How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file

We sharpen a chainsaw chain with our own hands. All possible and available methods

“A lumberjack working with a blunt ax was advised: “Sharpen the ax.”

He replied: “There is no time.” The forest must be cut down"

Hello to all readers!

Today I decided to tell you about an instrument that, it seems to me, is simply impossible today. A good tool should work well, and this largely depends on its owner

Cleaning the autumn garden, preparing firewood for winter, building a bathhouse, and repairing a wooden fence will require not only time and desire, but also the availability of a “cutting” tool. If this is a chainsaw, then it must be properly sharpened.

Of course, there are paid specialists, and you, for example, have extra money. But we know that this procedure is performed periodically and therefore a natural question arises: how to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home? I’ll tell you about that. Go!

First about the horror stories

If you cut with a dull chainsaw, you will get three negative factors:

  1. Reduce the efficiency of your process. For example, instead of two cubes, cut one (in the same time);
  2. You will subject the mechanism to intense wear, with the risk of destruction of the drive sprocket and tire;
  3. Get increased fuel consumption;

There is also a fourth, perhaps not so significant factor – a “ragged” cut of the saw cut.

And of course, you will be more tired, you will (possibly) be angry with yourself, like “why am I stupid, don’t sharpen it in advance, now suffer”

Here's a test question for you (photo on the right). Guess what chips “came out” from under the sharp and blunt chain? (the answer will be below).

How to tell if a chain is dull


  • Increased physical effort;
  • Sagging (stretching) of the chain;
  • Vibration and “slow” cutting;
  • Inaccurate cutting and changes in the appearance of sawdust (they become uneven with sharp “needle-like” edges, small and dusty). This is already the answer to the test.

“According to experts and in my opinion too: well-sharpened teeth are more important than engine power.”

Why is it dull? The reasons are generally known, but I will name the main ones:

  • Intensive or extensive work;
  • Accidental contact with stone, earth, hard knots, etc.;
  • Mishandling (broad concept).

About chainsaw teeth

Chainsaw teeth have a specific geometry. You need to understand and know which part of them needs to be sharpened. In general, the “logic” of cutting wood resembles a plane.

The cutting surface consists of two edges. One is lateral, the other is slightly beveled. The cutting depth limiting element regulates the thickness of the chips. Let's take a closer look. The elements of the cutting-working link are arranged as follows:

  1. Base with holes for the axle;
  2. Tooth blade;
  3. Cutting depth limiter;
  4. The end edge of the blade (placement – ​​vertical);
  5. The upper edge of the blade (placed horizontally);

         Sharpened edge Blunt After touching the ground

After sharpening, the height of the stop and the angle of the sharpened working edges should not differ greatly from the parameters specified by the manufacturer. This is an important condition and you need to keep an eye on it. Otherwise, the saw will not work as expected.

Do not excessively grind or change the location of the links. The normal operation of the instrument depends on the identity of their location. Otherwise, increased loads on the body, tire and engine are likely. The cut may be crooked. There is also a small chance of the chain breaking.

Working with a file

The best solution is simple “bells and whistles” for sharpening work. This set includes a round and flat file, special holders, a gauge template, a hook for removing chips, etc. Structurally, the “devices” may differ, but the functionality has a common logic.

The diameter of the round file directly depends on the size of the chain:

  • — Chains with ø 1.3 – require a file ø 4 mm (used much more often);
  • — Chains with ø 1.6 – require a file ø 5.2 mm;
  • — To sharpen the depth stop, use a flat file.

Sharpening process

  1. Having previously “turned on” the chain brake, firmly clamp the chainsaw bar in a vice (a tightly clamped saw is the key to successful sharpening)
  2. Position the template so that the “arrow” points toward the “nose” of the tire. Be sure to mark (you can use chalk) the tooth from which you started sharpening, otherwise you can go around the second round;
  3. Sharpen in the direction indicated by the arrows. Remember, each tooth of the chain has a special factory notch. It indicates the maximum sharpening angle.
  4. In addition to the cutting tooth, there are limiters on each link. They are sharpened as needed. This is necessary in the case when, as a result of sharpening, the height of the tooth decreases and problems arise in the operation of the chainsaw. As a rule, the limiter is sharpened after 2-3 sharpening of the teeth;

“If you don’t have sharpening skills, it’s better to start with inexpensive chains.”


  • The file should not extend beyond the top of the cutting edge, more than 1/5 of the working part of the file. The pressure is applied with the same force;
  • The movement of the sharpening tool is performed in one direction “away from you”, and the number of movements for each tooth should be equal;
  • To sharpen a vertical plane, the position of the file should be at a right angle;
  • For sharpening on a horizontal plane, file position at an angle of 20-30°
  • If there are teeth of different heights, the reference point is the smallest one.

Advantages: Ability to “charge the saw” in the field. At the same time it’s cheap.

Disadvantages: Takes time and effort. At the same time, the file quickly “kills”. By the way, about files: it’s better to pay a little more and get a quality product than to buy it for 40-50 rubles and throw it away after the first sharpening (tested in practice). And also, if the chain has “plowed” the soil so well that its cutting edge has changed its original shape, sharpening with a file is difficult and not at all quick.

Sharpening with a grinder

Professionals consider this work to be primitive. There is a risk of tire damage, and not only

Process (looks easy, but is actually difficult)

  1. The chain also remains on the bar;
  2. We attach a cutting disc for metal with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm to the grinder. It is advisable to take something that is not new, that is, with a reworked edge;
  3. We put a barrier in front of the chain and tire (a sliver will come off);
  4. We sharpen at the desired angle;
  5. Upon completion of the work, the chain must be properly tightened.

With a professional approach and a “full hand”, the number of sharpenings in this case can be more than 7.

“As a beginner, it is better not to “experiment” with the saw, chain and your body parts!”

Advantages of the method: Fast, cheap and does not take away strength;

Disadvantages: Requires special skills, a steady hand and the ability to follow safety precautions.

Electric sharpening machines

They are equipped with special adjustment functions that help position the chain at a certain angle. At the same time, it is possible to accurately and accurately bring the disc to the chain teeth. There are machines equipped with automatic vices. They turn on when the disc is brought to the edge being sharpened. Convenience and functionality are of course high. You can also find models at “increasing” prices.

Manually driven machines

The design of such a machine is similar to a bow saw. Only, where the saw blade is located, there is a round file. With this machine you can sharpen and straighten teeth, adjusting the proportionality of the upper edges to the smallest (control) size. The mechanism allows you to accurately set the parameters. After adjustment to the “control” tooth, sharpening is carried out in two or three movements. And then move on to the next tooth.

When it is necessary to sharpen the limiter, replace the round file with a flat one.

Advantages of the method: Allows you to sharpen teeth efficiently, conveniently and without great physical effort, including those that have lost their original shape.

Disadvantages: Price of the tool and distance from the possible area where the saw will be used.

“After completing the “sharpening procedures,” blow the chain with compressed air (from a compressor or pump) and put it in clean engine oil for a while. Of course, almost no one does such events, but for the chain they will only be beneficial.”

What to choose for sharpening is up to you. This has to do with how often you use the chainsaw. From handling it carefully. From the quality of the purchased chain. And, of course, from the opportunity to spend a certain amount. It is impossible to compare methods, because as the German proverb says, “apples must be compared with apples.”

To conclude the topic, here are some expert tips:

  • Before starting work, break in the chain. To do this, run the chain at low speeds for ≈ 1 minute. During this period, the lubricant will get to every necessary part, and the chain and sprocket will warm up and “grind” to each other. If necessary, adjust the tension (after the chain has cooled);
  • Keep an eye on the chain at all times. It should be well stretched. It is especially important when the saw is tilted to one side during operation. Remember: a chain with poor tension is dangerous;
  • Sharpen in a timely manner. If possible, use an electric machine. It's faster, easier, but also more expensive;
  • Do not forget about regular lubrication of the saw chain, and therefore the entire bar. If there is a lack of lubrication or the use of an inappropriate lubricant, the chain may fly off the toe of the tire (and its acceleration speed reaches ≈ 100 km/h);
  • Never use used motor oil. Only high-quality specialized or, as a last resort, pure “autol”.
  • Control the cutting depth in terms of adjustment and threading. Check this after 3-4 sharpenings.

 “Ad in the newspaper: I’m exchanging my chainsaw for a prosthetic.”

I hope the information was somewhat useful. If yes, then subscribe to the blog for updates and share the article with your friends. All the best to you. Good luck!

Quote of wisdom: It’s not the word, but the tone in which the word is pronounced (Belinsky).


