How to drill stainless steel at home

Turtle Cake Recipe

Every housewife has several simple baking recipes in stock, among them is “Turtle” cake. A treat with a fragrant layer will please anyone who tastes it. You just need to follow a series of simple steps and it will turn out to be of the highest quality.

This delicacy can be baked in a variety of ways, and the most popular is the “Turtle” cake according to the classic recipe.


For the “Turtle” cake with sour cream you need to take:

  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • soda - 2 hours. l.;
  • eggs – 6.

Ingredients for the cream of the Turtle cake:

  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 tbsp;
  • sour cream – 800 g.

For the glaze:

  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp;
  • oils – 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sour cream – 6 tbsp. l.

To decorate the cake, it is suggested to take 100 g of ground walnuts.

Cooking method

To make sour cream “Turtle” cake, the following recipe is suggested:

  1. Beat raw eggs with granulated sugar with a mixer until foam forms. The resulting mass should be fluffy and light.
  2. Pour flour and soda into it, and then knead the dough. You need to make sure that there are no lumps in it.
  3. Line a greased baking sheet with parchment paper.
  4. Place the dough on it in the form of cakes.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. Then sour cream is prepared. Melt the butter and add the rest of the ingredients. Boil until a mass without lumps is formed. Make sure it doesn't thicken too much.
  7. Layer the cakes with cream.
  8. Apply frosting to the finished cake. It should be warmed up first so that it is evenly distributed over the surface.

Leave the product for at least 3 hours in a cool place to soak.

Cake "Turtle" with condensed milk

To prepare the base you will need:

  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.

For cream:

  • cocoa powder – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • condensed milk – 150 g;
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chocolate – 20 g.

The preparation of this cake takes place in several stages:

  1. Beat the eggs.
  2. Pour flour and sugar into them and knead the dough.
  3. Line a greased baking sheet with parchment paper. It is also suggested to use a special baking dish.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place future cakes there for 10 minutes.

Readiness is checked using a stick, which must remain dry.

Now prepare the cream:

  1. Melt the butter and add the rest of the ingredients. Then the mixture is boiled.
  2. Layer the cakes with it.
  3. Apply glaze to the product.
  4. Leave the cake with condensed milk for 3 hours in a cool place. During this time, the “turtle” will be saturated and will be much softer.

Turtle cake with custard

The ingredients and method of preparing the cakes can be taken from previous recipes.

For the cream you will need:

  • cocoa powder – 1.5 tsp;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet.

A few steps to prepare the cream:

  1. Beat the eggs and then add enough milk to them. Beat again. The mass should be quite thick.
  2. Boil it over low heat, stirring constantly. It is necessary to ensure that the yolk does not curl. Once ready, add melted butter.
  3. Layer the cakes with the resulting mixture and fold them in the shape of a turtle. The head, paws and tail are made from the fruit.
  4. Pour melted icing or chocolate over the cake.
  5. You can also decorate it with fruits, coconut flakes or dragees.

The finished product is left for 3 hours, or better yet overnight, on the balcony.

Chocolate cake "Turtle"

Use your favorite recipe for making the crust or use previous recipes, and the aromatic cream will give the chocolate “Turtle” a special taste.


  • cocoa powder – 5 tbsp. l;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • sour cream – 0.5 l;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 0.25 tsp.

Prepare the impregnation according to a simple recipe:

  1. Cocoa powder is mixed with sour cream and granulated sugar. After a homogeneous mass is formed, condensed milk is added to it. Heat over low heat until boiling.
  2. The cakes are coated with cream.
  3. Melt butter and chocolate.
  4. Pour them over the finished cake.

Leave in the cold for 2 hours, and if desired, sprinkle the product with nuts on top.

Quick recipe with chocolate gingerbread

For the “Turtle” cake without baking you need to take:

  • bananas – 3 pcs.;
  • cocoa powder – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • sour cream – 0.5 kg;
  • chocolate gingerbread – 600 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the required number of gingerbread cookies, cutting each of them into 3 layers.
  2. Cut bananas into circles.
  3. Sour cream is mixed with granulated sugar and vanilla. Beat it until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. Layer with cream and bananas, folding the gingerbread into 3 layers.
  5. The resulting mound is filled with the remaining sour cream.
  6. Sprinkle coconut, candied fruits or raisins on top.

This simple version of Turtle Cake can be left in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

You can take simple cookies, such as “For tea” or shortbread.

Ingredients for cream:

  • cocoa powder – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • cookies – 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 0.5 kg;
  • vanilla to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the cream by mixing all the ingredients. You can use more sugar if the cookies are not very sweet. It is better to use a mixer or whisk.
  2. Coat the cookies with the resulting mixture. You can put all the cookies in a bowl with the chocolate and sour cream mixture and mix gently. This way the entire base will be well saturated and will be easier to mold.
  3. Form a turtle figurine and leave for 4 hours.
  4. Place the product in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. Before serving, sprinkle with grated chocolate and banana.

