How to sharpen knives on a hair clipper

Sharpening clipper blades

Hair clippers use blades made of stainless steel or regular metal, often coated with diamond or titanium. Both of them become dull – it’s only a matter of time. Therefore, sooner or later, the owner of a hair clipper is faced with the need to sharpen knives. Fortunately, doing this is not so difficult, although there are many different subtleties. We will talk about them today.

First of all, you need to remove the knife block. Typically this block is attached to the body with large screws and removed with a screwdriver. You won't have any problems here.

If we take into account the fact that the basis of any sharpening machine is a rotating circle, then a grinding machine immediately comes to mind, which could well be used for sharpening knives. It is not recommended to do this, although it is, in principle, very possible. At the same time, the craftsmen warn that the quality of such sharpening will not be the best. If you are going to use a grinding machine, then you need to use a very fine abrasive (zero) with it.

You can also use an electric drill with a sanding attachment, but this is not very safe. For this reason alone, it is not recommended to resort to this method of sharpening knives for cutting hair.

Some people even manage to sharpen hair clipper blades using a regular sharpening stone, but the efficiency will be low. However, this sharpening will definitely be enough for 5-7 haircuts.

Also watch the video in which a nice girl talks about the proper use of these same knives - this is useful to know.

Always remember: it is best to take removed knives to professionals who will sharpen them quickly and for little money.

Professional knife sharpening

There are special machines that are used for sharpening. One of these machines is Adems Front Plate (you can see it in the photo).

It is an electric motor that drives an aluminum horizontal disk. There are also machines with a vertical disk arrangement, but more on that later. Aluminum is used here to prevent strong vibrations in the process itself, but this is not the only advantage. The process itself is carried out as follows:

  1. The abrasive disk rotates at a speed of 1000 rpm;
  2. The master grabs the knife with a magnetic suction cup and places it against the forward motion of the disc with its teeth;
  3. Removes an already sharpened knife after a certain time.

Usually craftsmen have a special bellows, on which they check the quality of sharpening. If the result is excellent, then the procedure is not repeated, but you can always sharpen the knife if necessary. Next, the blades are washed in a special solution, lubricated and installed in the block.

Is it necessary to sharpen knives at all?

If we consider this issue purely from a financial point of view, we can come to the conclusion that this activity is practically useless. Well, how much does a standard machine cost? Not the worst model costs about $15. At the same time, a haircut at a hairdresser costs 2-3 dollars. If a person, on average, needs a haircut once a month, this means that the machine can pay for itself in 5-7 months, depending on the intensity of trips to hairdressers.

Of course, after 5-7 haircuts the blades will not become dull, and your clipper will last for another 1-2 years of use. Afterwards, when they become really dull, the motor of the machine will also wear out, so then it is better to buy a new device rather than pay specialists for sharpening. So think for yourself


Sharpening clipper blades

Scissors and knives tend to get dull, and hair clippers don't lag behind. Hairdressers who use a straight razor know how many subtleties they learn on the way to a sharp blade glinting in the light (besides the art of using obscene language).

A picky craftsman will not like steel and manufacturing technology. A knowledgeable grinder instantly determines with a trained eye whether the job will work out. Sharpening clipper knives requires no less responsibility, how much effort it takes, now we’ll see.

Professional sharpening of clipper blades

Professionals use special machines like the Adems Front Plate to sharpen clipper knives. The basis is an electric motor that rotates a horizontal aluminum disk. Sharpening devices for shearing sheep is characterized by a vertical arrangement of the abrasive surface, which we will discuss later. Aluminum is lightweight, allowing for minimal lateral vibrations, which is not the only advantage of the metal.

The part comes off the milling machine equipped with small annular marks, which everyone will see on the disks. Good, it promotes a tight fit of the abrasive. The clipper blade sharpening machine works as follows:

  1. An aluminum disc with abrasive rotates in a horizontal plane at a speed of over 1000 rpm.
  2. On the side opposite from the master, a steel wall that prevents debris from flying away serves to mount the laser level.
  3. Position the beam so that it intersects the disk, passing directly through the center.
  4. The knife is grabbed by a magnetic suction cup and placed so that the edge runs parallel to the beam.
  5. The disc rotates clockwise, position the blade forward with the teeth in the direction of the abrasive.
  6. After some time, the sharpening of the clipper blades will be completed.

To check the result, the kit is supplemented with fur; you can cut your hair with the assembled device. If the result is satisfactory, the matter is settled. After sharpening the blades of the clipper, the edge must be washed with a special solution, lubricated, and the blade unit assembled.

The preparation process is limited to the following:

  1. The aluminum disk is cleaned with a special liquid (kit).
  2. Apply oil to the surface and rub with a rag.
  3. The abrasive is poured with a brush and leveled.
  4. The final smoothness of the layer is given with a smooth block.

The device is ready to operate, the laser pointer is installed, and the engine is started. There are two speeds, for example, 1145 and 1750 rpm. The second will be needed for sharpening ceramic knives, which are sometimes found in nature. For more details, see the machine operating instructions.

In the process, observe basic safety requirements. Wear a hat, braid long hair, no hanging sleeves, no protruding threads. Sharpening of animal clippers is done in a slightly different way.

Sharpen the blades of a sheep shearing machine

Sheep wool is coarse and useful; animals are sheared mercilessly when the time comes. Sheep clippers are sharpened using Heiniger equipment. The machine is equipped with two connected vertical abrasive discs of large diameter:

  • for a large knife, from the front, make sure that the rotation is counterclockwise;
  • for a small knife.

They told us how to prepare a sharpening disc for a machine that produces haircut devices. Sheep are much more interesting. There is a special steel sandwich; an abrasive wheel is glued onto aluminum discs. Take a bolt with a guide on which the disk is placed with the working side up. Clean the surface thoroughly so that the abrasive material adheres properly. Shake off the crumbs with your hand and begin to wash the disc. Do not use solvent as it will negatively affect adhesion.

The disc is wiped dry with a soft cloth. Afterwards, 20 ml of glue is applied in spirals. Rub into an even layer using a brush using the back of your hand. Carefully place the abrasive wheel of the woven fabric and press it on top with the steel wheel of the machine kit. Place another abrasive wheel, now with the woven side up.

We prepare the second grinding disk of the machine, like the first, on the side. Apply glue and place it on the sandwich with the work surface down. Tighten the top with a nut. Please note that the slightest distortion or detachment of the abrasive wheel can lead to disastrous consequences. Level the glue carefully and carefully tighten the sandwich nut.

Tighten with a wrench only by hand. Excess glue that appears at the edges is wiped off with a rag. After a while, at least an hour, you need to unscrew the nut. The upper disc is checked by tapping the abrasive with your hand.

The sound is metallic, reminiscent of the blade of a shovel in flat contact with a tree trunk. After checking, install both discs on the machine with knife points. It is necessary to secure the structure with a nut.

To ensure proper operation of the hardware, install both drives, even if one is being used at the same time. The correct load of service mechanisms and the engine is ensured.

It turns out that two masters can sharpen by occupying both sides. The principle is the same, it is not possible to hold the knife vertically, so a special “crane” was invented that tenaciously holds the part. The process is preceded by setup.

To help more accurately align the outer edge of the teeth along the radial line, in addition to the knife, a thin plastic ruler is placed on the fastening end of the “crane”. The middle slot should just point to the center of the disk. Adjustment mechanisms are provided on screws in all directions.

As soon as the nuts are tightened, the ruler is removed, the knife is put on, and the machine is ready to sharpen.

The device starts up, after which you need to press the “crane” holder with the part to the disk. Sparks will fly. These are not just isolated flashes, a continuous row of orange. Once done, sharpen the clipper properly. In the process, swing the part left and right, simulating a pendulum trajectory. Please note: there was no technique for sharpening people's clippers.

Stop the engine and check the quality of the work done. A test abrasive block is used, which is stored in a special case. After running the knife across the sharpened surface several times, carefully examine the result. Black spots are allowed around the edges.

The second knife is sharpened in the same way with another disc. The product is placed with the teeth facing up, sparks fly in the same direction. The question arises, why not make the smallest particles of metal move towards the floor. We believe that due to the nature of the movement of the blades in the assembled sheep shearing device, the possibility of visual control of the point process. Work will require wearing safety glasses.

Do-it-yourself sharpening of hair clippers

It is not difficult to notice that the basis of the machine is a rotating circle. It's tempting to use a regular point sander. It is not recommended to do this, although if you remember the prices for sharpening (450-550 rubles), you would like to. You can sharpen knives for hair clippers, but the quality will be so-so. You will need a fine abrasive, for example, zero.

Everyone will adapt an electric drill with an emery wheel for these purposes. The problem is to ensure work safety. Based on this criterion alone, we do not recommend experimenting.

Dog clippers can be sharpened using the same equipment as for humans. It follows from the similar structure of the devices. Sheep models of devices with large knives, four-legged friends are served like the human race. Sharpening your hair clipper may require less effort due to the softer steel used to make the edge.

There is one way to save at least on dogs, for which you will have to pay 2,500 rubles. Buy Master Grooming Tools SharpPro Dog Clipper Blade Tool Sharpener. The literal name is given to simplify the search.

It seems that on e-bay there is a device nearby that is called universal, but we cannot be responsible for the quality of work and the veracity of the information. The small motor is equipped with a horizontal grinding disc with a diameter of 8 cm.

Considering the abundance of kulibins in our country, many will be able to come up with a billion ideas on their own on how to sharpen a clipper.

The main thing is to maintain the small size of the abrasive grains and the correct direction of movement. Whoever manages to combine both requirements will be able to complete the job.

Completed review explaining how to sharpen a clipper, look for the rest on e-bay. Although there are Russian models of machines, they are not so widely advertised. Mentioned at the beginning. E-commerce is the key to world domination. Look at the Chinese who occupied AliExpress. No wonder the country's GDP is growing.


How to sharpen dull hair clipper blades

Sharpening your hair clipper blades is a necessity over time and with frequent use. In addition, timely maintenance of the device, which involves lubricating and sharpening the blades, will significantly extend its service life.

Some hair clippers are equipped with a special function that automatically sharpens them. Most models need to be put in order on their own, so it is important to constantly monitor their condition and begin sharpening procedures on time.

How to sharpen knives in a hair clipper yourself

To sharpen blades in a machine at home, follow these steps:

  • First, unscrew the bolts that are responsible for fixing the knives. This is necessary to remove accumulated dirt.

Carefully! Blades, even if they don't cut hair very well, can easily cause cuts on your hands. It is best to use tweezers to remove the blades.

  • It is very important, when unscrewing the machine, to put the bolts and parts in a certain sequence, so as not to get confused later when assembling the device after sharpening.
  • Sharpening the blade of a hair clipper is impossible without cleaning the parts. It is best to use an old toothbrush for this purpose, this way you can remove all hairs or traces of rust.

Rust, if it has formed in large quantities, can be eliminated using a product that is used for plumbing. It needs to be applied to a sponge, with which you can treat the blades.

  • After the device has been cleaned, it needs to be dried and tested. Because most of the equipment starts to cut hair well immediately after cleansing, usually the problem can only be that the blades are dirty with hair residue and debris.

