How can you clean coins at home?

Methods for cleaning silver coins: step-by-step instructions

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Numismatists treat their collections with trepidation and make sure that each piece is in perfect condition. Sometimes they wonder how to clean a silver coin at home without damaging it and reducing its value.

Cleaning can be done in a variety of ways, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Features of cleaning silver coins

Before you start cleaning, you need to carefully examine the coin to determine the degree of oxidation and contamination. If dirt must be cleaned, then in certain situations you don’t have to get rid of the oxide.

An antique coin gains special value thanks to its patina, but sometimes its appearance deteriorates significantly.

As a rule, if the oxide is uniform and the rust is not visible, then it is better not to clean it. If the old coin is covered with unsightly spots that hide the design, then they are removed.

Before cleaning, you need to at least approximately determine the price of the product.

When minting large coins, high-grade silver was most often used, and in the case of small coins, low-grade silver was used. Taking this nuance into account, various cleaning methods are used.

Cleaning Rules

To give coins a more attractive appearance, the procedure must be performed strictly according to the rules:

  1. First, surface contaminants are removed. To do this, use a soap solution and a soft toothbrush.
  2. Cleaning is carried out carefully, slowly, so as not to damage the surface.
  3. Once surface cleaning has been completed, a decision is made as to whether the patina needs to be removed.
  4. The product is cleaned with the selected product.
  5. Upon completion of the procedure, the coin is washed with warm water.

The use of folk remedies for cleaning

Products can be cleaned using simple and affordable means. It is worth considering the most common of them.

Lemon acid

Often cleaning is done with citric acid. This tool can easily complete the task.

The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Citric acid is added to water in a ratio of 3:1.
  2. Place silver in the solution and periodically turn the product over.
  3. Make sure that the coin is completely covered with liquid.
  4. Use a toothpick and cotton swabs to remove dirt and dust.
  5. When the dirt begins to peel off, the coin is taken out and wiped.

The main thing is to remember that you cannot leave silver in such a solution for a long time, otherwise the patina will be damaged and it will be problematic to restore it.


To clean the product, you can purchase regular ammonia at the pharmacy. Silver is briefly immersed in it, after which the surface is wiped with a cotton pad. Then you just need to wash the coin in running water and wipe dry.

Soda and foil

When using this method, the following actions are performed:

  1. Pour 0.5 tsp into the foil. soda
  2. Pour in about 1 tsp. water.
  3. Mix the ingredients to form a paste.
  4. Silver is placed on the resulting mass.
  5. The edges of the foil are wrapped to prevent the solution from spilling out.

Do not press or rub the coin, otherwise scratches will appear on the surface. If the coating is too thick, then the product is left in this condition overnight.

Soap solution

The product is considered gentle, capable of cleaning minor stains. It is used in primary metal processing. And use laundry or baby soap .

Procedure steps:

  1. The soap is ground on a grater.
  2. The resulting chips are diluted in water (the liquid should be warm).
  3. Place the contaminated item in the soapy solution.
  4. Leave it in the solution for about an hour.
  5. Wipe the surface and remove dirt with a toothbrush.


It also turns out to be an effective remedy. In this case, a small amount of paste is squeezed directly onto the metal. After this, the surface is cleaned. Use a soft cloth or brush.


Vinegar also does the job well. A small piece of soft cloth is moistened in it. After this, wipe the surface until it begins to shine.

To ensure that this process takes a minimum of time, the vinegar is preheated a little.


The method is very common, but is only suitable for coins that are not of particular value.

When using it, just a few simple steps are performed:

  1. Salt is mixed with water in equal proportions.
  2. The resulting slurry is spread on foil.
  3. A silver object is placed on top and wrapped in foil.
  4. After a couple of hours, the product is removed and washed with water.

Removal of specific contaminants

The choice of product largely depends on the type of contamination. The cleaning technology taking into account this nuance is slightly different.


A mixture of soda and ammonia will help get rid of blackness. These components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the surface of the product.

After this, it is wiped with a cloth and washed with water.


A green tint indicates the presence of copper in the composition.

Regular ammonia will help remove greens: the product is immersed in it and left for about a quarter of an hour. This is quite enough to remove plaque.


To remove patina, a 5% formic acid solution is most often used. The liquid is poured into a glass container and the item that needs cleaning is immersed in it.

After 5-10 minutes, remove the silver and wipe with a soft cloth.


To remove rust, it is recommended to use hydrochloric acid. But it is impossible to buy it in its pure form, so household products containing this substance are used. They are diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and poured into porcelain dishes.

Money is immersed in the liquid and kept in it for no more than 20 minutes, taken out of the solution and cleaned.

Features of cleaning ancient coins

It is not recommended to clean ancient coins that are of great value. It is better to entrust this matter to restorers who know all the intricacies of the procedure. Even a small scratch reduces their value .

At home, you can only use a soap solution that can remove fresh dirt. But even in this case, all actions must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage the valuable surface.

Review of store products

There are several special products designed to clean silver:

  1. Silbo. Produced in Germany. Cleaning with it takes a maximum of 8 minutes. The coin is placed in a strainer and dipped into the solution, after which it is washed and dried. A protective film is formed on the surface to prevent corrosion.
  2. Leuchtturm. Removes oxides and dirt. The metal object is immersed in the solution for 5 minutes, and then washed and dried.
  3. Shine Coins. Used to remove black deposits, dirt and oxide. The surface of the object is wiped with a cloth soaked in the product for several seconds.
  4. Asidol-M. Used to remove grease, plaque and dirt. The solution is applied to the surface and after a minute wiped with a soft cloth.

What to choose: professional or folk remedies

Store-bought products can clean silver without harming it; you just need to strictly follow the instructions. It is impossible to guarantee the absence of damage when using improvised materials.

Professional solutions are expensive, so their use is not advisable when cleaning coins that are not of particular value.

The choice of option should be made taking into account what kind of money is being cleaned. For simple coins, folk remedies are perfect, and for expensive ones, special preparations are used.

Precautionary measures

To clean a coin without damaging it, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. During the procedure, perform careful, smooth movements. Rush in this matter is inappropriate.
  2. Avoid using abrasives and hard brushes.
  3. Do not allow coins to rub against each other.

How to Preserve a Cleaned Coin

You can avoid re-contaminating your money by doing the following:

  1. Rinse the silver in warm water.
  2. Dry the surface of the product under a table lamp.
  3. Rub paraffin between your fingers.
  4. Rub the coin without applying excessive force.
  5. Distribute paraffin evenly over the surface. If it sticks in a lump, the product is heated slightly under a lamp, but overheating is avoided.


Cleaning silver coins can be done in a variety of ways. All actions must be performed as carefully as possible .

Only in this case the desired result is quickly achieved, and the product is not damaged.



Methods and means for cleaning and washing coins at home, removing rust

Collecting and studying metal banknotes from different countries and times, or numismatics, is one of the most common types of collecting. In ancient times, they were minted from precious metals - gold and silver, as well as bronze and copper.

Nowadays, common coins are more often made of aluminum or nickel, or made of a copper-nickel alloy. There are also bimetallic coins, in which the middle part consists of one metal, and the surrounding rim is made of another.

Of particular interest to tracker collectors are old coins that are sometimes found in the ground.

