How and with what to sharpen a straight razor

Ways to properly and effectively handle your razor

How and with what to sharpen a straight razor

During frequent shaving, the razor begins to become dull. Shaving with a dull razor becomes quite problematic, and buying a new razor every time is too expensive. Sharpening a straight razor is the best solution to this problem.

Ways to do the job

Sharpening a straight razor can be done using a belt, but in some situations you have to resort to using a special device.

Using the belt

To begin with, it is recommended to get the right belt. The following options are best suited: hanging, with wooden handles. You need to choose so that the entire blade fits on it, in which case the processing will occur evenly.

After selection, you can proceed to work.

How to do the job correctly:

  • Place the blade flat on the leather part.
  • Now begin to slowly pull the ridge part forward. In this case, you need to apply a little pressure on the surface of the metal, this will avoid bending the edge.
  • As soon as you reach the edge of the belt, with the same movement, begin to straighten the razor, going back in the opposite direction.
  • After performing this action 50 times, turn the belt over and do 15 repetitions on the fabric part of the belt.

Continue this process until the blade becomes sharp again.

This process is not called sharpening, but straightening a straight razor on a belt with your own hands, since the razor is sharpened only on a special stone, and the belt only allows you to improve the condition of the razor.

Sharpening with a stone

This sharpening method is used only in rare situations, since the blade can quickly deteriorate and become unusable.

Before we start sharpening, let's figure out which device is best to choose. Today there are many types of sharpening stones, but synthetic options are considered the best, as they are well suited for sharpening and also have a lower cost.

When choosing, check the following points:

  • A quality sharpening stone should hold its shape well.
  • Sharpening a razor on a stone should not leave a large amount of slurry.
  • Pay special attention to the surface of the stone, it should be uniform.
  • You can also choose a specific stone size. The most convenient size is considered to be 50X150, but larger specimens can be taken.

The sharpening process is performed as follows:

  • Before using the stone, it is advisable to wet it with water. Then place it on a hard surface and take the blade.
  • Begin to slowly move the blade along the stone. When you reach the edge, turn the blade over and move in the opposite direction.

To sharpen a straight razor well, continue this process until the blade is sharp enough.

Useful tips for proper sharpening

  • Straps for straight razors need to be pulled tight, otherwise it will take on a wavy shape, and this in turn will lead to a bend in the edge.
  • A straight razor, sharpening is risky, so please follow safety rules when working.
  • Before you start sharpening, you need to choose the correct sharpening angle by placing the sharpening device on the flat surface of the blade. Now look at how many gaps there are at the end of the blade. If the blade is undamaged, then you can start sharpening it on a stone.
  • When sharpening a razor, the pressure on the blade should not be too strong, as strong pressure may damage the blade. But, make sure that the blade fits tightly to the surface of the stone throughout the sharpening process, while making sure that the razor angle is in the correct direction.
  • During movements in both directions, the pressure on the blade should be the same - otherwise, sharpening will not occur evenly.
  • Before starting work, cover the comb with electrical tape or tape to prevent scratches from appearing on it.
  • How to sharpen a straight razor to razor sharpness? To achieve the greatest sharpness of the blade, you will have to sharpen until the thickness of the blade becomes minimal. But such a razor will have one significant drawback: due to the fact that it is too thin, it also becomes too fragile.

Tips for storage and use

In order for the blade to deteriorate as little as possible, it is necessary to follow some maintenance rules:

  • Leave the razor, preferably in a dry place that is also well ventilated. This arrangement will give the metal a chance to recover after shaving.
  • Once sharpening of the straight razor is complete, rinse the blade thoroughly with water and wipe gently.
  • After each use, it is recommended to apply paraffin oil to the blade, this will help maintain its sharpness for a longer period.
  • If you shave often, the best solution would be to purchase several blades; in such a situation, you will have to edit your straight razor much less often.

By following the tips listed above, you can use the razor much longer, and dulling of the blade will occur much less frequently than with poor storage.


Now you know how to sharpen a straight razor at home. But perhaps the first time you try to sharpen a razor, you may not get the result you expected.

But don’t be upset, since the process of sharpening a straight razor is quite difficult and takes time so that you can get used to the tool.

With each subsequent sharpening, you will begin to get used to it and learn new rules on how to sharpen the blade in the most effective way and make it sharper. After about three attempts, you will begin to sharpen the razor correctly.

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straight razors

How and with what to sharpen a straight razor

Straight razors are considered a retro anachronism these days. Such blades are given as an extraordinary birthday present, but few people use them regularly. Modern men prefer to use safe shaving machines that do not require careful maintenance. However, the fashion for beards and mustaches provokes the ancient craving for cold steel, which is in every man’s blood.

There is no reason to suppress this craving, but it is worth first understanding a number of issues related to the rules for using straight razors in everyday life. Let's consider everything: from the philosophical “why?” to the ordinary “how to store?”

The science of barbers is so sophisticated that some of them performed surgical procedures in Victorian Europe

The issue of putting things in order on a man’s face arose in ancient times, when wearing a bushy beard on the face became “indecent” in high society. Chin hair was worn exclusively by “barbarians”, with whom the civilized world (Egypt, Rome, Etruscans, Alba and others) did not want to associate themselves.

Shaving was a very dangerous undertaking. Cleaning yourself up using a device with a straight blade was truly suicidal. It is no coincidence that the barber profession existed virtually unchanged for hundreds and hundreds of years, and in Europe barbers often also performed some medical procedures. Barbers are like white sharks, their skills are so subtle and perfect that they simply do not need to evolve.

From the point of view of shaving quality, the “gasp” has a lot of advantages over machines.

Interestingly, arched shaving blades appeared as early as the 1st millennium BC, as evidenced by archaeological finds. The wedge-shaped razor existed almost unchanged until the beginning of the 20th century. Everything changed with the advent of the T-shaped razor from Gillette, which guaranteed safety, comfort and the degradation of the sacred process of shaving into something unbearably ordinary.

 In the 20th century, “caution” became an item from the retro world. This device has practically ceased to be used in everyday life. It was mainly purchased by hairdressers, since the blade is very convenient for straightening beards, temples and the back of the head.

