How to connect TV wires

How to connect the antenna cable to each other

There can be any number of objective reasons for slightly lengthening or increasing the already laid television cable stretched into a particular room. Most often, the need for this arises when moving a household television receiver from place to place (or moving it from one living space to another). One of the methods according to which such extension is carried out involves the presence of a set of two connecting elements shown below.

F-type connectors

Note! Such an extension is also beneficial because the use of a new solid piece of cable of greater length is not entirely justified from an economic point of view.

Moreover, in the case of its extension, in which the connection of the television cable (or rather its individual fragments) is organized, additional costs for special adapters can be minimized.

TV cable device

Before connecting the television cable at the intended insertion point of the extended section, you must become familiar with the structure of the wire used to transmit the television signal.

Additional Information. The name coaxial cable was chosen as such because a special structure (coaxial) is used to transmit the wave signal, the nature of which is clearly visible in the figure below.

Structure of a coaxial TV cable

Typical antenna-type television cables include the following required elements:

  • The central core is placed in durable polypropylene insulation;
  • A screen made of aluminum foil protects the central wire from electromagnetic interference;
  • Outer braid, designed for additional protection from external fields and forming the outer part of the coaxial structure;
  • Polyethylene insulation that protects the TV cable from mechanical stress and unexpected damage.

Given this composition, before extending the television cable, it is necessary to carefully prepare each of the connected parts. Experts call this operation “cutting” the wire, during which its individual sections at the junction points are cleared of insulation and shaped for the future joint.

Types of docking connections

A high-quality connection of the antenna cable (as well as its individual parts), carried out for the purpose of extension, is possible in the following known ways:

  • Use a branded extension cord, available for free sale in the form of a piece of coaxial cable from 2.5 to fifteen meters long;
  • Purchase special F sockets from a radio store and use them to create a classic plug-in connection;
  • Use a splitter-type connector adapter for these purposes;
  • Make the extension with a separate piece of wire connected to the main line by means of ordinary twisting, and to increase its reliability use the soldering method.

How to connect a TV cable

The first of these options is one of the most reliable and time-tested methods of extending the antenna wire, but at the same time it is also the most expensive. The second and third approaches to the problem of cable extension are more cost-effective than the first, but even in this case you will need to go to the store for additional spare parts.

The simplest way to join pre-prepared (stripped) cable sections is considered to be the method of forming twists at the connection points and their subsequent soldering. However, in this case, the reliability of the resulting connection leaves much to be desired, since the central wire at the twisted points can easily break off.

Important! Regardless of the chosen method, to obtain a reliable connection, products of the same brand and thickness as the TV cable being extended should be used.

It should also be remembered that, in accordance with the standards current in Russia and GOST “Cables. Television”, the laying of communications is carried out with a standard wire of the RK 75 brand with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms (figure below).

Among foreign samples of the same products, the most common are such well-known cords as RG6 and RG59.

Formation of joints using adapters

Let's consider the intricacies of extending wires when an extension adapter (ready-made purchased or made on the basis of special connectors) is used for these purposes. The option of a ready-to-use extension cord for a television cable, despite its relative high cost, seems to be the most convenient in terms of labor costs.

To make such a joint independently, the user should design a contact connector on the extendable end of a wire already laid in the apartment, suitable for the mating part on the purchased product. It is made on the basis that the adapter purchased in the store has connectors at both ends, made in the form of a regular antenna plug.

Another method that allows you to connect an antenna for a TV through an extension cable involves using special F-type sockets for this purpose.

Additional Information. To obtain an extension, you will need two sets of such connectors.

Before extending the television cable using the insertion method, all connected parts should be prepared for the upcoming operation. To do this you need:

  • Remove the protective insulation on each of the 4 joined ends in a small area (about 2-3 cm);
  • Bend the protective braid along with the screen foil towards the insulation (see photo);

Formation of a docking unit with an F type connector

  • Next, the central core should be shortened so much that no more than 5 millimeters protrudes from the straight part of the connector screwed onto it (to do this, you first need to try it on at the installation site);
  • Upon completion of all preparatory operations, a plug is installed on one end of the insert by screwing it in, and a socket on the other;
  • At the ends of the extendable (old) wire, the mating parts of the F-connector are formed in the same way.

Another well-known cable extension option is to use splitter-type tees, which are built into an open circuit and allow you to create an extension branch. The procedure for forming this connection is practically no different from the previously discussed method, which involves the use of a type F connector.

A special feature of this connection is the ability to obtain an adapter for an internal household network, which allows you to organize the distribution of a television signal throughout the apartment. In this case, the latter will be transmitted to all television receivers with virtually no loss of quality.

Twisted connection

The simplest, but not very reliable way, using which you can arrange an extension fragment of the antenna cable, is to connect the elements using the twisting method. The disadvantage of this approach is the high probability of breakage of the central core even with slight deformation or bending of the connection section.

In addition, when carrying out this operation it is impossible to do without a soldering iron, with which the twisted contacts are first carefully tinned and then soldered.

Note! Before connecting antenna cables to each other in this way, be sure to choose products with soft insulation.