How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home: sharpen, do it yourself, device, sharpening angle, how to use a file, machine, grinder

A saw chain is a metal base with links connected in series, which have teeth characterized by cutting properties. You can improve them by sharpening your chainsaw chain at home, but you must follow the rules and use a tool specially designed for this. The latter can be homemade or factory-made.

How to sharpen a chainsaw correctly

Timely and competent sharpening of a chainsaw chain with your own hands will not only extend the time of use of the device, but also save effort and time on wood processing. Signs of a sharp chain are the formation of sawdust of the same size and regular geometric shape. To ensure the required level of sharpness of the teeth, any device for sharpening chainsaw chains, for example, any sharpening tool, is suitable. These are a file, a grinder and a machine.

Sharpening with a file

This method is valued for its ability to perform work in any, even field, conditions, the simplicity of the procedure and the absence of the need to use expensive tools.

A tool with an exclusively round cross-section will help to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file. To determine the file parameters, you need to know the dimensions of the saw itself, in particular, you need to determine the pitch of the teeth.

To process the sawing depth limiter of the guide tooth, the use of a flat variation is allowed.

Templates or patterns will give the desired direction to the tool and can make the work easier. They must be attached to the treated area. After completing the preparatory work, you can proceed directly to the procedure according to the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Secure the chain to the clamp.
  2. Align the file for sharpening the chain according to the template.
  3. Grind the teeth directed in one direction at the selected angle. The latter should not change. The working tool itself should be held so that its tip protrudes only a fifth of its thickness. You need to move the file as smoothly as possible, the movements should not be forceful. The reverse stroke must be done at idle. It is recommended to rotate the tool periodically, which will reduce the risk of wear on the sharpening side.
  4. The angle of inclination of the tool must be straight, and the sharpening angle of the chainsaw chain horizontally must be sharp, and its changes are allowed in the range from 10 to 30°. The smallest tooth in the row should be taken as a basis.
  5. Turn the tire over and do the same work for the teeth that go in the opposite direction.

This method also has some minor drawbacks. In particular, a large investment of time is required. But you won’t need to purchase expensive equipment or special tools.

How to sharpen an angle grinder using an angle grinder

When sharpening a chainsaw chain with a grinder, you must constantly monitor the level of sharpness of the chain and treat the drive sprocket with machine oil. At the same time, this method has one significant advantage - you do not need to remove the chain set from the saw, you can visually select the sharpening angle.

Although many owners of chainsaws and motor saws believe that this tool can damage the cutting teeth of the chain, if the work is performed by an experienced specialist, then the risk is minimal.

Only a special disc for working with metal is suitable. Its diameter must be at least 2.5 mm. It is recommended to choose an already used disc with rounded edges.

See » Differences between Stihl MS 660 chainsaws made in Germany and China

Before you start sharpening, you need to insert a wedge of wood between the chain and the bottom of the bar to prevent the headset from moving.

Sharpening on a machine

A do-it-yourself chainsaw chain sharpening machine also copes with the task without any problems. There are various options for using such a tool - automatic sharpening or manual sharpening. In addition, you can make a homemade chain sharpening machine.

Electric sharpening machines involve installing a saw into a special hole in the device, after which you will need to select the optimal angle for sharpening the teeth and turn on the chainsaw. After this, the chain teeth self-sharpen on the emery stone. But the best sharpening machines are not cheap, so they are rarely purchased for home use.

Using the machine to sharpen chains by hand is easy. Actions will have to be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Loosen the screw that secures the chain.
  2. Set the appropriate level of sharpening, in this case it is necessary to determine the maximum degree of sharpening after visual inspection of the most blunt tooth. The sharpening angles are also selected on a manual machine. You can use special tables that are presented in the instructions for the saw.
  3. Perform sharpening according to all selected parameters.
  4. Treat the chain with clean machine oil.

There are 2 ways to use a manual machine for this purpose:

  1. Sequential involves acting on each tooth one after another, and it is necessary to periodically change the polarity.
  2. Sharpening every second tooth, that is, the right tooth is sharpened first, and then the left. In this case, no polarity change is required.

Preventing the chain from becoming dull quickly

You can extend the life of the chain without periodic sharpening if you pay special attention to careful maintenance of the headset. In particular, it is required:

  1. The use of specialized oil, which must be added when refueling the chainsaw. To select the required concentration, it is recommended to read the instructions for the oil itself.
  2. All unused volume must be disposed of.
  3. During operation, it is recommended to periodically check the size of the gap between the stopper and the tooth edge. Ideally it should be 0.7 mm.
  4. In order to minimize the risk of tooth bending and one-sided abrasion, you can periodically rearrange the tire by 180 degrees.
  5. The drive sprocket must be lubricated systematically. This must be done before each use of the saw. You can choose the oil that is diluted with gasoline and added to the fuel tank. But the M8 brand has the best performance indicators.
  6. Monitor tension indicators. The chain should be positioned exactly along the grooves of the bar.

Useful tips

You can increase the service life if you alternate manual sharpening with the use of a special machine. The latter allows you to align sharpening angles on the machine as accurately as possible. The stitching depth should not be large.

It is necessary to observe safety measures that allow you to cut wood of any size with maximum efficiency and with a minimum level of danger to humans:

  1. Before assembling the chain tool and installing the headset, it is recommended that you read the instructions for use. This is due to the fact that each tool has its own characteristics.
  2. When working with a saw, you must wear gloves and safety glasses.
  3. For work, it is recommended to choose close-fitting clothing made from natural dense materials and the most reliable shoes.
  4. It is necessary to cut wood using a chainsaw in a stable and safe position, and the material itself must also be positioned as stably as possible. Installing a toothed stop on the log will help ensure stability.
  5. During operation, the saw must be held with both hands and the cutting process must be constantly monitored.

Modern chainsaws are used in domestic and industrial settings. At the same time, it is important to maintain the productivity and high efficiency indicators of the tool, which directly depend on the condition of the sharpened chain set.


How to sharpen a chainsaw chain


Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with your own hands - methods, necessary tools, secrets and nuances

Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with your own hands - methods, necessary tools, secrets and nuances

Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with your own hands - methods, necessary tools, secrets and nuances

Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with your own hands - methods, necessary tools, secrets and nuances

Any instrument needs timely care. A chainsaw is a type of equipment that requires special attention. The device poses a certain danger, but if the chain is blunt, then the risks increase significantly.

During intensive work, the need for sharpening arises often. Therefore, it makes sense to learn how to restore its functionality, since sharpening a chainsaw chain with your own hands is not a difficult operation, but having mastered it, labor productivity will increase, as well as work safety.

How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw with your own hands

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands?

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands?

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands?

The chainsaw chain requires regular maintenance and sharpening. This affects the performance of the tool, wear rate and operator safety. You can determine the need to update the cutting edge of the teeth by the presence of sawdust on their surface and the characteristic dull sound during sawing. To sharpen the tire, you can use an electric or manual machine, an angle grinder, or a regular file. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, specific skills.

Circuit structure and parameters

Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with a file

Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with a file

Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with a file

The chain is considered an important part of any chainsaw, because with its help all work with trees is performed. Therefore, when using a chainsaw frequently, the chain needs periodic maintenance, and one of these points is sharpening the chain with a round file.

How to determine the need for sharpening?

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home with your own hands?

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home with your own hands?

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home with your own hands?

Basic ways to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home

Sharpening a chain - how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands

Sharpening a chain - how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands

Sharpening a chain - how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands

Everyone knows that the saw chain used in chainsaws requires periodic sharpening, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. It is very easy to determine that a saw requires chain sharpening; to do this, you need to inspect the sawdust, and if it consists of fine dust, then the tool needs to be sharpened. If it is impossible to sharpen, you should replace it with a new one.

Using an unsharpened chain can lead to engine overheating and scoring on the cylinder.

Let's look at the main ways you can sharpen a chain on a chainsaw without any problems.

How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw with your own hands

Sharpening a chainsaw chain with a set of files, a grinder, on an electric machine and using a special system

Sharpening a chainsaw chain with a set of files, a grinder, on an electric machine and using a special system

Sharpening a chainsaw chain with a set of files, a grinder, on an electric machine and using a special system

Electric and chainsaws are included in the arsenal of many private home owners, along with such devices as a drill, hammer drill, etc. This tool has one negative side - the chain gets dull from time to time. You can sharpen it yourself if you know how to do it correctly.

