How to Clean Brass Coins

The best ways to clean brass products at home

Brass items can be found in any home, so it will be useful for everyone to know how to clean brass at home. At the same time, people simply remove figurines and souvenirs made from this material from prominent places as soon as the aesthetic properties are lost. However, each product, even if contaminants have become embedded in the material, is cleaned using specialized means.

The article provides some safe and simple ways to return brass products to their original appearance, how to clean brass coins, mechanical mods, or clean a brass samovar (the given methods are universal for products made from this material).

What is brass?

Samovar brass alloy has been valued by people since ancient times. One of the famous objects is still a brass samovar, which is presented in museums and some homes. This alloy consists of two metals: copper and zinc.

In color and appearance, such a product is close to bronze: it is resistant to the corrosion process, as well as to friction. Since the properties of brass and bronze are similar, identical cleaning products are used. But you still need to take into account some of the features of brass.

Often such products are coated on the outside with a layer of varnish - this serves as protection from contact with water and air. The fact is that the environment adversely affects the appearance of the product - the object darkens and becomes stained (this is due to oxide). A striking example is the same samovar.

Cleaning a brass samovar was a common thing for people in Ancient Rus'. Due to frequent contact with water, the samovar oxidized and lost its original shine. People began to invent ways to clean such a brass samovar.

Product testing and professional cleaning methods

Specialized household chemical stores offer a range of cleaning products for brass products. However, before you clean brass at home and apply this or that product to the product, you should determine the material from which the item is made. One way is to use a magnet.

To check the product, you need to bring a magnet to one of the sides of the product. If attraction does not occur, then this is a sure sign that the figurine or object is made of brass. If the magnet sticks to the item, this means that there are other components in the composition and the use of the following cleaning methods is undesirable, since it sometimes has a negative effect on the condition of the item.

After checking, feel free to use one of the existing cleaning methods: professional or folk.

In fact, there are many ways to clean brass, and all of them are safe and easy to use. At the same time, the use of strong chemicals is replaceable - enough household products that can be found on the shelf in every home. Effective and simple cleaning methods (according to researchers) are:

  1. Gel with oxalic acid - this product is suitable for combating minor stains on the surface of the product, which are still quite fresh. Most standard detergents contain oxalic acid. Gently apply this product to the brass item and leave for a while until the surface acquires a dark shade. Then move on to cleaning with a brush. After this, you need to sprinkle a little soda on the item, and then rinse off all the product under water (the product is suitable for cleaning mechanical mods and samovars).
  2. Pure oxalic acid - if the contamination is quite serious, then it is better to use oxalic acid in its pure form for the item. Dilute the acid with water in the ratio of 1 liter of water per 20 g of acid. After this, leave the brass object in the resulting solution for a short period of time - then you need to walk over it with a brush. It is important to use gloves and a respirator when doing this.
  3. Acetone - another product that almost every housewife has is acetone. To clean, soak a swab in an acetone solution and wipe all parts of the item. If contaminants remain, then the product is first dipped in a solution containing water, salt and vinegar (it is heated to a boil). It is worth noting that the item should be boiled in this solution - a period of 3 to 4 hours is allowed, adding water as necessary. If the product begins to acquire a dark color, then there is no need to panic - just wait and then rinse the souvenir or figurine under tap water. Perfect for cleaning coins and mechanical mods.
  4. Acid concentrates - these products are sold in almost all household chemical stores. To clean, just apply it to a napkin (preferably fabric), and then wipe the brass object.

Folk remedies for combating stains on brass

Many people are wary of using strong chemicals to clean products. That is why people have come up with cleaning products that are absolutely harmless to humans and do not require the use of special safety measures.

  • Toothpastes - this hygiene item can easily be found in every home. To clean a brass item, first soak it in soap and water to soften the stains and remove the lightest stains. After this, apply toothpaste to the remaining stained part, and use a toothbrush for more thorough cleaning (especially if there are hard-to-reach places). Also, sometimes a simple napkin is used to avoid damaging the product.
  • Vinegar – also use the following solution for cleaning: 1 glass of flour, 1 glass of water and table vinegar. After this, the resulting mixture is applied to the contaminated areas of the product, and then wait some time until it dries completely. The solution acts in such a way that the flour gradually absorbs the main dirt, and the vinegar dissolves the deposits. Then you need to go over the product with a cloth. If after the first time all the contaminants are not gone, then repeat the procedure again.
  • A solution of lemon juice and salt - to prepare this remedy, first squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Then gradually add table salt to the resulting juice until the resulting mixture becomes like a paste. Apply the resulting solution to the product, and then remove dirt with small movements using a rag. Then the composition must be washed off with running water, and the item itself must be dried.
  • Soap solution - most often this method is used as a preparatory method for main cleaning. However, if the contamination of the item is minor, then a soap solution can remove them without difficulty. The item should be soaked in warm soapy water in a basin for some time. Then you need to wait until the liquid cools completely. Then, use a brush to clean off the main dirt on the product and rinse it off under normal water (an acceptable method for cleaning coins and mechanical mods).
  • Hot vinegar solution - this product can help if foreign stains appear on the product. Heat the vinegar and then wet the cotton pad. Can I start removing stains on the item after this? Without a doubt. Since vinegar has a pungent odor, the apartment or house must be thoroughly ventilated when using this cleaning method.
  • “Sandpaper” - it is often used when cleaning products such as candlesticks and fireplaces. If objects have soot stains, then just go over them with sandpaper. However, it is better to then carry out additional cleaning using chemicals.
  • Composition of salt and buttermilk - for cleaning use the following mixture: for 0.5 liters of buttermilk you need to add 1 tbsp. spoon of salt and mix this solution. This solution is suitable for treating particularly contaminated areas - after applying it, the product should be rinsed under running water and dried. Can be used for a cleanable mech mod.