The uninitiated may ask a fair question: “Who would use such an artifact for shaving, if there are disposable machines and even electrical appliances?” Here are five counterarguments:

  1. A straight razor is better at shaving hair on the chin and neck due to its large shaving surface.
  2. “Opaska” prevents the problem of ingrown hairs, which is often encountered by men with thick stubble who use disposable hair trimmers.
  3. A straight razor does not cause skin irritation and does not require repeated passes over the same area of ​​the face or neck.
  4. This razor is better suited for shaving coarse stubble, as the sharpness and length of the blade removes coarse and densely growing hairs more thoroughly.
  5. Finally, the banal prestige and durability of such devices. If other machines have to be changed regularly, then a high-quality straight razor can even be inherited.

The only downside of the “danger”, which, however, can be eliminated over time, is that certain skills are required in the shaving procedure. But, as experienced PROs assure: “As soon as your hand gains firmness, this process becomes pleasant.”

Nowadays, in stores you can find both “guards” with stationary blades and chavettes. The latter are characterized by the fact that instead of a thick cutting knife-plate, it uses replaceable plates, including for a T-shaped machine. Shavettes are devices that do not require sterilization, created specifically for hairdressing procedures. After shaving, the blade is removed from the razor and disposed of as household waste.

Shavet machine

There are many shapes of straight razor blades. For the uninitiated, they are divided into only two main types - with a straight and concave (wedge-shaped) razor knife.

Experienced professionals can handle any device; for them, only two criteria play a significant role: the quality of the steel and the degree of sharpening of the blade.

For better results, barbers advise beginners to use a razor with a completely concave surface. This type of blade will allow you to remove hairs even in hard-to-reach places.

The thickness of the razor blade plays an important role in the variety of straight razors. Manufacturers make machines with blade widths ranging from 2/8 to 8/8 inches. Accordingly, the weight of razors varies.

Professional barbers traditionally use heavy razors for their main work, and use lighter ones for delicate areas. This rule can also be followed by beginners, although it will be expensive to purchase two “dangers” at once.

You can look for something of average weight and feel free to use it for different areas of the face and neck.

First of all, you need to hold the razor correctly in your hand. Like a writing pen, a straight razor is usually held with three fingers. The optimal blade angle is considered to be 30°. This is the direction in which the hairs on the cheeks grow.

When shaving with such a device, be sure to pull the skin in the opposite direction from the movement of the blade. This should be done with your fingers, placing them at a distance of 3 centimeters from the razor blade. Before shaving a new area of ​​the face, it is necessary to tighten the skin again.

The whole secret of close shaving is the need to pull the skin in front of the blade.

The blade needs to be worked smoothly, without pressure.

Only the hand holding the razor knife should take part in shaving, otherwise the risk of cuts increases. It is better to start the procedure from the temples, gradually moving towards the chin. The neck is shaved last.

In order not to damage the Adam's apple, the skin in the area of ​​the Adam's apple is pulled to the side, after which the blade is passed in the direction of the growth of the bristles.

Before shaving, the skin of the cheeks and neck can be lathered with a shaving brush, and the blade itself can be dipped in warm water for a few minutes. These manipulations are designed to reduce the risk of injury to the procedure and give it a pleasant feeling. The device itself, of course, must be carefully sharpened, since it is much easier to cut yourself with a dull blade.

Sharpening and straightening the “danger” is, without exaggeration, a magical ritual that allows your blade to fulfill its purpose “smoothly”. Before sharpening, it is important to evaluate the shape (geometry) and angle of the blade.

To carry out this procedure effectively, the open razor must be placed on a transparent surface (a piece of glass or plastic). This will allow you to accurately estimate the angle of inclination.

It is also important to examine the blade for deep chips and nicks, as such damage requires professional attention.

For sharpening the “safety”, a whetstone with a grain size of 800-1000 grit is suitable.


To sharpen straight razors, whetstones (stones) with different abrasive surfaces are used. A grit of 800-1000 grit can be used exclusively for sharpening. The butt of the razor should lie on the whetstone, and the cutting edge should be in the same plane with it. After this, the razor is guided along the stone with the cutting edge forward. Turn the razor over only through the butt.

Do not test the sharpness with paper, this is a pointless dulling of the cutting edge

It is believed that a well-sharpened device easily cuts hair held suspended. It is not recommended to check the sharpness of the blade by cutting pieces of paper, since such an experiment will lead to a dull cutting edge. On average, you need to sharpen a straight razor no more than once every 2-3 months. Sometimes this procedure can be carried out only once every six months, it all depends on the frequency of use.


Straight razor straightening is carried out regularly, before each use of the machine. This procedure requires a special leather (linen) belt, as well as a paste that is applied to the surface of the belt. The key here is a properly selected belt, which should be equal to or slightly longer than the length of the cutting blade.

The strop should be equal to or slightly longer than the length of the blade

When straightening the razor, it is important to keep the leather strip tight. The blade, pressed tightly to the blade, is pulled forward with the comb at least 50 times.

  When editing, it is necessary to ensure that contact occurs with the entire surface of the cutting blade. Otherwise, the razor may be damaged. Dressing a razor does not sharpen, but only maintains the cutting surface in the desired condition.

That is why this procedure must be carried out regularly, unlike sharpening.


If there is a need to put the straight razor “in the drawer” for a while, then before doing so it is necessary to lubricate it with “soft” oil, which will prevent metal corrosion. After each use, the blade must be rinsed in warm water and wiped dry, and only then put in a dry place until the next use.

It is important to keep the razor dry and in a dry place, and lubricate it with “soft” oil before prolonged “downtime”.

Straight razors are an elite device for real men, requiring not only skills in handling, but also a number of additional gadgets (belt, whetstone, straightening paste). However, having bought such a razor once, a man will be able to transform the ordinary shaving procedure into a sacred ritual, accessible only to a narrow circle of connoisseurs of the vista of perfection in every detail.


Proper sharpening of a straight razor

How and with what to sharpen a straight razor

A straight razor (“danger”) is a tool for men’s shaving that appeared in the 18th century. Despite the emergence of many safe machines and electrical devices, the razor does not lose popularity both in household use and in hairdressing practices.

For the most comfortable and safe shave, the blade must be sharp. Therefore, the device requires regular sharpening and maintenance. At the same time, sharpening a straight razor must be done carefully and scrupulously, because this will affect the quality and safety of shaving.

Sharpening the razor is done meticulously and carefully, because it will affect the level of shaving

What to use to sharpen a straight razor

Before you start sharpening your razor, you need to prepare some tools and equipment.

