How to harden copper

Copper plating at home

In the modern world, copper alloy has become more widespread. It is applied to the surface to give visual appeal to various products. Copper plating at home is often carried out to significantly increase electrical conductivity. In some cases, the process in question is an intermediate operation that allows another substance to be applied to the surface.

Copper plating at home

Use of copper plating

Copper plating of various workpieces has recently often been carried out at home. In most cases, technology is used to achieve the following goals:

  1. Decorating metal or plastic. Copper plating of metal at home is often carried out in order to obtain antique-looking products that are very popular. A special aging procedure allows you to create the effect of long-term use of the product. In addition, copper after application resembles gold. That is why a small layer can be applied to obtain a figurine or souvenir.
  2. Electrotype. Copper plating of steel in a similar way can also be carried out at home. The essence of the technology is to create a wax or plastic base, which is covered with a layer of the alloy in question. Electroforming is often used to produce jewelry or souvenirs, matrices and waveguides. The use of special materials can significantly improve the quality of the coating.
  3. Obtaining parts used to create various mechanisms. Copper plating of cast iron or other metal is carried out at production sites using various technologies. Coating the workpiece with copper can significantly improve the electrical properties. In a similar way, you can obtain terminals or other similar elements that will be operated under voltage. Products made from pure copper are very expensive. That is why the technology in question is often used.

Copper plating of steel

Copper plating of plastic at home is extremely rare, since such material cannot withstand high temperatures. In addition, the plasticity of the base leads to the appearance of structural cracks.

Features of copper plating at home

Copper plating of metal is a special technology for applying a layer of copper with a thickness of 1-300 microns or more. The features of the technologies used determine that the copper coating will adhere firmly to the metal surface. Among the features that the workpiece acquires, we note the following points:

  1. Plastic.
  2. High electrical conductivity. Copper products are well known for being able to conduct electricity without getting hot. That is why products are often created that are coated with a similar alloy.
  3. More attractive look. Copper glitters in the sun, reflections appear on the surface.
  4. Under atmospheric conditions, the alloy easily oxidizes and becomes coated. This point should be taken into account when considering where and how exactly the product will be used.
  5. Over time, copper film becomes covered with spots and rainbow stains.

Steel oxidation

Copper plating at home can be carried out using a special solution. It is worth considering that the process involves the use of special reagents. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for effective supply ventilation, as well as personal protective equipment. Copper plating of plastic is somewhat different and involves the use of special technology.

Types of copper plating

The procedure in question can be performed even by beginners in the field of metallurgy. To obtain a high-quality surface, you need to know all the features of the process. Copper plating of lead and other metals at home can be carried out using two different technologies:

  1. Immersed in electrolyte. This technology involves dipping the workpiece into a prepared solution, after which voltage is applied. It is often used when the workpiece is small in size, since a smaller amount of special electrolyte is required. To immerse the workpiece, a bath or other container is required that does not react to the effects of the solution used.
  2. Without immersion in a pre-prepared container. It is difficult to implement, but also allows you to achieve high quality copper surface film.

In both cases, a supply of electricity is provided, due to which the substance is activated.

The most suitable processing method is selected depending on the result to be achieved. Let's take an example:

  1. Obtaining a protective and decorative layer. In this case, chromium is often mixed with nickel and copper. Due to this combination of alloys, a reliable surface can be obtained.
  2. To protect the surface during cementing. Applying a thin layer of copper helps protect the workpiece from cementation. The surface that will be subsequently processed by cutting is covered with the solution.
  3. Restoration and repair of parts. When restoring chrome parts of cars and motorcycles, the technology in question can be used. When applying a layer of no more than 250 microns, surface defects in the metal can be hidden.

Both processing technologies have their own specific characteristics that must be taken into account.

Copper plating in solution with electrolyte

Electroplating with copper at home with immersion is carried out extremely often. This technology allows you to obtain a uniform coating. The features of this processing method include the following points:

  1. To remove the oxide film before copper plating, the workpiece is treated with sandpaper. After this, the product is washed and degreased with a hot soda mixture. If you do not pay attention to the preparatory stage, the process being carried out will not allow you to obtain a product that is resistant to mechanical stress. Metal that is susceptible to corrosion must be well cleaned, since even small chips can make the surface uneven.
  2. Two plates of the same alloy are lowered into a jar or other container on copper wires. They act as an anode. The container used must be made of glass.
  3. The workpiece is suspended between two anodes, which is connected to the minus, and the plates to the plus. A battery producing a voltage of 6V can be used as a power source.
  4. Galvanic copper plating involves the use of a specific solution. It is the connecting element between the part and the anodes. A solution for galvanic copper plating can be prepared by taking 20 grams of copper sulfate and 3 milliliters of sulfuric acid. To dilute and mix these ingredients, you can use 100 milliliters of distilled water. When working with the resulting solution, you must be extremely careful, since burns may occur if the substance comes into contact with exposed skin.
  5. Copper plating of aluminum with copper sulfate at home can only be carried out if the electrodes are completely covered with the solution. If they are kept dry, they may heat up and melt. During prolonged processing, the substance may heat up and its volume will decrease.

Galvanic copper plating

When using the technology in question, the current is set at 15 mA per square centimeter. It usually takes at least 20 minutes to cover the entire surface with a special alloy. As the period increases, the coating becomes thicker.

Copper plating without immersion in solution

A similar method is used to coat steel, zinc or aluminum. Coating a product with copper at home in this case is carried out with a wire, from which the insulation is first removed to obtain a kind of brush. The opposite end of the wire is connected to the positive energy source. Chemical copper plating at home also involves the use of a special solution, which increases the efficiency of the process.

Among the features of creating the required solution, the following points can be noted:

  1. A solution of copper sulfate is used. It can be purchased in specialized stores. In addition, a special electrolyte is made by mixing various chemical elements.
  2. The composition is slightly acidified. Due to this, the efficiency of the procedure is significantly increased.

The substance is applied to the surface, after which the metal surface is prepared. It is cleaned of contaminants and then degreased. After this, the plate prepared in advance is placed in the bath and a minus voltage from the current source is supplied to it.

Copper plating of aluminum

This process requires that there is always a layer of electrolyte between the assembled wires and the plate. This ensures a high degree of conductivity. It only takes a few seconds to coat a small product.

After coating, the product is air dried. Various pollutants must not be allowed to enter. The next step is to rub the copper layer with a woolen rag or other cloth. In most cases, the technology in question is used when the product is large and cannot be immersed in a bathtub.

Necessary equipment

Copper plating can be applied at home using even the most ordinary equipment. Installation of a bathtub for the procedure under consideration is carried out in approximately the same way as galvanic ones. It is worth considering that there are two types of active solutions: acidic and alkaline.

When working it can be used:

  1. Small copper plates as electrodes.
  2. Wire for supplying current.


Soldering copper steel at home

Copper products are found everywhere in different areas of life. For example, it is used to create strong and durable heating and water supply systems. But to connect the two elements, experts resort to a special technology - soldering copper pipes. The procedure requires suitable tools and materials, as well as knowledge. Since it has certain features that a beginner may not know about.

To solder copper, the master needs to have with him a composition such as solder. This thermoplastic substance seals the surface of the product and, under the influence of high temperature, melts, spreading over the entire joint. But as soon as it cools, it hardens and securely holds the products together.

The result is one item that has a long service life, withstands high loads, pressure and temperature changes, and is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

What tools and materials are needed

Soldering is carried out not only at industrial facilities, but also at home. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • electric soldering iron or gas burner;
  • pipe cutter;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • brush and steel brush.

How exactly to connect the products depends on the convenience and preference of the master. But the power of the device is selected in accordance with the melting temperature of the solder.

Flux can be liquid or solid; each type has individual differences that should be taken into account. If the material is used in the form of a thickened mixture, then it is applied to the joint, both before and after the connection.

Flux is needed to protect the surface from oxidation, promote solder flow and improve adhesion.

Types of fluxes and solders, features of working with them

Craftsmen know a variety of hard and soft substances that ensure high-quality soldering of metal products. 95% use tin, which is a low-temperature composition with slightly worse technical parameters. But it is valued for the fact that work can be carried out at any temperature without reducing the strength of the products being joined.

Connecting elements also include silver, which has excellent technological properties. Craftsmen often use three-component compositions of silver, tin and copper. Often, materials used in low-temperature soldering contain zinc chloride.

The advantage of soft solders is that they cover a larger area when applied to the surface of the part. They provide high strength and reliability.

Soft solders

Soft solder is used in the installation of water supply and heating networks, where the pipe diameter reaches 10 cm and the water temperature does not exceed 130 degrees. These types include:

  • lead-tin type;
  • with low tin content;
  • special and fusible.

Lead-free flux is most often chosen as solder. The tin-copper type is the most common due to its affordable price. But its advantage lies elsewhere. All mixtures containing tin in the composition are economical in consumption.

It is enough to apply a little solder to half the surface being treated and it will spread over the entire area. This property is explained by the fact that tin easily penetrates and spreads throughout any structure.

Brazing alloys

When it comes to considering the environmental conditions in which soldering is performed, it is better to use hard solders. The use of such substances ensures high strength of the seam. The most common compounds are the following compounds:

  • copper and zinc;
  • phosphorus and copper;
  • pure copper;
  • no-clean flux.

Solid compounds are classified as refractory and low-melting. Each type is characterized by certain properties. For example, copper-phosphorus replaces expensive silver flux. It is moderately expensive, but has one drawback - it cannot be used at low temperatures.

The strongest of the solid compounds are copper-zinc and multicomponent ones. They are expensive, but the price is justified by the reliability of the connection. When soldering is performed with copper itself, it is necessary to use flux. In this case, it will be possible to firmly connect the two parts.

Why do you need solder paste?

Solder paste is a pasty mass consisting of small particles of solder, flux and special additives. Flux paste is used in industry when soldering elements on printed circuit boards. The paste is selected according to certain conditions:

  • after application there should be easily removable particles;
  • the substance must maintain viscosity and stickiness;
  • do not have a negative impact on the surface being treated;
  • do not leak onto clothing during melting.

How to work with the paste depends on the type and size of solder contained in its composition. The material also differs in the type of flux (rosin, water-washable, no-clean). It is necessary to hold small parts in place and facilitate the joining process.

Soldering technology

The process is quite simple, therefore, when it is necessary to connect something at home, the owner does the soldering with his own hands and without the involvement of specialists. But still, you can’t do without the preparatory stage.

It determines how high-quality and reliable the connection will be. First of all, you should pay attention to the cut of the part, which should be strictly vertical, without burrs, with even and smooth edges. If you find the slightest defects, you should take sandpaper and rub it over the surface until the defects disappear.

If two copper pipes are connected, then, having brought the cut to an ideal state, it is necessary to insert it into the fitting and then remove it. The part that came into contact with the fitting must be cleaned of oxidation. The next step is applying flux. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to run the brush over the entire part, paying special attention to the joint.

Then the elements are connected to each other and firmly fixed. Further actions depend on what is being used for soldering - a gas torch or a soldering iron. Considering that the parts must be stationary, an assistant will be required. He will be the one to hold them, but if one is not found, you need to manage and do it yourself.

When something needs to be soldered at home, a solid compound is most often used. But the master can purchase special pastes. With the correct choice of compositions, it is possible to connect two pipelines or radio components as accurately and firmly as possible.

Soldering is performed at either high or low temperature. In the first case, the process is distinguished by high strength of the seam, and the connected area also gains heat resistance. Which is very important if it later serves as part of various communications. But high-temperature soldering is not allowed on threaded connections. Most often this process is performed with a propane-filled torch.

When low-temperature soldering is used, a soft compound, paste or gel is used. It is most suitable for a beginner master because it is simple and easy. In this type of process, the temperature does not rise above 425 degrees, so it is even possible to use a soldering iron, which is found in almost every home.

Working with a soldering iron

Every person has seen a soldering iron at least once in their life, and many constantly work with it. Therefore, they will not see anything complicated in soldering copper products with this tool. The whole essence of the process is that the solder located between the two parts is heated with a soldering iron until it begins to melt.

When it hardens, the two parts will be securely fastened into one. To solder efficiently, it is necessary to distribute the substance evenly over the entire surface, filling every gap. It is important to choose exactly the material that can withstand the high temperature of the soldering iron.

Working with the burner

The tool is turned on when the two parts are already connected to each other. You should not hold it near the joint for too long, since the combustion temperature is several thousand degrees. While you only need to heat a certain place to 250-300 degrees.

This will take 20-30 seconds. As soon as the flux changes color to dark, the compound to be joined is introduced. Important! The burner or hair dryer should be placed in the middle to cover the entire joint area.

Is it possible to solder copper with tin?

Many novice craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to solder copper with tin. In fact, it’s not just possible, but necessary. Because this composition provides good bonding. Most often, tin is used when holding food items together.

There is only one thing to remember - this metal requires a higher temperature than other solders. It is better to use a powerful electric soldering iron as a tool.

Soldering with silver solder

When you need to solder parts at home, silver solder is often used. It is beneficial because you can create it yourself. But it should not be used alone, in combination with zinc and copper.

Treated with this solder, the seam will be very strong and neat. The percentage of components is controlled by GOST 19746 74. But you can find out exactly what types of substances to use from the instructions of experienced craftsmen or those included with the products being connected.

How to solder copper and stainless steel

If you need to solder copper to another metal, such as steel, you will have to work hard. This process is not easy, but it is quite feasible. This is explained by the fact that stainless steel interacts poorly with other metals and is difficult to heat treat.



How to distinguish copper from other metals

How to distinguish copper from other metals

How to distinguish copper from other metals

How to distinguish copper from other metals

For most of us, knowledge about copper and its properties is limited to a school chemistry course, which is quite enough at the everyday level.

However, sometimes there is a need to reliably determine whether a material is a pure element, an alloy, or even a composite material.

The opinion that this information is needed only by those who are engaged in the acceptance or delivery of scrap metal is erroneous: for example, on amateur radio forums, topics are often raised about how to distinguish copper in wires from copper-plated aluminum.

Briefly about element No. 29

LLC "Elsit"

LLC "Elsit"

LLC "Elsit"

Hardening a metal allows you to make some changes in its structure, making it softer or, conversely, harder. When hardening, a lot depends not only on the heating itself, but also on the cooling process and time. Manufacturers mainly harden steel, making the product more durable, however, copper can also be hardened if the need arises.

Copper hardening - production process

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

There is an opinion that copper pipes are universal and the most durable. Is this really true? Can this pipeline be used everywhere, and what are the restrictions when laying it? As well as installation methods, how to solder copper pipes

Copper is not recommended for plumbing

7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

Surely many people at their dacha have a coil of copper wire lying around in the notorious box with the code name “It’s a pity to throw it away,” and maybe more than one. We tell you what and how you can make from copper wire.

The technology for making wire “as we know it” has been known since the 7th century. Wire is produced by so-called drawing - pulling metal through a hole of small diameter. In skillful hands, this material can not only become an original decorative item, but also help in the fight against late blight, and also serve as plant nutrition.

Method 1. Copper wire against late blight on tomatoes

How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

Most common metals cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. However, almost all metals are strengthened—to some degree—by forging, rolling, or bending. This is called cold hardening or hardening of metal.

Annealing is a type of heat treatment to soften metal that has become hardened so that it can continue to be cold worked.

Cold working: copper, lead and aluminum

Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

When it comes to electroplating, technological operations such as chrome plating and galvanizing of metal products immediately come to mind. But if you ask the question, what is galvanostegy, not everyone will answer - it has been verified. Although this term does not imply anything supernova.

Simply put, this is a technique for coating any material with a thin layer of metal, be it steel, aluminum, wood or plastic. We’ll figure out how to copper-plate a sample at home.

general information

How to make copper heavier

How to make copper heavier

How to make copper heavier

Finding scrap metal has become a source of income for many. There are people for whom this is a hobby or a way to earn money.

This process is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

For beginner metal detectors, this may seem like a challenge, but if you know where to find metal, then this task is not so difficult.

Devices containing copper and its alloys

Features of copper annealing

Features of copper annealing

Features of copper annealing

When heat treating copper and its alloys, two features of the material are taken into account: increased thermal conductivity and interaction with gases when heated. It is these factors that cause rapid and uniform heating of the metal along the perimeter of the section. Annealing copper is heating the metal followed by cooling, allowing you to change the properties of the material. Heat treatment makes the metal softer and more ductile. Copper is used in various fields where ductility is important.


How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

Technologies for imparting greater hardness to metals and alloys have been improved over many centuries. Modern equipment makes it possible to carry out heat treatment in such a way as to significantly improve the properties of products even from inexpensive materials.

Hardening of steel and alloys

Copper plating at home

In the modern world, copper alloy has become more widespread. It is applied to the surface to give visual appeal to various products. Copper plating at home is often carried out to significantly increase electrical conductivity. In some cases, the process in question is an intermediate operation that allows another substance to be applied to the surface.

Copper plating at home

Use of copper plating

Soldering copper steel at home

Copper products are found everywhere in different areas of life. For example, it is used to create strong and durable heating and water supply systems. But to connect the two elements, experts resort to a special technology - soldering copper pipes. The procedure requires suitable tools and materials, as well as knowledge. Since it has certain features that a beginner may not know about.

To solder copper, the master needs to have with him a composition such as solder. This thermoplastic substance seals the surface of the product and, under the influence of high temperature, melts, spreading over the entire joint. But as soon as it cools, it hardens and securely holds the products together.

The result is one item that has a long service life, withstands high loads, pressure and temperature changes, and is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

What tools and materials are needed


How to distinguish copper from other metals

For most of us, knowledge about copper and its properties is limited to a school chemistry course, which is quite enough at the everyday level.

However, sometimes there is a need to reliably determine whether a material is a pure element, an alloy, or even a composite material.

The opinion that this information is needed only by those who are engaged in the acceptance or delivery of scrap metal is erroneous: for example, on amateur radio forums, topics are often raised about how to distinguish copper in wires from copper-plated aluminum.

Briefly about element No. 29

How to distinguish copper from other metals

For most of us, knowledge about copper and its properties is limited to a school chemistry course, which is quite enough at the everyday level.

However, sometimes there is a need to reliably determine whether a material is a pure element, an alloy, or even a composite material.

The opinion that this information is needed only by those who are engaged in the acceptance or delivery of scrap metal is erroneous: for example, on amateur radio forums, topics are often raised about how to distinguish copper in wires from copper-plated aluminum.

Briefly about element No. 29

Pure copper (Cu) is a golden-pink metal with high ductility, thermal and electrical conductivity. Chemical inertness in an ordinary non-aggressive environment is ensured by a thin oxide film, which gives the metal an intense reddish tint.

The main difference between copper and other metals is color . In fact, there are not so many colored metals: only gold, cesium and osmium are similar in appearance, and all elements included in the group of non-ferrous metals (iron, tin, lead, aluminum, zinc, magnesium and nickel) have a gray color with varying intensity of shine.

An absolute guarantee of the chemical composition of any material can be obtained only through spectral analysis. The equipment for carrying it out is very expensive, and even many expert laboratories can only dream of it. However, there are many ways to distinguish copper at home with a high degree of probability.

1. Determination by color

LLC "Elsit"

Hardening a metal allows you to make some changes in its structure, making it softer or, conversely, harder. When hardening, a lot depends not only on the heating itself, but also on the cooling process and time. Manufacturers mainly harden steel, making the product more durable, however, copper can also be hardened if the need arises.

Copper hardening - production process

Copper is hardened using the annealing method. During heat treatment, copper can be made softer or harder, depending on what it will be used for in the future. However, it is important to remember that the method of hardening copper is significantly different from the way steel is hardened.

Copper is hardened by slow cooling in air. If it is necessary to obtain a softer structure, then hardening is carried out by rapidly cooling the metal in water immediately after heating. If you need to get a very soft metal, then you should heat the copper until red hot (this is about 600 °), and then lower it into water. After the product has gone through the deformation process and acquired the desired shape, it can be heated again to 400° and then allowed to cool in the air.

Copper hardening plant

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

There is an opinion that copper pipes are universal and the most durable. Is this really true? Can this pipeline be used everywhere, and what are the restrictions when laying it? As well as installation methods, how to solder copper pipes

Copper is not recommended for plumbing


7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

Surely many people at their dacha have a coil of copper wire lying around in the notorious box with the code name “It’s a pity to throw it away,” and maybe more than one. We tell you what and how you can make from copper wire.

The technology for making wire “as we know it” has been known since the 7th century. Wire is produced by so-called drawing - pulling metal through a hole of small diameter. In skillful hands, this material can not only become an original decorative item, but also help in the fight against late blight, and also serve as plant nutrition.

Method 1. Copper wire against late blight on tomatoes

Let us immediately warn you that the method described below is only suitable for the prevention of late blight. To treat plants affected by this insidious disease, more serious measures must be taken.

To prevent late blight in tomatoes, use the following “folk” method. Take a copper wire 1 mm thick and sand it until shiny with fine sandpaper or a knife (this must be done to remove the protective PVC sheath from the wire). Cut the peeled wire into pieces 3-4 cm long.

In order to “get” the wire of the required diameter, you can use a single-core installation wire.

It is most effective to carry out the procedure 2 weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground, but if the moment is missed, you can do it at any other time. It is not recommended to use the method within 2 weeks after planting the plant in the ground, since the seedling needs to cope with “post-transplant stress” and does not need unnecessary stress.

So, use a piece of copper wire to pierce the stem through a little below the first true leaf. Gently bend the edges of the wire down.

If the wire is too thin (less than 1 mm in diameter), first pierce the tomato stem with a needle or awl, and then insert the wire into the hole.

Pretty soon the wound on the tomato will heal, and the plant will begin to receive additional protection from late blight. It happens like this: juice continuously moves along the stem of the plant from bottom to top, and when it interacts with the wire, it is saturated with copper ions, which are subsequently transferred along with the juice to all parts of the plant. This copper “grafting” has a beneficial effect on the disease resistance of tomatoes.

Method 2. Copper wire against late blight

How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

Most common metals cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. However, almost all metals are strengthened—to some degree—by forging, rolling, or bending. This is called cold hardening or hardening of metal.

Annealing is a type of heat treatment to soften metal that has become hardened so that it can continue to be cold worked.

Cold working: copper, lead and aluminum

Ordinary metals vary greatly in their degree and rate of strain hardening - cold hardening or cold hardening. Copper is hardened quite quickly as a result of cold forging, and, therefore, quickly reduces its malleability and ductility. Therefore, copper requires frequent annealing so that it can be processed further without the risk of destruction.

On the other hand, lead can be hammered into almost any shape without annealing or risk of breaking it. Lead has such a reserve of ductility that allows it to obtain large plastic deformations with a very low degree of strain hardening. However, although copper is harder than lead, it is generally more malleable.

Aluminum can withstand quite a large amount of plastic deformation through hammer forming or cold rolling before it needs to be annealed to restore its ductile properties. Pure aluminum hardens much more slowly than copper, and some sheet aluminum alloys are too hard or brittle to allow much hardening.

Cold working of iron and steel

Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

When it comes to electroplating, technological operations such as chrome plating and galvanizing of metal products immediately come to mind. But if you ask the question, what is galvanostegy, not everyone will answer - it has been verified. Although this term does not imply anything supernova.

Simply put, this is a technique for coating any material with a thin layer of metal, be it steel, aluminum, wood or plastic. We’ll figure out how to copper-plate a sample at home.

general information

Copper plating is a technique that is somewhat more universal than galvanizing. For what purposes is it carried out?

  • Protection of samples from carburization before cutting them, as well as from corrosion.
  • Elimination of defects on the surfaces of parts when other methods are unacceptable or difficult to implement. For example, if the base is characterized by complex terrain.
  • Decoration of products.
  • Creating copies of samples from other materials.
  • Preparation of steel parts for chrome plating, silver plating, and gold plating. In such cases, copper plating is only one of the stages of surface treatment of the material.
  • To create solderable segments.

It is unlikely that the reader will be interested in such nuances as the classification of copper (refined, oxygen-free, general use), various options for solutions used in copper plating, characteristics of materials and similar things. Below we consider only the simplest methods of applying Cu to any surface, which are easy to organize at home, without any difficulties or financial costs.

Copper plating in electrolyte

How to make copper heavier

Finding scrap metal has become a source of income for many. There are people for whom this is a hobby or a way to earn money.

This process is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

For beginner metal detectors, this may seem like a challenge, but if you know where to find metal, then this task is not so difficult.

Devices containing copper and its alloys

You don't have to go far to mine copper. This does not have to be excavations in the fields using a metal detector. You can take copper from old electrical appliances.

Because repairing old appliances takes a lot of time and money, they are often thrown away.

But before that, it is possible to obtain scrap metal from them, which, after processing, is used to make pipes, wire, profile sheets, or to replace some elements for devices.

Copper alloy can be easily found:

  • In bearings, radiators, motors, gears.
  • In old jewelry and decorative elements.
  • In plumbing.
  • In kitchen utensils.
  • In radiators and computers.

Copper itself can be found in the following devices:

  • Up to one and a half kilograms of scrap metal can be found in a tube TV.
  • Almost three kilograms of copper can be taken from the engine of an old Soviet-style refrigerator.
  • Smaller amounts of copper are taken from washing machines, hair dryers, and microwave ovens.
  • If there is a starter from a vehicle that is unsuitable for repair, then metal can also be extracted from there.

From these devices, you can’t take much copper, but these devices are widely found.

Where to look?

Features of copper annealing

When heat treating copper and its alloys, two features of the material are taken into account: increased thermal conductivity and interaction with gases when heated. It is these factors that cause rapid and uniform heating of the metal along the perimeter of the section. Annealing copper is heating the metal followed by cooling, allowing you to change the properties of the material. Heat treatment makes the metal softer and more ductile. Copper is used in various fields where ductility is important.


To facilitate mechanical and plastic processing of copper parts, the hardness of the metal is reduced by annealing. The workpiece is heated to a temperature above 600°C and then immersed in water. Copper becomes soft.

