How many kilograms are in one meter of 14 reinforcement

Reinforcement weight, weight table (weight) per 1 meter of reinforcement

When carrying out construction and installation work, calculating the mass of metal products is extremely important, since it allows you to estimate the final parameters of the structures being built and determine the cost of the material (for this, the weight of the reinforcement is taken to be 10 mm per meter).

To carry out calculations, you can use special tables that indicate the parameters of the rods and their estimated weight, as well as popular online calculators, for the use of which you need to know the exact data on the technical characteristics of rolled metal.

Knowing the exact weight of rolled materials, you can save a lot by choosing the right vehicle to transport them. If you are not sure that you can make the calculations correctly, the Regional House of Metal company will help you find out the weight of 12 mm reinforcement per meter with extreme accuracy, since they will calculate it using a special formula. View available types of foundation reinforcement.

Rebar weight table

You can find out what mass the product has - reinforcement 12 weight 1 meter - from the tables that indicate:

  • weight of one linear m of product;
  • number of rolled meters in one ton;
  • rolled diameter in millimeters;
  • cross-sectional area of ​​the rods in square centimeters;
  • class of steel used in production.
Assortment Weight 1 meter
Weight (theoretical), kg. Limit deviations, %
6 0,222 +9 / -7
8 0,395
10 0,617 +5 / -6
12 0,888
14 1,21
16 1,58 +3 / -5
18 2,0
20 2,470
22 2,980
25 3,850
28 4,830
32 6,310 +3 / -4
36 7,990
40 9,870
45 12,480
50 15,410 +2 / -4
55 18,650
60 22,190
70 30,210
80 39,460

In most cases, using a table, you will be able to find the desired value. If the table did not help determine the weight of 16 mm reinforcement per meter, you can resort to using an online size calculator to make calculations. To use it, you need to know the following parameters: rolled diameter, rod length and number.

The calculator will calculate the total mass for one rod, the total length of the rods, and the volume in cubic meters. There are also calculators that rely on reference data for calculations. To use them, you need to know the GOST according to which the rolled products are manufactured, the material of manufacture and the assortment (name of the rolled products).

There are also products for which this tool is not suitable, one of such products is masonry mesh, the page of which can be found here.

Weight of reinforcement

What to do if you don’t have an online calculator at hand, and you don’t really trust the data from tables on the Internet? It’s simple - you can determine the weight of 8 mm reinforcement per meter yourself using the most common calculator.

To find out the mass of a linear meter of rolled metal, you need to determine the total length of the rods, and then multiply the specific gravity of a linear meter of the product by the number of meters. The formula used for calculation is: 1 m x (3.14 x D x D/4). By performing the actions in brackets, we obtain the geometric area of ​​a circle with a given diameter.

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Thus, we obtain the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement by multiplying the volume by the specific gravity of the product, equal to 7850 kilograms per cubic meter. An example of calculations for one m of a rod with a diameter of 8 millimeters.

Metal volume: 1 m x (3.14 x 0.008 m x 0.008 m/4) = 0.00005024. Specific gravity: 0.00005024 cubic meter x 7850 kilograms per cubic meter = 0.394384 kilograms.

You can substitute any value of D into the formula and obtain accurate data for any rolled metal, which will allow you to determine the cost of structures for construction.


Reinforcement weight table

Reinforcement is an integral part of any construction process when it comes to high-strength concrete structures. Reinforcement is used both in the construction of foundations and in the construction of heavy loaded floors.

You can also often find less massive structures in partitions and in certain types of finishing work.

The reinforcement, or more precisely the steel from which it is made, is subject to special requirements, which are standardized by GOST, and each reinforcing steel is used strictly depending on the load prescribed by the standards and external conditions.

Reinforcement parameters and weight

Each enterprise that deals with steel rolling complies with certain technical conditions that the fittings must comply with. First of all, this concerns weight. The reinforcement weight table can be used for various purposes - both to calculate transport costs and to calculate the load that the reinforced structure will exert. The table shows the main parameters for the most common types of reinforcing bars.

The weight of reinforcing steel is calculated by multiplying the total length of all rods by the weight of one linear meter; this is why such tables exist.

How many meters are there in a kilogram and how many kilograms are in a meter?

Naturally, whenever this table is needed, it will not be at hand. Therefore, in order to accurately calculate how many kilograms are in a meter of reinforcement, you need to proceed from the volume of the material. Calculating the weight of reinforcement along its length can only be done when we know its diameter exactly.

For an accurate calculation, we use a simple formula - 1m*(3.14*D*D/4). Thus, by calculating the volume of the reinforcement, you can easily find out its weight. To do this, you need to know the specific gravity of steel, which, according to reference books, is 7,850 kg/m³. Length by weight is calculated in the same way. Knowing the specific gravity of steel and the diameter of the reinforcement, you can easily operate with both the length and weight of the rod.

Application of reinforcing steel

Reinforcement, in principle, is a system of interconnected rods, which, when interacting with the concrete mixture, give the final product sufficient strength and rigidity. Reinforcement systems take on all the tensile, bending and compressive loads that a reinforced concrete structure must withstand.

Basically, periodic reinforcing steel is used in the construction of foundations, and is also often used in the construction of buildings by constructing walls by pouring permanent wall formwork with concrete mixture. For such construction, special types of concrete are used, but the requirements for reinforcing steel are the same. They are approved according to GOST 5781-82, and are observed by all metallurgical enterprises.

Dependence of the weight of reinforcement on various factors

As we have already found out, it is necessary to know the weight of the reinforcement during calculations that are carried out to determine the load that the reinforced structure will exert on other elements, or on the soil, if the calculations concern the construction of foundations. Also, construction engineers calculate the reinforcement coefficient of a structure based on the weight of the reinforcement and its volume, so parameters such as:

  1. Diameter of fittings.
  2.  Weight per linear meter of reinforcement.
  3.  Volume of fittings.
  4. The ratio of the volume of reinforcement to the volume of concrete.
  5.  Reinforcing steel grade.

Vital to know in engineering calculations.

Reinforcing steel grade

The weight of any reinforcement is presented in the table that we have posted on the page, and the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement depends on its diameter. GOST clearly defines the standard size of diameters, which we presented in the table. This table also shows the class of steel from which the reinforcement itself is made.

The weight of a linear meter of reinforcement depends not only on the diameter, but also on the shape of the surface of the reinforcing rod or reinforcing wire. The profile can be either smooth or corrugated. The corrugated profile of the reinforcement is necessary in order to improve the adhesion of steel to the concrete mixture, as well as to give additional strength to the reinforcing rod or wire. Depending on the production technology of reinforcing steel, it is divided into three types:

  • hot rolled;
  • cold rolled;
  • cold drawn wire.

It is noteworthy that the mass of a linear meter of hot-rolled steel does not depend on the basic mechanical characteristics it possesses. These characteristics are called steel classes and are designated by the letter A and a digital index.

Imported steel brands are similar in performance, but have slightly different markings and a higher price, so they are used extremely rarely.


How many meters in 1 ton 14 reinforcement

How many meters are in 1 ton of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm.

How many meters are in 1 ton of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm.

Manufacturers of metal profiles and various types of rolled steel release their products for sale, measuring them in tons. Rebar and reinforcing steel with a diameter of 14 mm, in this case also sold by tonnage. This is convenient for large trading organizations and metal warehouses. For small consumers, individuals, builders, individual craftsmen and small construction contractors, the supply of reinforcement by tons, on the contrary, presents certain inconveniences.

The fact is that, technically, it is more logical to do all calculations for construction based on the number of meters of reinforcement. A contradiction arises. You have calculated exactly how many meters of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm will be needed at your site, you come to the metal depot to buy reinforcing steel and then it turns out that the price list or price list for the sale of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm is compiled in tons.