What is important to know when cleaning coins

When choosing a cleaning method, you need to take into account the coin's alloy, type and age of contamination.

The better the condition of the items in the numismatic collection, the higher their collection value. However, during the circulation process, coins inevitably wear out and lose their novelty.

If they are very darkened, covered with dirt or rust, they must be thoroughly cleaned before placing banknotes in the collection. To do everything right, you need certain knowledge and experience - this will help you not spoil a valuable item during cleaning.

Therefore, it is important for novice numismatists to familiarize themselves with the basic rules of such processing.

When choosing a cleansing method, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Type of coin - regular minting for normal circulation or so-called Proof - a method of minting high-quality coins, originally intended primarily for storage in a collection. For better preservation, they are coated with a layer of chrome, which makes them stronger and more beautiful.
  • The material from which the coin is made is copper, nickel, cupro-nickel alloy, aluminum, silver, etc.
  • Type of contamination - patina, corrosion, traces of oxidation, soil, fingerprints, various liquids, etc.
  • Degree of pollution.

Each of these options has its own methods and recipes for cleaning coins. To clean a coin from ordinary dirt that appears during use, it is enough to use a warm soapy solution and a soft brush. Removing traces of rust or oxide from metal is much more difficult - to do this you will have to use various aggressive compounds or electrolysis techniques. At the same time, it is necessary to clean metal banknotes very carefully.

You cannot combine the use of acids and alkalis for cleaning with even minor mechanical action, so as not to damage the relief when removing unwanted deposits, otherwise the specimen may be severely damaged and lose its collectible value.

Cleaning Tools

Cleaning coins at home requires the preparation of appropriate tools - using random means at hand for this purpose, as well as touching the coin with unprotected hands is not recommended. The set of cleaning tools that you need to prepare before starting the procedure includes:

  • tweezers with rubberized jaws, with which you can hold a banknote without the risk of damaging it - sold in numismatic stores;
  • plastic syringe without a needle with a volume of 20 ml;
  • a roll of tear-off disposable rags made of synthetic materials;
  • small brush with soft bristles;
  • container for cleaning composition;
  • two plastic trough containers - one for cleaning water, the other for clean water.

When cleaning, only distilled water is used, since regular tap water contains various elements that can negatively affect the quality of the coin’s surface. At the same time, during the cleaning process, water and disposable rags should be changed quite often to prevent re-contamination.

Professional cleaning products

Professional cleaning solutions, developed taking into account the specific properties of each metal, are sold in household chemical stores. To clean the metal surface from dirt and corrosion, it is permissible to use:

  • Sodium Hydroxide - Can be used to clean coins minted from copper, including as a cleaner for minted copper coins. Removes corrosion, traces of organic matter, degreases the surface. To prepare a cleaning solution, you need to dilute 50-80 g of NaOH in 1 liter of cold water, gradually adding the product and stirring thoroughly until completely dissolved. The coins are kept in the solution from several minutes to an hour, depending on the degree of contamination.
  • “Etalon” - four types of composition are available for sale, intended for cleaning objects made of nickel and bronze, as well as gold and silver. The product does not require additional dilution with water. To clean a coin, it is immersed in a solution for a period of from several seconds to several hours - depending on the condition of the banknote.
  • Trilon-B - will help remove rust from regularly minted coins issued in the Soviet Union, and remove oxides from banknotes of this type minted in other countries, without affecting the metal. To prepare the solution, 100 g of the product is diluted in 1 liter of warm water, then the collectible item is immersed in it for several minutes/hours.
  • Nanotrilan is a universal paste that can be used to clean not only mono-, but also bimetallic coins, including those issued in the USSR. The paste is stirred until smooth, applied to a metal surface and carefully smoothed with a brush. When thickening during storage, Nanotrilan is diluted with water to the required consistency.

All these products help clean coins efficiently, but they are quite expensive - from 200 to 350 rubles per bottle with a capacity of 50-100 g, so it makes sense to purchase them for owners of fairly expensive collections. Those who began to study numismatics not so long ago should try to put them in order in simpler ways. This is true when it comes to common types of banknotes.

You can get rid of rust and oxides on coins minted from base metals using accessible and inexpensive compounds

Folk remedies

Cleaning a coin by electrolysis

Cleaning nickel, aluminum and copper coins at home is possible using improvised means. These include:

  • Soap solution is the softest and safest for any metals. Soap (preferably baby soap) is grated, then diluted with warm water to a paste. A coin is dipped into this paste for several hours, periodically removing it and monitoring the cleaning process.
  • Citric acid - carefully dilute 1 teaspoon of lemon in a glass of warm water and dip a coin into the solution. Carefully monitor the process, turning the disk over to prevent excessive acid exposure to the metal.
  • Ammonia cleans copper coins well, but it is quite an aggressive agent, so you need to act carefully. The object is immersed in an aqueous solution of ammonia for no more than one minute, while turning from one side to the other every 10-15 seconds.

Electrolysis is another common method of cleaning copper coins, but it is only suitable if there is no severe damage or cavities on the surface of the metal. Otherwise, all these shortcomings will become especially noticeable.

For the procedure you will need a power supply. You can use an old mobile phone charger with the plug cut off. Then the wire is divided in two, and each part is exposed by 5-7 cm. Warm water is poured into a glass, in which salt or soda is diluted. The unit is connected to the network and the wires are lowered into the water. Near a positively charged wire, the water begins to bubble and hiss. Having remembered the location of the plus and minus, the unit is disconnected from the network.

A metal paper clip is attached to the negative wire - it will serve as a clip for attaching money. A metal object is attached to the plus. To avoid short circuits, the wires are spread apart and secured with clamps to the edges of a container with saline or soda solution. After this, the power supply is connected to the network.

The electrolysis process lasts from 30-40 minutes to several hours. The system is then switched off and cleaning of the coin is completed using a sponge and detergent.

Electrolysis should not be used to clean brass coins. In this case, the brass may change color from yellow to red, and the collectible item will be damaged.

Avoiding the appearance of oxides and rust on coins is easier than getting rid of them. To do this, you need not touch them with your bare hands, but use tweezers for this, and promptly clean collectible banknotes, preventing them from getting too dirty.


How and with what to clean coins at home from oxide to shine

Cleaning old coins at home can be difficult for both old-timers and novice collectors. Contamination on metal banknotes has a different origin. A step-by-step guide to the chosen method of removing dust, dirt, and oxides will help you avoid making mistakes during the cleaning process. Proper care will preserve the value of the heirloom.

Types of removing dirt from coins

The method for removing dirt from jewelry depends on the degree of dirt and the material. There are many ways to clean old coins at home.

Chemical method

It involves treating coins with a concentrated liquid that dissolves dirt without damaging the metal surface. Soap substances, acids, and alkaline liquid mixtures act as solvents. Soiled banknotes are placed in a bath of acidic/soapy liquid and wait until the deposits begin to soften and come off. At the end of the procedure, wipe the coins until they shine with a soft cloth so as not to scratch them.

