How to sharpen a meat grinder knife
A meat grinder is a convenient and practical household appliance. With its help, preparing minced meat, purees, cutting vegetables and fruits is greatly simplified. Both manual and modern electric models are found in home kitchens. Despite the differences, the principle of their operation is the same - chopping products using special knives. Of course, during operation, the blades of the device may become dull and then the operation of the meat grinder will be difficult.
The principle of operation of a meat grinder
The action of the meat grinder is based on the operation of two knives: a four-bladed cutter and a grate. Depending on the type of product, the cutter is driven manually or using a motor. The grid (or mesh) remains stationary. When chopping even such a soft product as meat, the knives can become dull.
Including because of the tendons and bones that come across. In this case, the meat grinder begins to chew the product and eventually stops grinding it. In addition, the service life of the blades depends on the frequency and duration of use of the meat grinder.
Knives made from low-grade metal fail especially quickly.
For the housewife, a signal of poor sharpening of the blades is the low quality of the minced meat, an increase in the duration of its preparation and the edges of the cross knife being smoothed to the touch.
We strongly do not recommend sharpening knives yourself. To avoid damaging the device, we recommend contacting a service center or mechanical workshop.
In addition, failed knives can simply be replaced with new ones. However, in order to save money, and also if you need a meat grinder urgently, you can resort to the following methods of sharpening knives at home.
Preparation for sharpening
Before you begin the process of sharpening knives, you need to prepare them and all the required materials. Before starting work, make sure that the surface of the sharpening table is level. Place paper or a piece of plexiglass under the sharpening tool.
Methods for sharpening meat grinder knives at home
When sharpening knives yourself, you can use:
- whetstone for kitchen knives;
- sandpaper;
- whetstone;
- sharpening machine.
Sharpening with a whetstone for kitchen knives
This is the simplest and most convenient way to restore the sharpness of the meat grinder knives. As you work, make sure that all edges of the four-bladed knife are sharpened.
Place the block on a flat surface. Place the meat grinder knife on it and begin to quickly rotate it in a circular motion with your hand. A prerequisite is constant uniform pressure on the knife. Usually 2-3 minutes is enough for sharpening. In this way, you can sharpen both the cross-shaped knife of the meat grinder and the grate.
Sharpening with sandpaper
This method is used if there is no sharpening stone or stone on the farm. Please ensure that the paper is not worn out. It is also not recommended to use coarse sandpaper. This may damage the blades.
Sandpaper is placed on the table, you can put plexiglass under it. For ease of use, wrap it around a small wooden block. It is important that it is wider than the knife. Secure the paper using double-sided tape, glue, or a furniture stapler.
Then begin to rotate the knife in a circular motion with your hand over the surface of the paper, pressing it firmly. At the end of sharpening, the sharpness can be checked by touch or by the characteristic shine of the metal.
Sharpening with a whetstone
You can sharpen your knives quickly and efficiently using a special corundum sharpening stone. You can purchase it at construction or hardware stores. It is also suitable for sharpening regular kitchen knives.
Before using the whetstone, it should be washed thoroughly with water and detergent and dried thoroughly. It is best to work with stone while wearing gloves to avoid cuts and scratches.
The principle of sharpening is the same as when using sandpaper or a sharpening stone. First, the knife and then the grate are pressed tightly against the surface of the corundum stone and begin to quickly make circular movements. The duration of such grinding will be about 2-3 minutes. The edges of well-processed knives become shiny.
Sharpening on a grinding machine
This method will require you to have an expensive electric sharpening machine at home, so it is not suitable for everyone. In addition, when working with the machine, certain skills are required, since it is a traumatic tool.
After finishing sharpening by any method, the parts of the meat grinder should be washed with warm water and a cleaning agent and dried with a towel. Be careful not to keep the knives wet for too long, as this can lead to rust.
For proper operation of the meat grinder, it is important that the cross blade and the grid fit tightly to each other; gaps are not allowed. In order to ensure the quality of sharpening and the absence of damage to the parts, you should touch them and rotate them relative to each other. The knives should move with resistance.
As you can see, sharpening meat grinder knives is quite simple and quick. Do not forget to periodically perform this procedure to ensure that the device operates efficiently.
Ways to sharpen meat grinder knives at home
It's hard to imagine a modern family without a meat grinder. With rare exceptions, this kitchen electrical appliance is found in every home. And if someone has a need to process meat, then this device will help him.
A meat grinder can quickly and efficiently grind meat into minced meat of any consistency . She also squeezes juice, prepares original cookies or homemade noodles and pasta. It remains to be added that some craftsmen have learned to make meat delicacies with its help.
If the meat grinder is used for a long time, the knife begins to fail . Moreover, it is no longer possible to cut with it. What does this lead to? All contents do not come out of the meat grinder, but remain inside. And as a result we get a mess.
Housewives who are not used to bothering with this kind of problem immediately rush to the store to buy a new knife. But this is not at all necessary. There is another possible solution to the problem. You can buy new knives for manual meat grinders, as well as for electric ones. However, what is the point in spending money when you can always sharpen your knives ?
You just need to know how to sharpen knives from a meat grinder. Moreover, you can do this yourself at home. And then the meat grinder will work like new.
How often are knives sharpened?
Users usually realize that a problem is brewing while preparing minced meat. Suddenly they discover that the equipment is jamming the meat. But just recently everything was in perfect order. Then why did the process get out of control?
