What is a1 fittings

What is the difference between reinforcement a1 and a3

There are more than a dozen types of fittings on the building materials market. Despite the extensive choice, grades A1 and A3 are most often used in civil engineering. They differ in both price and characteristics, and our article will help you figure out which material is best to choose for certain purposes.

General characteristics of fittings

In order to understand how A1 reinforcement differs from A3, you need to know what properties characterize this type of rolled metal.

The profile type is divided into smooth and periodic. The first has a flat surface, and the second has longitudinal and transverse ribs protruding. The periodic profile adheres better to concrete, which increases the strength of the structure.

An equally important characteristic is the cross-sectional diameter. For each brand of reinforcement, GOST establishes acceptable dimensions. With an increase in cross-sectional diameter, both the strength of the reinforcement cage and the mass increase.

GOST also establishes the grade of steel from which the rods are made. Not only the strength of the structure depends on it, but also corrosion resistance, which is important in aggressive environments, places with high temperature changes and high humidity.

Based on the class of reinforcing steel and its diameter, the strength characteristics of the material are determined. GOST 5781-82 indicates for each grade and diameter the yield strength, tensile strength, relative elongation and other characteristics that will allow all calculations to be made before construction.

Characteristics and features of A1 fittings

Class A1 fittings have a smooth profile and are made of low-alloy steel (St3sp, St3ps, St3kp). The size of the produced profile can have a diameter from 6 to 40 mm. It is produced using cold rolling. Old marking A1, new A240.

The main advantage of A1 is its high corrosion resistance. It withstands sudden temperature changes and high humidity well. Also, reinforcement with a smooth profile is better welded. Disadvantages include weaker adhesion to concrete.

Features of the A1 brand:

  • low price;
  • less strength;
  • high corrosion resistance;
  • good weldability;
  • poor adhesion to concrete mortar.

Characteristics and features of A3 fittings

A3 reinforcement has a periodic profile with longitudinal and transverse stiffeners. It is made by hot rolling from steel grades 35GS, 25G2S - with a diameter of 6-40 mm, and 32G2Rps - profile size from 6 to 22 mm. New marking A400, old A3.

The ribbed profile ensures good adhesion of the reinforcement frame to the concrete. This significantly increases the strength of the supporting structure. The disadvantage is lower corrosion resistance, which is why A3 brand reinforcement is not recommended for use in combination with certain types of concrete, in places with high humidity and aggressive chemical environments.

Features of the A3 brand:

  • high price;
  • high strength reinforcing mesh;
  • good adhesion to concrete;
  • low corrosion resistance.

Brand selection

The A1 and A3 fittings differ not only in characteristics, but also in price. The first one costs about 30% less than the second one, so whenever possible they try to use it. The range of applications for both brands is wide, and they are often used in combination with each other.

A1 is considered a universal solution that is considered first. It is used for the manufacture of many reinforced concrete products: slabs, rings, beams, blocks. Also, products with a smooth profile are used when pouring screeds, finishing facades and strengthening columns. It is recommended to use it for the foundation of a building in the role of constructive and installation.

A3 is used in cases where increased strength is required from reinforced concrete. It is used in the construction of bridges, dams and other massive objects.

Also, high-strength reinforcement can withstand the loads of monolithic buildings and foundations that experience high pressure. Grade A3 is also recommended for use in the manufacture of reinforced concrete floors.

In addition, it is used to strengthen the A1-based frame. The combined mesh provides high strength at an affordable price.

Combined use of reinforcement A1 and A3 when reinforcing a balcony beam.

In addition to A1 and A3 fittings, the differences of which we have already examined, enterprises also produce other brands of products that may be optimal for your task. All of them, like A3, have a periodic profile and are not so resistant to corrosion (in this regard, A1 is unique).

Grade A2 is made from steel with fewer alloying additives, which makes it cheaper but less durable. It is actively used in the construction of private houses and low-rise commercial buildings. A4, A5 and A6 are capable of withstanding enormous loads, but due to their high price, their use is justified only in highly loaded structures.

It is also important in what form you will purchase the products. It is produced in both rods and skeins. Let's figure out what the difference is. The maximum length of the rods is 12 meters.

They are easier to work with, since they are easier to cut and do not need to be straightened, but there is also a drawback. After cutting the rods, scraps inevitably remain and some of the material goes to landfill. There is no such problem with skeins.

In addition, they are indispensable when the design requires reinforcement mesh longer than 12 meters.

To summarize, we can say that the differences between A1 and A3 fittings make it more universal.

It is suitable in most cases and will allow you to get by at a lower cost, but when high strength is required, it is better not to save money and use A3 reinforcement.

If, after reading the article, you still have doubts about which brand of fittings to choose, then it is better to seek advice from a professional who will select the optimal solution for your project.

Source: https://otlichaem.ru/sovety/chem-otlichaetsya-armatura-a1-ot-a3.html

Application of smooth reinforcement and its characteristics

Reinforcement is a type of long rolled steel. The surface of the rods can be corrugated or smooth. Production method: hot rolling.

Rods with a periodic profile surface are used mainly as working reinforcement in load-bearing frames. Smooth rods have other applications in construction, mechanical engineering and other industrial sectors.

These products are manufactured in various diameters and strength classes, from unalloyed and alloyed steel.


Smooth surface fittings are mainly manufactured in accordance with GOST 5781-82. It goes on sale in coils or rods (diameter up to 12 mm), only rods (diameter more than 12 mm). According to GOST, class AI products have a smooth surface, made from ordinary quality carbon steel, grade St3, of different degrees of deoxidation - calm, semi-quiet, boiling. Standard diameters are 6-40 mm. Yield strength – 235 N/mm2.

Upon individual order, products can be made from low-alloy steels according to the assortment of classes AII-AVI. In the designation of reinforcing steel, in addition to the strength class, diameter and GOST number according to which it is manufactured, there may be an index “C”, indicating “special application”.

Table of sizes and weights of reinforcing bars with a smooth surface

Section diameter, mm Weight 1 m, kg Number of meters in 1 t, m Section diameter, mm Weight 1 m, kg Number of meters in 1 t, m
6 0,222 4504,5 18 2,0 500,0
8 0,395 2531,6 20 2,47 404,9
10 0,617 1620,8 22 2,98 335,6
12 0,888 1126,1 25 3,85 259,7
14 1,21 826,5 28 4,83 270,0
16 1,58 632,9 32 6,31 158,5

Another standard used in the production of steel reinforcement with a smooth surface is GOST 10884-94. It regulates the production of products that, after manufacturing, are subjected to thermomechanical hardening. Products are divided into classes that differ from each other in the following parameters:

  • Mechanical properties, in particular the yield strength (conditional or physical), which is measured in N/mm2. In accordance with GOST 10884-94, products of classes At800-At1200, diameters 10-32 mm, are manufactured to order with a smooth surface.
  • Performance characteristics – weldable (C) and with increased corrosion resistance (K). In the production of fittings intended for the manufacture of products and structures by welding, steels are used in which the percentage of carbon does not exceed 0.32%.

To make it easier to determine the class of products when purchasing, color codes are used:

  • At800 – green;
  • At800K – green and red;
  • At1000K – blue;
  • At1200 – black.

Advantages and disadvantages of smooth surface reinforcing bars

Fittings with a round profile are popular due to;

  • plasticity, allowing the rod to be given the required shape;
  • good weldability without restrictions, since St 3 is a low-carbon grade and contains no more than 0.22% carbon;
  • lower cost compared to products of the same diameter with a corrugated surface.