How to determine if a chain is dull

We sharpen a chainsaw chain with our own hands. All possible and available methods

“A lumberjack working with a blunt ax was advised: “Sharpen the ax.”

He replied: “There is no time.” The forest must be cut down"

Hello to all readers!

Today I decided to tell you about an instrument that, it seems to me, is simply impossible today. A good tool should work well, and this largely depends on its owner

Cleaning the autumn garden, preparing firewood for winter, building a bathhouse, and repairing a wooden fence will require not only time and desire, but also the availability of a “cutting” tool. If this is a chainsaw, then it must be properly sharpened.

Of course, there are paid specialists, and you, for example, have extra money. But we know that this procedure is performed periodically and therefore a natural question arises: how to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home? I’ll tell you about that. Go!

First about the horror stories

If you cut with a dull chainsaw, you will get three negative factors:

  1. Reduce the efficiency of your process. For example, instead of two cubes, cut one (in the same time);
  2. You will subject the mechanism to intense wear, with the risk of destruction of the drive sprocket and tire;
  3. Get increased fuel consumption;

There is also a fourth, perhaps not so significant factor – a “ragged” cut of the saw cut.

And of course, you will be more tired, you will (possibly) be angry with yourself, like “why am I stupid, don’t sharpen it in advance, now suffer”

Here's a test question for you (photo on the right). Guess what chips “came out” from under the sharp and blunt chain? (the answer will be below).

How to tell if a chain is dull


  • Increased physical effort;
  • Sagging (stretching) of the chain;
  • Vibration and “slow” cutting;
  • Inaccurate cutting and changes in the appearance of sawdust (they become uneven with sharp “needle-like” edges, small and dusty). This is already the answer to the test.

“According to experts and in my opinion too: well-sharpened teeth are more important than engine power.”

Why is it dull? The reasons are generally known, but I will name the main ones:

  • Intensive or extensive work;
  • Accidental contact with stone, earth, hard knots, etc.;
  • Mishandling (broad concept).

About chainsaw teeth

Chainsaw teeth have a specific geometry. You need to understand and know which part of them needs to be sharpened. In general, the “logic” of cutting wood resembles a plane.

The cutting surface consists of two edges. One is lateral, the other is slightly beveled. The cutting depth limiting element regulates the thickness of the chips. Let's take a closer look. The elements of the cutting-working link are arranged as follows:

  1. Base with holes for the axle;
  2. Tooth blade;
  3. Cutting depth limiter;
  4. The end edge of the blade (placement – ​​vertical);
  5. The upper edge of the blade (placed horizontally);

         Sharpened edge Blunt After touching the ground

After sharpening, the height of the stop and the angle of the sharpened working edges should not differ greatly from the parameters specified by the manufacturer. This is an important condition and you need to keep an eye on it. Otherwise, the saw will not work as expected.

Do not excessively grind or change the location of the links. The normal operation of the instrument depends on the identity of their location. Otherwise, increased loads on the body, tire and engine are likely. The cut may be crooked. There is also a small chance of the chain breaking.

Possible ways and methods of chain sharpening

Working with a file

The best solution is simple “bells and whistles” for sharpening work. This set includes a round and flat file, special holders, a gauge template, a hook for removing chips, etc. Structurally, the “devices” may differ, but the functionality has a common logic.

The diameter of the round file directly depends on the size of the chain:

  • — Chains with ø 1.3 – require a file ø 4 mm (used much more often);
  • — Chains with ø 1.6 – require a file ø 5.2 mm;
  • — To sharpen the depth stop, use a flat file.

Sharpening process

  1. Having previously “turned on” the chain brake, firmly clamp the chainsaw bar in a vice (a tightly clamped saw is the key to successful sharpening)
  2. Position the template so that the “arrow” points toward the “nose” of the tire. Be sure to mark (you can use chalk) the tooth from which you started sharpening, otherwise you can go around the second round;
  3. Sharpen in the direction indicated by the arrows. Remember, each tooth of the chain has a special factory notch. It indicates the maximum sharpening angle.
  4. In addition to the cutting tooth, there are limiters on each link. They are sharpened as needed. This is necessary in the case when, as a result of sharpening, the height of the tooth decreases and problems arise in the operation of the chainsaw. As a rule, the limiter is sharpened after 2-3 sharpening of the teeth;

“If you don’t have sharpening skills, it’s better to start with inexpensive chains.”


  • The file should not extend beyond the top of the cutting edge, more than 1/5 of the working part of the file. The pressure is applied with the same force;
  • The movement of the sharpening tool is performed in one direction “away from you”, and the number of movements for each tooth should be equal;
  • To sharpen a vertical plane, the position of the file should be at a right angle;
  • For sharpening on a horizontal plane, file position at an angle of 20-30°
  • If there are teeth of different heights, the reference point is the smallest one.

Advantages: Ability to “charge the saw” in the field. At the same time it’s cheap.

Disadvantages: Takes time and effort. At the same time, the file quickly “kills”. By the way, about files: it’s better to pay a little more and get a quality product than to buy it for 40-50 rubles and throw it away after the first sharpening (tested in practice). And also, if the chain has “plowed” the soil so well that its cutting edge has changed its original shape, sharpening with a file is difficult and not at all quick.

Sharpening with a grinder

Professionals consider this work to be primitive. There is a risk of tire damage, and not only

Process (looks easy, but is actually difficult)

  1. The chain also remains on the bar;
  2. We attach a cutting disc for metal with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm to the grinder. It is advisable to take something that is not new, that is, with a reworked edge;
  3. We put a barrier in front of the chain and tire (a sliver will come off);
  4. We sharpen at the desired angle;
  5. Upon completion of the work, the chain must be properly tightened.

With a professional approach and a “full hand”, the number of sharpenings in this case can be more than 7.

“As a beginner, it is better not to “experiment” with the saw, chain and your body parts!”

Advantages of the method: Fast, cheap and does not take away strength;

Disadvantages: Requires special skills, a steady hand and the ability to follow safety precautions.

Electric sharpening machines

They are equipped with special adjustment functions that help position the chain at a certain angle. At the same time, it is possible to accurately and accurately bring the disc to the chain teeth. There are machines equipped with automatic vices. They turn on when the disc is brought to the edge being sharpened. Convenience and functionality are of course high. You can also find models at “increasing” prices.

Manually driven machines

The design of such a machine is similar to a bow saw. Only, where the saw blade is located, there is a round file. With this machine you can sharpen and straighten teeth, adjusting the proportionality of the upper edges to the smallest (control) size. The mechanism allows you to accurately set the parameters. After adjustment to the “control” tooth, sharpening is carried out in two or three movements. And then move on to the next tooth.

When it is necessary to sharpen the limiter, replace the round file with a flat one.

Advantages of the method: Allows you to sharpen teeth efficiently, conveniently and without great physical effort, including those that have lost their original shape.

Disadvantages: Price of the tool and distance from the possible area where the saw will be used.

“After completing the “sharpening procedures,” blow the chain with compressed air (from a compressor or pump) and put it in clean engine oil for a while. Of course, almost no one does such events, but for the chain they will only be beneficial.”

What to choose for sharpening is up to you. This has to do with how often you use the chainsaw. From handling it carefully. From the quality of the purchased chain. And, of course, from the opportunity to spend a certain amount. It is impossible to compare methods, because as the German proverb says, “apples must be compared with apples.”

To conclude the topic, here are some expert tips:

  • Before starting work, break in the chain. To do this, run the chain at low speeds for ≈ 1 minute. During this period, the lubricant will get to every necessary part, and the chain and sprocket will warm up and “grind” to each other. If necessary, adjust the tension (after the chain has cooled);
  • Keep an eye on the chain at all times. It should be well stretched. It is especially important when the saw is tilted to one side during operation. Remember: a chain with poor tension is dangerous;
  • Sharpen in a timely manner. If possible, use an electric machine. It's faster, easier, but also more expensive;
  • Do not forget about regular lubrication of the saw chain, and therefore the entire bar. If there is a lack of lubrication or the use of an inappropriate lubricant, the chain may fly off the toe of the tire (and its acceleration speed reaches ≈ 100 km/h);
  • Never use used motor oil. Only high-quality specialized or, as a last resort, pure “autol”.
  • Control the cutting depth in terms of adjustment and threading. Check this after 3-4 sharpenings.

 “Ad in the newspaper: I’m exchanging my chainsaw for a prosthetic.”

I hope the information was somewhat useful. If yes, then subscribe to the blog for updates and share the article with your friends. All the best to you. Good luck!

Quote of wisdom: It’s not the word, but the tone in which the word is pronounced (Belinsky).