Before connecting a new cable section, for example, it is also advisable to ensure that the protective sheath is not only strong and elastic, but can also withstand repeated bending. In addition, it is important to prepare the twisted parts in advance; soldering them will be much easier if you first clean them of varnish insulation and then carefully tin them.

The formation of the leads in this case is somewhat different from their preparation for the previously discussed detachable connection (adapter). To do this you need:

  • Remove the insulation at a distance of approximately 3-4 centimeters from the extendable end of the cable product (see figure below);

Preparing a television cable for twisting

  • The same will need to be done with the second cable blank used as an extension cord;
  • Then you need to tear apart the copper braid of each of the exposed parts, after which you will be able to gain access to the polypropylene insulation of the central core;
  • Following this, you should carefully cut the protective sheath of polypropylene, being careful not to touch the wire located underneath with the tip of the knife;

Important! If this requirement is not met, the likelihood of the central core breaking off in this place during operation of the connected cable increases significantly.

  • Upon completion of the preparatory operations, it is necessary to strip the bare copper wires using fine sandpaper, and then tin them using rosin and solder;
  • After the formation of a twist consisting of two central cores, in order to reduce energy loss at the junction, it is carefully soldered with a soldering iron;
  • Then the resulting twist is insulated using a non-conducting material (ordinary insulating tape, for example), and on top of it a twist is formed from the ends of adjacent braids;
  • At the final stage of the work, the resulting joint is covered with insulating tape, which protects the joint from damage and deformation.

The same must be done when it comes time to connect the second end of the cable insert.

Cable extension examples

Knowledge of basic cable extension techniques allows you to successfully cope with many problems, including deciding how to repair an antenna, for example, or extend the cord extending from it to the required length (photo below).

TV antenna repair TV cable: which one is better

If, after disassembling the home antenna, it is discovered that a piece of cable at the point of connection to the internal circuit is damaged, it must first be cut off and shortened slightly.

Additional Information. After such shortening, the length of which should not exceed one centimeter, the joining area must be prepared for subsequent soldering (as described above).

Before you repair any television receiver that has a cable connection, you should also have an idea of ​​how to properly extend the damaged wire.

In the final part of the review, we note that specialists invited by the user will repair a failed cable line faster and with better quality. But in this situation, one should proceed from considerations of economy and the ability to independently master a not very complex technique for restoring a damaged cable wire or extending it.


Connecting the antenna cable to the plug

When connecting the plug to the antenna or connecting the cable yourself, you must follow some rules. This article is about how to correctly connect an antenna cable to a plug without errors.

F-connector "male"

Connection errors

I’ll probably start by citing the most common mistakes when connecting a cable. When installing the plug, you must immediately pay attention to this in order to eliminate troubleshooting in the future.

  1. The inner side of the foil does not conduct electric current; it is the base on which aluminum is sprayed. When you wrap it over the braid, there will be no contact with the F-connector. Therefore, it is better to remove it or turn it back.
  2. When wrapping the braid, you should pay attention that all the cores of the braid are removed and cannot touch the central core, as this leads to a short circuit. In this case, if the set-top box does not have protection against short circuits in the cable, this may lead to its failure.
  3. When crimping some types of plugs, you should not do this too much as this can also lead to a short circuit between the central core and the screen (braid).

Connecting the antenna to the TV

To properly connect the antenna to the TV, it is better to use special plugs. Currently, so-called F-connectors (or F-connectors) have become widespread. They are installed directly on a coaxial cable with a diameter of 6.8 mm with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms intended for television equipment.

With this type of connector, additional attachments can be used: male and female plugs, angled plugs, cable connectors. The variety of such antenna adapters for TV is very large. The advantage of this connection is obvious; it makes it possible to connect a cable without soldering using one knife in a few minutes anywhere. This ensures the reliability of the connection against mechanical stress.

Rusty cable connection contacts

Unfortunately, there are enough counterfeits on the market and you can buy copies like these. This means that the connector was exposed to a damp environment and simply rusted. Most likely the insides of such a connector are made of iron rather than bronze or brass. In this case, signal jumps, insufficient signal levels, or even loss will be observed.

Of course, you can connect an antenna to a TV without a plug; just make contact between the RF connector of the TV and the cable. The braid is connected to the connector body and the central core must fit into the central part. Of course, such a connection is not reliable and it is better to solder it, but there is a possibility of damaging the RF contact of the TV.

F - male connector

In order to immediately correctly connect the antenna cable to the plug without any modifications, it is enough to follow certain dimensions and sequence of actions, but do not be afraid that you may get an electric shock, since the voltage in the cable is very low. So, to properly strip the TV cable you need:

  • at a distance of 12 - 15 mm, make an incision in the outer shell so as not to damage the braid and, tilting it to the sides, break it off and pull it off (you can do this in a way convenient for you);
  • wrap the braid;
  • when folding the foil, keep in mind that its inner layer does not conduct current, so turn it around the axis again with the outer layer up or remove it altogether;
  • cut the dielectric of the central core at a distance of 8 -10 mm from the end and remove it;
  • screw the F connector onto the cable;
  • screw the plug into the connector.
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If the central core protrudes more than 4 mm, it may rest inside the connector and prevent the nut from screwing in completely, so remove the excess.