After creating the mold, the metal is reheated over a fire to a temperature of 400°C and cooled in fresh air. It will become hard.

Advantages and disadvantages of processing

How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

Technologies for imparting greater hardness to metals and alloys have been improved over many centuries. Modern equipment makes it possible to carry out heat treatment in such a way as to significantly improve the properties of products even from inexpensive materials.

Hardening of steel and alloys

Hardening (martensitic transformation) is the main method of imparting greater hardness to steels. In this process, the product is heated to such a temperature that the iron changes its crystal lattice and can be additionally saturated with carbon. After holding for a certain time, the steel is cooled.

This must be done at high speed to prevent the formation of intermediate forms of iron. As a result of rapid transformation, a solid solution supersaturated with carbon with a distorted crystal structure is obtained. Both of these factors are responsible for its high hardness (up to HRC 65) and brittleness.

When hardening, most carbon and tool steels are heated to a temperature of 800 to 900C, but high-speed steels P9 and P18 are heated at 1200-1300C.

Microstructure of high-speed steel R6M5: a) cast state;
b) after forging and annealing; c) after hardening; d) after vacation. ×500.

Quenching modes

Copper plating at home

In the modern world, copper alloy has become more widespread. It is applied to the surface to give visual appeal to various products. Copper plating at home is often carried out to significantly increase electrical conductivity. In some cases, the process in question is an intermediate operation that allows another substance to be applied to the surface.

Copper plating at home

Use of copper plating

Copper plating of various workpieces has recently often been carried out at home. In most cases, technology is used to achieve the following goals:

  1. Decorating metal or plastic. Copper plating of metal at home is often carried out in order to obtain antique-looking products that are very popular. A special aging procedure allows you to create the effect of long-term use of the product. In addition, copper after application resembles gold. That is why a small layer can be applied to obtain a figurine or souvenir.
  2. Electrotype. Copper plating of steel in a similar way can also be carried out at home. The essence of the technology is to create a wax or plastic base, which is covered with a layer of the alloy in question. Electroforming is often used to produce jewelry or souvenirs, matrices and waveguides. The use of special materials can significantly improve the quality of the coating.
  3. Obtaining parts used to create various mechanisms. Copper plating of cast iron or other metal is carried out at production sites using various technologies. Coating the workpiece with copper can significantly improve the electrical properties. In a similar way, you can obtain terminals or other similar elements that will be operated under voltage. Products made from pure copper are very expensive. That is why the technology in question is often used.

Copper plating of steel

Copper plating of plastic at home is extremely rare, since such material cannot withstand high temperatures. In addition, the plasticity of the base leads to the appearance of structural cracks.

Features of copper plating at home

Copper plating of metal is a special technology for applying a layer of copper with a thickness of 1-300 microns or more. The features of the technologies used determine that the copper coating will adhere firmly to the metal surface. Among the features that the workpiece acquires, we note the following points:

  1. Plastic.
  2. High electrical conductivity. Copper products are well known for being able to conduct electricity without getting hot. That is why products are often created that are coated with a similar alloy.
  3. More attractive look. Copper glitters in the sun, reflections appear on the surface.
  4. Under atmospheric conditions, the alloy easily oxidizes and becomes coated. This point should be taken into account when considering where and how exactly the product will be used.
  5. Over time, copper film becomes covered with spots and rainbow stains.

Steel oxidation

Copper plating at home can be carried out using a special solution. It is worth considering that the process involves the use of special reagents. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for effective supply ventilation, as well as personal protective equipment. Copper plating of plastic is somewhat different and involves the use of special technology.

Types of copper plating

The procedure in question can be performed even by beginners in the field of metallurgy. To obtain a high-quality surface, you need to know all the features of the process. Copper plating of lead and other metals at home can be carried out using two different technologies:

  1. Immersed in electrolyte. This technology involves dipping the workpiece into a prepared solution, after which voltage is applied. It is often used when the workpiece is small in size, since a smaller amount of special electrolyte is required. To immerse the workpiece, a bath or other container is required that does not react to the effects of the solution used.
  2. Without immersion in a pre-prepared container. It is difficult to implement, but also allows you to achieve high quality copper surface film.

In both cases, a supply of electricity is provided, due to which the substance is activated.

The most suitable processing method is selected depending on the result to be achieved. Let's take an example:

  1. Obtaining a protective and decorative layer. In this case, chromium is often mixed with nickel and copper. Due to this combination of alloys, a reliable surface can be obtained.
  2. To protect the surface during cementing. Applying a thin layer of copper helps protect the workpiece from cementation. The surface that will be subsequently processed by cutting is covered with the solution.
  3. Restoration and repair of parts. When restoring chrome parts of cars and motorcycles, the technology in question can be used. When applying a layer of no more than 250 microns, surface defects in the metal can be hidden.

Both processing technologies have their own specific characteristics that must be taken into account.

Copper plating in solution with electrolyte

Electroplating with copper at home with immersion is carried out extremely often. This technology allows you to obtain a uniform coating. The features of this processing method include the following points:

  1. To remove the oxide film before copper plating, the workpiece is treated with sandpaper. After this, the product is washed and degreased with a hot soda mixture. If you do not pay attention to the preparatory stage, the process being carried out will not allow you to obtain a product that is resistant to mechanical stress. Metal that is susceptible to corrosion must be well cleaned, since even small chips can make the surface uneven.
  2. Two plates of the same alloy are lowered into a jar or other container on copper wires. They act as an anode. The container used must be made of glass.
  3. The workpiece is suspended between two anodes, which is connected to the minus, and the plates to the plus. A battery producing a voltage of 6V can be used as a power source.
  4. Galvanic copper plating involves the use of a specific solution. It is the connecting element between the part and the anodes. A solution for galvanic copper plating can be prepared by taking 20 grams of copper sulfate and 3 milliliters of sulfuric acid. To dilute and mix these ingredients, you can use 100 milliliters of distilled water. When working with the resulting solution, you must be extremely careful, since burns may occur if the substance comes into contact with exposed skin.
  5. Copper plating of aluminum with copper sulfate at home can only be carried out if the electrodes are completely covered with the solution. If they are kept dry, they may heat up and melt. During prolonged processing, the substance may heat up and its volume will decrease.

Galvanic copper plating

When using the technology in question, the current is set at 15 mA per square centimeter. It usually takes at least 20 minutes to cover the entire surface with a special alloy. As the period increases, the coating becomes thicker.

Copper plating without immersion in solution

A similar method is used to coat steel, zinc or aluminum. Coating a product with copper at home in this case is carried out with a wire, from which the insulation is first removed to obtain a kind of brush. The opposite end of the wire is connected to the positive energy source. Chemical copper plating at home also involves the use of a special solution, which increases the efficiency of the process.

Among the features of creating the required solution, the following points can be noted:

  1. A solution of copper sulfate is used. It can be purchased in specialized stores. In addition, a special electrolyte is made by mixing various chemical elements.
  2. The composition is slightly acidified. Due to this, the efficiency of the procedure is significantly increased.

The substance is applied to the surface, after which the metal surface is prepared. It is cleaned of contaminants and then degreased. After this, the plate prepared in advance is placed in the bath and a minus voltage from the current source is supplied to it.

Copper plating of aluminum

This process requires that there is always a layer of electrolyte between the assembled wires and the plate. This ensures a high degree of conductivity. It only takes a few seconds to coat a small product.

After coating, the product is air dried. Various pollutants must not be allowed to enter. The next step is to rub the copper layer with a woolen rag or other cloth. In most cases, the technology in question is used when the product is large and cannot be immersed in a bathtub.

Necessary equipment

Copper plating can be applied at home using even the most ordinary equipment. Installation of a bathtub for the procedure under consideration is carried out in approximately the same way as galvanic ones. It is worth considering that there are two types of active solutions: acidic and alkaline.

When working it can be used:

  1. Small copper plates as electrodes.
  2. Wire for supplying current.


Soldering copper steel at home

Copper products are found everywhere in different areas of life. For example, it is used to create strong and durable heating and water supply systems. But to connect the two elements, experts resort to a special technology - soldering copper pipes. The procedure requires suitable tools and materials, as well as knowledge. Since it has certain features that a beginner may not know about.

To solder copper, the master needs to have with him a composition such as solder. This thermoplastic substance seals the surface of the product and, under the influence of high temperature, melts, spreading over the entire joint. But as soon as it cools, it hardens and securely holds the products together.

The result is one item that has a long service life, withstands high loads, pressure and temperature changes, and is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

What tools and materials are needed

Soldering is carried out not only at industrial facilities, but also at home. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • electric soldering iron or gas burner;
  • pipe cutter;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • brush and steel brush.

How exactly to connect the products depends on the convenience and preference of the master. But the power of the device is selected in accordance with the melting temperature of the solder.

Flux can be liquid or solid; each type has individual differences that should be taken into account. If the material is used in the form of a thickened mixture, then it is applied to the joint, both before and after the connection.

Flux is needed to protect the surface from oxidation, promote solder flow and improve adhesion.

Types of fluxes and solders, features of working with them

Craftsmen know a variety of hard and soft substances that ensure high-quality soldering of metal products. 95% use tin, which is a low-temperature composition with slightly worse technical parameters. But it is valued for the fact that work can be carried out at any temperature without reducing the strength of the products being joined.

Connecting elements also include silver, which has excellent technological properties. Craftsmen often use three-component compositions of silver, tin and copper. Often, materials used in low-temperature soldering contain zinc chloride.

The advantage of soft solders is that they cover a larger area when applied to the surface of the part. They provide high strength and reliability.

Soft solders

Soft solder is used in the installation of water supply and heating networks, where the pipe diameter reaches 10 cm and the water temperature does not exceed 130 degrees. These types include:

  • lead-tin type;
  • with low tin content;
  • special and fusible.

Lead-free flux is most often chosen as solder. The tin-copper type is the most common due to its affordable price. But its advantage lies elsewhere. All mixtures containing tin in the composition are economical in consumption.

It is enough to apply a little solder to half the surface being treated and it will spread over the entire area. This property is explained by the fact that tin easily penetrates and spreads throughout any structure.

Brazing alloys

When it comes to considering the environmental conditions in which soldering is performed, it is better to use hard solders. The use of such substances ensures high strength of the seam. The most common compounds are the following compounds:

  • copper and zinc;
  • phosphorus and copper;
  • pure copper;
  • no-clean flux.

Solid compounds are classified as refractory and low-melting. Each type is characterized by certain properties. For example, copper-phosphorus replaces expensive silver flux. It is moderately expensive, but has one drawback - it cannot be used at low temperatures.

The strongest of the solid compounds are copper-zinc and multicomponent ones. They are expensive, but the price is justified by the reliability of the connection. When soldering is performed with copper itself, it is necessary to use flux. In this case, it will be possible to firmly connect the two parts.

Why do you need solder paste?

Solder paste is a pasty mass consisting of small particles of solder, flux and special additives. Flux paste is used in industry when soldering elements on printed circuit boards. The paste is selected according to certain conditions:

  • after application there should be easily removable particles;
  • the substance must maintain viscosity and stickiness;
  • do not have a negative impact on the surface being treated;
  • do not leak onto clothing during melting.

How to work with the paste depends on the type and size of solder contained in its composition. The material also differs in the type of flux (rosin, water-washable, no-clean). It is necessary to hold small parts in place and facilitate the joining process.

Soldering technology

The process is quite simple, therefore, when it is necessary to connect something at home, the owner does the soldering with his own hands and without the involvement of specialists. But still, you can’t do without the preparatory stage.

It determines how high-quality and reliable the connection will be. First of all, you should pay attention to the cut of the part, which should be strictly vertical, without burrs, with even and smooth edges. If you find the slightest defects, you should take sandpaper and rub it over the surface until the defects disappear.

If two copper pipes are connected, then, having brought the cut to an ideal state, it is necessary to insert it into the fitting and then remove it. The part that came into contact with the fitting must be cleaned of oxidation. The next step is applying flux. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to run the brush over the entire part, paying special attention to the joint.

Then the elements are connected to each other and firmly fixed. Further actions depend on what is being used for soldering - a gas torch or a soldering iron. Considering that the parts must be stationary, an assistant will be required. He will be the one to hold them, but if one is not found, you need to manage and do it yourself.

When something needs to be soldered at home, a solid compound is most often used. But the master can purchase special pastes. With the correct choice of compositions, it is possible to connect two pipelines or radio components as accurately and firmly as possible.

Soldering is performed at either high or low temperature. In the first case, the process is distinguished by high strength of the seam, and the connected area also gains heat resistance. Which is very important if it later serves as part of various communications. But high-temperature soldering is not allowed on threaded connections. Most often this process is performed with a propane-filled torch.

When low-temperature soldering is used, a soft compound, paste or gel is used. It is most suitable for a beginner master because it is simple and easy. In this type of process, the temperature does not rise above 425 degrees, so it is even possible to use a soldering iron, which is found in almost every home.

Working with a soldering iron

Every person has seen a soldering iron at least once in their life, and many constantly work with it. Therefore, they will not see anything complicated in soldering copper products with this tool. The whole essence of the process is that the solder located between the two parts is heated with a soldering iron until it begins to melt.

When it hardens, the two parts will be securely fastened into one. To solder efficiently, it is necessary to distribute the substance evenly over the entire surface, filling every gap. It is important to choose exactly the material that can withstand the high temperature of the soldering iron.

Working with the burner

The tool is turned on when the two parts are already connected to each other. You should not hold it near the joint for too long, since the combustion temperature is several thousand degrees. While you only need to heat a certain place to 250-300 degrees.

This will take 20-30 seconds. As soon as the flux changes color to dark, the compound to be joined is introduced. Important! The burner or hair dryer should be placed in the middle to cover the entire joint area.

Is it possible to solder copper with tin?

Many novice craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to solder copper with tin. In fact, it’s not just possible, but necessary. Because this composition provides good bonding. Most often, tin is used when holding food items together.

There is only one thing to remember - this metal requires a higher temperature than other solders. It is better to use a powerful electric soldering iron as a tool.

Soldering with silver solder

When you need to solder parts at home, silver solder is often used. It is beneficial because you can create it yourself. But it should not be used alone, in combination with zinc and copper.

Treated with this solder, the seam will be very strong and neat. The percentage of components is controlled by GOST 19746 74. But you can find out exactly what types of substances to use from the instructions of experienced craftsmen or those included with the products being connected.

How to solder copper and stainless steel

If you need to solder copper to another metal, such as steel, you will have to work hard. This process is not easy, but it is quite feasible. This is explained by the fact that stainless steel interacts poorly with other metals and is difficult to heat treat.



How to distinguish copper from other metals

How to distinguish copper from other metals

For most of us, knowledge about copper and its properties is limited to a school chemistry course, which is quite enough at the everyday level.

However, sometimes there is a need to reliably determine whether a material is a pure element, an alloy, or even a composite material.

The opinion that this information is needed only by those who are engaged in the acceptance or delivery of scrap metal is erroneous: for example, on amateur radio forums, topics are often raised about how to distinguish copper in wires from copper-plated aluminum.

Briefly about element No. 29

Briefly about element No. 29

Pure copper (Cu) is a golden-pink metal with high ductility, thermal and electrical conductivity. Chemical inertness in an ordinary non-aggressive environment is ensured by a thin oxide film, which gives the metal an intense reddish tint.

The main difference between copper and other metals is color . In fact, there are not so many colored metals: only gold, cesium and osmium are similar in appearance, and all elements included in the group of non-ferrous metals (iron, tin, lead, aluminum, zinc, magnesium and nickel) have a gray color with varying intensity of shine.

An absolute guarantee of the chemical composition of any material can be obtained only through spectral analysis. The equipment for carrying it out is very expensive, and even many expert laboratories can only dream of it. However, there are many ways to distinguish copper at home with a high degree of probability.

1. Determination by color

1. Determination by color

So, we have before us a piece of unknown material that needs to be identified as copper. The emphasis on the term “material” rather than “metal” was made specifically, since recently many composites have appeared that are very similar to metals in appearance and tactile sensations.

First of all, we consider color. It is advisable to do this in daylight or “warm” LED lighting (under “cool” LEDs, the reddish tint changes to yellow-green). It is ideal if there is a copper plate or wire for comparison - in this case, errors in color perception are practically eliminated.

Important: old copper products can be covered with an oxidized layer (a greenish-blue loose coating): in this case, the color of the metal must be looked at in a cut or saw cut.

2. Determination by magnet

2. Determination by magnet

Color matching is a reliable but not sufficient method of identification. The second step of independent experiments will be a test with a magnet. Chemically pure copper is classified as diamagnetic - i.e. to substances that do not respond to magnetic influence.

If the material under study is attracted to a magnet, then it is an alloy in which the content of the main substance is no more than 50%.

However, even if the sample did not react to the magnet, it is too early to rejoice, since often an aluminum base is hidden under the copper coating, which is also not magnetic (this can be eliminated by filing or cutting).

3. Determination by reaction to flame

3. Determination by reaction to flame

Another way to identify copper is to heat a sample over an open fire (gas stove, lighter or regular match). When heated, copper wire will first lose its shine and then turn black-brown, covered with oxide. This method can also be used to cut off composite materials that, when heated, begin to smoke and form a gas with a pungent odor.

4. Determination through chemical experiments

4. Determination through chemical experiments

The reaction with concentrated nitric acid is indicative: if the latter is dropped onto the surface of a copper product, a green-blue color will occur.

A qualitative reaction to copper is dissolution in hydrochloric acid followed by exposure to ammonia. If a copper sample is left in an HCl solution until completely or partially dissolved, and then ordinary pharmaceutical ammonia is dropped into it, the solution will turn intensely blue.

Important: working with chemicals requires precautions. Independent experiments should be carried out in a well-ventilated area using personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, apron, goggles).

How to distinguish between copper and its alloys?

How to distinguish between copper and its alloys?

Copper alloys are widely used in industry. Over many years of research, it has been possible to obtain many materials with unique properties: high ductility, electrical conductivity, chemical resistance, strength (all depends on alloying additives). The most common are bronze (with the addition of tin, aluminum, silicon, manganese, lead and beryllium), brass (with the addition of 10-45% zinc), as well as copper-nickel alloys (nickel silver, cupronickel, copel, manganin).

Only bronze and brass are difficult to identify, since copper-nickel alloys differ significantly in color due to their low copper content.

Copper or brass?

Copper or brass?

Brass can contain from 10 to 45% zinc, a silver-gray metal. Naturally, the more zinc, the paler the alloy. However, high-copper brasses, in which the amount of additives does not exceed 10%, differ little in color from the copper sample.

In this case, you can only trust your feelings: brass is much harder and more difficult to bend (for greater reliability, a comparison with a reference sample is advisable). You can try to remove the shavings: copper shavings will have a curl shape, brass shavings will be straight, needle-shaped.

When the samples are placed in a solution of hydrochloric acid, no reaction with copper is observed, and a white coating of zinc chloride forms on the surface of the brass.

Copper or bronze?

Copper or bronze?

Like brass, bronze is much stronger, which is explained by the presence of harder metals in the alloy. The most reliable test will be a “tooth test” - there is unlikely to be a trace of pressure left on the surface of the bronze.

You can also experiment with a hot saline solution (200 g of table salt per 1 liter of water). After 10-15 minutes, a copper sample will acquire a more intense shade than a bronze one.

For those familiar with electrical engineering

For those familiar with electrical engineering

Very often, copper cores from electrical cables are sold as scrap non-ferrous metals, and there are often cases when copper-coated aluminum is used in the production of electrical products. This material has a significantly lower density, but due to its irregular geometric shape, determining the volume to calculate the density is quite difficult.

In this case, copper can be determined by electrical resistance (of course, if you have the appropriate instruments - a voltmeter, ammeter, rheostat). We measure the cross-section and length of the core, take instrument readings, and Ohm’s law will help you.

Resistivity is a fairly accurate characteristic by which any metal can be identified with a high degree of reliability.



It is possible to accurately determine the quality of copper scrap or the content of the main substance in the alloy only after an examination: all of the above methods are approximate. If we consider pricing when purchasing scrap metal, the most expensive is electrical copper, the cheapest are alloys of the brass group. The final cost of the transaction can be clarified with the managers of companies involved in the purchase of scrap non-ferrous metals.


LLC "Elsit"

LLC "Elsit"

Hardening a metal allows you to make some changes in its structure, making it softer or, conversely, harder. When hardening, a lot depends not only on the heating itself, but also on the cooling process and time. Manufacturers mainly harden steel, making the product more durable, however, copper can also be hardened if the need arises.

Copper hardening - production process

Copper hardening - production process

Copper is hardened using the annealing method. During heat treatment, copper can be made softer or harder, depending on what it will be used for in the future. However, it is important to remember that the method of hardening copper is significantly different from the way steel is hardened.

Copper is hardened by slow cooling in air. If it is necessary to obtain a softer structure, then hardening is carried out by rapidly cooling the metal in water immediately after heating. If you need to get a very soft metal, then you should heat the copper until red hot (this is about 600 °), and then lower it into water. After the product has gone through the deformation process and acquired the desired shape, it can be heated again to 400° and then allowed to cool in the air.

Copper hardening plant

Copper hardening plant

Copper is hardened in special equipment designed for this purpose. There are several types of hardening equipment, but induction equipment has become the most popular today.

The induction installation is excellent for hardening copper, allowing you to obtain a high quality product.

Thanks to the automated software of the HDTV equipment, it is configured with high precision, indicating the heating time, temperature, and method of cooling the metal.

If a company constantly hardens metal products, then it would be best to pay attention to a special set of equipment designed for comfortable, quick hardening. The ELSIT hardening complex has all the necessary equipment for high-frequency hardening.

The hardening complex includes: an induction installation, a hardening machine, a manipulator and a cooling module.

If the customer needs to harden products of different shapes, then a set of inductors of various sizes can be included in the hardening complex.

Source: https://xn--h1afsf5c.xn--p1ai/%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B8/%D0%B7%D0%B0% D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

There is an opinion that copper pipes are universal and the most durable. Is this really true? Can this pipeline be used everywhere, and what are the restrictions when laying it? As well as installation methods, how to solder copper pipes

Copper is not recommended for plumbing

Copper is not recommended for plumbing



  • Copper is not recommended for plumbing
  • Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete
  • Variety of types of copper pipes
  • Hard or soft
  • Hard and soft soldering
  • Other methods for joining copper pipes
  • Installation features

Copper pipes are not used in water supply systems. Copper ions that enter water are harmful to living organisms. Therefore, in some countries, at the regulatory level, it is prohibited to use this material for water supply.

Also in heating systems, in theory, the same ions can cause harm if they encounter uncoated aluminum somewhere in an unprotected state. As a result of the reactions, mutual destruction of materials occurs. True, such a situation practically never occurs in practice, due to the lack of aluminum alloys without polymer coatings.

An exception to this limitation on use is copper pipes coated on the inside, for example, with tin. But such options are too expensive and are not available in practice.

Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete

Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete

It is unacceptable to embed a copper pipeline in walls, screeds, or any concrete structures.

There are two reasons:

  • the difference in thermal expansion leads to mutual destruction, the pipes fray;
  • the escape of stray currents at some point will lead to the formation of a hole in the pipe wall, an electrochemical fistula.

Copper in a reinforced concrete structure will be the best conductor of electricity. It is on this that the so-called stray currents and electromagnetic background interference will flow. They will go to the ground according to the least resistance, at some point in the pipeline, which will lead to a very rapid failure of the most durable copper pipe, which for some reason was embedded in concrete.

There are polymer-coated product options. But due to the increased cost, they do not compete well with conventional metal-plastic options. We usually do not use polymer-coated ones.

Variety of types of copper pipes

Variety of types of copper pipes

There are many different options for copper pipes:

  • with and without internal and external coating of various materials;
  • made according to the metric system, measured in millimeters, and according to the Western system, inch, and these products are not interchangeable.
  • hard pipes, non-bending, and soft pipes, supplied in coils.

But in practice, it all comes down to the choice between soft and hard pipes made according to the metric system. Other types are simply not supplied to us and are not in demand.

Hard or soft

Hard or soft

Rigid copper pipes do not bend and are supplied in straight sections up to 12 meters long. During installation, they are cut into pieces of the required length and connected with fittings, forming a beautiful pipeline, which is called eternal.

But the cost is high due to the presence of many connections and fittings.

Soft copper pipes are supplied in coils up to 50 meters long. They can be bent with a pipe bender, thus laying them to a greater length without a single joint, which is cheap. But such options don’t look good in plain sight; they won’t be able to be aligned or given an aesthetic appearance.

Therefore, everything that is in sight is usually made of hard copper pipes and varnished, since after a year they can fade.

For highways hidden from view, a cheap soft option is used. For example, laying copper pipes in tunnels in the floor, dressed in corrugated plastic protective shells - supply from below to each radiator.

Hard and soft soldering

Hard and soft soldering

Methods for soldering copper pipes are also distinguished as hard and soft.

  • When hard soldering, the pipe is heated with a blowtorch to a high temperature, until it turns crimson in color. As a result, the color of the joints changes, they darken, are not cleaned, and scorched copper is formed.
  • Soft soldering involves lower temperatures and the use of low-melting solder.

Sometimes craftsmen advertise hard soldering as more reliable. This is a hoax; they advertise solely because this option is easier and faster to do. But a darkened, overheated pipeline will not please you.

In most cases, low-temperature soft soldering is used.

In the video, the master solders copper pipes using solder No. 3, which contains 97% tin and 3% copper.

Other methods for joining copper pipes

Other methods for joining copper pipes

It is possible to join copper pipes using compression threaded connecting elements. The option involves pressing the ferrule around the pipe while tightening the threaded connection. The result is a high connection density. But this method is considered the most unreliable - when it moves to the joint, it immediately leaks. A leak can happen just like that. Intended for “home use”; professionals do not use such a connection.

