Which silver standard is better 875 or 925

925 silver: price per 1 gram today, what it is, reviews, good or not

Greetings, dear readers. 925 silver is the most popular in jewelry. Today I will answer questions about the quality and practicality of jewelry made from premium materials, what they look like and whether it is profitable to purchase them.

What kind of test is this?

Pure silver is a heavy and ductile metal with a silvery-white color. Its peculiarity lies in its amazing shine: the surface of the products reflects almost 100% of light rays. Due to its high ductility, jewelers do not use silver in its pure form.

Alloys are added to the alloy - other metals. The sample indicates the content of precious metal in the resulting alloy. Products marked 925 contain 92.5% silver.

Composition and properties

Copper is usually used as an alloy; in more rare cases, platinum, zinc, and nickel. The additive share is 7.5%. Alloy color – silver-white; a low percentage of copper does not give a red tint.

Silver is a low-inert metal; it interacts with hydrogen sulfide. As a result, a sulfide film is formed on the surface, so the products gradually darken and acquire a reddish tint.

To give a different color, the alloy is coated with enamel. Rhodium plated silver has a perfectly white color. Blackened and oxidized products are stylized as antique.

Silver has high thermal and electrical conductivity and is used in industry. Another characteristic that is unusual for metals is bactericidal properties. Medicines are made from pure substances.


The ligature significantly increases the strength of the alloy compared to pure metal. 925 standard is used to create jewelry, but it is easy to scratch and bend it.


To indicate the hallmark on finished silver products, a mark is used. Its type is fixed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and is the same for all products created in the country. In Russia, they use an image of a woman’s head in profile with a kokoshnik. After the picture there is a number - the sample itself, in our case 925.

The numerical values ​​of the samples of precious metals are similar; the frame in which the modern brand is enclosed will help to distinguish them. For silver, an oval truncated on both sides is used. On Soviet-made products, next to the number there is a different marking - a star with a hammer and sickle.

How is it different from 999 silver?

999 silver is so malleable that it is not used for jewelry. This metal is used to create investment coins and bars.

925 standard retains the best properties of the precious metal: pure silver color and shine, a high degree of inertness and ductility, allowing you to make elegant things. The ligature gives the material the necessary strength.

Application of this alloy

The main areas of application of 925 silver:

  1. Jewelry making. This variety is most popular for making all types of jewelry. Thanks to its properties, craftsmen make elegant things with complex patterns, inserts of precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, and amber. It is combined not only with gold, but also with other materials. For example, one of the latest trends is the combination of silver with ceramics, as well as the use of colored enamels. 925 standard is also in demand in other countries. For example, the famous Italian jewelry, comparable to the finest lace, is made only from it.
  2. Coinage. In the past, .925 was used to produce common coins. This alloy is sometimes called sterling. According to the main version, in England, since the 12th century, sterlings were minted from a silver alloy with an 8% addition of ligature. According to another version, they were produced in Germany for trade with the British. Nowadays, only investment coins are produced from 925 alloy, which can be purchased at Sberbank.
  3. Making silverware. 925 alloy is used to make not only spoons, forks, knives, but also larger utensils: glasses and shot glasses, sugar bowls, salt shakers, glass holders, jugs, dishes, trays, tureens and much more.
  4. Making souvenirs: business card holders, writing instruments, cigarette cases, figurines. Baby rattles made of high-grade silver look especially cute and luxurious.
  5. Religious items, such as icons, holy books with silver elements in the design - the Bible, Koran, Torah.

Advantages and disadvantages

925 standard is close to pure metal, this determines its main advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • has natural color and shine;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • has sufficient strength and the required level of ductility;
  • undergoes oxidation more slowly.

The disadvantage is the need for careful handling and regular maintenance of silver jewelry.

How much does 1 gram of silver of this standard cost today?

The cost of one gram of 925 standard depends on the price per gram of pure metal, which is set by the Central Bank of Russia. I provide current data as of today.

Price for 999 standard according to the Central BankMarket value of the standard todayPrice for scrapPrice in jewelry

The cost of 1 gram of jewelry silver increases due to the wages of the craftsman and the store’s markup. Therefore, you should not invest in jewelry - a pawn shop will accept it for the price of scrap.

Recommendations for care, cleaning and storage

Silver is a more active metal than inert gold and darkens faster. Simple recommendations will help preserve the appearance of precious items:

  1. Jewelry should not be stored in damp areas; it is better to avoid contact with water. It is better to remove jewelry when swimming or cleaning.
  2. You should not expose your jewelry to cosmetics. When playing sports, it is better to remove rings, chains and bracelets - sweat has a negative effect on the metal.
  3. Products must be stored in separate cases: boxes or bags.
  4. Silver items must be cleaned regularly. To do this, you can use soap, special pastes for processing jewelry, and a soft cloth, such as suede. Do not use toothbrushes or aggressive cleaning products.



Due to my line of work, I am interested in the composition of various alloys. Once I saw silver rings on Aliexpress at ridiculous prices - around 150-200 rubles apiece. Moreover, the description indicates exactly 925 purity and is signed “sterling silver”.

Out of curiosity I placed an order. The rings received were as in the photo on the website, but the size did not match the declared one. The examination showed that the alloys consist of 90% iron.

No traces of Ag were found! Although everyone decides for themselves whether buying Chinese silver is a good idea or not. It costs a penny.


Like any woman, jewelry is my weakness. I love 925 and 720 sterling silver. They look impressive, and the price is much more affordable than gold.


925 standard is the most common type of silver. It is used to make all types of jewelry, luxury items and bullion coins. The relevance of high-grade silver has not disappeared for many centuries.

Source: https://zhazhdazolota.ru/serebro/sort/925-proba


Precious metals Silver Silver samples

Silver samples

In its pure form, silver, like gold, is a soft, ductile metal. It has found its application in medicine, electrical engineering, and the chemical industry, but products made from pure silver are impractical, so it is more rational to use it in the form of alloys.