How to clean brass products at home?

Removing the varnish layer of a product

Despite the fact that all of the above methods do not pose a danger to humans, they cannot be used to process products too often. If the dirt has become too deeply embedded in the product, then it is necessary to resort to more drastic cleaning methods - removing the protective layer of varnish. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to line a horizontal surface with newspaper.
  2. Using acetone liquid or another solvent, it is necessary to apply the solution to the product, thereby removing the top layer.
  3. It is necessary to rub the product with polish until the desired shine appears.
  4. It is imperative to remove all contaminants that are visible on the surface.
  5. It is necessary to cover the item with a new layer of varnish. To ensure that it lays evenly and does not spoil the appearance of the item, work with auxiliary means (a brush or a cotton pad).
  6. Dry the item. It is advisable not to touch it at first until the effect is fully established, because you should use specialized gloves.

In general, in order for a brass product not to lose its appearance, you must try to promptly remove dust and plaque from such products, as well as polish the product until it shines. If stains or more serious contamination appear, they must be removed immediately using chemical or folk remedies. In this case, the product will delight its owner with its beautiful appearance for a long time.


How to clean coins at home: products for copper, silver, bronze and cupronickel coins

If you are interested in numismatics, sooner or later you will have to face the problem of contamination, darkening or corrosion of coins. The longer no action is taken, the higher the likelihood that the product will lose its aesthetic, cultural and material value. To get your collection in order, the right thing to do is turn to a professional.

If you cannot trust your “treasures” to anyone, you will have to master the science of how to clean coins at home. Vika Preobrazhenskaya August 02, 2017

How to properly store coins at home? The main thing is the absence of humidity and direct sunlight. It is important to properly organize the storage of the collection.

There are three types of organizers.

  1. Albums. Each page is divided into several compartments with plastic pockets. Items are stored without touching each other, they are easy and interesting to look at.
  2. Tablets. Made from cardboard. There are slits made on the sheet, with which the coins are fixed.
  3. Pencil cases. They consist of two layers of glass, between which products are placed in special compartments. The devices not only allow you to view products from all sides, but also reliably protect them from dust and moisture.

Coins made of different metals: care features

How to clean coins to make them shine? It depends on the metal. Each material is characterized by certain features that determine its care.

Table - Features of caring for coins made of different metals

MetalFeaturesHow to cleanTaboos
Gold - Does not require frequent or aggressive cleaning; - easy to scratch even with a regular rag Laundry soap — Intense friction; — use of abrasives
Silver — Oxidizes — Ammonia;— hydrogen peroxide;— soda;— toothpaste;— “Trilon B” (for low standard) — Intense friction
Copper - Subject to patina formation — Vinegar; — citric acid; — “Trilon B” — Removal of a thin layer of patina in the absence of corrosion and other damage
Bronze - Formation of pink, dark brown or black plaque — Vinegar; — citric acid; — “Trilon B” — Removal of patina (reduces value); — treatment with nitric and sulfuric acids

Cleaning bimetallic coins raises many questions. Experts recommend treating them with Asidol. Thanks to its soft abrasive, the product quickly removes dirt from the metal surface.

Universal household products

When looking for a way to quickly clean old coins, you need to take care not to damage the metal. If you are new to numismatics, use one of the four universal tools.

Vinegar and toothpaste for rust

  1. To remove rust and oxidation from coins, mix equal amounts of toothpaste and vinegar.
  2. Rub the mixture over the surface using circular movements.
  3. Remove any remaining product with cold water and wipe the product dry.

If you want to clean steel products, you just need to dip them in table vinegar. After ten minutes, the stains should come off.