Another option is a copper pipe compression fitting. Creates a permanent connection, the same reliability as when soldering. To create a crimp, a special professional tool is required - crimping pliers. Which is quite expensive. The method is not rarely used, but only by large organizations or specialists with such a tool.

Installation features

Installation features

But only specialists can handle the installation of a copper pipeline. In addition to the above features, there are many more nuances.

For example, expanders are used to give the pipe a round, enlarged cross-section before joining.

Cutting is carried out by special cutters.

Or an option when you need to make branches of a smaller diameter from the main pipe - this is created by simple drilling with subsequent expansion.

Special pipe benders and springs are used that are placed on soft copper pipes to prevent them from bending.

And much more.

As a result of soldering or crimping copper pipes, a pipeline should be formed, which many consider the most durable and also the most aesthetic. This is how boiler rooms are often made, and wiring around the house is made with metal-plastic, for example. The opinion that copper pipes are too expensive is not true.


7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

Surely many people at their dacha have a coil of copper wire lying around in the notorious box with the code name “It’s a pity to throw it away,” and maybe more than one. We tell you what and how you can make from copper wire.

The technology for making wire “as we know it” has been known since the 7th century. Wire is produced by so-called drawing - pulling metal through a hole of small diameter. In skillful hands, this material can not only become an original decorative item, but also help in the fight against late blight, and also serve as plant nutrition.

Method 1. Copper wire against late blight on tomatoes

Method 1. Copper wire against late blight on tomatoes

Let us immediately warn you that the method described below is only suitable for the prevention of late blight. To treat plants affected by this insidious disease, more serious measures must be taken.

To prevent late blight in tomatoes, use the following “folk” method. Take a copper wire 1 mm thick and sand it until shiny with fine sandpaper or a knife (this must be done to remove the protective PVC sheath from the wire). Cut the peeled wire into pieces 3-4 cm long.

In order to “get” the wire of the required diameter, you can use a single-core installation wire.

It is most effective to carry out the procedure 2 weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground, but if the moment is missed, you can do it at any other time. It is not recommended to use the method within 2 weeks after planting the plant in the ground, since the seedling needs to cope with “post-transplant stress” and does not need unnecessary stress.

So, use a piece of copper wire to pierce the stem through a little below the first true leaf. Gently bend the edges of the wire down.

If the wire is too thin (less than 1 mm in diameter), first pierce the tomato stem with a needle or awl, and then insert the wire into the hole.

Pretty soon the wound on the tomato will heal, and the plant will begin to receive additional protection from late blight. It happens like this: juice continuously moves along the stem of the plant from bottom to top, and when it interacts with the wire, it is saturated with copper ions, which are subsequently transferred along with the juice to all parts of the plant. This copper “grafting” has a beneficial effect on the disease resistance of tomatoes.

Method 2. Copper wire against late blight

Method 2. Copper wire against late blight

There is another option for using copper wire to prevent late blight of tomatoes. Its essence lies in the fact that the wire is stuck into the soil next to the plant at a distance of 40-50 mm around the bush. The advantage of this method is that it can be used immediately after planting the seedlings in the ground, since the tomato stem remains unharmed.

Method 3. Copper wire as a fruit growth stimulator

Method 3. Copper wire as a fruit growth stimulator

To speed up the fruiting of various crops (including tomatoes), the ringing method is used. To “ring” a plant, you need to wrap the stem of the plant with copper wire (preferably thin) at a height of 3-5 cm from the soil.

The champion among wires in terms of the amount of copper wire is the antenna cable.

It is important not to overdo it and accidentally cut the stem. This method will ensure that more nutrients are supplied to the fruits than to the roots of the plant.

Method 4. Copper wire for fruit trees

Method 4. Copper wire for fruit trees

Some gardeners use copper wire to protect fruit trees (pears, apple trees, etc.) from diseases and strengthen the immune system. To do this, a small piece of wire (preferably thick) is driven into the trunk of an adult tree, and covered with garden varnish on top. The wound will heal over time, and the metal will “feed” the tree with useful microelements.

Method 5. Copper wire for gartering grapes

Method 5. Copper wire for gartering grapes

One of the obvious ways to use copper wire in the country is to use it to make trellises. The advantage of copper wire is that it will not break over time like rope or rust like iron wire. In addition, over time, the wire will begin to feed the grapes with microelements.

The optimal wire thickness for tying vines is 2-4 mm.

Method 6. DIY copper wire jewelry

Method 6. DIY copper wire jewelry

Wire is the favorite material of many needlewomen. Of course, this material can take any shape and still “hold” it. Jewelry made from metal tubes (the prototype of modern wire) were popular back in the days of Ancient Egypt. It is better to purchase copper wire for handicrafts in a specialized store, since wire of different thicknesses is suitable for different types of products.

Recommended copper wire diameter for different products
Product Wire diameter, mm
Base for a bracelet or necklace 1-1.4 mm
Ring base from 1.3
Earrings (bases for earrings) 0,8-1
Pins, pins (fastening elements) 0,6-0,8
Braid 0,4
Clasp 1,3-1,5

For knitting or beading, wire 0.3 mm thick is suitable.

Soft copper wire is best suited for needlework. It should be borne in mind that such wire is easier to break, so for the manufacture of larger products you need to take a stiffer wire.

Method 7. Interior items made of copper wire

Method 7. Interior items made of copper wire

From wire you can make original interior items that will look good not only in the country, but also in a city apartment. A little inspiration, patience, a coil of copper wire - and your home will be decorated with a stylish lampshade, basket, panel and other interesting things.

Decorative items for the kitchen are made from tinned wire because it does not oxidize. For other crafts, regular enameled copper wire is suitable.

Wire can be combined with other materials - it looks organically “in duet” with fabric, wood, paper, glass.

There are plenty of ways to use wire in the household, so don’t let it sit idle – put this multifunctional material to use!


How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

Most common metals cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. However, almost all metals are strengthened—to some degree—by forging, rolling, or bending. This is called cold hardening or hardening of metal.

Annealing is a type of heat treatment to soften metal that has become hardened so that it can continue to be cold worked.

Cold working: copper, lead and aluminum

Cold working: copper, lead and aluminum

Ordinary metals vary greatly in their degree and rate of strain hardening - cold hardening or cold hardening. Copper is hardened quite quickly as a result of cold forging, and, therefore, quickly reduces its malleability and ductility. Therefore, copper requires frequent annealing so that it can be processed further without the risk of destruction.

On the other hand, lead can be hammered into almost any shape without annealing or risk of breaking it. Lead has such a reserve of ductility that allows it to obtain large plastic deformations with a very low degree of strain hardening. However, although copper is harder than lead, it is generally more malleable.

Aluminum can withstand quite a large amount of plastic deformation through hammer forming or cold rolling before it needs to be annealed to restore its ductile properties. Pure aluminum hardens much more slowly than copper, and some sheet aluminum alloys are too hard or brittle to allow much hardening.

Cold working of iron and steel

Cold working of iron and steel

Industrial pure iron can be cold worked to large degrees of deformation before it becomes too hard for further processing.

Impurities in iron or steel impair the cold workability of the metal to such an extent that most steels cannot be cold worked, except of course special low carbon steels for the automotive industry.

At the same time, almost all steel can be successfully processed plastically in a red-hot state.

Why is metal annealing necessary?

Why is metal annealing necessary?

The exact nature of the annealing process to which the metal is subjected depends largely on the purpose of the annealed metal. There is a significant difference in the method of annealing between annealing in factories where huge quantities of sheet steel are produced, and annealing in a small auto repair shop, where only one part requires such processing.

In short, cold working is plastic deformation by destruction or distortion of the grain structure of the metal.

During annealing, a metal or alloy is heated to a temperature at which recrystallization occurs - the formation of new grains - not deformed and round - instead of old - deformed and elongated - grains. Then the metal is cooled at a given speed.

  DIY copper tube radiator

In other words, crystals or grains within the metal that have been displaced or deformed during cold plastic working are given the opportunity to realign and recover to their natural state, but at an elevated annealing temperature.

Annealing of iron and steel

Annealing of iron and steel

Iron and mild steels must be heated to temperatures of around 900 degrees Celsius and then allowed to cool slowly to ensure they are as "soft" as possible. At the same time, measures are taken to prevent contact of the metal with air in order to avoid oxidation of its surface. When this is done in a small auto repair shop, warm sand is used for this.

High carbon steels require similar processing except that the annealing temperature for them is lower and is about 800 degrees Celsius.

Annealing of copper

Annealing of copper

Copper is annealed at about 550 degrees Celsius, when the copper is heated to a deep red color. Once heated, the copper is cooled in water or allowed to cool slowly in air. The cooling rate of copper after heating at the annealing temperature does not affect the degree of “softness” of this metal obtained. The advantage of rapid cooling is that it cleans the metal of scale and dirt.

 Annealing aluminum

 Annealing aluminum

Aluminum is annealed at a temperature of 350 degrees Celsius. In factories this is done in suitable ovens or salt baths. In the workshop, aluminum is annealed with a gas torch. They say that in this case a wooden splinter is rubbed over the surface of heated metal.

When the wood begins to leave black marks, it means that the aluminum has received its annealing. Sometimes a bar of soap is used instead of wood: when the soap begins to leave brown marks, the heating should be stopped.

The aluminum is then cooled in water or left to cool in air.

Annealing of zinc

Annealing of zinc

Zinc becomes malleable again at temperatures between 100 and 150 degrees Celsius. This means that it can be annealed in boiling water. Zinc must be processed while it is hot: when it cools, it loses much of its malleability.


Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

When it comes to electroplating, technological operations such as chrome plating and galvanizing of metal products immediately come to mind. But if you ask the question, what is galvanostegy, not everyone will answer - it has been verified. Although this term does not imply anything supernova.

Simply put, this is a technique for coating any material with a thin layer of metal, be it steel, aluminum, wood or plastic. We’ll figure out how to copper-plate a sample at home.

general information

general information

Copper plating is a technique that is somewhat more universal than galvanizing. For what purposes is it carried out?

  • Protection of samples from carburization before cutting them, as well as from corrosion.
  • Elimination of defects on the surfaces of parts when other methods are unacceptable or difficult to implement. For example, if the base is characterized by complex terrain.
  • Decoration of products.
  • Creating copies of samples from other materials.
  • Preparation of steel parts for chrome plating, silver plating, and gold plating. In such cases, copper plating is only one of the stages of surface treatment of the material.
  • To create solderable segments.

It is unlikely that the reader will be interested in such nuances as the classification of copper (refined, oxygen-free, general use), various options for solutions used in copper plating, characteristics of materials and similar things. Below we consider only the simplest methods of applying Cu to any surface, which are easy to organize at home, without any difficulties or financial costs.

Copper plating in electrolyte

Copper plating in electrolyte

This technique is only suitable for coating metal parts with a layer of Cu. In fact, the technology is not much different from galvanizing at home.



The equipment you will need is simple:

 Glass bath (container). Its capacity is determined by the dimensions of the workpiece. Even a liter jar or glass are options.

 Copper electrodes. Typically, two are used. This allows you to better coat the workpiece with a layer on all sides and simplifies the process itself. As you work, you will not have to periodically change the position of the part relative to the electrode. What exactly to use depends on the specific situation - copper plates, pieces of thick wire. This is unprincipled.


How to make copper heavier

How to make copper heavier

Finding scrap metal has become a source of income for many. There are people for whom this is a hobby or a way to earn money.

This process is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

For beginner metal detectors, this may seem like a challenge, but if you know where to find metal, then this task is not so difficult.

Devices containing copper and its alloys

Devices containing copper and its alloys

You don't have to go far to mine copper. This does not have to be excavations in the fields using a metal detector. You can take copper from old electrical appliances.

Because repairing old appliances takes a lot of time and money, they are often thrown away.

But before that, it is possible to obtain scrap metal from them, which, after processing, is used to make pipes, wire, profile sheets, or to replace some elements for devices.

Copper alloy can be easily found:

  • In bearings, radiators, motors, gears.
  • In old jewelry and decorative elements.
  • In plumbing.
  • In kitchen utensils.
  • In radiators and computers.

Copper itself can be found in the following devices:

  • Up to one and a half kilograms of scrap metal can be found in a tube TV.
  • Almost three kilograms of copper can be taken from the engine of an old Soviet-style refrigerator.
  • Smaller amounts of copper are taken from washing machines, hair dryers, and microwave ovens.
  • If there is a starter from a vehicle that is unsuitable for repair, then metal can also be extracted from there.

From these devices, you can’t take much copper, but these devices are widely found.

Where to look?

Where to look?

In order not to waste time searching, you need to know in advance where to get the metal. Such places include:

  • Fields. You can often find broken equipment there.
  • Abandoned factories, often containing a lot of aluminum and copper.
  • Car repair centers. Finding such an abandoned place is worth a lot. Where else to look for scrap metal? The convenience lies in the fact that all the broken parts are put in one place and sometimes just one bolt can pull out a kilogram.
  • Dump. This place is suitable for those who are beginners and do not know where to search for copper for change. This is where you can easily learn to distinguish between types of metals, so as not to rent them out at the same price in the future.
  • Abandoned landfill. In such places you can easily find shell casings, targets and dummies of equipment.

If you choose a field for searching, it is best to search with metal in the spring, so as not to collide with workers and not create problems for each other.

How to properly collect colored scrap

How to properly collect colored scrap

Almost all metal detectors streamline the scrap collection process. To carry out this process, you need to optimize your activities to the maximum. To do this you will need:

  • Decide on a system for collecting devices that are unsuitable for further use.
  • Take care of the delivery of collected scrap metal to the dismantling point. To do this, you need a vehicle on which transportation will be carried out. Take care in advance of the place where all the scrap metal will be located, because there will be quite a lot of it.
  • Develop a disassembly process. To do this, you need to purchase a special tool to separate the metal from other materials and begin sorting.
  • Arrange rapid transportation of metal to collection points.

You should also know that prices for non-ferrous scrap vary depending on the time of year.

Since the winter period is difficult for metal mining, the price is higher than in the summer.

Therefore, it would be more advisable to hold on to the existing material until “better” times.

Copper production method

Copper production method

Obtaining copper, even in industrial conditions, is a very labor-intensive process:

  • At the initial stage, the metal is crushed, after which it is cleaned of impurities of other rocks. After purification, the starting material is fired, after which a solid substance can be obtained - cinder, which in turn undergoes melting.
  • After this procedure, matte is obtained, which contains up to 50% copper.
  • The manufactured matte is enriched with oxygen, air blowing, and quartz flux.
  • Only after these procedures can blister copper be obtained; it is melted and passed through an oxygen melt.
  • Finally, the resulting material is treated with sulfur oxide, after which the percentage of copper is 99.9%.

How to get a high price for scrap metal

How to get a high price for scrap metal

Every scrap hunter wants to sell the scrap metal he finds at the best price for himself.

As mentioned above, you can search for metal in the summer and sell it in the winter, when prices rise.

But if your priority is to make a profit regularly, then it is best to look for collection points that offer prices higher than those of competitors.

Do not also forget that the cost depends on the quality and composition of the material that is being rented. The highest price is offered for pure copper.


Features of copper annealing

Features of copper annealing

When heat treating copper and its alloys, two features of the material are taken into account: increased thermal conductivity and interaction with gases when heated. It is these factors that cause rapid and uniform heating of the metal along the perimeter of the section. Annealing copper is heating the metal followed by cooling, allowing you to change the properties of the material. Heat treatment makes the metal softer and more ductile. Copper is used in various fields where ductility is important.



To facilitate mechanical and plastic processing of copper parts, the hardness of the metal is reduced by annealing. The workpiece is heated to a temperature above 600°C and then immersed in water. Copper becomes soft.

After creating the mold, the metal is reheated over a fire to a temperature of 400°C and cooled in fresh air. It will become hard.

Advantages and disadvantages of processing

Advantages and disadvantages of processing

An undeniable property of copper is its high electrical conductivity. It is used in construction and the manufacture of electrical equipment. The mechanical parameters of the metal are quite low, so it is not often used as a pure structural material.

Benefits of annealing:

  • the treatment removes harmful substances from the metal and removes bacteria;
  • the workpiece becomes soft and elastic, withstands pressure over 200 atmospheres;
  • the material becomes resistant to corrosion;
  • increase in hardness - the part can be bent several times without fear of cracks;
  • reduction of residual stress during incomplete annealing.

There are significantly fewer disadvantages, but they still exist:

  • the material requires slow cooling;
  • copper is an expensive material;
  • If handled incorrectly, soft metal can be damaged.

What equipment is used

What equipment is used

Copper undergoes two types of heat treatment:

  • annealing to reduce remaining stress;
  • recrystallization annealing.

The temperature regime for recrystallization of oxygen-free copper is 200–240°C, and that of electrolytic copper is 180–230°C. Metal containing oxygen is treated in a neutral environment to reduce losses after oxidation.

For annealing heat treatment, a shaft-type convection oven is used. In addition, the equipment is in demand for annealing wire, rope, rods, steels, and metal balls.

The oven has the following advantages:

  • improved accuracy of temperature control;
  • automation of heat treatment;
  • the fan at the bottom of the device ensures stable heat transfer;
  • processing error is +/-5C;
  • heating is carried out from electricity;
  • ammonia and pure nitrogen protect the metal from oxidation;
  • capacity - 8–36 tons;
  • ease of operation and installation.

The furnace lid is equipped with a special pneumatic device, which is responsible for opening and closing during the annealing process. The emergency valve operates automatically when the pressure rises to high or drops to low.

Processing principle

Processing principle

Annealing is a heat treatment procedure for copper that produces a stable, strong metal structure, free from residual stresses. Annealing technology goes through several stages:

  1. metal into equipment.
  2. Installing the muffle and purging with protective gas to remove air.
  3. Heating to 650–700 degrees.
  4. Rapid cooling up to 100 degrees when immersing the product in water.
  5. Giving the required shape.
  6. Reheat to 350–400 degrees.
  7. Air cooling and unloading.

The last stage of the technology is carried out twice as slow.

The treatment ends when the annealing temperature of copper reaches a value at which it can be exposed to air without oxidation. It is prohibited to expose workpieces to high-temperature air. Duration: 1–2 hours.

Features of copper annealing Link to main publication


How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

Technologies for imparting greater hardness to metals and alloys have been improved over many centuries. Modern equipment makes it possible to carry out heat treatment in such a way as to significantly improve the properties of products even from inexpensive materials.

Hardening of steel and alloys

Hardening of steel and alloys

Hardening (martensitic transformation) is the main method of imparting greater hardness to steels. In this process, the product is heated to such a temperature that the iron changes its crystal lattice and can be additionally saturated with carbon. After holding for a certain time, the steel is cooled.

This must be done at high speed to prevent the formation of intermediate forms of iron. As a result of rapid transformation, a solid solution supersaturated with carbon with a distorted crystal structure is obtained. Both of these factors are responsible for its high hardness (up to HRC 65) and brittleness.

When hardening, most carbon and tool steels are heated to a temperature of 800 to 900C, but high-speed steels P9 and P18 are heated at 1200-1300C.

Microstructure of high-speed steel R6M5: a) cast state;
b) after forging and annealing; c) after hardening; d) after vacation. ×500.

Quenching modes

Quenching modes

The heated product is lowered into a cooling medium, where it remains until it cools completely. This is the simplest hardening method, but it can only be used for steels with a low carbon content (up to 0.8%) or for parts of simple shape. These limitations are associated with thermal stresses that arise during rapid cooling - parts of complex shapes can warp or even crack.

With this method of hardening, the product is cooled to 250-300C in a saline solution for 2-3 minutes to relieve thermal stress, and then cooling is completed in air. This helps prevent cracks or warping of parts.

The disadvantage of this method is the relatively low cooling rate, so it is used for small (up to 10 mm in diameter) parts made of carbon or larger ones made of alloy steels, for which the hardening rate is not so critical.

It begins with rapid cooling in water and ends with slow cooling in oil. Typically, such hardening is used for products made of tool steels. The main difficulty lies in calculating the cooling time in the first environment.

  • Surface hardening (laser, high frequency currents)

Used for parts that must be hard on the surface, but have a viscous core, for example, gear teeth. During surface hardening, the outer layer of the metal is heated to supercritical values, and then cooled either during the heat removal process (with laser hardening) or by liquid circulating in a special inductor circuit (with high-frequency current hardening)



Hardened steel becomes excessively brittle, which is the main disadvantage of this hardening method. To normalize the structural properties, tempering is carried out - heating to a temperature below the phase transformation, holding and slow cooling.

During tempering, a partial “cancellation” of hardening occurs, the steel becomes slightly less hard, but more ductile.

There are low (150-200C, for tools and parts with increased wear resistance), medium (300-400C, for springs) and high (550-650, for highly loaded parts) tempering.

Temperature table for quenching and tempering steels

Copper plating at home

In the modern world, copper alloy has become more widespread. It is applied to the surface to give visual appeal to various products. Copper plating at home is often carried out to significantly increase electrical conductivity. In some cases, the process in question is an intermediate operation that allows another substance to be applied to the surface.

Copper plating at home

Use of copper plating

Copper plating of various workpieces has recently often been carried out at home. In most cases, technology is used to achieve the following goals:

  1. Decorating metal or plastic. Copper plating of metal at home is often carried out in order to obtain antique-looking products that are very popular. A special aging procedure allows you to create the effect of long-term use of the product. In addition, copper after application resembles gold. That is why a small layer can be applied to obtain a figurine or souvenir.
  2. Electrotype. Copper plating of steel in a similar way can also be carried out at home. The essence of the technology is to create a wax or plastic base, which is covered with a layer of the alloy in question. Electroforming is often used to produce jewelry or souvenirs, matrices and waveguides. The use of special materials can significantly improve the quality of the coating.
  3. Obtaining parts used to create various mechanisms. Copper plating of cast iron or other metal is carried out at production sites using various technologies. Coating the workpiece with copper can significantly improve the electrical properties. In a similar way, you can obtain terminals or other similar elements that will be operated under voltage. Products made from pure copper are very expensive. That is why the technology in question is often used.

Copper plating of steel

Copper plating of plastic at home is extremely rare, since such material cannot withstand high temperatures. In addition, the plasticity of the base leads to the appearance of structural cracks.

Features of copper plating at home

Copper plating of metal is a special technology for applying a layer of copper with a thickness of 1-300 microns or more. The features of the technologies used determine that the copper coating will adhere firmly to the metal surface. Among the features that the workpiece acquires, we note the following points:

  1. Plastic.
  2. High electrical conductivity. Copper products are well known for being able to conduct electricity without getting hot. That is why products are often created that are coated with a similar alloy.
  3. More attractive look. Copper glitters in the sun, reflections appear on the surface.
  4. Under atmospheric conditions, the alloy easily oxidizes and becomes coated. This point should be taken into account when considering where and how exactly the product will be used.
  5. Over time, copper film becomes covered with spots and rainbow stains.

Steel oxidation

Copper plating at home can be carried out using a special solution. It is worth considering that the process involves the use of special reagents. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for effective supply ventilation, as well as personal protective equipment. Copper plating of plastic is somewhat different and involves the use of special technology.

Types of copper plating

The procedure in question can be performed even by beginners in the field of metallurgy. To obtain a high-quality surface, you need to know all the features of the process. Copper plating of lead and other metals at home can be carried out using two different technologies:

  1. Immersed in electrolyte. This technology involves dipping the workpiece into a prepared solution, after which voltage is applied. It is often used when the workpiece is small in size, since a smaller amount of special electrolyte is required. To immerse the workpiece, a bath or other container is required that does not react to the effects of the solution used.
  2. Without immersion in a pre-prepared container. It is difficult to implement, but also allows you to achieve high quality copper surface film.

In both cases, a supply of electricity is provided, due to which the substance is activated.

The most suitable processing method is selected depending on the result to be achieved. Let's take an example:

  1. Obtaining a protective and decorative layer. In this case, chromium is often mixed with nickel and copper. Due to this combination of alloys, a reliable surface can be obtained.
  2. To protect the surface during cementing. Applying a thin layer of copper helps protect the workpiece from cementation. The surface that will be subsequently processed by cutting is covered with the solution.
  3. Restoration and repair of parts. When restoring chrome parts of cars and motorcycles, the technology in question can be used. When applying a layer of no more than 250 microns, surface defects in the metal can be hidden.

Both processing technologies have their own specific characteristics that must be taken into account.

Copper plating in solution with electrolyte

Electroplating with copper at home with immersion is carried out extremely often. This technology allows you to obtain a uniform coating. The features of this processing method include the following points:

  1. To remove the oxide film before copper plating, the workpiece is treated with sandpaper. After this, the product is washed and degreased with a hot soda mixture. If you do not pay attention to the preparatory stage, the process being carried out will not allow you to obtain a product that is resistant to mechanical stress. Metal that is susceptible to corrosion must be well cleaned, since even small chips can make the surface uneven.
  2. Two plates of the same alloy are lowered into a jar or other container on copper wires. They act as an anode. The container used must be made of glass.
  3. The workpiece is suspended between two anodes, which is connected to the minus, and the plates to the plus. A battery producing a voltage of 6V can be used as a power source.
  4. Galvanic copper plating involves the use of a specific solution. It is the connecting element between the part and the anodes. A solution for galvanic copper plating can be prepared by taking 20 grams of copper sulfate and 3 milliliters of sulfuric acid. To dilute and mix these ingredients, you can use 100 milliliters of distilled water. When working with the resulting solution, you must be extremely careful, since burns may occur if the substance comes into contact with exposed skin.
  5. Copper plating of aluminum with copper sulfate at home can only be carried out if the electrodes are completely covered with the solution. If they are kept dry, they may heat up and melt. During prolonged processing, the substance may heat up and its volume will decrease.

Galvanic copper plating

When using the technology in question, the current is set at 15 mA per square centimeter. It usually takes at least 20 minutes to cover the entire surface with a special alloy. As the period increases, the coating becomes thicker.

