How to sharpen knives correctly

How to sharpen knives with your own hands?

A knife is used to cut up food, remove skins from killed animals, cut soft materials, and much more. However, over time, the cutting edge becomes unusable. To restore its sharpness, it is necessary to carry out processing. Sharpening knives is a separate technological process that is easy to do yourself.

Main types of blades

Before you start learning how to sharpen blades, you need to know what types of blades there are. Different types of steel have some nuances:

  1. Carbon steel. The material is an alloy of carbon and iron. They are easy to sharpen and maintain their sharpness for a long time. People are attracted by the affordable price. Tools made from this material quickly rust in an acidic environment.
  2. Low carbon stainless steel. They are a compound of chromium, iron, carbon. Compared to carbon steel, this material dulls quickly due to its low hardness. The main advantage of stainless steel is its resistance to rust formation.
  3. Damascus steel. Blades made of this material are multi-layered products that have an unusual pattern on their surface.
  4. High carbon stainless steel. High carbon content, plus the addition of molybdenum and vanadium make this material more durable than conventional stainless steel. The products dull slowly and are protected from corrosion.

Ceramic blades belong to a separate group. This material has a high sharpness from the factory, which does not dull over a long period of time. However, ceramic tools are fragile and are not resistant to strong impacts, falls, or the application of breaking force.

Why does the blade become dull?

There are a number of factors that influence the process of dulling a cutting edge:

  1. Excessive force transmitted to the tool when cutting. This causes the blade to bend.
  2. Incorrect turning process.
  3. Cutting hard materials.
  4. Improper storage.
  5. Impacts against metal objects.
  6. Destruction of metal due to corrosion.

Blacksmiths do not recommend washing knives under hot water. This is due to the fact that the metal is affected by aggressive salts, which reduce the sharpness.

How to determine the sharpening angle?

To restore the sharpness of the blade, you need to know the sharpening angle of the knife. To do this, you can use hand tools and inquire about factory sharpening. Knife sharpening tables with standard indicators can be found on the Internet. There are two simple methods for determining the sharpening angle of knives without tables:

  1. Using scissors. To do this, the scissors are opened and the blade is placed between the open parts. The sides of the knife should be set at the same distance from the blades of the scissors. Readings are taken using a protractor.
  2. Using an angular ruler. This is a special device. Modern models are connected to computers that read accurate readings.

Masters use precision measuring instruments to read indicators. There are also special tables that help determine the angle when sharpening knives.

What sharpening angle is suitable for kitchen tools?

Tools used for cutting food are considered universal. The sharpening angle of a kitchen knife starts from 20 to 30 degrees. Thanks to this, they can cut products of different hardness equally efficiently. The exception is fillet cutting tools. Their sharpening angles range from 15 to 20 degrees.


Tools used for hunting are subject to increased stress. Because of this, they are made from more durable materials. The angle for sharpening knives used by hunters is from 25 to 40 degrees.

Proper sharpening of a hunting knife

Sharpening methods

Over time, knifemakers have brought the sharpening procedure to a special technological process, during which a variety of devices and techniques can be used. Knives can be sharpened both with hand tools and on industrial machines.

On the grinding wheel

Sharpening knives using a sharpening wheel is not recommended. This is due to the fact that few craftsmen can limit the cutting edge from overheating. Because of this, tempering of the steel may occur, after which the hardness of the material will decrease. You can sharpen a knife on a sharpening wheel only for large chips or serious damage that would take too long to correct manually.

On abrasive stones

Sharpening a knife is possible using abrasive stones. This is a classic method used by both professionals and amateurs. The grain size of the stones varies. Grains can be large, medium, small. With the help of abrasive stones, craftsmen remove any sharpening of the blades.

Sharpening devices

Sharpening a knife can be carried out using special mechanisms that facilitate this process. Mechanical sharpeners require human effort during the procedure. Expensive devices include automatic machines. With their help you can sharpen blades made of different steels.

Sandpaper or cloth

To correct small burrs and restore sharpness after working with a tool, you can use fine-grain sandpaper or a hard cloth. They are suitable for finishing sharpening knives and bringing the cutting edge to working condition.

Sharpening a knife with sandpaper

What to sharpen with?

Before you start restoring the sharpness of an edge, you need to familiarize yourself with all types of tools for work and their features. Not every device can sharpen a blade to working condition.

Sharpening stone

Sharpening stones, made from abrasive materials, are the most popular tools used for restoring cutting edges. Foreign companies indicate on the surface of the bars the number of abrasive grains per 1 square millimeter. There are stones with small, medium, and large grains on sale. With their help, you can perform both rough and finishing metal processing. Sharpening knives on sandpaper must be done carefully, making movements only in one direction.

Mechanical sharpener

Popular sharpeners that are purchased for sharpening kitchen knives. It is a structure that has two abrasive plates that are fixed at equal angles. It is enough to run the blade over them several times to restore sharpness. Cannot be used for sharpening special blades (hunting, sporting).

Electric sharpener

Expensive devices that are used for sharpening various blades. Allows you to achieve better results compared to mechanical sharpeners. This is due to the fact that this mechanism automatically selects the optimal sharpening angle.


A cylindrical file, sold separately, included with kitchen tools. Used to bring the cutting edge back to working condition after a short period of use with the blade. If there is serious damage to it, musat will not help.

Lansky sharpener

A special device that is used to restore sharpness to small blades. The main advantage of this sharpener is the ability to set any angles and maintain them throughout the working process. The sharpener is equipped with several bars for rough and finishing processing. The work is carried out manually.

Sharpening and grinding machines

In production, blades are often sharpened on machines. Using industrial equipment, you can accurately sharpen any tool. However, a master must operate the machines. This is due to the fact that the abrasive disc at high speeds can damage the cutting edge if moved incorrectly. We must not forget about cooling the metal during work.

How to sharpen at home?

Sharpening knives with your own hands requires a special approach. To do this, you need to select a device for the work, taking into account the material from which the blade is made. If there are no sharpening tools, you can restore the sharpness of the knife on the knife. To do this, you need to run a dull blade along the butt of another blade several times, performing planing movements. However, more serious sharpening can only be done with the help of special tools.

Another option for turning tools without abrasives is to use glass objects. Jars, bottles, glasses, and glass plates are suitable for this. Simply running the edge over the fragile material a few times will restore its sharpness.

How to sharpen kitchen knives correctly?

You can use different tools to sharpen kitchen knives. The most common ones include grinding stones, sharpening stones, and mechanical sharpeners. We will talk about how to sharpen a blade with an abrasive stone below.

To sharpen a kitchen knife using a mechanical sharpener, you need to place it on a hole with abrasive plates and pull it toward you several times. Musat brings the blade to working condition.

To do this, several movements are performed in one direction on each side of the blade.

How to sharpen on a sharpening machine?

To restore the sharpness of a tool using industrial equipment, you need to follow the sharpening rules:

  1. Use a disc with large grains to correct rough irregularities, chips, and large burrs. Finish the edge on the grinding wheel with small grains. If the blade is thin, you cannot use the disc for rough cutting.
  2. Sufficient rotation speed of the abrasive disc is up to 150 rpm.
  3. We must not forget about setting the exact angle for different types of blades. The parameters are indicated in special tables. Additional devices are used to maintain the angle.
  4. When processing, perform smooth movements so that the abrasive catches the metal along the entire length of the blade.
  5. Cool the steel during work. The master needs to water the metal with special oil or water.
  6. When working with the machine, use safety glasses to prevent metal filings from getting into your eyes.

Any sudden movement may damage the instrument. Even after proper work, the severity can quickly worsen. To prevent this from happening, you need to use the blade only for its intended purpose. Store in wooden stands, do not leave in water for a long time.

How to sharpen with a whetstone by hand?

Sharpening knives at home using an abrasive stone is a process performed in a certain sequence. You need to prepare water and abrasive stones in advance. Procedure:

  1. Place a stone with large grains on the table in front of you. It must be fixed motionless.
  2. Pour water over the block.
  3. Set the required angle between the metal and abrasive surface. To do this, you can use a leaf folded at the required angle.
  4. Perform movements along the block away from you so that the entire length of the edge is processed. The knife can only be moved in one direction.

After processing on a coarse-grained stone, change it to a block with small particles and repeat the procedure. During processing, wash off any metal shavings that appear with water. To make the instrument shine beautifully, its surface can be treated with GOI paste.

Proper sharpening of a knife with a whetstone

Methods for checking the blade tip

After carrying out the work, you need to check how sharp the blade is. Several methods are used for this.

On paper

Try to cut a sheet of paper while holding it with one hand. If you can do it without problems, the sharpening is good. A sharp blade will cut the sheet under its own weight.

On a tomato

Often the sharpness of kitchen blades is tested on tomatoes. If it is blunt, the vegetable will be crushed. You need to put it on the table in front of you, try to cut the tomato with the blade horizontally without holding it with your hand. A sharp blade will easily cut a vegetable.

Checking knife sharpening on tomatoes

Testing on hand hair

One of the testing methods that people often use after turning tools. To do this, the knife is pressed effortlessly against the skin of the hand. It should be easily passed through the hair. If the hairs are cut, the blade is sharp, suitable for various types of work.

Everyone uses knives.
However, these tools become dull over time, making it impossible to work with them. To restore the sharpness of steel, you can use different devices. Taking into account the angles for different types of knives, you can carry out the work yourself. Sharpening a knife - the basics, concise, complete, accessible. The simplest correct algorithm for sharpening knives


Sharpening knives: how to sharpen a knife at home

Knives are the most used tool in the household. Whether it's kitchen knives, folding knives, stationery knives or surgical scalpels, they should always have a sharp blade. During operation, the cutting edge of any, even the most advanced tool, becomes dull and the problem of sharpening knives is always relevant. In order to maintain sharpness yourself, you need to know how to sharpen knives correctly and master this useful skill.

Cutting angle

As the sharpening angle decreases, the sharpness of the blade increases, but the risk of destruction of the cutting edge by lateral load increases. Typical section angles of a symmetrical tip are about 25−30 degrees. Very sharp knives can be 20 degrees or less. Different knives are sharpened differently depending on the purpose, the geometry of the blade and the material from which it is made.

These features are important when deciding how to sharpen a knife. For example, a surgical scalpel is a sharp but fragile instrument that cannot be restored after losing its cutting properties.

Straight razors are also unusually sharp, have a very shallow cutting edge angle, and require stropping once a day or more often. Another extreme case is an axe.

It is used primarily for splitting wood or impact cutting, so it can have a blunt point angle that does not require frequent sharpening. Generally, the harder the blade material, the shallower the angle.

The composition and hardening of steel affects the sharpness. The latter is limited by the grain size of the material from which the blade is made. For example, European kitchen knives are usually made of soft materials with an edge angle of 20-30 degrees and a hardness of 52-58 HRC, while tools for Eastern kitchens are traditionally made of hard steel with angles of 10-20. It is not uncommon for these products to have a hardness of 59-60 on the Rockwell scale and higher.

Types of edge processing

There are several technological operations to restore the cutting properties of the blade. The need to use each of them depends on the type of tool, its condition, and the stage of restoration of properties. They are very important for understanding how to properly sharpen a knife at home. Here are some of the edge processing methods:

  1. Edge restoration . Removing metal to form a new edge.
  2. Rough sharpening . Processing using coarse stones or paper according to the method used.
  3. Fine sharpening . The same as described in paragraph 2, but using fine-grained abrasives.
  4. Edit . Light sanding to maintain acceptable sharpness.
  5. Polishing . Achieving a mirror effect without significant changes to the edge.

All these procedures can be applied in stages and simultaneously as stages of complete restoration of the tool or separately, depending on the tasks or purpose of the blade.

For example, straight razors are straightened before each use and even during the shaving process, but they are processed on stones only a few times a year, and the edges do not require restoration for years. A hard steel kitchen knife may need abrasive only once a year, while butchers using carbon steel tools can only get by with sanding every few cuts.



How to sharpen a knife by hand

How to sharpen a knife by hand

How to sharpen a knife by hand

How to sharpen a knife by hand

The tool must be in working condition. In the case of a knife, the main characteristic of the working condition will be its sharpness. We will tell you how to sharpen a knife correctly, what tools you will need for this, and give you a number of useful instructions. "Knife sharpening. Basics" is a basic article for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this art.

How does the blade get dull?

How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

Takes ~3 minutes to read

A knife is an essential kitchen attribute. It is impossible to imagine modern life and the process of cooking without it. What to do if he stopped cutting and his blade became dull? Run to the store for a new tool? Don’t rush to buy a new one, we’ll tell you how to sharpen it quickly and easily and give step-by-step instructions for sharpening it at home. Even a beginner can do this work.

Interesting fact! In 2005, Forbes magazine conducted a sociological survey of people on the topic: “What object created by man has had the greatest impact on the history of all mankind?” – and the knife took first place.

Types of general purpose kitchen knives

How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

1. Editing or sharpening?
2. Mythical types of sharpening
3. Which knives cannot be sharpened yourself
4. How to sharpen: what options are there?
5. Sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade
6. Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone
7. Sharpening a knife in extreme conditions

Do we edit or sharpen?

How to properly sharpen knives at home

How to properly sharpen knives at home

How to properly sharpen knives at home

If you are considering ways to properly sharpen knives, you must first determine what material the blade is made of. Taking into account the characteristics of the knife, a sharpening tool is selected. Moreover, some types of blades remain sharp for a long period. They need to be sharpened using special equipment.

Main types of knives and blade materials

How to sharpen knives correctly

How to sharpen knives correctly

How to sharpen knives correctly

This tool is very similar to a file: a long round rod with a notch and a handle. It is mainly used for straightening the cutting edge of a knife. This is useful because it allows you to keep the knife in working condition at all times. But if the blade has become very dull, grinding stone will not help you - a major sharpening is necessary.


2. Mechanical sharpener

5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

Very often you have to face the need to sharpen knives; everyone does it at home. Sharpening a blade is an important process and requires minimal tools, so it can be easily done at home. Sometimes you can contact workshops, where all work is carried out as quickly as possible. I usually sharpen a knife with a whetstone, but there are other ways.


How to sharpen knives with your own hands?

A knife is used to cut up food, remove skins from killed animals, cut soft materials, and much more. However, over time, the cutting edge becomes unusable. To restore its sharpness, it is necessary to carry out processing. Sharpening knives is a separate technological process that is easy to do yourself.

Main types of blades

Sharpening knives: how to sharpen a knife at home

Knives are the most used tool in the household. Whether it's kitchen knives, folding knives, stationery knives or surgical scalpels, they should always have a sharp blade. During operation, the cutting edge of any, even the most advanced tool, becomes dull and the problem of sharpening knives is always relevant. In order to maintain sharpness yourself, you need to know how to sharpen knives correctly and master this useful skill.

Cutting angle


How to sharpen a knife by hand

The tool must be in working condition. In the case of a knife, the main characteristic of the working condition will be its sharpness. We will tell you how to sharpen a knife correctly, what tools you will need for this, and give you a number of useful instructions. "Knife sharpening. Basics" is a basic article for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this art.

How does the blade get dull?

How to sharpen a knife by hand

The tool must be in working condition. In the case of a knife, the main characteristic of the working condition will be its sharpness. We will tell you how to sharpen a knife correctly, what tools you will need for this, and give you a number of useful instructions. "Knife sharpening. Basics" is a basic article for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this art.

How does the blade get dull?

We buy a sharp knife at the store, but over time it inevitably becomes dull if, of course, we work with it. Why does this happen, since the tool is made of good steel and sharpened at the factory? The process takes place at several levels:

  • Microscopic, when particles of steel are ground off the cutting edge during friction with the material, making the edge less sharp. You can't see it, but you can feel how more and more pressure is required to cut over time.
  • Macroscopic, when the tip encounters solid inclusions, such as grains of sand, particles of stone or metal. They are found in almost any material. The edge either moves the obstacle away or moves away itself, while crumpling.
  • If the blade is used inappropriately, its blade can be damaged beyond recognition. This means unscrewing screws, digging soil, etc.

As a result, the working part of the blade is deformed, the edge loses its sharpness and the tool becomes less and less suitable for work. Gradually, hardened steels crumble, and softer and more ductile steels begin to curl.

Rice. 1. The process of blunting and sharpening a knife: 1. When working with a knife, the shape of the cutting edge changes randomly. 2. During the sharpening process, we return the specified shape of the cutting edge or change it. 3. And we give it smoothness, finally removing the burr.

To return the knife to working condition, it is necessary to eliminate the resulting deformation and restore the correct shape of the blade.

What are knives sharpened with?

How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

Takes ~3 minutes to read

A knife is an essential kitchen attribute. It is impossible to imagine modern life and the process of cooking without it. What to do if he stopped cutting and his blade became dull? Run to the store for a new tool? Don’t rush to buy a new one, we’ll tell you how to sharpen it quickly and easily and give step-by-step instructions for sharpening it at home. Even a beginner can do this work.

Interesting fact! In 2005, Forbes magazine conducted a sociological survey of people on the topic: “What object created by man has had the greatest impact on the history of all mankind?” – and the knife took first place.

Types of general purpose kitchen knives

  • Cook (French). This is a utility knife that is most often used by real chefs for chopping. Has a very sharp blade.
  • Cutting. This blade is used for cutting meat or fish.
  • Hatchet knife (cleaver). It has the shape of a small hatchet, which is why it got its name.
  • For cleaning vegetables. This tool is small in size with a curved or straight blade. Used for cutting peels from vegetables and fruits.
  • For bread. It has wavy teeth, making even soft bread amenable to slicing.
  • For oil. There is no blade, it is more of a table accessory.
  • Oyster. It is characterized by a thickened blade.

What materials are used to make kitchen knives? It can be:

  • Carbon steel and stainless steel. These knives become dull quickly and therefore require regular sharpening.
  • Ceramics. Modern knives are made mainly from this material. They are practical and do not become dull so quickly.
  • Plastic.
  • Titanium. These kitchen tools are durable and have a price tag to match.
  • Multilayer coating.
  • High carbon stainless steel.

How to sharpen and choose the optimal sharpening angle

How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

1. Editing or sharpening?
2. Mythical types of sharpening
3. Which knives cannot be sharpened yourself
4. How to sharpen: what options are there?
5. Sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade
6. Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone
7. Sharpening a knife in extreme conditions

Do we edit or sharpen?

Sometimes sharpening is not necessary, you just need to update the edge a little, removing irregularities and lightly grinding, which makes the knife sharper.

This is called editing.

It is done using musats, fine-grained sandpaper, or the old-fashioned way, on a leather belt.

In this case, the angle is not set, but the one that already exists is maintained.

But if you need to change or restore the geometry of the cutting edge angle, then this is sharpening.

And if you don’t maintain the right angle, then cutting will become simply impossible.

A few words about laser sharpening and self-sharpening steel

How to properly sharpen knives at home

If you are considering ways to properly sharpen knives, you must first determine what material the blade is made of. Taking into account the characteristics of the knife, a sharpening tool is selected. Moreover, some types of blades remain sharp for a long period. They need to be sharpened using special equipment.

Main types of knives and blade materials

The quality of sharpening depends on the type of metal:

  1. Low-carbon stainless steel - based on an alloy of chromium, carbon, iron, sometimes nickel and molybdenum are used. This material has the simplest properties. For this reason, low-carbon stainless steel knives need to be sharpened regularly, otherwise they will be difficult to use. Advantages include corrosion resistance.
  2. High-carbon stainless steel - the blade is durable, which is due to a change in composition (high carbon content, sometimes additives in the form of vanadium and cobalt are present). Thanks to this, such knives do not need to be sharpened often, and they are also resistant to corrosion.
  3. Carbon steel - the material is durable and easy to sharpen. The advantages of such knives include reasonable cost, however, the metal is not resistant to water and oxidizes upon contact with food (the alloy is made from carbon and iron).
  4. Damascus steel - knives are equipped with a multi-layer blade, which increases strength. Thanks to the use of different alloys in production, corrosion resistance is ensured, but the disadvantages include the high price. Considering these features, it is not advisable to purchase such knives for use at home; they are more often used as edged weapons.
  5. Ceramics - the blade remains sharp for a long time, but does not withstand impact and deformation loads (low bending strength).

Knife sharpening angle

How to sharpen knives correctly

This tool is very similar to a file: a long round rod with a notch and a handle. It is mainly used for straightening the cutting edge of a knife. This is useful because it allows you to keep the knife in working condition at all times. But if the blade has become very dull, grinding stone will not help you - a major sharpening is necessary.


2. Mechanical sharpener

Not a bad thing that every housewife should buy. Well suited for sharpening kitchen knives as it is quick and easy. True, the quality is not always pleasing, and the knives become dull as quickly as they are sharpened. This method is suitable for a kitchen knife, but no more.


3. Electric sharpener

5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

Very often you have to face the need to sharpen knives; everyone does it at home. Sharpening a blade is an important process and requires minimal tools, so it can be easily done at home. Sometimes you can contact workshops, where all work is carried out as quickly as possible. I usually sharpen a knife with a whetstone, but there are other ways.


A knife is considered an integral part of the kitchen; without it it is impossible to cook food. All of them periodically become dull, so there is a need for sharpening. There are several varieties of them, so the process requires a certain approach.

Main types of knives:

  • chef's (French) - a universal option, the blade is sharp, used for shredding;
  • cutting - designed for cutting meat and fish products;
  • hatchet knife - made in the shape of a small ax;
  • for vegetables - a curved or straight blade, used to remove peels;
  • for bread - has wavy teeth, which ensures cutting of soft bread;
  • for butter - without a blade, serves as a table accessory;
  • oyster - distinguished by a thickened blade.

Stainless and carbon steel are used in the manufacture of knives. Such products become dull quickly, so the knives need to be sharpened. Ceramic knives are considered the most modern, practical, and dull quickly.

Knives - can everything be sharpened at home?

How to sharpen knives with your own hands?

A knife is used to cut up food, remove skins from killed animals, cut soft materials, and much more. However, over time, the cutting edge becomes unusable. To restore its sharpness, it is necessary to carry out processing. Sharpening knives is a separate technological process that is easy to do yourself.

Main types of blades

Before you start learning how to sharpen blades, you need to know what types of blades there are. Different types of steel have some nuances:

  1. Carbon steel. The material is an alloy of carbon and iron. They are easy to sharpen and maintain their sharpness for a long time. People are attracted by the affordable price. Tools made from this material quickly rust in an acidic environment.
  2. Low carbon stainless steel. They are a compound of chromium, iron, carbon. Compared to carbon steel, this material dulls quickly due to its low hardness. The main advantage of stainless steel is its resistance to rust formation.
  3. Damascus steel. Blades made of this material are multi-layered products that have an unusual pattern on their surface.
  4. High carbon stainless steel. High carbon content, plus the addition of molybdenum and vanadium make this material more durable than conventional stainless steel. The products dull slowly and are protected from corrosion.

Ceramic blades belong to a separate group. This material has a high sharpness from the factory, which does not dull over a long period of time. However, ceramic tools are fragile and are not resistant to strong impacts, falls, or the application of breaking force.

Why does the blade become dull?

There are a number of factors that influence the process of dulling a cutting edge:

  1. Excessive force transmitted to the tool when cutting. This causes the blade to bend.
  2. Incorrect turning process.
  3. Cutting hard materials.
  4. Improper storage.
  5. Impacts against metal objects.
  6. Destruction of metal due to corrosion.

Blacksmiths do not recommend washing knives under hot water. This is due to the fact that the metal is affected by aggressive salts, which reduce the sharpness.

How to determine the sharpening angle?

To restore the sharpness of the blade, you need to know the sharpening angle of the knife. To do this, you can use hand tools and inquire about factory sharpening. Knife sharpening tables with standard indicators can be found on the Internet. There are two simple methods for determining the sharpening angle of knives without tables:

  1. Using scissors. To do this, the scissors are opened and the blade is placed between the open parts. The sides of the knife should be set at the same distance from the blades of the scissors. Readings are taken using a protractor.
  2. Using an angular ruler. This is a special device. Modern models are connected to computers that read accurate readings.

Masters use precision measuring instruments to read indicators. There are also special tables that help determine the angle when sharpening knives.

What sharpening angle is suitable for kitchen tools?

Tools used for cutting food are considered universal. The sharpening angle of a kitchen knife starts from 20 to 30 degrees. Thanks to this, they can cut products of different hardness equally efficiently. The exception is fillet cutting tools. Their sharpening angles range from 15 to 20 degrees.


Tools used for hunting are subject to increased stress. Because of this, they are made from more durable materials. The angle for sharpening knives used by hunters is from 25 to 40 degrees.

Proper sharpening of a hunting knife

Sharpening methods

Over time, knifemakers have brought the sharpening procedure to a special technological process, during which a variety of devices and techniques can be used. Knives can be sharpened both with hand tools and on industrial machines.

On the grinding wheel

Sharpening knives using a sharpening wheel is not recommended. This is due to the fact that few craftsmen can limit the cutting edge from overheating. Because of this, tempering of the steel may occur, after which the hardness of the material will decrease. You can sharpen a knife on a sharpening wheel only for large chips or serious damage that would take too long to correct manually.

On abrasive stones

Sharpening a knife is possible using abrasive stones. This is a classic method used by both professionals and amateurs. The grain size of the stones varies. Grains can be large, medium, small. With the help of abrasive stones, craftsmen remove any sharpening of the blades.

Sharpening devices

Sharpening a knife can be carried out using special mechanisms that facilitate this process. Mechanical sharpeners require human effort during the procedure. Expensive devices include automatic machines. With their help you can sharpen blades made of different steels.

Sandpaper or cloth

To correct small burrs and restore sharpness after working with a tool, you can use fine-grain sandpaper or a hard cloth. They are suitable for finishing sharpening knives and bringing the cutting edge to working condition.

Sharpening a knife with sandpaper

What to sharpen with?

Before you start restoring the sharpness of an edge, you need to familiarize yourself with all types of tools for work and their features. Not every device can sharpen a blade to working condition.

Sharpening stone

Sharpening stones, made from abrasive materials, are the most popular tools used for restoring cutting edges. Foreign companies indicate on the surface of the bars the number of abrasive grains per 1 square millimeter. There are stones with small, medium, and large grains on sale. With their help, you can perform both rough and finishing metal processing. Sharpening knives on sandpaper must be done carefully, making movements only in one direction.

Mechanical sharpener

Popular sharpeners that are purchased for sharpening kitchen knives. It is a structure that has two abrasive plates that are fixed at equal angles. It is enough to run the blade over them several times to restore sharpness. Cannot be used for sharpening special blades (hunting, sporting).

Electric sharpener

Expensive devices that are used for sharpening various blades. Allows you to achieve better results compared to mechanical sharpeners. This is due to the fact that this mechanism automatically selects the optimal sharpening angle.


A cylindrical file, sold separately, included with kitchen tools. Used to bring the cutting edge back to working condition after a short period of use with the blade. If there is serious damage to it, musat will not help.

Lansky sharpener

A special device that is used to restore sharpness to small blades. The main advantage of this sharpener is the ability to set any angles and maintain them throughout the working process. The sharpener is equipped with several bars for rough and finishing processing. The work is carried out manually.

Sharpening and grinding machines

In production, blades are often sharpened on machines. Using industrial equipment, you can accurately sharpen any tool. However, a master must operate the machines. This is due to the fact that the abrasive disc at high speeds can damage the cutting edge if moved incorrectly. We must not forget about cooling the metal during work.

How to sharpen at home?