Unlike gold, where alloys can contain both three and four items, the silver alloy is basically divided fifty-fifty with pure silver and alloy (an impurity that improves physical properties). Another difference between silver and gold is that when a ligature is added to gold, its color changes, whereas silver only changes its hue.

What do these numbers mean?

On the territory of the Russian Federation, six standards of silver have been established: 800, 830, 875,925, 960, 999. Jewelers in their practice use silver only of the highest standards, since the physical properties of silver with low standards do not allow creating a beautiful, original and practical decoration: it is not plastic, it oxidizes on air.

Alloys of 800 and 830 samples contain from 80% silver. They are mainly used for making dishes and decorative items. Jewelry made from these alloys also exists, but their quality is much inferior to jewelry made from alloys of higher grades. In addition, such alloys have a yellowish tint, which is not entirely welcomed by lovers of silver jewelry.

The 875 alloy contains 87.5% silver. It is not as popular in jewelry as alloys of higher grades.

Higher grades of silver

The 925 alloy is very popular among jewelers and connoisseurs of silver jewelry. It has a noble silvery tint. Its physical properties (resistance to environmental conditions, good fusibility) provide a wide field for experiments.

The physical properties of the 960 sterling alloy are no different from pure silver, as well as from the 999 sterling alloy.

Since silver tends to darken when exposed to air, alloys starting from 875 are truly successful. They are the ones least likely to darken.

All of the above alloys are used in industry to one degree or another.

Carat and Metric

When you go shopping for a silver product, remember that there are two standards systems in the world: metric and carat. You are already familiar with metric; it is the one adopted in our country. When buying jewelry abroad, remember the relationship between the metric and carat systems. So, 875 standard silver will be equal to 21 carats, 925 standard silver will be 23 carats, 960 standard silver will be 24 carats.

The price of silver is the litmus test for investment fluctuations. Silver is a good investment instrument and its price continues to rise year after year. There is nothing surprising in this, because world reserves of silver are depleting, and the need for it, on the contrary, is increasing, especially the share of industrial consumption of the precious metal.

Dynamics of average silver prices

  • 2008 – $16/troy ounce
  • 2009 - $11.5/troy ounce
  • 2010 - $17.6/troy ounce
  • 2011 - $28.3/troy ounce
  • 2010 - $30.9/troy ounce

Source: https://zoloto-info.ru/tests_silver.html

Which silver standard is better? Review, description and characteristics of the 7 best silver samples

Many young ladies love jewelry. After all, they add a touch of femininity and sophistication to the image. Jewelry craftsmen use a wide variety of precious materials to make various products: gold, silver, diamonds, pearls - the list goes on and on.

Many girls give their preference to silver jewelry, because it is cheaper than gold and looks amazing. But which silver sample is considered the best? Let's find out about this in the article.

Metal that has won recognition all over the world

The beauty of noble silver has been known since time immemorial. Exactly when it was discovered remains a mystery to us. But, judging by written sources, silver jewelry was made by the ancient Egyptians. At that time, such jewelry was much rarer than gold, and therefore was very valuable.

If we look at the etymology of the word “silver”, we will notice that it comes from the Sanskrit word “argenta”, which means “light”. Indeed, the metal is naturally silvery-white in color.

Silver is quite rare in the depths of the earth. It is for this reason that it can safely be classified as a precious material.

By its nature it is a very soft metal with characteristic ductility. This property allows the material to be processed with particular ease.

Stretch, stretch, roll into thin plates - anything can be done with such metal. However, jewelers in most cases do not prefer to use pure silver to create jewelry. Why? The fact is that high-grade silver jewelry is easily deformed.

Pure silver is an excellent raw material for creating items such as collectible silver coins and bank silver bars. But in creating jewelry, craftsmen most often use alloys of silver with other non-ferrous and precious metals.

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Silver is often found in combination with copper. Such material will fill silver with new and amazing properties. Jewelry items made from silver-copper alloy are very durable and hold their shape well. And they are not afraid of oxidation and corrosion.

Silver is a universal material that suits everyone. It looks equally good on both women and men. Typically, jewelry craftsmen use a high-grade alloy in their work.

This metal looks great in combination with other materials. These are gold, pearls, ivory, corals, and colored precious stones.

As for low-grade alloys, they make good table products, such as knives, forks, spoons, etc. Designers also often use such silver to make various home decor. These can be candlesticks, decorative vases, figurines and other table decorations.

875 sample with a star - what is it? Price per gram of silver metal, care

The materials used to make jewelry are platinum, gold and silver. The introduction of new modern technologies into production makes it possible to give an expensive appearance to even not very expensive alloys.

Fraudsters get the opportunity to pass off silver as white gold, the cost of which is higher not only compared to silver, but also to yellow gold.

In order not to become their victim, you need to figure it out through trial and error. For example, to know exactly what the 875 test with a star is.

A system of hallmarks has been developed for precious metals in the Russian Federation.

It is based on the metric system of samples. Any of the samples serves as a guarantee of the standard amount of content in 1 kilogram of the precious metal alloy. For gold, the approved samples are 333, 375, 500, 583, 585, 750, 958, 999.

Silver has its own percentage in the alloy: 800, 830, 875, 925, 960, 999. The only thing these samples have in common is the number 999. All pure metals have this sample.

Since pure precious metals are soft, jewelry made from them is impractical. In the product they quickly lose their shape and get scratched.

Hallmark 875 with star is used for hallmarking silver only.

She has always been popular in Russia. Not only jewelry, but also cutlery and decorative items were made from 875 silver. These items were always marked with a mark in the form of a star with a hammer and sickle in the center and the number 875 next to it.

What does the mark mean?

The right to stamp a product belongs to a control agency, which guarantees that the alloy contains a certain amount of precious metal. We see this guarantee written down in the form of numbers on the finished product.

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Each state has its own unique type of mark. The 875 purity guarantees that this composition contains 87.5% silver. The remaining part includes platinum, germanium, silicon, and copper.

