How to Tin Heavy Wire

Soldering wires with a soldering iron: how to do it right

One of the most reliable methods of connecting wires is soldering. This is a process in which the space between two conductors is filled with molten solder. In this case, the melting temperature of the solder must be lower than the melting temperature of the metals being joined. At home, soldering is most often used with a soldering iron - a small device powered by electricity. For normal operation, the power of the soldering iron must be at least 80-100 W.  

What you need for soldering with a soldering iron

In addition to the soldering iron itself, you will need solders, rosin or fluxes; it is advisable to have a stand. While working, you may need a small file and small pliers.

Most often you have to solder copper wires, for example, on headphones, when repairing household appliances, etc.

Rosin and fluxes

To get a good connection between the wires, it is necessary to clean them of contaminants, including oxide film. While mono-cores can still be cleaned manually, multi-core conductors cannot be cleaned properly. They are usually treated with rosin or flux - active substances that dissolve contaminants, including oxide film.

Both rosin and fluxes work well, but fluxes are easier to use - you can dip a brush into the solution and quickly process the wires. You need to put a conductor in rosin, then heat it with a soldering iron so that the molten substance envelops the entire surface of the metal. The disadvantage of using fluxes is that if they remain on the wires (and they do), they gradually corrode the adjacent sheath. To prevent this from happening, all soldering areas must be treated - the remaining flux must be washed off with alcohol.

Solders and fluxes for soldering copper wires with a soldering iron

Rosin is considered a universal remedy, and fluxes can be selected depending on the metal you are going to solder. In the case of wires, this is copper or aluminum. For copper and aluminum wires, use LTI-120 flux or borax.

A homemade flux made from rosin and denatured alcohol (1 to 5) works very well, and it’s also easy to make with your own hands. Add rosin to the alcohol (preferably dust or very small pieces of it) and shake until dissolved.

Then this composition can be used to treat conductors and strands before soldering.

Solders for soldering copper wires with a soldering iron use POS 60, POS 50 or POS 40 - tin-lead. For aluminum, zinc-based compounds are more suitable. The most common are TsO-12 and P250A (made of tin and zinc), grade A (zinc and tin with the addition of copper), TsA-15 (zinc with aluminum).

Convenient to use solder with rosin

It is very convenient to use solders that contain rosin (POS 61). In this case, there is no need to pre-treat each conductor in rosin separately. But for high-quality soldering, you must have a powerful soldering iron - 80-100 W, which can quickly heat the soldering area to the required temperatures.

Auxiliary materials

In order to properly solder wires with a soldering iron, you also need:

  • Stand. It may be completely made of metal or have metal holders for a soldering iron attached to a wooden/plastic stand. It is also convenient if you have a small metal box for rosin. Soldering with a soldering iron is more convenient with a homemade or factory-made stand - not very important
  • File. Before work, sharpen the tip of the soldering iron. It should be smooth and clean without traces of soot. Then it is easy to solder. This is how you need to sharpen the soldering iron tip
  • Pliers. It is difficult to hold the wires with your fingers while soldering - copper and aluminum have high thermal conductivity, which leads to rapid heating of nearby areas. Therefore, it is more convenient to solder wires with a soldering iron if you hold them with pliers. The only thing is that the tool should be miniature, with thin handles and jaws. In principle, you can use tweezers, but it is advisable to put a heat-shrink tube on the top of it (where you hold it with your fingers) - the steel also heats up quickly. Pliers - to hold the wires

Alcohol may be required to wash off the flux, and electrical tape or heat-shrinkable tubes of various diameters for insulation. These are all the materials and tools without which soldering wires with a soldering iron is impossible.

The entire technology of soldering wires with a soldering iron can be divided into several successive stages. All of them are repeated in a certain sequence:

  • Training of conductors. When soldering wires, they are freed from insulation. After this, the oxide film is removed from them mechanically. You can use a small piece of fine-grit sandpaper. The metal should shine and be light.
  • Tinning. Heat the soldering iron to the melting temperature of the rosin (it begins to actively melt when touched). Take a conductor, bring it to a piece of rosin, heat it with a soldering iron so that the entire stripped part of the wire is immersed in rosin. Then take a drop of solder onto the soldering iron tip and spread it over the treated part of the conductor. The solder spreads quickly, covering the wire with a thin layer. To make it distributed faster and more evenly, the wire is turned slightly. After tinning, copper conductors lose their redness and become silvery. This is how all wires that need to be soldered are processed. Tinning the wires
  •  The tinned conductors are folded together, straightening them with your fingers so that they fit snugly against each other. If the soldering needs to be long, you can twist it. Holding the conductors, take solder onto the tip, press it to the soldering site, applying some force. At the same time, the soldering area heats up, the rosin begins to boil, and the solder spreads. When it covers the entire area and flows between the conductors, we can consider that soldering the conductors with a soldering iron is completed. They are held motionless for some time - until the solder cools down (to speed up the process, they blow on this place).

That's all. In the same way, you can solder two or more wires, you can solder a wire to some contact pad (for example, when soldering headphones, you can solder the wire to a plug or to a pad on a headphone), etc.

After you have finished soldering the wires with a soldering iron and they have cooled down, the connection must be insulated. You can wrap electrical tape, put it on, and then heat up the heat shrink tube. When it comes to electrical wiring, it is usually recommended to first screw on a few turns of electrical tape, and then put a heat-shrinkable tube on top, which is heated.

Differences in technology when using flux

If active flux is used rather than rosin, the tinning process changes. The cleaned conductor is lubricated with the compound, and then heated with a soldering iron with a small amount of solder. Further everything is as described.

Soldering twists with flux - faster and easier

There are also differences when soldering twists with flux. In this case, you can not tin each wire, but twist it, then treat it with flux and immediately start soldering. The conductors don’t even need to be cleaned—the active compounds corrode the oxide film. But instead, you will have to wipe the soldering areas with alcohol to wash away the remnants of chemically aggressive substances.

Features of soldering stranded wires

The soldering technology described above is suitable for monocores. If the wire is multi-core, there are nuances: before tinning, the wires are untwisted so that everything can be dipped in rosin. When applying solder, you need to make sure that each wire is covered with a thin layer of solder. After cooling, the wires are twisted into one bundle again, then you can solder with a soldering iron as described above - dipping the tip into solder, heating the soldering area and applying tin.