Sharpening knives with your own hands requires a special approach. To do this, you need to select a device for the work, taking into account the material from which the blade is made. If there are no sharpening tools, you can restore the sharpness of the knife on the knife. To do this, you need to run a dull blade along the butt of another blade several times, performing planing movements. However, more serious sharpening can only be done with the help of special tools.

Another option for turning tools without abrasives is to use glass objects. Jars, bottles, glasses, and glass plates are suitable for this. Simply running the edge over the fragile material a few times will restore its sharpness.

How to sharpen kitchen knives correctly?

You can use different tools to sharpen kitchen knives. The most common ones include grinding stones, sharpening stones, and mechanical sharpeners. We will talk about how to sharpen a blade with an abrasive stone below.

To sharpen a kitchen knife using a mechanical sharpener, you need to place it on a hole with abrasive plates and pull it toward you several times. Musat brings the blade to working condition.

To do this, several movements are performed in one direction on each side of the blade.

How to sharpen on a sharpening machine?

To restore the sharpness of a tool using industrial equipment, you need to follow the sharpening rules:

  1. Use a disc with large grains to correct rough irregularities, chips, and large burrs. Finish the edge on the grinding wheel with small grains. If the blade is thin, you cannot use the disc for rough cutting.
  2. Sufficient rotation speed of the abrasive disc is up to 150 rpm.
  3. We must not forget about setting the exact angle for different types of blades. The parameters are indicated in special tables. Additional devices are used to maintain the angle.
  4. When processing, perform smooth movements so that the abrasive catches the metal along the entire length of the blade.
  5. Cool the steel during work. The master needs to water the metal with special oil or water.
  6. When working with the machine, use safety glasses to prevent metal filings from getting into your eyes.

Any sudden movement may damage the instrument. Even after proper work, the severity can quickly worsen. To prevent this from happening, you need to use the blade only for its intended purpose. Store in wooden stands, do not leave in water for a long time.

How to sharpen with a whetstone by hand?

Sharpening knives at home using an abrasive stone is a process performed in a certain sequence. You need to prepare water and abrasive stones in advance. Procedure:

  1. Place a stone with large grains on the table in front of you. It must be fixed motionless.
  2. Pour water over the block.
  3. Set the required angle between the metal and abrasive surface. To do this, you can use a leaf folded at the required angle.
  4. Perform movements along the block away from you so that the entire length of the edge is processed. The knife can only be moved in one direction.

After processing on a coarse-grained stone, change it to a block with small particles and repeat the procedure. During processing, wash off any metal shavings that appear with water. To make the instrument shine beautifully, its surface can be treated with GOI paste.

Proper sharpening of a knife with a whetstone

Methods for checking the blade tip

After carrying out the work, you need to check how sharp the blade is. Several methods are used for this.

On paper

Try to cut a sheet of paper while holding it with one hand. If you can do it without problems, the sharpening is good. A sharp blade will cut the sheet under its own weight.

On a tomato

Often the sharpness of kitchen blades is tested on tomatoes. If it is blunt, the vegetable will be crushed. You need to put it on the table in front of you, try to cut the tomato with the blade horizontally without holding it with your hand. A sharp blade will easily cut a vegetable.

Checking knife sharpening on tomatoes

Testing on hand hair

One of the testing methods that people often use after turning tools. To do this, the knife is pressed effortlessly against the skin of the hand. It should be easily passed through the hair. If the hairs are cut, the blade is sharp, suitable for various types of work.

Everyone uses knives.
However, these tools become dull over time, making it impossible to work with them. To restore the sharpness of steel, you can use different devices. Taking into account the angles for different types of knives, you can carry out the work yourself. Sharpening a knife - the basics, concise, complete, accessible. The simplest correct algorithm for sharpening knives


Sharpening knives: how to sharpen a knife at home

Knives are the most used tool in the household. Whether it's kitchen knives, folding knives, stationery knives or surgical scalpels, they should always have a sharp blade. During operation, the cutting edge of any, even the most advanced tool, becomes dull and the problem of sharpening knives is always relevant. In order to maintain sharpness yourself, you need to know how to sharpen knives correctly and master this useful skill.

Cutting angle

As the sharpening angle decreases, the sharpness of the blade increases, but the risk of destruction of the cutting edge by lateral load increases. Typical section angles of a symmetrical tip are about 25−30 degrees. Very sharp knives can be 20 degrees or less. Different knives are sharpened differently depending on the purpose, the geometry of the blade and the material from which it is made.

These features are important when deciding how to sharpen a knife. For example, a surgical scalpel is a sharp but fragile instrument that cannot be restored after losing its cutting properties.

Straight razors are also unusually sharp, have a very shallow cutting edge angle, and require stropping once a day or more often. Another extreme case is an axe.

It is used primarily for splitting wood or impact cutting, so it can have a blunt point angle that does not require frequent sharpening. Generally, the harder the blade material, the shallower the angle.

The composition and hardening of steel affects the sharpness. The latter is limited by the grain size of the material from which the blade is made. For example, European kitchen knives are usually made of soft materials with an edge angle of 20-30 degrees and a hardness of 52-58 HRC, while tools for Eastern kitchens are traditionally made of hard steel with angles of 10-20. It is not uncommon for these products to have a hardness of 59-60 on the Rockwell scale and higher.

Types of edge processing

There are several technological operations to restore the cutting properties of the blade. The need to use each of them depends on the type of tool, its condition, and the stage of restoration of properties. They are very important for understanding how to properly sharpen a knife at home. Here are some of the edge processing methods:

  1. Edge restoration . Removing metal to form a new edge.
  2. Rough sharpening . Processing using coarse stones or paper according to the method used.
  3. Fine sharpening . The same as described in paragraph 2, but using fine-grained abrasives.
  4. Edit . Light sanding to maintain acceptable sharpness.
  5. Polishing . Achieving a mirror effect without significant changes to the edge.

All these procedures can be applied in stages and simultaneously as stages of complete restoration of the tool or separately, depending on the tasks or purpose of the blade.

For example, straight razors are straightened before each use and even during the shaving process, but they are processed on stones only a few times a year, and the edges do not require restoration for years. A hard steel kitchen knife may need abrasive only once a year, while butchers using carbon steel tools can only get by with sanding every few cuts.



How to sharpen a knife by hand

How to sharpen a knife by hand

The tool must be in working condition. In the case of a knife, the main characteristic of the working condition will be its sharpness. We will tell you how to sharpen a knife correctly, what tools you will need for this, and give you a number of useful instructions. "Knife sharpening. Basics" is a basic article for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this art.

How does the blade get dull?

How does the blade get dull?

We buy a sharp knife at the store, but over time it inevitably becomes dull if, of course, we work with it. Why does this happen, since the tool is made of good steel and sharpened at the factory? The process takes place at several levels:

  • Microscopic, when particles of steel are ground off the cutting edge during friction with the material, making the edge less sharp. You can't see it, but you can feel how more and more pressure is required to cut over time.
  • Macroscopic, when the tip encounters solid inclusions, such as grains of sand, particles of stone or metal. They are found in almost any material. The edge either moves the obstacle away or moves away itself, while crumpling.
  • If the blade is used inappropriately, its blade can be damaged beyond recognition. This means unscrewing screws, digging soil, etc.

As a result, the working part of the blade is deformed, the edge loses its sharpness and the tool becomes less and less suitable for work. Gradually, hardened steels crumble, and softer and more ductile steels begin to curl.

Rice. 1. The process of blunting and sharpening a knife: 1. When working with a knife, the shape of the cutting edge changes randomly. 2. During the sharpening process, we return the specified shape of the cutting edge or change it. 3. And we give it smoothness, finally removing the burr.

To return the knife to working condition, it is necessary to eliminate the resulting deformation and restore the correct shape of the blade.

What are knives sharpened with?

What are knives sharpened with?

When sharpening a knife we ​​use a similar process - friction, but this time we control it. With uncontrolled deformation of the steel, the knife becomes dull, with controlled deformation it sharpens, that’s the whole difference.

You can sharpen a steel wedge with any abrasive tool, and in the beginning it was fragments of stones and pebbles. We are modern people, so we will use a specially designed sharpening stone.

If you use a cheap stone to sharpen good steel, be prepared that it will quickly wear out and lose its flat shape. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase a good ceramic sharpening tool or a diamond-coated sample.

Three types of abrasive are enough for the job:

  1. Rough - about 350 units/cm² or diamond marked 160/125. Needed to eliminate severe deformation and is rarely used.
  2. Fine - about 650 units/cm² or diamond marked 100/800. Needed for normal basic sharpening of a knife that has become dull within reasonable limits.
  3. Ultrafine - about 1150 units/cm² or diamond marked 20/14. Useful for grinding and final finishing, removing burrs.

For constant work, bars of the last two types are required, because bringing a knife to a state in which a rough stone is needed is blasphemy. However, an experienced master has all three types.

For convenience, the following points are important:

  • The length of the bar should be 1.5 - 2 times longer than the blade.
  • The width should be 2.5 – 5 cm.
  • The height should be such that your fingers do not touch the table.
  • The block should stand firmly and not slide on the table.

The listed points are very important for achieving correct sharpening, especially at the learning stage. Then, when you get the hang of it, you will be able to cope with the task in less comfortable conditions, but at first, convenience plays an important role.

How to sharpen a knife?

How to sharpen a knife?

We've come to the most important thing. Sharpening a knife involves placing its blade on a whetstone at a certain angle and running the entire cutting edge along it from the heel to the tip. Proper sharpening requires compliance with three conditions:

  1. The angle of inclination of the blade plane to the surface of the sharpening stone remains strictly unchanged (Figure 2).
  2. The edge line at the point of contact with the block must be perpendicular to the direction of movement (Figure 3).
  3. The pressure should be moderate and uniform; there is no need to “iron” the sharpener or remove chips from it.
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

So, we place the blade on the stone perpendicular to its long side, set the angle to 15-20˚, and begin to move the blade along the stone, gradually moving it from the heel to the tip. When turning the edge closer to its end, the handle should be slightly raised above the plane of the stone and pulled back, as if lagging behind the tip. This will allow you to maintain the same angle of inclination and perpendicularity of movement.

When the pass along the entire edge is completed, it is necessary to repeat it in reverse order, as when rewinding. This will make it easier to maintain the correct angle and overall the work will go faster. We perform these movements until a “burr” begins to appear on the opposite side of the edge.

The “burr” can be seen or felt with the skin of a finger when running it perpendicular to the tip. When the edge begins to scratch along its entire length, stop sharpening one side and begin processing the opposite side.

The knife is turned over and work begins on the other side. Gradually, a moment will come when, like last time, a “hangnail” will appear. This means the second side is ready. More precisely, almost ready.

Next, we take a thinner abrasive and start the process from the beginning. Similar to the previous stage, we achieve the appearance of a “burr” first on one side and then on the other side of the cutting edge. At this stage it will be much smaller and thinner.

Finally, the blade is polished to the finest abrasive. Here it is necessary to carefully polish the cutting edges, as if stroking them, and remove even the smallest “burrs.”

The position of the blade relative to the sharpening stone: When you lead correctly (position 1), the blade “drags” along the block flat, and when incorrectly, the blade “plows” along the block with its cutting edge (position 3) or the edge between the blade and the main descent of the blade (pos. 2).


How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

Takes ~3 minutes to read

A knife is an essential kitchen attribute. It is impossible to imagine modern life and the process of cooking without it. What to do if he stopped cutting and his blade became dull? Run to the store for a new tool? Don’t rush to buy a new one, we’ll tell you how to sharpen it quickly and easily and give step-by-step instructions for sharpening it at home. Even a beginner can do this work.

Interesting fact! In 2005, Forbes magazine conducted a sociological survey of people on the topic: “What object created by man has had the greatest impact on the history of all mankind?” – and the knife took first place.

Types of general purpose kitchen knives

Types of general purpose kitchen knives

  • Cook (French). This is a utility knife that is most often used by real chefs for chopping. Has a very sharp blade.
  • Cutting. This blade is used for cutting meat or fish.
  • Hatchet knife (cleaver). It has the shape of a small hatchet, which is why it got its name.
  • For cleaning vegetables. This tool is small in size with a curved or straight blade. Used for cutting peels from vegetables and fruits.
  • For bread. It has wavy teeth, making even soft bread amenable to slicing.
  • For oil. There is no blade, it is more of a table accessory.
  • Oyster. It is characterized by a thickened blade.

What materials are used to make kitchen knives? It can be:

  • Carbon steel and stainless steel. These knives become dull quickly and therefore require regular sharpening.
  • Ceramics. Modern knives are made mainly from this material. They are practical and do not become dull so quickly.
  • Plastic.
  • Titanium. These kitchen tools are durable and have a price tag to match.
  • Multilayer coating.
  • High carbon stainless steel.

How to sharpen and choose the optimal sharpening angle

How to sharpen and choose the optimal sharpening angle

Before the process of sharpening your knife, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this activity. One of the main things is the angle at which you sharpen your tool. The angle is determined depending on the material and purpose of the product.

Correct angles:

  • 10 degrees - this is the angle at which surgical scalpels and razor blades are sharpened;
  • 15 degrees - sharpening for fish, meat and baked goods;
  • 20 degrees – sharpening of universal tools;
  • 25 degrees is the optimal angle for hunting knives.

Setting the blade at the correct angle is quite easy. Just take a regular notebook piece of paper and bend it diagonally. You will get an angle equal to 45 degrees, bending it in half, you will get 22.5, etc.

The lower the sharpening angle, the sharper the blade, but sharpening at a higher angle allows you to maintain the sharpness of the product for a long time.

The best knife sharpeners at home

The best knife sharpeners at home

Manufacturers provide us with a huge selection of sharpening tools: from a grinding stone (the classic version of sharpening) to modern electric sharpeners. The cost varies significantly: you can choose for yourself either an affordable sharpener for a few dollars or a professional sharpener with an incredible price. It all depends on your financial capabilities. However, when buying an expensive or cheap device, you must know all the intricacies of its use.

Musat for sharpening

Musat for sharpening

It is very popular both in home use and in professional kitchens. It is a file with an oval cross-section. Using musat, the blade is adjusted.

This should be done after using the tool and before the cooking process.

  • It is best to hold the musat in a vertical position, fixing one end on a hard, dense surface, and sharpen the knife with the other hand.
  • The sharpening process is similar to planing, i.e. you need to run the blade from the top point of the musat to the handle.
  • Repeat the action no more than 5 times on both sides of the blade.
  • Do not put pressure on the blade when sharpening!

The price for steel is quite affordable - from several hundred to 3 thousand Russian rubles.



This is a fairly budget option, but nevertheless very effective for sharpening knives at home.

Types of stones:

  • Of natural origin.
  • Diamond.
  • Ceramic stones.
  • Japanese.

How to choose the best option

  • Pay attention to the size of the stone. It should be twice as large as the blade.
  • The stone should not be chipped or damaged, the shape should be perfectly flat.
  • A stone with a medium density is suitable for a beginner in this craft. Replenish your set over time with stones of different grain sizes.

To sharpen the tool blade, you need to perform a number of steps:

  1. Rinse kitchen utensils with cold water for better sharpening.
  2. Wet the stone a little so as not to clog the pores with metal dust and ensure better glide.
  3. Position the knife in relation to the whetstone at an angle of 20 degrees.
  4. Sharpen the blade, starting from the handle and moving towards the tip.
  5. You need to make about fifty such movements on each side of the instrument.
  6. The sharpening process must be completed by grinding the blade on a fine-grained stone.

Tip: Practice first on an old, unnecessary knife so as not to ruin your favorite kitchen tool.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this craft, a few minutes of time spent - and your favorite kitchen assistant will again find its previous shape. Such a stone costs a penny - a maximum of 200 rubles, and will bring considerable benefits to the household.

Sanding block

Sanding block

The sharpening process with this device is completely identical to working with a whetstone. Therefore, if you bought a whetstone to sharpen your tool, follow all the steps from the step-by-step instructions above.

The cost of a bar can vary from 500 to 10 thousand rubles. It depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product.

Features of working with an electric sharpener and a special machine

Features of working with an electric sharpener and a special machine



This is a very effective and quick way to sharpen your blades. In household use, such devices are quite rare. They are mainly used in industrial enterprises.

A special feature of working with such a device is the use of minimal speed, since the blade heats up to incredibly high temperatures.


  1. Press the tip of the knife against the circle of the device. All movements should occur smoothly and evenly, without jerking or sudden jumps.
  2. The optimal sharpening level is 30 degrees.
  3. If you are a beginner in this craft, it is better to use simpler sharpeners. Such a device requires certain dexterity and skill, so sharpening at home using an electric sharpener is not recommended.

The price of such machines “bites” and can go off scale up to 20 thousand rubles.

Electric sharpener

Electric sharpener

It is gaining popularity in home use, it is light and effective. This device can choose the sharpening angle itself, which is a huge plus for beginners. With the help of electric sharpeners you can sharpen any sharp and piercing objects: scissors, knives, screwdrivers and others. Just insert your tool into the hole and the electric sharpener will do everything for you.

The price for such a device can vary from 1 to 10 thousand Russian rubles. You can purchase an electric sharpener in a specialized store or order it online.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife at home

How to sharpen a ceramic knife at home

This assistant is very popular among housewives. This is a relatively new and affordable type of blade. Such products are wear-resistant, but they are quite fragile: one wrong move and your tool can break.

No matter how they convince you that you won’t have to sharpen such a tool and it will always be sharp, don’t believe it. Any blade sooner or later becomes dull and therefore requires editing. The maximum service life of the house is 1 year. Then it will require sharpening.

Don't try to sharpen ceramic items at home unless you are a professional: you could easily break it. Therefore, it is better to take your blade to a workshop, where it will be restored to its former sharpness using special pastes and diamond discs.

How to properly sharpen a hunting knife

How to properly sharpen a hunting knife

To sharpen the knife, we will use a sharpening stone from a domestic manufacturer.

  • We wipe the hunting knife on the stone on both sides.
  • We need to achieve a perfect blade edge and sharpen the blade.
  • We carry out the actions from the handle to the tip at an angle of 30 degrees.
  • To check the sharpness, we run along the edge of the blade. This must be done very carefully so as not to cut yourself. A sharply sharpened product is characterized by the formation of a so-called burr - a slight roughness.
  • We smooth out this unevenness using a sanding block, making smooth and measured movements.

There are a few simple ways to determine how sharp your blade is: try cutting a piece of paper or slicing a tomato. A well-sharpened product will easily cope with the task.

How to sharpen a knife without using a sharpener

How to sharpen a knife without using a sharpener

Is this even possible? Of course, there is one unique old-fashioned way. Take an ordinary ceramic plate, turn it upside down and sharpen the knife on a rough circle. Make smooth movements and maintain the correct sharpening angle.

how to quickly sharpen kitchen knives 

how to quickly sharpen kitchen knives 


How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

1. Editing or sharpening?
2. Mythical types of sharpening
3. Which knives cannot be sharpened yourself
4. How to sharpen: what options are there?
5. Sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade
6. Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone
7. Sharpening a knife in extreme conditions

Do we edit or sharpen?

Do we edit or sharpen?

Sometimes sharpening is not necessary, you just need to update the edge a little, removing irregularities and lightly grinding, which makes the knife sharper.

This is called editing.

It is done using musats, fine-grained sandpaper, or the old-fashioned way, on a leather belt.

In this case, the angle is not set, but the one that already exists is maintained.

But if you need to change or restore the geometry of the cutting edge angle, then this is sharpening.

And if you don’t maintain the right angle, then cutting will become simply impossible.

A few words about laser sharpening and self-sharpening steel

A few words about laser sharpening and self-sharpening steel

Some are afraid to sharpen knives at home, because they believe that now workshops offer almost nanotechnology, as a result of which the blade will remain sharp longer. We are talking about laser sharpening, as you understand.

So: this is a myth and marketing.

The laser does not sharpen absolutely anything, the beam simply indicates the correct angle (just like on a laser level to determine the plane). But it sharpens an ordinary stone, so there is nothing special in such a procedure.

Self-sharpening steel is also a fantasy.

Absolutely everything gets dull, but the higher quality the alloy, the longer the knife lasts. Therefore, there is no point in wasting money on such knives; it is better to buy a good sharpener for ordinary ones.

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

Let's start with the most important thing: which knives cannot be sharpened?

If you are doing this for the first time, then you cannot sharpen your favorite and convenient knives.

An incorrect sharpening angle can completely ruin the blade, therefore, it is better to experiment with something simpler, so that you can safely throw it away and not be annoyed.

You should not sharpen ceramic knives yourself with ordinary whetstones. Only diamond takes ceramics, and if you don’t have such a stone, then it’s better to give the knife to a professional.

But if there is, then you can try to sharpen it yourself, since the technology for sharpening a ceramic knife is no different from sharpening steel blades.

Knives made of Damascus steel and damask steel - on the contrary, sharpening on a diamond stone is strictly not recommended, as the blade may crumble.

It is better to give it to a master, since grinding such steel with an ordinary whetstone is not a task for the faint of heart: it is a long process.

Also, you should not sharpen knives with a wavy edge at home. Moreover, there is no point in taking them to the workshop either, since it is simply impossible to return the saw knife to its original properties.

It’s easier to buy a new one or resharpen it to a regular one.

What to sharpen with? We are considering options

What to sharpen with? We are considering options

There are many tools for sharpening knives, ranging from electric ones to regular whetstones, which are very inexpensive.

Electric sharpeners

Electric sharpeners have two big disadvantages: the expensive price (around 10,000 rubles) and the ability to remove steel heavily during sharpening, which leads to rapid wear of the knife.

But the process is fast, fully automated and there is no need to manually maintain the degree of inclination when sharpening.

How to sharpen a knife on a sharpener is usually written in the instructions that come with the device.


Musat is a good thing, but it won’t sharpen a very dull knife, since it is mainly intended for straightening. And the effect of such sharpening lasts for a couple of days at most.

How to sharpen a knife with musat is shown schematically here:

Roller blade

Not a bad option for women. Just a couple of movements on the rollers and the knife cuts well (but not for long). They are inexpensive and everyone can afford them.


Sharpeners are skeptical about using sandpaper for these purposes. But the practice of those who use it convinces us that this is a completely acceptable option.

This is not to say that it is the most comfortable, but if you don’t have anything at hand, and you need to sharpen the knife urgently, then you can use sandpaper. Moreover, the article is not for masters, but for amateurs.

Sandpaper strips must be secured to any wooden base (in the form of a block) using tape. On the one hand - the coarse-grained fraction, on the other - the fine-grained fraction.

Ceramic bar

It’s not worth talking about the price here, since they are very cheap. The main thing is to choose it correctly so that you can sharpen it comfortably later.

You need two bars. One with a rougher surface (320 grit), for basic sharpening and edge angle correction, and the second for surface grinding (1000 grit).

The length of the stone should be approximately the same as the longest knife in the house.

Width – the wider, the more convenient it is to work with it. You can read how to sharpen knives with a whetstone below, in a separate block.

Diamond block

Diamond bars don’t cost five kopecks, but the result cannot be compared with an ordinary stone. It’s more comfortable to work with, and it’s also more durable.

It consists of a plastic or aluminum base, onto which two metal plates coated with diamond grains are attached.

Such bars do not wear off like ceramic ones and even after repeated sharpening they remain smooth, rectangular in shape with sharp corners.

In addition to all these advantages, there are also advantages:

  • They are not afraid of impact and will not break if accidentally dropped
  • The diamond block is not clogged with steel particles. After sharpening, you only need to rinse it lightly under water and wipe it clean.
  • The sharpening process on diamond stones is very fast, which means that the stone will serve you for a very long time, as it hardly wears down
  • You don't need to buy two bars, as they are made in such a way that one side is rough and the other is for sanding.

There is only one drawback to diamond stones – the price. They are not cheaper than 800 rubles, and if they are, then they are clearly a fake, which will become unusable after five sharpenings.

Japanese water stones

A water stone is also a block. But it should not be used dry, but moistened with water.

During the friction process, a suspension is formed, which simultaneously with sharpening polishes the surface.

They are not cheap, but they wear out quite quickly. So, for simple kitchen knives this is not the best choice.

Sharpening using an abrasive wheel on a drill or machine

Sharpening using an abrasive wheel on a drill or machine

You should not do this if this is your first time sharpening a knife.

A couple of seconds is enough to cause irreparable harm. Moreover, in this case the steel gets too hot and it is necessary to cool it during the process, and if this is not done, the edge may crumble.

How to properly sharpen knives on a machine is the topic of a separate and extensive article, therefore, we will not focus on this here.

Also be sure to watch this video, it is very on topic.

Since, in this matter, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times!

About sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade

About sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade

But no matter what stone you choose, the sharpening technology is the same. And this is the main thing you should learn.

To begin with, train on the simplest ceramic bar, and when you see what you can do, buy something more expensive.

The most important thing in the sharpening process is to return the original angle of the edge. For kitchen and home knives it is usually standard: from 25 to 45 degrees.

Moreover, the lower the degree, the thinner the cutting edge becomes. Yes, the knife will be sharp, but it will also dull much faster, and also lose its edge shape as soon as it touches something hard.

So, if you want to resort to sharpening as little as possible, you should not make an angle of 25 degrees.

A knife that is too sharp is a rather traumatic thing in everyday life.

It will cut well not only vegetables and meat, but also kitchen towels along with your hands at the moment you wipe it.

Here is a table of recommended angles:

And here, pay attention to the fact that the angle in the table is indicated as full, that is, it is the sum of the two sides of the edge. And if you want to sharpen a knife by 30 degrees, then you need to remove 15 degrees from each side of the blade.

Accordingly, if you need an angle of 45 degrees, then remove 22.5 degrees from each side.

You need to maintain this angle during the entire sharpening process, trying not to deviate from the specified value, since the final result depends on it.

Now the question is different: how to fix and calculate this angle by eye?

This can be done as shown in the picture:

After you place the paper, you will approximately know at what angle you need to hold the knife.

Well, now let's move on to the sharpening process itself.

Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone

Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone

  1. 1. First of all, place the block on the table so that it is convenient for you to sharpen. You can place a kitchen towel under it to prevent slipping.

    There is no need to hold the block in your hands, since in this case there can be no question of controlling the angles.

  2. 2. Moisten it with water. This is necessary for better sliding of the steel over the stone and further easy cleaning of the block from metal particles.
  3. 3. Place the knife across the block and start making movements away from you, as if you were sharpening a pencil. It’s best to look at the video we posted in the last block to see exactly what it looks like.

You can’t put too much pressure on the stone; it won’t speed up the process at all, but it can seriously deform the edge. Swipe one side of the block 50 times, trying to maintain the angle all the time.

As soon as you notice that a slight roughness, the so-called burr, has formed on the cutting edge, turn the knife over and sharpen the other side.

This is what a hangnail looks like:

Important! If a burr does not form, then continue sharpening. Only this unevenness will show that the steel has been ground down enough and there is no point in sharpening it further.

Once you've finished the second side, the burr may transfer to that side.

In this case, turn the knife again with the other side and sharpen. And do this until it completely disappears.

And only after this can you proceed to grinding the edge on a fine stone. Here you no longer need to move the knife 50 times, 20 times is enough.

And if you want the knife to dull less often, then you can bring the edge to a mirror shine using a regular leather belt, which is lubricated with GOI paste.

In this case, the movements should not be point down, but vice versa. That is, you also “shape” the belt, only in the other direction.

We have described the most basic method, which does not require any special costs or equipment. And there is another one, very convenient, but for it you need to build a small machine.

Here's the one in the photo:

As you can see, there is no need to hold the blade during the process, controlling the degree. The inclined and fixed block does everything for you, and the main task is to hold the knife straight, at 90 degrees.

