What temperature to solder pipes at?

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

The strength and durability of various plastic communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is taken into account. When welding polypropylene products, it is necessary to take into account the heating time of the material and the cooling time of the joints.

Correct comparison and consideration of temperature and time parameters of the soldering process of technical products made of polypropylene contributes to the production of a durable and reliable material.

If you deviate from the technology, the product will have breaks at the joints and be of poor quality.

Soldering PP pipes

general information

The temperature regime for soldering polypropylene pipe products directly depends on the polymer used. In practice, 4 types of materials are used:

  • PN10, used for the use of technical products at temperatures up to +40 C;
  • PN16 for use at +60 C;
  • PN20, used in water supply from +80 C to +95 C;
  • PN25 for operating modes above +95 C.

In addition to maintaining temperature conditions, welding polypropylene pipes with your own hands depends on the pressure that pipe technical products of a specific marking can withstand.


The first type is used when laying technical products intended for cold water supply. Pipe products marked PN20 are considered universal and are intended for cold and hot water supply, but taking into account that the effect of +95 C is short-term. If the temperature is not maintained, then due to its action they will lose their tightness and become deformed.

Soldering mode and its effect on the process

The technology for soldering polypropylene pipes involves heating them, after which the plastic contained in them softens. When two heated products are connected, diffusion (interpenetration) of polypropylene molecules of one technical product into the molecules of the other occurs. As a result, a strong molecular bond is formed, making the resulting material airtight and durable.

If there is an insufficient mode, then sufficient diffusion will not occur when two materials are combined. As a result, the joint of the technical product will turn out to be weak, which will lead to a violation of the tightness of the entire material.


Excessive overheating of the fitting and pipe technical product during welding causes deformation of the parts. Their geometry is disrupted, and a roller influx occurs in the internal section.”

The output is a pipeline with a minimal internal hole at the junction, the diameter of which does not meet technological standards.

Source: https://svarkaipayka.ru/tehnologia/svarka-trub/temperatura-payki-polipropilenovyih-trub.html

Heating temperature table for soldering polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes are an affordable material for building strong and durable plumbing systems. The reliability of the connection of pipes and fittings directly depends on the correct selection and adherence to soldering conditions.

The time and temperature for soldering polypropylene pipes, a table of which is necessary for every solder, serve as the main parameters. They are selected depending on the diameter of the pipe and the depth of welding of the joint. Even a slight deviation from the recommended values ​​can lead to a significant reduction in the strength and durability of the seams. The system’s ability to withstand the operating pressure of the fluid will decrease, and sooner or later a leak will appear in this place.

General influence of temperature during docking work

The operating principle of a welding machine for propylene pipes is based on the ability of the material to soften when heated . The bonds between polymer molecules weaken as temperature increases. Externally, melting is expressed in increased plasticity. If you heat two mating parts, align their softened edges and press them against each other, then the moving parts of the molecules from the surface layers of the two parts will begin to penetrate each other.

When cooled, new bonds will appear between the polymer molecules, and the two parts will form a single whole. The strength of the seam material after hardening will be the same as that of the base material. This is an important advantage of this method over detachable threaded connections. In them, there is always a gap between two parts, blocked by one or another seal.

If the temperature and time conditions of welding are violated, then such a gap remains in the soldered joint, and without a seal. Such a joint is not able to withstand the operating pressure in the system, water begins to leak through it, and over time it can completely collapse, causing a serious leak.

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes table of modes.

Insufficient heating of the edges or joint surfaces leads to lack of penetration . It is no less harmful to overheat polypropylene at the soldering site. An internal bead may appear there, reducing the effective cross-section of the pipeline. As a result, its throughput will decrease; when opening and closing taps, water hammer may occur, which has a detrimental effect on the water supply system and the equipment connected to it.

For most brands of polypropylene, manufacturers recommend using a temperature of 220 - 267 ° C. When determining the soldering mode, the following values ​​must be taken into account:

  • connecting diameter of a pipe, fitting or fitting;
  • temperature conditions in the building;
  • heating, soldering and cooling times.

Heating time is usually directly proportional to the diameter of the part.[/stetxbox]

In case of overheating above 270°C, overheating of the upper layer occurs and incomplete heating of the inner layers occurs. In this case, the superplastic top layer shifts, forming a welding bead, and the inner layer does not participate in contact. welding layer is insufficient, and the strength of the connection decreases.

How to weld pipes by hand?

For work, a special welding machine for polypropylene pipes is used. On its flat heating element, called the “iron,” paired adapter bushings are attached to the diameter of the pipe. The edges of the parts to be soldered are cut exactly at 90°, and a chamfer is removed from them, making the connection easier.

Next, the edges and the adjacent 15-20 mm area are cleaned of dust, chips and other contaminants. For this, organic solvents such as alcohol or trichloroethane are used. When choosing a solvent, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions.

The chamfer parameters and the width of the stripping zone are selected based on the diameter of the elements being connected.

Parameters for cutting edges and cleaning depending on the diameter.

The heating temperature is set taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations and adjustments for room temperature . After the welding machine has warmed up, the prepared edges are put on the bushings and begin to heat up. It is recommended to check the actual temperature of the electric heater with a contact thermometer or pyrometer.

On the outside, longitudinal marks are applied to pipe sections or fittings. They will allow you to accurately combine elements without displacement. After waiting the necessary time for warming up, both parts are removed from the adapter sleeves and immediately inserted into one another so that the marks coincide.

In this position, a holding period is allowed for the duration of welding, while the parts must be securely fixed. There is mutual penetration of the softened surface layers of the edges of the two parts and the formation of new molecular bonds. After the welding time has passed, the connected elements must cool naturally, without immersion in water or blowing with cold air. Such an impact will lead to thermal deformation and breaking of newly established bonds.

After welding is completed, a section of the pipeline (or the entire system) is tested under operating fluid pressure . Each joint is carefully inspected; if drops of water or evaporation are observed, the joint is rejected and must be resoldered.

For different types of polymers, manufacturers recommend their own operating heating temperature ranges.

To improve the understanding of the physical phenomena occurring during soldering, a time diagram of changes in temperature and pressure of parts is provided.

Diagram of temperature and pressure during different stages of welding.

The time scale in the diagram is given on a nonlinear scale; the actual ratio of pressing and cooling time can be taken from the table.

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

When designing a piping system, you should strive to ensure that the joints of pipes, fittings and fittings are in accessible places . The overall dimensions of the joint locations should make it possible to install a welding machine and place their ends onto the heater sleeves without significant bending of the pipes.

The closer to the joint the welding equipment can be placed, the less time the heated edge will have time to cool before welding. Such cooling during transportation leads to a significant decrease in the strength and durability of the joint.

It is also necessary to consider the sequence of installation of joints . It is not uncommon for inexperienced designers to find it impossible to install the last joint because the soldering iron simply does not fit into the remaining gap. You have to either strongly bend the pipes, creating residual stresses in them, or cut them and add another joint. Both solutions reduce the overall reliability and longevity of the system.

It is strictly unacceptable to heat the two parts involved in creating the joint at the same time. During sequential heating, while the second part is warming up, the first one has already had time to cool down and the connection turns out to be weakened or immediately defective.[/stetxbox]

Experienced shareholders formulated the following recommendations:

  • welding equipment must have a high-quality thermostat that ensures accurate setting and stability of maintaining the heating temperature;
  • the distance from the welding point to the apparatus should be no more than 1 meter;
  • welding should be carried out at room temperature;
  • Before connecting, you need to check the temperature equality of both parts.

Following these simple rules will help you solder pipes efficiently.

What temperature should the soldering iron be?

The soldering temperature for polypropylene water pipes depends on the type of polymer used by the manufacturer to manufacture a particular model.

Table of temperature ranges for soldering pipes made of various grades of polypropylene.

The soldering machine has a mechanical or digital heating temperature controller . The digital adjustment system allows you to set the value with great accuracy, in addition, the indicator can show the current temperature of the heater. Experienced craftsmen advise checking the actual heating temperature on test parts using a contact thermometer or pyrometer.

The temperature in the room where soldering takes place should also be taken into account when selecting operating conditions. For example, if it is close to zero, then the edges removed from the heater will have time to cool significantly in a few seconds while they are brought closer to each other and combined. Strong winds also have a negative effect. The correction for room temperature is selected empirically.

If possible, you should avoid installing polypropylene outdoors at low temperatures and strong winds.

How long to heat up?

The heating time of the joints depends on the brand of plastic, the diameter of the pipe, and the thickness of its walls.

The heating time of the joints depends on the thickness of the pipe walls.

Limiting the maximum warm-up time allows you to avoid overheating of parts, leading to the formation of an internal bead, which reduces the effective cross-section of the connection.

The most common mistakes

Beginning solders often make such typical mistakes when soldering PP pipes, such as:

  1. Trying to weld dirty edges. Poor cleaning and degreasing will not allow you to create a strong and durable connection.
  2. Incorrect calculation of wall thickness. It leads to insufficiently deep heating and the creation of a joint of reduced strength.
  3. Failure to comply with the time parameters for warming up, soldering and cooling. Both underheating and overheating are harmful. Failure to comply with the pressing time prevents the formation of a strong and durable welding layer. Excessively rapid cooling of the joint causes thermal deformation.
  4. When inserting a piece of pipe into the fitting hole, you should not do it completely, but leaving a gap of one or two millimeters. It will be filled with suture material, otherwise the excess will form an internal bead.
  5. Exceeding the clamping force also leads to squeezing out excess burr inside the pipe and reducing the effective cross-section.
  6. Incorrectly prepared connection. It only takes a few seconds to join the edges. If they are connected incorrectly, violating the overall geometry of the pipeline and the orientation of fittings and fittings, it will not be possible to correct the error.
  7. Pipe quality. You should not skimp on material or buy different brands. They can have different chemical compositions and different heating temperatures. Apparent savings will result in a reduction in the service life of the system and significantly higher additional costs.


High-quality preparation and soldering of plastic pipes, instructions, heating time and heating temperatures are necessary components for reliable and durable installation of polypropylene plumbing systems. Strict adherence to the data from the table when preparing and carrying out work will allow even novice home craftsmen to reliably solder pipes.

Source: https://svarka.guru/tehnika/detaley/tablica-temperatury-nagreva-pp-trub.html

Time and temperature table for soldering polypropylene pipe

› Polypropylene ›

Polypropylene pipelines are intended for industrial use with aggressive environments. Such systems are widely used in the chemical industry, in devices for processing industrial wastewater, etc. In most cases, individual components of such systems are connected by welding; one of the key parameters for the high-quality connection of elements is the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes.

Types of polypropylene and its properties

Domestic industrial polypropylene is produced in accordance with the technical requirements of GOST 26996-86. It is classified into low and high pressure material and has the following physical and mechanical properties:

    • Density, g/cm 3 – 880910;
    • Moisture absorption, %, no more than – 0.03;
    • Tensile strength, MPa – 130250;
    • Impact strength, Nm, not less than – 0.4;
  • Rockwell hardness, HRB, no less than 65;
  • Thermal resistance limit, 0 C – 70115.

Along with its high impact strength and fusion welding reliability, polypropylene has good abrasion resistance and is also a good thermal and electrical insulator.