If cleaning does not solve the problem, you can sharpen the hair clipper blade as follows.

  • Using a sharpening stone, move the knives in a horizontal plane at a slight angle of 45 degrees.
  • Using a magnet by rubbing the blades against it. It is best to use a flat design, which is more convenient and avoids cuts.

When sharpening the machine on these devices, you should make about 10 movements, and then check their sharpness. As a rule, this is enough.

In the same case, if the machine has knives made of ceramics, which is not uncommon in dog grooming machines, you should not use these methods, especially using a sharpening stone. It is best to turn your attention to diamond sharpening.

  • Finally, you need to assemble the device, carefully tightening each bolt.

Now you know how to sharpen clipper blades at home using simple items you can find on hand.

Hair clipper blade sharpening kit

In addition, you can use special kits that are created specifically for sharpening such blades.

They should be used as follows:

  • disassemble the machine and clean the knives mechanically;
  • the aluminum disk, which is included in the kit for sharpening knives, must be wiped with special oil, and then an abrasive must be applied to a special washer, which will act as a sharpening agent;
  • Now you can fix the blade with a magnet and turn on the machine, while setting a certain speed;
  • the blade must be pressed against the disk and held while it is sharpened; as a rule, one to two minutes are enough for each element;
  • Now you can remove the magnets and wash the blades in the container included in the kit, using a special liquid to clean them;
  • Once the knives have been processed and dried, they can be assembled and replaced.

Now you can check the functionality of the device.

Where can you sharpen clipper blades?

Only professional equipment can make this process of sharpening clipper blades safe and as effective as possible.

That is why it is best to turn to professionals, especially if the blades of hair clippers are made of ceramics and it is not possible to sharpen them using home methods. After all, this expensive device requires careful handling, and a procedure such as sharpening knives, done without complying with all the requirements, can disrupt the operation of the device as a whole.

In the hands of a specialist, the clipper is sharpened within 30 minutes. The craftsmen sharpen the knives in the presence of the client, after which they become sharp as they were at the time of purchase.

Hair clippers can be sharpened in specialized workshops that can simultaneously carry out the functions of sharpening knives or making keys. The average sharpening price is 450 rubles.

The use of professional equipment makes the area of ​​the sharpened surface very sharp, capable of accurately performing hair cutting tasks. In order for the blades of the machine to remain sharp for as long as possible and perform their task efficiently, it is important to follow the instructions for using them, clean them after use and carefully lubricate them with the oil included in the kit. Thus, you can increase the service life of the device and make the haircut process simple and safe.


Methods for sharpening knives for hair clippers

With constant use, the blades in the hair clipper become dull. They can be replaced or taken to a knife sharpener so that he can return the tool to its original condition.

With the appropriate skill, you can sharpen a hair clipper yourself. This skill is especially useful when there is no workshop nearby. Moreover, the work is successfully completed with the help of improvised means, which, as a rule, are found in any home.

There are quite a few options for repairing hairdressing machines.

  • When is it time to sharpen
  • Sharpening at home
  • Using a professional kit
  • Application of grinding machine
  • Using a lathe
  • Block and sandpaper
  • Sharpening on an emery machine
  • Sharpening knives of animal clippers
  • Tips for use

When is it time to sharpen

The machine contains stainless steel knives, often coated with diamond or titanium. They still become dull, and the first signs of this are:

  • Problems with aligning the contour of the hairstyle.
  • Noticeable skin irritation, even cuts.
  • Crushing or pulling hair with blades rather than cutting them, which causes pain.

Repairing hair clippers, that is, sharpening their blades, is recommended to be carried out periodically. The regularity of sharpening is determined by the quality of the material of the cutting part and the intensity of use.

Sharpening at home

In workshops, blades are sharpened on special machines. If you rarely have to sharpen a tool, there is no point in purchasing these machines; it is more advisable to repair the machine yourself using the following devices:

  • Professional sharpening kit.
  • Grinding machine or machine.
  • Bar.
  • Emery.
  • Lathe.

Using a professional kit

When cutting people or animals every day, you have to sharpen the tool often. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a professional sharpening kit that will quickly and efficiently sharpen the cutting part.

Typically the kit contains the following components:

  • machine with cover;
  • aluminum disc;
  • cleaning composition;
  • magnet;
  • lubricants;
  • laser pointer.

To sharpen and use the kit, do this:

  • The machine is disassembled and the knives are removed using a screwdriver.
  • Prepare the aluminum disk: wipe it from dust, lubricate it with oil from the kit, apply abrasive powder.
  • The laser and knife are fixed, the latter is secured with a magnetic clip.
  • Set the disk rotation speed.
  • Turn on the machine.
  • The blade is pressed against a rotating disk and sharpened.
  • The knife is smoothly moved from the center to the edge of the disk.
  • They stop the car.
  • The knife is removed and demagnetized.
  • The blades are washed with a special composition from the kit, removing particles of abrasive and metal.
  • The knives are additionally cleaned with a brush and wiped dry before installation.
  • They are assembling the machine.

During the process of disassembling and exposing the knives, it is recommended to photograph the device if this is the first disassembly. A photo or video will help you assemble it correctly later. To prevent bolts and other small parts from getting lost, it is better to put them in a box prepared in advance. When sharpening, it is important that the blades are directed against the rotation of the aluminum disk.

There's no need to rush. On average, it takes 1.5-2 minutes to sharpen one knife. If you are not careful, the tool may be damaged.

Application of grinding machine

The cutting part of the tool can be sharpened on a stationary grinding machine or with a hand-held machine. The algorithm is as follows:

  • The product is disassembled, the knives are removed.
  • The device turns on.
  • The blades are sharpened by pressing them against the working part of the machine.
  • The blades are washed.
  • The product is assembled.

This method is not recommended by specialists, although it is faster than using a block.

When working on a grinding machine, safety precautions are strictly observed. You need to work carefully to avoid injury.

Using a lathe

It is much easier to perform our task on a lathe. But you need skills in handling this equipment.

You will need the following materials:

  • Abrasive powder or paste.
  • Aluminum disc.

Workflow steps:

  • The knives are removed and secured with a magnet on the work surface.
  • Power is supplied to the machine and it is turned on.
  • Sharpening is carried out.
  • Wash off the paste and wipe the blades.
  • Assemble the device.

The first thing people pay attention to when working on a machine is the worker’s safety rules. Protect your eyes with safety glasses and wear gloves on your hands. The worker must be at a certain distance from the machine. Before sharpening, knives should be positioned correctly so that they are not damaged and the result is of high quality.

Block and sandpaper

If the machine is rarely used, a sharpening stone will suffice. The sharpness of the blades can be adjusted after they are removed.

Here, the key point to obtaining results is maintaining the initial sharpening angle of the cutting edge specified by the tool manufacturer. During operation, the blade is pressed against the surface of the block and moves along it.

The actions are repeated until the desired result is obtained. Upon completion of the operation, the parts are washed and wiped dry, and the product is assembled.

Do the same if you use sandpaper instead of a block. The material is used in order of decreasing the grain size of abrasive inclusions: No. 80, 120, 180. It is fixed in any convenient way, sometimes the blades are not removed, and the paper is inserted between them, then the device is turned on.

Options using a block and sandpaper are the safest and easiest methods for sharpening knife blades.

Sharpening on an emery machine

Using an emery machine is similar to using the devices discussed above. It’s easy to set it up for work: the protective glass is lowered, power is supplied, and the machine turns on. The blade being sharpened is held against the rotation of the wheel.

You need to work carefully and carefully monitor the workpiece: emery can quickly erase a larger layer of fabric than required. During work, do not touch the emery wheel to avoid injury. Once complete, the parts are cleaned and the device is assembled.

Sharpening knives of animal clippers

Sheep and dogs are not sheared with regular clippers because their wool is coarser than human hair. For grooming animals, devices of a different design are used. Owners of flocks and large numbers of dogs also need to sharpen the knives of these devices. When there are a lot of sheep to shear , it is expensive to keep buying new blades or constantly having to go to a professional to sharpen them, so people learn to do everything themselves.

To sharpen cutting parts, they resort to the use of the equipment discussed above. On a grinding machine, sandpaper, emery board or block, the abrasive should be fine.

Self-manufacturing of sharpening devices is not recommended, since assembly accuracy is important to obtain results. Difficulties may arise due to the different shape of the cutting parts or lack of skill.

Tips for use

To ensure good functionality of the machine, you need to take care of it and follow the operating instructions . Recommended:

  • Use the machine only for its intended purpose.
  • Avoid excessive mechanical stress on cutting edges.
  • Lubricate working units regularly, preferably with light rather than dark oil.
  • After sharpening, clean the blades from any remaining abrasive.

Cutting wet hair speeds up dullness. After cutting, the remaining hair on the cutting edge is removed.

Store the machine in a dry place. When sharpening, do not skimp on the quality of the abrasive; the result directly depends on this.

It is important that the hair of animals being sheared is clean. If it is dirty, the blades of the machine will quickly become dull. When working with animals, the tool is cleaned every five haircuts. The knives are removed, washed from dirt and grease, and lubricated with oil.

Take precautions to avoid injury. If you need constant sharpening, it is better to buy a professional kit; one-time work can easily be done with sandpaper or a sharpening stone.


How to sharpen knives on a hair clipper - Beauty

With constant use, the blades in the hair clipper become dull. They can be replaced or taken to a knife sharpener so that he can return the tool to its original condition.

With the appropriate skill, you can sharpen a hair clipper yourself. This skill is especially useful when there is no workshop nearby. Moreover, the work is successfully completed with the help of improvised means, which, as a rule, are found in any home.

There are quite a few options for repairing hairdressing machines.

  • When is it time to sharpen
  • Sharpening at home
  • Using a professional kit
  • Application of grinding machine
  • Using a lathe
  • Block and sandpaper
  • Sharpening on an emery machine
  • Sharpening knives of animal clippers
  • Tips for use

Instructions for sharpening knives (blades) for hair clippers

When creating hairstyles, the blades in a hair clipper gradually wear out. For this reason, the speed, quality and productivity of work decreases. The efficient operation of the equipment is restored by sharpening the parts.

Hair clipper

The highest quality sharpening of hair clippers is done using professional equipment. However, there are ways to do this work at home. Let's look at the most common of them.

How to quickly sharpen knives on any hair clipper

There are several ways to sharpen hair clippers. In this case, various equipment and materials are used. These include:

  1. Professional sharpening set.
  2. Lathe.
  3. Sander.
  4. Kitchen whetstone.
  5. Sandpaper.

The procedure for sharpening blades

Sharpening knives of hairdressing clippers is carried out in several stages:

  1. Removing and preparing blades for sharpening.
  2. Sharpening and grinding knives.
  3. Processing of sharpened parts.
  4. Assembling the knife block.
  5. Test haircut.
  6. Final adjustment of the knives.

Before performing work, carefully prepare the workplace. Provide the necessary level of comfort and illumination. Place all the necessary tools and materials in their places.