Out of habit, without sufficient experience, it is difficult to quickly “figure out” and convert a ton of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm into meters.

But really, how many meters are there in 1 ton of 14 mm reinforcement?

You can, of course, arm yourself with a calculator and make calculations using the formula. Theoretical conversion of a ton of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm into meters is one of the options, the most inconvenient in practice. By the way, for this you will still need to find out how much 1 meter of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm weighs.

It is much more reasonable to find out how many meters are in 1 ton of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm, using the reference data from the table for reinforcing steels. However, such a reference table for reinforcement, the weight of reinforcing steel and the number of meters in tone is not always “at hand”. Not everyone needs it.

Therefore, we provide an extract from the table, from which you can immediately find out how many meters of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm are in 1 ton. Extract from the table of reinforcing steels - conversion of tons to meters, for reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm. The footage in a ton does not depend on how the 14 mm reinforcement is cut, measured or unmeasured, sold in rods or in a coil in the form of coils.

In any case, the number of meters per ton will be the same.

In 1 ton of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm - the number of linear meters of reinforcing rod = 826.45 meters.

Weight and number of meters in the fittings

To carry out work on building a house, it is necessary to calculate the required volume and weight of reinforced structures.

Most people ask questions such as: How many meters of reinforcement in a ton . How much does a meter of reinforcement weigh ? , as well as other questions.

How much does a meter of reinforcement 10 and other diameters ?

Several factors influence the weight of reinforcement. This:

Information about class and diameter can be found in specialized certification documents - GOSTs.

For example, reinforcement with a diameter of 5.5 millimeters has a weight of 0.187 kilograms per 1 meter. Data for other types of fittings are given below.

  • Diameter 6 millimeters - 0.222 kilograms.
  • Diameter 8 millimeters - 0.395 kilograms.
  • The weight of reinforcement 10 millimeters is 0.617 kilograms.
  • Diameter 12 millimeters - 0.888 kilograms.
  • Diameter 14 millimeters - 1,210 kilograms.
  • The weight of the 16 mm reinforcement is 1,580 kilograms.
  • Diameter 18 millimeters – 2,000 kilograms.
  • Diameter 20 millimeters - 2,470 kilograms.

Based on the above data, we can conclude that a larger diameter corresponds to a greater weight of reinforcing bars.

In order to calculate the mass of the reinforcement, you need to add the length of the reinforcement bars and multiply by the mass of the linear meter.

How many meters of reinforcement in a ton ?

GOST 5781 contains the following data:

  • Reinforcement with a diameter of 5 millimeters - has 5347 meters in one ton.
  • With a diameter of 6 millimeters - 4504 meters in 1 ton.
  • With a diameter of 8 millimeters - 2531 meters in one ton.
  • With a diameter of 10 millimeters - 1620 meters in 1 ton.
  • With a diameter of 12 millimeters - 1126 meters in one ton.
  • With a diameter of 14 millimeters - 826 meters in 1 ton.
  • With a diameter of 16 millimeters - 633 meters in one ton.
  • With a diameter of 18 millimeters - 500 meters in 1 ton.
  • With a diameter of 20 millimeters - 405 meters in one ton.
  • With a diameter of 22 millimeters - 335 meters in 1 ton.
  • With a diameter of 24 millimeters - 260 meters in one ton.

They will help you calculate the required amount of reinforcement to create both strip and slab foundations.

According to these data, a certain relationship can be traced - with an increase in the number of reinforcement diameters, the number of meters in one ton decreases.

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    Hello, my name is Angelina. I recently got married and am now busy, so to speak, arranging my nest. In the kitchen, one wall is completely finished with brick. Please tell me how and what is the best way to decorate a brick wall in the interior?

    Answers from forum users and experts to the question: How many kg are in 1m of reinforcement?

    Have information about how many kilograms there will be in one meter of reinforcement. necessary in any case when conducting construction using this material. Weight, depending on the diameter, is distributed as follows: diameter 6 mm - 0.222 kg; 8-0.395; 10-0.617; 12-0.888; 14-1.21; 16-1.58; 18-2.0; 20-2.47; 22-2.98; 25-3.85; 28-4.83; 32-6.31; 36-7.99; 40-9.87; 45-12.48; 50-15.41; 55-18.65; 60-22.19; 70-30.21; 80mm-39.46 kg.

    The length will be different for fittings with different diameters. So I #8230;

    tell you that 1 linear meter of reinforcement with a diameter of 12 millimeters#8230;


    Weight table for plastic fittings

    Today on the market you can find both outdated steel reinforcement with a diameter of 6 to 80 mm, and new modern composite reinforcement made from the following materials: basalt plastic and fiberglass.

    Metal products are highly susceptible to corrosion, rust and other chemical processes; they are heavy and not always convenient to transport.

    But composite reinforcement is not subject to either physical or chemical influences, it is quite durable and much less is required compared to steel reinforcement.

    As a result, the cost of construction where non-metallic reinforcement is used is significantly reduced (you can compare the price of plastic reinforcement with the price of metal reinforcement here). Therefore, using ASC for the construction of concrete structures is reasonable and profitable.

    Many people know that when calculating the required amount of material for reinforcing concrete buildings and structures, it is necessary to use the equality of loads applied to all reinforcing elements. Replacing conventional steel reinforcement with a new composite material involves selecting a profile of fiberglass or basalt-plastic reinforcement. The profile must be of such a diameter that its strength is equal to the strength of conventional steel reinforcement of a given diameter.

    Table of correspondence between the diameters of plastic reinforcement and steel reinforcement of class A3 (A400C) when replacing:

    Steel reinforcement A3 (A400C), diameter Plastic fittings, diameter
    6 mm 4 mm
    8 mm 6 mm
    10 mm 8 mm
    12 mm 8 mm
    14 mm 10 mm
    16 mm 12 mm
    18 mm 14 mm
    20 mm 16 mm
    22 mm 18 mm
    25 mm 20 mm

    This table shows the weight of plastic reinforcement and steel reinforcement:

    Reinforcement diameter Weight of one linear meter of steel reinforcement (according to GOST 5781-82) Weight of one linear meter of composite fiberglass reinforcement
    6 mm 0.222 kg 0.049 kg
    8 mm 0.503 kg 0.082 kg
    10 mm 0.785 kg 0.134 kg
    12 mm 1.131 kg 0.185 kg
    14 mm 1.21 kg 0.276 kg
    16 mm 1.58 kg 0.352 kg
    18 mm 2.0 kg 0.44 kg

    From the tables above it is clear that using plastic reinforcement is much more profitable than ordinary steel.

    Return to list


    Reinforcement weight: table of specific gravity of 1 linear meter depending on diameter


    Reinforced concrete today is the most common material used in the construction of multi-story buildings, roads, tunnels, bridges and any other objects. Reinforcement is an important component of such structures - non-reinforced concrete, although it can withstand significant compressive loads, practically does not work in bending and tension, collapsing under relatively small loads.

    But the use of metal rods - regular or prestressed - eliminates this drawback. Often builders find themselves in situations where they need to know the weight of reinforcement in order to calculate the required amount of material for construction. A table of reinforcement weights will help them with this.

    You will find it below in the article, in the reinforcement table, the value of the mass of metal rods of all diameters is presented.

    What does the mass of rods depend on?

    Of course, first of all, the mass of the rod depends on the thickness. The larger the diameter, the greater the weight. Today, in construction, metal rods with a diameter of 6 to 80 millimeters are most often used.

    The weight of 1 m of reinforcement, the thinnest, weighs only 222 grams, while for the thickest this figure is 39.46 kilograms. As you can see, the difference is huge.

    Therefore, knowing the weight of the reinforcement will also not be superfluous when calculating the pressure of the structure on the foundation - several unaccounted tons of load can have a detrimental effect on the reliability and durability of any building.