The chemical resistance of this plastic is excellent: the material is resistant to aqueous solutions of acids (with the exception of concentrated nitric acid), alkalis and salts, as well as most organic solvents.

Belonging to the group of thermoplastics, it can be used at temperatures up to 55.60 ° C under constant pressure conditions and at temperatures up to 80-110 ° C under gravity flow conditions.

For industrial applications, it is also important that polypropylene is the lightest of all thermoplastic grades.

Temperature and mechanical properties of polypropylene

Like any thermoplastic, polypropylene is characterized by a significantly different temperature dependence of plasticity. Moreover, welding defects that were carried out in the wrong temperature range cannot be corrected. If underheating can somehow be compensated for by increasing the soldering duration, then the overheated workpiece will receive lumpiness, sagging and other similar defects.

The choice of the best temperature range is determined by the dimensions of the cross-section of the pipe, the external temperature of the heating source and the environment, as well as the intensity of subsequent cooling of the junction. In particular, it is not recommended to perform soldering at subzero temperatures.

Regardless of the type of polypropylene, the minimum surface temperature depends on the required depth of heating of the material:

  • Up to 10 mm – 245 0 C;
  • Up to 16 mm – 250 0 C;
  • Up to 25 mm – 255 0 C;
  • Over 32 mm – 260 0 C.

In practice, the heating depth is 5..10 mm less than the outer diameter of the pipe.

Polypropylene (PP) pipelines are joined using pressure fusion welding. In this case, the fittings can be connected end-to-end, at the ends, or using intermediate parts. However, the second method is more labor-intensive, increases the overall dimensions of the reinforcement, and therefore is used much less frequently in practice.

The characteristics of polypropylene are influenced not only by temperature, but also by the speed of its propagation in the material. So, for example, with a normal temperature gradient of 0.5 min -1

The soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is related to their strength, as shown in the table:

Polymer surface temperature, degrees Mechanical characteristics
Tensile strength, MPa Relative deformation before failure, %, no more
25 600 10
60 500 20
90 400 30
125 150 40

When maintaining a higher heating rate, the given indicators decrease proportionally.

The given table for soldering polypropylene pipes will change its values ​​if the speed of the washing flow is different.

Effect of force and time

The heating time of the cross section is related to the temperature in the junction zone of two workpieces. It is believed that for polypropylene the following dependence is valid: up to 7 seconds of exposure for each millimeter of the outer diameter of the workpiece. If it is more than 20 mm, then the warm-up duration is increased by every second if the diameter increases by 35 mm.

If the heating is too long (necessary for workpieces with a diameter over 6075 mm), the structure of the thermoplastic changes for the worse. Therefore, when soldering large PP pipes, it is better to use a high-power soldering iron, or increase the external temperature (as is done in the case of using heat guns).

The influence of the clamping force affects not only the integrity of the seam, but also the appearance of the ends of the pipes being welded. Therefore, in especially critical cases, it is necessary to carry out controlled clamping of workpieces using a torque wrench. Tools with an electronic or dial indicator are suitable for clamping. The former are more convenient, since under constant soldering conditions the original settings can be saved.

Since the torque wrench scale is given in Nm, the resulting value must be divided by the outer radius of the pipe, and then by the cross-sectional area. The result obtained is compared with the tensile strength of the material (it is indicated in the table given earlier).

Summary table of soldering parameters and time

When soldering PP pipes, temperature and processing time are the most important parameters to consider. For conventional (non-reinforced) workpieces, the following practical data are relevant:

External diameter, mm Wall thickness, mm Heating time, s Holding time, s Cooling time, min
Up to 20 Up to 2 45 34 At least 2
Over 20 56 At least 3
Up to 20 More than 2 57 45
Over 20 78 At least 4

How to withstand temperature conditions

Under normal conditions, the quality of soldering is determined by the absence of deformation and distortion of the material in the weld zone. To do this, use a universal measuring tool - a caliper and a protractor. The most effective ways to increase the stability of soldering PP pipes are:

  • Reducing soldering time (if possible);
  • Application of programmable heat guns and automated tools;
  • Using a temperature sensor;
  • Application of forced air cooling of the junction area.

It is better to adjust the sensor to the temperature of the soldering iron tip than to the temperature of the joint - it varies greatly along the thickness of the pipe wall.

How to avoid mistakes when soldering polypropylene pipes with your own hands

Specialized devices usually provide good results, but what if you have to solder with what you have on hand? Here are some tips from experienced professionals:

  1. It is important to choose the right equipment. For example, it could be a regular manual thermal cutter equipped with a temperature sensor. Models with an electromechanical drive are also suitable. For simple cases, you can even use a regular iron with a thermostat.
  2. The pipes need to be held with clamps. They should be available in a sufficient range, since the diameters of pipes requiring soldering may change daily. The presser foot must perform two technological functions. Firstly, this is the achievement of a temperature effect when melting polypropylene, and secondly, a clear arrangement of the edges of the pipes to obtain the required dimensions of the connection.
  3. The operation of soldering PP pipes is very delicate. In the molten state, plastic is very sensitive, so foreign particles can easily penetrate its structure and undesirably affect the strength properties of the pipeline. Therefore, the workpieces and cutting machine must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
  4. How to solder polypropylene in hard-to-reach places or on the street? Often special hooks are provided for these purposes; it’s also a good idea to have an LED flashlight. The hook will allow you to hang the device if it is difficult to reach, and the flashlight will provide good visibility of the soldering area.
  5. The pressure on the parts of the pipeline that are located in the joint area should not be excessive. The soft, softened plastic should mix to form a single structural mass at the connection point.

Types of soldering of polypropylene pipes, temperature of the welding machine

Soldering pipes made of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene, and plastic pipes is used everywhere today. This is due to the distinctive features of this connection method:

  • There is a need for them. Today this is the best option for use on the farm. It can be used for water supply and heating networks. Nowadays, most people only use this type of soldering of plastic pipes.
  • Availability. PP is much cheaper than its metal counterparts and is not subject to corrosion.
  • Simplicity, self-use. Simply following some rules for this type of soldering can allow you to carry out the entire process yourself. Although, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust this task to a professional, or seek the help of a partner. To help beginning craftsmen, there is a table for soldering polypropylene pipes indicating all the necessary characteristics.
  • Efficiency. The finished connection can be obtained in a few minutes. This feature should not be interpreted thoroughly: you should not rush too much, as you may miss important details and spoil the elements being connected.
  • Long service life. Of course, not the same as with metal compounds. But some manufacturers claim service life of up to several decades. The service life depends not only on the choice of manufacturer and the quality of the PCB. It is important to follow all rules when installing and operating the pipeline.

Selecting a welding machine

To solder PP connections, you need special equipment: a welding machine, also called an “iron” or “soldering iron”. This device can be purchased for personal use. But, as a rule, the next time you need it will not be soon. Therefore, there are rental and rental services for such equipment.

The welding machine can be manual, semi-automatic, fully automatic. It has nozzles of various sizes. To ensure efficient operation, the device does not need to be turned off after each individual connection. It is required to follow not only the rules set out in this article, but also the instructions for the welding machine. You also need special scissors for cutting pipes.

When the scissors cut crookedly (if you need to cut 1 cm), you can use an angle grinder.

Welding machine for polyethylene pipes

Selection of pipes, fittings

There are four markings of pipes depending on the characteristics of their purpose.

  • For polypropylene pipes with cold water supply up to 20 degrees Celsius, choose the PN 10 marking. It is also suitable for heating floors up to 45°.
  • For hot water supply up to 60°; and also cold, the PN 16 marking is used.
  • Purchase the PN 20 marking if you will use a pipeline with hot water supply up to 95°.
  • For heating up to 95° and hot water supply, you should buy the PN 25 marking.

All polypropylene pipes can be divided into the following types:

  • For cold water supply;
  • For hot water supply;
  • For hot water supply and heating (mixed).

All elements and parts should be selected based on quality requirements. By choosing the cheapest option, you risk ending up with a poor-quality connection. You should not connect a part from one manufacturer to a fitting or coupling from another. They may not fit each other in size and material composition.

There are polypropylene (propylene) and polyethylene pipes. These materials have a lot in common:

  • Both are susceptible to melting when exposed to high temperatures;
  • They are not conductors of electric current;
  • Lungs;
  • Resistant to force (impacts);

Differences between polypropylene (propylene) and polyethylene pipes:

  • PP needs a higher temperature to melt;
  • PP has higher strength;
  • PP is less flexible
  • PP has better heat and frost resistance.

The colors of PP pipes differ regardless of the mood of the manufacturer. Each color characterizes the area of ​​future operation:

  • The white color of PP is not suitable for installation outdoors, in conditions of bad weather and temperature changes;
  • The gray color of PP is perfect for the home: plumbing and heating systems;
  • Black color PP is used in the construction of sewer systems. Their material contains special substances for additional stability;
  • People buy green PP for their homes outside the city or for their summer cottages. They are used for watering plantings. They are the cheapest of the entire list by color, since their ability to withstand internal water pressure is very low. Now many manufacturers have begun to improve the quality of green PP, which allows them to be used even for cold water supply.

Clips are used to fix the pipeline in a horizontal position. In the vertical one there is a special clamp.

Preparation for work, iron temperature

Preparing elements for soldering involves cleaning surfaces, removing small foreign objects, dirt, burrs, dust, and degreasing surfaces using special alcohol and other solutions. It is necessary to prepare not only the surface of the elements to be soldered, but also the room itself. It is also desirable that it is not dusty.

The soldering iron temperature should be approximately 260-270°. When it heats up, the pre-prepared elements must be placed evenly onto the nozzles of the welding device. If the element “sits” unevenly, the soldering will be of poor quality and subsequently there may be problems with the use of the pipeline. This process takes a few seconds. The exact time for soldering polypropylene pipes may vary depending on its thickness and the degree of serviceability of the soldering iron.

If the device for welding polypropylene pipes heats up weakly, then do not rush and let it warm up to the required temperature. You can make the connection with low heat, but leakage may occur in the future. Parts that are to be connected to each other must be heated at the same time. The heated part must be inserted into the nozzle all the way.

If you do not know the location of this limit, mark the required location with a marker in advance.

Overheating of the element can be easily noticed: it will become very soft and immediately deform when connected.

Below is a table of welding times for polypropylene pipes.

It contains recommended indicators: heating temperature of polypropylene pipes depending on their size (volume); periods of connecting parts and cooling them. These characteristics are indicated if the temperature of the work site is at least 20 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the heating time must be increased.

Volume (cm.) Heating time (sec.) Welding time of polypropylene pipes (sec.) Cooling time after welding (minutes)
1,6 – 1,3 5 4 3
2 – 1,4 5 4 3
2,5 – 1,6 7 4 3
3,2 – 1,8 8 4 4
4 – 2 12 6 4.
5 – 2,3 18 6 5
6,3 – 2,6 24 6 6
7,5 – 2,8 30 8 8
9 – 3 40 8 8
11 – 3,3 50 10 10
16 – 3,5 80 15 15

Connecting elements

When the material melts, the elements are removed from the nozzles and quickly but carefully connected to each other using little physical force. Do not press hard or scroll the elements. Each manufacturer prohibits twisting parts. However, many professionals allow themselves to do this, but only by a few degrees. And only for the purpose of fitting one part into another, since sometimes the materials are very “tight” and fit with difficulty.