Clean and lubricate knife blades after every haircut. This will help ensure long-term operation of the device.

Using a screwdriver or screwdriver, remove the fastening screws of the knife block. The removed parts are put aside or placed in a separate box. Carefully remove the upper (moving) and lower (fixed) knives.

Lower and upper knives

The lower knife is in a stationary position when the machine is operating. It is attached to the machine body using fixing screws.

The upper knife slides along the working surface of the lower knife. Movements are carried out left and right along the sliding axis of the knives.

A polymer shock-absorbing gasket is installed between the knives.

Removing and preparing blades for sharpening

Using a brush and a damp cloth, clean the knives from dirt and dust. To remove rust, use improvised means or special solutions. These products are sold in a wide range in household chemical stores. They can also be purchased at auto parts and plumbing departments.

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Disassembling the knife block

To remove rust, knives are dipped into a container with a special solution for several minutes. Using a cotton swab or brush, treat the surface of the blades. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Use only specialized oil to lubricate blades and other moving parts. In some cases, the use of machine or spindle oil is allowed. The use of vegetable oil is strictly prohibited!

Using a dry cloth, wipe the blades dry and dry them in a warm place. After processing and lubricating the rubbing surfaces, the machine is reassembled in the reverse order.

Thorough cleaning of the knives from dust and debris helps to partially restore the functions of the machine. Completing these procedures is sufficient to continue operation of the device with self-sharpening blades. If the measures taken are insufficient, they move on to the next stage.

Blade sharpening

Professionally sharpening knife and trimmer blades is quite a difficult task. Sharpening is a responsible and labor-intensive process. The quality of further work with the device depends on the accuracy of the work at this stage.


How to properly sharpen sheep shearing knives: knife sharpening machine, machine, homemade apparatus, sharpening methods

Sheep shearing is a labor-intensive and responsible process. It requires not only experience and knowledge of the matter, but also the ability to choose the right tool for the job. Scissors or an electric machine is the choice of the farmer himself. But the most important thing in this matter is the sharpness of the cutting object and the quality of the haircut.

Sharpening sheep shearing knives

Even on the best hair clipper, the blade tends to become dull. Typically, the knife is made of stainless steel . Some of them have a layer of diamond or titanium coating.

But even this does not make the cutting object sharp forever. Blades must be sharpened regularly, as the quality of shearing sheep's wool deteriorates significantly.

Signs that sharpening is needed

To promptly eliminate dulling of knives, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • the blade does not catch the fur;
  • irritation or cuts remain on the animal’s skin after shearing;
  • Uncut areas of fur remain.

Knife sharpening methods

In workshops, knife sharpening specialists use professional equipment and various machines in their work. You will need specialized equipment for shearing sheep on large farms. You can handle it yourself at home.

Professional sharpening kit

This kit is a very convenient and quick solution to dull knives and blades. Working with the set is easy and clear.

The set includes the following items:

  • laser pointer;
  • machine with cover;
  • special lubricants;
  • magnet;
  • aluminum disk;
  • cleansing composition.

Let's consider the sequence of actions with the kit:

  1. To remove the knives from the machine you need to use a screwdriver;
  2. The aluminum disk is cleaned of dust before work. Next, the aluminum disc is coated with a special oil and then sprinkled with abrasive powder.
  3. Magnetic clamp designed to fix the knife and laser pointer.
  4. It is necessary to set the correct rotation speed of the disk, after which the machine turns on.
  5. The blade must be tightened by pressing it against the rotating disc.
  6. Sharpening occurs as a result of moving the knife or blade from the center to the edge (the process lasts about 2 minutes).
  7. After completion of work, the kit must be cleaned of small pieces of metal and assembled until next use.

Important! After using the kit for the first time, take a photo of it as you disassemble it. This will help you in its further use.

On a grinding machine

This device is often used for sharpening various cutting devices. This method is dangerous, so it is very important to adhere to safety precautions.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. The product must be disassembled and the knives removed.
  2. Turn on the machine.
  3. During the sharpening period, the blade must be pressed against the working part of the grinder.
  4. The machine is disassembled and cleaned of dirt.

On a lathe

If you have a lathe in your home, you will not have to work with dull cutting tools. The sharpening process will not take much time, but the skills for this will not hurt you. First you need to prepare an aluminum disc and abrasive paste.

The workflow then includes the following steps:

  1. Knives must be secured to the work surface.
  2. Turn on the machine.
  3. Sharpening occurs.
  4. Clean the blade and wipe off the paste.
  5. The process ends with the assembly of the device.

Important! Working on lathes and grinders is not safe. While sharpening, protect your hands and eyes with special gloves and goggles.

On an emery machine

The operating principle of this device resembles a lathe. The operating algorithm is identical. All actions require care and precision. Emery is dangerous because it can very quickly erase the top layer of a cutting device, thereby shortening its service life. Follow safety precautions, as this can save you from dangerous injuries.

Using a block and sandpaper

The sharpening method using these devices is suitable for farmers who do not often use sheep clippers. These are the safest methods for sharpening cutting tools. The result of working with a block depends on the experience and skill of your hands.

The blade must be pressed against the surface of the block and moved along it until you achieve the desired result. When working with sandpaper, you need to secure it as tightly as possible. The material is used taking into account the grain size of abrasive inclusions. During sharpening, the grain size should decrease.

Homemade sharpening machine/machine

Every home should have a device that can be used to sharpen knives, scissors, blades and other cutting devices. If this is not the case, then you can make it yourself. Of course, this task is not an easy one. There are different ways to make these machines. For sharpening blades that are used for shearing sheep wool, two options for homemade machines may be suitable. Let's consider them in detail.

Read about the features of manual sheep shearing.


Anyone can make this device.

To create it you will need:

  • protractor;
  • corners made of wood (2 pieces, 20–30 cm each);
  • whetstone;
  • screws with clamping nuts (6–8 pcs.).

The manufacture of the device proceeds as follows:

  1. Wooden corners are applied one to another in order to fasten them. You need to make 3-4 holes in them.
  2. A block is installed between the corners. When installing, you need to take into account the angle of inclination.
  3. It is important to secure the block in the correct position; to do this, you need to tighten it with screws.
  4. For ease of use, marks are placed on the corners indicating the angles of inclination.

Sharpening on such a machine occurs as a result of running the knife blade down the block. The cutting device must be positioned strictly vertically. Changing the angle of inclination on the device is very easy. To do this, the screws are loosened, after which the block can be moved.


This version of the machine is a little more difficult to manufacture. But with such a device it will be more convenient for you to sharpen cutting tools, including the blade for a machine that shears sheep.

To make an improved sharpening machine you will need:

  • a piece of plywood;
  • sandpaper;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • bolts with tightening nuts (2 pcs.);
  • protractor;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • a piece of laminate;
  • 2 wooden slats (optimal parameters: one length is 70 cm, the second is up to 40 cm).

Sheep shearing machine

The manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  1. First you need to cut a piece of laminate (10x4 cm). The knife holder will be made from it.
  2. The wide side of the holder is ground down by 7 cm so that during the sharpening process it does not interfere with the movement of the block.
  3. The base of the machine will be a piece of plywood (optimal size - 30x10 cm). It must be drilled with the holder and fastened. The distance of the holder from the base should be 2 cm.

The next stage of work involves the manufacture of a rack. Its task is to ensure that during sharpening the block is constantly at the same angle.

To do this you need:

  1. Install a wooden strip (70 cm) vertically on the base.
  2. The part of the rail that protrudes is cut off, the main condition being that the angle between the holder and the rail should be 20–30°.
  3. The stand should be U-shaped. To do this, cut off a second such piece and install it (the angle between the holder and their top is 20–30°).
  4. Next, you need to install a transverse rail on the supplied pieces. The angle should be the same. To do this, the tops of the vertical slats are cut off at an angle.
  5. The structure (transverse and vertical slats) is glued together with hot glue.

All that remains is to make a holder for the sandpaper. It will serve as a sharpening stone.

Step by step:

  1. A rail up to 40 cm in size must be placed on the holder and stand.
  2. The part of the rail that goes from the stand to the holder needs to be cut off, leaving a 5-10 cm margin.
  3. At the end, it is necessary to glue the sandpaper, the abrasive of which should be from P600 to P2000.

The machine is ready. When working, it is placed on the edge of the table. The bolts on the bottom of the device will act as “brakes”, as they will protrude slightly. It is very important that the device is stable in operation. The quality of sharpening depends not only on the tool, but also on the skill of the hands. All of the above types of sharpeners can make the cutting device suitable for work.


How often should you sharpen knives on a clipper?

February 27, 2018

In this article we will try to understand how often sharpening is required for the knives that are installed in your clipper, and what factors influence the required frequency of sharpening them.

Initial quality of knives and their sharpening

A lot in this matter depends on what kind of knives the manufacturer uses in each specific model. For example, Oster machines will differ in this parameter from Remington not only in shape and design, but sometimes also in the quality of the steel from which the knives are made.

The composition of the metal will affect the physical performance of knives, including how quickly they will dull and how difficult it will be to sharpen them. This parameter can be considered one of the most key, along with how well the knives are sharpened, so to speak, out of the box. That is, how soon after the purchase you will have to contact a specialist or use your own skills and tools.

Knives on professional machines are made of high-quality steel and alloys, sometimes titanium coating is used for corrosion and wear resistance. There are machines with ceramic knives. As a rule, ceramic knives are sharpened less often.

Frequency of use

The second factor that is very important is how often the machine is used. For home use, the frequency can be so low that the periods between sharpenings will be very long. When working in a salon, in a day the machine can do the work equal to a year’s use at home.

Accordingly, if you work as a hairdresser, then sharpening knives should be a mandatory routine process built into your work schedule. You yourself find out by experience how long the sharpening lasts, and plan when you will sharpen the knives.

If you use a clipper at home, then sharpening becomes important for you when formal signs appear: the knives begin to “tug” the hair, the clipper does not cut well.

Remember that it is recommended to clean your knives after every haircut! For this purpose, the machine comes with a brush. It is also recommended to lubricate the knives before each haircut! This reduces the heating of the knives during operation and prevents their wear.

Methods of use

Hairdressers use attachments for different cutting sizes or replaceable knives (in models where this is possible). For example, for the Oster 97-44 rotary machine you can select knives from 0.2 mm to 13 mm. When using one knife and attachments, sharpening will be required faster than when using different knives.

If the machine is used for clipping animals, then the frequency of necessary sharpening increases significantly. Wool dulls knives faster. That is why, for frequent use, we would recommend special machines and knives that were designed for this procedure. This is basically true for any instrument.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of factors influencing the frequency. Remember also that sharpening any knives, including machine knives, is a process that requires skill and experience. The wrong tools coupled with a lack of the right knowledge and skills can make the situation worse, not better.


Sharpening knives for hair clippers: how to sharpen blades at home

Equipment for beauty and health

Even the most skilled craftsman cannot do without a reliable tool. This also applies to hairdressing. If the clipper blades are dull, the result will not please you or your clients.

When is it time to sharpen your clipper blades?