When the knife becomes dull, there is no need to despair . Everything can be fixed quickly. Just thirty minutes is enough. You just need to find a sharpening stone or emery cloth. And then you can sharpen your knives with your own hands. How to do it? We will now give you recommendations.
The frequency of sharpening depends on how long the device has been in use. And also on how much meat or other products were twisted.
It happens that the meat grinder is used several times during the week. In this case, the knife usually lasts for about one and a half to two months. While the blades are new, they can last three or four months. And yet, no matter how reliable the knife is, it becomes dull. And the time comes to sharpen it.
If it becomes difficult for the meat to pass through the grate, and when the meat grinder is loaded, you can hear the screw turning idle, then this means that the blades are no longer suitable for work. Before sharpening knife blades, the device must be disassembled, washed and dried thoroughly. You need to sharpen not only the knives, but also the grill .
Principles of proper knife sharpening
Don't rush to start sharpening your meat grinder knives. Before that, figure out why they became stupid . After all, manufacturers claim that when they rotate, they themselves are sharpened on the metal grid.
Meat is considered a soft substance. However, it often contains small cartilages and strong veins . They are largely to blame. After all, they contribute to the fact that the cutting edge gradually rounds and becomes blunt. The product first chews the product, and then completely refuses to process it.
That is why, as soon as the first signs appear that the cutting tool is not working correctly, you need to immediately begin dismantling , and then start sharpening the knives.
The movable cutting tool is paired with a grid , which is stationary. The grille has holes along the entire plane. And therefore they need to be sharpened together.
The grate rotates. The auger and four blades rotate. As a result, the product is crushed. And then under pressure it breaks through the holes. This is how the grind difference is achieved. After all, several grating options are used, when the perforations can be small or larger.
Remember a few simple rules , thanks to which you can make quick and high-quality sharpening at home:
— sharpening should be done only on a surface with a fine abrasive. Large particles leave scratches on the metal surface. Recesses and irregularities appear that should not exist; - sharpen the grid on the side on which it is adjacent to the knife;
— the surface area of the material on which sharpening is carried out must be larger than the dimensions of the knife and disk.
There are three known methods for sharpening a product . They differ in the type of mechanical action. Sharpening a knife is carried out:
- sandpaper; - sharpening stone;
- a sharpening machine.
We use sandpaper
Sharpening using sandpaper is the simplest method. There is no doubt that in any apartment there is at least a piece of sandpaper. And sharpening on it is a pleasure.
Another good thing about this method is that it is safe. Any housewife can do this task. Even one who has no experience in such a process. It is very important to choose a good piece of sandpaper. The abrasive should lie on it in a dense layer.
You need to do this:
- Place sandpaper on a flat surface. We secure its edges. The paper should be without creases and well straightened; - take a knife and place it on the sandpaper. Press down with your fingers. We move the knife along the abrasive. Counterclock-wise. Movements must be fast. Sharpening is carried out within 2-3 minutes; - put the disc on the working side. We carry out the manipulation as with a knife;
— sharpened products must be degreased, rinsed with water, and dried.
Using a whetstone
A whetstone is an equally useful item in a home or apartment. It is suitable not only for sharpening meat grinder blades, but also kitchen knives.
Before using the stone, you must wash it. That is, remove dust and dirt. And then dry it completely. We recommend wearing protective gloves on your hands. Then you will definitely prevent cuts and other injuries.
The knife is placed on the stone. And then it will be necessary to make circular movements with it. The knife can be sanded quickly. In just a couple of minutes. After the knife, you need to put the grill and rotate it with quick movements. And so - at least a couple of minutes. We press on the part from above. This ensures high quality sharpening.
Using a sharpening machine
This method is the fastest . He is also the most dangerous. Do not approach the machine unless you have experience operating it. Observe safety precautions: you must wear glasses and gloves when working. Otherwise, injury may occur.
The process looks like this:
- Lightly lubricate the knife with any oil. Then it glides better.
— Turn on the machine at low speed.
— We bring a knife to the rotational element and press it tightly.
— We hold the product for 20-30 seconds, then move it to the side. The metal heats up. And therefore the knife must cool for some time.
— We perform the work with the lattice in the same sequence.
Sharpening completed . The products have cooled down. We wash them with soap and dry them on a towel. If the elements are sharpened well, then their edges shine. With a close look you can see a fine mesh on the surface - grinding. The blade and grille can be tested for sharpness immediately.
Neglecting this rule will lead to corrosion. The ingress of water on metal leads to the formation of oxides, which damage the coating and make it less sharp. Oxides can be prevented when the sharpened knife and grid are not only dried, but also lubricated with vegetable oil. If the operation is careful, then even consumables will last a long time.
How to quickly and easily sharpen a meat grinder knife at home: 1 bad and 2 good ways
For many years, sharpening a meat grinder knife was a problem for me. Or rather, I was afraid of ruining it, so I preferred not to experiment at home, but to take it, along with ordinary kitchen knives, to a master who worked on a professional machine. However, then I got tired of it. And trips to the other end of the city no longer fit into the work schedule. And the toad began to choke, because for the price of a few sharpenings you could buy a new knife. In general, I had to learn a new craft.
Method 1: unusual file
First of all, I went to a hardware store and asked the seller to show me all the tools for sharpening knives from a meat grinder that were in stock. He shrugged his shoulders, glanced at me with an indifferent glance and declared that they didn’t have anything like that, never had one, and were unlikely to ever have one.
I continued to insist. If there are meat grinders and knives for them on sale, then there is an item that can restore the functionality of these same knives.