How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home: sharpen, do it yourself, device, sharpening angle, how to use a file, machine, grinder

A saw chain is a metal base with links connected in series, which have teeth characterized by cutting properties. You can improve them by sharpening your chainsaw chain at home, but you must follow the rules and use a tool specially designed for this. The latter can be homemade or factory-made.

How to sharpen a chainsaw correctly

Timely and competent sharpening of a chainsaw chain with your own hands will not only extend the time of use of the device, but also save effort and time on wood processing. Signs of a sharp chain are the formation of sawdust of the same size and regular geometric shape. To ensure the required level of sharpness of the teeth, any device for sharpening chainsaw chains, for example, any sharpening tool, is suitable. These are a file, a grinder and a machine.

Sharpening with a file

This method is valued for its ability to perform work in any, even field, conditions, the simplicity of the procedure and the absence of the need to use expensive tools.

A tool with an exclusively round cross-section will help to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file. To determine the file parameters, you need to know the dimensions of the saw itself, in particular, you need to determine the pitch of the teeth.

To process the sawing depth limiter of the guide tooth, the use of a flat variation is allowed.

Templates or patterns will give the desired direction to the tool and can make the work easier. They must be attached to the treated area. After completing the preparatory work, you can proceed directly to the procedure according to the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Secure the chain to the clamp.
  2. Align the file for sharpening the chain according to the template.
  3. Grind the teeth directed in one direction at the selected angle. The latter should not change. The working tool itself should be held so that its tip protrudes only a fifth of its thickness. You need to move the file as smoothly as possible, the movements should not be forceful. The reverse stroke must be done at idle. It is recommended to rotate the tool periodically, which will reduce the risk of wear on the sharpening side.
  4. The angle of inclination of the tool must be straight, and the sharpening angle of the chainsaw chain horizontally must be sharp, and its changes are allowed in the range from 10 to 30°. The smallest tooth in the row should be taken as a basis.
  5. Turn the tire over and do the same work for the teeth that go in the opposite direction.

This method also has some minor drawbacks. In particular, a large investment of time is required. But you won’t need to purchase expensive equipment or special tools.

How to sharpen an angle grinder using an angle grinder

When sharpening a chainsaw chain with a grinder, you must constantly monitor the level of sharpness of the chain and treat the drive sprocket with machine oil. At the same time, this method has one significant advantage - you do not need to remove the chain set from the saw, you can visually select the sharpening angle.

Although many owners of chainsaws and motor saws believe that this tool can damage the cutting teeth of the chain, if the work is performed by an experienced specialist, then the risk is minimal.

Only a special disc for working with metal is suitable. Its diameter must be at least 2.5 mm. It is recommended to choose an already used disc with rounded edges.

See » Differences between Stihl MS 660 chainsaws made in Germany and China

Before you start sharpening, you need to insert a wedge of wood between the chain and the bottom of the bar to prevent the headset from moving.

Sharpening on a machine

A do-it-yourself chainsaw chain sharpening machine also copes with the task without any problems. There are various options for using such a tool - automatic sharpening or manual sharpening. In addition, you can make a homemade chain sharpening machine.

Electric sharpening machines involve installing a saw into a special hole in the device, after which you will need to select the optimal angle for sharpening the teeth and turn on the chainsaw. After this, the chain teeth self-sharpen on the emery stone. But the best sharpening machines are not cheap, so they are rarely purchased for home use.

Using the machine to sharpen chains by hand is easy. Actions will have to be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Loosen the screw that secures the chain.
  2. Set the appropriate level of sharpening, in this case it is necessary to determine the maximum degree of sharpening after visual inspection of the most blunt tooth. The sharpening angles are also selected on a manual machine. You can use special tables that are presented in the instructions for the saw.
  3. Perform sharpening according to all selected parameters.
  4. Treat the chain with clean machine oil.

There are 2 ways to use a manual machine for this purpose:

  1. Sequential involves acting on each tooth one after another, and it is necessary to periodically change the polarity.
  2. Sharpening every second tooth, that is, the right tooth is sharpened first, and then the left. In this case, no polarity change is required.

Preventing the chain from becoming dull quickly

You can extend the life of the chain without periodic sharpening if you pay special attention to careful maintenance of the headset. In particular, it is required:

  1. The use of specialized oil, which must be added when refueling the chainsaw. To select the required concentration, it is recommended to read the instructions for the oil itself.
  2. All unused volume must be disposed of.
  3. During operation, it is recommended to periodically check the size of the gap between the stopper and the tooth edge. Ideally it should be 0.7 mm.
  4. In order to minimize the risk of tooth bending and one-sided abrasion, you can periodically rearrange the tire by 180 degrees.
  5. The drive sprocket must be lubricated systematically. This must be done before each use of the saw. You can choose the oil that is diluted with gasoline and added to the fuel tank. But the M8 brand has the best performance indicators.
  6. Monitor tension indicators. The chain should be positioned exactly along the grooves of the bar.

Useful tips

You can increase the service life if you alternate manual sharpening with the use of a special machine. The latter allows you to align sharpening angles on the machine as accurately as possible. The stitching depth should not be large.

It is necessary to observe safety measures that allow you to cut wood of any size with maximum efficiency and with a minimum level of danger to humans:

  1. Before assembling the chain tool and installing the headset, it is recommended that you read the instructions for use. This is due to the fact that each tool has its own characteristics.
  2. When working with a saw, you must wear gloves and safety glasses.
  3. For work, it is recommended to choose close-fitting clothing made from natural dense materials and the most reliable shoes.
  4. It is necessary to cut wood using a chainsaw in a stable and safe position, and the material itself must also be positioned as stably as possible. Installing a toothed stop on the log will help ensure stability.
  5. During operation, the saw must be held with both hands and the cutting process must be constantly monitored.

Modern chainsaws are used in domestic and industrial settings. At the same time, it is important to maintain the productivity and high efficiency indicators of the tool, which directly depend on the condition of the sharpened chain set.


How to sharpen a chainsaw chain


Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with your own hands - methods, necessary tools, secrets and nuances

Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with your own hands - methods, necessary tools, secrets and nuances

Any instrument needs timely care. A chainsaw is a type of equipment that requires special attention. The device poses a certain danger, but if the chain is blunt, then the risks increase significantly.

During intensive work, the need for sharpening arises often. Therefore, it makes sense to learn how to restore its functionality, since sharpening a chainsaw chain with your own hands is not a difficult operation, but having mastered it, labor productivity will increase, as well as work safety.

How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw with your own hands

How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw with your own hands

Determining when a tool needs servicing is easy. This becomes clear during the work process based on the following signs:

  • the chips become small;
  • requires significant effort;
  • strong vibration is felt;
  • cutting time increases.

Taking a closer look at the chain, you can visually verify that the edges do not have the necessary sharpness. Having discovered that the time has come to sharpen them, you cannot postpone this procedure. Firstly, the work becomes unsafe for the performer. Secondly, there is an unwanted load on the power unit. And thirdly, a lot of time is lost, some of which is better spent on sharpening.

The sharpening principle is based on the design features of the link. It consists of a body on which an L-shaped cutting edge is located. The vertical edge is straight, and the horizontal edge is made at an angle. There is a cut depth limiter in front of the tooth. All these elements need processing.

Grinding the cutting part reduces the height of the chain profile. If the height of the stop is not removed at the same time, it will not allow the tooth to sink into the wood to the required depth, so it is also ground down. Editing of the stop is done in significantly smaller volumes.

The cutting edge decreases in height by fractions of a millimeter when sharpened. This is the value you need to focus on when processing the limit stop. For work, you can use a file, an angle grinder (grinder), special mechanical devices and electric tools.

Sharpening with a file

Sharpening with a file

To work, you will need two files: round and straight. The first is chosen according to the oval in the link body. diameters larger than 6 mm on household chainsaw chains. Typically this size does not exceed 5.5 mm. A larger file cannot be used. It will change the geometry of the cutter.

There are two main technologies for manual sharpening. The simplest method is when the file is controlled visually. The master follows the factory processing angles as much as possible and carefully processes the vertical edge under full visual control.

The tool partially touches the horizontal edge. Then, using a flat file, it is brought to the desired state and lightly passed along the limiter.

The second method is more accurate and productive; sharpening chainsaw chains with your own hands using a file is done using a special holder for a round product. With such a device, sharpening a chainsaw chain with your own hands becomes easier.