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Here is the minimum list of required items:

  1. Belt . When sharpening, hanging belts or belts with wooden handles can be used. The first option is more suitable for independent use by more advanced users, the second - for beginners. It is important that the width of the belt should be slightly larger than the width of the blade. The belt allows you to edit the “safety” yourself. And when using a sharpening stone, the belt must be used in conjunction with protective paste. Such devices are already on sale.
  2. Stone . Only a specialist can carry out sharpening correctly. This option is necessary if the tip has been damaged or slightly chipped. The standard stone size is 50 by 150 mm. The blades are quite susceptible to mechanical stress, so in practice synthetic stones are used. At the same time, the sharpening procedure itself should be carried out as clearly as possible. A deviation from the vector or an incorrect angle can permanently damage the metal.
  3. Other devices . Beginners often edit and sharpen with materials like sandpaper or sandpaper. The procedure is similar to straightening with a belt. It’s just that choosing the right sandpaper grain is extremely problematic.

Send it in for sharpening or sharpen it yourself

Only a specialist knows how to properly sharpen a straight razor. Therefore, if a man does not have enough practical skills, he should contact a special workshop. This usually only happens after an unsuccessful attempt to fix the blade yourself.

The main disadvantage of sharpening yourself is the possibility of injury. This will not happen if you contact a specialist. Moreover, laser procedures are increasingly being used in workshops. According to statistics, an edge sharpened in this way lasts longer than when sharpened with traditional tools.

What is the procedure for sharpening a straight razor

Sharpening and straightening a razor blade are completely different procedures. In the first case, it is necessary to remove a small layer of metal. The second involves simple grinding of uneven surfaces, which you can do yourself.

But you can learn how to edit a straight razor yourself. In practice, sharpening blades at home the first time is unsuccessful. This is due to an incorrect angle, an irrationally chosen motion vector, chips on a sharp edge, etc. The necessary skills will come with time. However, to do this you need to understand the procedure and know all the intricacies of using certain tools.

The subtleties of sharpening a straight razor on a stone

Sharpening of razors is carried out infrequently and only when necessary. For example, in case of serious damage.

The block is rarely used for the intended operation, only in case of significant injuries to the blade

For sharpening you need:

  1. Wet the stone with water (preferably natural stone).
  2. Hold the tip on both sides with your thumb and forefinger.
  3. Sharpen by leading the edge along the stone.
  4. Then turn the blade over and carry out the procedure on the other side.

The process itself is not complicated. The main thing is to maintain the sharpening angle of the razor so as not to damage the surface.

Some nuances to simplify the procedure:

  • the pressing force should be small, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the sharp edge;
  • the plane of the blade must constantly touch the water stone;
  • the razor will be sharpened evenly if you use the same pressure;
  • If you wrap the comb with electrical tape, this will prevent scratches on it.

Using sandpaper or sandpaper

Sandpaper or sandpaper works well for sharpening. Moreover, this is the easiest way at home.

How to properly sharpen a blade with sandpaper:

  • use paper with a grain size greater than 2000;
  • use water;
  • Carry out sharpening procedures on a flat surface.

The procedure itself is identical to the version with a belt. But using sandpaper or sandpaper is burdened with the problem that it is difficult to find a suitable paper grain. Using smaller or larger grits may result in injury or breakage of the sharp edge.

Proper blade care

A straight razor is a fairly sophisticated tool that requires special care. The main nuances of storing and caring for such a device:

  • after each use, the “danger” should be washed and dried until the moisture has completely evaporated;
  • The shaving device should be stored in a dry, ventilated place;
  • when used rarely, the blade tip should be coated with paraffin oil;
  • You need to handle the razor carefully. Do not throw or hit the tool against anything.

Since this razor is considered a very sophisticated tool, it requires special care.

All of these tips will help keep your blade sharp. Also, with proper care, the likelihood of injury during shaving or discomfort is reduced. If you need to use the guard frequently or even daily, you should stock up on several tools. This way, each of them will last many times longer than if it is only one razor. The more often you use the “safety guard”, the faster it will lose its working condition.

Useful tips for properly sharpening a straight razor

If you follow these tips, the “warm” will last longer, and the sharpening procedure will be safer:

  • when editing with a belt, it should be as tight as possible;
  • When working with “danger”, it is important to follow safety precautions. This applies to both shaving and sharpening or straightening;
  • if there are many gaps on the tip, then sharpening on a stone is necessary. If there are only small chips, then the belt will be enough;
  • During any procedure, the pressure on the blade should not be strong. Otherwise, there is a chance of damaging the sharp surface;
  • for uniform sharpening, the pressure should be the same when moving in both directions;
  • duct tape or tape will help prevent damage to the comb.

It seems that sharpening or straightening a razor yourself is not such a difficult procedure. However, in practice, the result of self-sharpening may not be satisfactory. If you lack skills, then you should turn to a professional.


Sharpening a straight razor at home: features of the procedure

The straight razor is a famous shaving tool. But with intensive use it becomes dull. To restore its former sharpness, it can be adjusted with a belt. In advanced cases, it is necessary to sharpen a straight razor on a stone.

Sharpening is done meticulously and carefully, because it will affect the level of shaving.

Belt selection

There are differences between sharpening and straightening operations. When sharpening, a layer of metal blade is removed. When editing, the area from burrs is polished, uneven places on the surface of the tip are corrected.

To maintain the blade in the required condition, you need some tools.

A sharpening belt for straightening is a must here. There are such variations of this belt:

  1. Hanging.
  2. Versions with wooden handles.

Suspended options are quite popular, because they allow you to independently adjust the stretch. More effective are belts whose width covers the entire blade. So it fits completely. Even the belt may retain some reserve. This way the surface treatment is uniform.

The second versions are attractive because the resulting tension always has no differences. This option is extremely useful for beginners in this craft.

Usually, when a razor is sharpened on a stone, you need to edit it on a belt using a special paste. Great attention should be paid to those products that are equipped with paste already at the enterprise. There are options in which one side is covered with paste, and the other is clean skin.

Experts apply the paste themselves. And you can buy different versions of it without any problems. They are produced by different companies.

Selection of stones

Typically, hazardous shaving products are sharpened in-house. If the buyer wishes, he can edit the belt himself at home. This will give the blade the required sharpness.

The use of a whetstone is justified when the blade has deteriorated very badly or there is damage on it.

There are different sharpening stones made by different companies. And the proposals of many manufacturers include various versions of the material that perform the assigned tasks more effectively than others.