Even if they get it for me from under the counter, even from underground, I still won’t leave otherwise. The seller thought for a minute, then perked up, went to some stand and a minute later returned with a file in his hand.
He solemnly handed it to me, declaring that this file is called musat and together we will be happy forever.
I heard somewhere that ordinary knives can be sharpened with a file. But I didn’t know that it was used for sharpening meat grinder knives. However, the thing was interesting, it was inexpensive, and I would definitely find a use for it, so I decided to buy it.
As a result, I made more than once attempts to put the knife in order using the same musat. No positive changes were observed, quite the contrary. But ordinary knives were sharpened well, which, however, did not solve the problem with the meat grinder.
Method 2: sandpaper
On a warm autumn day, to pass the time remaining before my dentist appointment, I decided to take a walk around the market. It was very conveniently located (almost next to the clinic), and there was always something to see there.
So this time, walking between the aisles with all sorts of things, I unwittingly overheard a conversation between a seller and a buyer who demanded to give him some sandpaper to sharpen knives.
This interested me, so, after waiting for the man to leave and taking advantage of the absence of other customers, I interrogated the man who was standing on the other side of the counter. It should be noted that he had limitless patience.
It was for this reason that I headed out half an hour later with a set of 10 sheets of waterproof sandpaper for metal working.
As the seller assured, sharpening knives with sandpaper is as easy as shelling pears. Especially if these are knives from a meat grinder. The sharpening process itself, according to him, looked like this:
- You need to place a piece of paper on a very flat, smooth surface. If it is lumpy, ribbed or anything else, nothing good will come of it. Even one small grain caught under a sheet of sandpaper can ruin everything.
- Place the knife on top so that its cutting edges touch the abrasive surface.
- Press the knife down with your fingers and rotate it counterclockwise. It is very important to do exactly this, and not the other way around.
- After a while the edges will begin to shine. When their entire surface becomes silvery-shiny, the sharpening process can be considered complete.
However, that's not all. In order for the meat grinder to work no worse than the jaws of a megalodon, you need to put in order the metal mesh (a circle with holes) through which the minced meat passes. The manipulations with it are the same as with a knife, but it is advisable to bring it to an even shine on both sides. By the way, you can rotate the grid in any direction, and not strictly counterclockwise.
Since this method was suitable for both an electric meat grinder and a manual one, I decided to first test it on knives from a cheaper device. I did everything as the seller advised, assembled the meat grinder, took out the meat I had bought for the occasion from the refrigerator and was truly surprised - the old meat grinder was grinding the beef as if it were apples. And this despite the fact that she had original knives—made in 1958.
Carrying out a repeat experiment, now with the participation of a knife from a modern and quite expensive meat grinder, was no longer scary. And the result was again pleasing! Subsequently, I used this method exclusively for 5 or 6 years, and even now it remains my favorite.
Method 3: abrasive wheel
If it weren’t for another accident, it’s unlikely that I would have learned about this method from anyone. Firstly, because I was no longer interested in such information, and secondly, because, as it seems to me, few people use it.
Late one evening I was doing nothing more than canning tomatoes. When the clock showed five minutes to eleven, it turned out that the house had run out of salt. The last store closed an hour ago, and there was only one way out - to go for salt from the night owl neighbor.
Being invited into the kitchen, I noticed a strange set on the table - among the spare parts from a disassembled meat grinder there was something of the same shape as a mesh, but without holes through which the minced meat passes. I can’t contain my curiosity, so I immediately inquired about the name and purpose of this item. It turned out to be a special abrasive wheel for sharpening a knife from a meat grinder. It's easy to use:
- It is enough to assemble the meat grinder by folding the parts in the usual order, but instead of the mesh, install this same circle and tighten the union nut (the one that holds the mesh, knife and auger together) so that the handle turns with force.
- Turn the handle in the opposite direction (counterclockwise) until the cutting edges of the knife become smooth and shiny.
It’s not easy to get such an abrasive wheel for sharpening knives from a meat grinder. You'll have to go to flea markets or ask your grandparents if they have an extra one lying around. I was lucky to find it on a bulletin board and buy it for a few pennies - 40 rubles. Now I use it most often, which is very convenient.
In my “collection of experience” there are so far only two ways to sharpen a knife from a meat grinder. I can recommend them with a clear conscience to anyone who needs such advice. However, I think there are other, no less interesting and effective options. Tell us how you cope with this task - do you use the services of professionals or purchased a device that can be used at home?
How to sharpen a meat grinder knife at home yourself
It happens that the meat grinder produces “porridge” instead of minced meat - the knives are dull, and there is no time to take it to the master. There are simple home sharpening techniques, some of which even a woman can do. Read on to learn how to sharpen a meat grinder knife at home.
Why and how often should you sharpen your blades?
The rate at which knives become dull depends on the frequency of use of the meat grinder . This is often due to microscopic indentations and chips where the blade and moving blade come into contact.
Despite the fact that meat is a relatively soft product, during operation of the device tendons and small bones also fall onto the blade . It is because of this that the knife gradually loses its sharpness. First, the meat grinder’s productivity decreases, and then it stops grinding the product altogether.
Another reason for dullness is improper care . Metal elements gradually oxidize and rust. The cutting edge is the thinnest part and therefore most susceptible to corrosion.
Mechanical and electrical devices are equipped with knives that have a standard shape and metal alloy . They are sharpened in the same ways.