During the Soviet era, copper was used as part of the 875 precious metal - an excellent non-ferrous metal that interacts well with silver. But over time, copper-containing alloys tarnish.

Composition and properties, characteristics

There was a standard for the composition of sample 875 with a star: it included 87.5% silver and 12.5% ​​copper. Today, often, especially in the markets of the East, they offer to purchase 875 white gold.

The product looks great and has a shine that is unusual for silver. But, despite their visual appeal, such products do not contain gold. The main metal in the alloy is silver.

All precious metals are necessarily alloyed with other metals, since pure metals are difficult to process. Different manufacturers have different compositions and percentages of additives.

The color scheme, structure and price of the alloy varies depending on the alloy.

Alloys containing platinum are more expensive than those that do not. An alloy of 875 silver with a star is characterized by hardness, strength and ductility, a low melting point, a coefficient of light reflection from the surface of the product as close as possible to 100%, and a faint yellow or red tint.

The ligature serves not only as an additive, diluting the precious metal to produce more products. Its proportions and composition are carefully selected so that the quality of the items produced is high.

To make silver more expensive, it is alloyed with copper or platinum. The main place in the alloy, naturally, is given to cheap copper, which enhances the properties of the noble metal.

This alloying also has a drawback: copper does not have the best effect on the appearance of products.

Over time, such an alloy becomes dull. In the modern production of jewelry, rhodium plating and plating are widely used - new technologies for their processing.

The quality of the alloy after such processing increases. It has the characteristic shine and brilliance of white gold. Fraudsters pass off exactly such compounds as white gold. This is a cheap high quality fake.

Jewelry, products

Jewelry hallmark 875 with a star is widely used for making jewelry, decorative items, and tableware. Pendants, rings, earrings are the most common products made from 875 silver; bracelets and chains are produced much less frequently.

Inexpensive semi-precious stones of natural and artificial origin are used as additional decoration for products: turquoise, amethyst, cubic zirconia, pink and smoky quartz, jasper.

Not only jewelry is made from 875 silver, but also dishes, decorative items, and souvenirs. The metal of this grade is harder than high-grade alloys, so it is well processed and used. Buyers leave positive reviews about 875 silver products.

They are beautiful, practical and, with proper care, durable.


1 gram of 875 silver with a star costs about 30-50 rubles. This is significantly less than the cost of 1 gram of gold. But the cost of items marked 875 with a star differs significantly from the price of scrap. These are things with history, and not just products made of precious metal. N


Regardless of the price of silver in the market, the price will always rise.

The originality and uniqueness of products is important to the consumer, therefore the mark with a star serves as an old type of marking, ensuring the uniqueness of a small-run item.

When manufacturing precious metal alloys in the USSR, strict standards were strictly observed. This sample was used to produce many souvenirs and objects that had already passed out of everyday life: cup holders, cigarette cases, shot glasses, candy vases, ashtrays.

In addition, products with hallmark 875 are no longer produced. Every year the age of the products increases. They become antiques. Silver sports cups made in the post-war period can now cost a fortune.

The “star” brand still evokes the respect of jewelers to this day. It was set on 875 silver from 1958 to 1994. Most of these products are classified as antiques, so their cost is much higher than the average price of 30-50 rubles per gram. They are sold at least 2 times more expensive.


To prevent 875 silver from tarnishing, it needs proper cleaning using modern products. A product that should not be inlaid can simply be immersed in a special solution for a few minutes, then rinsed with clean water and wiped with a napkin.

How to distinguish from a fake?

875 gold does not exist. However, scammers very often pass off silver with this marker as white gold. In terms of external characteristics, these two precious metals are indeed very similar to each other.

But the price of the first is only 30-50 rubles per gram, and the second is 2800-6500 rubles per gram. Such deception is a very profitable deal for criminals, and a real robbery for buyers.

To avoid purchasing silver instead of white gold, when purchasing a product it is important to pay attention to the little things:

  1. Unreasonably low price. This should immediately alert you. Even if you need to quickly get money, white gold products can be sold without any significant financial losses.
  2. Study the mark. The boundaries of the mark must be clear, not blurred, have a number and shape. Do not forget about the peculiarities of the type of print itself, which is shaped like a barrel. Sometimes, unfortunately, a fake brand cannot be distinguished from a real one. Some brands that fell into the hands of dishonest businessmen after the collapse of the USSR may be genuine.
  3. Inaccurate fastening of stones. On a fake, stones often have poor-quality fastening, which indicates falsification.
  4. Test the product using iodine from your home medicine cabinet. Drop it onto an object and watch the reaction: iodine becomes lighter on silver and darkens on gold.
  5. Use a magnet. Gold does not attract him.
  6. Contact a specialist. Palladium and platinum, which are alloyed with white gold, give a unique shine to the products. An alloy of silver with the addition of copper after technological processing looks like white gold. Often only a jeweler can distinguish a fake.

875 with star is a very practical and high-quality alloy for jewelry and ornaments. Having figured out the authenticity of the item you are buying in time, you should not overpay for it.

Source: https://socketmira.ru/dragocennye-kamni/875-proba-so-zvezdoj.html

875 standard: gold or silver?

People are used to surrounding themselves with interesting things and standing out from the crowd. This applies to everything, including jewelry. In the pursuit of originality, we often forget about caution, mistaking ordinary alloys for unique ones, thereby allowing salons and shops to earn large sums of money by deception.

What does sample mean?

The main characteristic of any precious metal is its fineness. In fact, the metals used in jewelry are not suitable for use in their pure form.

Jewelry is made from special alloys containing various chemicals in certain proportions. These substances are added to the base metal in order to improve its quality characteristics and impart the necessary physical properties. And in this case, the sample is an indicator of the content of the base metal in the alloy.

As a rule, the sample does not indicate the percentage content, but the number of parts of the main substance expressed in thousandths.