Smooth rods are easier to treat with paints and other anti-corrosion compounds. With appropriate surface treatment, they acquire an aesthetic appearance, thanks to which they can be used as not only functional, but also decorative elements.

Rods with a smooth surface, unlike products with a periodic profile, are not used as working elements in load-bearing frames of buildings due to ineffective adhesion to the concrete mixture and insufficient resistance to tensile forces.

Where and for what is smooth surface reinforcement used?

This type of reinforcing bars is used in areas for which low cost and decorative qualities are relevant, and tensile forces are within acceptable limits for a particular assortment.

Often smooth reinforcement is used for:

  • reinforcement of paving slabs, thresholds, small pillars;
  • reinforcement frames for the foundations of large-sized buildings - smooth reinforcement performs the functions of distribution and installation;
  • strengthening the seams of brick and block masonry;
  • production of construction meshes for various purposes;
  • production of mounting loops;
  • strengthening concrete or cement-sand screed for floors or roofs;
  • production of hardware, most often fasteners - nails, studs, screws, nuts, bolts;
  • installation of grounding systems for residential, public and industrial buildings.

Hot-rolled rods with a smooth surface are in demand for the production of infill elements for fences, gates, and wickets using cold bending or forging methods.

Such fittings are used in the manufacture of functional and decorative interior items, elements of street furniture, and landscape decorations.

When operating products and structures made from reinforcement with a smooth surface under standard climatic conditions and under moderate loads, inexpensive products made from non-alloy steel are in demand. For regions with cold climates, rods made of low-alloy steel that are resistant to low temperatures are recommended - 10ХГТ, 25Г2С, 35ГС. Products made from low-carbon non-alloy and low-alloy steels are suitable for use in welded structures.

Source: https://navigator-beton.ru/articles/gladkaya-armatura-harakteristiki.html

A500S fittings: steel grade and quality determination

A500S fittings are one of the most popular types of fittings today. These are special A5 brand rods, whose diameter ranges from 6 to 40 millimeters. When producing this type of material, the requirements of GOST number 52544 2006 are observed. These are structural elements that are subjected to heat treatment during the production of such a part as A500C reinforcement; we will consider what this is further .

Basic information and terms

The main material is steel, with a carbon content of 22%. Thanks to this number of initial components, the strength characteristics of the final product are improved. Production costs, as well as raw material consumption, are significantly reduced. Fastening between the joints is organized using arc welding.

The scope of application is quite wide:

  1. For frame connections, when reinforced concrete products are produced.
  2. For private construction, in the case of monolithic concreting.

The use of the material in practice involves the participation of bending machines.

Such products can withstand tensile loads, this is a positive characteristic. This promotes the use of products for structures with prestressing and thin walls. A universal type of material, one of the most popular. This is the A500 C reinforcement, the steel grade for which is carefully selected.

What features does the fittings have?

Marking with letters and numbers A3 is considered obsolete. A more correct designation for rental is A400. But often in practice the old version is used. GOST 5781-82 regulates technical conditions with basic characteristics. The varieties of carbon steel used in production have their own designations - 25G2S and 35GS. The difference between A300 and A400 in the main parameters leads to a decrease in ductility and an increase in the fragility of welded joints.

The demand for A3 is more than logical, taking into account the following points:

  • High strength.
  • Using knitting wire or clamps to connect frames.

Areas with high stress also do not exclude the possibility of using such types of reinforcement. They purchase reinforcement for the construction of various types of structures:

  1. Pillars.
  2. Columns.
  3. Supports.
  4. Foundations.

A3 and A500C: the difference between classes

The model range includes corrugated rods, whose diameter ranges from 6 to 40 millimeters. The total length will be up to 11.7 meters. Both varieties represent a group of hot-rolled products. Profile A3 has the following features:

  • Ring appearance.
  • Along the perimeter, the ribs are located more often.
  • The design is characterized by the intersection of transverse protrusions and two longitudinal ones.

The rod and concrete form better joints with such adhesion. This contributes to the operation of products for monolithic structures made of reinforced concrete. For welding work, the most convenient will be the sickle-shaped A500C, characterized by sparser protrusions.

The first letter in the marking is needed to indicate the manufacturing technology and type of product. The letter A is used for heat-strengthened, hot-rolled products.

The following numbers characterize the type of steel that was used for production. If the rolled product has special properties, use another letter at the end.

  1. C - this means that the rods require the use of electric arc welding.
  2. K show high resistance to corrosion.
  3. T says thermomechanical strengthening was applied to the steel.

Often, additional numbers are included in the marking to indicate the specific diameter of the A500C fittings, for which GOST is installed separately.

About the cost

The cross-section and mass remain almost the same for all types of such reinforcement. Only the manufacturer's markings and the specific profile lead to some differences in appearance. The prices themselves are determined by several parameters:

  • Delivery terms.
  • Batch volume. The larger it is, the more profitable the purchase will be.
  • Seasonality. The summer season contributes to an increase in operating costs.
  • Demand for a certain diameter, 12 millimeters remains the most popular size. This is important when choosing A500C fittings; what class - A1 or A3 - is decided by the buyer.

The difference in price also depends on the content of alloying components. The fewer there are, the cheaper the product costs. With a cross section of up to 6 millimeters in diameter, the product sales form is coils. But in most cases they sell cutting rods up to 12 meters long. Without proper recalculation, it is not recommended to simply replace A3 with A500 C. At the same time, the welded type of material is considered more universal.

Recommended reading:

Which foundation reinforcement to choose: types of material and calculation of the required quantity

Simple and proven methods of tying reinforcement for the foundation of a house

Additional benefits of using reinforcement

Permission for welding using electric arc devices is the main advantage that the 500 C fittings have. This possibility is indicated by the last letter in the marking.

A small amount of alloying components also helps to improve weldability. On average, modern technologies contribute to savings of more than 10% in production. Moreover, when compared with other existing classes. With a mandrel diameter, the bending angle can reach up to 180 degrees for A500C reinforcement, the price per ton for which also depends on this.

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The fittings also have other distinctive characteristics that you should familiarize yourself with in advance:

  1. Low cost production.
  2. Production of products with savings in steel volumes.
  3. Increased strength and ductility. There are no fragile places leading to the destruction of the entire structure.

The relevance of reinforcement increases for compressed elements. The saturation of columns with metal elements is reduced, and therefore there is less likelihood of corrosion. This type of fittings can be used instead of similar diameters A1 and A3. In the manufacture of critical structures, the material is used due to thermal, thermotechnical hardening.

Operation in Russia and main features

In Russia, this material was not only released for the first time, but also new standards were drawn up regulating the specifics of production. During the production process, samples are selected from each bundle of rods for which separate tests are carried out.

Because of this, production costs increase to some extent. But the percentage of misgrading is lower as a result. The result is high-quality A500C fittings; which class to choose is up to the customers to decide.

But when determining the fluidity of products, it is still almost impossible to avoid mistakes. Therefore, a special profile was developed, designated A500SP. Thanks to the use of this profile, it becomes easy to determine which class the reinforcement belongs to. Adhesion to the concrete mixture also improves during practical use.

The grip with the new profile is 20% better. The rigidity of the reinforcement increases by 30%. The limit of insertion of rods into profiles becomes larger.

Technological recommendations are described in a special document developed separately for fittings of this type.

During perestroika, the amount of reinforcement produced in coils decreased significantly. The production of diameters 6 and 8 millimeters has practically reached zero. Production capacities were freed up, which were then converted to create wire rods.