And this, you see, is much easier than maintaining the level of 22.5 degrees (to be honest, this is an almost impossible task for a beginner, even though in theory everything sounds simple).

After all, a deviation of some micron already leads to the fact that the quality of sharpening will not be the best.

How to sharpen a knife in extreme conditions?

How to sharpen a knife in extreme conditions?

And it happens that there is absolutely nothing suitable at hand, and you just need to sharpen a knife urgently.

In this case, the following methods will help you out:

  • Sharpening a knife on the corner of a concrete step in the entrance (just wash it thoroughly before doing this)
  • Sharpening a knife on an ordinary stone from the street, which looks more or less smooth
  • Sharpening a knife on the rough edge of a ceramic plate or regular cup

We hope that now you will have an understanding of all the ways you can sharpen any knife at home without damaging the blade or yourself.


How to properly sharpen knives at home

How to properly sharpen knives at home

If you are considering ways to properly sharpen knives, you must first determine what material the blade is made of. Taking into account the characteristics of the knife, a sharpening tool is selected. Moreover, some types of blades remain sharp for a long period. They need to be sharpened using special equipment.

Main types of knives and blade materials

Main types of knives and blade materials

The quality of sharpening depends on the type of metal:

  1. Low-carbon stainless steel - based on an alloy of chromium, carbon, iron, sometimes nickel and molybdenum are used. This material has the simplest properties. For this reason, low-carbon stainless steel knives need to be sharpened regularly, otherwise they will be difficult to use. Advantages include corrosion resistance.
  2. High-carbon stainless steel - the blade is durable, which is due to a change in composition (high carbon content, sometimes additives in the form of vanadium and cobalt are present). Thanks to this, such knives do not need to be sharpened often, and they are also resistant to corrosion.
  3. Carbon steel - the material is durable and easy to sharpen. The advantages of such knives include reasonable cost, however, the metal is not resistant to water and oxidizes upon contact with food (the alloy is made from carbon and iron).
  4. Damascus steel - knives are equipped with a multi-layer blade, which increases strength. Thanks to the use of different alloys in production, corrosion resistance is ensured, but the disadvantages include the high price. Considering these features, it is not advisable to purchase such knives for use at home; they are more often used as edged weapons.
  5. Ceramics - the blade remains sharp for a long time, but does not withstand impact and deformation loads (low bending strength).

Knife sharpening angle

Knife sharpening angle

This criterion depends on the material from which the blade is made. In addition, proper sharpening is carried out taking into account the purpose of the knife. Angle of inclination of the blade relative to the working surface:

  • within 10-15° - for a straight razor, scalpel;
  • up to 20° - for some products: vegetables, fruits, meat, bread;
  • no more than 25° - according to this criterion, chef’s knives are sharpened;
  • within 25-30° - for hunting knives.

If you are wondering at what angle you need to sharpen a knife so that it remains sharp for a long time, the type of tool is also taken into account. When unsuitable equipment is used, the blade may become deformed (scratches or chips will appear).

Sharpening tools and their uses

Sharpening tools and their uses

Devices and special tools differ not only in the principle of operation, but also in the quality of sharpening. Electrical appliances operate much faster. However, you need to work with them carefully, because...

inattention can lead to a chef's or hunting knife being sharpened with a change in the position of the blade relative to the working surface. As a result, the service life of the product will be significantly reduced.

To sharpen knives at home, mechanical tools are sufficient.

Touchstone, whetstone

Touchstone, whetstone

There are different options, differing in size and number of abrasive grains per 1 mm². The quality of sharpening will depend on this. If you need to sharpen a knife on a whetstone, you first need to decide whether rough or fine grinding is required. When choosing such a tool, you need to pay attention to the markings. It is applied directly to the surface of the bar. However, there is no such information on domestic donkeys, so you will have to find out about the parameters from the seller.

The bars are found in different versions, differing in the type of spraying:

  • diamond;
  • silicon carbide;
  • electrocorundum.

If there is no information on the type of abrasive on the whetstone, you can try to determine its type by touch. To do this, you need to run your finger or nail along the surface of the bar.

Mechanical sharpener

Mechanical sharpener

This tool has a handle, which makes it comfortable to use. The blade is installed in a recess on the body, characterized by an acute angle. By making reciprocating movements, you can get the desired result.

The advantages of the tool include reasonable price and the ability to be used at home. However, it is inferior in efficiency to some analogues. So, on a sharpening machine the work is done faster. At the same time, the blade remains sharp longer.

Knife sharpening wheels also provide better results.

Electric sharpener

Electric sharpener

Such devices are available in different variants. A sharpener with 2 sharpening slots in the body is more effective. The main advantage of such devices is the ability to automatically determine the required angle of inclination of the blade relative to the working surface. They are used for different purposes, but are more often used in facilities where it is necessary to regularly sharpen knives on an electric sharpener. In domestic conditions, such devices are rarely used due to their high cost.



This is the name of the tool, which consists of a handle (in most cases it is plastic) and a large-section steel rod. Its main function is to maintain the required level of blade sharpness. This tool is included in the set of knives. However, users often confuse it with special sharpening equipment and devices.

It must be remembered that you cannot sharpen knives with musat if they are very dull. For this purpose, more effective means are used. This is due to the principle of working with musat and the type of material from which it is made.

Thus, the steel rod is not abrasive enough, which does not allow sharpening to the required level of blade sharpness. The principle of working with musat is based on the correct execution of movements. So, the blade should be at an angle of 20°.

It needs to be moved from top to bottom, so the tool is placed vertically.

Lansky sharpener

Lansky sharpener

This equipment is designed for small and medium-sized knives. Its advantage is the ability to ensure the sharpness of the blade located at different angles relative to the working surface.

To do this, the structural elements of the sharpener are rearranged. The tool consists of 2 angles, a small-section steel rod that holds a whetstone (touchstone). The last of the structural elements is used to sharpen the blade.

The knife is fixed between two corners. Its edge rests against the whetstone.

Sharpening and grinding machines

Sharpening and grinding machines

They are circles fixed on a rotating shaft. To achieve different sharpening qualities, different abrasives are used. In order to more accurately determine the angle, a special add-on is provided, located above the grinding wheel. A blade is installed between it and the abrasive.

There are also simpler designs designed for everyday use: electrically driven abrasive wheels, rotating discs for grinding. However, regardless of the type of design, experience is required to operate the machine. This is due to the fact that the metal heats up during the sharpening process. As a result, the blade quickly fails and may crumble. In addition, in this way you can significantly change the angle of its inclination.

Tips for quickly sharpening a blade using improvised tools

Tips for quickly sharpening a blade using improvised tools

It is possible to sharpen a knife without a sharpener, but there is no guarantee that the blade will remain sharp for a long time. As in the case of a special tool, the means at hand must be used in accordance with the rules. This option is suitable for sharpening kitchen knives at home if you don’t have a whetstone, musat or sharpener on hand.

Stone or second knife

Stone or second knife

Any medium-sized stone that you can pick up on the road will do. The principle of working with it is the same as in the case of a block: the blade is positioned at an angle of no more than 25°, it must be moved back and forth without lifting it from the stone. In this case, it is difficult to ensure uniform sharpening. If excessive force is applied, the blade may become deformed. When you decide to sharpen knives with a stone, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will soon need to repeat the procedure.

If you use the knife-on-knife sharpening option, you can sharpen 2 blades at the same time. The whole process takes 5-10 minutes. The blades can be sharpened along their entire length, reducing the likelihood of deformation. However, it will not be possible to use them for a long time; soon they will become dull again.

Glass objects or leather belt

Glass objects or leather belt

The required effect is achieved if the object (glass, ceramic tile) has a sufficiently rough edge. As a result, it can act as an abrasive. The main requirement for this is a rough surface. The disadvantage of this method is the likelihood of scratches.

A leather belt cannot be used to sharpen blades. It is used for surface grinding. This is due to the fact that the leather edge is not rough enough. An important condition when grinding is belt tension.

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

You should not try to increase the sharpness of some types of blades at home with your own hands. This will lead to damage to the products. It will be difficult or even impossible to restore their properties. This group includes:

  • a knife with a special coating - sharpening the blades will lead to its deformation;
  • serrated blade - to ensure sharpness, a special tool is required, since the factory sharpening is asymmetrical;
  • ceramics - in hardness it is second only to diamond and corundum, so it will retain its properties for a long time.

Methods for checking blade sharpness

Methods for checking blade sharpness

There are several options:

  1. Application of paper. To check for perfect sharpness, the sheet must be held suspended. The knife should cut it straight.
  2. Ripe vegetable. The blade is passed along it. If it goes into the pulp easily, there is no need to sharpen it any further.
  3. A thread. If it is sharp enough, it will cut quickly, and the edges will not be torn.
  4. If the knife shows glare when viewed in the sun, you need to continue sharpening.

When work is done using a special tool, there is no need to regularly check the tip.


How to sharpen knives correctly

How to sharpen knives correctly

This tool is very similar to a file: a long round rod with a notch and a handle. It is mainly used for straightening the cutting edge of a knife. This is useful because it allows you to keep the knife in working condition at all times. But if the blade has become very dull, grinding stone will not help you - a major sharpening is necessary.


2. Mechanical sharpener

2. Mechanical sharpener

Not a bad thing that every housewife should buy. Well suited for sharpening kitchen knives as it is quick and easy. True, the quality is not always pleasing, and the knives become dull as quickly as they are sharpened. This method is suitable for a kitchen knife, but no more.


3. Electric sharpener

3. Electric sharpener

A great way to quickly and efficiently sharpen knives with any type of blade, as well as scissors and even screwdrivers. The device is capable of sharpening and then polishing any blade in two minutes. It is important that it automatically determines the desired sharpening angle, but we will talk about this below. Such a thing will cost from 2 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the sharpening speed, guide system and power.


4. Machine with abrasive wheel

4. Machine with abrasive wheel

This is a professional tool; it is used to sharpen and polish blades in industrial enterprises. Without experience, it is better not to go to the machine: steel is hardened at a certain temperature, so uncontrolled heating on the machine during sharpening can irreparably damage the knife. Leave this method to the professionals.

5. Whetstone

5. Whetstone

Sharpening with a whetstone is one of the most effective methods. This process is not easy, but entertaining. It requires perseverance and some experience working with a bar. For sharpening, two stones are needed: with small grains and large ones.

There are two types of whetstones: natural and artificial. The whole difference is in the grain size: natural stones are usually fine-grained, they are used for polishing. And artificial ones are initially made more universal, with different degrees of grain on different sides of the bar.


How to sharpen knives

How to sharpen knives

Before proceeding with the sharpening process, immerse the sharpening stone in oil or water for 15 minutes. This will extend the life of the bar, since steel particles will not get clogged between the grains.

You should start sharpening with a coarse-grained stone. It is important to correctly position the blade relative to the surface of the block, since the final result largely depends on this. The correct sharpening angle is also important: experts advise sharpening the blade at an angle of 20 degrees, but this may vary depending on the type of knife.

  • Professional chef's and fillet knives require an angle of 25 degrees.
  • Japanese kitchen knives should be sharpened at an angle of 10–20 degrees.
  • For hunting blades, an angle of 30 to 45 degrees is used. A larger angle is required for greater resistance to dulling.
  • For household kitchen knives, an angle of 30 degrees is sufficient.

The rule here is simple: if you want to make the knife sharper, we reduce the sharpening angle, and for greater resistance to dulling, we increase it.

You need to sharpen with continuous movements, lifting the handle at the moment when the block reaches the bend of the blade. This will maintain the sharpening angle of the cutting edge. It is important that the movement of the blade is perpendicular to the edge, while applying slight pressure to the blade.



When the main sharpening has been completed, we begin grinding. For this you will need a fine-grained stone. Grinding is necessary to level the surface and remove burrs. The technology remains unchanged.



In theory, everything is quite clear, but in practice, the process of sharpening a knife is far from the simplest. You will have to be patient and attentive: one awkward move, and all the work will go down the drain. Theory is great, but you can’t do this without practice. And the process itself is not cheap, since good sharpening stones cost a lot of money.

If you just need to sharpen your knives, without all this fetish, take an electric sharpener. The result will be the same, and this method will also save your nerves and time.


5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

Very often you have to face the need to sharpen knives; everyone does it at home. Sharpening a blade is an important process and requires minimal tools, so it can be easily done at home. Sometimes you can contact workshops, where all work is carried out as quickly as possible. I usually sharpen a knife with a whetstone, but there are other ways.



A knife is considered an integral part of the kitchen; without it it is impossible to cook food. All of them periodically become dull, so there is a need for sharpening. There are several varieties of them, so the process requires a certain approach.

Main types of knives:

  • chef's (French) - a universal option, the blade is sharp, used for shredding;
  • cutting - designed for cutting meat and fish products;
  • hatchet knife - made in the shape of a small ax;
  • for vegetables - a curved or straight blade, used to remove peels;
  • for bread - has wavy teeth, which ensures cutting of soft bread;
  • for butter - without a blade, serves as a table accessory;
  • oyster - distinguished by a thickened blade.

Stainless and carbon steel are used in the manufacture of knives. Such products become dull quickly, so the knives need to be sharpened. Ceramic knives are considered the most modern, practical, and dull quickly.

Knives - can everything be sharpened at home?

Knives - can everything be sharpened at home?

As already mentioned, all knives without exception become dull; the service life of high-quality alloys is longer. Buying such knives for home use often does not make sense, since they are quite expensive. The best option in this case is to buy a sharpener for regular knives.

When carrying out the procedure for the first time, it is not recommended to sharpen your favorite or irreplaceable knives. An incorrect sharpening angle can permanently damage the blade. Experiments should be carried out with simpler models that you don’t mind throwing away.

When sharpening ceramic knives, you should not use whetstones; the best option in this case is to turn to professional specialists. The same applies to Damascus steel and damask steel. Knives with a wave-shaped blade are also not suitable for turning at home with your own hands. The workshop will also not be able to bring them into proper shape.

Features of knife sharpening

Features of knife sharpening

Before carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the nuances. The angle at which the tool is sharpened plays an important role. At an angle of 15 degrees, you should sharpen products for fish, meat products and bread - such knives are most often used in the kitchen. When processing sport hunting models, the angle is different.

Basic methods

Basic methods

There are several effective methods for sharpening knives at home; for this you will need to purchase simple tools.



Bar - used most often, there are several types, the differences lie in the number of abrasive grains per 1 sq. cm. First, bars with a minimum number of grains are used; for final sharpening, products with the maximum number of abrasives are suitable. For foreign-made products, the relevant information is provided in the instructions. When purchasing domestic products, information should be clarified in the store.

Mechanical sharpener

Mechanical sharpener

This option is ideal for sharpening kitchen knives. The process is quite fast, but the quality is not ideal. This method is not suitable for sharpening sports knives intended for hunting models.

Electric sharpener

Electric sharpener

The electric sharpener is designed to produce sharp blades, the effect is achieved by automatically detecting the angle. This option is ideal for home knives and can be used in catering organizations. There is a wide range of models on sale at different prices. Preference should be given to expensive, most advanced devices.



Musat - used to sharpen the edge. The shape of the product resembles a file with a handle. The products come in sets and are often confused with ordinary sharpening tools. It is important to consider that musat is useless for sharpening very dull knives.

Sharpener "Lansky"

Sharpener "Lansky"

The sharpener is designed for sharpening small and medium-sized knives. The design allows the procedure to be performed at any angle. It consists of a rod and 2 connected corners. They simultaneously function as a vice for the blade and a scale for selecting the angle.

Machine tools

Machine tools

The machines are intended mainly for use in enterprises, for precise sharpening of blades on rotating shafts. This option is not suitable for home use, since all manipulations must be carried out by a specialist. A slight misstep can damage the blade.

How to sharpen knives yourself

How to sharpen knives yourself

This option allows you to sharpen the knife as efficiently as possible; the procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • put the block on the surface, a small block is placed in a vice;
  • attach the blade to the block with the edge forward;
  • move the blade along the entire length of the bar - the angle must remain the same throughout the procedure;
  • make 2-3 movements, repeat with the opposite side;
  • sharpen until an edge appears on the edge of the blade;
  • change the rough block to the finishing one;
  • Sand until the edge disappears.

Available means

Available means

Sometimes cases arise when you need to quickly sharpen knives in the absence of conventional tools. In such situations, the procedure can be carried out using other objects.

Main methods:

  1. Stone, cobblestone - this method is suitable if it is necessary to sharpen blades while traveling. The blade must be drawn along its surface; ideal sharpness cannot be achieved, but the knife is suitable for normal cutting.
  2. Second knife - you can also sharpen the blade on another without tools. You need to take the blades and drive for 5-10 minutes. them against each other.
  3. Glass objects - the knife can also be sharpened by holding the blade against glass/ceramic products (glass, tile). The main condition is a rough surface of the product.
  4. Leather belt - suitable for final sharpening in extreme cases. To do this, you should carefully move the blade along the tensioned belt, due to this you will be able to achieve a polishing effect.


How to sharpen knives with your own hands?

A knife is used to cut up food, remove skins from killed animals, cut soft materials, and much more. However, over time, the cutting edge becomes unusable. To restore its sharpness, it is necessary to carry out processing. Sharpening knives is a separate technological process that is easy to do yourself.

Main types of blades

Before you start learning how to sharpen blades, you need to know what types of blades there are. Different types of steel have some nuances:

  1. Carbon steel. The material is an alloy of carbon and iron. They are easy to sharpen and maintain their sharpness for a long time. People are attracted by the affordable price. Tools made from this material quickly rust in an acidic environment.
  2. Low carbon stainless steel. They are a compound of chromium, iron, carbon. Compared to carbon steel, this material dulls quickly due to its low hardness. The main advantage of stainless steel is its resistance to rust formation.
  3. Damascus steel. Blades made of this material are multi-layered products that have an unusual pattern on their surface.
  4. High carbon stainless steel. High carbon content, plus the addition of molybdenum and vanadium make this material more durable than conventional stainless steel. The products dull slowly and are protected from corrosion.

Ceramic blades belong to a separate group. This material has a high sharpness from the factory, which does not dull over a long period of time. However, ceramic tools are fragile and are not resistant to strong impacts, falls, or the application of breaking force.

Why does the blade become dull?

There are a number of factors that influence the process of dulling a cutting edge:

  1. Excessive force transmitted to the tool when cutting. This causes the blade to bend.
  2. Incorrect turning process.
  3. Cutting hard materials.
  4. Improper storage.
  5. Impacts against metal objects.
  6. Destruction of metal due to corrosion.

Blacksmiths do not recommend washing knives under hot water. This is due to the fact that the metal is affected by aggressive salts, which reduce the sharpness.

How to determine the sharpening angle?

To restore the sharpness of the blade, you need to know the sharpening angle of the knife. To do this, you can use hand tools and inquire about factory sharpening. Knife sharpening tables with standard indicators can be found on the Internet. There are two simple methods for determining the sharpening angle of knives without tables:

  1. Using scissors. To do this, the scissors are opened and the blade is placed between the open parts. The sides of the knife should be set at the same distance from the blades of the scissors. Readings are taken using a protractor.
  2. Using an angular ruler. This is a special device. Modern models are connected to computers that read accurate readings.

Masters use precision measuring instruments to read indicators. There are also special tables that help determine the angle when sharpening knives.

What sharpening angle is suitable for kitchen tools?

Tools used for cutting food are considered universal. The sharpening angle of a kitchen knife starts from 20 to 30 degrees. Thanks to this, they can cut products of different hardness equally efficiently. The exception is fillet cutting tools. Their sharpening angles range from 15 to 20 degrees.


Tools used for hunting are subject to increased stress. Because of this, they are made from more durable materials. The angle for sharpening knives used by hunters is from 25 to 40 degrees.

Proper sharpening of a hunting knife

Sharpening methods

Over time, knifemakers have brought the sharpening procedure to a special technological process, during which a variety of devices and techniques can be used. Knives can be sharpened both with hand tools and on industrial machines.

On the grinding wheel

Sharpening knives using a sharpening wheel is not recommended. This is due to the fact that few craftsmen can limit the cutting edge from overheating. Because of this, tempering of the steel may occur, after which the hardness of the material will decrease. You can sharpen a knife on a sharpening wheel only for large chips or serious damage that would take too long to correct manually.

On abrasive stones

Sharpening a knife is possible using abrasive stones. This is a classic method used by both professionals and amateurs. The grain size of the stones varies. Grains can be large, medium, small. With the help of abrasive stones, craftsmen remove any sharpening of the blades.

Sharpening devices

Sharpening a knife can be carried out using special mechanisms that facilitate this process. Mechanical sharpeners require human effort during the procedure. Expensive devices include automatic machines. With their help you can sharpen blades made of different steels.

Sandpaper or cloth

To correct small burrs and restore sharpness after working with a tool, you can use fine-grain sandpaper or a hard cloth. They are suitable for finishing sharpening knives and bringing the cutting edge to working condition.

Sharpening a knife with sandpaper

What to sharpen with?

Before you start restoring the sharpness of an edge, you need to familiarize yourself with all types of tools for work and their features. Not every device can sharpen a blade to working condition.

Sharpening stone

Sharpening stones, made from abrasive materials, are the most popular tools used for restoring cutting edges. Foreign companies indicate on the surface of the bars the number of abrasive grains per 1 square millimeter. There are stones with small, medium, and large grains on sale. With their help, you can perform both rough and finishing metal processing. Sharpening knives on sandpaper must be done carefully, making movements only in one direction.

Mechanical sharpener

Popular sharpeners that are purchased for sharpening kitchen knives. It is a structure that has two abrasive plates that are fixed at equal angles. It is enough to run the blade over them several times to restore sharpness. Cannot be used for sharpening special blades (hunting, sporting).

Electric sharpener

Expensive devices that are used for sharpening various blades. Allows you to achieve better results compared to mechanical sharpeners. This is due to the fact that this mechanism automatically selects the optimal sharpening angle.


A cylindrical file, sold separately, included with kitchen tools. Used to bring the cutting edge back to working condition after a short period of use with the blade. If there is serious damage to it, musat will not help.

Lansky sharpener

A special device that is used to restore sharpness to small blades. The main advantage of this sharpener is the ability to set any angles and maintain them throughout the working process. The sharpener is equipped with several bars for rough and finishing processing. The work is carried out manually.

Sharpening and grinding machines

In production, blades are often sharpened on machines. Using industrial equipment, you can accurately sharpen any tool. However, a master must operate the machines. This is due to the fact that the abrasive disc at high speeds can damage the cutting edge if moved incorrectly. We must not forget about cooling the metal during work.

How to sharpen at home?

Sharpening knives with your own hands requires a special approach. To do this, you need to select a device for the work, taking into account the material from which the blade is made. If there are no sharpening tools, you can restore the sharpness of the knife on the knife. To do this, you need to run a dull blade along the butt of another blade several times, performing planing movements. However, more serious sharpening can only be done with the help of special tools.

Another option for turning tools without abrasives is to use glass objects. Jars, bottles, glasses, and glass plates are suitable for this. Simply running the edge over the fragile material a few times will restore its sharpness.

How to sharpen kitchen knives correctly?

You can use different tools to sharpen kitchen knives. The most common ones include grinding stones, sharpening stones, and mechanical sharpeners. We will talk about how to sharpen a blade with an abrasive stone below.

To sharpen a kitchen knife using a mechanical sharpener, you need to place it on a hole with abrasive plates and pull it toward you several times. Musat brings the blade to working condition.

To do this, several movements are performed in one direction on each side of the blade.

How to sharpen on a sharpening machine?

To restore the sharpness of a tool using industrial equipment, you need to follow the sharpening rules:

  1. Use a disc with large grains to correct rough irregularities, chips, and large burrs. Finish the edge on the grinding wheel with small grains. If the blade is thin, you cannot use the disc for rough cutting.
  2. Sufficient rotation speed of the abrasive disc is up to 150 rpm.
  3. We must not forget about setting the exact angle for different types of blades. The parameters are indicated in special tables. Additional devices are used to maintain the angle.
  4. When processing, perform smooth movements so that the abrasive catches the metal along the entire length of the blade.
  5. Cool the steel during work. The master needs to water the metal with special oil or water.
  6. When working with the machine, use safety glasses to prevent metal filings from getting into your eyes.

Any sudden movement may damage the instrument. Even after proper work, the severity can quickly worsen. To prevent this from happening, you need to use the blade only for its intended purpose. Store in wooden stands, do not leave in water for a long time.

How to sharpen with a whetstone by hand?

Sharpening knives at home using an abrasive stone is a process performed in a certain sequence. You need to prepare water and abrasive stones in advance. Procedure:

  1. Place a stone with large grains on the table in front of you. It must be fixed motionless.
  2. Pour water over the block.
  3. Set the required angle between the metal and abrasive surface. To do this, you can use a leaf folded at the required angle.
  4. Perform movements along the block away from you so that the entire length of the edge is processed. The knife can only be moved in one direction.

After processing on a coarse-grained stone, change it to a block with small particles and repeat the procedure. During processing, wash off any metal shavings that appear with water. To make the instrument shine beautifully, its surface can be treated with GOI paste.

Proper sharpening of a knife with a whetstone

Methods for checking the blade tip

After carrying out the work, you need to check how sharp the blade is. Several methods are used for this.

On paper

Try to cut a sheet of paper while holding it with one hand. If you can do it without problems, the sharpening is good. A sharp blade will cut the sheet under its own weight.

On a tomato

Often the sharpness of kitchen blades is tested on tomatoes. If it is blunt, the vegetable will be crushed. You need to put it on the table in front of you, try to cut the tomato with the blade horizontally without holding it with your hand. A sharp blade will easily cut a vegetable.

Checking knife sharpening on tomatoes

Testing on hand hair

One of the testing methods that people often use after turning tools. To do this, the knife is pressed effortlessly against the skin of the hand. It should be easily passed through the hair. If the hairs are cut, the blade is sharp, suitable for various types of work.

Everyone uses knives.
However, these tools become dull over time, making it impossible to work with them. To restore the sharpness of steel, you can use different devices. Taking into account the angles for different types of knives, you can carry out the work yourself. Sharpening a knife - the basics, concise, complete, accessible. The simplest correct algorithm for sharpening knives


Sharpening knives: how to sharpen a knife at home

Knives are the most used tool in the household. Whether it's kitchen knives, folding knives, stationery knives or surgical scalpels, they should always have a sharp blade. During operation, the cutting edge of any, even the most advanced tool, becomes dull and the problem of sharpening knives is always relevant. In order to maintain sharpness yourself, you need to know how to sharpen knives correctly and master this useful skill.

Cutting angle

As the sharpening angle decreases, the sharpness of the blade increases, but the risk of destruction of the cutting edge by lateral load increases. Typical section angles of a symmetrical tip are about 25−30 degrees. Very sharp knives can be 20 degrees or less. Different knives are sharpened differently depending on the purpose, the geometry of the blade and the material from which it is made.

These features are important when deciding how to sharpen a knife. For example, a surgical scalpel is a sharp but fragile instrument that cannot be restored after losing its cutting properties.

Straight razors are also unusually sharp, have a very shallow cutting edge angle, and require stropping once a day or more often. Another extreme case is an axe.

It is used primarily for splitting wood or impact cutting, so it can have a blunt point angle that does not require frequent sharpening. Generally, the harder the blade material, the shallower the angle.

The composition and hardening of steel affects the sharpness. The latter is limited by the grain size of the material from which the blade is made. For example, European kitchen knives are usually made of soft materials with an edge angle of 20-30 degrees and a hardness of 52-58 HRC, while tools for Eastern kitchens are traditionally made of hard steel with angles of 10-20. It is not uncommon for these products to have a hardness of 59-60 on the Rockwell scale and higher.