Today, synthetic stones have gained enormous fame. This is an excellent option for sharpening. Their cost is reasonable, and they can be sharpened with excellent quality. When purchasing them, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The sharpening stone must retain its shape perfectly.
  2. There should not be a huge release of suspension.
  3. The surface must be uniform, with small grains.
  4. The stone should not have thick lumps.
  5. Optimal parameter: 50 x 150. There are versions 70 x 200 and 60 x 180.

What is the sharpening procedure

The success of sharpening is influenced by a person’s experience in this matter. In many cases, opening times are unsuccessful. The blade of such a razor has great sensitivity. And if you follow the wrong vector of movement, then when the angle varies, uneven areas, chips, etc. may form.

It takes time to acquire the necessary experience, and gradually these operations will be brought to excellence.

Subtleties of sharpening on a stone

The block is rarely used for the intended operation, only in case of significant injuries to the blade. There is no need for frequent sharpening. But in exceptional cases, it is important to sharpen a straight razor according to this plan:

  1. The stone is wetted with water.
  2. The razor is held with the fingers, the thumb and forefinger are involved.
  3. At the same time, the tip of the blade and the comb are pressed.
  4. The razor is moved along the stone.
  5. At its end, the razor is turned over and pressed, as in step 2, but with the other side. Inversion is carried out only through the ridge. This prevents damage to the blade.
  6. In a similar movement, the razor is moved in the other direction.

Externally, the procedure does not cause difficulties. But here you need to not violate the sharpening angle and ensure that the blade is constantly pressed against the block. This prevents damage to the surface.

On a water stone, it is important to follow these rules:

  1. Use light pressure. The entire plane of the razor must be in constant contact with the surface of the working stone.
  2. When moving the razor back and forth, use the same amount of pressure to ensure an even sharpening of the blade.
  3. To protect the comb from scratches, wrap it with electrical tape.

Rules for sharpening a straight razor at home

The guard is considered a common shaving tool. Over time, the edge becomes dull. To restore the cutting part, sharpening of a straight razor is required. Before you start sharpening, you need to determine that the razor is really dull.

Why does the razor get dull?

A decrease in blade sharpness is observed only in sharpened instruments. The sharpening process involves grinding the edge of the razor against an abrasive material. The result is a cutting edge. Dulling of the cutting part of the blade occurs when it is deformed. Reasons include:

  • oxidation of the metal part;
  • deformation of the crystal lattice when critical temperatures are reached;
  • interaction with particles of the substance that needs to be cut.

Microscopic roughness clings to each other when shaving. As a result, the metal loses molecules when interacting with beard hair.

Sharpening requirements

A straight razor is sharpened at the factory during the manufacturing process. As a result of use, the blade must be corrected in a timely manner, and unevenness and burrs are removed. If a complex defect is observed, then it is necessary to use an abrasive material to remove the metal layer during sharpening.

Basic requirements for a sharpening stone for the correct sharpening angle of a straight razor:

  • the surface of the abrasive material must have a uniform grain;
  • resistance to shape retention when sharpening;
  • isolation of suspensions in minimal quantities.

In order to edit the tool, purchase a special belt. They can be made in the form of a leather band, as well as a fixed canvas with wood handles. When choosing the width, they are guided by the length of the working surface of the razor. This condition will allow you to process the entire blade at the same time.

It is necessary to apply a special abrasive paste to the surface of the belt if the straightening process does not lead to the expected results. Some materials may have paste from the manufacturer's factory.

How to choose a stone for sharpening a razor

The tool is sharpened during the manufacturing process, but processing can be carried out in a private workshop. This ensures the required sharpness of the working edge. This method is used if the blade defect is large - microcracks, burrs and chipping of the edge are observed.

There are many manufacturers, and each brand has different technical characteristics of the tool. Stones made from synthetic materials have high performance.

How to sharpen a straight razor

In order to sharpen a straight razor at home with your own hands, purchase a synthetic abrasive block. In this case, you will also need a belt for final editing, as well as finishing with paste during use. You can check the sharpness of the sharpening using the hair on your hands.

Stages of sharpening a guard

At home, the blade is sharpened in three stages:

  1. Roughing is the finishing of the edge of the blade. In this case, violations of the geometry of the cutting part are restored. Chips, dents, as well as an increased radius in the cutting part are removed.
  2. Bringing the edge of the blade to its intended shape. In this case, the exact dimensions of the cutting part are achieved, and microdamages from the first stage are also removed.
  3. Straightening a straight razor to achieve a sharp blade.

It is recommended to inspect the blade before starting sharpening work. This method determines the tool for processing. The master will prepare an abrasive with large or small grains.

Preparing to sharpen a straight razor

Blade care between sharpenings

Special tools require special care:

  • After use, it is recommended to rinse the blade and then wipe dry with a cloth;
  • must be stored in a dry place with ventilation, in the absence of moisture;
  • if the tool is rarely used, the working surface should be coated with a paraffin compound;
  • Frequent use will lead to premature wear of the cutting edge, in which case purchase a spare razor.

A straight razor must be handled with care and adjusted on a belt in a timely manner.
Do not throw the tool or cut hard material. Sharpening a straight razor by hand / Sharpening razor


Editing, sharpening and caring for a straight razor: instructions for the user

The straight razor is the only item for shaving men that was used from the beginning to this day. If machines, razors and other methods of depilation provoke severe skin irritation, then after using a straight razor the risks of such consequences are almost zero. Therefore, this tool is popular among experienced barbers and hairdressers, as well as among men themselves.

A straight razor requires certain rules and regulations for maintenance, as well as regular sharpening, since razor blades must be as sharp as possible. Few men know how to sharpen a razor and with what tools to do it. Therefore, before you start using such a shaving tool, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules for sharpening, straightening and caring for a straight razor.

What to use to sharpen a razor and how to use it?

Straightening and sharpening a straight razor are two different processes, since in the case of sharpening, a layer of metal on the blades is removed, and when straightening, the area from the presence of irregularities in the metal and burrs of the tip is polished. A straight razor is kept in the required condition using a sharpening belt, stones, sandpaper or special sandpaper. A man can learn how to sharpen a straight razor theoretically or visually through video reviews.


To sharpen my razor I use two types of belts: hanging belts or belts with wooden handles. But the first option is more popular, since it allows you to independently adjust the stretch. You need to select a belt so that its width completely covers the blade, and leave some extra margin. Straps with wooden handles are popular among beginners because they are already fixed and have one tension level.