    How much does the fittings weigh?

    In order to find out the reinforcement weight, the easiest and most convenient way is to use the special table presented below.

    Rebar weight table

    Diameter, mmWeight of 1 meter of reinforcement, kgLinear meters in ton
    6 0,222 4504,5
    8 0,395 2531,65
    10 0,617 1620,75
    12 0,888 1126,13
    14 1,21 826,45
    16 1,58 632,91
    18 2 500
    20 2,47 404,86
    22 2,98 335,57
    25 3,85 259,74
    28 4,83 207,04
    32 6,31 158,48
    36 7,99 125,16
    40 9,87 101,32
    45 12,48 80,13
    50 15,41 64,89
    55 18,65 53,62
    60 22,19 45,07
    70 30,21 33,1
    80 39,46 25,34

    All data indicated in this table fully comply with the current GOST. The error can be a maximum of a few percent - such errors will not cause significant trouble and will certainly not cause damage to the structure.

    Having a table at hand, you can quickly calculate the weight of reinforcement, for example, with a diameter of 32 mm. Find the corresponding diameter in the first column and immediately find out that its mass is 6.32 kg per 1 m, and a ton includes 158.48 meters.

    Why do you need to know the weight?

    Professional builders often have a question: what is the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement. Why do they need this? The fact is that when purchasing rods for the construction of large structures, it is not purchased individually, as in individual construction, but in tons.

    But it’s difficult to calculate how long a certain mass of material will last if you don’t know how much a meter of reinforcement weighs. Knowing the total mass and specific gravity of the reinforcement, 1 meter, you can make simple calculations in a matter of seconds, obtaining the total length of the metal rods.

      To do this, we take the entire mass of the necessary rods and divide them by the weight of 1 linear meter.

    Calculation example

    To reinforce the beams, 2.5 tons of 25-diameter rods are required. We take the value of the mass of 1 meter from the table, equal to 3.85 kg. Next, we convert tons to kilograms, multiply by 1000, it will be 2500 kg, and divide by 3.85, we get 649 meters of material.

    The standard length of a metal rod is 11.7 m, to find out the required number of rods, divide 649 by 11.7, we get 55.5 pieces. In this way, you can count the number of rods with any cross-section.

    This will help, especially in private construction, to check that the correct amount of material has been delivered to you.

    The opposite situation may also occur. The specialist knows how much material he needs, and also knows the optimal diameter. Having found out the theoretical weight of a meter of reinforcement, he just needs to multiply this number by the total length of the required metal rods to determine how much material is needed for construction.


    Reinforcement weight 14 mm

    Posted by admin on 07/12/2012

    If I understand correctly, then you are not interested in the weight of 14 mm reinforcement in general, but most likely the weight of one meter of reinforcement. This question could be asked in the Yandex PS a little differently: the weight of a meter of reinforcement is 14 mm, the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement is 14 mm, the conditional weight of reinforcement is 14 mm, the specific or theoretical weight of reinforcement is 14 mm, the calculated weight of reinforcement is 14 mm, and so on.

    Despite the fact that these questions are formulated slightly differently, in general we are talking about the same thing. In fact, you want to calculate how much the 14 mm diameter reinforcement that you have in stock weighs, or the 14 mm reinforcement that you want to buy, but for some reason, it is not convenient for you to weigh the 14 mm reinforcement on a scale and it is more convenient to turn to reinforcement weight table. Such a table of reinforcement weights is in GOST for reinforcement.

    From the reinforcement weight table, you need to find out the theoretical weight of one linear meter of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm.

    Weight of reinforcement 14 mm in diameter - according to GOST

    We did some not very complicated work for you, so that you do not need to download a free table of reinforcement weights or download the entire range of reinforcement, and we found the exact value of the mass of one linear meter of 14 mm reinforcement.

    WEIGHT OF FITTINGS 14 mm is 1.21 kg per linear meter.

    How to use the value you found now: the weight of reinforcement 14 mm in diameter?

    In fact, using the table for calculating the weight of reinforcement is very simple and convenient, although it looks somewhat “scary” at first glance. There are quite detailed tables of the weight of linear reinforcement , taking into account different types of reinforcement according to GOST (there are actually three of them). I'll show you with an example. So, for example, you want to buy 25 meters of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm.

    Perhaps you need to reinforce the foundation for a fence or solve some other construction problem. When selling 14 mm reinforcement, the seller usually sets the price of the reinforcement in tons; it is in tonnage that he buys it at the factory. He sells you 14 mm reinforcement in meters, in linear meters, of which you need exactly 25 m. That is, the price of 14 mm reinforcement per ton tells you absolutely nothing.

    In order to somehow convert the number of linear meters of 14 mm reinforcement you have into “categories close to: price per ton of 14 mm reinforcement,” you need to calculate how much your 25 meters of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm weigh. We find a line in the table for calculating the weight of reinforcement - the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement is 14 mm (we have already done this for you - see above), on the opposite side the value of the weight of a meter of reinforcement of 14 mm is indicated in kilograms - 1.21 kg.

    Now, knowing the weight of one meter of 14 mm reinforcement, we must multiply it by the number of meters - 1.21 x 25 = 30.25 kg. That is, your 25 linear meters weigh exactly 30.25 kg. This is the THEORETICAL WEIGHT OF A METER OF REINFORCING 14 mm in diameter!!!

    Reinforcement weight 14 mm theoretical and actual

    But the actual weight of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm and its theoretical weight are two different values. Unfortunately, the actual actual weight of the reinforcement never exactly coincides with the calculated theoretical weight of a linear meter of reinforcement specified in GOST.

    There are several reasons for this of a purely technical nature, features of the production of fittings, tolerances within a certain standard, and so on. Therefore, when selling and purchasing 14 mm fittings, preference is ALWAYS GIVEN to the actual weight obtained when weighed on a scale. Not a single trading organization or company selling fittings will agree with the weight estimate obtained by calculation.

    I won’t even mention the specifics of obtaining additional profit when selling fittings with a diameter of 14 mm, due to “fine-tuning the scales.” This is a separate topic. However, it is reasonable to practice CHECKING THE ACTUAL WEIGHT of 14 mm reinforcement by comparing the scale readings with the calculated or conditional weight of the reinforcement.

    This allows you to avoid GROSS MISTAKES and significant overweighting of 14 mm fittings by an unscrupulous seller. You should always check the weight indicated by the seller of the fittings by making a “quick estimate” using tabular data.

    ( 1 vote, rating: 1.00 out of 5)


    Reinforcement weight table per 1 meter

    Why might the weight of 1 meter of 12 mm reinforcement be required? For example, when pouring the foundation for a private house, builders can tell you the amount of reinforcement in meters, but at metal warehouses, as a rule, reinforcement is sold and the price per ton is indicated. In this case, knowing the weight of one meter, you can calculate how much reinforcement you will need in tons.

    For greater convenience, we have provided a second table, which indicates how many meters of reinforcement are contained in one ton for each diameter.

    Here's an example of a calculation:

    You need 750 meters of 12mm a500c reinforcement (read: decoding of a500c reinforcement).

    We look at the line in the first table corresponding to 12 mm reinforcement; the weight of 1 meter is 0.888 kg.

    In total we get 750 * 0.888 = 666 kg.

    Weight of 1 meter reinforcement table

    Reinforcement diameter (mm) Weight kg/meter
    5,5 0,187
    6 0,222
    8 0,395
    10 0,617
    12 0,888
    14 1,210
    16 1,580
    18 2,000
    20 2,470
    22 2,980
    25 3,850
    28 4,830
    32 6,310
    36 7,990
    40 9,870
    45 12,480
    50 15,410

    In industrial construction, a huge amount of reinforcement is used, which is most often supplied in tons. To perform the necessary calculations, you need to know the total length of the existing reinforcement; this can be easily done using the table below.

