How to solder a 25 pipe

Let's figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes: technology features and tips for choosing tools

We solder polypropylene pipes

Modern repair technologies and materials allow you to assemble utility lines with your own hands, without the help of specialists. It's very easy to find tutorial videos that clearly show how to do this.

However, there are some subtleties that are best learned from detailed written reviews. We will analyze, for example, how to solder polypropylene pipes, how to follow all stages of the technology and avoid the most common mistakes when installing them yourself.

First, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the technical features of propylene pipes and find out how their heat resistance and thermal elongation can affect the operation of the assembled pipeline. And taking into account such knowledge, carry out the installation of the highway.

Heat resistance and thermal elongation

Propylene is a durable plastic, but it loses its stability under certain technical conditions. The material loses its hardness, and therefore its shape, if the coolant temperature rises to + 140 degrees.

However, if you look at the technical data sheet, manufacturers give much more modest figures. They advise choosing propylene pipes for installing a heating system where the coolant temperature does not rise above +95 degrees.

Why is there such a big difference? Why do experts not recommend using polypropylene for the installation of heating supply lines?

Because at higher temperatures the material being described changes its linear dimensions. When heated, the pipes sag greatly, and the stress that arises in this case can lead to serious consequences in the form of dangerous utility accidents. There are some techniques to eliminate these disadvantages of polypropylene.

For example, it is necessary to use reinforced products instead of simple plastic pipes for installing a heating system. They have a linear elongation coefficient 5 times less than that of conventional plastic, so a pipeline assembled from them can withstand pressure 5 times greater.

But even if reinforced pipes are used, it is necessary to install compensators - special U-shaped bends assembled on straight sections of pipes. As the temperature of the coolant increases, this will allow the elastic pipelines to remain straight due to the fact that the U-shaped outlet will narrow slightly.

Note! When assembling heating using polypropylene pipes, it is better to combine both approaches and use fiberglass-reinforced options with U-shaped branches.


Before soldering the described pipes, you need to find out what type of polypropylene is used in them:

  1. Fiberglass reinforced.
  2. Aluminum reinforced.

Soldering with your own hands is easier than the first option, and welding in this case is no different from welding ordinary plastic. Pipes reinforced with aluminum must first be cleaned. To do this, you will need a special tool in the form of a sharp knife - a shaver. If black pipes are used, where the reinforcing layer is located between two layers of plastic, for stripping you need to take a trimmer - a narrow knife that will allow you to trim from the end side.

Choosing pipes for heating

Choosing a material for heating installation is actually not that difficult. The modern market offers four options, and each has its own marking:

  • Polypropylene under the PN 10 brand is intended for assembling a “warm floor” system and cold water supply.
  • Brand PN 16 can be used for cold water supply and heating installations, in which the coolant circulates under low operating pressure.
  • Brand PN 20 is a universal option, capable of withstanding a working pressure of 2 MPa and a coolant temperature of +80 degrees.
  • Brand PN 25 is a reinforced polypropylene pipe, suitable for installation of heating and hot water supply systems with coolant temperatures up to +95 degrees.

Where can I get a soldering iron?

The main tool for soldering is a soldering iron, which is used to create sealed seams. You can buy it in a store, borrow it from friends, or rent it from special construction companies. So in this regard there will be no problems.

When purchasing a tool, you must choose one that will allow you to perform all the required operations. As a rule, when assembling plumbing and heating with your own hands, you do not need to buy fancy models with a large number of attachments. The power of the soldering iron only affects the speed of its heating, but not the process itself, so there is no point in overpaying.

Note! Inexpensive models come with 3 nozzles for collecting plastic pipes with a diameter of 20, 25 and 32 mm. Pipes of this exact diameter are used for installing internal communications wiring.

Devices for welding polypropylene pipes

The welding soldering iron has a fairly simple design. The main thing about it is the sole, equipped with heating elements. The sole is equipped with holes of various diameters. You can attach attachments to them, which can be used to solder pipes. The heating temperature is controlled by a thermostat located on the housing.

Using it you can set degrees. Their values ​​are noted in the instructions, and the table is published on the Internet. It is necessary to set the temperature depending on the type of materials being welded. So, for example, for soldering polyethylene pipes, a mode of 220 degrees is selected, and for polypropylene pipes - 260 degrees.

In addition to a soldering iron, during work you may need:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Hacksaw for metal.
  4. Sharp knife.
  5. Scissors for cutting polypropylene.
  6. Shaver.

Soldering iron technology

Welding technology

The simplest instructions detailing how to properly solder polypropylene pipes are as follows:

  • The welding machine comes with a special stand. A soldering iron is placed on it and plugged into an outlet. But first, a sleeve is inserted into the hole of the soldering iron.
  • The ends of the polypropylene are prepared. If it is reinforced with fiberglass, it does not need to be treated. Aluminum-reinforced material will have to be trimmed by chamfering and marking it with a marker. This will help control the depth of immersion of the pipe into the soldering iron coupling.
  • First, we measure and cut the required section, adding 25 mm to it - they will be inserted into the fitting when soldering.
  • When the soldering iron reaches the desired temperature, you will hear a characteristic sound. Then a coupling is inserted into the nozzle on one side, and a prepared pipe on the other.
  • The time indicated in the table is recorded. Usually soldering takes from 4 to 10 seconds. While the coupling and pipe are in the soldering iron, they cannot be rotated or moved. You cannot touch them even after the parts are removed from the soldering iron. The accumulated temperature will allow you to create a sealed seam.

As you can see, the technology for welding polypropylene pipes is quite simple. You just need to follow certain rules for making seams.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Be sure to remove the chamfer. Otherwise, you can lift up the plastic when connecting, and the seam will not be airtight.
  2. When two parts are connected to each other, they cannot be rotated.
  3. Both the fitting and the pipe must be inserted into each other until they stop.
  4. Do not clean the nozzle while the soldering iron is on. It is better to remove melted plastic with a rough cloth and pull the cord out of the outlet.

Soldering with an electric coupling

You can solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands using an electric coupling instead of a soldering iron. In this case, the process is further simplified and productivity is almost doubled.

Do-it-yourself soldering of polypropylene pipes

The edges of reinforced pipes are prepared in the same way. When connecting parts, clamps are used. The electric coupling is connected to the network.

The device comes with a table and instructions on how to perform soldering and how long it should take. Electrodes are attached to the coupling body, and the heating time is set manually. There is a monitor on the coupling body, which displays information that the soldering time is over.

Welding is performed with high quality. Rejection is possible only in one case - when there are defects in the spirals.

It is more convenient to use an electric coupling than a soldering iron:

  • Firstly, with its help you can halve the pipeline assembly time without losing its quality.
  • Secondly, with the help of a coupling it is easier to join connections located in hard-to-reach places.
  • Thirdly, the described device is cheaper, has a more compact size, and is more convenient to work with. There is only one drawback - it is impossible to weld small-diameter pipes using an electric coupling.

Generalization on the topic

After carefully reading the proposed material and watching the training video, you can easily assemble a heating, cold and hot water supply pipeline with your own hands. Moreover, now you know how to solder polypropylene pipes. You just need to take into account all the nuances of existing technologies and strictly follow the welding rules.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

  • Pipes;
  • fitting;
  • napkins;
  • gloves;
  • soldering iron;
  • pipe cutters;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • isopropyl alcohol.

‑channel “Do-it-yourself repairs”

Connecting polypropylene pipes is quite simple, but - as with any other structure - before starting work, it is advisable to prepare an approximate installation diagram.

Sketch out a drawing on paper with the location of the insertion points, shut-off valves and other necessary parts. This way you can immediately estimate the length of the pipes, as well as determine the location, type and number of fittings needed.

Since both ends of the pipeline heat up during connection, for ease of installation it is important that one of them remains free. Some pipes with fittings can be assembled on a table and then installed in the desired location, making just one joint. All this will help to provide an assembly diagram.

3. Prepare your soldering iron

In general, the device is correctly called a “welding machine.” The process of joining polypropylene takes place without the use of solder, which means it is welding and not soldering. We will use both terms.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Install nozzles of the required diameter onto the soldering iron platform and secure them with a screw using a wrench. If you are working with pipes of several sizes, use an additional pair of sleeves.

Set the heating temperature to 260 °C and turn on the device. It will take 10–20 minutes to heat up. An LED indicator will indicate that it is ready for use. You need to wait about 5 more minutes before welding the first joint.

When polypropylene is heated, harmful fumes and smoke are released, which should not be inhaled. Therefore, ventilate the room while working.

4. Make markings

While the soldering iron is heating up, prepare the pipe and fittings. For high-quality welding, they must fit into each other strictly to a certain depth. Insufficient immersion will lead to a poor connection, and excessive immersion will reduce or completely block the flow area with extruded plastic. Here are the values ​​recommended by most manufacturers for the most common sizes:

As you can see, the soldering depth depends on the diameter of the pipes and fittings.

‑channel FV Miano

To avoid mistakes, measure the required length of the pipe, taking into account the allowance for the joint, and mark it with a pencil. Then, at the required distance from this mark, draw another line - it will serve as a guide during welding.

For example, we need to connect an angle and a tee in a heating system. The distance between them is 270 mm. For fittings with a diameter of 25 mm, the soldering depth is 18 mm, which means we add another 36 mm to 270 (18 on each side). The result is 306 mm - this is exactly the piece of pipe that needs to be cut off.

5. Cut the pipe

To cut polypropylene, special scissors are used, which are also called pipe cutters. They make it easy to cut off a thick-walled pipe and get smooth edges without burrs.

‑channel “Sergey Efimov”

Place the scissors exactly perpendicular to the pipe and align the blade with the first mark. Holding the pipe with one hand, press the handles of the scissors with the other until the part is completely cut.

It is important to get an even end so that the pipe fits evenly into the fitting and is soldered equally over the entire diameter. If you cut it at an angle, the protruding part will go in too deep and the molten polypropylene will squeeze out, reducing the inner diameter of the fitting.

If the edge turns out to be uneven and the margin allows, it is better to cut it again. If the length is close, trim the end, removing all excess with a sharp knife.

6. Degrease parts

According to the instructions of all manufacturers, the parts to be welded must be degreased for a quality connection. And although many craftsmen neglect this and limit themselves to only wiping the pipes with a rag, we recommend sticking to the technology.

‑channel "KaUT Company"

Clean the pipes of any contamination. Drain off any remaining water and wipe thoroughly with a napkin or toilet paper. Clean the surfaces of fittings and pipes with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

The same alcohol can easily erase all the inscriptions on the pipes and give them a more aesthetic appearance.

7. Heat the pipe and fitting

There is a risk of serious burns when working with a hot soldering iron, so be sure to wear protective gloves. Parts of different sizes need to be heated for a certain time. The larger the diameter, the longer.

For a reliable connection, it is important not to overheat the polypropylene, otherwise the material will become fluid, melt and block the fitting from the inside.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Insert the fitting first into the corresponding soldering iron sleeves, then the pipe. When pushing parts, do not rotate them around their axis or tilt them. Insert the pipe to the previously marked depth until the molten polypropylene reaches the pencil line. Only then count down the allotted time.

All specified data is valid for work at an ambient temperature of about 20 ° C. If the room is colder than 5 °C, the heating time approximately doubles.

8. Weld the joint

Without turning or tilting, quickly remove first the pipe and then the fitting from the nozzles and connect both parts in the desired position relative to each other. Don't fuss, but don't hesitate either - you have 4-6 seconds left.

‑channel FV Miano

Hold the pipe and fitting motionless for about 5 seconds to ensure the joint locks into place. At this moment, it is allowed to rotate the connection no more than 10 degrees to correct its position.

The complete cooling time, after which the welding site can be loaded, ranges from 2 to 4 minutes.

Remains of polypropylene from the nozzle can be easily removed with a paper napkin while the soldering iron is hot. If you clean already cooled cartridges, there is a risk of damaging the Teflon coating.

9. Check the connection

‑channel FV Miano

The quality of welding can be determined by a small, uniform bead at the end of the fitting. If it is not there, then perhaps the joint is underheated and the tightness will be in question. If the influx is too large, the pipe is most likely overheated and it melts inside, partially or completely blocking the flow area.

For those who are dealing with polypropylene welding for the first time, it would be a good idea to first practice and weld a few practice joints. It's better to learn on straight couplings. Unlike corners and other fittings of complex shapes, they can be easily inspected after soldering, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

Nowadays, there often comes a time when it is necessary to replace old, expired, often already rusted pipes. And here begins the frantic search for craftsmen to replace or repair them. Typically, there used to be terrible iron (metal) pipes that were impossible to deal with on your own. Today, the best solution is polypropylene pipes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

What are polypropylene pipes?

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

The strength and durability of various plastic communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is taken into account. When welding polypropylene products, it is necessary to take into account the heating time of the material and the cooling time of the joints.

Correct comparison and consideration of temperature and time parameters of the soldering process of technical products made of polypropylene contributes to the production of a durable and reliable material.

If you deviate from the technology, the product will have breaks at the joints and be of poor quality.

Soldering PP pipes

general information

How to solder polypropylene pipes

How to solder polypropylene pipes

How to solder polypropylene pipes

Fig.2. Nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 20, 40, 32, 40, 50, 63.

The welding machine is installed on a flat surface and replaceable heaters of the required size are secured to it using special keys. It is advisable to install the entire required set of nozzles (see Fig. 3) on the device’s seats before heating the device.

Fig.3. Welding machine before heating with installed nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes.

From the point of view of heating uniformity, the location of the nozzle on the heater does not matter. Therefore, the nozzles are placed in a way that is convenient for installation. Closer to the end, place the nozzles necessary for working on the wall, that is, on the pipeline branch being mounted.

The quality of connections directly depends on the ease of performing technological methods, therefore, it is better to assemble all pipeline fragments that can be mounted on a permanently installed device (on a stand) separately.

It is advisable to carry out welding “on the wall”, especially in inconvenient places, with an assistant.

The welding temperature for polypropylene pipes is set on the machine - 260 ° C and 220 ° C for polyethylene and PERT pipelines).

Depending on the ambient temperature, heating lasts 10-15 minutes.

The operating temperature on the surface of the heating plates is achieved automatically.

Welding of polypropylene pipes and fittings is prohibited at temperatures below 0°C. Air temperature during welding is very important. So the welding time must be increased at low air temperatures and reduced in hot conditions.

General rule for socket welding

The inner diameter of the unheated fitting should be slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the pipe.

It is recommended to carry out the first welding 5 minutes after heating the welding machine. After each use, the welding machine must be cleaned of any remaining plastic.

Socket welding of plastic parts to each other is carried out as follows.

1. Use scissors or a pipe cutter to cut the pipe at a right angle.


2. If necessary, clean the end of the pipe and the socket of the fitting from dust and dirt, degrease with alcohol or soapy water and then dry.

When welding PN 10 and PN 20 pipes, nothing else needs to be done at this stage.

When welding reinforced pipes PN 25 with a special tool using a shaver, the two top layers of polypropylene and aluminum are removed from the pipe. The size of the fitting socket is made in such a way that only a pipe with the top layers removed can fit into it. The depth of stripping is carried out according to the stop of the tool, which determines the depth of welding.


Fig.5. Shaver


Fig.6. Processing the pipe with a shaver.

3. Apply a mark to the pipe at a distance equal to the depth of the socket plus 2 mm. If you use rough parts, fittings and tools from the same manufacturer, then, most often, you don’t need to do any calculations. The shaver (Fig. 2) removes the top layers of the pipe exactly to the welding depth, and the dimensions of the heating nozzles are such that it is impossible to insert a pipe into them to a depth greater than required.

4. Place the parts to be joined on the appropriate nozzles: insert the pipe into the sleeve to the mark indicating the welding depth, and put the fitting socket on the mandrel.

5. Maintain the heating time (see Table 1), then remove the parts from the device and connect them to each other without turning the parts along the axis. Welding fittings must be connected to the pipe with a quick, confident movement, maintaining the alignment of the pipe and coupling. The connection between the pipe and the fitting must occur to the depth determined by the boundary inside the fitting socket.

6. After welding, it is necessary to maintain a cooling time, especially for thin-walled pipes. Rotation and bending (deformation) during cooling are not permitted.

A connection with poor alignment or angle of relative position of the fittings is subject to only one method of correction - the incorrectly connected fitting is cut out.

You must be especially careful when welding elements for which position is important - angles, tees, ball valves. The latter must be welded so that the handle can move freely to all positions.

If you are soldering (welding) polypropylene pipes for the first time, you can cut the first connection to check, it should look like this:

Table 1. Technical parameters of welding (soldering) of polypropylene pipes. The welding machine must be constantly switched on during the entire welding process. Heating begins simultaneously for two parts.

If underheating occurs, there is a possibility that the parts will not reach the temperature of viscous plasticity. In this case, the connection will be unreliable and diffusion of the material may not occur.

When overheated, there is a possibility of loss of shape stability, the adhesion (stickiness) of the material will be excessive. It will be impossible to insert the pipe into the fitting, and as the force increases, the edges of the pipe will bend inward or become wrinkled. The connection will be narrowed.

Sticking of material on the fittings indicates either poor quality of the Teflon coating of the welding machine nozzles, or overheating of the plastic during welding.

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) of reinforced polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

The appearance of welded joints must satisfy the following requirements: 

  • Misalignment of pipes by more than the thickness of their wall is not allowed;
  • The outer surface of the connecting part welded to the pipe should not have cracks, folds or other defects caused by overheating;
  • At the edge of the socket of the connecting part welded to the pipe, a continuous bead of melted material should be visible around the entire circumference, protruding beyond the end surface of the connecting part.

Instructions for welding welded seats

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

When water communications consisting of plastic pipes are assembled, temperature becomes the most important parameter. It must have certain values ​​to achieve a strong and reliable connection.

Today, the technology for laying pipelines made of such materials requires compliance with a certain temperature regime, as well as specific time values, when performing welding work. If you do not follow the recommended parameters, a rupture may appear in key areas and the movement of the water flow may deteriorate significantly.

General influence of temperature during docking work

How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

Plastic pipes are being used more and more often than metal ones, since they have undeniable advantages, which include a longer service life - up to 50 years for polypropylene pipes, as well as high sound insulation characteristics, resistance to temperature changes, low electrical and thermal conductivity.

PVC pipes are also popular because they are very durable, reliable and easy to install.

Initially, such products were not soldered. Polypropylene pipelines were connected by gluing with special adhesives.

In some countries of the world, polypropylene pipes with small diameters, which are used indoors, are still connected by gluing today.

However, a more reliable and simpler method of fastening is soldering. From this article you will learn how to solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

And so that you better understand the technology of work, we recommend reading articles and watching videos on how to solder polypropylene pipes.

Required Tools

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

Thanks to a wide range, affordable prices and ease of installation, polypropylene pipes have practically replaced other materials previously used in the construction and repair of utility lines. To connect them, there is no need to use bulky and unsafe gas-electric welding equipment or additional couplings, threads, bends, flax and red lead.

Now all the elements for welding work can fit into a small case.

Factors affecting welding quality

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

A true home craftsman always tries to do without the help of professionals in any repair. And if necessary, you can also do it yourself to replace PVC heating pipes or water supply in the apartment.

The use of polymer pipes for water distribution provides the advantage that there is no need to work with welding or threading, and therefore the work is greatly facilitated.

Before installing polypropylene pipes, you need to have an idea of ​​how to work with a soldering iron for PVC pipes and purchase the necessary tools and materials.

How to solder correctly

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering polypropylene pipes Soldering polypropylene pipes Posted on 03/17/2013 in Polypropylene pipes, Plumbing, Pipes

In the material about polypropylene pipes, I briefly explained what these pipes are.

Now let's talk a little about soldering these pipes.

It’s correct, of course, to say: “welding” or even “diffusion welding of pipes,” but we usually use simpler words: Dictionary diffusion welding, we call soldering Welding machine, we call it a soldering iron or even an iron

We call polypropylene “polycom” or “PPR”

We call the colors this way:
White - Turk.
(Although Valtek also makes white and the quality of the pipes is at a high level) Gray - Czech
Green - German


Let's figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes: technology features and tips for choosing tools

We solder polypropylene pipes

Modern repair technologies and materials allow you to assemble utility lines with your own hands, without the help of specialists. It's very easy to find tutorial videos that clearly show how to do this.

However, there are some subtleties that are best learned from detailed written reviews. We will analyze, for example, how to solder polypropylene pipes, how to follow all stages of the technology and avoid the most common mistakes when installing them yourself.

First, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the technical features of propylene pipes and find out how their heat resistance and thermal elongation can affect the operation of the assembled pipeline. And taking into account such knowledge, carry out the installation of the highway.

Heat resistance and thermal elongation

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

  • Pipes;
  • fitting;
  • napkins;
  • gloves;
  • soldering iron;
  • pipe cutters;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • isopropyl alcohol.

‑channel “Do-it-yourself repairs”

Connecting polypropylene pipes is quite simple, but - as with any other structure - before starting work, it is advisable to prepare an approximate installation diagram.

Sketch out a drawing on paper with the location of the insertion points, shut-off valves and other necessary parts. This way you can immediately estimate the length of the pipes, as well as determine the location, type and number of fittings needed.

Since both ends of the pipeline heat up during connection, for ease of installation it is important that one of them remains free. Some pipes with fittings can be assembled on a table and then installed in the desired location, making just one joint. All this will help to provide an assembly diagram.

3. Prepare your soldering iron

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

Nowadays, there often comes a time when it is necessary to replace old, expired, often already rusted pipes. And here begins the frantic search for craftsmen to replace or repair them. Typically, there used to be terrible iron (metal) pipes that were impossible to deal with on your own. Today, the best solution is polypropylene pipes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

What are polypropylene pipes?

It is polypropylene pipes that are now leaders in the market, as a result of which their production has increased significantly, ahead of materials such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. These pipes contain a synthetic polymer from the polyolefin class. These are fairly solid white pipes, they are moisture resistant with electrical insulation properties.

Combining all the properties of polypropylene pipes into one, it is necessary to inform that the service life of cold water supply from this material is from 45 to 50 years, and that of hot water supply is from 20 to 25 years. Please note that the declared service life of polypropylene pipes from manufacturers is twice as long if the pipes are used in accordance with established temperature and water pressure standards.

Pipe installation and necessary tools

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

The strength and durability of various plastic communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is taken into account. When welding polypropylene products, it is necessary to take into account the heating time of the material and the cooling time of the joints.

Correct comparison and consideration of temperature and time parameters of the soldering process of technical products made of polypropylene contributes to the production of a durable and reliable material.

If you deviate from the technology, the product will have breaks at the joints and be of poor quality.

Soldering PP pipes

general information

The temperature regime for soldering polypropylene pipe products directly depends on the polymer used. In practice, 4 types of materials are used:

  • PN10, used for the use of technical products at temperatures up to +40 C;
  • PN16 for use at +60 C;
  • PN20, used in water supply from +80 C to +95 C;
  • PN25 for operating modes above +95 C.

In addition to maintaining temperature conditions, welding polypropylene pipes with your own hands depends on the pressure that pipe technical products of a specific marking can withstand.

The first type is used when laying technical products intended for cold water supply. Pipe products marked PN20 are considered universal and are intended for cold and hot water supply, but taking into account that the effect of +95 C is short-term. If the temperature is not maintained, then due to its action they will lose their tightness and become deformed.

Soldering mode and its effect on the process

How to solder polypropylene pipes

Fig.2. Nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 20, 40, 32, 40, 50, 63.

The welding machine is installed on a flat surface and replaceable heaters of the required size are secured to it using special keys. It is advisable to install the entire required set of nozzles (see Fig. 3) on the device’s seats before heating the device.

Fig.3. Welding machine before heating with installed nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes.

From the point of view of heating uniformity, the location of the nozzle on the heater does not matter. Therefore, the nozzles are placed in a way that is convenient for installation. Closer to the end, place the nozzles necessary for working on the wall, that is, on the pipeline branch being mounted.

The quality of connections directly depends on the ease of performing technological methods, therefore, it is better to assemble all pipeline fragments that can be mounted on a permanently installed device (on a stand) separately.

It is advisable to carry out welding “on the wall”, especially in inconvenient places, with an assistant.

The welding temperature for polypropylene pipes is set on the machine - 260 ° C and 220 ° C for polyethylene and PERT pipelines).

Depending on the ambient temperature, heating lasts 10-15 minutes.

The operating temperature on the surface of the heating plates is achieved automatically.

Welding of polypropylene pipes and fittings is prohibited at temperatures below 0°C. Air temperature during welding is very important. So the welding time must be increased at low air temperatures and reduced in hot conditions.

General rule for socket welding

The inner diameter of the unheated fitting should be slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the pipe.

It is recommended to carry out the first welding 5 minutes after heating the welding machine. After each use, the welding machine must be cleaned of any remaining plastic.

Socket welding of plastic parts to each other is carried out as follows.

1. Use scissors or a pipe cutter to cut the pipe at a right angle.


2. If necessary, clean the end of the pipe and the socket of the fitting from dust and dirt, degrease with alcohol or soapy water and then dry.

When welding PN 10 and PN 20 pipes, nothing else needs to be done at this stage.

When welding reinforced pipes PN 25 with a special tool using a shaver, the two top layers of polypropylene and aluminum are removed from the pipe. The size of the fitting socket is made in such a way that only a pipe with the top layers removed can fit into it. The depth of stripping is carried out according to the stop of the tool, which determines the depth of welding.


Fig.5. Shaver


Fig.6. Processing the pipe with a shaver.

3. Apply a mark to the pipe at a distance equal to the depth of the socket plus 2 mm. If you use rough parts, fittings and tools from the same manufacturer, then, most often, you don’t need to do any calculations. The shaver (Fig. 2) removes the top layers of the pipe exactly to the welding depth, and the dimensions of the heating nozzles are such that it is impossible to insert a pipe into them to a depth greater than required.

4. Place the parts to be joined on the appropriate nozzles: insert the pipe into the sleeve to the mark indicating the welding depth, and put the fitting socket on the mandrel.

5. Maintain the heating time (see Table 1), then remove the parts from the device and connect them to each other without turning the parts along the axis. Welding fittings must be connected to the pipe with a quick, confident movement, maintaining the alignment of the pipe and coupling. The connection between the pipe and the fitting must occur to the depth determined by the boundary inside the fitting socket.

6. After welding, it is necessary to maintain a cooling time, especially for thin-walled pipes. Rotation and bending (deformation) during cooling are not permitted.

A connection with poor alignment or angle of relative position of the fittings is subject to only one method of correction - the incorrectly connected fitting is cut out.

You must be especially careful when welding elements for which position is important - angles, tees, ball valves. The latter must be welded so that the handle can move freely to all positions.

If you are soldering (welding) polypropylene pipes for the first time, you can cut the first connection to check, it should look like this:

Table 1. Technical parameters of welding (soldering) of polypropylene pipes. The welding machine must be constantly switched on during the entire welding process. Heating begins simultaneously for two parts.

If underheating occurs, there is a possibility that the parts will not reach the temperature of viscous plasticity. In this case, the connection will be unreliable and diffusion of the material may not occur.

When overheated, there is a possibility of loss of shape stability, the adhesion (stickiness) of the material will be excessive. It will be impossible to insert the pipe into the fitting, and as the force increases, the edges of the pipe will bend inward or become wrinkled. The connection will be narrowed.

Sticking of material on the fittings indicates either poor quality of the Teflon coating of the welding machine nozzles, or overheating of the plastic during welding.

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) of reinforced polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

The appearance of welded joints must satisfy the following requirements: 

  • Misalignment of pipes by more than the thickness of their wall is not allowed;
  • The outer surface of the connecting part welded to the pipe should not have cracks, folds or other defects caused by overheating;
  • At the edge of the socket of the connecting part welded to the pipe, a continuous bead of melted material should be visible around the entire circumference, protruding beyond the end surface of the connecting part.

Instructions for welding welded seats

Welded saddles are used for the installation of subsequent branches from the pipeline, when repairing existing systems. First, it is necessary to drill the wall of the plastic pipe with a Fusiotherm drill.

When using Stabi composite pipes, the remaining aluminum on the drill hole must be removed using the Fusiotherm chamfering tool.


Fig.1. Drilling a hole in the pipe wall.

The welding device/saddle welding tool must reach the required operating temperature of 260°C.
The surfaces to be welded must be clean and dry.


Fig.2. Installation of a welding machine;

The heating connection of the saddle welding tool is inserted into the hole in the wall of the plastic pipe until the tool reaches the entire outer wall of the pipe. The welded seat fitting is then inserted into the heating sleeve until the surface of the seat reaches the crown of the tool. The heating time of the elements is 30 seconds.

Fig.3. Heating of the pipe and seat.

After removing the welding tool, the welded seat fitting is quickly inserted into the heated hole. Then the seat should be pressed accurately and tightly, without rotating, onto the heated outer surface of the plastic pipe.

Fig.4. Installation of a welded seat;

The welded seat is fixed motionless on the pipe for 15 seconds. After 10 minutes of cooling, the connection can be subjected to full load. The corresponding branch pipe is welded into the coupling in the usual way.

Fig.5. Finished welded seat.

Examples of finished polypropylene pipelines welded by socket welding

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

When water communications consisting of plastic pipes are assembled, temperature becomes the most important parameter. It must have certain values ​​to achieve a strong and reliable connection.

Today, the technology for laying pipelines made of such materials requires compliance with a certain temperature regime, as well as specific time values, when performing welding work. If you do not follow the recommended parameters, a rupture may appear in key areas and the movement of the water flow may deteriorate significantly.

General influence of temperature during docking work

The technological process of welding polypropylene pipes is based on heating the material to the required temperature. As a result, the plastic begins to soften. When connecting parts, diffusion of polypropylene molecules occurs. In other words, molecules merge into a compound. When the material cools, an extremely strong joint is formed.

The strength of the workpieces being welded is directly dependent on the temperature regime. If the heating is insufficient, the diffusion process will not occur. The molecules of the fitting and the pipe being welded are simply not able to get into the compatible areas. The welding will be weak and will not be able to withstand heavy loads. The pair will break and the seal of the joint will be broken.

When overheated, the structure will begin to deform. As a result, the original geometry will change. A strong influx in the form of a large roller may form inside the part. As a result, the cross-sectional diameter of the pipeline at the welding site will be significantly reduced.

For normal soldering of polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to create heating to a temperature of 255-265 degrees. The heating process must take into account several parameters:

  • Part diameter.
  • Room temperature.
  • Heating time.

Practice has shown that heating time and part diameter are directly related.

The temperature of the room in which soldering occurs also affects this process. When parts are soldered, when removing them from the “iron” or other heating device, there is a pause before the coupling begins. To compensate for cooling at low temperatures, pp pipes need to be heated a little longer. This additional time is within 2-3 seconds. The selection occurs empirically.

It must be remembered that if you heat polypropylene pipes on a heating apparatus with a temperature setting of more than 270 degrees, the top layer of the part will become very hot. The core will not receive sufficient heating. When joining parts, the thickness of the welding film will be very thin.

How to weld polypropylene pipes manually

How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

Plastic pipes are being used more and more often than metal ones, since they have undeniable advantages, which include a longer service life - up to 50 years for polypropylene pipes, as well as high sound insulation characteristics, resistance to temperature changes, low electrical and thermal conductivity.

PVC pipes are also popular because they are very durable, reliable and easy to install.

Initially, such products were not soldered. Polypropylene pipelines were connected by gluing with special adhesives.

In some countries of the world, polypropylene pipes with small diameters, which are used indoors, are still connected by gluing today.

However, a more reliable and simpler method of fastening is soldering. From this article you will learn how to solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

And so that you better understand the technology of work, we recommend reading articles and watching videos on how to solder polypropylene pipes.

Required Tools

For soldering work you will need:

  • roulette;
  • scissors designed for cutting PVC pipes;
  • soldering iron designed for polymer pipes;
  • building level.

Most of these tools are well known to those who have ever participated in construction work.