Turtle cake can be prepared in a variety of ways, making it extremely tasty. Even beginners can use such simple recipes to please their family. Therefore, it is worth trying them all in turn, choosing the most refined one.


Mulled wine: classic recipe (at home and with grape juice)

On Christmas Eve, a hot, aromatic drink can be found on the menu of many restaurants, cafes, or just on the street. But mulled wine can also be prepared at home from red wine, using the classic mulled wine recipe. Having mastered how to brew classic alcoholic or non-alcoholic mulled wine, you can experiment, come up with your own recipes or use ready-made ones.

Our conversation today is about mulled wine - alcoholic and non-alcoholic recipes: the main components of the drink, the nuances of preparation, a snack for the drink and dishes for a hot Christmas drink.

Every year, on the eve of Christmas, fairs and Christmas tree markets open in many European cities. The constant companion of such places is the aroma of mulled wine. Its spicy smell hangs in the air on such days, adding a little magic and comfort to the pre-holiday atmosphere.

First, let's figure it out, gluwein, mulled wine - what is it?

Mulled wine (“Gluhwein” is short for the German phrase “gluhender wein”) is hot wine. The drink is served warmed up. It can be consumed cold, but then the taste will change. And it will change for the worse.

For decades, there has been a tradition of preparing and selling a hot wine drink during Christmas week. This tradition is especially strong in Germany and Scandinavia.

Mulled wine: classic recipe

Now let’s look at the classic recipe for making mulled wine at home using Georgian red wine with orange.


  • Cinnamon (sticks) – 2 pcs.;
  • star anise (stars) – 3 pcs.;
  • dried tangerine peels – 3-4 pcs.;
  • nutmeg (ground) – 0.4-0.5 teaspoon;
  • water – 70 ml;
  • wine (dry, Georgian) – 300 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • orange – 1 pc.

Work progress step by step:

First you need to prepare the spices.

  1. Place cinnamon sticks in the pan in which the mulled wine will be cooked.

It is recommended to crush cinnamon and star anise. You can do this with a hammer, after placing the spices in a bag.

2. Then add star anise.

3. Add some dried tangerine peels.

4. Add nutmeg. The nutmeg should be ground first.

5. Pour water over the spices.

6. Boil on the stove for 5 minutes.

7. Let the mixture brew for 10 minutes.

8. Strain through a sieve.

9. Pour the strained broth back into the pan.

10. Add wine and heat the mixture over low heat.

Did you feel the aroma? It's only the beginning

It is better to drink mulled wine as soon as you remove the drink from the heat. Prepare and drink immediately.

Therefore, if you are expecting guests, then add the entire bottle of wine at once, all 750 grams. It will be just the volume you need.

If you are preparing mulled wine just for yourself, then 300 ml of wine is enough.

  Do not reheat mulled wine. It will lose aroma and taste. Prepare as much as you drink at once.

11. Add sugar.

12. Heat the mixture over low heat to a temperature of 65-70 degrees

Do not let the liquid boil. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface and steam begins to rise, remove the pan from the heat.

You can’t bring mulled wine to a boil!

13. Pour the hot drink into a beautiful glass.

14. Add orange if desired.

The classic mulled wine recipe does not include oranges or other citrus fruits, but it can be used as an additional flavor.

The master class will help you understand the sequence of actions when preparing a hot alcoholic drink and the necessary ingredients. The amount of spices is usually determined by taste.

Watch the video on how to make mulled wine at home.

How to make mulled wine 

Now let's talk about the nuances.


Despite the German name, the hot drink originates from Ancient Rome. It was there that this wonderful scent was first born. It is interesting that in those distant times the Romans drank cold, not hot, wine. But spices have always remained the main ingredient in cooking.

It is worth clarifying that not all spices are suitable for creating a Christmas drink.

There is a small list of spices that can enhance both the taste and aroma of the drink:

  •  star anise;
  • ground cloves;
  • anise;
  • cinnamon;
  • dry vanilla pods;
  • allspice;
  • cardamom;
  • dry bay leaves;
  • coriander;
  • ginger;
  • red pepper;
  • saffron;
  • nutmeg.

It is recommended to use whole or crushed spices.

Don't use ground ones: you can't strain them and you'll end up drinking porridge.


Mulled wine is an alcoholic warming drink made from wine.

Red wines are most often used to make mulled wine. Sometimes they take dessert (sweet) varieties, but dry and semi-dry varieties are more popular.

Inexpensive young wine is ideal for mulled wine.

The correct way to drink a drink made from wine is:

  • Merlot;
  • Kinzmarauli;
  • Cabernet;
  • Saperavi;
  • Mavrud;
  • Argentine wine el portillo;
  • Georgian wine badagoni.

You should not buy fortified wines . The smell of alcohol that appears when they are heated will spoil the entire impression of the magical drink.

It is considered bad form to brew mulled wine with expensive, aged wine . This wine does not need flavor enhancers. It itself already has a perfect taste.