Soda for cleaning royal coins

  1. Before cleaning the royal copper coins, take a scraper and carefully remove traces of earth, clay and other contaminants from the surface.
  2. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
  3. Boil the solution and put metal money in it.
  4. Continue heating the liquid for another half hour.
  5. Wash and dry the items.
  6. If the result is not satisfactory, repeat the procedure again.
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Ammonia for silver and bronze

  1. Prepare a solution of one part ammonia and nine parts water.
  2. To clean silver coins from green deposits, dip them in liquid.
  3. After an hour, remove the items and wipe them well with a dry cloth.
  4. If we are talking about how to clean bronze coins, then you should not rub them. Just wrap it in soft cloth.

Under the influence of ammonia, bronze can change color.

To clean pink stains from aluminum bronze coins, rub them with toothpaste.

Carbonated drinks for cupronickel

  1. Cleaning cupronickel coins begins by placing them on the bottom of a glass container.
  2. Fill them with Coca-Cola or other carbonated drink.
  3. Metal money must be kept in liquid for seven days.
  4. To ensure even cleaning, turn the items daily.

Cleaning Soviet coins: 2 ways

Cleaning USSR coins at home does not cause much trouble. Such specimens were in use relatively recently, and therefore complex stains and darkening are rare on them. Cleaning Soviet money with aggressive detergents is strictly prohibited. Folk remedies are more suitable.

Soda, ammonia and toothpaste

  1. To clean white Soviet coins, mix equal amounts of baking soda, toothpaste and ammonia.
  2. Apply the mixture to a cloth and rub the metal thoroughly.
  3. Remove any remaining product with a brush.
  4. Rinse the coins and wipe dry.

A paste of soda, toothpaste and ammonia can be prepared for future use. Place it in a sealed container and store in the refrigerator until next use.

Citric acid

  1. Dissolve half a teaspoon of citric acid in a glass of boiling water.
  2. Hold the coin with tweezers and lower it into the solution for 15-20 seconds.
  3. Rinse the product in water and wipe dry.

You cannot keep money in acidified water for longer than the specified time. With prolonged exposure, the products will lose their shine.

Cleaning copper coins: 3 ways

How to clean a copper coin at home? A problematic issue, since copper is considered a “capricious” metal. Based on the experience of numismatists, we can distinguish three gentle and effective means.

Laundry soap

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water into a plastic container and add a tablespoon of grated laundry soap.
  2. When the shavings are completely dissolved, lower the metal money into the liquid.
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid or cover with film and leave for three days.
  4. After the specified time has passed, remove the coins and remove the layer of dirt with a brush.
  5. Rinse off the soap with cold water and wipe dry.
  6. If you are unable to completely clean the products, repeat the procedure several more times.

To speed up the cleaning process, add a teaspoon of baking soda to the soap solution.

First dissolve the substance in a quarter glass of water and pour it into the container.


  1. Pour Vaseline or olive oil into a saucepan and place on fire.
  2. Once the oil boils, place coins in it.
  3. Continue boiling until the contaminants are removed from the metal.
  4. When the oil has cooled, remove the items and wipe with medical alcohol.

Similarly, coins can be boiled in laundry soap. This remedy is more gentle.


  1. Before applying copper coin cleaner, wash the item thoroughly in soapy water.
  2. Rub the areas that have become corroded with a cotton swab dipped in 9% table vinegar.
  3. Rinse the product in cold water and dry.

How to Clean Coins Using Electrolysis

Electrolysis is one of the fastest and most effective ways to clean metal from dirt and stains. At the same time, the technique is dangerous, as it involves the use of electricity. And the risk of spoiling the coin increases. If you are confident in your abilities, strictly follow the instructions.

  1. Cut off the plug from the 12-volt power supply.
  2. Separate the double wire and expose the ends.
  3. Solder copper wires to metal clamps.
  4. Pour half a liter of water into a plastic container and dilute a tablespoon of soda (you can also use salt).
  5. Plug the power supply into the outlet, and place the clamps in a container so that they do not touch each other.
  6. Connect the clamp from which the hissing comes to a coin, and attach the second to any metal object. It could be a key or a spoon.
  7. Old coins can take anywhere from 40 minutes to four hours to shine. It all depends on the degree of contamination of the product.
  8. Unplug the device and carefully remove the clamps from the water.
  9. Clean the metal product with a brush and liquid soap.

Electrolysis must be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Also, do not forget to protect your eyes with goggles and wear rubber gloves on your hands.

4 more taboos

When looking for a way to polish coins and give them shine and shine, it is important not to overdo it. Careless handling of tools or cleaning agents can lead to damage to precious items. To prevent this from happening, you need to remember four taboos.

  1. Use of strong abrasives. If the coin is valuable, do not use washing powder, soda or other harsh substances for cleaning. This may cause scratches and damage to the pattern.
  2. Boiling damaged products. If there are cracks or signs of corrosion, do not expose the product to high temperatures.
  3. Use of dangerous methods by beginners. If you are not a professional in numismatics, you should not clean coins with electrolysis or harsh chemicals.
  4. Prolonged exposure to cleaning products. If you expose a coin to substances longer than specified in the instructions, this may lead to damage to the structure of the product.