Therefore, if you decide: we solder polypropylene pipes yourself, you probably already know the necessary tools well, or you can borrow them from your friends or colleagues.

If you don't have the tools yet, they can all be easily purchased at a hardware store. It can be difficult to find just the right scissors and soldering iron. As a rule, they are purchased as a set.

How to solder polypropylene pipes with and without a soldering iron?

Of course, this tool must be available if you are going to connect PVC pipes. Specialized scissors are also called roller pipe cutters.

The tool is available for sale in one of two modifications according to its intended purpose:

  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-4 cm;
  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-11 cm.

Soldering iron selection

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

Thanks to a wide range, affordable prices and ease of installation, polypropylene pipes have practically replaced other materials previously used in the construction and repair of utility lines. To connect them, there is no need to use bulky and unsafe gas-electric welding equipment or additional couplings, threads, bends, flax and red lead.

Now all the elements for welding work can fit into a small case.

Factors affecting welding quality

The quality of welded butt joints of polypropylene pipes depends on many factors.

Compliance of polypropylene pipes and fittings with specified parameters for purpose and quality.

The choice of low-quality or cheaper (with lower temperatures and pressures permissible for a given pipeline) materials, even with the most careful welding, will not provide the necessary strength and tightness of the joints.

It is also undesirable to use products from different manufacturers. Due to differences in chemical composition, the heating and cooling times of the welded elements may not coincide.

  • Use of equipment. To perform the work you need to have the necessary minimum of working tools and equipment. A hot soldering iron that is under or overheated will not produce a reliable weld, so it is important to monitor the optimal heating temperature.

Note! Overheating of the pipe leads to a decrease in the flow area of ​​the joint and additional pressure losses in the system.

  • Availability of necessary work skills. The welding process itself is quite simple and accessible. The main thing before starting work is to carefully study the instructions supplied with the device. It is advisable to weld the first joints under the supervision of an experienced specialist.
  • Compliance with installation rules. The low quality of welds is due to errors in the process of connecting the pipe and fitting. Insufficient depth of their connection leads to a gap. Additional resistance is formed and a section with a weakened wall, a potential zone for a pipeline rupture. If the pipe is inserted too far into the fitting until it stops, the fluid flow may be almost completely blocked, which will lead to a decrease in pressure and flow. When connecting heated parts of the pipeline, they often allow overexposure leading to their cooling or do not carry out timely fixation within the allotted time.
  • Proper preparation. Careful preparation of the work site, materials and equipment is necessary. The parts of pipes and fittings to be welded must be dry and clean. The room where the work is carried out must be warm. Sub-zero air temperatures can lead to premature cooling of the parts being welded. To avoid secondary contamination, finished units must be stored on a clean surface. The heating elements of the soldering iron are wiped with a heat-resistant cloth after each use to remove any remaining melt. After cutting, the ends of the pipe are leveled and cleared of burrs.

We recommend that you read: How to correctly and securely connect a HDPE pipe?

Compliance with these basic measures guarantees a strong and reliable welded joint.

Methods for connecting polypropylene pipes

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

A true home craftsman always tries to do without the help of professionals in any repair. And if necessary, you can also do it yourself to replace PVC heating pipes or water supply in the apartment.

The use of polymer pipes for water distribution provides the advantage that there is no need to work with welding or threading, and therefore the work is greatly facilitated.

Before installing polypropylene pipes, you need to have an idea of ​​how to work with a soldering iron for PVC pipes and purchase the necessary tools and materials.

How to solder correctly

How to make connections correctly so that they are airtight?

For the three most common soldering methods, below is a detailed description of all operations:


Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering polypropylene pipes Soldering polypropylene pipes Posted on 03/17/2013 in Polypropylene pipes, Plumbing, Pipes

In the material about polypropylene pipes, I briefly explained what these pipes are.

Now let's talk a little about soldering these pipes.

It’s correct, of course, to say: “welding” or even “diffusion welding of pipes,” but we usually use simpler words: Dictionary diffusion welding, we call soldering Welding machine, we call it a soldering iron or even an iron

We call polypropylene “polycom” or “PPR”

We call the colors this way:
White - Turk.
(Although Valtek also makes white and the quality of the pipes is at a high level) Gray - Czech
Green - German


To “solder” pipes you will need: Soldering iron - “Welding machine” Pipe cutter or scissors   Stripper or trimmer

A “soldering iron” is the very tool without which the installation of polypropylene pipes is impossible in principle. As for scissors, the pipe can be cut with a hacksaw or even a grinder. Only the edges will need to be cleaned of excess “fringe”.

Regarding the stripping tool, if you don’t have one, you can choose a pipe with glass fiber reinforcement.


Let's figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes: technology features and tips for choosing tools

We solder polypropylene pipes

Modern repair technologies and materials allow you to assemble utility lines with your own hands, without the help of specialists. It's very easy to find tutorial videos that clearly show how to do this.

However, there are some subtleties that are best learned from detailed written reviews. We will analyze, for example, how to solder polypropylene pipes, how to follow all stages of the technology and avoid the most common mistakes when installing them yourself.

First, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the technical features of propylene pipes and find out how their heat resistance and thermal elongation can affect the operation of the assembled pipeline. And taking into account such knowledge, carry out the installation of the highway.

Heat resistance and thermal elongation

Propylene is a durable plastic, but it loses its stability under certain technical conditions. The material loses its hardness, and therefore its shape, if the coolant temperature rises to + 140 degrees.

However, if you look at the technical data sheet, manufacturers give much more modest figures. They advise choosing propylene pipes for installing a heating system where the coolant temperature does not rise above +95 degrees.

Why is there such a big difference? Why do experts not recommend using polypropylene for the installation of heating supply lines?

Because at higher temperatures the material being described changes its linear dimensions. When heated, the pipes sag greatly, and the stress that arises in this case can lead to serious consequences in the form of dangerous utility accidents. There are some techniques to eliminate these disadvantages of polypropylene.

For example, it is necessary to use reinforced products instead of simple plastic pipes for installing a heating system. They have a linear elongation coefficient 5 times less than that of conventional plastic, so a pipeline assembled from them can withstand pressure 5 times greater.

But even if reinforced pipes are used, it is necessary to install compensators - special U-shaped bends assembled on straight sections of pipes. As the temperature of the coolant increases, this will allow the elastic pipelines to remain straight due to the fact that the U-shaped outlet will narrow slightly.

Note! When assembling heating using polypropylene pipes, it is better to combine both approaches and use fiberglass-reinforced options with U-shaped branches.


Before soldering the described pipes, you need to find out what type of polypropylene is used in them:

  1. Fiberglass reinforced.
  2. Aluminum reinforced.

Soldering with your own hands is easier than the first option, and welding in this case is no different from welding ordinary plastic. Pipes reinforced with aluminum must first be cleaned. To do this, you will need a special tool in the form of a sharp knife - a shaver. If black pipes are used, where the reinforcing layer is located between two layers of plastic, for stripping you need to take a trimmer - a narrow knife that will allow you to trim from the end side.

Choosing pipes for heating

Choosing a material for heating installation is actually not that difficult. The modern market offers four options, and each has its own marking:

  • Polypropylene under the PN 10 brand is intended for assembling a “warm floor” system and cold water supply.
  • Brand PN 16 can be used for cold water supply and heating installations, in which the coolant circulates under low operating pressure.
  • Brand PN 20 is a universal option, capable of withstanding a working pressure of 2 MPa and a coolant temperature of +80 degrees.
  • Brand PN 25 is a reinforced polypropylene pipe, suitable for installation of heating and hot water supply systems with coolant temperatures up to +95 degrees.

Where can I get a soldering iron?

The main tool for soldering is a soldering iron, which is used to create sealed seams. You can buy it in a store, borrow it from friends, or rent it from special construction companies. So in this regard there will be no problems.

When purchasing a tool, you must choose one that will allow you to perform all the required operations. As a rule, when assembling plumbing and heating with your own hands, you do not need to buy fancy models with a large number of attachments. The power of the soldering iron only affects the speed of its heating, but not the process itself, so there is no point in overpaying.

Note! Inexpensive models come with 3 nozzles for collecting plastic pipes with a diameter of 20, 25 and 32 mm. Pipes of this exact diameter are used for installing internal communications wiring.

Devices for welding polypropylene pipes

The welding soldering iron has a fairly simple design. The main thing about it is the sole, equipped with heating elements. The sole is equipped with holes of various diameters. You can attach attachments to them, which can be used to solder pipes. The heating temperature is controlled by a thermostat located on the housing.

Using it you can set degrees. Their values ​​are noted in the instructions, and the table is published on the Internet. It is necessary to set the temperature depending on the type of materials being welded. So, for example, for soldering polyethylene pipes, a mode of 220 degrees is selected, and for polypropylene pipes - 260 degrees.

In addition to a soldering iron, during work you may need:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Hacksaw for metal.
  4. Sharp knife.
  5. Scissors for cutting polypropylene.
  6. Shaver.

Soldering iron technology

Welding technology

The simplest instructions detailing how to properly solder polypropylene pipes are as follows:

  • The welding machine comes with a special stand. A soldering iron is placed on it and plugged into an outlet. But first, a sleeve is inserted into the hole of the soldering iron.
  • The ends of the polypropylene are prepared. If it is reinforced with fiberglass, it does not need to be treated. Aluminum-reinforced material will have to be trimmed by chamfering and marking it with a marker. This will help control the depth of immersion of the pipe into the soldering iron coupling.
  • First, we measure and cut the required section, adding 25 mm to it - they will be inserted into the fitting when soldering.
  • When the soldering iron reaches the desired temperature, you will hear a characteristic sound. Then a coupling is inserted into the nozzle on one side, and a prepared pipe on the other.
  • The time indicated in the table is recorded. Usually soldering takes from 4 to 10 seconds. While the coupling and pipe are in the soldering iron, they cannot be rotated or moved. You cannot touch them even after the parts are removed from the soldering iron. The accumulated temperature will allow you to create a sealed seam.

As you can see, the technology for welding polypropylene pipes is quite simple. You just need to follow certain rules for making seams.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Be sure to remove the chamfer. Otherwise, you can lift up the plastic when connecting, and the seam will not be airtight.
  2. When two parts are connected to each other, they cannot be rotated.
  3. Both the fitting and the pipe must be inserted into each other until they stop.
  4. Do not clean the nozzle while the soldering iron is on. It is better to remove melted plastic with a rough cloth and pull the cord out of the outlet.

Soldering with an electric coupling

You can solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands using an electric coupling instead of a soldering iron. In this case, the process is further simplified and productivity is almost doubled.

Do-it-yourself soldering of polypropylene pipes

The edges of reinforced pipes are prepared in the same way. When connecting parts, clamps are used. The electric coupling is connected to the network.

The device comes with a table and instructions on how to perform soldering and how long it should take. Electrodes are attached to the coupling body, and the heating time is set manually. There is a monitor on the coupling body, which displays information that the soldering time is over.

Welding is performed with high quality. Rejection is possible only in one case - when there are defects in the spirals.

It is more convenient to use an electric coupling than a soldering iron:

  • Firstly, with its help you can halve the pipeline assembly time without losing its quality.
  • Secondly, with the help of a coupling it is easier to join connections located in hard-to-reach places.
  • Thirdly, the described device is cheaper, has a more compact size, and is more convenient to work with. There is only one drawback - it is impossible to weld small-diameter pipes using an electric coupling.

Generalization on the topic

After carefully reading the proposed material and watching the training video, you can easily assemble a heating, cold and hot water supply pipeline with your own hands. Moreover, now you know how to solder polypropylene pipes. You just need to take into account all the nuances of existing technologies and strictly follow the welding rules.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

  • Pipes;
  • fitting;
  • napkins;
  • gloves;
  • soldering iron;
  • pipe cutters;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • isopropyl alcohol.

‑channel “Do-it-yourself repairs”

Connecting polypropylene pipes is quite simple, but - as with any other structure - before starting work, it is advisable to prepare an approximate installation diagram.

Sketch out a drawing on paper with the location of the insertion points, shut-off valves and other necessary parts. This way you can immediately estimate the length of the pipes, as well as determine the location, type and number of fittings needed.

Since both ends of the pipeline heat up during connection, for ease of installation it is important that one of them remains free. Some pipes with fittings can be assembled on a table and then installed in the desired location, making just one joint. All this will help to provide an assembly diagram.

3. Prepare your soldering iron

In general, the device is correctly called a “welding machine.” The process of joining polypropylene takes place without the use of solder, which means it is welding and not soldering. We will use both terms.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Install nozzles of the required diameter onto the soldering iron platform and secure them with a screw using a wrench. If you are working with pipes of several sizes, use an additional pair of sleeves.

Set the heating temperature to 260 °C and turn on the device. It will take 10–20 minutes to heat up. An LED indicator will indicate that it is ready for use. You need to wait about 5 more minutes before welding the first joint.

When polypropylene is heated, harmful fumes and smoke are released, which should not be inhaled. Therefore, ventilate the room while working.

4. Make markings

While the soldering iron is heating up, prepare the pipe and fittings. For high-quality welding, they must fit into each other strictly to a certain depth. Insufficient immersion will lead to a poor connection, and excessive immersion will reduce or completely block the flow area with extruded plastic. Here are the values ​​recommended by most manufacturers for the most common sizes:

As you can see, the soldering depth depends on the diameter of the pipes and fittings.

‑channel FV Miano

To avoid mistakes, measure the required length of the pipe, taking into account the allowance for the joint, and mark it with a pencil. Then, at the required distance from this mark, draw another line - it will serve as a guide during welding.

For example, we need to connect an angle and a tee in a heating system. The distance between them is 270 mm. For fittings with a diameter of 25 mm, the soldering depth is 18 mm, which means we add another 36 mm to 270 (18 on each side). The result is 306 mm - this is exactly the piece of pipe that needs to be cut off.

5. Cut the pipe

To cut polypropylene, special scissors are used, which are also called pipe cutters. They make it easy to cut off a thick-walled pipe and get smooth edges without burrs.

‑channel “Sergey Efimov”

Place the scissors exactly perpendicular to the pipe and align the blade with the first mark. Holding the pipe with one hand, press the handles of the scissors with the other until the part is completely cut.

It is important to get an even end so that the pipe fits evenly into the fitting and is soldered equally over the entire diameter. If you cut it at an angle, the protruding part will go in too deep and the molten polypropylene will squeeze out, reducing the inner diameter of the fitting.

If the edge turns out to be uneven and the margin allows, it is better to cut it again. If the length is close, trim the end, removing all excess with a sharp knife.

6. Degrease parts

According to the instructions of all manufacturers, the parts to be welded must be degreased for a quality connection. And although many craftsmen neglect this and limit themselves to only wiping the pipes with a rag, we recommend sticking to the technology.

‑channel "KaUT Company"

Clean the pipes of any contamination. Drain off any remaining water and wipe thoroughly with a napkin or toilet paper. Clean the surfaces of fittings and pipes with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

The same alcohol can easily erase all the inscriptions on the pipes and give them a more aesthetic appearance.

7. Heat the pipe and fitting

There is a risk of serious burns when working with a hot soldering iron, so be sure to wear protective gloves. Parts of different sizes need to be heated for a certain time. The larger the diameter, the longer.

For a reliable connection, it is important not to overheat the polypropylene, otherwise the material will become fluid, melt and block the fitting from the inside.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Insert the fitting first into the corresponding soldering iron sleeves, then the pipe. When pushing parts, do not rotate them around their axis or tilt them. Insert the pipe to the previously marked depth until the molten polypropylene reaches the pencil line. Only then count down the allotted time.

All specified data is valid for work at an ambient temperature of about 20 ° C. If the room is colder than 5 °C, the heating time approximately doubles.

8. Weld the joint

Without turning or tilting, quickly remove first the pipe and then the fitting from the nozzles and connect both parts in the desired position relative to each other. Don't fuss, but don't hesitate either - you have 4-6 seconds left.

‑channel FV Miano

Hold the pipe and fitting motionless for about 5 seconds to ensure the joint locks into place. At this moment, it is allowed to rotate the connection no more than 10 degrees to correct its position.

The complete cooling time, after which the welding site can be loaded, ranges from 2 to 4 minutes.

Remains of polypropylene from the nozzle can be easily removed with a paper napkin while the soldering iron is hot. If you clean already cooled cartridges, there is a risk of damaging the Teflon coating.

9. Check the connection

‑channel FV Miano

The quality of welding can be determined by a small, uniform bead at the end of the fitting. If it is not there, then perhaps the joint is underheated and the tightness will be in question. If the influx is too large, the pipe is most likely overheated and it melts inside, partially or completely blocking the flow area.

For those who are dealing with polypropylene welding for the first time, it would be a good idea to first practice and weld a few practice joints. It's better to learn on straight couplings. Unlike corners and other fittings of complex shapes, they can be easily inspected after soldering, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

Nowadays, there often comes a time when it is necessary to replace old, expired, often already rusted pipes. And here begins the frantic search for craftsmen to replace or repair them. Typically, there used to be terrible iron (metal) pipes that were impossible to deal with on your own. Today, the best solution is polypropylene pipes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

What are polypropylene pipes?

What are polypropylene pipes?

It is polypropylene pipes that are now leaders in the market, as a result of which their production has increased significantly, ahead of materials such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. These pipes contain a synthetic polymer from the polyolefin class. These are fairly solid white pipes, they are moisture resistant with electrical insulation properties.

Combining all the properties of polypropylene pipes into one, it is necessary to inform that the service life of cold water supply from this material is from 45 to 50 years, and that of hot water supply is from 20 to 25 years. Please note that the declared service life of polypropylene pipes from manufacturers is twice as long if the pipes are used in accordance with established temperature and water pressure standards.

Pipe installation and necessary tools

Pipe installation and necessary tools

At the moment when you have studied all the information about polypropylene pipes and decided to install water supply systems yourself, you will need to figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes so that the result is positive.

Nowadays, a polypropylene pipeline system is installed with great ease, but it is imperative to use fittings from only one company, of the same composition. Polypropylene pipes can withstand water temperatures from –10 degrees to +95. The most important thing is to follow the temperature rules.

To carry out soldering work you will need:

  • Ruler or roll;
  • Pencil;
  • Building level;
  • Gas keys: number 0 and number 3;
  • Pipe cutting shears;
  • Flax (for connecting combined fittings);
  • Welding machine with a set of nozzles for plastic pipes.

All of the above tools, with the exception of the last one, are available to any craftsman. You can use a welding machine only once in your life, so it is not necessary to buy it; it is better to borrow or rent it from the store (where you will purchase polypropylene pipes), especially since installation can be done within one day.

Soldering process technology

Soldering process technology

Soldering plastic pipes is actually quite easy. You just need to do everything in a certain sequence.

Preparing the welding machine

Preparing the welding machine

First, the device is securely installed on the mounting feet (stand), which are included in the kit. In this position of the device, the nozzles are fixed to the heating element in the holes intended for this purpose. Important: the nozzles must be positioned from the edge of the heating element in the order in which they will be used. Their diameter depends on the diameter of the installed pipes.

The next step is to set the temperature on the soldering iron using a thermostat. As a rule, the temperature depends on the wall thickness and diameter of the pipes. For polypropylene pipes, the optimal temperature is 260°C.

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands

Your last action is to connect the soldering iron to the network.

The electric indicator located on the body of the soldering iron will tell you that the device can already be used. It will light up yellow once the heating element reaches the required temperature. Before performing the first soldering, allow the machine to warm up for 15 minutes.

Preparation of polypropylene

Preparation of polypropylene

Using special scissors, a polypropylene pipe of the required size is cut, and the joints are degreased with an alcohol solution.

The pipe and fitting are installed into the nozzles on both sides simultaneously and brought to the stop. In this position, the pipe and fitting heat up for a short amount of time (from 5 to 50 seconds, depending on the diameter of the pipe).

Then they are simultaneously removed from the attachments and connected to each other. This action must be done in a fairly short time. Different pipes have their own times, which you can find out from a special table.

At the end of the work, you need to check the quality of the soldering (plastic rings should appear at the junction of the pipe and fitting). If the soldering fails, it must be cut and welded again.

Using all the information discussed earlier, the process of welding polypropylene pipes will not cause you any particular difficulties, and any plumbing system will be completed in the shortest possible time!


Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

The strength and durability of various plastic communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is taken into account. When welding polypropylene products, it is necessary to take into account the heating time of the material and the cooling time of the joints.

Correct comparison and consideration of temperature and time parameters of the soldering process of technical products made of polypropylene contributes to the production of a durable and reliable material.

If you deviate from the technology, the product will have breaks at the joints and be of poor quality.

Soldering PP pipes

general information

general information

The temperature regime for soldering polypropylene pipe products directly depends on the polymer used. In practice, 4 types of materials are used:

  • PN10, used for the use of technical products at temperatures up to +40 C;
  • PN16 for use at +60 C;
  • PN20, used in water supply from +80 C to +95 C;
  • PN25 for operating modes above +95 C.

In addition to maintaining temperature conditions, welding polypropylene pipes with your own hands depends on the pressure that pipe technical products of a specific marking can withstand.

The first type is used when laying technical products intended for cold water supply. Pipe products marked PN20 are considered universal and are intended for cold and hot water supply, but taking into account that the effect of +95 C is short-term. If the temperature is not maintained, then due to its action they will lose their tightness and become deformed.

Soldering mode and its effect on the process

Soldering mode and its effect on the process

The technology for soldering polypropylene pipes involves heating them, after which the plastic contained in them softens. When two heated products are connected, diffusion (interpenetration) of polypropylene molecules of one technical product into the molecules of the other occurs. As a result, a strong molecular bond is formed, making the resulting material airtight and durable.

If there is an insufficient mode, then sufficient diffusion will not occur when two materials are combined. As a result, the joint of the technical product will turn out to be weak, which will lead to a violation of the tightness of the entire material.


Excessive overheating of the fitting and pipe technical product during welding causes deformation of the parts. Their geometry is disrupted, and a roller influx occurs in the internal section.”

The output is a pipeline with a minimal internal hole at the junction, the diameter of which does not meet technological standards.


How to solder polypropylene pipes

How to solder polypropylene pipes

Fig.2. Nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 20, 40, 32, 40, 50, 63.

The welding machine is installed on a flat surface and replaceable heaters of the required size are secured to it using special keys. It is advisable to install the entire required set of nozzles (see Fig. 3) on the device’s seats before heating the device.

Fig.3. Welding machine before heating with installed nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes.

From the point of view of heating uniformity, the location of the nozzle on the heater does not matter. Therefore, the nozzles are placed in a way that is convenient for installation. Closer to the end, place the nozzles necessary for working on the wall, that is, on the pipeline branch being mounted.

The quality of connections directly depends on the ease of performing technological methods, therefore, it is better to assemble all pipeline fragments that can be mounted on a permanently installed device (on a stand) separately.

It is advisable to carry out welding “on the wall”, especially in inconvenient places, with an assistant.

The welding temperature for polypropylene pipes is set on the machine - 260 ° C and 220 ° C for polyethylene and PERT pipelines).

Depending on the ambient temperature, heating lasts 10-15 minutes.

The operating temperature on the surface of the heating plates is achieved automatically.

Welding of polypropylene pipes and fittings is prohibited at temperatures below 0°C. Air temperature during welding is very important. So the welding time must be increased at low air temperatures and reduced in hot conditions.

General rule for socket welding

The inner diameter of the unheated fitting should be slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the pipe.

It is recommended to carry out the first welding 5 minutes after heating the welding machine. After each use, the welding machine must be cleaned of any remaining plastic.

Socket welding of plastic parts to each other is carried out as follows.

1. Use scissors or a pipe cutter to cut the pipe at a right angle.


2. If necessary, clean the end of the pipe and the socket of the fitting from dust and dirt, degrease with alcohol or soapy water and then dry.

When welding PN 10 and PN 20 pipes, nothing else needs to be done at this stage.

When welding reinforced pipes PN 25 with a special tool using a shaver, the two top layers of polypropylene and aluminum are removed from the pipe. The size of the fitting socket is made in such a way that only a pipe with the top layers removed can fit into it. The depth of stripping is carried out according to the stop of the tool, which determines the depth of welding.


Fig.5. Shaver


Fig.6. Processing the pipe with a shaver.

3. Apply a mark to the pipe at a distance equal to the depth of the socket plus 2 mm. If you use rough parts, fittings and tools from the same manufacturer, then, most often, you don’t need to do any calculations. The shaver (Fig. 2) removes the top layers of the pipe exactly to the welding depth, and the dimensions of the heating nozzles are such that it is impossible to insert a pipe into them to a depth greater than required.

4. Place the parts to be joined on the appropriate nozzles: insert the pipe into the sleeve to the mark indicating the welding depth, and put the fitting socket on the mandrel.

5. Maintain the heating time (see Table 1), then remove the parts from the device and connect them to each other without turning the parts along the axis. Welding fittings must be connected to the pipe with a quick, confident movement, maintaining the alignment of the pipe and coupling. The connection between the pipe and the fitting must occur to the depth determined by the boundary inside the fitting socket.

6. After welding, it is necessary to maintain a cooling time, especially for thin-walled pipes. Rotation and bending (deformation) during cooling are not permitted.

A connection with poor alignment or angle of relative position of the fittings is subject to only one method of correction - the incorrectly connected fitting is cut out.

You must be especially careful when welding elements for which position is important - angles, tees, ball valves. The latter must be welded so that the handle can move freely to all positions.

If you are soldering (welding) polypropylene pipes for the first time, you can cut the first connection to check, it should look like this:

Table 1. Technical parameters of welding (soldering) of polypropylene pipes. The welding machine must be constantly switched on during the entire welding process. Heating begins simultaneously for two parts.

If underheating occurs, there is a possibility that the parts will not reach the temperature of viscous plasticity. In this case, the connection will be unreliable and diffusion of the material may not occur.

When overheated, there is a possibility of loss of shape stability, the adhesion (stickiness) of the material will be excessive. It will be impossible to insert the pipe into the fitting, and as the force increases, the edges of the pipe will bend inward or become wrinkled. The connection will be narrowed.

Sticking of material on the fittings indicates either poor quality of the Teflon coating of the welding machine nozzles, or overheating of the plastic during welding.

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) of reinforced polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

The appearance of welded joints must satisfy the following requirements: 

  • Misalignment of pipes by more than the thickness of their wall is not allowed;
  • The outer surface of the connecting part welded to the pipe should not have cracks, folds or other defects caused by overheating;
  • At the edge of the socket of the connecting part welded to the pipe, a continuous bead of melted material should be visible around the entire circumference, protruding beyond the end surface of the connecting part.

Instructions for welding welded seats

Instructions for welding welded seats

Welded saddles are used for the installation of subsequent branches from the pipeline, when repairing existing systems. First, it is necessary to drill the wall of the plastic pipe with a Fusiotherm drill.

When using Stabi composite pipes, the remaining aluminum on the drill hole must be removed using the Fusiotherm chamfering tool.


Fig.1. Drilling a hole in the pipe wall.

The welding device/saddle welding tool must reach the required operating temperature of 260°C.
The surfaces to be welded must be clean and dry.


Fig.2. Installation of a welding machine;

The heating connection of the saddle welding tool is inserted into the hole in the wall of the plastic pipe until the tool reaches the entire outer wall of the pipe. The welded seat fitting is then inserted into the heating sleeve until the surface of the seat reaches the crown of the tool. The heating time of the elements is 30 seconds.

Fig.3. Heating of the pipe and seat.

After removing the welding tool, the welded seat fitting is quickly inserted into the heated hole. Then the seat should be pressed accurately and tightly, without rotating, onto the heated outer surface of the plastic pipe.

Fig.4. Installation of a welded seat;

The welded seat is fixed motionless on the pipe for 15 seconds. After 10 minutes of cooling, the connection can be subjected to full load. The corresponding branch pipe is welded into the coupling in the usual way.

Fig.5. Finished welded seat.

Examples of finished polypropylene pipelines welded by socket welding

Examples of finished polypropylene pipelines welded by socket welding

The simplest example of polypropylene pipes in a bathroom:

The simplest example of polypropylene pipes from a toilet to a bathroom) Please note that the polypropylene pipeline is removable).


Piping made of polypropylene (a more complex option), all pipes are wrapped in thermal insulation to prevent the formation of condensation for cold water and reduce heat loss for hot water).


Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

When water communications consisting of plastic pipes are assembled, temperature becomes the most important parameter. It must have certain values ​​to achieve a strong and reliable connection.

Today, the technology for laying pipelines made of such materials requires compliance with a certain temperature regime, as well as specific time values, when performing welding work. If you do not follow the recommended parameters, a rupture may appear in key areas and the movement of the water flow may deteriorate significantly.

General influence of temperature during docking work

General influence of temperature during docking work

The technological process of welding polypropylene pipes is based on heating the material to the required temperature. As a result, the plastic begins to soften. When connecting parts, diffusion of polypropylene molecules occurs. In other words, molecules merge into a compound. When the material cools, an extremely strong joint is formed.

The strength of the workpieces being welded is directly dependent on the temperature regime. If the heating is insufficient, the diffusion process will not occur. The molecules of the fitting and the pipe being welded are simply not able to get into the compatible areas. The welding will be weak and will not be able to withstand heavy loads. The pair will break and the seal of the joint will be broken.

When overheated, the structure will begin to deform. As a result, the original geometry will change. A strong influx in the form of a large roller may form inside the part. As a result, the cross-sectional diameter of the pipeline at the welding site will be significantly reduced.

For normal soldering of polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to create heating to a temperature of 255-265 degrees. The heating process must take into account several parameters:

  • Part diameter.
  • Room temperature.
  • Heating time.

Practice has shown that heating time and part diameter are directly related.

The temperature of the room in which soldering occurs also affects this process. When parts are soldered, when removing them from the “iron” or other heating device, there is a pause before the coupling begins. To compensate for cooling at low temperatures, pp pipes need to be heated a little longer. This additional time is within 2-3 seconds. The selection occurs empirically.

It must be remembered that if you heat polypropylene pipes on a heating apparatus with a temperature setting of more than 270 degrees, the top layer of the part will become very hot. The core will not receive sufficient heating. When joining parts, the thickness of the welding film will be very thin.

How to weld polypropylene pipes manually

How to weld polypropylene pipes manually

Welding sleeves of the device are selected taking into account the diameter of the parts. They are then inserted into the welding mirror and secured well.

Contact surfaces are cleaned of dust and dirt. For cleaning, it is better to use a cleaning fluid recommended by the manufacturer of this product. The following may help with this work:

  • Chlorethylene.
  • Trichloroethane.
  • Ethyl or Isopropyl alcohol.

A certain temperature of the device is set. Typically, the thermistor should heat up within 250 - 270 degrees. This optimal temperature allows the correct connection to be achieved.

When the thermostat reaches the desired thermal level, the heating temperature of the welding mirror is checked. For this, a special thermal probe is used.

The pipe is cut, maintaining 90 degrees relative to the axis. If necessary, you need to clean the surface and chamfer it. Stripping parameters and chamfer depth dimensions are taken from table number one. The chamfer can be removed when cleaning the part or after it, using a special calibrated tool.

Polypropylene fittings for socket welding. Grinding depth and chamfer width.

The insertion depth “L1” is marked on the surface of the pipe. Taken from Table 2. Stripping must necessarily correspond to the insertion depth.

Insertion depth L1(mm): maximum insertion depth of the heated pipe into the fitting cup.

A longitudinal mark is applied to the outer surface of the pipe and fitting being welded. It makes it possible to avoid displacement of parts during connection.

The surface of the pipe, as well as the attached fitting, must be well cleaned of oil or dirt. After achieving the required heating of the welding mirror, the pipe, together with the fitting, is installed in special sleeves. The fittings must be inserted all the way, the pipe being welded to the full stripping depth. You need to wait a little while the parts heat up.

They are then quickly removed and inserted into each other. The insertion depth of the fitting must be equal to the length L1, in accordance with the longitudinal notches.