If you use the machine professionally, then sharpening the knives must be done regularly, without bringing them to a dull state. The optimal frequency is once every three to six months, depending on your workload and customer flow.

Using a machine at home, you can get by with sharpening if necessary. It needs to be done when:

  • Painful sensations appear during haircuts;
  • the blades chew and crush hair rather than cut it;
  • Irritation appears on the scalp after short haircuts.

The degree of dullness of knives can also be determined by their appearance. To do this you need to take them out of the machine. If the surface of the blade is uneven and jagged, it’s time to sharpen it.


Clipper blades are sharpened separately from the blade unit. Before work you need to prepare:

  1. The machine must be unplugged.
  2. Separate the blade block from the machine. Each manufacturer has its own disassembly scheme - for example, Dewal allows you to remove the blade block by pressing on it, while Moser and Oster have a special button on the body for this. If you are not sure how to remove this part on your machine, refer to the instructions.
  3. The knife block consists of a body and the knife itself. They are usually attached to each other with small screws. Unscrew them using a minus screwdriver. In most cases, the knives are held on by two screws
  4. Clean the knife from dirt and hairs with a brush.

Tools and Techniques

At home, you can sharpen knives using various improvised and special tools.


For most users who bought a machine for home use, this method will be the most preferable. There is no point in buying a special sharpening machine - it simply won’t have time to pay for itself. But almost everyone has sandpaper in their house. To work you will need:

  • 800 grit sandpaper;
  • sandpaper for polishing with grit from 3,000 to 8,000;
  • a container of water in which the blade will be placed.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Start with coarse sandpaper (800). Lay the knife flat and move it up and down several times, moving parallel to the tip of the blade. You need to process the working side of the blade
  2. Rinse the knife in a container of water, removing large particles, and repeat the first step. Do this until the edge of the blade becomes more or less even. Small nicks are acceptable - we will remove them further, at the grinding stage.
  3. After sharpening the knife with 800-grit sandpaper, rinse it under running water. Make sure you remove any large particles of dust left behind from sharpening.
  4. Now let's start sanding. The procedure is the same as in steps 1-2, but now we use sandpaper with grit from 3,000 to 8,000.
  5. Process the knife until the edge of the blade becomes smooth. Polishing takes longer than sharpening with coarse sandpaper, so be patient.
  6. Then rinse the knife again under running water and wipe the blade dry.

Sharpening stone

A regular whetstone for sharpening kitchen knives is also quite suitable for the job. In addition to the sharpening stone itself, you will also need a magnetic holder and sanding material (3,000 to 8,000 grit stone or similar sandpaper). The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Secure the knife using the magnetic holder.
  2. Walk the block along the blade 5–10 times. In this case, try to maintain the angle of inclination of the cutting edge, which was set by the manufacturer. Typically it ranges from 30 to 45 degrees.
  3. Rinse the knife to remove any remaining dust after sharpening. Wipe dry.
  4. Sand using a fine-grained stone or sandpaper. The movements performed are the same as in step 2.
  5. Rinse the knife again. Make sure there is no sanding dust left on it. Wipe dry.

Professional sharpening set

Professional hairdressers should get such a set, but for home use such a purchase cannot be called profitable.

The set consists of:

  • machine body;
  • disk (usually aluminum);
  • oils;
  • abrasive paste;
  • magnet

The body of the machine can be of very different sizes - from small “bedside tables” to devices that reach the waist of an adult

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Assemble the sharpening device according to the instructions.
  2. Lubricate the disc with oil.
  3. Apply abrasive paste to the disc. Application can be done with your fingers, but for safety, wear medical gloves. Apply 4 strips of paste along the radius of the disc, dividing it into approximately equal quarters, and then spread over the surface.
  4. Secure the knife with a magnet as indicated in the instructions. Sharpening is done against the movement of the disc - the teeth should face to the right if the disc moves clockwise, and vice versa. The knife should be positioned sideways towards the center of the disc.
  5. Turn on the machine.
  6. The knife is moved from the edge of the disk to its center, and back.
  7. Sharpening each knife takes about 1.5–2 minutes.
  8. After processing, you need to demagnetize and rinse the knives, removing all remaining abrasive particles. Wipe the treated part dry.

Blade lubrication

Immediately after sharpening, knives should be lubricated with oil. You can use both professional (sold in hairdressing stores) and regular silicone grease for electrical appliances. Do not lubricate knives with sunflower, olive or other edible oils. If you do not have a suitable lubricant at hand, it is better to abandon the treatment altogether, postponing it for later.

Popular manufacturers of clippers (for example, Moser or Oster) also produce oils for lubricating knives

To apply oil, prepare a container with a narrow spout (professional products are sold in such packages) or a syringe with a needle.

Lubrication of knives is carried out as follows:

  1. Remove the blade block and extend the blade.
  2. Using a brush, clean the knife block from dirt (hairs or dust after sharpening).
  3. Wipe the knives with a soft, dry cloth (for example, microfiber or glasses).
  4. Apply 3-4 drops of oil to the surface of the blades, as well as two drops on each side of the base of the knife block.
  5. Insert the blade block back into the machine.
  6. Turn on the machine for half a minute. The oil will be evenly distributed over the surface of the blades.

Lubrication is best done regularly, every two to three haircuts. This way the machine will serve you for a very long time - the oil protects the knives from rapid dulling, overheating and contamination.

how to lubricate a hair clipper

Timely sharpening of knives will help you extend the life of the knife block. Don't neglect this procedure - it will help you save a lot of money on buying new parts.


4 ways to effectively sharpen hair clipper blades

The income of professional hairdressers has decreased significantly since the introduction of inexpensive electric hair clippers. After all, visitors to hairdressing salons, especially men, quickly realized that such a device would help them save on haircuts.

When do knives need to be sharpened?

However, sooner or later, home hairdressers are faced with a serious problem when the blades of hair clippers become so dull that it becomes simply impossible to do a normal hairstyle. There are two ways to solve this problem. Buy a new machine or try sharpening the blades yourself. The second option looks preferable, since there are at least four effective methods that allow you to sharpen any cutting surface yourself.

Modern trimmers are equipped with steel or ceramic knives, the cutting part of which is often coated with a protective layer of diamond, titanium or carbon coating. However, even such durable blades lose their sharpness with frequent use, which leads to the following problems:

  • straightening your hair becomes very difficult;
  • while cutting, the cutting part of the device begins to tug and wrinkle the hair, causing unpleasant pain;
  • At the end of the procedure, the skin on the head is severely irritated, up to small cuts.

There are several ways to fix this problem, but they all start with disassembling the machine:

  • disconnect the knife block from the body;
  • unscrew the screws;
  • separate the blades;
  • We clean the cutting and working parts from dirt and hair residues using a special brush or a clean rag soaked in water.

Attention!!! The process of disassembling the trimmer should be filmed on a mobile phone camera so that when assembling this household unit there are no “extra” parts left.

After disassembling the cutting unit and cleaning the blades—a process that should be done after every haircut—you can move on to one of four effective types of sharpening.

Using a grinder

This method requires increased caution, as well as the presence of stationary or manual grinding equipment:

  • We press the removed and cleaned knives with the cutting part to the grinding wheel;
  • turn on the machine;
  • sharpen the blades to a mirror shine;
  • clean the knives (it is better to rinse) from abrasive materials;
  • We assemble the cutting unit and install it on the machine.

Disadvantages: labor-intensive process, expensive equipment and not the highest quality.

Using a drill

You can sharpen the elements of the cutting part of a hair clipper using a special fine-grained grinding attachment mounted on a conventional drill. The procedure for this procedure almost completely repeats the previous method, and the main disadvantage is the high risk of injury.

Therefore, when sharpening with a drill, you must use glasses and gloves.

Using a whetstone

With this method, you need a double-sided block, one side of which is intended for direct sharpening, and the other for final finishing:

  • Place the whetstone on a flat surface with the “rough” side up;
  • secure the blade using a magnetic holder;
  • smoothly and without much pressure we move the cutting part of the knife at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees (depending on the manufacturer) from one edge to the other of the block at least seven times;
  • turn the block over with the fine-grained side up;
  • We carry out the final finishing of the blades to a mirror shine;
  • thoroughly wash, dry and install the lubricated knives on the machine.

Disadvantages: a rather labor-intensive process and not an ideal result. However, this method is more effective than sharpening on a grinding machine.

This option is more suitable for hairdressers whose working tools require regular - at least 4 times a year - and high-precision sharpening. At the same time, the high quality of this process can only be ensured by a special machine, which significantly reduces the time for this procedure.

The algorithm of actions in this case looks like this:

  • remove the knives from the trimmer;
  • cover the sanding disc, cleaned of dust and dirt, with an even layer of abrasive paste;
  • fix the knife on the magnetic holder with the cutting edge down;
  • we start the machine at a certain speed (indicated in the instructions);
  • We bring the knife to the wheel and begin the sharpening process, using smooth movements of the blade, the teeth of which should be directed against the movement of the grinding disc, from the edge to the central part.

The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost of a professional machine and consumables.


Each of these four options for sharpening hair clipper blades is available at home. However, even perfectly sharpened blades will not work correctly if they were installed without adjustment when assembling the cutting part:

  • the serrated edge of the upper blade should be shifted 1-2 millimeters horizontally relative to the serrated edge of the lower knife;
  • the cutting part of the first tooth of the moving knife in the longitudinal plane is in line with the serrated edge of the stationary blade.

The service life of a modern trimmer can really be significantly extended. To do this, you need very little - remove, remove dirt and lubricate the blades after each haircut, and also master simple techniques for sharpening and adjusting knives.


How to sharpen a hair clipper


How to sharpen knives on a hair clipper?

How to sharpen knives on a hair clipper?

How to sharpen knives on a hair clipper?

How to sharpen knives on a hair clipper?


Taking care of one's appearance, a person takes care not only of clothes and shoes, but also of hair. In order for the haircut to be well-groomed and graceful, a special machine is used, which includes steel knives coated with titanium or diamond in its design. However, even the most expensive and high-quality knives tend to become dull, and sooner or later there comes a time when they need to be sharpened. How to do it yourself? We invite you to find out with us.


Sharpening clipper blades

Hair clippers use blades made of stainless steel or regular metal, often coated with diamond or titanium. Both of them become dull – it’s only a matter of time. Therefore, sooner or later, the owner of a hair clipper is faced with the need to sharpen knives. Fortunately, doing this is not so difficult, although there are many different subtleties. We will talk about them today.

First of all, you need to remove the knife block. Typically this block is attached to the body with large screws and removed with a screwdriver. You won't have any problems here.

If we take into account the fact that the basis of any sharpening machine is a rotating circle, then a grinding machine immediately comes to mind, which could well be used for sharpening knives. It is not recommended to do this, although it is, in principle, very possible. At the same time, the craftsmen warn that the quality of such sharpening will not be the best. If you are going to use a grinding machine, then you need to use a very fine abrasive (zero) with it.

You can also use an electric drill with a sanding attachment, but this is not very safe. For this reason alone, it is not recommended to resort to this method of sharpening knives for cutting hair.