Copper plating without immersion in solution

A similar method is used to coat steel, zinc or aluminum. Coating a product with copper at home in this case is carried out with a wire, from which the insulation is first removed to obtain a kind of brush. The opposite end of the wire is connected to the positive energy source. Chemical copper plating at home also involves the use of a special solution, which increases the efficiency of the process.

Among the features of creating the required solution, the following points can be noted:

  1. A solution of copper sulfate is used. It can be purchased in specialized stores. In addition, a special electrolyte is made by mixing various chemical elements.
  2. The composition is slightly acidified. Due to this, the efficiency of the procedure is significantly increased.

The substance is applied to the surface, after which the metal surface is prepared. It is cleaned of contaminants and then degreased. After this, the plate prepared in advance is placed in the bath and a minus voltage from the current source is supplied to it.

Copper plating of aluminum

This process requires that there is always a layer of electrolyte between the assembled wires and the plate. This ensures a high degree of conductivity. It only takes a few seconds to coat a small product.

After coating, the product is air dried. Various pollutants must not be allowed to enter. The next step is to rub the copper layer with a woolen rag or other cloth. In most cases, the technology in question is used when the product is large and cannot be immersed in a bathtub.

Necessary equipment

Copper plating can be applied at home using even the most ordinary equipment. Installation of a bathtub for the procedure under consideration is carried out in approximately the same way as galvanic ones. It is worth considering that there are two types of active solutions: acidic and alkaline.

When working it can be used:

  1. Small copper plates as electrodes.
  2. Wire for supplying current.


Soldering copper steel at home

Copper products are found everywhere in different areas of life. For example, it is used to create strong and durable heating and water supply systems. But to connect the two elements, experts resort to a special technology - soldering copper pipes. The procedure requires suitable tools and materials, as well as knowledge. Since it has certain features that a beginner may not know about.

To solder copper, the master needs to have with him a composition such as solder. This thermoplastic substance seals the surface of the product and, under the influence of high temperature, melts, spreading over the entire joint. But as soon as it cools, it hardens and securely holds the products together.

The result is one item that has a long service life, withstands high loads, pressure and temperature changes, and is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

What tools and materials are needed

Soldering is carried out not only at industrial facilities, but also at home. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • electric soldering iron or gas burner;
  • pipe cutter;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • brush and steel brush.

How exactly to connect the products depends on the convenience and preference of the master. But the power of the device is selected in accordance with the melting temperature of the solder.

Flux can be liquid or solid; each type has individual differences that should be taken into account. If the material is used in the form of a thickened mixture, then it is applied to the joint, both before and after the connection.

Flux is needed to protect the surface from oxidation, promote solder flow and improve adhesion.

Types of fluxes and solders, features of working with them

Craftsmen know a variety of hard and soft substances that ensure high-quality soldering of metal products. 95% use tin, which is a low-temperature composition with slightly worse technical parameters. But it is valued for the fact that work can be carried out at any temperature without reducing the strength of the products being joined.

Connecting elements also include silver, which has excellent technological properties. Craftsmen often use three-component compositions of silver, tin and copper. Often, materials used in low-temperature soldering contain zinc chloride.

The advantage of soft solders is that they cover a larger area when applied to the surface of the part. They provide high strength and reliability.

Soft solders

Soft solder is used in the installation of water supply and heating networks, where the pipe diameter reaches 10 cm and the water temperature does not exceed 130 degrees. These types include:

  • lead-tin type;
  • with low tin content;
  • special and fusible.

Lead-free flux is most often chosen as solder. The tin-copper type is the most common due to its affordable price. But its advantage lies elsewhere. All mixtures containing tin in the composition are economical in consumption.

It is enough to apply a little solder to half the surface being treated and it will spread over the entire area. This property is explained by the fact that tin easily penetrates and spreads throughout any structure.

Brazing alloys

When it comes to considering the environmental conditions in which soldering is performed, it is better to use hard solders. The use of such substances ensures high strength of the seam. The most common compounds are the following compounds:

  • copper and zinc;
  • phosphorus and copper;
  • pure copper;
  • no-clean flux.

Solid compounds are classified as refractory and low-melting. Each type is characterized by certain properties. For example, copper-phosphorus replaces expensive silver flux. It is moderately expensive, but has one drawback - it cannot be used at low temperatures.

The strongest of the solid compounds are copper-zinc and multicomponent ones. They are expensive, but the price is justified by the reliability of the connection. When soldering is performed with copper itself, it is necessary to use flux. In this case, it will be possible to firmly connect the two parts.

Why do you need solder paste?

Solder paste is a pasty mass consisting of small particles of solder, flux and special additives. Flux paste is used in industry when soldering elements on printed circuit boards. The paste is selected according to certain conditions:

  • after application there should be easily removable particles;
  • the substance must maintain viscosity and stickiness;
  • do not have a negative impact on the surface being treated;
  • do not leak onto clothing during melting.

How to work with the paste depends on the type and size of solder contained in its composition. The material also differs in the type of flux (rosin, water-washable, no-clean). It is necessary to hold small parts in place and facilitate the joining process.

Soldering technology

The process is quite simple, therefore, when it is necessary to connect something at home, the owner does the soldering with his own hands and without the involvement of specialists. But still, you can’t do without the preparatory stage.

It determines how high-quality and reliable the connection will be. First of all, you should pay attention to the cut of the part, which should be strictly vertical, without burrs, with even and smooth edges. If you find the slightest defects, you should take sandpaper and rub it over the surface until the defects disappear.

If two copper pipes are connected, then, having brought the cut to an ideal state, it is necessary to insert it into the fitting and then remove it. The part that came into contact with the fitting must be cleaned of oxidation. The next step is applying flux. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to run the brush over the entire part, paying special attention to the joint.

Then the elements are connected to each other and firmly fixed. Further actions depend on what is being used for soldering - a gas torch or a soldering iron. Considering that the parts must be stationary, an assistant will be required. He will be the one to hold them, but if one is not found, you need to manage and do it yourself.

When something needs to be soldered at home, a solid compound is most often used. But the master can purchase special pastes. With the correct choice of compositions, it is possible to connect two pipelines or radio components as accurately and firmly as possible.

Soldering is performed at either high or low temperature. In the first case, the process is distinguished by high strength of the seam, and the connected area also gains heat resistance. Which is very important if it later serves as part of various communications. But high-temperature soldering is not allowed on threaded connections. Most often this process is performed with a propane-filled torch.

When low-temperature soldering is used, a soft compound, paste or gel is used. It is most suitable for a beginner master because it is simple and easy. In this type of process, the temperature does not rise above 425 degrees, so it is even possible to use a soldering iron, which is found in almost every home.

Working with a soldering iron

Every person has seen a soldering iron at least once in their life, and many constantly work with it. Therefore, they will not see anything complicated in soldering copper products with this tool. The whole essence of the process is that the solder located between the two parts is heated with a soldering iron until it begins to melt.

When it hardens, the two parts will be securely fastened into one. To solder efficiently, it is necessary to distribute the substance evenly over the entire surface, filling every gap. It is important to choose exactly the material that can withstand the high temperature of the soldering iron.

Working with the burner

The tool is turned on when the two parts are already connected to each other. You should not hold it near the joint for too long, since the combustion temperature is several thousand degrees. While you only need to heat a certain place to 250-300 degrees.

This will take 20-30 seconds. As soon as the flux changes color to dark, the compound to be joined is introduced. Important! The burner or hair dryer should be placed in the middle to cover the entire joint area.

Is it possible to solder copper with tin?

Many novice craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to solder copper with tin. In fact, it’s not just possible, but necessary. Because this composition provides good bonding. Most often, tin is used when holding food items together.

There is only one thing to remember - this metal requires a higher temperature than other solders. It is better to use a powerful electric soldering iron as a tool.

Soldering with silver solder

When you need to solder parts at home, silver solder is often used. It is beneficial because you can create it yourself. But it should not be used alone, in combination with zinc and copper.

Treated with this solder, the seam will be very strong and neat. The percentage of components is controlled by GOST 19746 74. But you can find out exactly what types of substances to use from the instructions of experienced craftsmen or those included with the products being connected.

How to solder copper and stainless steel

If you need to solder copper to another metal, such as steel, you will have to work hard. This process is not easy, but it is quite feasible. This is explained by the fact that stainless steel interacts poorly with other metals and is difficult to heat treat.



How to distinguish copper from other metals

For most of us, knowledge about copper and its properties is limited to a school chemistry course, which is quite enough at the everyday level.

However, sometimes there is a need to reliably determine whether a material is a pure element, an alloy, or even a composite material.

The opinion that this information is needed only by those who are engaged in the acceptance or delivery of scrap metal is erroneous: for example, on amateur radio forums, topics are often raised about how to distinguish copper in wires from copper-plated aluminum.

Briefly about element No. 29

Pure copper (Cu) is a golden-pink metal with high ductility, thermal and electrical conductivity. Chemical inertness in an ordinary non-aggressive environment is ensured by a thin oxide film, which gives the metal an intense reddish tint.

The main difference between copper and other metals is color . In fact, there are not so many colored metals: only gold, cesium and osmium are similar in appearance, and all elements included in the group of non-ferrous metals (iron, tin, lead, aluminum, zinc, magnesium and nickel) have a gray color with varying intensity of shine.

An absolute guarantee of the chemical composition of any material can be obtained only through spectral analysis. The equipment for carrying it out is very expensive, and even many expert laboratories can only dream of it. However, there are many ways to distinguish copper at home with a high degree of probability.

1. Determination by color

So, we have before us a piece of unknown material that needs to be identified as copper. The emphasis on the term “material” rather than “metal” was made specifically, since recently many composites have appeared that are very similar to metals in appearance and tactile sensations.

First of all, we consider color. It is advisable to do this in daylight or “warm” LED lighting (under “cool” LEDs, the reddish tint changes to yellow-green). It is ideal if there is a copper plate or wire for comparison - in this case, errors in color perception are practically eliminated.

Important: old copper products can be covered with an oxidized layer (a greenish-blue loose coating): in this case, the color of the metal must be looked at in a cut or saw cut.

2. Determination by magnet

Color matching is a reliable but not sufficient method of identification. The second step of independent experiments will be a test with a magnet. Chemically pure copper is classified as diamagnetic - i.e. to substances that do not respond to magnetic influence.

If the material under study is attracted to a magnet, then it is an alloy in which the content of the main substance is no more than 50%.

However, even if the sample did not react to the magnet, it is too early to rejoice, since often an aluminum base is hidden under the copper coating, which is also not magnetic (this can be eliminated by filing or cutting).

3. Determination by reaction to flame

Another way to identify copper is to heat a sample over an open fire (gas stove, lighter or regular match). When heated, copper wire will first lose its shine and then turn black-brown, covered with oxide. This method can also be used to cut off composite materials that, when heated, begin to smoke and form a gas with a pungent odor.

4. Determination through chemical experiments

The reaction with concentrated nitric acid is indicative: if the latter is dropped onto the surface of a copper product, a green-blue color will occur.

A qualitative reaction to copper is dissolution in hydrochloric acid followed by exposure to ammonia. If a copper sample is left in an HCl solution until completely or partially dissolved, and then ordinary pharmaceutical ammonia is dropped into it, the solution will turn intensely blue.

Important: working with chemicals requires precautions. Independent experiments should be carried out in a well-ventilated area using personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, apron, goggles).

How to distinguish between copper and its alloys?

Copper alloys are widely used in industry. Over many years of research, it has been possible to obtain many materials with unique properties: high ductility, electrical conductivity, chemical resistance, strength (all depends on alloying additives). The most common are bronze (with the addition of tin, aluminum, silicon, manganese, lead and beryllium), brass (with the addition of 10-45% zinc), as well as copper-nickel alloys (nickel silver, cupronickel, copel, manganin).

Only bronze and brass are difficult to identify, since copper-nickel alloys differ significantly in color due to their low copper content.

Copper or brass?

Brass can contain from 10 to 45% zinc, a silver-gray metal. Naturally, the more zinc, the paler the alloy. However, high-copper brasses, in which the amount of additives does not exceed 10%, differ little in color from the copper sample.

In this case, you can only trust your feelings: brass is much harder and more difficult to bend (for greater reliability, a comparison with a reference sample is advisable). You can try to remove the shavings: copper shavings will have a curl shape, brass shavings will be straight, needle-shaped.

When the samples are placed in a solution of hydrochloric acid, no reaction with copper is observed, and a white coating of zinc chloride forms on the surface of the brass.

Copper or bronze?

Like brass, bronze is much stronger, which is explained by the presence of harder metals in the alloy. The most reliable test will be a “tooth test” - there is unlikely to be a trace of pressure left on the surface of the bronze.

You can also experiment with a hot saline solution (200 g of table salt per 1 liter of water). After 10-15 minutes, a copper sample will acquire a more intense shade than a bronze one.

For those familiar with electrical engineering

Very often, copper cores from electrical cables are sold as scrap non-ferrous metals, and there are often cases when copper-coated aluminum is used in the production of electrical products. This material has a significantly lower density, but due to its irregular geometric shape, determining the volume to calculate the density is quite difficult.

In this case, copper can be determined by electrical resistance (of course, if you have the appropriate instruments - a voltmeter, ammeter, rheostat). We measure the cross-section and length of the core, take instrument readings, and Ohm’s law will help you.

Resistivity is a fairly accurate characteristic by which any metal can be identified with a high degree of reliability.


It is possible to accurately determine the quality of copper scrap or the content of the main substance in the alloy only after an examination: all of the above methods are approximate. If we consider pricing when purchasing scrap metal, the most expensive is electrical copper, the cheapest are alloys of the brass group. The final cost of the transaction can be clarified with the managers of companies involved in the purchase of scrap non-ferrous metals.


LLC "Elsit"

Hardening a metal allows you to make some changes in its structure, making it softer or, conversely, harder. When hardening, a lot depends not only on the heating itself, but also on the cooling process and time. Manufacturers mainly harden steel, making the product more durable, however, copper can also be hardened if the need arises.

Copper hardening - production process

Copper is hardened using the annealing method. During heat treatment, copper can be made softer or harder, depending on what it will be used for in the future. However, it is important to remember that the method of hardening copper is significantly different from the way steel is hardened.

Copper is hardened by slow cooling in air. If it is necessary to obtain a softer structure, then hardening is carried out by rapidly cooling the metal in water immediately after heating. If you need to get a very soft metal, then you should heat the copper until red hot (this is about 600 °), and then lower it into water. After the product has gone through the deformation process and acquired the desired shape, it can be heated again to 400° and then allowed to cool in the air.

Copper hardening plant

Copper is hardened in special equipment designed for this purpose. There are several types of hardening equipment, but induction equipment has become the most popular today.

The induction installation is excellent for hardening copper, allowing you to obtain a high quality product.

Thanks to the automated software of the HDTV equipment, it is configured with high precision, indicating the heating time, temperature, and method of cooling the metal.

If a company constantly hardens metal products, then it would be best to pay attention to a special set of equipment designed for comfortable, quick hardening. The ELSIT hardening complex has all the necessary equipment for high-frequency hardening.

The hardening complex includes: an induction installation, a hardening machine, a manipulator and a cooling module.

If the customer needs to harden products of different shapes, then a set of inductors of various sizes can be included in the hardening complex.

Source: https://xn--h1afsf5c.xn--p1ai/%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B8/%D0%B7%D0%B0% D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

There is an opinion that copper pipes are universal and the most durable. Is this really true? Can this pipeline be used everywhere, and what are the restrictions when laying it? As well as installation methods, how to solder copper pipes

Copper is not recommended for plumbing


  • Copper is not recommended for plumbing
  • Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete
  • Variety of types of copper pipes
  • Hard or soft
  • Hard and soft soldering
  • Other methods for joining copper pipes
  • Installation features

Copper pipes are not used in water supply systems. Copper ions that enter water are harmful to living organisms. Therefore, in some countries, at the regulatory level, it is prohibited to use this material for water supply.

Also in heating systems, in theory, the same ions can cause harm if they encounter uncoated aluminum somewhere in an unprotected state. As a result of the reactions, mutual destruction of materials occurs. True, such a situation practically never occurs in practice, due to the lack of aluminum alloys without polymer coatings.

An exception to this limitation on use is copper pipes coated on the inside, for example, with tin. But such options are too expensive and are not available in practice.

Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete

It is unacceptable to embed a copper pipeline in walls, screeds, or any concrete structures.

There are two reasons:

  • the difference in thermal expansion leads to mutual destruction, the pipes fray;
  • the escape of stray currents at some point will lead to the formation of a hole in the pipe wall, an electrochemical fistula.

Copper in a reinforced concrete structure will be the best conductor of electricity. It is on this that the so-called stray currents and electromagnetic background interference will flow. They will go to the ground according to the least resistance, at some point in the pipeline, which will lead to a very rapid failure of the most durable copper pipe, which for some reason was embedded in concrete.

There are polymer-coated product options. But due to the increased cost, they do not compete well with conventional metal-plastic options. We usually do not use polymer-coated ones.

Variety of types of copper pipes

There are many different options for copper pipes:

  • with and without internal and external coating of various materials;
  • made according to the metric system, measured in millimeters, and according to the Western system, inch, and these products are not interchangeable.
  • hard pipes, non-bending, and soft pipes, supplied in coils.

But in practice, it all comes down to the choice between soft and hard pipes made according to the metric system. Other types are simply not supplied to us and are not in demand.

Hard or soft

Rigid copper pipes do not bend and are supplied in straight sections up to 12 meters long. During installation, they are cut into pieces of the required length and connected with fittings, forming a beautiful pipeline, which is called eternal.

But the cost is high due to the presence of many connections and fittings.

Soft copper pipes are supplied in coils up to 50 meters long. They can be bent with a pipe bender, thus laying them to a greater length without a single joint, which is cheap. But such options don’t look good in plain sight; they won’t be able to be aligned or given an aesthetic appearance.

Therefore, everything that is in sight is usually made of hard copper pipes and varnished, since after a year they can fade.

For highways hidden from view, a cheap soft option is used. For example, laying copper pipes in tunnels in the floor, dressed in corrugated plastic protective shells - supply from below to each radiator.

Hard and soft soldering

Methods for soldering copper pipes are also distinguished as hard and soft.

  • When hard soldering, the pipe is heated with a blowtorch to a high temperature, until it turns crimson in color. As a result, the color of the joints changes, they darken, are not cleaned, and scorched copper is formed.
  • Soft soldering involves lower temperatures and the use of low-melting solder.

Sometimes craftsmen advertise hard soldering as more reliable. This is a hoax; they advertise solely because this option is easier and faster to do. But a darkened, overheated pipeline will not please you.

In most cases, low-temperature soft soldering is used.

In the video, the master solders copper pipes using solder No. 3, which contains 97% tin and 3% copper.

Other methods for joining copper pipes

It is possible to join copper pipes using compression threaded connecting elements. The option involves pressing the ferrule around the pipe while tightening the threaded connection. The result is a high connection density. But this method is considered the most unreliable - when it moves to the joint, it immediately leaks. A leak can happen just like that. Intended for “home use”; professionals do not use such a connection.

Another option is a copper pipe compression fitting. Creates a permanent connection, the same reliability as when soldering. To create a crimp, a special professional tool is required - crimping pliers. Which is quite expensive. The method is not rarely used, but only by large organizations or specialists with such a tool.

Installation features

But only specialists can handle the installation of a copper pipeline. In addition to the above features, there are many more nuances.

For example, expanders are used to give the pipe a round, enlarged cross-section before joining.

Cutting is carried out by special cutters.

Or an option when you need to make branches of a smaller diameter from the main pipe - this is created by simple drilling with subsequent expansion.

Special pipe benders and springs are used that are placed on soft copper pipes to prevent them from bending.

And much more.

As a result of soldering or crimping copper pipes, a pipeline should be formed, which many consider the most durable and also the most aesthetic. This is how boiler rooms are often made, and wiring around the house is made with metal-plastic, for example. The opinion that copper pipes are too expensive is not true.


7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

Surely many people at their dacha have a coil of copper wire lying around in the notorious box with the code name “It’s a pity to throw it away,” and maybe more than one. We tell you what and how you can make from copper wire.

The technology for making wire “as we know it” has been known since the 7th century. Wire is produced by so-called drawing - pulling metal through a hole of small diameter. In skillful hands, this material can not only become an original decorative item, but also help in the fight against late blight, and also serve as plant nutrition.

Method 1. Copper wire against late blight on tomatoes

Let us immediately warn you that the method described below is only suitable for the prevention of late blight. To treat plants affected by this insidious disease, more serious measures must be taken.

To prevent late blight in tomatoes, use the following “folk” method. Take a copper wire 1 mm thick and sand it until shiny with fine sandpaper or a knife (this must be done to remove the protective PVC sheath from the wire). Cut the peeled wire into pieces 3-4 cm long.

In order to “get” the wire of the required diameter, you can use a single-core installation wire.

It is most effective to carry out the procedure 2 weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground, but if the moment is missed, you can do it at any other time. It is not recommended to use the method within 2 weeks after planting the plant in the ground, since the seedling needs to cope with “post-transplant stress” and does not need unnecessary stress.

So, use a piece of copper wire to pierce the stem through a little below the first true leaf. Gently bend the edges of the wire down.

If the wire is too thin (less than 1 mm in diameter), first pierce the tomato stem with a needle or awl, and then insert the wire into the hole.

Pretty soon the wound on the tomato will heal, and the plant will begin to receive additional protection from late blight. It happens like this: juice continuously moves along the stem of the plant from bottom to top, and when it interacts with the wire, it is saturated with copper ions, which are subsequently transferred along with the juice to all parts of the plant. This copper “grafting” has a beneficial effect on the disease resistance of tomatoes.

Method 2. Copper wire against late blight

There is another option for using copper wire to prevent late blight of tomatoes. Its essence lies in the fact that the wire is stuck into the soil next to the plant at a distance of 40-50 mm around the bush. The advantage of this method is that it can be used immediately after planting the seedlings in the ground, since the tomato stem remains unharmed.

Method 3. Copper wire as a fruit growth stimulator

To speed up the fruiting of various crops (including tomatoes), the ringing method is used. To “ring” a plant, you need to wrap the stem of the plant with copper wire (preferably thin) at a height of 3-5 cm from the soil.

The champion among wires in terms of the amount of copper wire is the antenna cable.

It is important not to overdo it and accidentally cut the stem. This method will ensure that more nutrients are supplied to the fruits than to the roots of the plant.

Method 4. Copper wire for fruit trees

Some gardeners use copper wire to protect fruit trees (pears, apple trees, etc.) from diseases and strengthen the immune system. To do this, a small piece of wire (preferably thick) is driven into the trunk of an adult tree, and covered with garden varnish on top. The wound will heal over time, and the metal will “feed” the tree with useful microelements.

Method 5. Copper wire for gartering grapes

One of the obvious ways to use copper wire in the country is to use it to make trellises. The advantage of copper wire is that it will not break over time like rope or rust like iron wire. In addition, over time, the wire will begin to feed the grapes with microelements.

The optimal wire thickness for tying vines is 2-4 mm.

Method 6. DIY copper wire jewelry

Wire is the favorite material of many needlewomen. Of course, this material can take any shape and still “hold” it. Jewelry made from metal tubes (the prototype of modern wire) were popular back in the days of Ancient Egypt. It is better to purchase copper wire for handicrafts in a specialized store, since wire of different thicknesses is suitable for different types of products.

Recommended copper wire diameter for different products
Product Wire diameter, mm
Base for a bracelet or necklace 1-1.4 mm
Ring base from 1.3
Earrings (bases for earrings) 0,8-1
Pins, pins (fastening elements) 0,6-0,8
Braid 0,4
Clasp 1,3-1,5

For knitting or beading, wire 0.3 mm thick is suitable.

Soft copper wire is best suited for needlework. It should be borne in mind that such wire is easier to break, so for the manufacture of larger products you need to take a stiffer wire.

Method 7. Interior items made of copper wire

From wire you can make original interior items that will look good not only in the country, but also in a city apartment. A little inspiration, patience, a coil of copper wire - and your home will be decorated with a stylish lampshade, basket, panel and other interesting things.

Decorative items for the kitchen are made from tinned wire because it does not oxidize. For other crafts, regular enameled copper wire is suitable.

Wire can be combined with other materials - it looks organically “in duet” with fabric, wood, paper, glass.

There are plenty of ways to use wire in the household, so don’t let it sit idle – put this multifunctional material to use!


How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

Most common metals cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. However, almost all metals are strengthened—to some degree—by forging, rolling, or bending. This is called cold hardening or hardening of metal.

Annealing is a type of heat treatment to soften metal that has become hardened so that it can continue to be cold worked.

Cold working: copper, lead and aluminum

Ordinary metals vary greatly in their degree and rate of strain hardening - cold hardening or cold hardening. Copper is hardened quite quickly as a result of cold forging, and, therefore, quickly reduces its malleability and ductility. Therefore, copper requires frequent annealing so that it can be processed further without the risk of destruction.

On the other hand, lead can be hammered into almost any shape without annealing or risk of breaking it. Lead has such a reserve of ductility that allows it to obtain large plastic deformations with a very low degree of strain hardening. However, although copper is harder than lead, it is generally more malleable.

Aluminum can withstand quite a large amount of plastic deformation through hammer forming or cold rolling before it needs to be annealed to restore its ductile properties. Pure aluminum hardens much more slowly than copper, and some sheet aluminum alloys are too hard or brittle to allow much hardening.

Cold working of iron and steel

Industrial pure iron can be cold worked to large degrees of deformation before it becomes too hard for further processing.

Impurities in iron or steel impair the cold workability of the metal to such an extent that most steels cannot be cold worked, except of course special low carbon steels for the automotive industry.

At the same time, almost all steel can be successfully processed plastically in a red-hot state.

Why is metal annealing necessary?