If the cable diameter is small, you can wrap a little electrical tape and then wrap the braid on it.

Crimp plug

In this case, the central core is clamped with a screw, and the braid is crimped by the plug body:

  • a protective casing is put on the cable;
  • the outer shell is stripped to 10 mm;
  • aluminum foil is removed;
  • the insulation of the central core is removed by 3 mm;
  • the braid is wound onto the remaining dielectric;
  • the central core is inserted into the groove and clamped with a screw;
  • the braid is crimped onto the plug body;
  • We screw the protective casing onto the body.

Connecting the antenna power supply separator

In this case, when connecting the cable to the power supply, the dimensions change slightly:

Correctly connect the power supply to the antenna

  • the outer protective shell is stripped to 15 mm;
  • the foil is removed;
  • the braid moves towards the protective sheath;
  • the dielectric of the central core is removed by 5 mm;
  • the cable fastening screws in the separator are loosened;
  • The cable is inserted into the resulting openings and clamped with screws.

Be careful when clamping the braid: firstly, it must touch the tinned area on the board; secondly, make sure that the braid does not touch the central core.


How to connect a TV cable

> Electrician's tips > How to connect a TV cable

The TV itself cannot receive signals. To do this, an antenna is installed in front of it, which is connected via a cable. Its service life under normal operating conditions is about 10 years. When it is outdoors and exposed to the elements, replacement will be required much sooner. The cable fails especially quickly when suspended.

The photo below shows a modern television cable.

Installation of a modern television cable

It is prohibited to use a suspended cable without a support cable.

For difficult climatic conditions, a special cable is used, which should be indicated in the characteristics.

Cable device

In the center of the core there is a central copper conductor with a diameter of 0.3 to 1.1 mm (signal wire). It is not recommended to take a smaller size, since it is designed for the frequency of the meter range. Through a thin cable, the TV will only show the main channels. It is better for the user to choose a thicker cable that has less signal loss.

On top there is a shielding layer of aluminum foil and a braid of thin copper wire, which protects against external interference in the form of electromagnetic waves. Between the central wire and the screen there is a layer of polyurethane insulation. Outside there is another insulation made of polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene to protect the cable from mechanical stress and ultraviolet radiation.

The cable must have foil and braid as a screen. Old-style products with a single braid are not suitable for modern video signal transmission standards.

The centers of the wire and the screen coincide in the radial direction. Due to this, losses of the transmitted signal are reduced.

Coaxial cables differ in the following parameters:

  • outer diameter (best sizes - 6-8 mm);
  • wave resistance;
  • degree of shielding;
  • flexibility.

The markings of common television cables are as follows:

  • imported – RG-6, RG-59;
  • domestic - RK-75 (75 Ohm - the value of wave impedance).

It is not recommended to purchase the RK-75 cable, as it has a high signal attenuation rate. In city conditions, this may not be noticed due to the close proximity of transmitting stations, but in rural areas, signal loss becomes noticeable.

When laying a television cable near electrical wiring, its diameter must be at least 10 mm and have increased protection against interference.

When choosing a cable, you should pay attention that it is not too flexible. The braid should be chosen more densely. Too rare - it easily misses interference. The foil should not be very thin.

The insulation of the central core should be hard, not soft like foam rubber.

When studying the passport data, attention should be paid to the frequency and amount of attenuation of the television signal at a certain length. The lower they are, the higher the quality of the cable.

How to extend a TV cable

How to connect a TV antenna cable to each other

When lengthening the cable, you must remember that this leads to a decrease in the quality of the transmitted signal. It is recommended to create no more than 1-2 connections. The photo shows different types of cable connection and branching devices.

TV cable connectors and splitters

Connection via adapter

  1. The insulation layer is removed from both ends and the copper braid and aluminum foil of the screen are wrapped in the opposite direction. The inner side of the foil is covered with a thin layer of polyethylene or lavsan. To ensure reliable electrical contact, half of the foil should be folded back so that the conductive side is on the outside for better contact.
  2. The internal insulation is peeled off to the signal wire in a section 1 cm long.

    In this case, it is necessary to exclude the formation of undercutting of the copper conductor, which reduces its strength.

  3. After preparing the ends, F-plugs are screwed onto the cable through foil (Fig. a). The central core should protrude 5 mm from the plug. If it turns out to be longer, it should be trimmed.
  4. Screwing the ends with F-plugs onto the F-socket adapter (Fig. c).

Splicing a television cable: a – F-plug; b – F-socket adapter; c – detachable connection

Connection of plug and socket

The same nuts are screwed onto the ends of the cables as in the previous method, but the TV plug is screwed onto one of them, and the TV socket onto the other. Then they are connected. To make it reliable, it should be wrapped with electrical tape. The photo shows connections wrapped with electrical tape. They don't look very attractive, but they are reliable. Usually they are hidden in cable ducts.

Wrapping cable connections with electrical tape

Plugs are available in straight and angled versions. They are mounted on the cable in the same way. Angled - used for ease of connection, where a straight plug is not always convenient to use, as well as when creating complex turns.