When tinning, multi-core wires must be “fluffed”

Is it possible to solder copper wire to aluminum

Aluminum cannot be combined directly with other chemically active metals. Since copper is a chemically active material, copper and aluminum are not joined or soldered. The point is too different thermal conductivity and different current conductivity.

When current passes, aluminum heats up more and expands more. Copper heats up and expands much less.

Constant expansion/constriction to varying degrees leads to the fact that even the best contact is broken, a non-conducting film is formed, and everything stops working. That's why copper and aluminum are not soldered.

If there is such a need to connect copper and aluminum conductors, make a bolted connection. Take a bolt with a suitable nut and three washers. At the ends of the connected wires, rings are formed according to the size of the bolt. Take a bolt, put on one washer, then a conductor, another washer - the next conductor, a third washer on top and secure everything with a nut.

Aluminum and copper conductors cannot be soldered

There are several other ways to connect aluminum and copper lines, but soldering is not one of them. You can read about other methods here, but bolted is the simplest and most reliable.


Wire tinning: technology, purpose, tools, options and instructions

During repairs, modernization or installation of electrical wiring, special attention is paid to the quality of the connection of current-carrying conductors. Reliable soldered connections are the key to safe operation of electrical lines and household appliances. To secure the solder well, you must first tin the wires; the essence of the procedure is to coat the surface with tin.

Why Tinning Wires Is So Important

Tinning wires prevents oxidation

Before you tin the wire, you need to find out why this procedure is so necessary. Copper and aluminum, when interacting with oxygen, oxidize, forming an oxide film on their surface, which impairs conductivity and increases resistance. Tinning the wires avoids this. Wires are tinned with lead-tin solders; their advantage is a long service life, safety and reliability.

Tinning is also used during soldering, for example, when connecting LED strips to a power supply. If the wires of the lighting device are not tinned first, over time all the wires will fall off.

Tinning wires with a soldering iron

Tinning wires with a soldering iron

To get the job done efficiently, it is important to confidently use a soldering iron. If there are no established skills, you will not be able to tin and solder the wire.

There are different models of soldering irons, each with its own technical characteristics - power, dimensions, etc. It is recommended for a novice master to give preference to soldering stations where it is possible to regulate the heating temperature independently.

It is advisable to purchase an expensive device, since the process will take less time and the work will be done with joy.

Required Tools

Flux is selected depending on the wire material

Installation, modernization, repair and maintenance of wires is a troublesome task, but not difficult. To reduce the time spent, pre-prepare all the necessary tools and consumables for the job. The list looks like this:

  • consumables include solder and flux;
  • sharp knife;
  • soldering station or soldering iron;
  • technical or medical tweezers;
  • ordinary pliers.

You can use not a well-sharpened knife, but special pliers that allow you to remove the entire insulating layer with a few movements. But their cost is quite high, so many people use a knife or scalpel.

In each case, a certain solder and flux composition for the cables is required, this must be taken into account.


To tin the wire, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Using a special tool, a knife or scalpel, remove the insulating layer from the wires that need to be connected.
  2. After removing the insulating material, clean the current-carrying conductors until a characteristic shine is formed. To do this, you can use a knife or sandpaper. If the work is to be done not with a cast core, but with a stranded wire, each wire is fluffed up and stripped separately.
  3. The soldering iron is plugged into the outlet and cleaned of all the contaminants that it likes to collect, especially old solder and dust. When cleaning the soldering iron wire, it is recommended to use light sandpaper.
  4. The tip of the wire needs to be heated. This can be done using a soldering iron, a gas torch or a regular lighter.
  5. When the soldering iron has warmed up to operating temperature, its core is touched to the solder and rosin. The working surface should be generously covered with melted tin.
  6. The next step is to touch the copper conductor with a hot soldering iron. The solder should be evenly distributed throughout the core. To apply solder, pliers and tweezers are used.
  7. At the end of the work, the cable or wire is carefully inspected. The working surface must be completely and evenly covered with solder. There should be no empty cavities or accumulations of substance. If shortcomings are found in the work, the procedure is repeated.

If you have to work with very thin wires, it is better not to use rosin, since it is very difficult to calculate the exact amount of the substance. Soldering acid is suitable as an analogue. You can treat the tip of the conductor with an ordinary brush. After this, you can begin applying solder. This method cannot be called more reliable, but with these types of wiring it is impossible to do otherwise.

Wire processing methods

Tinning with a wooden block

There are several methods of tinning. Some craftsmen prefer a method, the essence of which is to press the wires with a soldering iron to a flat wooden surface.

When heated, wood releases gases that act as flux, helping to remove oxides from the metal.

It is possible to remove the oxide film on the surface of conductive wires more efficiently using aspirin. During operation, the tablet is placed under the wires. When heated, acetylsalicylic acid releases gases that envelop the joint, displacing impurities that negatively affect the quality of the joint. This simple and inexpensive method provides high-quality tinning.

There is another way to prepare multi-core cables and wires in which the copper base is coated with enamel. It is preferable to use a small piece of PVC material as a substrate. When exposed to heat, polyvinyl chloride begins to actively release hydrogen chloride, which effectively destroys the oxide layer.

Tinning by dipping

If you have to work with wires and cables of large diameter, then it is advisable to carry out the preparation differently. In this case, complete and uniform distribution of solder is not easy to achieve.

There is a special device - a crucible, into which small pieces of tin are placed. There they heat up, resulting in molten metal. The end of the wire is first immersed in rosin or other types of flux, and then in the crucible container. This approach ensures complete and uniform distribution of substances at the cut site.

This method can only be used with fully tinned wires. Immersion is already on a completely different scale, and is carried out in industrial conditions. The process is implemented using a special coil with wound wire. First, the entire copper surface is manually processed with hard brushes; their bristles are first treated with liquid zinc chloride. Dissolved flux is obtained from a mixture of technical hydrochloric acid and zinc.

Next, the wire from the coil begins to slowly unwind and is dipped into a container filled with dissolved tin. The uniformity of the coating is ensured by secondary processing of the cable or large-diameter wire with rubber brushes. Finally, the cable is immersed in a container of cold water and brushed again. After this, the wires and cables are wound and packaged for further sale in hardware stores.