    Calculation example:

    You know that you have 25 tons of 10mm reinforcement.

    Using the table, we find the number of meters in a ton corresponding to 10 mm reinforcement: 1620 meters.

    Total total length of the reinforcement: 25 * 1620 = 40500 meters.

    How many meters in 1 ton of reinforcement table

    Diameter of reinforcement (mm) Meters per ton
    5,5 5347
    6 4504
    8 2531
    10 1620
    12 1126
    14 826
    16 633
    18 500
    20 405
    22 335
    25 260
    28 207
    32 158


    Reinforcement diameter 8 weight

    Often, when buying metal products, beginners cannot understand the simplest things like size, weight and other metric characteristics. For example, when purchasing reinforcement, you should know how to determine its weight.

    How much does reinforcement of different diameters weigh?

    The indicator of how much the reinforcement weighs depends on:

    • the type of metal from which it is made;
    • the length of the rods and their diameter;
    • manufacturer, since these products can be manufactured in accordance with GOST or according to the company’s (factory’s) own technical specifications.

    The diameter of the reinforcement according to GOST (steel grade A500C) can range from 6 mm (the thinnest) to 40 mm thick (the thickest). Most often, in technical and commercial documents when selling this material, the weight of this product is presented per 1 linear meter.

    How much does a meter of reinforcement weigh depending on the diameter?

    • 6 mm – 0.222 kg;
    • 8 mm – 0.395 kg;
    • 10 mm – 0.617 kg;
    • 12 mm – 0.888 kg;
    • 14 mm – 1.21 kg;
    • 16 mm – 1.58 kg;
    • 18 mm – 2 kg;
    • 20 mm – 2.47 kg;
    • 22 mm – 2.98 kg;
    • 25 mm – 3.85 kg;
    • 28 mm – 4.83 kg;
    • 32 mm – 6.31 kg;
    • 36 mm – 7.99 kg;
    • 40 mm – 9.87 kg;
    • 45 mm – 12.48 kg;
    • 50 mm – 15.41 kg;
    • 60 mm – 22.19 kg;
    • 70 mm – 30.21 kg;
    • 80 mm – 39.46 kg.

    The weight of a linear meter of reinforcement can be calculated independently using a simple formula

    1 m x (3.14 x D x D/4),

    where D is the diameter of the reinforcement. The resulting figure must be multiplied by the specific gravity of the reinforcing steel, which is equal to 7850 kg/m3. For example, if you need to calculate the weight of one meter of reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm:

    Volume: 1 meter x (3.14 x 0.014 m x 0.014 m / 4) = 0.00015386

    Weight: 0.00015386 x 7850 kg/m3 = 1.207. If rounded to the nearest hundredth, the weight is approximately equal to the weight from the table above.

    It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with other information that will help you figure out how to purchase and transport reinforcement - we advise you to study our article How to knit reinforcement correctly.

    What is the weight of the reinforcement?

    When building a house or other construction work, construction (metal) reinforcement is used for the base of the foundation, on the floors, between windows, or on the blind area around the house.

    Metal fittings made in Ukraine

    In this article we will talk about Ukrainian-made metal reinforcement, and not fiberglass or basalt reinforcement - we do not sell this type of reinforcement.

    The amount of reinforcement that is given to you by a foreman or when you independently calculate a house is usually calculated in meters. This is easy to calculate, since suppose you have a house 10 m by 15 m, depending on the type of foundation and its height, you can calculate how many meters of reinforcement you need. Experienced builders can already tell you a clear weight because they know the weight of the reinforcement, but it happens that they exaggerate the amount of metal required for the purpose of profit, what is there to hide.

    How to calculate the theoretical weight of reinforcement?

    And now specifically on the weight of reinforcement of each diameter. There is a formula with which you can easily calculate the theoretical weight of the reinforcement, but here it should be emphasized that it is theoretical, but not practical: m = d2/162.272, where m is the mass of one meter, d2 is the diameter of the reinforcement squared, and the number 162.272 is a constant number in the fittings. But, unfortunately, this weight agrees with the reference book, but this is also a theory.

    Here's what happens in practice:

    - reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm - according to theory, a meter should weigh according to the formula 8x8/162.272 = 395 grams, but in fact the weight of one meter is 430 grams, some trading companies consider the weight of a meter to be 450 grams. It should be noted here that such a weight rarely happens, but very rarely in other cases - this is simply additional income for metal depots or trading organizations;

    - reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm - here, according to theory, 617 grams, in nature 630 - 640 grams, but not like 660 or 700 grams - this is no longer fair trade;

    - fittings with a diameter of 12 mm - the weight of a linear meter according to the reference book is 888 grams, when weighed 900 grams - no more, yes it happens, but rarely 890 grams;

    - reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm - the weight of a linear meter in theory agrees with practice 1 kg 200 grams - there are no miracles here, just reality. I don’t know how to explain this. Maybe this is due to the high demand for reinforcement with diameters of 8, 10, 12 mm.

    Manufacturers ship in tonnage and it is profitable for them to sell a larger quantity by weight; accordingly, they somehow increase some element in the composition of the metal.

    Although somehow the reinforcement arrived, which was produced in Moldova, then the weight of the 8 mm reinforcement coincided with the theory - exactly 417 grams.

    — reinforcement 16 mm — weight in theory 1 kg 570 grams, weight in practice 1 kg 600 grams;

    — reinforcement 18 mm — weight per linear meter 2 kg — theory and practice converge;

    — reinforcement 20 mm — weight of one meter 2 kg 47 grams — theory and practice converge.

    Well, we’ll finish with this diameter, since thicker reinforcement diameters are not used in construction of up to 5 floors.

    This is the answer to the question: what is the weight of the reinforcement?

    Recommendations for purchasing fittings

    You should be warned that if the weight of the fittings is overestimated in comparison with the weight that was provided to you here, beware of such sellers. Because they are simply fooling you.

    Prices for rolled metal have skyrocketed, and everyone is trying to buy cheaper and may end up with dishonest sellers who, under the guise of a low price, will bring you not 1 ton, but 900 kg, but you will pay 300 UAH less per ton than the average market price, but you will also receive 100 kg less. Therefore, ask strictly when purchasing.

    And in one ton of reinforcement 12 mm - 1111 meters? - if yes, the seller agrees, then everything is fine, but if he starts -. use. it means something is wrong - they want to deceive you.

    The weight of reinforcement 8 mm in diameter is given according to an extract from the assortment specified in GOST

    If I understand correctly, then you are not interested in the weight of 8 mm reinforcement in general, but most likely the weight of one meter of reinforcement. This question could be asked in the Yandex PS a little differently: the weight of a meter of reinforcement is 8 mm, the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement is 8 mm, the conditional weight of reinforcement is 8 mm, the specific or theoretical weight of reinforcement is 8 mm, the calculated weight of reinforcement is 8 mm, and so on.

    Despite the fact that these questions are formulated slightly differently, in general we are talking about the same thing. In fact, you want to calculate how much the 8 mm diameter reinforcement that you have in stock weighs, or the 8 mm reinforcement that you want to buy, but for some reason, it is not convenient for you to weigh the 8 mm reinforcement on a scale and it is more convenient to refer to the table reinforcement weights. Such a table of reinforcement weights is in GOST for reinforcement.

    From the reinforcement weight table, you need to find out the theoretical weight of one linear meter of reinforcement with an 8 mm diameter.

    Weight of reinforcement 8 mm diameter #8212; according to GOST

    We did some not very complicated work for you, so that you do not need to download a free table of reinforcement weights or download the entire range of reinforcement, and we found the exact value of the mass of one linear meter of 8 mm reinforcement.