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You need to keep the parts as straight as possible at this moment! Otherwise, the seam may turn out crooked, which will then affect the quality and tightness. If the seam still turns out to be uneven, it will no longer be possible to correct it by separating it. The only way out is to cut out the poorly made seam and weld it again. If this happens to a fitting, it cannot be reused.

Professionals begin the complex of work by welding bulky structures.

There are types of welding: diffusion and coupling. Diffusion welding is based on the principles of diffusion: the connection occurs through the mutual penetration of elements. Socket welding is used for small diameter pipes using special couplings and fittings.

The combined elements must be cooled by keeping them motionless for several minutes. Only in this case, the connection will be of high quality, sealed and will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in welding plastic pipes. If you comply with all the requirements and rules set out above, the work will be of high quality, the pipeline will last a long time on the farm, and you will be able to save on the services of specialists in this field. Although at first it won’t be possible without a few damaged parts. It is easy to replenish them due to their low cost, and to remind you of the time and temperature indicators of everything, there is a table for welding polypropylene pipes.

Below is a video instruction for welding polypropylene pipes.

Source: https://svarkaed.ru/svarka-plastmass-i-polimerov/truby/vidy-pajki-polipropilenovyh-trub.html

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

  • Pipes;
  • fitting;
  • napkins;
  • gloves;
  • soldering iron;
  • pipe cutters;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • isopropyl alcohol.

‑channel “Do-it-yourself repairs”

Connecting polypropylene pipes is quite simple, but - as with any other structure - before starting work, it is advisable to prepare an approximate installation diagram.

Sketch out a drawing on paper with the location of the insertion points, shut-off valves and other necessary parts. This way you can immediately estimate the length of the pipes, as well as determine the location, type and number of fittings needed.

Since both ends of the pipeline heat up during connection, for ease of installation it is important that one of them remains free. Some pipes with fittings can be assembled on a table and then installed in the desired location, making just one joint. All this will help to provide an assembly diagram.

3. Prepare your soldering iron

In general, the device is correctly called a “welding machine.” The process of joining polypropylene takes place without the use of solder, which means it is welding and not soldering. We will use both terms.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Install nozzles of the required diameter onto the soldering iron platform and secure them with a screw using a wrench. If you are working with pipes of several sizes, use an additional pair of sleeves.

Set the heating temperature to 260 °C and turn on the device. It will take 10–20 minutes to heat up. An LED indicator will indicate that it is ready for use. You need to wait about 5 more minutes before welding the first joint.

When polypropylene is heated, harmful fumes and smoke are released, which should not be inhaled. Therefore, ventilate the room while working.

4. Make markings

While the soldering iron is heating up, prepare the pipe and fittings. For high-quality welding, they must fit into each other strictly to a certain depth. Insufficient immersion will lead to a poor connection, and excessive immersion will reduce or completely block the flow area with extruded plastic. Here are the values ​​recommended by most manufacturers for the most common sizes:

As you can see, the soldering depth depends on the diameter of the pipes and fittings.

‑channel FV Miano

To avoid mistakes, measure the required length of the pipe, taking into account the allowance for the joint, and mark it with a pencil. Then, at the required distance from this mark, draw another line - it will serve as a guide during welding.


For example, we need to connect an angle and a tee in a heating system. The distance between them is 270 mm. For fittings with a diameter of 25 mm, the soldering depth is 18 mm, which means we add another 36 mm to 270 (18 on each side). The result is 306 mm - this is exactly the piece of pipe that needs to be cut off.

5. Cut the pipe

To cut polypropylene, special scissors are used, which are also called pipe cutters. They make it easy to cut off a thick-walled pipe and get smooth edges without burrs.

‑channel “Sergey Efimov”

Place the scissors exactly perpendicular to the pipe and align the blade with the first mark. Holding the pipe with one hand, press the handles of the scissors with the other until the part is completely cut.

It is important to get an even end so that the pipe fits evenly into the fitting and is soldered equally over the entire diameter. If you cut it at an angle, the protruding part will go in too deep and the molten polypropylene will squeeze out, reducing the inner diameter of the fitting.

If the edge turns out to be uneven and the margin allows, it is better to cut it again. If the length is close, trim the end, removing all excess with a sharp knife.

6. Degrease parts

According to the instructions of all manufacturers, the parts to be welded must be degreased for a quality connection. And although many craftsmen neglect this and limit themselves to only wiping the pipes with a rag, we recommend sticking to the technology.

‑channel "KaUT Company"

Clean the pipes of any contamination. Drain off any remaining water and wipe thoroughly with a napkin or toilet paper. Clean the surfaces of fittings and pipes with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

The same alcohol can easily erase all the inscriptions on the pipes and give them a more aesthetic appearance.

7. Heat the pipe and fitting

There is a risk of serious burns when working with a hot soldering iron, so be sure to wear protective gloves. Parts of different sizes need to be heated for a certain time. The larger the diameter, the longer.

For a reliable connection, it is important not to overheat the polypropylene, otherwise the material will become fluid, melt and block the fitting from the inside.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Insert the fitting first into the corresponding soldering iron sleeves, then the pipe. When pushing parts, do not rotate them around their axis or tilt them. Insert the pipe to the previously marked depth until the molten polypropylene reaches the pencil line. Only then count down the allotted time.

All specified data is valid for work at an ambient temperature of about 20 ° C. If the room is colder than 5 °C, the heating time approximately doubles.

8. Weld the joint

Without turning or tilting, quickly remove first the pipe and then the fitting from the nozzles and connect both parts in the desired position relative to each other. Don't fuss, but don't hesitate either - you have 4-6 seconds left.

‑channel FV Miano

Hold the pipe and fitting motionless for about 5 seconds to ensure the joint locks into place. At this moment, it is allowed to rotate the connection no more than 10 degrees to correct its position.

The complete cooling time, after which the welding site can be loaded, ranges from 2 to 4 minutes.

Remains of polypropylene from the nozzle can be easily removed with a paper napkin while the soldering iron is hot. If you clean already cooled cartridges, there is a risk of damaging the Teflon coating.

9. Check the connection

‑channel FV Miano

The quality of welding can be determined by a small, uniform bead at the end of the fitting. If it is not there, then perhaps the joint is underheated and the tightness will be in question. If the influx is too large, the pipe is most likely overheated and it melts inside, partially or completely blocking the flow area.

For those who are dealing with polypropylene welding for the first time, it would be a good idea to first practice and weld a few practice joints. It's better to learn on straight couplings. Unlike corners and other fittings of complex shapes, they can be easily inspected after soldering, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

The quality and durability of the finished communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature is selected when installing polypropylene pipes. In addition, it is necessary to take into account both the duration of heating of the material and the duration of its cooling. The material contains a table that allows you to understand at what temperature to solder polypropylene pipes of 20 mm, 25 mm, etc.

Correct selection of indicators will help increase the reliability of joints. If you do not comply with the established requirements, their strength will be much lower, and the communication itself will last less.

Types of polypropylene and its features

Soldering technology for polypropylene pipes

Soldering technology for polypropylene pipes

Soldering technology for polypropylene pipes

Welding of pipes and parts of polypropylene pipes (hereinafter referred to as PPR) has already existed for several decades. However, in practice there are still defects in the operation of such systems, which show that basic knowledge of the welding process is either missing or not sufficiently observed. That is why, to avoid accidents in utility networks, soldering of polypropylene pipes is carried out strictly using technological modes.

PPR Material Basics

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

When water communications consisting of plastic pipes are assembled, temperature becomes the most important parameter. It must have certain values ​​to achieve a strong and reliable connection.

Today, the technology for laying pipelines made of such materials requires compliance with a certain temperature regime, as well as specific time values, when performing welding work. If you do not follow the recommended parameters, a rupture may appear in key areas and the movement of the water flow may deteriorate significantly.

General influence of temperature during docking work

Rules for working with a soldering iron for plastic pipes

Rules for working with a soldering iron for plastic pipes

Rules for working with a soldering iron for plastic pipes

To solder plastic pipes (such pipes are indeed often used for internal communications), it is not necessary to call a master plumber. If you have a soldering iron, you can easily handle this yourself.

In many aspects, soldering plastic pipes is much easier than soldering metals. During the work, you just need to monitor the temperature and not overheat the joints.

What kind of plastic is used for plumbing

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes: table of values ​​+ instructions for self-welding

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes: table of values ​​+ instructions for self-welding

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes: table of values ​​+ instructions for self-welding

One of the stages in the construction of private houses and apartments is the installation of communications responsible for supplying water or draining wastewater. Assembling polypropylene pipes is much simpler than installing metal structures. To connect them, fittings are used, welded using specialized equipment - an iron.

The article we propose describes the technology for making connections and provides the standard temperature for soldering polypropylene pipes. We will cover the preparatory steps required to produce strong and sealed joints. Taking into account our advice, you will assemble the pipeline without any problems.

Soldering as a method of connecting PPR pipes

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes

The strength and durability of various plastic communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is taken into account. When welding polypropylene products, it is necessary to take into account the heating time of the material and the cooling time of the joints.

Correct comparison and consideration of temperature and time parameters of the soldering process of technical products made of polypropylene contributes to the production of a durable and reliable material.

If you deviate from the technology, the product will have breaks at the joints and be of poor quality.

Soldering PP pipes

general information

The temperature regime for soldering polypropylene pipe products directly depends on the polymer used. In practice, 4 types of materials are used:

  • PN10, used for the use of technical products at temperatures up to +40 C;
  • PN16 for use at +60 C;
  • PN20, used in water supply from +80 C to +95 C;
  • PN25 for operating modes above +95 C.

In addition to maintaining temperature conditions, welding polypropylene pipes with your own hands depends on the pressure that pipe technical products of a specific marking can withstand.


The first type is used when laying technical products intended for cold water supply. Pipe products marked PN20 are considered universal and are intended for cold and hot water supply, but taking into account that the effect of +95 C is short-term. If the temperature is not maintained, then due to its action they will lose their tightness and become deformed.

Soldering mode and its effect on the process

The technology for soldering polypropylene pipes involves heating them, after which the plastic contained in them softens. When two heated products are connected, diffusion (interpenetration) of polypropylene molecules of one technical product into the molecules of the other occurs. As a result, a strong molecular bond is formed, making the resulting material airtight and durable.

If there is an insufficient mode, then sufficient diffusion will not occur when two materials are combined. As a result, the joint of the technical product will turn out to be weak, which will lead to a violation of the tightness of the entire material.


Excessive overheating of the fitting and pipe technical product during welding causes deformation of the parts. Their geometry is disrupted, and a roller influx occurs in the internal section.”

The output is a pipeline with a minimal internal hole at the junction, the diameter of which does not meet technological standards.

Source: https://svarkaipayka.ru/tehnologia/svarka-trub/temperatura-payki-polipropilenovyih-trub.html

Heating temperature table for soldering polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes are an affordable material for building strong and durable plumbing systems. The reliability of the connection of pipes and fittings directly depends on the correct selection and adherence to soldering conditions.