How to tin wires: step-by-step instructions - Site about


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It is not always possible to connect thin-section wires by twisting. Each connection is the most vulnerable point in the circuit, experiencing increased load. In order to get good contact, the insulation does not spark, the insulation does not burn, the wires must be carefully adjacent to each other. Soldering is indispensable.

Knowing how to use a soldering iron correctly is very important. The normal operation of the assembled electrical device will directly depend on this!

To understand how to solder wires correctly, we will first gain theoretical knowledge about the process: we will become familiar with the materials that need to be connected, the specifics of the work. Then, according to the instructions, we will practice.

Solder and flux. What are they needed for?

Soldering is the process of welding two parts together. Only instead of an electrode, solder is used - an alloy of lead and tin. Flux is used to wet the soldered surface and protect it from oxidation. This is usually rosin made from pine resin. In appearance and color it resembles a piece of amber.

Solder comes in the form of a wire or tube with flux inside. The first option is more popular. Flux is used in any case.

Depending on the connection methods and soldering of wires, the appropriate type of solder is selected. The darker it is, the more lead it contains; it is designed for a higher melting point.

Solder for certain purposes is selected according to its marking. Decoding the designation code is very simple: the letters indicate that the solder consists of tin and lead, the numbers indicate the percentage of elements

For household purposes, solder of the POS 60 brand is optimal, the melting point of which is about two hundred. Despite the low lead and high tin content, the connection will be quite strong.


In order to start soldering, you need to acquire the necessary tools. Here's what we need:

  • Rosin, acid, flux;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • Tin-lead solder – POS 60;
  • Pliers;
  • Tweezers;
  • Nippers, side cutters;
  • Hammer;
  • File, sandpaper;
  • Medium power soldering iron (40 – 60 Watt)

Pre-clean the surface to be soldered. We use sandpaper and a file. We sharpen the soldering iron tip - two edges when it is new. We remove old solder if it was previously used. To do this, clean it with a file and wipe it with a sponge.

Plug in the soldering iron

The heating element is a nichrome wire wound around a tube, hidden under a casing. There is a sting at the end of the tube. Nichrome, heating up under the influence of the current passing through it, heats up the sharpened working edges.

To check the readiness of the soldering iron, touch it to a piece of rosin. If there is a small stream of smoke, you can start working. Thick smoke will pour out - the soldering iron has overheated. You'll have to cool it down a bit. Disconnect from the network.

  • It is best to use a thermostat so as not to constantly pull the plug back and forth from the socket.

Wire soldering process

Looking at the numerous photos showing how to solder correctly, you might think that this is a terribly complicated process. There is a certain amount of truth in this. You need skills that you can’t do without. In particular, the ability to use pliers, tweezers, flux, solder, and monitor the condition of the soldering iron.

You will have to learn a lot to do everything efficiently. Soldering printed circuit boards is truly a delicate job, and you can’t do it without a lot of preliminary training.

You can start with a simple connection of wires. Then move on to more complex, responsible designs.

To learn how to solder with rosin and tin and, most importantly, to understand how it’s done, let’s practice a little:

  • Let's take a stranded copper wire;
  • Cut it into 12 pieces 40 mm long;
  • Clean the ends by 5 mm on all sides;
  • We take one wire with pliers and begin to tin its ends. First, we bring the soldering iron tip to it and heat it up. Then cover with a thin layer of rosin. Apply solder evenly on top.
  • When we have tinned 12 wires with a soldering iron, we begin to solder them. The strength of our structure will depend on how well this is done.
  • We put the ends of the wires on top of each other, heat them up, apply flux and solder.
  • We are waiting for the joints to cool down. We don’t blow, we don’t cool with slobbering fingers.
  • As a result, we should get an equilateral cube.
  • We place it in the palm of our hand and squeeze it. If the soldering was of high quality, the wires will not move away from each other. If not, then it would be nice to practice some more!
  1. Now you can find various master classes with photos and video illustrations on how to solder correctly step by step and do it efficiently.

There is practically nothing complicated in this matter. It is important to monitor the condition of the soldering iron so that it does not overheat or cool too much.

A well-heated surface absorbs solder well. Therefore, it is important to get used to working with solder and flux at the optimal hot tip temperature.

The instinct when it is time to solder comes with time after numerous trainings. Naturally, at first everything will look and turn out sloppy. After numerous trials and errors, you will develop your own style of work, and the soldering itself will look better and better.

Photo instructions on how to solder correctly


A quick way to solder large diameter conductors

I will show you an easy and quick way to solder two different conductors using the example of a copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm, a copper plate, or an ordinary metal nail. The problem with soldering such conductors is the difficulty of uniformly heating the contact point.

It is almost impossible to ensure high-quality soldering using a household soldering iron, so we will not use this tool. The method is based on the use of a simple burner made from cheap materials that can be purchased in regular stores.

To make a compact burner we will need:

  1. Cheap lighter with flint and wheel.
  2. Plastic gel pen refill.
  3. Syringe needle.
  4. Hot glue gun.
  5. Super glue.
  6. Baking soda, used in baking.

Preparing to assemble the burner

Disassemble the gel pen, remove the refill, remove the metal writing element from it and get rid of the ink.
You should have a clean plastic tube in your hands. You can replace it with any plastic tube of the same diameter. For convenience, I recommend bending the plastic tube at a right angle.

Bring it to the flame of a lighter for a few seconds and gently bend it in the middle.
Take a lighter. Using pliers, remove the metal guard, remove the wheel, silicon and feed spring. Be careful not to damage the plastic gas lever.

We will need it to control the burner fire.

Gas burner assembly

Take a regular syringe needle. Do not throw away the cap, as it will be useful when storing the burner. Using a hot glue gun, connect one end of the plastic tube to the needle. Check the reliability and tightness of the fastening.

To connect the opposite end of the tube and the lighter you will need baking soda and superglue.

The tube must be secured to a plastic lever, which opens the gas supply valve. The tube must be fixed in such a way that the lever can move freely within the limits specified by the manufacturer to start and stop the gas supply. Gently sprinkle the mounting area with baking soda and apply superglue on top.

Check the operation of the compact gas burner by pressing the gas supply valve and applying a spark to the sharp end of the needle.
The quick soldering tool is ready.

Examples of soldering two conductors

For high-quality soldering of the twisted copper cables, we will use solder, rosin with alcohol and a manufactured torch.