    REINFORCEMENT WEIGHT 8 mm #8212; is 0.395 kg per linear meter.

    How to use the value you found now: the weight of reinforcement 6 mm in diameter?

    In fact, using the table for calculating the weight of reinforcement is very simple and convenient, although it looks somewhat #171;intimidating#187; at first glance. There are quite detailed tables of the weight of linear meta reinforcement . taking into account different types of fittings according to GOST (there are actually three of them). I'll show you with an example. So, for example, you want to buy 25 meters of reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm.

    Perhaps you need to reinforce the foundation for a fence or solve some other construction problem. When selling 8mm reinforcement, the seller usually sets the price of the reinforcement in tons; it is in tonnage that he buys it at the factory. He sells you 8 mm reinforcement in meters, in linear meters, of which you need exactly 25 m. That is, the price of 8 mm reinforcement per ton tells you absolutely nothing.

    In order to somehow convert the number of linear meters of 8 mm reinforcement you have into #171; categories close to: price per ton of 8mm #187; reinforcement, you need to calculate how much your 25 meters of reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm weigh. We find line #8212 in the table for calculating the weight of reinforcement; the weight of a linear meter of 8 mm reinforcement (we have already done this for you #8212; see above), opposite shows the weight of a meter of 8 mm reinforcement in kilograms #8212; 0.395 kg.

    Now, knowing the weight of one meter of 8 mm reinforcement, we must multiply it by the number of meters #8212; 0.395 x 25 = 9.875 kg. That is, your 25 linear meters weigh exactly 9.875 kg. This is the THEORETICAL WEIGHT OF A METER OF REINFORCEMENT 8 mm in diameter.


    Reinforcement weight 12 mm per meter table

    Appearance of fittings.

    When knitting frames, meshes, as well as when constructing a foundation, the main element is reinforcement. As for private construction, one of the most in demand here is rolled metal with a diameter of 12 millimeters. The favorable ratio of strength and affordable price allows you to use 12 mm reinforcement in the construction of a private house.

    Why do you need to know the weight of rolled metal? This value will be needed to estimate the cost of construction work at different stages. Usually the weight is already calculated in the project for each structure where rolled metal A12, A3 or any other grade is used.

    If you plan to do the construction calculations yourself or just want to understand this point in detail, then this material will answer all your questions.

    After studying the article, the reader will be able to independently carry out calculations and find out the weight of reinforcement 12 mm, A3 or another brand.

    Weight calculation

    The calculation is performed in linear meters - special quantities usually used in construction work. The table also shows the weight of one linear meter. At the same time, reinforcement is sold by weight, and not by length. The builder's task is quite simple: find out how many meters are required for all structures, and then convert them into units of mass. Below is a detailed and simple table that will help you find out the weight of one linear meter. Weight calculation

    In this table you need to find the required diameter (D), in this case it is 12 mm. The second column shows D - this data is not particularly needed, and converting 12 mm is quite simple (you need to divide 12 mm by 100, the result is 0.12 m).

    The third column of the table is the most important - the mass m per kg is indicated here. A meter of rolled metal equals 12 millimeters to 0.888 kilograms. Also, as an example, you can take 10 mm rods, the weight of which is 0.617 kg.

    The last column shows how many meters there are in one ton.



    Now the reader knows how much one meter weighs. But in order to better understand the work, you need to understand the scheme by which the calculation is carried out. Having understood the essence, the builder will be able to calculate the weight of one linear meter of rods with a diameter of 12 or 10 mm.

    To perform the calculation, you must proceed according to the following scheme:

    The volume of one linear meter can be obtained using the following formula: 1m x (0.785 x D x D). Here the letter "D" represents the diameter of the circle. The total mass is multiplied with the specific gravity of the rods; in all cases it will be 7850 kg/m3.

    To find out how much a meter weighs, you need to know the volume.

    For example, you can independently calculate the mass of one meter of 10 mm reinforcement. The first step is to obtain the volume - 1m x (0.785 x 0.010 x 0.010) = 0.00010124 m3. The mass of rods is 10 mm – 00010124 m3 x 7850 = 0.616 kg. If you look at the table, one meter of reinforcement 10 weighs 0.617 kg. How much a meter of rods 14 or 16 weighs can be found using the same scheme.

    Number of meters in one ton

    A more detailed table, where the steel class is also present.

    Above is the calculation for 10 mm. The number of meters per ton can also be calculated without using specialized tables. Here it is worth referring to the building regulations, which state that the strip base must contain at least 0.1% of rods in relation to the reinforced concrete structure. This formulation looks quite complicated.

    To understand how this works, it’s worth looking at an example:

    1. A strip base is taken, the area of ​​which is 2400 square cm.
    2. Next you will need a coefficient, for this formula it is 0.001.
    3. The resulting volume is multiplied with a coefficient - 2400 x 0.001 = 2.4 cm2.
    4. At the next stages, you won’t be able to do without reference information. Here you will need a manual that indicates the required number of rods.

      For reinforcement with a diameter of 10 and 12 mm, two rods are sufficient.

    What you need to know about A12 fittings

    Rods are made from steel, the grade of which depends on the requirements for strength, wear and other parameters. Typically, builders choose rods made of low-alloy metal. It cannot be said that this is the most reliable and durable steel, but it does have an important advantage - low-alloy metal can be processed using arc welding.

    Grade A12, like reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm, is usually used to add strength to a structure made of reinforced concrete. Also, these rods are the main element in the construction of frame structures. In addition to this parameter, you also need to pay attention to rental, it differs by class:

    • Periodic profile – A3. Class A3 fittings have transverse corrugation.
    • Smooth profile – A1. Unlike A3, class A1 fittings come without corrugation.

    You can purchase reinforcement, regardless of diameter or class A3, in coils or rods.


    Weight of 1 meter of reinforcement - formula and table

    During the construction process, an important parameter is the weight of the steel reinforcement, which is taken into account when designing the building. To calculate the mass of a batch of reinforcing bars, you need to know their diameter, mass per linear meter and total length.

    Calculation of the weight of smooth and corrugated reinforcement: options

    The mass of a linear meter of reinforcing bar can be determined in three ways: using the GOST 5781-82 , which determines the range of this metal product, using a formula and using an online calculator.

    Determining the mass of reinforcing steel from the table

    The table shows values ​​calculated using nominal diameters and an average steel density of 7850 kg/m3. The nominal diameter of a grooved rod is equal to the nominal diameter of a rod with a smooth surface of the same profile number. This means that the table shows the masses per linear meter of a certain profile number, suitable for both smooth and grooved reinforcement products.

    Weight table, kg, 1 linear meter of reinforcement with smooth and corrugated surface of classes A1 and A3

    Profile number (nominal rod diameter) Theoretical mass 1 m, kg Profile number (nominal rod diameter) Theoretical mass 1 m, kg Profile number (nominal rod diameter) Theoretical mass 1 m, kg
    6 0,222 20 2,47 45 12,48
    8 0,395 22 2,98 50 15,41
    10 0,617 25 3,85 55 18,65
    12 0,888 28 4,83 60 22,19
    14 1,21 32 6,31 70 30,21
    16 1,58 36 7,99 80 39,46
    18 2,00 40 9,87

    To determine the mass of a batch of metal products, the mass of 1 linear meter is multiplied by the total footage.

    Calculation by formula

    M = π *( D 2 /4)* ρ , in which:

    M – mass of 1 m, kg,

    D – nominal diameter, m,

    ρ – density equal to 7850 kg/m3.

    Calculation using an online calculator

    Determining the weight of reinforcement (kg) by diameter and total length using an online calculator is the simplest and most convenient option.


    How many rods of 12 rebar are in a ton?

    Reinforcement is a set of interconnected elements that, when working together with concrete in reinforced concrete structures, perceive tensile stresses (although they can also be used to strengthen concrete in a compressed zone).