Angled plug is used where using a straight plug is difficult


This method is the worst because the connection is not protected from electrical interference. It is better to solder it with tin and place it away from the electrical wiring. If wiring to several TVs is done in this way, the connections are made in the junction box. In this case, the screen and central wires are carefully insulated from each other.

Wiring via splitter

A splitter is a metal box with one “IN” input and two or more “OUT” outputs.

It is not recommended to purchase a splitter with extra outputs “in reserve”, which reduce the signal quality.

An external cable is suitable for the input, which should not have any splices. The splitter is attached to the wall or floor so that there is no danger of tearing out the cabling. The connector comes with butt nuts. They should be screwed onto the pre-prepared ends of the cables and then connected to the plugs. Next, the input is finally connected to an external cable, and the outputs are connected to television receivers.

TV cable splitter

If the number of TVs in the house exceeds two, instead of the usual one, install an active splitter containing a video signal amplifier. It is placed as close to the receiver as possible. This splitter is connected to the mains power supply.

With any method of connecting cables, easy access must be provided in case of repair.

Cable laying rules

  1. Away from electrical wiring and powerful electrical appliances.
  2. Minimum number of connections.
  3. Use only factory splitters and connectors.
  4. Intersection with power contours is allowed only at right angles.
  5. It is not allowed to twist the cable into turns or bend it at an acute angle.
  6. In the panel box, the connection is created only by soldering and with minimal exposure of the cable.

Cable preparation.

Which television cable is better: features of choice

The video below will tell you how to prepare a TV or satellite antenna cable for use.

You can extend and branch a television cable with your own hands if you follow the rules described in the article.


Connecting cable to a TV: what you need and instructions

Television can brighten up leisure time, and modern people cannot imagine themselves without such a pastime as a sofa in front of the TV. But to watch it, you must first connect the cable. How to do this correctly will be discussed later in the text.

What you need to connect

Regardless of the type of connector, you cannot do without a cable. For our purposes, we will need a coaxial cable with a resistance of 75 Ohms, preferably the following brands:

  • RG 6U;
  • SAT 50;
  • SAT 703B;
  • DG 113.

These types of cable are suitable for outdoor and indoor installation. The specified marking is applied on the side surface of the braid, along with an indication of the manufacturer, product quality, wave resistance and meterage mark. The TV, splitters and amplifiers are designed for a resistance of 75 Ohms, so this parameter is fundamentally important.

You will also need a plug to connect to the TV. Its installation does not require any special skills or permission to work with high voltages - electric shock from the antenna cable is excluded, since it uses high-frequency currents of very low voltage.

Connection instructions

Most modern television equipment provides for the connection of a so-called F-plug. There are three main sizes of plugs, depending on the cable cross-section. Before purchasing, you should make sure that the components you purchase are compatible.

There are two ways of wrapping - with and without a fold of the shielding braid. The first method is more reliable, but the second is used if the plug cannot be screwed over the braid.

The first step is to carefully remove the top PVC braid using a sharp knife so as not to damage the cable shield. The incision is made a few centimeters. Then the braid is folded to the side and cut off. Carefully release a small section of the inner copper wire.

It should be noted that the foil with which the cable is wrapped and is a conductor is often covered on the inside with a layer of polyethylene for strength. During installation, this point cannot be missed - polyethylene insulates the current, therefore contact must be between the connector and the side of the foil where the PET layer is missing.

Attention! If the cable cross-section is too thin for a given plug, apply electrical tape under the foil several turns.

After installation of the part of the plug intended for winding onto the cable is completed, the internal copper wire is shortened so as to leave no more than 3-4 mm of core. After this, screw the second part of the F-plug tightly, and the connection is ready for use via the receiver.

Connecting cable with old antenna plug

Before the advent of F-plugs, products of a slightly different design were used, which also did not require soldering. When installing Soviet connectors, it was impossible to do without a soldering iron. Since they have already become a rarity and cable is not connected this way, there is no point in considering them within the scope of the article.

What you will need

For installation you will need the same cable as described above. In addition, you will need an old-style plastic plug. You will also need a sharp knife and pliers or wire cutters.


The process begins with disassembling the plug. To do this, by rotating counterclockwise, the plastic case and its metal part are separated. The housing fits onto the cable. Then about a centimeter of PVC braiding is removed in the manner described above, and about 5 mm of shielding foil is trimmed.

When inserting the cable into the plug, pay attention to the absence of contact between the screen and the central core. Using pliers, crimp the foil with the petals of the connector. You should not squeeze too hard to avoid damaging the structure; it is enough to achieve good contact between the surfaces. After crimping, tighten the screw intended for fastening the central copper core until it stops.

The final stage is to screw the plastic case onto the metal part, after which you can connect the connector to the TV.

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How to connect a TV antenna cable to your TV and antenna using F plugs

In order for the TV to show, you need to connect an antenna to it. For this purpose, the TV has a connector for connection, the so-called antenna socket. The other part of the connection, the plug, is mounted on the antenna cable, which actually connects either to the antenna, even a satellite one, or to the distribution box of the cable television network, if the owner is connected to it.