You should not take too cheap wine in the hope that the spices will drown out its taste.

The best option is red table wine in the mid-price category.

The country where the wine was made can be any. An excellent choice would be wines produced in Russia and Georgia.

As a rule, red wine is used to prepare the drink, but there are recipes that contain white wine instead of red wine in their list of ingredients (the so-called “summer mulled wine”).

There are recipes in which red and white wine are mixed.

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The only difference in preparation: white wine will need more sugar; you will have to add not 3 tablespoons, but 4-5 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Choose only dry or semi-dry white wine.

Semi-sweet white wine is not suitable for preparing the drink.

Citrus fruits in the recipe

Citrus is another ingredient without which it is impossible to imagine this hot wine drink. Lime, lemon or orange are added for both flavor and decoration.

It is recommended to cut citruses into mugs and add no more than three pieces to a glass.

Pomegranate mulled wine with white wine

Pour your favorite white wine into a pan and heat well, adding cinnamon, apple slices, cloves and ginger. Before serving, add honey, garnish the drink with pomegranate seeds and let it brew. Drink to your health!

Pear mulled wine

Cut the apple and pear into thin slices. Add the fruit to the pan along with the juice of half a lemon. It's time for the seasonings. A cinnamon stick and cloves wouldn't hurt. Pour your favorite white wine over the fruit and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Write it down in your recipe book: Non-alcoholic mulled wine with grape juice

A non-alcoholic drink made from grape juice is prepared using the same technology as a wine drink. Simply put, replace wine with grape juice.

Ingredients :

  • Grape juice – 3 glasses;
  • water – 0.5 cups;
  • orange zest – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon zest - 2 tablespoons;
  • apple – 0.5 pcs.;
  • raisins – 2 tablespoons;
  • cloves – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon – 1 teaspoon;
  • cardamom – – pinch;
  • ginger – 1 gram.

Medicinal mulled wine for colds

Mulled wine is considered not only a tasty and easy-to-prepare drink, but also healing. In Scandinavian countries it is often used for colds and sore throats. Thanks to its warming properties, it is able to fight microbes and reduce their harmful effects on the body.

  • Scientists have long proven that wine has bactericidal properties.
  • And the spices that make up mulled wine also have a beneficial effect on your well-being. They improve blood circulation and free breathing.
  • But citrus fruits in mulled wine are of no benefit - the very high temperature of the drink kills all vitamins and their healing elements. They are just like a tasty snack for a medicinal drink.

Recipe for mulled wine for colds:

It’s best to prepare mulled wine for a cold like this:

  •        spices,
  •        apples,
  •        oranges,
  •        honey.

2. Heat the mixture to 70-80 degrees, without bringing to a boil.

3. After this, be sure to let the drink brew for at least 15 minutes under the lid.

4. Add honey.

Drink hot, immediately after preparation.

Mulled wine is the best medicine

To make mulled wine beneficial for colds, follow the rules :

  1. It is unacceptable to combine alcoholic mulled wine and antibiotics. In this case, prepare a non-alcoholic hot drink.
  2. The serving volume should not exceed 150-200 ml.
  3. Drink mulled wine at night, before going to bed.

What to snack on:

Most often, the drink is drunk without eating.

Snack for mulled wine in Germany: shortbread, meringues, kebabs, sausages


France: Crackers, pineapples, cheese sticks

Netherlands: donuts

Czech Republic: meat sausages

Austria: Braised cabbage

Pies with apple, plums, pears.

Apple strudel

How to serve mulled wine

Drink a hot aromatic drink from an Irish glass or clay cup. But the dishes must have thick walls that can withstand the high temperature of the drink and keep warm for a long time.

Decorating a glass with a drink is akin to art.

Place a cinnamon stick and star anise inside the glass.

A slice of orange or lemon will also decorate the container with the drink.

Or put a circle of orange on the edge of the glass, and first decorate it by sticking carnation flowers into the pulp.

Mulled wine has long been a symbol of Christmas and New Year. This drink is especially popular during the winter holidays. At German Christmas markets, over 20 varieties of mulled wine can be sold, which can include both berries and herbs.

In other countries, they also prefer to drink this drink only with the onset of cold weather, in autumn or winter.

Now you can make mulled red wine or non-alcoholic mulled wine for the holiday.

Have you received detailed instructions with photos on how to prepare mulled wine at home and are you convinced that even novice cooks can do it? Now let's get to work!


How to drill stainless steel at home

The question of how to drill any stainless steel at home usually does not arise if you use special drills for stainless steel for this purpose. Along with such drills, which allow you to quickly and efficiently form a hole of the required diameter, it is necessary to use special cooling compounds, as well as strictly adhere to technological parameters.

In production, industrial machines with a coolant supply are used for drilling stainless steel. In the home workshop you have to learn some tricky techniques


Drilling holes in stainless steel using a regular drill bit may fail. This is explained by the fact that steels classified as stainless steel are characterized by increased viscosity, so their drilling, especially when done at home, is accompanied by significant heating of the cutting tool and, as a result, its failure.

