What is silver hallmark

750 silver standard - the lowest standard of silver

750 silver is one of the rarest types of silver, not because it is the most expensive or beautiful, on the contrary. Many people believe that 750 silver does not exist at all, and there is no such mark on any product, but this is absolutely not true.

In fact, 750 sterling silver does exist, and has even been used in the industrial production of jewelry, accessories, and other adornments. Industrial production of such products ended in the late 80s, under the Soviet Union.

There is an interesting fact that in the Soviet Union, 750 silver was even included in the specialized Soviet quality standard for silver products and alloys. This standard received the number 683-680, which is dated August 5, 1980.

Today, due to the good electrical conductivity of this alloy, it is actively used in electrical engineering and similar industries.

How is it different from other alloys?

750 silver is a technical alloy, used exclusively in the production of various electrical wires and devices. It received such areas of application due to its high electrical conductivity, which other silver alloys do not have in such quantities.

The composition of this alloy includes such metals as:

  • Copper;
  • Nickel;
  • Zinc;
  • Silver.

High electrical conductivity is largely due to the copper content, which is about 20% in the alloy, which is quite a lot.

It is the high content of copper and nickel that prevents this alloy from being actively used in the jewelry industry, which is what basically distinguishes 750 silver from other silver alloys.

In addition to high electrical conductivity, this alloy also has high characteristic properties and indicators, which give the alloy high ductility and resistance to mechanical damage and wear.

Areas of application of 750 silver

The scope of application of 750 silver is quite limited. As already mentioned, this silver alloy does not have high characteristic properties that would allow it to be widely used in the jewelry industry.

However, we should not forget that in the early 80s in the Soviet Union, this alloy was still used in the manufacture of inexpensive costume jewelry and jewelry, the quality of which left much to be desired.

 Today, this silver alloy is used only in Russia.

Today we can distinguish several areas of application of this metal, but they are all related to electrical engineering:

  • Microchip production;
  • Production of conductors;
  • Production of power cables.

However, recently the question often arises about the advisability of using this material even in electrical engineering. Throughout the Russian Federation, scientists are searching for a good and inexpensive alternative to this material that would demonstrate excellent electrical conductivity.

What goes with it?

750 silver is quite difficult to combine with anything, since it is not used in jewelry or accessories. This material is a technological metal that is used exclusively for electromechanics and radio engineering. In these areas, 750 silver is exclusively one of the necessary components. Based on this, this material is in no way compatible with other precious metals and stones.

Reasons for oxidation of 750 silver

Due to the high copper content in this alloy, it is very strongly oxidized when interacting with air. Copper itself is a fairly active metal that corrodes when exposed to oxygen for a long time.

In addition, like ordinary silver, this alloy itself reacts negatively to interaction with sulfur. Sulfur itself is one of the main enemies of silver, since when these two elements interact, the entire surface of the silver is slowly covered with a thin film.

This film contains silver oxide, which leads to blackening of this material. In the areas in which this material is used, it often interacts with sulfur.

It is for this reason that most manufacturers are trying to find an alternative that would replace this material in production.

How to clean from corrosion

Since jewelry from this alloy has not been produced for a long time, it is currently difficult to find jewelry or accessories that would contain this alloy. However, there are various devices and other electrical components that contain this silver alloy in large quantities. To ensure that these elements are not subject to various types of oxidation, it is worth taking care of them and wiping them with special means.

The simplest remedy is a solution of soda, salt and water, which prevents the oxidation process or slows it down. It is worth wiping elements containing this silver at least twice a month.

The second recipe contains the same ingredients, only instead of salt, citric acid is added to the water, which greatly helps with the oxidation of various elements containing silver. The procedure should also be repeated several times a month.

How to distinguish 750 silver from fake at home

750 silver, like any silver, is quite simply distinguished from a fake, since for this you will need simple and easily accessible things.

The easiest way to check a silver element or object for falsification is to lightly scratch it with any needle. If under the surface of the product there is metal of a different color, usually dark gray, you have a fake.

This method is best used when it costs you nothing to slightly damage your product.