The following methods are used for so-called anchoring. If necessary, you can combine methods with each other:

  • The end of the rod, supplemented with special devices.
  • Additional rods, mounted or welded.
  • A claw or hook placed at the end of a rod.
  • Carrying out direct anchoring with a straight rod.

It is not recommended to bend the bars at the end when it comes to using compressed reinforcement.

Depending on the diameter of the reinforcement, the length of the anchorage can be reduced. The way the procedure is performed also influences the decisions that the masters make.

A500S reinforcement – ​​knitting technology

To create a frame, use regular wire or clamps. In the latter case, owners have the following advantages:

  1. A simple mechanism for creating connections.
  2. Quality.
  3. Strength.

Flexibility and ease of use are characteristic of steel wires, in the manufacture of which low-carbon steel is used. The method of surface treatment is determined by the color design of the products. The white color suggests that zinc was used. Black confirms the absence of any additional types of processing.

1.2-1.4 millimeters is the recommended diameter of the wire used. Then strength and reliability remain at a sufficient level.

Tie wire is cheaper than PVC clamps. But plastic elements also have additional advantages:

  • Connections made as easy as possible to create.
  • High speed of work.
  • Strength indicator.

The original geometry indicators are preserved even if the load is maximum. Of the negative aspects, there is only weak protection against the effects of negative aspects. If you leave such a frame in the cold, the clamps will break or the elasticity will decrease.

An acceptable option is plastic clamps with steel cores. This option can often be seen inside cable pipelines and pipes with low-current networks.

Knitting reinforcement with a hook is usually performed in four common ways. The main differences lie in the reliability of elements and connections, and the speed of creating frames. The use of special guns reduces the speed of construction of any structures. The economic effect will also be positive with this decision.

The reinforcement is knitted at the same time as the foundation is created. Thanks to this approach, the structure is strong and rigid, quite reliable. The use of welded joints is abandoned; they do not tolerate increased loads well. When choosing a welding method, you need to evaluate all factors, positive and negative sides.

Welding is the most popular method for those who want to connect any elements into a frame. After all, the material itself is highly weldable. Only in some cases welding will not be as rational a solution as knitting.

If the reinforcement has a diameter of 16 millimeters or more, then welding is allowed without fear of changing the original characteristics. At 10-14 millimeters, this option is also acceptable, but only if there are no seismic loads in the area. Otherwise, the plates will begin to move, which leads to the destruction of the entire structure.

The A500C fittings have a wide range that can be selected for almost any situation. But complex engineering and geological conditions and high loads impose some restrictions on the use of welded joints. Welding is used for buildings with a small amount of shrinkage. The situation is associated with the absence of dynamic oscillations.

Economic efficiency reaches its maximum in the case of large volumes of work. High-rise monolithic structures are often equipped with frames manufactured at specialized enterprises. This helps to reduce the costs of construction itself, and the costs of further work are also reduced. For welding, frames with meshes are assembled at the construction site if the amount of work is small. The solution is based on the customer with his current needs.


A500S fittings are the most modern development in the direction of fittings. This class of products differs from others when it comes to the visual component. The structure has no longitudinal ribs; it is complemented by three profiles or a large number of them.

If cold forming is used for steel, then the advantage is the use for the production of welded mesh with the absence of scale. In this case, conventional welding with electrodes for connection is prohibited.

But even the susceptibility to corrosion can be easily circumvented if you choose the material and construct the structure wisely.

Source: https://blog.kpmtrade.ru/sortovoj-prokat/armatura-a500s/

Differences between A1 and AZ fittings

The article will discuss the differences between A1 and AZ fittings. Fittings of classes A1 and A3 are the most common and frequently used. These two classes have differences:

  • by composition;
  • by appearance;
  • as intended.
  • 1 External differences
  • 2 Purpose
  • 3 A3 or A500C
  • 4 Interchangeability

External differences

The most important difference between these classes is the surface. Class A1 reinforcement is smooth, while A3 has a periodic profile. In this case, certain requirements regarding the angle of location relative to each other are applied to the transverse ribs and longitudinal protrusions. The presence of these ribs increases the adhesive properties of the reinforcement with concrete, allowing the use of A3 reinforcement in prestressed structures.


Class A1 has lower strength, which limits its scope of application. However, it is class A1 fittings that are more resistant to aggressive environments and extreme temperatures. These properties allow you to use it:

  1. During the construction of oil production enterprises and oil transportation facilities in the Far North.
  2. When mining minerals to strengthen equipment.
  3. In construction, for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures during the construction of various objects.

Another advantage of this class is the possibility of using welded joints when installing structures. This greatly speeds up installation, which brings a positive economic effect.

A3 reinforcement is used in the construction of critical reinforced concrete structures where special strength is required. These are load-bearing walls of residential buildings, bridge structures, tunnel construction. Using it in secondary structures is not economically profitable.

A3 or A500C

Many online publications publish information that these are the same type of fittings. In fact, these types of rolled metal are made from different metals and have visual differences.

Class A3 fittings are produced in accordance with GOST 5781-82. Material – low-alloy steel grades 35GS, 25G2S or 32G2Rps. It is often labeled as A400 due to its yield strength of 400 N/mm2.

Class A500S fittings are produced in accordance with STO-ASChM 7-93 and GOST R 52544-2006 from low-carbon steel with the mandatory addition of:

  • silicon;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • nitrogen;
  • copper

The quantity of these elements is regulated by GOST.

Due to the fact that the reinforcement of these classes is made of different steels, there are significant differences in their application. It is forbidden to weld the A400 fittings; the connection is made only with the help of a binding wire. But the letter C in the A500C marking means that it is allowed to use a welding seam in cross-shaped joints. This was achieved by reducing the amount of alloying additives in steel.

Externally, these two types of fittings are also different. The A400 necessarily has longitudinal ribs, and the transverse protrusions are located along helical lines that have right entries on one side and left entries on the other. The transverse protrusions are connected to the longitudinal ribs.

Longitudinal ribs in the periodic profile A500 are not a mandatory element and are available in hot-rolled and thermo-mechanically hardened versions. Cold-deformed rolled products can be three-sided crescent-shaped or four-sided segmented. In this case, there are no longitudinal ribs. In the case of longitudinal ribs, the transverse protrusions are located less frequently than in A3 and are not connected to them.

Figure 3. A500S fittings


Class A1 fittings cannot replace A3, and vice versa; it’s a different matter when it comes to classes A400 and A500. Due to the fact that the latter has a yield strength of 500 N/mm2, it can replace A400. In this case, you will not have to perform additional calculations of structural elements, since the characteristics of the substitute are higher. But reverse replacement without recalculating the strength is impossible.

A500 is made from low-carbon steel, which is why the cost per linear meter of such fittings is lower and its use is economically profitable. It is more universal in use, as it can be used both in loaded areas, along with A3, and in unloaded structures.

Source: https://viascio.ru/materialy/otlichiya-armatury-a1-i-az

Reinforcement A1 and A3 class differences

There are more than a dozen types of fittings on the building materials market. Despite the extensive choice, grades A1 and A3 are most often used in civil engineering. They differ in both price and characteristics, and our article will help you figure out which material is best to choose for certain purposes.

Difference between fittings A1 and A3. Characteristics and application in construction

Reinforcement is the basis of concrete walls, screeds and columns. This important element experiences all the main loads and bending moments, preventing deformation and destruction of the concrete base.

