How to make a hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands?
The connection of metal reinforcing bars into a frame for concrete structures in private housing construction occurs using the knitting method. To assemble the reinforcing frame, a special device in the form of a small hook is used. Let's look further at how to make a hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands and how to work with it correctly.
Types of tools for knitting reinforcement
The knitting method involves using steel wire to manually fix rods perpendicular to each other in places where they intersect crosswise.
A crochet hook is a simple and safe tool that allows you to tie reinforcement bars quickly, securely and evenly.
Today, there are three types of ready-made hooks for knitting reinforcement bars, which can be purchased in the store. In addition, you can make a hook for the reinforcement yourself.
Photo of a purchased hook. The handle rotates freely.
A simple hook is a rod attached to a handle with bends that grip the wire. The hook for tying the reinforcement is rotated manually. The advantage of hand tools is their availability, durability and ease of use.
A hand crochet hook is an excellent option for novice builders, which will allow you to understand the knitting algorithm and feel the optimal degree of wire tension to obtain high-quality knots.
The knitting wire is selected with a diameter from 0.8 to 2 mm.
A semi-automatic hook is a reversible tool that operates by forward movements of the handle. The device has a rod with a hook in the form of a drill, which fits into the funnel of the handle along the thread, tightening the wire.
The cost of such a tool is higher than a manual one. But the screw tool makes it possible to cope with a wide range of work in a short time - in order to completely tighten the knot, it is enough to make only a couple of movements.
Builders who value every second choose an automatic hook (gun) for tying reinforcement. The operating principle of the gun is based on fully automatic rotation of the hook. This device is the most modern and advanced, allowing you to achieve maximum results and speed without large labor costs on the part of the builder.
Operating principle.
Buying such a hook for household purposes will not be justified: working with a gun requires a fairly large consumption of wire, and the cost of the device is high. But on large projects or when performing work that needs to be completed in an extremely short time, this option is ideal!
Do-it-yourself hook for tying reinforcement: device and drawings of a crochet hook
Builders with experience say that it does not matter what kind of reinforcement tying device a specialist uses when preparing the frame for concreting. Skill is important in this process, and therefore it is not worth spending money on expensive equipment. For a skilled installer, a regular hook for tying reinforcement will be sufficient.
Crochet hooks come in three types.
The simplest and cheapest tool, but at the same time it is very effective in experienced hands. Industrially, it is made from steel wire, bent at several points at the desired angle and sharpened into a cone. The rod rotates freely in the handle.
This form was developed over years of practice, and as it turns out, the simplest solutions are the most effective.
The semi-automatic hook has a thread inside the handle that allows the base to rotate when the tool is pulled toward itself. This design, with some skill, allows you to tie a knot in one movement.
A semi-automatic crochet hook for reinforcement significantly increases labor productivity when assembling frames.
This device is designed to perform large volumes of work by professional builders, but due to the large number of complaints, the automatic hook is not popular at construction sites. The main complaints are related to the following shortcomings:
- the automatic hook is too heavy and requires a lot of physical strength to operate it;
- for automatic knitting of the frame, you can only use a type of wire;
- when the rods are displaced relative to each other, the machine may misfire and not tie the wire in the right place;
- when preparing the machine for operation, a lot of time is spent installing the wire spool;
- the cost of the device is very high;
- You cannot use the machine in rainy weather.
Considering the impressive list of shortcomings, it becomes clear why builders abandon the mechanical method of tying reinforcement. In practice, if builders want to mechanize the process, they use a screwdriver and a homemade hook attachment.
To knit the reinforcement, use annealed wire with a diameter of 1.2 to 1.5 mm. With high tensile strength characteristics, this wire bends easily, making it easy for the installer to form a reliable knot.
Required materials and tools
To make your own hook for tying reinforcement, you will need the following tools and materials:
- electrode with a diameter of 4 mm or a steel rod, 4 mm thick;
- a piece of hose or a finished handle from another tool;
- grinder;
- vice.
There is no need to prepare a drawing for a mechanic, because... The design of a hand hook is quite simple; any worker can make it himself.
Instructions for making a hook
Factory-made products often cannot fully satisfy the needs of builders, especially when there is a large amount of work to be done on knitting the frame for the foundation. Let's look at how to make a hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands.