The connected parts must be kept in a fixed position for a certain time, according to table No. 3. Then you need to give it time to cool naturally. Do not cool them with a fan or immerse them in cold water.

Heating, welding and cooling times

When the surface of the elements has cooled sufficiently, it is necessary to conduct a hydraulic test.

Temperature ranges for resistance welding.

The changes in pressure and temperature during the butt welding process are shown in the figure below:

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

When calculating the future pipeline layout, figure out how further installation will take place. It is necessary to strive to obtain a minimum distance between the soldering machine and the connection point.

If the calculation is made incorrectly and the welding site is in an inaccessible place, you will have to heat the part at a considerable distance from the fastening site. In this case, large heat losses occur, since parts have to be transferred in order to make the coupling joint. As a result of such unaccounted for moments, a strong weakening of the seam occurs.

If an incorrect calculation of the installation and soldering sequence is made, a situation may arise when it is impossible to join the last parts, since the heating device simply cannot be installed between the parts. To increase the gap, it is necessary to deform certain sections of the pipelines that allow the soldering device to be inserted. Such work can spoil the appearance of communication. Static voltage may appear in some areas of the system.

A very serious mistake, as a result of which it is not possible to control the temperature, is the sequential heating of the workpieces immediately before the joint. In other words, each part is heated separately. As a result, the temperature regime is completely disrupted.

This incorrect approach can cause the part to cool down greatly due to the time it takes to warm up. Intentional loss of heat occurs. This method of connecting parts does not allow the work to be structured correctly and the process of softening the material becomes unpredictable. Its use is strictly prohibited.

To exercise proper temperature control, several criteria must be taken into account:

1. The quality of the welding machine for working with polypropylene products should allow maintaining certain parameters with a minimum error.

2. There should be less than 1.5 meters between the welding machine and the connection area.

3.The operation must be performed in a heated building.

4.Before starting welding, make sure that the temperature of the parts to be joined is approximately the same.


How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

Plastic pipes are being used more and more often than metal ones, since they have undeniable advantages, which include a longer service life - up to 50 years for polypropylene pipes, as well as high sound insulation characteristics, resistance to temperature changes, low electrical and thermal conductivity.

PVC pipes are also popular because they are very durable, reliable and easy to install.

Initially, such products were not soldered. Polypropylene pipelines were connected by gluing with special adhesives.

In some countries of the world, polypropylene pipes with small diameters, which are used indoors, are still connected by gluing today.

However, a more reliable and simpler method of fastening is soldering. From this article you will learn how to solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

And so that you better understand the technology of work, we recommend reading articles and watching videos on how to solder polypropylene pipes.

Required Tools

Required Tools

For soldering work you will need:

  • roulette;
  • scissors designed for cutting PVC pipes;
  • soldering iron designed for polymer pipes;
  • building level.

Most of these tools are well known to those who have ever participated in construction work.

Therefore, if you decide: we solder polypropylene pipes yourself, you probably already know the necessary tools well, or you can borrow them from your friends or colleagues.

If you don't have the tools yet, they can all be easily purchased at a hardware store. It can be difficult to find just the right scissors and soldering iron. As a rule, they are purchased as a set.

How to solder polypropylene pipes with and without a soldering iron?

Of course, this tool must be available if you are going to connect PVC pipes. Specialized scissors are also called roller pipe cutters.

The tool is available for sale in one of two modifications according to its intended purpose:

  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-4 cm;
  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-11 cm.

Soldering iron selection

Soldering iron selection

A soldering iron suitable for cutting pipes is also called a manual welding machine. The tool is a heating device that has a sole equipped with heating elements.

As a rule, it is equipped with holes of different diameters in which soldering nozzles are fixed. The soldering iron is equipped with a temperature regulator.

It also has a heating indicator, a comfortable handle and a special stand. The latter allows you to install the device on a flat surface. The tool is turned on and off by pressing additional switches.

It is the soldering iron that helps answer the question of how to solder polypropylene pipes for heating or plumbing, and how to connect them.

And if you plan to install the pipeline yourself, you should get this device. Depending on the purpose, the tool intended for working with polypropylene pipes comes in two modifications:

  • for PVC pipes with a diameter of 1.6-5 cm with a maximum power of 650 W;
  • for PVC pipes with a diameter of 6.3-11 cm with a maximum power of 1600 W.

Any soldering iron is equipped with paired nozzles of different diameters and a stand.

If you don’t yet know how to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places, take a closer look at the soldering iron attachments.

As a rule, they allow you to perform complex work.

  • Soldering iron tips are coated with a non-stick coating, similar to the coating used in cookware.
  • Therefore, the instrument requires special care and cleaning.

Recommendations - how to solder polypropylene pipes

Recommendations - how to solder polypropylene pipes

Before starting soldering work, you should carefully study the technology, the necessary instructions, and learn how to use a soldering iron in order to reduce the risks of irreparable errors.

When soldering pipes, you must remember that this is part of the soldering of the pipeline, so work should begin with its most difficult step - marking.

It is the markings that will tell you how to solder polypropylene pipes smoothly. It is good when the marking is carried out by a specialist who is familiar with the drawings of the pipeline system and represents the implementation of the drawings.

Pipe cutting

Pipe cutting

Before cutting the pipes, measure the interval between the fittings and add 3 cm to the resulting distance. After this, carefully cut the pipe at a right angle with special scissors.

Fittings are put on the pipe, marking the depth on it with a marker, thereby applying a transverse mark to the product. And the longitudinal one will make it possible to join pipeline elements along the axes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

First, turn on the soldering iron and insert a nozzle of the required diameter into its hole. Using a thermostat, you need to set the optimal soldering temperature.

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

Recommended value:

  • 260°С – for polypropylene pipes;
  • 220°C – for polyethylene.

The soldering iron is heated up for 10-20 minutes. You can know when it is ready for use by the heating indicator.

Next, the pipeline element that needs to be heated is put on the soldering iron nozzle at a moderate pace. It is heated for the time required by the technology and quickly removed from the nozzle, holding the soldering iron, if necessary.

  • How long does it take to solder polypropylene pipes? As a rule, a polypropylene pipe cools down in 8-10 seconds, which means you need to work quite quickly. Using the nozzle, you can heat two elements at a time - parallel along the outer and inner surfaces.

The heated element is placed on the pipe, aligning the transverse and longitudinal marks. After this, the quality of the connections is verified. It is important that the solder seam is smooth in appearance.

For a high-quality connection, it is better to solder the pipes within the time specified in the technological tables.

Protective gloves should be used during work. Working with polypropylene pipes must be done carefully and patiently.

Soldering pipes is a simple process, but very responsible. If you want to better understand how to solder reinforced polypropylene pipes, the video on this page will help you understand the soldering technology.

Connection of PVC pipes with metal-plastic pipes

Connection of PVC pipes with metal-plastic pipes

How to solder polypropylene pipes with an aluminum layer? How to connect them? Is it possible to solder polypropylene pipes from different manufacturers?

In cases where such questions arise, special adapters must be used when soldering.

One side of them is attached to metal or metal-plastic by means of a thread, the other is soldered to plastic using standard technology.

The only difference in the work is that threads must be cut on the metal and the connection must be sealed manually to avoid leaks. It is best to use tow or sanitary flax fiber as a sealant. This material is affordable and effectively seals the joint.

Using the same technology, adapters are installed, on the basis of which mixers are connected. The products externally look as if metal threads were fused into polypropylene.

How to check the connection for leaks

How to check the connection for leaks

Upon completion of installation work related to the organization of the water supply system, you can begin to check the quality of the pipeline.

To do this, water is supplied to it. The valve is opened to the house or apartment, then the faucet taps in the rooms are opened. The water pressure should be maximum.

First of all, they feel the joints, especially carefully observing the threaded connections.

Sealed joints leak very rarely if the work is carried out in accordance with the technology and the specialist knows well how to properly solder polypropylene pipes for heating, water supply, reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum, large or small in diameter.

But if a leak is detected in the welded pipes, the water is turned off, and the vulnerable pipe connection is redone, having previously been cut off. Before soldering, the pipes are wiped dry so as not to break the soldering iron and warm up the polypropylene well.

If a leak is detected at a threaded connection, it can be carefully tightened with a wrench so that the thread does not break.

Another option is to strengthen the seal. But in the latter case, you need to turn off the water and unscrew the connection.

Now you know more about how to solder polypropylene pipes with a soldering iron, what tools to choose for installation work and how to use a soldering iron correctly.

Follow the recommendations of experienced specialists when creating a pipeline, arranging it yourself, or seek installation services from professionals.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

Thanks to a wide range, affordable prices and ease of installation, polypropylene pipes have practically replaced other materials previously used in the construction and repair of utility lines. To connect them, there is no need to use bulky and unsafe gas-electric welding equipment or additional couplings, threads, bends, flax and red lead.

Now all the elements for welding work can fit into a small case.

Factors affecting welding quality

Factors affecting welding quality

The quality of welded butt joints of polypropylene pipes depends on many factors.

Compliance of polypropylene pipes and fittings with specified parameters for purpose and quality.

The choice of low-quality or cheaper (with lower temperatures and pressures permissible for a given pipeline) materials, even with the most careful welding, will not provide the necessary strength and tightness of the joints.

It is also undesirable to use products from different manufacturers. Due to differences in chemical composition, the heating and cooling times of the welded elements may not coincide.

  • Use of equipment. To perform the work you need to have the necessary minimum of working tools and equipment. A hot soldering iron that is under or overheated will not produce a reliable weld, so it is important to monitor the optimal heating temperature.

Note! Overheating of the pipe leads to a decrease in the flow area of ​​the joint and additional pressure losses in the system.

  • Availability of necessary work skills. The welding process itself is quite simple and accessible. The main thing before starting work is to carefully study the instructions supplied with the device. It is advisable to weld the first joints under the supervision of an experienced specialist.
  • Compliance with installation rules. The low quality of welds is due to errors in the process of connecting the pipe and fitting. Insufficient depth of their connection leads to a gap. Additional resistance is formed and a section with a weakened wall, a potential zone for a pipeline rupture. If the pipe is inserted too far into the fitting until it stops, the fluid flow may be almost completely blocked, which will lead to a decrease in pressure and flow. When connecting heated parts of the pipeline, they often allow overexposure leading to their cooling or do not carry out timely fixation within the allotted time.
  • Proper preparation. Careful preparation of the work site, materials and equipment is necessary. The parts of pipes and fittings to be welded must be dry and clean. The room where the work is carried out must be warm. Sub-zero air temperatures can lead to premature cooling of the parts being welded. To avoid secondary contamination, finished units must be stored on a clean surface. The heating elements of the soldering iron are wiped with a heat-resistant cloth after each use to remove any remaining melt. After cutting, the ends of the pipe are leveled and cleared of burrs.

We recommend that you read: How to correctly and securely connect a HDPE pipe?

Compliance with these basic measures guarantees a strong and reliable welded joint.

Methods for connecting polypropylene pipes

Methods for connecting polypropylene pipes

When installing and repairing drainage, heating, cold and hot water supply systems from PP pipes, several different connection methods are used.



The adhesive method is used when installing low-pressure water supply and sewerage pipelines. An adhesive composition is applied to the parts to be joined. After joining and fixing due to a special component (hardener) or thermal effects, the material hardens and the joint becomes airtight.



Thermoelectric welding is limited in application due to the high cost of electric couplings. The thermoelectric coupling is a hollow cylinder fitted onto the connected ends of the pipes, equipped with internal heating elements on both sides.

Power is supplied to their terminals using an electrical transformer, causing melting of the surfaces being connected and their subsequent connection when cooling.



Diffusion soldering is the most common method of welding polypropylene pipelines. The base uses an alloy of two abutting surfaces followed by a tight connection, while the molecules of the PP parts penetrate each other during the process of diffusion, forming a homogeneous structure upon cooling.

To melt the joined elements, a special electric soldering iron with a heating element and replaceable nozzles is used.

Important! For pipes with a diameter of 63 mm or less, socket connections are used using appropriate fittings. Larger diameter pipelines are soldered “at the joint”.

The main advantages of diffusion welding are:

  • affordable prices for materials and welding equipment;
  • ease of learning welding technology;
  • the ability to quickly assemble pipelines of any complexity;
  • making reliable joints on your own without the participation of welding specialists.

How to choose a welding machine for polypropylene pipes

How to choose a welding machine for polypropylene pipes

Welding machines for polypropylene pipelines, despite the variety of models, have a common principle of operation, namely: simultaneous heating of the parts being connected.

The design differences lie in the design of their heating element (rod or sword-shaped) and the method of attaching the nozzles.

We recommend that you read: How to install a damper for a stove chimney?

When choosing a welding machine, it is recommended to first determine the range of tasks it performs , and only then choose, taking into account the following:

  • Power. The heating time, the diameter of the parts to be joined and the installation speed (device productivity) depend on this value. For soldering household pipelines from PPR pipes with a diameter of up to 63 mm, a soldering iron with a power of 700 W is sufficient. When performing large volumes of work with pipelines with a diameter of 100 mm or more, professional equipment with a power of 1000 to 2000 W is required.

Note! To determine the required power of the welding machine, multiply by 10 the maximum diameter of the pipe being welded in mm. If D = 50 mm, then the required power is 500 W.

  • Number of nozzles. Devices for manual pipe welding, depending on the model, are equipped with a certain number of paired nozzles. For domestic use there are three standard sizes: 16, 20, 25 mm. The standard set of a professional unit can be equipped with an additional set for welding pipes and fittings D=32, 40, 50, 63 mm. For large diameter pipelines, nozzles are purchased separately.
  • Quality of nozzles. The strength and durability of the welded joint depends on the quality of the nozzles. The best are considered to be nozzles coated with a layer of regular or metallized Teflon.
  • Ease of use. Depending on the application, the device must have a certain set of options. For example, professional equipment is equipped with a digital display, which leads to a significant increase in its cost. For domestic use, two light indicators are sufficient. What is important is the speed of change and the number of simultaneous coupling-mandrel pairs installed. For certain types of work, the compactness of the device is important, especially for repairs in hard-to-reach places.
  • Manufacturer country. Price and quality directly depend on the manufacturer of the product. The most functional, reliable and, of course, expensive devices are those made in Germany and the Czech Republic. These products are in demand mainly by professionals. Less sophisticated and high-quality units are produced in Russia and Turkey; they have an average price niche and less professional users. For household needs and amateur use once or twice a year, inexpensive products from China are quite acceptable.

Technological requirements

Technological requirements

When carrying out work on welding PP pipes, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for the depth of landings, as well as the time periods allotted for heating, connection with fixation and cooling of pipeline parts. This is the only way to ensure the creation of strong and airtight joints. These parameters depend mainly on the diameters of the pipes and fittings being welded.

Pipe diameter (mm) Pipe insertion depth into fitting (mm) Duration of period (sec)
Heat Locking connection Cooling down
20 15 8 5 2
25 17 7 5 2
32 19 8 6 3
40 21 12 8 4
50 23 18 10 5

Note! The values ​​given in the table are given for a soldering iron heating temperature of 270 0C and in the work area - at least +15 0C. Planting depth may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Instructions for welding work

Instructions for welding work

When welding a polypropylene pipeline, operations must be performed in the following sequence:

  • The workplace, materials and tools are prepared.
  • The soldering iron is mounted on a tripod and equipped with nozzles of the required size.
  • The nozzles are treated with a degreasing solution.
  • The device is connected to the network, the red light on the indicator lights up.
  • The temperature on the thermostat is set to 2700 C and after the green indicator signal the device is ready for operation.
  • The measured piece of pipe is cut, the end is leveled, burrs are removed, cleaned of dirt and degreased.
  • A mark is made on the pipe corresponding to the planting depth for a given diameter.
  • The pipe and fitting are simultaneously placed on the corresponding soldering iron nozzles without axial rotations.
  • The parts heat up within the specified time.
  • Carefully, without rotating, remove from the attachments.
  • Within the allotted time, the pipe is quickly and smoothly inserted into the fitting to the marked mark without turning.
  • The parts are fixed motionless for the time required for cooling, after which the joint is ready.

Compliance with all these points will guarantee connections that will be strong and durable.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

A true home craftsman always tries to do without the help of professionals in any repair. And if necessary, you can also do it yourself to replace PVC heating pipes or water supply in the apartment.

The use of polymer pipes for water distribution provides the advantage that there is no need to work with welding or threading, and therefore the work is greatly facilitated.

Before installing polypropylene pipes, you need to have an idea of ​​how to work with a soldering iron for PVC pipes and purchase the necessary tools and materials.

How to solder correctly

How to solder correctly

How to make connections correctly so that they are airtight?

For the three most common soldering methods, below is a detailed description of all operations:



  1. For soldering pipes of small diameter (up to 50 mm), a simple manual apparatus is used. If you need to connect large diameter pipes, then use a device with centering devices.
  2. Two heating nozzles are a sleeve onto which a PVC pipe is placed.

    This design also has a mandrel (a device for moving the workpiece in the hole of the sleeve), into which the coupling is inserted.

  3. The apparatus for soldering polypropylene pipes must be installed on a flat horizontal surface and left to warm up to the required temperature. The heating process lasts 10-15 minutes - it depends on the power of the device.

  4. When soldering pipes that belong to the categories PN 10 and PN 20 (difference in operating pressure), the joints must be cleaned of dirt and burrs. If you need to solder reinforced PVC pipes, you need to remove the top part of the pipe with a shaver so that it can easily fit onto the fitting. Shearing is done to the depth of the pipe entering the coupling.

  5. The fitting and pipe are put on the soldering iron nozzles and kept for heating for the required time, which is determined by the power of the soldering iron and the room temperature. Instructions for time exposure are in the documentation for the device.
  6. Heated parts must be quickly removed from the device and connected to each other in a forward motion. Circular movements are not allowed.

  7. The connected parts must be kept in a stationary position for some time so that the pipes do not deform. After the area has completely cooled, the connection is ready for use.



Installation of a pipeline with a diameter greater than 50 mm is done in a different way - using butt joints of fragments. This soldering method is effective and justified only for pipes with a wall thickness of more than 4 mm.

  1. Before soldering, the ends of the pipes must be aligned so that they are parallel to each other.
  2. It is necessary to use centering devices, since strict alignment of the axes must be observed.
  3. To heat surfaces, a disk heating element is used, whose heating surface is ideally flat.
  4. The remaining technological operations are the same as for socket soldering.

Soldering saddles

Soldering saddles

This is a type of butt soldering. With this soldering method, you need to solder a special saddle to the surface of the pipe, which has a socket with an angle of 90˚. When assembling a pipeline from polymer pipes, use a special soldering iron for polypropylene pipes.

After this fragment has cooled, you need to drill a hole in the PVC pipe through the saddle. Then you need to solder another pipe to the saddle. You should end up with a pipe structure that is shaped like the letter “T”.

Your movements should be clear and fast. If you have no soldering experience, try making a few test seams.

Soldering polypropylene pipes yourself is not difficult, but this work requires care and attention. The main thing is to observe the heating time of the elements and the cooling time of the parts - the quality of the joints depends on this.

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

Polypropylene begins to melt at 140°C, and the operating temperature of the soldering iron is usually 260°C to ensure complete diffusion of materials.

Pipes grade PN10

Wall thickness Outside diameter
1.9 mm 20 mm
2.3 mm 25 mm
3.0 mm 32 mm
3.7 mm 40 mm
4.6 mm 50 mm
5.8 mm 63 mm
6.9 mm 75 mm
8.2 mm 90 mm
10 mm 110 mm

How to solder large diameter pipes

How to solder large diameter pipes

Pipes with a diameter greater than 50 mm must only be connected end-to-end. The butt soldering method was described above. First, you need to insert the socket of the fitting into the heated nozzle, and only then the pipe. Afterwards you need to maintain the connection for the specified time.

Check the connection for quality - if the pipe hole is blocked with a polypropylene overlay, then in the next connection the pipe should be inserted into the nozzle 2-3 mm closer, that is, not so deep.

The main rule when soldering pipes of larger diameter is to wait longer for them to heat up. Otherwise, all operations are carried out the same way.

The connector and pipe must not be allowed to overheat.

If the pipes are not soldered correctly, then you can get a leak, and the floor and furniture will be the first to suffer. It is not always possible to restore furniture, and besides, there will be a reason to update the interior. Choose high-quality furniture in stores with a large assortment, for example, - a huge selection for every taste and budget.

To reinforce the theory, watch a video on how to properly solder polypropylene pipes

How to choose a soldering iron for pipes, what to buy?

How to choose a soldering iron for pipes, what to buy?

The manufacturer of the soldering machine is of great importance for the quality of the seam.

Which country of origin is best to choose?

Czech soldering irons are now in first place. This device will cost much more than others, but the quality of the soldering justifies its cost.

Buyers give second place to Turkish manufacturers.

Chinese soldering irons for polypropylene pipes have a very attractive price, so they will be a good choice for one-time use, for example, for laying pipes in your apartment. The quality of Chinese devices is not the best, durability is also poor, but it is quite enough to furnish several apartments.

With careful attention to the quality of the seam, the reliability of soldering can be guaranteed. Today you can choose from the following manufacturers:

Model Manufacturer country Power Diameter of pipe nozzles Price
Dytron POLYS Czech 650-1200 W 16-125 mm 185 $
Dremel Versatip Taiwan Gas-burner Any 70 $
Candan Türkiye 1500 W 20-63 mm 60 $
Start SPT-2200 Russia 2200 W 20-63 mm 40 $
Stern PPW-2000 A Austria 2000 W 20-63 mm 40 $
Intertool RT-2102 Ukraine 800 W 20-63 mm 25 $



The most effective way to use a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes is to install several different nozzles on it at the same time. In fact, changing tips while the soldering iron is running is difficult and unsafe.

The nozzles that are currently produced for soldering irons of polypropylene pipes are designed for connecting products with both the same and different diameters.

The nozzles are manufactured with different surface coatings to increase durability and reliability in operation.

It can be metallized or simple Teflon. In order for the attachments to last longer, before use it is necessary to remove any remaining plastic from previous solderings.

Fittings for polypropylene pipes are relatively cheap, and the cost of one adapter or coupling does not depend on the complexity of the part or its size. For example, a coupling of any diameter costs about 10 rubles.

Reviews from craftsmen about soldering irons

Reviews from craftsmen about soldering irons

“So I bought myself a soldering iron. True, the Chinese version is inexpensive, and if you take into account how much the work of a master costs, it still turns out to be profitable. I have four radiators in my apartment, and I did them all myself.

The principle of operation is quite simple - I first looked at how my neighbor’s master did it, and then decided that I could do it myself. I cut the pipe, straightened the end, inserted a fitting on one side of the nozzle, and a pipe or tee on the other - it didn’t matter. I waited 10-15 seconds. I removed it from the nozzle, connected the pipes, and waited another 20 seconds. You can solder the next piece. What's so difficult about this? I did the right thing in not calling the repairman.”

Albert, 44 years old, Kazan

“Yesterday I bought a Turkish Candan and tried a corner with a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm. Everything worked out. Holds tightly and does not leak. True, I made one mistake - I placed the fitting unevenly on the nozzle, but I’ll still learn. Everything is done very simply, as I thought.

So if you are thinking of soldering pipes at home yourself, calmly take a soldering iron and do it. There is absolutely nothing complicated. Of course, this simplicity is apparent, and no one has canceled the knowledge of water supply systems and the design of the heating system. Soldering pipes can be done easily and simply, but for the system to be operational, without the formation of air pockets with normal water flow, is another matter.”

Leonid Morozov 38 years old, Stary Oskol


Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering polypropylene pipes Soldering polypropylene pipes Posted on 03/17/2013 in Polypropylene pipes, Plumbing, Pipes

In the material about polypropylene pipes, I briefly explained what these pipes are.

Now let's talk a little about soldering these pipes.

It’s correct, of course, to say: “welding” or even “diffusion welding of pipes,” but we usually use simpler words: Dictionary diffusion welding, we call soldering Welding machine, we call it a soldering iron or even an iron

We call polypropylene “polycom” or “PPR”

We call the colors this way:
White - Turk.
(Although Valtek also makes white and the quality of the pipes is at a high level) Gray - Czech
Green - German



To “solder” pipes you will need: Soldering iron - “Welding machine” Pipe cutter or scissors   Stripper or trimmer

A “soldering iron” is the very tool without which the installation of polypropylene pipes is impossible in principle. As for scissors, the pipe can be cut with a hacksaw or even a grinder. Only the edges will need to be cleaned of excess “fringe”.

Regarding the stripping tool, if you don’t have one, you can choose a pipe with glass fiber reinforcement.



In order to assemble a system of such pipes, there are many different fittings and connectors.

You can assemble absolutely any system:

Solder ball valve:



The average temperature of the welding machine should be set to 260 degrees.

Of course, for each diameter there are more subtle temperature settings and on expensive machines, the required temperature is inserted automatically if you specify the diameter of the pipe being welded.

We set the temperature to 260 degrees, put on the desired nozzle, and now all we have to do is remember the time during which we need to heat the pipe.

16th heat for 5 seconds. after which it must be fixed for 6-7 seconds so that the soldering is of high quality.

We heat the 20th for 5 seconds.

25th - 7 sec.

32nd - 8 sec.

40th - 12 sec.

Now more details.

We take the pipe with the coupling in our hands and try to connect them without heating. If this is possible, then there will not be a high-quality connection, replace the components and, if possible, use connectors from the same manufacturer in the same system.

After we have found out that you hold in your hands what you need and can be soldered, we first put the fitting on the nozzle of the welding machine (it is thicker) and then the pipe.

But this is a book example and it is very difficult to attach a fitting and a pipe separately to a soldering iron. Push in at the same time, but you can take out the pipe first, and then the connector.

This is what the heated fittings look like:

Now they need to be connected.

When heating, it is important to insert the pipe completely into the nozzle. To be sure, before soldering, you can make a mark on the pipe how long the pipe should go into the nozzle.

When heating, the elements cannot be twisted on a soldering iron . Although the manufacturer prohibits turns, I still do it, but the turns are very small, I would even say they are some kind of movements to make it easier to put on the pipe with the fitting. It happens that the corner fits very tightly onto the nozzle. This often happens with large diameters, for example 40 mm. In this case, the soldering iron can be moved back and forth a couple of degrees relative to the parts.

If you twist the parts or the soldering iron more than about 5 degrees, then parts of the plastic will remain on the nozzle which will then smoke, and the soldering may be of poor quality. So, if possible, it is better not to turn, and especially not to twist or turn .

After installing the elements completely, we begin the countdown at 5 seconds in the case of a 20 mm pipe. or 8 seconds in the case of the 32nd pipe.

After this time, we first remove the pipe, and then the fitting.

Quickly, but without fuss, we connect these two elements. After connection, you still have a couple of seconds to correct the alignment. After 2-3 seconds. Alignment adjustment must be stopped. Otherwise, the joint will leak.

After the joint, allow the product to cool for about 20 seconds, fixing the joint firmly.

If you are soldering the first joints, then strictly observe the heating and fixation time.
In subsequent joints, take into account drafts and ambient temperature. If you are working in a draft and the temperature, for example, is below +10, then the heating time should be slightly increased by 1-3 seconds. depending on diameter. Otherwise, you risk not having time to dock the heated elements, or there is not a second left to correct the alignment.



If you underheat the pipes, you will either not be able to connect them, or the joint will subsequently leak.


Let's figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes: technology features and tips for choosing tools

We solder polypropylene pipes

Modern repair technologies and materials allow you to assemble utility lines with your own hands, without the help of specialists. It's very easy to find tutorial videos that clearly show how to do this.

However, there are some subtleties that are best learned from detailed written reviews. We will analyze, for example, how to solder polypropylene pipes, how to follow all stages of the technology and avoid the most common mistakes when installing them yourself.

First, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the technical features of propylene pipes and find out how their heat resistance and thermal elongation can affect the operation of the assembled pipeline. And taking into account such knowledge, carry out the installation of the highway.

Heat resistance and thermal elongation

Propylene is a durable plastic, but it loses its stability under certain technical conditions. The material loses its hardness, and therefore its shape, if the coolant temperature rises to + 140 degrees.

However, if you look at the technical data sheet, manufacturers give much more modest figures. They advise choosing propylene pipes for installing a heating system where the coolant temperature does not rise above +95 degrees.

Why is there such a big difference? Why do experts not recommend using polypropylene for the installation of heating supply lines?

Because at higher temperatures the material being described changes its linear dimensions. When heated, the pipes sag greatly, and the stress that arises in this case can lead to serious consequences in the form of dangerous utility accidents. There are some techniques to eliminate these disadvantages of polypropylene.

For example, it is necessary to use reinforced products instead of simple plastic pipes for installing a heating system. They have a linear elongation coefficient 5 times less than that of conventional plastic, so a pipeline assembled from them can withstand pressure 5 times greater.

But even if reinforced pipes are used, it is necessary to install compensators - special U-shaped bends assembled on straight sections of pipes. As the temperature of the coolant increases, this will allow the elastic pipelines to remain straight due to the fact that the U-shaped outlet will narrow slightly.

Note! When assembling heating using polypropylene pipes, it is better to combine both approaches and use fiberglass-reinforced options with U-shaped branches.


Before soldering the described pipes, you need to find out what type of polypropylene is used in them:

  1. Fiberglass reinforced.
  2. Aluminum reinforced.

Soldering with your own hands is easier than the first option, and welding in this case is no different from welding ordinary plastic. Pipes reinforced with aluminum must first be cleaned. To do this, you will need a special tool in the form of a sharp knife - a shaver. If black pipes are used, where the reinforcing layer is located between two layers of plastic, for stripping you need to take a trimmer - a narrow knife that will allow you to trim from the end side.

Choosing pipes for heating

Choosing a material for heating installation is actually not that difficult. The modern market offers four options, and each has its own marking:

  • Polypropylene under the PN 10 brand is intended for assembling a “warm floor” system and cold water supply.
  • Brand PN 16 can be used for cold water supply and heating installations, in which the coolant circulates under low operating pressure.
  • Brand PN 20 is a universal option, capable of withstanding a working pressure of 2 MPa and a coolant temperature of +80 degrees.
  • Brand PN 25 is a reinforced polypropylene pipe, suitable for installation of heating and hot water supply systems with coolant temperatures up to +95 degrees.

Where can I get a soldering iron?

The main tool for soldering is a soldering iron, which is used to create sealed seams. You can buy it in a store, borrow it from friends, or rent it from special construction companies. So in this regard there will be no problems.

When purchasing a tool, you must choose one that will allow you to perform all the required operations. As a rule, when assembling plumbing and heating with your own hands, you do not need to buy fancy models with a large number of attachments. The power of the soldering iron only affects the speed of its heating, but not the process itself, so there is no point in overpaying.

Note! Inexpensive models come with 3 nozzles for collecting plastic pipes with a diameter of 20, 25 and 32 mm. Pipes of this exact diameter are used for installing internal communications wiring.

Devices for welding polypropylene pipes

The welding soldering iron has a fairly simple design. The main thing about it is the sole, equipped with heating elements. The sole is equipped with holes of various diameters. You can attach attachments to them, which can be used to solder pipes. The heating temperature is controlled by a thermostat located on the housing.

Using it you can set degrees. Their values ​​are noted in the instructions, and the table is published on the Internet. It is necessary to set the temperature depending on the type of materials being welded. So, for example, for soldering polyethylene pipes, a mode of 220 degrees is selected, and for polypropylene pipes - 260 degrees.

In addition to a soldering iron, during work you may need:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Hacksaw for metal.
  4. Sharp knife.
  5. Scissors for cutting polypropylene.
  6. Shaver.