Metal money should come into contact with each other, with hands and with other foreign substances as little as possible. If you need to remove an item from the organizer, wash and dry it thoroughly before replacing it. This will help prevent the metal from darkening.

If you are just starting your journey as a numismatist, remember that cleaning coins at home cannot return them to their perfect original appearance. Therefore, if you have valuable specimens on hand, it is important to protect them from darkening and contamination. Before hiding the product in the organizer, thoroughly wipe it with alcohol and lubricate it with Vaseline.


Cleaning coins

First of all, a few words to newbies who find a coin that needs cleaning. It is very easy to ruin a coin if you do not clean it properly. Do not try to quickly clean an old rusty coin using a knife, sandpaper, any scrapers or other mechanics.

The metal of most coins is very soft and scratches easily. Coins are now made from steel, and more recently they were made from gold, silver, copper and various copper-based alloys (bronze, brass, tombac), as well as aluminum and zinc and their alloys.

Never use various abrasive substances when cleaning coins: household cleaners and preparations for bathtubs, kitchen stoves and tiles, baking soda and baking salt, chalk, ash and ashes, toothpaste, polishing pastes and mixtures such as GOI, etc. Even worse, if a beginner tries to clean a coin using various chemical reagents, most often acids and alkalis.

In this case, the risk of irretrievably losing the coin is very high. The chemicals may simply dissolve the coin completely or turn it into a misshapen piece of metal.

There are known attempts to clean the coin using electrolysis, a small explosion, calcination over an open fire, boiling in oil and other barbaric methods. Don't try this at home! All these experiments were made by professional fools who are trying to learn from their sad experiences.

A few simple rules

You can and should learn how to clean using the simplest coins. It is best to buy a handful of the cheapest uncleaned coins from the diggers and practice with them. You will gain experience and, if the cleaning is successful, you will be able to sell the coins and return the money at a profit. Only after you feel confident that you will not harm the coin can you begin cleaning the rare coin. Carefully and carefully.

Never immerse in chemicals. solution of coins from different metals. Even if you put nickel and bronze together in soapy water, you risk ruining both coins.

A mixture of coins of different metals in one jar often behaves unpredictably and it is too late to correct something. It’s even better if you clean each coin separately, or at least several coins of the same type.

Remember that copper-nickel coins before 1961 and after or bronze coins before 1961 and after are completely different alloys of coins and cleaning them together may harm them.

Another simple rule, directly following from the previous one: coins should never touch, neither edges, nor especially obverses or reverses. Contact may cause stains, areas of corrosion, etc. after all, all the coins were in different places and interacted with different substances.

Oxides and chemical compounds from one coin can interact with the metal of another and form new compounds.

Plus, being in an acidic or alkaline environment, and even more so mechanical interaction, coins made of different metals form a galvanic pair and, as a result of hydrolysis, the metal of one of the coins is destroyed (at the same time being deposited in the form of various compounds on the other). And we don't need this.

Of course, reuse the chemical. the solution after cleaning some coins is also highly not recommended for others. Oxides and simply dirt, cleaned from one coin and dissolved in a solution of chemicals, can easily settle and ruin another coin. In the case of a rare coin, this is not the case when you can save money.

If possible, I would recommend purchasing special products for cleaning and preserving coins. These mixtures of chemicals are selected specifically for coins made of the metal for which they are designed in the required concentration and are best suited for cleaning.

Of course, they are not cheap, and you cannot buy them everywhere, but for rare and expensive coins, it is worth spending money on cleaning products. For example, SILUX L8032 for cleaning copper and brass with oxidation protection manufactured by Lindner. Or SILUX L8031 for cleaning silver with Lindner oxidation protection.

SILBO L8013 for cleaning large volume copper, nickel and brass coins. Or the famous “MS70”.

Cleaning coins made of gold, platinum, high-grade silver

Coins made of platinum, gold, palladium, high-grade silver and other precious metals, in principle, do not require any cleaning.

The very material of these coins suggests that they do not corrode and the maximum that threatens them is a noble, age-old patina, emphasizing their beauty and antiquity.

If a precious metal coin ends up in your collection, simply wash it in warm water and toilet soap and dry it with a soft towel or napkin. Coins are like children, they are so easy to harm, handle them with care.

Cleaning coins made of low-grade silver (bilon)

Billon coins are coins made from an alloy of silver and copper, with no more than 50% silver in the alloy. The oxides that appear on the surface of the coin can be various oxides of both silver and copper. When silver oxidizes, it most often darkens, while copper turns green. First, try soaking the coin in a jelly-like soap solution.

Crumble some soap into a small plastic, glass or ceramic container and pour boiling water over it. Stir occasionally until the soap is completely dissolved in the water and a jelly or gel forms. Leave the coin for a couple of hours and wipe with a soft toothbrush (save the old brush that is no longer used for its intended purpose) to remove softened particles of oxides and dirt.