Hook for tying reinforcement: making a tool for knitting with your own hands
Reinforcement hook is a tool designed for tying reinforcement with special wire. Externally, it is a metal rod with a curved end, necessary for gripping the wire. There is a handle at the other end. You can buy a hook in a store or make it yourself . The second option is preferable, because factory-made products may have a thin rod or an awkward bend in the hook.
Depending on the work performed, a variety of tools :
- Simple hook. It consists of a curved rod with a curved hook. They are gripping the wire. On the other side there is a handle with a bearing built into it. Thanks to him, the tool rotates and the loop is tightened tightly.
- Screw hook. The principle of knitting wire is the same. But this hook for knitting reinforcement is a mechanized device. A worm gear is built into the design. Thanks to this, there is a forward movement of the hook during its rotation. The knitting speed increases significantly. But the cost of the product also increases. Therefore, it is used for large volumes of work.
- Guns for fastening. Such products are used in the case of tying reinforcement for large foundations of buildings, where there are thousands of nodes. The operation of the pistol is automated. It is threaded with a coil of wire. Once the reinforcement is aligned , the gun automatically forms a knot in the desired location. Then the excess wire is cut off. The disadvantage is the excessive consumption of material, but this is compensated by better tension. The knitting speed increases significantly. The device is expensive, so it is used only on large objects.
Making a tool from an electrode
You can make a crochet hook for reinforcement with your own hands from wire with a diameter of 4 mm. For this purpose, welding electrodes as they are the most durable.
The manufacturing procedure is as follows:
- A small loop is formed at one end of the wire. It will serve as a support for the handle. The loop is made carefully so that the end is rounded towards the rod. During work, this place should not cling to clothing.
- In the central part, the rod is bent at an angle of 30 degrees in the shape of a rocker arm.
- Several washers are threaded onto the rod until they stop with a loop. This place will fix the handle.
The handle can be made in different versions:
- Take 2 tubes, constituting 1/3 of the length of the rod. If the rod is 4 mm in diameter, then one of the tubes should have an internal diameter of 5-6 mm. It is put on a rod. The second tube should have a larger internal diameter. It is put on from above, and the entire system is riveted with a hammer.
- 1 tube is taken. Slides onto the rod. The washer is welded to the handle and rod for fixation.
- A handle with a hole for a rod is turned from dense wood on a lathe. Instead of wood, you can use a polymer pipe . A washer is welded for the stopper.
If you do not make a ring at the bottom, then you also need to weld a washer.
At the last stage, the opposite part from the electrode handle is sharpened into a cone shape . Using pliers it is wrapped. A hook is made for tying the reinforcement of such a length that it is convenient for them to work.
A tool for tying reinforcement can be made on the basis of a screwdriver . A pre-prepared hook of the required length and shape is inserted into the screwdriver chuck. The work process is the same as when knitting with a manual device. The main thing is to choose the right operating mode for the equipment. The main parameter is the rotation speed.
When using an automatic gun, knot tying occurs at a speed of 1 knot per second. There is no need to cut the wire ; it is cut automatically.
Crochet technology
Regardless of the type of device, the knitting technology is the same. The work is carried out according to the following scheme:
- The cut wire is folded in half.
- It is stretched under the intersection of the reinforcement.
- The free ends of the wire are crossed.
- The hook is pulled through the wire loop and hooks the loose ends.
- Rotational movements begin, during which the wire is wrapped.
- The hook is removed and the knot is checked for strength.
When checking the strength of the connection, the rigidity of the structure . She must be motionless.
The process of knitting with a screw product is the same. The difference lies in the finishing stage. When threading a hook into a loop, you do not need to wrap it yourself. Thanks to the worm mechanism, just pull the handle towards you and the rotational movements will begin automatically.
The wire material used is low carbon steel . To prevent rupture during knitting, it must be held over the fire. After cooling, it is ready for use. Its diameter can be 1 mm, 1.2 mm, 1.4 mm. Parameters are selected based on experience. A wire that is too thin will break, and a wire that is too thick will be difficult to work with.
When fastening reinforcement, it is expensive to use welding . A knitting device is the best option. It is easy to make it yourself from scrap materials. This device performs high-quality work and is inexpensive.