TV plug

Previously, in order to connect a plug to a cable, it had to be soldered. Then they began to use antenna connectors, which are mounted by soldering bases. In the first models of this part, the central core of the antenna wire was screwed to the contact with a screw. And finally, they now use international standard type F plugs. Strictly speaking, this connector is simply a bushing that consists of two parts and is screwed onto the antenna wire.

In order for the TV to have a high-quality picture and the signal not to be lost, it is necessary to ensure that there is good contact at the connection point. If this seemingly simple task is not solved correctly, the TV will operate with noise in both image and sound.

To properly connect the antenna wire to the TV, it is not at all necessary to call a specialist. All manipulations can be done with your own hands using simple tools that everyone has.

To solve this problem you will need:

  1. antenna cable (otherwise known as coaxial cable).
  2. F type plug.
  3. knife or stationery cutter.

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What is a cable?

The antenna cable is a multilayer wire that, due to its shielding properties, can transmit a stable signal. It consists of a central core, copper wire, dense plastic insulation , aluminum foil (the second conductive element), shielding braiding that dampens interference and final external insulation, and protects against weather and mechanical influences.

The market now offers a wide variety of these products, both domestically produced and imported.

  • When choosing a wire, you need to pay attention to the number 75 in the marking. It indicates the frequency of the resistance waves of this cable, which is what switching equipment and televisions are designed for. The marking must be present on the wire every meter along its entire length, next to the digital meterage mark.
  • The next connector is an F-type plug. Connectors of this type are suitable for both analog and digital television signals. Since such plugs are produced in different diameter sizes, you need to pay attention to this. Make sure the plug matches the antenna wire for the TV. For those cases when the TV is mounted close to the wall, you can use the F plug of the corner design.

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How to prepare the cable

Having everything you need, you can start connecting the antenna to the TV. to connect the plug to the antenna cable of a satellite or other antenna: by wrapping the shielding braid and without wrapping it. It would be better and more reliable for contact to wrap the shielding braid, but if this fails, you can not wrap it.

In order to cut the cable, take a knife or cutter and, stepping back 1–1.5 centimeters from the end of the cable, carefully cut the outer insulation in a circle.

The main thing is not to damage the braid and aluminum foil. Remove the cut insulation. Now the exposed part of the braid and foil must be wrapped back onto the wire itself. There is one nuance here. To make the foil stronger , it is covered with polyethylene on the inside. It is impossible to clean the plastic layer without damaging the foil. If you simply push the plug onto the unscrewed part of the foil, the contact will be unimportant or, in general, bad.

In order to avoid this, you need to bend half of the foil back and the conductive part will be on top. Then we remove the central core from the insulation, retreating 0.5–1 centimeter, again trying not to damage the wire itself. Now we wrap the first half of the plug onto the foil.

We make sure that the central wire gets into the core of the plug. Afterwards, is “bitten off” with pliers , so that it protrudes from the union nut by 4–6 millimeters. Finally, screw the second part of the plug until it stops. And our antenna plug is ready for use.

Can be used for both satellite dishes and analog TV.

If the foil is not wrapped, then the top insulation is simply cut off, the braid is removed and the plug is screwed onto the open section of the cable.

If you happen to have a plug of a previous modification in your hands, which also did not require soldering. It must be connected to the TV cable as follows. Disassemble the plug by disconnecting the plastic half. Place this plastic part on the wire first.

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How to connect a TV to an antenna cable

To connect your TV to cable TV, you need a cable. At its end you need to install an F plug, specially designed for a television antenna. If the user is not very well versed in this issue, then it is better to seek help from specialists. Because if this work is done incorrectly, then both analog and digital signals will not work correctly, which will result in a loss of image quality on the TV.

The choice of cable is of great importance. Even a TV of the latest brand and correctly placed F plugs on the ends of the cable cannot give an excellent picture if a low-quality cable is used. What is the best cable, and how can you recognize it among the many offered on the market?

To do this, you need to have an idea of ​​how high-frequency TV signal current flows through the cable. And the higher this current indicator, the closer it passes to the surface of the conductor. Due to the low height of the television signal in the antenna cable and its high frequency, it is impossible to determine without special devices. You can determine whether there is a signal or not by connecting the antenna to the TV.

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The most purchased and widely known on the market are cables with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms, which are excellently used for receiving and transmitting television signals. Marking is carried out depending on the increase in quality. It is usually applied to the top layer of the antenna cable along its entire length, every linear meter next to the digital meter mark.

If the consumer has the skills to work with wires and certain knowledge, then he can easily connect the TV to the antenna on his own. The main thing is to follow the instructions and not deviate from the rules.

It is important to remember that the voltage of the television signal in the antenna wire is millionths of a volt. Therefore, such a cable does not pose a danger to human life.

It happens that after the antenna plug is inserted into the TV socket, it becomes impossible to move it closer to the wall because the cable gets in the way . In order to get rid of this problem, you should use a special F-socket, that is, a plug of an angular design.

These two plugs are essentially the same thing, and they are installed in the same way. The only difference between them is in form.

But before their appearance, other plugs were used, the connection technology of which was completely different.