The frequency of sharpening depends entirely on the intensity of use of the device. If the meat grinder is used several times a week, the knife loses its sharpness after about 2-3 months . Even the most reliable blades need periodic updating.
Important! The frequency of sharpening should correspond to the dullness of the knives. If the meat grinder begins to grind food poorly, the edges of the blades are renewed. This is easier than sharpening very dull knives later.
How to sharpen a meat grinder knife: all methods
To independently return the knives to their former sharpness, it will take about 30 minutes. At home, craftsmen use the following methods :
- sandpaper;
- on a grinding machine;
- on a grinding machine;
- using a grindstone;
- an ordinary file;
- an abrasive wheel on a drill;
- using the bars that come with the device;
- Bulgarian
Sharpening grates and knives of manual and electric meat grinders
Usually at home they use the simplest methods when no special skills or special tools are required.
On the grindstone
There are many types of sharpening stones available at hardware stores. They differ in diameter, thickness and structure of the abrasive surface. To sharpen knives from a meat grinder, use a stone whose surface is almost smooth .
- Knives are thoroughly washed and wiped dry.
- The whetstone is placed on a flat surface . To fix it, place a piece of fabric under it - this way the stone will not slip during work. If there is a clamp on the farm, use it.
- with four blades is placed on the stone It is placed on the side that is in contact with the disk with holes.
- The knife begins to move along the disk , gradually increasing speed. This procedure is performed until all the flaws disappear and the blades become sharp.
- The same operation is performed with a round knife (disc with holes) . It is placed on the disk with the side that comes into contact with the cross-shaped knife. The action is performed until the disc becomes shiny and smooth.
Some people sharpen under running water . It reduces friction and also cools the metal. But this takes more time.
Using an abrasive wheel on a drill
There are special grinding attachments for drills . They are used for processing wood, glass and metal.
also used for sharpening meat grinder parts . Sequencing:
- The drill is well fixed , secured with plastic clamps (ties) on a narrow board. Place the board on the workbench, start the drill and turn on the continuous rotation mode (press the side button) at minimum speed.
- Now sharpen the blades one by one until they shine . It is important that the direction of rotation of the drill is opposite to the direction of rotation of the four-blade knife.
If the drill attachment is a drum type, the procedure becomes a little more complicated . The principle of operation is the same, but in this case the tilt of the plane is monitored. After sharpening, the knives should fit snugly against each other without any gaps. This attachment is used only as a last resort, as there is a possibility of damaging the parts during operation.
Interesting things on the site:
Why do you need a kebbe attachment in meat grinders?
What is the reverse function in meat grinders?
Using sandpaper is the simplest and most accessible method . It costs even less than stone.
You will need fine-grained sandpaper , which is used for sharpening ordinary knives. Coarse grain is not used for these purposes, as it will damage the part. After all, during sharpening, care is taken to ensure that wear is minimal.
Important! Only sharpen the side that comes into contact with the second knife.
The process is like this:
- A sheet of sandpaper is placed on a horizontal surface . For fixation, use water - simply moisten the table with a damp cloth. Water acts as glue, and the sandpaper sticks well in this case.
- The cross-shaped knife begins to be rubbed in a circular motion until it becomes shiny and sharp.
- Do the same with a circle with holes.
How to properly use the bars that come with the meat grinder
Sharpening stones are often included with the meat grinder. They have the shape of a mesh and a cross-shaped knife. Such a tool has the required characteristics to achieve a good result .
Sharpening meat grinder knives using the included whetstones:
- First, the cross part is processed . Instead of a disk with holes, a round block is inserted into the meat grinder.
- The electronic device is turned on and manually scrolled, simulating food chopping . Be sure to monitor the speed so that it is uniform and increases smoothly.
- Then a round knife with holes is inserted , and instead of a cross-shaped one, a second block is inserted.
- The process is repeated.
How to use an angle grinder
Using a grinder, knives from a meat grinder are sharpened very carefully . Excessive pressure causes too much wear on the cutting parts - they will only be enough for a few sharpenings.
Attention! It is important to follow safety precautions. Before work, wear safety glasses and gloves made of rough material. The slightest awkward movement can cause serious injury. Sharpening is also carried out in a separate room where there are no people. The grinder has huge speeds (from 9000 rpm). If the knife slips out of your hands, it will fly to the side with force.
For work use a grinding wheel .
The sharpening process is simple:
- The grinder is placed on a flat surface and starts to rotate continuously.
- Alternately sharpen the cross-shaped and round knives.
- Check the tightness of the fit . If there is a gap somewhere, it means the planes are broken.
- If necessary, straighten the surfaces .
How to properly sharpen knives for a meat grinder: features, structure and sharpening at home
There are many meat grinders now; there are manual and modern electric models equipped with additional functions. Despite the external differences, their operating principle is the same. Over time, any kitchen device wears out, the blades become dull and do not want to chop. There are several handy ways to sharpen meat grinder knives.
How does a meat grinder work and why do the blades lose their sharpness?
The first place where the product goes is the “meat receiver”, a compartment for loading meat or vegetables. The next section is the auger receiver, for chopping or slicing. It contains a screw - a rod with a helical surface that rotates, creating pressure and moving the product further, directly to the cutting elements.
The knife in the device is cross-shaped and has 4 sharp blades. Meat or vegetables are served on them, cut and pressed through a metal grate. Sharpened knives are responsible for the quality of grinding.
Users of meat grinders note with regret that the process of crushing meat is becoming worse and more difficult. A manual device requires more effort, but the electric model completely crushes the food, “chewing” it into parts. This indicates that the knives have become dull.