Hook for tying reinforcement
The vast majority of modern load-bearing structures are built from reinforced concrete. This material is almost ideal for such tasks, because it combines high strength, durability, resistance to external physical and atmospheric influences, etc.
Simple and screw hook for rebar
To create a monolithic reinforced concrete structure, concrete mortar must be poured into the formwork with a reinforcing cage. The main element in it is the reinforcement frame. Reinforcing cages are produced by connecting individual rods into a single structure, and during their fastening, reinforcement hooks are used. Let's talk about them now.
Purpose and features of the process
First, let's define what a hook does for tying reinforcement, and what task it faces.
As we noted above, a hook is used to knit rods together.
Knitting reinforcement means connecting individual elements together with a special knitting wire. The wire is made of hardened steel, can withstand enormous tensile loads and has a diameter of 1-2 mm.
The joints are tied with wire, assembling the frame as in a construction set. When knitting, our task is to form a working structure from individual rods, and make sure that it is strong enough to withstand the pressure of, for example, several tons of monolithic concrete.
After hardening, the frame is integrated into the concrete, forming the reinforced concrete we all know. But until that moment, these are two different designs .
Knitting reinforcement means doing a huge number of similar actions, consisting of tying rods in several dozen places with wire.
Knitting reinforcement
For example, if you need to make a frame for a column 2 meters high and with a cross-section of 30x30 cm, then for this you will need to purchase about 10-15 rods and assemble them together into a frame of similar sizes. The number of knots tied with wire in this case tends to several hundred.
Obviously, such work cannot be done with your own hands without tools. Not only will you get tired quickly, but the wire is also quite sharp, which can lead to minor injuries.
Tasks like these are the hooks that help us accomplish them.
They allow you to knit wire for reinforcement units quickly and efficiently, speeding up the work process, without exaggeration, several times. Production and speed increases, the quality of components increases, therefore, the quality of the entire structure improves, which is extremely important for load-bearing foundations. to menu
What does a hook for tying reinforcement consist of? Its design is very simple. It’s so simple that you can even make it yourself, and the production of models without additional functionality is on stream.
This, however, does not apply to advanced samples. The same automatic hook gun is a real professional tool, high-tech and expensive.
Let's look at a simple hook that you can make with your own hands if you wish. It consists of:
The handle is made of plastic or wood. Here it is not much different from the handle of a screwdriver, except that the shape is slightly different, since the hook is adapted for actions with a different rotational amplitude.
Hand hook for rebar
The rod has a diameter from 2 to 4 mm. It is made from the same metal as screwdrivers. The base of the rod is inclined from the central axis by 15-30 degrees. Its outermost part is crocheted even more tightly, its inclination is already approximately 60-70 degrees.
Hook for tying reinforcement
Construction activities are inextricably linked with the implementation of reinforcement works. Foundations and floors reinforced with reinforcement frames ensure reliability and long service life of buildings.
Reinforced concrete has an increased strength margin, is able to withstand significant loads and maintains its integrity for decades. To make a reliable spatial frame, a reinforcement hook is an indispensable tool.
It’s easy to make a hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands or use a purchased device.
For a small amount of concreting work, steel rods are laid in a formwork frame, which is filled with concrete mixture. However, when strengthening large foundation structures, a spatial frame is constructed from steel rods. The rods are evenly distributed throughout the entire space to be poured. This allows reinforced concrete to evenly absorb loads and increases the strength of building structures.
Tying reinforcement for the foundation using welding
The connection of individual elements of a reinforcing metal structure can be done in various ways:
- using electric welding. Despite the increased speed of fixation of parts of the reinforcing lattice, overheating of the material occurs in the connection zone, which disrupts its crystalline structure and can cause the formation of cracks under the influence of load. Welded areas are also more susceptible to corrosion processes, which negatively affect the strength and durability of the metal structure;
- using special clamps made of elastic plastic. They can significantly reduce the duration of knitting activities, but have a serious drawback. Plastic loses its strength properties in the cold season. This is the reason for the weakening of individual sections of the joint and the rupture of clamps when moving along the reinforcing grid;
- using hooks for tying reinforcement. This is a fairly simple fixation method with an increased degree of reliability. To complete the work, you need to cut the wire in the required quantity. To assemble the lattice, a special knitting wire is used, which is used to tighten the rods at the intersection areas. To simplify fixation, a hook for reinforcement is used - a knitting tool with a simple principle of operation.