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Is it possible to do without a plug?

There are times when you urgently need to connect a cable to your TV, but you don’t have a soldering iron. It turns out that you can do without his help. To do this, you just need to remove the top layer of the shell and remove the braid. Then remove the insulating layer from the central wire of the cable. The wire itself must be folded into a loop, the width of which is slightly larger than the hole in the TV connector socket.

Which antenna plug is preferable?

By far the best plug for a television cable is the F plug. Its advantages are the excellent quality of the television signal, as well as ease of installation. Which is undoubtedly more popular among home craftsmen.


How to connect a television cable to each other correctly?


Do you still watch TV? Despite the increasing popularity and accessibility of the Internet, the share of television viewers in Russia is not decreasing. The expansion of thematic channels has led to the individualization of preferences - everyone can now find a program to suit their taste. But what to do if the antenna cable was chewed by a dog or you bought another TV to install in the next room?

The reason for the need to connect the antenna cable may also be redevelopment in the room, when you need to add the missing length. There are several ways to accomplish this: using F-connectors or a splitter, soldering or twisting contacts. I will tell you each of the sounded methods with the nuances of their application. Don't switch!

How to extend a TV cable?

Radio mechanics identify the following options for connecting and extending the antenna cable:

  1. F-connectors are a special metal structure that allows you to reliably connect two pieces of cable without the use of a soldering iron or additional insulation. The method is often used when, when moving the TV to the other end of the room, the available supply of cable is not enough or the damaged section needs to be replaced. This is the simplest and most economical method, as opposed to laying a new cable directly from the antenna.

    f-jack connector for coaxial cable

  2. Splitter - used to evenly divide the signal coming from the antenna into two TVs. Connection to the device is made using F-plugs.

    Splitter for F-connector

  3. Soldering is a cheap but at the same time reliable connection method. To implement it, you do not need to look for adapters and other components; usually everything you need is already available at home. It is possible to connect any shielded cables: with a different number of central cores, diameter, type of screen (for example, copper braid and aluminum foil).

    Soldering the antenna wire

  4. Twisting is the least preferable method of all presented, since it leads to a strong loss of signal quality. Due to its unreliability, it can only be considered as a temporary solution, in the absence of F-connectors or soldering tools.

Next, we will look at the practical application of each described method of connecting an antenna cable.

With the transition of analogue broadcasting to digital form, the requirement of televisions for the broadcast signal has increased. Residents of suburbs and villages now use TV tuners with amplifiers. Therefore, the quality of the connection of television wires came to the fore.

Extension of TV cable using F-connectors

This option for connecting the wire involves visiting a store where you need to purchase two F-plugs (for each of the 2 ends of the cable) and one adapter - F-socket. It is recommended to take a piece of TV cable with you, since components are sold for different diameters. The tools you will need are a regular or construction (segment) knife and wire cutters.

Extension with a plug does not create interference

Building up an antenna cable begins with preparing its sections:

  1. Make a careful cut into the outer shell. For ease of operation, the length of the cut should be greater than the length of the F-plug body. In the future, it can be adjusted by removing the excess part of the central core.
  2. Fold the casing in the opposite direction and remove it completely.
  3. Turn the copper shield and the foil underneath towards the remaining outer shell. To perform the procedure, they can be slightly incised. At this stage, pay attention to the possible presence of a coating of a thin layer of polyethylene or lavsan on the inside of the foil. These materials greatly impair the transfer of contact to the F-plug housing. To solve the problem, screw back half of the wrapped foil. This way the side with poor current transmission will be on the inside.
  4. Using a sharp knife, cut the insulation of the central core. Try not to leave notches on it, as they reduce strength and can lead to breakage.
  5. Take the F-plug and screw it onto the cable. It must fit snugly, since the fixation is achieved only by clamping force.
  6. Trim off any excess center core. Its edge should protrude 3-5 mm beyond the F-plug body.

If the diameter of the cable is smaller than the internal diameter of the F-plug, then before turning off the screen with foil, wrap electrical tape around the outer sheath.

Sample connection via adapter and f-plugs

This completes the preparation of the two ends of the cable. Now take the F-socket and connect the first and second plug to it. Fixation is ensured by screwing the movable head of the F-connector onto the thread of the adapter. The result will be a neat and reliable connection. In its place, you can also install a splitter, which will be discussed later.

Extending the cable using a splitter

This device is designed to distribute the input signal evenly. Accordingly, it has one incoming connector (labeled with the word “IN”) and several output connectors (labeled with “OUT”). Using a splitter, you can not only extend the cable, but also route it to two or three TVs at once.

The inlet hole on the splitter itself is similar in principle to the F-socket. Fixation occurs due to a threaded connection. The process of extending the cable is similar to that described for F-connectors, so there is no point in dwelling on it separately.

You can connect several TVs through a splitter

Connecting TV wires by soldering

For this method you will need a soldering iron, solder and rosin (an alternative is soldering acid). You should also have basic soldering skills.