Soldering iron technology

Welding technology

The simplest instructions detailing how to properly solder polypropylene pipes are as follows:

  • The welding machine comes with a special stand. A soldering iron is placed on it and plugged into an outlet. But first, a sleeve is inserted into the hole of the soldering iron.
  • The ends of the polypropylene are prepared. If it is reinforced with fiberglass, it does not need to be treated. Aluminum-reinforced material will have to be trimmed by chamfering and marking it with a marker. This will help control the depth of immersion of the pipe into the soldering iron coupling.
  • First, we measure and cut the required section, adding 25 mm to it - they will be inserted into the fitting when soldering.
  • When the soldering iron reaches the desired temperature, you will hear a characteristic sound. Then a coupling is inserted into the nozzle on one side, and a prepared pipe on the other.
  • The time indicated in the table is recorded. Usually soldering takes from 4 to 10 seconds. While the coupling and pipe are in the soldering iron, they cannot be rotated or moved. You cannot touch them even after the parts are removed from the soldering iron. The accumulated temperature will allow you to create a sealed seam.

As you can see, the technology for welding polypropylene pipes is quite simple. You just need to follow certain rules for making seams.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Be sure to remove the chamfer. Otherwise, you can lift up the plastic when connecting, and the seam will not be airtight.
  2. When two parts are connected to each other, they cannot be rotated.
  3. Both the fitting and the pipe must be inserted into each other until they stop.
  4. Do not clean the nozzle while the soldering iron is on. It is better to remove melted plastic with a rough cloth and pull the cord out of the outlet.

Soldering with an electric coupling

You can solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands using an electric coupling instead of a soldering iron. In this case, the process is further simplified and productivity is almost doubled.

Do-it-yourself soldering of polypropylene pipes

The edges of reinforced pipes are prepared in the same way. When connecting parts, clamps are used. The electric coupling is connected to the network.

The device comes with a table and instructions on how to perform soldering and how long it should take. Electrodes are attached to the coupling body, and the heating time is set manually. There is a monitor on the coupling body, which displays information that the soldering time is over.

Welding is performed with high quality. Rejection is possible only in one case - when there are defects in the spirals.

It is more convenient to use an electric coupling than a soldering iron:

  • Firstly, with its help you can halve the pipeline assembly time without losing its quality.
  • Secondly, with the help of a coupling it is easier to join connections located in hard-to-reach places.
  • Thirdly, the described device is cheaper, has a more compact size, and is more convenient to work with. There is only one drawback - it is impossible to weld small-diameter pipes using an electric coupling.

Generalization on the topic

After carefully reading the proposed material and watching the training video, you can easily assemble a heating, cold and hot water supply pipeline with your own hands. Moreover, now you know how to solder polypropylene pipes. You just need to take into account all the nuances of existing technologies and strictly follow the welding rules.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

  • Pipes;
  • fitting;
  • napkins;
  • gloves;
  • soldering iron;
  • pipe cutters;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • isopropyl alcohol.

‑channel “Do-it-yourself repairs”

Connecting polypropylene pipes is quite simple, but - as with any other structure - before starting work, it is advisable to prepare an approximate installation diagram.

Sketch out a drawing on paper with the location of the insertion points, shut-off valves and other necessary parts. This way you can immediately estimate the length of the pipes, as well as determine the location, type and number of fittings needed.

Since both ends of the pipeline heat up during connection, for ease of installation it is important that one of them remains free. Some pipes with fittings can be assembled on a table and then installed in the desired location, making just one joint. All this will help to provide an assembly diagram.

3. Prepare your soldering iron

In general, the device is correctly called a “welding machine.” The process of joining polypropylene takes place without the use of solder, which means it is welding and not soldering. We will use both terms.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Install nozzles of the required diameter onto the soldering iron platform and secure them with a screw using a wrench. If you are working with pipes of several sizes, use an additional pair of sleeves.

Set the heating temperature to 260 °C and turn on the device. It will take 10–20 minutes to heat up. An LED indicator will indicate that it is ready for use. You need to wait about 5 more minutes before welding the first joint.

When polypropylene is heated, harmful fumes and smoke are released, which should not be inhaled. Therefore, ventilate the room while working.

4. Make markings

While the soldering iron is heating up, prepare the pipe and fittings. For high-quality welding, they must fit into each other strictly to a certain depth. Insufficient immersion will lead to a poor connection, and excessive immersion will reduce or completely block the flow area with extruded plastic. Here are the values ​​recommended by most manufacturers for the most common sizes:

As you can see, the soldering depth depends on the diameter of the pipes and fittings.

‑channel FV Miano

To avoid mistakes, measure the required length of the pipe, taking into account the allowance for the joint, and mark it with a pencil. Then, at the required distance from this mark, draw another line - it will serve as a guide during welding.

For example, we need to connect an angle and a tee in a heating system. The distance between them is 270 mm. For fittings with a diameter of 25 mm, the soldering depth is 18 mm, which means we add another 36 mm to 270 (18 on each side). The result is 306 mm - this is exactly the piece of pipe that needs to be cut off.

5. Cut the pipe

To cut polypropylene, special scissors are used, which are also called pipe cutters. They make it easy to cut off a thick-walled pipe and get smooth edges without burrs.

‑channel “Sergey Efimov”

Place the scissors exactly perpendicular to the pipe and align the blade with the first mark. Holding the pipe with one hand, press the handles of the scissors with the other until the part is completely cut.

It is important to get an even end so that the pipe fits evenly into the fitting and is soldered equally over the entire diameter. If you cut it at an angle, the protruding part will go in too deep and the molten polypropylene will squeeze out, reducing the inner diameter of the fitting.

If the edge turns out to be uneven and the margin allows, it is better to cut it again. If the length is close, trim the end, removing all excess with a sharp knife.

6. Degrease parts

According to the instructions of all manufacturers, the parts to be welded must be degreased for a quality connection. And although many craftsmen neglect this and limit themselves to only wiping the pipes with a rag, we recommend sticking to the technology.

‑channel "KaUT Company"

Clean the pipes of any contamination. Drain off any remaining water and wipe thoroughly with a napkin or toilet paper. Clean the surfaces of fittings and pipes with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

The same alcohol can easily erase all the inscriptions on the pipes and give them a more aesthetic appearance.

7. Heat the pipe and fitting

There is a risk of serious burns when working with a hot soldering iron, so be sure to wear protective gloves. Parts of different sizes need to be heated for a certain time. The larger the diameter, the longer.

For a reliable connection, it is important not to overheat the polypropylene, otherwise the material will become fluid, melt and block the fitting from the inside.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Insert the fitting first into the corresponding soldering iron sleeves, then the pipe. When pushing parts, do not rotate them around their axis or tilt them. Insert the pipe to the previously marked depth until the molten polypropylene reaches the pencil line. Only then count down the allotted time.

All specified data is valid for work at an ambient temperature of about 20 ° C. If the room is colder than 5 °C, the heating time approximately doubles.

8. Weld the joint

Without turning or tilting, quickly remove first the pipe and then the fitting from the nozzles and connect both parts in the desired position relative to each other. Don't fuss, but don't hesitate either - you have 4-6 seconds left.

‑channel FV Miano

Hold the pipe and fitting motionless for about 5 seconds to ensure the joint locks into place. At this moment, it is allowed to rotate the connection no more than 10 degrees to correct its position.

The complete cooling time, after which the welding site can be loaded, ranges from 2 to 4 minutes.

Remains of polypropylene from the nozzle can be easily removed with a paper napkin while the soldering iron is hot. If you clean already cooled cartridges, there is a risk of damaging the Teflon coating.

9. Check the connection

‑channel FV Miano

The quality of welding can be determined by a small, uniform bead at the end of the fitting. If it is not there, then perhaps the joint is underheated and the tightness will be in question. If the influx is too large, the pipe is most likely overheated and it melts inside, partially or completely blocking the flow area.

For those who are dealing with polypropylene welding for the first time, it would be a good idea to first practice and weld a few practice joints. It's better to learn on straight couplings. Unlike corners and other fittings of complex shapes, they can be easily inspected after soldering, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

Nowadays, there often comes a time when it is necessary to replace old, expired, often already rusted pipes. And here begins the frantic search for craftsmen to replace or repair them. Typically, there used to be terrible iron (metal) pipes that were impossible to deal with on your own. Today, the best solution is polypropylene pipes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

What are polypropylene pipes?

It is polypropylene pipes that are now leaders in the market, as a result of which their production has increased significantly, ahead of materials such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. These pipes contain a synthetic polymer from the polyolefin class. These are fairly solid white pipes, they are moisture resistant with electrical insulation properties.

Combining all the properties of polypropylene pipes into one, it is necessary to inform that the service life of cold water supply from this material is from 45 to 50 years, and that of hot water supply is from 20 to 25 years. Please note that the declared service life of polypropylene pipes from manufacturers is twice as long if the pipes are used in accordance with established temperature and water pressure standards.

Pipe installation and necessary tools

At the moment when you have studied all the information about polypropylene pipes and decided to install water supply systems yourself, you will need to figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes so that the result is positive.

Nowadays, a polypropylene pipeline system is installed with great ease, but it is imperative to use fittings from only one company, of the same composition. Polypropylene pipes can withstand water temperatures from –10 degrees to +95. The most important thing is to follow the temperature rules.

To carry out soldering work you will need:

  • Ruler or roll;
  • Pencil;
  • Building level;
  • Gas keys: number 0 and number 3;
  • Pipe cutting shears;
  • Flax (for connecting combined fittings);
  • Welding machine with a set of nozzles for plastic pipes.

All of the above tools, with the exception of the last one, are available to any craftsman. You can use a welding machine only once in your life, so it is not necessary to buy it; it is better to borrow or rent it from the store (where you will purchase polypropylene pipes), especially since installation can be done within one day.

Soldering process technology

Soldering plastic pipes is actually quite easy. You just need to do everything in a certain sequence.

Preparing the welding machine

First, the device is securely installed on the mounting feet (stand), which are included in the kit. In this position of the device, the nozzles are fixed to the heating element in the holes intended for this purpose. Important: the nozzles must be positioned from the edge of the heating element in the order in which they will be used. Their diameter depends on the diameter of the installed pipes.

The next step is to set the temperature on the soldering iron using a thermostat. As a rule, the temperature depends on the wall thickness and diameter of the pipes. For polypropylene pipes, the optimal temperature is 260°C.

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands

Your last action is to connect the soldering iron to the network.

The electric indicator located on the body of the soldering iron will tell you that the device can already be used. It will light up yellow once the heating element reaches the required temperature. Before performing the first soldering, allow the machine to warm up for 15 minutes.

Preparation of polypropylene

Using special scissors, a polypropylene pipe of the required size is cut, and the joints are degreased with an alcohol solution.

The pipe and fitting are installed into the nozzles on both sides simultaneously and brought to the stop. In this position, the pipe and fitting heat up for a short amount of time (from 5 to 50 seconds, depending on the diameter of the pipe).

Then they are simultaneously removed from the attachments and connected to each other. This action must be done in a fairly short time. Different pipes have their own times, which you can find out from a special table.

At the end of the work, you need to check the quality of the soldering (plastic rings should appear at the junction of the pipe and fitting). If the soldering fails, it must be cut and welded again.

Using all the information discussed earlier, the process of welding polypropylene pipes will not cause you any particular difficulties, and any plumbing system will be completed in the shortest possible time!


Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

The strength and durability of various plastic communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is taken into account. When welding polypropylene products, it is necessary to take into account the heating time of the material and the cooling time of the joints.

Correct comparison and consideration of temperature and time parameters of the soldering process of technical products made of polypropylene contributes to the production of a durable and reliable material.

If you deviate from the technology, the product will have breaks at the joints and be of poor quality.

Soldering PP pipes

general information

The temperature regime for soldering polypropylene pipe products directly depends on the polymer used. In practice, 4 types of materials are used:

  • PN10, used for the use of technical products at temperatures up to +40 C;
  • PN16 for use at +60 C;
  • PN20, used in water supply from +80 C to +95 C;
  • PN25 for operating modes above +95 C.

In addition to maintaining temperature conditions, welding polypropylene pipes with your own hands depends on the pressure that pipe technical products of a specific marking can withstand.

The first type is used when laying technical products intended for cold water supply. Pipe products marked PN20 are considered universal and are intended for cold and hot water supply, but taking into account that the effect of +95 C is short-term. If the temperature is not maintained, then due to its action they will lose their tightness and become deformed.

Soldering mode and its effect on the process

The technology for soldering polypropylene pipes involves heating them, after which the plastic contained in them softens. When two heated products are connected, diffusion (interpenetration) of polypropylene molecules of one technical product into the molecules of the other occurs. As a result, a strong molecular bond is formed, making the resulting material airtight and durable.

If there is an insufficient mode, then sufficient diffusion will not occur when two materials are combined. As a result, the joint of the technical product will turn out to be weak, which will lead to a violation of the tightness of the entire material.


Excessive overheating of the fitting and pipe technical product during welding causes deformation of the parts. Their geometry is disrupted, and a roller influx occurs in the internal section.”

The output is a pipeline with a minimal internal hole at the junction, the diameter of which does not meet technological standards.


How to solder polypropylene pipes

Fig.2. Nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 20, 40, 32, 40, 50, 63.

The welding machine is installed on a flat surface and replaceable heaters of the required size are secured to it using special keys. It is advisable to install the entire required set of nozzles (see Fig. 3) on the device’s seats before heating the device.

Fig.3. Welding machine before heating with installed nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes.

From the point of view of heating uniformity, the location of the nozzle on the heater does not matter. Therefore, the nozzles are placed in a way that is convenient for installation. Closer to the end, place the nozzles necessary for working on the wall, that is, on the pipeline branch being mounted.

The quality of connections directly depends on the ease of performing technological methods, therefore, it is better to assemble all pipeline fragments that can be mounted on a permanently installed device (on a stand) separately.

It is advisable to carry out welding “on the wall”, especially in inconvenient places, with an assistant.

The welding temperature for polypropylene pipes is set on the machine - 260 ° C and 220 ° C for polyethylene and PERT pipelines).

Depending on the ambient temperature, heating lasts 10-15 minutes.

The operating temperature on the surface of the heating plates is achieved automatically.

Welding of polypropylene pipes and fittings is prohibited at temperatures below 0°C. Air temperature during welding is very important. So the welding time must be increased at low air temperatures and reduced in hot conditions.

General rule for socket welding

The inner diameter of the unheated fitting should be slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the pipe.

It is recommended to carry out the first welding 5 minutes after heating the welding machine. After each use, the welding machine must be cleaned of any remaining plastic.

Socket welding of plastic parts to each other is carried out as follows.

1. Use scissors or a pipe cutter to cut the pipe at a right angle.


2. If necessary, clean the end of the pipe and the socket of the fitting from dust and dirt, degrease with alcohol or soapy water and then dry.

When welding PN 10 and PN 20 pipes, nothing else needs to be done at this stage.

When welding reinforced pipes PN 25 with a special tool using a shaver, the two top layers of polypropylene and aluminum are removed from the pipe. The size of the fitting socket is made in such a way that only a pipe with the top layers removed can fit into it. The depth of stripping is carried out according to the stop of the tool, which determines the depth of welding.


Fig.5. Shaver


Fig.6. Processing the pipe with a shaver.

3. Apply a mark to the pipe at a distance equal to the depth of the socket plus 2 mm. If you use rough parts, fittings and tools from the same manufacturer, then, most often, you don’t need to do any calculations. The shaver (Fig. 2) removes the top layers of the pipe exactly to the welding depth, and the dimensions of the heating nozzles are such that it is impossible to insert a pipe into them to a depth greater than required.

4. Place the parts to be joined on the appropriate nozzles: insert the pipe into the sleeve to the mark indicating the welding depth, and put the fitting socket on the mandrel.

5. Maintain the heating time (see Table 1), then remove the parts from the device and connect them to each other without turning the parts along the axis. Welding fittings must be connected to the pipe with a quick, confident movement, maintaining the alignment of the pipe and coupling. The connection between the pipe and the fitting must occur to the depth determined by the boundary inside the fitting socket.

6. After welding, it is necessary to maintain a cooling time, especially for thin-walled pipes. Rotation and bending (deformation) during cooling are not permitted.

A connection with poor alignment or angle of relative position of the fittings is subject to only one method of correction - the incorrectly connected fitting is cut out.

You must be especially careful when welding elements for which position is important - angles, tees, ball valves. The latter must be welded so that the handle can move freely to all positions.

If you are soldering (welding) polypropylene pipes for the first time, you can cut the first connection to check, it should look like this:

Table 1. Technical parameters of welding (soldering) of polypropylene pipes. The welding machine must be constantly switched on during the entire welding process. Heating begins simultaneously for two parts.

If underheating occurs, there is a possibility that the parts will not reach the temperature of viscous plasticity. In this case, the connection will be unreliable and diffusion of the material may not occur.

When overheated, there is a possibility of loss of shape stability, the adhesion (stickiness) of the material will be excessive. It will be impossible to insert the pipe into the fitting, and as the force increases, the edges of the pipe will bend inward or become wrinkled. The connection will be narrowed.

Sticking of material on the fittings indicates either poor quality of the Teflon coating of the welding machine nozzles, or overheating of the plastic during welding.

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) of reinforced polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

The appearance of welded joints must satisfy the following requirements: 

  • Misalignment of pipes by more than the thickness of their wall is not allowed;
  • The outer surface of the connecting part welded to the pipe should not have cracks, folds or other defects caused by overheating;
  • At the edge of the socket of the connecting part welded to the pipe, a continuous bead of melted material should be visible around the entire circumference, protruding beyond the end surface of the connecting part.

Instructions for welding welded seats

Welded saddles are used for the installation of subsequent branches from the pipeline, when repairing existing systems. First, it is necessary to drill the wall of the plastic pipe with a Fusiotherm drill.

When using Stabi composite pipes, the remaining aluminum on the drill hole must be removed using the Fusiotherm chamfering tool.


Fig.1. Drilling a hole in the pipe wall.

The welding device/saddle welding tool must reach the required operating temperature of 260°C.
The surfaces to be welded must be clean and dry.


Fig.2. Installation of a welding machine;

The heating connection of the saddle welding tool is inserted into the hole in the wall of the plastic pipe until the tool reaches the entire outer wall of the pipe. The welded seat fitting is then inserted into the heating sleeve until the surface of the seat reaches the crown of the tool. The heating time of the elements is 30 seconds.

Fig.3. Heating of the pipe and seat.

After removing the welding tool, the welded seat fitting is quickly inserted into the heated hole. Then the seat should be pressed accurately and tightly, without rotating, onto the heated outer surface of the plastic pipe.

Fig.4. Installation of a welded seat;

The welded seat is fixed motionless on the pipe for 15 seconds. After 10 minutes of cooling, the connection can be subjected to full load. The corresponding branch pipe is welded into the coupling in the usual way.

Fig.5. Finished welded seat.

Examples of finished polypropylene pipelines welded by socket welding

The simplest example of polypropylene pipes in a bathroom:

The simplest example of polypropylene pipes from a toilet to a bathroom) Please note that the polypropylene pipeline is removable).


Piping made of polypropylene (a more complex option), all pipes are wrapped in thermal insulation to prevent the formation of condensation for cold water and reduce heat loss for hot water).


Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

When water communications consisting of plastic pipes are assembled, temperature becomes the most important parameter. It must have certain values ​​to achieve a strong and reliable connection.

Today, the technology for laying pipelines made of such materials requires compliance with a certain temperature regime, as well as specific time values, when performing welding work. If you do not follow the recommended parameters, a rupture may appear in key areas and the movement of the water flow may deteriorate significantly.

General influence of temperature during docking work

The technological process of welding polypropylene pipes is based on heating the material to the required temperature. As a result, the plastic begins to soften. When connecting parts, diffusion of polypropylene molecules occurs. In other words, molecules merge into a compound. When the material cools, an extremely strong joint is formed.

The strength of the workpieces being welded is directly dependent on the temperature regime. If the heating is insufficient, the diffusion process will not occur. The molecules of the fitting and the pipe being welded are simply not able to get into the compatible areas. The welding will be weak and will not be able to withstand heavy loads. The pair will break and the seal of the joint will be broken.

When overheated, the structure will begin to deform. As a result, the original geometry will change. A strong influx in the form of a large roller may form inside the part. As a result, the cross-sectional diameter of the pipeline at the welding site will be significantly reduced.

For normal soldering of polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to create heating to a temperature of 255-265 degrees. The heating process must take into account several parameters:

  • Part diameter.
  • Room temperature.
  • Heating time.

Practice has shown that heating time and part diameter are directly related.

The temperature of the room in which soldering occurs also affects this process. When parts are soldered, when removing them from the “iron” or other heating device, there is a pause before the coupling begins. To compensate for cooling at low temperatures, pp pipes need to be heated a little longer. This additional time is within 2-3 seconds. The selection occurs empirically.

It must be remembered that if you heat polypropylene pipes on a heating apparatus with a temperature setting of more than 270 degrees, the top layer of the part will become very hot. The core will not receive sufficient heating. When joining parts, the thickness of the welding film will be very thin.

How to weld polypropylene pipes manually

Welding sleeves of the device are selected taking into account the diameter of the parts. They are then inserted into the welding mirror and secured well.

Contact surfaces are cleaned of dust and dirt. For cleaning, it is better to use a cleaning fluid recommended by the manufacturer of this product. The following may help with this work:

  • Chlorethylene.
  • Trichloroethane.
  • Ethyl or Isopropyl alcohol.

A certain temperature of the device is set. Typically, the thermistor should heat up within 250 - 270 degrees. This optimal temperature allows the correct connection to be achieved.

When the thermostat reaches the desired thermal level, the heating temperature of the welding mirror is checked. For this, a special thermal probe is used.

The pipe is cut, maintaining 90 degrees relative to the axis. If necessary, you need to clean the surface and chamfer it. Stripping parameters and chamfer depth dimensions are taken from table number one. The chamfer can be removed when cleaning the part or after it, using a special calibrated tool.

Polypropylene fittings for socket welding. Grinding depth and chamfer width.

The insertion depth “L1” is marked on the surface of the pipe. Taken from Table 2. Stripping must necessarily correspond to the insertion depth.

Insertion depth L1(mm): maximum insertion depth of the heated pipe into the fitting cup.

A longitudinal mark is applied to the outer surface of the pipe and fitting being welded. It makes it possible to avoid displacement of parts during connection.

The surface of the pipe, as well as the attached fitting, must be well cleaned of oil or dirt. After achieving the required heating of the welding mirror, the pipe, together with the fitting, is installed in special sleeves. The fittings must be inserted all the way, the pipe being welded to the full stripping depth. You need to wait a little while the parts heat up.

They are then quickly removed and inserted into each other. The insertion depth of the fitting must be equal to the length L1, in accordance with the longitudinal notches.

The connected parts must be kept in a fixed position for a certain time, according to table No. 3. Then you need to give it time to cool naturally. Do not cool them with a fan or immerse them in cold water.

Heating, welding and cooling times

When the surface of the elements has cooled sufficiently, it is necessary to conduct a hydraulic test.

Temperature ranges for resistance welding.

The changes in pressure and temperature during the butt welding process are shown in the figure below:

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

When calculating the future pipeline layout, figure out how further installation will take place. It is necessary to strive to obtain a minimum distance between the soldering machine and the connection point.

If the calculation is made incorrectly and the welding site is in an inaccessible place, you will have to heat the part at a considerable distance from the fastening site. In this case, large heat losses occur, since parts have to be transferred in order to make the coupling joint. As a result of such unaccounted for moments, a strong weakening of the seam occurs.

If an incorrect calculation of the installation and soldering sequence is made, a situation may arise when it is impossible to join the last parts, since the heating device simply cannot be installed between the parts. To increase the gap, it is necessary to deform certain sections of the pipelines that allow the soldering device to be inserted. Such work can spoil the appearance of communication. Static voltage may appear in some areas of the system.

A very serious mistake, as a result of which it is not possible to control the temperature, is the sequential heating of the workpieces immediately before the joint. In other words, each part is heated separately. As a result, the temperature regime is completely disrupted.

This incorrect approach can cause the part to cool down greatly due to the time it takes to warm up. Intentional loss of heat occurs. This method of connecting parts does not allow the work to be structured correctly and the process of softening the material becomes unpredictable. Its use is strictly prohibited.

To exercise proper temperature control, several criteria must be taken into account:

1. The quality of the welding machine for working with polypropylene products should allow maintaining certain parameters with a minimum error.

2. There should be less than 1.5 meters between the welding machine and the connection area.

3.The operation must be performed in a heated building.

4.Before starting welding, make sure that the temperature of the parts to be joined is approximately the same.


How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

Plastic pipes are being used more and more often than metal ones, since they have undeniable advantages, which include a longer service life - up to 50 years for polypropylene pipes, as well as high sound insulation characteristics, resistance to temperature changes, low electrical and thermal conductivity.

PVC pipes are also popular because they are very durable, reliable and easy to install.

Initially, such products were not soldered. Polypropylene pipelines were connected by gluing with special adhesives.

In some countries of the world, polypropylene pipes with small diameters, which are used indoors, are still connected by gluing today.

However, a more reliable and simpler method of fastening is soldering. From this article you will learn how to solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

And so that you better understand the technology of work, we recommend reading articles and watching videos on how to solder polypropylene pipes.

Required Tools

For soldering work you will need:

  • roulette;
  • scissors designed for cutting PVC pipes;
  • soldering iron designed for polymer pipes;
  • building level.

Most of these tools are well known to those who have ever participated in construction work.

Therefore, if you decide: we solder polypropylene pipes yourself, you probably already know the necessary tools well, or you can borrow them from your friends or colleagues.

If you don't have the tools yet, they can all be easily purchased at a hardware store. It can be difficult to find just the right scissors and soldering iron. As a rule, they are purchased as a set.

How to solder polypropylene pipes with and without a soldering iron?

Of course, this tool must be available if you are going to connect PVC pipes. Specialized scissors are also called roller pipe cutters.

The tool is available for sale in one of two modifications according to its intended purpose:

  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-4 cm;
  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-11 cm.

Soldering iron selection

A soldering iron suitable for cutting pipes is also called a manual welding machine. The tool is a heating device that has a sole equipped with heating elements.

As a rule, it is equipped with holes of different diameters in which soldering nozzles are fixed. The soldering iron is equipped with a temperature regulator.

It also has a heating indicator, a comfortable handle and a special stand. The latter allows you to install the device on a flat surface. The tool is turned on and off by pressing additional switches.

It is the soldering iron that helps answer the question of how to solder polypropylene pipes for heating or plumbing, and how to connect them.

And if you plan to install the pipeline yourself, you should get this device. Depending on the purpose, the tool intended for working with polypropylene pipes comes in two modifications:

  • for PVC pipes with a diameter of 1.6-5 cm with a maximum power of 650 W;
  • for PVC pipes with a diameter of 6.3-11 cm with a maximum power of 1600 W.

Any soldering iron is equipped with paired nozzles of different diameters and a stand.

If you don’t yet know how to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places, take a closer look at the soldering iron attachments.

As a rule, they allow you to perform complex work.

  • Soldering iron tips are coated with a non-stick coating, similar to the coating used in cookware.
  • Therefore, the instrument requires special care and cleaning.

Recommendations - how to solder polypropylene pipes

Before starting soldering work, you should carefully study the technology, the necessary instructions, and learn how to use a soldering iron in order to reduce the risks of irreparable errors.

When soldering pipes, you must remember that this is part of the soldering of the pipeline, so work should begin with its most difficult step - marking.

It is the markings that will tell you how to solder polypropylene pipes smoothly. It is good when the marking is carried out by a specialist who is familiar with the drawings of the pipeline system and represents the implementation of the drawings.

Pipe cutting

Before cutting the pipes, measure the interval between the fittings and add 3 cm to the resulting distance. After this, carefully cut the pipe at a right angle with special scissors.

Fittings are put on the pipe, marking the depth on it with a marker, thereby applying a transverse mark to the product. And the longitudinal one will make it possible to join pipeline elements along the axes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

First, turn on the soldering iron and insert a nozzle of the required diameter into its hole. Using a thermostat, you need to set the optimal soldering temperature.

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

Recommended value:

  • 260°С – for polypropylene pipes;
  • 220°C – for polyethylene.

The soldering iron is heated up for 10-20 minutes. You can know when it is ready for use by the heating indicator.

Next, the pipeline element that needs to be heated is put on the soldering iron nozzle at a moderate pace. It is heated for the time required by the technology and quickly removed from the nozzle, holding the soldering iron, if necessary.

  • How long does it take to solder polypropylene pipes? As a rule, a polypropylene pipe cools down in 8-10 seconds, which means you need to work quite quickly. Using the nozzle, you can heat two elements at a time - parallel along the outer and inner surfaces.

The heated element is placed on the pipe, aligning the transverse and longitudinal marks. After this, the quality of the connections is verified. It is important that the solder seam is smooth in appearance.

For a high-quality connection, it is better to solder the pipes within the time specified in the technological tables.

Protective gloves should be used during work. Working with polypropylene pipes must be done carefully and patiently.

Soldering pipes is a simple process, but very responsible. If you want to better understand how to solder reinforced polypropylene pipes, the video on this page will help you understand the soldering technology.

Connection of PVC pipes with metal-plastic pipes

How to solder polypropylene pipes with an aluminum layer? How to connect them? Is it possible to solder polypropylene pipes from different manufacturers?

In cases where such questions arise, special adapters must be used when soldering.

One side of them is attached to metal or metal-plastic by means of a thread, the other is soldered to plastic using standard technology.

The only difference in the work is that threads must be cut on the metal and the connection must be sealed manually to avoid leaks. It is best to use tow or sanitary flax fiber as a sealant. This material is affordable and effectively seals the joint.

Using the same technology, adapters are installed, on the basis of which mixers are connected. The products externally look as if metal threads were fused into polypropylene.

How to check the connection for leaks

Upon completion of installation work related to the organization of the water supply system, you can begin to check the quality of the pipeline.

To do this, water is supplied to it. The valve is opened to the house or apartment, then the faucet taps in the rooms are opened. The water pressure should be maximum.

First of all, they feel the joints, especially carefully observing the threaded connections.

Sealed joints leak very rarely if the work is carried out in accordance with the technology and the specialist knows well how to properly solder polypropylene pipes for heating, water supply, reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum, large or small in diameter.

But if a leak is detected in the welded pipes, the water is turned off, and the vulnerable pipe connection is redone, having previously been cut off. Before soldering, the pipes are wiped dry so as not to break the soldering iron and warm up the polypropylene well.

If a leak is detected at a threaded connection, it can be carefully tightened with a wrench so that the thread does not break.

Another option is to strengthen the seal. But in the latter case, you need to turn off the water and unscrew the connection.

Now you know more about how to solder polypropylene pipes with a soldering iron, what tools to choose for installation work and how to use a soldering iron correctly.

Follow the recommendations of experienced specialists when creating a pipeline, arranging it yourself, or seek installation services from professionals.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

Thanks to a wide range, affordable prices and ease of installation, polypropylene pipes have practically replaced other materials previously used in the construction and repair of utility lines. To connect them, there is no need to use bulky and unsafe gas-electric welding equipment or additional couplings, threads, bends, flax and red lead.

Now all the elements for welding work can fit into a small case.

Factors affecting welding quality

The quality of welded butt joints of polypropylene pipes depends on many factors.

Compliance of polypropylene pipes and fittings with specified parameters for purpose and quality.

The choice of low-quality or cheaper (with lower temperatures and pressures permissible for a given pipeline) materials, even with the most careful welding, will not provide the necessary strength and tightness of the joints.

It is also undesirable to use products from different manufacturers. Due to differences in chemical composition, the heating and cooling times of the welded elements may not coincide.

  • Use of equipment. To perform the work you need to have the necessary minimum of working tools and equipment. A hot soldering iron that is under or overheated will not produce a reliable weld, so it is important to monitor the optimal heating temperature.

Note! Overheating of the pipe leads to a decrease in the flow area of ​​the joint and additional pressure losses in the system.