In order to drill stainless steel efficiently and quickly, taking into account all of the above, it is necessary to use a cooling material, which, in addition, must have good lubricating properties.

If you need to frequently drill stainless steel, it makes sense to equip the machine with a homemade liquid lubricant supply system (a car pump is suitable as a pump)

The most common composition used as a coolant and lubricant when drilling holes in stainless steel is a solution consisting of machine oil and sulfur. To prepare such a solution, both colloidal sulfur and fumigation sulfur, often called “sulfur color,” can be used.

If the sulfur at your disposal is a fine powder, it can be immediately mixed with machine oil without special preparation. If you purchased lump sulfur, you must first grind it.

You can make drilling stainless steel products more efficient if you use a lubricating-cooling mixture consisting of sulfur and fatty acids, which you can make yourself at home, to perform such an operation. To do this you need to do the following:

  • grind a piece of laundry soap (you can use the cheapest one);
  • mix the crushed soap with hot water and stir the resulting mixture thoroughly;
  • add technical hydrochloric acid to the resulting solution;
  • wait until fatty acids begin to rise to the surface of the resulting solution;
  • then add a large amount of cold water;
  • remove the hardened stem of fatty acids from the surface of the solution, which are subsequently used to prepare a lubricating-cooling solution.

Fatty acids obtained during the preparation of drilling fluid are mixed with sulfur in a ratio of 6:1. Using a solution made according to this recipe, you can easily drill a stainless steel product that is even quite thick. Naturally, when performing such a procedure, certain technological recommendations should be followed.

Useful drilling techniques

There are several simple techniques that allow you to quickly and efficiently drill a hole in stainless steel. Let's list the most common ones.

  • It is better to drill horizontal stainless steel surfaces by first passing the drill through a lubricating and coolant liquid poured into a rubber washer or plastic plug installed directly above the location of the future hole.
  • If you need to drill a hole in a stainless steel surface located vertically, then at the drilling site you can attach a ball made of paraffin, which will provide lubrication of the cutting tool.
  • Regardless of whether you drill stainless steel using a household electric drill or industrial equipment, it is better to carry out such a technological operation at low speeds of the cutting tool (100–600 rpm). The use of even very high-quality fluid for lubrication and cooling will not be able to provide high-quality results when drilling stainless steel, carried out at high speeds.

An indicator of the correct selection of stainless steel drilling speed is long chips

In order to get a more detailed idea of ​​how to properly drill stainless steel parts, you can study this process in a video.

Problems with drilling at low speeds do not arise if you use a machine or drill that has the option of adjusting this parameter. If there is no such option, then you can drill stainless steel as follows.

  • The electric drill starts up in literally 1–2 seconds.
  • After a short start, the drill immediately turns off.

This simple technological technique makes it possible to ensure low rotation speeds of the cutting tool, which, in fact, is required for high-quality drilling of stainless steel.

Drill selection

If you need to drill a stainless steel product, the choice of drill, along with the selection of the appropriate lubricant and coolant, as well as the technology for performing the operation, is the most important procedure that determines the quality of the final result. Until recently, cobalt drills were used for drilling stainless steels.

Cobalt drill for drilling stainless steel, cast iron and heat-resistant steels without preliminary centering

Cobalt drills, which were equipped with cylindrical shanks, were produced from R6M5K5 alloys, and in some cases from R18 steel, in which the amount of cobalt was limited to 5%.

The advantages of drills made from an alloy containing cobalt in its chemical composition are that this chemical element gives the tool high hardness, which allows it to drill any stainless steel product quite easily.

The regulatory document in accordance with which such tools were produced was GOST 10902-77.

Today, these drills are no longer produced by industry, and it is not easy to find them on the market. Meanwhile, modern manufacturers produce many analogues for working with stainless steel, the quality of which is at a high level.

If you choose from such tools, you can pay attention to foreign-made drills that are marked HSS-Co. They are produced according to the DIN 338 standard and are made of steel containing at least 5% cobalt.

In fact, the material from which they are made is an analogue of alloys of the R18 and R6M5K5 grades.

A characteristic feature of a drill with the addition of cobalt is a more obtuse sharpening angle to facilitate centering at the beginning of drilling

It is absolutely not necessary to use a cobalt tool to drill stainless steel at home. Drills made of hard alloys also cope well with this task.

Such drills for stainless steel differ not only in the material they are made of, but also in the very sharp sharpening of the cutting part (sharpening is done on one side).

However, it should be taken into account that they are quite expensive and it is not always possible to purchase them in ordinary hardware stores.

The sharpening of the cutting edge of the drill differs for soft and hard metals

If you need to drill a hole in stainless steel, use a few recommendations that will allow you to complete this procedure without any problems.