For reference! If a stone was used to sharpen straight razor blades, then a straight razor strop should be used in conjunction with a special protective paste. There are types of belts on sale that are already equipped with paste.

With the help of a belt, a man can learn how to shave a straight razor. These belts typically have leather on one side and fine-grain fabric on the other. Straightening with a belt is carried out under strict control of the tension and angle of the functional surface.

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Use the belt to straighten a straight razor as follows:

  1. First you need to place the wide side of the razor blade on the surface;
  2. Along the ridge side, the blade should be positioned forward;
  3. It is prohibited to press on the blade, as this may cause the edge to bend;
  4. When the editing reaches the extreme point, it is necessary to do the same manipulations as in the second paragraph of the instructions, but in the opposite direction.
  5. All movements must be sedate so as not to injure yourself with the blade or damage the integrity of the leather of the belt.

Typically, 50 leather trims are made to straighten a straight razor, as well as 15 fabric trims. A specialist should apply the paste to protect the belt; for beginners, it is advisable to buy ready-made belts with such paste.


Only specialists know exactly how to sharpen razor blades with a stone. Additionally, most dangerous facial hair removers are sharpened during production. If the blades become dull, the use of a belt is usually implied. But if the razor blade has been damaged and damaged during use, a sharpening stone may still be useful.

Have you sharpened a straight razor before?

Not really

Many companies sell stones; they differ in materials of manufacture and principle of operation. The most popular today are synthetic stones with reasonable prices and excellent quality of work. When using a stone, it is important to remember that razor blades are very sensitive to any rough mechanical influences; an incorrect vector of movement and sharpening angle with a stone can cause the formation of scratches, nicks and irregularities.

Restoring the sharpness and smooth surface of the blades using a stone is carried out as follows:

  • First, the stone needs to be moistened with water.
  • You need to hold the razor with your thumb and forefinger.
  • You need to simultaneously pinch the comb and the end of the blade with your fingers.
  • To sharpen, you need to run the razor along the stone itself.
  • At the end of the stone, the razor must be turned over, pressed with the other side according to the second point of the instructions and repeat the movements according to the fourth point.

When sharpening with a stone, it is necessary to turn the blade of a straight razor over the comb only, so as not to damage it.

The sharpening angle during work must be stable and constant so as not to damage the integrity of the metal. If a water stone is used, the instructions for sharpening the razor suggest the following rules:

  • the pressing force should be small;
  • the entire plane of the razor should be in contact with the surface of the stone;
  • moving the razor blade along the stone, the degree of pressure should be stable;
  • The comb of the blade is wrapped with electrical tape so as not to damage it with a stone.

Few people can get used to sharpening a razor with a stone the first time; it takes time to perfect the effort. A good sharpening stone should hold its shape, not release a large volume of suspension, and have a uniform structure with fine grain and no lumps. The size of the stone before sharpening it yourself should ideally be 50x150.

Other materials

Straight razor blades can be straightened and sharpened using other tools, such as sandpaper or sandpaper. These are the most popular materials used by beginners in such matters. The method of using sandpaper for sharpening is similar to the principle of using a belt, since choosing the appropriate grain of paper is quite problematic. The arsenal for using such devices is simple - water, sandpaper or sandpaper, a flat surface.

Take it for sharpening or sharpen it yourself: all the pros and cons

Only an experienced specialist knows for sure how to sharpen a straight razor and how to do it correctly so that the blades are sharp and retain their original appearance. If a man does not have the skills to work with sharpening devices, it is better to seek help from a specialist. Most often, this solution is resorted to when adjusting the belt does not produce results.

Advice! Today, modern specialists in sharpening and straightening straight razors carry out various hardware procedures. The most effective and safest way is to sharpen a razor with a laser sharpening.

Not every man knows how to sharpen and straighten a straight razor blade with a stone. Therefore, if you lack the skills and knowledge of how to restore the former appearance and sharpness of the blade with a stone, it is better to contact a specialist. With your own efforts, it is much easier to adjust the sharpness of the razor with a belt, as well as with other materials, such as sandpaper. Such work is less risky in terms of the degree of injury to the razor.

How to store a straight razor?

Only with proper care can a man protect his straight razor from rust, dulling of the blade and a decrease in its functionality. A straight razor is a very delicate item that requires special care. After performing manipulations with the razor, it must be rinsed under running water and blotted with a cloth or paper towel to remove any remaining moisture.

You need to store the razor in a ventilated and dry room so that the metal can rest. If a straight razor will be used extremely rarely, paraffin oil should be applied to its blade to protect it from rust. For daily shaving with such a tool, experts advise having several sets so as not to wear out one razor with constant manipulation.

Why is razor care so important?

As mentioned earlier, a straight razor is a vulnerable and sensitive device that can suffer from any mechanical impact. The razor therefore requires special care and careful use so that the blades remain sharp and functional for as long as possible. A good straight razor will serve a man for decades, during which time the razor will need to be lubricated, sharpened and trimmed.

Experts note that the metal of a straight razor needs rest. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the razor daily. Metal should be stored in a place with a low percentage of humidity; the bathroom is absolutely not suitable for this. Humid air and frequent contact with water lead to metal oxidation and rust. It is not recommended to drop the razor, as this compromises the integrity of the blade.


Not every man can sharpen a straight razor with his own hands, so valuable shaving tools are often handed over to craftsmen for sharpening and straightening. They know for sure which belt and stone to use to restore the sharpness of the blade, which side of the belt to edit the razor on, and also how to align and improve the appearance of the razor. Even the average man can get used to such tasks if he strictly follows the instructions.

(1 5,00 out of 5)


Sharpening and straightening a straight razor - 3 main ways, how to sharpen it yourself, how to sharpen it at home on a belt, on sandpaper

“Opaska” or straight razor is a device for removing hair on the face and neck. It remains popular among men to this day. Razors or electrical appliances can cause irritation. The use of “safety” reduces such risks to zero. The device is used by experienced barbers and hairdressers, as well as at home.

Following the rules of shaving and preparing the skin makes the procedure as safe and painless as possible. To effectively remove stubble, it is recommended to sharpen the blade. Every man must know the rules of editing. All manipulations with the razor must be carried out carefully and carefully, since its blades are very sharp. There are certain risks when using a razor.

However, they are no more than the risks of shaving with a regular razor.