  • Availability of necessary work skills. The welding process itself is quite simple and accessible. The main thing before starting work is to carefully study the instructions supplied with the device. It is advisable to weld the first joints under the supervision of an experienced specialist.
  • Compliance with installation rules. The low quality of welds is due to errors in the process of connecting the pipe and fitting. Insufficient depth of their connection leads to a gap. Additional resistance is formed and a section with a weakened wall, a potential zone for a pipeline rupture. If the pipe is inserted too far into the fitting until it stops, the fluid flow may be almost completely blocked, which will lead to a decrease in pressure and flow. When connecting heated parts of the pipeline, they often allow overexposure leading to their cooling or do not carry out timely fixation within the allotted time.
  • Proper preparation. Careful preparation of the work site, materials and equipment is necessary. The parts of pipes and fittings to be welded must be dry and clean. The room where the work is carried out must be warm. Sub-zero air temperatures can lead to premature cooling of the parts being welded. To avoid secondary contamination, finished units must be stored on a clean surface. The heating elements of the soldering iron are wiped with a heat-resistant cloth after each use to remove any remaining melt. After cutting, the ends of the pipe are leveled and cleared of burrs.

We recommend that you read: How to correctly and securely connect a HDPE pipe?

Compliance with these basic measures guarantees a strong and reliable welded joint.

Methods for connecting polypropylene pipes

When installing and repairing drainage, heating, cold and hot water supply systems from PP pipes, several different connection methods are used.


The adhesive method is used when installing low-pressure water supply and sewerage pipelines. An adhesive composition is applied to the parts to be joined. After joining and fixing due to a special component (hardener) or thermal effects, the material hardens and the joint becomes airtight.


Thermoelectric welding is limited in application due to the high cost of electric couplings. The thermoelectric coupling is a hollow cylinder fitted onto the connected ends of the pipes, equipped with internal heating elements on both sides.

Power is supplied to their terminals using an electrical transformer, causing melting of the surfaces being connected and their subsequent connection when cooling.


Diffusion soldering is the most common method of welding polypropylene pipelines. The base uses an alloy of two abutting surfaces followed by a tight connection, while the molecules of the PP parts penetrate each other during the process of diffusion, forming a homogeneous structure upon cooling.

To melt the joined elements, a special electric soldering iron with a heating element and replaceable nozzles is used.

Important! For pipes with a diameter of 63 mm or less, socket connections are used using appropriate fittings. Larger diameter pipelines are soldered “at the joint”.

The main advantages of diffusion welding are:

  • affordable prices for materials and welding equipment;
  • ease of learning welding technology;
  • the ability to quickly assemble pipelines of any complexity;
  • making reliable joints on your own without the participation of welding specialists.

How to choose a welding machine for polypropylene pipes

Welding machines for polypropylene pipelines, despite the variety of models, have a common principle of operation, namely: simultaneous heating of the parts being connected.

The design differences lie in the design of their heating element (rod or sword-shaped) and the method of attaching the nozzles.

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When choosing a welding machine, it is recommended to first determine the range of tasks it performs , and only then choose, taking into account the following:

  • Power. The heating time, the diameter of the parts to be joined and the installation speed (device productivity) depend on this value. For soldering household pipelines from PPR pipes with a diameter of up to 63 mm, a soldering iron with a power of 700 W is sufficient. When performing large volumes of work with pipelines with a diameter of 100 mm or more, professional equipment with a power of 1000 to 2000 W is required.

Note! To determine the required power of the welding machine, multiply by 10 the maximum diameter of the pipe being welded in mm. If D = 50 mm, then the required power is 500 W.

  • Number of nozzles. Devices for manual pipe welding, depending on the model, are equipped with a certain number of paired nozzles. For domestic use there are three standard sizes: 16, 20, 25 mm. The standard set of a professional unit can be equipped with an additional set for welding pipes and fittings D=32, 40, 50, 63 mm. For large diameter pipelines, nozzles are purchased separately.
  • Quality of nozzles. The strength and durability of the welded joint depends on the quality of the nozzles. The best are considered to be nozzles coated with a layer of regular or metallized Teflon.
  • Ease of use. Depending on the application, the device must have a certain set of options. For example, professional equipment is equipped with a digital display, which leads to a significant increase in its cost. For domestic use, two light indicators are sufficient. What is important is the speed of change and the number of simultaneous coupling-mandrel pairs installed. For certain types of work, the compactness of the device is important, especially for repairs in hard-to-reach places.
  • Manufacturer country. Price and quality directly depend on the manufacturer of the product. The most functional, reliable and, of course, expensive devices are those made in Germany and the Czech Republic. These products are in demand mainly by professionals. Less sophisticated and high-quality units are produced in Russia and Turkey; they have an average price niche and less professional users. For household needs and amateur use once or twice a year, inexpensive products from China are quite acceptable.

Technological requirements

When carrying out work on welding PP pipes, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for the depth of landings, as well as the time periods allotted for heating, connection with fixation and cooling of pipeline parts. This is the only way to ensure the creation of strong and airtight joints. These parameters depend mainly on the diameters of the pipes and fittings being welded.

Pipe diameter (mm) Pipe insertion depth into fitting (mm) Duration of period (sec)
Heat Locking connection Cooling down
20 15 8 5 2
25 17 7 5 2
32 19 8 6 3
40 21 12 8 4
50 23 18 10 5

Note! The values ​​given in the table are given for a soldering iron heating temperature of 270 0C and in the work area - at least +15 0C. Planting depth may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Instructions for welding work

When welding a polypropylene pipeline, operations must be performed in the following sequence:

  • The workplace, materials and tools are prepared.
  • The soldering iron is mounted on a tripod and equipped with nozzles of the required size.
  • The nozzles are treated with a degreasing solution.
  • The device is connected to the network, the red light on the indicator lights up.
  • The temperature on the thermostat is set to 2700 C and after the green indicator signal the device is ready for operation.
  • The measured piece of pipe is cut, the end is leveled, burrs are removed, cleaned of dirt and degreased.
  • A mark is made on the pipe corresponding to the planting depth for a given diameter.
  • The pipe and fitting are simultaneously placed on the corresponding soldering iron nozzles without axial rotations.
  • The parts heat up within the specified time.
  • Carefully, without rotating, remove from the attachments.
  • Within the allotted time, the pipe is quickly and smoothly inserted into the fitting to the marked mark without turning.
  • The parts are fixed motionless for the time required for cooling, after which the joint is ready.

Compliance with all these points will guarantee connections that will be strong and durable.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

A true home craftsman always tries to do without the help of professionals in any repair. And if necessary, you can also do it yourself to replace PVC heating pipes or water supply in the apartment.

The use of polymer pipes for water distribution provides the advantage that there is no need to work with welding or threading, and therefore the work is greatly facilitated.

Before installing polypropylene pipes, you need to have an idea of ​​how to work with a soldering iron for PVC pipes and purchase the necessary tools and materials.

How to solder correctly

How to make connections correctly so that they are airtight?

For the three most common soldering methods, below is a detailed description of all operations:


  1. For soldering pipes of small diameter (up to 50 mm), a simple manual apparatus is used. If you need to connect large diameter pipes, then use a device with centering devices.
  2. Two heating nozzles are a sleeve onto which a PVC pipe is placed.

    This design also has a mandrel (a device for moving the workpiece in the hole of the sleeve), into which the coupling is inserted.

  3. The apparatus for soldering polypropylene pipes must be installed on a flat horizontal surface and left to warm up to the required temperature. The heating process lasts 10-15 minutes - it depends on the power of the device.

  4. When soldering pipes that belong to the categories PN 10 and PN 20 (difference in operating pressure), the joints must be cleaned of dirt and burrs. If you need to solder reinforced PVC pipes, you need to remove the top part of the pipe with a shaver so that it can easily fit onto the fitting. Shearing is done to the depth of the pipe entering the coupling.

  5. The fitting and pipe are put on the soldering iron nozzles and kept for heating for the required time, which is determined by the power of the soldering iron and the room temperature. Instructions for time exposure are in the documentation for the device.
  6. Heated parts must be quickly removed from the device and connected to each other in a forward motion. Circular movements are not allowed.

  7. The connected parts must be kept in a stationary position for some time so that the pipes do not deform. After the area has completely cooled, the connection is ready for use.


Installation of a pipeline with a diameter greater than 50 mm is done in a different way - using butt joints of fragments. This soldering method is effective and justified only for pipes with a wall thickness of more than 4 mm.

  1. Before soldering, the ends of the pipes must be aligned so that they are parallel to each other.
  2. It is necessary to use centering devices, since strict alignment of the axes must be observed.
  3. To heat surfaces, a disk heating element is used, whose heating surface is ideally flat.
  4. The remaining technological operations are the same as for socket soldering.

Soldering saddles

This is a type of butt soldering. With this soldering method, you need to solder a special saddle to the surface of the pipe, which has a socket with an angle of 90˚. When assembling a pipeline from polymer pipes, use a special soldering iron for polypropylene pipes.

After this fragment has cooled, you need to drill a hole in the PVC pipe through the saddle. Then you need to solder another pipe to the saddle. You should end up with a pipe structure that is shaped like the letter “T”.

Your movements should be clear and fast. If you have no soldering experience, try making a few test seams.

Soldering polypropylene pipes yourself is not difficult, but this work requires care and attention. The main thing is to observe the heating time of the elements and the cooling time of the parts - the quality of the joints depends on this.

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

Polypropylene begins to melt at 140°C, and the operating temperature of the soldering iron is usually 260°C to ensure complete diffusion of materials.

Pipes grade PN10

Wall thickness Outside diameter
1.9 mm 20 mm
2.3 mm 25 mm
3.0 mm 32 mm
3.7 mm 40 mm
4.6 mm 50 mm
5.8 mm 63 mm
6.9 mm 75 mm
8.2 mm 90 mm
10 mm 110 mm

How to solder large diameter pipes

Pipes with a diameter greater than 50 mm must only be connected end-to-end. The butt soldering method was described above. First, you need to insert the socket of the fitting into the heated nozzle, and only then the pipe. Afterwards you need to maintain the connection for the specified time.

Check the connection for quality - if the pipe hole is blocked with a polypropylene overlay, then in the next connection the pipe should be inserted into the nozzle 2-3 mm closer, that is, not so deep.

The main rule when soldering pipes of larger diameter is to wait longer for them to heat up. Otherwise, all operations are carried out the same way.

The connector and pipe must not be allowed to overheat.

If the pipes are not soldered correctly, then you can get a leak, and the floor and furniture will be the first to suffer. It is not always possible to restore furniture, and besides, there will be a reason to update the interior. Choose high-quality furniture in stores with a large assortment, for example, - a huge selection for every taste and budget.

To reinforce the theory, watch a video on how to properly solder polypropylene pipes

How to choose a soldering iron for pipes, what to buy?

The manufacturer of the soldering machine is of great importance for the quality of the seam.

Which country of origin is best to choose?

Czech soldering irons are now in first place. This device will cost much more than others, but the quality of the soldering justifies its cost.

Buyers give second place to Turkish manufacturers.

Chinese soldering irons for polypropylene pipes have a very attractive price, so they will be a good choice for one-time use, for example, for laying pipes in your apartment. The quality of Chinese devices is not the best, durability is also poor, but it is quite enough to furnish several apartments.

With careful attention to the quality of the seam, the reliability of soldering can be guaranteed. Today you can choose from the following manufacturers:

Model Manufacturer country Power Diameter of pipe nozzles Price
Dytron POLYS Czech 650-1200 W 16-125 mm 185 $
Dremel Versatip Taiwan Gas-burner Any 70 $
Candan Türkiye 1500 W 20-63 mm 60 $
Start SPT-2200 Russia 2200 W 20-63 mm 40 $
Stern PPW-2000 A Austria 2000 W 20-63 mm 40 $
Intertool RT-2102 Ukraine 800 W 20-63 mm 25 $


The most effective way to use a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes is to install several different nozzles on it at the same time. In fact, changing tips while the soldering iron is running is difficult and unsafe.

The nozzles that are currently produced for soldering irons of polypropylene pipes are designed for connecting products with both the same and different diameters.

The nozzles are manufactured with different surface coatings to increase durability and reliability in operation.

It can be metallized or simple Teflon. In order for the attachments to last longer, before use it is necessary to remove any remaining plastic from previous solderings.

Fittings for polypropylene pipes are relatively cheap, and the cost of one adapter or coupling does not depend on the complexity of the part or its size. For example, a coupling of any diameter costs about 10 rubles.

Reviews from craftsmen about soldering irons

“So I bought myself a soldering iron. True, the Chinese version is inexpensive, and if you take into account how much the work of a master costs, it still turns out to be profitable. I have four radiators in my apartment, and I did them all myself.

The principle of operation is quite simple - I first looked at how my neighbor’s master did it, and then decided that I could do it myself. I cut the pipe, straightened the end, inserted a fitting on one side of the nozzle, and a pipe or tee on the other - it didn’t matter. I waited 10-15 seconds. I removed it from the nozzle, connected the pipes, and waited another 20 seconds. You can solder the next piece. What's so difficult about this? I did the right thing in not calling the repairman.”

Albert, 44 years old, Kazan

“Yesterday I bought a Turkish Candan and tried a corner with a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm. Everything worked out. Holds tightly and does not leak. True, I made one mistake - I placed the fitting unevenly on the nozzle, but I’ll still learn. Everything is done very simply, as I thought.

So if you are thinking of soldering pipes at home yourself, calmly take a soldering iron and do it. There is absolutely nothing complicated. Of course, this simplicity is apparent, and no one has canceled the knowledge of water supply systems and the design of the heating system. Soldering pipes can be done easily and simply, but for the system to be operational, without the formation of air pockets with normal water flow, is another matter.”

Leonid Morozov 38 years old, Stary Oskol


Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering polypropylene pipes Soldering polypropylene pipes Posted on 03/17/2013 in Polypropylene pipes, Plumbing, Pipes

In the material about polypropylene pipes, I briefly explained what these pipes are.

Now let's talk a little about soldering these pipes.

It’s correct, of course, to say: “welding” or even “diffusion welding of pipes,” but we usually use simpler words: Dictionary diffusion welding, we call soldering Welding machine, we call it a soldering iron or even an iron

We call polypropylene “polycom” or “PPR”

We call the colors this way:
White - Turk.
(Although Valtek also makes white and the quality of the pipes is at a high level) Gray - Czech
Green - German


To “solder” pipes you will need: Soldering iron - “Welding machine” Pipe cutter or scissors   Stripper or trimmer

A “soldering iron” is the very tool without which the installation of polypropylene pipes is impossible in principle. As for scissors, the pipe can be cut with a hacksaw or even a grinder. Only the edges will need to be cleaned of excess “fringe”.

Regarding the stripping tool, if you don’t have one, you can choose a pipe with glass fiber reinforcement.


In order to assemble a system of such pipes, there are many different fittings and connectors.

You can assemble absolutely any system:

Solder ball valve:


The average temperature of the welding machine should be set to 260 degrees.

Of course, for each diameter there are more subtle temperature settings and on expensive machines, the required temperature is inserted automatically if you specify the diameter of the pipe being welded.

We set the temperature to 260 degrees, put on the desired nozzle, and now all we have to do is remember the time during which we need to heat the pipe.

16th heat for 5 seconds. after which it must be fixed for 6-7 seconds so that the soldering is of high quality.

We heat the 20th for 5 seconds.

25th - 7 sec.

32nd - 8 sec.

40th - 12 sec.

Now more details.

We take the pipe with the coupling in our hands and try to connect them without heating. If this is possible, then there will not be a high-quality connection, replace the components and, if possible, use connectors from the same manufacturer in the same system.

After we have found out that you hold in your hands what you need and can be soldered, we first put the fitting on the nozzle of the welding machine (it is thicker) and then the pipe.

But this is a book example and it is very difficult to attach a fitting and a pipe separately to a soldering iron. Push in at the same time, but you can take out the pipe first, and then the connector.

This is what the heated fittings look like:

Now they need to be connected.

When heating, it is important to insert the pipe completely into the nozzle. To be sure, before soldering, you can make a mark on the pipe how long the pipe should go into the nozzle.

When heating, the elements cannot be twisted on a soldering iron . Although the manufacturer prohibits turns, I still do it, but the turns are very small, I would even say they are some kind of movements to make it easier to put on the pipe with the fitting. It happens that the corner fits very tightly onto the nozzle. This often happens with large diameters, for example 40 mm. In this case, the soldering iron can be moved back and forth a couple of degrees relative to the parts.

If you twist the parts or the soldering iron more than about 5 degrees, then parts of the plastic will remain on the nozzle which will then smoke, and the soldering may be of poor quality. So, if possible, it is better not to turn, and especially not to twist or turn .

After installing the elements completely, we begin the countdown at 5 seconds in the case of a 20 mm pipe. or 8 seconds in the case of the 32nd pipe.

After this time, we first remove the pipe, and then the fitting.

Quickly, but without fuss, we connect these two elements. After connection, you still have a couple of seconds to correct the alignment. After 2-3 seconds. Alignment adjustment must be stopped. Otherwise, the joint will leak.

After the joint, allow the product to cool for about 20 seconds, fixing the joint firmly.

If you are soldering the first joints, then strictly observe the heating and fixation time.
In subsequent joints, take into account drafts and ambient temperature. If you are working in a draft and the temperature, for example, is below +10, then the heating time should be slightly increased by 1-3 seconds. depending on diameter. Otherwise, you risk not having time to dock the heated elements, or there is not a second left to correct the alignment.


If you underheat the pipes, you will either not be able to connect them, or the joint will subsequently leak.

Let's figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes: technology features and tips for choosing tools

We solder polypropylene pipes

Modern repair technologies and materials allow you to assemble utility lines with your own hands, without the help of specialists. It's very easy to find tutorial videos that clearly show how to do this.

However, there are some subtleties that are best learned from detailed written reviews. We will analyze, for example, how to solder polypropylene pipes, how to follow all stages of the technology and avoid the most common mistakes when installing them yourself.

First, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the technical features of propylene pipes and find out how their heat resistance and thermal elongation can affect the operation of the assembled pipeline. And taking into account such knowledge, carry out the installation of the highway.

Heat resistance and thermal elongation

Propylene is a durable plastic, but it loses its stability under certain technical conditions. The material loses its hardness, and therefore its shape, if the coolant temperature rises to + 140 degrees.

However, if you look at the technical data sheet, manufacturers give much more modest figures. They advise choosing propylene pipes for installing a heating system where the coolant temperature does not rise above +95 degrees.

Why is there such a big difference? Why do experts not recommend using polypropylene for the installation of heating supply lines?

Because at higher temperatures the material being described changes its linear dimensions. When heated, the pipes sag greatly, and the stress that arises in this case can lead to serious consequences in the form of dangerous utility accidents. There are some techniques to eliminate these disadvantages of polypropylene.

For example, it is necessary to use reinforced products instead of simple plastic pipes for installing a heating system. They have a linear elongation coefficient 5 times less than that of conventional plastic, so a pipeline assembled from them can withstand pressure 5 times greater.

But even if reinforced pipes are used, it is necessary to install compensators - special U-shaped bends assembled on straight sections of pipes. As the temperature of the coolant increases, this will allow the elastic pipelines to remain straight due to the fact that the U-shaped outlet will narrow slightly.

Note! When assembling heating using polypropylene pipes, it is better to combine both approaches and use fiberglass-reinforced options with U-shaped branches.


Before soldering the described pipes, you need to find out what type of polypropylene is used in them:

  1. Fiberglass reinforced.
  2. Aluminum reinforced.

Soldering with your own hands is easier than the first option, and welding in this case is no different from welding ordinary plastic. Pipes reinforced with aluminum must first be cleaned. To do this, you will need a special tool in the form of a sharp knife - a shaver. If black pipes are used, where the reinforcing layer is located between two layers of plastic, for stripping you need to take a trimmer - a narrow knife that will allow you to trim from the end side.

Choosing pipes for heating

Choosing a material for heating installation is actually not that difficult. The modern market offers four options, and each has its own marking:

  • Polypropylene under the PN 10 brand is intended for assembling a “warm floor” system and cold water supply.
  • Brand PN 16 can be used for cold water supply and heating installations, in which the coolant circulates under low operating pressure.
  • Brand PN 20 is a universal option, capable of withstanding a working pressure of 2 MPa and a coolant temperature of +80 degrees.
  • Brand PN 25 is a reinforced polypropylene pipe, suitable for installation of heating and hot water supply systems with coolant temperatures up to +95 degrees.

Where can I get a soldering iron?

The main tool for soldering is a soldering iron, which is used to create sealed seams. You can buy it in a store, borrow it from friends, or rent it from special construction companies. So in this regard there will be no problems.

When purchasing a tool, you must choose one that will allow you to perform all the required operations. As a rule, when assembling plumbing and heating with your own hands, you do not need to buy fancy models with a large number of attachments. The power of the soldering iron only affects the speed of its heating, but not the process itself, so there is no point in overpaying.

Note! Inexpensive models come with 3 nozzles for collecting plastic pipes with a diameter of 20, 25 and 32 mm. Pipes of this exact diameter are used for installing internal communications wiring.

Devices for welding polypropylene pipes

The welding soldering iron has a fairly simple design. The main thing about it is the sole, equipped with heating elements. The sole is equipped with holes of various diameters. You can attach attachments to them, which can be used to solder pipes. The heating temperature is controlled by a thermostat located on the housing.

Using it you can set degrees. Their values ​​are noted in the instructions, and the table is published on the Internet. It is necessary to set the temperature depending on the type of materials being welded. So, for example, for soldering polyethylene pipes, a mode of 220 degrees is selected, and for polypropylene pipes - 260 degrees.

In addition to a soldering iron, during work you may need:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Hacksaw for metal.
  4. Sharp knife.
  5. Scissors for cutting polypropylene.
  6. Shaver.

Soldering iron technology

Welding technology

The simplest instructions detailing how to properly solder polypropylene pipes are as follows:

  • The welding machine comes with a special stand. A soldering iron is placed on it and plugged into an outlet. But first, a sleeve is inserted into the hole of the soldering iron.
  • The ends of the polypropylene are prepared. If it is reinforced with fiberglass, it does not need to be treated. Aluminum-reinforced material will have to be trimmed by chamfering and marking it with a marker. This will help control the depth of immersion of the pipe into the soldering iron coupling.
  • First, we measure and cut the required section, adding 25 mm to it - they will be inserted into the fitting when soldering.
  • When the soldering iron reaches the desired temperature, you will hear a characteristic sound. Then a coupling is inserted into the nozzle on one side, and a prepared pipe on the other.
  • The time indicated in the table is recorded. Usually soldering takes from 4 to 10 seconds. While the coupling and pipe are in the soldering iron, they cannot be rotated or moved. You cannot touch them even after the parts are removed from the soldering iron. The accumulated temperature will allow you to create a sealed seam.

As you can see, the technology for welding polypropylene pipes is quite simple. You just need to follow certain rules for making seams.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Be sure to remove the chamfer. Otherwise, you can lift up the plastic when connecting, and the seam will not be airtight.
  2. When two parts are connected to each other, they cannot be rotated.
  3. Both the fitting and the pipe must be inserted into each other until they stop.
  4. Do not clean the nozzle while the soldering iron is on. It is better to remove melted plastic with a rough cloth and pull the cord out of the outlet.

Soldering with an electric coupling

You can solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands using an electric coupling instead of a soldering iron. In this case, the process is further simplified and productivity is almost doubled.

Do-it-yourself soldering of polypropylene pipes

The edges of reinforced pipes are prepared in the same way. When connecting parts, clamps are used. The electric coupling is connected to the network.

The device comes with a table and instructions on how to perform soldering and how long it should take. Electrodes are attached to the coupling body, and the heating time is set manually. There is a monitor on the coupling body, which displays information that the soldering time is over.

Welding is performed with high quality. Rejection is possible only in one case - when there are defects in the spirals.

It is more convenient to use an electric coupling than a soldering iron:

  • Firstly, with its help you can halve the pipeline assembly time without losing its quality.
  • Secondly, with the help of a coupling it is easier to join connections located in hard-to-reach places.
  • Thirdly, the described device is cheaper, has a more compact size, and is more convenient to work with. There is only one drawback - it is impossible to weld small-diameter pipes using an electric coupling.

Generalization on the topic

After carefully reading the proposed material and watching the training video, you can easily assemble a heating, cold and hot water supply pipeline with your own hands. Moreover, now you know how to solder polypropylene pipes. You just need to take into account all the nuances of existing technologies and strictly follow the welding rules.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

  • Pipes;
  • fitting;
  • napkins;
  • gloves;
  • soldering iron;
  • pipe cutters;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • isopropyl alcohol.

‑channel “Do-it-yourself repairs”

Connecting polypropylene pipes is quite simple, but - as with any other structure - before starting work, it is advisable to prepare an approximate installation diagram.

Sketch out a drawing on paper with the location of the insertion points, shut-off valves and other necessary parts. This way you can immediately estimate the length of the pipes, as well as determine the location, type and number of fittings needed.

Since both ends of the pipeline heat up during connection, for ease of installation it is important that one of them remains free. Some pipes with fittings can be assembled on a table and then installed in the desired location, making just one joint. All this will help to provide an assembly diagram.

3. Prepare your soldering iron

In general, the device is correctly called a “welding machine.” The process of joining polypropylene takes place without the use of solder, which means it is welding and not soldering. We will use both terms.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Install nozzles of the required diameter onto the soldering iron platform and secure them with a screw using a wrench. If you are working with pipes of several sizes, use an additional pair of sleeves.

Set the heating temperature to 260 °C and turn on the device. It will take 10–20 minutes to heat up. An LED indicator will indicate that it is ready for use. You need to wait about 5 more minutes before welding the first joint.

When polypropylene is heated, harmful fumes and smoke are released, which should not be inhaled. Therefore, ventilate the room while working.

4. Make markings

While the soldering iron is heating up, prepare the pipe and fittings. For high-quality welding, they must fit into each other strictly to a certain depth. Insufficient immersion will lead to a poor connection, and excessive immersion will reduce or completely block the flow area with extruded plastic. Here are the values ​​recommended by most manufacturers for the most common sizes:

As you can see, the soldering depth depends on the diameter of the pipes and fittings.

‑channel FV Miano

To avoid mistakes, measure the required length of the pipe, taking into account the allowance for the joint, and mark it with a pencil. Then, at the required distance from this mark, draw another line - it will serve as a guide during welding.

For example, we need to connect an angle and a tee in a heating system. The distance between them is 270 mm. For fittings with a diameter of 25 mm, the soldering depth is 18 mm, which means we add another 36 mm to 270 (18 on each side). The result is 306 mm - this is exactly the piece of pipe that needs to be cut off.

5. Cut the pipe

To cut polypropylene, special scissors are used, which are also called pipe cutters. They make it easy to cut off a thick-walled pipe and get smooth edges without burrs.

‑channel “Sergey Efimov”

Place the scissors exactly perpendicular to the pipe and align the blade with the first mark. Holding the pipe with one hand, press the handles of the scissors with the other until the part is completely cut.

It is important to get an even end so that the pipe fits evenly into the fitting and is soldered equally over the entire diameter. If you cut it at an angle, the protruding part will go in too deep and the molten polypropylene will squeeze out, reducing the inner diameter of the fitting.

If the edge turns out to be uneven and the margin allows, it is better to cut it again. If the length is close, trim the end, removing all excess with a sharp knife.

6. Degrease parts

According to the instructions of all manufacturers, the parts to be welded must be degreased for a quality connection. And although many craftsmen neglect this and limit themselves to only wiping the pipes with a rag, we recommend sticking to the technology.

‑channel "KaUT Company"

Clean the pipes of any contamination. Drain off any remaining water and wipe thoroughly with a napkin or toilet paper. Clean the surfaces of fittings and pipes with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

The same alcohol can easily erase all the inscriptions on the pipes and give them a more aesthetic appearance.

7. Heat the pipe and fitting

There is a risk of serious burns when working with a hot soldering iron, so be sure to wear protective gloves. Parts of different sizes need to be heated for a certain time. The larger the diameter, the longer.

For a reliable connection, it is important not to overheat the polypropylene, otherwise the material will become fluid, melt and block the fitting from the inside.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Insert the fitting first into the corresponding soldering iron sleeves, then the pipe. When pushing parts, do not rotate them around their axis or tilt them. Insert the pipe to the previously marked depth until the molten polypropylene reaches the pencil line. Only then count down the allotted time.

All specified data is valid for work at an ambient temperature of about 20 ° C. If the room is colder than 5 °C, the heating time approximately doubles.

8. Weld the joint

Without turning or tilting, quickly remove first the pipe and then the fitting from the nozzles and connect both parts in the desired position relative to each other. Don't fuss, but don't hesitate either - you have 4-6 seconds left.

‑channel FV Miano

Hold the pipe and fitting motionless for about 5 seconds to ensure the joint locks into place. At this moment, it is allowed to rotate the connection no more than 10 degrees to correct its position.

The complete cooling time, after which the welding site can be loaded, ranges from 2 to 4 minutes.

Remains of polypropylene from the nozzle can be easily removed with a paper napkin while the soldering iron is hot. If you clean already cooled cartridges, there is a risk of damaging the Teflon coating.

9. Check the connection

‑channel FV Miano

The quality of welding can be determined by a small, uniform bead at the end of the fitting. If it is not there, then perhaps the joint is underheated and the tightness will be in question. If the influx is too large, the pipe is most likely overheated and it melts inside, partially or completely blocking the flow area.

For those who are dealing with polypropylene welding for the first time, it would be a good idea to first practice and weld a few practice joints. It's better to learn on straight couplings. Unlike corners and other fittings of complex shapes, they can be easily inspected after soldering, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

Nowadays, there often comes a time when it is necessary to replace old, expired, often already rusted pipes. And here begins the frantic search for craftsmen to replace or repair them. Typically, there used to be terrible iron (metal) pipes that were impossible to deal with on your own. Today, the best solution is polypropylene pipes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

What are polypropylene pipes?

What are polypropylene pipes?

It is polypropylene pipes that are now leaders in the market, as a result of which their production has increased significantly, ahead of materials such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. These pipes contain a synthetic polymer from the polyolefin class. These are fairly solid white pipes, they are moisture resistant with electrical insulation properties.

Combining all the properties of polypropylene pipes into one, it is necessary to inform that the service life of cold water supply from this material is from 45 to 50 years, and that of hot water supply is from 20 to 25 years. Please note that the declared service life of polypropylene pipes from manufacturers is twice as long if the pipes are used in accordance with established temperature and water pressure standards.

Pipe installation and necessary tools

Pipe installation and necessary tools

At the moment when you have studied all the information about polypropylene pipes and decided to install water supply systems yourself, you will need to figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes so that the result is positive.

Nowadays, a polypropylene pipeline system is installed with great ease, but it is imperative to use fittings from only one company, of the same composition. Polypropylene pipes can withstand water temperatures from –10 degrees to +95. The most important thing is to follow the temperature rules.

To carry out soldering work you will need:

  • Ruler or roll;
  • Pencil;
  • Building level;
  • Gas keys: number 0 and number 3;
  • Pipe cutting shears;
  • Flax (for connecting combined fittings);
  • Welding machine with a set of nozzles for plastic pipes.

All of the above tools, with the exception of the last one, are available to any craftsman. You can use a welding machine only once in your life, so it is not necessary to buy it; it is better to borrow or rent it from the store (where you will purchase polypropylene pipes), especially since installation can be done within one day.

Soldering process technology

Soldering process technology

Soldering plastic pipes is actually quite easy. You just need to do everything in a certain sequence.

Preparing the welding machine

Preparing the welding machine

First, the device is securely installed on the mounting feet (stand), which are included in the kit. In this position of the device, the nozzles are fixed to the heating element in the holes intended for this purpose. Important: the nozzles must be positioned from the edge of the heating element in the order in which they will be used. Their diameter depends on the diameter of the installed pipes.