Repeat this procedure until you get the desired result.
Sometimes the oxides are so dense and hard that even prolonged soaking in a soap solution does not help. In this case, you can try immersing the washed coin in a Trilon B solution or an ammonia solution (ammonia).

You need to keep the coin in these solutions for less time, just a couple of minutes, and periodically remove the dirt with a brush. Trilon B solution (10%) is preferable to use, but it is not always available to buy.


Cleaning brass to a shine at home

Many people probably have brass items in their home that require periodic cleaning. These are dishes, including old samovars, jewelry, interior items, figurines, coins, icons and other products. Not all housewives know how to clean brass at home. This process requires the right approach so as not to harm the metal. Antique items that have survived many generations require special care.

Oxidation and greens are removed quickly and easily using special modern means, as well as simple methods used at home. These techniques are completely safe and do not require special knowledge. With their help, you can effectively remove oxide and add shine to any item.

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Before cleaning brass at home, you need to make sure that the item is actually made from this alloy. This is checked by applying a regular magnet to the surface. Brass should not attract it, but if on the contrary, the product has a steel base.

The most effective ways

Before you begin cleaning a brass item, you should examine it carefully. It can be made entirely of brass or alloy, or have a lacquered finish. Depending on this, the appropriate cleaning method is selected. It is not recommended to clean rare items, as this removes many years of patina, which gives special beauty and value to the historical item.

Before cleaning brass at home, the item must be thoroughly washed. This is carried out in a solution consisting of 10 liters of ordinary water with a mild detergent dissolved in it (1 tsp).

The item is placed in a container with this liquid for 30 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed with a soft brush or rag. This removes existing dirt, blackness, and green deposits. After each procedure, the item is wiped dry.

Next, they move on to the main stage of cleaning the brass object using one of the methods that can be found in the video.

Oxalic acid

This acid is practically never used in its pure form. It is found in many detergents for cleaning bathtubs, tiles, and washbasins. The liquid preparation is applied to the item for a while until the product becomes dark in color. After this, the product is treated with a brush with the dissolved oxide and covered with baking soda. At the end of the procedure, the item is washed under regular running water.

Brass items that have not been cleaned for a long period have a thick layer of oxide. The use of products with a small amount of oxalic acid is ineffective in this case. These products are processed using a different method. Effectively cleaning brass at home when it is heavily oxidized requires preparing a concentrated solution. It consists of 200 g of acid, as well as 10 liters of ordinary water.

As a result of a chemical reaction on an object placed in a liquid, the surface should darken. After this, it is kept under running water and wiped dry. Please note that oxalic acid is a caustic solution, which requires the use of a respirator and protective gloves.


Using acetone allows you to thoroughly clean the outside of a brass item from oxides. Under its influence, the outer surface will begin to shine and take on a beautiful appearance. A small cotton swab is moistened with a solvent, after which the product is wiped. It is necessary to clean the surface until the plaque is completely removed.

If there is no visible result, pre-soaking is carried out. To do this, use an aqueous solution with vinegar and salt, which is brought to a boil. To increase the processing efficiency, brass items should be boiled for 3-4 hours.

Darkening of the surface of the product is normal, which will gradually disappear during the soaking process.

Before cleaning contaminated brass with acetone, you need to know that it is not suitable for treating things that have a lacquered layer. The varnish may completely dissolve, which will require subsequent restoration of the coating.


You can clean a brass product using your usual toothpaste. The item to be cleaned is washed in a soapy solution to remove and soften massive dirt. After this, a small layer of toothpaste is applied to problem areas. Use a regular napkin to clean the surface. The toothbrush is used exclusively for working in hard-to-reach areas.

Acetic and citric acid

To remove old stains on a brass surface, create a mixture of water, one glass of flour, and table vinegar. It covers the outer surface of the object and waits until the solution dries completely. After this, the mixture is removed from the product and polishing is carried out. You can use hot vinegar yourself. To do this, it is heated on a home stove and applied with a cotton swab to the area to be cleaned. The heaviest areas require multiple treatments.

Removal of oxides and stains is also done with citric acid. Juice is squeezed out of one lemon, salt is added to it until a paste-like mass is obtained. It is applied to the product, gently rubbed, and then washed off with ordinary running water. Don't forget to wipe the shiny brass thing dry.


Heavily smoked brass products are cleaned with fine-grained soft sandpaper. In this case, the pressing force should be small to avoid damaging the surface of things. Hard-to-reach areas are additionally cleaned using a chemical method.

Soap solution

This solution is used to soak brass items. With mild oxidation, this procedure is quite sufficient to give the item the required appearance. Laundry soap (shavings) dissolves in a bowl of warm water and foams. Brass objects are placed in the liquid and left for several minutes until it cools. After this, the solution is drained and the items are cleaned with a soft bristle brush under running water.