The time and temperature for soldering polypropylene pipes, a table of which is necessary for every solder, serve as the main parameters. They are selected depending on the diameter of the pipe and the depth of welding of the joint. Even a slight deviation from the recommended values ​​can lead to a significant reduction in the strength and durability of the seams. The system’s ability to withstand the operating pressure of the fluid will decrease, and sooner or later a leak will appear in this place.

General influence of temperature during docking work

The operating principle of a welding machine for propylene pipes is based on the ability of the material to soften when heated . The bonds between polymer molecules weaken as temperature increases. Externally, melting is expressed in increased plasticity. If you heat two mating parts, align their softened edges and press them against each other, then the moving parts of the molecules from the surface layers of the two parts will begin to penetrate each other.

When cooled, new bonds will appear between the polymer molecules, and the two parts will form a single whole. The strength of the seam material after hardening will be the same as that of the base material. This is an important advantage of this method over detachable threaded connections. In them, there is always a gap between two parts, blocked by one or another seal.

If the temperature and time conditions of welding are violated, then such a gap remains in the soldered joint, and without a seal. Such a joint is not able to withstand the operating pressure in the system, water begins to leak through it, and over time it can completely collapse, causing a serious leak.

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes table of modes.

Insufficient heating of the edges or joint surfaces leads to lack of penetration . It is no less harmful to overheat polypropylene at the soldering site. An internal bead may appear there, reducing the effective cross-section of the pipeline. As a result, its throughput will decrease; when opening and closing taps, water hammer may occur, which has a detrimental effect on the water supply system and the equipment connected to it.

For most brands of polypropylene, manufacturers recommend using a temperature of 220 - 267 ° C. When determining the soldering mode, the following values ​​must be taken into account:

  • connecting diameter of a pipe, fitting or fitting;
  • temperature conditions in the building;
  • heating, soldering and cooling times.

Heating time is usually directly proportional to the diameter of the part.[/stetxbox]

In case of overheating above 270°C, overheating of the upper layer occurs and incomplete heating of the inner layers occurs. In this case, the superplastic top layer shifts, forming a welding bead, and the inner layer does not participate in contact. welding layer is insufficient, and the strength of the connection decreases.

How to weld pipes by hand?

For work, a special welding machine for polypropylene pipes is used. On its flat heating element, called the “iron,” paired adapter bushings are attached to the diameter of the pipe. The edges of the parts to be soldered are cut exactly at 90°, and a chamfer is removed from them, making the connection easier.

Next, the edges and the adjacent 15-20 mm area are cleaned of dust, chips and other contaminants. For this, organic solvents such as alcohol or trichloroethane are used. When choosing a solvent, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions.

The chamfer parameters and the width of the stripping zone are selected based on the diameter of the elements being connected.

Parameters for cutting edges and cleaning depending on the diameter.

The heating temperature is set taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations and adjustments for room temperature . After the welding machine has warmed up, the prepared edges are put on the bushings and begin to heat up. It is recommended to check the actual temperature of the electric heater with a contact thermometer or pyrometer.

On the outside, longitudinal marks are applied to pipe sections or fittings. They will allow you to accurately combine elements without displacement. After waiting the necessary time for warming up, both parts are removed from the adapter sleeves and immediately inserted into one another so that the marks coincide.

In this position, a holding period is allowed for the duration of welding, while the parts must be securely fixed. There is mutual penetration of the softened surface layers of the edges of the two parts and the formation of new molecular bonds. After the welding time has passed, the connected elements must cool naturally, without immersion in water or blowing with cold air. Such an impact will lead to thermal deformation and breaking of newly established bonds.

After welding is completed, a section of the pipeline (or the entire system) is tested under operating fluid pressure . Each joint is carefully inspected; if drops of water or evaporation are observed, the joint is rejected and must be resoldered.

For different types of polymers, manufacturers recommend their own operating heating temperature ranges.

To improve the understanding of the physical phenomena occurring during soldering, a time diagram of changes in temperature and pressure of parts is provided.

Diagram of temperature and pressure during different stages of welding.

The time scale in the diagram is given on a nonlinear scale; the actual ratio of pressing and cooling time can be taken from the table.

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

When designing a piping system, you should strive to ensure that the joints of pipes, fittings and fittings are in accessible places . The overall dimensions of the joint locations should make it possible to install a welding machine and place their ends onto the heater sleeves without significant bending of the pipes.

The closer to the joint the welding equipment can be placed, the less time the heated edge will have time to cool before welding. Such cooling during transportation leads to a significant decrease in the strength and durability of the joint.

It is also necessary to consider the sequence of installation of joints . It is not uncommon for inexperienced designers to find it impossible to install the last joint because the soldering iron simply does not fit into the remaining gap. You have to either strongly bend the pipes, creating residual stresses in them, or cut them and add another joint. Both solutions reduce the overall reliability and longevity of the system.

It is strictly unacceptable to heat the two parts involved in creating the joint at the same time. During sequential heating, while the second part is warming up, the first one has already had time to cool down and the connection turns out to be weakened or immediately defective.[/stetxbox]

Experienced shareholders formulated the following recommendations:

  • welding equipment must have a high-quality thermostat that ensures accurate setting and stability of maintaining the heating temperature;
  • the distance from the welding point to the apparatus should be no more than 1 meter;
  • welding should be carried out at room temperature;
  • Before connecting, you need to check the temperature equality of both parts.

Following these simple rules will help you solder pipes efficiently.

What temperature should the soldering iron be?

The soldering temperature for polypropylene water pipes depends on the type of polymer used by the manufacturer to manufacture a particular model.

Table of temperature ranges for soldering pipes made of various grades of polypropylene.

The soldering machine has a mechanical or digital heating temperature controller . The digital adjustment system allows you to set the value with great accuracy, in addition, the indicator can show the current temperature of the heater. Experienced craftsmen advise checking the actual heating temperature on test parts using a contact thermometer or pyrometer.

The temperature in the room where soldering takes place should also be taken into account when selecting operating conditions. For example, if it is close to zero, then the edges removed from the heater will have time to cool significantly in a few seconds while they are brought closer to each other and combined. Strong winds also have a negative effect. The correction for room temperature is selected empirically.

If possible, you should avoid installing polypropylene outdoors at low temperatures and strong winds.

How long to heat up?

The heating time of the joints depends on the brand of plastic, the diameter of the pipe, and the thickness of its walls.

The heating time of the joints depends on the thickness of the pipe walls.

Limiting the maximum warm-up time allows you to avoid overheating of parts, leading to the formation of an internal bead, which reduces the effective cross-section of the connection.

The most common mistakes

Beginning solders often make such typical mistakes when soldering PP pipes, such as:

  1. Trying to weld dirty edges. Poor cleaning and degreasing will not allow you to create a strong and durable connection.
  2. Incorrect calculation of wall thickness. It leads to insufficiently deep heating and the creation of a joint of reduced strength.
  3. Failure to comply with the time parameters for warming up, soldering and cooling. Both underheating and overheating are harmful. Failure to comply with the pressing time prevents the formation of a strong and durable welding layer. Excessively rapid cooling of the joint causes thermal deformation.
  4. When inserting a piece of pipe into the fitting hole, you should not do it completely, but leaving a gap of one or two millimeters. It will be filled with suture material, otherwise the excess will form an internal bead.
  5. Exceeding the clamping force also leads to squeezing out excess burr inside the pipe and reducing the effective cross-section.
  6. Incorrectly prepared connection. It only takes a few seconds to join the edges. If they are connected incorrectly, violating the overall geometry of the pipeline and the orientation of fittings and fittings, it will not be possible to correct the error.
  7. Pipe quality. You should not skimp on material or buy different brands. They can have different chemical compositions and different heating temperatures. Apparent savings will result in a reduction in the service life of the system and significantly higher additional costs.


High-quality preparation and soldering of plastic pipes, instructions, heating time and heating temperatures are necessary components for reliable and durable installation of polypropylene plumbing systems. Strict adherence to the data from the table when preparing and carrying out work will allow even novice home craftsmen to reliably solder pipes.

Source: https://svarka.guru/tehnika/detaley/tablica-temperatury-nagreva-pp-trub.html

Time and temperature table for soldering polypropylene pipe

› Polypropylene ›

Polypropylene pipelines are intended for industrial use with aggressive environments. Such systems are widely used in the chemical industry, in devices for processing industrial wastewater, etc. In most cases, individual components of such systems are connected by welding; one of the key parameters for the high-quality connection of elements is the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes.

Types of polypropylene and its properties

Domestic industrial polypropylene is produced in accordance with the technical requirements of GOST 26996-86. It is classified into low and high pressure material and has the following physical and mechanical properties:

    • Density, g/cm 3 – 880910;
    • Moisture absorption, %, no more than – 0.03;
    • Tensile strength, MPa – 130250;
    • Impact strength, Nm, not less than – 0.4;
  • Rockwell hardness, HRB, no less than 65;
  • Thermal resistance limit, 0 C – 70115.

Along with its high impact strength and fusion welding reliability, polypropylene has good abrasion resistance and is also a good thermal and electrical insulator.

The chemical resistance of this plastic is excellent: the material is resistant to aqueous solutions of acids (with the exception of concentrated nitric acid), alkalis and salts, as well as most organic solvents.

Belonging to the group of thermoplastics, it can be used at temperatures up to 55.60 ° C under constant pressure conditions and at temperatures up to 80-110 ° C under gravity flow conditions.

For industrial applications, it is also important that polypropylene is the lightest of all thermoplastic grades.

Temperature and mechanical properties of polypropylene

Like any thermoplastic, polypropylene is characterized by a significantly different temperature dependence of plasticity. Moreover, welding defects that were carried out in the wrong temperature range cannot be corrected. If underheating can somehow be compensated for by increasing the soldering duration, then the overheated workpiece will receive lumpiness, sagging and other similar defects.

The choice of the best temperature range is determined by the dimensions of the cross-section of the pipe, the external temperature of the heating source and the environment, as well as the intensity of subsequent cooling of the junction. In particular, it is not recommended to perform soldering at subzero temperatures.

Regardless of the type of polypropylene, the minimum surface temperature depends on the required depth of heating of the material:

  • Up to 10 mm – 245 0 C;
  • Up to 16 mm – 250 0 C;
  • Up to 25 mm – 255 0 C;
  • Over 32 mm – 260 0 C.

In practice, the heating depth is 5..10 mm less than the outer diameter of the pipe.

Polypropylene (PP) pipelines are joined using pressure fusion welding. In this case, the fittings can be connected end-to-end, at the ends, or using intermediate parts. However, the second method is more labor-intensive, increases the overall dimensions of the reinforcement, and therefore is used much less frequently in practice.

The characteristics of polypropylene are influenced not only by temperature, but also by the speed of its propagation in the material. So, for example, with a normal temperature gradient of 0.5 min -1

The soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes is related to their strength, as shown in the table:

Polymer surface temperature, degrees Mechanical characteristics
Tensile strength, MPa Relative deformation before failure, %, no more
25 600 10
60 500 20
90 400 30
125 150 40
THIS IS INTERESTING:  What is flux in welding

When maintaining a higher heating rate, the given indicators decrease proportionally.