Professional builders use various knitting devices when carrying out reinforcement measures. This is the optimal solution. For small frames, they use a self-made hook for knitting reinforcement, and for increased knitting volumes, they use special guns.
Crochet hooks for reinforcement - types of tools
Various types of devices are used to bind steel blanks of a spatial frame:
- manual. Requires significant effort to ensure fixation. It is easy to make such a device yourself, spending a minimum of money;
- semi-automatic. Using industrially manufactured screw devices, you can facilitate the tying operation and speed up the process of assembling the load-bearing frame;
Crochet hooks for reinforcement
- automatic. The use of a professional gun allows you to speed up the process of joining metal rods when performing fixation on an industrial scale.
Let us dwell in detail on the features of each type of knitting tool.
Various types of hand tools are used:
- a tool made independently from an electrode or steel wire;
- ready-made devices purchased in construction stores.
To perform fixation, you must first cut the wire into pieces of the required size. Depending on the skill of the knitter, within a minute you can fix from 5 to 15 sections of the connection.
Advantages of hand tools:
- ease of performing binding operations;
- the possibility of making it yourself;
- insignificant level of production or purchase costs.
Hook for tying reinforcement VOREL 49830
Along with the advantages, there are also weaknesses:
- reduced productivity of knitting operations;
- increased level of effort for twisting the wire.
Professional builders often use a self-made or purchased knitting hook for reinforcement, which provides an increased degree of reliability of the connection.
A special device with a reverse operating principle allows you to speed up and automate the twisting process. At first glance, it looks like a standard manual device, but differs in the presence of a screw mechanism consisting of the following parts:
- plastic handle with internal screw thread;
- working body with a screw thread on the rod.
When assembled, these elements form a mechanism with a reciprocating principle of operation. The reversible device works quite simply - moving the handle causes rotation of the working element on which the wire loop is put.
Advantages of the reversible device:
- increased wire binding performance;
- Possibility of use in areas with limited access;
Automatic hook for tying reinforcement
- ease of knitting operations;
- durability of the device with regular lubrication.
The device has the only drawback - its increased price when compared with the cost of a conventional hand tool.
Using a reversible tool, the knitter can perform an increased amount of work without getting tired. The screw device is superior in efficiency to the manual device when it is necessary to manually pull and twist the wire ends. Without reinstalling the working hook, by cyclically moving the handle you can achieve reliable fastening.
Procedure for using the device:
- Insert the hook of the tool into the twisted loop.
- Pull the handle towards you along the working axis.
- Return the handle to the starting position.
- Perform the next movement cycle.
You can also make your own semi-automatic tightening device using a regular screwdriver. You will need a bent nail without a head or an L-shaped rod, the end of which must be inserted into the tool chuck. With a little practice, it is not difficult to master the principles of operation using this device.
Professional hook for fittings - use a gun
A knitting gun is a professional tool that is used on large construction sites. Using an automatic hook for tying pistol-type reinforcement, even a beginner can easily handle the assembly of a large reinforcement cage.
The knitting gun is a professional tool
Advantages of a professional device:
- there is no need to pre-cut the wire into blanks;
- wire is automatically fed from the working drum;
- material savings are achieved due to the absence of wire waste;
- increased pistol performance;
- increased loop tightening force;
- possibility of adjusting the twisting force and wire length.
Among the main advantages, it is necessary to note the possibility of autonomous operation from a battery, as well as the use of a special extension cord, which allows you to perform work while standing, without bending your body. The design of the device allows you to hold it in one hand, while the other hand supports the steel rods without the help of assistants. The duration of tightening the joint does not exceed one second. This is very convenient when performing work on an industrial scale.
Along with the advantages, there are also weaknesses:
- quite high price of a professional pistol;
- increased costs for purchasing special wire;
- inconvenience of use in confined spaces;
- the need to train knitters in how to work with the tool.
It is important to purchase consumables that correspond in cross-sectional size and rigidity to the characteristics of the gun. Otherwise, equipment damage may occur. The gun is used by professionals when assembling the frames of large foundations. And at the same time, in certain places of the grille, fastening can only be done using hand tools.