Cleaning agent Step-by-step instruction
Dishwashing liquid Soapy water removes minor stains. Used for all types of metal. Application: pour 500 ml of water into a small container, add dishwashing detergent. Place jewelry in the resulting mixture and leave to soak for 3 hours. In difficult cases, metal banknotes can be kept for 24 hours
Baking soda and soap Used to clean silver and copper coins. Take two tablespoons of baking soda, three tablespoons of laundry soap shavings, add a small amount of water to make a paste. Apply the mixture to the surface of the valuable item and rub with a toothbrush or soft cloth
Table vinegar Pour 500 ml of table vinegar, add a teaspoon of baking soda, stir until smooth. The coins are kept until the dirt disappears. In difficult cases, soaking is done several times
Ammonia Used for cleaning silver, copper and other alloys. Place metal valuables in a mixture of ammonia (200 ml) and water (100 ml). Leave to soak until the dirty coins are completely clean.
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A vinegar and baking soda solution should not be used to remove dirt from gold, silver, or copper coins.

Citric acid in the fight against green plaque

Copper coins often become moldy and develop a green coating. Citric acid will help clean coins. Prepare a small enamel plastic container, pour 2 tablespoons of acid into it, pour in 500 milliliters of warm water, stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Place the items and turn them over every 10-15 minutes to clean evenly on both sides. To protect coins from plaque, apply a patina coating.

Helpful information!

Citric acid, ammonia, vinegar, and a mixture of soda and soap will help you wash USSR coins at home. Soviet money was issued from bimetal, an alloy of copper and nickel, nickel and bronze, aluminum bronze, copper, and silver.

Options for removing dirt with soap

Soap is an affordable and budget-friendly way to clean. Due to its gentle composition and cleansing components, it helps to cope with various contaminants, except oxidation. You can use a soap product in several ways.

Method 1: baby soap Method 2: laundry soap
Rub the floor with a bar of pH neutral baby soap. Place the resulting shavings in a container, add a small amount of warm water to obtain a plastic mixture. Place the soiled coins in the resulting liquid and leave to soak. Periodically remove and clean off the soaked layer of dirt. The product cleans gently, but it may take 5-7 days (depending on the degree of contamination) Take a plastic bowl or small food container, put shavings of half a bar of laundry soap in it, pour boiling water over it until you get a jelly-like substance. When the soap is completely dissolved, place the products for a day. If the contamination does not go away, repeat the procedure several more times.

Drink "Coca-Cola"

Coca-Cola contains components that help eliminate oxides and other types of dirt. Cola is used to clean both old and new money.

Application: place metal items in a glass glass, pour the drink into the container so that it completely covers the jewelry, leave to soak for two days. If the product is very tarnished, leave it for 5-7 days.

If you need to get rid of oxides in a short time, you need to place a glass with the contents near a heat source, which will act as a catalyst. The reaction between the drink and dirt will accelerate, and the cleansing time will be halved.

Cleaning with caustic soda

Caustic soda is used in extreme cases, when coins are so dirty that only aggressive compounds will help remove the plaque. Application: take a glass beaker, fill it with cold water, add a small amount of soda, stir until dissolved.

Place metal banknotes into the resulting alkaline liquid using tweezers. Keep them in the solution for 8-10 minutes. After that, fill another container with water, add a small amount of laundry soap, and rinse off the alkaline solution thoroughly. After cleaning, wipe the coins dry with a soft cloth.

The method cannot be used if the products have green or blue stains.


Follow safety precautions. Carry out the treatment wearing rubber gloves and a gauze bandage, and in the case of caustic soda, wearing safety glasses.

other methods

  1. Electrolysis coin cleaning is a fast and effective method for removing various types of stains from jewelry. The essence of the method is to apply current to a slightly salted aqueous solution, under the influence of which dirt particles begin to lag behind.
  2. A mechanical method of bleaching, which involves the use of various objects to remove stains. The method is very simple and effective. Various brushes, needles, scrapers, soft and hard rags can be used as cleaning tools.

    The disadvantage of this method is the high risk of damage to the top layer of jewelry.

  3. Cooking of metal products, which involves boiling coins in vegetable oil. Place the jewelry in a container with bubbling olive oil and boil for 10 minutes. After that, carefully remove them and wash them in soapy water.

    To completely remove the greasy residue, boil for 5 minutes in distilled water. You should not use boiling down on old coins. Boiling can lead to the loss of a valuable layer of the product.

Types of coins - best cleaning methods

The cleaning of precious relics directly depends on the material from which it is made. The choice of method for removing contamination is influenced by the softness of the metal, the degree of oxidation, and its reaction with the components of the cleaning product.

Type of coin Methods for removing dirt
Copper Soap solution. Grate any soap, place in a half-liter jar and fill with water. Metal products should be soaked for at least 20 minutes. After that, carefully remove each coin and remove dirt with a regular sponge.
Table vinegar. Protect your hands with latex gloves, take a sponge or soft cloth, and wet it with vinegar. Using massage movements, clean the coin. After complete cleaning, rinse it in warm water and wipe dry with a napkin.
Fresh lemon. You will need one large lemon. Cut it in half. Insert coins into each half. Leave them in this position for 15 minutes. After that, take them out and clean them with a soft brush to remove all dirt particles
Silver A mixture of toothpaste, ammonia, soda. Take a tablespoon of paste, the same amount of baking soda and two tablespoons of ammonia. Apply the resulting liquid to the jewelry, rub with a brush and rinse with water.
Medical salt "Trilon-B". Take two teaspoons of salt, dissolve in half a glass of hot water, put the coins in for a few minutes. Rinse with clean water and dry
Bimetallic Ammonia. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of ammonia in half a glass, place a coin with tweezers for one minute
Zinc Make a 10% saline solution and place for a few minutes. Then rinse in clean water and dry with a dry cloth.

Helpful information!

You can treat rust on metal products with: acetic acid, salt, soda, lemon juice (acid), Coca-Cola.

Tricks for removing various contaminants

Coins may develop mold, oxidize, darken, or turn green. Each type of pollution requires an individual approach to elimination. If you don’t know what product to use to remove one type of dirt, you can not only waste time, but also damage the surface of the relic product:

  • Darkening of jewelry is inevitable. The reason for this is time. Ammonia and ammonia will help you cope with dark patina. Apply the liquid to a cotton pad, rub thoroughly over the surface of the product until the stain completely disappears;
  • the appearance of a green coating is caused by the oxidation process. A solution based on nine percent table vinegar will help deal with the stain.

Remember that the older the metal banknote, the gentler the cleaning agent should be. The above tips will help you choose an effective method for removing contaminants.

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How to clean coins at home?

Over time, metal coins lose their appearance. But they can easily be restored to their original shine! Learn how to clean your money properly without spending extra money on it.

Over time, coins often lose their original shine. Here are some simple tips to help you clean at home.

Should you clean coins at home?

Money tends to “pass around”: dirt and germs quickly accumulate on it. Thorough cleaning will not only restore your coins to their former shine, but will also make them safe for collectors. To clean metal products, you can use Cif Ultra White Cream.

How to clean copper coins at home?

Never use a jewelry cleaner or metal polish as they may scratch the coins. For the same reason, do not wipe them with a paper towel or other paper-based materials. Before you begin, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to remove grease and dirt from your fingers.