There are 2 reasons:
- Ingress of “solid material”. The meat contains cartilage, tendons and even small bones.
- Corrosion. The metal from which the blades are made oxidizes and rusts, causing them to become dull.
There is no need to get upset and run for new ones. The knives are self-sharpening. You will need an emery cloth, a sharpening stone or the whetstones that came with the kit.
How often should you sharpen
Buying new knives is not cheap. And there are few workshops on the market that provide sharpening services. You can tidy up the blades yourself. The frequency of sharpening the cutting elements depends on how often the meat grinder is used, on the volume of twisted products or meat.
From this we can conclude how quickly the blades will lose their sharpness. If it becomes difficult for the meat to pass through the grill, and when loading food you can clearly hear the screw turning idle, then the knives are out of order. If the device is manual, then more effort will be required to rotate the handle.
In an electric meat grinder, interruptions in the operation of the auger occur, which is why the motor overheats and breaks down over time.
Parts must not be allowed to wear out completely. It is recommended to check the cutting elements before using the unit. This can be done independently within 1 minute. You can increase the working capacity of the blade edges and extend the life of the meat grinder using regular sandpaper.
A sharpened knife can last up to 4 months if the device was purchased recently. The new meat grinder, when used 2-5 times a week, remains sharp for 1.5-2 months. Blades may last longer, but things don't last forever. Even if the knives are initially sharpened with high quality, they become unusable.
This can happen, for example, the metal alloy from which the parts are made is of poor quality.
At the same time as the knife, the grid is sharpened. A well-sharpened cutting element allows you to chop food faster, which saves time and effort. Before sharpening, you need to disassemble the device, wash it, dry it or wipe it dry, and then start working.
How to make a knife sharp: rules
The service life of cutting parts in technology depends on their sharpness. Both manual and electric meat grinders should be inspected regularly for defects. If the products are not crushed well, the auger rotates, then the problem must be corrected.
To sharpen a knife from a meat grinder yourself at home, you need to disassemble the device, wash it and dry it thoroughly. Then they begin the main actions. The rules are as follows:
- Tools are selected with fine abrasive. Coarse grain will leave scratches/dents, which is unacceptable.
- The grille is sharpened on the side that is adjacent to the blades.
- Sharpening is done manually.
- Lubricants are used for the required result.
All parts cool naturally; sudden cooling is unacceptable.
Sharpening methods
To sharpen the cutting edge you need: sandpaper, a whetstone, a special machine or a grinder. Methods used:
- Sandpaper. Fine abrasive is required so as not to spoil the parts. It is fixed on a wooden base. Movements are performed with a knife counterclockwise. Duration 2-3 minutes.
- Whetstone or whetstone. Before use, the stone is cleaned of dust/dirt and wiped dry. Then fix it on a hard, flat surface. A knife is placed on the instrument and intense circular pressure is applied. Operating time 2-3 minutes.
- Operating a sharpening machine requires experience. This method saves time. However, it is considered dangerous, it is important to follow safety precautions here. Gloves are required, as well as special safety glasses. First you need to apply the paste with abrasive to the wheel. Then the element is brought to the device and pressed close to the rotating abrasive. Manipulations are carried out for 20-30 seconds.
- Grinder machine. To sharpen parts from a grinder grinder, a fine abrasive attachment and lubricants are used. The cutting edge is brought to the rotating nozzle at a right angle. Work is carried out wearing protective gloves.
After the procedure, the parts are washed with soap, wiped dry with a towel, and dried additionally.
Then you need to check. To do this, apply the cutting edge to a flat, level surface, press it and try to move it. If it’s difficult, then the knives are sharpened well. If the operating algorithm is performed correctly, the edge of the blade will be light with a uniform color.
It is necessary to monitor the technical condition of devices, carry out timely diagnostics and prevention. According to statistics, this doubles the life of the device.
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How to sharpen knives for a meat grinder at home
Every housewife has an irreplaceable assistant in the kitchen - a meat grinder. This can be either a mechanical or an electrical device, but the operating principle is the same in both cases: grinding meat into minced meat with sharp knives. And the more often you use the meat grinder for its intended purpose, the faster the knives will need sharpening. Let's talk about how to sharpen knives for a meat grinder at home.
Nowadays, it seems to be quite easy to buy a new sharp knife for a meat grinder, especially for an electric one. But, firstly, it is expensive. And secondly, unfortunately, it often happens that we discover a problem in the form of a dull knife already when we start cooking. Solving it, in fact, is not so difficult, you just need to have some kind of sharpening tool in the house and spend no more than 30 minutes of time.
A well-sharpened knife and mesh for a meat grinder will save you energy when preparing minced meat, so it’s worth spending a little time sharpening them
First, let's figure out why knives become dull. After all, a meat grinder works with relatively soft material - meat. However, it often contains small bones and tendons, which, when ground, round off the cutting edge of the blade. First, the meat grinder begins to “chew” the meat, and then stops cutting it altogether.
In addition, the rough metal from which the blades are made oxidizes and rusts, which also affects their sharpness. Therefore, you need to sharpen your knives as they become dull, as soon as you notice that the meat grinder is working hard and wraps meat around the knife more than grinding it.
Knives for manual and electric meat grinders are approximately the same in both shape and metal composition, so you can sharpen them using the same methods.
Knives for electric meat grinders are made and work on the same principle as the knives of old manual meat grinders.