It is configured so that both faces can be processed in one pass. The file moves vertically across, and horizontally along the cutting edge. The device significantly reduces sharpening time and makes it better quality. The depth stop is removed with a straight file. Despite the technological difference, there are general rules for both methods:

  • the chain must be fixed in a vice;
  • the angle of the file relative to the bar is maintained (about 30°)
  • 2-3 movements are made from oneself with the same effort.

You can make a device for sharpening chainsaw chains with your own hands in a maximum of an hour. The photo shows the factory device. Making the same thing at home is not difficult for the average home craftsman.

Sharpening with a round file

Electric sharpening machines

Electric sharpening machines

The most accurate and efficient way to restore a chain is to use specialized equipment. This is a machine for sharpening chainsaw chains with your own hands.

It costs quite a lot, but it completely eliminates the human factor and errors during manual sharpening. It is advisable to purchase it when the volume of work to be done is significant. However, there are budget models that are available to many owners of country houses and dachas.

It is necessary to set the angle of the chain and the abrasive wheel and the pitch of the links. Manufacturers offer several types of mechanisms for securing the chain. Recommendations for a specific model are in the user manual. Bring the device to the edge slowly.

It is recommended not to make the passage for more than 2 seconds. If it is not possible to complete the treatment at once, the abrasive wheel is removed and after a short period of time the tooth is sharpened again. In this way, it is possible to avoid overheating of the metal, maintaining its performance qualities. The product passport indicates which saw blade should be used for the machine.

How to sharpen using an angle grinder

How to sharpen using an angle grinder

The method requires skill and skill. Unlike a sharpening machine, there are no limiters. The technician is required to be careful and comply with safety regulations. It is better for experienced people to use this method. The angle grinder (angle grinder) is pre-secured on a table or other stable place.

It is better to make a special clamp for this. After fixing, check whether there is vibration by turning on the tool in test mode for several minutes. If conditions are satisfactory, work can begin. The actual sharpening of chainsaw chains with your own hands using a grinder is carried out by bringing the link to the abrasive wheel.

In conclusion, we can say that no matter how you sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands, the main thing is the accuracy and precision of the master. With manual processing, angle errors and uneven grinding of the metal are possible, while with machine processing there is a risk of injury.


How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands?

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands?

The chainsaw chain requires regular maintenance and sharpening. This affects the performance of the tool, wear rate and operator safety. You can determine the need to update the cutting edge of the teeth by the presence of sawdust on their surface and the characteristic dull sound during sawing. To sharpen the tire, you can use an electric or manual machine, an angle grinder, or a regular file. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, specific skills.

Circuit structure and parameters

Circuit structure and parameters

Before starting work, you should determine the basic characteristics of the chain set. The choice of sharpening method, tool and the need for the procedure depends on this. What to look for:

  • Features of the link . It consists of a base, a tooth blade, a depth stop, and two blades. You should carefully inspect each element, identify obvious defects and mechanical damage - they need to be dealt with first;
  • Blade angle . It is this that allows the chain to cut wood and determines the volume and shape of wood chips. There should be no defects on it. The parameter of the upper blade varies from 50 to 60o, the end blade – from 60 to 85o;
  • The tire profile height can be 0.625 mm or 0.762 mm . When processing limiters, you should fall within this range to reduce vibration of the tool during sawing.

Figure 1 – Types of saw chains

The second most important characteristics are the type of metal and chain pitch. For soft and medium-density materials, a regular file is suitable; it will do an excellent job of sharpening. For hard metal chains with frequent link pitches (from 0.36 inches), it is recommended to use only the machine straightening method.

Important ! The main parameters of the headset and its elements can be found in the operating instructions. Detailed technical specifications are always presented on the manufacturer’s website.

When is sharpening necessary?

When is sharpening necessary?

You can determine the need to sharpen the chain teeth while working with wood. The speed of operation decreases, the instrument produces characteristic sounds. Typical signs of a dull blade:

  • the saw does not bite into the wood, but moves from place to place, like a grinder;
  • when working with hard rocks, the headset does not penetrate into the thickness of the log, so mechanical force must be applied;
  • the chips take on a loose appearance and rarely crumble during operation;
  • All parts of the chainsaw heat up above normal, and the smell of burnt oil appears.

A high-quality chain should have teeth with an even metallic sheen. There should be no rust or plaque on any part of the link. It is not recommended to use the tool if there are chips, dents or other mechanical damage to the cutting edge.

Types of sharpening saw chains

Types of sharpening saw chains

There are a number of tire sharpening technologies. In the field or at home, you can use a grinder or a file. This method is suitable for budget chainsaw models when high precision tooth adjustment is not required. The main disadvantage of this method is the need to control the mechanical pressure on the hand tool; with increasing pressure, you can remove an excess layer of metal and deform the teeth.

Professionals recommend using special machines for initial sharpening, and then a vice with guides for grinding and adjusting each link. This method helps save time, and when using holders adapted to a specific chain pitch, the likelihood of error is minimal.

How to sharpen using special equipment?

How to sharpen using special equipment?

The most convenient way to sharpen a saw is to use special tools and machines. This allows you to quickly carry out work of any severity. When purchasing a chainsaw, it is recommended to immediately buy a template to determine the values ​​of the end and top blade, and the front edge angle. In addition, you need a file to eliminate minor defects.

Important ! All necessary tools, depending on the chosen method, must be prepared in advance. This will simplify the work and increase sharpening accuracy.

On a manual machine

On a manual machine

Figure 2 – Sharpening on a manual machine

In practice, this method is usually used to trim the teeth after each long-term use of a chainsaw when working with hard wood. The “hand saw” looks like a regular beam saw with a small vice for mounting on a headset. Instead of a blade, there is a round file on it.

Before starting work, you should secure the tool to the headset and set the parameters in accordance with the features of the saw. This is done only manually using certain marks on the machine. Stopping at each blade, make 3-4 movements towards yourself to sharpen. This method is not suitable for restoring very dull saws.

On an electric machine

On an electric machine

Figure 3 - Electric machine for sharpening saw sets

This is the most convenient way to sharpen a chainsaw bar of any brand. No special skills or abilities are required; the work process itself takes no more than 10 minutes. The machine is equipped with an electric drive and operates from a DC source with a voltage of 220-240 V. When choosing a device, pay attention to the following features:

  • the presence of a function for sharpening teeth with different intervals of links, the volume of the upper edge;
  • possibility of sharpening angle correction;
  • replaceable grinding wheels included;
  • stable cutting width.

The saw chain is fixed into a guide as part of the base platform; it also has a special mechanism for holding the teeth. It can move in a horizontal direction.

The grinding wheel is lowered at an adjustable angle to the cutting edge; the degree of pressure can be controlled with a regulator. The sharpening element is directly immersed by the operator.

For convenience and accuracy of work, all models have a measuring scale with which you can evaluate the degree of sharpening of all components of the chain teeth.



This method is used only in the absence of other necessary devices for chain correction. It is optimal for rough straightening of teeth, but has a serious drawback - it is difficult to control the angle, and there is also a risk of damage to the connecting rivets.

To sharpen the chain, the angle grinder must be securely fixed in a vice. Turn on the tool, and then bring each cutting edge one by one and hold until shine appears. You can check the required angle using a caliper.

Important ! When using a grinder, the chain should be constantly lubricated with oil. This will help to avoid too much grinding of the cutting edge, burrs and other mechanical defects in the metal.

Angle of sharpening on the machine

Angle of sharpening on the machine

A quality tool always has markings with which you can evaluate the quality of sharpening. When working, you need to focus on its indicators in order to maintain the performance of the headset. The table shows the main characteristics of the teeth depending on the chain pitch and the characteristics of the links.

Figure 4 – Recommendations for sharpening depending on the parameters of the chain

How to sharpen by hand using a file?

How to sharpen by hand using a file?

Using a file is the easiest and most cost-effective way to correct the sharpness of a cutting edge. The procedure will also require a vice to securely secure the tire in a stationary state. The choice of file type and diameter depends on the characteristics of the chain and the technology of the procedure itself.

Determining the file diameter

Determining the file diameter

It is easier to sharpen a chain with a round file with a holder, the diameter of which is selected depending on the pitch of the links. The table provides information for proper selection of tools.