So, the number 585 means that per thousand parts of the alloy there are 585 parts of gold, or 58.5%. The number 925 means that the precious alloy contains 925 parts of silver, or 92.5%. The remainder is an impurity, or ligature.

The list and percentage of alloying elements are regulated by state and international standards.

Precious metal 875: gold or silver? Why is there confusion in concepts?

White gold is valued higher than regular yellow gold. In order to give the alloy a white color, elements such as palladium, platinum, and nickel are added to gold. Despite the ban on nickel on the international market as an allergen, it continues to be used as a master alloy instead of platinum due to its low cost.

White color can be given to gold of any standard, but you should not forget the list of hallmarks for gold jewelry: 375, 500, 583, 585, 750, 958, 999. The number 875 is absent in this series, since a gold alloy with such a hallmark simply does not exist.

Thus, 875 gold is a myth. But silver with the hallmark 875 is a very common precious metal from which high-quality jewelry is made.

Silver with 875 purity is passed off as white gold, and in order to imitate gold of other colors, gilding of the desired shade is applied to the product. This allows you to sell the jewelry at the price of gold and make a solid profit from the sale.

Properties of 875 silver

Pure silver is a very hard, heavy, ductile metal with a reflectance close to 100%.

Over time, a sulfide deposit forms on the surface due to reaction with traces of hydrogen sulfide in the air, and the silver tarnishes.

Copper is used as a ligature in 875 silver alloy, giving a slight yellowish tint, which makes the metal look like white gold.

Jewelry with 875 silver

The price per gram of 875 silver is about 50 rubles. Jewelry is valued at much larger sums, since its price includes payment for insert stones and the price of work.

875 silver is not used as often as a similar metal with 925 purity, however, you can also find high-quality products from it. The most common jewelry made of silver with the hallmark 875 are earrings, pendants, rings; chains and bracelets are less commonly made.

Inexpensive semi-precious and ornamental stones of natural origin and artificially grown are used as inserts: rock crystal, amethyst, cubic zirconia, rose and smoky quartz, amber, turquoise, jasper and others.

When purchasing jewelry in a salon, do not forget to pay attention to its sample. Knowing a simple series of hallmarks for gold and silver, you can protect yourself from fraud and save money on the purchase of a high-quality original product.

Source: https://jeland.ru/serebro/875-proba-zoloto-ili-serebro.htm

Features of 875 silver

Composition of 875 sterling silver alloy
Scope of application
Price per gram of 875 sterling silver
Difference between 875 sterling silver and 925 sterling silver
Hallmarks of 875 sterling silver

The 875th silver standard is one of the standard standards operating in Russia and in a number of other countries. Silver items of this standard are in demand on the antique market, especially those produced during the Soviet era.

Silver alloy composition

875 silver is an alloy of 875 g of silver and 125 g of impurities. Metals such as copper, platinum, silicon, and germanium can be used as the latter. Each of these elements is capable of influencing silver in its own way, giving it certain qualities (elasticity, color, strength, etc.). For example, the presence of copper makes the alloy more durable, and platinum affects its color, but at the same time leads to a significant increase in the cost of the material.

Since copper is one of the cheapest materials, it is most often used in 875-grade silver. Under the influence of copper, silver, which is naturally soft, becomes much more durable and elastic, which allows you to create a variety of products.

Application area

875 standard is one of the low standards that are well suited for making cutlery, but worse for jewelry. However, it is precisely the low cost of the alloy compared to higher standards that contributes to its significant prevalence. Not only cutlery made from sterling silver 875 is in demand, but also inexpensive silver jewelry. Compared to 800-sterling silver, this alloy is less oxidized in air, that is, less susceptible to darkening.

A wide variety of tableware items are made from silver of this standard. These can be intricate teapots and coffee pots, napkin rings, sets of forks, spoons, glasses, etc.

Unlike silver of higher standards, products made from 875 sterling silver last much longer during long-term use. The presence of a sufficient amount of copper in the alloy makes it suitable for regular washing and cleaning.

This silver is less scratched and looks better than silver alloys of lower grades.

Coaster “Elephants” made of 875 silver. THE USSR. 1953-1955s

Price per gram of 875 silver

On the Russian market, the cost of 875-grade silver changes from day to day, experiencing certain fluctuations. According to the Central Bank of Russia, for the period from April 2016 to April 2017, the highest price per gram of silver of this sample was in August 2016 and amounted to 39 rubles. The lowest price was recorded in January 2017 and amounted to 27 rubles. The cost of 1 gram of 875-grade silver is published daily by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Difference between 875 and 925 samples

Many people are interested in the difference between 875 silver and 925 silver and which one is better. The main difference between these two samples is the different content of pure silver and impurities. If the 875 sample contains only 87.5% silver, then the 925 contains 92.5%.

Due to the different composition of silver and impurities, the alloy acquires different properties. If you want to buy cutlery cheaper, then the optimal solution would be 875 standard. The alloy of this sample is highly durable.

Cutlery made of 925 is more expensive, but also looks more noble due to the silver-white shade of the metal.

Jewelry made from silver of the above samples differs not only in price, but also in quality. 925 sterling silver is softer and more ductile, so real masterpieces of jewelry are created from it, while the capabilities of 875 sterling silver for making jewelry are reduced.

875 silver hallmarks

In Russia, the mark on silver of 875 standard is a system consisting of three characters: the letter of the state inspection of the assay supervision, the mark of the assay certificate (the head of a woman in a kokoshnik) and the sample number.

Hallmark on a silver product of 875 standard.

A hallmark of 84 is often found on antique silver items. This number means 84 spools in the spool hallmark system that existed previously. In the current metric system, 84 fine silver is equivalent to 875 fine silver.

Product with 84th standard silver.

Of particular interest are silver items marked with a star. It means that the products were produced in the period 1958–1994.

The secret of popularity is due primarily to the fact that in Soviet times such products were produced that are no longer produced today, which increases their value.

Another reason for the demand for silver from the times of the USSR lies in the fact that today there is a lot of imported silver on the market, which often contains less precious metal than it should be according to the hallmark.