Types of edge processing

There are several technological operations to restore the cutting properties of the blade. The need to use each of them depends on the type of tool, its condition, and the stage of restoration of properties. They are very important for understanding how to properly sharpen a knife at home. Here are some of the edge processing methods:

  1. Edge restoration . Removing metal to form a new edge.
  2. Rough sharpening . Processing using coarse stones or paper according to the method used.
  3. Fine sharpening . The same as described in paragraph 2, but using fine-grained abrasives.
  4. Edit . Light sanding to maintain acceptable sharpness.
  5. Polishing . Achieving a mirror effect without significant changes to the edge.

All these procedures can be applied in stages and simultaneously as stages of complete restoration of the tool or separately, depending on the tasks or purpose of the blade.

For example, straight razors are straightened before each use and even during the shaving process, but they are processed on stones only a few times a year, and the edges do not require restoration for years. A hard steel kitchen knife may need abrasive only once a year, while butchers using carbon steel tools can only get by with sanding every few cuts.



How to sharpen a knife by hand

The tool must be in working condition. In the case of a knife, the main characteristic of the working condition will be its sharpness. We will tell you how to sharpen a knife correctly, what tools you will need for this, and give you a number of useful instructions. "Knife sharpening. Basics" is a basic article for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this art.

How does the blade get dull?

We buy a sharp knife at the store, but over time it inevitably becomes dull if, of course, we work with it. Why does this happen, since the tool is made of good steel and sharpened at the factory? The process takes place at several levels:

  • Microscopic, when particles of steel are ground off the cutting edge during friction with the material, making the edge less sharp. You can't see it, but you can feel how more and more pressure is required to cut over time.
  • Macroscopic, when the tip encounters solid inclusions, such as grains of sand, particles of stone or metal. They are found in almost any material. The edge either moves the obstacle away or moves away itself, while crumpling.
  • If the blade is used inappropriately, its blade can be damaged beyond recognition. This means unscrewing screws, digging soil, etc.

As a result, the working part of the blade is deformed, the edge loses its sharpness and the tool becomes less and less suitable for work. Gradually, hardened steels crumble, and softer and more ductile steels begin to curl.

Rice. 1. The process of blunting and sharpening a knife: 1. When working with a knife, the shape of the cutting edge changes randomly. 2. During the sharpening process, we return the specified shape of the cutting edge or change it. 3. And we give it smoothness, finally removing the burr.

To return the knife to working condition, it is necessary to eliminate the resulting deformation and restore the correct shape of the blade.

What are knives sharpened with?

When sharpening a knife we ​​use a similar process - friction, but this time we control it. With uncontrolled deformation of the steel, the knife becomes dull, with controlled deformation it sharpens, that’s the whole difference.

You can sharpen a steel wedge with any abrasive tool, and in the beginning it was fragments of stones and pebbles. We are modern people, so we will use a specially designed sharpening stone.

If you use a cheap stone to sharpen good steel, be prepared that it will quickly wear out and lose its flat shape. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase a good ceramic sharpening tool or a diamond-coated sample.

Three types of abrasive are enough for the job:

  1. Rough - about 350 units/cm² or diamond marked 160/125. Needed to eliminate severe deformation and is rarely used.
  2. Fine - about 650 units/cm² or diamond marked 100/800. Needed for normal basic sharpening of a knife that has become dull within reasonable limits.
  3. Ultrafine - about 1150 units/cm² or diamond marked 20/14. Useful for grinding and final finishing, removing burrs.

For constant work, bars of the last two types are required, because bringing a knife to a state in which a rough stone is needed is blasphemy. However, an experienced master has all three types.

For convenience, the following points are important:

  • The length of the bar should be 1.5 - 2 times longer than the blade.
  • The width should be 2.5 – 5 cm.
  • The height should be such that your fingers do not touch the table.
  • The block should stand firmly and not slide on the table.

The listed points are very important for achieving correct sharpening, especially at the learning stage. Then, when you get the hang of it, you will be able to cope with the task in less comfortable conditions, but at first, convenience plays an important role.

How to sharpen a knife?

We've come to the most important thing. Sharpening a knife involves placing its blade on a whetstone at a certain angle and running the entire cutting edge along it from the heel to the tip. Proper sharpening requires compliance with three conditions:

  1. The angle of inclination of the blade plane to the surface of the sharpening stone remains strictly unchanged (Figure 2).
  2. The edge line at the point of contact with the block must be perpendicular to the direction of movement (Figure 3).
  3. The pressure should be moderate and uniform; there is no need to “iron” the sharpener or remove chips from it.
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

So, we place the blade on the stone perpendicular to its long side, set the angle to 15-20˚, and begin to move the blade along the stone, gradually moving it from the heel to the tip. When turning the edge closer to its end, the handle should be slightly raised above the plane of the stone and pulled back, as if lagging behind the tip. This will allow you to maintain the same angle of inclination and perpendicularity of movement.

When the pass along the entire edge is completed, it is necessary to repeat it in reverse order, as when rewinding. This will make it easier to maintain the correct angle and overall the work will go faster. We perform these movements until a “burr” begins to appear on the opposite side of the edge.

The “burr” can be seen or felt with the skin of a finger when running it perpendicular to the tip. When the edge begins to scratch along its entire length, stop sharpening one side and begin processing the opposite side.

The knife is turned over and work begins on the other side. Gradually, a moment will come when, like last time, a “hangnail” will appear. This means the second side is ready. More precisely, almost ready.

Next, we take a thinner abrasive and start the process from the beginning. Similar to the previous stage, we achieve the appearance of a “burr” first on one side and then on the other side of the cutting edge. At this stage it will be much smaller and thinner.

Finally, the blade is polished to the finest abrasive. Here it is necessary to carefully polish the cutting edges, as if stroking them, and remove even the smallest “burrs.”

The position of the blade relative to the sharpening stone: When you lead correctly (position 1), the blade “drags” along the block flat, and when incorrectly, the blade “plows” along the block with its cutting edge (position 3) or the edge between the blade and the main descent of the blade (pos. 2).


How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

Takes ~3 minutes to read

A knife is an essential kitchen attribute. It is impossible to imagine modern life and the process of cooking without it. What to do if he stopped cutting and his blade became dull? Run to the store for a new tool? Don’t rush to buy a new one, we’ll tell you how to sharpen it quickly and easily and give step-by-step instructions for sharpening it at home. Even a beginner can do this work.

Interesting fact! In 2005, Forbes magazine conducted a sociological survey of people on the topic: “What object created by man has had the greatest impact on the history of all mankind?” – and the knife took first place.

Types of general purpose kitchen knives

  • Cook (French). This is a utility knife that is most often used by real chefs for chopping. Has a very sharp blade.
  • Cutting. This blade is used for cutting meat or fish.
  • Hatchet knife (cleaver). It has the shape of a small hatchet, which is why it got its name.
  • For cleaning vegetables. This tool is small in size with a curved or straight blade. Used for cutting peels from vegetables and fruits.
  • For bread. It has wavy teeth, making even soft bread amenable to slicing.
  • For oil. There is no blade, it is more of a table accessory.
  • Oyster. It is characterized by a thickened blade.

What materials are used to make kitchen knives? It can be:

  • Carbon steel and stainless steel. These knives become dull quickly and therefore require regular sharpening.
  • Ceramics. Modern knives are made mainly from this material. They are practical and do not become dull so quickly.
  • Plastic.
  • Titanium. These kitchen tools are durable and have a price tag to match.
  • Multilayer coating.
  • High carbon stainless steel.

How to sharpen and choose the optimal sharpening angle

Before the process of sharpening your knife, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this activity. One of the main things is the angle at which you sharpen your tool. The angle is determined depending on the material and purpose of the product.

Correct angles:

  • 10 degrees - this is the angle at which surgical scalpels and razor blades are sharpened;
  • 15 degrees - sharpening for fish, meat and baked goods;
  • 20 degrees – sharpening of universal tools;
  • 25 degrees is the optimal angle for hunting knives.

Setting the blade at the correct angle is quite easy. Just take a regular notebook piece of paper and bend it diagonally. You will get an angle equal to 45 degrees, bending it in half, you will get 22.5, etc.

The lower the sharpening angle, the sharper the blade, but sharpening at a higher angle allows you to maintain the sharpness of the product for a long time.

The best knife sharpeners at home

Manufacturers provide us with a huge selection of sharpening tools: from a grinding stone (the classic version of sharpening) to modern electric sharpeners. The cost varies significantly: you can choose for yourself either an affordable sharpener for a few dollars or a professional sharpener with an incredible price. It all depends on your financial capabilities. However, when buying an expensive or cheap device, you must know all the intricacies of its use.

Musat for sharpening

It is very popular both in home use and in professional kitchens. It is a file with an oval cross-section. Using musat, the blade is adjusted.

This should be done after using the tool and before the cooking process.

  • It is best to hold the musat in a vertical position, fixing one end on a hard, dense surface, and sharpen the knife with the other hand.
  • The sharpening process is similar to planing, i.e. you need to run the blade from the top point of the musat to the handle.
  • Repeat the action no more than 5 times on both sides of the blade.
  • Do not put pressure on the blade when sharpening!

The price for steel is quite affordable - from several hundred to 3 thousand Russian rubles.


This is a fairly budget option, but nevertheless very effective for sharpening knives at home.

Types of stones:

  • Of natural origin.
  • Diamond.
  • Ceramic stones.
  • Japanese.

How to choose the best option

  • Pay attention to the size of the stone. It should be twice as large as the blade.
  • The stone should not be chipped or damaged, the shape should be perfectly flat.
  • A stone with a medium density is suitable for a beginner in this craft. Replenish your set over time with stones of different grain sizes.

To sharpen the tool blade, you need to perform a number of steps:

  1. Rinse kitchen utensils with cold water for better sharpening.
  2. Wet the stone a little so as not to clog the pores with metal dust and ensure better glide.
  3. Position the knife in relation to the whetstone at an angle of 20 degrees.
  4. Sharpen the blade, starting from the handle and moving towards the tip.
  5. You need to make about fifty such movements on each side of the instrument.
  6. The sharpening process must be completed by grinding the blade on a fine-grained stone.

Tip: Practice first on an old, unnecessary knife so as not to ruin your favorite kitchen tool.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this craft, a few minutes of time spent - and your favorite kitchen assistant will again find its previous shape. Such a stone costs a penny - a maximum of 200 rubles, and will bring considerable benefits to the household.

Sanding block

The sharpening process with this device is completely identical to working with a whetstone. Therefore, if you bought a whetstone to sharpen your tool, follow all the steps from the step-by-step instructions above.

The cost of a bar can vary from 500 to 10 thousand rubles. It depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product.

Features of working with an electric sharpener and a special machine


This is a very effective and quick way to sharpen your blades. In household use, such devices are quite rare. They are mainly used in industrial enterprises.

A special feature of working with such a device is the use of minimal speed, since the blade heats up to incredibly high temperatures.


  1. Press the tip of the knife against the circle of the device. All movements should occur smoothly and evenly, without jerking or sudden jumps.
  2. The optimal sharpening level is 30 degrees.
  3. If you are a beginner in this craft, it is better to use simpler sharpeners. Such a device requires certain dexterity and skill, so sharpening at home using an electric sharpener is not recommended.

The price of such machines “bites” and can go off scale up to 20 thousand rubles.

Electric sharpener

It is gaining popularity in home use, it is light and effective. This device can choose the sharpening angle itself, which is a huge plus for beginners. With the help of electric sharpeners you can sharpen any sharp and piercing objects: scissors, knives, screwdrivers and others. Just insert your tool into the hole and the electric sharpener will do everything for you.

The price for such a device can vary from 1 to 10 thousand Russian rubles. You can purchase an electric sharpener in a specialized store or order it online.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife at home

This assistant is very popular among housewives. This is a relatively new and affordable type of blade. Such products are wear-resistant, but they are quite fragile: one wrong move and your tool can break.

No matter how they convince you that you won’t have to sharpen such a tool and it will always be sharp, don’t believe it. Any blade sooner or later becomes dull and therefore requires editing. The maximum service life of the house is 1 year. Then it will require sharpening.

Don't try to sharpen ceramic items at home unless you are a professional: you could easily break it. Therefore, it is better to take your blade to a workshop, where it will be restored to its former sharpness using special pastes and diamond discs.

How to properly sharpen a hunting knife

To sharpen the knife, we will use a sharpening stone from a domestic manufacturer.

  • We wipe the hunting knife on the stone on both sides.
  • We need to achieve a perfect blade edge and sharpen the blade.
  • We carry out the actions from the handle to the tip at an angle of 30 degrees.
  • To check the sharpness, we run along the edge of the blade. This must be done very carefully so as not to cut yourself. A sharply sharpened product is characterized by the formation of a so-called burr - a slight roughness.
  • We smooth out this unevenness using a sanding block, making smooth and measured movements.

There are a few simple ways to determine how sharp your blade is: try cutting a piece of paper or slicing a tomato. A well-sharpened product will easily cope with the task.

How to sharpen a knife without using a sharpener

Is this even possible? Of course, there is one unique old-fashioned way. Take an ordinary ceramic plate, turn it upside down and sharpen the knife on a rough circle. Make smooth movements and maintain the correct sharpening angle.

how to quickly sharpen kitchen knives 


How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

1. Editing or sharpening?
2. Mythical types of sharpening
3. Which knives cannot be sharpened yourself
4. How to sharpen: what options are there?
5. Sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade
6. Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone
7. Sharpening a knife in extreme conditions

Do we edit or sharpen?

Sometimes sharpening is not necessary, you just need to update the edge a little, removing irregularities and lightly grinding, which makes the knife sharper.

This is called editing.

It is done using musats, fine-grained sandpaper, or the old-fashioned way, on a leather belt.

In this case, the angle is not set, but the one that already exists is maintained.

But if you need to change or restore the geometry of the cutting edge angle, then this is sharpening.

And if you don’t maintain the right angle, then cutting will become simply impossible.

A few words about laser sharpening and self-sharpening steel

Some are afraid to sharpen knives at home, because they believe that now workshops offer almost nanotechnology, as a result of which the blade will remain sharp longer. We are talking about laser sharpening, as you understand.

So: this is a myth and marketing.

The laser does not sharpen absolutely anything, the beam simply indicates the correct angle (just like on a laser level to determine the plane). But it sharpens an ordinary stone, so there is nothing special in such a procedure.

Self-sharpening steel is also a fantasy.

Absolutely everything gets dull, but the higher quality the alloy, the longer the knife lasts. Therefore, there is no point in wasting money on such knives; it is better to buy a good sharpener for ordinary ones.

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

Let's start with the most important thing: which knives cannot be sharpened?

If you are doing this for the first time, then you cannot sharpen your favorite and convenient knives.

An incorrect sharpening angle can completely ruin the blade, therefore, it is better to experiment with something simpler, so that you can safely throw it away and not be annoyed.

You should not sharpen ceramic knives yourself with ordinary whetstones. Only diamond takes ceramics, and if you don’t have such a stone, then it’s better to give the knife to a professional.

But if there is, then you can try to sharpen it yourself, since the technology for sharpening a ceramic knife is no different from sharpening steel blades.

Knives made of Damascus steel and damask steel - on the contrary, sharpening on a diamond stone is strictly not recommended, as the blade may crumble.

It is better to give it to a master, since grinding such steel with an ordinary whetstone is not a task for the faint of heart: it is a long process.

Also, you should not sharpen knives with a wavy edge at home. Moreover, there is no point in taking them to the workshop either, since it is simply impossible to return the saw knife to its original properties.

It’s easier to buy a new one or resharpen it to a regular one.

What to sharpen with? We are considering options

There are many tools for sharpening knives, ranging from electric ones to regular whetstones, which are very inexpensive.

Electric sharpeners

Electric sharpeners have two big disadvantages: the expensive price (around 10,000 rubles) and the ability to remove steel heavily during sharpening, which leads to rapid wear of the knife.

But the process is fast, fully automated and there is no need to manually maintain the degree of inclination when sharpening.

How to sharpen a knife on a sharpener is usually written in the instructions that come with the device.


Musat is a good thing, but it won’t sharpen a very dull knife, since it is mainly intended for straightening. And the effect of such sharpening lasts for a couple of days at most.

How to sharpen a knife with musat is shown schematically here:

Roller blade

Not a bad option for women. Just a couple of movements on the rollers and the knife cuts well (but not for long). They are inexpensive and everyone can afford them.


Sharpeners are skeptical about using sandpaper for these purposes. But the practice of those who use it convinces us that this is a completely acceptable option.

This is not to say that it is the most comfortable, but if you don’t have anything at hand, and you need to sharpen the knife urgently, then you can use sandpaper. Moreover, the article is not for masters, but for amateurs.

Sandpaper strips must be secured to any wooden base (in the form of a block) using tape. On the one hand - the coarse-grained fraction, on the other - the fine-grained fraction.

Ceramic bar

It’s not worth talking about the price here, since they are very cheap. The main thing is to choose it correctly so that you can sharpen it comfortably later.

You need two bars. One with a rougher surface (320 grit), for basic sharpening and edge angle correction, and the second for surface grinding (1000 grit).

The length of the stone should be approximately the same as the longest knife in the house.

Width – the wider, the more convenient it is to work with it. You can read how to sharpen knives with a whetstone below, in a separate block.

Diamond block

Diamond bars don’t cost five kopecks, but the result cannot be compared with an ordinary stone. It’s more comfortable to work with, and it’s also more durable.

It consists of a plastic or aluminum base, onto which two metal plates coated with diamond grains are attached.

Such bars do not wear off like ceramic ones and even after repeated sharpening they remain smooth, rectangular in shape with sharp corners.

In addition to all these advantages, there are also advantages:

  • They are not afraid of impact and will not break if accidentally dropped
  • The diamond block is not clogged with steel particles. After sharpening, you only need to rinse it lightly under water and wipe it clean.
  • The sharpening process on diamond stones is very fast, which means that the stone will serve you for a very long time, as it hardly wears down
  • You don't need to buy two bars, as they are made in such a way that one side is rough and the other is for sanding.

There is only one drawback to diamond stones – the price. They are not cheaper than 800 rubles, and if they are, then they are clearly a fake, which will become unusable after five sharpenings.

Japanese water stones

A water stone is also a block. But it should not be used dry, but moistened with water.

During the friction process, a suspension is formed, which simultaneously with sharpening polishes the surface.

They are not cheap, but they wear out quite quickly. So, for simple kitchen knives this is not the best choice.

Sharpening using an abrasive wheel on a drill or machine

You should not do this if this is your first time sharpening a knife.

A couple of seconds is enough to cause irreparable harm. Moreover, in this case the steel gets too hot and it is necessary to cool it during the process, and if this is not done, the edge may crumble.

How to properly sharpen knives on a machine is the topic of a separate and extensive article, therefore, we will not focus on this here.

Also be sure to watch this video, it is very on topic.

Since, in this matter, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times!

About sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade

But no matter what stone you choose, the sharpening technology is the same. And this is the main thing you should learn.

To begin with, train on the simplest ceramic bar, and when you see what you can do, buy something more expensive.

The most important thing in the sharpening process is to return the original angle of the edge. For kitchen and home knives it is usually standard: from 25 to 45 degrees.

Moreover, the lower the degree, the thinner the cutting edge becomes. Yes, the knife will be sharp, but it will also dull much faster, and also lose its edge shape as soon as it touches something hard.

So, if you want to resort to sharpening as little as possible, you should not make an angle of 25 degrees.

A knife that is too sharp is a rather traumatic thing in everyday life.

It will cut well not only vegetables and meat, but also kitchen towels along with your hands at the moment you wipe it.

Here is a table of recommended angles:

And here, pay attention to the fact that the angle in the table is indicated as full, that is, it is the sum of the two sides of the edge. And if you want to sharpen a knife by 30 degrees, then you need to remove 15 degrees from each side of the blade.

Accordingly, if you need an angle of 45 degrees, then remove 22.5 degrees from each side.

You need to maintain this angle during the entire sharpening process, trying not to deviate from the specified value, since the final result depends on it.

Now the question is different: how to fix and calculate this angle by eye?

This can be done as shown in the picture:

After you place the paper, you will approximately know at what angle you need to hold the knife.

Well, now let's move on to the sharpening process itself.

Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone

  1. 1. First of all, place the block on the table so that it is convenient for you to sharpen. You can place a kitchen towel under it to prevent slipping.

    There is no need to hold the block in your hands, since in this case there can be no question of controlling the angles.

  2. 2. Moisten it with water. This is necessary for better sliding of the steel over the stone and further easy cleaning of the block from metal particles.
  3. 3. Place the knife across the block and start making movements away from you, as if you were sharpening a pencil. It’s best to look at the video we posted in the last block to see exactly what it looks like.

You can’t put too much pressure on the stone; it won’t speed up the process at all, but it can seriously deform the edge. Swipe one side of the block 50 times, trying to maintain the angle all the time.

As soon as you notice that a slight roughness, the so-called burr, has formed on the cutting edge, turn the knife over and sharpen the other side.

This is what a hangnail looks like:

Important! If a burr does not form, then continue sharpening. Only this unevenness will show that the steel has been ground down enough and there is no point in sharpening it further.

Once you've finished the second side, the burr may transfer to that side.

In this case, turn the knife again with the other side and sharpen. And do this until it completely disappears.

And only after this can you proceed to grinding the edge on a fine stone. Here you no longer need to move the knife 50 times, 20 times is enough.

And if you want the knife to dull less often, then you can bring the edge to a mirror shine using a regular leather belt, which is lubricated with GOI paste.

In this case, the movements should not be point down, but vice versa. That is, you also “shape” the belt, only in the other direction.

We have described the most basic method, which does not require any special costs or equipment. And there is another one, very convenient, but for it you need to build a small machine.

Here's the one in the photo:

As you can see, there is no need to hold the blade during the process, controlling the degree. The inclined and fixed block does everything for you, and the main task is to hold the knife straight, at 90 degrees.

And this, you see, is much easier than maintaining the level of 22.5 degrees (to be honest, this is an almost impossible task for a beginner, even though in theory everything sounds simple).

After all, a deviation of some micron already leads to the fact that the quality of sharpening will not be the best.

How to sharpen a knife in extreme conditions?

And it happens that there is absolutely nothing suitable at hand, and you just need to sharpen a knife urgently.

In this case, the following methods will help you out:

  • Sharpening a knife on the corner of a concrete step in the entrance (just wash it thoroughly before doing this)
  • Sharpening a knife on an ordinary stone from the street, which looks more or less smooth
  • Sharpening a knife on the rough edge of a ceramic plate or regular cup

We hope that now you will have an understanding of all the ways you can sharpen any knife at home without damaging the blade or yourself.


How to properly sharpen knives at home

If you are considering ways to properly sharpen knives, you must first determine what material the blade is made of. Taking into account the characteristics of the knife, a sharpening tool is selected. Moreover, some types of blades remain sharp for a long period. They need to be sharpened using special equipment.

Main types of knives and blade materials

The quality of sharpening depends on the type of metal:

  1. Low-carbon stainless steel - based on an alloy of chromium, carbon, iron, sometimes nickel and molybdenum are used. This material has the simplest properties. For this reason, low-carbon stainless steel knives need to be sharpened regularly, otherwise they will be difficult to use. Advantages include corrosion resistance.
  2. High-carbon stainless steel - the blade is durable, which is due to a change in composition (high carbon content, sometimes additives in the form of vanadium and cobalt are present). Thanks to this, such knives do not need to be sharpened often, and they are also resistant to corrosion.
  3. Carbon steel - the material is durable and easy to sharpen. The advantages of such knives include reasonable cost, however, the metal is not resistant to water and oxidizes upon contact with food (the alloy is made from carbon and iron).
  4. Damascus steel - knives are equipped with a multi-layer blade, which increases strength. Thanks to the use of different alloys in production, corrosion resistance is ensured, but the disadvantages include the high price. Considering these features, it is not advisable to purchase such knives for use at home; they are more often used as edged weapons.
  5. Ceramics - the blade remains sharp for a long time, but does not withstand impact and deformation loads (low bending strength).

Knife sharpening angle

This criterion depends on the material from which the blade is made. In addition, proper sharpening is carried out taking into account the purpose of the knife. Angle of inclination of the blade relative to the working surface:

  • within 10-15° - for a straight razor, scalpel;
  • up to 20° - for some products: vegetables, fruits, meat, bread;
  • no more than 25° - according to this criterion, chef’s knives are sharpened;
  • within 25-30° - for hunting knives.

If you are wondering at what angle you need to sharpen a knife so that it remains sharp for a long time, the type of tool is also taken into account. When unsuitable equipment is used, the blade may become deformed (scratches or chips will appear).

Sharpening tools and their uses

Devices and special tools differ not only in the principle of operation, but also in the quality of sharpening. Electrical appliances operate much faster. However, you need to work with them carefully, because...

inattention can lead to a chef's or hunting knife being sharpened with a change in the position of the blade relative to the working surface. As a result, the service life of the product will be significantly reduced.

To sharpen knives at home, mechanical tools are sufficient.

Touchstone, whetstone

There are different options, differing in size and number of abrasive grains per 1 mm². The quality of sharpening will depend on this. If you need to sharpen a knife on a whetstone, you first need to decide whether rough or fine grinding is required. When choosing such a tool, you need to pay attention to the markings. It is applied directly to the surface of the bar. However, there is no such information on domestic donkeys, so you will have to find out about the parameters from the seller.

The bars are found in different versions, differing in the type of spraying:

  • diamond;
  • silicon carbide;
  • electrocorundum.

If there is no information on the type of abrasive on the whetstone, you can try to determine its type by touch. To do this, you need to run your finger or nail along the surface of the bar.

Mechanical sharpener

This tool has a handle, which makes it comfortable to use. The blade is installed in a recess on the body, characterized by an acute angle. By making reciprocating movements, you can get the desired result.

The advantages of the tool include reasonable price and the ability to be used at home. However, it is inferior in efficiency to some analogues. So, on a sharpening machine the work is done faster. At the same time, the blade remains sharp longer.

Knife sharpening wheels also provide better results.

Electric sharpener

Such devices are available in different variants. A sharpener with 2 sharpening slots in the body is more effective. The main advantage of such devices is the ability to automatically determine the required angle of inclination of the blade relative to the working surface. They are used for different purposes, but are more often used in facilities where it is necessary to regularly sharpen knives on an electric sharpener. In domestic conditions, such devices are rarely used due to their high cost.


This is the name of the tool, which consists of a handle (in most cases it is plastic) and a large-section steel rod. Its main function is to maintain the required level of blade sharpness. This tool is included in the set of knives. However, users often confuse it with special sharpening equipment and devices.

It must be remembered that you cannot sharpen knives with musat if they are very dull. For this purpose, more effective means are used. This is due to the principle of working with musat and the type of material from which it is made.

Thus, the steel rod is not abrasive enough, which does not allow sharpening to the required level of blade sharpness. The principle of working with musat is based on the correct execution of movements. So, the blade should be at an angle of 20°.

It needs to be moved from top to bottom, so the tool is placed vertically.

Lansky sharpener

This equipment is designed for small and medium-sized knives. Its advantage is the ability to ensure the sharpness of the blade located at different angles relative to the working surface.

To do this, the structural elements of the sharpener are rearranged. The tool consists of 2 angles, a small-section steel rod that holds a whetstone (touchstone). The last of the structural elements is used to sharpen the blade.