Step File diameter
0,25 2×2
0,325 2×2,4
0,375 2×2,6
0,404 2×2,75

File parameters

File parameters

Despite the simplicity of the operation, using a file can ruin the quality of the tire. Useful tips for sharpening:

  • primary sharpening is carried out with a round file of different diameters, and to correct the sharpness of the metal, a flat tool is used;
  • it should not extend beyond the top of the cutting blade by more than 20%; the same clamping force should be maintained;
  • movements are performed from oneself, the number of repetitions should be equal for all teeth;
  • to correct the vertical plane, place the file strictly at a right angle;
  • horizontal elements are sharpened at an angle of 20-30o. Figure 5 – Set of files

It is necessary to take a fresh file with pronounced abrasion. A worn instrument will increase the duration of the procedure and reduce its effectiveness.

How to carry out the process yourself at home - step-by-step instructions

How to carry out the process yourself at home - step-by-step instructions

You can straighten a chainsaw chain using a file even at home. It is important to choose the right tool and follow the technology. Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Secure the tire with a vice so that its upper part is in a horizontal plane.
  2. Mark the shortest tooth with a marker or nitro enamel - it will serve as a reference point.
  3. Place the surface of the round file behind the main cutting edge and press it along the entire line. Due to the holder, it will automatically take the required position.
  4. Without changing the angle, run the tool along the beveled surface 3-4 times. If necessary, rotate the file around its axis to achieve the required sharpness.
  5. Check the height of the stopper with a special template, adjust the sharpening with a flat file. Figure 6 - Sharpening a chain with your own hands using a file

Repeat the manipulation with each link up to the marked reference point. Turn the chain over and sharpen all other teeth in the same way.

Important ! When sharpening a chainsaw with a file, you should blow off metal shavings as they appear. This will allow you to evaluate the sharpness of the metal.

Features of longitudinal and cross cutting

Features of longitudinal and cross cutting

The sharpening angle requirements also depend on the characteristics of the chainsaw; depending on the purpose, the tire can be used for transverse and longitudinal sawing. In the second option, the edge should be very sharp, its angle should be in the range from 6 to 12°, for a transverse one - 25-30°. For longitudinal cuts, the chain should be sharpened as often and efficiently as possible; wear of the teeth can lead to uneven cuts, reduced productivity and clamping of the headset into the wood.

Stihl has developed special recommendations for sharpening the tire with a file or grinding wheel. The general operating algorithm remains the same. The table shows the requirements for choosing a blade diameter depending on the chain pitch.

Figure 7 – Dependence of file sizes on Shtil chain pitch

Expert recommendations

Expert recommendations

There are useful tips for sharpening your chainsaw quickly and efficiently. General recommendations:

  • first you need to run in the headset at low speeds, this allows the lubricant to get to each element of the tire;
  • the circuit must be energized; loosening may result in injury, especially when using an electric machine;
  • It is recommended to edit the headset after each prolonged use of the tool, carefully check the teeth before starting sawing;
  • lubricate each element of the tire in a timely manner, which not only improves the process of working with wood, but also reduces the load on the rotor and engine.

The depth of cut, the condition of the cutting edge and the stop must be checked after 3-4 sharpenings. It is recommended to check the template for your specific headset model.

Sharpening a chainsaw chain is an integral part of working with this tool. The sharpness of the teeth affects performance and safety during sawing. To straighten the cutting edge of the tire, you can use an electric or manual machine; at home it is easier to use a file. You should take into account the features of a specific headset model and measure each element with a template.


Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with a file

Proper sharpening of a chainsaw chain with a file

The chain is considered an important part of any chainsaw, because with its help all work with trees is performed. Therefore, when using a chainsaw frequently, the chain needs periodic maintenance, and one of these points is sharpening the chain with a round file.

How to determine the need for sharpening?

How to determine the need for sharpening?

Everything is very simple, when using a chainsaw, look at the sawdust obtained from the work; if it looks unusual and looks like dust, the chain most likely needs to be sharpened or completely changed. It all depends on the duration and correct operation. Please note that you need to check the suitability of the chain on dry trees, do not use wet wood.  

Also, if you cut in the longitudinal direction, you can determine chain wear by detecting gross defects on the cut surface in the form of chips of wood and tears at the saw site. Other noticeable signs include:

  • While moving to the top edge from the chainsaw workplace, you notice a different radius;
  • If there is a cut, the chainsaw may vibrate during the process, increasing noise;
  • Resistance increases when you first try to start sawing wood.

Be careful when working with unsharpened chains, otherwise you will experience overheating of the chainsaw and the appearance of defects on the cylinder.

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain?

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain?

If you do not want to change the chain several times a year, you can perform the sharpening procedure yourself using simple tools. The main methods include:

  1. Machine. Usually available from specialists or special service centers, so the procedure, although effective, is not so accessible. The machine is also used for those chains that have heavy wear;

  2. Bulgarian. It’s better not to try without experience; sharpening with a grinder requires certain knowledge. Otherwise you will damage the chain;

  3. File. The simplest and most popular tool for sharpening, its small size allows you to carry the file with you and sharpen it right on the job site.  

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file

Although the file is inexpensive and easy to use, for chainsaw chains you will have to acquire a special type. To work, you will need two types of files - round and flat. The standard work kit looks like this:

  • round file with a permissible diameter of 4.5-5 mm;
  • flat file for changing the limiter;
  • a holder with lines, the task of which is to position the chain on the permissible upper edge;
  • hook, needed to remove sawdust and working shavings.

Please note that the diameter of the file is selected so that it corresponds to the rounding of the working part of the saw tooth. If you use chainsaws for domestic purposes, round files with a diameter of 4 and 4.8 mm will be the most optimal. More powerful and professional chainsaws will require a round file with a diameter of 5.2 or 5.5 mm.  

Important: in order for the chainsaw to cut correctly in the future, in addition to sharpening the cutting edges of the teeth, you will have to change the limiter responsible for the depth of cut. Otherwise, the chain will not be able to cut to the proper depth, which will result in longer, harder work with the wood. The limiter is adjusted using a flat file described above.

Files for sharpening chainsaw chains Shtil 180

Files for sharpening chainsaw chains Shtil 180

First it is important to buy the right file for the job, if you are using a Stihl 180 model, the round file will have to be selected based on the chain pitch (0.325 inches), the presence of serrations and the length of the file itself. Based on the GOST 1465 standard, round files are classified by length by number. The following files are ideal for the Shtil 180 brand:

  • No. 4 - working length 200 mm;
  • No. 5 - working length 250 and 300 mm.

The second option is more suitable, because the longer length will make the sharpening procedure convenient and effective. 

Notches on round files can be of two types - notched and cut. We recommend choosing notched ones due to the smaller cutting angle range. The most suitable files are those made from tool steel; we recommend products from the Zubr brand. The manufacturer creates them specifically for handmade work and offers many different sizes.  

Chain sharpening procedure

Chain sharpening procedure

First of all, place the chainsaw on a flat surface; at home it can be a table; when working in the forest, a large block of wood is perfect. It is important that the chain is tensioned when sharpening, otherwise the procedure will be a failure. Sharpening takes place in the following stages:

  1. A round file is installed in a perpendicular direction when moving the teeth on the chain in a vertical position; if the teeth are in a horizontal position, the file is installed at an angle from 15 to 200 degrees. For horizontal teeth, you can use a holder.

  2. For the procedure to be successful, when installing the file into the tooth mouth, make sure that it is installed just above the edge; 1 mm is enough;

  3. The third stage is installing the holder on the tooth. The lines on such a tool will show the correct direction of movement of the file in a horizontal position.

  4. Once positioned correctly, you can make a couple of strokes with the file until metal shavings form. The shavings are removed with a previously prepared hook;

  5. You need to sharpen the chain in a position away from you; with the correct choice of file diameter, the notches should fit smoothly into the tooth.

  6. For better efficiency, sharpening is carried out through 1 tooth, in the opposite direction the process is carried out along the missing teeth.

  7. It is important to always apply a little pressure on the file during the procedure, this will increase the amount of shavings removed and speed up the process.

Manual machine

Manual machine

For those who do not like to go into details and do the above sharpening of the chain with their own hands using a file, you can give preference to a manual machine.

This machine is based on the same file and can be replaced with a suitable diameter in a few seconds. This machine is attached directly to the tire; if necessary, there is a function for adjusting the sharpening angle.

The machine is capable of creating a stop that will hold the tooth while sharpening. A good device that is low cost and easy to use.  

The machine is used by both novice craftsmen and experienced workers with chainsaws. The cost of the machine is significantly higher than that of expensive electric models. It is recommended to purchase a standard Stihl manual lathe.