Some people even manage to sharpen hair clipper blades using a regular sharpening stone, but the efficiency will be low. However, this sharpening will definitely be enough for 5-7 haircuts.

Also watch the video in which a nice girl talks about the proper use of these same knives - this is useful to know.

Always remember: it is best to take removed knives to professionals who will sharpen them quickly and for little money.

Professional knife sharpening

There are special machines that are used for sharpening. One of these machines is Adems Front Plate (you can see it in the photo).

It is an electric motor that drives an aluminum horizontal disk. There are also machines with a vertical disk arrangement, but more on that later. Aluminum is used here to prevent strong vibrations in the process itself, but this is not the only advantage. The process itself is carried out as follows:

  1. The abrasive disk rotates at a speed of 1000 rpm;
  2. The master grabs the knife with a magnetic suction cup and places it against the forward motion of the disc with its teeth;
  3. Removes an already sharpened knife after a certain time.

Usually craftsmen have a special bellows, on which they check the quality of sharpening. If the result is excellent, then the procedure is not repeated, but you can always sharpen the knife if necessary. Next, the blades are washed in a special solution, lubricated and installed in the block.

Is it necessary to sharpen knives at all?

If we consider this issue purely from a financial point of view, we can come to the conclusion that this activity is practically useless. Well, how much does a standard machine cost? Not the worst model costs about $15. At the same time, a haircut at a hairdresser costs 2-3 dollars. If a person, on average, needs a haircut once a month, this means that the machine can pay for itself in 5-7 months, depending on the intensity of trips to hairdressers.

Of course, after 5-7 haircuts the blades will not become dull, and your clipper will last for another 1-2 years of use. Afterwards, when they become really dull, the motor of the machine will also wear out, so then it is better to buy a new device rather than pay specialists for sharpening. So think for yourself


Sharpening clipper blades

Scissors and knives tend to get dull, and hair clippers don't lag behind. Hairdressers who use a straight razor know how many subtleties they learn on the way to a sharp blade glinting in the light (besides the art of using obscene language).

A picky craftsman will not like steel and manufacturing technology. A knowledgeable grinder instantly determines with a trained eye whether the job will work out. Sharpening clipper knives requires no less responsibility, how much effort it takes, now we’ll see.

Professional sharpening of clipper blades

Professionals use special machines like the Adems Front Plate to sharpen clipper knives. The basis is an electric motor that rotates a horizontal aluminum disk. Sharpening devices for shearing sheep is characterized by a vertical arrangement of the abrasive surface, which we will discuss later. Aluminum is lightweight, allowing for minimal lateral vibrations, which is not the only advantage of the metal.

The part comes off the milling machine equipped with small annular marks, which everyone will see on the disks. Good, it promotes a tight fit of the abrasive. The clipper blade sharpening machine works as follows:

  1. An aluminum disc with abrasive rotates in a horizontal plane at a speed of over 1000 rpm.
  2. On the side opposite from the master, a steel wall that prevents debris from flying away serves to mount the laser level.
  3. Position the beam so that it intersects the disk, passing directly through the center.
  4. The knife is grabbed by a magnetic suction cup and placed so that the edge runs parallel to the beam.
  5. The disc rotates clockwise, position the blade forward with the teeth in the direction of the abrasive.
  6. After some time, the sharpening of the clipper blades will be completed.

To check the result, the kit is supplemented with fur; you can cut your hair with the assembled device. If the result is satisfactory, the matter is settled. After sharpening the blades of the clipper, the edge must be washed with a special solution, lubricated, and the blade unit assembled.

The preparation process is limited to the following:

  1. The aluminum disk is cleaned with a special liquid (kit).
  2. Apply oil to the surface and rub with a rag.
  3. The abrasive is poured with a brush and leveled.
  4. The final smoothness of the layer is given with a smooth block.

The device is ready to operate, the laser pointer is installed, and the engine is started. There are two speeds, for example, 1145 and 1750 rpm. The second will be needed for sharpening ceramic knives, which are sometimes found in nature. For more details, see the machine operating instructions.

In the process, observe basic safety requirements. Wear a hat, braid long hair, no hanging sleeves, no protruding threads. Sharpening of animal clippers is done in a slightly different way.

Sharpen the blades of a sheep shearing machine

Sheep wool is coarse and useful; animals are sheared mercilessly when the time comes. Sheep clippers are sharpened using Heiniger equipment. The machine is equipped with two connected vertical abrasive discs of large diameter:

  • for a large knife, from the front, make sure that the rotation is counterclockwise;
  • for a small knife.

They told us how to prepare a sharpening disc for a machine that produces haircut devices. Sheep are much more interesting. There is a special steel sandwich; an abrasive wheel is glued onto aluminum discs. Take a bolt with a guide on which the disk is placed with the working side up. Clean the surface thoroughly so that the abrasive material adheres properly. Shake off the crumbs with your hand and begin to wash the disc. Do not use solvent as it will negatively affect adhesion.

The disc is wiped dry with a soft cloth. Afterwards, 20 ml of glue is applied in spirals. Rub into an even layer using a brush using the back of your hand. Carefully place the abrasive wheel of the woven fabric and press it on top with the steel wheel of the machine kit. Place another abrasive wheel, now with the woven side up.

We prepare the second grinding disk of the machine, like the first, on the side. Apply glue and place it on the sandwich with the work surface down. Tighten the top with a nut. Please note that the slightest distortion or detachment of the abrasive wheel can lead to disastrous consequences. Level the glue carefully and carefully tighten the sandwich nut.

Tighten with a wrench only by hand. Excess glue that appears at the edges is wiped off with a rag. After a while, at least an hour, you need to unscrew the nut. The upper disc is checked by tapping the abrasive with your hand.

The sound is metallic, reminiscent of the blade of a shovel in flat contact with a tree trunk. After checking, install both discs on the machine with knife points. It is necessary to secure the structure with a nut.

To ensure proper operation of the hardware, install both drives, even if one is being used at the same time. The correct load of service mechanisms and the engine is ensured.

It turns out that two masters can sharpen by occupying both sides. The principle is the same, it is not possible to hold the knife vertically, so a special “crane” was invented that tenaciously holds the part. The process is preceded by setup.

To help more accurately align the outer edge of the teeth along the radial line, in addition to the knife, a thin plastic ruler is placed on the fastening end of the “crane”. The middle slot should just point to the center of the disk. Adjustment mechanisms are provided on screws in all directions.

As soon as the nuts are tightened, the ruler is removed, the knife is put on, and the machine is ready to sharpen.

The device starts up, after which you need to press the “crane” holder with the part to the disk. Sparks will fly. These are not just isolated flashes, a continuous row of orange. Once done, sharpen the clipper properly. In the process, swing the part left and right, simulating a pendulum trajectory. Please note: there was no technique for sharpening people's clippers.

Stop the engine and check the quality of the work done. A test abrasive block is used, which is stored in a special case. After running the knife across the sharpened surface several times, carefully examine the result. Black spots are allowed around the edges.

The second knife is sharpened in the same way with another disc. The product is placed with the teeth facing up, sparks fly in the same direction. The question arises, why not make the smallest particles of metal move towards the floor. We believe that due to the nature of the movement of the blades in the assembled sheep shearing device, the possibility of visual control of the point process. Work will require wearing safety glasses.

Do-it-yourself sharpening of hair clippers

It is not difficult to notice that the basis of the machine is a rotating circle. It's tempting to use a regular point sander. It is not recommended to do this, although if you remember the prices for sharpening (450-550 rubles), you would like to. You can sharpen knives for hair clippers, but the quality will be so-so. You will need a fine abrasive, for example, zero.

Everyone will adapt an electric drill with an emery wheel for these purposes. The problem is to ensure work safety. Based on this criterion alone, we do not recommend experimenting.

Dog clippers can be sharpened using the same equipment as for humans. It follows from the similar structure of the devices. Sheep models of devices with large knives, four-legged friends are served like the human race. Sharpening your hair clipper may require less effort due to the softer steel used to make the edge.

There is one way to save at least on dogs, for which you will have to pay 2,500 rubles. Buy Master Grooming Tools SharpPro Dog Clipper Blade Tool Sharpener. The literal name is given to simplify the search.

It seems that on e-bay there is a device nearby that is called universal, but we cannot be responsible for the quality of work and the veracity of the information. The small motor is equipped with a horizontal grinding disc with a diameter of 8 cm.

Considering the abundance of kulibins in our country, many will be able to come up with a billion ideas on their own on how to sharpen a clipper.

The main thing is to maintain the small size of the abrasive grains and the correct direction of movement. Whoever manages to combine both requirements will be able to complete the job.

Completed review explaining how to sharpen a clipper, look for the rest on e-bay. Although there are Russian models of machines, they are not so widely advertised. Mentioned at the beginning. E-commerce is the key to world domination. Look at the Chinese who occupied AliExpress. No wonder the country's GDP is growing.


How to sharpen dull hair clipper blades

Sharpening your hair clipper blades is a necessity over time and with frequent use. In addition, timely maintenance of the device, which involves lubricating and sharpening the blades, will significantly extend its service life.

Some hair clippers are equipped with a special function that automatically sharpens them. Most models need to be put in order on their own, so it is important to constantly monitor their condition and begin sharpening procedures on time.

How to sharpen knives in a hair clipper yourself

To sharpen blades in a machine at home, follow these steps:

  • First, unscrew the bolts that are responsible for fixing the knives. This is necessary to remove accumulated dirt.

Carefully! Blades, even if they don't cut hair very well, can easily cause cuts on your hands. It is best to use tweezers to remove the blades.

  • It is very important, when unscrewing the machine, to put the bolts and parts in a certain sequence, so as not to get confused later when assembling the device after sharpening.
  • Sharpening the blade of a hair clipper is impossible without cleaning the parts. It is best to use an old toothbrush for this purpose, this way you can remove all hairs or traces of rust.

Rust, if it has formed in large quantities, can be eliminated using a product that is used for plumbing. It needs to be applied to a sponge, with which you can treat the blades.

  • After the device has been cleaned, it needs to be dried and tested. Because most of the equipment starts to cut hair well immediately after cleansing, usually the problem can only be that the blades are dirty with hair residue and debris.

If cleaning does not solve the problem, you can sharpen the hair clipper blade as follows.

  • Using a sharpening stone, move the knives in a horizontal plane at a slight angle of 45 degrees.
  • Using a magnet by rubbing the blades against it. It is best to use a flat design, which is more convenient and avoids cuts.

When sharpening the machine on these devices, you should make about 10 movements, and then check their sharpness. As a rule, this is enough.

In the same case, if the machine has knives made of ceramics, which is not uncommon in dog grooming machines, you should not use these methods, especially using a sharpening stone. It is best to turn your attention to diamond sharpening.

  • Finally, you need to assemble the device, carefully tightening each bolt.

Now you know how to sharpen clipper blades at home using simple items you can find on hand.

Hair clipper blade sharpening kit

In addition, you can use special kits that are created specifically for sharpening such blades.