The knife is fixed between two corners. Its edge rests against the whetstone.

Sharpening and grinding machines

They are circles fixed on a rotating shaft. To achieve different sharpening qualities, different abrasives are used. In order to more accurately determine the angle, a special add-on is provided, located above the grinding wheel. A blade is installed between it and the abrasive.

There are also simpler designs designed for everyday use: electrically driven abrasive wheels, rotating discs for grinding. However, regardless of the type of design, experience is required to operate the machine. This is due to the fact that the metal heats up during the sharpening process. As a result, the blade quickly fails and may crumble. In addition, in this way you can significantly change the angle of its inclination.

Tips for quickly sharpening a blade using improvised tools

It is possible to sharpen a knife without a sharpener, but there is no guarantee that the blade will remain sharp for a long time. As in the case of a special tool, the means at hand must be used in accordance with the rules. This option is suitable for sharpening kitchen knives at home if you don’t have a whetstone, musat or sharpener on hand.

Stone or second knife

Any medium-sized stone that you can pick up on the road will do. The principle of working with it is the same as in the case of a block: the blade is positioned at an angle of no more than 25°, it must be moved back and forth without lifting it from the stone. In this case, it is difficult to ensure uniform sharpening. If excessive force is applied, the blade may become deformed. When you decide to sharpen knives with a stone, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will soon need to repeat the procedure.

If you use the knife-on-knife sharpening option, you can sharpen 2 blades at the same time. The whole process takes 5-10 minutes. The blades can be sharpened along their entire length, reducing the likelihood of deformation. However, it will not be possible to use them for a long time; soon they will become dull again.

Glass objects or leather belt

The required effect is achieved if the object (glass, ceramic tile) has a sufficiently rough edge. As a result, it can act as an abrasive. The main requirement for this is a rough surface. The disadvantage of this method is the likelihood of scratches.

A leather belt cannot be used to sharpen blades. It is used for surface grinding. This is due to the fact that the leather edge is not rough enough. An important condition when grinding is belt tension.

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

You should not try to increase the sharpness of some types of blades at home with your own hands. This will lead to damage to the products. It will be difficult or even impossible to restore their properties. This group includes:

  • a knife with a special coating - sharpening the blades will lead to its deformation;
  • serrated blade - to ensure sharpness, a special tool is required, since the factory sharpening is asymmetrical;
  • ceramics - in hardness it is second only to diamond and corundum, so it will retain its properties for a long time.

Methods for checking blade sharpness

There are several options:

  1. Application of paper. To check for perfect sharpness, the sheet must be held suspended. The knife should cut it straight.
  2. Ripe vegetable. The blade is passed along it. If it goes into the pulp easily, there is no need to sharpen it any further.
  3. A thread. If it is sharp enough, it will cut quickly, and the edges will not be torn.
  4. If the knife shows glare when viewed in the sun, you need to continue sharpening.

When work is done using a special tool, there is no need to regularly check the tip.


How to sharpen knives correctly

This tool is very similar to a file: a long round rod with a notch and a handle. It is mainly used for straightening the cutting edge of a knife. This is useful because it allows you to keep the knife in working condition at all times. But if the blade has become very dull, grinding stone will not help you - a major sharpening is necessary.


2. Mechanical sharpener

Not a bad thing that every housewife should buy. Well suited for sharpening kitchen knives as it is quick and easy. True, the quality is not always pleasing, and the knives become dull as quickly as they are sharpened. This method is suitable for a kitchen knife, but no more.


3. Electric sharpener

A great way to quickly and efficiently sharpen knives with any type of blade, as well as scissors and even screwdrivers. The device is capable of sharpening and then polishing any blade in two minutes. It is important that it automatically determines the desired sharpening angle, but we will talk about this below. Such a thing will cost from 2 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the sharpening speed, guide system and power.


4. Machine with abrasive wheel

This is a professional tool; it is used to sharpen and polish blades in industrial enterprises. Without experience, it is better not to go to the machine: steel is hardened at a certain temperature, so uncontrolled heating on the machine during sharpening can irreparably damage the knife. Leave this method to the professionals.

5. Whetstone

Sharpening with a whetstone is one of the most effective methods. This process is not easy, but entertaining. It requires perseverance and some experience working with a bar. For sharpening, two stones are needed: with small grains and large ones.

There are two types of whetstones: natural and artificial. The whole difference is in the grain size: natural stones are usually fine-grained, they are used for polishing. And artificial ones are initially made more universal, with different degrees of grain on different sides of the bar.


How to sharpen knives

Before proceeding with the sharpening process, immerse the sharpening stone in oil or water for 15 minutes. This will extend the life of the bar, since steel particles will not get clogged between the grains.

You should start sharpening with a coarse-grained stone. It is important to correctly position the blade relative to the surface of the block, since the final result largely depends on this. The correct sharpening angle is also important: experts advise sharpening the blade at an angle of 20 degrees, but this may vary depending on the type of knife.

  • Professional chef's and fillet knives require an angle of 25 degrees.
  • Japanese kitchen knives should be sharpened at an angle of 10–20 degrees.
  • For hunting blades, an angle of 30 to 45 degrees is used. A larger angle is required for greater resistance to dulling.
  • For household kitchen knives, an angle of 30 degrees is sufficient.

The rule here is simple: if you want to make the knife sharper, we reduce the sharpening angle, and for greater resistance to dulling, we increase it.

You need to sharpen with continuous movements, lifting the handle at the moment when the block reaches the bend of the blade. This will maintain the sharpening angle of the cutting edge. It is important that the movement of the blade is perpendicular to the edge, while applying slight pressure to the blade.


When the main sharpening has been completed, we begin grinding. For this you will need a fine-grained stone. Grinding is necessary to level the surface and remove burrs. The technology remains unchanged.


In theory, everything is quite clear, but in practice, the process of sharpening a knife is far from the simplest. You will have to be patient and attentive: one awkward move, and all the work will go down the drain. Theory is great, but you can’t do this without practice. And the process itself is not cheap, since good sharpening stones cost a lot of money.

If you just need to sharpen your knives, without all this fetish, take an electric sharpener. The result will be the same, and this method will also save your nerves and time.


5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

Very often you have to face the need to sharpen knives; everyone does it at home. Sharpening a blade is an important process and requires minimal tools, so it can be easily done at home. Sometimes you can contact workshops, where all work is carried out as quickly as possible. I usually sharpen a knife with a whetstone, but there are other ways.


A knife is considered an integral part of the kitchen; without it it is impossible to cook food. All of them periodically become dull, so there is a need for sharpening. There are several varieties of them, so the process requires a certain approach.

Main types of knives:

  • chef's (French) - a universal option, the blade is sharp, used for shredding;
  • cutting - designed for cutting meat and fish products;
  • hatchet knife - made in the shape of a small ax;
  • for vegetables - a curved or straight blade, used to remove peels;
  • for bread - has wavy teeth, which ensures cutting of soft bread;
  • for butter - without a blade, serves as a table accessory;
  • oyster - distinguished by a thickened blade.

Stainless and carbon steel are used in the manufacture of knives. Such products become dull quickly, so the knives need to be sharpened. Ceramic knives are considered the most modern, practical, and dull quickly.

Knives - can everything be sharpened at home?

As already mentioned, all knives without exception become dull; the service life of high-quality alloys is longer. Buying such knives for home use often does not make sense, since they are quite expensive. The best option in this case is to buy a sharpener for regular knives.

When carrying out the procedure for the first time, it is not recommended to sharpen your favorite or irreplaceable knives. An incorrect sharpening angle can permanently damage the blade. Experiments should be carried out with simpler models that you don’t mind throwing away.

When sharpening ceramic knives, you should not use whetstones; the best option in this case is to turn to professional specialists. The same applies to Damascus steel and damask steel. Knives with a wave-shaped blade are also not suitable for turning at home with your own hands. The workshop will also not be able to bring them into proper shape.

Features of knife sharpening

Before carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the nuances. The angle at which the tool is sharpened plays an important role. At an angle of 15 degrees, you should sharpen products for fish, meat products and bread - such knives are most often used in the kitchen. When processing sport hunting models, the angle is different.

Basic methods

There are several effective methods for sharpening knives at home; for this you will need to purchase simple tools.


Bar - used most often, there are several types, the differences lie in the number of abrasive grains per 1 sq. cm. First, bars with a minimum number of grains are used; for final sharpening, products with the maximum number of abrasives are suitable. For foreign-made products, the relevant information is provided in the instructions. When purchasing domestic products, information should be clarified in the store.

Mechanical sharpener

This option is ideal for sharpening kitchen knives. The process is quite fast, but the quality is not ideal. This method is not suitable for sharpening sports knives intended for hunting models.

Electric sharpener

The electric sharpener is designed to produce sharp blades, the effect is achieved by automatically detecting the angle. This option is ideal for home knives and can be used in catering organizations. There is a wide range of models on sale at different prices. Preference should be given to expensive, most advanced devices.


Musat - used to sharpen the edge. The shape of the product resembles a file with a handle. The products come in sets and are often confused with ordinary sharpening tools. It is important to consider that musat is useless for sharpening very dull knives.

Sharpener "Lansky"

The sharpener is designed for sharpening small and medium-sized knives. The design allows the procedure to be performed at any angle. It consists of a rod and 2 connected corners. They simultaneously function as a vice for the blade and a scale for selecting the angle.

Machine tools

The machines are intended mainly for use in enterprises, for precise sharpening of blades on rotating shafts. This option is not suitable for home use, since all manipulations must be carried out by a specialist. A slight misstep can damage the blade.

How to sharpen knives yourself

This option allows you to sharpen the knife as efficiently as possible; the procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • put the block on the surface, a small block is placed in a vice;
  • attach the blade to the block with the edge forward;
  • move the blade along the entire length of the bar - the angle must remain the same throughout the procedure;
  • make 2-3 movements, repeat with the opposite side;
  • sharpen until an edge appears on the edge of the blade;
  • change the rough block to the finishing one;
  • Sand until the edge disappears.

Available means

Sometimes cases arise when you need to quickly sharpen knives in the absence of conventional tools. In such situations, the procedure can be carried out using other objects.

Main methods:

  1. Stone, cobblestone - this method is suitable if it is necessary to sharpen blades while traveling. The blade must be drawn along its surface; ideal sharpness cannot be achieved, but the knife is suitable for normal cutting.
  2. Second knife - you can also sharpen the blade on another without tools. You need to take the blades and drive for 5-10 minutes. them against each other.
  3. Glass objects - the knife can also be sharpened by holding the blade against glass/ceramic products (glass, tile). The main condition is a rough surface of the product.
  4. Leather belt - suitable for final sharpening in extreme cases. To do this, you should carefully move the blade along the tensioned belt, due to this you will be able to achieve a polishing effect.

How to sharpen knives with your own hands?

A knife is used to cut up food, remove skins from killed animals, cut soft materials, and much more. However, over time, the cutting edge becomes unusable. To restore its sharpness, it is necessary to carry out processing. Sharpening knives is a separate technological process that is easy to do yourself.

Main types of blades

Before you start learning how to sharpen blades, you need to know what types of blades there are. Different types of steel have some nuances:

  1. Carbon steel. The material is an alloy of carbon and iron. They are easy to sharpen and maintain their sharpness for a long time. People are attracted by the affordable price. Tools made from this material quickly rust in an acidic environment.
  2. Low carbon stainless steel. They are a compound of chromium, iron, carbon. Compared to carbon steel, this material dulls quickly due to its low hardness. The main advantage of stainless steel is its resistance to rust formation.
  3. Damascus steel. Blades made of this material are multi-layered products that have an unusual pattern on their surface.
  4. High carbon stainless steel. High carbon content, plus the addition of molybdenum and vanadium make this material more durable than conventional stainless steel. The products dull slowly and are protected from corrosion.

Ceramic blades belong to a separate group. This material has a high sharpness from the factory, which does not dull over a long period of time. However, ceramic tools are fragile and are not resistant to strong impacts, falls, or the application of breaking force.

Why does the blade become dull?

There are a number of factors that influence the process of dulling a cutting edge:

  1. Excessive force transmitted to the tool when cutting. This causes the blade to bend.
  2. Incorrect turning process.
  3. Cutting hard materials.
  4. Improper storage.
  5. Impacts against metal objects.
  6. Destruction of metal due to corrosion.

Blacksmiths do not recommend washing knives under hot water. This is due to the fact that the metal is affected by aggressive salts, which reduce the sharpness.

How to determine the sharpening angle?

To restore the sharpness of the blade, you need to know the sharpening angle of the knife. To do this, you can use hand tools and inquire about factory sharpening. Knife sharpening tables with standard indicators can be found on the Internet. There are two simple methods for determining the sharpening angle of knives without tables:

  1. Using scissors. To do this, the scissors are opened and the blade is placed between the open parts. The sides of the knife should be set at the same distance from the blades of the scissors. Readings are taken using a protractor.
  2. Using an angular ruler. This is a special device. Modern models are connected to computers that read accurate readings.

Masters use precision measuring instruments to read indicators. There are also special tables that help determine the angle when sharpening knives.

What sharpening angle is suitable for kitchen tools?

Tools used for cutting food are considered universal. The sharpening angle of a kitchen knife starts from 20 to 30 degrees. Thanks to this, they can cut products of different hardness equally efficiently. The exception is fillet cutting tools. Their sharpening angles range from 15 to 20 degrees.


Tools used for hunting are subject to increased stress. Because of this, they are made from more durable materials. The angle for sharpening knives used by hunters is from 25 to 40 degrees.

Proper sharpening of a hunting knife

Sharpening methods

Over time, knifemakers have brought the sharpening procedure to a special technological process, during which a variety of devices and techniques can be used. Knives can be sharpened both with hand tools and on industrial machines.

On the grinding wheel

Sharpening knives using a sharpening wheel is not recommended. This is due to the fact that few craftsmen can limit the cutting edge from overheating. Because of this, tempering of the steel may occur, after which the hardness of the material will decrease. You can sharpen a knife on a sharpening wheel only for large chips or serious damage that would take too long to correct manually.

On abrasive stones

Sharpening a knife is possible using abrasive stones. This is a classic method used by both professionals and amateurs. The grain size of the stones varies. Grains can be large, medium, small. With the help of abrasive stones, craftsmen remove any sharpening of the blades.

Sharpening devices

Sharpening a knife can be carried out using special mechanisms that facilitate this process. Mechanical sharpeners require human effort during the procedure. Expensive devices include automatic machines. With their help you can sharpen blades made of different steels.

Sandpaper or cloth

To correct small burrs and restore sharpness after working with a tool, you can use fine-grain sandpaper or a hard cloth. They are suitable for finishing sharpening knives and bringing the cutting edge to working condition.

Sharpening a knife with sandpaper

What to sharpen with?

Before you start restoring the sharpness of an edge, you need to familiarize yourself with all types of tools for work and their features. Not every device can sharpen a blade to working condition.

Sharpening stone

Sharpening stones, made from abrasive materials, are the most popular tools used for restoring cutting edges. Foreign companies indicate on the surface of the bars the number of abrasive grains per 1 square millimeter. There are stones with small, medium, and large grains on sale. With their help, you can perform both rough and finishing metal processing. Sharpening knives on sandpaper must be done carefully, making movements only in one direction.

Mechanical sharpener

Popular sharpeners that are purchased for sharpening kitchen knives. It is a structure that has two abrasive plates that are fixed at equal angles. It is enough to run the blade over them several times to restore sharpness. Cannot be used for sharpening special blades (hunting, sporting).

Electric sharpener

Expensive devices that are used for sharpening various blades. Allows you to achieve better results compared to mechanical sharpeners. This is due to the fact that this mechanism automatically selects the optimal sharpening angle.


A cylindrical file, sold separately, included with kitchen tools. Used to bring the cutting edge back to working condition after a short period of use with the blade. If there is serious damage to it, musat will not help.

Lansky sharpener

A special device that is used to restore sharpness to small blades. The main advantage of this sharpener is the ability to set any angles and maintain them throughout the working process. The sharpener is equipped with several bars for rough and finishing processing. The work is carried out manually.

Sharpening and grinding machines

In production, blades are often sharpened on machines. Using industrial equipment, you can accurately sharpen any tool. However, a master must operate the machines. This is due to the fact that the abrasive disc at high speeds can damage the cutting edge if moved incorrectly. We must not forget about cooling the metal during work.

How to sharpen at home?

Sharpening knives with your own hands requires a special approach. To do this, you need to select a device for the work, taking into account the material from which the blade is made. If there are no sharpening tools, you can restore the sharpness of the knife on the knife. To do this, you need to run a dull blade along the butt of another blade several times, performing planing movements. However, more serious sharpening can only be done with the help of special tools.

Another option for turning tools without abrasives is to use glass objects. Jars, bottles, glasses, and glass plates are suitable for this. Simply running the edge over the fragile material a few times will restore its sharpness.

How to sharpen kitchen knives correctly?

You can use different tools to sharpen kitchen knives. The most common ones include grinding stones, sharpening stones, and mechanical sharpeners. We will talk about how to sharpen a blade with an abrasive stone below.

To sharpen a kitchen knife using a mechanical sharpener, you need to place it on a hole with abrasive plates and pull it toward you several times. Musat brings the blade to working condition.

To do this, several movements are performed in one direction on each side of the blade.

How to sharpen on a sharpening machine?

To restore the sharpness of a tool using industrial equipment, you need to follow the sharpening rules:

  1. Use a disc with large grains to correct rough irregularities, chips, and large burrs. Finish the edge on the grinding wheel with small grains. If the blade is thin, you cannot use the disc for rough cutting.
  2. Sufficient rotation speed of the abrasive disc is up to 150 rpm.
  3. We must not forget about setting the exact angle for different types of blades. The parameters are indicated in special tables. Additional devices are used to maintain the angle.
  4. When processing, perform smooth movements so that the abrasive catches the metal along the entire length of the blade.
  5. Cool the steel during work. The master needs to water the metal with special oil or water.
  6. When working with the machine, use safety glasses to prevent metal filings from getting into your eyes.

Any sudden movement may damage the instrument. Even after proper work, the severity can quickly worsen. To prevent this from happening, you need to use the blade only for its intended purpose. Store in wooden stands, do not leave in water for a long time.

How to sharpen with a whetstone by hand?

Sharpening knives at home using an abrasive stone is a process performed in a certain sequence. You need to prepare water and abrasive stones in advance. Procedure:

  1. Place a stone with large grains on the table in front of you. It must be fixed motionless.
  2. Pour water over the block.
  3. Set the required angle between the metal and abrasive surface. To do this, you can use a leaf folded at the required angle.
  4. Perform movements along the block away from you so that the entire length of the edge is processed. The knife can only be moved in one direction.

After processing on a coarse-grained stone, change it to a block with small particles and repeat the procedure. During processing, wash off any metal shavings that appear with water. To make the instrument shine beautifully, its surface can be treated with GOI paste.

Proper sharpening of a knife with a whetstone

Methods for checking the blade tip

After carrying out the work, you need to check how sharp the blade is. Several methods are used for this.

On paper

Try to cut a sheet of paper while holding it with one hand. If you can do it without problems, the sharpening is good. A sharp blade will cut the sheet under its own weight.

On a tomato

Often the sharpness of kitchen blades is tested on tomatoes. If it is blunt, the vegetable will be crushed. You need to put it on the table in front of you, try to cut the tomato with the blade horizontally without holding it with your hand. A sharp blade will easily cut a vegetable.

Checking knife sharpening on tomatoes

Testing on hand hair

One of the testing methods that people often use after turning tools. To do this, the knife is pressed effortlessly against the skin of the hand. It should be easily passed through the hair. If the hairs are cut, the blade is sharp, suitable for various types of work.

Everyone uses knives.
However, these tools become dull over time, making it impossible to work with them. To restore the sharpness of steel, you can use different devices. Taking into account the angles for different types of knives, you can carry out the work yourself. Sharpening a knife - the basics, concise, complete, accessible. The simplest correct algorithm for sharpening knives


Sharpening knives: how to sharpen a knife at home

Knives are the most used tool in the household. Whether it's kitchen knives, folding knives, stationery knives or surgical scalpels, they should always have a sharp blade. During operation, the cutting edge of any, even the most advanced tool, becomes dull and the problem of sharpening knives is always relevant. In order to maintain sharpness yourself, you need to know how to sharpen knives correctly and master this useful skill.

Cutting angle

As the sharpening angle decreases, the sharpness of the blade increases, but the risk of destruction of the cutting edge by lateral load increases. Typical section angles of a symmetrical tip are about 25−30 degrees. Very sharp knives can be 20 degrees or less. Different knives are sharpened differently depending on the purpose, the geometry of the blade and the material from which it is made.

These features are important when deciding how to sharpen a knife. For example, a surgical scalpel is a sharp but fragile instrument that cannot be restored after losing its cutting properties.

Straight razors are also unusually sharp, have a very shallow cutting edge angle, and require stropping once a day or more often. Another extreme case is an axe.

It is used primarily for splitting wood or impact cutting, so it can have a blunt point angle that does not require frequent sharpening. Generally, the harder the blade material, the shallower the angle.

The composition and hardening of steel affects the sharpness. The latter is limited by the grain size of the material from which the blade is made. For example, European kitchen knives are usually made of soft materials with an edge angle of 20-30 degrees and a hardness of 52-58 HRC, while tools for Eastern kitchens are traditionally made of hard steel with angles of 10-20. It is not uncommon for these products to have a hardness of 59-60 on the Rockwell scale and higher.

Types of edge processing

There are several technological operations to restore the cutting properties of the blade. The need to use each of them depends on the type of tool, its condition, and the stage of restoration of properties. They are very important for understanding how to properly sharpen a knife at home. Here are some of the edge processing methods:

  1. Edge restoration . Removing metal to form a new edge.
  2. Rough sharpening . Processing using coarse stones or paper according to the method used.
  3. Fine sharpening . The same as described in paragraph 2, but using fine-grained abrasives.
  4. Edit . Light sanding to maintain acceptable sharpness.
  5. Polishing . Achieving a mirror effect without significant changes to the edge.

All these procedures can be applied in stages and simultaneously as stages of complete restoration of the tool or separately, depending on the tasks or purpose of the blade.

For example, straight razors are straightened before each use and even during the shaving process, but they are processed on stones only a few times a year, and the edges do not require restoration for years. A hard steel kitchen knife may need abrasive only once a year, while butchers using carbon steel tools can only get by with sanding every few cuts.



How to sharpen a knife by hand

How to sharpen a knife by hand

The tool must be in working condition. In the case of a knife, the main characteristic of the working condition will be its sharpness. We will tell you how to sharpen a knife correctly, what tools you will need for this, and give you a number of useful instructions. "Knife sharpening. Basics" is a basic article for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this art.

How does the blade get dull?

How does the blade get dull?

We buy a sharp knife at the store, but over time it inevitably becomes dull if, of course, we work with it. Why does this happen, since the tool is made of good steel and sharpened at the factory? The process takes place at several levels:

  • Microscopic, when particles of steel are ground off the cutting edge during friction with the material, making the edge less sharp. You can't see it, but you can feel how more and more pressure is required to cut over time.
  • Macroscopic, when the tip encounters solid inclusions, such as grains of sand, particles of stone or metal. They are found in almost any material. The edge either moves the obstacle away or moves away itself, while crumpling.
  • If the blade is used inappropriately, its blade can be damaged beyond recognition. This means unscrewing screws, digging soil, etc.

As a result, the working part of the blade is deformed, the edge loses its sharpness and the tool becomes less and less suitable for work. Gradually, hardened steels crumble, and softer and more ductile steels begin to curl.

Rice. 1. The process of blunting and sharpening a knife: 1. When working with a knife, the shape of the cutting edge changes randomly. 2. During the sharpening process, we return the specified shape of the cutting edge or change it. 3. And we give it smoothness, finally removing the burr.

To return the knife to working condition, it is necessary to eliminate the resulting deformation and restore the correct shape of the blade.

What are knives sharpened with?

What are knives sharpened with?

When sharpening a knife we ​​use a similar process - friction, but this time we control it. With uncontrolled deformation of the steel, the knife becomes dull, with controlled deformation it sharpens, that’s the whole difference.

You can sharpen a steel wedge with any abrasive tool, and in the beginning it was fragments of stones and pebbles. We are modern people, so we will use a specially designed sharpening stone.

If you use a cheap stone to sharpen good steel, be prepared that it will quickly wear out and lose its flat shape. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase a good ceramic sharpening tool or a diamond-coated sample.

Three types of abrasive are enough for the job:

  1. Rough - about 350 units/cm² or diamond marked 160/125. Needed to eliminate severe deformation and is rarely used.
  2. Fine - about 650 units/cm² or diamond marked 100/800. Needed for normal basic sharpening of a knife that has become dull within reasonable limits.
  3. Ultrafine - about 1150 units/cm² or diamond marked 20/14. Useful for grinding and final finishing, removing burrs.

For constant work, bars of the last two types are required, because bringing a knife to a state in which a rough stone is needed is blasphemy. However, an experienced master has all three types.

For convenience, the following points are important:

  • The length of the bar should be 1.5 - 2 times longer than the blade.
  • The width should be 2.5 – 5 cm.
  • The height should be such that your fingers do not touch the table.
  • The block should stand firmly and not slide on the table.

The listed points are very important for achieving correct sharpening, especially at the learning stage. Then, when you get the hang of it, you will be able to cope with the task in less comfortable conditions, but at first, convenience plays an important role.

How to sharpen a knife?

How to sharpen a knife?

We've come to the most important thing. Sharpening a knife involves placing its blade on a whetstone at a certain angle and running the entire cutting edge along it from the heel to the tip. Proper sharpening requires compliance with three conditions:

  1. The angle of inclination of the blade plane to the surface of the sharpening stone remains strictly unchanged (Figure 2).
  2. The edge line at the point of contact with the block must be perpendicular to the direction of movement (Figure 3).
  3. The pressure should be moderate and uniform; there is no need to “iron” the sharpener or remove chips from it.
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

So, we place the blade on the stone perpendicular to its long side, set the angle to 15-20˚, and begin to move the blade along the stone, gradually moving it from the heel to the tip. When turning the edge closer to its end, the handle should be slightly raised above the plane of the stone and pulled back, as if lagging behind the tip. This will allow you to maintain the same angle of inclination and perpendicularity of movement.

When the pass along the entire edge is completed, it is necessary to repeat it in reverse order, as when rewinding. This will make it easier to maintain the correct angle and overall the work will go faster. We perform these movements until a “burr” begins to appear on the opposite side of the edge.

The “burr” can be seen or felt with the skin of a finger when running it perpendicular to the tip. When the edge begins to scratch along its entire length, stop sharpening one side and begin processing the opposite side.

The knife is turned over and work begins on the other side. Gradually, a moment will come when, like last time, a “hangnail” will appear. This means the second side is ready. More precisely, almost ready.

Next, we take a thinner abrasive and start the process from the beginning. Similar to the previous stage, we achieve the appearance of a “burr” first on one side and then on the other side of the cutting edge. At this stage it will be much smaller and thinner.

Finally, the blade is polished to the finest abrasive. Here it is necessary to carefully polish the cutting edges, as if stroking them, and remove even the smallest “burrs.”

The position of the blade relative to the sharpening stone: When you lead correctly (position 1), the blade “drags” along the block flat, and when incorrectly, the blade “plows” along the block with its cutting edge (position 3) or the edge between the blade and the main descent of the blade (pos. 2).