The exact nature of the annealing process to which the metal is subjected depends largely on the purpose of the annealed metal. There is a significant difference in the method of annealing between annealing in factories where huge quantities of sheet steel are produced, and annealing in a small auto repair shop, where only one part requires such processing.

In short, cold working is plastic deformation by destruction or distortion of the grain structure of the metal.

During annealing, a metal or alloy is heated to a temperature at which recrystallization occurs - the formation of new grains - not deformed and round - instead of old - deformed and elongated - grains. Then the metal is cooled at a given speed.

  DIY copper tube radiator

In other words, crystals or grains within the metal that have been displaced or deformed during cold plastic working are given the opportunity to realign and recover to their natural state, but at an elevated annealing temperature.

Annealing of iron and steel

Iron and mild steels must be heated to temperatures of around 900 degrees Celsius and then allowed to cool slowly to ensure they are as "soft" as possible. At the same time, measures are taken to prevent contact of the metal with air in order to avoid oxidation of its surface. When this is done in a small auto repair shop, warm sand is used for this.

High carbon steels require similar processing except that the annealing temperature for them is lower and is about 800 degrees Celsius.

Annealing of copper

Copper is annealed at about 550 degrees Celsius, when the copper is heated to a deep red color. Once heated, the copper is cooled in water or allowed to cool slowly in air. The cooling rate of copper after heating at the annealing temperature does not affect the degree of “softness” of this metal obtained. The advantage of rapid cooling is that it cleans the metal of scale and dirt.

 Annealing aluminum

Aluminum is annealed at a temperature of 350 degrees Celsius. In factories this is done in suitable ovens or salt baths. In the workshop, aluminum is annealed with a gas torch. They say that in this case a wooden splinter is rubbed over the surface of heated metal.

When the wood begins to leave black marks, it means that the aluminum has received its annealing. Sometimes a bar of soap is used instead of wood: when the soap begins to leave brown marks, the heating should be stopped.

The aluminum is then cooled in water or left to cool in air.

Annealing of zinc

Zinc becomes malleable again at temperatures between 100 and 150 degrees Celsius. This means that it can be annealed in boiling water. Zinc must be processed while it is hot: when it cools, it loses much of its malleability.


Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

When it comes to electroplating, technological operations such as chrome plating and galvanizing of metal products immediately come to mind. But if you ask the question, what is galvanostegy, not everyone will answer - it has been verified. Although this term does not imply anything supernova.

Simply put, this is a technique for coating any material with a thin layer of metal, be it steel, aluminum, wood or plastic. We’ll figure out how to copper-plate a sample at home.

general information

Copper plating is a technique that is somewhat more universal than galvanizing. For what purposes is it carried out?

  • Protection of samples from carburization before cutting them, as well as from corrosion.
  • Elimination of defects on the surfaces of parts when other methods are unacceptable or difficult to implement. For example, if the base is characterized by complex terrain.
  • Decoration of products.
  • Creating copies of samples from other materials.
  • Preparation of steel parts for chrome plating, silver plating, and gold plating. In such cases, copper plating is only one of the stages of surface treatment of the material.
  • To create solderable segments.

It is unlikely that the reader will be interested in such nuances as the classification of copper (refined, oxygen-free, general use), various options for solutions used in copper plating, characteristics of materials and similar things. Below we consider only the simplest methods of applying Cu to any surface, which are easy to organize at home, without any difficulties or financial costs.

Copper plating in electrolyte

This technique is only suitable for coating metal parts with a layer of Cu. In fact, the technology is not much different from galvanizing at home.


The equipment you will need is simple:

 Glass bath (container). Its capacity is determined by the dimensions of the workpiece. Even a liter jar or glass are options.

 Copper electrodes. Typically, two are used. This allows you to better coat the workpiece with a layer on all sides and simplifies the process itself. As you work, you will not have to periodically change the position of the part relative to the electrode. What exactly to use depends on the specific situation - copper plates, pieces of thick wire. This is unprincipled.


How to make copper heavier

Finding scrap metal has become a source of income for many. There are people for whom this is a hobby or a way to earn money.

This process is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

For beginner metal detectors, this may seem like a challenge, but if you know where to find metal, then this task is not so difficult.

Devices containing copper and its alloys

You don't have to go far to mine copper. This does not have to be excavations in the fields using a metal detector. You can take copper from old electrical appliances.

Because repairing old appliances takes a lot of time and money, they are often thrown away.

But before that, it is possible to obtain scrap metal from them, which, after processing, is used to make pipes, wire, profile sheets, or to replace some elements for devices.

Copper alloy can be easily found:

  • In bearings, radiators, motors, gears.
  • In old jewelry and decorative elements.
  • In plumbing.
  • In kitchen utensils.
  • In radiators and computers.

Copper itself can be found in the following devices:

  • Up to one and a half kilograms of scrap metal can be found in a tube TV.
  • Almost three kilograms of copper can be taken from the engine of an old Soviet-style refrigerator.
  • Smaller amounts of copper are taken from washing machines, hair dryers, and microwave ovens.
  • If there is a starter from a vehicle that is unsuitable for repair, then metal can also be extracted from there.

From these devices, you can’t take much copper, but these devices are widely found.

Where to look?

In order not to waste time searching, you need to know in advance where to get the metal. Such places include:

  • Fields. You can often find broken equipment there.
  • Abandoned factories, often containing a lot of aluminum and copper.
  • Car repair centers. Finding such an abandoned place is worth a lot. Where else to look for scrap metal? The convenience lies in the fact that all the broken parts are put in one place and sometimes just one bolt can pull out a kilogram.
  • Dump. This place is suitable for those who are beginners and do not know where to search for copper for change. This is where you can easily learn to distinguish between types of metals, so as not to rent them out at the same price in the future.
  • Abandoned landfill. In such places you can easily find shell casings, targets and dummies of equipment.

If you choose a field for searching, it is best to search with metal in the spring, so as not to collide with workers and not create problems for each other.

How to properly collect colored scrap

Almost all metal detectors streamline the scrap collection process. To carry out this process, you need to optimize your activities to the maximum. To do this you will need:

  • Decide on a system for collecting devices that are unsuitable for further use.
  • Take care of the delivery of collected scrap metal to the dismantling point. To do this, you need a vehicle on which transportation will be carried out. Take care in advance of the place where all the scrap metal will be located, because there will be quite a lot of it.
  • Develop a disassembly process. To do this, you need to purchase a special tool to separate the metal from other materials and begin sorting.
  • Arrange rapid transportation of metal to collection points.

You should also know that prices for non-ferrous scrap vary depending on the time of year.

Since the winter period is difficult for metal mining, the price is higher than in the summer.

Therefore, it would be more advisable to hold on to the existing material until “better” times.

Copper production method

Obtaining copper, even in industrial conditions, is a very labor-intensive process:

  • At the initial stage, the metal is crushed, after which it is cleaned of impurities of other rocks. After purification, the starting material is fired, after which a solid substance can be obtained - cinder, which in turn undergoes melting.
  • After this procedure, matte is obtained, which contains up to 50% copper.
  • The manufactured matte is enriched with oxygen, air blowing, and quartz flux.
  • Only after these procedures can blister copper be obtained; it is melted and passed through an oxygen melt.
  • Finally, the resulting material is treated with sulfur oxide, after which the percentage of copper is 99.9%.

How to get a high price for scrap metal

Every scrap hunter wants to sell the scrap metal he finds at the best price for himself.

As mentioned above, you can search for metal in the summer and sell it in the winter, when prices rise.

But if your priority is to make a profit regularly, then it is best to look for collection points that offer prices higher than those of competitors.

Do not also forget that the cost depends on the quality and composition of the material that is being rented. The highest price is offered for pure copper.


Features of copper annealing

When heat treating copper and its alloys, two features of the material are taken into account: increased thermal conductivity and interaction with gases when heated. It is these factors that cause rapid and uniform heating of the metal along the perimeter of the section. Annealing copper is heating the metal followed by cooling, allowing you to change the properties of the material. Heat treatment makes the metal softer and more ductile. Copper is used in various fields where ductility is important.


To facilitate mechanical and plastic processing of copper parts, the hardness of the metal is reduced by annealing. The workpiece is heated to a temperature above 600°C and then immersed in water. Copper becomes soft.

After creating the mold, the metal is reheated over a fire to a temperature of 400°C and cooled in fresh air. It will become hard.

Advantages and disadvantages of processing

An undeniable property of copper is its high electrical conductivity. It is used in construction and the manufacture of electrical equipment. The mechanical parameters of the metal are quite low, so it is not often used as a pure structural material.

Benefits of annealing:

  • the treatment removes harmful substances from the metal and removes bacteria;
  • the workpiece becomes soft and elastic, withstands pressure over 200 atmospheres;
  • the material becomes resistant to corrosion;
  • increase in hardness - the part can be bent several times without fear of cracks;
  • reduction of residual stress during incomplete annealing.

There are significantly fewer disadvantages, but they still exist:

  • the material requires slow cooling;
  • copper is an expensive material;
  • If handled incorrectly, soft metal can be damaged.

What equipment is used

Copper undergoes two types of heat treatment:

  • annealing to reduce remaining stress;
  • recrystallization annealing.

The temperature regime for recrystallization of oxygen-free copper is 200–240°C, and that of electrolytic copper is 180–230°C. Metal containing oxygen is treated in a neutral environment to reduce losses after oxidation.

For annealing heat treatment, a shaft-type convection oven is used. In addition, the equipment is in demand for annealing wire, rope, rods, steels, and metal balls.

The oven has the following advantages:

  • improved accuracy of temperature control;
  • automation of heat treatment;
  • the fan at the bottom of the device ensures stable heat transfer;
  • processing error is +/-5C;
  • heating is carried out from electricity;
  • ammonia and pure nitrogen protect the metal from oxidation;
  • capacity - 8–36 tons;
  • ease of operation and installation.

The furnace lid is equipped with a special pneumatic device, which is responsible for opening and closing during the annealing process. The emergency valve operates automatically when the pressure rises to high or drops to low.

Processing principle

Annealing is a heat treatment procedure for copper that produces a stable, strong metal structure, free from residual stresses. Annealing technology goes through several stages:

  1. metal into equipment.
  2. Installing the muffle and purging with protective gas to remove air.
  3. Heating to 650–700 degrees.
  4. Rapid cooling up to 100 degrees when immersing the product in water.
  5. Giving the required shape.
  6. Reheat to 350–400 degrees.
  7. Air cooling and unloading.

The last stage of the technology is carried out twice as slow.

The treatment ends when the annealing temperature of copper reaches a value at which it can be exposed to air without oxidation. It is prohibited to expose workpieces to high-temperature air. Duration: 1–2 hours.

Features of copper annealing Link to main publication


How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

Technologies for imparting greater hardness to metals and alloys have been improved over many centuries. Modern equipment makes it possible to carry out heat treatment in such a way as to significantly improve the properties of products even from inexpensive materials.

Hardening of steel and alloys

Hardening (martensitic transformation) is the main method of imparting greater hardness to steels. In this process, the product is heated to such a temperature that the iron changes its crystal lattice and can be additionally saturated with carbon. After holding for a certain time, the steel is cooled.

This must be done at high speed to prevent the formation of intermediate forms of iron. As a result of rapid transformation, a solid solution supersaturated with carbon with a distorted crystal structure is obtained. Both of these factors are responsible for its high hardness (up to HRC 65) and brittleness.

When hardening, most carbon and tool steels are heated to a temperature of 800 to 900C, but high-speed steels P9 and P18 are heated at 1200-1300C.

Microstructure of high-speed steel R6M5: a) cast state;
b) after forging and annealing; c) after hardening; d) after vacation. ×500.

Quenching modes

The heated product is lowered into a cooling medium, where it remains until it cools completely. This is the simplest hardening method, but it can only be used for steels with a low carbon content (up to 0.8%) or for parts of simple shape. These limitations are associated with thermal stresses that arise during rapid cooling - parts of complex shapes can warp or even crack.

With this method of hardening, the product is cooled to 250-300C in a saline solution for 2-3 minutes to relieve thermal stress, and then cooling is completed in air. This helps prevent cracks or warping of parts.

The disadvantage of this method is the relatively low cooling rate, so it is used for small (up to 10 mm in diameter) parts made of carbon or larger ones made of alloy steels, for which the hardening rate is not so critical.

It begins with rapid cooling in water and ends with slow cooling in oil. Typically, such hardening is used for products made of tool steels. The main difficulty lies in calculating the cooling time in the first environment.

  • Surface hardening (laser, high frequency currents)

Used for parts that must be hard on the surface, but have a viscous core, for example, gear teeth. During surface hardening, the outer layer of the metal is heated to supercritical values, and then cooled either during the heat removal process (with laser hardening) or by liquid circulating in a special inductor circuit (with high-frequency current hardening)


Hardened steel becomes excessively brittle, which is the main disadvantage of this hardening method. To normalize the structural properties, tempering is carried out - heating to a temperature below the phase transformation, holding and slow cooling.

During tempering, a partial “cancellation” of hardening occurs, the steel becomes slightly less hard, but more ductile.

There are low (150-200C, for tools and parts with increased wear resistance), medium (300-400C, for springs) and high (550-650, for highly loaded parts) tempering.

Copper plating at home

In the modern world, copper alloy has become more widespread. It is applied to the surface to give visual appeal to various products. Copper plating at home is often carried out to significantly increase electrical conductivity. In some cases, the process in question is an intermediate operation that allows another substance to be applied to the surface.

Copper plating at home

Use of copper plating

Copper plating of various workpieces has recently often been carried out at home. In most cases, technology is used to achieve the following goals:

  1. Decorating metal or plastic. Copper plating of metal at home is often carried out in order to obtain antique-looking products that are very popular. A special aging procedure allows you to create the effect of long-term use of the product. In addition, copper after application resembles gold. That is why a small layer can be applied to obtain a figurine or souvenir.
  2. Electrotype. Copper plating of steel in a similar way can also be carried out at home. The essence of the technology is to create a wax or plastic base, which is covered with a layer of the alloy in question. Electroforming is often used to produce jewelry or souvenirs, matrices and waveguides. The use of special materials can significantly improve the quality of the coating.
  3. Obtaining parts used to create various mechanisms. Copper plating of cast iron or other metal is carried out at production sites using various technologies. Coating the workpiece with copper can significantly improve the electrical properties. In a similar way, you can obtain terminals or other similar elements that will be operated under voltage. Products made from pure copper are very expensive. That is why the technology in question is often used.

Copper plating of steel

Copper plating of plastic at home is extremely rare, since such material cannot withstand high temperatures. In addition, the plasticity of the base leads to the appearance of structural cracks.

Features of copper plating at home

Copper plating of metal is a special technology for applying a layer of copper with a thickness of 1-300 microns or more. The features of the technologies used determine that the copper coating will adhere firmly to the metal surface. Among the features that the workpiece acquires, we note the following points:

  1. Plastic.
  2. High electrical conductivity. Copper products are well known for being able to conduct electricity without getting hot. That is why products are often created that are coated with a similar alloy.
  3. More attractive look. Copper glitters in the sun, reflections appear on the surface.
  4. Under atmospheric conditions, the alloy easily oxidizes and becomes coated. This point should be taken into account when considering where and how exactly the product will be used.
  5. Over time, copper film becomes covered with spots and rainbow stains.

Steel oxidation

Copper plating at home can be carried out using a special solution. It is worth considering that the process involves the use of special reagents. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for effective supply ventilation, as well as personal protective equipment. Copper plating of plastic is somewhat different and involves the use of special technology.

Types of copper plating

The procedure in question can be performed even by beginners in the field of metallurgy. To obtain a high-quality surface, you need to know all the features of the process. Copper plating of lead and other metals at home can be carried out using two different technologies:

  1. Immersed in electrolyte. This technology involves dipping the workpiece into a prepared solution, after which voltage is applied. It is often used when the workpiece is small in size, since a smaller amount of special electrolyte is required. To immerse the workpiece, a bath or other container is required that does not react to the effects of the solution used.
  2. Without immersion in a pre-prepared container. It is difficult to implement, but also allows you to achieve high quality copper surface film.

In both cases, a supply of electricity is provided, due to which the substance is activated.

The most suitable processing method is selected depending on the result to be achieved. Let's take an example:

  1. Obtaining a protective and decorative layer. In this case, chromium is often mixed with nickel and copper. Due to this combination of alloys, a reliable surface can be obtained.
  2. To protect the surface during cementing. Applying a thin layer of copper helps protect the workpiece from cementation. The surface that will be subsequently processed by cutting is covered with the solution.
  3. Restoration and repair of parts. When restoring chrome parts of cars and motorcycles, the technology in question can be used. When applying a layer of no more than 250 microns, surface defects in the metal can be hidden.

Both processing technologies have their own specific characteristics that must be taken into account.

Copper plating in solution with electrolyte

Electroplating with copper at home with immersion is carried out extremely often. This technology allows you to obtain a uniform coating. The features of this processing method include the following points:

  1. To remove the oxide film before copper plating, the workpiece is treated with sandpaper. After this, the product is washed and degreased with a hot soda mixture. If you do not pay attention to the preparatory stage, the process being carried out will not allow you to obtain a product that is resistant to mechanical stress. Metal that is susceptible to corrosion must be well cleaned, since even small chips can make the surface uneven.
  2. Two plates of the same alloy are lowered into a jar or other container on copper wires. They act as an anode. The container used must be made of glass.
  3. The workpiece is suspended between two anodes, which is connected to the minus, and the plates to the plus. A battery producing a voltage of 6V can be used as a power source.
  4. Galvanic copper plating involves the use of a specific solution. It is the connecting element between the part and the anodes. A solution for galvanic copper plating can be prepared by taking 20 grams of copper sulfate and 3 milliliters of sulfuric acid. To dilute and mix these ingredients, you can use 100 milliliters of distilled water. When working with the resulting solution, you must be extremely careful, since burns may occur if the substance comes into contact with exposed skin.
  5. Copper plating of aluminum with copper sulfate at home can only be carried out if the electrodes are completely covered with the solution. If they are kept dry, they may heat up and melt. During prolonged processing, the substance may heat up and its volume will decrease.

Galvanic copper plating

When using the technology in question, the current is set at 15 mA per square centimeter. It usually takes at least 20 minutes to cover the entire surface with a special alloy. As the period increases, the coating becomes thicker.

Copper plating without immersion in solution

A similar method is used to coat steel, zinc or aluminum. Coating a product with copper at home in this case is carried out with a wire, from which the insulation is first removed to obtain a kind of brush. The opposite end of the wire is connected to the positive energy source. Chemical copper plating at home also involves the use of a special solution, which increases the efficiency of the process.

Among the features of creating the required solution, the following points can be noted:

  1. A solution of copper sulfate is used. It can be purchased in specialized stores. In addition, a special electrolyte is made by mixing various chemical elements.
  2. The composition is slightly acidified. Due to this, the efficiency of the procedure is significantly increased.

The substance is applied to the surface, after which the metal surface is prepared. It is cleaned of contaminants and then degreased. After this, the plate prepared in advance is placed in the bath and a minus voltage from the current source is supplied to it.

Copper plating of aluminum

This process requires that there is always a layer of electrolyte between the assembled wires and the plate. This ensures a high degree of conductivity. It only takes a few seconds to coat a small product.

After coating, the product is air dried. Various pollutants must not be allowed to enter. The next step is to rub the copper layer with a woolen rag or other cloth. In most cases, the technology in question is used when the product is large and cannot be immersed in a bathtub.

Necessary equipment

Copper plating can be applied at home using even the most ordinary equipment. Installation of a bathtub for the procedure under consideration is carried out in approximately the same way as galvanic ones. It is worth considering that there are two types of active solutions: acidic and alkaline.

When working it can be used:

  1. Small copper plates as electrodes.
  2. Wire for supplying current.


Soldering copper steel at home

Copper products are found everywhere in different areas of life. For example, it is used to create strong and durable heating and water supply systems. But to connect the two elements, experts resort to a special technology - soldering copper pipes. The procedure requires suitable tools and materials, as well as knowledge. Since it has certain features that a beginner may not know about.

To solder copper, the master needs to have with him a composition such as solder. This thermoplastic substance seals the surface of the product and, under the influence of high temperature, melts, spreading over the entire joint. But as soon as it cools, it hardens and securely holds the products together.

The result is one item that has a long service life, withstands high loads, pressure and temperature changes, and is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

What tools and materials are needed

Soldering is carried out not only at industrial facilities, but also at home. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • electric soldering iron or gas burner;
  • pipe cutter;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • brush and steel brush.

How exactly to connect the products depends on the convenience and preference of the master. But the power of the device is selected in accordance with the melting temperature of the solder.

Flux can be liquid or solid; each type has individual differences that should be taken into account. If the material is used in the form of a thickened mixture, then it is applied to the joint, both before and after the connection.

Flux is needed to protect the surface from oxidation, promote solder flow and improve adhesion.

Types of fluxes and solders, features of working with them

Craftsmen know a variety of hard and soft substances that ensure high-quality soldering of metal products. 95% use tin, which is a low-temperature composition with slightly worse technical parameters. But it is valued for the fact that work can be carried out at any temperature without reducing the strength of the products being joined.

Connecting elements also include silver, which has excellent technological properties. Craftsmen often use three-component compositions of silver, tin and copper. Often, materials used in low-temperature soldering contain zinc chloride.

The advantage of soft solders is that they cover a larger area when applied to the surface of the part. They provide high strength and reliability.

Soft solders

Soft solder is used in the installation of water supply and heating networks, where the pipe diameter reaches 10 cm and the water temperature does not exceed 130 degrees. These types include:

  • lead-tin type;
  • with low tin content;
  • special and fusible.

Lead-free flux is most often chosen as solder. The tin-copper type is the most common due to its affordable price. But its advantage lies elsewhere. All mixtures containing tin in the composition are economical in consumption.

It is enough to apply a little solder to half the surface being treated and it will spread over the entire area. This property is explained by the fact that tin easily penetrates and spreads throughout any structure.

Brazing alloys

When it comes to considering the environmental conditions in which soldering is performed, it is better to use hard solders. The use of such substances ensures high strength of the seam. The most common compounds are the following compounds:

  • copper and zinc;
  • phosphorus and copper;
  • pure copper;
  • no-clean flux.

Solid compounds are classified as refractory and low-melting. Each type is characterized by certain properties. For example, copper-phosphorus replaces expensive silver flux. It is moderately expensive, but has one drawback - it cannot be used at low temperatures.

The strongest of the solid compounds are copper-zinc and multicomponent ones. They are expensive, but the price is justified by the reliability of the connection. When soldering is performed with copper itself, it is necessary to use flux. In this case, it will be possible to firmly connect the two parts.

Why do you need solder paste?

Solder paste is a pasty mass consisting of small particles of solder, flux and special additives. Flux paste is used in industry when soldering elements on printed circuit boards. The paste is selected according to certain conditions:

  • after application there should be easily removable particles;
  • the substance must maintain viscosity and stickiness;
  • do not have a negative impact on the surface being treated;
  • do not leak onto clothing during melting.

How to work with the paste depends on the type and size of solder contained in its composition. The material also differs in the type of flux (rosin, water-washable, no-clean). It is necessary to hold small parts in place and facilitate the joining process.

Soldering technology

The process is quite simple, therefore, when it is necessary to connect something at home, the owner does the soldering with his own hands and without the involvement of specialists. But still, you can’t do without the preparatory stage.

It determines how high-quality and reliable the connection will be. First of all, you should pay attention to the cut of the part, which should be strictly vertical, without burrs, with even and smooth edges. If you find the slightest defects, you should take sandpaper and rub it over the surface until the defects disappear.

If two copper pipes are connected, then, having brought the cut to an ideal state, it is necessary to insert it into the fitting and then remove it. The part that came into contact with the fitting must be cleaned of oxidation. The next step is applying flux. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to run the brush over the entire part, paying special attention to the joint.

Then the elements are connected to each other and firmly fixed. Further actions depend on what is being used for soldering - a gas torch or a soldering iron. Considering that the parts must be stationary, an assistant will be required. He will be the one to hold them, but if one is not found, you need to manage and do it yourself.

When something needs to be soldered at home, a solid compound is most often used. But the master can purchase special pastes. With the correct choice of compositions, it is possible to connect two pipelines or radio components as accurately and firmly as possible.

Soldering is performed at either high or low temperature. In the first case, the process is distinguished by high strength of the seam, and the connected area also gains heat resistance. Which is very important if it later serves as part of various communications. But high-temperature soldering is not allowed on threaded connections. Most often this process is performed with a propane-filled torch.

When low-temperature soldering is used, a soft compound, paste or gel is used. It is most suitable for a beginner master because it is simple and easy. In this type of process, the temperature does not rise above 425 degrees, so it is even possible to use a soldering iron, which is found in almost every home.

Working with a soldering iron

Every person has seen a soldering iron at least once in their life, and many constantly work with it. Therefore, they will not see anything complicated in soldering copper products with this tool. The whole essence of the process is that the solder located between the two parts is heated with a soldering iron until it begins to melt.

When it hardens, the two parts will be securely fastened into one. To solder efficiently, it is necessary to distribute the substance evenly over the entire surface, filling every gap. It is important to choose exactly the material that can withstand the high temperature of the soldering iron.

Working with the burner

The tool is turned on when the two parts are already connected to each other. You should not hold it near the joint for too long, since the combustion temperature is several thousand degrees. While you only need to heat a certain place to 250-300 degrees.

This will take 20-30 seconds. As soon as the flux changes color to dark, the compound to be joined is introduced. Important! The burner or hair dryer should be placed in the middle to cover the entire joint area.

Is it possible to solder copper with tin?

Many novice craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to solder copper with tin. In fact, it’s not just possible, but necessary. Because this composition provides good bonding. Most often, tin is used when holding food items together.

There is only one thing to remember - this metal requires a higher temperature than other solders. It is better to use a powerful electric soldering iron as a tool.