Sharpening correctly
Before you start sharpening, no matter which method you choose, you need to prepare your materials. Thanks to this, the work will be done efficiently, the sharpening tool will not be damaged and the knives will serve you longer.
Sharpening rules:
1. Using a metal ruler, placing it on the sharpening surface, make sure that the plane of the abrasive pad is strictly horizontal. Place the sandpaper and fix it on the table, if possible placing glass under it.
2. Lubricate the knife blades with vegetable oil before the process and leave for 5 minutes. Do the same with the tool you plan to use for sharpening. This way, a gentle, finely abrasive paste is formed between the sharpener and the metal during operation, and you can avoid scratches and splinters on the knife.
If you sharpen knives using a water whetstone, you will need to wet the surface with water rather than oil.
3. To ensure that the metal is removed evenly, press the center of the knife against the sharpening surface while working.
4. Do not forget that you must sharpen the mesh along with the knife. It also wears out under the influence of hard bones and tendons. It is very important that the distance between the knife and the mesh is minimal.
But it increases over time due to the formation of chips and roughness.
Note! In instructions from different manufacturers of meat grinders, a mesh with holes may be called a grid or a fixed (stationary) knife.
In the latter case, the four-bladed knife is called a movable knife.
How to sharpen meat grinder knives at home
There are several common sharpening methods using simple tools. Let's look at some of them.
On the grinding machine
This method is very convenient and fast. The sharpening machine for sharpening knives is equipped with a disk with a smooth abrasive surface. Before sharpening, a paste containing tiny particles of abrasive is applied to it. The paste dries quickly, making the disc rough.
Special machine for sharpening knives
The mesh is sharpened quite simply by pressing its surface against the plane of the sharpening stone. With a moving knife the situation is more complicated. It needs to be sharpened in two stages. In the first stage, each of the 4 cutting edges is pressed against the rotating wheel at an angle of 70–80 degrees.
It is necessary to strictly observe the angle of inclination of the knife blades relative to the sharpening disk. At the second stage, the 4 resulting burrs are ground down, similar to the work that was done with the mesh knife.
Carry out sharpening in several stages, taking breaks to allow the metal to cool.
This method may be inconvenient for those who are sharpening meat grinder knives for the first time. It is difficult to immediately maintain the correct angle of inclination and comply with all safety rules.
The price of the machine is considerable, and you can’t buy it in a regular store, so such a purchase will be useful only if you use it actively and often.
On sandpaper
The third method is the simplest and most accessible. You probably have sandpaper at home or in the garage; in extreme cases, in the store it costs less than a sharpening stone, and even more so than a machine.
Do not use coarse sandpaper; it will leave too deep scratches on the metal of the knives.
Sharpening knives with sandpaper is the easiest and most affordable way
On a horizontal sheet of sandpaper, rub the four-blade knife one at a time until sharp and shiny over the entire work surface. The movements should be circular, as if you were wiping a surface with paper. Process the mesh in the same way.
how to sharpen a meat grinder knife using emery
How to properly sharpen knives for a meat grinder at home + video
A meat grinder is an indispensable thing in the kitchen. With its help, every housewife can prepare a huge number of dishes from minced meat and vegetables. Despite the fact that other universal appliances, such as a blender or food processor, have already appeared in the modern kitchen, the meat grinder still confidently competes with them. However, the blades of the device become dull after prolonged use, and the question of how to properly sharpen the knives of a meat grinder will one day become relevant.
Why do meat grinder knives need to be sharpened?
Depending on the frequency of use of the meat grinder, its blades lose their sharpness. This may occur due to the formation of small chips and depressions in the place where the movable and stationary cutting elements come into contact.
Knives in a meat grinder must be sharpened at certain intervals.
The most common reason for the unsatisfactory performance of a meat grinder is dull knives if they were originally made from low-quality raw materials.
Basically, the device works with a relatively soft product - meat. But when grinding, small bones or tendons fall onto the cutting edge of the blade, which leads to a gradual loss of sharpness. At the initial stage, you may find that the meat grinder begins to “chew” the meat, and soon after that it completely stops grinding it .
Also, if not properly cared for, the metal from which the knives are made begins to oxidize and rust. This also negatively affects their sharpness.
Today, manufacturers produce all components for small household appliances in sufficient quantities. You can easily buy a new sharp knife for a meat grinder, especially an electric one. But this will require additional costs, in addition, the problem is often discovered at the moment when the cooking process has already begun.
Cutting elements for electric and mechanical meat grinders have approximately the same shape and metal alloy composition. The only difference is that in a mechanical device the knives are rotated manually, while in automated devices there is a built-in motor that performs a similar function. Therefore, blades can be sharpened using the same methods.
Important! The frequency of sharpening knives should correspond to their dullness. As soon as you start to notice that the meat grinder is not grinding food enough or is simply crushing it, it is worth updating the edges of the blades.
The nuances of proper sharpening
Grinding of products in a meat grinder is ensured by 2 knives:
- fixed mesh knife;
- four blade cutter.
The second knife is a rotating part, thanks to which the main grinding occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the sharpening of all its sides.
In the accompanying instructions for the device, depending on the manufacturer, the mesh knife may have a different name. It is often called a stationary knife or simply a mesh.
Basic Rules:
- If sharpening will be done using a whetstone, take a metal ruler and make sure that its surface is strictly horizontal.
- If sandpaper is used as an abrasive, it is better to fix it on the work surface. It would be a good idea to place any flat, removable surface under it, such as glass, to protect the table from scratches while working.