You can add shine to brass items at home using regular table salt with a little lemon juice. In addition, use a mixture of 0.5 liters of buttermilk and 1 tbsp. l. salt. These methods allow you to remove even heavy dirt on the surface of objects and give them a good shine.

Another way is to use fine salt (1 tbsp) with skim cream. The paste is applied to the surface and wiped. For heavy areas, it is necessary to soak the mixture for one hour. At the end of the procedure, the item is washed with water and wiped. Before cleaning brass with salt, make sure it is completely dissolved so as not to damage the item being cleaned.

Specialized means

These drugs are sold in various stores and consist of a concentrated acid solution. These oxide converters are quite effective for items with problem areas. The cleaning procedure is carried out in full accordance with the instructions for the product. At the end of the process, the object must be rinsed to remove any remaining solution. These preparations do not allow the brass surface to oxidize for a very long period, and also maintain its good shine.

Cleaning Tips

Before cleaning brass at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of the procedure. Products with lacquer or brass coating cannot be cleaned with aggressive preparations. To do this, wipe with a cloth or a cotton swab dipped in soft soapy water.

For severe oxides and contamination, cleaning agents that do not have abrasive inclusions are used. They can be purchased in specialized stores or prepared at home yourself. The effect of the drug is first tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. Soft brushes are used to remove plaque.

Compositions that are based on hydrochloric, citric or acetic acid give a quick effect, but if used incorrectly they can damage the brass surface. Do not forget about safety precautions when using acid preparations.

Removing varnish

Many brass products have a varnish coating. It prevents the surface from oxidizing and maintains the excellent shine of the object. If this layer is damaged, the metal oxidizes and a new varnish is required. Removal of varnish protection can be done under hot water jet. This is the most gentle method of removing nail polish.

In addition, boiling for 3 minutes in a container without aluminum alloy is used. You can purchase special varnish removers from hardware stores. Before cleaning brass with these preparations, carefully read the instructions for use. After the final removal of the varnish layer, the surface is cleaned using one of the selected methods.

Cleaning things made of brass at home is not particularly difficult if you understand the essence of the process and follow the technology correctly. With this approach, beautiful brass products will have a magnificent appearance and will constantly please the eye.


How to clean brass coins

Brass is a mixture of copper and zinc, and although cleaning such coins is not very different from cleaning copper coins , there are still some peculiarities.

 A brass coin can be cleaned at home using products available at any hardware store or pharmacy.


 Laundry soap is the very first way to clean a brass coin from dirt and greens. You need to grate the soap and dissolve it in warm water. The coin is soaked in the solution for some time; you can additionally wipe it with a toothbrush.

 Alternatively, you can rub the soapy coin with fiberglass.


 Ammonia is a good remedy for black or green plaque. Soak a cloth in a 10% ammonia solution and rub the coin a little. This method can be used to clean not very dirty Soviet coins.

 Olive oil

 Boil the coin in olive oil or Vaseline to make it shiny again.

 Special means

 The “soft” solvent GMPH - sodium hexametaphosphate - will help get rid of corrosion. This is a glassy salt that must be dissolved to obtain a 5-20% liquid.

 Trilon B - this product replaces baby soap; it cleans copper-zinc coins much faster compared to soap.

 Oxalic acid

 You can clean a brass coin with oxalic acid, it is contained in the Sarma bathroom gel. You can also buy acid at the pharmacy. Prepare a solution of hot water and oxalic acid and soak the coins in it.

  How to Clean Copper-Nickel Coins

 Some forums advise restoring coins using citric acid, vinegar and other acids, but you need to be careful with them. The coin may turn red as a result of dezincification, and this will affect the value.

 Any mechanical cleaning methods, for example, with an eraser or scrapers, should be used in extreme cases and only when you know exactly what you are doing.


How and with what to clean brass at home

The relevance of the question of how to clean brass using available products at home is largely explained by the popularity of this material, which is an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass has unique characteristics, the most significant of which are low specific gravity, high ductility, durability and attractive appearance.

Brass samovar before and after cleaning

Available Cleansers

Before asking yourself the question of how to clean brass, you need to find out for sure that the item whose appearance you are going to return to its original condition is made of this particular material. The simplest option for such a test is to use a magnet, which should not be attracted to the surface of the product if it is made of brass. Once you have determined that you have brass in front of you, you can clean it using one of the following products.