What you need to sharpen and straighten a straight razor

During operation, the “danger” tends to become dull. In some cases, if used incorrectly, it becomes bent. Therefore, from time to time the device should be sharpened or edited. Usually after 3-5 procedures it is adjusted using a leather belt. This allows minor defects in the edge of the metal blade to be smoothed out.

Impacts, falls from a height or contact with other metals can cause significant defects to the instrument. In this case, it is put in order and its sharpness is restored with the help of sharpening stones. This is done differently from sharpening knives or scissors. The process is complex and quite dangerous. However, the quality of shaving and the durability of the razor will depend on its implementation.

If you don’t have the skills, it’s better to shave with a professional who will show you how to sharpen correctly and safely.

Scheme of proper shaving with a straight razor

Sharpening and straightening are different processes. The first option involves removing the top layer of metal on a sharp blade. In the second - grinding from burrs and irregularities. For these manipulations you will need:

  • sharpening belt;
  • fine-grained stone;
  • special sandpaper or sandpaper.

How to sharpen at home

Before you begin this process on stone, you should remember that the metal blade is thin and sensitive. One wrong move, and various defects appear on the device. Gaining knowledge, experience and skills in sharpening a “danger” requires time, strict adherence to instructions and patience. So, manipulations are carried out using:

  • sharpening stones;
  • sandpaper, sandpaper;
  • leather belt

How to quickly sharpen with sandpaper

This material is quite popular among beginners. The principle is similar to using a belt. However, you should choose the right grain of paper so as not to damage the thin blade. The sharpening angle should not exceed 30°. The procedure requires the following equipment:

  • sandpaper or sandpaper;
  • water and flat surface.

How to sharpen correctly with shaving stones

This option is best left to a specialist. At home, it is very difficult to select the grain size of the stone. However, if the safety blade is damaged, you can try a stone block. If the abutment and supply do not fit tightly on a flat surface, it is recommended to use a coarse abrasive. Leveling the surface of the blade and restoring sharpness on the stone involves the following manipulations:

  • the stone is wetted with water;
  • holding a razor with one hand;
  • the second clamps the comb and the end of the blade;
  • the machine is moved along the block to the end;
  • the other side is turned over and pressed;
  • repeated several times until defects are corrected.

Components of a straight razor

The inversion is carried out through the ridge. This will prevent damage to the device. Few people succeed in sharpening a blade the first time. The stone must have the correct shape, a uniform fine-grain structure, without lumps or large inclusions. The ideal bar size is 50x150 cm. The grain size is from 4000 to 8000 microns.

Sharpening is considered an effective but expensive technology. To get a dull razor in order, you will need 2-3 bars. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure in specialized workshops.

On the belt

This method is the most common. Two types of belts can be used:

  • hanging;
  • with wooden handles.

The first is characterized by independent regulation of tension. Therefore, it is more in demand. The width of the belt should be such that the blade completely covers it. Belts with wooden handles are best used by beginners. The product is fixed and has a constant degree of tension.

How to correct concavity

Using belts of any type, a man himself can acquire the skills of how to properly adjust the “caution.” Step by step usage:

  • the blade is located with its wide side on the surface of the belt;
  • with a slight pressure, move along it to the end;
  • turns over the ridge and is carried out in the opposite direction.

Movements should be smooth, without sudden movements or strong pressure. This will prevent possible injuries and cuts, and will not damage the integrity of the belt.

Making a straight razor with your own hands

This is a rather complex and time-consuming process. The machine can be made if you have the necessary materials and equipment. So, the following types of steel are used:

  • carbon;
  • damask;
  • stainless;
  • magnetic;
  • silver

Otherwise, you will end up with a low-quality handicraft machine.

Care and operation, storage rules

The device should be stored carefully and used correctly. The main factor is a minimum of humidity and contact with water. After use, carefully wipe the razor with a soft cloth soaked in alcohol solution. Do not use hot water or acid-base solutions. Mechanical damage and falls are not allowed. Long-term storage involves treating the blade with paraffin oil.

Precautions and possible consequences

The first time, the razor should be gently, smoothly and carefully passed over the skin to prevent damage. The device is used for the wet method. This prevents irritation, redness and ingrowth. The main thing is not to drive the blade horizontally. In this case, it is better to stretch the skin a little. If sharpened poorly, concavities may appear on a thin blade. This will cause cuts and irritation.


How to sharpen (honing) a straight razor for a beginner

I welcome you among the readers of the online publication for men MEN'S WORLD. Today we will tell you in as much detail as possible how to properly sharpen a straight razor for a beginner.

If you found our article, then you are the happy owner of a straight razor and, after purchasing the razor, you decided to sharpen it. It could even turn out that you have already tried to shave with your own straight razor, but you were not satisfied with the sharpness of the blade. What exactly prompted you to look for information on how a beginner can sharpen a straight razor is not so important. Let's figure out what's what in this process.

First of all, it’s worth understanding the term “honing” Since this is what sharpening a razor is called. If you've just recently joined the straight razor bandwagon, you're probably not familiar with the term.

Honing is the abrasive treatment of a razor blade using honing heads (stones).

Beginners should remember that a well-sharpened straight razor will last you about 2-3 months with normal shaving frequency. After this you need to sharpen again. This is worth paying attention to those readers who previously purchased a used razor. Let us continue with the description of honing a straight razor.

The most important point in the process of honing a razor blade is that the blade should lie flat on the abrasive and move with the sharp edge forward.

As you already understood from the explanation of the term “honing”, for sharpening we need a special abrasive (stone).

As experts in sharpening straight razors say, we have several options.

Sharpen a straight razor with a water stone

How to sharpen (honing) a straight razor

Water stone is used for sharpening woodworking tools. Such stones come in both natural and artificial origin.

Before you start sharpening a straight razor in this way, you need to wet the water stone with water. When choosing a water stone for sharpening, you should choose the option that is 5 cm wider than the razor blade.

Sharpening a straight razor with ceramic whetstones

Ceramic hones are also called “butcher’s rods” and they can be made in domestic diamond. This abrasive is much softer than water stone. You can sharpen the razor dry or wet with water.

Sharpening a straight razor with sandpaper

The cheapest and most “Spartan” way of sharpening a straight razor is the method of sharpening with sandpaper. To do this we need a sufficient amount of sandpaper of the smallest grit.

We have dealt with the embrasives that will be useful to you in sharpening your razor. So choose for yourself what is more convenient for you to use: water stone, ceramic whetstones or regular sandpaper.