- Pre-treat the knives with vegetable oil and leave for 5 minutes. Do the same with the tool with which you will sharpen. This is necessary so that a gentle abrasive paste can be formed during sharpening. This will also help minimize scratches and splinters on the knives.
- To ensure uniform removal of the metal layer, try to press the center of the knife against the sharpening surface.
- The mesh knife also becomes dull during use, so it also needs to be sharpened.
Manufacturers of modern electric meat grinders often focus on the special properties of modern knives, which do not become dull or can self-sharpen. However, this is just an advertising gimmick: there are no knives that will remain perfect throughout the entire period of operation of the device. Sharp blades, which actually last an order of magnitude longer, are found only in professional meat grinders. But buying them for home use is simply not practical.
Regardless of which sharpening method you choose, you need to prepare the necessary materials with which to carry out the work. Proper organization of the process will allow you to sharpen knives quickly, efficiently and without damaging them. You can return the blades to their previous sharpness yourself, having one of the sharpening products at home and about 30 minutes of time .
There are several ways to sharpen meat grinder knives:
- on a grinding machine;
- using a grindstone;
- sandpaper.
All these methods do not require special skills or expensive equipment. You can purchase everything you need at hardware stores.
On the machine
This is a very simple and quick way to sharpen knives yourself. Sharpening is done using a rotating sharpening disk. Before starting work, goi abrasive paste is applied to its surface, which, when dried, creates a rough surface on the disk due to the content of small particles in its composition.
To operate a sharpening machine you will need a little skill
Important! Use goi paste No. 4 with a grain size of 17–8 microns.
Sharpening the mesh knife on the machine is done as follows:
- Apply abrasive paste to the surface of the machine disk and wait until it dries. Only after this the device will be ready for use.
- Turn on the machine. The disk will begin to rotate.
- Gently press the mesh knife onto the surface of the disc. Try to distribute the pressure evenly.
Sharpening a cutter using a machine can be difficult if you do not have experience using the machine. It needs to be done in 2 stages:
- First, sharpen each of the 4 knife blades by placing them against the rotating disc at an 80° angle.
It is very important to maintain an even angle of inclination relative to the machine.
- The second stage will be grinding off the formed burrs. To do this, perform actions similar to sharpening a mesh knife.
You need to sharpen the cutter on a machine, taking short breaks between stages. This is necessary to allow the metal of the knife to cool.
master class on sharpening with sandpaper
The process of sharpening knives for a meat grinder at home is quite feasible even for people without special experience and skills. All you need is a sharpening tool and some free time. If you notice a deterioration in the sharpness of the blades in the device, do not hesitate to treat them.
How to sharpen a meat grinder knife at home
With constant use of a meat grinder, the knife very often breaks down - it simply stops cutting. As a result, all the contents remain inside and turn into mush. Most housewives, when faced with a similar problem, immediately run to the store to buy a new knife, but you can completely do without it. The main thing is to know how to sharpen a meat grinder knife at home, and the device will work like new.
Rules for sharpening a knife
If you follow a few simple rules, sharpening at home will not take much time and will be of high quality:
- Sharpening is carried out only on surfaces with fine abrasive. Large particles scratch the metal surface and form grooves and irregularities, which are categorically unacceptable;
- when sharpening the grate, sharpen the side that is adjacent to the knife;
- The surface area of the material on which sharpening is carried out must be larger than the dimensions of the knife and disk.
Usually a couple of minutes are enough to return the items to their former sharpness and begin using the meat grinder.
Using sandpaper
The easiest way is sharpening with sandpaper. There is paper in every home, and sharpening on it is a pleasure, and also safe. Even an inexperienced housewife can handle it. The main point is to choose a good piece of sandpaper, on which the abrasive lies in a dense layer.
The procedure is as follows:
- Place the sandpaper on a flat surface and secure its edges. The paper should be straightened and free of creases;
- take a knife and place it on the sandpaper. Use your fingers to press down from above and move the knife along the abrasive counterclockwise. The speed of movement must be fast. Continue sharpening for 2-3 minutes;
- put the disk on the working side and do the same manipulation as with the knife;
- sharpened items are degreased and rinsed with water, then allowed to dry.
To determine how effective the sharpening was, connect the knife to the disk. Then they press on the blade and try to move the parts. If no shift occurs, then the products are well sharpened.
3 ways to sharpen a meat grinder knife at home
A meat grinder is an indispensable thing in the kitchen. With its help, every housewife can prepare a huge number of dishes from minced meat and vegetables.
Despite the fact that other universal appliances, such as a blender or food processor, have already appeared in the modern kitchen, the meat grinder still confidently competes with them.
However, the blades of the device become dull after prolonged use, and the question of how to properly sharpen the knives of a meat grinder will one day become relevant.
: master class on sharpening with sandpaper
The process of sharpening knives for a meat grinder at home is quite feasible even for people without special experience and skills. All you need is a sharpening tool and some free time. If you notice a deterioration in the sharpness of the blades in the device, do not hesitate to treat them.
How to sharpen a dull meat grinder knife
An electric or manual meat grinder is an indispensable and irreplaceable attribute of household appliances that every housewife must have. What other unit will allow you to grind meat to the desired consistency in order to prepare a juicy and aromatic filling for dumplings or pasties?
However, preparing minced meat may not always be an easy and simple task; over time, some elements of this technique may lose their sharpness, which is why problems arise. Timely sharpening of the meat grinder knife will allow you to grind meat quickly and easily, obtaining homogeneous minced meat.