Metal rods of different diameters, which have a circular cross-section, are used as reinforcement. There are two main types of reinforcing metal rods: A1 and A3.

To understand the difference between A1 and A3 fittings, as well as their scope of application, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with their main characteristics and consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Explanation of markings

Marking of reinforcing bars is usually done using letter designations. The letters indicate the exact method by which the reinforcement was produced. So, for example, the presence of the letter A in the name indicates that the product was made using the hot or cold rolling method.

If we compare both methods, it is worth noting that the steel obtained by cold rolling has increased strength characteristics and has greater hardness. The number usually denotes the degree of fluidity of the steel used in the reinforcement; it determines the main difference between the grades of metal. The yield coefficient depends on the maximum stress, which causes the metal to begin to deform.

That is, the higher this indicator, the greater the strength of the rod itself. So, for example, A440 steel has a greater safety margin compared to A240.

When building structures made of reinforced concrete, it is necessary to achieve the best strength of the entire structure, using elements with minimal mass. One solution is to reinforce the structure using a steel frame, for the assembly of which reinforcement of various cross-sectional diameters is used. It can be in the form of skeins or rods.

Each type of reinforcement, regardless of its profile, can be subjected to separate temperature treatment. This can be understood by the addition of “At” at the end of the abbreviation. The reinforcement metal can be cleaned of excess impurities and have a uniform distribution of carbon, which increases the quality of welded joints (a “C” is added to the abbreviation). Copper can be added to the metal in an amount of up to two percent to improve its anti-corrosion properties (at the end of the abbreviation “K”).

Difference between fittings A1 and A3

The main types used in construction are A3, as well as A1 reinforcement, GOST 30136-94. Sometimes you can find other names. For example, A1 fittings are often found under the name A240, and A3 – A400.

The weight of reinforcement A1 and A3 is approximately the same, however, the main difference between these types of reinforcement is that A1 has a smooth surface, and A3 has a corrugated surface. Corrugation provides better contact with concrete. Due to the presence of a corrugated surface on A3, it has better reinforcing qualities compared to smooth reinforcement A1.

The disadvantages of A3 include the appearance of additional stresses due to the need for an additional rolling cycle, which is necessary to form a corrugated surface.

Another disadvantage is the reduction in the effective cross-section of the reinforcement with a constant weight per linear meter, as well as a higher cost due to the complexity of its production. Strength decreases by 6% with an asymmetrical position of the corrugation pattern compared to round reinforcement.

There are differences between reinforcement A1 and A3 in terms of the type of steel used. Typically, steel with a low carbon content in its composition is used for the manufacture of materials. For the manufacture of A3 reinforcement, steels with increased ductility and low carbon content are used. A1 reinforcement is made from stiffer and harder steels. Also, according to GOST, variety A1 should not have corrugation.

The cross-sectional diameter of the reinforcement bars, regardless of the profile, usually varies between 8-25 millimeters. When constructing larger structures, such as bridges and high-rise buildings, reinforcement with a diameter of 40 millimeters is used. The composition of the material with a smaller cross-section includes mild steel that is more deeply purified from impurities. For large diameter fittings, any type of steel with a low carbon content can be used.

Application of fittings

Let's talk about the difference between A1 and A3 fittings in terms of application. A1 is widely used for reinforcing concrete structures in any form, be it a mesh or a complex frame. Smooth reinforcement is also actively used in the construction of any structures that have an auxiliary value (fences, products in the form of gratings, fences, etc.).

A3 reinforcement, which is corrugated, is mainly used for the construction of simple, lightweight and high-strength frame structures made of concrete. This variety is not used in the construction of structures that perform an auxiliary function.

Source: https://FB.ru/article/353712/otlichie-armaturyi-aia-harakteristiki-i-primenenie-v-stroitelstve

What is a1 fittings?

A1 reinforcement is rolled metal, without which almost no construction project can currently be completed. It is widely used for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products, as well as various metal structures and parts. This rolled metal product is produced in accordance with GOST 5781-82.

1 What is rolled reinforcing metal A1?

According to GOST 5781, A1 reinforcement is designated differently - reinforcement (reinforcing steel - hereinafter AC) AI (A240). This is a more correct name for this rolled metal and is used by all its manufacturers and professional consumers.

In the technical language of GOST 5781, which classifies all types of reinforcing steel produced according to it for the reinforcement of conventional as well as prestressed various reinforced concrete structures, this designation stands for “class A1 reinforcement.”

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The division into classes in this GOST is made according to one of the mechanical characteristics of the speakers - the yield strength. Its conditional value for product A1 is indicated in parentheses after the index A - the number 240. This is the value of the yield strength in kgf/mm 2, but multiplied by 10. Thus, reinforcement A1 has a yield strength of 24 kgf/mm 2 (corresponds to 235 N /mm 2 ).

According to GOST 5781, AI speakers are manufactured only with a smooth profile - without corrugation of the surface of a regular round cross-section. Externally, depending on the nominal thickness, it looks like steel wire or rod.

AC A240 is produced hot-rolled and only from carbon steel. In this case, according to standard 5781, only brands St3sp, St3kp and St3ps are used.

It is precisely because of this that A1 reinforcement, in contrast to smooth AC of other classes of GOST 5781 and produced in accordance with GOST 10884, is most in demand and is used both for reinforcement and as ordinary rolled metal - for the manufacture of various steel parts and structures.

After all, St3 is the most flexible, ductile of all carbon and, especially, low-alloy grades and is better weldable than all alloys. Its chemical composition for finished AI fittings must meet the requirements listed in GOST 380.

The range of production of smooth AI speakers includes 14 standard sizes in diameter in the range of 6–40 mm. Products with a thickness of 6–12 mm are produced in rods or in the form of coils, and larger diameter A1 reinforcement is supplied only in rods. AC A240 rods are manufactured in lengths of 6–12 m.

Moreover, they come in measured or unmeasured length. Together with the measured ones, unmeasured rods with a length of at least 2 m and in an amount equal to a maximum of 15% of the mass of the released batch can be supplied.

The consumer can order the option he needs, and by agreement with the manufacturer, it is also possible to produce rods of 5–25 m.

2 Weight, mechanical properties and manufacturing requirements

The table of GOST 5781 for the range of smooth AS AI indicates the cross-sectional area, weight of 1 m of the profile and permissible maximum deviations in% from the last parameter for finished products. The weight given is theoretical (calculated), when calculating it it was assumed that the A1 reinforcement has a nominal diameter without deviations, and the steel density is 7850 kg/m 3. Weight values ​​from the GOST table for all standard sizes of speakers A240 in kg:

  • diameter 6 mm – weight 0.222 kg;
  • 8 – 0,395;
  • 10 – 0,617;
  • 12 – 0,888;
  • 14 – 1,21;
  • 16 – 1,58;
  • 18 – 2;
  • 20 – 2,47;
  • 22 – 2,98;
  • 25 – 3,85;
  • 28 – 4,83;
  • 32 – 6,31;
  • 36 – 7,99;
  • 40 – 9,87.

Maximum permissible deviations according to standard 5781:

  • from the nominal diameter - must comply with the standards of GOST 2590;
  • by weight for standard sizes:
    • from +9 to –7% of the theoretical weight of 1 m – with a diameter of 6.8 mm;
    • from +5 to –6% – 10–14 mm;
    • from +3 to –5% – 16–28 mm;
    • from +3 to –4% – 32–40 mm.