  1. Ethanedioic acid (better known as oxalic acid) can effectively clean a brass product not only from serious contaminants, but also from oxides. It is absolutely not necessary to use it in its pure form: it is included in many kitchen detergents, you just have to carefully study the labels. Having found a product containing oxalic acid, you need to apply it to the surface of the object that needs to be cleaned and leave for a while. Under the influence of oxalic acid, brass may begin to darken - do not be alarmed. After some exposure, the product must be rinsed under running water, removing plaque from its surface with a brush. To achieve a better cleaning effect, the washed brass item can be covered with baking soda, soaked in it for several minutes and rinsed again with water.
  2. If using a kitchen detergent does not achieve the desired cleaning effect, you can independently prepare a cleaning solution consisting of 10 liters of water and 200 ml of oxalic acid. This solution is best prepared in a plastic container. The brass item that needs to be cleaned must be kept in it for some time, and after removal, rinse thoroughly under running water. It should be borne in mind that when working with such a solution it is necessary to use protective equipment - gloves and a respirator.
  3. You can clean brass with regular acetone: treat the contaminated surface with a cotton swab soaked in acetone.
  4. At home, you can clean brass using a more radical method. It involves using a solution consisting of water, ordinary salt and acetic acid. The pre-prepared solution must be heated in a stainless steel container until it boils and the product to be cleaned must be placed in it, which must be kept in the boiling liquid for 3-4 hours. Only in this case can you count on the fact that the brass will be cleaned of both serious contaminants and oxides. Naturally, after removing the product from the solution, it must be thoroughly rinsed under running water and allowed to dry on a soft cloth.
  5. Another way to clean items made of brass, which is easy to use at home, is to use special products based on acid solutions. The most famous of them are “Metalin” and “Delu”. Formic and nitric acids, a solution of ammonium carbonate with ammonia are also suitable for these purposes.
  6. You can clean even the most heavily soiled brass products at home using table salt mixed with a small amount of lemon juice.
  7. Hot vinegar is an effective way to remove dark stains from brass. When using such a product, you should be prepared for the fact that your home workshop or apartment will be saturated with the pungent odor of acetic acid.
  8. If you need to clean a brass item that is heavily smoked, you can do this with fine sandpaper.
  9. Another remedy to restore the former shine of brass is a mixture consisting of 500 ml of buttermilk and a tablespoon of table salt.
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Manufacturers of household chemicals offer many special products for cleaning brass and other metals

It is much easier to clean brass objects whose surface is coated with a special protective varnish. This is explained by the fact that the varnish, while protecting brass from contact with oxygen, protects it from the formation of an oxide film, which is the most difficult to get rid of. The surface of lacquered brass products has a bright shine, which is lost as a result of its contamination.

If you are considering cleaning brass with products such as citric acid, hydrochloric acid and acetic acid, keep in mind that this is quite a dangerous task, so proceed with extreme caution and follow the required safety precautions.

It is convenient to apply cleaning agents to large brass products with a paint brush

Some tips for cleaning brass items

The simplest and most commonly available means to clean brass at home is regular toothpaste, which can be used as an abrasive.

Before you start using the paste, the product must be thoroughly washed in a soapy solution, which will remove accumulated fat and other contaminants. Then paste is applied to it and thoroughly rubbed with an old toothbrush.

Naturally, after completing this procedure, the cleaned item must be rinsed under running water and then allowed to dry.

Available products that can effectively clean brass products include vinegar and wheat flour. From them, mixing them in equal parts, prepare “vinegar dough”. The mass thus obtained is applied to the surface of the product to be cleaned and left until completely dry.

The vinegar used in this mixture actively reacts with the oxide film, and the flour absorbs all decay products of the contamination. After complete drying, the “vinegar paste” must be wiped off with a soft, dry cloth.

Using this method, you can clean products made from pure copper to a shine.

Removing old varnish from brass and applying a new protective coating to it

If none of the methods described above allowed you to achieve the original shine of brass, then most likely you will have to remove the old varnish coating and apply a new one. It is possible to perform this procedure at home; to do this, you need to do the following.

  • First you need to prepare a workplace, which can be a table surface covered with old newspapers or plastic wrap.
  • The old protective coating is removed from brass using a brush and nail polish remover.
  • After removing the old varnish, the brass must be thoroughly polished, for which special pastes are used.
  • When the surface to be treated is polished to the required shine, a new layer of varnish can be applied to it using a brush or cotton swab. When applying varnish, you should ensure that its layer is uniform.

When performing the procedure of applying a protective varnish layer to brass, you should be very careful not to leave fingerprints on it or damage it with long nails or the tools used.

There are brass products in almost every home, so knowing how to clean them will be useful for anyone who wants to keep them in perfect condition.


How to clean brass products at home

Brass is an alloy of two metals: copper and zinc. Many are attracted by the properties of this material, such as strength and ductility. In addition, such products will delight you with their beautiful appearance for a long time. Another important advantage of brass is that it does not rust. Brass products are not attracted by a magnet, so you can check whether the item you purchased is made of brass or not using a magnet.

Methods for cleaning brass

Brass is widely used for making dishes, figurines and other interior decorations. The external environment negatively affects the condition of brass products: they lose their shine and become covered with a dark coating. There are many ways to clean such products.  

There are many ways to clean brass products. However, before starting work, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures. First of all, you need to make sure that the product in front of you is made of brass. This can be done using a regular magnet.