The second method is more harmless and no less harmful to your product made from 750 sterling silver. For this method you will need iodine as it turns genuine silver black. If you have a fake in your hands, it will not interact with iodine in any way, and the color of the drop will not change in any way.

Source: https://mysamocvet.ru/metally/750-proba-serebra/

Silver samples

precious metal in the alloy and determines its fineness. The hallmark of precious metal alloys, from which it is permitted to make jewelry and other products, is established by law and guaranteed by the state, for which the products must undergo hallmark control and are stamped with hallmark marks, the numbers of which determine the hallmark.

Silver, like gold, is a very soft metal and is not used in its pure form. In order to increase the hardness of silver, other metals are also added to it. Copper ranks first as an alloying element in silver alloys. It is this metal in the right proportions that improves the quality of silver, making it more resistant to abrasion.

Additives such as aluminum, nickel, zinc and cadmium are sometimes used. Most countries have adopted the metric system for designating a hallmark, by which it is designated by the number of parts of noble metal in a thousand units of weight of the alloy. For example, the following silver standards are accepted in the international system: 750, 800, 875, 916, 925 and 960. Currently, 960 and 925 alloys are widely used throughout the world.

In the production of jewelry, a silver-copper alloy of 925 standard is used - it contains 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. This alloy is characterized by sufficient strength, chemical resistance, has a brilliant white color and is highly polished. Silver of this standard is also called “sterling”, since pound sterling coins were minted from it for a long time.

An alloy of low 875 silver is used to make jewelry and tableware. Alloy 916 - for the production of tableware with enamel coating, alloy 960 - for the production of filigree products.

In some countries, for example, in Italy, the surface of silver jewelry is additionally irradiated in order to give it resistance to oxidation.

The hallmark on a silver product allows you to obtain additional information about it. For example, jewelry made in Tsarist Russia is equipped with the personal mark of the master or manufacturer. Samples of marks of large companies and craftsmen are well known to connoisseurs.

The presence of Soviet symbols on the product - a star - indicates that it was produced during the Soviet Union, after 1928.

By the way, today in Russia silver products with a fineness lower than the established minimum standard (800 fineness) are not subject to hallmarking with the state hallmark of the Russian Federation and are sold as products made of base metal.

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Source: https://gold.ru/news/proby-serebra.html

Silver alloys. Silver samples of different systems

To make silver jewelry, they usually use not pure silver, as the name might suggest, but silver alloys. This is done in order to improve the properties of the product - for example, ductility and machinability.

Metals that are added to the alloy to the base element (in this case, silver) are called alloy . The silver alloys themselves are marked with a breakdown according to the percentage of pure silver they contain.

For example, the 875 alloy contains 87.5% silver, and the remaining 12.5% ​​is alloy and impurities.

Pure silver has a beautiful silvery-white color as well as maximum light reflectivity. Hundreds of years of experiments with different components of alloys have shown that copper has less effect than other metals on the appearance and physical properties of silver. In its classic form, silver alloy is a combination of pure silver and copper. However, there are alloys made from three components.

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Known silver hallmark systems

As in the case of gold hallmarks, metric and spool (used until 1927) silver hallmarks are known in Russia. In Western Europe and the USA, the so-called karat silver standard is used.

You can read about the formula by which a metric hallmark is converted to a spool hallmark and vice versa, as well as what a carat hallmark means, in the article on hallmarks of gold alloys. And below in the table you can see examples of correspondence between samples of different systems.

Correspondence between silver hallmark systems

1000 24 96
916 (non-standard alloy) 22 88
875 21 84
750 (non-standard alloy) 18 72
500 (non-standard alloy) 12 48

Silver samples provided for by the standard

According to the standards existing in the jewelry industry (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 1999 No. 643, Moscow “On the procedure for testing and marking products made of precious metals”), the following samples are provided for silver alloys in the metric system:

960, 925, 875, 830, 800.

960 sterling silver alloy (96% silver) is almost pure silver. It is quite rarely used for making jewelry, at least in Russia. A few years ago, at exhibitions you could find original silver jewelry from Ecuador made of sterling silver - many of them using filigree and enameling techniques. If 960 silver alloy is used, it is most often for fine jewelry using one of these techniques.

silver alloy is one of the most popular for making jewelry. It has the properties and shade of pure silver, and also easily takes the desired shape of the product and retains it for a long time.