  • If the thickness of the stainless steel product that needs to be drilled exceeds 6 mm, then it is best to perform this procedure using a double method. The essence of this method is that a small diameter hole is first drilled in stainless steel, and only after that it is drilled out to the required size.
  • If the thickness of the product is small (1–2 mm), you can drill a hole in it using a regular metal drill, the cutting part of which is sharpened at an angle of 120°. It is very important to perform the operation at low speeds (up to 100 rpm), then the tool will not overheat too much and will not fail.
  • If a hole needs to be drilled in a stainless steel product whose thickness is less than 1 mm, then it is better to use stepped drills. The use of such a tool, which can be purchased at many hardware stores, allows you to obtain high-quality holes even in very thin parts.
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If you are planning to drill a hole in stainless steel, but have never done this before, you should not limit yourself to only theoretical information. It is also advisable to watch a video on this topic, which is easy to find on the Internet. In addition, when taking on such a difficult task, it is advisable to stock up on high-quality cutting tools and appropriate equipment.


How to properly drill stainless steel at home - let's look at it in detail

The question of how to drill any stainless steel at home usually does not arise if you use special drills for stainless steel for this purpose. Along with such drills, which allow you to quickly and efficiently form a hole of the required diameter, it is necessary to use special cooling compounds, as well as strictly adhere to technological parameters.

In production, industrial machines with a coolant supply are used for drilling stainless steel. In the home workshop you have to learn some tricky techniques

How to drill stainless steel: necessary materials and tools, technique, step-by-step instructions and expert advice

Stainless steel is a special alloy, which, due to its anti-corrosion properties and resistance to aggressive environments, is widely used in everyday life and industrial applications.

Due to the fact that the composition of stainless steel is represented by various chemical elements, in production technologically, by calculating their percentage, it is possible to create the desired type of material.

In everyday life, they use taps and mixers, tableware, sinks and kitchen sinks - products made specifically from stainless steel, which among experts is called food grade. A very pressing question is how to drill food grade stainless steel. Each master has his own reason why he is forced to resort to this procedure.

As experts advise, before drilling stainless steel, you should carefully prepare. It would be a good idea to read all the recommendations from experienced professionals. This is especially important if the procedure will be carried out by a home craftsman for the first time. You will find information on how to drill stainless steel at home in this article.

What are the difficulties of the drilling procedure?

Due to the chemical composition of stainless steel grades, this metal has increased ductility. During work, chips are formed, which, sticking to the drills, limit the properties of their cutting edges. As a result, they do not function fully, and hardening appears in the inside of the hole. Its presence negatively affects further processing of the metal. In addition, at this point a change in the physical properties of steel occurs.

Also, during drilling, as a result of rotation and cutting, the drill becomes very hot. The heat generated on its surface is transferred to the metal. If preventive measures are not taken at this stage, the steel around the hole will turn out to be painted. As a result, the decorative surface will be damaged and the corrosion resistance of stainless steel will be reduced.

To correct the current situation and restore the original parameters of the steel, the master will have to resort to additional technological operations.

Where to begin?

Very often, beginners who are interested in how to drill stainless steel correctly do not know where to start. As experienced professionals recommend, the first step is to do everything to eliminate the above negative factors. To do this, the home craftsman thinks about how he will prevent chips from sticking and how he will cool the metal surface.

For those who do not know how to drill stainless steel at home, experts advise using water as a very effective method. However, it is mainly used in 2-mm stainless steel sheets to make a single hole, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 cm.

If you need to make several holes, it is more advisable to use oil or a special emulsion for cooling.

Cooling container

According to experienced craftsmen, water should be used at the very beginning of drilling. To cool a hot drill, you need to dip it in a container of water. It is better to use a small jar that is convenient to place nearby. After the drill is immersed in the tool steel, a hardening procedure occurs. If the drill is allowed to simply cool in the air, then the metal will be tempered, as a result of which it will lose its basic properties.

You should also think about how to supply coolant to the drilling site. In production, they use special industrial machines that provide for its supply. In home workshops, craftsmen have to independently resort to various cunning techniques, creating a homemade lubricant supply system. A home craftsman can equip his product with a car pump, which will serve as a pump.

Some craftsmen, in order to reduce consumption, surround the point of contact of the drill with the stainless steel with a rubber ring.

Machine oil and sulfur lubricant

Before drilling into stainless steel, you need to prepare a lubricant and coolant. Judging by numerous reviews, the most common composition is machine oil with sulfur.

This solution can be prepared from both colloidal and sulfur for fumigation. According to experienced craftsmen, this substance in the form of a fine powder does not require special processing; it can be immediately added to engine oil.

Sulfur is also sold in pieces. The owner will only have to grind it thoroughly.

Soap product

Judging by the reviews, a good cooling and lubricating agent is a composition based on laundry soap. You can make the tool as follows:

  • First, the bar of soap is thoroughly crushed. It's better to get cheap products.
  • Next, the soap in powder form is diluted in hot water.
  • Then the solution should be filled with technical hydrochloric acid.
  • The mixture should stand for some time.
  • Dilute with cold water.
  • Fatty acids should float to the surface, which will be used to make a cooling lubricant.
  • Add sulfur to acids in a ratio of 6:1.