Quick soldering process:

  1. The twisting area must be cleaned and treated with a solution of rosin and alcohol.
  2. We screw a piece of solder, made in the form of a thin wire, onto the joint.
  3. We light a compact burner and bring the flame to the junction of the conductors.
  4. We wait for uniform heating of the material and complete melting of the solder.
  5. Let's wait until the solder cools down. To remove traces of soot, wipe the soldering area with a rag moistened with alcohol.
  6. Check the connection quality.

Combining copper plate with copper wire

We proceed in the same way. We fix the conductors in a position convenient for soldering. We treat the joint with a solution of rosin and alcohol. Place a small piece of solder as close to the copper wire as possible. We take a torch and heat the contact area until the solder completely melts. If necessary, add the required amount of fixing material.

Soldering of different metals

Let's try the method using a metal nail and a piece of copper wire as an example. We wrap the stripped copper cable around a metal nail. Treat with rosin and alcohol. We wind solder between the turns of copper wire. We bring the flame of the burner to the joint and heat the material until the solder completely melts. To remove traces of burning, use a rag soaked in alcohol.

Watch the video


How to tin wires correctly? — Metals, equipment, instructions

When installing or repairing electrical wiring, it is important to make the soldered connection correctly. Operational safety, reliability, and durability of the power supply depend on this.

To secure the solder well, you must first tin the wires, that is, cover them with tin solder. The applied layer will remove oxide impurities formed on copper or aluminum alloys and improve the adhesion of consumables.

There are different tinning methods. The choice is made taking into account the composition of the metal, the nature of the cross-section, the purpose of the wiring and its operating conditions.

Soldering with a soldering iron

Confident use of a soldering iron is necessary for every novice craftsman. Without established working skills, it will not be possible to tin a wire and then carry out soldering.

Everyone can choose the soldering iron dimensions and modification independently. Soldering stations and soldering irons with the ability to regulate the heating temperature are easy to use.

It makes sense to spend money on purchasing quality tools and equipment. Then your work will be enjoyable for many years.

Required Tools

Working with wires is not difficult if you are well prepared for it. It is advisable to do everything in advance so that later at the most inopportune moment you don’t have to fuss. The list of tools that allow you to tin wires or cables is as follows:

  • well sharpened knife;
  • medical or technical tweezers;
  • regular pliers;
  • soldering iron or soldering station;
  • consumables (flux, solder).

Instead of a knife, special pliers are now sold that allow you to rip off the insulation in one motion. But they are not that cheap, so many people make do with a knife or scalpel.

All the tools and devices are simple, but very useful. Consumables mean a certain flux composition and solder suitable for a given type of wire.

Correct procedure

Wires should be tinned using a soldering iron in accordance with an algorithm verified by many years of practice. At the very beginning of work, you need to carefully remove the outer insulating layer of the wires with a knife or pliers. It is advisable to remove at least 10 mm and maximum 50 mm from the polymer coating from each connected end.

After this, use the same knife to clean the surface to a shiny state. This will eliminate the presence of remnants of the insulating sheath and remove oxide deposits from the wires.

Thick wire is easier to hold and clean. If the cable includes several thin wires, it is advisable to fray them, separate them, strip them on all sides, and then twist them again.

Then you can heat up the soldering iron, first checking the cleanliness of the tip. The surface will only be well tinned with a completely clean soldering iron tip.

Using a heated soldering iron, you should heat the prepared, thoroughly stripped ends of the wires, dipping them in rosin. The rosin needs to coat the wire well.

Use the soldering iron tip to take the solder and evenly distribute the mixture along the cut of the wires, which are fixed with tweezers or ordinary pliers. To ensure complete application of the mass of molten consumables, the wires should be rotated around their own axis.

Copper wire can be treated not only with rosin, but also with acidic flux. Some people prefer to use ready-made soldering acid, which is always commercially available. A special flux is provided for tinning aluminum wires.

If all previous operations were performed correctly, the molten solder material will well cover the contact area of ​​the wires. You need to carefully inspect the entire working area to make sure that the tinning was successful.

Wire processing options

Some craftsmen like the tinning method, in which the wires are pressed onto a piece of wood with a soldering iron.

This is a completely acceptable technology. The gases released when a wooden substrate is heated act to some extent as a flux, helping to remove oxides from the metal.

Aspirin melt removes oxidation products even better. The tablet can be placed under the wires when tinning. The gases released from heated acetylsalicylic acid well envelop the joint, removing all impurities from them. As a result, the wires will be successfully tinned.

There is a unique method for preparing multi-core wiring, in which a thin copper base is coated with enamel. In this case, craftsmen recommend using a piece of PVC material as a substrate.

As the temperature rises, polyvinyl chloride begins to release hydrogen chloride vapors, which, like hydrochloric acid, quickly destroy the oxide layer. As many video tutorials show, the PVC backing may not be very large, corresponding to the size of the tinning working area.

How to service earphone contacts

Microphones, iPhone headphones and any other acoustic gadget are constantly exposed to mechanical stress. As a result, the wiring breaks.

It will not be possible to prepare them for soldering using conventional methods. The varnish on top will interfere. Before tinning, it is either scraped off with a sharp scalpel or burned. You can also tin the rosin with a very hot soldering iron, which will remove the varnish.

A thin strand of wire is placed in rosin and heated with a soldering iron. Then, using a soldering iron, a thin layer of molten tin is distributed at the site of future contact. After this, the connection is made quickly. It will serve for a long time and reliably.


Fast tinning of wires

When installing or repairing electrical wiring, it is important to make the soldered connection correctly. Operational safety, reliability, and durability of the power supply depend on this.

To secure the solder well, you must first tin the wires, that is, cover them with tin solder. The applied layer will remove oxide impurities formed on copper or aluminum alloys and improve the adhesion of consumables.

There are different tinning methods. The choice is made taking into account the composition of the metal, the nature of the cross-section, the purpose of the wiring and its operating conditions.

Tinning wires: necessary materials and sequence of actions

There are various ways to connect individual electrical conductors. The quality of the contact obtained determines the reliability, safety and uninterrupted operation of the entire electrical circuit. To achieve these indicators, it is necessary to tinning the wires.

Modern conductors are made of non-ferrous alloys coated with an insulating layer, which is accompanied by increased resistance to corrosion. When connecting them, it is necessary to strip off part of the insulation. This leads to the formation of contact with the air and, over time, to oxidation of the conductor surface.