The ovality of smooth reinforcement (the difference in one cross section of the profile between the largest and smallest actual diameters) should not exceed the sum of the permissible minus and plus deviations in diameter.

AS AI measuring rods are subject to requirements for maximum permissible deviations of length values, depending on the accuracy of cutting metal:

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  • for rods up to 6 m long inclusive: in case of increased cutting accuracy +25 mm, normal – +50 mm;
  • more than 6 m: +35 and 0 mm, respectively.

The curvature of the speaker, made in the form of rods, should not exceed 0.6% of its measured length.

In addition to the yield strength, which was indicated above, for smooth AI speakers, standard 5781 also provides other mechanical properties. Relative elongation during bending (tests) – 25%. The tensile strength of the reinforcement is 373 N/mm 2 (corresponding to 38 kgf/mm 2 ).

After manufacturing, A1 reinforcement is subjected to bending tests in a cold state (must withstand them). It is bent around the mandrel at an angle of 180°. For profiles with a thickness of 6–20 mm, use a mandrel of the same diameter as the reinforcement itself. For speakers thicker than 20 mm, take a diameter equal to 4 product sizes.

GOST 5781 obliges manufacturers to provide AI reinforcement with the mechanical properties specified therein with a probability of at least 0.95.

GOST also contains requirements for the surface quality of the finished speaker. There should be no flaws, stress cracks and rolling, rolling sunsets and captivity on it. The standard allows individual rolled prints, sagging, dirt, traces of rolled bubbles, minor rust, as well as scaliness and pockmarking.

3 Briefly about the areas of application of A1 profiles

They are used for reinforcement in almost all cases. In high-strength reinforced concrete reinforced with strong (usually corrugated) AC of a higher class, A1 reinforcement is used for mutual fixation of the latter and strengthening the surface layer of the product or monolithic structure of such objects as dams, mines, bridges, airfields, tunnels, high-rise buildings, etc. Further.

Source: https://vsjaarmatura.ru/kakaya-armatura/armatura-a1-eto-kakaya.html

Difference between fittings A1 and A3

The most common types of fittings are A1 and A3. What are the specifics of these materials?


This type of reinforcement has a smooth surface. It is usually supplied from the factory in the form of coils or rods. The diameter of the A1 reinforcement can be 6-40 mm. The fact that A1 is a material with a smooth surface determines the relatively low stability of its adhesion to concrete, and therefore it is not always possible to use it as the main material for reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures.

A1 fittings

The type of reinforcement under consideration is most often produced from carbon steels of the following types:

  1. St3kp (or boiling);
  2. St3ps (or semi-calm);
  3. St3sp (or calm).

Reinforcement made from the first type of steel is used in structures that do not require large external loads. The most durable material is the one made using St3sp steel.

The main regulatory document defining the characteristics of type A1 fittings is GOST 5781-82.

The material in question is most often used in monolithic buildings, as well as in the production of various reinforced concrete products. The use of A1 fittings is also widespread in industry.

It can be noted that the corresponding material is characterized by high resistance to aggressive environments, and, what is especially important, to low, high air temperatures, as well as their sudden changes.

Other important advantages of the fittings in question include a relatively low price. Therefore, its use where possible from the point of view of production technologies can significantly reduce the project budget.

Another important characteristic of A1 reinforcement is good weldability. This increases the versatility of using the respective material.

What is A3 fittings?

This type of fittings is made of hot-rolled steel. Most often, A3 material is used in the construction of various structures - residential, industrial. Unlike smooth A1, the reinforcement in question is corrugated. There is a special pattern on its surface - in the form of 2 longitudinally located ribs, as well as many transverse ones, which are located at a short distance from each other.

A3 fittings

The noted feature characterizing the surface of the reinforcement makes it possible to increase its adhesion to concrete in the corresponding building structures. Therefore, type A3 material can be used as the main material for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures.

In addition, A3 fittings are in many cases produced from high-alloy steels - with admixtures of chromium, manganese, titanium, and silicon. This determines the very high strength of the corresponding material.

A3 fittings can have a diameter of 6-80 mm. It is customary to classify it into 3 main types:

  • hot rolled;
  • strengthened by hardening;
  • strengthened by stretching.

The main advantage of A3 reinforcement is its ability to significantly improve the performance properties of building structures in the structure of which it may be present. Reinforced concrete structures with A3 reinforcement acquire exceptionally high resistance to various mechanical and, in many respects, atmospheric influences.

Like material type A1, the reinforcement in question is well welded. It is also characterized by resistance to many aggressive environments - in particular, it has excellent resistance to oxidation. But from the point of view of resistance to high and low air temperatures, as well as their differences, A3 reinforcement, as many experts believe, is inferior to material of type A1.


The main difference between A1 and A3 reinforcement is that the first material is smooth, made from carbon steel. The second is corrugated, produced in many cases from high-alloy steels. This property determines a significant difference between the reinforcements under consideration in terms of:

  • adhesion to concrete;
  • strength;
  • versatility.

According to the first criterion, the A3 reinforcement wins - due to the corrugated surface. In terms of strength, material A3 is also superior to A1.

But from the point of view of versatility, as many experts believe, A1 fittings have advantages. This is due to its higher resistance to aggressive environments, and above all to high and low temperatures and their differences. Thus, in the conditions of the Far North, A1 reinforcement may be indispensable, since A3 material is not always resistant to low temperatures.

Having determined what the difference is between reinforcement A1 and A3, we record the conclusions in the table.


A1 fittings A3 fittings
Has a smooth surface Has a grooved surface
Made from carbon steels Made from high alloy steels
Less durable More durable
Provides weaker adhesion to concrete Provides stronger adhesion to concrete
More resistant to low temperatures and their sudden change to higher ones Less resistant to low temperatures and their frequent changes to higher ones

Source: https://TheDifference.ru/chem-otlichaetsya-armatura-a1-ot-a3/

Classes and grades of reinforcement steel


Reinforcement is used to improve the performance of concrete. It gives an increase in strength and allows you to withstand heavy loads without cracking or crumbling. Without the use of a frame made of metal rods or wire mesh, it would be impossible to construct concrete supports, bridges, underground structures and other structures.

According to purpose, reinforcement is divided into four types:

  • Anchor . Used to create embedded elements in concreting.
  • Constructive . Eliminates deformation of the structure and distributes loads. Thanks to this, the concrete does not settle and thermal expansion is compensated.
  • Working . It is necessary to take the main load and increase strength.
  • Assembly . It is used when you need to connect disparate parts into a single frame.

Product characteristics indicate where it can be used. We sell prestressed and non-prestressed reinforcement, adapted for installation in supporting and unloaded structures.

According to the installation method, longitudinal and transverse varieties are selected. The first type resists vertical cracks well, the second - inclined ones.

Classes of fittings and areas of their use

On sale you will find rods that vary in diameter, length and surface type. There are smooth and grooved varieties. For ease of designation, they were divided into classes, for each the area of ​​use and a set of characteristics, as well as the steel grade of the reinforcement, were specified.