Now let's move on to the process of sharpening (honing) the razor.

When sharpening your razor, it is important to remember:

- if you don’t want to scratch the razor comb, you should cover it with electrical tape

Even those men who had never held a straight razor in their hands could watch from TV screens how they were sharpening on a leather belt.

This method can rather be called finishing an already sharpened razor using one of the above methods. If you still have enough patience after sharpening your straight razor, you can sharpen it to perfection using a leather belt.

To do this, you will need a special hairdresser's belt or a regular army belt. Apply GOI paste or its imported analogue to the smooth side of the belt and grind until you have enough patience.

For those readers who do not follow the news of the portal, we remind you that the topic of straight razors has already been developed in the articles “HOW TO CHOOSE A “DANGEROUS” RAZOR” and “HOW TO SHAVE WITH A STRAIGHT RAZOR CORRECTLY.”

OK it's all over Now. Now your straight razor will be sharpened and your face will be perfectly shaved.

THIS IS INTERESTING:  How metal is cut with water

That's all for today.


How to sharpen a straight razor at home?

Straight razors have been used for centuries. Previously, these cutting products looked quite primitive. Since the 18th century, they have improved their design, which is familiar to modern consumers. At that time, according to experts, the “danger”, as it is also called, was the only and extremely effective shaving tool. In the 20th century, safety razors and electric razors appeared, and therefore “fears” faded into the background.

However, they have not disappeared completely and are used today by many classic connoisseurs. Judging by numerous reviews, “fears” have recently returned from hairdressing practice, where they especially took root, into the sphere of household use. It has become fashionable to shave with them. Many brutal men choose this option.

This explains why many are interested in how to sharpen a straight razor at home? You will learn how to do this from this article.

What is the essence of the procedure?

During frequent use, the guard may become dull. There are times when it falls on a hard surface and becomes bent. As a result, you will have to edit its cutting edge.

This process does not involve sharpening it, but only aligning the metal edges and eliminating minor defects. If they are significant, then you will have to use sharpening stones.

For those who do not know how often to sharpen a straight razor, experts recommend doing this every time before use.

Before sharpening a straight razor on a belt, you should acquire the appropriate tool. Specialized stores sell hanging belts and those with wooden handles. In addition, these products can have different widths. It is chosen taking into account the length of the blade. This is necessary for uniform treatment of the entire surface of the “danger”.

Belts are also available in leather and fabric. There is no abrasive composition for these products. Some samples are coated with a special coating at the factory. Such belts are no longer intended for aiming, but for sharpening. Such products are used in cases where conventional editing does not bring results.

Preparing the belt

You need to work on a clean and smooth leather (no paste) or fabric belt with minimal grain. If stains are found on the surface, they should be cleaned. All other defects are sanded down. Before you begin, carefully rub the surface with your palm to make it perfectly smooth.

About storage rules

Pasted belts should be stored separately from clean belts. It is undesirable for abrasive to come into contact with a clean blade or for pastes with different grain sizes to be mixed. In addition, these products can become deformed and therefore cannot be twisted or folded.

Otherwise, wrinkles and folds will form on their surface, which will be impossible to eliminate in the future. Belts should also be protected from dust. Special covers are provided precisely for this purpose.

Judging by numerous consumer reviews, straightening belts should not be kept in a room with high humidity levels.

The procedure for straightening a straight razor using a belt is as follows:

  • Take the “caution” by the “shin” and hold it with your fingers on the back side.
  • The belt is securely fastened and kept taut. It should be parallel to the floor.
  • The cutting part is laid flat and pulled along the belt with a “comb”. Do not press too hard, otherwise the blade will bend and the end of the razor edge will not contact the belt.
  • When you reach the very edge, carefully turn the “danger” over. This needs to be done from the butt side. If you flip over the point, you will simply cut the belt or bend the edge. As a result, your razor will be ruined. There is no need to stop the tool at the edges. If you need to rotate the blade, tear it off the surface, and then start touching the belt again while wiring.
  • To sharpen the razor, you will have to perform an average of 30 passes. Subsequent editing is not advisable, since the quality of the cut will remain the same.

If you are not satisfied with the achieved sharpness, use a special paste. With it, editing on the belt is limited to ten passes. It also happens that the quality of the cutting edge after processing on a paste coating leaves much to be desired. In this case, you will have to use stones. How to sharpen a straight razor on a stone? More on this below.

Stone selection

Before sharpening a straight razor at home, you need to purchase a stone with a uniform fine-grained surface of 4000/8000. There should be no dense lumps in the product. Preference should be given to those stones that retain their shape and do not release a suspension.

According to experts, blade razors are delivered to the shelves with a ready-made factory sharpening. The owner only needs to regularly edit it, namely grind it away from burrs and correct minor irregularities. Belts are quite suitable for this procedure.

If you need to remove part of the metal from the canvas, then sharpening stones are needed for this purpose.

How are stones checked?

In addition to the question of how to sharpen a straight razor, many beginners are interested in what tool will be needed in a particular case. Experts recommend doing this with a stone.

To have an idea of ​​how to sharpen a straight razor, you should familiarize yourself with its geometric parameters. To do this, the “safety guard” is placed on a flat surface along with the butt and the inlet. Next, these places are checked for gaps.

If the razor does not fit tightly to the surface, then you will have to use a coarse abrasive.


If you don't know how to properly sharpen a straight razor, here's what you need to do. First of all, wet the stone with water. Next, the edge of the blade and the ridge of the “guard” are pressed against the block using the index finger and thumb.

To prevent the comb from being scratched, experts recommend sealing it with insulating tape. Do not press too hard. The main thing is that the plane of the cutting product is in constant contact with the surface of the sharpening stone and at a constant angle.

Only in this way will it be possible to sharpen the razor evenly.

Approaching the edge, the product is turned over to the other side through the ridge. Next, the other side performs a passage in the opposite direction. The procedure is repeated until the desired effect is achieved.

What do the experts advise?

Judging by the reviews, the question of how to sharpen a straight razor is not the only one that interests many modern consumers. Often beginners do not know how to properly use and store the “danger”. According to experts, the metal of the razor is susceptible to oxidation and corrosion.

Therefore, after use, the product must be washed in a soapy solution and wiped dry with a cloth. If you become the owner of a used razor, then you should wipe it with a soft cloth, which has been previously moistened with alcohol. Sudden temperature changes are not advisable for “dangers”. Products cannot be disinfected using boiling water and acids. It is best to store the razor in a dry, well-ventilated area.