Judging by the reviews, thick stainless steel can be easily drilled with the resulting solution.

What is the best way to drill stainless steel?

According to experts, when working with cast iron, stainless steel and other heat-resistant steels, it is better to use special cobalt drills. The alloy R6M5K5 is used in their production.

Alloy P18 is also used in the manufacture of drills for stainless steel. However, in accordance with GOST 10902-77, they are characterized by limiting the amount of cobalt to 5%.

For those who do not know which drill to drill into stainless steel, experienced craftsmen recommend choosing products made from cobalt.

The advantage of drills whose chemical composition includes cobalt is that, due to the presence of this chemical element, the tool has high hardness. Judging by consumer reviews, this drill can be used to drill any stainless steel products without much difficulty. According to experts, the red-hardness index of the product has been significantly increased, which means critical overheating is excluded.

However, if you do not set the power tool to the usual standard mode or ignore the established standards and extend the working session, the drill may overheat. However, even after intensive use, a cobalt product will still have high wear resistance and hardness. Due to the fact that today the industry does not produce cobalt drills, it is quite difficult to find them.

Nevertheless, there are good analogues on the shelves of specialized stores that are also very effective for working with stainless steel. You can use HSS-Co drills. For their production, an alloy containing at least 5% cobalt is used. According to experts, foreign drills are practically no different in composition from domestic cobalt drills.

You can also use special drill bits.

About sharpening

Cobalt drills are sharpened on one side. For the rod in spiral models, helical edges and grooves are provided, with the help of which chips are removed from the hole. According to experts, such drills are considered a universal option for working at home.

Provide reliable and high-quality drilling. Enterprises often use step drills. The sharpening angle can vary between 100-140 degrees. For stainless steel, it is better to use a drill with an angle of 130 degrees.

A product with a reduced indicator is suitable for working with duralumin and brass.

About shanks

Due to the fact that during work, under the influence of vibration, an increased mechanical load will be placed on the equipment, the home craftsman will have to decide how to connect the chuck and drill. Experts recommend using a design with a cylindrical coupling. HSS drills manufactured by Inforce are suitable for this.

The tensile strength of these products is 900 N/mm2. Despite the fact that the key-type design does not provide the best torque, the drills, judging by the reviews, never jam, which has a positive effect on safety. Drills with hex shanks are also available. They are fixed using three-jaw chucks.

The fasteners are quite reliable, but the technician may have difficulties when changing attachments.

Which tool should I use?

Before drilling into stainless steel, you also need to decide which tool will do the work. Enterprises use special drilling machines for this purpose. At home, the amount of work is much less, so the use of machines will not be justified.

The home craftsman has a drill and a hammer drill at his disposal. Unlike a drill, a hammer drill is a more powerful unit and therefore more productive. However, it has a massive body and impressive weight.

Due to the significant dimensions of this power tool, its maneuverability will be significantly reduced.

Hammer drills are mainly used for working with concrete and brick surfaces. For those who cannot decide what to drill into stainless steel with, experienced craftsmen advise choosing a drill. You can use a professional model of power tool, the power of which is from 1500 W. Cordless drills designed for 18 V have also proven themselves well. They are suitable for those cases when you need to drill at a considerable distance from the power source.

We drill stainless steel with our own hands. Step-by-step instruction

For those who are planning to work with stainless steel for the first time, experienced craftsmen recommend following the following sequence of actions:

  • First you need to prepare a container with lubricant and coolant. What kind of remedy it will be, everyone decides for themselves.
  • Due to the fact that it is undesirable to work with stainless steel at high speeds, since there is a risk of damaging the cutting edges or breaking the drill, you should work at low or medium speeds.
  • Place the workpiece on a securely fixed surface. It is best to use a metal workbench that has a vice on it.
  • When the power tool gives the drill the optimal speed, you can make direct mechanical contact with the workpiece. Then they begin to carry out the cutting itself.
  • At the very end of work, the initial speed should be maintained. You can reduce the speed and turn off the device only after the drill is completely removed from the hole.

How to work with a stainless steel sink

Due to the fact that some modern sinks are not equipped with holes for taps or mixers, many beginners ask the question of how to drill a stainless steel sink. There are several ways to cope with this task. Some craftsmen work with a hammer and a punch. You just need to select a nozzle of the required diameter.

There are also special mechanical punches on the counters that create holes by extrusion. The design of this product consists of a threaded pin and two nozzles, a tap and a pressing washer, the head of which is adapted for wrenches. To make a hole in a stainless steel sink, you need to install a pin on its outside and screw on a washer.

As a result of tightening it with a wrench, a hole is formed in the product. The third method is considered quite effective.

In this case, the master will have to acquire a special drill, which among specialists is also called a “carrot”. The product has a cone shape. The diameter of the cutting edge varies from 6 to 38 mm. The carrot works like a regular drill.