Tinning the wire prevents oxidation of the conductive material

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Note! If there is a weak contact, increased heating will be observed at the junction of the wires. At best, it will end in a break in the electrical circuit, at worst, in a fire.

To eliminate these problems, stripped sections of wires should be tinned. Maintenance will remove oxide impurities from the exposed cable cores and increase the adhesion between the connected elements.

List of materials and tools required for tinning wires

It is possible to properly irinate the connected cable cores only after preliminary preparation. It consists of collecting the required material and tools. To carry out tinning you will need:

  1. Insulation coating removal device - used to remove polymer, varnish or fabric insulation. In this case, the core is not subject to mechanical damage. Such a tool is quite expensive. If you don't have one, you can use a utility knife or scalpel.
  2. A means for holding conductors - the tinning process is accompanied by heating the cable cores and various solders to high temperatures. Therefore, you will need to prepare pliers, tweezers, wire cutters or a similar tool.
  3. Solders and fluxes are materials used directly for tinning conductors. Initially, the electrical wire is treated with flux to clean the surface. Then a layer of solder is applied. There are various types of these materials, which are selected for a specific conductor alloy.
  4. Device for heating solder - selected based on the required type of soldering. For local tinning of small cross-section cable cores, soldering irons or soldering stations are used. To tin wires with thick cores, a crucible or oven is used. Their design provides for a special bath, which is filled with a tinning mixture.

Set of tools for tinning wires

The correct sequence of actions when tinning conductors

Let's look at the process of tinning conductors using a soldering iron as an example, since this method is the most common. The following is a step-by-step procedure:

  1. The insulation layer ranging from 10 to 50 mm is carefully removed so as not to directly damage the cable cores.
  2. If there is a varnish coating on the surface of the conductor, it is removed. This can be done using a knife, sandpaper or special chemicals.
  3. The soldering iron tip is cleaned from residual solder and other components.
  4. The soldering iron is connected to the electrical network and heated to operating temperature. If you have difficulties determining it, you should try to touch the solder with the tip of the device. It should melt instantly.
  5. At this stage, the conductive wires are treated with flux, in our case rosin. Using a soldering iron, you need to heat the stripped ends of the conductor and lower them into a jar of flux. After this, wait until the rosin melts and turn the core completely under the soldering iron tip. The technology for using other types of fluxes may vary;
  6. Now all that remains is to tin the conductor with solder (tin). To begin with, the solder is heated and applied to the soldering iron tip. After this, the tin is brought to the tip of the conductor and spreads evenly over the entire surface. If you follow the correct technology for processing the cores with flux, the tin will independently cover the required area. It will be enough to simply turn the end of the conductor at the soldering iron tip.
  7. The resulting layer of solder is carefully inspected for the absence of chips, voids and bulges. The tin should lie evenly on the stripped edge of the conductor and have a smooth surface with a light tint.

Subtleties of tinning wires

Tinning wires consists of many nuances that become accessible with experience. Below are some tips from the professionals on how to make the maintenance process easier and better:

  1. To tin a long length of wire, it is more advisable to use a crucible or oven.
  2. When soldering factory parts, no maintenance is required. All contact parts have already been cleaned of impurities.
  3. It is much easier to remove the varnish layer from small cross-section conductors using a lighter. It is enough to burn the contact part and remove the resulting carbon deposits.
  4. When working with solder, it is recommended to use the flat part of the soldering iron tip.
  5. Old soldering irons heat up to high temperatures over time. This causes the solder to roll off the tip during the soldering process. To eliminate this problem, you should connect the device to the electrical network immediately before performing maintenance.

Using the flat part of a soldering iron tip to tin braid

Options for servicing wire without rosin

Let's figure out what to do if you don't have rosin on hand, and the work needs to be done as soon as possible. Below are the most current solutions to the current situation.

Amber, animal fat and resin

This option is suitable for processing multi-core cables with a thin cross-section (power supply conductors for headphones, power supplies). To prepare the flux, you will need to melt the three indicated components at the same time, stirring constantly. This is necessary to obtain a uniform consistency. The disadvantage of this method is the formation of an unpleasant odor from the prepared solution.

Using amber to replace rosin

Batteries and aspirin

To service copper alloy conductors, you can use the following available tools:

You will need to drain the electrolyte from the used battery device and use it.

Draining electrolyte from an old battery

When using aspirin, it is recommended to use the classic form of the drug. The tablets are ground to a powder and dissolved in water or alcohol-containing liquid. Respiratory protection measures will need to be taken. You can use a cotton-gauze bandage or use a hood. Both options are accompanied by the release of harmful gases.

Tinning wires using an aspirin tablet

Universal acids

This method involves the use of alkaline agents. The conductor and solder are thoroughly cleaned first. Processing is carried out with stearin, the most affordable option is a candle. It must be melted and evenly applied to the surface to be treated.

Boric acid can be used to replace flux

Unusual options

You can also tin the wire without rosin using an extravagant method, using a substance for rubbing bows. It must be dissolved in pure alcohol, and then the prepared core must be processed. Over time, the alcohol will completely dry out, and the cable will receive the required tinning.

Rosin for bows Thomastik Euphon

You can tinning the wires yourself, following a certain procedure. It is necessary to select the correct solders for a specific alloy of the conductor.

Tinning wires: necessary materials and sequence of actions

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Correct connection of electrical wires: do-it-yourself soldering

There is wiring in every house. And the correct connection of wires is part of the safety of the electrical network and its trouble-free operation.

Installation of electrical wiring in an apartment or cottage involves connecting the wires of distribution boxes and switchboards. The safety of the electrical network and its trouble-free operation depend on how correctly and efficiently all connections are made.

Correct connection of electrical wires

Methods for connecting electrical wires

Electricians use the following methods for connecting wires:

  • twisted;
  • soldering;
  • using terminal blocks;
  • crimping;
  • with bolts;
  • plastic PPE;
  • “Wago” – spring terminals;
  • "nuts" made of plastic.

The choice depends:

  • from the material of the wire (cable) cores;
  • on the operating conditions of the electrical network (external or internal wiring, hidden or laid openly);
  • from the cross-section of the connected conductors;
  • on the number of cores in one connection.