How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

Takes ~3 minutes to read

A knife is an essential kitchen attribute. It is impossible to imagine modern life and the process of cooking without it. What to do if he stopped cutting and his blade became dull? Run to the store for a new tool? Don’t rush to buy a new one, we’ll tell you how to sharpen it quickly and easily and give step-by-step instructions for sharpening it at home. Even a beginner can do this work.

Interesting fact! In 2005, Forbes magazine conducted a sociological survey of people on the topic: “What object created by man has had the greatest impact on the history of all mankind?” – and the knife took first place.

Types of general purpose kitchen knives

Types of general purpose kitchen knives

  • Cook (French). This is a utility knife that is most often used by real chefs for chopping. Has a very sharp blade.
  • Cutting. This blade is used for cutting meat or fish.
  • Hatchet knife (cleaver). It has the shape of a small hatchet, which is why it got its name.
  • For cleaning vegetables. This tool is small in size with a curved or straight blade. Used for cutting peels from vegetables and fruits.
  • For bread. It has wavy teeth, making even soft bread amenable to slicing.
  • For oil. There is no blade, it is more of a table accessory.
  • Oyster. It is characterized by a thickened blade.

What materials are used to make kitchen knives? It can be:

  • Carbon steel and stainless steel. These knives become dull quickly and therefore require regular sharpening.
  • Ceramics. Modern knives are made mainly from this material. They are practical and do not become dull so quickly.
  • Plastic.
  • Titanium. These kitchen tools are durable and have a price tag to match.
  • Multilayer coating.
  • High carbon stainless steel.

How to sharpen and choose the optimal sharpening angle

How to sharpen and choose the optimal sharpening angle

Before the process of sharpening your knife, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this activity. One of the main things is the angle at which you sharpen your tool. The angle is determined depending on the material and purpose of the product.

Correct angles:

  • 10 degrees - this is the angle at which surgical scalpels and razor blades are sharpened;
  • 15 degrees - sharpening for fish, meat and baked goods;
  • 20 degrees – sharpening of universal tools;
  • 25 degrees is the optimal angle for hunting knives.

Setting the blade at the correct angle is quite easy. Just take a regular notebook piece of paper and bend it diagonally. You will get an angle equal to 45 degrees, bending it in half, you will get 22.5, etc.

The lower the sharpening angle, the sharper the blade, but sharpening at a higher angle allows you to maintain the sharpness of the product for a long time.

The best knife sharpeners at home

The best knife sharpeners at home

Manufacturers provide us with a huge selection of sharpening tools: from a grinding stone (the classic version of sharpening) to modern electric sharpeners. The cost varies significantly: you can choose for yourself either an affordable sharpener for a few dollars or a professional sharpener with an incredible price. It all depends on your financial capabilities. However, when buying an expensive or cheap device, you must know all the intricacies of its use.

Musat for sharpening

Musat for sharpening

It is very popular both in home use and in professional kitchens. It is a file with an oval cross-section. Using musat, the blade is adjusted.

This should be done after using the tool and before the cooking process.

  • It is best to hold the musat in a vertical position, fixing one end on a hard, dense surface, and sharpen the knife with the other hand.
  • The sharpening process is similar to planing, i.e. you need to run the blade from the top point of the musat to the handle.
  • Repeat the action no more than 5 times on both sides of the blade.
  • Do not put pressure on the blade when sharpening!

The price for steel is quite affordable - from several hundred to 3 thousand Russian rubles.



This is a fairly budget option, but nevertheless very effective for sharpening knives at home.

Types of stones:

  • Of natural origin.
  • Diamond.
  • Ceramic stones.
  • Japanese.

How to choose the best option

  • Pay attention to the size of the stone. It should be twice as large as the blade.
  • The stone should not be chipped or damaged, the shape should be perfectly flat.
  • A stone with a medium density is suitable for a beginner in this craft. Replenish your set over time with stones of different grain sizes.

To sharpen the tool blade, you need to perform a number of steps:

  1. Rinse kitchen utensils with cold water for better sharpening.
  2. Wet the stone a little so as not to clog the pores with metal dust and ensure better glide.
  3. Position the knife in relation to the whetstone at an angle of 20 degrees.
  4. Sharpen the blade, starting from the handle and moving towards the tip.
  5. You need to make about fifty such movements on each side of the instrument.
  6. The sharpening process must be completed by grinding the blade on a fine-grained stone.

Tip: Practice first on an old, unnecessary knife so as not to ruin your favorite kitchen tool.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this craft, a few minutes of time spent - and your favorite kitchen assistant will again find its previous shape. Such a stone costs a penny - a maximum of 200 rubles, and will bring considerable benefits to the household.

Sanding block

Sanding block

The sharpening process with this device is completely identical to working with a whetstone. Therefore, if you bought a whetstone to sharpen your tool, follow all the steps from the step-by-step instructions above.

The cost of a bar can vary from 500 to 10 thousand rubles. It depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product.

Features of working with an electric sharpener and a special machine

Features of working with an electric sharpener and a special machine



This is a very effective and quick way to sharpen your blades. In household use, such devices are quite rare. They are mainly used in industrial enterprises.

A special feature of working with such a device is the use of minimal speed, since the blade heats up to incredibly high temperatures.


  1. Press the tip of the knife against the circle of the device. All movements should occur smoothly and evenly, without jerking or sudden jumps.
  2. The optimal sharpening level is 30 degrees.
  3. If you are a beginner in this craft, it is better to use simpler sharpeners. Such a device requires certain dexterity and skill, so sharpening at home using an electric sharpener is not recommended.

The price of such machines “bites” and can go off scale up to 20 thousand rubles.

Electric sharpener

Electric sharpener

It is gaining popularity in home use, it is light and effective. This device can choose the sharpening angle itself, which is a huge plus for beginners. With the help of electric sharpeners you can sharpen any sharp and piercing objects: scissors, knives, screwdrivers and others. Just insert your tool into the hole and the electric sharpener will do everything for you.

The price for such a device can vary from 1 to 10 thousand Russian rubles. You can purchase an electric sharpener in a specialized store or order it online.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife at home

How to sharpen a ceramic knife at home

This assistant is very popular among housewives. This is a relatively new and affordable type of blade. Such products are wear-resistant, but they are quite fragile: one wrong move and your tool can break.

No matter how they convince you that you won’t have to sharpen such a tool and it will always be sharp, don’t believe it. Any blade sooner or later becomes dull and therefore requires editing. The maximum service life of the house is 1 year. Then it will require sharpening.

Don't try to sharpen ceramic items at home unless you are a professional: you could easily break it. Therefore, it is better to take your blade to a workshop, where it will be restored to its former sharpness using special pastes and diamond discs.

How to properly sharpen a hunting knife

How to properly sharpen a hunting knife

To sharpen the knife, we will use a sharpening stone from a domestic manufacturer.

  • We wipe the hunting knife on the stone on both sides.
  • We need to achieve a perfect blade edge and sharpen the blade.
  • We carry out the actions from the handle to the tip at an angle of 30 degrees.
  • To check the sharpness, we run along the edge of the blade. This must be done very carefully so as not to cut yourself. A sharply sharpened product is characterized by the formation of a so-called burr - a slight roughness.
  • We smooth out this unevenness using a sanding block, making smooth and measured movements.

There are a few simple ways to determine how sharp your blade is: try cutting a piece of paper or slicing a tomato. A well-sharpened product will easily cope with the task.

How to sharpen a knife without using a sharpener

How to sharpen a knife without using a sharpener

Is this even possible? Of course, there is one unique old-fashioned way. Take an ordinary ceramic plate, turn it upside down and sharpen the knife on a rough circle. Make smooth movements and maintain the correct sharpening angle.

how to quickly sharpen kitchen knives 

how to quickly sharpen kitchen knives 


How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

1. Editing or sharpening?
2. Mythical types of sharpening
3. Which knives cannot be sharpened yourself
4. How to sharpen: what options are there?
5. Sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade
6. Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone
7. Sharpening a knife in extreme conditions

Do we edit or sharpen?

Do we edit or sharpen?

Sometimes sharpening is not necessary, you just need to update the edge a little, removing irregularities and lightly grinding, which makes the knife sharper.

This is called editing.

It is done using musats, fine-grained sandpaper, or the old-fashioned way, on a leather belt.

In this case, the angle is not set, but the one that already exists is maintained.

But if you need to change or restore the geometry of the cutting edge angle, then this is sharpening.

And if you don’t maintain the right angle, then cutting will become simply impossible.

A few words about laser sharpening and self-sharpening steel

A few words about laser sharpening and self-sharpening steel

Some are afraid to sharpen knives at home, because they believe that now workshops offer almost nanotechnology, as a result of which the blade will remain sharp longer. We are talking about laser sharpening, as you understand.

So: this is a myth and marketing.

The laser does not sharpen absolutely anything, the beam simply indicates the correct angle (just like on a laser level to determine the plane). But it sharpens an ordinary stone, so there is nothing special in such a procedure.

Self-sharpening steel is also a fantasy.

Absolutely everything gets dull, but the higher quality the alloy, the longer the knife lasts. Therefore, there is no point in wasting money on such knives; it is better to buy a good sharpener for ordinary ones.

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

Let's start with the most important thing: which knives cannot be sharpened?

If you are doing this for the first time, then you cannot sharpen your favorite and convenient knives.

An incorrect sharpening angle can completely ruin the blade, therefore, it is better to experiment with something simpler, so that you can safely throw it away and not be annoyed.

You should not sharpen ceramic knives yourself with ordinary whetstones. Only diamond takes ceramics, and if you don’t have such a stone, then it’s better to give the knife to a professional.

But if there is, then you can try to sharpen it yourself, since the technology for sharpening a ceramic knife is no different from sharpening steel blades.

Knives made of Damascus steel and damask steel - on the contrary, sharpening on a diamond stone is strictly not recommended, as the blade may crumble.

It is better to give it to a master, since grinding such steel with an ordinary whetstone is not a task for the faint of heart: it is a long process.

Also, you should not sharpen knives with a wavy edge at home. Moreover, there is no point in taking them to the workshop either, since it is simply impossible to return the saw knife to its original properties.

It’s easier to buy a new one or resharpen it to a regular one.

What to sharpen with? We are considering options

What to sharpen with? We are considering options

There are many tools for sharpening knives, ranging from electric ones to regular whetstones, which are very inexpensive.

Electric sharpeners

Electric sharpeners have two big disadvantages: the expensive price (around 10,000 rubles) and the ability to remove steel heavily during sharpening, which leads to rapid wear of the knife.

But the process is fast, fully automated and there is no need to manually maintain the degree of inclination when sharpening.

How to sharpen a knife on a sharpener is usually written in the instructions that come with the device.


Musat is a good thing, but it won’t sharpen a very dull knife, since it is mainly intended for straightening. And the effect of such sharpening lasts for a couple of days at most.

How to sharpen a knife with musat is shown schematically here:

Roller blade

Not a bad option for women. Just a couple of movements on the rollers and the knife cuts well (but not for long). They are inexpensive and everyone can afford them.


Sharpeners are skeptical about using sandpaper for these purposes. But the practice of those who use it convinces us that this is a completely acceptable option.

This is not to say that it is the most comfortable, but if you don’t have anything at hand, and you need to sharpen the knife urgently, then you can use sandpaper. Moreover, the article is not for masters, but for amateurs.

Sandpaper strips must be secured to any wooden base (in the form of a block) using tape. On the one hand - the coarse-grained fraction, on the other - the fine-grained fraction.

Ceramic bar

It’s not worth talking about the price here, since they are very cheap. The main thing is to choose it correctly so that you can sharpen it comfortably later.

You need two bars. One with a rougher surface (320 grit), for basic sharpening and edge angle correction, and the second for surface grinding (1000 grit).

The length of the stone should be approximately the same as the longest knife in the house.

Width – the wider, the more convenient it is to work with it. You can read how to sharpen knives with a whetstone below, in a separate block.

Diamond block

Diamond bars don’t cost five kopecks, but the result cannot be compared with an ordinary stone. It’s more comfortable to work with, and it’s also more durable.

It consists of a plastic or aluminum base, onto which two metal plates coated with diamond grains are attached.

Such bars do not wear off like ceramic ones and even after repeated sharpening they remain smooth, rectangular in shape with sharp corners.

In addition to all these advantages, there are also advantages:

  • They are not afraid of impact and will not break if accidentally dropped
  • The diamond block is not clogged with steel particles. After sharpening, you only need to rinse it lightly under water and wipe it clean.
  • The sharpening process on diamond stones is very fast, which means that the stone will serve you for a very long time, as it hardly wears down
  • You don't need to buy two bars, as they are made in such a way that one side is rough and the other is for sanding.

There is only one drawback to diamond stones – the price. They are not cheaper than 800 rubles, and if they are, then they are clearly a fake, which will become unusable after five sharpenings.

Japanese water stones

A water stone is also a block. But it should not be used dry, but moistened with water.

During the friction process, a suspension is formed, which simultaneously with sharpening polishes the surface.

They are not cheap, but they wear out quite quickly. So, for simple kitchen knives this is not the best choice.

Sharpening using an abrasive wheel on a drill or machine

Sharpening using an abrasive wheel on a drill or machine

You should not do this if this is your first time sharpening a knife.

A couple of seconds is enough to cause irreparable harm. Moreover, in this case the steel gets too hot and it is necessary to cool it during the process, and if this is not done, the edge may crumble.

How to properly sharpen knives on a machine is the topic of a separate and extensive article, therefore, we will not focus on this here.

Also be sure to watch this video, it is very on topic.

Since, in this matter, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times!

About sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade

About sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade

But no matter what stone you choose, the sharpening technology is the same. And this is the main thing you should learn.

To begin with, train on the simplest ceramic bar, and when you see what you can do, buy something more expensive.

The most important thing in the sharpening process is to return the original angle of the edge. For kitchen and home knives it is usually standard: from 25 to 45 degrees.

Moreover, the lower the degree, the thinner the cutting edge becomes. Yes, the knife will be sharp, but it will also dull much faster, and also lose its edge shape as soon as it touches something hard.

So, if you want to resort to sharpening as little as possible, you should not make an angle of 25 degrees.

A knife that is too sharp is a rather traumatic thing in everyday life.

It will cut well not only vegetables and meat, but also kitchen towels along with your hands at the moment you wipe it.

Here is a table of recommended angles:

And here, pay attention to the fact that the angle in the table is indicated as full, that is, it is the sum of the two sides of the edge. And if you want to sharpen a knife by 30 degrees, then you need to remove 15 degrees from each side of the blade.

Accordingly, if you need an angle of 45 degrees, then remove 22.5 degrees from each side.

You need to maintain this angle during the entire sharpening process, trying not to deviate from the specified value, since the final result depends on it.

Now the question is different: how to fix and calculate this angle by eye?

This can be done as shown in the picture:

After you place the paper, you will approximately know at what angle you need to hold the knife.

Well, now let's move on to the sharpening process itself.

Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone

Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone

  1. 1. First of all, place the block on the table so that it is convenient for you to sharpen. You can place a kitchen towel under it to prevent slipping.

    There is no need to hold the block in your hands, since in this case there can be no question of controlling the angles.

  2. 2. Moisten it with water. This is necessary for better sliding of the steel over the stone and further easy cleaning of the block from metal particles.
  3. 3. Place the knife across the block and start making movements away from you, as if you were sharpening a pencil. It’s best to look at the video we posted in the last block to see exactly what it looks like.

You can’t put too much pressure on the stone; it won’t speed up the process at all, but it can seriously deform the edge. Swipe one side of the block 50 times, trying to maintain the angle all the time.

As soon as you notice that a slight roughness, the so-called burr, has formed on the cutting edge, turn the knife over and sharpen the other side.

This is what a hangnail looks like:

Important! If a burr does not form, then continue sharpening. Only this unevenness will show that the steel has been ground down enough and there is no point in sharpening it further.

Once you've finished the second side, the burr may transfer to that side.

In this case, turn the knife again with the other side and sharpen. And do this until it completely disappears.

And only after this can you proceed to grinding the edge on a fine stone. Here you no longer need to move the knife 50 times, 20 times is enough.

And if you want the knife to dull less often, then you can bring the edge to a mirror shine using a regular leather belt, which is lubricated with GOI paste.

In this case, the movements should not be point down, but vice versa. That is, you also “shape” the belt, only in the other direction.

We have described the most basic method, which does not require any special costs or equipment. And there is another one, very convenient, but for it you need to build a small machine.

Here's the one in the photo:

As you can see, there is no need to hold the blade during the process, controlling the degree. The inclined and fixed block does everything for you, and the main task is to hold the knife straight, at 90 degrees.

And this, you see, is much easier than maintaining the level of 22.5 degrees (to be honest, this is an almost impossible task for a beginner, even though in theory everything sounds simple).

After all, a deviation of some micron already leads to the fact that the quality of sharpening will not be the best.

How to sharpen a knife in extreme conditions?

How to sharpen a knife in extreme conditions?

And it happens that there is absolutely nothing suitable at hand, and you just need to sharpen a knife urgently.

In this case, the following methods will help you out:

  • Sharpening a knife on the corner of a concrete step in the entrance (just wash it thoroughly before doing this)
  • Sharpening a knife on an ordinary stone from the street, which looks more or less smooth
  • Sharpening a knife on the rough edge of a ceramic plate or regular cup

We hope that now you will have an understanding of all the ways you can sharpen any knife at home without damaging the blade or yourself.


How to properly sharpen knives at home

How to properly sharpen knives at home

If you are considering ways to properly sharpen knives, you must first determine what material the blade is made of. Taking into account the characteristics of the knife, a sharpening tool is selected. Moreover, some types of blades remain sharp for a long period. They need to be sharpened using special equipment.

Main types of knives and blade materials

Main types of knives and blade materials

The quality of sharpening depends on the type of metal:

  1. Low-carbon stainless steel - based on an alloy of chromium, carbon, iron, sometimes nickel and molybdenum are used. This material has the simplest properties. For this reason, low-carbon stainless steel knives need to be sharpened regularly, otherwise they will be difficult to use. Advantages include corrosion resistance.
  2. High-carbon stainless steel - the blade is durable, which is due to a change in composition (high carbon content, sometimes additives in the form of vanadium and cobalt are present). Thanks to this, such knives do not need to be sharpened often, and they are also resistant to corrosion.
  3. Carbon steel - the material is durable and easy to sharpen. The advantages of such knives include reasonable cost, however, the metal is not resistant to water and oxidizes upon contact with food (the alloy is made from carbon and iron).
  4. Damascus steel - knives are equipped with a multi-layer blade, which increases strength. Thanks to the use of different alloys in production, corrosion resistance is ensured, but the disadvantages include the high price. Considering these features, it is not advisable to purchase such knives for use at home; they are more often used as edged weapons.
  5. Ceramics - the blade remains sharp for a long time, but does not withstand impact and deformation loads (low bending strength).

Knife sharpening angle

Knife sharpening angle

This criterion depends on the material from which the blade is made. In addition, proper sharpening is carried out taking into account the purpose of the knife. Angle of inclination of the blade relative to the working surface:

  • within 10-15° - for a straight razor, scalpel;
  • up to 20° - for some products: vegetables, fruits, meat, bread;
  • no more than 25° - according to this criterion, chef’s knives are sharpened;
  • within 25-30° - for hunting knives.

If you are wondering at what angle you need to sharpen a knife so that it remains sharp for a long time, the type of tool is also taken into account. When unsuitable equipment is used, the blade may become deformed (scratches or chips will appear).

Sharpening tools and their uses

Sharpening tools and their uses

Devices and special tools differ not only in the principle of operation, but also in the quality of sharpening. Electrical appliances operate much faster. However, you need to work with them carefully, because...

inattention can lead to a chef's or hunting knife being sharpened with a change in the position of the blade relative to the working surface. As a result, the service life of the product will be significantly reduced.

To sharpen knives at home, mechanical tools are sufficient.

Touchstone, whetstone

Touchstone, whetstone

There are different options, differing in size and number of abrasive grains per 1 mm². The quality of sharpening will depend on this. If you need to sharpen a knife on a whetstone, you first need to decide whether rough or fine grinding is required. When choosing such a tool, you need to pay attention to the markings. It is applied directly to the surface of the bar. However, there is no such information on domestic donkeys, so you will have to find out about the parameters from the seller.

The bars are found in different versions, differing in the type of spraying:

  • diamond;
  • silicon carbide;
  • electrocorundum.

If there is no information on the type of abrasive on the whetstone, you can try to determine its type by touch. To do this, you need to run your finger or nail along the surface of the bar.

Mechanical sharpener

Mechanical sharpener

This tool has a handle, which makes it comfortable to use. The blade is installed in a recess on the body, characterized by an acute angle. By making reciprocating movements, you can get the desired result.

The advantages of the tool include reasonable price and the ability to be used at home. However, it is inferior in efficiency to some analogues. So, on a sharpening machine the work is done faster. At the same time, the blade remains sharp longer.

Knife sharpening wheels also provide better results.

Electric sharpener

Electric sharpener

Such devices are available in different variants. A sharpener with 2 sharpening slots in the body is more effective. The main advantage of such devices is the ability to automatically determine the required angle of inclination of the blade relative to the working surface. They are used for different purposes, but are more often used in facilities where it is necessary to regularly sharpen knives on an electric sharpener. In domestic conditions, such devices are rarely used due to their high cost.



This is the name of the tool, which consists of a handle (in most cases it is plastic) and a large-section steel rod. Its main function is to maintain the required level of blade sharpness. This tool is included in the set of knives. However, users often confuse it with special sharpening equipment and devices.

It must be remembered that you cannot sharpen knives with musat if they are very dull. For this purpose, more effective means are used. This is due to the principle of working with musat and the type of material from which it is made.

Thus, the steel rod is not abrasive enough, which does not allow sharpening to the required level of blade sharpness. The principle of working with musat is based on the correct execution of movements. So, the blade should be at an angle of 20°.

It needs to be moved from top to bottom, so the tool is placed vertically.

Lansky sharpener

Lansky sharpener

This equipment is designed for small and medium-sized knives. Its advantage is the ability to ensure the sharpness of the blade located at different angles relative to the working surface.

To do this, the structural elements of the sharpener are rearranged. The tool consists of 2 angles, a small-section steel rod that holds a whetstone (touchstone). The last of the structural elements is used to sharpen the blade.

The knife is fixed between two corners. Its edge rests against the whetstone.

Sharpening and grinding machines

Sharpening and grinding machines

They are circles fixed on a rotating shaft. To achieve different sharpening qualities, different abrasives are used. In order to more accurately determine the angle, a special add-on is provided, located above the grinding wheel. A blade is installed between it and the abrasive.

There are also simpler designs designed for everyday use: electrically driven abrasive wheels, rotating discs for grinding. However, regardless of the type of design, experience is required to operate the machine. This is due to the fact that the metal heats up during the sharpening process. As a result, the blade quickly fails and may crumble. In addition, in this way you can significantly change the angle of its inclination.

Tips for quickly sharpening a blade using improvised tools

Tips for quickly sharpening a blade using improvised tools

It is possible to sharpen a knife without a sharpener, but there is no guarantee that the blade will remain sharp for a long time. As in the case of a special tool, the means at hand must be used in accordance with the rules. This option is suitable for sharpening kitchen knives at home if you don’t have a whetstone, musat or sharpener on hand.

Stone or second knife

Stone or second knife

Any medium-sized stone that you can pick up on the road will do. The principle of working with it is the same as in the case of a block: the blade is positioned at an angle of no more than 25°, it must be moved back and forth without lifting it from the stone. In this case, it is difficult to ensure uniform sharpening. If excessive force is applied, the blade may become deformed. When you decide to sharpen knives with a stone, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will soon need to repeat the procedure.

If you use the knife-on-knife sharpening option, you can sharpen 2 blades at the same time. The whole process takes 5-10 minutes. The blades can be sharpened along their entire length, reducing the likelihood of deformation. However, it will not be possible to use them for a long time; soon they will become dull again.

Glass objects or leather belt

Glass objects or leather belt

The required effect is achieved if the object (glass, ceramic tile) has a sufficiently rough edge. As a result, it can act as an abrasive. The main requirement for this is a rough surface. The disadvantage of this method is the likelihood of scratches.

A leather belt cannot be used to sharpen blades. It is used for surface grinding. This is due to the fact that the leather edge is not rough enough. An important condition when grinding is belt tension.

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

You should not try to increase the sharpness of some types of blades at home with your own hands. This will lead to damage to the products. It will be difficult or even impossible to restore their properties. This group includes:

  • a knife with a special coating - sharpening the blades will lead to its deformation;
  • serrated blade - to ensure sharpness, a special tool is required, since the factory sharpening is asymmetrical;
  • ceramics - in hardness it is second only to diamond and corundum, so it will retain its properties for a long time.

Methods for checking blade sharpness

Methods for checking blade sharpness

There are several options:

  1. Application of paper. To check for perfect sharpness, the sheet must be held suspended. The knife should cut it straight.
  2. Ripe vegetable. The blade is passed along it. If it goes into the pulp easily, there is no need to sharpen it any further.
  3. A thread. If it is sharp enough, it will cut quickly, and the edges will not be torn.
  4. If the knife shows glare when viewed in the sun, you need to continue sharpening.

When work is done using a special tool, there is no need to regularly check the tip.


How to sharpen knives correctly

How to sharpen knives correctly

This tool is very similar to a file: a long round rod with a notch and a handle. It is mainly used for straightening the cutting edge of a knife. This is useful because it allows you to keep the knife in working condition at all times. But if the blade has become very dull, grinding stone will not help you - a major sharpening is necessary.


2. Mechanical sharpener

2. Mechanical sharpener

Not a bad thing that every housewife should buy. Well suited for sharpening kitchen knives as it is quick and easy. True, the quality is not always pleasing, and the knives become dull as quickly as they are sharpened. This method is suitable for a kitchen knife, but no more.


3. Electric sharpener

3. Electric sharpener

A great way to quickly and efficiently sharpen knives with any type of blade, as well as scissors and even screwdrivers. The device is capable of sharpening and then polishing any blade in two minutes. It is important that it automatically determines the desired sharpening angle, but we will talk about this below. Such a thing will cost from 2 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the sharpening speed, guide system and power.


4. Machine with abrasive wheel

4. Machine with abrasive wheel

This is a professional tool; it is used to sharpen and polish blades in industrial enterprises. Without experience, it is better not to go to the machine: steel is hardened at a certain temperature, so uncontrolled heating on the machine during sharpening can irreparably damage the knife. Leave this method to the professionals.

5. Whetstone

5. Whetstone

Sharpening with a whetstone is one of the most effective methods. This process is not easy, but entertaining. It requires perseverance and some experience working with a bar. For sharpening, two stones are needed: with small grains and large ones.

There are two types of whetstones: natural and artificial. The whole difference is in the grain size: natural stones are usually fine-grained, they are used for polishing. And artificial ones are initially made more universal, with different degrees of grain on different sides of the bar.


How to sharpen knives

How to sharpen knives

Before proceeding with the sharpening process, immerse the sharpening stone in oil or water for 15 minutes. This will extend the life of the bar, since steel particles will not get clogged between the grains.

You should start sharpening with a coarse-grained stone. It is important to correctly position the blade relative to the surface of the block, since the final result largely depends on this. The correct sharpening angle is also important: experts advise sharpening the blade at an angle of 20 degrees, but this may vary depending on the type of knife.

  • Professional chef's and fillet knives require an angle of 25 degrees.
  • Japanese kitchen knives should be sharpened at an angle of 10–20 degrees.
  • For hunting blades, an angle of 30 to 45 degrees is used. A larger angle is required for greater resistance to dulling.
  • For household kitchen knives, an angle of 30 degrees is sufficient.