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A few recommendations from experts

There are situations when you need to drill a 6mm stainless steel sheet. Experienced craftsmen advise in this case to use a double method, namely: first drill a hole with a small diameter, and then widen it. 2 mm products lend themselves well to drills sharpened at an angle of 120 degrees. Within 1 min. The power tool should make no more than 100 revolutions. If the stainless steel is too thin (less than 1 mm), you should use step drills.


How to celebrate Epiphany: signs, customs, traditions

January 19 is the feast of the Epiphany. On this day, ice holes are blessed, bathing is carried out and Holy water is collected, because it is believed that it will last the whole year and will not lose its healing power.

Epiphany is one of the significant and main Orthodox holidays. It falls on the evening of January 18th. On this day, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve. This is also the period when the Christmas holidays, which began with the Nativity of Christ, which falls on January 7, end.  

Baptism: basic signs and customs

The holiday of Epiphany has been celebrated for more than two thousand years. On this day Jesus Christ was baptized. The ceremony was performed by John the Baptist on the Jordan River.

Ancient sources say that as soon as the sacrament was performed, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven to the people in the form of a dove. The voice of God was heard, recognizing Jesus as the true and only Son of the Lord.

According to the Scriptures, it was on this day that the Epiphany first occurred. God appeared before people in the image of the Holy Consubstantial Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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Currently, on the holiday of Epiphany, ancient traditions and customs are observed, and they also pay attention to signs. For example, only lenten dishes are served on the table; fasting is still ongoing on this day. This is the last day of Christmas Eve and traditionally they serve kutya surrounded by dumplings, pancakes and the drink uzvara.

Holy water for Epiphany and swimming in an ice hole

The main activity at Epiphany is considered to be swimming in an ice hole. Water on this day is endowed with amazing properties: it cleanses the body and soul, eliminates numerous diseases and creates protection from various evil spirits.

The place for such swimming is a natural body of water. On the eve of the sacred day, an ice hole in the shape of a cross is made in it. The priest performs the service and sanctifies the water with the help of prayers. The ice hole is called “Jordan” and it is believed that the grace of the Holy Spirit enters it.  

They plunge into the ice hole three times, but not with their heads. Too cold water leads to a sharp drop in pressure, which only hardened people can withstand. When leaving the water you need to cross yourself.

If it is not possible to visit a specially equipped and illuminated place for swimming, then any clean body of water will do. Water on this day is considered sacred everywhere.

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Previously, it was collected in jugs and stored in cellars all year. She remained holy, had healing properties and did not spoil. They drank it little by little in case of illness, any ailment, and after communicating with an evil person to protect against his “evil” eye. It is not recommended to use plastic containers for storing holy water, only glass ones. The bottle should not be after an alcoholic drink. The collected container is stored tightly closed and in a cool place.

What is not recommended to do on holiday

Christian traditions prohibit doing certain things:

  • Work. This includes any activity that requires physical effort: cleaning, cooking, laundry and minor repairs - do household chores the day before. You cannot do any handicrafts. But keep in mind that on Christian holidays it is forbidden to work not in order to spend the whole day idly lying on the couch. The Church advises dedicating the day to prayer, reading, and thinking about your life and God.
  • Saying hurtful and negative words. All kinds of complaints about people, life and fate, dispute and conflict with any person, family or stranger, spreading gossip and slander.
  • Fun festivities. You should not feast, listen to loud music, dance, say endless toasts and laugh uncontrollably. Spend your day calm and peaceful.

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Folk signs for the day of the Epiphany

On this day, watch the weather to predict what the end of January will be like and what the summer will be like.

  • Heavy snowfall and cloudiness predict a good harvest.
  • Clear blue skies also predispose to a rich harvest.
  • On the contrary, if the weather is frosty and the day is clear, there will be a drought in the summer.
  • Wet rain - expect the end of January to be rainy and cloudy.
  • There was a full moon on the holiday - watch the weather over the next three days. It will repeat exactly at the end of the month.  
  • Epiphany frosts usually subside after January 18th.

Epiphany is a very powerful spiritual holiday. If you have a need and have been planning to go to church for a long time, to relieve your soul, be sure to attend the service on this day and draw consecrated water. It is believed that on this day the Lord hears all prayers and is very favorable to those who ask. Published by

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How to drill hardened steel at home

To improve the basic characteristics of the metal, it is often hardened. This technology involves increasing the hardness of the product due to strong heating of the metal and its rapid cooling. In some cases, after heat treatment it is necessary to perform drilling. By increasing this characteristic, drilling hardened metal becomes more difficult. Let's take a closer look at all the features of drilling hardened steel.

How to drill through hardened steel

Drilling a hole in hardened steel

The widespread question of how to drill through hardened steel can be associated with the fact that when using conventional technology, the tool quickly becomes dull and becomes unusable. That is why you need to pay attention to the features of drilling hardened alloy. Among the features of the technology, we note the following points:

  1. It is necessary to properly prepare the hardened workpiece.
  2. In some cases, a special tool is required.
  3. Coolant is being used.