Important features when sharpening

Important features when sharpening

If you work with a file and are ready to sharpen it yourself, pay attention to the following nuances and recommendations:

  • A standard file will sharpen a chain a maximum of 2 times;
  • Cleaning up shavings is most convenient with a crochet hook;
  • Mechanical sharpening with a file is faster and cheaper than using a grinder or a machine;
  • To determine the height you will need a template;
  • You can buy a file for sharpening a chainsaw at chainsaw stores;
  • It is advisable to sharpen teeth from problem areas first.

At first glance, the procedure seems complicated, but after the first successful attempt, you will understand how to properly sharpen a chainsaw chain right at your workplace. 


How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home with your own hands?

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home with your own hands?

Basic ways to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home

Basic ways to sharpen a chainsaw chain at home

Most often, owners of inexpensive chainsaws resort to sharpening the chain at home. No, you can, of course, turn to the experts for help in this case, but, as a rule, there is no extra time for this. Therefore, armed with a file or grinder, most try to sharpen the chainsaw chain themselves, making the most serious mistakes.

The main ones are incorrectly maintained chain sharpening angle, grinding of teeth or locks (if a grinder is used). As mentioned earlier, you can sharpen a chainsaw chain using various tools for these purposes. The most common of them are an ordinary round file, a special machine for sharpening chainsaw chains, and an angle grinder, popularly referred to as a “grinder.”

Using a file - the advantages of sharpening chainsaw chains with a file are that all the work can be done directly on the site itself, while cutting down trees. However, this method of sharpening chains is not fast.

Special sharpening machine - most often this method is used by service centers. However, if you buy or make a sharpening machine for chainsaw chains with your own hands, then similar work can be done at home. The advantage of sharpening machines is that they allow you to sharpen the chain more efficiently (observing angles, inclinations, etc.).

Using a grinder is the fastest, but far from ideal way to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw. In addition, you need to get used to this method of sharpening and take special care during its implementation (you can both ruin the chainsaw chain and harm your health). When sharpening a chain with a grinder, you must not forget about observing your own safety measures.

So, let's go in order and consider each of the above methods for sharpening chainsaw chains, at home, separately.

Sharpening a chainsaw chain with a file

Sharpening a chainsaw chain with a file

To sharpen a chainsaw chain with a file, several types of this tool are used. A round file with a diameter of 4 to 5.5 mm, as well as a needle file, but not just any file will do (it is also important to consider the size of the tool).

The first thing you need to do is set the chainsaw on a flat surface. Next, you need to troubleshoot the chain for broken teeth and other serious damage. If there are any, sharpening the chain with a file will be useless, and you will have to resort to various other methods of restoring the chainsaw chain.

Then you need to reset the chainsaw brake to working condition, after which you can begin sharpening with a file. To do this, the round file moves forward with little effort inside the chain tooth, parallel to the mark on it. The mark for the standard sharpening angle of chainsaw chains is specially applied by manufacturers to the product.

Thus, by moving the chain along the bar, all teeth are sharpened. To simplify this work, special holders will help, on the surface of which the required sharpening angle of the chainsaw chain is already applied, both for longitudinal and transverse cuts.

Chainsaw chain sharpening machine

Chainsaw chain sharpening machine

A chainsaw chain sharpening machine will be more convenient and efficient in operation. Using this device, you will be able to sharpen the chain on a chainsaw most correctly and efficiently, while maintaining the required angles on both sides at once.

Chainsaw chain sharpening machines can be either manual or electric. For example, the well-known company STIHL produces two types of manual machines for sharpening chains on chainsaws: FG 1 and FG 2 (mobile sharpening machines).

The design of such mobile sharpeners allows you to mount the machine directly on the chainsaw bar, set the recommended sharpening angle, and through special guides, quickly and conveniently move the file while sharpening the chain teeth. As a rule, sharpening one tooth will require only a few strokes (without slipping and deviations from the angle, as is the case with sharpening chains without a special machine).

Electric sharpening machines for chainsaw chains, in fact, make it possible to do all the work, even without the necessary operator experience. However, electric sharpeners are an order of magnitude more expensive than manual chain sharpening machines, so their use is advisable in large service centers when it is necessary to sharpen chains in large quantities.

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a grinder

How to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a grinder

The easiest and fastest way to sharpen chainsaw chains is with an angle grinder - an angle grinder. However, this method has several significant disadvantages. Firstly, the quality of chain sharpening leaves much to be desired, and secondly, some experience is needed, otherwise the chain can be seriously damaged or even ruined.

In order to sharpen a chainsaw chain with a grinder, you will need a metal disc, always without sharp edges. To grind down the edges of the disc and make them slightly dull, you can use a regular stone or tile. It is very important that the chainsaw, when sharpening the chain with a grinder, stands stably on a flat surface, and its chain is stationary (you need to set the chainsaw's handbrake to working condition).

At the same time, when sharpening a chainsaw chain with a grinder, you need to be as attentive and careful as possible so as not to damage the eyelet for fastening the links. This could cause the chain to break while cutting the wood, resulting in serious injury. The entire procedure for sharpening a chainsaw chain with a grinder comes down to grinding down the edge of the tooth using a rotating metal disk on both sides, observing the existing sharpening angles.

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Sharpening a chain - how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands

Sharpening a chain - how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with your own hands

Everyone knows that the saw chain used in chainsaws requires periodic sharpening, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. It is very easy to determine that a saw requires chain sharpening; to do this, you need to inspect the sawdust, and if it consists of fine dust, then the tool needs to be sharpened. If it is impossible to sharpen, you should replace it with a new one.

Using an unsharpened chain can lead to engine overheating and scoring on the cylinder.

Let's look at the main ways you can sharpen a chain on a chainsaw without any problems.

How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw with your own hands

How to sharpen a chain on a chainsaw with your own hands

A person who has a chainsaw on his farm should know how to sharpen a chainsaw chain with his own hands. There are several ways:

  • Sharpen using a file (the most common method of sharpening, since it allows you to sharpen the tool directly at the site of sawing work.)
  • Sharpen using a special machine (this method is used in service centers, but can also be used in private households)
  • Sharpen using a grinder. Sharpening using this method requires certain skills. A less common method, because It is quite difficult to sharpen correctly using an angle grinder.

In this video, you can familiarize yourself with the sharpening process, the most popular methods and tools used for this.

Sharpening with a file

Sharpening with a file

The first thing you need to sharpen a chain or correct it a little is special files.



For sharpening and straightening saw chains, two types of files are used. The first is a round file with a diameter corresponding to the rounding diameter of the working edge of the saw tooth.

For sharpening saw chains of household tools, round files with a diameter of 4, 4.8 mm are used, this is due to the fact that they have a small tooth. For professional models, more powerful chains with larger teeth are used, and accordingly, files with a diameter of 5.2, 5.5 mm are needed.

In order to sharpen correctly, it is not enough to sharpen only the cutting edges of the tooth; you also need to adjust the cutting depth limiter. If this is not done, the chain will not cut into the material being cut to the required depth, which will significantly reduce the speed of work and, just like in a situation with a blunt chain, can lead to overheating of the saw engine due to insufficient load on the engine. This work is done using a flat file.

Description of the sharpening process using files

Description of the sharpening process using files

The first step in straightening a saw chain on a saw is to place the tool on a flat platform or table. In forest conditions, a large diameter chock is well suited for this. Next, you need to inspect the saw chain for any defects, these could be cracks or completely broken teeth. After inspection, you need to set the brake to working condition, thereby blocking its movement on the tire.

The chain must be tensioned when sharpening with a file.

It is advisable to place a stand under the bar; you can use a log, a piece of a branch of a suitable diameter as it, or manufacturers of sharpening tools have special clamps to hold the bar while sharpening the chain.

The chain is sharpened by moving the file from the inside of the tooth outwards. In this case, the file should be located parallel to the special mark on the chain. This mark is applied by the chain manufacturer to indicate the standard sharpening angle.

The tooth being sharpened should be located approximately in the middle of the bar, this is necessary for the convenience of work; during the sharpening process, you need to move the chain along the bar, not forgetting to set the brake to the working position each time.

The work of sharpening a chain on a chainsaw must be carried out using gloves made of rough material, otherwise it is quite easy to injure yourself, because the working surface of the teeth is very sharp.

Ideally, manufacturers advise performing the same number of file movements for each tooth, but in practice this is not always possible, because the teeth have varying degrees of damage to the working edge.

To facilitate sharpening the saw chain using a file, special holders with corner markings applied to them can be used. Markings are made not only for a standard transverse cut, but also for a longitudinal one.

Tool holders are also convenient to use if you do not have sufficient sharpening experience. Experienced craftsmen do not use holders for sharpening, but can only use special devices that support the file.