The given table for soldering polypropylene pipes will change its values ​​if the speed of the washing flow is different.

Effect of force and time

The heating time of the cross section is related to the temperature in the junction zone of two workpieces. It is believed that for polypropylene the following dependence is valid: up to 7 seconds of exposure for each millimeter of the outer diameter of the workpiece. If it is more than 20 mm, then the warm-up duration is increased by every second if the diameter increases by 35 mm.

If the heating is too long (necessary for workpieces with a diameter over 6075 mm), the structure of the thermoplastic changes for the worse. Therefore, when soldering large PP pipes, it is better to use a high-power soldering iron, or increase the external temperature (as is done in the case of using heat guns).

The influence of the clamping force affects not only the integrity of the seam, but also the appearance of the ends of the pipes being welded. Therefore, in especially critical cases, it is necessary to carry out controlled clamping of workpieces using a torque wrench. Tools with an electronic or dial indicator are suitable for clamping. The former are more convenient, since under constant soldering conditions the original settings can be saved.

Since the torque wrench scale is given in Nm, the resulting value must be divided by the outer radius of the pipe, and then by the cross-sectional area. The result obtained is compared with the tensile strength of the material (it is indicated in the table given earlier).

Summary table of soldering parameters and time

When soldering PP pipes, temperature and processing time are the most important parameters to consider. For conventional (non-reinforced) workpieces, the following practical data are relevant:

External diameter, mm Wall thickness, mm Heating time, s Holding time, s Cooling time, min
Up to 20 Up to 2 45 34 At least 2
Over 20 56 At least 3
Up to 20 More than 2 57 45
Over 20 78 At least 4

How to withstand temperature conditions

Under normal conditions, the quality of soldering is determined by the absence of deformation and distortion of the material in the weld zone. To do this, use a universal measuring tool - a caliper and a protractor. The most effective ways to increase the stability of soldering PP pipes are:

  • Reducing soldering time (if possible);
  • Application of programmable heat guns and automated tools;
  • Using a temperature sensor;
  • Application of forced air cooling of the junction area.

It is better to adjust the sensor to the temperature of the soldering iron tip than to the temperature of the joint - it varies greatly along the thickness of the pipe wall.

How to avoid mistakes when soldering polypropylene pipes with your own hands

Specialized devices usually provide good results, but what if you have to solder with what you have on hand? Here are some tips from experienced professionals:

  1. It is important to choose the right equipment. For example, it could be a regular manual thermal cutter equipped with a temperature sensor. Models with an electromechanical drive are also suitable. For simple cases, you can even use a regular iron with a thermostat.
  2. The pipes need to be held with clamps. They should be available in a sufficient range, since the diameters of pipes requiring soldering may change daily. The presser foot must perform two technological functions. Firstly, this is the achievement of a temperature effect when melting polypropylene, and secondly, a clear arrangement of the edges of the pipes to obtain the required dimensions of the connection.
  3. The operation of soldering PP pipes is very delicate. In the molten state, plastic is very sensitive, so foreign particles can easily penetrate its structure and undesirably affect the strength properties of the pipeline. Therefore, the workpieces and cutting machine must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried.
  4. How to solder polypropylene in hard-to-reach places or on the street? Often special hooks are provided for these purposes; it’s also a good idea to have an LED flashlight. The hook will allow you to hang the device if it is difficult to reach, and the flashlight will provide good visibility of the soldering area.
  5. The pressure on the parts of the pipeline that are located in the joint area should not be excessive. The soft, softened plastic should mix to form a single structural mass at the connection point.

Types of soldering of polypropylene pipes, temperature of the welding machine

Soldering pipes made of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene, and plastic pipes is used everywhere today. This is due to the distinctive features of this connection method:

  • There is a need for them. Today this is the best option for use on the farm. It can be used for water supply and heating networks. Nowadays, most people only use this type of soldering of plastic pipes.
  • Availability. PP is much cheaper than its metal counterparts and is not subject to corrosion.
  • Simplicity, self-use. Simply following some rules for this type of soldering can allow you to carry out the entire process yourself. Although, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust this task to a professional, or seek the help of a partner. To help beginning craftsmen, there is a table for soldering polypropylene pipes indicating all the necessary characteristics.
  • Efficiency. The finished connection can be obtained in a few minutes. This feature should not be interpreted thoroughly: you should not rush too much, as you may miss important details and spoil the elements being connected.
  • Long service life. Of course, not the same as with metal compounds. But some manufacturers claim service life of up to several decades. The service life depends not only on the choice of manufacturer and the quality of the PCB. It is important to follow all rules when installing and operating the pipeline.

Stages of work

Selecting a welding machine

To solder PP connections, you need special equipment: a welding machine, also called an “iron” or “soldering iron”. This device can be purchased for personal use. But, as a rule, the next time you need it will not be soon. Therefore, there are rental and rental services for such equipment.

The welding machine can be manual, semi-automatic, fully automatic. It has nozzles of various sizes. To ensure efficient operation, the device does not need to be turned off after each individual connection. It is required to follow not only the rules set out in this article, but also the instructions for the welding machine. You also need special scissors for cutting pipes.

When the scissors cut crookedly (if you need to cut 1 cm), you can use an angle grinder.

Welding machine for polyethylene pipes

Selection of pipes, fittings

There are four markings of pipes depending on the characteristics of their purpose.

  • For polypropylene pipes with cold water supply up to 20 degrees Celsius, choose the PN 10 marking. It is also suitable for heating floors up to 45°.
  • For hot water supply up to 60°; and also cold, the PN 16 marking is used.
  • Purchase the PN 20 marking if you will use a pipeline with hot water supply up to 95°.
  • For heating up to 95° and hot water supply, you should buy the PN 25 marking.

All polypropylene pipes can be divided into the following types:

  • For cold water supply;
  • For hot water supply;
  • For hot water supply and heating (mixed).

All elements and parts should be selected based on quality requirements. By choosing the cheapest option, you risk ending up with a poor-quality connection. You should not connect a part from one manufacturer to a fitting or coupling from another. They may not fit each other in size and material composition.

There are polypropylene (propylene) and polyethylene pipes. These materials have a lot in common:

  • Both are susceptible to melting when exposed to high temperatures;
  • They are not conductors of electric current;
  • Lungs;
  • Resistant to force (impacts);

Differences between polypropylene (propylene) and polyethylene pipes:

  • PP needs a higher temperature to melt;
  • PP has higher strength;
  • PP is less flexible
  • PP has better heat and frost resistance.

The colors of PP pipes differ regardless of the mood of the manufacturer. Each color characterizes the area of ​​future operation:

  • The white color of PP is not suitable for installation outdoors, in conditions of bad weather and temperature changes;
  • The gray color of PP is perfect for the home: plumbing and heating systems;
  • Black color PP is used in the construction of sewer systems. Their material contains special substances for additional stability;
  • People buy green PP for their homes outside the city or for their summer cottages. They are used for watering plantings. They are the cheapest of the entire list by color, since their ability to withstand internal water pressure is very low. Now many manufacturers have begun to improve the quality of green PP, which allows them to be used even for cold water supply.

Clips are used to fix the pipeline in a horizontal position. In the vertical one there is a special clamp.

Preparation for work, iron temperature

Preparing elements for soldering involves cleaning surfaces, removing small foreign objects, dirt, burrs, dust, and degreasing surfaces using special alcohol and other solutions. It is necessary to prepare not only the surface of the elements to be soldered, but also the room itself. It is also desirable that it is not dusty.

The soldering iron temperature should be approximately 260-270°. When it heats up, the pre-prepared elements must be placed evenly onto the nozzles of the welding device. If the element “sits” unevenly, the soldering will be of poor quality and subsequently there may be problems with the use of the pipeline. This process takes a few seconds. The exact time for soldering polypropylene pipes may vary depending on its thickness and the degree of serviceability of the soldering iron.

If the device for welding polypropylene pipes heats up weakly, then do not rush and let it warm up to the required temperature. You can make the connection with low heat, but leakage may occur in the future. Parts that are to be connected to each other must be heated at the same time. The heated part must be inserted into the nozzle all the way.

If you do not know the location of this limit, mark the required location with a marker in advance.

Overheating of the element can be easily noticed: it will become very soft and immediately deform when connected.

Below is a table of welding times for polypropylene pipes.

It contains recommended indicators: heating temperature of polypropylene pipes depending on their size (volume); periods of connecting parts and cooling them. These characteristics are indicated if the temperature of the work site is at least 20 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the heating time must be increased.

Volume (cm.) Heating time (sec.) Welding time of polypropylene pipes (sec.) Cooling time after welding (minutes)
1,6 – 1,3 5 4 3
2 – 1,4 5 4 3
2,5 – 1,6 7 4 3
3,2 – 1,8 8 4 4
4 – 2 12 6 4.
5 – 2,3 18 6 5
6,3 – 2,6 24 6 6
7,5 – 2,8 30 8 8
9 – 3 40 8 8
11 – 3,3 50 10 10
16 – 3,5 80 15 15

Connecting elements

When the material melts, the elements are removed from the nozzles and quickly but carefully connected to each other using little physical force. Do not press hard or scroll the elements. Each manufacturer prohibits twisting parts. However, many professionals allow themselves to do this, but only by a few degrees. And only for the purpose of fitting one part into another, since sometimes the materials are very “tight” and fit with difficulty.

You need to keep the parts as straight as possible at this moment! Otherwise, the seam may turn out crooked, which will then affect the quality and tightness. If the seam still turns out to be uneven, it will no longer be possible to correct it by separating it. The only way out is to cut out the poorly made seam and weld it again. If this happens to a fitting, it cannot be reused.

Professionals begin the complex of work by welding bulky structures.

There are types of welding: diffusion and coupling. Diffusion welding is based on the principles of diffusion: the connection occurs through the mutual penetration of elements. Socket welding is used for small diameter pipes using special couplings and fittings.

The combined elements must be cooled by keeping them motionless for several minutes. Only in this case, the connection will be of high quality, sealed and will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in welding plastic pipes. If you comply with all the requirements and rules set out above, the work will be of high quality, the pipeline will last a long time on the farm, and you will be able to save on the services of specialists in this field. Although at first it won’t be possible without a few damaged parts. It is easy to replenish them due to their low cost, and to remind you of the time and temperature indicators of everything, there is a table for welding polypropylene pipes.

Below is a video instruction for welding polypropylene pipes.

Source: https://svarkaed.ru/svarka-plastmass-i-polimerov/truby/vidy-pajki-polipropilenovyh-trub.html

How to properly solder polypropylene pipes

  • Pipes;
  • fitting;
  • napkins;
  • gloves;
  • soldering iron;
  • pipe cutters;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • isopropyl alcohol.

‑channel “Do-it-yourself repairs”

Connecting polypropylene pipes is quite simple, but - as with any other structure - before starting work, it is advisable to prepare an approximate installation diagram.

Sketch out a drawing on paper with the location of the insertion points, shut-off valves and other necessary parts. This way you can immediately estimate the length of the pipes, as well as determine the location, type and number of fittings needed.

Since both ends of the pipeline heat up during connection, for ease of installation it is important that one of them remains free. Some pipes with fittings can be assembled on a table and then installed in the desired location, making just one joint. All this will help to provide an assembly diagram.