The rule here is simple: if you want to make the knife sharper, we reduce the sharpening angle, and for greater resistance to dulling, we increase it.

You need to sharpen with continuous movements, lifting the handle at the moment when the block reaches the bend of the blade. This will maintain the sharpening angle of the cutting edge. It is important that the movement of the blade is perpendicular to the edge, while applying slight pressure to the blade.



When the main sharpening has been completed, we begin grinding. For this you will need a fine-grained stone. Grinding is necessary to level the surface and remove burrs. The technology remains unchanged.



In theory, everything is quite clear, but in practice, the process of sharpening a knife is far from the simplest. You will have to be patient and attentive: one awkward move, and all the work will go down the drain. Theory is great, but you can’t do this without practice. And the process itself is not cheap, since good sharpening stones cost a lot of money.

If you just need to sharpen your knives, without all this fetish, take an electric sharpener. The result will be the same, and this method will also save your nerves and time.


5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

Very often you have to face the need to sharpen knives; everyone does it at home. Sharpening a blade is an important process and requires minimal tools, so it can be easily done at home. Sometimes you can contact workshops, where all work is carried out as quickly as possible. I usually sharpen a knife with a whetstone, but there are other ways.



A knife is considered an integral part of the kitchen; without it it is impossible to cook food. All of them periodically become dull, so there is a need for sharpening. There are several varieties of them, so the process requires a certain approach.

Main types of knives:

  • chef's (French) - a universal option, the blade is sharp, used for shredding;
  • cutting - designed for cutting meat and fish products;
  • hatchet knife - made in the shape of a small ax;
  • for vegetables - a curved or straight blade, used to remove peels;
  • for bread - has wavy teeth, which ensures cutting of soft bread;
  • for butter - without a blade, serves as a table accessory;
  • oyster - distinguished by a thickened blade.

Stainless and carbon steel are used in the manufacture of knives. Such products become dull quickly, so the knives need to be sharpened. Ceramic knives are considered the most modern, practical, and dull quickly.

Knives - can everything be sharpened at home?

Knives - can everything be sharpened at home?

As already mentioned, all knives without exception become dull; the service life of high-quality alloys is longer. Buying such knives for home use often does not make sense, since they are quite expensive. The best option in this case is to buy a sharpener for regular knives.

When carrying out the procedure for the first time, it is not recommended to sharpen your favorite or irreplaceable knives. An incorrect sharpening angle can permanently damage the blade. Experiments should be carried out with simpler models that you don’t mind throwing away.

When sharpening ceramic knives, you should not use whetstones; the best option in this case is to turn to professional specialists. The same applies to Damascus steel and damask steel. Knives with a wave-shaped blade are also not suitable for turning at home with your own hands. The workshop will also not be able to bring them into proper shape.

Features of knife sharpening

Features of knife sharpening

Before carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the nuances. The angle at which the tool is sharpened plays an important role. At an angle of 15 degrees, you should sharpen products for fish, meat products and bread - such knives are most often used in the kitchen. When processing sport hunting models, the angle is different.

Basic methods

Basic methods

There are several effective methods for sharpening knives at home; for this you will need to purchase simple tools.



Bar - used most often, there are several types, the differences lie in the number of abrasive grains per 1 sq. cm. First, bars with a minimum number of grains are used; for final sharpening, products with the maximum number of abrasives are suitable. For foreign-made products, the relevant information is provided in the instructions. When purchasing domestic products, information should be clarified in the store.

Mechanical sharpener

Mechanical sharpener

This option is ideal for sharpening kitchen knives. The process is quite fast, but the quality is not ideal. This method is not suitable for sharpening sports knives intended for hunting models.

Electric sharpener

Electric sharpener

The electric sharpener is designed to produce sharp blades, the effect is achieved by automatically detecting the angle. This option is ideal for home knives and can be used in catering organizations. There is a wide range of models on sale at different prices. Preference should be given to expensive, most advanced devices.



Musat - used to sharpen the edge. The shape of the product resembles a file with a handle. The products come in sets and are often confused with ordinary sharpening tools. It is important to consider that musat is useless for sharpening very dull knives.

Sharpener "Lansky"

Sharpener "Lansky"

The sharpener is designed for sharpening small and medium-sized knives. The design allows the procedure to be performed at any angle. It consists of a rod and 2 connected corners. They simultaneously function as a vice for the blade and a scale for selecting the angle.

Machine tools

Machine tools

The machines are intended mainly for use in enterprises, for precise sharpening of blades on rotating shafts. This option is not suitable for home use, since all manipulations must be carried out by a specialist. A slight misstep can damage the blade.

How to sharpen knives yourself

How to sharpen knives yourself

This option allows you to sharpen the knife as efficiently as possible; the procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • put the block on the surface, a small block is placed in a vice;
  • attach the blade to the block with the edge forward;
  • move the blade along the entire length of the bar - the angle must remain the same throughout the procedure;
  • make 2-3 movements, repeat with the opposite side;
  • sharpen until an edge appears on the edge of the blade;
  • change the rough block to the finishing one;
  • Sand until the edge disappears.

Available means

Available means

Sometimes cases arise when you need to quickly sharpen knives in the absence of conventional tools. In such situations, the procedure can be carried out using other objects.

Main methods:

  1. Stone, cobblestone - this method is suitable if it is necessary to sharpen blades while traveling. The blade must be drawn along its surface; ideal sharpness cannot be achieved, but the knife is suitable for normal cutting.
  2. Second knife - you can also sharpen the blade on another without tools. You need to take the blades and drive for 5-10 minutes. them against each other.
  3. Glass objects - the knife can also be sharpened by holding the blade against glass/ceramic products (glass, tile). The main condition is a rough surface of the product.
  4. Leather belt - suitable for final sharpening in extreme cases. To do this, you should carefully move the blade along the tensioned belt, due to this you will be able to achieve a polishing effect.


How to sharpen knives with your own hands?

A knife is used to cut up food, remove skins from killed animals, cut soft materials, and much more. However, over time, the cutting edge becomes unusable. To restore its sharpness, it is necessary to carry out processing. Sharpening knives is a separate technological process that is easy to do yourself.

Main types of blades

Before you start learning how to sharpen blades, you need to know what types of blades there are. Different types of steel have some nuances:

  1. Carbon steel. The material is an alloy of carbon and iron. They are easy to sharpen and maintain their sharpness for a long time. People are attracted by the affordable price. Tools made from this material quickly rust in an acidic environment.
  2. Low carbon stainless steel. They are a compound of chromium, iron, carbon. Compared to carbon steel, this material dulls quickly due to its low hardness. The main advantage of stainless steel is its resistance to rust formation.
  3. Damascus steel. Blades made of this material are multi-layered products that have an unusual pattern on their surface.
  4. High carbon stainless steel. High carbon content, plus the addition of molybdenum and vanadium make this material more durable than conventional stainless steel. The products dull slowly and are protected from corrosion.

Ceramic blades belong to a separate group. This material has a high sharpness from the factory, which does not dull over a long period of time. However, ceramic tools are fragile and are not resistant to strong impacts, falls, or the application of breaking force.

Why does the blade become dull?

There are a number of factors that influence the process of dulling a cutting edge:

  1. Excessive force transmitted to the tool when cutting. This causes the blade to bend.
  2. Incorrect turning process.
  3. Cutting hard materials.
  4. Improper storage.
  5. Impacts against metal objects.
  6. Destruction of metal due to corrosion.

Blacksmiths do not recommend washing knives under hot water. This is due to the fact that the metal is affected by aggressive salts, which reduce the sharpness.

How to determine the sharpening angle?

To restore the sharpness of the blade, you need to know the sharpening angle of the knife. To do this, you can use hand tools and inquire about factory sharpening. Knife sharpening tables with standard indicators can be found on the Internet. There are two simple methods for determining the sharpening angle of knives without tables:

  1. Using scissors. To do this, the scissors are opened and the blade is placed between the open parts. The sides of the knife should be set at the same distance from the blades of the scissors. Readings are taken using a protractor.
  2. Using an angular ruler. This is a special device. Modern models are connected to computers that read accurate readings.

Masters use precision measuring instruments to read indicators. There are also special tables that help determine the angle when sharpening knives.

What sharpening angle is suitable for kitchen tools?

Tools used for cutting food are considered universal. The sharpening angle of a kitchen knife starts from 20 to 30 degrees. Thanks to this, they can cut products of different hardness equally efficiently. The exception is fillet cutting tools. Their sharpening angles range from 15 to 20 degrees.


Tools used for hunting are subject to increased stress. Because of this, they are made from more durable materials. The angle for sharpening knives used by hunters is from 25 to 40 degrees.

Proper sharpening of a hunting knife

Sharpening methods

Over time, knifemakers have brought the sharpening procedure to a special technological process, during which a variety of devices and techniques can be used. Knives can be sharpened both with hand tools and on industrial machines.

On the grinding wheel

Sharpening knives using a sharpening wheel is not recommended. This is due to the fact that few craftsmen can limit the cutting edge from overheating. Because of this, tempering of the steel may occur, after which the hardness of the material will decrease. You can sharpen a knife on a sharpening wheel only for large chips or serious damage that would take too long to correct manually.

On abrasive stones

Sharpening a knife is possible using abrasive stones. This is a classic method used by both professionals and amateurs. The grain size of the stones varies. Grains can be large, medium, small. With the help of abrasive stones, craftsmen remove any sharpening of the blades.

Sharpening devices

Sharpening a knife can be carried out using special mechanisms that facilitate this process. Mechanical sharpeners require human effort during the procedure. Expensive devices include automatic machines. With their help you can sharpen blades made of different steels.

Sandpaper or cloth

To correct small burrs and restore sharpness after working with a tool, you can use fine-grain sandpaper or a hard cloth. They are suitable for finishing sharpening knives and bringing the cutting edge to working condition.

Sharpening a knife with sandpaper

What to sharpen with?

Before you start restoring the sharpness of an edge, you need to familiarize yourself with all types of tools for work and their features. Not every device can sharpen a blade to working condition.

Sharpening stone

Sharpening stones, made from abrasive materials, are the most popular tools used for restoring cutting edges. Foreign companies indicate on the surface of the bars the number of abrasive grains per 1 square millimeter. There are stones with small, medium, and large grains on sale. With their help, you can perform both rough and finishing metal processing. Sharpening knives on sandpaper must be done carefully, making movements only in one direction.

Mechanical sharpener

Popular sharpeners that are purchased for sharpening kitchen knives. It is a structure that has two abrasive plates that are fixed at equal angles. It is enough to run the blade over them several times to restore sharpness. Cannot be used for sharpening special blades (hunting, sporting).

Electric sharpener

Expensive devices that are used for sharpening various blades. Allows you to achieve better results compared to mechanical sharpeners. This is due to the fact that this mechanism automatically selects the optimal sharpening angle.


A cylindrical file, sold separately, included with kitchen tools. Used to bring the cutting edge back to working condition after a short period of use with the blade. If there is serious damage to it, musat will not help.

Lansky sharpener

A special device that is used to restore sharpness to small blades. The main advantage of this sharpener is the ability to set any angles and maintain them throughout the working process. The sharpener is equipped with several bars for rough and finishing processing. The work is carried out manually.

Sharpening and grinding machines

In production, blades are often sharpened on machines. Using industrial equipment, you can accurately sharpen any tool. However, a master must operate the machines. This is due to the fact that the abrasive disc at high speeds can damage the cutting edge if moved incorrectly. We must not forget about cooling the metal during work.

How to sharpen at home?

Sharpening knives with your own hands requires a special approach. To do this, you need to select a device for the work, taking into account the material from which the blade is made. If there are no sharpening tools, you can restore the sharpness of the knife on the knife. To do this, you need to run a dull blade along the butt of another blade several times, performing planing movements. However, more serious sharpening can only be done with the help of special tools.

Another option for turning tools without abrasives is to use glass objects. Jars, bottles, glasses, and glass plates are suitable for this. Simply running the edge over the fragile material a few times will restore its sharpness.

How to sharpen kitchen knives correctly?

You can use different tools to sharpen kitchen knives. The most common ones include grinding stones, sharpening stones, and mechanical sharpeners. We will talk about how to sharpen a blade with an abrasive stone below.

To sharpen a kitchen knife using a mechanical sharpener, you need to place it on a hole with abrasive plates and pull it toward you several times. Musat brings the blade to working condition.

To do this, several movements are performed in one direction on each side of the blade.

How to sharpen on a sharpening machine?

To restore the sharpness of a tool using industrial equipment, you need to follow the sharpening rules:

  1. Use a disc with large grains to correct rough irregularities, chips, and large burrs. Finish the edge on the grinding wheel with small grains. If the blade is thin, you cannot use the disc for rough cutting.
  2. Sufficient rotation speed of the abrasive disc is up to 150 rpm.
  3. We must not forget about setting the exact angle for different types of blades. The parameters are indicated in special tables. Additional devices are used to maintain the angle.
  4. When processing, perform smooth movements so that the abrasive catches the metal along the entire length of the blade.
  5. Cool the steel during work. The master needs to water the metal with special oil or water.
  6. When working with the machine, use safety glasses to prevent metal filings from getting into your eyes.

Any sudden movement may damage the instrument. Even after proper work, the severity can quickly worsen. To prevent this from happening, you need to use the blade only for its intended purpose. Store in wooden stands, do not leave in water for a long time.

How to sharpen with a whetstone by hand?

Sharpening knives at home using an abrasive stone is a process performed in a certain sequence. You need to prepare water and abrasive stones in advance. Procedure:

  1. Place a stone with large grains on the table in front of you. It must be fixed motionless.
  2. Pour water over the block.
  3. Set the required angle between the metal and abrasive surface. To do this, you can use a leaf folded at the required angle.
  4. Perform movements along the block away from you so that the entire length of the edge is processed. The knife can only be moved in one direction.

After processing on a coarse-grained stone, change it to a block with small particles and repeat the procedure. During processing, wash off any metal shavings that appear with water. To make the instrument shine beautifully, its surface can be treated with GOI paste.

Proper sharpening of a knife with a whetstone

Methods for checking the blade tip

After carrying out the work, you need to check how sharp the blade is. Several methods are used for this.

On paper

Try to cut a sheet of paper while holding it with one hand. If you can do it without problems, the sharpening is good. A sharp blade will cut the sheet under its own weight.

On a tomato

Often the sharpness of kitchen blades is tested on tomatoes. If it is blunt, the vegetable will be crushed. You need to put it on the table in front of you, try to cut the tomato with the blade horizontally without holding it with your hand. A sharp blade will easily cut a vegetable.

Checking knife sharpening on tomatoes

Testing on hand hair

One of the testing methods that people often use after turning tools. To do this, the knife is pressed effortlessly against the skin of the hand. It should be easily passed through the hair. If the hairs are cut, the blade is sharp, suitable for various types of work.

Everyone uses knives.
However, these tools become dull over time, making it impossible to work with them. To restore the sharpness of steel, you can use different devices. Taking into account the angles for different types of knives, you can carry out the work yourself. Sharpening a knife - the basics, concise, complete, accessible. The simplest correct algorithm for sharpening knives


Sharpening knives: how to sharpen a knife at home

Knives are the most used tool in the household. Whether it's kitchen knives, folding knives, stationery knives or surgical scalpels, they should always have a sharp blade. During operation, the cutting edge of any, even the most advanced tool, becomes dull and the problem of sharpening knives is always relevant. In order to maintain sharpness yourself, you need to know how to sharpen knives correctly and master this useful skill.

Cutting angle

As the sharpening angle decreases, the sharpness of the blade increases, but the risk of destruction of the cutting edge by lateral load increases. Typical section angles of a symmetrical tip are about 25−30 degrees. Very sharp knives can be 20 degrees or less. Different knives are sharpened differently depending on the purpose, the geometry of the blade and the material from which it is made.

These features are important when deciding how to sharpen a knife. For example, a surgical scalpel is a sharp but fragile instrument that cannot be restored after losing its cutting properties.

Straight razors are also unusually sharp, have a very shallow cutting edge angle, and require stropping once a day or more often. Another extreme case is an axe.

It is used primarily for splitting wood or impact cutting, so it can have a blunt point angle that does not require frequent sharpening. Generally, the harder the blade material, the shallower the angle.

The composition and hardening of steel affects the sharpness. The latter is limited by the grain size of the material from which the blade is made. For example, European kitchen knives are usually made of soft materials with an edge angle of 20-30 degrees and a hardness of 52-58 HRC, while tools for Eastern kitchens are traditionally made of hard steel with angles of 10-20. It is not uncommon for these products to have a hardness of 59-60 on the Rockwell scale and higher.

Types of edge processing

There are several technological operations to restore the cutting properties of the blade. The need to use each of them depends on the type of tool, its condition, and the stage of restoration of properties. They are very important for understanding how to properly sharpen a knife at home. Here are some of the edge processing methods:

  1. Edge restoration . Removing metal to form a new edge.
  2. Rough sharpening . Processing using coarse stones or paper according to the method used.
  3. Fine sharpening . The same as described in paragraph 2, but using fine-grained abrasives.
  4. Edit . Light sanding to maintain acceptable sharpness.
  5. Polishing . Achieving a mirror effect without significant changes to the edge.

All these procedures can be applied in stages and simultaneously as stages of complete restoration of the tool or separately, depending on the tasks or purpose of the blade.

For example, straight razors are straightened before each use and even during the shaving process, but they are processed on stones only a few times a year, and the edges do not require restoration for years. A hard steel kitchen knife may need abrasive only once a year, while butchers using carbon steel tools can only get by with sanding every few cuts.



How to sharpen a knife by hand

The tool must be in working condition. In the case of a knife, the main characteristic of the working condition will be its sharpness. We will tell you how to sharpen a knife correctly, what tools you will need for this, and give you a number of useful instructions. "Knife sharpening. Basics" is a basic article for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this art.

How does the blade get dull?

We buy a sharp knife at the store, but over time it inevitably becomes dull if, of course, we work with it. Why does this happen, since the tool is made of good steel and sharpened at the factory? The process takes place at several levels:

  • Microscopic, when particles of steel are ground off the cutting edge during friction with the material, making the edge less sharp. You can't see it, but you can feel how more and more pressure is required to cut over time.
  • Macroscopic, when the tip encounters solid inclusions, such as grains of sand, particles of stone or metal. They are found in almost any material. The edge either moves the obstacle away or moves away itself, while crumpling.
  • If the blade is used inappropriately, its blade can be damaged beyond recognition. This means unscrewing screws, digging soil, etc.

As a result, the working part of the blade is deformed, the edge loses its sharpness and the tool becomes less and less suitable for work. Gradually, hardened steels crumble, and softer and more ductile steels begin to curl.

Rice. 1. The process of blunting and sharpening a knife: 1. When working with a knife, the shape of the cutting edge changes randomly. 2. During the sharpening process, we return the specified shape of the cutting edge or change it. 3. And we give it smoothness, finally removing the burr.

To return the knife to working condition, it is necessary to eliminate the resulting deformation and restore the correct shape of the blade.

What are knives sharpened with?

When sharpening a knife we ​​use a similar process - friction, but this time we control it. With uncontrolled deformation of the steel, the knife becomes dull, with controlled deformation it sharpens, that’s the whole difference.

You can sharpen a steel wedge with any abrasive tool, and in the beginning it was fragments of stones and pebbles. We are modern people, so we will use a specially designed sharpening stone.

If you use a cheap stone to sharpen good steel, be prepared that it will quickly wear out and lose its flat shape. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase a good ceramic sharpening tool or a diamond-coated sample.

Three types of abrasive are enough for the job:

  1. Rough - about 350 units/cm² or diamond marked 160/125. Needed to eliminate severe deformation and is rarely used.
  2. Fine - about 650 units/cm² or diamond marked 100/800. Needed for normal basic sharpening of a knife that has become dull within reasonable limits.
  3. Ultrafine - about 1150 units/cm² or diamond marked 20/14. Useful for grinding and final finishing, removing burrs.

For constant work, bars of the last two types are required, because bringing a knife to a state in which a rough stone is needed is blasphemy. However, an experienced master has all three types.

For convenience, the following points are important:

  • The length of the bar should be 1.5 - 2 times longer than the blade.
  • The width should be 2.5 – 5 cm.
  • The height should be such that your fingers do not touch the table.
  • The block should stand firmly and not slide on the table.

The listed points are very important for achieving correct sharpening, especially at the learning stage. Then, when you get the hang of it, you will be able to cope with the task in less comfortable conditions, but at first, convenience plays an important role.

How to sharpen a knife?

We've come to the most important thing. Sharpening a knife involves placing its blade on a whetstone at a certain angle and running the entire cutting edge along it from the heel to the tip. Proper sharpening requires compliance with three conditions:

  1. The angle of inclination of the blade plane to the surface of the sharpening stone remains strictly unchanged (Figure 2).
  2. The edge line at the point of contact with the block must be perpendicular to the direction of movement (Figure 3).
  3. The pressure should be moderate and uniform; there is no need to “iron” the sharpener or remove chips from it.
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

So, we place the blade on the stone perpendicular to its long side, set the angle to 15-20˚, and begin to move the blade along the stone, gradually moving it from the heel to the tip. When turning the edge closer to its end, the handle should be slightly raised above the plane of the stone and pulled back, as if lagging behind the tip. This will allow you to maintain the same angle of inclination and perpendicularity of movement.

When the pass along the entire edge is completed, it is necessary to repeat it in reverse order, as when rewinding. This will make it easier to maintain the correct angle and overall the work will go faster. We perform these movements until a “burr” begins to appear on the opposite side of the edge.

The “burr” can be seen or felt with the skin of a finger when running it perpendicular to the tip. When the edge begins to scratch along its entire length, stop sharpening one side and begin processing the opposite side.

The knife is turned over and work begins on the other side. Gradually, a moment will come when, like last time, a “hangnail” will appear. This means the second side is ready. More precisely, almost ready.

Next, we take a thinner abrasive and start the process from the beginning. Similar to the previous stage, we achieve the appearance of a “burr” first on one side and then on the other side of the cutting edge. At this stage it will be much smaller and thinner.

Finally, the blade is polished to the finest abrasive. Here it is necessary to carefully polish the cutting edges, as if stroking them, and remove even the smallest “burrs.”

The position of the blade relative to the sharpening stone: When you lead correctly (position 1), the blade “drags” along the block flat, and when incorrectly, the blade “plows” along the block with its cutting edge (position 3) or the edge between the blade and the main descent of the blade (pos. 2).


How to sharpen a knife correctly and quickly at home

Takes ~3 minutes to read

A knife is an essential kitchen attribute. It is impossible to imagine modern life and the process of cooking without it. What to do if he stopped cutting and his blade became dull? Run to the store for a new tool? Don’t rush to buy a new one, we’ll tell you how to sharpen it quickly and easily and give step-by-step instructions for sharpening it at home. Even a beginner can do this work.

Interesting fact! In 2005, Forbes magazine conducted a sociological survey of people on the topic: “What object created by man has had the greatest impact on the history of all mankind?” – and the knife took first place.

Types of general purpose kitchen knives

  • Cook (French). This is a utility knife that is most often used by real chefs for chopping. Has a very sharp blade.
  • Cutting. This blade is used for cutting meat or fish.
  • Hatchet knife (cleaver). It has the shape of a small hatchet, which is why it got its name.
  • For cleaning vegetables. This tool is small in size with a curved or straight blade. Used for cutting peels from vegetables and fruits.
  • For bread. It has wavy teeth, making even soft bread amenable to slicing.
  • For oil. There is no blade, it is more of a table accessory.
  • Oyster. It is characterized by a thickened blade.

What materials are used to make kitchen knives? It can be:

  • Carbon steel and stainless steel. These knives become dull quickly and therefore require regular sharpening.
  • Ceramics. Modern knives are made mainly from this material. They are practical and do not become dull so quickly.
  • Plastic.
  • Titanium. These kitchen tools are durable and have a price tag to match.
  • Multilayer coating.
  • High carbon stainless steel.

How to sharpen and choose the optimal sharpening angle

Before the process of sharpening your knife, you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this activity. One of the main things is the angle at which you sharpen your tool. The angle is determined depending on the material and purpose of the product.

Correct angles:

  • 10 degrees - this is the angle at which surgical scalpels and razor blades are sharpened;
  • 15 degrees - sharpening for fish, meat and baked goods;
  • 20 degrees – sharpening of universal tools;
  • 25 degrees is the optimal angle for hunting knives.

Setting the blade at the correct angle is quite easy. Just take a regular notebook piece of paper and bend it diagonally. You will get an angle equal to 45 degrees, bending it in half, you will get 22.5, etc.

The lower the sharpening angle, the sharper the blade, but sharpening at a higher angle allows you to maintain the sharpness of the product for a long time.

The best knife sharpeners at home

Manufacturers provide us with a huge selection of sharpening tools: from a grinding stone (the classic version of sharpening) to modern electric sharpeners. The cost varies significantly: you can choose for yourself either an affordable sharpener for a few dollars or a professional sharpener with an incredible price. It all depends on your financial capabilities. However, when buying an expensive or cheap device, you must know all the intricacies of its use.

Musat for sharpening

It is very popular both in home use and in professional kitchens. It is a file with an oval cross-section. Using musat, the blade is adjusted.

This should be done after using the tool and before the cooking process.

  • It is best to hold the musat in a vertical position, fixing one end on a hard, dense surface, and sharpen the knife with the other hand.
  • The sharpening process is similar to planing, i.e. you need to run the blade from the top point of the musat to the handle.
  • Repeat the action no more than 5 times on both sides of the blade.
  • Do not put pressure on the blade when sharpening!

The price for steel is quite affordable - from several hundred to 3 thousand Russian rubles.


This is a fairly budget option, but nevertheless very effective for sharpening knives at home.

Types of stones:

  • Of natural origin.
  • Diamond.
  • Ceramic stones.
  • Japanese.

How to choose the best option

  • Pay attention to the size of the stone. It should be twice as large as the blade.
  • The stone should not be chipped or damaged, the shape should be perfectly flat.
  • A stone with a medium density is suitable for a beginner in this craft. Replenish your set over time with stones of different grain sizes.

To sharpen the tool blade, you need to perform a number of steps:

  1. Rinse kitchen utensils with cold water for better sharpening.
  2. Wet the stone a little so as not to clog the pores with metal dust and ensure better glide.
  3. Position the knife in relation to the whetstone at an angle of 20 degrees.
  4. Sharpen the blade, starting from the handle and moving towards the tip.
  5. You need to make about fifty such movements on each side of the instrument.
  6. The sharpening process must be completed by grinding the blade on a fine-grained stone.

Tip: Practice first on an old, unnecessary knife so as not to ruin your favorite kitchen tool.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this craft, a few minutes of time spent - and your favorite kitchen assistant will again find its previous shape. Such a stone costs a penny - a maximum of 200 rubles, and will bring considerable benefits to the household.

Sanding block

The sharpening process with this device is completely identical to working with a whetstone. Therefore, if you bought a whetstone to sharpen your tool, follow all the steps from the step-by-step instructions above.

The cost of a bar can vary from 500 to 10 thousand rubles. It depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product.

Features of working with an electric sharpener and a special machine


This is a very effective and quick way to sharpen your blades. In household use, such devices are quite rare. They are mainly used in industrial enterprises.

A special feature of working with such a device is the use of minimal speed, since the blade heats up to incredibly high temperatures.


  1. Press the tip of the knife against the circle of the device. All movements should occur smoothly and evenly, without jerking or sudden jumps.
  2. The optimal sharpening level is 30 degrees.
  3. If you are a beginner in this craft, it is better to use simpler sharpeners. Such a device requires certain dexterity and skill, so sharpening at home using an electric sharpener is not recommended.