They should be used as follows:

  • disassemble the machine and clean the knives mechanically;
  • the aluminum disk, which is included in the kit for sharpening knives, must be wiped with special oil, and then an abrasive must be applied to a special washer, which will act as a sharpening agent;
  • Now you can fix the blade with a magnet and turn on the machine, while setting a certain speed;
  • the blade must be pressed against the disk and held while it is sharpened; as a rule, one to two minutes are enough for each element;
  • Now you can remove the magnets and wash the blades in the container included in the kit, using a special liquid to clean them;
  • Once the knives have been processed and dried, they can be assembled and replaced.

Now you can check the functionality of the device.

Where can you sharpen clipper blades?

Only professional equipment can make this process of sharpening clipper blades safe and as effective as possible.

That is why it is best to turn to professionals, especially if the blades of hair clippers are made of ceramics and it is not possible to sharpen them using home methods. After all, this expensive device requires careful handling, and a procedure such as sharpening knives, done without complying with all the requirements, can disrupt the operation of the device as a whole.

In the hands of a specialist, the clipper is sharpened within 30 minutes. The craftsmen sharpen the knives in the presence of the client, after which they become sharp as they were at the time of purchase.

Hair clippers can be sharpened in specialized workshops that can simultaneously carry out the functions of sharpening knives or making keys. The average sharpening price is 450 rubles.

The use of professional equipment makes the area of ​​the sharpened surface very sharp, capable of accurately performing hair cutting tasks. In order for the blades of the machine to remain sharp for as long as possible and perform their task efficiently, it is important to follow the instructions for using them, clean them after use and carefully lubricate them with the oil included in the kit. Thus, you can increase the service life of the device and make the haircut process simple and safe.


Methods for sharpening knives for hair clippers

With constant use, the blades in the hair clipper become dull. They can be replaced or taken to a knife sharpener so that he can return the tool to its original condition.

With the appropriate skill, you can sharpen a hair clipper yourself. This skill is especially useful when there is no workshop nearby. Moreover, the work is successfully completed with the help of improvised means, which, as a rule, are found in any home.

There are quite a few options for repairing hairdressing machines.

  • When is it time to sharpen
  • Sharpening at home
  • Using a professional kit
  • Application of grinding machine
  • Using a lathe
  • Block and sandpaper
  • Sharpening on an emery machine
  • Sharpening knives of animal clippers
  • Tips for use

When is it time to sharpen

The machine contains stainless steel knives, often coated with diamond or titanium. They still become dull, and the first signs of this are:

  • Problems with aligning the contour of the hairstyle.
  • Noticeable skin irritation, even cuts.
  • Crushing or pulling hair with blades rather than cutting them, which causes pain.

Repairing hair clippers, that is, sharpening their blades, is recommended to be carried out periodically. The regularity of sharpening is determined by the quality of the material of the cutting part and the intensity of use.

Sharpening at home

In workshops, blades are sharpened on special machines. If you rarely have to sharpen a tool, there is no point in purchasing these machines; it is more advisable to repair the machine yourself using the following devices:

  • Professional sharpening kit.
  • Grinding machine or machine.
  • Bar.
  • Emery.
  • Lathe.

Using a professional kit

When cutting people or animals every day, you have to sharpen the tool often. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a professional sharpening kit that will quickly and efficiently sharpen the cutting part.

Typically the kit contains the following components:

  • machine with cover;
  • aluminum disc;
  • cleaning composition;
  • magnet;
  • lubricants;
  • laser pointer.

To sharpen and use the kit, do this:

  • The machine is disassembled and the knives are removed using a screwdriver.
  • Prepare the aluminum disk: wipe it from dust, lubricate it with oil from the kit, apply abrasive powder.
  • The laser and knife are fixed, the latter is secured with a magnetic clip.
  • Set the disk rotation speed.
  • Turn on the machine.
  • The blade is pressed against a rotating disk and sharpened.
  • The knife is smoothly moved from the center to the edge of the disk.
  • They stop the car.
  • The knife is removed and demagnetized.
  • The blades are washed with a special composition from the kit, removing particles of abrasive and metal.
  • The knives are additionally cleaned with a brush and wiped dry before installation.
  • They are assembling the machine.

During the process of disassembling and exposing the knives, it is recommended to photograph the device if this is the first disassembly. A photo or video will help you assemble it correctly later. To prevent bolts and other small parts from getting lost, it is better to put them in a box prepared in advance. When sharpening, it is important that the blades are directed against the rotation of the aluminum disk.

There's no need to rush. On average, it takes 1.5-2 minutes to sharpen one knife. If you are not careful, the tool may be damaged.

Application of grinding machine

The cutting part of the tool can be sharpened on a stationary grinding machine or with a hand-held machine. The algorithm is as follows:

  • The product is disassembled, the knives are removed.
  • The device turns on.
  • The blades are sharpened by pressing them against the working part of the machine.
  • The blades are washed.
  • The product is assembled.

This method is not recommended by specialists, although it is faster than using a block.

When working on a grinding machine, safety precautions are strictly observed. You need to work carefully to avoid injury.

Using a lathe

It is much easier to perform our task on a lathe. But you need skills in handling this equipment.

You will need the following materials:

  • Abrasive powder or paste.
  • Aluminum disc.

Workflow steps:

  • The knives are removed and secured with a magnet on the work surface.
  • Power is supplied to the machine and it is turned on.
  • Sharpening is carried out.
  • Wash off the paste and wipe the blades.
  • Assemble the device.

The first thing people pay attention to when working on a machine is the worker’s safety rules. Protect your eyes with safety glasses and wear gloves on your hands. The worker must be at a certain distance from the machine. Before sharpening, knives should be positioned correctly so that they are not damaged and the result is of high quality.

Block and sandpaper

If the machine is rarely used, a sharpening stone will suffice. The sharpness of the blades can be adjusted after they are removed.

Here, the key point to obtaining results is maintaining the initial sharpening angle of the cutting edge specified by the tool manufacturer. During operation, the blade is pressed against the surface of the block and moves along it.

The actions are repeated until the desired result is obtained. Upon completion of the operation, the parts are washed and wiped dry, and the product is assembled.

Do the same if you use sandpaper instead of a block. The material is used in order of decreasing the grain size of abrasive inclusions: No. 80, 120, 180. It is fixed in any convenient way, sometimes the blades are not removed, and the paper is inserted between them, then the device is turned on.

Options using a block and sandpaper are the safest and easiest methods for sharpening knife blades.

Sharpening on an emery machine

Using an emery machine is similar to using the devices discussed above. It’s easy to set it up for work: the protective glass is lowered, power is supplied, and the machine turns on. The blade being sharpened is held against the rotation of the wheel.

You need to work carefully and carefully monitor the workpiece: emery can quickly erase a larger layer of fabric than required. During work, do not touch the emery wheel to avoid injury. Once complete, the parts are cleaned and the device is assembled.

Sharpening knives of animal clippers

Sheep and dogs are not sheared with regular clippers because their wool is coarser than human hair. For grooming animals, devices of a different design are used. Owners of flocks and large numbers of dogs also need to sharpen the knives of these devices. When there are a lot of sheep to shear , it is expensive to keep buying new blades or constantly having to go to a professional to sharpen them, so people learn to do everything themselves.

To sharpen cutting parts, they resort to the use of the equipment discussed above. On a grinding machine, sandpaper, emery board or block, the abrasive should be fine.

Self-manufacturing of sharpening devices is not recommended, since assembly accuracy is important to obtain results. Difficulties may arise due to the different shape of the cutting parts or lack of skill.

Tips for use

To ensure good functionality of the machine, you need to take care of it and follow the operating instructions . Recommended:

  • Use the machine only for its intended purpose.
  • Avoid excessive mechanical stress on cutting edges.
  • Lubricate working units regularly, preferably with light rather than dark oil.
  • After sharpening, clean the blades from any remaining abrasive.

Cutting wet hair speeds up dullness. After cutting, the remaining hair on the cutting edge is removed.

Store the machine in a dry place. When sharpening, do not skimp on the quality of the abrasive; the result directly depends on this.

It is important that the hair of animals being sheared is clean. If it is dirty, the blades of the machine will quickly become dull. When working with animals, the tool is cleaned every five haircuts. The knives are removed, washed from dirt and grease, and lubricated with oil.

Take precautions to avoid injury. If you need constant sharpening, it is better to buy a professional kit; one-time work can easily be done with sandpaper or a sharpening stone.


How to sharpen knives on a hair clipper - Beauty

With constant use, the blades in the hair clipper become dull. They can be replaced or taken to a knife sharpener so that he can return the tool to its original condition.

With the appropriate skill, you can sharpen a hair clipper yourself. This skill is especially useful when there is no workshop nearby. Moreover, the work is successfully completed with the help of improvised means, which, as a rule, are found in any home.

There are quite a few options for repairing hairdressing machines.

  • When is it time to sharpen
  • Sharpening at home
  • Using a professional kit
  • Application of grinding machine
  • Using a lathe
  • Block and sandpaper
  • Sharpening on an emery machine
  • Sharpening knives of animal clippers
  • Tips for use

Instructions for sharpening knives (blades) for hair clippers

When creating hairstyles, the blades in a hair clipper gradually wear out. For this reason, the speed, quality and productivity of work decreases. The efficient operation of the equipment is restored by sharpening the parts.

Hair clipper

The highest quality sharpening of hair clippers is done using professional equipment. However, there are ways to do this work at home. Let's look at the most common of them.

How to quickly sharpen knives on any hair clipper

There are several ways to sharpen hair clippers. In this case, various equipment and materials are used. These include:

  1. Professional sharpening set.
  2. Lathe.
  3. Sander.
  4. Kitchen whetstone.
  5. Sandpaper.

The procedure for sharpening blades

Sharpening knives of hairdressing clippers is carried out in several stages:

  1. Removing and preparing blades for sharpening.
  2. Sharpening and grinding knives.
  3. Processing of sharpened parts.
  4. Assembling the knife block.
  5. Test haircut.
  6. Final adjustment of the knives.

Before performing work, carefully prepare the workplace. Provide the necessary level of comfort and illumination. Place all the necessary tools and materials in their places.

Clean and lubricate knife blades after every haircut. This will help ensure long-term operation of the device.

Using a screwdriver or screwdriver, remove the fastening screws of the knife block. The removed parts are put aside or placed in a separate box. Carefully remove the upper (moving) and lower (fixed) knives.

Lower and upper knives

The lower knife is in a stationary position when the machine is operating. It is attached to the machine body using fixing screws.

The upper knife slides along the working surface of the lower knife. Movements are carried out left and right along the sliding axis of the knives.

A polymer shock-absorbing gasket is installed between the knives.

Removing and preparing blades for sharpening

Using a brush and a damp cloth, clean the knives from dirt and dust. To remove rust, use improvised means or special solutions. These products are sold in a wide range in household chemical stores. They can also be purchased at auto parts and plumbing departments.

Disassembling the knife block

To remove rust, knives are dipped into a container with a special solution for several minutes. Using a cotton swab or brush, treat the surface of the blades. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Use only specialized oil to lubricate blades and other moving parts. In some cases, the use of machine or spindle oil is allowed. The use of vegetable oil is strictly prohibited!