3. Prepare your soldering iron

In general, the device is correctly called a “welding machine.” The process of joining polypropylene takes place without the use of solder, which means it is welding and not soldering. We will use both terms.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Install nozzles of the required diameter onto the soldering iron platform and secure them with a screw using a wrench. If you are working with pipes of several sizes, use an additional pair of sleeves.

Set the heating temperature to 260 °C and turn on the device. It will take 10–20 minutes to heat up. An LED indicator will indicate that it is ready for use. You need to wait about 5 more minutes before welding the first joint.

When polypropylene is heated, harmful fumes and smoke are released, which should not be inhaled. Therefore, ventilate the room while working.

4. Make markings

While the soldering iron is heating up, prepare the pipe and fittings. For high-quality welding, they must fit into each other strictly to a certain depth. Insufficient immersion will lead to a poor connection, and excessive immersion will reduce or completely block the flow area with extruded plastic. Here are the values ​​recommended by most manufacturers for the most common sizes:

As you can see, the soldering depth depends on the diameter of the pipes and fittings.

‑channel FV Miano

To avoid mistakes, measure the required length of the pipe, taking into account the allowance for the joint, and mark it with a pencil. Then, at the required distance from this mark, draw another line - it will serve as a guide during welding.


For example, we need to connect an angle and a tee in a heating system. The distance between them is 270 mm. For fittings with a diameter of 25 mm, the soldering depth is 18 mm, which means we add another 36 mm to 270 (18 on each side). The result is 306 mm - this is exactly the piece of pipe that needs to be cut off.

5. Cut the pipe

To cut polypropylene, special scissors are used, which are also called pipe cutters. They make it easy to cut off a thick-walled pipe and get smooth edges without burrs.

‑channel “Sergey Efimov”

Place the scissors exactly perpendicular to the pipe and align the blade with the first mark. Holding the pipe with one hand, press the handles of the scissors with the other until the part is completely cut.

It is important to get an even end so that the pipe fits evenly into the fitting and is soldered equally over the entire diameter. If you cut it at an angle, the protruding part will go in too deep and the molten polypropylene will squeeze out, reducing the inner diameter of the fitting.

If the edge turns out to be uneven and the margin allows, it is better to cut it again. If the length is close, trim the end, removing all excess with a sharp knife.

6. Degrease parts

According to the instructions of all manufacturers, the parts to be welded must be degreased for a quality connection. And although many craftsmen neglect this and limit themselves to only wiping the pipes with a rag, we recommend sticking to the technology.

‑channel "KaUT Company"

Clean the pipes of any contamination. Drain off any remaining water and wipe thoroughly with a napkin or toilet paper. Clean the surfaces of fittings and pipes with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol.

The same alcohol can easily erase all the inscriptions on the pipes and give them a more aesthetic appearance.

7. Heat the pipe and fitting

There is a risk of serious burns when working with a hot soldering iron, so be sure to wear protective gloves. Parts of different sizes need to be heated for a certain time. The larger the diameter, the longer.

For a reliable connection, it is important not to overheat the polypropylene, otherwise the material will become fluid, melt and block the fitting from the inside.

‑channel “Twice Father Dmitry”

Insert the fitting first into the corresponding soldering iron sleeves, then the pipe. When pushing parts, do not rotate them around their axis or tilt them. Insert the pipe to the previously marked depth until the molten polypropylene reaches the pencil line. Only then count down the allotted time.

All specified data is valid for work at an ambient temperature of about 20 ° C. If the room is colder than 5 °C, the heating time approximately doubles.

8. Weld the joint

Without turning or tilting, quickly remove first the pipe and then the fitting from the nozzles and connect both parts in the desired position relative to each other. Don't fuss, but don't hesitate either - you have 4-6 seconds left.

‑channel FV Miano

Hold the pipe and fitting motionless for about 5 seconds to ensure the joint locks into place. At this moment, it is allowed to rotate the connection no more than 10 degrees to correct its position.

The complete cooling time, after which the welding site can be loaded, ranges from 2 to 4 minutes.

Remains of polypropylene from the nozzle can be easily removed with a paper napkin while the soldering iron is hot. If you clean already cooled cartridges, there is a risk of damaging the Teflon coating.

9. Check the connection

‑channel FV Miano

The quality of welding can be determined by a small, uniform bead at the end of the fitting. If it is not there, then perhaps the joint is underheated and the tightness will be in question. If the influx is too large, the pipe is most likely overheated and it melts inside, partially or completely blocking the flow area.

For those who are dealing with polypropylene welding for the first time, it would be a good idea to first practice and weld a few practice joints. It's better to learn on straight couplings. Unlike corners and other fittings of complex shapes, they can be easily inspected after soldering, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Source: https://Lifehacker.ru/kak-payat-polipropilenovye-truby/

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

At what temperature should polypropylene pipes be soldered?

The quality and durability of the finished communications depends on how accurately the soldering temperature is selected when installing polypropylene pipes. In addition, it is necessary to take into account both the duration of heating of the material and the duration of its cooling. The material contains a table that allows you to understand at what temperature to solder polypropylene pipes of 20 mm, 25 mm, etc.

Correct selection of indicators will help increase the reliability of joints. If you do not comply with the established requirements, their strength will be much lower, and the communication itself will last less.

Types of polypropylene and its features

Types of polypropylene and its features

During the manufacture of polypropylene pipes, various types of polymers can be used. Each of them is suitable for operation in a certain temperature regime. It could be:

  1. PN10. It can withstand temperatures no higher than +40 °C, so products made from it are intended only for cold water supply pipelines.
  2. PN16. Used in networks with temperature conditions up to +60 °C.
  3. PN20. It is a universal type, suitable for laying pipes for both cold and hot water supply. Withstands up to +95 °C, but with the condition that this maximum value is reached only for a short time.
  4. PN25. Can be used in conditions of prolonged exposure to temperatures above +95 °C.

If the above requirements and the soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes are not met, the products will quickly begin to deform and wear out. The pressure for which polypropylene pipes of a particular brand are designed is also of great importance. As a result, choosing products for laying communications based on the principle of “what is cheaper” is not acceptable. The results of such an approach to business can be the most tragic: from a leak to a pipeline rupture.


Diameter of polypropylene pipes

The diameter of the pipes is selected based on current requirements and hydraulic calculations. The range of sizes available on the market allows you to cover any need. For home use, products with a diameter of up to 40 mm are most often sufficient. The home craftsman practically never has to deal with large ones - they are intended for highways.

Colored polypropylene pipes

The difference in color of pipes does not in any way indicate their technical characteristics. But the presence of colored stripes provides useful information that helps not to confuse different brands of products during installation: a blue stripe indicates that the pipe is intended only for cold water supply, a red stripe is also suitable for hot water supply. It is better, of course, to focus on alphanumeric markings, as they are more informative.

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

Soldering of polypropylene pipes

During soldering, the ends of polypropylene pipes heat up, as a result of which the polymer contained in them softens. When products heated in this way are connected, a process called diffusion occurs.

Molecules mutually penetrate each other, which leads to spontaneous equalization of their concentration and the creation of a strong molecular bond. Thus, the soldering is quite reliable and airtight.

However, if the temperature regime is not observed, diffusion occurs unevenly or with disturbances, so the quality of such a joint is low.

Attention! It is better to solder for a strictly specified time, otherwise excessive overheating of the products will have the same detrimental effect as underheating. Parts are deformed, their geometry is damaged, and sagging forms on the inside of the seams. The latter leads to the fact that the diameter of the pipe at the junction decreases, and this seriously affects the water pressure in the future.

Incorrect soldering of polypropylene pipes

The duration of exposure of the ends of polypropylene pipes with a soldering iron directly depends on their diameter. You also need to take into account environmental conditions. Work may be carried out at air temperatures not lower than -10 °C and not higher than +90 °C.

The influence of the external environment on the soldering process can be quite strong. The fact is that between removing the pipes from the soldering iron and joining them, a certain time passes, during which they begin to cool. The lower the air temperature, the faster this happens, and the worse the quality of the seam becomes. To correct the situation, it is recommended to slightly increase the heating time of the products. If the diameter of the pipes is 20 mm or more, it is necessary to solder at an ambient temperature strictly above 0 °C.

The table below clearly demonstrates the dependence of heating and cooling times on the pipe diameter.

The optimal soldering iron temperature for joining polypropylene pipes is considered to be 260 °C. It is permissible to increase this indicator to 280 °C, but it should be remembered that in this case the outer layer of the polymer will heat up more than the inner one, and the quality of the seam will deteriorate somewhat.

Soldering of fiberglass-reinforced pipes is carried out with the same parameters. Before starting work, they must be treated with a shaver to remove the outer reinforced layer.

Having figured out how much to solder polypropylene pipes, you should pay attention to the following features of the work :

  1. It is unacceptable to violate the order of work when the contractor skips the last joint due to the impossibility of installing a soldering iron between the pipes. This leads to the appearance of deformation and static stress.
  2. Individual parts cannot be heated sequentially. Their temperature during docking must be the same, otherwise the diffusion process will be uneven.
  3. There should not be a large distance between the soldering point and the soldering iron to prevent heat loss. Optimally – up to 1.4 m.

Maintaining compliance of temperature conditions with established technological requirements and using a high-quality soldering iron are the key to high quality of work performed. Ready-made communications will last a long time, and the occurrence of problems during operation will be minimized.

Source: http://aqua-info.org/kommunikacii/vodosnabzhenie/531-pri-kakoj-temperature-payat-polipropilenovye-truby.html

Soldering technology for polypropylene pipes

Soldering technology for polypropylene pipes

Welding of pipes and parts of polypropylene pipes (hereinafter referred to as PPR) has already existed for several decades. However, in practice there are still defects in the operation of such systems, which show that basic knowledge of the welding process is either missing or not sufficiently observed. That is why, to avoid accidents in utility networks, soldering of polypropylene pipes is carried out strictly using technological modes.

PPR Material Basics

PPR Material Basics

Polyethylene was developed in 1933 and was first used in cable protection systems for radar insulation. The first PVC pipes were introduced in the 1940s for use in sewer drainage systems.

In the 1950s, plastic pipes for pressurized drinking water were installed in the Netherlands. Polyethylene has been used to create air ducts and drainage pipes in the UK.

The widespread use of plastic systems around the world began in the 1980s.

PPR is a type of plastic that melts when heated (plasticization) and hardens when cooled. In its basic structure, PPR consists of long molecular chains, so-called macromolecules, which are composed of the same basic building blocks (ethylene) having a partially crystalline structure.

Polyethylene differs significantly in its structure and property profile from other materials, which inevitably affects welding and installation technology. It is brittle at temperatures below -50 C as the amorphous areas freeze. Above this temperature, the amorphous regions soften, and the softened regions act as buffers under mechanical stress.

This explains the good impact resistance as well as the flexibility of PPR during installation. At a temperature of 130 C, the crystal lattice softens, and it is in a plastic state, which is used for welding. At approximately 340 C, PPR begins to decompose, and at higher temperatures it begins to burn.