Soldering with silver solder

When you need to solder parts at home, silver solder is often used. It is beneficial because you can create it yourself. But it should not be used alone, in combination with zinc and copper.

Treated with this solder, the seam will be very strong and neat. The percentage of components is controlled by GOST 19746 74. But you can find out exactly what types of substances to use from the instructions of experienced craftsmen or those included with the products being connected.

How to solder copper and stainless steel

If you need to solder copper to another metal, such as steel, you will have to work hard. This process is not easy, but it is quite feasible. This is explained by the fact that stainless steel interacts poorly with other metals and is difficult to heat treat.



How to distinguish copper from other metals

How to distinguish copper from other metals

For most of us, knowledge about copper and its properties is limited to a school chemistry course, which is quite enough at the everyday level.

However, sometimes there is a need to reliably determine whether a material is a pure element, an alloy, or even a composite material.

The opinion that this information is needed only by those who are engaged in the acceptance or delivery of scrap metal is erroneous: for example, on amateur radio forums, topics are often raised about how to distinguish copper in wires from copper-plated aluminum.

Briefly about element No. 29

Briefly about element No. 29

Pure copper (Cu) is a golden-pink metal with high ductility, thermal and electrical conductivity. Chemical inertness in an ordinary non-aggressive environment is ensured by a thin oxide film, which gives the metal an intense reddish tint.

The main difference between copper and other metals is color . In fact, there are not so many colored metals: only gold, cesium and osmium are similar in appearance, and all elements included in the group of non-ferrous metals (iron, tin, lead, aluminum, zinc, magnesium and nickel) have a gray color with varying intensity of shine.

An absolute guarantee of the chemical composition of any material can be obtained only through spectral analysis. The equipment for carrying it out is very expensive, and even many expert laboratories can only dream of it. However, there are many ways to distinguish copper at home with a high degree of probability.

1. Determination by color

1. Determination by color

So, we have before us a piece of unknown material that needs to be identified as copper. The emphasis on the term “material” rather than “metal” was made specifically, since recently many composites have appeared that are very similar to metals in appearance and tactile sensations.

First of all, we consider color. It is advisable to do this in daylight or “warm” LED lighting (under “cool” LEDs, the reddish tint changes to yellow-green). It is ideal if there is a copper plate or wire for comparison - in this case, errors in color perception are practically eliminated.

Important: old copper products can be covered with an oxidized layer (a greenish-blue loose coating): in this case, the color of the metal must be looked at in a cut or saw cut.

2. Determination by magnet

2. Determination by magnet

Color matching is a reliable but not sufficient method of identification. The second step of independent experiments will be a test with a magnet. Chemically pure copper is classified as diamagnetic - i.e. to substances that do not respond to magnetic influence.

If the material under study is attracted to a magnet, then it is an alloy in which the content of the main substance is no more than 50%.

However, even if the sample did not react to the magnet, it is too early to rejoice, since often an aluminum base is hidden under the copper coating, which is also not magnetic (this can be eliminated by filing or cutting).

3. Determination by reaction to flame

3. Determination by reaction to flame

Another way to identify copper is to heat a sample over an open fire (gas stove, lighter or regular match). When heated, copper wire will first lose its shine and then turn black-brown, covered with oxide. This method can also be used to cut off composite materials that, when heated, begin to smoke and form a gas with a pungent odor.

4. Determination through chemical experiments

4. Determination through chemical experiments

The reaction with concentrated nitric acid is indicative: if the latter is dropped onto the surface of a copper product, a green-blue color will occur.

A qualitative reaction to copper is dissolution in hydrochloric acid followed by exposure to ammonia. If a copper sample is left in an HCl solution until completely or partially dissolved, and then ordinary pharmaceutical ammonia is dropped into it, the solution will turn intensely blue.

Important: working with chemicals requires precautions. Independent experiments should be carried out in a well-ventilated area using personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, apron, goggles).

How to distinguish between copper and its alloys?

How to distinguish between copper and its alloys?

Copper alloys are widely used in industry. Over many years of research, it has been possible to obtain many materials with unique properties: high ductility, electrical conductivity, chemical resistance, strength (all depends on alloying additives). The most common are bronze (with the addition of tin, aluminum, silicon, manganese, lead and beryllium), brass (with the addition of 10-45% zinc), as well as copper-nickel alloys (nickel silver, cupronickel, copel, manganin).

Only bronze and brass are difficult to identify, since copper-nickel alloys differ significantly in color due to their low copper content.

Copper or brass?

Copper or brass?

Brass can contain from 10 to 45% zinc, a silver-gray metal. Naturally, the more zinc, the paler the alloy. However, high-copper brasses, in which the amount of additives does not exceed 10%, differ little in color from the copper sample.

In this case, you can only trust your feelings: brass is much harder and more difficult to bend (for greater reliability, a comparison with a reference sample is advisable). You can try to remove the shavings: copper shavings will have a curl shape, brass shavings will be straight, needle-shaped.

When the samples are placed in a solution of hydrochloric acid, no reaction with copper is observed, and a white coating of zinc chloride forms on the surface of the brass.

Copper or bronze?

Copper or bronze?

Like brass, bronze is much stronger, which is explained by the presence of harder metals in the alloy. The most reliable test will be a “tooth test” - there is unlikely to be a trace of pressure left on the surface of the bronze.

You can also experiment with a hot saline solution (200 g of table salt per 1 liter of water). After 10-15 minutes, a copper sample will acquire a more intense shade than a bronze one.

For those familiar with electrical engineering

For those familiar with electrical engineering

Very often, copper cores from electrical cables are sold as scrap non-ferrous metals, and there are often cases when copper-coated aluminum is used in the production of electrical products. This material has a significantly lower density, but due to its irregular geometric shape, determining the volume to calculate the density is quite difficult.

In this case, copper can be determined by electrical resistance (of course, if you have the appropriate instruments - a voltmeter, ammeter, rheostat). We measure the cross-section and length of the core, take instrument readings, and Ohm’s law will help you.

Resistivity is a fairly accurate characteristic by which any metal can be identified with a high degree of reliability.



It is possible to accurately determine the quality of copper scrap or the content of the main substance in the alloy only after an examination: all of the above methods are approximate. If we consider pricing when purchasing scrap metal, the most expensive is electrical copper, the cheapest are alloys of the brass group. The final cost of the transaction can be clarified with the managers of companies involved in the purchase of scrap non-ferrous metals.


LLC "Elsit"

LLC "Elsit"

Hardening a metal allows you to make some changes in its structure, making it softer or, conversely, harder. When hardening, a lot depends not only on the heating itself, but also on the cooling process and time. Manufacturers mainly harden steel, making the product more durable, however, copper can also be hardened if the need arises.

Copper hardening - production process

Copper hardening - production process

Copper is hardened using the annealing method. During heat treatment, copper can be made softer or harder, depending on what it will be used for in the future. However, it is important to remember that the method of hardening copper is significantly different from the way steel is hardened.

Copper is hardened by slow cooling in air. If it is necessary to obtain a softer structure, then hardening is carried out by rapidly cooling the metal in water immediately after heating. If you need to get a very soft metal, then you should heat the copper until red hot (this is about 600 °), and then lower it into water. After the product has gone through the deformation process and acquired the desired shape, it can be heated again to 400° and then allowed to cool in the air.

Copper hardening plant

Copper hardening plant

Copper is hardened in special equipment designed for this purpose. There are several types of hardening equipment, but induction equipment has become the most popular today.

The induction installation is excellent for hardening copper, allowing you to obtain a high quality product.

Thanks to the automated software of the HDTV equipment, it is configured with high precision, indicating the heating time, temperature, and method of cooling the metal.

If a company constantly hardens metal products, then it would be best to pay attention to a special set of equipment designed for comfortable, quick hardening. The ELSIT hardening complex has all the necessary equipment for high-frequency hardening.

The hardening complex includes: an induction installation, a hardening machine, a manipulator and a cooling module.

If the customer needs to harden products of different shapes, then a set of inductors of various sizes can be included in the hardening complex.

Source: https://xn--h1afsf5c.xn--p1ai/%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B8/%D0%B7%D0%B0% D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

There is an opinion that copper pipes are universal and the most durable. Is this really true? Can this pipeline be used everywhere, and what are the restrictions when laying it? As well as installation methods, how to solder copper pipes

Copper is not recommended for plumbing

Copper is not recommended for plumbing



  • Copper is not recommended for plumbing
  • Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete
  • Variety of types of copper pipes
  • Hard or soft
  • Hard and soft soldering
  • Other methods for joining copper pipes
  • Installation features

Copper pipes are not used in water supply systems. Copper ions that enter water are harmful to living organisms. Therefore, in some countries, at the regulatory level, it is prohibited to use this material for water supply.

Also in heating systems, in theory, the same ions can cause harm if they encounter uncoated aluminum somewhere in an unprotected state. As a result of the reactions, mutual destruction of materials occurs. True, such a situation practically never occurs in practice, due to the lack of aluminum alloys without polymer coatings.

An exception to this limitation on use is copper pipes coated on the inside, for example, with tin. But such options are too expensive and are not available in practice.

Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete

Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete

It is unacceptable to embed a copper pipeline in walls, screeds, or any concrete structures.

There are two reasons:

  • the difference in thermal expansion leads to mutual destruction, the pipes fray;
  • the escape of stray currents at some point will lead to the formation of a hole in the pipe wall, an electrochemical fistula.

Copper in a reinforced concrete structure will be the best conductor of electricity. It is on this that the so-called stray currents and electromagnetic background interference will flow. They will go to the ground according to the least resistance, at some point in the pipeline, which will lead to a very rapid failure of the most durable copper pipe, which for some reason was embedded in concrete.

There are polymer-coated product options. But due to the increased cost, they do not compete well with conventional metal-plastic options. We usually do not use polymer-coated ones.

Variety of types of copper pipes

Variety of types of copper pipes

There are many different options for copper pipes:

  • with and without internal and external coating of various materials;
  • made according to the metric system, measured in millimeters, and according to the Western system, inch, and these products are not interchangeable.
  • hard pipes, non-bending, and soft pipes, supplied in coils.

But in practice, it all comes down to the choice between soft and hard pipes made according to the metric system. Other types are simply not supplied to us and are not in demand.

Hard or soft

Hard or soft

Rigid copper pipes do not bend and are supplied in straight sections up to 12 meters long. During installation, they are cut into pieces of the required length and connected with fittings, forming a beautiful pipeline, which is called eternal.

But the cost is high due to the presence of many connections and fittings.

Soft copper pipes are supplied in coils up to 50 meters long. They can be bent with a pipe bender, thus laying them to a greater length without a single joint, which is cheap. But such options don’t look good in plain sight; they won’t be able to be aligned or given an aesthetic appearance.

Therefore, everything that is in sight is usually made of hard copper pipes and varnished, since after a year they can fade.

For highways hidden from view, a cheap soft option is used. For example, laying copper pipes in tunnels in the floor, dressed in corrugated plastic protective shells - supply from below to each radiator.

Hard and soft soldering

Hard and soft soldering

Methods for soldering copper pipes are also distinguished as hard and soft.

  • When hard soldering, the pipe is heated with a blowtorch to a high temperature, until it turns crimson in color. As a result, the color of the joints changes, they darken, are not cleaned, and scorched copper is formed.
  • Soft soldering involves lower temperatures and the use of low-melting solder.

Sometimes craftsmen advertise hard soldering as more reliable. This is a hoax; they advertise solely because this option is easier and faster to do. But a darkened, overheated pipeline will not please you.

In most cases, low-temperature soft soldering is used.

In the video, the master solders copper pipes using solder No. 3, which contains 97% tin and 3% copper.

Other methods for joining copper pipes

Other methods for joining copper pipes

It is possible to join copper pipes using compression threaded connecting elements. The option involves pressing the ferrule around the pipe while tightening the threaded connection. The result is a high connection density. But this method is considered the most unreliable - when it moves to the joint, it immediately leaks. A leak can happen just like that. Intended for “home use”; professionals do not use such a connection.

Another option is a copper pipe compression fitting. Creates a permanent connection, the same reliability as when soldering. To create a crimp, a special professional tool is required - crimping pliers. Which is quite expensive. The method is not rarely used, but only by large organizations or specialists with such a tool.

Installation features

Installation features

But only specialists can handle the installation of a copper pipeline. In addition to the above features, there are many more nuances.

For example, expanders are used to give the pipe a round, enlarged cross-section before joining.

Cutting is carried out by special cutters.

Or an option when you need to make branches of a smaller diameter from the main pipe - this is created by simple drilling with subsequent expansion.

Special pipe benders and springs are used that are placed on soft copper pipes to prevent them from bending.

And much more.

As a result of soldering or crimping copper pipes, a pipeline should be formed, which many consider the most durable and also the most aesthetic. This is how boiler rooms are often made, and wiring around the house is made with metal-plastic, for example. The opinion that copper pipes are too expensive is not true.


7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

Surely many people at their dacha have a coil of copper wire lying around in the notorious box with the code name “It’s a pity to throw it away,” and maybe more than one. We tell you what and how you can make from copper wire.

The technology for making wire “as we know it” has been known since the 7th century. Wire is produced by so-called drawing - pulling metal through a hole of small diameter. In skillful hands, this material can not only become an original decorative item, but also help in the fight against late blight, and also serve as plant nutrition.

Method 1. Copper wire against late blight on tomatoes

Method 1. Copper wire against late blight on tomatoes

Let us immediately warn you that the method described below is only suitable for the prevention of late blight. To treat plants affected by this insidious disease, more serious measures must be taken.

To prevent late blight in tomatoes, use the following “folk” method. Take a copper wire 1 mm thick and sand it until shiny with fine sandpaper or a knife (this must be done to remove the protective PVC sheath from the wire). Cut the peeled wire into pieces 3-4 cm long.

In order to “get” the wire of the required diameter, you can use a single-core installation wire.

It is most effective to carry out the procedure 2 weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground, but if the moment is missed, you can do it at any other time. It is not recommended to use the method within 2 weeks after planting the plant in the ground, since the seedling needs to cope with “post-transplant stress” and does not need unnecessary stress.

So, use a piece of copper wire to pierce the stem through a little below the first true leaf. Gently bend the edges of the wire down.

If the wire is too thin (less than 1 mm in diameter), first pierce the tomato stem with a needle or awl, and then insert the wire into the hole.

Pretty soon the wound on the tomato will heal, and the plant will begin to receive additional protection from late blight. It happens like this: juice continuously moves along the stem of the plant from bottom to top, and when it interacts with the wire, it is saturated with copper ions, which are subsequently transferred along with the juice to all parts of the plant. This copper “grafting” has a beneficial effect on the disease resistance of tomatoes.

Method 2. Copper wire against late blight

Method 2. Copper wire against late blight

There is another option for using copper wire to prevent late blight of tomatoes. Its essence lies in the fact that the wire is stuck into the soil next to the plant at a distance of 40-50 mm around the bush. The advantage of this method is that it can be used immediately after planting the seedlings in the ground, since the tomato stem remains unharmed.

Method 3. Copper wire as a fruit growth stimulator

Method 3. Copper wire as a fruit growth stimulator

To speed up the fruiting of various crops (including tomatoes), the ringing method is used. To “ring” a plant, you need to wrap the stem of the plant with copper wire (preferably thin) at a height of 3-5 cm from the soil.

The champion among wires in terms of the amount of copper wire is the antenna cable.

It is important not to overdo it and accidentally cut the stem. This method will ensure that more nutrients are supplied to the fruits than to the roots of the plant.

Method 4. Copper wire for fruit trees

Method 4. Copper wire for fruit trees

Some gardeners use copper wire to protect fruit trees (pears, apple trees, etc.) from diseases and strengthen the immune system. To do this, a small piece of wire (preferably thick) is driven into the trunk of an adult tree, and covered with garden varnish on top. The wound will heal over time, and the metal will “feed” the tree with useful microelements.

Method 5. Copper wire for gartering grapes

Method 5. Copper wire for gartering grapes

One of the obvious ways to use copper wire in the country is to use it to make trellises. The advantage of copper wire is that it will not break over time like rope or rust like iron wire. In addition, over time, the wire will begin to feed the grapes with microelements.

The optimal wire thickness for tying vines is 2-4 mm.

Method 6. DIY copper wire jewelry

Method 6. DIY copper wire jewelry

Wire is the favorite material of many needlewomen. Of course, this material can take any shape and still “hold” it. Jewelry made from metal tubes (the prototype of modern wire) were popular back in the days of Ancient Egypt. It is better to purchase copper wire for handicrafts in a specialized store, since wire of different thicknesses is suitable for different types of products.

Recommended copper wire diameter for different products
Product Wire diameter, mm
Base for a bracelet or necklace 1-1.4 mm
Ring base from 1.3
Earrings (bases for earrings) 0,8-1
Pins, pins (fastening elements) 0,6-0,8
Braid 0,4
Clasp 1,3-1,5

For knitting or beading, wire 0.3 mm thick is suitable.

Soft copper wire is best suited for needlework. It should be borne in mind that such wire is easier to break, so for the manufacture of larger products you need to take a stiffer wire.

Method 7. Interior items made of copper wire

Method 7. Interior items made of copper wire

From wire you can make original interior items that will look good not only in the country, but also in a city apartment. A little inspiration, patience, a coil of copper wire - and your home will be decorated with a stylish lampshade, basket, panel and other interesting things.

Decorative items for the kitchen are made from tinned wire because it does not oxidize. For other crafts, regular enameled copper wire is suitable.

Wire can be combined with other materials - it looks organically “in duet” with fabric, wood, paper, glass.

There are plenty of ways to use wire in the household, so don’t let it sit idle – put this multifunctional material to use!


How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

Most common metals cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. However, almost all metals are strengthened—to some degree—by forging, rolling, or bending. This is called cold hardening or hardening of metal.

Annealing is a type of heat treatment to soften metal that has become hardened so that it can continue to be cold worked.

Cold working: copper, lead and aluminum

Cold working: copper, lead and aluminum

Ordinary metals vary greatly in their degree and rate of strain hardening - cold hardening or cold hardening. Copper is hardened quite quickly as a result of cold forging, and, therefore, quickly reduces its malleability and ductility. Therefore, copper requires frequent annealing so that it can be processed further without the risk of destruction.

On the other hand, lead can be hammered into almost any shape without annealing or risk of breaking it. Lead has such a reserve of ductility that allows it to obtain large plastic deformations with a very low degree of strain hardening. However, although copper is harder than lead, it is generally more malleable.

Aluminum can withstand quite a large amount of plastic deformation through hammer forming or cold rolling before it needs to be annealed to restore its ductile properties. Pure aluminum hardens much more slowly than copper, and some sheet aluminum alloys are too hard or brittle to allow much hardening.

Cold working of iron and steel

Cold working of iron and steel

Industrial pure iron can be cold worked to large degrees of deformation before it becomes too hard for further processing.

Impurities in iron or steel impair the cold workability of the metal to such an extent that most steels cannot be cold worked, except of course special low carbon steels for the automotive industry.

At the same time, almost all steel can be successfully processed plastically in a red-hot state.

Why is metal annealing necessary?

Why is metal annealing necessary?

The exact nature of the annealing process to which the metal is subjected depends largely on the purpose of the annealed metal. There is a significant difference in the method of annealing between annealing in factories where huge quantities of sheet steel are produced, and annealing in a small auto repair shop, where only one part requires such processing.

In short, cold working is plastic deformation by destruction or distortion of the grain structure of the metal.

During annealing, a metal or alloy is heated to a temperature at which recrystallization occurs - the formation of new grains - not deformed and round - instead of old - deformed and elongated - grains. Then the metal is cooled at a given speed.

  DIY copper tube radiator

In other words, crystals or grains within the metal that have been displaced or deformed during cold plastic working are given the opportunity to realign and recover to their natural state, but at an elevated annealing temperature.

Annealing of iron and steel

Annealing of iron and steel

Iron and mild steels must be heated to temperatures of around 900 degrees Celsius and then allowed to cool slowly to ensure they are as "soft" as possible. At the same time, measures are taken to prevent contact of the metal with air in order to avoid oxidation of its surface. When this is done in a small auto repair shop, warm sand is used for this.

High carbon steels require similar processing except that the annealing temperature for them is lower and is about 800 degrees Celsius.

Annealing of copper

Annealing of copper

Copper is annealed at about 550 degrees Celsius, when the copper is heated to a deep red color. Once heated, the copper is cooled in water or allowed to cool slowly in air. The cooling rate of copper after heating at the annealing temperature does not affect the degree of “softness” of this metal obtained. The advantage of rapid cooling is that it cleans the metal of scale and dirt.

 Annealing aluminum

 Annealing aluminum

Aluminum is annealed at a temperature of 350 degrees Celsius. In factories this is done in suitable ovens or salt baths. In the workshop, aluminum is annealed with a gas torch. They say that in this case a wooden splinter is rubbed over the surface of heated metal.

When the wood begins to leave black marks, it means that the aluminum has received its annealing. Sometimes a bar of soap is used instead of wood: when the soap begins to leave brown marks, the heating should be stopped.

The aluminum is then cooled in water or left to cool in air.

Annealing of zinc

Annealing of zinc

Zinc becomes malleable again at temperatures between 100 and 150 degrees Celsius. This means that it can be annealed in boiling water. Zinc must be processed while it is hot: when it cools, it loses much of its malleability.


Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

When it comes to electroplating, technological operations such as chrome plating and galvanizing of metal products immediately come to mind. But if you ask the question, what is galvanostegy, not everyone will answer - it has been verified. Although this term does not imply anything supernova.

Simply put, this is a technique for coating any material with a thin layer of metal, be it steel, aluminum, wood or plastic. We’ll figure out how to copper-plate a sample at home.

general information

general information

Copper plating is a technique that is somewhat more universal than galvanizing. For what purposes is it carried out?

  • Protection of samples from carburization before cutting them, as well as from corrosion.
  • Elimination of defects on the surfaces of parts when other methods are unacceptable or difficult to implement. For example, if the base is characterized by complex terrain.
  • Decoration of products.
  • Creating copies of samples from other materials.
  • Preparation of steel parts for chrome plating, silver plating, and gold plating. In such cases, copper plating is only one of the stages of surface treatment of the material.
  • To create solderable segments.

It is unlikely that the reader will be interested in such nuances as the classification of copper (refined, oxygen-free, general use), various options for solutions used in copper plating, characteristics of materials and similar things. Below we consider only the simplest methods of applying Cu to any surface, which are easy to organize at home, without any difficulties or financial costs.

Copper plating in electrolyte

Copper plating in electrolyte

This technique is only suitable for coating metal parts with a layer of Cu. In fact, the technology is not much different from galvanizing at home.



The equipment you will need is simple:

 Glass bath (container). Its capacity is determined by the dimensions of the workpiece. Even a liter jar or glass are options.

 Copper electrodes. Typically, two are used. This allows you to better coat the workpiece with a layer on all sides and simplifies the process itself. As you work, you will not have to periodically change the position of the part relative to the electrode. What exactly to use depends on the specific situation - copper plates, pieces of thick wire. This is unprincipled.


How to make copper heavier

How to make copper heavier

Finding scrap metal has become a source of income for many. There are people for whom this is a hobby or a way to earn money.

This process is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

For beginner metal detectors, this may seem like a challenge, but if you know where to find metal, then this task is not so difficult.

Devices containing copper and its alloys

Devices containing copper and its alloys

You don't have to go far to mine copper. This does not have to be excavations in the fields using a metal detector. You can take copper from old electrical appliances.

Because repairing old appliances takes a lot of time and money, they are often thrown away.

But before that, it is possible to obtain scrap metal from them, which, after processing, is used to make pipes, wire, profile sheets, or to replace some elements for devices.

Copper alloy can be easily found:

  • In bearings, radiators, motors, gears.
  • In old jewelry and decorative elements.
  • In plumbing.
  • In kitchen utensils.
  • In radiators and computers.

Copper itself can be found in the following devices:

  • Up to one and a half kilograms of scrap metal can be found in a tube TV.
  • Almost three kilograms of copper can be taken from the engine of an old Soviet-style refrigerator.
  • Smaller amounts of copper are taken from washing machines, hair dryers, and microwave ovens.
  • If there is a starter from a vehicle that is unsuitable for repair, then metal can also be extracted from there.

From these devices, you can’t take much copper, but these devices are widely found.

Where to look?

Where to look?

In order not to waste time searching, you need to know in advance where to get the metal. Such places include:

  • Fields. You can often find broken equipment there.
  • Abandoned factories, often containing a lot of aluminum and copper.
  • Car repair centers. Finding such an abandoned place is worth a lot. Where else to look for scrap metal? The convenience lies in the fact that all the broken parts are put in one place and sometimes just one bolt can pull out a kilogram.
  • Dump. This place is suitable for those who are beginners and do not know where to search for copper for change. This is where you can easily learn to distinguish between types of metals, so as not to rent them out at the same price in the future.
  • Abandoned landfill. In such places you can easily find shell casings, targets and dummies of equipment.

If you choose a field for searching, it is best to search with metal in the spring, so as not to collide with workers and not create problems for each other.

How to properly collect colored scrap

How to properly collect colored scrap

Almost all metal detectors streamline the scrap collection process. To carry out this process, you need to optimize your activities to the maximum. To do this you will need:

  • Decide on a system for collecting devices that are unsuitable for further use.
  • Take care of the delivery of collected scrap metal to the dismantling point. To do this, you need a vehicle on which transportation will be carried out. Take care in advance of the place where all the scrap metal will be located, because there will be quite a lot of it.
  • Develop a disassembly process. To do this, you need to purchase a special tool to separate the metal from other materials and begin sorting.
  • Arrange rapid transportation of metal to collection points.

You should also know that prices for non-ferrous scrap vary depending on the time of year.

Since the winter period is difficult for metal mining, the price is higher than in the summer.