If necessary, you can make a drill for hardened steel with your own hands, which requires certain equipment and skills. However, in most cases, a purchased version is used, since it will cope better with the task when cutting hardened steel.

Hardened steel drilling process

Nuances when drilling

The technology in question has a fairly large number of features that need to be taken into account. Drilling of hardened metal is carried out taking into account the following points:

  1. Before carrying out work, pay attention to the hardness of the surface. This parameter is used to select the most suitable drill. Hardness can be determined using a variety of technologies.
  2. During drilling, a large amount of heat is generated. This is why rapid wear of the cutting edge occurs. In this regard, in many cases, cooling liquid is supplied to the cutting zone.
  3. When cutting difficult-to-cut material, it is necessary to sharpen the cutting edge from time to time. For this, a conventional sharpening machine or a special tool is used. Only diamond-coated wheels are suitable as an abrasive.

Steel Drilling Tool

There are a variety of methods for cutting hardened steel. Some of them significantly simplify the processing. Only by taking into account all the nuances can the quality of the resulting hole be improved.

Use of lubricants

When drilling through hardened steel, serious friction occurs. That is why it is recommended to purchase and use various lubricants. Among the features of this processing method, we note the following points:

  1. First, the drilling area is processed. A small amount of lubricant is applied to the surface where the hole will be located.
  2. Oil is added to the cutting edge. To process hardened steel, a small amount of the substance is required, but it must be added from time to time, since it scatters when the tool rotates.
  3. During work, it is recommended to take breaks to cool the cutting surface and the surface being processed.

Lubricating steel with special oil

Special oil not only simplifies drilling, but also increases the service life of the tool used.

This is because oil can reduce the temperature of the cutting edge.

Twist drills, which are represented by a vertical rod with two grooves, have become quite widespread. Due to the specific arrangement of the grooves, a cutting edge is formed. Among the features of the choice, we note the following points:

  1. The pobedite drill bit has become quite widespread. It can be used to work with various hardened alloys. However, a surface with too high hardness cannot be processed with such a tool.
  2. The choice is also made based on diameter. It is worth considering that it is quite difficult to obtain a large diameter hole. The larger diameter version is much more expensive due to the use of a large amount of material in its manufacture.
  3. Attention is also paid to the sharpening angle, the purpose of the product and the type of material used in manufacturing. For example, cobalt versions are characterized by higher resistance to high temperatures.
  4. It is recommended to pay attention to products exclusively from well-known manufacturers. This is due to the fact that Chinese versions are manufactured using low-quality materials. However, such an offer is much cheaper and can be used for short-term or one-time work.
  5. When choosing a drill, you can be guided by the markings. It can be used to determine which materials were used in production. The diameter of the hole that can be obtained when using the tool is also indicated.

Drill for hardened steel

In a specialized store you can find almost everything you need to carry out the work. However, the fairly high cost of the product and some other factors determine that some decide to make a drill themselves from scrap materials. Similar work can be done if you have the required tools.

If necessary, a drill can be made from hardened steel. Among the main recommendations for carrying out such work, we note:

  1. Rods are selected that are made from tungsten and cobalt alloys. People call this metal victorious. Compared to a conventional drill, this version is characterized by increased wear resistance.
  2. To process the workpiece, you need to secure it in a small vice. Otherwise, the work will be quite difficult.
  3. To sharpen such a surface, a diamond stone is required. The usual one will not withstand long-term work.
  4. The end surface is sharpened to create a surface that resembles a flat-head screwdriver. The cutting edges are then sharpened to produce a sharp tip.

In order to reduce the degree of surface machinability, oil is added. This ensures long-term processing due to reduced friction and lower temperature.

Homemade drill bits

In conclusion, we note that processing of hardened steel should be carried out exclusively with the use of special tools. The work requires a drilling machine, since a manual one will not allow you to get the required hole.


Technology for drilling stainless steel at home

Stainless steel is widely used in household and industrial applications to create various items due to its significant number of positive qualities. It is an alloy of various materials that give stainless steel resistance to corrosion and aggressive environments. Based on their percentage, it is possible to create different types of material in the alloy.

At home, items made from so-called food-grade stainless steel are often used, such as taps and mixers, sinks and sinks in the kitchen, tableware and other things. Therefore, it is often necessary to drill through stainless steel for some purpose. However, you should prepare for the process. That is, study the recommendations of more experienced craftsmen if the procedure is being performed with your own hands for the first time, and also select suitable drills and lubricants.

In addition to experience, you will need a bit of sensitivity and attentiveness. This is far from the only thing a master needs. What helps most when drilling is lubricating fluid, without which the master risks damaging the drills and the material. The lubricant consists of machine oil and sulfur, so it is easily recognized by its viscous form and increased fat content. In addition to choosing the right material, you need to know some features of how to drill a hole in stainless steel.

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