Theory of plastic welding

Theory of plastic welding

Basically, when welding PPR plastics, the combination of plasticized layers of the product over the joint occurs by applying pressure to form a joint of the material. Processes occurring during soldering:

  • adsorption;
  • diffusion;
  • viscoelasticity and creep.

Main factors affecting soldering:

  • welding temperature;
  • welding force;
  • welding time.

All three sizes are typical for any thermoplastic being welded and must be within strictly defined acceptable ranges. Even if only one of these three factors falls outside these tolerances, the quality of the weld cannot be guaranteed.

In order to find out at what temperature to solder polypropylene pipes 20, you need to refer to a special table.

Effect of temperature

Effect of temperature

To weld PPR, the material must first be brought into a thermoplastic state. In this state, macromolecules move freely without stable intermolecular bonds. Dissolution of semi-crystalline structures does not yet occur, since they melt at higher temperatures. This free movement must be to such an extent that molecular bonds can mix at the interfaces of adjacent structures and solidify again when the semicrystalline structures cool.

Source: https://pochini.guru/sovety-mastera/tehnologiya-payki-polipropilenovyih-trub

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

Soldering table for polypropylene pipes

When water communications consisting of plastic pipes are assembled, temperature becomes the most important parameter. It must have certain values ​​to achieve a strong and reliable connection.

Today, the technology for laying pipelines made of such materials requires compliance with a certain temperature regime, as well as specific time values, when performing welding work. If you do not follow the recommended parameters, a rupture may appear in key areas and the movement of the water flow may deteriorate significantly.

General influence of temperature during docking work

General influence of temperature during docking work

The technological process of welding polypropylene pipes is based on heating the material to the required temperature. As a result, the plastic begins to soften. When connecting parts, diffusion of polypropylene molecules occurs. In other words, molecules merge into a compound. When the material cools, an extremely strong joint is formed.

The strength of the workpieces being welded is directly dependent on the temperature regime. If the heating is insufficient, the diffusion process will not occur. The molecules of the fitting and the pipe being welded are simply not able to get into the compatible areas. The welding will be weak and will not be able to withstand heavy loads. The pair will break and the seal of the joint will be broken.

When overheated, the structure will begin to deform. As a result, the original geometry will change. A strong influx in the form of a large roller may form inside the part. As a result, the cross-sectional diameter of the pipeline at the welding site will be significantly reduced.

For normal soldering of polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to create heating to a temperature of 255-265 degrees. The heating process must take into account several parameters:

  • Part diameter.
  • Room temperature.
  • Heating time.

Practice has shown that heating time and part diameter are directly related.

The temperature of the room in which soldering occurs also affects this process. When parts are soldered, when removing them from the “iron” or other heating device, there is a pause before the coupling begins. To compensate for cooling at low temperatures, pp pipes need to be heated a little longer. This additional time is within 2-3 seconds. The selection occurs empirically.

It must be remembered that if you heat polypropylene pipes on a heating apparatus with a temperature setting of more than 270 degrees, the top layer of the part will become very hot. The core will not receive sufficient heating. When joining parts, the thickness of the welding film will be very thin.

How to weld polypropylene pipes manually

How to weld polypropylene pipes manually

Welding sleeves of the device are selected taking into account the diameter of the parts. They are then inserted into the welding mirror and secured well.

Contact surfaces are cleaned of dust and dirt. For cleaning, it is better to use a cleaning fluid recommended by the manufacturer of this product. The following may help with this work:

  • Chlorethylene.
  • Trichloroethane.
  • Ethyl or Isopropyl alcohol.

A certain temperature of the device is set. Typically, the thermistor should heat up within 250 - 270 degrees. This optimal temperature allows the correct connection to be achieved.

When the thermostat reaches the desired thermal level, the heating temperature of the welding mirror is checked. For this, a special thermal probe is used.

The pipe is cut, maintaining 90 degrees relative to the axis. If necessary, you need to clean the surface and chamfer it. Stripping parameters and chamfer depth dimensions are taken from table number one. The chamfer can be removed when cleaning the part or after it, using a special calibrated tool.

Polypropylene fittings for socket welding. Grinding depth and chamfer width.

The insertion depth “L1” is marked on the surface of the pipe. Taken from Table 2. Stripping must necessarily correspond to the insertion depth.

Insertion depth L1(mm): maximum insertion depth of the heated pipe into the fitting cup.

A longitudinal mark is applied to the outer surface of the pipe and fitting being welded. It makes it possible to avoid displacement of parts during connection.

The surface of the pipe, as well as the attached fitting, must be well cleaned of oil or dirt. After achieving the required heating of the welding mirror, the pipe, together with the fitting, is installed in special sleeves. The fittings must be inserted all the way, the pipe being welded to the full stripping depth. You need to wait a little while the parts heat up.

They are then quickly removed and inserted into each other. The insertion depth of the fitting must be equal to the length L1, in accordance with the longitudinal notches.

The connected parts must be kept in a fixed position for a certain time, according to table No. 3. Then you need to give it time to cool naturally. Do not cool them with a fan or immerse them in cold water.

Heating, welding and cooling times

When the surface of the elements has cooled sufficiently, it is necessary to conduct a hydraulic test.

Temperature ranges for resistance welding.

The changes in pressure and temperature during the butt welding process are shown in the figure below:

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

The nuances of maintaining the desired thermal regime

When calculating the future pipeline layout, figure out how further installation will take place. It is necessary to strive to obtain a minimum distance between the soldering machine and the connection point.

If the calculation is made incorrectly and the welding site is in an inaccessible place, you will have to heat the part at a considerable distance from the fastening site. In this case, large heat losses occur, since parts have to be transferred in order to make the coupling joint. As a result of such unaccounted for moments, a strong weakening of the seam occurs.

If an incorrect calculation of the installation and soldering sequence is made, a situation may arise when it is impossible to join the last parts, since the heating device simply cannot be installed between the parts. To increase the gap, it is necessary to deform certain sections of the pipelines that allow the soldering device to be inserted. Such work can spoil the appearance of communication. Static voltage may appear in some areas of the system.

A very serious mistake, as a result of which it is not possible to control the temperature, is the sequential heating of the workpieces immediately before the joint. In other words, each part is heated separately. As a result, the temperature regime is completely disrupted.

This incorrect approach can cause the part to cool down greatly due to the time it takes to warm up. Intentional loss of heat occurs. This method of connecting parts does not allow the work to be structured correctly and the process of softening the material becomes unpredictable. Its use is strictly prohibited.

To exercise proper temperature control, several criteria must be taken into account:

1. The quality of the welding machine for working with polypropylene products should allow maintaining certain parameters with a minimum error.

2. There should be less than 1.5 meters between the welding machine and the connection area.

3.The operation must be performed in a heated building.

4.Before starting welding, make sure that the temperature of the parts to be joined is approximately the same.

Source: https://VseProTruby.ru/pajka/tablitsa-pp-trub.html

Rules for working with a soldering iron for plastic pipes

Rules for working with a soldering iron for plastic pipes

To solder plastic pipes (such pipes are indeed often used for internal communications), it is not necessary to call a master plumber. If you have a soldering iron, you can easily handle this yourself.

In many aspects, soldering plastic pipes is much easier than soldering metals. During the work, you just need to monitor the temperature and not overheat the joints.

What kind of plastic is used for plumbing

What kind of plastic is used for plumbing

Plastic as a material for pipes meets the high demands of consumers. Plastic products are not too expensive, durable, do not make noise, are lightweight and have low thermal conductivity - there really are plenty of advantages. But you need to understand that there are several types of plastic:

  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • metal-plastic.

Each of them has its own characteristics and scope of application. This must be taken into account when selecting, installing and soldering.

Polyethylene (PE marking is accepted) plastic pipes are used both for wiring inside buildings and for external routes. They can be used on high-pressure pipe connections. But polyethylene also has a significant drawback - it loses some of its properties already at -20 ℃.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or PVC marking) plastic pipes are usually purchased when they want to reduce the cost of repairs. At the present time, PVC is considered the cheapest polymer. This means that the entire system will cost less than a similar one, but made, for example, on the basis of polyethylene. The connection of PVC pipes is often carried out using the “cold welding” or “socket” method using rubber connectors.

Polypropylene (PP marking) plastic products are very rigid and are not so easy to work with a soldering iron. Polypropylene pipes are not wound into coils, but are sold in lengths of four meters. The diameter of such products ranges from 16 mm to 12.5 cm.

The ability to solder polypropylene pipes with a regular soldering iron is truly a very important skill.

After all, such pipes are used in many areas: for hot and cold water supply, for irrigation systems in summer cottages, to ensure certain technological processes in industrial workshops.

In addition to purely plastic ones, there are also metal-plastic options (for example, using aluminum). And such pipes are the most practical products; their service life (subject to correct installation and simple maintenance) sometimes reaches fifty years - this is a very long time. Today, metal-plastic pipes are used mainly for hot water supply.

Working tool for soldering

Working tool for soldering

Of course, the main tool here is the soldering iron. And when choosing it in a store, you need to pay attention to such parameters as the number of nozzles, power, and the presence or absence of a temperature control function.

For a home craftsman to solder plastic pipes of normal diameters, a soldering iron with a power of 1200 watts is sufficient. Although, of course, using a soldering iron for pipes with a power of, for example, 1800 watts or more is much more pleasant - all operations are done faster.

As for the number of attachments included in the soldering iron, the rule is simple: the more there are, the better. The nozzle is exactly the element that is used to directly solder plastic pipes. High-quality nozzles must have a Teflon coating to prevent the material being processed from burning. The nozzles are selected to match the appropriate parameters of the plastic pipes.

The presence of a temperature control unit in the soldering iron also greatly facilitates the process of soldering plastic products. With it you can set the temperature with an accuracy of 1 degree. If such adjustment is not available, you can measure the temperature using a special thermometer.

In addition to a soldering iron, you will need scissors (or a hacksaw) for cutting plastic pipes, and also, if we are talking about metal-plastic pipes, a trimmer (a tool used to grind and strip the internal reinforcement). In addition, you will need to prepare auxiliary materials - a marker, a wooden ruler, a measuring tape and a damp cloth. Do not forget about the connecting fittings - couplings or fittings.

Preparation of plastic pipes

Preparation of plastic pipes

Preparing the pipes begins with measuring the required length with a tape measure and marking the future cut with a marker. Then, along this mark, the pipe is cut with a hacksaw or scissors, and the angle of inclination of the cuts should be in the range from 35 to 45°.

At the next stage, it is necessary to trim the cut ends (if the pipes are metal-plastic) and degrease them with a soap or alcohol solution - the cuts should ultimately be perfectly smooth. Next, you need to take the marker again and apply marks along the edges of the sections, which will act as a guide when joining the elements.

Soldering process

Soldering process

The soldering process should begin with fixing the nozzle on the tool, selected in accordance with the size of the pipes. Then you need to plug in the soldering iron and heat it to operating temperature (for polyethylene +220°, for polypropylene +260° Celsius).

The heating time depends on the characteristics of the soldering iron, usually 15 minutes is enough.

Please note that you should not unplug the device from the power supply until the work is completed: this will not only slow down the entire process, but will also, in principle, greatly reduce the efficiency of the soldering iron.