    The main application of periodic profile reinforcing steel is in the construction of foundations and walls of buildings and structures made of monolithic concrete.

    When carrying out concrete work, a significant investment of time and money requires the installation of a reinforced frame to reinforce structures made from reinforcing mesh.

    To calculate the order volume, you need to know how many kg per meter of reinforcement and the number of linear meters of reinforcing steel.

    The weight of a meter of reinforcement is presented in the table of the ratio of diameter and weight of 1 m. Knowing the weight of reinforcing steel according to GOST 5781-82, you can estimate the reinforcement coefficient of the structure (the ratio of the mass of the reinforcement to the volume of concrete) and determine how much material is needed for the foundation (per cube of concrete)

    A linear meter of reinforcement is individual reinforcing bars of a smooth and periodic profile 1 meter long, the weight of which depends on the diameter of the reinforcing steel GOST 5781-82 (from a range of diameter sizes of periodic steel - 6, 8.10, 12, 14, 16, 18.20, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80 mm).

     How much does the reinforcing mesh weigh for screeding, performing plastering work, for making a reinforced concrete foundation frame (concrete + connected reinforcement bars), what is the weight of the reinforcing mesh for brickwork, depends on the size of the cards (length, width of the canvas), the size of the cell (square mm x mm ) and reinforcing wire diameter (mm).

    Construction organizations use reinforcement produced in Ukraine, the weight of which meets the requirements of GOST, since domestic reinforcing steel is of sufficiently high quality and complies with all GOSTs and standards for rolled metal. 

    The weight of the reinforcement is selected depending on the types according to GOST, diameter sizes (see.

    table - “Specific gravity of reinforcement in a linear meter”) and the scope of application of the periodic profile.

    The weight of a linear meter of reinforcement depends on the shape of the surface of the periodic profile: corrugated or smooth on the outside. Protrusions in the form of ribs, corrugations on the surface of periodically profiled reinforcing steel bars or ribbed wire steel significantly improve adhesion to concrete and its characteristics.

    The range of reinforcement, depending on the manufacturing technology of reinforcing steel for reinforced concrete structures, is divided into hot-rolled rod and cold-drawn wire steel.

    The weight of 1 m of hot-rolled reinforcement does not depend on its basic mechanical characteristics, which are divided into six assortment classes depending on the strength of the metal and steel grade, with the symbol: AI, A-II, A-III, A-IV, AV, A- VI.

    Reinforcing steel class Profile diameter, mm Reinforcement steel grade
    AI (A240) 6-40 St3kp, St3ps, St3sp
    A-II (A300) 10-40 40-80 St5sp, St5ps 18G2S
    Ac-II (Ac300) 10-32 (36-40) 10GT
    A-III (A400) 6-40 6-22 35GS, 25G2S 32G2Rps
    A-IV (A600) 10-32 (6-8)(36-40) 80С 20ХГ2Ц
    AV (A800) (6-8) 10-32(36-40) 23Х2Г2Т
    A-VI (A1000) 10-22 22Kh2G2AYu, 22Kh2G2R, 20Kh2G2SR

    For example, A3 construction reinforcement is used to strengthen concrete structures of prefabricated buildings and is widely used by construction companies in Kyiv. The actual weight of construction reinforcement consists of the mass of the reinforcement frames of the elements (foundation, walls, concrete floors) of a monolithic building, welded mesh, which are then filled with concrete mortar over the formwork.

    The production of reinforcing steel in Ukraine is carried out using technologies developed in Soviet times in the field of metal processing, and, as a rule, on equipment inherited from the USSR, and that is why domestic manufacturers sell reinforcing steel at a fairly affordable price with good quality and compliance with GOST requirements .

    Reinforcement 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 are the most popular in terms of the diameter of the periodic profile, sold by Ukrainian manufacturers. Imported analogues have a higher price.

    Before being sold from metal warehouses, fittings in Ukraine undergo step-by-step quality control during the production process, which guarantees high quality that meets state standards GOST.

    What is the weight of the reinforcement along its length?

    The weight of the reinforcing steel required for purchase is calculated by multiplying the total length of all the bars in the bundle by the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement (see the table of mass 1 m and how many meters are in a ton of reinforcement). Conversion from meters to tons is carried out by multiplying the specific weight of the reinforcement (weight of 1 meter) by the number of linear meters.

    Below is a table of reinforcement sections, the specific weight of 1 linear meter A1 (A240), A2 (A300), A3 (A400), A4 (A800), A5 (A800), A6 (A1000), the number of meters per ton to convert weight to total the length of all the rods in the package or coil.

    The reinforcement in coils allows you to cut rods of any required length to size, which will reduce the amount of waste and eliminate the need to splice individual rods of standard length (6 or 12 meters).

    Reinforcing steel weight table - How much does 1 m of reinforcement weigh?

    Diameter of fittings, mm Weight of 1 meter of reinforcement, kg Linear meters per ton Maximum weight deviations in %
    d 6 0,222 4504,5 +9,0 -7,0
    d 8 0,395 2531,65 +9,0 -7,0
    d 10 0,617 1620,75 +5,0 -6,0
    d 12 0,888 1126,13 +5,0 -6,0
    d 14 1,21 826,45 +5,0 -6,0
    d 16 1,58 632,91 +3,0 -5,0
    d 18 2 500 +3,0 -5,0
    d 20 2,47 404,86 +3,0 -5,0
    d 22 2,98 335,57 +3,0 -5,0
    d 25 3,85 259,74 +3,0 -5,0
    d 28 4,83 207,04 +3,0 -5,0
    d 32 6,31 158,48 +3,0 -4,0
    d 36 7,99 125,16 +3,0 -4,0
    d 40 9,87 101,32 -+3,0 -4,0
    d 45 12,48 80,13 +3,0 -4,0
    d 50 15,41 64,89 +2,0 -4,0
    d 55 18,65 53,62 +2,0 -4,0
    d 60 22,19 45,07 +2,0 -4,0
    d 70 30,21 33,1 +2,0 -4,0
    d 80 39,46 25,34 +2,0 -4,0

     Calculation of the weight of reinforcement, welded mesh

    If you don’t have a reinforcement calculation table or an online metal calculator at hand, then you can calculate the total weight of the reinforcing mesh yourself by determining the total length of the wire that makes up the welded mesh measuring 1 m2 and multiplying the number of meters by the specific weight of a linear meter of wire.

    In the absence of a reference book, you can calculate the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement yourself, using a regular calculator. The volume of metal in 1 meter of steel cylinder is 1 m x (3.14 x D x D/4). In parentheses is the geometric area of ​​a circle with diameter D. The weight of the rod is obtained by multiplying the volume by the specific weight of the reinforcement, which is equal to 7850 kg/m3.

    Using this method, you can calculate how many kg are in a meter of reinforcement, and convert tons into meters.

    For example, using a calculator, we will calculate the weight of 1 m of reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm: Volume of metal - 1 m x (3.14 x 0.012 m x 0.012 m/4) = 0.00011304 m3,

     Specific gravity - 0.00011304 m3 x 7850 kg/m3 = 0.887 kg. Approximately equal to the value in the table of reinforcement with theoretic weight.

    If the length of the reinforcement is 12 m, then we substitute the required value of the rolled steel length into the formula and calculate the weight of the rods. To determine the weight of the mesh, you need to multiply the resulting mass of 1 m2 of mesh by the number of square meters in the welded reinforcement frame.

    One more example. Let's calculate the weight of a 100x100x4 mesh with an area of ​​1 m2. The welded mesh consists of 18 welded reinforcing bars 1 m long. The total length of the rods will be 18x1=18 meters. The specific gravity of 4mm reinforcing wire is 0.092 kg/m. Then the mass of a linear meter of mesh with a height of 1 m will be 18x0.092 = 1.66 kg/m2 + 1% of the mass of welding materials.