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875 sterling silver with a star.

You can learn about what other silver samples there are: concept, types, authenticity here.

Source: https://lermontovgallery.ru/spravochnik-antikvariata/serebro-875-proby/

From what year is the silver standard 875 and why is it so popular in Russia? | ABOUT SILVER

The modern jewelry market is saturated with gold and silver jewelry, the composition of which cannot be visually determined.

The technologies used in the manufacture of jewelry mislead consumers, because it is almost impossible to distinguish an expensive alloy from a diluted material. This has become a solid ground for scammers who often pass off low-grade metals as a high-quality product.

To avoid becoming a victim of unpleasant tricks, you need to navigate expensive metals. For example, you need to understand the 875th sample and understand what these numbers mean.

How is silver hallmarked?

The sample indicates the percentage of precious metal and various alloys. Only pure metal has an indicator of 999, the rest have an admixture. However, undiluted alloys are not very practical and can be found in few places. They are soft and easily exposed to external influences.

The 875th hallmark is designated exclusively for silver models. She has always been popular and in demand in Russia. It is used in the jewelry industry, in the production of cutlery, souvenirs, and decor.

Such elements were branded with a hammer and sickle sign in the middle of the product next to the number 875.

The engraving of the label is applied to the finished part by a control structure, which is the guarantor of the ratio of the expensive alloy in the composition. 875 is evidence that silver is represented in the amount of 87.5%, the remaining 12.5% ​​is a combination of cheap metals. The silver alloy of sample 875 of the USSR period consisted of both silver and copper.

Silver hallmarks

Are products with a star included in the price?

Sterling silver 875 with star what year? This question interests many ordinary people. It has not lost its value for many decades in a row and is still in demand. This mark was applied from 1958 to 1994. Similar products can be found in antique shops, because they are classified as antiques. The longer the history of the item, the more money you will have to pay for it. For example, sports awards from the post-war years can fetch a large sum.

875 silver

In the USSR, items that had long since lost their relevance were popular: cigarette cases, ashtrays, cup holders, glasses, decanters, vases for sweets, etc.

During the USSR period, jewelry was made in compliance with the strictest rules and standards, so the products were of the highest quality.

Silver elements with the value 875 will increase in price, because every year the item will be of increasing value to antique dealers. Knowing exactly what year the 875 silver sample is from, you can estimate the real cost of the sample.

Properties of 875 silver

All jewelry is made from metals alloyed with other components. The use of pure compounds makes it impossible to use them, because the undiluted alloy is practically impossible to process.

Each manufacturer uses a different ratio of metals, which determines the further cost of the product, its appearance, shade, etc. The characteristic features of the 875 sample include: resistance to external factors, flexibility and reliability.

 Thanks to these properties, this composition is easy to process and use.

Vintage fashion trends breathe new life into 875. They are increasingly used in design projects and are widely used to create an extraordinary interior style. Products of 875 standard are no longer just precious elements, they are objects with a history for which you will have to pay a lot of money. And even if silver falls in price, rare items with a star will only rise in price.

Source: https://proserebro.info/2019/04/01/c-kakogo-goda-proba-serebra-875-i-pochemu-ona-tak-populyarna-v-rossii/

Which silver sample is the best and why?

Since ancient times, jewelers have used silver, a precious metal with unique beauty, to make jewelry. The low cost makes it possible to produce not only rings, earrings, pendants, but also large items: dishes, cutlery, and other household items.

But pure silver is used very rarely due to its high ductility and softness. To acquire the necessary properties, other chemical elements are added to it, obtaining an alloy of a certain composition.

Proba (check) is the quantitative ratio of pure metal and impurities. In order to understand which silver standard is the best, you need to find out what standard values ​​exist and what jewelry they are used to make.

  • : How to determine the authenticity of silver

In Russia, and in almost all countries of the former USSR, the metric system is used to determine the quality of precious metals. In this system, the numerical designation is the silver content per 1000 grams of the alloy. 99.9% pure silver – 999 standard.


As can be seen from this table, the best is 960 sample, as it contains 96% pure metal and only 4% additives. But such an alloy is very soft and practically unsuitable for the production of jewelry. It is used to make, for example, ionizers, as well as other items in the use of which, primarily, their cleansing and antibacterial properties are important.


925 sterling silver - widely used for the production of rings, earrings, and chains. In appearance it is not inferior to 960, it resists the influence of the external environment well, and does not darken with proper care.

Jewelers all over the world prefer this alloy for their work for a number of reasons: it has fairly high strength, has good malleability, and is easily amenable to any type of processing. Jewelry of any complexity can be produced from silver of this standard.


Cutlery is mainly made from this alloy. Spoons, forks and other items made from 875 grade have high strength and wear resistance. However, they require constant care, as they are more susceptible to oxidation, especially during everyday use. This standard is also widely used for the manufacture of gold-plated products.

  • This is useful: How to clean silver from blackness so that it shines

830 standard is rarely used for production, has a yellow tint due to the higher copper content, and quickly darkens.

Cost depending on sample

The difference in the cost of silver of different standards is insignificant and amounts to no more than 10–15%. With the cost of pure metal being about 50 cents per gram, the price of a 925 and 875 product can be almost the same. The main part of the price of jewelry consists of labor, production costs, trade margins, etc.

  • This is important: The price of 925 silver per gram today

Modern jewelry enterprises widely use silver coating technologies to protect them from environmental influences. The most common methods are rhodium plating and silver plating. Products processed in this way are different in composition, but look the same, do not turn black, and retain their beauty for a long time.

Based on the above, when choosing jewelry, you should pay more attention to the beauty and quality of workmanship, since the most common 875 and 925 samples are practically the same in cost and properties.

Source: https://999proba.com/kakaya-proba-serebra-samaya-luchshaya/

All about 925 silver

The economies of countries are constantly being restructured, money is depreciating, and precious metals still remain the safest type of investment.