The price of such machines “bites” and can go off scale up to 20 thousand rubles.

Electric sharpener

It is gaining popularity in home use, it is light and effective. This device can choose the sharpening angle itself, which is a huge plus for beginners. With the help of electric sharpeners you can sharpen any sharp and piercing objects: scissors, knives, screwdrivers and others. Just insert your tool into the hole and the electric sharpener will do everything for you.

The price for such a device can vary from 1 to 10 thousand Russian rubles. You can purchase an electric sharpener in a specialized store or order it online.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife at home

This assistant is very popular among housewives. This is a relatively new and affordable type of blade. Such products are wear-resistant, but they are quite fragile: one wrong move and your tool can break.

No matter how they convince you that you won’t have to sharpen such a tool and it will always be sharp, don’t believe it. Any blade sooner or later becomes dull and therefore requires editing. The maximum service life of the house is 1 year. Then it will require sharpening.

Don't try to sharpen ceramic items at home unless you are a professional: you could easily break it. Therefore, it is better to take your blade to a workshop, where it will be restored to its former sharpness using special pastes and diamond discs.

How to properly sharpen a hunting knife

To sharpen the knife, we will use a sharpening stone from a domestic manufacturer.

  • We wipe the hunting knife on the stone on both sides.
  • We need to achieve a perfect blade edge and sharpen the blade.
  • We carry out the actions from the handle to the tip at an angle of 30 degrees.
  • To check the sharpness, we run along the edge of the blade. This must be done very carefully so as not to cut yourself. A sharply sharpened product is characterized by the formation of a so-called burr - a slight roughness.
  • We smooth out this unevenness using a sanding block, making smooth and measured movements.

There are a few simple ways to determine how sharp your blade is: try cutting a piece of paper or slicing a tomato. A well-sharpened product will easily cope with the task.

How to sharpen a knife without using a sharpener

Is this even possible? Of course, there is one unique old-fashioned way. Take an ordinary ceramic plate, turn it upside down and sharpen the knife on a rough circle. Make smooth movements and maintain the correct sharpening angle.

how to quickly sharpen kitchen knives 


How to sharpen a knife at home: methods and tips

1. Editing or sharpening?
2. Mythical types of sharpening
3. Which knives cannot be sharpened yourself
4. How to sharpen: what options are there?
5. Sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade
6. Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone
7. Sharpening a knife in extreme conditions

Do we edit or sharpen?

Sometimes sharpening is not necessary, you just need to update the edge a little, removing irregularities and lightly grinding, which makes the knife sharper.

This is called editing.

It is done using musats, fine-grained sandpaper, or the old-fashioned way, on a leather belt.

In this case, the angle is not set, but the one that already exists is maintained.

But if you need to change or restore the geometry of the cutting edge angle, then this is sharpening.

And if you don’t maintain the right angle, then cutting will become simply impossible.

A few words about laser sharpening and self-sharpening steel

Some are afraid to sharpen knives at home, because they believe that now workshops offer almost nanotechnology, as a result of which the blade will remain sharp longer. We are talking about laser sharpening, as you understand.

So: this is a myth and marketing.

The laser does not sharpen absolutely anything, the beam simply indicates the correct angle (just like on a laser level to determine the plane). But it sharpens an ordinary stone, so there is nothing special in such a procedure.

Self-sharpening steel is also a fantasy.

Absolutely everything gets dull, but the higher quality the alloy, the longer the knife lasts. Therefore, there is no point in wasting money on such knives; it is better to buy a good sharpener for ordinary ones.

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

Let's start with the most important thing: which knives cannot be sharpened?

If you are doing this for the first time, then you cannot sharpen your favorite and convenient knives.

An incorrect sharpening angle can completely ruin the blade, therefore, it is better to experiment with something simpler, so that you can safely throw it away and not be annoyed.

You should not sharpen ceramic knives yourself with ordinary whetstones. Only diamond takes ceramics, and if you don’t have such a stone, then it’s better to give the knife to a professional.

But if there is, then you can try to sharpen it yourself, since the technology for sharpening a ceramic knife is no different from sharpening steel blades.

Knives made of Damascus steel and damask steel - on the contrary, sharpening on a diamond stone is strictly not recommended, as the blade may crumble.

It is better to give it to a master, since grinding such steel with an ordinary whetstone is not a task for the faint of heart: it is a long process.

Also, you should not sharpen knives with a wavy edge at home. Moreover, there is no point in taking them to the workshop either, since it is simply impossible to return the saw knife to its original properties.

It’s easier to buy a new one or resharpen it to a regular one.

What to sharpen with? We are considering options

There are many tools for sharpening knives, ranging from electric ones to regular whetstones, which are very inexpensive.

Electric sharpeners

Electric sharpeners have two big disadvantages: the expensive price (around 10,000 rubles) and the ability to remove steel heavily during sharpening, which leads to rapid wear of the knife.

But the process is fast, fully automated and there is no need to manually maintain the degree of inclination when sharpening.

How to sharpen a knife on a sharpener is usually written in the instructions that come with the device.


Musat is a good thing, but it won’t sharpen a very dull knife, since it is mainly intended for straightening. And the effect of such sharpening lasts for a couple of days at most.

How to sharpen a knife with musat is shown schematically here:

Roller blade

Not a bad option for women. Just a couple of movements on the rollers and the knife cuts well (but not for long). They are inexpensive and everyone can afford them.


Sharpeners are skeptical about using sandpaper for these purposes. But the practice of those who use it convinces us that this is a completely acceptable option.

This is not to say that it is the most comfortable, but if you don’t have anything at hand, and you need to sharpen the knife urgently, then you can use sandpaper. Moreover, the article is not for masters, but for amateurs.

Sandpaper strips must be secured to any wooden base (in the form of a block) using tape. On the one hand - the coarse-grained fraction, on the other - the fine-grained fraction.

Ceramic bar

It’s not worth talking about the price here, since they are very cheap. The main thing is to choose it correctly so that you can sharpen it comfortably later.

You need two bars. One with a rougher surface (320 grit), for basic sharpening and edge angle correction, and the second for surface grinding (1000 grit).

The length of the stone should be approximately the same as the longest knife in the house.

Width – the wider, the more convenient it is to work with it. You can read how to sharpen knives with a whetstone below, in a separate block.

Diamond block

Diamond bars don’t cost five kopecks, but the result cannot be compared with an ordinary stone. It’s more comfortable to work with, and it’s also more durable.

It consists of a plastic or aluminum base, onto which two metal plates coated with diamond grains are attached.

Such bars do not wear off like ceramic ones and even after repeated sharpening they remain smooth, rectangular in shape with sharp corners.

In addition to all these advantages, there are also advantages:

  • They are not afraid of impact and will not break if accidentally dropped
  • The diamond block is not clogged with steel particles. After sharpening, you only need to rinse it lightly under water and wipe it clean.
  • The sharpening process on diamond stones is very fast, which means that the stone will serve you for a very long time, as it hardly wears down
  • You don't need to buy two bars, as they are made in such a way that one side is rough and the other is for sanding.

There is only one drawback to diamond stones – the price. They are not cheaper than 800 rubles, and if they are, then they are clearly a fake, which will become unusable after five sharpenings.

Japanese water stones

A water stone is also a block. But it should not be used dry, but moistened with water.

During the friction process, a suspension is formed, which simultaneously with sharpening polishes the surface.

They are not cheap, but they wear out quite quickly. So, for simple kitchen knives this is not the best choice.

Sharpening using an abrasive wheel on a drill or machine

You should not do this if this is your first time sharpening a knife.

A couple of seconds is enough to cause irreparable harm. Moreover, in this case the steel gets too hot and it is necessary to cool it during the process, and if this is not done, the edge may crumble.

How to properly sharpen knives on a machine is the topic of a separate and extensive article, therefore, we will not focus on this here.

Also be sure to watch this video, it is very on topic.

Since, in this matter, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times!

About sharpening angles and methods of fixing the blade

But no matter what stone you choose, the sharpening technology is the same. And this is the main thing you should learn.

To begin with, train on the simplest ceramic bar, and when you see what you can do, buy something more expensive.

The most important thing in the sharpening process is to return the original angle of the edge. For kitchen and home knives it is usually standard: from 25 to 45 degrees.

Moreover, the lower the degree, the thinner the cutting edge becomes. Yes, the knife will be sharp, but it will also dull much faster, and also lose its edge shape as soon as it touches something hard.

So, if you want to resort to sharpening as little as possible, you should not make an angle of 25 degrees.

A knife that is too sharp is a rather traumatic thing in everyday life.

It will cut well not only vegetables and meat, but also kitchen towels along with your hands at the moment you wipe it.

Here is a table of recommended angles:

And here, pay attention to the fact that the angle in the table is indicated as full, that is, it is the sum of the two sides of the edge. And if you want to sharpen a knife by 30 degrees, then you need to remove 15 degrees from each side of the blade.

Accordingly, if you need an angle of 45 degrees, then remove 22.5 degrees from each side.

You need to maintain this angle during the entire sharpening process, trying not to deviate from the specified value, since the final result depends on it.

Now the question is different: how to fix and calculate this angle by eye?

This can be done as shown in the picture:

After you place the paper, you will approximately know at what angle you need to hold the knife.

Well, now let's move on to the sharpening process itself.

Step-by-step guide to sharpening a knife on a whetstone

  1. 1. First of all, place the block on the table so that it is convenient for you to sharpen. You can place a kitchen towel under it to prevent slipping.

    There is no need to hold the block in your hands, since in this case there can be no question of controlling the angles.

  2. 2. Moisten it with water. This is necessary for better sliding of the steel over the stone and further easy cleaning of the block from metal particles.
  3. 3. Place the knife across the block and start making movements away from you, as if you were sharpening a pencil. It’s best to look at the video we posted in the last block to see exactly what it looks like.

You can’t put too much pressure on the stone; it won’t speed up the process at all, but it can seriously deform the edge. Swipe one side of the block 50 times, trying to maintain the angle all the time.

As soon as you notice that a slight roughness, the so-called burr, has formed on the cutting edge, turn the knife over and sharpen the other side.

This is what a hangnail looks like:

Important! If a burr does not form, then continue sharpening. Only this unevenness will show that the steel has been ground down enough and there is no point in sharpening it further.

Once you've finished the second side, the burr may transfer to that side.

In this case, turn the knife again with the other side and sharpen. And do this until it completely disappears.

And only after this can you proceed to grinding the edge on a fine stone. Here you no longer need to move the knife 50 times, 20 times is enough.

And if you want the knife to dull less often, then you can bring the edge to a mirror shine using a regular leather belt, which is lubricated with GOI paste.

In this case, the movements should not be point down, but vice versa. That is, you also “shape” the belt, only in the other direction.

We have described the most basic method, which does not require any special costs or equipment. And there is another one, very convenient, but for it you need to build a small machine.

Here's the one in the photo:

As you can see, there is no need to hold the blade during the process, controlling the degree. The inclined and fixed block does everything for you, and the main task is to hold the knife straight, at 90 degrees.

And this, you see, is much easier than maintaining the level of 22.5 degrees (to be honest, this is an almost impossible task for a beginner, even though in theory everything sounds simple).

After all, a deviation of some micron already leads to the fact that the quality of sharpening will not be the best.

How to sharpen a knife in extreme conditions?

And it happens that there is absolutely nothing suitable at hand, and you just need to sharpen a knife urgently.

In this case, the following methods will help you out:

  • Sharpening a knife on the corner of a concrete step in the entrance (just wash it thoroughly before doing this)
  • Sharpening a knife on an ordinary stone from the street, which looks more or less smooth
  • Sharpening a knife on the rough edge of a ceramic plate or regular cup

We hope that now you will have an understanding of all the ways you can sharpen any knife at home without damaging the blade or yourself.


How to properly sharpen knives at home

If you are considering ways to properly sharpen knives, you must first determine what material the blade is made of. Taking into account the characteristics of the knife, a sharpening tool is selected. Moreover, some types of blades remain sharp for a long period. They need to be sharpened using special equipment.

Main types of knives and blade materials

The quality of sharpening depends on the type of metal:

  1. Low-carbon stainless steel - based on an alloy of chromium, carbon, iron, sometimes nickel and molybdenum are used. This material has the simplest properties. For this reason, low-carbon stainless steel knives need to be sharpened regularly, otherwise they will be difficult to use. Advantages include corrosion resistance.
  2. High-carbon stainless steel - the blade is durable, which is due to a change in composition (high carbon content, sometimes additives in the form of vanadium and cobalt are present). Thanks to this, such knives do not need to be sharpened often, and they are also resistant to corrosion.
  3. Carbon steel - the material is durable and easy to sharpen. The advantages of such knives include reasonable cost, however, the metal is not resistant to water and oxidizes upon contact with food (the alloy is made from carbon and iron).
  4. Damascus steel - knives are equipped with a multi-layer blade, which increases strength. Thanks to the use of different alloys in production, corrosion resistance is ensured, but the disadvantages include the high price. Considering these features, it is not advisable to purchase such knives for use at home; they are more often used as edged weapons.
  5. Ceramics - the blade remains sharp for a long time, but does not withstand impact and deformation loads (low bending strength).

Knife sharpening angle

This criterion depends on the material from which the blade is made. In addition, proper sharpening is carried out taking into account the purpose of the knife. Angle of inclination of the blade relative to the working surface:

  • within 10-15° - for a straight razor, scalpel;
  • up to 20° - for some products: vegetables, fruits, meat, bread;
  • no more than 25° - according to this criterion, chef’s knives are sharpened;
  • within 25-30° - for hunting knives.

If you are wondering at what angle you need to sharpen a knife so that it remains sharp for a long time, the type of tool is also taken into account. When unsuitable equipment is used, the blade may become deformed (scratches or chips will appear).

Sharpening tools and their uses

Devices and special tools differ not only in the principle of operation, but also in the quality of sharpening. Electrical appliances operate much faster. However, you need to work with them carefully, because...

inattention can lead to a chef's or hunting knife being sharpened with a change in the position of the blade relative to the working surface. As a result, the service life of the product will be significantly reduced.

To sharpen knives at home, mechanical tools are sufficient.

Touchstone, whetstone

There are different options, differing in size and number of abrasive grains per 1 mm². The quality of sharpening will depend on this. If you need to sharpen a knife on a whetstone, you first need to decide whether rough or fine grinding is required. When choosing such a tool, you need to pay attention to the markings. It is applied directly to the surface of the bar. However, there is no such information on domestic donkeys, so you will have to find out about the parameters from the seller.

The bars are found in different versions, differing in the type of spraying:

  • diamond;
  • silicon carbide;
  • electrocorundum.

If there is no information on the type of abrasive on the whetstone, you can try to determine its type by touch. To do this, you need to run your finger or nail along the surface of the bar.

Mechanical sharpener

This tool has a handle, which makes it comfortable to use. The blade is installed in a recess on the body, characterized by an acute angle. By making reciprocating movements, you can get the desired result.

The advantages of the tool include reasonable price and the ability to be used at home. However, it is inferior in efficiency to some analogues. So, on a sharpening machine the work is done faster. At the same time, the blade remains sharp longer.

Knife sharpening wheels also provide better results.

Electric sharpener

Such devices are available in different variants. A sharpener with 2 sharpening slots in the body is more effective. The main advantage of such devices is the ability to automatically determine the required angle of inclination of the blade relative to the working surface. They are used for different purposes, but are more often used in facilities where it is necessary to regularly sharpen knives on an electric sharpener. In domestic conditions, such devices are rarely used due to their high cost.


This is the name of the tool, which consists of a handle (in most cases it is plastic) and a large-section steel rod. Its main function is to maintain the required level of blade sharpness. This tool is included in the set of knives. However, users often confuse it with special sharpening equipment and devices.

It must be remembered that you cannot sharpen knives with musat if they are very dull. For this purpose, more effective means are used. This is due to the principle of working with musat and the type of material from which it is made.

Thus, the steel rod is not abrasive enough, which does not allow sharpening to the required level of blade sharpness. The principle of working with musat is based on the correct execution of movements. So, the blade should be at an angle of 20°.

It needs to be moved from top to bottom, so the tool is placed vertically.

Lansky sharpener

This equipment is designed for small and medium-sized knives. Its advantage is the ability to ensure the sharpness of the blade located at different angles relative to the working surface.

To do this, the structural elements of the sharpener are rearranged. The tool consists of 2 angles, a small-section steel rod that holds a whetstone (touchstone). The last of the structural elements is used to sharpen the blade.

The knife is fixed between two corners. Its edge rests against the whetstone.

Sharpening and grinding machines

They are circles fixed on a rotating shaft. To achieve different sharpening qualities, different abrasives are used. In order to more accurately determine the angle, a special add-on is provided, located above the grinding wheel. A blade is installed between it and the abrasive.

There are also simpler designs designed for everyday use: electrically driven abrasive wheels, rotating discs for grinding. However, regardless of the type of design, experience is required to operate the machine. This is due to the fact that the metal heats up during the sharpening process. As a result, the blade quickly fails and may crumble. In addition, in this way you can significantly change the angle of its inclination.

Tips for quickly sharpening a blade using improvised tools

It is possible to sharpen a knife without a sharpener, but there is no guarantee that the blade will remain sharp for a long time. As in the case of a special tool, the means at hand must be used in accordance with the rules. This option is suitable for sharpening kitchen knives at home if you don’t have a whetstone, musat or sharpener on hand.

Stone or second knife

Any medium-sized stone that you can pick up on the road will do. The principle of working with it is the same as in the case of a block: the blade is positioned at an angle of no more than 25°, it must be moved back and forth without lifting it from the stone. In this case, it is difficult to ensure uniform sharpening. If excessive force is applied, the blade may become deformed. When you decide to sharpen knives with a stone, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will soon need to repeat the procedure.

If you use the knife-on-knife sharpening option, you can sharpen 2 blades at the same time. The whole process takes 5-10 minutes. The blades can be sharpened along their entire length, reducing the likelihood of deformation. However, it will not be possible to use them for a long time; soon they will become dull again.

Glass objects or leather belt

The required effect is achieved if the object (glass, ceramic tile) has a sufficiently rough edge. As a result, it can act as an abrasive. The main requirement for this is a rough surface. The disadvantage of this method is the likelihood of scratches.

A leather belt cannot be used to sharpen blades. It is used for surface grinding. This is due to the fact that the leather edge is not rough enough. An important condition when grinding is belt tension.

What knives cannot be sharpened yourself?

You should not try to increase the sharpness of some types of blades at home with your own hands. This will lead to damage to the products. It will be difficult or even impossible to restore their properties. This group includes:

  • a knife with a special coating - sharpening the blades will lead to its deformation;
  • serrated blade - to ensure sharpness, a special tool is required, since the factory sharpening is asymmetrical;
  • ceramics - in hardness it is second only to diamond and corundum, so it will retain its properties for a long time.

Methods for checking blade sharpness

There are several options:

  1. Application of paper. To check for perfect sharpness, the sheet must be held suspended. The knife should cut it straight.
  2. Ripe vegetable. The blade is passed along it. If it goes into the pulp easily, there is no need to sharpen it any further.
  3. A thread. If it is sharp enough, it will cut quickly, and the edges will not be torn.
  4. If the knife shows glare when viewed in the sun, you need to continue sharpening.

When work is done using a special tool, there is no need to regularly check the tip.


How to sharpen knives correctly

This tool is very similar to a file: a long round rod with a notch and a handle. It is mainly used for straightening the cutting edge of a knife. This is useful because it allows you to keep the knife in working condition at all times. But if the blade has become very dull, grinding stone will not help you - a major sharpening is necessary.


2. Mechanical sharpener

Not a bad thing that every housewife should buy. Well suited for sharpening kitchen knives as it is quick and easy. True, the quality is not always pleasing, and the knives become dull as quickly as they are sharpened. This method is suitable for a kitchen knife, but no more.


3. Electric sharpener

A great way to quickly and efficiently sharpen knives with any type of blade, as well as scissors and even screwdrivers. The device is capable of sharpening and then polishing any blade in two minutes. It is important that it automatically determines the desired sharpening angle, but we will talk about this below. Such a thing will cost from 2 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the sharpening speed, guide system and power.


4. Machine with abrasive wheel

This is a professional tool; it is used to sharpen and polish blades in industrial enterprises. Without experience, it is better not to go to the machine: steel is hardened at a certain temperature, so uncontrolled heating on the machine during sharpening can irreparably damage the knife. Leave this method to the professionals.

5. Whetstone

Sharpening with a whetstone is one of the most effective methods. This process is not easy, but entertaining. It requires perseverance and some experience working with a bar. For sharpening, two stones are needed: with small grains and large ones.

There are two types of whetstones: natural and artificial. The whole difference is in the grain size: natural stones are usually fine-grained, they are used for polishing. And artificial ones are initially made more universal, with different degrees of grain on different sides of the bar.


How to sharpen knives

Before proceeding with the sharpening process, immerse the sharpening stone in oil or water for 15 minutes. This will extend the life of the bar, since steel particles will not get clogged between the grains.

You should start sharpening with a coarse-grained stone. It is important to correctly position the blade relative to the surface of the block, since the final result largely depends on this. The correct sharpening angle is also important: experts advise sharpening the blade at an angle of 20 degrees, but this may vary depending on the type of knife.

  • Professional chef's and fillet knives require an angle of 25 degrees.
  • Japanese kitchen knives should be sharpened at an angle of 10–20 degrees.
  • For hunting blades, an angle of 30 to 45 degrees is used. A larger angle is required for greater resistance to dulling.
  • For household kitchen knives, an angle of 30 degrees is sufficient.

The rule here is simple: if you want to make the knife sharper, we reduce the sharpening angle, and for greater resistance to dulling, we increase it.

You need to sharpen with continuous movements, lifting the handle at the moment when the block reaches the bend of the blade. This will maintain the sharpening angle of the cutting edge. It is important that the movement of the blade is perpendicular to the edge, while applying slight pressure to the blade.


When the main sharpening has been completed, we begin grinding. For this you will need a fine-grained stone. Grinding is necessary to level the surface and remove burrs. The technology remains unchanged.


In theory, everything is quite clear, but in practice, the process of sharpening a knife is far from the simplest. You will have to be patient and attentive: one awkward move, and all the work will go down the drain. Theory is great, but you can’t do this without practice. And the process itself is not cheap, since good sharpening stones cost a lot of money.

If you just need to sharpen your knives, without all this fetish, take an electric sharpener. The result will be the same, and this method will also save your nerves and time.


5 ways to quickly and easily sharpen knives at home

Very often you have to face the need to sharpen knives; everyone does it at home. Sharpening a blade is an important process and requires minimal tools, so it can be easily done at home. Sometimes you can contact workshops, where all work is carried out as quickly as possible. I usually sharpen a knife with a whetstone, but there are other ways.


A knife is considered an integral part of the kitchen; without it it is impossible to cook food. All of them periodically become dull, so there is a need for sharpening. There are several varieties of them, so the process requires a certain approach.

Main types of knives:

  • chef's (French) - a universal option, the blade is sharp, used for shredding;
  • cutting - designed for cutting meat and fish products;
  • hatchet knife - made in the shape of a small ax;
  • for vegetables - a curved or straight blade, used to remove peels;
  • for bread - has wavy teeth, which ensures cutting of soft bread;
  • for butter - without a blade, serves as a table accessory;
  • oyster - distinguished by a thickened blade.

Stainless and carbon steel are used in the manufacture of knives. Such products become dull quickly, so the knives need to be sharpened. Ceramic knives are considered the most modern, practical, and dull quickly.

Knives - can everything be sharpened at home?

As already mentioned, all knives without exception become dull; the service life of high-quality alloys is longer. Buying such knives for home use often does not make sense, since they are quite expensive. The best option in this case is to buy a sharpener for regular knives.

When carrying out the procedure for the first time, it is not recommended to sharpen your favorite or irreplaceable knives. An incorrect sharpening angle can permanently damage the blade. Experiments should be carried out with simpler models that you don’t mind throwing away.

When sharpening ceramic knives, you should not use whetstones; the best option in this case is to turn to professional specialists. The same applies to Damascus steel and damask steel. Knives with a wave-shaped blade are also not suitable for turning at home with your own hands. The workshop will also not be able to bring them into proper shape.

Features of knife sharpening

Before carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the nuances. The angle at which the tool is sharpened plays an important role. At an angle of 15 degrees, you should sharpen products for fish, meat products and bread - such knives are most often used in the kitchen. When processing sport hunting models, the angle is different.

Basic methods

There are several effective methods for sharpening knives at home; for this you will need to purchase simple tools.


Bar - used most often, there are several types, the differences lie in the number of abrasive grains per 1 sq. cm. First, bars with a minimum number of grains are used; for final sharpening, products with the maximum number of abrasives are suitable. For foreign-made products, the relevant information is provided in the instructions. When purchasing domestic products, information should be clarified in the store.

Mechanical sharpener

This option is ideal for sharpening kitchen knives. The process is quite fast, but the quality is not ideal. This method is not suitable for sharpening sports knives intended for hunting models.

Electric sharpener

The electric sharpener is designed to produce sharp blades, the effect is achieved by automatically detecting the angle. This option is ideal for home knives and can be used in catering organizations. There is a wide range of models on sale at different prices. Preference should be given to expensive, most advanced devices.


Musat - used to sharpen the edge. The shape of the product resembles a file with a handle. The products come in sets and are often confused with ordinary sharpening tools. It is important to consider that musat is useless for sharpening very dull knives.

Sharpener "Lansky"

The sharpener is designed for sharpening small and medium-sized knives. The design allows the procedure to be performed at any angle. It consists of a rod and 2 connected corners. They simultaneously function as a vice for the blade and a scale for selecting the angle.

Machine tools

The machines are intended mainly for use in enterprises, for precise sharpening of blades on rotating shafts. This option is not suitable for home use, since all manipulations must be carried out by a specialist. A slight misstep can damage the blade.

How to sharpen knives yourself

This option allows you to sharpen the knife as efficiently as possible; the procedure should be carried out as follows:

  • put the block on the surface, a small block is placed in a vice;
  • attach the blade to the block with the edge forward;
  • move the blade along the entire length of the bar - the angle must remain the same throughout the procedure;
  • make 2-3 movements, repeat with the opposite side;
  • sharpen until an edge appears on the edge of the blade;
  • change the rough block to the finishing one;
  • Sand until the edge disappears.

Available means

Sometimes cases arise when you need to quickly sharpen knives in the absence of conventional tools. In such situations, the procedure can be carried out using other objects.

Main methods:

  1. Stone, cobblestone - this method is suitable if it is necessary to sharpen blades while traveling. The blade must be drawn along its surface; ideal sharpness cannot be achieved, but the knife is suitable for normal cutting.
  2. Second knife - you can also sharpen the blade on another without tools. You need to take the blades and drive for 5-10 minutes. them against each other.
  3. Glass objects - the knife can also be sharpened by holding the blade against glass/ceramic products (glass, tile). The main condition is a rough surface of the product.
  4. Leather belt - suitable for final sharpening in extreme cases. To do this, you should carefully move the blade along the tensioned belt, due to this you will be able to achieve a polishing effect.


  1. Sharpening knives is a procedure that everyone has had to deal with; its implementation does not require special skills and knowledge.
  2. This can be done at home; various devices can be used, including a whetstone, an electric sharpener, or a sharpener.
  3. The process requires caution, adherence to a certain sequence of actions, the angle of inclination and the material of the product play an important role.


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