If you are not going to use the “danger” in the near future, then treat it with paraffin or oil. The service life of a razor directly depends on its storage conditions and careful handling of the product. It is important to prevent the razor from falling onto hard surfaces or from allowing the cutting edge to come into contact with other objects. Otherwise, defects will appear on the blade, which will negatively affect the quality of the shave.

A straight razor should only be used for its intended purpose.


For those who are interested in how to sharpen a straight razor, but do not feel confident in their abilities, it is better to take the cutting product to a specialized workshop. The fact is that sharpening with stones is quite effective, but at the same time a complex procedure. If, despite your lack of experience, you intend to manage it on your own, then it’s better for you, just in case, to acquire not one bar, but several at once.


How to sharpen a straight razor

Unlike other methods, shaving with a straight razor completely removes every hair and leaves your face smooth and fresh. However, before you start shaving, you must know how to sharpen a razor; not knowing how can lead to quite unpleasant results.

Since there is no need to change the blades, it is important to keep the blade sharp so that the razor is always ready to use at any time. This will save you from a number of problems that can arise from using a dull razor. In the following paragraphs, we'll look at everything you need to keep your razor sharp.

Necessary equipment

To sharpen a razor well, you only need two basic tools. We will tell you how to use these tools, because without knowing how to use these tools, shaving can lead to unpleasant results. Two main tools:

  • Honing stone (Water stone) / ceramic hones (stones) or fine abrasive chips or sandpaper
  • Leather belt

Honing stone

A honing stone is simply a whetstone along which you sharpen your razor blade. A fine grit stone is a very effective tool for keeping your razor sharp and is also the best tool for polishing. In addition, it is advisable that you purchase a large stone so that the blade fits completely, otherwise you will have to ensure a uniform sharpening angle.

The hone is a must-have tool for any straight razor owner simply because without it your blade will become useless due to dullness. After all, using a dull razor can lead to irritation, cuts, etc.

How to sharpen a razor

There are a number of methods for sharpening a razor. However, the method used usually depends on how dull the blade is. Basic honing (sharpening) only requires you to use honing paste along with a sling, while advanced honing requires the use of honing stones.

Surely we would all like to buy a whole set of honing stones, but for everyday shaving we only need 1000 - 5000 and # 8000 - 12000 grits. The #1000 Grinding Stone's main function is precision finishing, while the #8000 mainly does edge polishing as well as adding finishing touches. To sharpen your blade, you need:

1. Place the razor on the stone

Most of the razors available in the market are hollow face razors. This means that the sides of the razor are concave, making them much smoother and sharper.

In addition, the blade usually has a sharpening angle determined by the manufacturer; Taking this into account can make sharpening faster and easier.

By placing the razor so that the stone aligns with the curve, you will obtain the angle specified by the manufacturer.

2. Use the "X" pattern

After positioning the razor on the stone, make sure that each stroke is made evenly along the stone. Pull the razor towards you at a slight angle to ensure that the entire length of the blade travels completely across the stone.

Also, make sure that you keep the razor blade level on the stone, while avoiding additional pressure - the chips of the stone and the weight of the razor will do all the work itself.

At the end of each stroke, turn the razor over, making sure that the blade does not catch the stone, as this can dull the newly formed corner. Using the "X-pattern" will guide your hands easily.

3. Only slow and easy movements

To sharpen the entire length of the razor and minimize the amount of work you have to do, slow and light strokes are your safest strategy.

Using light strokes slowly will ensure that the razor remains in contact with the stone until the end of the stroke. This will sharpen the entire length of the razor all the way to the edge.

When you put pressure on the razor, you increase your chances of cutting off the desired sharpening angle. To get very sharp and smooth edges, you need to take your time sharpening.

4. Beware of over-sharpening

As with everything, it is important to use moderation; excessive sharpening will ruin your shaving experience, as will insufficient sharpness.

Over-sharpening increases the chance of cuts and irritation. Therefore, you need to check the degree of sharpening from time to time.

In addition to possible cuts, a very sharp razor can cause unpleasant irritation that can ruin your face. So make sure you don't overdo it.

How to finish a straight razor

Finishing the razor is necessary to align the razor blade. This is something you should do before every shave to ensure a pleasant shaving experience. Every time you fine-tune your blade before use, you'll be sure to get the best shaving result.

The sling consists of two components - leather and fabric. The fabric side has the job of removing anything that could cause damage to the skin, such as metal fragments, soap, etc. While the leather, which usually has a smoother surface, does most of the work on the surface of the razor.

Since you should do this before every shave, stropping skill is essential, just follow these steps:

1. Attach the end of the sling (belt) and hold tightly

To make the finishing process easier and reduce the chance of cutting, you must adopt the correct posture. Typically, you angle the line so that it points downward at you at an angle of about 45 degrees. This is very important, especially if you are just learning.

It is important to make sure that the belt is fastened tightly and does not fidget while finishing the blade. For example, an excellent mounting location would be a heated towel rail or door handles.

2. Run the razor along the line in the direction opposite to you

The base of the razor should be pointing in the opposite direction from you and the blade should be pointing towards you. Additionally, you should keep the blade slightly raised so that the edge contacts the strop at a slight angle.

After this, run the razor over the skin, applying very light pressure. Press down on the razor until the blade is completely against the skin.

3. Turn the razor over at the end of the sling (belt)

Once you reach the end of the sling, rotate the razor so that the base is now facing your direction. Make sure the blade remains in contact with the strop as you rotate the razor during the inversion process. Maintaining contact between the line and the blade can be quite a difficult maneuver, but with practice you will get used to it. This makes your follow-up much more efficient and effective.

4. Pull the razor towards you

Place the razor blade completely against the skin. When doing this, make sure that you do not apply more pressure than when moving the blade up the sling. Maintain that slight angle mentioned earlier with the strop so that the edge and skin remain in contact all the way. When you reach the end, turn the razor over and return it along the skin.

Repeat this process 10-15 more times.

5. Use the X Pattern on Narrow Belts

Just like sharpening, the X-pattern also applies to slinging (finishing). If your belt is not wide enough to cover the entire length of the razor blade, this method will help you out. Move the blade away from you, moving it slightly to the right, move it to the opposite end of the blade and return it back, moving it in the opposite direction, to make an “X”.

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