The connection of the distribution box wires must be made in such a way as to ensure reliable contact and avoid heating the wires. Here is an overview of the above methods for connecting current-carrying conductors.

Features of using terminal blocks to connect electrical wires

The terminal block consists of a plastic housing, a brass or copper bushing with threads and screws located on both sides.

This device allows you to:

  • save on electrical equipment: the terminal block is cheaper than other connectors;
  • connect the wires securely;
  • connect cores of dissimilar metals (copper with aluminum);
  • reduce installation time.

Disadvantages of terminal connectors:

  • unsuitability for connecting more than two conductors;
  • difficulties when connecting aluminum conductors: if the screw is over-tightened, the metal may break;
  • unsuitable for use with multi-core wires.

The connection of electrical wires in the terminal block is carried out as follows.

The outer insulation is partially removed from the cables and the cores are exposed. The length of the bare conductor depends on the size of the terminal.

The length of the wire section without insulation is checked, for which you need to unscrew the terminal screw and insert the core completely into the hole. The excess is cut off with side cutters.

To improve contact, the copper wire is tinned. The connected cores are inserted into the terminals one by one and clamped with screws in several stages.

The reliability of the connection is checked.

Tip: in order to remove the insulation without damaging the core, it is recommended to use a special tool. If this is not available, only the surface layer of insulation is cut in a circle with a sharp knife, after which the wire should be bent along the cut line. After breaking, the insulation is removed with a light movement of pliers.

We use spring terminals to connect electrical wires

The connection of conductors with spring terminals is carried out using springs that press the contact plate to the metal of the core. The mechanism is driven by a special lever.

Wago type terminal connector

The Wago technology has a number of advantages over other installation methods:

  • allows you to connect aluminum wires with copper;
  • can be used to connect more than two wires;
  • allow you to switch wires in small junction boxes;
  • installation is carried out efficiently and in the shortest possible time;
  • conductor cores are not damaged;
  • After installation, it is possible to check the continuity of the circuit using a device probe or indicator through a hole in the housing.

In order to connect the wires using Wago terminals, it is necessary to remove the insulation so that the exposed wires are not visible, then insert the wires into the connector sockets and press the levers until they stop.

Note: Wago spring terminals are available in reusable and disposable versions. The latter, if it is necessary to repair the connection, are cut off, after which new connectors are installed.

Connecting conductors using PPE caps

The PPE cap is screwed onto the connection clockwise

The abbreviation PPE means “connecting insulating clamps”. The connector is designed as a spring located in a plastic housing. The spring securely holds the wires together, which creates reliable contact. Advantages of this method:

  • the ability to mark wires using colored caps: the “phase” conductors connect red PPE, “zero” – blue or white, “ground” – yellow or green;
  • fire protection: connector bodies are made of non-flammable plastic.

Important: connecting copper and aluminum wires using PPE is not allowed.

Crimping with sleeves

Connecting conductor cores with sleeves

The method consists of putting a metal tube (sleeve) on the cores freed from insulation, which is crimped with press pliers. As a result, the conductors are tightly connected to each other. The connection point is isolated.

Important: connections of aluminum and copper conductors may only be made using sleeves specially designed for this purpose.

Welding or soldering technology allows you to obtain a reliable connection of wires

The disadvantage of this method is the inability to monitor the integrity of the network after installation and isolation, as well as the non-repairability of such a connection. Additionally, a DIY soldering torch is dangerous to use.

An alternative to soldering wires is to weld them. The process involves the use of a welding machine.

Wire welding technology

When connecting copper wires this way, it is recommended that you try out a DIY copper wire soldering transformer before you begin. It is important to know that copper is smelted at a temperature of 1080 °C, but above 300 °C this metal becomes brittle.

In the absence of a special soldering device, use a conventional inverter welding machine. The step-by-step process of welding wires is as follows.

Up to 10 cm of insulation is removed from the ends of the wires.
The cores of the connected wires are tightly twisted together. The result should be twists approximately 5 cm long.

The ground cable of the inverter apparatus is connected to the twist closer to its beginning.
The current adjustment knob is set in the position from 30 to 90 A (at a voltage of 12 - 36 V): the value is selected depending on the cross-section of the wire and their number.

The carbon electrode of the welding machine briefly (no more than 2 s) touches the twist so that an arc is formed. As a result, a welded monolithic joint is formed at the tip of the twist. After complete cooling, the connection is insulated with heat shrink tubing or adhesive tape.

At the ends of the cores connected by welding, a monolithic alloy is formed

Connecting electrical wires by soldering

Soldering copper wires is an old, proven method that allows you to obtain a reliable electrical connection. The technology allows the installation of monolithic and stranded wires of various sections. There can be several conductors in one connection.

The work is performed using the following technology.

The insulation is removed from the ends of the connected conductors using a special device (approximately 5 cm).
The strands are tightly twisted together manually or using pliers (depending on the number of strands and their sections).

The twist is treated with flux or rosin.
This is necessary to improve the quality of soldering. On an open fire (using a gas burner or a gasoline blowtorch), a cup soldering iron (futorka) is heated red-hot. The cup of the futor is filled to the brim with tin-lead solder grade POS 30, POS 40 or POS 61.

The solder is heated to the point of fluidity.
The twist is briefly (up to 1 second) completely dipped into the futor cup, as a result of which the solder should completely cover the exposed wires.

After natural cooling, the twist is insulated with PVC adhesive tape or a plastic cap.
Important: soldering of wires should be done with safety glasses and tarpaulin gloves. During work, fire safety rules must be observed.

Soldering copper wires is performed as shown in the video.

Connecting wires with simple twisting

Wire connection diagrams in a distribution box for low-power electrical networks can be implemented by simple twisting without the use of additional fixing means. In this case, it is important that the twisting step is as small as possible, and its length is at least 20 mm. Only cores made of homogeneous metals are connected in this way: copper - with copper, aluminum - with aluminum.

It is not allowed to use this installation method in damp rooms and in wooden houses.

After twisting, the wire connection should look as shown in the photo

Walnut clamp

For connecting wires with a cross-section of 4 square meters. mm and it is more convenient to use a “walnut” clamp. It consists of a pair of specially shaped plates that are pressed together with screws at the corners. Advantages of the method:

  • ease of connection;
  • the ability to connect copper conductors with aluminum ones;
  • comparative cheapness of materials.