This article will provide answers to what 925 silver is, what combination of metals will give the alloy the best properties, and also how much 1 gram of silver costs.

Argentum (Latin) is a soft, precious silvery-white metal known since ancient times. Every year, about 22 thousand tons of ore are extracted from the bowels of the planet. The main mining sites in the world are Peru, Chile, Poland, Australia, Mexico, and the USA.

Basic physical and chemical properties:

Specific gravity 107.87 a. eat.
Ag Density 10.49 g/cm 3
Melting point of Ag 961.78 ºС

What is 925 proof?

The composition of 925 silver suggests that the product contains 92.5% of the chemical element argentum, and the remaining 7.5% are various impurities. Pure metal is very soft, prone to deformation and rapid oxidation. It was experimentally found that the quality of products made from it can be improved by adding other elements. The content of impurities also determines how much a gram of 925 silver costs.

Effect of metal impurities

The quality of any alloy is ensured by the optimal ratio of strength and precious substance content in the product. Therefore, the amount of impurities present in argentum affects its properties:

copper strength increases
platinum (or palladium) oxidation resistance increases, becomes lighter, acquires a cool tint, higher price
zinc significant increase in strength looks dull low price

In addition, products can be plated with rhodium. Radiant silver has the following properties:

  • snow-whiteness, additional shine;
  • oxidation resistance;
  • gradually wears off and requires updating.

875 sample

Less common, but also often found on Russian markets, the 875th hallmark is typical for products from the times of the USSR. Today it is a favorite for many pawn shops and antique shops. As the name suggests, the noble metal ratio here is 87.5%. There is no clear answer to the question which silver standard is better – 875 or 925. This depends on the type of impurities contained in the product.

Most often, the alloy is cheaper copper. But thanks to the yellowness it gives to the alloy, 875-carat items are often passed off by scammers as white gold.


Turkish silver is widely known for its quality products, variety of shapes, fine workmanship and intricacy. The jewelry craftsmanship of this country has rich traditions, and the craftsmen are able to make any product, be it a men's chain, a woman's silver ring or silver cutlery (teaspoons, Turks, trays).

The most commonly used metal in work is 925 grade metal. Less commonly, 960-grade metal, products from which will be much more expensive.

Local products can be purchased at relatively low prices. However, there is a risk of buying a fake in Turkey. Therefore, when making a transaction, it is recommended to ask sellers for quality certificates.


Let's figure out how much 925 silver costs. The starting price per 1 gram is fixed, does not depend on the place of extraction and is set in England. However, there is no single cost for all products.

On the international market, the cost of 1 gram of 925 silver is constantly changing under the influence of stock quotes, which depend on:

  • on world currency rates;
  • from interest rates of the world's central banks;
  • from the raw material needs of jewelry manufacturers.

Based on these indicators, the Central Bank of Russia calculates new prices every weekday. The best price per gram in 2017 was 34.72 rubles. As of May, fluctuations from 29.96 to 31.55 rubles were recorded, and from May 31, 2017, the Central Bank predicts a further increase in prices.

Directly on the consumer market, the cost of 925 silver also depends on the composition of the products discussed above, on the place and form of their sale.

Precious metal can be purchased in the following form:

  • ingots;
  • scrap;
  • coins;
  • decorations;
  • silver plate;
  • Houseware.

Metal ingots of the highest purity 999.9 are the best investment. Scrap 925 silver has the lowest price, since it always needs further processing and the buyer will probably melt it.

The value of coins depends not only on their content, but also on their rarity and antiquity. The cost of 925 silver depends on various reasons.

For example, the price at which you can buy a silver ring depends on its weight, manufacturing technique, the presence of inserts and the name of the manufacturer.

The method and place of sale also matters. Today in Russia the cost of one gram is as follows:

  • pawnshop – 18–28 rubles per gram;
  • purchase – 26–31 rubles;
  • jewelry stores - from 40 rubles and above.

This difference in prices for 1 gram of 925 silver is determined by the characteristics of the sale of goods. Buying silver purchases a product without the possibility of return. Specialty stores include the cost of creating the item in the final price.

The price of 925 silver is steadily growing, since according to geological reports, at a steady rate of mining, its reserves will last for a maximum of half a century, and there is nothing to replace the precious metal yet.

What you need to know about 875 hallmark with a star - gold or silver, price per gram, comparison with 925, etc.

Popular products in the modern jewelry market are those made of gold or silver. Modern technologies used in the manufacture of jewelry can often mislead the average person, who finds it difficult to distinguish gold from silver. In this article we will try to understand a small segment of the market, that is, those products that are designated 875 with a star.

Gold or silver

By the hallmark that is affixed to jewelry, you can determine what precious metal the jewelry is made of. Taking into account the approved nomenclature, we conclude that the 875 hallmark means: the product is made of silver.

Features and composition

The designation of the hallmark with the sign “875” means that the product is made of a silver-containing alloy, the coefficient of precious metal in which is about 87.5%. This alloy is not classified as sterling silver due to the presence of a larger amount of ligature.

The alloy number 875 may contain the following metals as alloys:

  • copper;
  • germanium;
  • silicon;
  • platinum.

The nature, quality and other features of the ligature can influence both the enhancement of the beneficial qualities inherent in the natural precious metal and the color of the finished product. The price of the finished product also depends on the composition of the ligature. For example, the presence of platinum in the alloy increases the cost of the product several times.

Most often, the ligature of the 875 alloy is copper, which enhances the elasticity and strength of silver, but lack of proper care of the product can lead to the formation of a black coating.

It is important! In the USSR, 875 silver items were marked with an hallmark in the form of a star. Today, such products are popular in pawn shops, which are more willing to buy “Soviet star” silver.

How to care

Proper care of silver involves cleaning it regularly. It is best to clean silver jewelry using special liquids and wipes, which are part of the assortment of many jewelry stores.