The method allows you to connect different cable variations. Let's consider step by step the process of soldering two cables with a single core and a double screen (copper braid + aluminum foil):

  1. On each cable, make a cut along the outer sheath 5-6 cm long.
  2. Unscrew the shell and the screens underneath it - copper mesh and foil.
  3. Cut the central core along with the insulation to a length of 2 cm.
  4. Cut off part of the insulation from the central core - the result will be some kind of step. When folding two parts of the cable, this design should ensure complete closure of the contact, with virtually no gaps.
  5. Bend the central core away from the insulation by 45 degrees. Tin it and solder it to the second part of the wire. In the absence of an assistant, before soldering, the cores can be tied with thin wire taken from a copper screen.
  6. Inspect the soldering results. If the cured solder has sharp edges or beads, remove them using fine-grit sandpaper or a file.
  7. Close the two steps cut from the insulation together, removing excess if necessary. Secure the resulting structure with insulating tape - 2-3 turns.
  8. Replace the foil on the two parts of the cable. On the inside it is covered with a non-conducting layer, so you need to properly wrap this part of the screen, ensuring contact between the conductive sides.
  9. Return the copper mesh - first one, then the other. To improve contact, wrap the area with several pieces of tinned wire of the same diameter. Then solder these parts.
  10. Unscrew the outer shell one by one. As a result, one should envelop the other. Secure the connection with insulating tape.

At the output, you will get a durable and sealed junction, which has virtually no effect on the quality of signal transmission.

Of course, soldering is stupid. There are no problems with the central copper core, but the braid is usually made of aluminum alloy, which is almost impossible to solder.

But if you really need it, the recipe is this: wind several turns of tinned wire onto pre-twisted braided pieces. Tin this area and, after cooling, flatten it with a hammer.

I recommend using the SAT-703 cable from the Italian company “CAVEL” with a linear attenuation of 16.5 dB/100 m. The central core is copper. Braid - tinned copper. In this case, both conductors are soldered with ordinary rosin.

Twisting method

Use this option only as a last resort, when you need to immediately provide a signal to the TV, and you don’t have F-connectors or a soldering iron with solder at hand. Twisting in any case will lead to a significant loss of signal quality, and during the connection of the central core it often breaks.

In general terms, the twisting technique is similar to soldering. You will need to prepare the two ends of the cable in a similar way, then fold them parallel to each other. First, twist the copper mesh and insulate the area with PVC tape. Then the central cores are connected. Considering the temporary nature of the work and the good insulation of the copper screen, the cores can be left as is - bending them to the outer braid is fraught with a break.

Twisting is a simple and unreliable connection method

These are all methods that can be used to extend the antenna cable.

The simplest option is to use F-connectors - they are not expensive and do not require special tools for installation. I recommend soldering when connecting two wires with different characteristics.

To branch the signal to several TVs, use a splitter. Twisting is a temporary method that should be replaced with a more reliable one in the future.


How to properly extend a television cable with your own hands

There may be many reasons for extending the television cable, for example, moving the TV from one room to another or replacing some part of the wire due to damage.

To perform this action, you need to understand how to extend the television cable so that it functions and the image quality does not suffer.

Knowing the rules for cable extension plays an important role in terms of saving money, because it is much cheaper than completely replacing it with a longer version.

How to extend a TV cable

To extend the antenna cable for a TV with another piece of coaxial wire, you can use several methods:

  • a standard extension cord that increases the length of the existing wire by 2.5 – 20 meters, but its cost is not low;
  • use of special F-sockets for connection;
  • extend several cables through the splitter;
  • perform soldering to connect the television wire.

In this case, you should purchase the correct coaxial wire, since the installation of a television cable in the Russian Federation requires a proper characteristic impedance of 75 ohms.

The quality of the outer braid plays an important role; it must have extreme elasticity.
In addition, in order to avoid loss of image quality, it is necessary to choose products with an internal dense braid that is guaranteed to transmit a continuous signal.

The braid is made of several materials, which determine the price of the cable.

The dielectric material that performs the functions of insulation is not significant, it is mainly polyethylene, it contains foil - the screen and the material of the braid itself:

  • with copper cable - expensive, but high quality;
  • aluminum – does not represent value in the sense of characteristics;
  • Stainless steel – balance between price and quality.

The signal attenuation parameters in terms of length and frequency must be extremely low.

How to lengthen by twisting

This is an unreliable method of extension, since during application, contact may be lost at the twisting site due to oxidation, which deprives high-quality signal transmission and the aesthetic appearance of the cable as a whole is lost.

To make an antenna for digital TV by twisting, you can use two options:

  • twist the central cores together instead of soldering, thereby lengthening them;
  • we strip 45 - 50 mm along the outer side, and up to 25 mm along the inner side and twist the braid in pairs - the central wires and screens, and perform insulation at the place of twisting.


This cable connection method is optimal, reliable and inexpensive; to apply it follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • use a knife to remove the outer sheath of the television wire to a length of 5–6 cm;

Important: the shielding braid remains intact.

  • then the outer material and the screen are turned away;
  • the central core is cut to 20 mm;
  • on the one hand, the outer insulation is cut to a length of 10 mm;
  • the ends of the central core are tinned and it is bent at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • the other connection cable is processed in the same way.