It is the alloy containing 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper that is called sterling silver” in England and America.

This alloy retains its brilliant color even when processed and annealed, and is used, among other things, for the manufacture of products using filigree, enameling and forging techniques.

875 sterling silver is more often used for the industrial production of jewelry using the casting method - due to its low melting point. The alloy is considered quite “convenient” for jewelers - products can be cast in molds, forged, embossed and filigree, but it is no longer suitable for enameling.

Silver alloys 830 and 800 are similar in their properties. They are used more for making silverware and various souvenirs and household products. These alloys have a slightly yellowish tint and can oxidize in air.

Any silver alloys are, in principle, prone to the formation of sulfides and copper oxide. As a result, a coating forms on the surface of the jewelry. Over time, the plaque may change in color to yellowish, brown or black. Therefore, silver products are often subjected to various surface treatments - rhodium plating, passivation, or regular cleaning of oxides.

Silver alloys of non-standard samples

In past years, other types of alloys were widely used, such as 900 silver alloy (for coins and bars). A silver alloy of 500 purity was also known (for coins of “royal mintage”). For special purposes, jewelers also use various non-standard silver alloys, for example, for the manufacture of artistic products with certain properties, or for individual orders.

What silver alloys are used in other countries?

All over the world, as in Russia, the most popular is the 925 metric alloy. Only outside of Russia it is more often referred to as sterling silver. In France, 800 silver is also common, and in Europe - 935.

Many countries use their own unique silver alloys - from 1000 in Japan to 600 in Egypt.

Marking of silver alloys

In accordance with the standard mentioned above, silver products are marked as: CPM 925 (an alloy of 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper).


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Source: https://juvelirum.ru/spravochnik-po-dragotsennym-metallam/serebro/splavy-serebra-serebryanye-proby-raznyh-sistem/

84 silver standard - what is this stamp and what is its price per gram

84 silver standard is a mark related to the spool system, which originated in Tsarist Russia. It is noteworthy that back in the eighteenth century, over a dozen different samples were popular (depending on the percentage of silver in the alloy). But by the end of the nineteenth century, only four remained in demand. Tsar's sample 84 was one of these four.

Let's find out in more detail what 84 hallmark (stamp) of silver is and where it is used. In addition, we will tell you what the price of 84 silver per gram is. It is interesting that previously such silver objects could only be purchased by wealthy families. However, even now prices for metal of this standard are high, and the value of products is equal to antiques.

What is silver hallmark 84?

What is silver hallmark 84? This mark means that a product made from an alloy contains 84 parts of silver and 12 parts of impurity (mainly copper).

Interestingly, gold coins have long been used to determine the weight of gold items. And since 1711, the spool began to be used as an official measure of the mass of any noble metals. Remember that one spool corresponded to 1/96 of the Russian pound.

That is why a silver alloy containing at least 96 parts of silver was considered pure.

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Previously, the 84-carat alloy was not used to create exquisite jewelry due to its significant copper content. The latter leads to the fact that objects quickly darken (to solve the problem, the products were covered with gold or enamel).

But the advantages (compared to high-grade metal, 925 or 960) include hardness and strength, which guarantees resistance to abrasion and ensures long service life.

As a result, the alloy was often used to create candlesticks, vases, glass holders, as well as other large, simple-shaped items, such as tablet holders or cigarette cases. 84 sterling silver tea spoons are popular products that are quite expensive today.

Previously, cutlery and dishes were made from 84-carat silver

Silver 84 (875 modern) standard is a high-strength alloy. That is why it was used to create dishes and other large items that can be used daily. They can be safely used, cleaned and washed; the products will not fade (they are coated with enamel or gold) because of this and will not lose their attractive appearance.

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In an antique catalog made of 84 sterling silver (stamps), you can even find objects that are gilded on the inside, for example, cigarette cases, tablet holders or containers for storing jewelry. Products with niello patterns look no less impressive (for this, niello was used - a special mixture created from several metals).