Sharpening rules
Separately, the following rule should be noted: every owner must carefully monitor the need for sharpening of knives, preventing them from being damaged due to improper operation.
The following rules will help you sharpen meat grinder knives quickly and efficiently:
- You can sharpen a knife for a meat grinder at home in different ways, however, the most effective is the use of sandpaper or a sharpening stone;
- Almost all types of sharpening involve pre-lubricating the surface with vegetable oil, in contrast only to those cases where a sharpening stone is used, when the blades are sharpened after being pre-moistened with ordinary water;
- During the sharpening process, you should always focus on the center so that its surface is sharpened evenly.
It is imperative that the mesh through which the meat passes be sharpened; it also has the ability to wear out and lose its sharpness under the influence of the tendons passing through it, especially for electric meat grinders.
Sharpening stone for meat grinder knives
You can use a whetstone to sharpen meat grinder knives. You can purchase this device in almost every hardware store; as a rule, for home use, a diameter of no more than 20 centimeters with a grain size of 40 to 60 microns is sufficient. You need to use it as follows:
- The knife should be sharpened under running water, perhaps in a sink or under a tap;
- the stone is placed on a flat surface;
- Now you should take the knife and, rotating it clockwise, press on the stone;
- It is worth noting the importance of constant monitoring of sharpening uniformity;
- now you can carry out the same manipulations with the grid;
- you can understand that it is sufficiently sharpened if you examine its surface, the latter should become shiny and smooth;
- In conclusion, you need to apply a knife to the mesh and check that they are evenly closed; you can even place them in a meat grinder so that the picture becomes extremely clear.
The sharpening machine is very easy to use. It consists of a disk with a surface covered with tiny abrasive particles. How to sharpen a meat grinder knife using it?
- a special paste is applied to the disc, which contains the necessary abrasive;
- It is enough to press the mesh to the surface of the stone, the person holds it, and the circle rotates;
- As for the knife, you first need to sharpen the cutting edges, holding them at an angle of 70 degrees, and then grind off the burrs that appear on them;
- the knife turns out to be sharp, however, to ensure even sharpening, you need to take breaks so that all the elements have time to cool.
The most accessible method involves the use of sandpaper:
- a sheet of emery should be placed on a flat surface;
- the knife, and then the mesh, must be rubbed, moving it over the surface in a circular motion.
As you can see, sharpening a knife for a meat grinder at home is not so difficult, you just need to have the necessary tool on hand.
Where to sharpen meat grinder knives
When wondering how to sharpen knives for a meat grinder, do not forget that only specialists can provide qualified assistance in eliminating this problem. After all, if you have nothing at home but sandpaper, then sharpening such a blade can be a difficult task. And purchasing a grinding wheel just to sharpen the meat grinder knives every six months may seem like a thoughtless waste.
This is why most people prefer to use the services of professionals who make keys and sharpen all kinds of knives. Such specialists are usually located near home in every microdistrict. And the cost of this service is not so high.
Tips for sharpening a meat grinder knife
Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to tips that can make the process of sharpening blades easier and will allow you to figure out how to sharpen a meat grinder knife and whether it is worth doing it at all:
- If you need to sharpen a knife, but have nothing with which to sharpen it, it makes sense to cut a circle out of wood or plastic and stick sandpaper on it. Instead of a grate, you need to place this structure in the unit and make 20–30 revolutions. The blade will become very sharp, and without much effort.
- In the event that no sharpening methods produce results, it is best to purchase a new knife.
- Separately, it should be noted that self-sharpening knives do not exist, so you should not spend money purchasing widely advertised products.
Why do you need to sharpen meat grinder knives?
The blade, which is responsible for chopping meat fibers, can become dull from prolonged use. A common cause of this problem is the presence of small chips at the point of the meat grinder where the movable and immovable elements come into contact. In addition, knives may lose their sharpness due to the fact that they were originally made from low-quality raw materials.
It is worth noting that all knives used in a meat grinder require periodic sharpening.
- The fact is that meat has different inclusions in its structure; these can be either fibers or small cartilage, which, when ground, can negatively affect the cutting mechanisms, making them dull and incapable of cutting. Timely sharpening of the knife will prevent the occurrence of such problems as chewing by mechanisms of meat when it comes out of the meat grinder not chopped, but intertwined. That is why it is important to sharpen the meat grinder knife in time in order to solve the problem in a timely manner.
- Another reason for sharpening meat grinder knives as soon as possible is the oxidation of these elements and the appearance of traces of rust on them. If they change their usual appearance to a similar one, you should immediately sharpen the knives for the meat grinder to prevent the performance of this unit from deteriorating.
Buying new spare parts for a meat grinder does not present any problem. Unfortunately, this option is not widely available, because the blades can be quite expensive, and it may not be very easy to find elements that fit the size. And the need to use a meat grinder may arise here and now. In this case, an excellent solution would be to use home methods and products that will help you easily sharpen the dull elements of this unit.
Almost all knives used for modern models of meat grinders have approximately the same size and shape. The only difference between them can be seen in how they are driven. Mechanical devices involve the use of manual force, and automated ones use electrical force. As you can see, there is no difference between the technology for sharpening certain knives, so using the described methods you can sharpen both blades for manual and electric meat grinders.
In any case, the question of whether to sharpen knives yourself or trust the masters is up to each person. Some people find it easier to turn to professionals, while others will be happy to solve this problem themselves quickly and easily.