Important: the “walnut” clamp is not used in distribution boxes (dimensions do not allow). To ensure reliable contact, the screws must be tightened from time to time.

Using a bolted connection to connect electrical wires
To connect large cross-section wires, as well as to install grounding elements in an electrical panel, a bolted connection is used. The ends of the wires, freed from insulation, are screwed onto the bolt threads in a clockwise direction. The connection is pressed with a washer with an engraver and a nut, after which the bolt is isolated.

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the training video (master class with expert comments).


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If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project here.


Wire tinning technology

» Electrical wiring » Wires and cables » Wire tinning technology

We have already looked at how to connect wires at home, but if you want to make high-quality electrical wiring in the house, then you simply cannot do without tinning copper wires and cables. Therefore, we decided to tell you in more detail how to tin wires, why to do it and how to work with a soldering iron correctly. We will also provide detailed instructions that will allow you to do everything correctly and quickly.

Why tin the wires?

Many people do not quite understand why all this needs to be done at all. But the fact is that in air, copper begins the oxidation process, which accordingly leads to a deterioration in the contact between the wires. If this contact is too weak, it begins to overheat, and the wiring may catch fire. To avoid this, it is necessary to tin all the stripped cores, especially since doing all this is not at all difficult.

You can also use tinning when connecting LED strips by soldering. In this case, it will become more reliable, over time the contacts will not fall off and will delight you with beautiful light in the room for a long time.

How to tin wires: step-by-step instructions

So that you can tin the wires correctly, we decided to tell you detailed instructions in pictures. If you read everything carefully, you shouldn't have any problems.

Preparing tools

Before you start tinning, you should gather the following tools:

  • A sharp knife, preferably a stationery knife.
  • Pliers or tweezers.
  • Solder, flux or rosin. The easiest way to work is with rosin.
  • Soldering iron.

How to tin your own wires:

  1. You need to remove the insulation from the conductor; you can use an insulation stripping tool; if you don’t have one, use a regular knife.
  2. After removing the insulation, you need to strip the wires to a metallic shine. If you have a stranded wire, then you need to fluff up all the conductors and strip them. It is best to strip each core separately - it is more convenient.
  3. We turn on the soldering iron and clean it of dust and old solder, which it likes to collect. Use small sandpaper when cleaning it.
  4. Heat the tip of the wire (just run it with a hot soldering iron).
  5. Touch the soldering iron to the rosin and solder. The working surface must be covered with tin.
  6. Next, take a soldering iron and touch the copper conductor. All solder should be applied evenly to the core. To improve this process, you need to use tweezers or pliers to tin the tip of the wire from all sides, at this time you need to scroll it, this will significantly save time.
  7. Take a close look at your wire or cable. The working surface should be completely covered with solder. If you see that there are places without solder and the conductor is just visible, then start tinning again.

Note! You cannot tin the headphone wires this way. They have special features, because all conductors are enameled. Initially, you need to remove all the enamel, and then use a thin soldering iron and tinning the headphones.

If the wires are very thin, then it is better not to use rosin at all, because it is difficult to guess with its quantity. In this case, it is optimal to use soldering acid. You need to use it to treat the tip of the conductor with a regular brush. Next, use a soldering iron to apply solder. This method cannot be called more reliable, but with thin conductors it will not work any other way.

How to tinning: video

We have also collected several interesting videos that will help you tinning your wires correctly.

How to tin wires at home:

How to repair headphone wires by tinning:

We make tinning on a large cross-section wire:

We also recommend reading: ASB cable: technical specifications and detailed review.


The concept of tinning is: 4 practical applications

When tinning, you should follow safety rules. You have probably noticed that when two conductors are connected to each other, they begin to heat up during long-term operation. This is especially noticeable when the power of the passing current increases. This phenomenon occurs when an oxide film forms between the conductors, which breaks contact. Insufficient contact between the wires leads to their heating. To ensure long and reliable contact, the process of tinning the wires is used.


Tinning means covering metal products with a thin layer of tin, which in turn prevents the process of oxidation of metal surfaces. But if we take into account the tinning of the soldering iron, then the process is slightly different.

Tinning the soldering iron step by step:

  • Surface preparation;
  • Tinning.

Before tinning the soldering iron, you need to prepare the working surface. First of all, if the soldering iron is completely new, you need to sharpen the tip of the device. In order to do this correctly, you should take into account the processes in which the soldering iron will be used.

You can tin the soldering iron on a wooden surface

The soldering iron tip can be shaped into a wedge. To do this, the tip is removed from the device, and using a file or a power machine, the tip is sharpened on both sides at an angle of up to 400. If the soldering iron is used to work with small radio components, then it is given a cone shape, which provides more convenient operation.

Note! The width of the wedge tip must be at least one millimeter. If the tip is in the form of a cone, then the working area is about two millimeters.

If you are satisfied with the factory shape of the tip, then it is important to understand that all products at the manufacturing plant are covered with a patina - oxygen and copper oxide, which has a greenish tint. Before tinning the tip of the device, it is necessary to remove this coating using fine-grain sandpaper.

After this, the tip is installed in the device and connected to the power supply. It is necessary to wait until the surface of the tip is evenly heated, after which tinning can be carried out.

When heated to the optimal temperature, the tip of the device is treated with resin or a piece of rosin. The entire surface is covered.

Wire tinning: technology

Copper and its alloys oxidize over time when exposed to oxygen. To prevent the connections of copper conductors from oxidizing during operation, it is necessary to tin them with tin.

To work you will need:

  • Soldering iron;
  • Solder;
  • Flux or rosin.

Correctly tinning a copper wire can only be done with a well-heated soldering iron. Therefore, before starting work, turn it on and leave it to warm up.

Next, we clean the conductors from insulation. Depending on the purpose and method of application, the insulation is removed to the required length. If the conductor is stranded, it must be twisted.

After this, depending on the processing material, the following is performed. If the copper core is coated with rosin, then it is placed in a container with this material and heated with a soldering iron. If flux is used, the wire is coated with liquid flux and heated with a soldering iron.

Note! The better the heating of the metal, the better the tinning of the copper conductor.

Then, the required amount of tin is taken onto the heated soldering iron tip and, using this device, distributed over the entire surface of the treated wire.