There are the following types:

  • A1 (A240, AI). One of the most common types of materials for the manufacture of reinforced concrete products is trays, floor slabs, and support elements. The diameter ranges from 6 to 40 mm. Depending on this parameter, the product is supplied in skeins or rods.
  • A2 (A300, AII). The diameter reaches 80 mm. Can be used as a frame for piles. Installation in concrete increases its resistance to vertical loads.
  • A3 (A 400, A III ). There are ribs on the surface of the rod. Corrugation improves adhesion to concrete. Diameter up to 40 mm. Products up to 10 mm are supplied in skeins, larger quantities in rods.
  • A4 (A600, AIV). Metal elements are used as the basis for reinforced concrete products for various purposes. They are suitable for the production of parts subject to dynamic loads. It is also widely used in construction – not only civil, but also industrial.
  • A5 (A800, AV). The material is created from structural low-alloy steel. The recommended area of ​​application is the creation of prestressed concrete products. Suitable for the construction of bridges and hydraulic structures.
  • A6 (A1000, AVI). The characteristics allow the use of steel rods in the most critical areas - from nuclear industry facilities to dams. Since the product is expensive, it is produced upon pre-order. Provides good adhesion to concrete due to the special structure of the ribs - they are ring-shaped or crescent-shaped. Can also be used with reinforced concrete products. Reinforcement significantly extends their service life.
  • A400C . Manufactured using the hot-rolled method. The diameter reaches 40 mm. It is distinguished by the presence of two ribs located longitudinally. Used in private construction, in the construction of low structures.
  • A500C . Additionally strengthened by mechanical and thermal methods. Not adapted to strong dynamic loads, used with basic types of reinforced concrete products.
  • A600C . It is characterized by increased resistance to corrosion due to the addition of molybdenum and vanadium to the alloy. Suitable for monolithic houses, construction in areas with high seismic activity.

Below is a table of classes and brands of fittings with the main characteristics listed.

Reinforcement class Rolled diameter steel grade Mechanical properties, no less
σ T , N/mm2 yield strength σ B , N/mm2 tensile strength σ S , % relative. elongation Cold bending test, C – mandrel diameter, B – rod diameter
A-I (A 240) 6-40 St3kp, St3ps, St3sp 235 373 25 180 deg C=d
A-II (A 300) 10-40 St5sp, St5ps 295 490 19 180 deg C=3d
40-80 18G2S
AC-II (AC 300) 10-32 10GT 295 441 25 180 deg C=d
A-III (A 400) 6-40 35GS, 25G2S 390 590 14 90 deg C=3d
6-22 32G2Rps
A-IV (A 600) 10-18 80C 590 883 6 45 degrees C=5d
10-32 20ХГ2Ц, 20ХГ2Т
А-V (А 800) 10-32 23Х2Г2Т, 23Х2Г2Ц 785 1030 7 45 degrees C=5d
A-VI (A1000) 10-22 22Kh2G2AYu, 22Kh2G2R, 20Kh2G2SR 980 1230 6 45 degrees C=5d

Steel grades for the production of fittings

The grade classification and classes of reinforcing steel indicate the performance characteristics. Among the most common varieties:

  • 20GS . Structural low alloy steel. It lends itself well to welding, therefore it is suitable for the manufacture of reinforcing frames.
  • 35GS . Another structural low-alloy variety. Well protected from aggressive environments and pressure.
  • St3kp . Structural carbon of ordinary quality. Shows good adhesion to concrete and does not deteriorate due to pressure, vibration, or exposure to aggressive environments.
  • 22Х2Г2АУ . The characteristics of this low-alloy structural steel make it suitable for use in both conventional and prestressed concrete structures.
  • 80C . Durable material that can withstand high stress and aggressive environmental influences.

The table below shows the correspondence of the class of reinforcing steel, the grade of raw materials used in the manufacture and the profile diameter of the created rod.

Table of reinforcement classes and steel grades - steel for reinforcement according to GOST 5781-82

Profile type Class Diameter, mm steel grade
Smooth profile A1 (A240) 6-40 St3kp, St3ps, St3sp
Periodic profile A2 (A300) 10-40, 40-80 St5sp, St5ps, 18G2S
Periodic profile A3 (A400) 6-40, 6-22 35GS, 25G2S, 32G2Rps
Periodic profile A4 (A600) 10-18 (6-8), 10-32 (36-40) 80С, 20ХГ2Ц
Periodic profile A5 (A800) 10-32 (6-8), (36-40) 23Х2Г2Т
Periodic profile A6 (A1000) 10-22 22Х2Г2АУ, 22Х2Г2Р

What determines the scope of application of fittings?

Several factors influence where a particular type of rod will be used:

  • Degree of workload.
  • Potential threats.
  • Scope of application of reinforced concrete products or location of the reinforced building.
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Before you buy a batch of steel rods, you need to understand what the loads acting on them will be - static or dynamic. The mechanical parameters of the future frame are also taken into account. If you need to connect several parts by welding, the steel must have a good level of weldability.

Source: https://spbrmk.ru/klassy-i-marki-stali-armatury/

A1 fittings - table of weights and assortment according to GOST 5781-82

A1 reinforcement is a type of rolled steel with a round cross-section and a smooth surface. Produced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 5781-82 using hot rolling technology. The main areas of application are the production of reinforcement frames, mounting loops for reinforced concrete structures, plaster nets, enclosures, fences, for the installation of permanent formwork, reinforcement of plaster layers and floor screeds.


In the production of these products, St3 of various degrees of deoxidation is used - boiling, semi-calm, calm. Products made from completely deoxidized steel (calm) are used in critical structures designed to withstand high loads. Rolled products can be heat-strengthened (T) or stretch-strengthened (B).

Main physical characteristics:

  • yield strength – 235 N/mm2;
  • temporary tensile strength – 373 N/mm2;
  • relative elongation – no less than 25%.

Performance properties of steel reinforcement A1 (A240):

  • Good weldability due to low carbon steel construction.
  • Environmental friendliness. These products have safety certificates indicating their compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Possibility of bending at the angle necessary to create a structure.
  • Low resistance to corrosion. Increased by painting, galvanizing, aluminum zinc plating.
  • Lower cost compared to periodic profile reinforcement.

Assortment of fittings A1

According to regulatory documentation, products are produced in the diameter range of 6-40 mm. It goes on sale in coils - up to 10 mm in diameter - or rods 6-12 mm long. The weight of products can be determined by the formula M = ρ* l*(π*d2)/4 , in which:

M – product mass, kg;

ρ – average steel density, taken equal to 7850 kg/m3;

π – 3.14;

d – cross-sectional diameter, m;

l – length, m.

Another option for calculating the mass of a batch of reinforcement is using a table from which the mass of 1 m is determined, and then this value is multiplied by the total footage of the batch.

Weight table for 1 m reinforcement A1

Diameter, mm Cross-sectional area, cm2 Weight 1 m, kg Number of meters per ton Diameter, mm Cross-sectional area, cm2 Weight 1 m, kg Number of meters per ton
6 0,283 0,222 4505 20 3,14 2,47 405
8 0,503 0,395 2532 22 3,8 2,98 336
10 0,785 0,617 1620 25 4,91 3,85 260
12 1,131 0,888 1126 28 6,16 4,83 207
14 1,54 1,21 826 32 8,04 6,31 158
16 2,01 1,58 633 36 10,18 7,99 125
18 2,54 2,0 500 40 12,57 9,87 101

Source: https://TreydMetall.ru/info/armatura-a1-tab-vesov


Reinforcement is a type of building material used for the manufacture of monolithic structures. It also has such names as: construction reinforcement, corrugated reinforcement, steel reinforcement, A3 reinforcement, A500s reinforcement.


Construction of buildings and structures, production of reinforced concrete structures (slabs, etc.), bridge construction, production of foundations, floors of private houses, production of reinforcing mesh.