Another device designed for sharpening is a manual saw chain straightening machine. It uses a regular file as a sharpening tool, which you can replace yourself. The machine is mounted directly on the tire; it also has the ability to adjust the angle of sharpening the tooth and a special stop that holds the tooth being sharpened.

Manual sharpening machine, perfect for beginners. Along with electric models of sharpening machines, manual ones have their undeniable advantage in the form of a low price. Depending on the manufacturer of the manual machine, their appearance may vary, but the principle of operation is the same for all.

Adjustment of the cutting depth is done using a flat file, so that there is a difference between the upper cutting edge of the tooth and the height limiter.

As can be seen from the figure, the depth stop is ground down in such a way as to bring the gap to the factory value. Below is a table that shows the main values ​​of angles, as well as clearances for the most common types of chains.

As a rule, the gap size is adjusted using a special die. It is installed on the chain during sharpening, after which the depth stop is ground off.

Electric sharpening machines

Electric sharpening machines

To straighten a large number of chains, as a rule, in service centers or at manufacturing plants, electric sharpening machines are used. Depending on the manufacturer, the design of the machines may vary, but they have the same operating principle.

The saw chain is installed in a special guide, which is mounted on the basis of a rotating platform and has a special clamp to hold the tooth being sharpened. The latch is capable of moving in a horizontal plane.

An electric sander is installed at an adjustable angle to the tooth being sharpened, which is turned on by the operator by pressing the start button. The depth of immersion of the emery, as well as the angle at which sharpening is done, can be adjusted. The dive itself is performed by the operator.

  The chain is straightened with a special grinding wheel, which can be changed if necessary.

How to sharpen using an angle grinder (grinder)

How to sharpen using an angle grinder (grinder)

The method of sharpening a saw chain using an angle grinder is the least common because it is not safe. In order to straighten the teeth of a chain using a grinder as a sharpening tool, you need to install it in a vice and clamp it securely.

Next, the tool is turned on and the tooth edge to be sharpened is placed on the rotating surface of the disk. A tooth sharpened in this way can differ significantly from one sharpened with a file, because

During the editing process using a grinder, it is quite difficult to control the sharpening angle.

A big disadvantage can be considered the possibility of cutting the eyelet of the connecting link of the chain with the grinder disc, which will subsequently lead to rupture during work. If in the process of working with a chainsaw the need for sharpening arises, it is better to use a special tool rather than come up with various tricks that can result not only in financial losses, but also cause serious injuries during their implementation.

Sharpening a chain is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Any person, after studying the process of straightening chains, can independently sharpen the cutting set of his tool. Even if the first time you manage to do it not very well, you shouldn’t despair, because... With each next attempt, the result will get better and better.


Sharpening a chainsaw chain with a set of files, a grinder, on an electric machine and using a special system

Sharpening a chainsaw chain with a set of files, a grinder, on an electric machine and using a special system

Electric and chainsaws are included in the arsenal of many private home owners, along with such devices as a drill, hammer drill, etc. This tool has one negative side - the chain gets dull from time to time. You can sharpen it yourself if you know how to do it correctly.

How to determine if a chain is dull

How to determine if a chain is dull

Anyone who has ever used a sharp chainsaw will quickly understand when the chain needs sharpening. There are several ways to determine this:

  • instead of shavings, when cutting wood, practically dust falls out;
  • the time of operations increases;
  • you feel the strain on your hands;
  • fuel consumption increases;
  • the saw gets stuck and breaks out of your hands;
  • The cuts turn out crooked.

Sharpening should be carried out as soon as possible, and not only because it becomes difficult to work with the tool. When using an unsharpened chain, its service life is shortened and the mechanism of the chainsaw itself wears out faster and fails ahead of schedule.

What to sharpen

What to sharpen

Sharpening a chainsaw chain is not an easy process. There are three options that are used today:

  • using a file;
  • Bulgarians;
  • special sharpening machine.

Similar methods are used when sharpening knives, scissors and other cutting tools, so nothing extraordinary has been invented here. However, there are also special tools for sharpening the PowerSharp system. They allow you to quickly sharpen saws at home, which have a special mark indicating the design features.



Using a set of files is the most common method that can be done at home. But it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. To carry out sharpening, you will need two types of files: round and flat. Each of them has its own purpose.

Using a round tool, you need to sharpen the working edge of the saw tooth, because its configuration is rounded. For household chainsaws, a file with a diameter of 4-5 mm is used, because the saw teeth are small. Professional saws are sharpened with files with a diameter of 5.2-5.5 mm.

Use a flat file to sharpen the cutting depth limiter. If this edge is not adjusted, the chain will not cut into the wood to the required depth, which will reduce the cutting speed. And this will directly affect both excessive fuel consumption and overheating of the saw engine.

How to sharpen with files correctly

How to sharpen with files correctly

First of all, the power tool must be prepared. It is installed on a flat surface, it can be a table or a workbench. The chain is tensioned to the maximum, set to brake mode, for which the locking lever is turned. The saw teeth are inspected for defects: chips, cracks, complete fractures, etc.

As for the process of sharpening chainsaw chains with your own hands, there are several recommendations:

  • The teeth must be sharpened with a file from the inside out;
  • there is a mark on the chain that the manufacturer applies specifically to indicate the degree of sharpening;
  • The tooth to be sharpened should be located in the middle of the chain for ease of work;
  • sharpened, removed the chain from the lock, moved the next tooth to the middle, and put it on the brake.

You need to work with the saw carefully, wearing protective gloves, because the teeth of the chain are quite sharp. The number of movements along the plane of the edge varies depending on the damage to the teeth.



Construction stores sell special holders that make it easy to sharpen the chain of an electric or chainsaw, because they clearly indicate the sharpening angle and the depth of the stop. Having installed the device on the chain, you just need to adhere to the configuration of the holder without going beyond the stops. In principle, this will not work, so the teeth sharpened on the holder have the required angle and depth parameters.

Another device that makes sharpening easier is the so-called machine for straightening the teeth of saw chains. The device is secured to the chain bar with special clamps included in the design of the device. The guide is set at an angle that determines the degree of sharpening. It can be adjusted by changing the parameter.

The tooth to be sharpened is secured with a special stop, on which a file is also placed. This type of machine is produced by a large number of different manufacturers. The instruments may differ purely in appearance, but structurally they are all the same.

Please note that first the working edges of the teeth are sharpened by hand, and only after that the depth stop is trimmed. In this case, it is necessary to strictly maintain the difference in the height of the tooth edge and the upper plane of the stop.

PowerSharp system

PowerSharp system

It should be noted that this device cannot sharpen all types of chains. They are suitable for their own chains and tires marked PowerSharp. The bar is easily inserted into any saw, and it has one difference from the standard ones - an additional hole in the front.

The sharpening system comes with a plastic block into which the sharpening stone is installed. That is, a bar is inserted inside the block, on which a chain is previously put on. It is fixed there with a pin, which is inserted just through an additional hole in the tire. The block is closed with a lid. At the front of the block there is a key that functions as a lever. It must be bent, thereby pressing the abrasive stone to the teeth of the chain.

After this, the saw must be rested on the ground with the key and turned on at maximum speed. A couple of seconds, and the saw is sharpened.

Sharpening machines

Sharpening machines

Nobody in service centers uses files for a long time. Because correct sharpening of a chain means precisely maintaining the parameters of the angle of the teeth and the height of the stop.

It is difficult to achieve this manually, but the service center guarantees the quality of the operation with long-term operation of the electric or chainsaw.

The variety of sharpening machines is amazing. There are both ordinary simple mechanical devices and electrical ones. At the same time, manufacturers offer small-sized machines that are installed directly on the bar, desktop ones, in which the chain is installed without a bar.

The simplicity of the sharpening procedure is due to the fact that the sharpening machine has a retainer in its design in which the chain is secured. It is installed so that the chain is fixed vertically in it.

You can adjust the installation location of the device. This is quite simple to do, because the latch can move in a horizontal plane. The angle of inclination is determined by the abrasive disk (circle), which is mounted on the motor shaft. This way the sharpener is positioned at the required angle set at the factory. But it can also be changed depending on the required degree of inclination.

For example, for cutting hard wood an angle of 20-25° is required, for soft wood - 30-35°; to cut wood along the grain, you can use chains with a tooth angle of 10°.

The rotation of the disk is carried out by an electric motor, but its immersion is carried out manually by the operator. But even here you can set the necessary parameter so as not to increase the depth of the cut. By the way, the disk is a removable element.

Sharpening with a grinder

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