Many people are concerned about the question of what modern standard the Tsar’s 84 corresponds to. This can be easily determined by calculation. So, you need to divide 84 by 96, and then multiply by 1000. After some simple calculations (84 / 96 * 1000 = 875), you can understand that the old 84 corresponds to the modern 875 standard. The latter indicates that the alloy contains 875 grams of silver and 125 grams of copper.

What's the price?

What is the price of 84 samples? Due to the fact that such an alloy corresponds to modern 875 silver, we can say that the cost is quite stable. On average, fluctuations over the past year did not exceed five rubles. The average cost is about 25-30 rubles (depending on the region) per gram.

We advise you to read: Gold samples in the USSR - composition and price of the metal 583 samples

The average weight of one cutlery ranges from 8 to 50 grams, depending on its purpose. Accordingly, you can independently calculate the price of a spoon made of 84 sterling silver.

You can calculate the cost of silver items yourself, knowing their approximate weight

Now you know what royal silver standard 84 is, how much pure metal is in it, and also what the main application of the alloy is. By the way, today in antique catalogs made of 84 sterling silver there are quite a lot of different products presented. As a result, you can easily find for yourself what to buy in 84 sterling silver for investment purposes.

Source: https://inzoloto.ru/proby/84-proba-serebra

925 standard: how to distinguish silver from white gold, history of appearance, scope of application and use in production

Today, 925 gold purity is a point of controversy and controversy.

Experts who understand jewelry and precious metals can easily distinguish this silver alloy from gold, but what about the rest?

Ordinary people are interested in what kind of metal is sold under this marking, how expensive gold differs from a silver alloy. So that you can navigate this issue, let's talk about what jewelry stamps that are placed on precious metals mean.

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History of appearance

The ancient Egyptians were the first to calculate the percentage of gold content in products. Already the first coins in Ancient Greece were made with stamps, on which the marks were made in written letters, and not in the form of numbers, as is customary now.

  • In Russia, samples began to be taken only in the seventeenth century. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the spool system was very popular. Then they calculated the number of parts of gold per ninety-six parts of the entire alloy. They put up signs with different numbers: 36, 56, 72, 96. After the revolution, designations consisting of three numbers were adopted.
  • According to the modern measurement system, the weight ratio of the base metal in grams to a kilogram of alloy is calculated. So, in a product with a 375 standard, there is only 37.5% pure gold. The rest of the composition is additive material.
  • Such a compound is considered to be technical, since it contains less than half pure gold. The smallest standard is the five hundredth.
  • It is quite rare to find the 999 mark in jewelry stores in our country; this is the highest value; it corresponds to pure gold, without any impurities.
  • In many countries of the world, mainly in European powers, they use the carat system. It was founded and still exists in Britain. The following calculation applies in the carat system: one twenty-fourth of the mass of the entire alloy is taken as 1 carat.

According to the carat system, only the 583rd standard was changed in Russia, which then became the 585th. The 583rd was considered similar to the 14K adopted in the West, but since it did not fully correspond to it, they decided to replace it with 583.

Since 1927, until today, the spool system has been used in the Russian Federation.

So what is 925 - silver or gold?

According to the standards for precious metals in force in the Russian Federation, only silver products can have a 925 standard. Also, all countries that use the metric system do not recognize 925 gold.

In Russia, 925 is the highest standard of silver, which is often confused with white gold. If silver is coated with rhodium, so that it shines and does not undergo oxidation, at first glance it will be quite difficult for even a jeweler to determine what kind of material is in front of him.

If, solely from a theoretical point of view, we assume that gold purity 925 exists, then in reality it will have virtually no differences when compared with the existing purity 999 or pure substance, since it will contain a very high percentage of pure gold. If we consider the aspect of its application, then producing any items from it will be extremely inconvenient and impractical. Also misleading is the existence of 975 gold.

How to distinguish 925 silver from white gold?

We have found the answer to the question: 925 gold or silver. It's definitely silver.

Today, it is not uncommon to observe a situation where unscrupulous sellers, selling silver with a 925 purity mark, pass it off as Turkish or Italian, while the purity price is inflated.

Of course, this is an obvious deception. To avoid getting into a similar situation and making a mistake, it is important to be able to distinguish silver from gold.

