determine a leak in the radiator or the pipes that connect it to the engine, but if there are no coolant leaks, but its temperature very quickly reaches a critical point during movement, then it will not be easy to determine the true cause of this condition. There are usually two reasons for such a malfunction: it is either an insufficient level of antifreeze in the system (possibly as a result of a leak), or ineffective operation of the radiator.

In the latter case, you will not find traces of leaked coolant under the hood, and when searching for the cause of ineffective operation of the radiator, you should pay attention to the condition of the thermostat and fan, since it largely depends on their proper functioning.

To make sure that it is the radiator and not the thermostat that is to blame for the overheating of the power unit, check the coolant level (it should be normal), try starting the engine “cold” (it should start without problems), and as the engine warms up, the temperature of the pipe , feeding into the radiator, will rise slightly, and its warm part, under normal conditions, should not reach the radiator.

If, upon reaching normal operating temperature (or slightly higher than normal), the lower pipe begins to warm up, this means that the thermostat is working properly, and the reason for poor cooling really lies in the radiator. In cases where the lower pipe still remains cold, there is a serious reason to think about the performance of the thermostat.

A set of necessary tools

To solder a cooling radiator, you will need two main components - a welding machine (you can use a soldering iron) and filler material, the type of which depends on the material of the radiator itself.

In most cases, an aluminum or brass additive is used, and to degrease the damaged area before soldering, you can use a regular solvent (acetone). It is also necessary to prepare a standard set of tools (keys, screwdrivers, hammer, etc.

), because in order to carry out soldering, the radiator must first be removed from the car.

Step-by-step radiator repair

Repair work has a specific algorithm and in most cases follows the same scenario. However, some differences may still be observed due to the type of car radiator.

Fixing an aluminum radiator leak

Soldering the radiator is an excellent solution for repairing small damage with a minimum size. However, in the case of self-repair of an aluminum product, we can only talk about the so-called “cold welding” or the usual sealing of the hole using sealants and adhesives.

The fact is that soldering aluminum radiators is a very complex and labor-intensive process, and the nuances lie in the peculiarities of preparing the flux for surface treatment (sawdust of bismuth, zinc, cadmium in powder form is added to ordinary rosin as additional metal additives, or special ready-made mixtures are used) .

You can prepare the composition or use a ready-made substance for soldering after you have cleaned and degreased the damaged surface of the radiator. Metal-rosin flux is created using a crucible - a fireproof container, which is heated on a stove or using a gas soldering iron. When the rosin begins to melt, metal dust is added to it and mixed thoroughly. The ratio of sawdust and rosin is 2:1.

The resulting composition is applied in a thick layer to the entire surface of the radiator. Soldering under a layer of flux is performed in a circular motion, as if rubbing solder into the surface, with metal filings playing the role of an abrasive material. In fact, this is the easiest way to eliminate cracks that have appeared.

Note! When soldering an aluminum radiator, you must not allow air to enter the surface being treated, since aluminum oxidizes very quickly, and the resulting oxide film significantly reduces the adhesion coefficient of the base and solder.

The second, no less common option for getting rid of radiator holes is “cold welding”, the material for which is presented in the form of small bars consisting of two components: an adhesive base and a catalyst.

Simply put, the same principle is used here as in epoxy and polyester adhesives, and before using “cold welding” its components are thoroughly mixed to create a homogeneous mass.

After this, the resulting composition is given a conical shape and pressed with an acute angle into the damaged area.

This method allows a small portion of the “cold weld” to penetrate deep into the damaged area, resulting in a better repair. To repair cracks at the base of the radiator grille inlet or outlet tubes, it is better to use epoxy glue.

Interesting to know! At the initial stage of development of the automotive industry, vehicle engines had little power, and excess heat was simply dissipated. However, with an increase in this indicator, it became necessary to use additional methods of cooling the power unit. This is how the first radiators appeared, presented in the form of a smooth-walled copper pipe, and already in 1900 the external fins of such a coil were used.

Copper radiator repair

If you need to solder a copper radiator, then, as in the previous option, the product must be removed (after draining the coolant) and the soldering area thoroughly cleaned of scale and traces of corrosion. After this, the working part is degreased with a solvent.