Before the cleaning procedure, brass products must be washed. To do this you will need:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 1 teaspoon soap.

As soon as the soap dissolves in the water, you need to place the item to be cleaned into it. After half an hour, the product must be wiped with a cloth or soft brush . At the end of this procedure, the item must be wiped dry.

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Cleaning products

Current methods for cleaning brass products are safe and publicly available . Cleaning products are usually at hand, and the cleaning process does not cause any particular difficulties. The following remedies are considered the most effective:

  • oxalic acid (both in pure form and as part of detergents);
  • acetone:
  • professional acid concentrates.

Oxalic acid is most often used in various gels . Such products cope well with minor stains that have appeared on the item relatively recently. The composition is quite simple to apply to the product and leave for a few minutes until the surface darkens. Then it is recommended to rub the object with a brush. The last step is to sprinkle baking soda on the brass item and rinse it off under running water.

It is recommended to dissolve oxalic acid in its pure form in 1 liter of water. The maximum allowable amount of oxalic acid for such a volume of liquid is 20 grams. However, such procedures must be carried out with extreme caution . Wearing a respirator and gloves is strongly recommended.

Another good brass cleaner is acetone . In this case, the item should be wiped with a cotton swab soaked in acetone.

Professional acid concentrates must be applied to a cloth, then carefully wipe the surface of the product. Such products are sold in hardware stores.

Application of solutions

Special solutions that can easily be prepared at home using improvised means will also help remove dirt from brass products. Here are some of them:

  1. This solution contains water, salt and acetic acid. Before use, this solution must be brought to a boil. Without removing the pan with the mixture from the heat, place the brass product there. The product needs to be boiled for 3–4 hours. At the end of this procedure, rinse the item under running water and dry.
  2. A mixture of buttermilk and table salt is also widely used to remove stains from items made of brass. To prepare it, just take 500 ml of buttermilk and a tablespoon of table salt.
  3. Experts also recommend using flour mixed with a solution of water and vinegar. Take a glass of each of the listed ingredients and mix them well. Apply the resulting solution to the product and leave until completely dry. As soon as the mixture dries, it must be carefully removed with a cloth.

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The products will help eliminate contaminants accumulated on objects made of brass. But there are times when none of the methods helped cope with the raid. However, even in this situation, there is no need to despair: there is another way that will help you achieve the desired result.

Nail polish removal steps

If it was not possible to cope with the contamination using the means we have named, then it is necessary to remove the varnish coating from the product . Before carrying out this procedure, it is recommended to lay a newspaper on the table. The varnish removal process consists of several stages:

  1. Apply solvent to the brush and carefully remove the protective layer.
  2. Now you need to rub polish into the surface of the brass object. Particular attention should be paid to areas that have been most contaminated. Polishing must be done with extreme care.
  3. After polishing, apply a special varnish to the brush and distribute it evenly over the surface of the object.
  4. Leave the product until completely dry.

After carrying out this procedure, it is better not to touch the brass object for the first time. If you still need to move such a product to another place, use cotton gloves.

Cleaning brass coins

Cleaning brass coins is a complex process that can damage the item, causing it to lose its value. However, despite the complexity, this procedure can be performed at home. To clean coins, it is good to use ammonia. Pour the liquid into any container, place a coin there and leave for a few minutes. Using tweezers or tongs, remove the coin from the container and rinse thoroughly with water. At the end of the procedure, dry the coin.

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Removing Oxidation from Brass Sleeves

It is recommended to use citric acid to clean brass sleeves. Take an enamel container, pour a liter of water into it and dissolve citric acid in it. Place the sleeves into the resulting solution. To make the process go faster, the contents of the container must be heated. As soon as the liquid turns green and the brass turns red, the cartridges can be pulled out. Remove red deposits using a sponge and any cleaning agent.

Cleaning bronze items

Just like brass, bronze is an alloy of two metals. True, to obtain bronze it is necessary to combine copper and tin. When exposed to moisture, bronze develops a green coating. The following remedies will help you get rid of it:

  • lemon juice;
  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • flour;
  • oxalic acid,
  • chalk;
  • acetone;
  • salt.

Many of these products are widely used to clean brass from contaminants that have formed on it. The cleaning methods are also not very different from the above methods for cleaning brass products. To clean bronze objects using acetone , just soak a cotton swab in the solvent and wipe away the stains that have formed on the product. Then the bronze product must be washed with water, dried and rubbed with polish.

When carrying out the procedure you need to be as careful as possible. Otherwise, you risk damaging the product.

To ensure that brass products continue to please you with their appearance after cleaning, do not lose their shine and do not become dirty, you must adhere to a number of rules. So, from time to time, it is necessary to remove dust accumulated on the surface of the brass. If a coating suddenly appears on the metal, you need to immediately take measures to eliminate it. Vanish for carpets: instructions for use, types, reviews


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