Cleaning consists of several stages:

  • Rinse the coins with cold water. This will remove the top layer of dust and dirt.
  • Soak in warm soapy water. Add a few drops of a mild cleaner (such as dish soap) to a plastic container of warm water. Place the coins in the water one at a time and rub them with your fingers or a soft cloth. Do not immerse all coins in water at once and do not use metal or ceramic containers to avoid damaging the metal.
  • Remove stubborn dirt. Using a toothpick or soft-bristled toothbrush, carefully remove any stubborn dirt.
  • Soak in a glass of vinegar. Acids do an excellent job of removing stubborn stains, corrosion and build-up. Soak the coins in a glass of vinegar for at least half an hour or leave overnight.
  • Rinse with hot running water. After soaking, remove any remaining dirt, soap, and vinegar by thoroughly rinsing the coins with hot water. Be careful not to get burned!
  • Rinse with distilled water for shine. Distilled water is free of impurities and metals and will help remove any contaminants from running water. Rinse the coins one at a time in a plastic container with distilled water.

Now you can safely clean coins at home. Just a few simple steps - and there will be no trace left of dirt, plaque and harmful microbes!


How to clean coins at home?

Cleaning your coins is important. Indeed, as a result of such cleaning, it acquires a beautiful appearance and can be examined in detail. A clean coin always has more value than a dirty one. The fact is that contamination can hide certain defects of the coin.

A cleaned and shiny coin is suitable for placement in a personal collection or as a product.

In this case, it is very important to preserve all individual characteristics. After all, pollution can be quite deep and significant. Therefore, when trying to clean it, you can damage it. As a result, some elements may become invisible and erased.

This will significantly reduce the cost of the coin and its attractiveness among collectors.

What kind of pollution threatens coins?

It should be noted that the cleaning of coins is largely determined by the type of product and the alloy from which it is cast. Different alloys were used at different times and in different countries. Therefore, there is no universal cleaning solution.

Moreover, coins cast in one country and at one time can differ significantly in alloy, depending on their denomination.
Therefore, how to clean antique coins depends on the specific coin that needs to be cleaned. The type of pollution also matters.

They can be divided as follows:

organic pollution

These can be a variety of layers that need to be decomposed using chemicals and removed from the surface of the coin;


The oxidation process inevitably leads to the formation of rust. It corrodes the body of the coin and can completely destroy it over time. It is necessary to understand that rust penetrates deep into the structure of the coin and it should be cleaned very carefully so as not to damage anything;

They are very resistant to cleaning agents.
Therefore, if such contamination is present, you should try to clean the download manually. In this way, it will be possible to remove a significant part of the contaminants. After that, you need to prepare a solution and clean objects already in it. There are several options for preparing a cleaning solution from products that are available to everyone. However, you should choose a specific type of cleaning solution based on the alloy from which the coin is made.

Oxidation Cleanup

Metal money somehow reacts with chemicals contained in the air. Such reactions lead to the oxidation of objects. The question of how to clean coins from oxidation has several answers. Therefore, it is best to consider in detail the most effective cleaning methods:

  • A mixture made from ammonia, soda and toothpaste has a very good effect. All of these ingredients are available and can be easily purchased. Ammonia has the property of breaking down rust, and toothpaste adds the necessary viscosity to the mixture. And in combination with baking soda, this mixture will be an excellent cleaning agent. At the same time, it will allow you to preserve the item and not damage its small elements. To understand how to clean a coin from rust, you need to mix the indicated components in the same proportion. After that, you need to apply the resulting mixture to the surface of the object and wipe it thoroughly with a soft brush. There is no need to choose brushes with hard bristles. This may damage the coin. Along with the rust, some fragments of the design or ornament can also be removed. After the product is cleaned, it must be placed in warm water and the cleaning mixture is washed off. If the desired effect was not achieved the first time, the procedure should be repeated;
  • A solution of baking soda and plain water has good cleaning properties. To prepare it, just take any container and fill it with warm water. You need to pour a few tablespoons of soda into the water and stir it. Then, you need to place money in the resulting liquid and leave it for several hours. After the time has passed, you need to take out the money, let it dry and wipe it with a soft cloth until it shines. Therefore, the question of how to clean coins until they shine can be answered in this way;
  • A quick and effective way to clean rust from products is to expose them to citric acid. For cleaning, prepare a glass of warm water. You need to dissolve half a small spoon of citric acid in it. Coins must be placed in this solution. It is necessary to understand that the effect of citric acid is very strong and coins should not be left in the solution for more than ten seconds. After this, they must be removed and wiped. This express cleaning method is great for removing the toughest stains. The main thing is not to overexpose the money in the solution. Otherwise, you can damage the metal and damage the product.

These methods are excellent for processing metal money from the Soviet period. Meanwhile, such money is very popular, prices for them only increase every year. The answer to the question of how to clean Soviet coins involves using one of the methods listed above.

How to Clean a Copper Coin

The use of copper and copper-based alloys for coining money has been practiced throughout almost all of human history. Therefore, the amount of copper money from different periods is simply enormous. At the same time, the properties of copper as a metal also determine the methods of influencing it in order to remove contaminants. These methods can be used for coins from different eras. Therefore, they are universal.

Among the most effective methods for cleaning copper money, it is necessary to indicate the following: - using a solution based on laundry soap. For these purposes, you will need boiling water poured into a plastic container. Regular laundry soap should be finely chopped and immersed in boiling water. This way, the soap will quickly dissolve and a thick solution will form. Coins should be placed in it and left for two days.

Being in a thick solution, all contaminants will be removed from objects. At the same time, it will be possible to keep all the details clear and they will be clearly visible. And this will increase the cost of products; another method involves using a similar solution only in combination with soda. It should be added already dissolved in water.

Thus, by using the properties of soda, the time spent by money in water can be significantly reduced. If we talk about the effectiveness of this option, it will be at the same level as without soda. The function of soda is to speed up the process. After the coins have been in this solution for one or several hours, they should be removed and treated with alcohol and Vaseline-based ointment.

This treatment preserves the achieved effect for a long time and gives the coins an attractive appearance; the use of citric acid also gives an excellent effect on copper money. The cleaning procedure requires 30% of the specified acid. Money should be placed in it and left for 10 - 30 minutes. This will give a quick and pronounced effect. However, this method is undesirable for severe and stubborn stains.

In such cases, it is best to keep the money in the soapy solution longer. This way you can achieve the best effect. This cleaning method gives the metal a pink tint. But there is no need to worry, since this effect will disappear after one month; the method of boiling coins in Vaseline oil gives an excellent effect. The combination of temperature and the properties of the oil gives the item complete cleaning.

It acquires brightness, all small elements become visible. Such a coin will become almost like new;

- if you need to remove heavy contaminants and the coin seems hopeless, then you need to use a cleaning method using caustic soda. You need to know that this is a very powerful alkaline solution. Therefore, it should not come into contact with the skin. Accordingly, coins must be placed into the solution using tweezers.

And in the same way, they need to be removed. Another feature of this method is the difference in copper alloys of different coins. Not all money can withstand this procedure. If during the reaction a blue tint appears on the surface of the object, the procedure should be stopped immediately and never repeated.

The methods for cleaning a silver coin are similar to those listed above. The fact is that any metal alloy, including those based on silver, has approximately the same chemical properties. They can be treated with equal effectiveness by the same compounds.