Before tinning wires, you should first watch a video with a master class

In order to tin a large cross-section copper cable, a crucible (melting container) is used. In this case, pieces of metal are placed in a container heated to the melting temperature of tin. The cable core is treated with flux or rosin and placed in a crucible. In this way, normal heating of the core and uniform distribution of tin over its surface are achieved.

What you need and how to tin and solder headphone wires

Very often, under the influence of mechanical stress, headphones fail. This leads to breakage of low-current conductors. These conductors in the device are quite thin, so the tinning and soldering technology is slightly different.


  • Thin soldering iron tip;
  • Use of rosin;
  • Use of solder wire.

You should start working by disassembling the old device. First of all, broken conductors are soldered off. Next, preparations are made for soldering the new wire.

Since low-current conductors for headphones are varnished to isolate them from each other, this somewhat complicates the soldering process. To make the work easier, it is necessary to remove the varnish layer from the wires, thereby preparing the metal for tinning.

This is done using a heated soldering iron using rosin. The wire core is placed in rosin and heated. Then it is placed on a flat surface, on which the varnish layer is peeled off with light movements from the insulation to the end of the wire.

Note! The varnish should be removed to such a distance that touching the conductors will not short-circuit them.

After this, using a heated soldering iron, the wires are covered with a thin layer of tin. It is worth noting that tinned headphone wires not only provide reliable contact, but also the soldering process is greatly simplified.

Tinned copper: characteristics and applications

Due to its properties, copper wire has found wide application both on a domestic and industrial scale. The main feature of copper is its resistance to various mechanical stress, temperature changes and the influence of precipitation.

But to improve the stability of copper, a tinning process is used, in which it is coated with a thin layer of tin, the thickness of which varies from 1 to 20 microns.

Copper wire tinning process:

  • Cleaning;
  • Tinning;
  • Leveling the tin layer;
  • Cooling;
  • Re-levelling;
  • Package.

You can buy tinned copper at a hardware store.

First of all, the coil of wire is installed on a special feeding mechanism, through which it goes through all the necessary processes.

First, passing through special brushes that are moistened with a solution of zinc chloride, the wire is cleaned. A solution of zinc chloride is prepared by dissolving granulated zinc in hydrochloric acid.

After the wire has been cleaned, it passes through a bath filled with molten tin. This method allows you to achieve uniform distribution of tin over the entire surface of the metal.

Next, to give perfect uniformity to the coating, the wire passes through small rubber brushes. Thus, tin deposits on the surface of the wire are eliminated.

Note! The most important thing when tinning copper wire is to prevent tin deposits.

Then the wire is cooled. This happens when it passes through a bathtub filled with cold water. This process serves to improve the quality of the connection between tin and the copper surface of the wire.

After this, the wire undergoes secondary treatment with brushes, during which the wire is completely freed from sag and, if necessary, its diameter is reduced.

At the receiving mechanism, the wire is wound onto a reel and packaged.

How to tin a bearing with tin (video)

It does not matter what design the metal product has (wire or bearing). Quite often, the correct operation of these products depends on the quality of the connection and the materials with which it is processed.


Technology for proper tinning of wires

You are here: We have already told you about how to solder wires at home, where we stopped a little at this stage of soldering, such as tinning bare copper wires. Now we will tell you in more detail why tinning wires and how to do it correctly without experience in working with a soldering iron. The instructions will be provided as follows - first we’ll talk about why tinning is needed, after which we’ll talk about all the nuances of this process.

Why is this so important?

The fact is that copper can oxidize in air, which often leads to poor contact between wires. Subsequently, the poor contact begins to heat up and, as a result, a fire may occur in the electrical wiring. To prevent this from happening and to make the connection of electrical wires by soldering durable, reliable and safe, it is necessary to tin the stripped ends of the wires using lead-tin solder.

In addition, tinning is used during soldering, for example, when connecting an LED strip to a power supply. If the conductors of the LED strip are not tinned, the soldering point will be unreliable and it is possible that the wiring will fall off over time.

Step-by-step instruction

So, to make it clear to you how to tin wires correctly, we provide step-by-step instructions in pictures:

  1. Prepare the necessary tools: a sharp knife, tweezers or pliers, a soldering iron, solder and flux (in our case, rosin).
  2. Remove the PVC insulation from the conductor. To do this, it is best to use an insulation stripping tool, but if you don’t have one, a knife will help. You need to strip the insulating layer by 10-20 mm.
  3. Carefully, using the same knife, strip the core to a metallic shine. If the wire you need to tin is stranded, fluff up all the wires and very carefully strip them with a knife.
  4. Connect the soldering iron to the mains and wait until it warms up. By the way, before tinning you need to clean the soldering iron tip from debris and old solder. We recommend using a file for this.
  5. Run the heated tip along the tip of the wire that you are about to tin.
  6. Touch the soldering iron tip to the rosin, and then immediately to the solder. The working surface of the soldering iron should be evenly covered with tin.
  7. Touch the copper wire with the sting. The solder should be evenly distributed along the copper core. For better tinning, we recommend taking the conductor with pliers or tweezers, and then tinning the tip from all sides, twisting the wire yourself.
  8. Visually check how well you managed to tin the cable. The photo below is an example of a job well done. If not the entire working surface is covered with solder, repeat steps 6 and 7.

In this way you can tin wires efficiently and quickly at home. Please note that tinning thin wires from headphones (or a microphone) needs to be done a little differently. Since the wires are enameled (opened with varnish), you must first carefully clean off the enamel with a sharp knife. After this, it is necessary to perform tinning with a soldering iron.

lessons on the topic:

You can tin wires without rosin - using special soldering acid. In this case, you first need to treat the working surfaces (tip and tip of the wire) with a brush dipped in acid, and then apply solder.

Both methods can be used without fear for the quality of the future connection. As for a thick wire, it is easier to tin it than a very thin one.

A little skill and even less time will be required, the main thing is not to forget to clean the surface of the core with a knife.

Using this simple technology, you can perform tinning with a soldering iron yourself. We hope that now you know how to tin wires and why it is needed. If any point was not clear to you, we recommend watching the visual video instructions or asking a question in the comments!  

Be sure to read:

  • Learning to solder wires - consideration of all the nuances of soldering
  • What types of solders are there for soldering: types, brands, purpose
  • How to Measure AC and DC Voltage

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