To perform soldering, use a soldering iron with a power of 250 W , having previously removed scale from its tip (this will help avoid defects during operation). The soldering area must be heated with a soldering iron or using a hair dryer. In the case of a copper radiator, the area around the hole (at a distance of 5 mm) should be etched with soldering acid, using a regular brush.

After completing all these steps, heat up the soldering iron and apply rosin to its tip, after which solder is used to tinning and sealing the leak.
Soldering a copper radiator is a simple process.

POS-60 , which has a low melting point, is well suited for it

For comparison, when soldering a brass product, it is better to use the more refractory POS-40 , but the soldering site will need to be heated further, of course, if you need a high-quality result.

Interesting fact! The first soldered copper-brass radiator saw the world in 1913, and along with it, a radiator design was created in which air flowed through horizontal air tubes located inside the tank.

Over time, the number of these tubes only increased, which led to the creation of the cellular radiator, which became widespread in the 30s of the last century.

Further improvement of this element has led humanity to modern products that continue to develop further.


How to solder a car radiator - how to solder a radiator yourself at home

Frequent car trips are fraught with overheating of radiators, especially those that are blown by a mechanical rather than an electric fan. Overheating is not so bad: we stood there for half an hour, and then we were on our way again. Heat, as well as gravel from the wheels of cars avoiding traffic jams on the side of the road, can seriously damage the radiator. This is the most vulnerable spot in the power unit of any car - antifreeze can leak anywhere.

Even a new aluminum radiator is especially unpredictable, but a copper one will leak along the way and over time. Therefore, below we will tell you how to solder a copper radiator, as well as products made from other materials.

Automatic kettle repair

Kettle - this is what car enthusiasts call a radiator due to the fact that the liquid in it is beyond the boiling point of water - up to 130 degrees. Therefore, instructions on how to solder a radiator will come in handy. Repair of the internal combustion engine cooling system is the most common thing in auto repair shops during any holiday season.

Practice shows that on the road you can fix a leak yourself only temporarily - to the nearest service station. The following can be done as a temporary measure. Grouting powder or corresponding liquids are poured or poured into the radiator.

How to solder a radiator, read below. If, of course, you purchased everything you need in advance and put it in the trunk. These are the two main emergency equipment for long journeys.

Radiator repair is the elimination of leaks in the tubes. If this happens at home, you won’t have to turn to professional aluminum shareholders and coppersmiths. If you have everything you need, you can handle such a problem as repairing radiators on the highway.

To do this, you will need to perform several technical procedures:

  • Draining the water/antifreeze, removing the radiator and preparing it for soldering.
  • Availability of tools and SOS tools.
  • Soldering of the emergency area.

Do not try to make the job easier by soldering without removing the heatsink. The fact is that the leak can be obvious - a stream, but there is a leak that you won’t notice. But after a while, an emergency situation with a coolant leak will occur again.

Removal is necessary, first of all, to diagnose possible water/antifreeze leaks. To do this, close the empty “kettle” with stoppers, except for one, connect an auto-compressor to it and place it completely in a container with water. Where even small bubbles appear, a new breakthrough is possible.

Restoring duralumin damage

Any welding of aluminum, as well as its soldering, is impossible without cutting off air, otherwise instant oxidation cannot be avoided. Since it is impossible to solder an aluminum radiator like a copper one, it is possible to take solder from bismuth with indexes 33 or 50.

But for it you first need to prepare a powder from four chemical elements that are difficult to find. They are used only at car service stations.

Another method can be used. To do this, have a carbon dioxide cylinder. Direct its jet to the place where the solder is applied. Apply solder and use a soldering iron to place it evenly over the area.

Checking the quality of work is not difficult. After the radiator has cooled down from soldering, pour antifreeze into it. If there is no leakage, place the unit on the car, drive several kilometers, subjecting the radiator to water pressure and heat load.

Remember that DIY repairs are not always the best solution. The problem can be fixed temporarily. Therefore, do not delay and at the first opportunity, seek advice and diagnostics from the service center specialists. Repairing a radiator is a task whose solution should still be trusted to experienced craftsmen.

Photo tips on how to solder a car radiator

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