Therefore, those substances that will be effective for bronze and copper coins will also be effective for silver money. It must be said that the methods for cleaning a 10 ruble coin will be exactly the same.

Thanks to these techniques, you will be able to get excellent results and save valuable coins.

on the topic “How to clean coins”


How to clean coins at home

If there is contamination on the surface of the coin (oxidation, corrosion, dark plaque), the problem can be solved with the help of a properly selected cleaning product.

Also, at home, you need to follow simple rules to avoid causing damage: decide on the method, choose products based on the alloy of the coin, and do not use abrasive compounds. All methods are quite reliable and effective, and have also been used by professionals for a long time.

To clean or not to clean old coins?

For some types of coins, cleaning is contraindicated - antique coins with time imprints on their surface are valued much more than those with a glossy shine.

If there is only a touch of patina, dust or dirt on the obverse or reverse, the coin can be washed with soap and water under running water, and then dried and stored. But it is better not to touch the patina, as it indicates the authenticity of the coin, gives it a beautiful appearance and protects it from external influences.

Did you know? It is important to remember that cleaning a coin can cause additional damage to its surface and reduce its value. In some cases, despite obvious cleaning damage, grading professionals will make grading exceptions, especially for coins that are so rare that buyers will be willing to purchase them in any condition. Exceptions include antique designs from the 19th century and earlier.

On ancient coins, under a layer of dirt and rust, defects may be hidden - pits, hollows, cavities after physical damage. Deep cleaning will remove dirt and oxides from the surface, but a clean specimen will lose its beauty and, most importantly, its value.

When determining the condition of a coin using the Sheldon system, any deformation will significantly reduce its performance, and therefore its value.

Modern Proof coins and bullion coins must not be cleaned in any way, otherwise any stain or damage will reduce the value by 30%. The highlight of these coins is their glossy shine and the Uncirculated minting method.

If you need to remove fingerprints or dust, just grab the edge with a special glove and wipe with a velvet cloth. It is better to place the precious sample in a protective container immediately after purchase or buy coins in loose coins.

Many experts do not recommend updating the appearance of a collectible piece, especially before selling it. But if you understand the methods and know how to clean old coins at home, the result will be effective. To gain practice, it is better to use less valuable specimens and coins that are sold by weight.

Types of coin cleaning

To understand how to clean an old coin, you need to determine the degree of contamination and the characteristics of the material. Proper selection of components and a clear sequence of actions will not damage the surface of metal money. Experts who know the specifics of different types of metal have several successful methods.

Among the main cleaning methods are:

  • chemical - the use of ammonia, acid, soda, soap, detergents or washing powder;
  • mechanical - using a piece of cloth, a soft toothbrush, a needle, a drill, tweezers, a scalpel;
  • cooking - processing in a boiling liquid with the addition of olive oil or petroleum jelly;
  • electrolysis is cleaning using electricity, requiring care and compliance with safety precautions.

Gold coins do not oxidize and therefore do not require cleaning. If the precious specimen is damaged and requires care, it is important to remember that gold is a soft metal and should not be repaired on your own. It is better to turn the problem to specialists.

To clean coins at home, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • container for solutions;
  • brush with natural bristles;
  • paper towel;
  • latex gloves;
  • toothpicks and eraser;
  • tweezers.

The method of cleaning and the choice of product depends on the alloy and the type of damage to the metal. Some types of material require aggressive action to completely get rid of dirt and plaque.

Did you know? The minted sheen on the surface of new coins, known as the “wheel effect,” is prized by collectors. This effect has been known since the 19th century; it consists in the fact that circles appear on the surface when rotated and tilted in the light. The waves go from the center to the outer edge. They are created by microscopic stripes that reflect light. If you clean the surface incorrectly (abrasives, excessive friction), you can damage the wheels and deprive the coin of the “wheel effect”. Any attempt to restore such shine will be considered deception of the buyer.

It is often safer and more reliable to clean a coin at home with soap and water than with any other product. To do this, you need to grate the soap into a deep container, pour boiling water over the shavings (72% soap, the rest is water).

Place coins into the thickened solution, close the lid, and leave for 20 minutes. Remaining dirt is removed with a toothpick. Soap solution is universal for any metal - it helps get rid of dirt, light oxide and fingerprints, but it is ineffective against rust and strong oxide.

The fastest way to return a coin to its original appearance is to clean it with electrolysis at home. Depending on the degree of contamination, the process takes from 1 to 40 minutes. The method is unsafe, so first you should evaluate your knowledge of using electricity.

To complete the task, you will need a mobile phone charger (6-12 Volts), a solution of water and soda (500 ml per 1 tablespoon) in a glass container, as well as metal alligator clips.

Coins are cleaned according to the following scheme:

  1. the plug is cut and the wires are separated, and clamps are attached to the ends.
  2. the positive wire is attached to a coin, the negative wire to a metal spoon.
  3. The coin and spoon are immersed in water so that they do not touch each other.
  4. the plug is inserted into the socket, after which the water darkens (metal oxides dissolve).

As soon as the coin takes on its previous appearance (after 2-3 minutes), the plug is pulled out of the socket, the coin is taken out of the container, and cleaned with a soapy solution.

Cleaning silver coins at home

Caring for the surface of a silver coin at home depends on the fineness and degree of oxidation. A precious sample may have a different composition, which means it requires a different approach to cleaning.

Did you know? Modern cleaning products for various types of metal, offered in advertisements, are acid-based. If you use them for cleaning, you can remove some of the surface metal. After using these solutions, ancient coins will lose their collectible value, and the content of precious metal will also decrease.

Antique silver coins of the highest standard are cleaned in the following ways:

  • soaking in a solution of ammonia (90% water) for an hour;
  • soaking in a soda solution for two hours (300 g of soda per 1 liter of water);
  • cleaning with a mixture of soda, ammonia and toothpaste.

Low-grade silver coins are cleaned using a special composition - Trilon B (a special type of salt). To do this, just add 1 tablespoon of the product to a glass of water and wait until the coin cleans itself.

How to clean a copper coin?

Cleaning copper samples at home requires a special approach, otherwise the coin will lose its aesthetic appeal.

This metal is the most susceptible to corrosion, resulting in green spots (prolonged exposure to a humid environment), red patina (long absence of ventilation and air) and blackness (patina - evidence of great age).

Means for cleaning copper coins from green plaque:

  • Boiling using Vaseline oil. The product is kept in water until the greenery disappears, then washed in alcohol and wiped with a cloth.
  • Bathing in hydrogen peroxide. If you place a coin in a solution of 200 ml of water, 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide and a small spoon of ammonia, it will become shiny.
  • Soaking in a solution of citric (acetic, oxalic) acid (4 parts) and warm water (10 parts) removes the green or yellow coating. The coin is immersed in the solution for 5-10 minutes, then it is rinsed and dried with a paper towel.
  • Immersion for 1-2 minutes in ammonia or ammonia solution helps get rid of the red plaque.

Before cleaning a copper coin at home, you need to prepare disposable gloves to avoid damaging your hands. Some solutions are too harsh for the skin.

You should also keep windows open. Vapors of ammonia and ammonia are volatile and have a pungent odor; if safety precautions are not followed, they can ignite.