  1. Focus on price. Assuming that such an alloy exists, it should contain 92.5% gold. Accordingly, the price for 925 gold is very high. 925 gold price per gram will be much higher than 585. Therefore, the cost of such a product should be half the price of a common 585 gold product. If they ask you for much less, it’s unlikely that what you’re looking at is practically pure metal.
  2. Do not expect to visually understand the composition of the product. The shine of white gold is, of course, brighter than silver, but today’s technologies make it possible to create sputtering and irradiation of such high quality that it makes no sense to compare products by shine. In this regard, the only reliable method of verification is testing with special reagents. This can be done at a regular jeweler or at a pawn shop.
  3. Enterprising precious metals traders amaze with their ingenuity and ingenuity; they find different methods and make silver look like gold. It also happens that the silver of the standard under discussion is coated with a thin top layer of gold and is passed off as a solid gold product. It is possible to identify a substitution only through gemological examination carried out in special laboratories.

Advantages of 925 silver products

It is believed that since silver is cheaper than gold, its properties are much lower. It's a delusion. Our ancient ancestors, on the contrary, attributed more beneficial properties to silver than to gold. After all, we still believe that if the owner’s silver quickly darkens and tarnishes, it means there are health problems or the person is not distinguished by kindness and cordiality.

True jewelry masters highly value silver because it can be used to create elements and products of high complexity with fairly easy processing. Its only drawback is that it is very soft; other metals are added to it to give it strength.

It is natural that the silver alloy differs from the gold alloy. As a rule, germanium, silicon and platinum are added to it. With the help of these materials, the strength of the product is enhanced, its characteristics are improved, and a beautiful, uniform shade is obtained.

925 sterling silver is used to make exquisite and sophisticated, elite products that are in no way inferior to gold. These include elegant jewelry, watches, key chains, tie clips, hairpins, cufflinks, and cutlery.

Cutlery is especially popular because it is strong and durable and retains its shine for a long time even with constant exposure to food. This ensured widespread adoption and consumer demand.

The main advantages of the products include:

  1. Stylish design and the ability to perform complex elements.
  2. Excellent physical properties, oxidation resistance.
  3. Possibility of gold plating.

Source: https://makdrag.ru/dragocennie/925-proba-beloe-zoloto-ili-serebro-stoimost-metalla-i-preimushhestva-izdelij-s-takim-klejmom.html

I wonder what types of silver there are? Find out what it depends on!

Many people consider silver to be the cheapest precious metal, but this is actually not the case. High-quality silver jewelry will delight the eye for a long time, but such things are very expensive. That's why they came up with several samples of silver.

You can often hear people say that silver is a much cheaper metal (naturally, a comparison with gold is implied).

Indeed, the public can understand: silver items in jewelry stores are several times cheaper than their gold counterparts. However, I would like to say to those who claim this that they do not know the full picture.

Some silver jewelry costs an order of magnitude more than gold, and this is explained by the skill of the jeweler who produces it, the complexity of the work performed and the quality of the metal itself.

Here the question arises: “I overpay money, but I get a very filigree product. Of course, the craftsmen demand good payment for their work, but why does the price skyrocket? The answer lies in the origin of the metal used in the work. To be completely precise, the cost of the finished jewelry is directly proportional to the silver standard number . Let’s try to find out what it is and what it is eaten with.

The origin of numbers on the metal surface

There is no secret here.

The sample number, which is stamped on the surface of the product, determines the composition of the alloy.

No precious metal is ever used in its pure form for production. This is because gold, silver, and platinum are quite soft in their original form, and also do not shine too brightly. Adding impurities of various metals allows you to solve both problems at once, making the final product both elastic and shiny.

Each precious metal has its own hallmark, and to confirm it, a stamp with a number is placed on the surface of the product .

What additives are used for silver?

The most popular metal for alloying silver is copper. The proportions of its content in the final alloy are determined by GOST 6836-2002. Copper gives a silver product additional strength and also protects it from abrasion.