Using a dry cloth, wipe the blades dry and dry them in a warm place. After processing and lubricating the rubbing surfaces, the machine is reassembled in the reverse order.

Thorough cleaning of the knives from dust and debris helps to partially restore the functions of the machine. Completing these procedures is sufficient to continue operation of the device with self-sharpening blades. If the measures taken are insufficient, they move on to the next stage.

Blade sharpening

Professionally sharpening knife and trimmer blades is quite a difficult task. Sharpening is a responsible and labor-intensive process. The quality of further work with the device depends on the accuracy of the work at this stage.


How to properly sharpen sheep shearing knives: knife sharpening machine, machine, homemade apparatus, sharpening methods

Sheep shearing is a labor-intensive and responsible process. It requires not only experience and knowledge of the matter, but also the ability to choose the right tool for the job. Scissors or an electric machine is the choice of the farmer himself. But the most important thing in this matter is the sharpness of the cutting object and the quality of the haircut.

Sharpening sheep shearing knives

Even on the best hair clipper, the blade tends to become dull. Typically, the knife is made of stainless steel . Some of them have a layer of diamond or titanium coating.

But even this does not make the cutting object sharp forever. Blades must be sharpened regularly, as the quality of shearing sheep's wool deteriorates significantly.

Signs that sharpening is needed

To promptly eliminate dulling of knives, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • the blade does not catch the fur;
  • irritation or cuts remain on the animal’s skin after shearing;
  • Uncut areas of fur remain.

Knife sharpening methods

In workshops, knife sharpening specialists use professional equipment and various machines in their work. You will need specialized equipment for shearing sheep on large farms. You can handle it yourself at home.

Professional sharpening kit

This kit is a very convenient and quick solution to dull knives and blades. Working with the set is easy and clear.

The set includes the following items:

  • laser pointer;
  • machine with cover;
  • special lubricants;
  • magnet;
  • aluminum disk;
  • cleansing composition.

Let's consider the sequence of actions with the kit:

  1. To remove the knives from the machine you need to use a screwdriver;
  2. The aluminum disk is cleaned of dust before work. Next, the aluminum disc is coated with a special oil and then sprinkled with abrasive powder.
  3. Magnetic clamp designed to fix the knife and laser pointer.
  4. It is necessary to set the correct rotation speed of the disk, after which the machine turns on.
  5. The blade must be tightened by pressing it against the rotating disc.
  6. Sharpening occurs as a result of moving the knife or blade from the center to the edge (the process lasts about 2 minutes).
  7. After completion of work, the kit must be cleaned of small pieces of metal and assembled until next use.

Important! After using the kit for the first time, take a photo of it as you disassemble it. This will help you in its further use.

On a grinding machine

This device is often used for sharpening various cutting devices. This method is dangerous, so it is very important to adhere to safety precautions.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. The product must be disassembled and the knives removed.
  2. Turn on the machine.
  3. During the sharpening period, the blade must be pressed against the working part of the grinder.
  4. The machine is disassembled and cleaned of dirt.

knife sharpening

On a lathe

If you have a lathe in your home, you will not have to work with dull cutting tools. The sharpening process will not take much time, but the skills for this will not hurt you. First you need to prepare an aluminum disc and abrasive paste.

The workflow then includes the following steps:

  1. Knives must be secured to the work surface.
  2. Turn on the machine.
  3. Sharpening occurs.
  4. Clean the blade and wipe off the paste.
  5. The process ends with the assembly of the device.

Important! Working on lathes and grinders is not safe. While sharpening, protect your hands and eyes with special gloves and goggles.

On an emery machine

The operating principle of this device resembles a lathe. The operating algorithm is identical. All actions require care and precision. Emery is dangerous because it can very quickly erase the top layer of a cutting device, thereby shortening its service life. Follow safety precautions, as this can save you from dangerous injuries.

Using a block and sandpaper

The sharpening method using these devices is suitable for farmers who do not often use sheep clippers. These are the safest methods for sharpening cutting tools. The result of working with a block depends on the experience and skill of your hands.

The blade must be pressed against the surface of the block and moved along it until you achieve the desired result. When working with sandpaper, you need to secure it as tightly as possible. The material is used taking into account the grain size of abrasive inclusions. During sharpening, the grain size should decrease.

Homemade sharpening machine/machine

Every home should have a device that can be used to sharpen knives, scissors, blades and other cutting devices. If this is not the case, then you can make it yourself. Of course, this task is not an easy one. There are different ways to make these machines. For sharpening blades that are used for shearing sheep wool, two options for homemade machines may be suitable. Let's consider them in detail.

Read about the features of manual sheep shearing.


Anyone can make this device.

To create it you will need:

  • protractor;
  • corners made of wood (2 pieces, 20–30 cm each);
  • whetstone;
  • screws with clamping nuts (6–8 pcs.).

The manufacture of the device proceeds as follows:

  1. Wooden corners are applied one to another in order to fasten them. You need to make 3-4 holes in them.
  2. A block is installed between the corners. When installing, you need to take into account the angle of inclination.
  3. It is important to secure the block in the correct position; to do this, you need to tighten it with screws.
  4. For ease of use, marks are placed on the corners indicating the angles of inclination.

Sharpening on such a machine occurs as a result of running the knife blade down the block. The cutting device must be positioned strictly vertically. Changing the angle of inclination on the device is very easy. To do this, the screws are loosened, after which the block can be moved.


This version of the machine is a little more difficult to manufacture. But with such a device it will be more convenient for you to sharpen cutting tools, including the blade for a machine that shears sheep.

To make an improved sharpening machine you will need:

  • a piece of plywood;
  • sandpaper;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • bolts with tightening nuts (2 pcs.);
  • protractor;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • a piece of laminate;
  • 2 wooden slats (optimal parameters: one length is 70 cm, the second is up to 40 cm).

Sheep shearing machine

The manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  1. First you need to cut a piece of laminate (10x4 cm). The knife holder will be made from it.
  2. The wide side of the holder is ground down by 7 cm so that during the sharpening process it does not interfere with the movement of the block.
  3. The base of the machine will be a piece of plywood (optimal size - 30x10 cm). It must be drilled with the holder and fastened. The distance of the holder from the base should be 2 cm.

The next stage of work involves the manufacture of a rack. Its task is to ensure that during sharpening the block is constantly at the same angle.

To do this you need:

  1. Install a wooden strip (70 cm) vertically on the base.
  2. The part of the rail that protrudes is cut off, the main condition being that the angle between the holder and the rail should be 20–30°.
  3. The stand should be U-shaped. To do this, cut off a second such piece and install it (the angle between the holder and their top is 20–30°).
  4. Next, you need to install a transverse rail on the supplied pieces. The angle should be the same. To do this, the tops of the vertical slats are cut off at an angle.
  5. The structure (transverse and vertical slats) is glued together with hot glue.

All that remains is to make a holder for the sandpaper. It will serve as a sharpening stone.

Step by step:

  1. A rail up to 40 cm in size must be placed on the holder and stand.
  2. The part of the rail that goes from the stand to the holder needs to be cut off, leaving a 5-10 cm margin.
  3. At the end, it is necessary to glue the sandpaper, the abrasive of which should be from P600 to P2000.

The machine is ready. When working, it is placed on the edge of the table. The bolts on the bottom of the device will act as “brakes”, as they will protrude slightly. It is very important that the device is stable in operation. The quality of sharpening depends not only on the tool, but also on the skill of the hands. All of the above types of sharpeners can make the cutting device suitable for work.


How often should you sharpen knives on a clipper?

February 27, 2018

In this article we will try to understand how often sharpening is required for the knives that are installed in your clipper, and what factors influence the required frequency of sharpening them.

Initial quality of knives and their sharpening

A lot in this matter depends on what kind of knives the manufacturer uses in each specific model. For example, Oster machines will differ in this parameter from Remington not only in shape and design, but sometimes also in the quality of the steel from which the knives are made.

The composition of the metal will affect the physical performance of knives, including how quickly they will dull and how difficult it will be to sharpen them. This parameter can be considered one of the most key, along with how well the knives are sharpened, so to speak, out of the box. That is, how soon after the purchase you will have to contact a specialist or use your own skills and tools.

Knives on professional machines are made of high-quality steel and alloys, sometimes titanium coating is used for corrosion and wear resistance. There are machines with ceramic knives. As a rule, ceramic knives are sharpened less often.

Frequency of use

The second factor that is very important is how often the machine is used. For home use, the frequency can be so low that the periods between sharpenings will be very long. When working in a salon, in a day the machine can do the work equal to a year’s use at home.

Accordingly, if you work as a hairdresser, then sharpening knives should be a mandatory routine process built into your work schedule. You yourself find out by experience how long the sharpening lasts, and plan when you will sharpen the knives.

If you use a clipper at home, then sharpening becomes important for you when formal signs appear: the knives begin to “tug” the hair, the clipper does not cut well.

Remember that it is recommended to clean your knives after every haircut! For this purpose, the machine comes with a brush. It is also recommended to lubricate the knives before each haircut! This reduces the heating of the knives during operation and prevents their wear.

Methods of use

Hairdressers use attachments for different cutting sizes or replaceable knives (in models where this is possible). For example, for the Oster 97-44 rotary machine you can select knives from 0.2 mm to 13 mm. When using one knife and attachments, sharpening will be required faster than when using different knives.

If the machine is used for clipping animals, then the frequency of necessary sharpening increases significantly. Wool dulls knives faster. That is why, for frequent use, we would recommend special machines and knives that were designed for this procedure. This is basically true for any instrument.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of factors influencing the frequency. Remember also that sharpening any knives, including machine knives, is a process that requires skill and experience. The wrong tools coupled with a lack of the right knowledge and skills can make the situation worse, not better.


Sharpening knives for hair clippers: how to sharpen blades at home

Equipment for beauty and health

Even the most skilled craftsman cannot do without a reliable tool. This also applies to hairdressing. If the clipper blades are dull, the result will not please you or your clients.

When is it time to sharpen your clipper blades?

If you use the machine professionally, then sharpening the knives must be done regularly, without bringing them to a dull state. The optimal frequency is once every three to six months, depending on your workload and customer flow.

Using a machine at home, you can get by with sharpening if necessary. It needs to be done when:

  • Painful sensations appear during haircuts;
  • the blades chew and crush hair rather than cut it;
  • Irritation appears on the scalp after short haircuts.

The degree of dullness of knives can also be determined by their appearance. To do this you need to take them out of the machine. If the surface of the blade is uneven and jagged, it’s time to sharpen it.


Clipper blades are sharpened separately from the blade unit. Before work you need to prepare:

  1. The machine must be unplugged.
  2. Separate the blade block from the machine. Each manufacturer has its own disassembly scheme - for example, Dewal allows you to remove the blade block by pressing on it, while Moser and Oster have a special button on the body for this. If you are not sure how to remove this part on your machine, refer to the instructions.
  3. The knife block consists of a body and the knife itself. They are usually attached to each other with small screws. Unscrew them using a minus screwdriver. In most cases, the knives are held on by two screws
  4. Clean the knife from dirt and hairs with a brush.