How to clean a cupronickel coin?

Cupronickel alloy easily tarnishes, blackens and oxidizes. Coins made from this composition can be restored to their beautiful appearance if treated with dishwashing powder.

To remove dirt, just wet the antique piece in water and apply a cleaning agent, then use a sponge to remove the residue and rinse in water.

To make commemorative coins, two metals are often used at once - steel and silver for the center, gold and copper for the edging. Detergents (Fairy, Silit, Komet) are suitable for cleaning them at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

Coins are immersed in the solution for an hour and wiped with a rag. Inexpensive samples are cleaned using abrasives - toothpaste and GOI paste.

Did you know? Attempts to clean a coin result in important characters and inscriptions disappearing from its surface. In one case, a 1922 Lincoln 1-cent worth $12 had its mint mark inadvertently removed. After this, the coin began to resemble a similar example, but without the Mint designation (a rare and more expensive option), its value rose to $1,200.

Aluminum bronze coins can be cleaned with Coca-Cola. The contaminated sample is immersed in the drink until the oxide and dirt are completely dissolved, but after some time the coin must be turned over so that cleaning occurs simultaneously on both sides.

It is much faster to clean with a bathroom cleaner - just immerse the specimen in the solution for 5-10 minutes, then rinse it with water.

Zinc coins are cleaned only with a solution of 1% hydrochloric acid. To do this, you will need a wide container where you need to immerse the coin and watch how the impurities come off and the acid is taken over by the base metal.

After etching, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the specimen with water, otherwise the solution will continue to destroy the surface for some time.


How to clean an old coin

The answer to the question “How to clean an old coin?” is of interest to novice numismatists and those who are simply lucky to find an old coin in the ground. The price of a find depends on several factors. The role is played by the date of issue, the mint at which the coin was minted, the features of minting and the volume of circulation.

But, no matter how rare it may be, its market price will depend not so much on its rarity as on its external condition. The better preserved it is, the more expensive it can be sold. It is important to know how to properly clean an old coin found in the ground so as not to spoil it in any way.

Let's talk about the main rules for cleaning old coins.

To clean or not?

Due to improper storage conditions and exposure to external factors, a persistent layer of rust, colored oxide or dark coating forms on coins. Typically, such specimens require mandatory cleaning, but there are also those that do not need to be cleaned. Sometimes a coating on the surface even plays into the hands of the numismatist, and the coin itself increases in value. A striking example of patina on copper specimens.

Those who do not know how to properly clean an ancient coin found in the ground consider the patina to be just another contamination and try with all their might to get rid of it. As a result, they are faced with the problem of selling it to an experienced collector, which turns out to be not so easy.

The fact is that patina is not plaque or oxide. The patina layer gives the coin a noble appearance and protects the metal from external factors. Many beginners do not know about this and wipe out this layer, but then they will have to create it manually.

And artificially restoring patina on a copper coin is far from an easy task.

If you don’t yet know how to clean old coins at home, don’t rush to practice on valuable specimens. You will always have time to get rid of dirt, but damage to a rare coin due to improper cleaning can devalue it. It is best to start with cheaper, or even non-valuable metals. If the first cleaning is unsuccessful, you won’t be so sorry. You can practice well on simple specimens and try different methods and means.

Basic Rules for Cleaning Old Coins

Before cleaning coins at home, you need to understand the most important rules. What can you do and what absolutely cannot be done? The main principle that all professional numismatists and rare coin collectors adhere to is assessing the need to clean a coin. Remember that some specimens can be cleaned only superficially, without touching the metal itself, while with others it is better to do without cleaning at all.

Proceed with cleaning only when the coin shows obvious traces of dirt, stains are visible that obscure the image, or a layer of oxide or plaque has formed that can negatively affect its further condition and appearance. Always take into account the metal from which the coinage was made. Copper and silver coins require different cleaning approaches.

Many novice collectors make the big mistake of cleaning a coin until it shines. This is a fairly common occurrence, but experienced collectors rarely accept such specimens, considering them to be fakes, or demand a significant reduction in price.

Here's how you should never approach cleaning old coins:

  • Never use rough mechanical cleaning. Hard rags, metal brushes and sandpaper will not only remove the unwanted layer, but will also clean the metal to a shine and erase important relief elements. The copy will immediately lose value, no matter how rare it may be. It is better to use a soft brush or piece of cloth.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals. Just as in the case of mechanical cleaning, the more effort the worse. Acid can seriously damage metal, leaving damage and dents. In this case, the coin will definitely fall in price.

If you don’t know how to clean an old coin from rust, plaque or oxide, it is better to contact a specialist who has the knowledge, appropriate equipment, and special tools for this. Always remember to wear rubber gloves, especially when finishing cleaning and drying coins. Fingers can leave stains and marks on the metal.

Popular means and methods

What and how can you clean an old coin? Over so many years of the existence of numismatics, experts have come up with many effective means and methods for high-quality cleaning of the surface of rare specimens. Most of them can be applied without leaving home.

Soap. Simple laundry or baby soap can cope very well with various types of stains. This method is very simple, but may take several days. There are several options for using soap to clean antique coins. One of them is preparing a soap solution.

Simply dip the coins into the liquid and gently remove dirt with a toothbrush. The second method is immersion in soap paste. To prepare it, you will need to pour boiling water over the grated soap and wait until it hardens before immersing the coins in it.

The soap will gradually work through the stains, so cleaning may take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks.

Soda. Another cleaning product that can be found in any kitchen. Ordinary baking soda is known to be used not only in cooking, but also in other areas. It also found its place in numismatics.

Immerse the contaminated coins in a regular soda solution (a couple of tablespoons of soda per glass of water) and leave for several hours. If this method does not give the desired result, you can use a similar method as with soap paste. Pour a small amount of water into the soda and immerse the coins inside.

After a while, take it out and wipe it with a soft cloth.

Special means. In industrial production there are products designed specifically for cleaning antique coins and other metal products. The most popular cleaning products among numismatists are Trilon-B, Leuchtturm and, oddly enough, the Coca-Cola drink. The preparations contain chemical particles and elements that effectively deal with rust, various types of plaque and oxides.

Electrolysis. Not the most traditional, at first glance, method turned out to be one of the most effective. Experienced collectors actively use the electrolysis method, but they must be extremely careful not to damage the coin.

Electrolysis is used only in cases where there are no serious damages, dents or pronounced cavities on the metal. If the procedure is carried out correctly, at the end of it the coin will take on a completely new look.

If you use electrolysis, despite the presence of visible damage, the coin will deteriorate even more.

Digestion. Boiling is another method of cleaning antique coins, with which you need to be extremely careful and attentive. Coins should be boiled in boiling olive or vaseline oil for 8–10 minutes under constant supervision. After cooking is completed, they must be treated with soapy water, wiped with a brush and additionally boiled in distilled water. Violation of the procedure can lead to the coin becoming irreparably damaged.

What to do after cleaning?

Treatment with special means and immersion in various solutions are not all stages of effective cleaning of old coins. In order for rare specimens to be preserved longer, several important procedures must be carried out after their immediate cleaning.