Reinforcement from factories in the Russian Federation is supplied hot-rolled and cold-deformed with quality certificates, manufactured according to regulatory documents GOST 5781, GOST R52544, GOST 10884, GOST 6727, according to TU, STO ASChM 7-93. The form of delivery from factories is bars of measured and unmeasured lengths and coils (coils).

Reinforcement in coils is made with a diameter of 5 to 12 mm, internal diameter 400-900 mm, external 800-1250 mm, height 600-2000 mm, weight varies from 800 kg to 3000 kg.

Reinforcement in rods is made with a diameter of 5 to 40 mm, rod length; standard measured 6m, 9m, 11.7m, 12m and unmeasured from 4 to 11.7 meters. Manufacturing plants have the ability to produce fittings of any other length, at the request of the customer.

If we talk about the diameters most often used in construction, we can note the following sizes: 10 mm, reinforcement 12 mm, 16 mm, 25 mm.


The fittings are divided into classes and have alphanumeric designations:

A - for example A500C, AT800 where A - means hot-rolled or thermomechanically strengthened reinforcing bars. B500С where B means that this is cold-deformed reinforcing bar. C - this rolled product is weldable, the numbers 400, 500, 800 mean a yield strength of at least 400 N/mm, 500 N/mm, 800 N/mm.

Reinforcement A-I (A240) is hot-rolled steel of round section which has a smooth profile and is produced with a diameter from 6 mm to 80 mm.

Reinforcing bars of class A240 are manufactured with a diameter of up to 12 mm inclusive in coils (coils) and rods (length 6m, 9m, 11.7m, unmeasured length), reinforcement diameters from 14 to 40 are manufactured only in rods.

In the manufacture of class AI reinforcing steel, the following grades of steel are used: boiling steel St3kp, semi-quiet steel St3ps, calm steel St3sp.

Reinforcement AIII (A400) is a steel periodic profile of circular cross-section with a corrugated surface, which is manufactured according to GOST 5781-82 from structural low-alloy steel grades: steel 35GS and steel 25G2S with the addition of alloying elements such as manganese and silicon. Produced in diameters from 6 to 80 mm. In the USSR it was the main type of reinforcement used for reinforced concrete products.

The disadvantage of the reinforcement is that arc welding is prohibited for steel 35GS according to SNiP 2.03.01-84, due to a decrease in the ductility of the steel at the welding points, as a result of high heat input, which can lead to the destruction of reinforced concrete structures during the construction process.

Refusal to weld when performing construction work forces us to provide significant reserves for the cross-section of reinforcement, which leads to the use of more meters of rolled reinforcing bars and an increase in cost.

A500S reinforcement is hot-rolled thermomechanically strengthened reinforcing steel, initially manufactured according to STO ASChM 7-93 by the Severstal plant and other factories in accordance with GOST R 52544-2006. At the moment, or more precisely, since July 2016, the only regulatory document remains GOST 52544-2006, which regulates the production of steel reinforcement class A500C. Produced in diameters from 4 to 40 mm.

Compared to A400 fittings, it has a number of advantages. This is strength and flexibility due to an increased yield strength of at least 500 N/mm2. Lower cost due to the absence of alloying elements in steel. The profile does not have intersection points of longitudinal and transverse ribs, the presence of which can lead to the formation of fatigue cracks.

Increased weldability allows the use of arc welding when installing and laying reinforcement.

Profile of fittings A500SProfile of fittings A400

A500 fittings are manufactured at the Tula TMPZ plant by hot rolling from high-carbon quality steel grade 76, which is used in the manufacture of rails and complies with TU 093311-313-36554501-2014.

The following types of workpieces are used for the production of this reinforcement - a steel square or a decommissioned rail. Profile dimensions from 8 mm to 22 mm, mechanical characteristics and weight of 1 meter of length correspond to GOST 52544-2006.

The distinctive feature and disadvantages of this reinforcement is that it is laid without arc welding, that is, it is overlapped or using mechanical connections, and the cross-shaped connections of the rods are made knitted. Also, this reinforcement breaks when the bending stress exceeds 40°.

The reinforcement is used in the form of individual rods, as well as as part of knitted reinforcement frames and meshes, in monolithic reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures of any purpose and level of responsibility in accordance with GOST 54257. The advantages of this reinforcement are that it has increased corrosion resistance compared to class A500C.


GOST 10884 this GOST divides reinforcing steel into classes depending on the mechanical properties of the strength class - which corresponds to the yield strength measured in newtons per mm2 square millimeter and operational characteristics - indices C, K where C (weldable), and K (resistant to corrosion cracking) . Examples of these products are reinforcing steel: class At1200, class At1000K, class At500S, class At600, class At400S, class At600S, class At1000K, class At600K, class At800, class At800L, class At1000.

GOST 5781 This GOST subdivides steel reinforcement depending on its mechanical properties. Developed in the USSR and until recently it was the main type of reinforcement for reinforced concrete products.

Class A-I (A240), class A-II (A300), class A-III (A400), class A-IV (A600), class A-V (A800), class A-VI (A1000).

Steel reinforcement of class A-I (A240) is made only smooth, and classes A-II (A300), A-III (A400), A-IV (A600), A-V (A800) of periodic profile and smooth (at the request of the consumer ), and steel class A-VI (A1000) - only periodic profile.

GOST 52544 This GOST applies to reinforcing bars of class A500s and B500S (where A500s is hot-rolled steel without thermomechanical or other subsequent processing, and B500s is mechanically and thermomechanically strengthened rolled steel). At the moment, fittings produced in accordance with this GOST are the most common and popular in the construction industry.


Steel reinforcement - metal

  • corrugated reinforcement - round reinforcement with a periodic profile: made of reinforcing steel - steels used in production are st3, 35gs, 25g2s, class a500s, a400, a500, a300, a600, a800, a1000
  • smooth reinforcement - has a round cross-section and a smooth profile surface: made of reinforcing steel - steel used in production is St3, class A240

Composite reinforcement - plastic

  • fiberglass
  • basalt-plastic

Main parameters and dimensions

The nominal diameter and cross-sectional area, the weight of 1 meter of length of reinforcing bars, permissible deviations in weight relative to a linear meter must correspond to those indicated in the table.

Nominal diameter of rolled products, dн, mm Nominal cross-sectional area Fн, mm2 Weight of rolled products 1 m long
Nominal, kg, theoretical weight/DO Permissible deviations, %
6 28.3 Fn, mm2 TV = 0.222, DO = 0.204-0.239 ±8%
8 50.3 Fn, mm2 TV = 0.395, DO = 0.363-0.426
10 78.3 Fn, mm2 TV = 0.617, DO = 0.586-0.647 ±5%
12 113 Fn, mm2 TV = 0.888, DO = 0.843-0.932
14 154 Fn, mm2 TV = 1.21, DO = 1.149-1.27
16 201 Fn, mm2 TV = 1.58, DO = 1.501-1.643 ±4%
18 254 Fn, mm2 TV = 2.00, DO = 1.92-2.08
20 314 Fn, mm2 TV = 2.47, TO = 2.371-2.568
22 380 Fn, mm2 TV = 2.98, DO = 2.86-3.099
25 491 Fn, mm2 TV = 3.85, TO = 3.696-4.004
28 616 Fn, mm2 TV = 4.83, DO = 4.636-5.023
32 804 Fn, mm2 TV = 6.31, DO = 6.057-6.562
36 1018 Fn, mm2 TV = 7.99, DO = 7.67-8.309
40 1256 Fn, mm2 TV = 9.86, DO = 9.465-10.254

Rebar diameters, types, classes, price per ton

Our Metal Base sells fittings and offers to buy fittings of classes a500s, 35gs, 25g2s, a500, a400, a240, at wholesale prices. We have corrugated, smooth and composite steel reinforcement in stock in any quantity.