The next step is to set the temperature on the soldering iron using a thermostat. As a rule, the temperature depends on the wall thickness and diameter of the pipes. For polypropylene pipes, the optimal temperature is 260°C.

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands

Your last action is to connect the soldering iron to the network.

The electric indicator located on the body of the soldering iron will tell you that the device can already be used. It will light up yellow once the heating element reaches the required temperature. Before performing the first soldering, allow the machine to warm up for 15 minutes.

Preparation of polypropylene

Preparation of polypropylene

Using special scissors, a polypropylene pipe of the required size is cut, and the joints are degreased with an alcohol solution.

The pipe and fitting are installed into the nozzles on both sides simultaneously and brought to the stop. In this position, the pipe and fitting heat up for a short amount of time (from 5 to 50 seconds, depending on the diameter of the pipe).

Then they are simultaneously removed from the attachments and connected to each other. This action must be done in a fairly short time. Different pipes have their own times, which you can find out from a special table.

At the end of the work, you need to check the quality of the soldering (plastic rings should appear at the junction of the pipe and fitting). If the soldering fails, it must be cut and welded again.

Using all the information discussed earlier, the process of welding polypropylene pipes will not cause you any particular difficulties, and any plumbing system will be completed in the shortest possible time!


Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

The strength and durability of various plastic communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is taken into account. When welding polypropylene products, it is necessary to take into account the heating time of the material and the cooling time of the joints.

Correct comparison and consideration of temperature and time parameters of the soldering process of technical products made of polypropylene contributes to the production of a durable and reliable material.

If you deviate from the technology, the product will have breaks at the joints and be of poor quality.

Soldering PP pipes

general information

general information

The temperature regime for soldering polypropylene pipe products directly depends on the polymer used. In practice, 4 types of materials are used:

  • PN10, used for the use of technical products at temperatures up to +40 C;
  • PN16 for use at +60 C;
  • PN20, used in water supply from +80 C to +95 C;
  • PN25 for operating modes above +95 C.

In addition to maintaining temperature conditions, welding polypropylene pipes with your own hands depends on the pressure that pipe technical products of a specific marking can withstand.

The first type is used when laying technical products intended for cold water supply. Pipe products marked PN20 are considered universal and are intended for cold and hot water supply, but taking into account that the effect of +95 C is short-term. If the temperature is not maintained, then due to its action they will lose their tightness and become deformed.

Soldering mode and its effect on the process

Soldering mode and its effect on the process

The technology for soldering polypropylene pipes involves heating them, after which the plastic contained in them softens. When two heated products are connected, diffusion (interpenetration) of polypropylene molecules of one technical product into the molecules of the other occurs. As a result, a strong molecular bond is formed, making the resulting material airtight and durable.

If there is an insufficient mode, then sufficient diffusion will not occur when two materials are combined. As a result, the joint of the technical product will turn out to be weak, which will lead to a violation of the tightness of the entire material.


Excessive overheating of the fitting and pipe technical product during welding causes deformation of the parts. Their geometry is disrupted, and a roller influx occurs in the internal section.”

The output is a pipeline with a minimal internal hole at the junction, the diameter of which does not meet technological standards.


How to solder polypropylene pipes

How to solder polypropylene pipes

Fig.2. Nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 20, 40, 32, 40, 50, 63.

The welding machine is installed on a flat surface and replaceable heaters of the required size are secured to it using special keys. It is advisable to install the entire required set of nozzles (see Fig. 3) on the device’s seats before heating the device.

Fig.3. Welding machine before heating with installed nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes.

From the point of view of heating uniformity, the location of the nozzle on the heater does not matter. Therefore, the nozzles are placed in a way that is convenient for installation. Closer to the end, place the nozzles necessary for working on the wall, that is, on the pipeline branch being mounted.

The quality of connections directly depends on the ease of performing technological methods, therefore, it is better to assemble all pipeline fragments that can be mounted on a permanently installed device (on a stand) separately.

It is advisable to carry out welding “on the wall”, especially in inconvenient places, with an assistant.

The welding temperature for polypropylene pipes is set on the machine - 260 ° C and 220 ° C for polyethylene and PERT pipelines).

Depending on the ambient temperature, heating lasts 10-15 minutes.

The operating temperature on the surface of the heating plates is achieved automatically.

Welding of polypropylene pipes and fittings is prohibited at temperatures below 0°C. Air temperature during welding is very important. So the welding time must be increased at low air temperatures and reduced in hot conditions.

General rule for socket welding

The inner diameter of the unheated fitting should be slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the pipe.

It is recommended to carry out the first welding 5 minutes after heating the welding machine. After each use, the welding machine must be cleaned of any remaining plastic.

Socket welding of plastic parts to each other is carried out as follows.

1. Use scissors or a pipe cutter to cut the pipe at a right angle.


2. If necessary, clean the end of the pipe and the socket of the fitting from dust and dirt, degrease with alcohol or soapy water and then dry.

When welding PN 10 and PN 20 pipes, nothing else needs to be done at this stage.

When welding reinforced pipes PN 25 with a special tool using a shaver, the two top layers of polypropylene and aluminum are removed from the pipe. The size of the fitting socket is made in such a way that only a pipe with the top layers removed can fit into it. The depth of stripping is carried out according to the stop of the tool, which determines the depth of welding.


Fig.5. Shaver


Fig.6. Processing the pipe with a shaver.

3. Apply a mark to the pipe at a distance equal to the depth of the socket plus 2 mm. If you use rough parts, fittings and tools from the same manufacturer, then, most often, you don’t need to do any calculations. The shaver (Fig. 2) removes the top layers of the pipe exactly to the welding depth, and the dimensions of the heating nozzles are such that it is impossible to insert a pipe into them to a depth greater than required.

4. Place the parts to be joined on the appropriate nozzles: insert the pipe into the sleeve to the mark indicating the welding depth, and put the fitting socket on the mandrel.

5. Maintain the heating time (see Table 1), then remove the parts from the device and connect them to each other without turning the parts along the axis. Welding fittings must be connected to the pipe with a quick, confident movement, maintaining the alignment of the pipe and coupling. The connection between the pipe and the fitting must occur to the depth determined by the boundary inside the fitting socket.

6. After welding, it is necessary to maintain a cooling time, especially for thin-walled pipes. Rotation and bending (deformation) during cooling are not permitted.

A connection with poor alignment or angle of relative position of the fittings is subject to only one method of correction - the incorrectly connected fitting is cut out.

You must be especially careful when welding elements for which position is important - angles, tees, ball valves. The latter must be welded so that the handle can move freely to all positions.

If you are soldering (welding) polypropylene pipes for the first time, you can cut the first connection to check, it should look like this:

Table 1. Technical parameters of welding (soldering) of polypropylene pipes. The welding machine must be constantly switched on during the entire welding process. Heating begins simultaneously for two parts.

If underheating occurs, there is a possibility that the parts will not reach the temperature of viscous plasticity. In this case, the connection will be unreliable and diffusion of the material may not occur.

When overheated, there is a possibility of loss of shape stability, the adhesion (stickiness) of the material will be excessive. It will be impossible to insert the pipe into the fitting, and as the force increases, the edges of the pipe will bend inward or become wrinkled. The connection will be narrowed.

Sticking of material on the fittings indicates either poor quality of the Teflon coating of the welding machine nozzles, or overheating of the plastic during welding.

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) of reinforced polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

The appearance of welded joints must satisfy the following requirements: 

  • Misalignment of pipes by more than the thickness of their wall is not allowed;
  • The outer surface of the connecting part welded to the pipe should not have cracks, folds or other defects caused by overheating;
  • At the edge of the socket of the connecting part welded to the pipe, a continuous bead of melted material should be visible around the entire circumference, protruding beyond the end surface of the connecting part.

Instructions for welding welded seats

Instructions for welding welded seats

Welded saddles are used for the installation of subsequent branches from the pipeline, when repairing existing systems. First, it is necessary to drill the wall of the plastic pipe with a Fusiotherm drill.

When using Stabi composite pipes, the remaining aluminum on the drill hole must be removed using the Fusiotherm chamfering tool.


Fig.1. Drilling a hole in the pipe wall.

The welding device/saddle welding tool must reach the required operating temperature of 260°C.
The surfaces to be welded must be clean and dry.


Fig.2. Installation of a welding machine;

The heating connection of the saddle welding tool is inserted into the hole in the wall of the plastic pipe until the tool reaches the entire outer wall of the pipe. The welded seat fitting is then inserted into the heating sleeve until the surface of the seat reaches the crown of the tool. The heating time of the elements is 30 seconds.

Fig.3. Heating of the pipe and seat.

After removing the welding tool, the welded seat fitting is quickly inserted into the heated hole. Then the seat should be pressed accurately and tightly, without rotating, onto the heated outer surface of the plastic pipe.

Fig.4. Installation of a welded seat;

The welded seat is fixed motionless on the pipe for 15 seconds. After 10 minutes of cooling, the connection can be subjected to full load. The corresponding branch pipe is welded into the coupling in the usual way.

Fig.5. Finished welded seat.

Examples of finished polypropylene pipelines welded by socket welding

Examples of finished polypropylene pipelines welded by socket welding

The simplest example of polypropylene pipes in a bathroom:

The simplest example of polypropylene pipes from a toilet to a bathroom) Please note that the polypropylene pipeline is removable).


Piping made of polypropylene (a more complex option), all pipes are wrapped in thermal insulation to prevent the formation of condensation for cold water and reduce heat loss for hot water).


Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

When water communications consisting of plastic pipes are assembled, temperature becomes the most important parameter. It must have certain values ​​to achieve a strong and reliable connection.

Today, the technology for laying pipelines made of such materials requires compliance with a certain temperature regime, as well as specific time values, when performing welding work. If you do not follow the recommended parameters, a rupture may appear in key areas and the movement of the water flow may deteriorate significantly.

General influence of temperature during docking work

General influence of temperature during docking work

The technological process of welding polypropylene pipes is based on heating the material to the required temperature. As a result, the plastic begins to soften. When connecting parts, diffusion of polypropylene molecules occurs. In other words, molecules merge into a compound. When the material cools, an extremely strong joint is formed.

The strength of the workpieces being welded is directly dependent on the temperature regime. If the heating is insufficient, the diffusion process will not occur. The molecules of the fitting and the pipe being welded are simply not able to get into the compatible areas. The welding will be weak and will not be able to withstand heavy loads. The pair will break and the seal of the joint will be broken.

When overheated, the structure will begin to deform. As a result, the original geometry will change. A strong influx in the form of a large roller may form inside the part. As a result, the cross-sectional diameter of the pipeline at the welding site will be significantly reduced.

For normal soldering of polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to create heating to a temperature of 255-265 degrees. The heating process must take into account several parameters:

  • Part diameter.
  • Room temperature.
  • Heating time.

Practice has shown that heating time and part diameter are directly related.

The temperature of the room in which soldering occurs also affects this process. When parts are soldered, when removing them from the “iron” or other heating device, there is a pause before the coupling begins. To compensate for cooling at low temperatures, pp pipes need to be heated a little longer. This additional time is within 2-3 seconds. The selection occurs empirically.

It must be remembered that if you heat polypropylene pipes on a heating apparatus with a temperature setting of more than 270 degrees, the top layer of the part will become very hot. The core will not receive sufficient heating. When joining parts, the thickness of the welding film will be very thin.

How to weld polypropylene pipes manually

How to weld polypropylene pipes manually

Welding sleeves of the device are selected taking into account the diameter of the parts. They are then inserted into the welding mirror and secured well.

Contact surfaces are cleaned of dust and dirt. For cleaning, it is better to use a cleaning fluid recommended by the manufacturer of this product. The following may help with this work:

  • Chlorethylene.
  • Trichloroethane.
  • Ethyl or Isopropyl alcohol.

A certain temperature of the device is set. Typically, the thermistor should heat up within 250 - 270 degrees. This optimal temperature allows the correct connection to be achieved.

When the thermostat reaches the desired thermal level, the heating temperature of the welding mirror is checked. For this, a special thermal probe is used.

The pipe is cut, maintaining 90 degrees relative to the axis. If necessary, you need to clean the surface and chamfer it. Stripping parameters and chamfer depth dimensions are taken from table number one. The chamfer can be removed when cleaning the part or after it, using a special calibrated tool.

Polypropylene fittings for socket welding. Grinding depth and chamfer width.

The insertion depth “L1” is marked on the surface of the pipe. Taken from Table 2. Stripping must necessarily correspond to the insertion depth.

Insertion depth L1(mm): maximum insertion depth of the heated pipe into the fitting cup.

A longitudinal mark is applied to the outer surface of the pipe and fitting being welded. It makes it possible to avoid displacement of parts during connection.

The surface of the pipe, as well as the attached fitting, must be well cleaned of oil or dirt. After achieving the required heating of the welding mirror, the pipe, together with the fitting, is installed in special sleeves. The fittings must be inserted all the way, the pipe being welded to the full stripping depth. You need to wait a little while the parts heat up.

They are then quickly removed and inserted into each other. The insertion depth of the fitting must be equal to the length L1, in accordance with the longitudinal notches.

The connected parts must be kept in a fixed position for a certain time, according to table No. 3. Then you need to give it time to cool naturally. Do not cool them with a fan or immerse them in cold water.

Heating, welding and cooling times

When the surface of the elements has cooled sufficiently, it is necessary to conduct a hydraulic test.

Temperature ranges for resistance welding.

The changes in pressure and temperature during the butt welding process are shown in the figure below:

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

When calculating the future pipeline layout, figure out how further installation will take place. It is necessary to strive to obtain a minimum distance between the soldering machine and the connection point.

If the calculation is made incorrectly and the welding site is in an inaccessible place, you will have to heat the part at a considerable distance from the fastening site. In this case, large heat losses occur, since parts have to be transferred in order to make the coupling joint. As a result of such unaccounted for moments, a strong weakening of the seam occurs.

If an incorrect calculation of the installation and soldering sequence is made, a situation may arise when it is impossible to join the last parts, since the heating device simply cannot be installed between the parts. To increase the gap, it is necessary to deform certain sections of the pipelines that allow the soldering device to be inserted. Such work can spoil the appearance of communication. Static voltage may appear in some areas of the system.

A very serious mistake, as a result of which it is not possible to control the temperature, is the sequential heating of the workpieces immediately before the joint. In other words, each part is heated separately. As a result, the temperature regime is completely disrupted.

This incorrect approach can cause the part to cool down greatly due to the time it takes to warm up. Intentional loss of heat occurs. This method of connecting parts does not allow the work to be structured correctly and the process of softening the material becomes unpredictable. Its use is strictly prohibited.

To exercise proper temperature control, several criteria must be taken into account:

1. The quality of the welding machine for working with polypropylene products should allow maintaining certain parameters with a minimum error.

2. There should be less than 1.5 meters between the welding machine and the connection area.

3.The operation must be performed in a heated building.

4.Before starting welding, make sure that the temperature of the parts to be joined is approximately the same.


How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

Plastic pipes are being used more and more often than metal ones, since they have undeniable advantages, which include a longer service life - up to 50 years for polypropylene pipes, as well as high sound insulation characteristics, resistance to temperature changes, low electrical and thermal conductivity.

PVC pipes are also popular because they are very durable, reliable and easy to install.

Initially, such products were not soldered. Polypropylene pipelines were connected by gluing with special adhesives.

In some countries of the world, polypropylene pipes with small diameters, which are used indoors, are still connected by gluing today.

However, a more reliable and simpler method of fastening is soldering. From this article you will learn how to solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

And so that you better understand the technology of work, we recommend reading articles and watching videos on how to solder polypropylene pipes.

Required Tools

Required Tools

For soldering work you will need:

  • roulette;
  • scissors designed for cutting PVC pipes;
  • soldering iron designed for polymer pipes;
  • building level.

Most of these tools are well known to those who have ever participated in construction work.

Therefore, if you decide: we solder polypropylene pipes yourself, you probably already know the necessary tools well, or you can borrow them from your friends or colleagues.

If you don't have the tools yet, they can all be easily purchased at a hardware store. It can be difficult to find just the right scissors and soldering iron. As a rule, they are purchased as a set.

How to solder polypropylene pipes with and without a soldering iron?

Of course, this tool must be available if you are going to connect PVC pipes. Specialized scissors are also called roller pipe cutters.

The tool is available for sale in one of two modifications according to its intended purpose:

  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-4 cm;
  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-11 cm.

Soldering iron selection

Soldering iron selection

A soldering iron suitable for cutting pipes is also called a manual welding machine. The tool is a heating device that has a sole equipped with heating elements.

As a rule, it is equipped with holes of different diameters in which soldering nozzles are fixed. The soldering iron is equipped with a temperature regulator.

It also has a heating indicator, a comfortable handle and a special stand. The latter allows you to install the device on a flat surface. The tool is turned on and off by pressing additional switches.

It is the soldering iron that helps answer the question of how to solder polypropylene pipes for heating or plumbing, and how to connect them.

And if you plan to install the pipeline yourself, you should get this device. Depending on the purpose, the tool intended for working with polypropylene pipes comes in two modifications:

  • for PVC pipes with a diameter of 1.6-5 cm with a maximum power of 650 W;
  • for PVC pipes with a diameter of 6.3-11 cm with a maximum power of 1600 W.

Any soldering iron is equipped with paired nozzles of different diameters and a stand.

If you don’t yet know how to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places, take a closer look at the soldering iron attachments.

As a rule, they allow you to perform complex work.

  • Soldering iron tips are coated with a non-stick coating, similar to the coating used in cookware.
  • Therefore, the instrument requires special care and cleaning.

Recommendations - how to solder polypropylene pipes

Recommendations - how to solder polypropylene pipes

Before starting soldering work, you should carefully study the technology, the necessary instructions, and learn how to use a soldering iron in order to reduce the risks of irreparable errors.

When soldering pipes, you must remember that this is part of the soldering of the pipeline, so work should begin with its most difficult step - marking.

It is the markings that will tell you how to solder polypropylene pipes smoothly. It is good when the marking is carried out by a specialist who is familiar with the drawings of the pipeline system and represents the implementation of the drawings.

Pipe cutting

Pipe cutting

Before cutting the pipes, measure the interval between the fittings and add 3 cm to the resulting distance. After this, carefully cut the pipe at a right angle with special scissors.

Fittings are put on the pipe, marking the depth on it with a marker, thereby applying a transverse mark to the product. And the longitudinal one will make it possible to join pipeline elements along the axes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

First, turn on the soldering iron and insert a nozzle of the required diameter into its hole. Using a thermostat, you need to set the optimal soldering temperature.

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

Recommended value:

  • 260°С – for polypropylene pipes;
  • 220°C – for polyethylene.

The soldering iron is heated up for 10-20 minutes. You can know when it is ready for use by the heating indicator.

Next, the pipeline element that needs to be heated is put on the soldering iron nozzle at a moderate pace. It is heated for the time required by the technology and quickly removed from the nozzle, holding the soldering iron, if necessary.

  • How long does it take to solder polypropylene pipes? As a rule, a polypropylene pipe cools down in 8-10 seconds, which means you need to work quite quickly. Using the nozzle, you can heat two elements at a time - parallel along the outer and inner surfaces.

The heated element is placed on the pipe, aligning the transverse and longitudinal marks. After this, the quality of the connections is verified. It is important that the solder seam is smooth in appearance.

For a high-quality connection, it is better to solder the pipes within the time specified in the technological tables.

Protective gloves should be used during work. Working with polypropylene pipes must be done carefully and patiently.

Soldering pipes is a simple process, but very responsible. If you want to better understand how to solder reinforced polypropylene pipes, the video on this page will help you understand the soldering technology.

Connection of PVC pipes with metal-plastic pipes

Connection of PVC pipes with metal-plastic pipes

How to solder polypropylene pipes with an aluminum layer? How to connect them? Is it possible to solder polypropylene pipes from different manufacturers?

In cases where such questions arise, special adapters must be used when soldering.

One side of them is attached to metal or metal-plastic by means of a thread, the other is soldered to plastic using standard technology.

The only difference in the work is that threads must be cut on the metal and the connection must be sealed manually to avoid leaks. It is best to use tow or sanitary flax fiber as a sealant. This material is affordable and effectively seals the joint.

Using the same technology, adapters are installed, on the basis of which mixers are connected. The products externally look as if metal threads were fused into polypropylene.

How to check the connection for leaks

How to check the connection for leaks

Upon completion of installation work related to the organization of the water supply system, you can begin to check the quality of the pipeline.

To do this, water is supplied to it. The valve is opened to the house or apartment, then the faucet taps in the rooms are opened. The water pressure should be maximum.

First of all, they feel the joints, especially carefully observing the threaded connections.

Sealed joints leak very rarely if the work is carried out in accordance with the technology and the specialist knows well how to properly solder polypropylene pipes for heating, water supply, reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum, large or small in diameter.

But if a leak is detected in the welded pipes, the water is turned off, and the vulnerable pipe connection is redone, having previously been cut off. Before soldering, the pipes are wiped dry so as not to break the soldering iron and warm up the polypropylene well.

If a leak is detected at a threaded connection, it can be carefully tightened with a wrench so that the thread does not break.

Another option is to strengthen the seal. But in the latter case, you need to turn off the water and unscrew the connection.

Now you know more about how to solder polypropylene pipes with a soldering iron, what tools to choose for installation work and how to use a soldering iron correctly.

Follow the recommendations of experienced specialists when creating a pipeline, arranging it yourself, or seek installation services from professionals.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

Thanks to a wide range, affordable prices and ease of installation, polypropylene pipes have practically replaced other materials previously used in the construction and repair of utility lines. To connect them, there is no need to use bulky and unsafe gas-electric welding equipment or additional couplings, threads, bends, flax and red lead.

Now all the elements for welding work can fit into a small case.

Factors affecting welding quality

Factors affecting welding quality

The quality of welded butt joints of polypropylene pipes depends on many factors.

Compliance of polypropylene pipes and fittings with specified parameters for purpose and quality.

The choice of low-quality or cheaper (with lower temperatures and pressures permissible for a given pipeline) materials, even with the most careful welding, will not provide the necessary strength and tightness of the joints.

It is also undesirable to use products from different manufacturers. Due to differences in chemical composition, the heating and cooling times of the welded elements may not coincide.

  • Use of equipment. To perform the work you need to have the necessary minimum of working tools and equipment. A hot soldering iron that is under or overheated will not produce a reliable weld, so it is important to monitor the optimal heating temperature.

Note! Overheating of the pipe leads to a decrease in the flow area of ​​the joint and additional pressure losses in the system.

  • Availability of necessary work skills. The welding process itself is quite simple and accessible. The main thing before starting work is to carefully study the instructions supplied with the device. It is advisable to weld the first joints under the supervision of an experienced specialist.
  • Compliance with installation rules. The low quality of welds is due to errors in the process of connecting the pipe and fitting. Insufficient depth of their connection leads to a gap. Additional resistance is formed and a section with a weakened wall, a potential zone for a pipeline rupture. If the pipe is inserted too far into the fitting until it stops, the fluid flow may be almost completely blocked, which will lead to a decrease in pressure and flow. When connecting heated parts of the pipeline, they often allow overexposure leading to their cooling or do not carry out timely fixation within the allotted time.
  • Proper preparation. Careful preparation of the work site, materials and equipment is necessary. The parts of pipes and fittings to be welded must be dry and clean. The room where the work is carried out must be warm. Sub-zero air temperatures can lead to premature cooling of the parts being welded. To avoid secondary contamination, finished units must be stored on a clean surface. The heating elements of the soldering iron are wiped with a heat-resistant cloth after each use to remove any remaining melt. After cutting, the ends of the pipe are leveled and cleared of burrs.

We recommend that you read: How to correctly and securely connect a HDPE pipe?

Compliance with these basic measures guarantees a strong and reliable welded joint.

Methods for connecting polypropylene pipes

Methods for connecting polypropylene pipes

When installing and repairing drainage, heating, cold and hot water supply systems from PP pipes, several different connection methods are used.



The adhesive method is used when installing low-pressure water supply and sewerage pipelines. An adhesive composition is applied to the parts to be joined. After joining and fixing due to a special component (hardener) or thermal effects, the material hardens and the joint becomes airtight.



Thermoelectric welding is limited in application due to the high cost of electric couplings. The thermoelectric coupling is a hollow cylinder fitted onto the connected ends of the pipes, equipped with internal heating elements on both sides.

Power is supplied to their terminals using an electrical transformer, causing melting of the surfaces being connected and their subsequent connection when cooling.



Diffusion soldering is the most common method of welding polypropylene pipelines. The base uses an alloy of two abutting surfaces followed by a tight connection, while the molecules of the PP parts penetrate each other during the process of diffusion, forming a homogeneous structure upon cooling.

To melt the joined elements, a special electric soldering iron with a heating element and replaceable nozzles is used.

Important! For pipes with a diameter of 63 mm or less, socket connections are used using appropriate fittings. Larger diameter pipelines are soldered “at the joint”.

The main advantages of diffusion welding are:

  • affordable prices for materials and welding equipment;
  • ease of learning welding technology;
  • the ability to quickly assemble pipelines of any complexity;
  • making reliable joints on your own without the participation of welding specialists.

How to choose a welding machine for polypropylene pipes

How to choose a welding machine for polypropylene pipes

Welding machines for polypropylene pipelines, despite the variety of models, have a common principle of operation, namely: simultaneous heating of the parts being connected.

The design differences lie in the design of their heating element (rod or sword-shaped) and the method of attaching the nozzles.

We recommend that you read: How to install a damper for a stove chimney?

When choosing a welding machine, it is recommended to first determine the range of tasks it performs , and only then choose, taking into account the following:

  • Power. The heating time, the diameter of the parts to be joined and the installation speed (device productivity) depend on this value. For soldering household pipelines from PPR pipes with a diameter of up to 63 mm, a soldering iron with a power of 700 W is sufficient. When performing large volumes of work with pipelines with a diameter of 100 mm or more, professional equipment with a power of 1000 to 2000 W is required.

Note! To determine the required power of the welding machine, multiply by 10 the maximum diameter of the pipe being welded in mm. If D = 50 mm, then the required power is 500 W.

  • Number of nozzles. Devices for manual pipe welding, depending on the model, are equipped with a certain number of paired nozzles. For domestic use there are three standard sizes: 16, 20, 25 mm. The standard set of a professional unit can be equipped with an additional set for welding pipes and fittings D=32, 40, 50, 63 mm. For large diameter pipelines, nozzles are purchased separately.
  • Quality of nozzles. The strength and durability of the welded joint depends on the quality of the nozzles. The best are considered to be nozzles coated with a layer of regular or metallized Teflon.
  • Ease of use. Depending on the application, the device must have a certain set of options. For example, professional equipment is equipped with a digital display, which leads to a significant increase in its cost. For domestic use, two light indicators are sufficient. What is important is the speed of change and the number of simultaneous coupling-mandrel pairs installed. For certain types of work, the compactness of the device is important, especially for repairs in hard-to-reach places.
  • Manufacturer country. Price and quality directly depend on the manufacturer of the product. The most functional, reliable and, of course, expensive devices are those made in Germany and the Czech Republic. These products are in demand mainly by professionals. Less sophisticated and high-quality units are produced in Russia and Turkey; they have an average price niche and less professional users. For household needs and amateur use once or twice a year, inexpensive products from China are quite acceptable.

Technological requirements

Technological requirements

When carrying out work on welding PP pipes, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for the depth of landings, as well as the time periods allotted for heating, connection with fixation and cooling of pipeline parts. This is the only way to ensure the creation of strong and airtight joints. These parameters depend mainly on the diameters of the pipes and fittings being welded.

Pipe diameter (mm) Pipe insertion depth into fitting (mm) Duration of period (sec)
Heat Locking connection Cooling down
20 15 8 5 2
25 17 7 5 2
32 19 8 6 3
40 21 12 8 4
50 23 18 10 5

Note! The values ​​given in the table are given for a soldering iron heating temperature of 270 0C and in the work area - at least +15 0C. Planting depth may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Instructions for welding work

Instructions for welding work

When welding a polypropylene pipeline, operations must be performed in the following sequence:

  • The workplace, materials and tools are prepared.
  • The soldering iron is mounted on a tripod and equipped with nozzles of the required size.
  • The nozzles are treated with a degreasing solution.
  • The device is connected to the network, the red light on the indicator lights up.
  • The temperature on the thermostat is set to 2700 C and after the green indicator signal the device is ready for operation.
  • The measured piece of pipe is cut, the end is leveled, burrs are removed, cleaned of dirt and degreased.
  • A mark is made on the pipe corresponding to the planting depth for a given diameter.
  • The pipe and fitting are simultaneously placed on the corresponding soldering iron nozzles without axial rotations.
  • The parts heat up within the specified time.
  • Carefully, without rotating, remove from the attachments.
  • Within the allotted time, the pipe is quickly and smoothly inserted into the fitting to the marked mark without turning.
  • The parts are fixed motionless for the time required for cooling, after which the joint is ready.

Compliance with all these points will guarantee connections that will be strong and durable.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

A true home craftsman always tries to do without the help of professionals in any repair. And if necessary, you can also do it yourself to replace PVC heating pipes or water supply in the apartment.

The use of polymer pipes for water distribution provides the advantage that there is no need to work with welding or threading, and therefore the work is greatly facilitated.

Before installing polypropylene pipes, you need to have an idea of ​​how to work with a soldering iron for PVC pipes and purchase the necessary tools and materials.

How to solder correctly

How to solder correctly

How to make connections correctly so that they are airtight?

For the three most common soldering methods, below is a detailed description of all operations:



  1. For soldering pipes of small diameter (up to 50 mm), a simple manual apparatus is used. If you need to connect large diameter pipes, then use a device with centering devices.
  2. Two heating nozzles are a sleeve onto which a PVC pipe is placed.

    This design also has a mandrel (a device for moving the workpiece in the hole of the sleeve), into which the coupling is inserted.

  3. The apparatus for soldering polypropylene pipes must be installed on a flat horizontal surface and left to warm up to the required temperature. The heating process lasts 10-15 minutes - it depends on the power of the device.

  4. When soldering pipes that belong to the categories PN 10 and PN 20 (difference in operating pressure), the joints must be cleaned of dirt and burrs. If you need to solder reinforced PVC pipes, you need to remove the top part of the pipe with a shaver so that it can easily fit onto the fitting. Shearing is done to the depth of the pipe entering the coupling.

  5. The fitting and pipe are put on the soldering iron nozzles and kept for heating for the required time, which is determined by the power of the soldering iron and the room temperature. Instructions for time exposure are in the documentation for the device.
  6. Heated parts must be quickly removed from the device and connected to each other in a forward motion. Circular movements are not allowed.

  7. The connected parts must be kept in a stationary position for some time so that the pipes do not deform. After the area has completely cooled, the connection is ready for use.



Installation of a pipeline with a diameter greater than 50 mm is done in a different way - using butt joints of fragments. This soldering method is effective and justified only for pipes with a wall thickness of more than 4 mm.

  1. Before soldering, the ends of the pipes must be aligned so that they are parallel to each other.
  2. It is necessary to use centering devices, since strict alignment of the axes must be observed.
  3. To heat surfaces, a disk heating element is used, whose heating surface is ideally flat.
  4. The remaining technological operations are the same as for socket soldering.

Soldering saddles

Soldering saddles

This is a type of butt soldering. With this soldering method, you need to solder a special saddle to the surface of the pipe, which has a socket with an angle of 90˚. When assembling a pipeline from polymer pipes, use a special soldering iron for polypropylene pipes.

After this fragment has cooled, you need to drill a hole in the PVC pipe through the saddle. Then you need to solder another pipe to the saddle. You should end up with a pipe structure that is shaped like the letter “T”.

Your movements should be clear and fast. If you have no soldering experience, try making a few test seams.

Soldering polypropylene pipes yourself is not difficult, but this work requires care and attention. The main thing is to observe the heating time of the elements and the cooling time of the parts - the quality of the joints depends on this.