Silver sample Mass fraction of silver, % Mass fraction of copper, %
960 96,0 4,0
925 92,5 7,5
875 87,5 12,5
830 83,0 17,0
800 80,0 20,0

An alloy of silver and cadmium is also quite popular . Alas, cadmium is an expensive metal, so such products are extremely rare. By the way, it is in this case that a silver product can cost several times more than a gold one.

In addition to these two metals, they use:

Each of the above elements provides some special properties to the alloy, which affects its price.

Sample decoding

The numbers printed on the surface of the product determine the amount of precious metal in the finished alloy.

Simply put, a three-digit number tells you how much silver is contained in 1000 units of the material .

There are quite a lot of silver samples on the market: 960, 925, 916, 875, 800, 750.

Of these, the first two are the most popular, because they are the highest quality.

Application of various silver samples

Speaking about the real industrial use of a particular metal sample, it is worth understanding that few people will make precious jewelry from an alloy with a silver content of 75%. Naturally, the best materials are used to produce jewelry.

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925, for example, contains 92.5% silver and is not much different from pure metal . This feeling is partly due to the color qualities and anti-corrosion properties. In addition, the alloy is quite soft and easily subject to shape changes.

Sample number 960 is not much different in physical properties from both sample 925 and pure metal. This alloy is used in jewelry, especially where filigree work is needed or when working with enameled products.

Cheaper alloys, 800, 830 and 875, are rarely used in jewelry production. The first one is generally used in the production of table sets. It contains as much as 20% copper, which gives the metal of this sample a tendency to rapid oxidation and a yellowish tint. The 800th hallmark is equivalent to the low-quality 375th gold hallmark. 830 and 875 are sometimes used for jewelry because... contain much less copper than their “brother”.

Unpopular samples

There are still unknown types of marks that are unique to each country.

One of these is 720 sterling silver . It has an even more pronounced yellow tint, so it is used where a large load is needed. Due to the presence of copper, the shape of such an alloy is practically impossible to change.

There is also the 500th standard of silver, from which small denomination money was produced in distant Soviet times. It is worth noting that silver of a quality worse than 900 was never used for large or bullion coins.

In France, the 800th standard is very popular, in the EU - 935. At the same time, in Japan there is a 1000th standard of silver, which is, in fact, pure metal. Well, 600 standard is popular in Egypt. They make everything from it here: from writing pens to spoons and knives. The 830 standard has been adopted in the Russian Federation, which, in fact, is used in the same place as 800.


As you can see, there are quite a lot of samples of precious metals and silver is no exception. Several unique samples have been created in each country, but they are not used for export, but are used mainly for personal purposes.

Nov 1, 2014MoiZolotoy

Source: https://jewelrymag.ru/blagorodnye-metally/serebro/kakie-byvayut-proby-serebra.html

750 standard of gold and silver, what does such a standard mean and what are its features

The jewelry industry has adopted standards for precious stones and precious metals. If the weight of minerals is measured in carats, then the purity of metals is determined by the breakdown. So, most of us know that gold has a 585 standard, and silver has a 925 standard. Everyone has heard about pure gold in “three nines”. All known metals have the same purity, but no one needs pure material in everyday life.

If we are talking about yellow metal, then gold jewelry of such purity is not really durable. Without impurities, the metal is very soft and quickly loses its attractiveness and weight. So the impurities help give different shades and hardness. Hallmarking on jewelry is used to not only differentiate by price , but also to organize the percentage of pure precious metal in the alloy.

Is 750 silver possible?

Of course, since we are talking about precious metals, a completely reasonable question arises: do all products come in this standard, or does gold have its own standard, and silver has its own?

To sort this out, it’s worth finding out who may have what kind of testing.

  1. The purity of silver (jewelry standard) is measured by the following standards: 800, 830, 875, 925, 960, 999.
  2. The purity of gold is distinguished by the number series: 375, 500, 583, 585, 750, 958, 999.

In these two comparisons, it is clear that 750 is the gold standard. And in order to never be mistaken about the distinctive features, you need to remember one difference. This difference is in the form of a mark: for silver the mark is like a barrel, and for gold it is like a spatula . Only the shoulder blade can have 750 standard!