The first thing you need to do is wash them in soapy water and then rinse them in ordinary water. Then be sure to blot with a clean piece of soft cloth to remove all drops of water, and leave to dry for 30–40 minutes in a dry place.

Keep in mind that some specimens, for example copper ones, must be additionally processed in order not to spoil the formed layer of noble patina.

After the cleaned coins have completely dried, they must be placed in a place completely sealed off from air. Contact with air can seriously damage the metal, so place them in special sealed bags or any other closed containers that do not allow air to pass through or scratch the surface.

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How and with what to clean coins until they shine

If you decide to refine old coins, the main thing is not to cause irreparable harm to the values. Before properly cleaning coins from dirt, determine what metal they are made of.

Money can be gold, silver, bronze, copper, aluminum. There are also nickel, bimetallic, and brass specimens.

Cleaning gold coins

Gold money requires almost no cleaning. Numismatists treat such money with extreme care and do not recommend using anything other than a soft cloth when cleaning. A brush, and especially scrapers, will scratch the precious surface. Here are some ways to properly clean your gold coins.

  • Soap and ammonia. Prepare a glass of soapy water, add 8-10 drops of ammonia to it. Place the money in the liquid and wait 10–20 minutes. Rinse in warm water. Then wipe with a dry and clean cloth, preferably flannel.
  • Sugar. Place a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of warm water. Immerse the coins in the liquid for three hours. Rinse under running water and dry with flannel.
  • Dishwashing liquid. If there is no critical contamination on the surface, use warm baths with dishwashing liquid. Dip them in the solution and wash them with your hands. Then rinse under running water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
  • Salt. Dissolve two tablespoons of table salt in half a glass of water. Mix the product well and drop the coins into it. After 8 – 10 hours, rinse in water and wipe with a soft cloth.

Tips for Cleaning Gold Coins

  • Always wipe the gold dry without streaks to avoid dark stains from moisture.
  • Do not use products containing abrasives.
  • Do not clean gold money using brushes, scrapers or hard sponges. Mechanical cleaning of gold items is not suitable.

How to Clean Silver Coins

  • Dilute 30 grams of soda in 100 ml of water and put silver money there for several hours. Prepare a paste of baking soda. Use a cloth to clean particularly dirty areas. Afterwards, rinse with water and wipe dry with flannel. The product will make your money shine and remove all oxides from them.
  • The option is more suitable for Soviet money. Dissolve half a teaspoon of lemon in a glass of water. Dip the exhibit into the resulting solution. Wipe contaminated areas with a cotton swab, constantly turning the coins over. A toothpick will help remove harder deposits. There is no need to soak money in water with citric acid. Finally, rinse them in warm water.
  • Make a weak vinegar solution and soak coins in it for half an hour. Dissolve the soda into a slurry and rub the soda over the surface with your fingers. Clean both sides, rinse with water and wipe dry.
  • You can remove traces of oxidation from silver coins with ammonia. Place money in it for a maximum of one minute. Then take it out and clean off the plaque with a cloth. Rinse in clean water.
  • Cleaning with ammonia will remove traces of oxidation and green residue. Buy a solution at the pharmacy and pour it into a container so that the entire bottom is covered with ammonia. Place a cotton pad on the bottom and a coin on it. Cover the top with another disc. The cotton wool should be saturated with ammonia. It is better to close the container. After 3-5 minutes, take out the money. Brush it with a soapy toothbrush and rinse it in water.

Tips for cleaning silver

  • If the silver coin is rare and antique, do not use acids or abrasives.
  • Mechanical cleaning (brushes, scrapers, cutters) is not recommended for silver.

How to Clean Copper Coins

  • Soapy solution. Take a plastic container and rub baby soap into it. Dilute soap shavings with boiling water and stir. Place coins in the resulting solution and close the container with a lid. From time to time you will have to take out the money and clean it of plaque under running water. Use a soft brush, but be careful not to remove the patina from copper artifacts. Cleaning will take a week. It is necessary to achieve the complete disappearance of oxides and contaminants.
  • Electrolysis purification. The option of purifying money from copper by electrolysis is quite dangerous. Take a glass of cold water, a stainless steel spoon, a pinch of salt, an AC/DC adapter for 18, 12 or 9 volts and two alligator clips. Attach the clamps to the exposed wires of the adapter. Dissolve a pinch of salt in a glass of water. Connect the clamp with the negative wire to the coin. Connect the clamp with the positive wire to the spoon. Place the spoon and coin in the glass with the solution so that they do not touch each other. Connect the adapter to an electrical source. After a few minutes, turn off the device and remove the coins. Wipe each coin with baking soda and rinse with water. Electrolysis cleaning quickly dissolves dirt and oxides.
  • Mechanical cleaning. Scrapers, needles, brushes and cutters are used. The mechanical procedure for cleaning copper exhibits must be carried out very carefully. It's better to trust the professionals. Mechanical processing of coins occurs under a microscope.

It is not advisable to clean copper specimens with citric acid.

A copper-destroying reagent will ruin the coin and reduce its value.

Cleaning Bronze or Brass Coins

USSR money was made from brass and was called bronze. They are quite difficult to clean.

  • Electrolysis. Bronze (brass) money can be purified by electrolysis. To avoid a short circuit, make sure that the coin and the electrode are securely fastened and do not touch each other.
  • Ammonia. To get rid of green spots of corrosion on brass (bronze) money, dip them in ammonia for one minute. After removal, rinse with cold water to prevent unnecessary stains on the bronze coins.
  • Lemon acid. Clean brass money with citric acid in the same way as silver coins (see above).

Cleaning Aluminum Bronze

  • Special brush. USSR coins made of aluminum bronze are cleaned to a shine with a shoe brush, the bristles of which are made of brass. Soak USSR money in soapy water for several hours. Clean both sides with a special brush and rinse under running water.
  • Ultrasonic bath for cleaning coins. Use an ultrasonic bath. Pour hot water into it, add a tablespoon of citric acid. Turn on the bath at 50w for five minutes. After the procedure, the specimens will turn red. To remove stains, clean your money with baking soda or dish detergent. Then rinse and wipe.

How to clean 10 ruble commemorative coins

  • Bimetallic 10 ruble coins will look like new if you clean them with whitening toothpaste and a brush. Then rinse the specimens thoroughly.
  • Yellow plaque can be removed with vinegar. You will need a glass of 9% acetic acid solution, into which you need to put 10 rubles. After an hour, remove the specimens and rinse with hot water. If the stains are not completely removed, brush with toothpaste.

You should not clean anniversary pieces using sandpaper, a stiff brush or scrapers. There is a risk of completely ruining the money.

Cleaning Nickel Coins

  • Hydrochloric acid and alcohol. Prepare a solution of alcohol and hydrochloric acid in a ratio of 50:1. Dip the coin in the liquid several times, then clean it with a soft brush, rinse with water and wipe with alcohol. Without rinsing, wipe dry.
  • Distilled water and vinegar. Cleaning up nickel coins will take less time if you first wash them in a soapy solution. Place the washed money in a solution of distilled water and vinegar (30% vinegar and 70% water). Keep the specimens in the liquid for three days. Turn over the coins periodically. After three days, take distilled water 70% and ammonia 30%. Immerse the specimens in the prepared solution for another three days. Don't forget to turn over. Finally, rinse the wet coins with baking soda, using your hands to clean them. Rinse in water and wipe dry.