  • The central cores are soldered using the overlapping method, after which tin drips should be removed with a file or soldering iron;
  • the soldering area is turned away with a piece of the remaining insulation on the central core and secured with electrical tape;
  • the foil is screwed back into place;
  • for reliability, the screens can be processed by soldering;
  • cover the junction with the previously bent outer conductor;
  • after which the insulation or closure is carried out with a previously applied heat-shrinkable tube, which is heated with a hairdryer.

Important: the foil has insulation on the inside, so when using it, the material is placed on the outside inside out.

Via splitter

Can be extended using a splitter. This device is necessary to be able to use an antenna for several TVs at once.

The crab is a rectangular box with one IN input and several OUT connectors.
To connect it you need F-connectors or TV-plugs. Inside, the splitter has a ferrite ring with windings or, in the budget version, resistors; thanks to these components, the signal is evenly distributed between the outputs, so there is no need to modify the crab.

If there is a need for more than 4 outputs, an active splitter with an amplifier is used.

To use this option for connecting and extending the cable, it must be rigidly fastened from outside to the plane, that is, it must be tightly secured in a horizontal/vertical position.
In the case of connection using a splitter, a cable prepared in advance from the antenna is attached to the input, and a section coming from the TV to the output, and in the future, using this device, you can branch the signal throughout the room.

How to extend through an adapter

This option is the simplest, it involves the use of plugs with sockets or F-adapters.
To use it, it is also important to follow the sequence of actions:

  • remove 30 mm of the outer part of the insulation from the length of the television wire;
  • wrap the braid in the opposite direction, but because the foil is covered with insulation, bend part of the screen back;
  • so that the central wire does not come into contact with the dielectric, strip it by 10 mm, but it is important not to damage it;
  • then the adapter is screwed through the foil, while the core should protrude by 0.5 mm, the unnecessary remainder is cut off;
  • then you need to perform similar actions for the other end, followed by screwing them into the socket.

In order for the cable to serve for a long time, it should not intersect with electrical wiring or phone charging, which can interfere with high-quality signal reception; you should not twist it or bend it at a right angle.

Use only factory-made cable clamps, make sure when using a splitter that there are places for fastening, and also correctly connect the television wire in one of the given options, which will ensure its long-term operation in the future and you will not have to think about how to lengthen it.


How to properly connect the antenna cable

A home TV network can be compared to a chain, and any chain is only as good as its weakest link. Cable connections can be considered such a vulnerable point.

If you do not pay due attention to them, a situation often arises when, in the event of poor reception, all the blame is shifted to the antenna. And the reason for this lies precisely in an inexpensive coax with inappropriate parameters, which, moreover, is made up of incorrectly connected segments.

A weak connection in a coaxial cable is where a large percentage of the signal from the antenna gets stuck without reaching the TV receiver.

So let's learn how to connect an antenna cable, how to connect an antenna cable extender, and how to handle coaxial connectors so that the picture is bright and clear.

How to connect a TV cable

Before attempting to connect the TV cable, make sure that both ends of the cable are disconnected from any devices to which it is connected. Splicing the cable while it is connected can present a number of safety hazards, chief among them being electrical shock. When working with cables, safety is always a top priority, so move on to the next step after taking the necessary safety precautions.

Now you need to prepare the connection point (coaxial ends). How carefully you do this will largely determine whether the signal loss will not exceed the permissible values ​​​​that are accepted for splice sections of a television cable.

Procedure for stripping the ends of a coaxial cord:

  • make a cut in the outer sheath of the television wire at a distance of about 1 cm from the end, rotating it with your free hand;
  • remove the cut part of the insulation;
  • lay the braid along the wire like the lapel of a sleeve;
  • Cut through the dielectric layer 2-3 mm closer to the end of the cable to remove this protective layer from the central contact.

This process should be repeated for the other end of the cable.

Typical connection errors

The most common mistake when stripping and connecting a coaxial cord is that the aluminum braid may be wrapped in a foil layer. As a result, the inner side of the foil, not being conductive, is on top. And in such circumstances, you should not count on contact between the screen and the connectors.

It is also common to find incorrect selection of the plug for the cable diameter. In the worst case, you won’t be able to fit such a terminal or connect a plug and connector that do not match in diameter; in the best case, the resulting “looseness” will play a bad joke on the quality of the picture on the TV screen.

Rigid bends of the cable at the joints, as well as carelessly cut insulation from the central core, do not contribute to high-quality fusion. Too sudden movements when cleaning the core can lead to notches on it, which will later cause it to break and lose contact.


TV antenna cable - how to connect using an f adapter and soldering - Do It Yourself

There can be any number of objective reasons for slightly lengthening or increasing the already laid television cable stretched into a particular room.

Most often, the need for this arises when moving a household television receiver from place to place (or moving it from one living space to another).

One of the methods according to which such extension is carried out involves the presence of a set of two connecting elements shown below.

F-type connectors

Note! Such an extension is also beneficial because the use of a new solid piece of cable of greater length is not entirely justified from an economic point of view.

Moreover, in the case of its extension, in which the connection of the television cable (or rather its individual fragments) is organized, additional costs for special adapters can be minimized.

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