With us you can find out the price per meter or price per ton for fittings of any type and diameter, as well as get a calculation of the cost of your order. The fittings can be purchased for delivery or pickup.

You can order metal via email, WhatsApp, feedback form and by phone.

Source: https://ros-met.com/armatura/

A1 fittings and A3 fittings. What is the difference

There are many types of steel reinforcement. The most commonly used fittings are a3 and a1. The article talks about the differences between them, which material is more often used for certain jobs.

Characteristics of fittings

  • Profile type. It can be smooth or periodic, with longitudinal and transverse ribs. The ribbing improves adhesion to the concrete mortar, which increases the strength of the structure. Smooth reinforcement is much easier to weld.
  • Diameter of rods. The larger it is, the higher the strength. It must be remembered that along with the cross-section there is an increase in the mass of the reinforcement frame. In some situations this can be quite important.
  • Steel grade. The strength and anti-corrosion properties of the product depend on it. Corrosion resistance is important if the structure is located in an aggressive environment, places with sudden and large temperature changes and where there is high humidity.

In GOST 5781-82, for each grade and diameter, the characteristics of steel reinforcement are indicated, based on which calculations are made before construction.

Features of a1 fittings

Distinctive features and advantages:

  • The profile is smooth.
  • Made of low-alloy steel (St3sp, St3ps, St3kp).
  • The diameter of the reinforcing bars ranges from 6 to 40 mm.
  • Has high corrosion resistance.
  • Tolerates sudden changes in temperature and high humidity.
  • Easy to weld.


  • Poor adhesion to concrete mortar. However, for many jobs it is sufficient or does not play a significant role.

The old marking of the fittings is A1, the new one is A240. It is used for finishing facades, strengthening columns, for foundations and in reinforced concrete products (slabs, rings, beams, etc.).

Features of A3 fittings

Distinctive features and advantages:

  • Profile – with transverse or longitudinal ribs.
  • Steel grades - 35GS, 25G2S and 32G2Rps.
  • Diameter for rods made of steel 35GS, 25G2S from 6 to 40 mm.
  • Diameter for rods made of steel 32G2Rps from 6 to 22 mm.
  • Good adhesion to concrete and increased structural strength.


  • Low corrosion resistance.
  • High price compared to A1 fittings. A3 fittings are approximately 30% more expensive than A1.

The old marking is A3, the new one is A400.
It is used where increased strength is needed: in the construction of bridges, dams, in monolithic buildings where there are high loads and pressure. Often, fittings of both types are combined with each other.

Source: https://cxemok.ru/poleznoe/1666-armatura-a1-i-armatura-a3-chem-otlichayutsya.html

Арматура Рђ1 — арактеристики, преимущества

Арматура Рђ1 — цена, арактеристики, преимущества, налРёС‡РеРµ РЅР° складе. Отгрузка партий СЃРѕ склада РІ день оплаты.


Арматура Р°1(Рђ-I) является металлическим изделием, РєРѕС‚ РѕСЂРѕРµ пспользуется РїСЂРё армировании конструкций РёР· железобетона. Rзготовление арматуры Р°1 ведется РІ строгом SЃРѕРѕС‚Р ІРµС‚ствии СЃ ГОСТ 5781-82.

Учет СЌС‚РёС С‚СЂРµР±РѕРІР°РЅРёР№ арактерен для горячекатаной круглой стали периодического Ryo гладкого профиля, которая SЃС‚анет важным SЂРµС€РµРЅРёРµРј R їСЂРё армировании СЃС‚Р°РЅРґР°СЂС‚РЅС‹С РєРѕРЅСЃS ‚СЂСѓРєС†РеР№ РёР· железобетона.

 РђСЂРјР°С‚СѓСЂР° Рђ1 Сявляется гладкой, для нее РЅРµ SR°СЂР°РєС‚ерно СЂР ефление. 

R»Р»СЏ изготовленоарматурной стали используются РЅРёР·Р єРѕР»РµРіРёСЂРѕРІР°РЅРЅР°СЏ Рё углеродиста СЏ сталь. RR»РёРЅР° стержней может составлять 12, 11.7, 9 Ryo 6 RјРµС‚СЂРѕРІ. Арматура Рђ1 поставляется СЃ диаметрами 6 — 40 РјРј.  


Арматура Р°1 РїСЂРеменяется для армирования железобето РЅРЅС‹С РєРѕРЅСЃС‚СЂСѓРєС†РеР№.

Круглые стержни СЃ гладкой поверСностью, РЅРµ имеющей рифленпдля улучшения сцепления СЃ Р±РµС ‚РѕРЅРѕРј, предназначенную для армирования RѕР±С‹С‡РЅС‹С же Р»РµР·РѕР±РµС‚РѕРЅРЅС‹С РєРѕРЅСЃС‚СЂСѓРєС†РёР№ (Р °СЂРјР°С‚урная сталь), изготавливается согласно ГОСТ 5781-82 . Rспользуется РІ строительстве RґР»СЏ RїРѕСЃС‚СЂРѕРєРєРё RјРЅРѕР іРѕСЌС‚Р°Р¶РЅС‹С Р¶РёР»С‹С Р·РґР°РЅРёР№, Рё для строительства РІСЃРµРІРѕР·РјРѕР¶РЅС‹С РїСЂРѕРјС‹С€Р»РµРЅРЅС‹С СЃРѕР ѕСЂСѓР¶РµРЅРёР№, Р° также предварител СЊРЅРѕ РЅР°РїСЂСЏР¶РµРЅРЅС‹С Р¶РµР»РµР·РѕР±РµС‚РѕРЅРЅС‹С РєРѕРЅСЃС‚СЂСѓРєС†РёР№ самы WITH SЂР°Р·Р»РёС‡РЅС‹С типов. Применяется арматура Р°1 для армванния стен, Р° такжРµ полов.

РќР° сегодняшний день арматура Р°-1 достаточно S€РёСЂРѕРєРѕ Рї SЂРёРјРµРЅСЏРµС‚СЃСЏ РІ различРСС‹С РѕС‚СЂР° SЃР»СЏС промышленности.

Rспользуют арматуру РІ строительстве, РїСЂРё добыче Рё транспортировке газа, R ° также нефти, РЅР° СЂР°Р·Р»РёС‡РЅС‹С РїСЂРµРґРїСЂРёСЏС‚РёСЏС РЅРµС„С‚РµРіР°Р·РѕРІ РѕР№ промышленности, угольной промышленности для СЃР°РјС‹С СЂР°Р·Р»РёС‡РЅС‹С СЃС‚СЂРѕРё S‚РµР»СЊРЅС‹С С†РµР»РµР№.

Арматура Р°1 отличается S‚ем, что RјРѕР¶РµС‚ эксплуатироваться даже РІ СЃР°РјС‹С Р°РіСЂРµСЃСЃРёРІРІРЅС‹С СЃСЂРµРґР°С, напрммер, РїСЂРё работе СЃ СѻороРј или природным газом.

Р'олее полную РјРхформацию РѕР± Резделии R'S‹ RјРѕР¶РµС‚Рµ найти РІ Рє аталоге.

Source: https://str-invest.ru/pom-snab/sprav-met/marochnik/stal-a1/stalnaya-armatura-a1/

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