    Reinforcement: weight per linear meter, formulas and calculation examples

    Reinforcing steel (reinforcement) is used to reinforce reinforced concrete structures.
    On this page you can calculate the weight of reinforcement and find out what diameters of reinforcing steel there are.

    ANSWER: 0 meters. (0 rods per millimeter)

    The reinforcement is manufactured in accordance with GOST 5781-82 “Hot-rolled steel for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions" and GOST R 52544-2006 "Rolled welded reinforcement of periodic profile of classes A500C and B500C for reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures. Technical specifications"

    Depending on the mechanical properties, reinforcing steel is divided into classes A-I (A240), A-II (A300), A-III (A400), A-IV (A600), A-V (A800), A-VI (A1000 ). In the designation A500C and B500C, the letter A means hot-rolled or thermomechanically strengthened reinforcing bars, the letter B means cold-deformed reinforcing bars, and the letter C means weldable.

    The number in the designation shows the rounded value of the yield strength in N/mm 2. The yield strength is a mechanical characteristic of a material that characterizes the stress at which strain continues to increase without increasing the load.

    What else to read on the site:

    Equal-flange steel angle weight calculator. Angle meter weight table. Number of meters of angle in a ton. Dimensions of the metal corner.

    Weight calculator for steel unequal angle. Table weight per linear meter of corner. Number of meters of angle in a ton. Metal corner, unequal dimensions.

    domatut.rf is a site for professional builders and those who build with their own hands. Articles about the procedure for registration, composition and maintenance of as-built documentation in construction. Examples of correct completion of work logs and acts. Articles about the design and technology of construction and installation works. Calculators for calculating the amount of materials and other useful information for professional builders and those who build with their own hands.

    Reinforcement weight calculator
    Reinforcement weight calculator. Weight of a meter of reinforcement. Number of meters of reinforcement per ton. Reinforcement diameters table.


    Reinforcement weight. Weight per linear meter of reinforcement GOST 5781-82

    Reinforcement is a set of interconnected elements that, when working together with concrete in reinforced concrete structures, perceive tensile stresses (although they can also be used to strengthen concrete in a compressed zone).

    The main application of periodic profile reinforcing steel is in the construction of foundations and walls of buildings and structures made of monolithic concrete. When carrying out concrete work, a significant investment of time and money requires the installation of a reinforced frame to reinforce structures made from reinforcing mesh. To calculate the order volume, you need to know how many kg per meter of reinforcement and the number of linear meters of reinforcing steel.

    The weight of a meter of reinforcement is presented in the table of the ratio of diameter and weight of 1 m. Knowing the weight of reinforcing steel according to GOST 5781-82, you can estimate the reinforcement coefficient of the structure (the ratio of the mass of the reinforcement to the volume of concrete) and determine how much material is needed for the foundation (per cube of concrete)

    A linear meter of reinforcement is individual reinforcing bars of a smooth and periodic profile 1 meter long, the weight of which depends on the diameter of the reinforcing steel GOST 5781-82 (from a range of diameter sizes of periodic steel - 6, 8.10, 12, 14, 16, 18.20, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80 mm - see RANGE OF FITTINGS).

    How much does the reinforcing mesh weigh for screeding, performing plastering work, for making a reinforced concrete foundation frame (concrete + connected reinforcement bars), what is the weight of the reinforcing mesh for brickwork, depends on the size of the cards (length, width of the canvas), the size of the cell (square mm x mm ) and reinforcing wire diameter (mm).

    Construction organizations use reinforcement produced in Ukraine, the weight of which meets the requirements of GOST, since domestic reinforcing steel is of sufficiently high quality and complies with all GOSTs and standards for rolled metal.

    The weight of the reinforcement is selected depending on the types according to GOST, diameter sizes (see.

    table - “Specific gravity of reinforcement in a linear meter”) and the scope of application of the periodic profile.

    The weight of a linear meter of reinforcement depends on the shape of the surface of the periodic profile: corrugated or smooth on the outside. Protrusions in the form of ribs, corrugations on the surface of periodically profiled reinforcing steel bars or ribbed wire steel significantly improve adhesion to concrete and its characteristics.

    The range of reinforcement, depending on the manufacturing technology of reinforcing steel for reinforced concrete structures, is divided into hot-rolled rod (A1 - A240, A2 - A300, A3 - A400, A500, A600, A800, A1000) and cold-drawn wire steel (VR-1).

    The weight of 1 m of hot-rolled reinforcement does not depend on its basic mechanical characteristics, which are divided into six assortment classes depending on the strength of the metal and steel grade, with the symbol: AI, A-II, A-III, A-IV, AV, A- VI.

    Reinforcing steel class Profile diameter, mm Reinforcement steel grade
    AI (A240) 6-40 St3kp, St3ps, St3sp
    A-II (A300) 10-40 40-80 St5sp, St5ps 18G2S
    Ac-II (Ac300) 10-32 (36-40) 10GT
    A-III (A400) 6-40 6-22 35GS, 25G2S 32G2Rps
    A-IV (A600) 10-32 (6-8) (36-40) 80С 20ХГ2Ц
    AV (A800) (6-8) 10-32 (36-40) 23Х2Г2Т
    A-VI (A1000) 10-22 22Kh2G2AYu, 22Kh2G2R,20Kh2G2SR

    For example, A3 construction reinforcement is used to strengthen concrete structures of prefabricated buildings and is widely used by construction companies in Kyiv. The actual weight of construction reinforcement consists of the mass of the reinforcement frames of the elements (foundation, walls, concrete floors) of a monolithic building, welded mesh, which are then filled with concrete mortar over the formwork.

    The production of reinforcing steel in Ukraine is carried out using technologies developed in Soviet times in the field of metal processing, and, as a rule, on equipment inherited from the USSR, and that is why domestic manufacturers sell reinforcing steel at a fairly affordable price with good quality and compliance with GOST requirements .

    Reinforcement 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25 are the most popular in terms of the diameter of the periodic profile, sold by Ukrainian manufacturers. Imported analogues have a higher price.

    Before being sold from metal warehouses, fittings in Ukraine undergo step-by-step quality control during the production process, which guarantees high quality that meets state standards GOST.

    Table of weight of reinforcing steel. How much does 1m of reinforcement weigh?

    Diameter of fittings, mm Weight of 1 meter of reinforcement, kg Linear meters per ton Maximum weight deviations in %
    d 6 0,222 4504,5 +9,0 -7,0
    d 8 0,395 2531,65 +9,0 -7,0
    d 10 0,617 1620,75 +5,0 -6,0
    d 12 0,888 1126,13 +5,0 -6,0
    d 14 1,21 826,45 +5,0 -6,0
    d 16 1,58 632,91 +3,0 -5,0
    d 18 2 500 +3,0 -5,0
    d 20 2,47 404,86 +3,0 -5,0
    d 22 2,98 335,57 +3,0 -5,0
    d 25 3,85 259,74 +3,0 -5,0
    d 28 4,83 207,04 +3,0 -5,0
    d 32 6,31 158,48 +3,0 -4,0
    d 36 7,99 125,16 +3,0 -4,0
    d 40 9,87 101,32 -+3,0 -4,0
    d 45 12,48 80,13 +3,0 -4,0
    d 50 15,41 64,89 +2,0 -4,0
    d 55 18,65 53,62 +2,0 -4,0
    d 60 22,19 45,07 +2,0 -4,0
    d 70 30,21 33,1 +2,0 -4,0
    d 80 39,46 25,34 +2,0 -4,0

    Calculation of the weight of reinforcement, welded mesh

    If you don’t have a reinforcement calculation table or an online metal calculator at hand, then you can calculate the total weight of the reinforcing mesh yourself by determining the total length of the wire that makes up the welded mesh measuring 1 m2 and multiplying the number of meters by the specific weight of a linear meter of wire.