Therefore, it would be more advisable to hold on to the existing material until “better” times.

Copper production method

Copper production method

Obtaining copper, even in industrial conditions, is a very labor-intensive process:

  • At the initial stage, the metal is crushed, after which it is cleaned of impurities of other rocks. After purification, the starting material is fired, after which a solid substance can be obtained - cinder, which in turn undergoes melting.
  • After this procedure, matte is obtained, which contains up to 50% copper.
  • The manufactured matte is enriched with oxygen, air blowing, and quartz flux.
  • Only after these procedures can blister copper be obtained; it is melted and passed through an oxygen melt.
  • Finally, the resulting material is treated with sulfur oxide, after which the percentage of copper is 99.9%.

How to get a high price for scrap metal

How to get a high price for scrap metal

Every scrap hunter wants to sell the scrap metal he finds at the best price for himself.

As mentioned above, you can search for metal in the summer and sell it in the winter, when prices rise.

But if your priority is to make a profit regularly, then it is best to look for collection points that offer prices higher than those of competitors.

Do not also forget that the cost depends on the quality and composition of the material that is being rented. The highest price is offered for pure copper.


Features of copper annealing

Features of copper annealing

When heat treating copper and its alloys, two features of the material are taken into account: increased thermal conductivity and interaction with gases when heated. It is these factors that cause rapid and uniform heating of the metal along the perimeter of the section. Annealing copper is heating the metal followed by cooling, allowing you to change the properties of the material. Heat treatment makes the metal softer and more ductile. Copper is used in various fields where ductility is important.



To facilitate mechanical and plastic processing of copper parts, the hardness of the metal is reduced by annealing. The workpiece is heated to a temperature above 600°C and then immersed in water. Copper becomes soft.

After creating the mold, the metal is reheated over a fire to a temperature of 400°C and cooled in fresh air. It will become hard.

Advantages and disadvantages of processing

Advantages and disadvantages of processing

An undeniable property of copper is its high electrical conductivity. It is used in construction and the manufacture of electrical equipment. The mechanical parameters of the metal are quite low, so it is not often used as a pure structural material.

Benefits of annealing:

  • the treatment removes harmful substances from the metal and removes bacteria;
  • the workpiece becomes soft and elastic, withstands pressure over 200 atmospheres;
  • the material becomes resistant to corrosion;
  • increase in hardness - the part can be bent several times without fear of cracks;
  • reduction of residual stress during incomplete annealing.

There are significantly fewer disadvantages, but they still exist:

  • the material requires slow cooling;
  • copper is an expensive material;
  • If handled incorrectly, soft metal can be damaged.

What equipment is used

What equipment is used

Copper undergoes two types of heat treatment:

  • annealing to reduce remaining stress;
  • recrystallization annealing.

The temperature regime for recrystallization of oxygen-free copper is 200–240°C, and that of electrolytic copper is 180–230°C. Metal containing oxygen is treated in a neutral environment to reduce losses after oxidation.

For annealing heat treatment, a shaft-type convection oven is used. In addition, the equipment is in demand for annealing wire, rope, rods, steels, and metal balls.

The oven has the following advantages:

  • improved accuracy of temperature control;
  • automation of heat treatment;
  • the fan at the bottom of the device ensures stable heat transfer;
  • processing error is +/-5C;
  • heating is carried out from electricity;
  • ammonia and pure nitrogen protect the metal from oxidation;
  • capacity - 8–36 tons;
  • ease of operation and installation.

The furnace lid is equipped with a special pneumatic device, which is responsible for opening and closing during the annealing process. The emergency valve operates automatically when the pressure rises to high or drops to low.

Processing principle

Processing principle

Annealing is a heat treatment procedure for copper that produces a stable, strong metal structure, free from residual stresses. Annealing technology goes through several stages:

  1. metal into equipment.
  2. Installing the muffle and purging with protective gas to remove air.
  3. Heating to 650–700 degrees.
  4. Rapid cooling up to 100 degrees when immersing the product in water.
  5. Giving the required shape.
  6. Reheat to 350–400 degrees.
  7. Air cooling and unloading.

The last stage of the technology is carried out twice as slow.

The treatment ends when the annealing temperature of copper reaches a value at which it can be exposed to air without oxidation. It is prohibited to expose workpieces to high-temperature air. Duration: 1–2 hours.

Features of copper annealing Link to main publication


How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

Technologies for imparting greater hardness to metals and alloys have been improved over many centuries. Modern equipment makes it possible to carry out heat treatment in such a way as to significantly improve the properties of products even from inexpensive materials.

Hardening of steel and alloys

Hardening of steel and alloys

Hardening (martensitic transformation) is the main method of imparting greater hardness to steels. In this process, the product is heated to such a temperature that the iron changes its crystal lattice and can be additionally saturated with carbon. After holding for a certain time, the steel is cooled.

This must be done at high speed to prevent the formation of intermediate forms of iron. As a result of rapid transformation, a solid solution supersaturated with carbon with a distorted crystal structure is obtained. Both of these factors are responsible for its high hardness (up to HRC 65) and brittleness.

When hardening, most carbon and tool steels are heated to a temperature of 800 to 900C, but high-speed steels P9 and P18 are heated at 1200-1300C.

Microstructure of high-speed steel R6M5: a) cast state;
b) after forging and annealing; c) after hardening; d) after vacation. ×500.

Quenching modes

Quenching modes

The heated product is lowered into a cooling medium, where it remains until it cools completely. This is the simplest hardening method, but it can only be used for steels with a low carbon content (up to 0.8%) or for parts of simple shape. These limitations are associated with thermal stresses that arise during rapid cooling - parts of complex shapes can warp or even crack.

With this method of hardening, the product is cooled to 250-300C in a saline solution for 2-3 minutes to relieve thermal stress, and then cooling is completed in air. This helps prevent cracks or warping of parts.

The disadvantage of this method is the relatively low cooling rate, so it is used for small (up to 10 mm in diameter) parts made of carbon or larger ones made of alloy steels, for which the hardening rate is not so critical.

It begins with rapid cooling in water and ends with slow cooling in oil. Typically, such hardening is used for products made of tool steels. The main difficulty lies in calculating the cooling time in the first environment.

  • Surface hardening (laser, high frequency currents)

Used for parts that must be hard on the surface, but have a viscous core, for example, gear teeth. During surface hardening, the outer layer of the metal is heated to supercritical values, and then cooled either during the heat removal process (with laser hardening) or by liquid circulating in a special inductor circuit (with high-frequency current hardening)



Hardened steel becomes excessively brittle, which is the main disadvantage of this hardening method. To normalize the structural properties, tempering is carried out - heating to a temperature below the phase transformation, holding and slow cooling.

During tempering, a partial “cancellation” of hardening occurs, the steel becomes slightly less hard, but more ductile.

There are low (150-200C, for tools and parts with increased wear resistance), medium (300-400C, for springs) and high (550-650, for highly loaded parts) tempering.

Temperature table for quenching and tempering steels

Copper plating at home

In the modern world, copper alloy has become more widespread. It is applied to the surface to give visual appeal to various products. Copper plating at home is often carried out to significantly increase electrical conductivity. In some cases, the process in question is an intermediate operation that allows another substance to be applied to the surface.

Copper plating at home

Use of copper plating

Copper plating of various workpieces has recently often been carried out at home. In most cases, technology is used to achieve the following goals:

  1. Decorating metal or plastic. Copper plating of metal at home is often carried out in order to obtain antique-looking products that are very popular. A special aging procedure allows you to create the effect of long-term use of the product. In addition, copper after application resembles gold. That is why a small layer can be applied to obtain a figurine or souvenir.
  2. Electrotype. Copper plating of steel in a similar way can also be carried out at home. The essence of the technology is to create a wax or plastic base, which is covered with a layer of the alloy in question. Electroforming is often used to produce jewelry or souvenirs, matrices and waveguides. The use of special materials can significantly improve the quality of the coating.
  3. Obtaining parts used to create various mechanisms. Copper plating of cast iron or other metal is carried out at production sites using various technologies. Coating the workpiece with copper can significantly improve the electrical properties. In a similar way, you can obtain terminals or other similar elements that will be operated under voltage. Products made from pure copper are very expensive. That is why the technology in question is often used.

Copper plating of steel

Copper plating of plastic at home is extremely rare, since such material cannot withstand high temperatures. In addition, the plasticity of the base leads to the appearance of structural cracks.

Features of copper plating at home

Copper plating of metal is a special technology for applying a layer of copper with a thickness of 1-300 microns or more. The features of the technologies used determine that the copper coating will adhere firmly to the metal surface. Among the features that the workpiece acquires, we note the following points:

  1. Plastic.
  2. High electrical conductivity. Copper products are well known for being able to conduct electricity without getting hot. That is why products are often created that are coated with a similar alloy.
  3. More attractive look. Copper glitters in the sun, reflections appear on the surface.
  4. Under atmospheric conditions, the alloy easily oxidizes and becomes coated. This point should be taken into account when considering where and how exactly the product will be used.
  5. Over time, copper film becomes covered with spots and rainbow stains.

Steel oxidation

Copper plating at home can be carried out using a special solution. It is worth considering that the process involves the use of special reagents. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for effective supply ventilation, as well as personal protective equipment. Copper plating of plastic is somewhat different and involves the use of special technology.

Types of copper plating

The procedure in question can be performed even by beginners in the field of metallurgy. To obtain a high-quality surface, you need to know all the features of the process. Copper plating of lead and other metals at home can be carried out using two different technologies:

  1. Immersed in electrolyte. This technology involves dipping the workpiece into a prepared solution, after which voltage is applied. It is often used when the workpiece is small in size, since a smaller amount of special electrolyte is required. To immerse the workpiece, a bath or other container is required that does not react to the effects of the solution used.
  2. Without immersion in a pre-prepared container. It is difficult to implement, but also allows you to achieve high quality copper surface film.

In both cases, a supply of electricity is provided, due to which the substance is activated.

The most suitable processing method is selected depending on the result to be achieved. Let's take an example:

  1. Obtaining a protective and decorative layer. In this case, chromium is often mixed with nickel and copper. Due to this combination of alloys, a reliable surface can be obtained.
  2. To protect the surface during cementing. Applying a thin layer of copper helps protect the workpiece from cementation. The surface that will be subsequently processed by cutting is covered with the solution.
  3. Restoration and repair of parts. When restoring chrome parts of cars and motorcycles, the technology in question can be used. When applying a layer of no more than 250 microns, surface defects in the metal can be hidden.

Both processing technologies have their own specific characteristics that must be taken into account.

Copper plating in solution with electrolyte

Electroplating with copper at home with immersion is carried out extremely often. This technology allows you to obtain a uniform coating. The features of this processing method include the following points:

  1. To remove the oxide film before copper plating, the workpiece is treated with sandpaper. After this, the product is washed and degreased with a hot soda mixture. If you do not pay attention to the preparatory stage, the process being carried out will not allow you to obtain a product that is resistant to mechanical stress. Metal that is susceptible to corrosion must be well cleaned, since even small chips can make the surface uneven.
  2. Two plates of the same alloy are lowered into a jar or other container on copper wires. They act as an anode. The container used must be made of glass.
  3. The workpiece is suspended between two anodes, which is connected to the minus, and the plates to the plus. A battery producing a voltage of 6V can be used as a power source.
  4. Galvanic copper plating involves the use of a specific solution. It is the connecting element between the part and the anodes. A solution for galvanic copper plating can be prepared by taking 20 grams of copper sulfate and 3 milliliters of sulfuric acid. To dilute and mix these ingredients, you can use 100 milliliters of distilled water. When working with the resulting solution, you must be extremely careful, since burns may occur if the substance comes into contact with exposed skin.
  5. Copper plating of aluminum with copper sulfate at home can only be carried out if the electrodes are completely covered with the solution. If they are kept dry, they may heat up and melt. During prolonged processing, the substance may heat up and its volume will decrease.

Galvanic copper plating

When using the technology in question, the current is set at 15 mA per square centimeter. It usually takes at least 20 minutes to cover the entire surface with a special alloy. As the period increases, the coating becomes thicker.

Copper plating without immersion in solution

A similar method is used to coat steel, zinc or aluminum. Coating a product with copper at home in this case is carried out with a wire, from which the insulation is first removed to obtain a kind of brush. The opposite end of the wire is connected to the positive energy source. Chemical copper plating at home also involves the use of a special solution, which increases the efficiency of the process.

Among the features of creating the required solution, the following points can be noted:

  1. A solution of copper sulfate is used. It can be purchased in specialized stores. In addition, a special electrolyte is made by mixing various chemical elements.
  2. The composition is slightly acidified. Due to this, the efficiency of the procedure is significantly increased.

The substance is applied to the surface, after which the metal surface is prepared. It is cleaned of contaminants and then degreased. After this, the plate prepared in advance is placed in the bath and a minus voltage from the current source is supplied to it.

Copper plating of aluminum

This process requires that there is always a layer of electrolyte between the assembled wires and the plate. This ensures a high degree of conductivity. It only takes a few seconds to coat a small product.

After coating, the product is air dried. Various pollutants must not be allowed to enter. The next step is to rub the copper layer with a woolen rag or other cloth. In most cases, the technology in question is used when the product is large and cannot be immersed in a bathtub.

Necessary equipment

Copper plating can be applied at home using even the most ordinary equipment. Installation of a bathtub for the procedure under consideration is carried out in approximately the same way as galvanic ones. It is worth considering that there are two types of active solutions: acidic and alkaline.

When working it can be used:

  1. Small copper plates as electrodes.
  2. Wire for supplying current.


Soldering copper steel at home

Copper products are found everywhere in different areas of life. For example, it is used to create strong and durable heating and water supply systems. But to connect the two elements, experts resort to a special technology - soldering copper pipes. The procedure requires suitable tools and materials, as well as knowledge. Since it has certain features that a beginner may not know about.

To solder copper, the master needs to have with him a composition such as solder. This thermoplastic substance seals the surface of the product and, under the influence of high temperature, melts, spreading over the entire joint. But as soon as it cools, it hardens and securely holds the products together.

The result is one item that has a long service life, withstands high loads, pressure and temperature changes, and is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

What tools and materials are needed

Soldering is carried out not only at industrial facilities, but also at home. To do this, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • electric soldering iron or gas burner;
  • pipe cutter;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • brush and steel brush.

How exactly to connect the products depends on the convenience and preference of the master. But the power of the device is selected in accordance with the melting temperature of the solder.

Flux can be liquid or solid; each type has individual differences that should be taken into account. If the material is used in the form of a thickened mixture, then it is applied to the joint, both before and after the connection.

Flux is needed to protect the surface from oxidation, promote solder flow and improve adhesion.

Types of fluxes and solders, features of working with them

Craftsmen know a variety of hard and soft substances that ensure high-quality soldering of metal products. 95% use tin, which is a low-temperature composition with slightly worse technical parameters. But it is valued for the fact that work can be carried out at any temperature without reducing the strength of the products being joined.

Connecting elements also include silver, which has excellent technological properties. Craftsmen often use three-component compositions of silver, tin and copper. Often, materials used in low-temperature soldering contain zinc chloride.

The advantage of soft solders is that they cover a larger area when applied to the surface of the part. They provide high strength and reliability.

Soft solders

Soft solder is used in the installation of water supply and heating networks, where the pipe diameter reaches 10 cm and the water temperature does not exceed 130 degrees. These types include:

  • lead-tin type;
  • with low tin content;
  • special and fusible.

Lead-free flux is most often chosen as solder. The tin-copper type is the most common due to its affordable price. But its advantage lies elsewhere. All mixtures containing tin in the composition are economical in consumption.

It is enough to apply a little solder to half the surface being treated and it will spread over the entire area. This property is explained by the fact that tin easily penetrates and spreads throughout any structure.

Brazing alloys

When it comes to considering the environmental conditions in which soldering is performed, it is better to use hard solders. The use of such substances ensures high strength of the seam. The most common compounds are the following compounds:

  • copper and zinc;
  • phosphorus and copper;
  • pure copper;
  • no-clean flux.

Solid compounds are classified as refractory and low-melting. Each type is characterized by certain properties. For example, copper-phosphorus replaces expensive silver flux. It is moderately expensive, but has one drawback - it cannot be used at low temperatures.

The strongest of the solid compounds are copper-zinc and multicomponent ones. They are expensive, but the price is justified by the reliability of the connection. When soldering is performed with copper itself, it is necessary to use flux. In this case, it will be possible to firmly connect the two parts.

Why do you need solder paste?

Solder paste is a pasty mass consisting of small particles of solder, flux and special additives. Flux paste is used in industry when soldering elements on printed circuit boards. The paste is selected according to certain conditions:

  • after application there should be easily removable particles;
  • the substance must maintain viscosity and stickiness;
  • do not have a negative impact on the surface being treated;
  • do not leak onto clothing during melting.

How to work with the paste depends on the type and size of solder contained in its composition. The material also differs in the type of flux (rosin, water-washable, no-clean). It is necessary to hold small parts in place and facilitate the joining process.

Soldering technology

The process is quite simple, therefore, when it is necessary to connect something at home, the owner does the soldering with his own hands and without the involvement of specialists. But still, you can’t do without the preparatory stage.

It determines how high-quality and reliable the connection will be. First of all, you should pay attention to the cut of the part, which should be strictly vertical, without burrs, with even and smooth edges. If you find the slightest defects, you should take sandpaper and rub it over the surface until the defects disappear.

If two copper pipes are connected, then, having brought the cut to an ideal state, it is necessary to insert it into the fitting and then remove it. The part that came into contact with the fitting must be cleaned of oxidation. The next step is applying flux. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to run the brush over the entire part, paying special attention to the joint.

Then the elements are connected to each other and firmly fixed. Further actions depend on what is being used for soldering - a gas torch or a soldering iron. Considering that the parts must be stationary, an assistant will be required. He will be the one to hold them, but if one is not found, you need to manage and do it yourself.

When something needs to be soldered at home, a solid compound is most often used. But the master can purchase special pastes. With the correct choice of compositions, it is possible to connect two pipelines or radio components as accurately and firmly as possible.

Soldering is performed at either high or low temperature. In the first case, the process is distinguished by high strength of the seam, and the connected area also gains heat resistance. Which is very important if it later serves as part of various communications. But high-temperature soldering is not allowed on threaded connections. Most often this process is performed with a propane-filled torch.

When low-temperature soldering is used, a soft compound, paste or gel is used. It is most suitable for a beginner master because it is simple and easy. In this type of process, the temperature does not rise above 425 degrees, so it is even possible to use a soldering iron, which is found in almost every home.

Working with a soldering iron

Every person has seen a soldering iron at least once in their life, and many constantly work with it. Therefore, they will not see anything complicated in soldering copper products with this tool. The whole essence of the process is that the solder located between the two parts is heated with a soldering iron until it begins to melt.

When it hardens, the two parts will be securely fastened into one. To solder efficiently, it is necessary to distribute the substance evenly over the entire surface, filling every gap. It is important to choose exactly the material that can withstand the high temperature of the soldering iron.

Working with the burner

The tool is turned on when the two parts are already connected to each other. You should not hold it near the joint for too long, since the combustion temperature is several thousand degrees. While you only need to heat a certain place to 250-300 degrees.

This will take 20-30 seconds. As soon as the flux changes color to dark, the compound to be joined is introduced. Important! The burner or hair dryer should be placed in the middle to cover the entire joint area.

Is it possible to solder copper with tin?

Many novice craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to solder copper with tin. In fact, it’s not just possible, but necessary. Because this composition provides good bonding. Most often, tin is used when holding food items together.

There is only one thing to remember - this metal requires a higher temperature than other solders. It is better to use a powerful electric soldering iron as a tool.

Soldering with silver solder

When you need to solder parts at home, silver solder is often used. It is beneficial because you can create it yourself. But it should not be used alone, in combination with zinc and copper.

Treated with this solder, the seam will be very strong and neat. The percentage of components is controlled by GOST 19746 74. But you can find out exactly what types of substances to use from the instructions of experienced craftsmen or those included with the products being connected.

How to solder copper and stainless steel

If you need to solder copper to another metal, such as steel, you will have to work hard. This process is not easy, but it is quite feasible. This is explained by the fact that stainless steel interacts poorly with other metals and is difficult to heat treat.



How to distinguish copper from other metals

For most of us, knowledge about copper and its properties is limited to a school chemistry course, which is quite enough at the everyday level.

However, sometimes there is a need to reliably determine whether a material is a pure element, an alloy, or even a composite material.

The opinion that this information is needed only by those who are engaged in the acceptance or delivery of scrap metal is erroneous: for example, on amateur radio forums, topics are often raised about how to distinguish copper in wires from copper-plated aluminum.

Briefly about element No. 29

Pure copper (Cu) is a golden-pink metal with high ductility, thermal and electrical conductivity. Chemical inertness in an ordinary non-aggressive environment is ensured by a thin oxide film, which gives the metal an intense reddish tint.

The main difference between copper and other metals is color . In fact, there are not so many colored metals: only gold, cesium and osmium are similar in appearance, and all elements included in the group of non-ferrous metals (iron, tin, lead, aluminum, zinc, magnesium and nickel) have a gray color with varying intensity of shine.

An absolute guarantee of the chemical composition of any material can be obtained only through spectral analysis. The equipment for carrying it out is very expensive, and even many expert laboratories can only dream of it. However, there are many ways to distinguish copper at home with a high degree of probability.

1. Determination by color

So, we have before us a piece of unknown material that needs to be identified as copper. The emphasis on the term “material” rather than “metal” was made specifically, since recently many composites have appeared that are very similar to metals in appearance and tactile sensations.

First of all, we consider color. It is advisable to do this in daylight or “warm” LED lighting (under “cool” LEDs, the reddish tint changes to yellow-green). It is ideal if there is a copper plate or wire for comparison - in this case, errors in color perception are practically eliminated.

Important: old copper products can be covered with an oxidized layer (a greenish-blue loose coating): in this case, the color of the metal must be looked at in a cut or saw cut.

2. Determination by magnet

Color matching is a reliable but not sufficient method of identification. The second step of independent experiments will be a test with a magnet. Chemically pure copper is classified as diamagnetic - i.e. to substances that do not respond to magnetic influence.

If the material under study is attracted to a magnet, then it is an alloy in which the content of the main substance is no more than 50%.

However, even if the sample did not react to the magnet, it is too early to rejoice, since often an aluminum base is hidden under the copper coating, which is also not magnetic (this can be eliminated by filing or cutting).

3. Determination by reaction to flame

Another way to identify copper is to heat a sample over an open fire (gas stove, lighter or regular match). When heated, copper wire will first lose its shine and then turn black-brown, covered with oxide. This method can also be used to cut off composite materials that, when heated, begin to smoke and form a gas with a pungent odor.

4. Determination through chemical experiments

The reaction with concentrated nitric acid is indicative: if the latter is dropped onto the surface of a copper product, a green-blue color will occur.

A qualitative reaction to copper is dissolution in hydrochloric acid followed by exposure to ammonia. If a copper sample is left in an HCl solution until completely or partially dissolved, and then ordinary pharmaceutical ammonia is dropped into it, the solution will turn intensely blue.

Important: working with chemicals requires precautions. Independent experiments should be carried out in a well-ventilated area using personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, apron, goggles).

How to distinguish between copper and its alloys?

Copper alloys are widely used in industry. Over many years of research, it has been possible to obtain many materials with unique properties: high ductility, electrical conductivity, chemical resistance, strength (all depends on alloying additives). The most common are bronze (with the addition of tin, aluminum, silicon, manganese, lead and beryllium), brass (with the addition of 10-45% zinc), as well as copper-nickel alloys (nickel silver, cupronickel, copel, manganin).

Only bronze and brass are difficult to identify, since copper-nickel alloys differ significantly in color due to their low copper content.

Copper or brass?

Brass can contain from 10 to 45% zinc, a silver-gray metal. Naturally, the more zinc, the paler the alloy. However, high-copper brasses, in which the amount of additives does not exceed 10%, differ little in color from the copper sample.

In this case, you can only trust your feelings: brass is much harder and more difficult to bend (for greater reliability, a comparison with a reference sample is advisable). You can try to remove the shavings: copper shavings will have a curl shape, brass shavings will be straight, needle-shaped.

When the samples are placed in a solution of hydrochloric acid, no reaction with copper is observed, and a white coating of zinc chloride forms on the surface of the brass.

Copper or bronze?

Like brass, bronze is much stronger, which is explained by the presence of harder metals in the alloy. The most reliable test will be a “tooth test” - there is unlikely to be a trace of pressure left on the surface of the bronze.

You can also experiment with a hot saline solution (200 g of table salt per 1 liter of water). After 10-15 minutes, a copper sample will acquire a more intense shade than a bronze one.

For those familiar with electrical engineering

Very often, copper cores from electrical cables are sold as scrap non-ferrous metals, and there are often cases when copper-coated aluminum is used in the production of electrical products. This material has a significantly lower density, but due to its irregular geometric shape, determining the volume to calculate the density is quite difficult.

In this case, copper can be determined by electrical resistance (of course, if you have the appropriate instruments - a voltmeter, ammeter, rheostat). We measure the cross-section and length of the core, take instrument readings, and Ohm’s law will help you.

Resistivity is a fairly accurate characteristic by which any metal can be identified with a high degree of reliability.


It is possible to accurately determine the quality of copper scrap or the content of the main substance in the alloy only after an examination: all of the above methods are approximate. If we consider pricing when purchasing scrap metal, the most expensive is electrical copper, the cheapest are alloys of the brass group. The final cost of the transaction can be clarified with the managers of companies involved in the purchase of scrap non-ferrous metals.


LLC "Elsit"

Hardening a metal allows you to make some changes in its structure, making it softer or, conversely, harder. When hardening, a lot depends not only on the heating itself, but also on the cooling process and time. Manufacturers mainly harden steel, making the product more durable, however, copper can also be hardened if the need arises.