Tools and Techniques

At home, you can sharpen knives using various improvised and special tools.


For most users who bought a machine for home use, this method will be the most preferable. There is no point in buying a special sharpening machine - it simply won’t have time to pay for itself. But almost everyone has sandpaper in their house. To work you will need:

  • 800 grit sandpaper;
  • sandpaper for polishing with grit from 3,000 to 8,000;
  • a container of water in which the blade will be placed.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Start with coarse sandpaper (800). Lay the knife flat and move it up and down several times, moving parallel to the tip of the blade. You need to process the working side of the blade
  2. Rinse the knife in a container of water, removing large particles, and repeat the first step. Do this until the edge of the blade becomes more or less even. Small nicks are acceptable - we will remove them further, at the grinding stage.
  3. After sharpening the knife with 800-grit sandpaper, rinse it under running water. Make sure you remove any large particles of dust left behind from sharpening.
  4. Now let's start sanding. The procedure is the same as in steps 1-2, but now we use sandpaper with grit from 3,000 to 8,000.
  5. Process the knife until the edge of the blade becomes smooth. Polishing takes longer than sharpening with coarse sandpaper, so be patient.
  6. Then rinse the knife again under running water and wipe the blade dry.

sharpening knives with sandpaper

Sharpening stone

A regular whetstone for sharpening kitchen knives is also quite suitable for the job. In addition to the sharpening stone itself, you will also need a magnetic holder and sanding material (3,000 to 8,000 grit stone or similar sandpaper). The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Secure the knife using the magnetic holder.
  2. Walk the block along the blade 5–10 times. In this case, try to maintain the angle of inclination of the cutting edge, which was set by the manufacturer. Typically it ranges from 30 to 45 degrees.
  3. Rinse the knife to remove any remaining dust after sharpening. Wipe dry.
  4. Sand using a fine-grained stone or sandpaper. The movements performed are the same as in step 2.
  5. Rinse the knife again. Make sure there is no sanding dust left on it. Wipe dry.

Professional sharpening set

Professional hairdressers should get such a set, but for home use such a purchase cannot be called profitable.

The set consists of:

  • machine body;
  • disk (usually aluminum);
  • oils;
  • abrasive paste;
  • magnet

The body of the machine can be of very different sizes - from small “bedside tables” to devices that reach the waist of an adult

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Assemble the sharpening device according to the instructions.
  2. Lubricate the disc with oil.
  3. Apply abrasive paste to the disc. Application can be done with your fingers, but for safety, wear medical gloves. Apply 4 strips of paste along the radius of the disc, dividing it into approximately equal quarters, and then spread over the surface.
  4. Secure the knife with a magnet as indicated in the instructions. Sharpening is done against the movement of the disc - the teeth should face to the right if the disc moves clockwise, and vice versa. The knife should be positioned sideways towards the center of the disc.
  5. Turn on the machine.
  6. The knife is moved from the edge of the disk to its center, and back.
  7. Sharpening each knife takes about 1.5–2 minutes.
  8. After processing, you need to demagnetize and rinse the knives, removing all remaining abrasive particles. Wipe the treated part dry.

how to use a professional sharpening kit

Blade lubrication

Immediately after sharpening, knives should be lubricated with oil. You can use both professional (sold in hairdressing stores) and regular silicone grease for electrical appliances. Do not lubricate knives with sunflower, olive or other edible oils. If you do not have a suitable lubricant at hand, it is better to abandon the treatment altogether, postponing it for later.

Popular manufacturers of clippers (for example, Moser or Oster) also produce oils for lubricating knives

To apply oil, prepare a container with a narrow spout (professional products are sold in such packages) or a syringe with a needle.

Lubrication of knives is carried out as follows:

  1. Remove the blade block and extend the blade.
  2. Using a brush, clean the knife block from dirt (hairs or dust after sharpening).
  3. Wipe the knives with a soft, dry cloth (for example, microfiber or glasses).
  4. Apply 3-4 drops of oil to the surface of the blades, as well as two drops on each side of the base of the knife block.
  5. Insert the blade block back into the machine.
  6. Turn on the machine for half a minute. The oil will be evenly distributed over the surface of the blades.

Lubrication is best done regularly, every two to three haircuts. This way the machine will serve you for a very long time - the oil protects the knives from rapid dulling, overheating and contamination.

how to lubricate a hair clipper

Timely sharpening of knives will help you extend the life of the knife block. Don't neglect this procedure - it will help you save a lot of money on buying new parts.


4 ways to effectively sharpen hair clipper blades

The income of professional hairdressers has decreased significantly since the introduction of inexpensive electric hair clippers. After all, visitors to hairdressing salons, especially men, quickly realized that such a device would help them save on haircuts.

When do knives need to be sharpened?

However, sooner or later, home hairdressers are faced with a serious problem when the blades of hair clippers become so dull that it becomes simply impossible to do a normal hairstyle. There are two ways to solve this problem. Buy a new machine or try sharpening the blades yourself. The second option looks preferable, since there are at least four effective methods that allow you to sharpen any cutting surface yourself.

Modern trimmers are equipped with steel or ceramic knives, the cutting part of which is often coated with a protective layer of diamond, titanium or carbon coating. However, even such durable blades lose their sharpness with frequent use, which leads to the following problems:

  • straightening your hair becomes very difficult;
  • while cutting, the cutting part of the device begins to tug and wrinkle the hair, causing unpleasant pain;
  • At the end of the procedure, the skin on the head is severely irritated, up to small cuts.

There are several ways to fix this problem, but they all start with disassembling the machine:

  • disconnect the knife block from the body;
  • unscrew the screws;
  • separate the blades;
  • We clean the cutting and working parts from dirt and hair residues using a special brush or a clean rag soaked in water.

Attention!!! The process of disassembling the trimmer should be filmed on a mobile phone camera so that when assembling this household unit there are no “extra” parts left.

After disassembling the cutting unit and cleaning the blades—a process that should be done after every haircut—you can move on to one of four effective types of sharpening.

Using a grinder

This method requires increased caution, as well as the presence of stationary or manual grinding equipment:

  • We press the removed and cleaned knives with the cutting part to the grinding wheel;
  • turn on the machine;
  • sharpen the blades to a mirror shine;
  • clean the knives (it is better to rinse) from abrasive materials;
  • We assemble the cutting unit and install it on the machine.

Disadvantages: labor-intensive process, expensive equipment and not the highest quality.

Using a drill

You can sharpen the elements of the cutting part of a hair clipper using a special fine-grained grinding attachment mounted on a conventional drill. The procedure for this procedure almost completely repeats the previous method, and the main disadvantage is the high risk of injury.

Therefore, when sharpening with a drill, you must use glasses and gloves.

Using a whetstone

With this method, you need a double-sided block, one side of which is intended for direct sharpening, and the other for final finishing:

  • Place the whetstone on a flat surface with the “rough” side up;
  • secure the blade using a magnetic holder;
  • smoothly and without much pressure we move the cutting part of the knife at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees (depending on the manufacturer) from one edge to the other of the block at least seven times;
  • turn the block over with the fine-grained side up;
  • We carry out the final finishing of the blades to a mirror shine;
  • thoroughly wash, dry and install the lubricated knives on the machine.

Disadvantages: a rather labor-intensive process and not an ideal result. However, this method is more effective than sharpening on a grinding machine.

This option is more suitable for hairdressers whose working tools require regular - at least 4 times a year - and high-precision sharpening. At the same time, the high quality of this process can only be ensured by a special machine, which significantly reduces the time for this procedure.

The algorithm of actions in this case looks like this:

  • remove the knives from the trimmer;
  • cover the sanding disc, cleaned of dust and dirt, with an even layer of abrasive paste;
  • fix the knife on the magnetic holder with the cutting edge down;
  • we start the machine at a certain speed (indicated in the instructions);
  • We bring the knife to the wheel and begin the sharpening process, using smooth movements of the blade, the teeth of which should be directed against the movement of the grinding disc, from the edge to the central part.

The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost of a professional machine and consumables.


Each of these four options for sharpening hair clipper blades is available at home. However, even perfectly sharpened blades will not work correctly if they were installed without adjustment when assembling the cutting part:

  • the serrated edge of the upper blade should be shifted 1-2 millimeters horizontally relative to the serrated edge of the lower knife;
  • the cutting part of the first tooth of the moving knife in the longitudinal plane is in line with the serrated edge of the stationary blade.

The service life of a modern trimmer can really be significantly extended. To do this, you need very little - remove, remove dirt and lubricate the blades after each haircut, and also master simple techniques for sharpening and adjusting knives.


How to sharpen a hair clipper


How to sharpen knives on a hair clipper?

How to sharpen knives on a hair clipper?


Taking care of one's appearance, a person takes care not only of clothes and shoes, but also of hair. In order for the haircut to be well-groomed and graceful, a special machine is used, which includes steel knives coated with titanium or diamond in its design. However, even the most expensive and high-quality knives tend to become dull, and sooner or later there comes a time when they need to be sharpened. How to do it yourself? We invite you to find out with us.



Before you sharpen knives, you need to consider a couple of simple but useful tips:

  • You cannot skimp on abrasive, because its quality affects the final result.
  • It is important to take care of yourself and safety when working with sharp objects.
  • Ceramic knives require more careful handling.
  • Dark oil can damage your hair clipper, so you should only use light-colored oil.

Preparatory procedures

Preparatory procedures

In order to sharpen knives quickly and efficiently, you need to carry out thorough preparation, which includes the following steps:

  • Disassemble the hair clipper.
  • Unscrew the knives.

Important! In order not to forget the order of installation of parts, you need to write it down or film it.

  • Using tweezers, pull out the lower blade.
  • Remove dirt using an old toothbrush.
  • Wipe and dry.

Some modern models of machines are already equipped with an automatic knife sharpening function. In this case, it is enough to clean the device by twisting it back. If cleaning does not help, and the previously described function does not exist, then you need to sharpen the knives yourself. To do this, you need to remove the block from the knives using a screwdriver, and then select the appropriate method for sharpening the blades.

How to sharpen hair clipper blades?

How to sharpen hair clipper blades?

To carry out the procedure you can use:

  • Electric drill with sanding attachment. This method is dangerous, so use it only if you have certain skills.
  • Grinding machine. In this case, you need to use a fine abrasive, however, even this does not guarantee high quality work.
  • Grindstone. This method is used extremely rarely, since the efficiency of sharpening leaves much to be desired. If this unusual method does not bother you, then you can buy a stone with a surface of 4 thousand gradient and a magnetic holder.

How to sharpen?

How to sharpen?

If a special sharpening stone is used to sharpen knives, the procedure will look like this:

  • First you need to install the blade on the magnetic holder.
  • Having placed the plate relative to the block at an angle of 45 degrees, pass it lengthwise several times.
  • Turn over and repeat the process on the other side.
  • Sharpen the remaining blades in the same way.
  • Improve the result by repeating the treatment using a stone with a grain size of no more than 8 thousand gradients.
  • After sharpening, the hair clipper must be assembled by lubricating the parts with oil.

Professional blade sharpening

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