It is necessary to work with a soldering iron for plastic pipes from 5 to 40 seconds at a time without breaks. The specific duration here directly depends on the circumference of the pipeline. And during work, the home master is obliged to ensure that the surfaces do not overheat. This overheating can cause clogging at the seam.

Table. Heating time for polypropylene pipes

Nominal outer diameter, mm Reflow time, sec Maximum technological pause, sec Cooling time, sec
16 5 4 120
20 5 4 120
25 7 4 120
32 8 6 240
40 12 6 240
50 18 6 240
63 24 8 360
75 30 8 360
90 40 8 360
110 50 10 480

After each soldering operation, the master must remove any remaining material from the nozzle. As mentioned above, the nozzle has a special Teflon coating, so it is recommended to remove carbon deposits with a piece of tarpaulin or a wooden plank so as not to damage the surface itself. The appearance of real scratches will worsen the performance of the attachment - it will be impossible to fully use such a tool in the future.

Advice: when soldering the ends of plastic pipes, do not allow them to twist or move, as this may later result in a leak.

Checking joints

Checking joints

After soldering is completed, it is necessary to check the entire plastic pipeline for defects and leaks. This process is called crimping. The simplest crimping method is to pass a certain amount of water through the soldered area.

There is another option - pumping air into the pipeline through plugs. Plugs are traditionally placed at the edges (at the beginning and at the end) of a plastic pipeline. And in one of them, in order to check the tightness, you can drill a hole and screw in the wheel nipple. Next, using a compressor and a pressure gauge, you need to order air into the pipes - and you need to achieve operating pressure. In practice, in pipelines of residential buildings this pressure is equal to 3-4 atmospheres.

Pressure testing should be carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the working pressure is built up, after which you need to wait about three minutes and see if its level drops. Then you need to raise the pressure again to the operating level and wait again, this time for 5-7 minutes. If the plastic pipes are sealed, then the pressure during this period will not drop by more than three percent.

If the pressure drops by a large amount, there is a leak. Usually they appear just at the joints and at the places where soldering irons are soldered. To successfully search for them, you will need liquid soap or a soapy, well-foaming solution.

This soap or this solution should be applied to likely problem areas and see if bubbles appear here. If bubbles appear, this will indicate that the plastic pipe is leaking.

To fix the problem, it is recommended to re-solder in this place.

Source: https://svaring.com/soldering/praktika/rabota-pajalnikom-dlja-plastikovyh-trub

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes: table of values ​​+ instructions for self-welding

Soldering temperature of polypropylene pipes: table of values ​​+ instructions for self-welding

One of the stages in the construction of private houses and apartments is the installation of communications responsible for supplying water or draining wastewater. Assembling polypropylene pipes is much simpler than installing metal structures. To connect them, fittings are used, welded using specialized equipment - an iron.

The article we propose describes the technology for making connections and provides the standard temperature for soldering polypropylene pipes. We will cover the preparatory steps required to produce strong and sealed joints. Taking into account our advice, you will assemble the pipeline without any problems.

Soldering as a method of connecting PPR pipes

Soldering as a method of connecting PPR pipes

In the welding process, everything is important: diameter, soldering temperature of PP products, exposure time to the welding machine. But first you need to get acquainted with the basics of technology and learn how to use the tools.

You cannot begin the soldering process without determining the type and dimensions of the material. We invite you to familiarize yourself with useful information that will help you choose the right polypropylene pipes and fittings, as well as install them, knowing the nuances and sequence of the process.

What do you need to know about polypropylene pipes?

What do you need to know about polypropylene pipes?

Welding technology (or soldering - both terms are equally applicable) is ensured by the properties of polypropylene, a universal-purpose technical polymer. It is fusible, but after cooling and hardening it returns the characteristics of strength and tightness.

Pipes differ in diameter, wall thickness, color, and characteristics. Thanks to the range of diameters – 16-110 mm – any technical solution can be implemented.

For the improvement of private properties, small diameter products are used, most often up to 40 mm, less often up to 63 mm. The remaining pipes belong to the main pipes and have their own installation features

You can ignore the color of the polymer, since it is chosen by the manufacturer at its discretion, but the color of the stripes matters:

  • blue – for cold water supply;
  • red - for hot water supply and heating.

However, the basic information that you should rely on when purchasing and soldering pipes is indicated on the labeling. Polypropylene pipe material is designated by the letter combinations PPR , PP-H , PP-B , PPRC .

A diagram with which you can decipher the markings. Alphanumeric combinations indicate the type of pipe, diameter, wall thickness, permissible pressure - that is, values ​​that are fundamentally important for soldering

Classification according to the nominal pressure, the maximum permissible for installation in specific conditions, helps to select products for home or industrial systems.

Based on this, there are 4 types of PPR pipes:

  • PN-10 (with a nominal value of 1.0 MPa) - designed for transporting cold water. Sometimes they are used to install heated floors, provided that the coolant does not heat up above +45 °C.
  • PN-16 (with a rating of 1.6 MPa) - used for assembling hot/cold water supply systems. The maximum permissible temperature is +60 °C.
  • PN-20 (with a rating of 2.0 MPa) - can withstand temperatures up to +80-90 °C in pipelines protected from water hammer.
  • PN-25 (with a rating of 2.5 MPa) - suitable not only for autonomous, but also for centralized water supply. The recommended maximum temperature is +95 °C, but higher temperatures can be tolerated.

It is better to overpay and purchase reliable pipes with a slightly superior value than to save money and buy material limited by temperature parameters.

When making pipes, the principle is applied: the higher the temperature of the coolant and the pressure in the system, the thicker the walls.

A table with which, knowing the outer diameter of the pipe, you can determine the wall thickness and inner diameter. In this case, the type of products according to the nominal pressure also matters.

This is the minimum knowledge needed to properly use PPR pipes. Let's move on to a brief description of the process.

Technological description of the soldering process

Technological description of the soldering process

There are two types of polypropylene soldering - butt and coupling. The first is practically not used for the installation of home communications, since it has a complex technology and is used exclusively for connecting large-diameter main pipes.

In a cottage or apartment, sleeve welding is used, which is ideal for connecting sections of pipes/fittings with a diameter from 16 mm to 63 mm

The principle of welding is that two sections of pipe, approximately equal in diameter and wall thickness, are heated with a special tool and connected using a socket method.

Feature: when cold, the coupling should be slightly smaller in diameter.

Scheme of step-by-step soldering of PPR pipes: Stage 1 – connecting parts and soldering iron (welding machine); 2 – heating to the required temperature; 3 – sealed unit

When heated, a melting zone of the polymer is formed. It is important that it covers only working surfaces adjacent to each other.

Here it is important to quickly remove the parts from the tool and connect them to each other, due to which two segments are fused into one, followed by polymerization. The reliability of the connection depends on the time spent on the heating process and the correctly selected temperature.

Standard temperature parameters

Standard temperature parameters

Both overheating and insufficient heating have a bad effect on the welding result. In the first case, the elements will deform, the roller will swell, and the internal diameter will decrease. In the future, scale and plugs may form in areas of uneven joints.

In the second case, the connection will be weak, and due to insufficient tightness there will be a risk of leakage.

Examples of poor-quality pipe connections: internal and external polypropylene sagging, wall deformation, rupture. Such a water supply system cannot be put into operation

It is precisely because of the risk of a pipeline breakthrough that it is necessary to follow the welding technique and be sure to take into account such parameters as:

  • diameter of welded products;
  • heating and cooling time;
  • equipment temperature;
  • ambient temperature.

It is believed that the process of welding PP pipes is not advisable to carry out at temperatures below -10 °C, the upper limit is +90 °C. The most favorable ambient temperature is from 0 °C to +25 °C. For ease of remembering, the required temperature and time values ​​were compiled into one table.

Table of technological values, optimal at an ambient temperature of +20 °C. For home installation, just remember the parameters for pipes with a diameter of 16-63 mm

If the air temperature indoors or outdoors is below +5 ° C, the heating time is increased by approximately 50%, that is, twice. The heating temperature is the same everywhere – +260 °C. The acceptable range is +255-280 °C.

It is interesting that the choice of parameter does not depend on the diameter of the pipe - the same values ​​are used for both 16 mm and 50 mm. Only the time periods change. For this reason, the welding temperature of polypropylene fittings and pipes is usually not indicated in technological tables.

Detailed installation instructions

Detailed installation instructions

The soldering process is fast. You can verify this by analyzing the data in the table. For example, to connect two elements with a diameter of 20 mm, at room temperature it will take 5 seconds to heat up, another 4 seconds to connect, then 180 seconds to cool down. Total – 3 minutes 9 seconds.

In this regard, it is important to practice all movements so that there is no hitch in the process of joining already heated elements. Let's consider the nuances of each stage of installation of polypropylene pipes separately.

Stage #1 – preparation of special tools

Stage #1 – preparation of special tools

For soldering at home, you will need equipment designed only for welding polypropylene parts - pipes, angles, couplings, tees, plugs.

It makes sense to purchase a new tool if you plan to assemble a water supply system from scratch with further maintenance. For one-time work, you can rent equipment for welding PP pipes or borrow it from friends. In addition to special tools, you will need a level, marker, ruler or tape measure.

Stage #2 – marking and cutting pipes

Stage #2 – marking and cutting pipes

The pipes are cut in advance, before the first soldering begins. We recommend preparing all the elements and putting them together according to the diagram. It is part of a heating system or plumbing installation project.

Often pipe routing is a complex system of straight and rotary sections. Assembly is easier when small sections of pipe are initially connected with fittings into separate units

We measure out pieces of pipes of the required length and carefully cut them with a pipe cutter. Then we select fittings of suitable diameter - most often these are couplings, tees and angles. If the elements are reinforced, remove the aluminum layer.

As a result, the edges of the parts to be welded must be perfectly smooth, cut perpendicular to the axis of the pipeline, cleaned and degreased.

Stage #3 – connecting elements and heating

Stage #3 – connecting elements and heating

We install the device, select couplings and mandrels of the required diameter. We plug it into the network and heat it up, since we already know at what optimal temperature polypropylene pipes should be soldered - +260 °C. This is exactly what is indicated in the operating instructions for soldering irons.

Please note that some manufacturers produce devices with a scale up to +320 °C. This does not mean that you need to heat it to maximum. Read the instructions carefully - they indicate the conditions under which high heating values ​​are permissible.

At the ends of the parts that need to be connected, we make marks indicating the heating depth. We check once again that the working surfaces are dry and free of grease, since moisture or a slippery surface can cause the connection to depressurize.

We use both parts at the same time: we insert the end of the pipe into the coupling up to the mark, and we put the connecting element on the mandrel until it stops

From the moment the parts are installed, we begin counting the seconds - according to the values ​​​​indicated in the table. After the required time, remove the parts and quickly insert the pipe into the fitting - up to the same mark. We try to position the parts coaxially; only a couple of seconds are given to correct the position. Distortions and rotation of elements must not be allowed!

We hold the knot in the correct position until polymerization occurs. Usually this is 3 minutes or more - we check the cooling time according to the table. Cooled and properly welded parts form an integral connection, tight and durable.

We weld the key components one by one, so that we can then assemble and weld them together at the installation site of the heating circuit, sewer or water distribution.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

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