    In the absence of a reference book, you can calculate the weight of a linear meter of reinforcement yourself, using a regular calculator. The volume of metal in 1 meter of a steel cylinder is 1 m x (3.14 x D x D/4) . In parentheses is the geometric area of ​​a circle with diameter D. The weight of the rod is obtained by multiplying the volume by the specific weight of the reinforcement, which is equal to 7850 kg/m3.

    Using this method, you can calculate how many kg are in a meter of reinforcement, and convert tons into meters.

    For example, using a calculator, we will calculate the weight of 1 m of reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm: Volume of metal - 1 m x (3.14 x 0.012 m x 0.012 m/4) = 0.00011304 m3,

    Specific gravity - 0.00011304 m3 x 7850 kg/m3 = 0.887 kg. Approximately equal to the value in the table of reinforcement with theoretic weight.

    If the length of the reinforcement is 12 m, then we substitute the required value of the rolled steel length into the formula and calculate the weight of the rods. To determine the weight of the mesh, you need to multiply the resulting mass of 1 m2 of mesh by the number of square meters in the welded reinforcement frame.

    One more example. Let's calculate the weight of a 100x100x4 mesh with an area of ​​1 m2. The welded mesh consists of 18 welded reinforcing bars 1 m long. The total length of the rods will be 18x1=18 meters. The specific gravity of 4mm reinforcing wire is 0.092 kg/m. Then the mass of a linear meter of mesh with a height of 1 m will be 18x0.092 = 1.66 kg/m2 + 1% of the mass of welding materials.


    A12 mm fittings: characteristics, distinctive features, how much a linear meter weighs

    Reinforcement refers to metal rods, rods or ropes of various shapes and cross-sections intended for construction work to fasten specialized structures. Reinforcement is indispensable in the manufacture of any types of devices made of reinforced concrete in order to enhance its strength.

    According to its characteristics, it is divided into strength classes and comes in different diameters, which affects the effectiveness of its use in reinforced concrete building structures. This article will help answer the questions “How many meters are there in a ton of reinforcement?” and “How much does a meter of reinforcement weigh?”

    In terms of labor costs in production, the presented rolled metal can be:

    • light (with a diameter of up to 12 mm);
    • heavy (with a diameter of 12 - 40 mm).

    With a steel rod diameter of 12 mm, it is usually called reinforcement 12 ( A12 ) - this is the most popular rolled metal product in domestic construction.

    Characteristics of A12 fittings

    During the manufacturing process of A12, GOST 5781–82 is strictly observed, and according to its purpose it is classified into prestressed and non-prestressed . Based on the choice of production technology, the following types of fittings 12 are distinguished:

    • cold drawn;
    • hot rolled

    Cold-drawn reinforcement A12 is necessary for the production of reinforced mesh; it is supplied in coils (rolls) of 6-12 meters and is a reinforcing wire.

    Hot-rolled A12, being a high-quality type of rolled metal, is produced from steel with a rounded cross-section, and is used in the reinforcement of stressed and ordinary structures, imparts sufficient strength to reinforced concrete structures and prevents damage due to mechanical deformations.

    Distinctive features of A12 fittings

    These rolled metal products can be made from steel of different grades, which depends on its application and the requirements for its characteristics. Most often, products made from low-alloy structural steel are required. This is due to the fact that such products are easily subjected to arc welding.

    The main purpose of A12 is the strengthening of reinforced concrete structures , as well as the formation of frame devices to resist increased loads. A diameter of 12 mm is the minimum for the construction of a strip foundation and its grillages, if you knit a reinforcement frame of four rods. Rentals by class are:

    • smooth profile (without corrugation) - class A1;
    • periodic profile (with transverse corrugation at an angle to the axis of the rod) - class A3.

    This construction metal product is presented from the manufacturer in rods or coils . The scope of its application is very wide.

    For the construction of the foundation, it is recommended to use hot-rolled reinforcement in the form of rods with oblique corrugation, the presence of which ensures optimal adhesion to concrete. This interaction of materials ensures the strength and durability of a reinforced concrete building structure.

    The transverse arrangement of reinforced rods in the foundation prevents concrete cracking and reduces the force load on the resulting structure, and also protects it from deformation.

    Advantages of A12 reinforcement , which are manifested in construction:

    • high degree of strength;
    • relatively high ductility;
    • minimal susceptibility to corrosion;
    • high resistance to thermal, chemical and mechanical influences;
    • the ability to create various structural configurations by welding and mechanical connections;
    • Possibility of use in stressed structures made of reinforced concrete.

    There is currently a fairly large selection of grade steel on the construction raw materials market. Recently, there has been a gradual transition, using the example of Europe, to products made from A500C steel instead of the previously popular A400.

    This fact, quite logically, is explained by the fact that while fully maintaining the quality characteristics of rolled products, its production cost is reduced by up to 10% due to savings in raw materials during construction operations.

    For construction calculations, this amount of expenses is simply colossal.

    A special feature of the production of rolled products from this steel grade is the absence of oxidation and, as a consequence, the absence of rust. At the same time, mechanical, chemical and thermal qualities remain at a very high level.

    Replacement of steel grade A400 by grade A500C in rolled products makes it possible to reduce its concentration during concreting and, as a consequence, the consumption of A12 reinforcement. The technical characteristics of the steel used do not allow the welds of the finished structure to collapse.

    All this leads to increased strength of floors, columns and walls of buildings.

    Weight per linear meter of reinforcement 12

    For construction work, it is customary to calculate the amount of reinforcement in linear meters, but it is sold mainly by weight.

    It turns out that in order to buy the required amount of rolled metal and know exactly its cost, it is necessary to convert the calculated need in meters into weight units, that is, kilograms, tons, etc.

    To do this, you can use the table presented . An alternative to the tabular data presented is to independently calculate the data based on the diameter size.

    Diameter, mm Diameter, m Weight of 1 meter, kg Quantity m in 1t
    6 0.06 222 4504.5
    8 0.08 395 2531.65
    10 0.1 617 1620.75
    12 0.12 888 1126.13
    14 0.14 1210 826.45
    16 0.16 1580 632.91
    18 0.18 2000 500
    20 0.2 2470 404.86
    22 0.22 2980 335.57
    25 0.25 3850 259.74
    28 0.28 4830 207.04
    32 0.32 6310 158.48
    36 0.36 7990 125.16
    40 0.4 9870 101.32

    The weight of one meter of reinforced steel is shown in the table as the ratio of the diameter to its weight . Having information about the weight of reinforcing steel, it is possible to determine the coefficient of reinforcement of the structure (the ratio of the weight of rolled metal to the volume of concrete).

    In order to calculate the need for reinforcement, you will need data on how many linear meters one ton of rolled metal contains. The number of meters in a ton is a value that depends on several factors. From the presented table it is clearly seen that the footage largely depends on the class of reinforcement.

    How many meters are there in a ton of reinforcement 12?

    In accordance with building regulations, the amount of reinforcement in a strip foundation as a percentage of the reinforced concrete element in the cross-section must be at least 0.1%. In an example it looks like this.

    If the cross-sectional area of ​​the strip foundation is 100*240=2400 square cm, then the estimated number of rolled rods for longitudinal reinforcement is found by multiplying the resulting volume of the foundation by 0.001, that is, 2400*0.001=2.4 square cm.

    Next, you should resort to the reference data in the table from the manual on the reinforcement of reinforced concrete elements of monolithic buildings. Since we are interested in reinforcement with a diameter of 12, it is obvious that only 2 reinforced rods are needed for the calculated volume of the foundation. The calculation of the consumption of reinforced steel for a slab foundation is similar.


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