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

Polypropylene begins to melt at 140°C, and the operating temperature of the soldering iron is usually 260°C to ensure complete diffusion of materials.

Pipes grade PN10

Wall thickness Outside diameter
1.9 mm 20 mm
2.3 mm 25 mm
3.0 mm 32 mm
3.7 mm 40 mm
4.6 mm 50 mm
5.8 mm 63 mm
6.9 mm 75 mm
8.2 mm 90 mm
10 mm 110 mm

How to solder large diameter pipes

How to solder large diameter pipes

Pipes with a diameter greater than 50 mm must only be connected end-to-end. The butt soldering method was described above. First, you need to insert the socket of the fitting into the heated nozzle, and only then the pipe. Afterwards you need to maintain the connection for the specified time.

Check the connection for quality - if the pipe hole is blocked with a polypropylene overlay, then in the next connection the pipe should be inserted into the nozzle 2-3 mm closer, that is, not so deep.

The main rule when soldering pipes of larger diameter is to wait longer for them to heat up. Otherwise, all operations are carried out the same way.

The connector and pipe must not be allowed to overheat.

If the pipes are not soldered correctly, then you can get a leak, and the floor and furniture will be the first to suffer. It is not always possible to restore furniture, and besides, there will be a reason to update the interior. Choose high-quality furniture in stores with a large assortment, for example, - a huge selection for every taste and budget.

To reinforce the theory, watch a video on how to properly solder polypropylene pipes

How to choose a soldering iron for pipes, what to buy?

How to choose a soldering iron for pipes, what to buy?

The manufacturer of the soldering machine is of great importance for the quality of the seam.

Which country of origin is best to choose?

Czech soldering irons are now in first place. This device will cost much more than others, but the quality of the soldering justifies its cost.

Buyers give second place to Turkish manufacturers.

Chinese soldering irons for polypropylene pipes have a very attractive price, so they will be a good choice for one-time use, for example, for laying pipes in your apartment. The quality of Chinese devices is not the best, durability is also poor, but it is quite enough to furnish several apartments.

With careful attention to the quality of the seam, the reliability of soldering can be guaranteed. Today you can choose from the following manufacturers:

Model Manufacturer country Power Diameter of pipe nozzles Price
Dytron POLYS Czech 650-1200 W 16-125 mm 185 $
Dremel Versatip Taiwan Gas-burner Any 70 $
Candan Türkiye 1500 W 20-63 mm 60 $
Start SPT-2200 Russia 2200 W 20-63 mm 40 $
Stern PPW-2000 A Austria 2000 W 20-63 mm 40 $
Intertool RT-2102 Ukraine 800 W 20-63 mm 25 $



The most effective way to use a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes is to install several different nozzles on it at the same time. In fact, changing tips while the soldering iron is running is difficult and unsafe.

The nozzles that are currently produced for soldering irons of polypropylene pipes are designed for connecting products with both the same and different diameters.

The nozzles are manufactured with different surface coatings to increase durability and reliability in operation.

It can be metallized or simple Teflon. In order for the attachments to last longer, before use it is necessary to remove any remaining plastic from previous solderings.

Fittings for polypropylene pipes are relatively cheap, and the cost of one adapter or coupling does not depend on the complexity of the part or its size. For example, a coupling of any diameter costs about 10 rubles.

Reviews from craftsmen about soldering irons

Reviews from craftsmen about soldering irons

“So I bought myself a soldering iron. True, the Chinese version is inexpensive, and if you take into account how much the work of a master costs, it still turns out to be profitable. I have four radiators in my apartment, and I did them all myself.

The principle of operation is quite simple - I first looked at how my neighbor’s master did it, and then decided that I could do it myself. I cut the pipe, straightened the end, inserted a fitting on one side of the nozzle, and a pipe or tee on the other - it didn’t matter. I waited 10-15 seconds. I removed it from the nozzle, connected the pipes, and waited another 20 seconds. You can solder the next piece. What's so difficult about this? I did the right thing in not calling the repairman.”

Albert, 44 years old, Kazan

“Yesterday I bought a Turkish Candan and tried a corner with a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm. Everything worked out. Holds tightly and does not leak. True, I made one mistake - I placed the fitting unevenly on the nozzle, but I’ll still learn. Everything is done very simply, as I thought.

So if you are thinking of soldering pipes at home yourself, calmly take a soldering iron and do it. There is absolutely nothing complicated. Of course, this simplicity is apparent, and no one has canceled the knowledge of water supply systems and the design of the heating system. Soldering pipes can be done easily and simply, but for the system to be operational, without the formation of air pockets with normal water flow, is another matter.”

Leonid Morozov 38 years old, Stary Oskol


Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering polypropylene pipes Soldering polypropylene pipes Posted on 03/17/2013 in Polypropylene pipes, Plumbing, Pipes

In the material about polypropylene pipes, I briefly explained what these pipes are.

Now let's talk a little about soldering these pipes.

It’s correct, of course, to say: “welding” or even “diffusion welding of pipes,” but we usually use simpler words: Dictionary diffusion welding, we call soldering Welding machine, we call it a soldering iron or even an iron

We call polypropylene “polycom” or “PPR”

We call the colors this way:
White - Turk.
(Although Valtek also makes white and the quality of the pipes is at a high level) Gray - Czech
Green - German



To “solder” pipes you will need: Soldering iron - “Welding machine” Pipe cutter or scissors   Stripper or trimmer

A “soldering iron” is the very tool without which the installation of polypropylene pipes is impossible in principle. As for scissors, the pipe can be cut with a hacksaw or even a grinder. Only the edges will need to be cleaned of excess “fringe”.

Regarding the stripping tool, if you don’t have one, you can choose a pipe with glass fiber reinforcement.



In order to assemble a system of such pipes, there are many different fittings and connectors.

You can assemble absolutely any system:

Solder ball valve:



The average temperature of the welding machine should be set to 260 degrees.

Of course, for each diameter there are more subtle temperature settings and on expensive machines, the required temperature is inserted automatically if you specify the diameter of the pipe being welded.

We set the temperature to 260 degrees, put on the desired nozzle, and now all we have to do is remember the time during which we need to heat the pipe.

16th heat for 5 seconds. after which it must be fixed for 6-7 seconds so that the soldering is of high quality.

We heat the 20th for 5 seconds.

25th - 7 sec.

32nd - 8 sec.

40th - 12 sec.

Now more details.

We take the pipe with the coupling in our hands and try to connect them without heating. If this is possible, then there will not be a high-quality connection, replace the components and, if possible, use connectors from the same manufacturer in the same system.

After we have found out that you hold in your hands what you need and can be soldered, we first put the fitting on the nozzle of the welding machine (it is thicker) and then the pipe.

But this is a book example and it is very difficult to attach a fitting and a pipe separately to a soldering iron. Push in at the same time, but you can take out the pipe first, and then the connector.

This is what the heated fittings look like:

Now they need to be connected.

When heating, it is important to insert the pipe completely into the nozzle. To be sure, before soldering, you can make a mark on the pipe how long the pipe should go into the nozzle.

When heating, the elements cannot be twisted on a soldering iron . Although the manufacturer prohibits turns, I still do it, but the turns are very small, I would even say they are some kind of movements to make it easier to put on the pipe with the fitting. It happens that the corner fits very tightly onto the nozzle. This often happens with large diameters, for example 40 mm. In this case, the soldering iron can be moved back and forth a couple of degrees relative to the parts.

If you twist the parts or the soldering iron more than about 5 degrees, then parts of the plastic will remain on the nozzle which will then smoke, and the soldering may be of poor quality. So, if possible, it is better not to turn, and especially not to twist or turn .

After installing the elements completely, we begin the countdown at 5 seconds in the case of a 20 mm pipe. or 8 seconds in the case of the 32nd pipe.

After this time, we first remove the pipe, and then the fitting.

Quickly, but without fuss, we connect these two elements. After connection, you still have a couple of seconds to correct the alignment. After 2-3 seconds. Alignment adjustment must be stopped. Otherwise, the joint will leak.

After the joint, allow the product to cool for about 20 seconds, fixing the joint firmly.

If you are soldering the first joints, then strictly observe the heating and fixation time.
In subsequent joints, take into account drafts and ambient temperature. If you are working in a draft and the temperature, for example, is below +10, then the heating time should be slightly increased by 1-3 seconds. depending on diameter. Otherwise, you risk not having time to dock the heated elements, or there is not a second left to correct the alignment.



If you underheat the pipes, you will either not be able to connect them, or the joint will subsequently leak.


Let's figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes: technology features and tips for choosing tools

We solder polypropylene pipes

Modern repair technologies and materials allow you to assemble utility lines with your own hands, without the help of specialists. It's very easy to find tutorial videos that clearly show how to do this.

However, there are some subtleties that are best learned from detailed written reviews. We will analyze, for example, how to solder polypropylene pipes, how to follow all stages of the technology and avoid the most common mistakes when installing them yourself.

First, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the technical features of propylene pipes and find out how their heat resistance and thermal elongation can affect the operation of the assembled pipeline. And taking into account such knowledge, carry out the installation of the highway.

Heat resistance and thermal elongation

Propylene is a durable plastic, but it loses its stability under certain technical conditions. The material loses its hardness, and therefore its shape, if the coolant temperature rises to + 140 degrees.

However, if you look at the technical data sheet, manufacturers give much more modest figures. They advise choosing propylene pipes for installing a heating system where the coolant temperature does not rise above +95 degrees.

Why is there such a big difference? Why do experts not recommend using polypropylene for the installation of heating supply lines?

Because at higher temperatures the material being described changes its linear dimensions. When heated, the pipes sag greatly, and the stress that arises in this case can lead to serious consequences in the form of dangerous utility accidents. There are some techniques to eliminate these disadvantages of polypropylene.

For example, it is necessary to use reinforced products instead of simple plastic pipes for installing a heating system. They have a linear elongation coefficient 5 times less than that of conventional plastic, so a pipeline assembled from them can withstand pressure 5 times greater.

But even if reinforced pipes are used, it is necessary to install compensators - special U-shaped bends assembled on straight sections of pipes. As the temperature of the coolant increases, this will allow the elastic pipelines to remain straight due to the fact that the U-shaped outlet will narrow slightly.

Note! When assembling heating using polypropylene pipes, it is better to combine both approaches and use fiberglass-reinforced options with U-shaped branches.


Before soldering the described pipes, you need to find out what type of polypropylene is used in them:

  1. Fiberglass reinforced.
  2. Aluminum reinforced.

Soldering with your own hands is easier than the first option, and welding in this case is no different from welding ordinary plastic. Pipes reinforced with aluminum must first be cleaned. To do this, you will need a special tool in the form of a sharp knife - a shaver. If black pipes are used, where the reinforcing layer is located between two layers of plastic, for stripping you need to take a trimmer - a narrow knife that will allow you to trim from the end side.

Choosing pipes for heating

Choosing a material for heating installation is actually not that difficult. The modern market offers four options, and each has its own marking:

  • Polypropylene under the PN 10 brand is intended for assembling a “warm floor” system and cold water supply.
  • Brand PN 16 can be used for cold water supply and heating installations, in which the coolant circulates under low operating pressure.
  • Brand PN 20 is a universal option, capable of withstanding a working pressure of 2 MPa and a coolant temperature of +80 degrees.
  • Brand PN 25 is a reinforced polypropylene pipe, suitable for installation of heating and hot water supply systems with coolant temperatures up to +95 degrees.

Where can I get a soldering iron?

The main tool for soldering is a soldering iron, which is used to create sealed seams. You can buy it in a store, borrow it from friends, or rent it from special construction companies. So in this regard there will be no problems.

When purchasing a tool, you must choose one that will allow you to perform all the required operations. As a rule, when assembling plumbing and heating with your own hands, you do not need to buy fancy models with a large number of attachments. The power of the soldering iron only affects the speed of its heating, but not the process itself, so there is no point in overpaying.

Note! Inexpensive models come with 3 nozzles for collecting plastic pipes with a diameter of 20, 25 and 32 mm. Pipes of this exact diameter are used for installing internal communications wiring.

Devices for welding polypropylene pipes

The welding soldering iron has a fairly simple design. The main thing about it is the sole, equipped with heating elements. The sole is equipped with holes of various diameters. You can attach attachments to them, which can be used to solder pipes. The heating temperature is controlled by a thermostat located on the housing.

Using it you can set degrees. Their values ​​are noted in the instructions, and the table is published on the Internet. It is necessary to set the temperature depending on the type of materials being welded. So, for example, for soldering polyethylene pipes, a mode of 220 degrees is selected, and for polypropylene pipes - 260 degrees.

In addition to a soldering iron, during work you may need:

  1. Roulette.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Hacksaw for metal.
  4. Sharp knife.
  5. Scissors for cutting polypropylene.
  6. Shaver.

Soldering iron technology

Welding technology

The simplest instructions detailing how to properly solder polypropylene pipes are as follows:

  • The welding machine comes with a special stand. A soldering iron is placed on it and plugged into an outlet. But first, a sleeve is inserted into the hole of the soldering iron.
  • The ends of the polypropylene are prepared. If it is reinforced with fiberglass, it does not need to be treated. Aluminum-reinforced material will have to be trimmed by chamfering and marking it with a marker. This will help control the depth of immersion of the pipe into the soldering iron coupling.
  • First, we measure and cut the required section, adding 25 mm to it - they will be inserted into the fitting when soldering.
  • When the soldering iron reaches the desired temperature, you will hear a characteristic sound. Then a coupling is inserted into the nozzle on one side, and a prepared pipe on the other.
  • The time indicated in the table is recorded. Usually soldering takes from 4 to 10 seconds. While the coupling and pipe are in the soldering iron, they cannot be rotated or moved. You cannot touch them even after the parts are removed from the soldering iron. The accumulated temperature will allow you to create a sealed seam.

As you can see, the technology for welding polypropylene pipes is quite simple. You just need to follow certain rules for making seams.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Be sure to remove the chamfer. Otherwise, you can lift up the plastic when connecting, and the seam will not be airtight.
  2. When two parts are connected to each other, they cannot be rotated.
  3. Both the fitting and the pipe must be inserted into each other until they stop.
  4. Do not clean the nozzle while the soldering iron is on. It is better to remove melted plastic with a rough cloth and pull the cord out of the outlet.

Soldering with an electric coupling

You can solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands using an electric coupling instead of a soldering iron. In this case, the process is further simplified and productivity is almost doubled.

Do-it-yourself soldering of polypropylene pipes

The edges of reinforced pipes are prepared in the same way. When connecting parts, clamps are used. The electric coupling is connected to the network.

The device comes with a table and instructions on how to perform soldering and how long it should take. Electrodes are attached to the coupling body, and the heating time is set manually. There is a monitor on the coupling body, which displays information that the soldering time is over.

Welding is performed with high quality. Rejection is possible only in one case - when there are defects in the spirals.

It is more convenient to use an electric coupling than a soldering iron:

  • Firstly, with its help you can halve the pipeline assembly time without losing its quality.
  • Secondly, with the help of a coupling it is easier to join connections located in hard-to-reach places.
  • Thirdly, the described device is cheaper, has a more compact size, and is more convenient to work with. There is only one drawback - it is impossible to weld small-diameter pipes using an electric coupling.

Generalization on the topic

After carefully reading the proposed material and watching the training video, you can easily assemble a heating, cold and hot water supply pipeline with your own hands. Moreover, now you know how to solder polypropylene pipes. You just need to take into account all the nuances of existing technologies and strictly follow the welding rules.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

  • Pipes;
  • fitting;
  • napkins;
  • gloves;
  • soldering iron;
  • pipe cutters;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • isopropyl alcohol.

‑channel “Do-it-yourself repairs”

Connecting polypropylene pipes is quite simple, but - as with any other structure - before starting work, it is advisable to prepare an approximate installation diagram.

Sketch out a drawing on paper with the location of the insertion points, shut-off valves and other necessary parts. This way you can immediately estimate the length of the pipes, as well as determine the location, type and number of fittings needed.

Since both ends of the pipeline heat up during connection, for ease of installation it is important that one of them remains free. Some pipes with fittings can be assembled on a table and then installed in the desired location, making just one joint. All this will help to provide an assembly diagram.

3. Prepare your soldering iron

In general, the device is correctly called a “welding machine.” The process of joining polypropylene takes place without the use of solder, which means it is welding and not soldering. We will use both terms.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Install nozzles of the required diameter onto the soldering iron platform and secure them with a screw using a wrench. If you are working with pipes of several sizes, use an additional pair of sleeves.

Set the heating temperature to 260 °C and turn on the device. It will take 10–20 minutes to heat up. An LED indicator will indicate that it is ready for use. You need to wait about 5 more minutes before welding the first joint.

When polypropylene is heated, harmful fumes and smoke are released, which should not be inhaled. Therefore, ventilate the room while working.

4. Make markings

While the soldering iron is heating up, prepare the pipe and fittings. For high-quality welding, they must fit into each other strictly to a certain depth. Insufficient immersion will lead to a poor connection, and excessive immersion will reduce or completely block the flow area with extruded plastic. Here are the values ​​recommended by most manufacturers for the most common sizes:

As you can see, the soldering depth depends on the diameter of the pipes and fittings.

‑channel FV Miano

To avoid mistakes, measure the required length of the pipe, taking into account the allowance for the joint, and mark it with a pencil. Then, at the required distance from this mark, draw another line - it will serve as a guide during welding.

For example, we need to connect an angle and a tee in a heating system. The distance between them is 270 mm. For fittings with a diameter of 25 mm, the soldering depth is 18 mm, which means we add another 36 mm to 270 (18 on each side). The result is 306 mm - this is exactly the piece of pipe that needs to be cut off.

5. Cut the pipe

To cut polypropylene, special scissors are used, which are also called pipe cutters. They make it easy to cut off a thick-walled pipe and get smooth edges without burrs.

‑channel “Sergey Efimov”

Place the scissors exactly perpendicular to the pipe and align the blade with the first mark. Holding the pipe with one hand, press the handles of the scissors with the other until the part is completely cut.

It is important to get an even end so that the pipe fits evenly into the fitting and is soldered equally over the entire diameter. If you cut it at an angle, the protruding part will go in too deep and the molten polypropylene will squeeze out, reducing the inner diameter of the fitting.

If the edge turns out to be uneven and the margin allows, it is better to cut it again. If the length is close, trim the end, removing all excess with a sharp knife.

6. Degrease parts

According to the instructions of all manufacturers, the parts to be welded must be degreased for a quality connection. And although many craftsmen neglect this and limit themselves to only wiping the pipes with a rag, we recommend sticking to the technology.

‑channel "KaUT Company"

Clean the pipes of any contamination. Drain off any remaining water and wipe thoroughly with a napkin or toilet paper. Clean the surfaces of fittings and pipes with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

The same alcohol can easily erase all the inscriptions on the pipes and give them a more aesthetic appearance.

7. Heat the pipe and fitting

There is a risk of serious burns when working with a hot soldering iron, so be sure to wear protective gloves. Parts of different sizes need to be heated for a certain time. The larger the diameter, the longer.

For a reliable connection, it is important not to overheat the polypropylene, otherwise the material will become fluid, melt and block the fitting from the inside.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Insert the fitting first into the corresponding soldering iron sleeves, then the pipe. When pushing parts, do not rotate them around their axis or tilt them. Insert the pipe to the previously marked depth until the molten polypropylene reaches the pencil line. Only then count down the allotted time.

All specified data is valid for work at an ambient temperature of about 20 ° C. If the room is colder than 5 °C, the heating time approximately doubles.

8. Weld the joint

Without turning or tilting, quickly remove first the pipe and then the fitting from the nozzles and connect both parts in the desired position relative to each other. Don't fuss, but don't hesitate either - you have 4-6 seconds left.

‑channel FV Miano

Hold the pipe and fitting motionless for about 5 seconds to ensure the joint locks into place. At this moment, it is allowed to rotate the connection no more than 10 degrees to correct its position.

The complete cooling time, after which the welding site can be loaded, ranges from 2 to 4 minutes.

Remains of polypropylene from the nozzle can be easily removed with a paper napkin while the soldering iron is hot. If you clean already cooled cartridges, there is a risk of damaging the Teflon coating.

9. Check the connection

‑channel FV Miano

The quality of welding can be determined by a small, uniform bead at the end of the fitting. If it is not there, then perhaps the joint is underheated and the tightness will be in question. If the influx is too large, the pipe is most likely overheated and it melts inside, partially or completely blocking the flow area.

For those who are dealing with polypropylene welding for the first time, it would be a good idea to first practice and weld a few practice joints. It's better to learn on straight couplings. Unlike corners and other fittings of complex shapes, they can be easily inspected after soldering, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

Nowadays, there often comes a time when it is necessary to replace old, expired, often already rusted pipes. And here begins the frantic search for craftsmen to replace or repair them. Typically, there used to be terrible iron (metal) pipes that were impossible to deal with on your own. Today, the best solution is polypropylene pipes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

What are polypropylene pipes?

It is polypropylene pipes that are now leaders in the market, as a result of which their production has increased significantly, ahead of materials such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride. These pipes contain a synthetic polymer from the polyolefin class. These are fairly solid white pipes, they are moisture resistant with electrical insulation properties.

Combining all the properties of polypropylene pipes into one, it is necessary to inform that the service life of cold water supply from this material is from 45 to 50 years, and that of hot water supply is from 20 to 25 years. Please note that the declared service life of polypropylene pipes from manufacturers is twice as long if the pipes are used in accordance with established temperature and water pressure standards.

Pipe installation and necessary tools

At the moment when you have studied all the information about polypropylene pipes and decided to install water supply systems yourself, you will need to figure out how to solder polypropylene pipes so that the result is positive.

Nowadays, a polypropylene pipeline system is installed with great ease, but it is imperative to use fittings from only one company, of the same composition. Polypropylene pipes can withstand water temperatures from –10 degrees to +95. The most important thing is to follow the temperature rules.

To carry out soldering work you will need:

  • Ruler or roll;
  • Pencil;
  • Building level;
  • Gas keys: number 0 and number 3;
  • Pipe cutting shears;
  • Flax (for connecting combined fittings);
  • Welding machine with a set of nozzles for plastic pipes.

All of the above tools, with the exception of the last one, are available to any craftsman. You can use a welding machine only once in your life, so it is not necessary to buy it; it is better to borrow or rent it from the store (where you will purchase polypropylene pipes), especially since installation can be done within one day.

Soldering process technology

Soldering plastic pipes is actually quite easy. You just need to do everything in a certain sequence.

Preparing the welding machine

First, the device is securely installed on the mounting feet (stand), which are included in the kit. In this position of the device, the nozzles are fixed to the heating element in the holes intended for this purpose. Important: the nozzles must be positioned from the edge of the heating element in the order in which they will be used. Their diameter depends on the diameter of the installed pipes.

The next step is to set the temperature on the soldering iron using a thermostat. As a rule, the temperature depends on the wall thickness and diameter of the pipes. For polypropylene pipes, the optimal temperature is 260°C.

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands

Your last action is to connect the soldering iron to the network.

The electric indicator located on the body of the soldering iron will tell you that the device can already be used. It will light up yellow once the heating element reaches the required temperature. Before performing the first soldering, allow the machine to warm up for 15 minutes.

Preparation of polypropylene

Using special scissors, a polypropylene pipe of the required size is cut, and the joints are degreased with an alcohol solution.

The pipe and fitting are installed into the nozzles on both sides simultaneously and brought to the stop. In this position, the pipe and fitting heat up for a short amount of time (from 5 to 50 seconds, depending on the diameter of the pipe).

Then they are simultaneously removed from the attachments and connected to each other. This action must be done in a fairly short time. Different pipes have their own times, which you can find out from a special table.

At the end of the work, you need to check the quality of the soldering (plastic rings should appear at the junction of the pipe and fitting). If the soldering fails, it must be cut and welded again.

Using all the information discussed earlier, the process of welding polypropylene pipes will not cause you any particular difficulties, and any plumbing system will be completed in the shortest possible time!


Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

The strength and durability of various plastic communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is taken into account. When welding polypropylene products, it is necessary to take into account the heating time of the material and the cooling time of the joints.

Correct comparison and consideration of temperature and time parameters of the soldering process of technical products made of polypropylene contributes to the production of a durable and reliable material.

If you deviate from the technology, the product will have breaks at the joints and be of poor quality.

Soldering PP pipes

general information

The temperature regime for soldering polypropylene pipe products directly depends on the polymer used. In practice, 4 types of materials are used:

  • PN10, used for the use of technical products at temperatures up to +40 C;
  • PN16 for use at +60 C;
  • PN20, used in water supply from +80 C to +95 C;
  • PN25 for operating modes above +95 C.

In addition to maintaining temperature conditions, welding polypropylene pipes with your own hands depends on the pressure that pipe technical products of a specific marking can withstand.

The first type is used when laying technical products intended for cold water supply. Pipe products marked PN20 are considered universal and are intended for cold and hot water supply, but taking into account that the effect of +95 C is short-term. If the temperature is not maintained, then due to its action they will lose their tightness and become deformed.

Soldering mode and its effect on the process

The technology for soldering polypropylene pipes involves heating them, after which the plastic contained in them softens. When two heated products are connected, diffusion (interpenetration) of polypropylene molecules of one technical product into the molecules of the other occurs. As a result, a strong molecular bond is formed, making the resulting material airtight and durable.

If there is an insufficient mode, then sufficient diffusion will not occur when two materials are combined. As a result, the joint of the technical product will turn out to be weak, which will lead to a violation of the tightness of the entire material.


Excessive overheating of the fitting and pipe technical product during welding causes deformation of the parts. Their geometry is disrupted, and a roller influx occurs in the internal section.”

The output is a pipeline with a minimal internal hole at the junction, the diameter of which does not meet technological standards.


How to solder polypropylene pipes

Fig.2. Nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 20, 40, 32, 40, 50, 63.

The welding machine is installed on a flat surface and replaceable heaters of the required size are secured to it using special keys. It is advisable to install the entire required set of nozzles (see Fig. 3) on the device’s seats before heating the device.

Fig.3. Welding machine before heating with installed nozzles for welding polypropylene pipes.

From the point of view of heating uniformity, the location of the nozzle on the heater does not matter. Therefore, the nozzles are placed in a way that is convenient for installation. Closer to the end, place the nozzles necessary for working on the wall, that is, on the pipeline branch being mounted.

The quality of connections directly depends on the ease of performing technological methods, therefore, it is better to assemble all pipeline fragments that can be mounted on a permanently installed device (on a stand) separately.

It is advisable to carry out welding “on the wall”, especially in inconvenient places, with an assistant.

The welding temperature for polypropylene pipes is set on the machine - 260 ° C and 220 ° C for polyethylene and PERT pipelines).

Depending on the ambient temperature, heating lasts 10-15 minutes.

The operating temperature on the surface of the heating plates is achieved automatically.

Welding of polypropylene pipes and fittings is prohibited at temperatures below 0°C. Air temperature during welding is very important. So the welding time must be increased at low air temperatures and reduced in hot conditions.

General rule for socket welding

The inner diameter of the unheated fitting should be slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the pipe.

It is recommended to carry out the first welding 5 minutes after heating the welding machine. After each use, the welding machine must be cleaned of any remaining plastic.

Socket welding of plastic parts to each other is carried out as follows.

1. Use scissors or a pipe cutter to cut the pipe at a right angle.


2. If necessary, clean the end of the pipe and the socket of the fitting from dust and dirt, degrease with alcohol or soapy water and then dry.

When welding PN 10 and PN 20 pipes, nothing else needs to be done at this stage.

When welding reinforced pipes PN 25 with a special tool using a shaver, the two top layers of polypropylene and aluminum are removed from the pipe. The size of the fitting socket is made in such a way that only a pipe with the top layers removed can fit into it. The depth of stripping is carried out according to the stop of the tool, which determines the depth of welding.


Fig.5. Shaver


Fig.6. Processing the pipe with a shaver.

3. Apply a mark to the pipe at a distance equal to the depth of the socket plus 2 mm. If you use rough parts, fittings and tools from the same manufacturer, then, most often, you don’t need to do any calculations. The shaver (Fig. 2) removes the top layers of the pipe exactly to the welding depth, and the dimensions of the heating nozzles are such that it is impossible to insert a pipe into them to a depth greater than required.

4. Place the parts to be joined on the appropriate nozzles: insert the pipe into the sleeve to the mark indicating the welding depth, and put the fitting socket on the mandrel.

5. Maintain the heating time (see Table 1), then remove the parts from the device and connect them to each other without turning the parts along the axis. Welding fittings must be connected to the pipe with a quick, confident movement, maintaining the alignment of the pipe and coupling. The connection between the pipe and the fitting must occur to the depth determined by the boundary inside the fitting socket.

6. After welding, it is necessary to maintain a cooling time, especially for thin-walled pipes. Rotation and bending (deformation) during cooling are not permitted.

A connection with poor alignment or angle of relative position of the fittings is subject to only one method of correction - the incorrectly connected fitting is cut out.

You must be especially careful when welding elements for which position is important - angles, tees, ball valves. The latter must be welded so that the handle can move freely to all positions.

If you are soldering (welding) polypropylene pipes for the first time, you can cut the first connection to check, it should look like this:

Table 1. Technical parameters of welding (soldering) of polypropylene pipes. The welding machine must be constantly switched on during the entire welding process. Heating begins simultaneously for two parts.

If underheating occurs, there is a possibility that the parts will not reach the temperature of viscous plasticity. In this case, the connection will be unreliable and diffusion of the material may not occur.

When overheated, there is a possibility of loss of shape stability, the adhesion (stickiness) of the material will be excessive. It will be impossible to insert the pipe into the fitting, and as the force increases, the edges of the pipe will bend inward or become wrinkled. The connection will be narrowed.

Sticking of material on the fittings indicates either poor quality of the Teflon coating of the welding machine nozzles, or overheating of the plastic during welding.

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

For a detailed process of welding (soldering) of reinforced polypropylene pipes, watch the video:

The appearance of welded joints must satisfy the following requirements: 

  • Misalignment of pipes by more than the thickness of their wall is not allowed;
  • The outer surface of the connecting part welded to the pipe should not have cracks, folds or other defects caused by overheating;
  • At the edge of the socket of the connecting part welded to the pipe, a continuous bead of melted material should be visible around the entire circumference, protruding beyond the end surface of the connecting part.

Instructions for welding welded seats

Welded saddles are used for the installation of subsequent branches from the pipeline, when repairing existing systems. First, it is necessary to drill the wall of the plastic pipe with a Fusiotherm drill.

When using Stabi composite pipes, the remaining aluminum on the drill hole must be removed using the Fusiotherm chamfering tool.


Fig.1. Drilling a hole in the pipe wall.

The welding device/saddle welding tool must reach the required operating temperature of 260°C.
The surfaces to be welded must be clean and dry.


Fig.2. Installation of a welding machine;

The heating connection of the saddle welding tool is inserted into the hole in the wall of the plastic pipe until the tool reaches the entire outer wall of the pipe. The welded seat fitting is then inserted into the heating sleeve until the surface of the seat reaches the crown of the tool. The heating time of the elements is 30 seconds.

Fig.3. Heating of the pipe and seat.

After removing the welding tool, the welded seat fitting is quickly inserted into the heated hole. Then the seat should be pressed accurately and tightly, without rotating, onto the heated outer surface of the plastic pipe.

Fig.4. Installation of a welded seat;

The welded seat is fixed motionless on the pipe for 15 seconds. After 10 minutes of cooling, the connection can be subjected to full load. The corresponding branch pipe is welded into the coupling in the usual way.

Fig.5. Finished welded seat.

Examples of finished polypropylene pipelines welded by socket welding

The simplest example of polypropylene pipes in a bathroom:

The simplest example of polypropylene pipes from a toilet to a bathroom) Please note that the polypropylene pipeline is removable).


Piping made of polypropylene (a more complex option), all pipes are wrapped in thermal insulation to prevent the formation of condensation for cold water and reduce heat loss for hot water).


Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

When water communications consisting of plastic pipes are assembled, temperature becomes the most important parameter. It must have certain values ​​to achieve a strong and reliable connection.

Today, the technology for laying pipelines made of such materials requires compliance with a certain temperature regime, as well as specific time values, when performing welding work. If you do not follow the recommended parameters, a rupture may appear in key areas and the movement of the water flow may deteriorate significantly.

General influence of temperature during docking work

The technological process of welding polypropylene pipes is based on heating the material to the required temperature. As a result, the plastic begins to soften. When connecting parts, diffusion of polypropylene molecules occurs. In other words, molecules merge into a compound. When the material cools, an extremely strong joint is formed.

The strength of the workpieces being welded is directly dependent on the temperature regime. If the heating is insufficient, the diffusion process will not occur. The molecules of the fitting and the pipe being welded are simply not able to get into the compatible areas. The welding will be weak and will not be able to withstand heavy loads. The pair will break and the seal of the joint will be broken.

When overheated, the structure will begin to deform. As a result, the original geometry will change. A strong influx in the form of a large roller may form inside the part. As a result, the cross-sectional diameter of the pipeline at the welding site will be significantly reduced.

For normal soldering of polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to create heating to a temperature of 255-265 degrees. The heating process must take into account several parameters:

  • Part diameter.
  • Room temperature.
  • Heating time.

Practice has shown that heating time and part diameter are directly related.

The temperature of the room in which soldering occurs also affects this process. When parts are soldered, when removing them from the “iron” or other heating device, there is a pause before the coupling begins. To compensate for cooling at low temperatures, pp pipes need to be heated a little longer. This additional time is within 2-3 seconds. The selection occurs empirically.

It must be remembered that if you heat polypropylene pipes on a heating apparatus with a temperature setting of more than 270 degrees, the top layer of the part will become very hot. The core will not receive sufficient heating. When joining parts, the thickness of the welding film will be very thin.

How to weld polypropylene pipes manually

Welding sleeves of the device are selected taking into account the diameter of the parts. They are then inserted into the welding mirror and secured well.

Contact surfaces are cleaned of dust and dirt. For cleaning, it is better to use a cleaning fluid recommended by the manufacturer of this product. The following may help with this work:

  • Chlorethylene.
  • Trichloroethane.
  • Ethyl or Isopropyl alcohol.

A certain temperature of the device is set. Typically, the thermistor should heat up within 250 - 270 degrees. This optimal temperature allows the correct connection to be achieved.

When the thermostat reaches the desired thermal level, the heating temperature of the welding mirror is checked. For this, a special thermal probe is used.

The pipe is cut, maintaining 90 degrees relative to the axis. If necessary, you need to clean the surface and chamfer it. Stripping parameters and chamfer depth dimensions are taken from table number one. The chamfer can be removed when cleaning the part or after it, using a special calibrated tool.

Polypropylene fittings for socket welding. Grinding depth and chamfer width.

The insertion depth “L1” is marked on the surface of the pipe. Taken from Table 2. Stripping must necessarily correspond to the insertion depth.

Insertion depth L1(mm): maximum insertion depth of the heated pipe into the fitting cup.

A longitudinal mark is applied to the outer surface of the pipe and fitting being welded. It makes it possible to avoid displacement of parts during connection.

The surface of the pipe, as well as the attached fitting, must be well cleaned of oil or dirt. After achieving the required heating of the welding mirror, the pipe, together with the fitting, is installed in special sleeves. The fittings must be inserted all the way, the pipe being welded to the full stripping depth. You need to wait a little while the parts heat up.

They are then quickly removed and inserted into each other. The insertion depth of the fitting must be equal to the length L1, in accordance with the longitudinal notches.

The connected parts must be kept in a fixed position for a certain time, according to table No. 3. Then you need to give it time to cool naturally. Do not cool them with a fan or immerse them in cold water.

Heating, welding and cooling times

When the surface of the elements has cooled sufficiently, it is necessary to conduct a hydraulic test.

Temperature ranges for resistance welding.

The changes in pressure and temperature during the butt welding process are shown in the figure below:

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

When calculating the future pipeline layout, figure out how further installation will take place. It is necessary to strive to obtain a minimum distance between the soldering machine and the connection point.

If the calculation is made incorrectly and the welding site is in an inaccessible place, you will have to heat the part at a considerable distance from the fastening site. In this case, large heat losses occur, since parts have to be transferred in order to make the coupling joint. As a result of such unaccounted for moments, a strong weakening of the seam occurs.

If an incorrect calculation of the installation and soldering sequence is made, a situation may arise when it is impossible to join the last parts, since the heating device simply cannot be installed between the parts. To increase the gap, it is necessary to deform certain sections of the pipelines that allow the soldering device to be inserted. Such work can spoil the appearance of communication. Static voltage may appear in some areas of the system.

A very serious mistake, as a result of which it is not possible to control the temperature, is the sequential heating of the workpieces immediately before the joint. In other words, each part is heated separately. As a result, the temperature regime is completely disrupted.

This incorrect approach can cause the part to cool down greatly due to the time it takes to warm up. Intentional loss of heat occurs. This method of connecting parts does not allow the work to be structured correctly and the process of softening the material becomes unpredictable. Its use is strictly prohibited.

To exercise proper temperature control, several criteria must be taken into account:

1. The quality of the welding machine for working with polypropylene products should allow maintaining certain parameters with a minimum error.

2. There should be less than 1.5 meters between the welding machine and the connection area.

3.The operation must be performed in a heated building.

4.Before starting welding, make sure that the temperature of the parts to be joined is approximately the same.


How to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places

Plastic pipes are being used more and more often than metal ones, since they have undeniable advantages, which include a longer service life - up to 50 years for polypropylene pipes, as well as high sound insulation characteristics, resistance to temperature changes, low electrical and thermal conductivity.

PVC pipes are also popular because they are very durable, reliable and easy to install.

Initially, such products were not soldered. Polypropylene pipelines were connected by gluing with special adhesives.

In some countries of the world, polypropylene pipes with small diameters, which are used indoors, are still connected by gluing today.

However, a more reliable and simpler method of fastening is soldering. From this article you will learn how to solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands.

And so that you better understand the technology of work, we recommend reading articles and watching videos on how to solder polypropylene pipes.

Required Tools

For soldering work you will need:

  • roulette;
  • scissors designed for cutting PVC pipes;
  • soldering iron designed for polymer pipes;
  • building level.

Most of these tools are well known to those who have ever participated in construction work.

Therefore, if you decide: we solder polypropylene pipes yourself, you probably already know the necessary tools well, or you can borrow them from your friends or colleagues.

If you don't have the tools yet, they can all be easily purchased at a hardware store. It can be difficult to find just the right scissors and soldering iron. As a rule, they are purchased as a set.

How to solder polypropylene pipes with and without a soldering iron?

Of course, this tool must be available if you are going to connect PVC pipes. Specialized scissors are also called roller pipe cutters.

The tool is available for sale in one of two modifications according to its intended purpose:

  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-4 cm;
  • for pipes with an outer diameter of 1.6-11 cm.

Soldering iron selection

A soldering iron suitable for cutting pipes is also called a manual welding machine. The tool is a heating device that has a sole equipped with heating elements.

As a rule, it is equipped with holes of different diameters in which soldering nozzles are fixed. The soldering iron is equipped with a temperature regulator.

It also has a heating indicator, a comfortable handle and a special stand. The latter allows you to install the device on a flat surface. The tool is turned on and off by pressing additional switches.

It is the soldering iron that helps answer the question of how to solder polypropylene pipes for heating or plumbing, and how to connect them.

And if you plan to install the pipeline yourself, you should get this device. Depending on the purpose, the tool intended for working with polypropylene pipes comes in two modifications:

  • for PVC pipes with a diameter of 1.6-5 cm with a maximum power of 650 W;
  • for PVC pipes with a diameter of 6.3-11 cm with a maximum power of 1600 W.

Any soldering iron is equipped with paired nozzles of different diameters and a stand.

If you don’t yet know how to solder polypropylene pipes in hard-to-reach places, take a closer look at the soldering iron attachments.

As a rule, they allow you to perform complex work.

  • Soldering iron tips are coated with a non-stick coating, similar to the coating used in cookware.
  • Therefore, the instrument requires special care and cleaning.

Recommendations - how to solder polypropylene pipes

Before starting soldering work, you should carefully study the technology, the necessary instructions, and learn how to use a soldering iron in order to reduce the risks of irreparable errors.

When soldering pipes, you must remember that this is part of the soldering of the pipeline, so work should begin with its most difficult step - marking.

It is the markings that will tell you how to solder polypropylene pipes smoothly. It is good when the marking is carried out by a specialist who is familiar with the drawings of the pipeline system and represents the implementation of the drawings.

Pipe cutting

Before cutting the pipes, measure the interval between the fittings and add 3 cm to the resulting distance. After this, carefully cut the pipe at a right angle with special scissors.

Fittings are put on the pipe, marking the depth on it with a marker, thereby applying a transverse mark to the product. And the longitudinal one will make it possible to join pipeline elements along the axes.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

First, turn on the soldering iron and insert a nozzle of the required diameter into its hole. Using a thermostat, you need to set the optimal soldering temperature.

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

Recommended value:

  • 260°С – for polypropylene pipes;
  • 220°C – for polyethylene.

The soldering iron is heated up for 10-20 minutes. You can know when it is ready for use by the heating indicator.

Next, the pipeline element that needs to be heated is put on the soldering iron nozzle at a moderate pace. It is heated for the time required by the technology and quickly removed from the nozzle, holding the soldering iron, if necessary.

  • How long does it take to solder polypropylene pipes? As a rule, a polypropylene pipe cools down in 8-10 seconds, which means you need to work quite quickly. Using the nozzle, you can heat two elements at a time - parallel along the outer and inner surfaces.

The heated element is placed on the pipe, aligning the transverse and longitudinal marks. After this, the quality of the connections is verified. It is important that the solder seam is smooth in appearance.

For a high-quality connection, it is better to solder the pipes within the time specified in the technological tables.

Protective gloves should be used during work. Working with polypropylene pipes must be done carefully and patiently.

Soldering pipes is a simple process, but very responsible. If you want to better understand how to solder reinforced polypropylene pipes, the video on this page will help you understand the soldering technology.

Connection of PVC pipes with metal-plastic pipes

How to solder polypropylene pipes with an aluminum layer? How to connect them? Is it possible to solder polypropylene pipes from different manufacturers?

In cases where such questions arise, special adapters must be used when soldering.

One side of them is attached to metal or metal-plastic by means of a thread, the other is soldered to plastic using standard technology.

The only difference in the work is that threads must be cut on the metal and the connection must be sealed manually to avoid leaks. It is best to use tow or sanitary flax fiber as a sealant. This material is affordable and effectively seals the joint.

Using the same technology, adapters are installed, on the basis of which mixers are connected. The products externally look as if metal threads were fused into polypropylene.

How to check the connection for leaks

Upon completion of installation work related to the organization of the water supply system, you can begin to check the quality of the pipeline.

To do this, water is supplied to it. The valve is opened to the house or apartment, then the faucet taps in the rooms are opened. The water pressure should be maximum.

First of all, they feel the joints, especially carefully observing the threaded connections.

Sealed joints leak very rarely if the work is carried out in accordance with the technology and the specialist knows well how to properly solder polypropylene pipes for heating, water supply, reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum, large or small in diameter.

But if a leak is detected in the welded pipes, the water is turned off, and the vulnerable pipe connection is redone, having previously been cut off. Before soldering, the pipes are wiped dry so as not to break the soldering iron and warm up the polypropylene well.

If a leak is detected at a threaded connection, it can be carefully tightened with a wrench so that the thread does not break.

Another option is to strengthen the seal. But in the latter case, you need to turn off the water and unscrew the connection.

Now you know more about how to solder polypropylene pipes with a soldering iron, what tools to choose for installation work and how to use a soldering iron correctly.

Follow the recommendations of experienced specialists when creating a pipeline, arranging it yourself, or seek installation services from professionals.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes to create strong connections

Thanks to a wide range, affordable prices and ease of installation, polypropylene pipes have practically replaced other materials previously used in the construction and repair of utility lines. To connect them, there is no need to use bulky and unsafe gas-electric welding equipment or additional couplings, threads, bends, flax and red lead.

Now all the elements for welding work can fit into a small case.

Factors affecting welding quality

The quality of welded butt joints of polypropylene pipes depends on many factors.

Compliance of polypropylene pipes and fittings with specified parameters for purpose and quality.

The choice of low-quality or cheaper (with lower temperatures and pressures permissible for a given pipeline) materials, even with the most careful welding, will not provide the necessary strength and tightness of the joints.

It is also undesirable to use products from different manufacturers. Due to differences in chemical composition, the heating and cooling times of the welded elements may not coincide.

  • Use of equipment. To perform the work you need to have the necessary minimum of working tools and equipment. A hot soldering iron that is under or overheated will not produce a reliable weld, so it is important to monitor the optimal heating temperature.

Note! Overheating of the pipe leads to a decrease in the flow area of ​​the joint and additional pressure losses in the system.

  • Availability of necessary work skills. The welding process itself is quite simple and accessible. The main thing before starting work is to carefully study the instructions supplied with the device. It is advisable to weld the first joints under the supervision of an experienced specialist.
  • Compliance with installation rules. The low quality of welds is due to errors in the process of connecting the pipe and fitting. Insufficient depth of their connection leads to a gap. Additional resistance is formed and a section with a weakened wall, a potential zone for a pipeline rupture. If the pipe is inserted too far into the fitting until it stops, the fluid flow may be almost completely blocked, which will lead to a decrease in pressure and flow. When connecting heated parts of the pipeline, they often allow overexposure leading to their cooling or do not carry out timely fixation within the allotted time.
  • Proper preparation. Careful preparation of the work site, materials and equipment is necessary. The parts of pipes and fittings to be welded must be dry and clean. The room where the work is carried out must be warm. Sub-zero air temperatures can lead to premature cooling of the parts being welded. To avoid secondary contamination, finished units must be stored on a clean surface. The heating elements of the soldering iron are wiped with a heat-resistant cloth after each use to remove any remaining melt. After cutting, the ends of the pipe are leveled and cleared of burrs.

We recommend that you read: How to correctly and securely connect a HDPE pipe?

Compliance with these basic measures guarantees a strong and reliable welded joint.

Methods for connecting polypropylene pipes

When installing and repairing drainage, heating, cold and hot water supply systems from PP pipes, several different connection methods are used.


The adhesive method is used when installing low-pressure water supply and sewerage pipelines. An adhesive composition is applied to the parts to be joined. After joining and fixing due to a special component (hardener) or thermal effects, the material hardens and the joint becomes airtight.


Thermoelectric welding is limited in application due to the high cost of electric couplings. The thermoelectric coupling is a hollow cylinder fitted onto the connected ends of the pipes, equipped with internal heating elements on both sides.

Power is supplied to their terminals using an electrical transformer, causing melting of the surfaces being connected and their subsequent connection when cooling.


Diffusion soldering is the most common method of welding polypropylene pipelines. The base uses an alloy of two abutting surfaces followed by a tight connection, while the molecules of the PP parts penetrate each other during the process of diffusion, forming a homogeneous structure upon cooling.

To melt the joined elements, a special electric soldering iron with a heating element and replaceable nozzles is used.

Important! For pipes with a diameter of 63 mm or less, socket connections are used using appropriate fittings. Larger diameter pipelines are soldered “at the joint”.

The main advantages of diffusion welding are:

  • affordable prices for materials and welding equipment;
  • ease of learning welding technology;
  • the ability to quickly assemble pipelines of any complexity;
  • making reliable joints on your own without the participation of welding specialists.

How to choose a welding machine for polypropylene pipes

Welding machines for polypropylene pipelines, despite the variety of models, have a common principle of operation, namely: simultaneous heating of the parts being connected.

The design differences lie in the design of their heating element (rod or sword-shaped) and the method of attaching the nozzles.

We recommend that you read: How to install a damper for a stove chimney?

When choosing a welding machine, it is recommended to first determine the range of tasks it performs , and only then choose, taking into account the following:

  • Power. The heating time, the diameter of the parts to be joined and the installation speed (device productivity) depend on this value. For soldering household pipelines from PPR pipes with a diameter of up to 63 mm, a soldering iron with a power of 700 W is sufficient. When performing large volumes of work with pipelines with a diameter of 100 mm or more, professional equipment with a power of 1000 to 2000 W is required.

Note! To determine the required power of the welding machine, multiply by 10 the maximum diameter of the pipe being welded in mm. If D = 50 mm, then the required power is 500 W.

  • Number of nozzles. Devices for manual pipe welding, depending on the model, are equipped with a certain number of paired nozzles. For domestic use there are three standard sizes: 16, 20, 25 mm. The standard set of a professional unit can be equipped with an additional set for welding pipes and fittings D=32, 40, 50, 63 mm. For large diameter pipelines, nozzles are purchased separately.
  • Quality of nozzles. The strength and durability of the welded joint depends on the quality of the nozzles. The best are considered to be nozzles coated with a layer of regular or metallized Teflon.
  • Ease of use. Depending on the application, the device must have a certain set of options. For example, professional equipment is equipped with a digital display, which leads to a significant increase in its cost. For domestic use, two light indicators are sufficient. What is important is the speed of change and the number of simultaneous coupling-mandrel pairs installed. For certain types of work, the compactness of the device is important, especially for repairs in hard-to-reach places.
  • Manufacturer country. Price and quality directly depend on the manufacturer of the product. The most functional, reliable and, of course, expensive devices are those made in Germany and the Czech Republic. These products are in demand mainly by professionals. Less sophisticated and high-quality units are produced in Russia and Turkey; they have an average price niche and less professional users. For household needs and amateur use once or twice a year, inexpensive products from China are quite acceptable.

Technological requirements

When carrying out work on welding PP pipes, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for the depth of landings, as well as the time periods allotted for heating, connection with fixation and cooling of pipeline parts. This is the only way to ensure the creation of strong and airtight joints. These parameters depend mainly on the diameters of the pipes and fittings being welded.

Pipe diameter (mm) Pipe insertion depth into fitting (mm) Duration of period (sec)
Heat Locking connection Cooling down
20 15 8 5 2
25 17 7 5 2
32 19 8 6 3
40 21 12 8 4
50 23 18 10 5

Note! The values ​​given in the table are given for a soldering iron heating temperature of 270 0C and in the work area - at least +15 0C. Planting depth may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Instructions for welding work

When welding a polypropylene pipeline, operations must be performed in the following sequence:

  • The workplace, materials and tools are prepared.
  • The soldering iron is mounted on a tripod and equipped with nozzles of the required size.
  • The nozzles are treated with a degreasing solution.
  • The device is connected to the network, the red light on the indicator lights up.
  • The temperature on the thermostat is set to 2700 C and after the green indicator signal the device is ready for operation.
  • The measured piece of pipe is cut, the end is leveled, burrs are removed, cleaned of dirt and degreased.
  • A mark is made on the pipe corresponding to the planting depth for a given diameter.
  • The pipe and fitting are simultaneously placed on the corresponding soldering iron nozzles without axial rotations.
  • The parts heat up within the specified time.
  • Carefully, without rotating, remove from the attachments.
  • Within the allotted time, the pipe is quickly and smoothly inserted into the fitting to the marked mark without turning.
  • The parts are fixed motionless for the time required for cooling, after which the joint is ready.

Compliance with all these points will guarantee connections that will be strong and durable.


How to properly solder polypropylene pipes: 3 modern methods

A true home craftsman always tries to do without the help of professionals in any repair. And if necessary, you can also do it yourself to replace PVC heating pipes or water supply in the apartment.

The use of polymer pipes for water distribution provides the advantage that there is no need to work with welding or threading, and therefore the work is greatly facilitated.

Before installing polypropylene pipes, you need to have an idea of ​​how to work with a soldering iron for PVC pipes and purchase the necessary tools and materials.

How to solder correctly

How to make connections correctly so that they are airtight?

For the three most common soldering methods, below is a detailed description of all operations:


  1. For soldering pipes of small diameter (up to 50 mm), a simple manual apparatus is used. If you need to connect large diameter pipes, then use a device with centering devices.
  2. Two heating nozzles are a sleeve onto which a PVC pipe is placed.

    This design also has a mandrel (a device for moving the workpiece in the hole of the sleeve), into which the coupling is inserted.

  3. The apparatus for soldering polypropylene pipes must be installed on a flat horizontal surface and left to warm up to the required temperature. The heating process lasts 10-15 minutes - it depends on the power of the device.

  4. When soldering pipes that belong to the categories PN 10 and PN 20 (difference in operating pressure), the joints must be cleaned of dirt and burrs. If you need to solder reinforced PVC pipes, you need to remove the top part of the pipe with a shaver so that it can easily fit onto the fitting. Shearing is done to the depth of the pipe entering the coupling.

  5. The fitting and pipe are put on the soldering iron nozzles and kept for heating for the required time, which is determined by the power of the soldering iron and the room temperature. Instructions for time exposure are in the documentation for the device.
  6. Heated parts must be quickly removed from the device and connected to each other in a forward motion. Circular movements are not allowed.

  7. The connected parts must be kept in a stationary position for some time so that the pipes do not deform. After the area has completely cooled, the connection is ready for use.


Installation of a pipeline with a diameter greater than 50 mm is done in a different way - using butt joints of fragments. This soldering method is effective and justified only for pipes with a wall thickness of more than 4 mm.

  1. Before soldering, the ends of the pipes must be aligned so that they are parallel to each other.
  2. It is necessary to use centering devices, since strict alignment of the axes must be observed.
  3. To heat surfaces, a disk heating element is used, whose heating surface is ideally flat.
  4. The remaining technological operations are the same as for socket soldering.

Soldering saddles

This is a type of butt soldering. With this soldering method, you need to solder a special saddle to the surface of the pipe, which has a socket with an angle of 90˚. When assembling a pipeline from polymer pipes, use a special soldering iron for polypropylene pipes.

After this fragment has cooled, you need to drill a hole in the PVC pipe through the saddle. Then you need to solder another pipe to the saddle. You should end up with a pipe structure that is shaped like the letter “T”.

Your movements should be clear and fast. If you have no soldering experience, try making a few test seams.

Soldering polypropylene pipes yourself is not difficult, but this work requires care and attention. The main thing is to observe the heating time of the elements and the cooling time of the parts - the quality of the joints depends on this.

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

Polypropylene begins to melt at 140°C, and the operating temperature of the soldering iron is usually 260°C to ensure complete diffusion of materials.

Pipes grade PN10

Wall thickness Outside diameter
1.9 mm 20 mm
2.3 mm 25 mm
3.0 mm 32 mm
3.7 mm 40 mm
4.6 mm 50 mm
5.8 mm 63 mm
6.9 mm 75 mm
8.2 mm 90 mm
10 mm 110 mm

How to solder large diameter pipes

Pipes with a diameter greater than 50 mm must only be connected end-to-end. The butt soldering method was described above. First, you need to insert the socket of the fitting into the heated nozzle, and only then the pipe. Afterwards you need to maintain the connection for the specified time.

Check the connection for quality - if the pipe hole is blocked with a polypropylene overlay, then in the next connection the pipe should be inserted into the nozzle 2-3 mm closer, that is, not so deep.

The main rule when soldering pipes of larger diameter is to wait longer for them to heat up. Otherwise, all operations are carried out the same way.

The connector and pipe must not be allowed to overheat.

If the pipes are not soldered correctly, then you can get a leak, and the floor and furniture will be the first to suffer. It is not always possible to restore furniture, and besides, there will be a reason to update the interior. Choose high-quality furniture in stores with a large assortment, for example, - a huge selection for every taste and budget.

To reinforce the theory, watch a video on how to properly solder polypropylene pipes

How to choose a soldering iron for pipes, what to buy?

The manufacturer of the soldering machine is of great importance for the quality of the seam.

Which country of origin is best to choose?

Czech soldering irons are now in first place. This device will cost much more than others, but the quality of the soldering justifies its cost.

Buyers give second place to Turkish manufacturers.

Chinese soldering irons for polypropylene pipes have a very attractive price, so they will be a good choice for one-time use, for example, for laying pipes in your apartment. The quality of Chinese devices is not the best, durability is also poor, but it is quite enough to furnish several apartments.

With careful attention to the quality of the seam, the reliability of soldering can be guaranteed. Today you can choose from the following manufacturers:

Model Manufacturer country Power Diameter of pipe nozzles Price
Dytron POLYS Czech 650-1200 W 16-125 mm 185 $
Dremel Versatip Taiwan Gas-burner Any 70 $
Candan Türkiye 1500 W 20-63 mm 60 $
Start SPT-2200 Russia 2200 W 20-63 mm 40 $
Stern PPW-2000 A Austria 2000 W 20-63 mm 40 $
Intertool RT-2102 Ukraine 800 W 20-63 mm 25 $


The most effective way to use a soldering iron for polypropylene pipes is to install several different nozzles on it at the same time. In fact, changing tips while the soldering iron is running is difficult and unsafe.

The nozzles that are currently produced for soldering irons of polypropylene pipes are designed for connecting products with both the same and different diameters.

The nozzles are manufactured with different surface coatings to increase durability and reliability in operation.

It can be metallized or simple Teflon. In order for the attachments to last longer, before use it is necessary to remove any remaining plastic from previous solderings.

Fittings for polypropylene pipes are relatively cheap, and the cost of one adapter or coupling does not depend on the complexity of the part or its size. For example, a coupling of any diameter costs about 10 rubles.

Reviews from craftsmen about soldering irons

“So I bought myself a soldering iron. True, the Chinese version is inexpensive, and if you take into account how much the work of a master costs, it still turns out to be profitable. I have four radiators in my apartment, and I did them all myself.

The principle of operation is quite simple - I first looked at how my neighbor’s master did it, and then decided that I could do it myself. I cut the pipe, straightened the end, inserted a fitting on one side of the nozzle, and a pipe or tee on the other - it didn’t matter. I waited 10-15 seconds. I removed it from the nozzle, connected the pipes, and waited another 20 seconds. You can solder the next piece. What's so difficult about this? I did the right thing in not calling the repairman.”

Albert, 44 years old, Kazan

“Yesterday I bought a Turkish Candan and tried a corner with a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm. Everything worked out. Holds tightly and does not leak. True, I made one mistake - I placed the fitting unevenly on the nozzle, but I’ll still learn. Everything is done very simply, as I thought.

So if you are thinking of soldering pipes at home yourself, calmly take a soldering iron and do it. There is absolutely nothing complicated. Of course, this simplicity is apparent, and no one has canceled the knowledge of water supply systems and the design of the heating system. Soldering pipes can be done easily and simply, but for the system to be operational, without the formation of air pockets with normal water flow, is another matter.”

Leonid Morozov 38 years old, Stary Oskol


Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering polypropylene pipes Soldering polypropylene pipes Posted on 03/17/2013 in Polypropylene pipes, Plumbing, Pipes

In the material about polypropylene pipes, I briefly explained what these pipes are.

Now let's talk a little about soldering these pipes.

It’s correct, of course, to say: “welding” or even “diffusion welding of pipes,” but we usually use simpler words: Dictionary diffusion welding, we call soldering Welding machine, we call it a soldering iron or even an iron

We call polypropylene “polycom” or “PPR”

We call the colors this way:
White - Turk.
(Although Valtek also makes white and the quality of the pipes is at a high level) Gray - Czech
Green - German


To “solder” pipes you will need: Soldering iron - “Welding machine” Pipe cutter or scissors   Stripper or trimmer

A “soldering iron” is the very tool without which the installation of polypropylene pipes is impossible in principle. As for scissors, the pipe can be cut with a hacksaw or even a grinder. Only the edges will need to be cleaned of excess “fringe”.

Regarding the stripping tool, if you don’t have one, you can choose a pipe with glass fiber reinforcement.


In order to assemble a system of such pipes, there are many different fittings and connectors.

You can assemble absolutely any system:

Solder ball valve:


The average temperature of the welding machine should be set to 260 degrees.

Of course, for each diameter there are more subtle temperature settings and on expensive machines, the required temperature is inserted automatically if you specify the diameter of the pipe being welded.

We set the temperature to 260 degrees, put on the desired nozzle, and now all we have to do is remember the time during which we need to heat the pipe.

16th heat for 5 seconds. after which it must be fixed for 6-7 seconds so that the soldering is of high quality.

We heat the 20th for 5 seconds.

25th - 7 sec.

32nd - 8 sec.

40th - 12 sec.

Now more details.

We take the pipe with the coupling in our hands and try to connect them without heating. If this is possible, then there will not be a high-quality connection, replace the components and, if possible, use connectors from the same manufacturer in the same system.

After we have found out that you hold in your hands what you need and can be soldered, we first put the fitting on the nozzle of the welding machine (it is thicker) and then the pipe.

But this is a book example and it is very difficult to attach a fitting and a pipe separately to a soldering iron. Push in at the same time, but you can take out the pipe first, and then the connector.

This is what the heated fittings look like:

Now they need to be connected.

When heating, it is important to insert the pipe completely into the nozzle. To be sure, before soldering, you can make a mark on the pipe how long the pipe should go into the nozzle.

When heating, the elements cannot be twisted on a soldering iron . Although the manufacturer prohibits turns, I still do it, but the turns are very small, I would even say they are some kind of movements to make it easier to put on the pipe with the fitting. It happens that the corner fits very tightly onto the nozzle. This often happens with large diameters, for example 40 mm. In this case, the soldering iron can be moved back and forth a couple of degrees relative to the parts.

If you twist the parts or the soldering iron more than about 5 degrees, then parts of the plastic will remain on the nozzle which will then smoke, and the soldering may be of poor quality. So, if possible, it is better not to turn, and especially not to twist or turn .

After installing the elements completely, we begin the countdown at 5 seconds in the case of a 20 mm pipe. or 8 seconds in the case of the 32nd pipe.

After this time, we first remove the pipe, and then the fitting.

Quickly, but without fuss, we connect these two elements. After connection, you still have a couple of seconds to correct the alignment. After 2-3 seconds. Alignment adjustment must be stopped. Otherwise, the joint will leak.

After the joint, allow the product to cool for about 20 seconds, fixing the joint firmly.

If you are soldering the first joints, then strictly observe the heating and fixation time.
In subsequent joints, take into account drafts and ambient temperature. If you are working in a draft and the temperature, for example, is below +10, then the heating time should be slightly increased by 1-3 seconds. depending on diameter. Otherwise, you risk not having time to dock the heated elements, or there is not a second left to correct the alignment.


If you underheat the pipes, you will either not be able to connect them, or the joint will subsequently leak.


If it overheats, you risk melting the passage hole.

If the soldering is done correctly, but the through hole is not narrowed.

You can cut a pipe not only with scissors:

And sometimes, with the help of scissors, it is not possible to make an even cut, for example, if you need to cut off just a centimeter.

In this case, you can resort to the help of an angle grinder.

This is what a glass fiber reinforced pipe looks like in cross section. There is no need to strip and trim such a pipe, which cannot be said about the aluminum layer.

Now let's cut the soldered elements and see if these connections can be disconnected.

At the top, the gray pipe is soldered to a white coupling, and in the picture below it is gray to gray.

In both cases, you can see the welded elements fused into a single whole. Even white and gray. The only differences are visual - color. This immediately answers the question whether it is possible to solder white and gray. Can.

Now let's look at the cross-section of the adapter coupling:

In this case, the pipe was without reinforcement. It can be seen that the differences are only in color, although the manufacturer is the same. The connection itself cannot be disconnected and proper soldering will never cause a leak. For this reason, such connections can be safely hidden in walls and floors.

These seem to be all the key points associated with soldering polypropylene pipes.
Please leave any questions regarding the material in the comments.

Well, in conclusion, a few photos of welded pipes:

To fix pipes horizontally, I use clips

For a vertical pipe, where the pipe must be fixed rigidly, a special pipe clamp is used


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