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Examples of silver cleaning fluids include:

  1. Johnson "Silver Quick".
  2. Leuchtturm.

This cleaning method involves immersing the product in the solution for several minutes, due to which they will be completely cleaned.

It is important! Such solutions can only be used for jewelry without inlay.

In addition to the cleaning itself, such solutions cover the products with a thin protective layer that protects the jewelry from oxidation. After this procedure, the products must be rinsed with water and wiped with a soft cloth.

Do not forget about the existence of various folk methods for cleaning silver, which include:

  • treatment with a solution of ammonia (concentration 1:10 alcohol with water). The products should be wiped with a soft cloth soaked in the prepared solution;
  • using tooth powder, paste or soda;
  • cleaning with soda solution (at the rate of 50 grams of soda per 1 liter of hot water);
  • using a soap solution (per 1 liter of solution - 1 tablespoon of ammonia).
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There are many other folk methods for cleaning silver. All of them are effective to one degree or another. However, when using them, the following must be taken into account:

  • silver items inlaid with pearls or amber should never be cleaned using traditional methods;
  • any silver items with stones should be cleaned using a weak soap solution that contains 3 drops of ammonia per half a glass of water;
  • For silver items without inlay, a cleaning method using washing powder may also be suitable: a container with water must be put on fire, add a little washing powder and put the items in, after 2-3 minutes, after the water boils, they can be removed.

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Differences from 925 standard

875 silver standard is one of the most popular in Russia. Its applications are varied, but the most common is the production of jewelry, cutlery and decorative ornaments.

In the jewelry business, there is an unspoken “coding” of silver samples, according to which 875 is classified as second-class; jewelers more often give preference to 925. What is their main difference?

Firstly, we note that talking about the advantages of a particular silver sample is only appropriate in the context of a specific area of ​​application. So, for example, if we are talking about jewelry, then, undoubtedly, in the foreground we will have 925 standard of precious metal, and if we are talking about cutlery, then 875.

For comparison, you can look at the photos of products made from silver of different samples.

925 sterling silver Table 875 sterling silver

Did you know that the digital designation of a sample of an alloy of silver with other metals helps determine the percentage of the precious metal. That is, the 875th sample contains about 87.5% of pure silver in its composition, the 925th, respectively, about 92.5%.

Jewelers prefer 925 sterling because this alloy is more flexible and has an elegant appearance, which allows you to create real works of art.

A larger amount of alloy in the alloy leads to a change in the color of the silver. Thus, 875 silver used in the production of cutlery can acquire yellowish and reddish shades.

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Thus, the main difference between these silver samples is the nature and quantitative composition of the alloy, depending on which the structure and color scheme of the alloy changes, which, in fact, shapes the scope of application of specific samples.

Price per gram in Russia for the last month

To find out the cost of 875 silver as of July 31, 2015, you need to obtain the following data:

  • the cost of one gram of silver established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on that day;
  • coefficient of pure silver content in the sample.

We take the first value according to the Central Bank report, focusing on the date, the second corresponds to the digital designation of the sample.

Thus, 27.77/1000x875=24.30 rubles is the cost of one gram of 875 silver as of July 31, 2015.

Of course, you can use other alternative sources of obtaining information about the cost indicators of a specific silver sample, but we advise you to make your own calculations based on official data, which will help you obtain the most complete and up-to-date information.

In general, 875 silver is a very popular alloy, which is used in the production of cutlery, decorative elements, and, less often, jewelry. This alloy contains a sufficient amount of pure silver and an optimal amount of alloy, which allows it to be used effectively.

Source: https://inzoloto.ru/cena-na-zoloto/875-proba-i-eyo-osobennosti

875 silver - silverware

The alloy of 875 silver is considered one of the lowest standards, which are not so often used in the production of expensive jewelry, costume jewelry and accessories.

This silver standard is excellent for the industrial production of cutlery and specialized tableware. The silver alloy we are considering consists of only 87.5% pure silver, and the remaining 12.5% ​​consists of other metals.

Silver of this standard usually contains the following metals:

  • Pure silver;
  • Copper;
  • Platinum;
  • Germanium;
  • Silicon.

Each of these metals has a different effect on the final characteristic properties of the silver alloy of the sample we are considering. Silver itself is a fairly soft metal, so the copper that is in its alloy allows 875 silver to be more durable and wear-resistant. Platinum in this alloy gives the product a beautiful color, but at the same time greatly increases the cost of the final product.

How is it different from other alloys?

Silicon and germanium are added only to 875 silver alloy. This is one of the few silver alloys that has such a wide and expensive composition, since most gold samples consist exclusively of silver, copper and platinum. In addition, this silver alloy is less soft, ductile and malleable than other silver samples.

If we talk about the quality of this alloy, then according to this indicator, experts put it in second place among all silver alloys.

The first place is occupied by 925 standard, which is more expensive and contains much more pure silver, and is one of the most popular alloys when creating jewelry.

If we compare 875 and 925 sterling silver, the latter is purer and more expensive, and is used to create expensive jewelry, which cannot be said about 875 sterling silver.

Where is it used?

875 silver is a fairly low quality standard, which is often used in the manufacture of expensive cutlery. The quality and characteristic properties of this alloy enable this alloy to be strong and flexible.

This silver alloy is highly machineable. This allows cutlery manufacturers to make excellent silver products from this alloy.

Directly for its attractive color and shine, this material is famous in the production of dining room sets.

In addition, this alloy is often used to create such items as:

  • Inexpensive jewelry;
  • Various jewelry;
  • Third party accessories.

Due to its low price and excellent characteristic properties, this material is one of the most popular and used materials in industrial production in various fields.

What goes with it?

If we talk about the industrial production of 875 silver cutlery, then in this case silver is combined with white and yellow gold. By combining several types of precious metals, such as silver and gold, you get excellent cutlery that looks quite expensive, but does not cost much. Silver by itself does not go well with precious stones of different colors, and they are most often not inlaid into cutlery.