Sometimes a piece of jewelry may have two numbers: 925 and 750. In this case, 925 means that it is silver, and the second number is 750 gold purity. That is, 925 purity silver, plated with 750 gold.

In our Soviet past, 750 silver was used for technical needs. People associated with the electronics industry had access to such material. Copper was added to the technical silver alloy.

Even earlier: 750 silver was used for minting coins. Only in Tsarist Russia it was called 72 spools.

What does gold purity 750 mean?

The digital indicator of 750 units is most loved by jewelers, since it is easier to work with and the finished product costs more than the 583 or 585 standard, which is more familiar to Soviet consumers. Jewelers consider this the gold standard. The fact is that gold of this alloy is better ground and polished, and the percentage of impurities is only 25%.

The following metals are used as additional compounds in the gold alloy:

  • nickel;
  • palladium;
  • silver;
  • copper.

If nickel or palladium is used in the alloy, then this was done for the purpose of imparting strength. In addition, the alloy with palladium is already more expensive .

The impurities mainly include copper and silver. This composition is the most common, and all possible shades of gold products depend on the percentage.

For example, in gold purity 750, copper and silver inclusions change color as follows:

  • if out of 25% copper impurities make up 10% and silver impurities 15%, the color will be yellow;
  • 0% copper inclusions and 25% silver make the color greenish;
  • pink color provides copper content of 16.7%;
  • white color provides 20% palladium content.

That is, the more copper, the more reddish tint the 750 sample has. The presence of light metals gives gold a whiter color, and its content is always 75%. Not long ago there was a presentation of brown and black gold. There is interest from buyers, but traditional shades still exceed the demand for new colors of gold alloys.


Thus, comparing gold and silver products of 750 standard, we can say with confidence that among silver products this is a low-grade alloy. Speaking about the “jewelry standard”, we mean one of the highest indicators of yellow metal .

World testing standards

Currently, there are three types of standardization of gold metal - spool, metric and carat.

The spool system is already outdated and is no longer used. Two of the above remain. Metric is used mostly in the CIS countries and Europe, and carat is used in North America. Therefore, sometimes in stores you can find carat stamps on jewelry.

All carat standardization is calculated up to 24 carats, which corresponds to a purity of 999. If you do not take into account the low carat standards such as 9 and 12, as well as the highest 23 and 24, then 14, 18 and 21 will remain. These last three will make the figure 750 clear. American dimension:

  • 14 carats corresponds to our 583 hallmark;
  • 18 carat - gold purity 750;
  • 21 carats is already the 875th purity of gold.

When you see such numbers, you shouldn’t be scared: just translate it into a coordinate system convenient for you and everything will work out by itself. The only thing is that silver or some other metal is coated with gold plating and also has a mark of 18 . This must be confirmed by the seller. And the ring itself with gold plating 750 is no different from the real thing, only maybe over time the gold plating will begin to wear off.

Cost per gram

It is difficult to determine the price per gram with an accuracy of a penny, since the market price of the precious metal is fickle. In addition, the price of 750 gold does not always directly depend on the exchange price. In the case of this sample, many factors influence:

  1. The indicator 750 is very close to 999, which means its price will be approximately twice as high as 583.
  2. The cost of the finished product includes labor. That is, it all depends on the complexity of the order.
  3. The price will be an order of magnitude higher if the manufacturer is a well-known brand.
  4. Well, of course, the weight of gold and the presence of precious stones greatly increase its value.

If, based on such principles, you have to sell jewelry, be prepared to reduce the real price several times. Pawnshops usually do not give more than 30% of the real value. The seller has to negotiate individually with private individuals. In any case, you always lose on sale.

Demand on the market

Based on everything described, we can conclude that gold hallmark 750 is in demand among both jewelers and jewelry lovers. Even despite the high cost and the presence of silver rather than palladium in it, the demand for products of such purity is always high. In any case, having gold jewelry with the number 750 will never go wrong :

  • gold is always in price;
  • this is an excellent investment of money or an investment in the future;
  • Gold products are always attractive and make their owners so.

Proper storage will ensure the durability and value of gold jewelry for all time.

Source: https://kamni.guru/ukrasheniya/metally/znachenie-750-proby-v-zolote-ili-serebre.html

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