Copper hardening - production process

Copper is hardened using the annealing method. During heat treatment, copper can be made softer or harder, depending on what it will be used for in the future. However, it is important to remember that the method of hardening copper is significantly different from the way steel is hardened.

Copper is hardened by slow cooling in air. If it is necessary to obtain a softer structure, then hardening is carried out by rapidly cooling the metal in water immediately after heating. If you need to get a very soft metal, then you should heat the copper until red hot (this is about 600 °), and then lower it into water. After the product has gone through the deformation process and acquired the desired shape, it can be heated again to 400° and then allowed to cool in the air.

Copper hardening plant

Copper is hardened in special equipment designed for this purpose. There are several types of hardening equipment, but induction equipment has become the most popular today.

The induction installation is excellent for hardening copper, allowing you to obtain a high quality product.

Thanks to the automated software of the HDTV equipment, it is configured with high precision, indicating the heating time, temperature, and method of cooling the metal.

If a company constantly hardens metal products, then it would be best to pay attention to a special set of equipment designed for comfortable, quick hardening. The ELSIT hardening complex has all the necessary equipment for high-frequency hardening.

The hardening complex includes: an induction installation, a hardening machine, a manipulator and a cooling module.

If the customer needs to harden products of different shapes, then a set of inductors of various sizes can be included in the hardening complex.

Source: https://xn--h1afsf5c.xn--p1ai/%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B8/%D0%B7%D0%B0% D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B8

Which copper pipes to choose, how to use, solder

There is an opinion that copper pipes are universal and the most durable. Is this really true? Can this pipeline be used everywhere, and what are the restrictions when laying it? As well as installation methods, how to solder copper pipes

Copper is not recommended for plumbing


  • Copper is not recommended for plumbing
  • Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete
  • Variety of types of copper pipes
  • Hard or soft
  • Hard and soft soldering
  • Other methods for joining copper pipes
  • Installation features

Copper pipes are not used in water supply systems. Copper ions that enter water are harmful to living organisms. Therefore, in some countries, at the regulatory level, it is prohibited to use this material for water supply.

Also in heating systems, in theory, the same ions can cause harm if they encounter uncoated aluminum somewhere in an unprotected state. As a result of the reactions, mutual destruction of materials occurs. True, such a situation practically never occurs in practice, due to the lack of aluminum alloys without polymer coatings.

An exception to this limitation on use is copper pipes coated on the inside, for example, with tin. But such options are too expensive and are not available in practice.

Copper pipes are not embedded in concrete

It is unacceptable to embed a copper pipeline in walls, screeds, or any concrete structures.

There are two reasons:

  • the difference in thermal expansion leads to mutual destruction, the pipes fray;
  • the escape of stray currents at some point will lead to the formation of a hole in the pipe wall, an electrochemical fistula.

Copper in a reinforced concrete structure will be the best conductor of electricity. It is on this that the so-called stray currents and electromagnetic background interference will flow. They will go to the ground according to the least resistance, at some point in the pipeline, which will lead to a very rapid failure of the most durable copper pipe, which for some reason was embedded in concrete.

There are polymer-coated product options. But due to the increased cost, they do not compete well with conventional metal-plastic options. We usually do not use polymer-coated ones.

Variety of types of copper pipes

There are many different options for copper pipes:

  • with and without internal and external coating of various materials;
  • made according to the metric system, measured in millimeters, and according to the Western system, inch, and these products are not interchangeable.
  • hard pipes, non-bending, and soft pipes, supplied in coils.

But in practice, it all comes down to the choice between soft and hard pipes made according to the metric system. Other types are simply not supplied to us and are not in demand.

Hard or soft

Rigid copper pipes do not bend and are supplied in straight sections up to 12 meters long. During installation, they are cut into pieces of the required length and connected with fittings, forming a beautiful pipeline, which is called eternal.

But the cost is high due to the presence of many connections and fittings.

Soft copper pipes are supplied in coils up to 50 meters long. They can be bent with a pipe bender, thus laying them to a greater length without a single joint, which is cheap. But such options don’t look good in plain sight; they won’t be able to be aligned or given an aesthetic appearance.

Therefore, everything that is in sight is usually made of hard copper pipes and varnished, since after a year they can fade.

For highways hidden from view, a cheap soft option is used. For example, laying copper pipes in tunnels in the floor, dressed in corrugated plastic protective shells - supply from below to each radiator.

Hard and soft soldering

Methods for soldering copper pipes are also distinguished as hard and soft.

  • When hard soldering, the pipe is heated with a blowtorch to a high temperature, until it turns crimson in color. As a result, the color of the joints changes, they darken, are not cleaned, and scorched copper is formed.
  • Soft soldering involves lower temperatures and the use of low-melting solder.

Sometimes craftsmen advertise hard soldering as more reliable. This is a hoax; they advertise solely because this option is easier and faster to do. But a darkened, overheated pipeline will not please you.

In most cases, low-temperature soft soldering is used.

In the video, the master solders copper pipes using solder No. 3, which contains 97% tin and 3% copper.

Other methods for joining copper pipes

It is possible to join copper pipes using compression threaded connecting elements. The option involves pressing the ferrule around the pipe while tightening the threaded connection. The result is a high connection density. But this method is considered the most unreliable - when it moves to the joint, it immediately leaks. A leak can happen just like that. Intended for “home use”; professionals do not use such a connection.

Another option is a copper pipe compression fitting. Creates a permanent connection, the same reliability as when soldering. To create a crimp, a special professional tool is required - crimping pliers. Which is quite expensive. The method is not rarely used, but only by large organizations or specialists with such a tool.

Installation features

But only specialists can handle the installation of a copper pipeline. In addition to the above features, there are many more nuances.

For example, expanders are used to give the pipe a round, enlarged cross-section before joining.

Cutting is carried out by special cutters.

Or an option when you need to make branches of a smaller diameter from the main pipe - this is created by simple drilling with subsequent expansion.

Special pipe benders and springs are used that are placed on soft copper pipes to prevent them from bending.

And much more.

As a result of soldering or crimping copper pipes, a pipeline should be formed, which many consider the most durable and also the most aesthetic. This is how boiler rooms are often made, and wiring around the house is made with metal-plastic, for example. The opinion that copper pipes are too expensive is not true.


7 ways to use copper wire in the country and at home

Surely many people at their dacha have a coil of copper wire lying around in the notorious box with the code name “It’s a pity to throw it away,” and maybe more than one. We tell you what and how you can make from copper wire.

The technology for making wire “as we know it” has been known since the 7th century. Wire is produced by so-called drawing - pulling metal through a hole of small diameter. In skillful hands, this material can not only become an original decorative item, but also help in the fight against late blight, and also serve as plant nutrition.

Method 1. Copper wire against late blight on tomatoes

Let us immediately warn you that the method described below is only suitable for the prevention of late blight. To treat plants affected by this insidious disease, more serious measures must be taken.

To prevent late blight in tomatoes, use the following “folk” method. Take a copper wire 1 mm thick and sand it until shiny with fine sandpaper or a knife (this must be done to remove the protective PVC sheath from the wire). Cut the peeled wire into pieces 3-4 cm long.

In order to “get” the wire of the required diameter, you can use a single-core installation wire.

It is most effective to carry out the procedure 2 weeks before planting the seedlings in the ground, but if the moment is missed, you can do it at any other time. It is not recommended to use the method within 2 weeks after planting the plant in the ground, since the seedling needs to cope with “post-transplant stress” and does not need unnecessary stress.

So, use a piece of copper wire to pierce the stem through a little below the first true leaf. Gently bend the edges of the wire down.

If the wire is too thin (less than 1 mm in diameter), first pierce the tomato stem with a needle or awl, and then insert the wire into the hole.

Pretty soon the wound on the tomato will heal, and the plant will begin to receive additional protection from late blight. It happens like this: juice continuously moves along the stem of the plant from bottom to top, and when it interacts with the wire, it is saturated with copper ions, which are subsequently transferred along with the juice to all parts of the plant. This copper “grafting” has a beneficial effect on the disease resistance of tomatoes.

Method 2. Copper wire against late blight

There is another option for using copper wire to prevent late blight of tomatoes. Its essence lies in the fact that the wire is stuck into the soil next to the plant at a distance of 40-50 mm around the bush. The advantage of this method is that it can be used immediately after planting the seedlings in the ground, since the tomato stem remains unharmed.

Method 3. Copper wire as a fruit growth stimulator

To speed up the fruiting of various crops (including tomatoes), the ringing method is used. To “ring” a plant, you need to wrap the stem of the plant with copper wire (preferably thin) at a height of 3-5 cm from the soil.

The champion among wires in terms of the amount of copper wire is the antenna cable.

It is important not to overdo it and accidentally cut the stem. This method will ensure that more nutrients are supplied to the fruits than to the roots of the plant.

Method 4. Copper wire for fruit trees

Some gardeners use copper wire to protect fruit trees (pears, apple trees, etc.) from diseases and strengthen the immune system. To do this, a small piece of wire (preferably thick) is driven into the trunk of an adult tree, and covered with garden varnish on top. The wound will heal over time, and the metal will “feed” the tree with useful microelements.

Method 5. Copper wire for gartering grapes

One of the obvious ways to use copper wire in the country is to use it to make trellises. The advantage of copper wire is that it will not break over time like rope or rust like iron wire. In addition, over time, the wire will begin to feed the grapes with microelements.

The optimal wire thickness for tying vines is 2-4 mm.

Method 6. DIY copper wire jewelry

Wire is the favorite material of many needlewomen. Of course, this material can take any shape and still “hold” it. Jewelry made from metal tubes (the prototype of modern wire) were popular back in the days of Ancient Egypt. It is better to purchase copper wire for handicrafts in a specialized store, since wire of different thicknesses is suitable for different types of products.

Recommended copper wire diameter for different products
Product Wire diameter, mm
Base for a bracelet or necklace 1-1.4 mm
Ring base from 1.3
Earrings (bases for earrings) 0,8-1
Pins, pins (fastening elements) 0,6-0,8
Braid 0,4
Clasp 1,3-1,5

For knitting or beading, wire 0.3 mm thick is suitable.

Soft copper wire is best suited for needlework. It should be borne in mind that such wire is easier to break, so for the manufacture of larger products you need to take a stiffer wire.

Method 7. Interior items made of copper wire

From wire you can make original interior items that will look good not only in the country, but also in a city apartment. A little inspiration, patience, a coil of copper wire - and your home will be decorated with a stylish lampshade, basket, panel and other interesting things.

Decorative items for the kitchen are made from tinned wire because it does not oxidize. For other crafts, regular enameled copper wire is suitable.

Wire can be combined with other materials - it looks organically “in duet” with fabric, wood, paper, glass.

There are plenty of ways to use wire in the household, so don’t let it sit idle – put this multifunctional material to use!


How to harden copper - Metalworker's Handbook

Most common metals cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. However, almost all metals are strengthened—to some degree—by forging, rolling, or bending. This is called cold hardening or hardening of metal.

Annealing is a type of heat treatment to soften metal that has become hardened so that it can continue to be cold worked.

Cold working: copper, lead and aluminum

Ordinary metals vary greatly in their degree and rate of strain hardening - cold hardening or cold hardening. Copper is hardened quite quickly as a result of cold forging, and, therefore, quickly reduces its malleability and ductility. Therefore, copper requires frequent annealing so that it can be processed further without the risk of destruction.

On the other hand, lead can be hammered into almost any shape without annealing or risk of breaking it. Lead has such a reserve of ductility that allows it to obtain large plastic deformations with a very low degree of strain hardening. However, although copper is harder than lead, it is generally more malleable.

Aluminum can withstand quite a large amount of plastic deformation through hammer forming or cold rolling before it needs to be annealed to restore its ductile properties. Pure aluminum hardens much more slowly than copper, and some sheet aluminum alloys are too hard or brittle to allow much hardening.

Cold working of iron and steel

Industrial pure iron can be cold worked to large degrees of deformation before it becomes too hard for further processing.

Impurities in iron or steel impair the cold workability of the metal to such an extent that most steels cannot be cold worked, except of course special low carbon steels for the automotive industry.

At the same time, almost all steel can be successfully processed plastically in a red-hot state.

Why is metal annealing necessary?

The exact nature of the annealing process to which the metal is subjected depends largely on the purpose of the annealed metal. There is a significant difference in the method of annealing between annealing in factories where huge quantities of sheet steel are produced, and annealing in a small auto repair shop, where only one part requires such processing.

In short, cold working is plastic deformation by destruction or distortion of the grain structure of the metal.

During annealing, a metal or alloy is heated to a temperature at which recrystallization occurs - the formation of new grains - not deformed and round - instead of old - deformed and elongated - grains. Then the metal is cooled at a given speed.

  DIY copper tube radiator

In other words, crystals or grains within the metal that have been displaced or deformed during cold plastic working are given the opportunity to realign and recover to their natural state, but at an elevated annealing temperature.

Annealing of iron and steel

Iron and mild steels must be heated to temperatures of around 900 degrees Celsius and then allowed to cool slowly to ensure they are as "soft" as possible. At the same time, measures are taken to prevent contact of the metal with air in order to avoid oxidation of its surface. When this is done in a small auto repair shop, warm sand is used for this.

High carbon steels require similar processing except that the annealing temperature for them is lower and is about 800 degrees Celsius.

Annealing of copper

Copper is annealed at about 550 degrees Celsius, when the copper is heated to a deep red color. Once heated, the copper is cooled in water or allowed to cool slowly in air. The cooling rate of copper after heating at the annealing temperature does not affect the degree of “softness” of this metal obtained. The advantage of rapid cooling is that it cleans the metal of scale and dirt.

 Annealing aluminum

Aluminum is annealed at a temperature of 350 degrees Celsius. In factories this is done in suitable ovens or salt baths. In the workshop, aluminum is annealed with a gas torch. They say that in this case a wooden splinter is rubbed over the surface of heated metal.

When the wood begins to leave black marks, it means that the aluminum has received its annealing. Sometimes a bar of soap is used instead of wood: when the soap begins to leave brown marks, the heating should be stopped.

The aluminum is then cooled in water or left to cool in air.

Annealing of zinc

Zinc becomes malleable again at temperatures between 100 and 150 degrees Celsius. This means that it can be annealed in boiling water. Zinc must be processed while it is hot: when it cools, it loses much of its malleability.


Copper plating of parts at home in two ways - step-by-step instructions with video

When it comes to electroplating, technological operations such as chrome plating and galvanizing of metal products immediately come to mind. But if you ask the question, what is galvanostegy, not everyone will answer - it has been verified. Although this term does not imply anything supernova.

Simply put, this is a technique for coating any material with a thin layer of metal, be it steel, aluminum, wood or plastic. We’ll figure out how to copper-plate a sample at home.

general information

Copper plating is a technique that is somewhat more universal than galvanizing. For what purposes is it carried out?

  • Protection of samples from carburization before cutting them, as well as from corrosion.
  • Elimination of defects on the surfaces of parts when other methods are unacceptable or difficult to implement. For example, if the base is characterized by complex terrain.
  • Decoration of products.
  • Creating copies of samples from other materials.
  • Preparation of steel parts for chrome plating, silver plating, and gold plating. In such cases, copper plating is only one of the stages of surface treatment of the material.
  • To create solderable segments.

It is unlikely that the reader will be interested in such nuances as the classification of copper (refined, oxygen-free, general use), various options for solutions used in copper plating, characteristics of materials and similar things. Below we consider only the simplest methods of applying Cu to any surface, which are easy to organize at home, without any difficulties or financial costs.

Copper plating in electrolyte

This technique is only suitable for coating metal parts with a layer of Cu. In fact, the technology is not much different from galvanizing at home.


The equipment you will need is simple:

 Glass bath (container). Its capacity is determined by the dimensions of the workpiece. Even a liter jar or glass are options.

 Copper electrodes. Typically, two are used. This allows you to better coat the workpiece with a layer on all sides and simplifies the process itself. As you work, you will not have to periodically change the position of the part relative to the electrode. What exactly to use depends on the specific situation - copper plates, pieces of thick wire. This is unprincipled.


How to make copper heavier

Finding scrap metal has become a source of income for many. There are people for whom this is a hobby or a way to earn money.

This process is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

For beginner metal detectors, this may seem like a challenge, but if you know where to find metal, then this task is not so difficult.

Devices containing copper and its alloys

You don't have to go far to mine copper. This does not have to be excavations in the fields using a metal detector. You can take copper from old electrical appliances.

Because repairing old appliances takes a lot of time and money, they are often thrown away.

But before that, it is possible to obtain scrap metal from them, which, after processing, is used to make pipes, wire, profile sheets, or to replace some elements for devices.

Copper alloy can be easily found:

  • In bearings, radiators, motors, gears.
  • In old jewelry and decorative elements.
  • In plumbing.
  • In kitchen utensils.
  • In radiators and computers.

Copper itself can be found in the following devices:

  • Up to one and a half kilograms of scrap metal can be found in a tube TV.
  • Almost three kilograms of copper can be taken from the engine of an old Soviet-style refrigerator.
  • Smaller amounts of copper are taken from washing machines, hair dryers, and microwave ovens.
  • If there is a starter from a vehicle that is unsuitable for repair, then metal can also be extracted from there.

From these devices, you can’t take much copper, but these devices are widely found.

Where to look?

In order not to waste time searching, you need to know in advance where to get the metal. Such places include:

  • Fields. You can often find broken equipment there.
  • Abandoned factories, often containing a lot of aluminum and copper.
  • Car repair centers. Finding such an abandoned place is worth a lot. Where else to look for scrap metal? The convenience lies in the fact that all the broken parts are put in one place and sometimes just one bolt can pull out a kilogram.
  • Dump. This place is suitable for those who are beginners and do not know where to search for copper for change. This is where you can easily learn to distinguish between types of metals, so as not to rent them out at the same price in the future.
  • Abandoned landfill. In such places you can easily find shell casings, targets and dummies of equipment.

If you choose a field for searching, it is best to search with metal in the spring, so as not to collide with workers and not create problems for each other.

How to properly collect colored scrap

Almost all metal detectors streamline the scrap collection process. To carry out this process, you need to optimize your activities to the maximum. To do this you will need:

  • Decide on a system for collecting devices that are unsuitable for further use.
  • Take care of the delivery of collected scrap metal to the dismantling point. To do this, you need a vehicle on which transportation will be carried out. Take care in advance of the place where all the scrap metal will be located, because there will be quite a lot of it.
  • Develop a disassembly process. To do this, you need to purchase a special tool to separate the metal from other materials and begin sorting.
  • Arrange rapid transportation of metal to collection points.

You should also know that prices for non-ferrous scrap vary depending on the time of year.

Since the winter period is difficult for metal mining, the price is higher than in the summer.

Therefore, it would be more advisable to hold on to the existing material until “better” times.

Copper production method

Obtaining copper, even in industrial conditions, is a very labor-intensive process:

  • At the initial stage, the metal is crushed, after which it is cleaned of impurities of other rocks. After purification, the starting material is fired, after which a solid substance can be obtained - cinder, which in turn undergoes melting.
  • After this procedure, matte is obtained, which contains up to 50% copper.
  • The manufactured matte is enriched with oxygen, air blowing, and quartz flux.
  • Only after these procedures can blister copper be obtained; it is melted and passed through an oxygen melt.
  • Finally, the resulting material is treated with sulfur oxide, after which the percentage of copper is 99.9%.

How to get a high price for scrap metal

Every scrap hunter wants to sell the scrap metal he finds at the best price for himself.

As mentioned above, you can search for metal in the summer and sell it in the winter, when prices rise.

But if your priority is to make a profit regularly, then it is best to look for collection points that offer prices higher than those of competitors.

Do not also forget that the cost depends on the quality and composition of the material that is being rented. The highest price is offered for pure copper.


Features of copper annealing

When heat treating copper and its alloys, two features of the material are taken into account: increased thermal conductivity and interaction with gases when heated. It is these factors that cause rapid and uniform heating of the metal along the perimeter of the section. Annealing copper is heating the metal followed by cooling, allowing you to change the properties of the material. Heat treatment makes the metal softer and more ductile. Copper is used in various fields where ductility is important.


To facilitate mechanical and plastic processing of copper parts, the hardness of the metal is reduced by annealing. The workpiece is heated to a temperature above 600°C and then immersed in water. Copper becomes soft.

After creating the mold, the metal is reheated over a fire to a temperature of 400°C and cooled in fresh air. It will become hard.

Advantages and disadvantages of processing

An undeniable property of copper is its high electrical conductivity. It is used in construction and the manufacture of electrical equipment. The mechanical parameters of the metal are quite low, so it is not often used as a pure structural material.

Benefits of annealing:

  • the treatment removes harmful substances from the metal and removes bacteria;
  • the workpiece becomes soft and elastic, withstands pressure over 200 atmospheres;
  • the material becomes resistant to corrosion;
  • increase in hardness - the part can be bent several times without fear of cracks;
  • reduction of residual stress during incomplete annealing.

There are significantly fewer disadvantages, but they still exist:

  • the material requires slow cooling;
  • copper is an expensive material;
  • If handled incorrectly, soft metal can be damaged.

What equipment is used

Copper undergoes two types of heat treatment:

  • annealing to reduce remaining stress;
  • recrystallization annealing.

The temperature regime for recrystallization of oxygen-free copper is 200–240°C, and that of electrolytic copper is 180–230°C. Metal containing oxygen is treated in a neutral environment to reduce losses after oxidation.

For annealing heat treatment, a shaft-type convection oven is used. In addition, the equipment is in demand for annealing wire, rope, rods, steels, and metal balls.

The oven has the following advantages:

  • improved accuracy of temperature control;
  • automation of heat treatment;
  • the fan at the bottom of the device ensures stable heat transfer;
  • processing error is +/-5C;
  • heating is carried out from electricity;
  • ammonia and pure nitrogen protect the metal from oxidation;
  • capacity - 8–36 tons;
  • ease of operation and installation.

The furnace lid is equipped with a special pneumatic device, which is responsible for opening and closing during the annealing process. The emergency valve operates automatically when the pressure rises to high or drops to low.

Processing principle

Annealing is a heat treatment procedure for copper that produces a stable, strong metal structure, free from residual stresses. Annealing technology goes through several stages:

  1. metal into equipment.
  2. Installing the muffle and purging with protective gas to remove air.
  3. Heating to 650–700 degrees.
  4. Rapid cooling up to 100 degrees when immersing the product in water.
  5. Giving the required shape.
  6. Reheat to 350–400 degrees.
  7. Air cooling and unloading.

The last stage of the technology is carried out twice as slow.

The treatment ends when the annealing temperature of copper reaches a value at which it can be exposed to air without oxidation. It is prohibited to expose workpieces to high-temperature air. Duration: 1–2 hours.

Features of copper annealing Link to main publication


How to harden copper - Metals, equipment, instructions

Technologies for imparting greater hardness to metals and alloys have been improved over many centuries. Modern equipment makes it possible to carry out heat treatment in such a way as to significantly improve the properties of products even from inexpensive materials.

Hardening of steel and alloys

Hardening (martensitic transformation) is the main method of imparting greater hardness to steels. In this process, the product is heated to such a temperature that the iron changes its crystal lattice and can be additionally saturated with carbon. After holding for a certain time, the steel is cooled.

This must be done at high speed to prevent the formation of intermediate forms of iron. As a result of rapid transformation, a solid solution supersaturated with carbon with a distorted crystal structure is obtained. Both of these factors are responsible for its high hardness (up to HRC 65) and brittleness.

When hardening, most carbon and tool steels are heated to a temperature of 800 to 900C, but high-speed steels P9 and P18 are heated at 1200-1300C.

Microstructure of high-speed steel R6M5: a) cast state;
b) after forging and annealing; c) after hardening; d) after vacation. ×500.

Quenching modes

The heated product is lowered into a cooling medium, where it remains until it cools completely. This is the simplest hardening method, but it can only be used for steels with a low carbon content (up to 0.8%) or for parts of simple shape. These limitations are associated with thermal stresses that arise during rapid cooling - parts of complex shapes can warp or even crack.

With this method of hardening, the product is cooled to 250-300C in a saline solution for 2-3 minutes to relieve thermal stress, and then cooling is completed in air. This helps prevent cracks or warping of parts.

The disadvantage of this method is the relatively low cooling rate, so it is used for small (up to 10 mm in diameter) parts made of carbon or larger ones made of alloy steels, for which the hardening rate is not so critical.

It begins with rapid cooling in water and ends with slow cooling in oil. Typically, such hardening is used for products made of tool steels. The main difficulty lies in calculating the cooling time in the first environment.

  • Surface hardening (laser, high frequency currents)

Used for parts that must be hard on the surface, but have a viscous core, for example, gear teeth. During surface hardening, the outer layer of the metal is heated to supercritical values, and then cooled either during the heat removal process (with laser hardening) or by liquid circulating in a special inductor circuit (with high-frequency current hardening)


Hardened steel becomes excessively brittle, which is the main disadvantage of this hardening method. To normalize the structural properties, tempering is carried out - heating to a temperature below the phase transformation, holding and slow cooling.

During tempering, a partial “cancellation” of hardening occurs, the steel becomes slightly less hard, but more ductile.

There are low (150-200C, for tools and parts with increased wear resistance), medium (300-400C, for springs) and high (550-650, for highly loaded parts) tempering.

Temperature table for quenching and tempering steels

No. steel grade Hardness (HRCe) Temperature hardening, degrees C Temperature holidays, degrees C Temperature zak. HDTV, deg.C Temperature cement., deg. C Temperature annealing, degrees C Temper. Wednesday Note
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Steel 20 5763 790820 160200 920950 Water
2 Steel 35 3034 830840 490510 Water
3335 450500
4248 180200 860880
3 Steel 45 2025 820840 550600 Water
2028 550580
2428 500550
3034 490520
4251 180220 Sech. up to 40 mm
4957 200220 840880


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