If we talk about the jewelry industry, many people are accustomed to wearing silver in its pure form, and not trying to mix it with other precious metals and stones.

Why does 875 silver oxidize? 

Like any silver alloy, 875 alloy is quite susceptible to oxidation when interacting with air and sulfur.

Quite an interesting fact - silver is one of the active metals that interact quite strongly with the elements contained in the air.

When an item or jewelry made of 875 silver is used for a long time, it quickly darkens and loses its original color and shine. In addition, the oxidized surface of 875 silver can sometimes feel quite unpleasant.

In addition to oxidation with frequent use, this alloy, like any silver, interacts quite strongly with sulfur, which is contained in the air, albeit in small quantities. Also, one of the main sources of sulfur for silver products is human sweat, since human sweat contains sulfur in some quantity. If you often use cutlery made of 875 silver, they can quickly lose their original appearance.

How to clean an 875 sterling silver item

Today, there are many ways to clean silver from contaminants or oxidation. Also, recently, specialized liquids have become popular, with which you can prevent the oxidation of silver. All these means are quite expensive and take time.

To easily clean 875 sterling silver at home, you only need a few inexpensive and simple ingredients. The first method will require a solution of warm water, citric acid and soda.

If you periodically dip your product in this solution for 15 minutes, it will quickly return to its original beauty and color.

The second method will also require a solution, but instead of citric acid, ordinary alcohol, which dissolves with water and soda, can be useful. This solution can also slow down or completely stop the process of oxidation and darkening of your product.

How to distinguish 875 silver from a fake

There are many simple and quick ways to distinguish a silver product from a fake at home. The first and easiest way is to use a regular magnet. Many of you know that genuine silver is not magnetized, so it is worth testing a silver item by simply passing a magnet over it. If this is a fake, your item will be magnetized; if it is genuine, the magnet will simply pass over the surface of the silver item.

For the second method, you only need your hand. This is one of the easiest ways to verify the authenticity of a silver item. Real silver heats up quickly enough from the heat of a human hand, which cannot be said about a fake. Just hold your hand on the silver item, if it heats up quickly, this is not a fake.

Source: https://mysamocvet.ru/metally/serebro-875-proby/

Which silver standard is better: 875 or 925?

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Question for experts: what is the difference between 875 sterling silver and 925 sterling silver?

Best regards, Milo4ka

Best answers

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fineness 875=87.5% silver in the alloy

The amount of silver in it. In 875 silver there are only 875 parts of silver out of 1000, everything else is impurities (special components), in 925 silver there are, respectively, 925 parts of silver.

Percentage of silver.

More than 10 natural silver minerals are known that are of industrial importance. All silver jewelry alloys have the appropriate hallmark. There are seven of them in total.

720 sample. Contains 72% silver. It has many negative properties: refractoriness, bright yellowish color, softness. Used only in industry.

800 sample. Contains at least 80% silver. In terms of quality and mechanical properties, it is the lowest, since the silver of this sample is susceptible to atmospheric phenomena (oxidizes quickly) and has a yellowish tint. Among the positive qualities, it should be noted its high casting properties, which makes it possible to use this silver for the manufacture of cutlery.

830 sample. It differs from the previous one only in the percentage of silver content - at least 83%. In terms of technical, mechanical qualities and scope of application, it does not differ from 800 standard.

875 sample. The percentage of silver content is higher than in previous samples (87.5%), so it can be used in industry and jewelry.

925 sample. Contains at least 92.5% silver. It has a noble silver-white color and high anti-corrosion properties. Silver of this standard melts well and takes various forms, as a result the jewelry remains hard and is little susceptible to atmospheric phenomena. Widely used in jewelry for making various decorations.

916 sample. Not used.

960 sample. In terms of quality and mechanical properties, it is the highest and does not differ from pure silver. It is used in jewelry for the manufacture of delicate, highly artistic products.

Tarnishing of silver is considered its most important drawback, especially in jewelry. This is due to the chemical properties of silver: it actively interacts not only with other metals, but also with sulfur compounds contained in the air. The less copper in the alloy, the less susceptible it is to tarnishing, so alloys from 875 to 960 are considered the most stable.


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Answers from experts

In addition to the answers mentioned above, also the price!

925 higher and less impurities

875 - 87.5% pure silver - rest impurities 925 - 92.5% pure silver - rest impurities

In the first case, 87.5% silver, in the second 92.5.

The purity of the metal. 925, purified more thoroughly from other impurities in silver.

sample number - the amount of pure silver expressed in ppm (thousandths). i.e., for example, in 1 kg of silver 875 the standard of silver itself is 875 grams

Percentage of pure silver content!!!!

Used silver alloys:

800 silver alloy
Contains at least 80% silver. Due to the high copper content, the alloy has a slight yellowish tint and quickly oxidizes in air. Has good casting properties. Mainly used for making cutlery.

830 silver alloy
Contains at least 83% silver. Its qualities are no different from 800-grade alloy. Most often used for making decorative jewelry.

875 silver alloy
Contains at least 87.5% silver. It is used mainly in the industrial production of jewelry and household products.

925 silver alloy
Contains at least 92.5% silver. Its color and anti-corrosion properties are the same as those of pure silver. It successfully combines technological (easily subject to shape changes during processing) and operational properties (maintains hardness and elasticity). The alloy is widely used for making jewelry.

960 silver alloy
Contains at least 96% silver. Its basic properties are no different from pure silver. Often used for making products with enamel and performing fine filigree work.

In international practice, in addition to the above-mentioned silver alloys, you can find: 720 silver alloy, which, due to its pronounced yellowish color, is almost never used in jewelry. The alloy is difficult to shape, but retains hardness and elasticity during operation. It is commonly used as solder, and is also used to make pin needles, springs, or other heavily loaded parts.

Until recently, 916 silver alloy served as the main material for the production of jewelry abroad, but is now practically not used.

m of silver

Source: https://dom-voprosov.ru/prochee/kakaya-proba-serebra-luchshe-875-ili-925

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