Means and methods for cleaning coins yourself at home

It is difficult to find a numismatist who has never encountered a problem associated with the appearance of oxides and rust on collectible items. Therefore, every collector asks the question of how and what to clean coins at home. In fact, caring for coins requires compliance with a number of rules, especially when it comes to cleaning antique coins that have high historical value.

Cleaning coins with soapy water


  1. Before choosing a coin cleaner, you should pay attention to the alloy from which the coin is made, because each metal can react differently to the same substance included in the cleaning product. Still, there are means that can ruin any coin.

    For example, a powder with abrasive particles that leave scratches on its surface can be detrimental to the condition of the metal.

  2. It is not recommended to clean copper coins at home with concentrated acids, for example, hydrochloric or sulfuric acid.
  3. If the coin has a proof treatment, then it cannot be cleaned with any means. It is enough to regularly wipe the specimen with microfiber.

  4. Before cleaning old coins, you should pay attention to the characteristics of their patina. If the layer of plaque is uniform, and the images on the coin are clearly visualized, then it is not worth cleaning such a specimen, since removing the patina may result in the loss of the noble appearance of the coin and a decrease in its value.
  5. Before using any cleaning product, you should test it on less valuable collectibles. An unsuccessful cleaning experiment can result in the value of expensive items being neutralized.

Cupro-Nickel Coins: Cleaning

The coins, consisting of an alloy of nickel and copper, were produced from 1931 to 1935 under the USSR. On such specimens, brown-red oxides appear, which are quite difficult to remove. So how do you clean nickel and copper coins?

1) Electrolysis method: its essence is to supply electric current to an electrolyte, which is a salty aqueous solution.

Important: by choosing this method of caring for coins, you should ensure protection from electric shock, as well as protection from electrolyte getting on the mucous membranes! To clean coins by electrolysis, you should prepare a power supply with a voltage of up to 18 volts (this can be a power adapter from an old phone).

Its plugs must be cut off, the wires divided into 2 parts, and the insulation removed from the ends of the wires. The copper wires are twisted and soldered to metal alligator clips. After preparing the adapter, you can begin preparing the electrolyte: take 1 teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in a glass of cold water (the finished liquid is poured into a plastic tray).

Cleaning a coin by electrolysis

After the work has been done, it is necessary to determine which wire will be the cathode and which the anode. To do this, a simple test is carried out: a metal spoon is immersed in a bowl with a solution and one clamp is attached to it, and the other is connected to a coin. Before starting the adapter, you should check that the coin and spoon are not in contact, otherwise the adapter may break. If there is a hissing sound near the spoon after turning on the equipment, then the clamps must be swapped.

The wire with the “-” sign is connected to a coin, the positive wire is connected to a metal spoon. The coin is left in the bath until it is completely cleansed. An electric current passed through the metal will push out rust and dirt.

2) “Trilon-B”: this product is widely used for cleaning coins made of an alloy of nickel and copper, so you can use it to clean an old coin. A solution is prepared from Trilon-B, consisting of 1 part of the product and ten parts of water. Then a coin is immersed in such a solution and its cleaning is monitored. Finish cleaning by rinsing the coin in clean water and drying it.

3) You can clean a coin in an unusual way: take tobacco ash and water, and then prepare a thick paste from these two components, which is applied to the coin. After 20 minutes, the ashes are rubbed into the coin, after which it is washed off with water, and the coin is dried.

Copper-nickel alloy coins can be damaged by the following:

  1. Vinegar: This product is often used to clean coins, but can be destructive on copper and nickel coins. Acetic acid gives coins an uncharacteristic pink color. Additionally, the coinage becomes unclear, causing the value of the coin to decrease.
  2. It is known that patina can be effectively removed from metal with hydrochloric acid. Its household analogue is a product for cleaning plumbing fixtures from corrosion deposits - “Toilet duckling”, because the product contains hydrochloric acid. But it is not suitable for cleaning nickel and copper coins, since hydrochloric acid can turn a valuable piece into a shiny metallic disc without any images.
  3. You cannot clean coins from the USSR period with GOI paste, as this product contains abrasives that can destroy the images on the coin and make it unnaturally shiny.

How to clean old copper coins?

How and how to clean copper coins:

  1. Soap: if copper coins have minor contamination, it is enough to limit yourself to using a soap solution. You need to immerse coins in it for several hours, then take them out, rinse them in water and dry them. If your collectibles require more thorough cleaning, you can make a paste of baby soap. To do this, finely grate a bar of soap and combine it with water to form a thick paste, which should then completely cover the coins. The pulp is left on the coins for 2-3 days, after which it is washed off.
  2. Vinegar: This product is allowed to be used for pure copper coins. It is enough to fill the coins with a bite and constantly monitor the degree of their cleaning. It is important not to overexpose the specimens in vinegar, otherwise the metal may deteriorate. To clean coins, you can also prepare a “vinegar dough” consisting of wheat flour and vinegar, taken in equal parts. They cover the coins with the “dough”, wait for it to dry, and then clean everything off with a soft brush.
  3. Ammonia: it is used in extreme cases at the numismatist’s own risk, when the coin is thickly covered with oxides that cover the images. You just need to put the coin in ammonia and take it out every 20 minutes to clean it with a toothbrush. The procedure is performed until the desired effect is achieved.
  4. Homemade cleaning product: consists of one gram of oxalic acid, five milliliters of ethyl, four milliliters of turpentine and a milliliter of water. All ingredients are mixed, mixed thoroughly, and then the resulting product is applied to cotton wool. The coin is carefully wiped with it, and then wiped dry with microfiber.
  5. Calgon: This product effectively dissolves rust deposits. Calgon is combined with water in a ratio of 1:5, then the solution is brought to a temperature of 60 degrees. Coins are dipped into the resulting solution and wait until the rust separates from them.
  6. Olive oil: This at-home coin cleaning takes several months, but at the same time, olive oil is absolutely safe for copper. All you have to do is take olive oil, pour it into a plate and completely immerse the coins in it. After 60 days, the specimens need to be removed and cleaned with a soft brush. Afterwards, you need to refresh the oil and put the coins in them again. Actions are carried out until the final disappearance of contaminants.
  7. Vaseline: This oil can be used to clean copper coins of insignificant value. Fill a small saucepan with Vaseline oil, place coins in it, cover everything with a lid and place the vessel on very low heat. After the oil boils, turn off the heat, and after another 10 minutes, remove the specimens and gently brush them with a brush.


Copper coins can also be cleaned with Trilon-B and by electrolysis.

A universal way to clean coins from dirt and oxides is to use ultrasound. For this purpose, an ultrasonic bath is purchased - portable equipment that affects the products being cleaned using ultrasound. Thanks to this equipment, you can clean not only coins, but also jewelry. The ultrasonic bath is battery operated. How to clean the coins in it:

  1. Place a coin in the removable container of the bath.
  2. Pour water so that it completely covers the specimen.
  3. The bath is turned on and the process of cleaning the coin is observed.

If the coin is expensive and valuable, then it is recommended to entrust its cleaning to an expert who probably knows how to properly care for valuable specimens.

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