Knitting gun BM-400
We make a device for tying reinforcement with our own hands
Craftsmen who have been assembling reinforcement frames for a long time prefer homemade tools. This is due to a number of factors:
- If you manufacture it yourself, the device can be equipped with a handle in a form convenient for the hand. This will increase productivity and ensure operating comfort;
- To manufacture the working grip on your own, special grades of steel can be used. Durable material will not bend under loads;
- it is easy to give the working body the required shape and make it, if necessary, in an increased size. This is convenient for working in hard-to-reach areas.
It’s easy to make a regular hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands.
Various options are possible:
- without handle. The simplified design involves the use of a welding electrode;
- with handle. Such a device is not inferior in quality to those manufactured in industrial conditions.
To make a simplified design, you need a welding electrode, a hammer and pliers. Procedure:
- Remove the coating.
- Step back a couple of centimeters from one edge and bend it at a right angle.
- Form a rectangular holder with dimensions of 4x10 cm.
- Sharpen the working part and give it a cone shape.
We knit reinforcement for the ceiling with our own hands
The manufacturing process will take no more than 10 minutes.
The design with a wooden handle is more convenient to use and can be made in a couple of hours . For assembly you will need:
- steel wire with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 0.4 m;
- wood blank for making a handle;
- washers and nuts corresponding to the diameter of the rod;
- electric welding;
- pliers;
- Bulgarian;
- electric drill;
- a sheet of sandpaper;
- sharp knife.
Assembly algorithm:
- Make a handle.
- Drill a hole in it.
- Sand the surface.
- Weld the nut to the end of the rod.
Do-it-yourself crochet hook from rebar
- Put the washer on and insert it into the handle hole.
- Install the washer and weld the next nut.
- Give the end of the rod the required configuration and sharpen the edge.
- Cover the handle with varnish or soak it with an antiseptic.
After making several connections, check the functionality of the device. If necessary, bend the wire part.
How to crochet reinforcement - fixation technology
For all types of knitting devices, the technology for performing the work is simple. Tying work is carried out on the basis of the drawing after completion of preparatory activities and installation of vertical rods. The proven method of fixation performed with one loop is widely used.
Crochet reinforcement with one loop
Before starting tying work, you should cut the wire with a cross-section of 1.2 mm into pieces of 20–30 cm in the required quantity. Further procedure:
- Wrap the wire folded in 2 layers around the knot, placing it diagonally.
- Insert the hook into the formed loop and hook the other end of the wire with it.
- Insert the ends of the wire captured on the other side into the loop.
Rotate the working tool, controlling the degree of tightening of the connection. All that remains is to remove the working part of the grip from the loop and you can proceed to the next joint.
When planning to assemble a reinforcement frame yourself, you should choose the right knitting tool for the job and study the technology. By doing the work on your own, you can master the skills of doing knitting work and save financial resources.
Making the right hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands: Tips +
In recent years, technologies associated with the use of monolithic structures have become increasingly popular in the construction of private and apartment buildings and commercial buildings.
To give them strength and resistance to stress, before pouring concrete, a special metal base is formed inside. The reinforcing bars are tied together with steel binding wire using a special hook.
Such a tool is sold in any hardware store, or you can make a hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands.
Why knit if you have a welding machine?
The use of welding when assembling large-volume frames is not welcomed by specialists in the field of monolithic construction. As a rule, such an effect on reinforcement bars accelerates the corrosion process and also deteriorates the quality of the iron. In addition, welding significantly increases the time and cost of reinforcement.
Types of crochet hooks
The binding process involves the use of thin steel wire, cut into pieces, to securely fix the intersections of the reinforcing strips. Today, manufacturers offer three types of ready-made crochet hooks for making armored belts: manual, screw and mechanical.
Hand hook
The simplest hook consists of a handle to which is attached a metal rod with a bend at the end. It easily grips the binding wire. The hook rod rotates around its axis, thus creating nodes that fasten the reinforcement frame.
A simple crochet hook is suitable for both beginners and experienced builders when working on small projects. Its advantage is that working with it allows you to quickly understand the tying algorithm and understand the required level of tension in the twists. The process can be viewed on the Internet. Additionally, the hand hook is affordable and quite durable when used properly.
Semi-automatic hook
This tool also consists of a handle and a rod. Unlike the manual one, the screw one is equipped with a drill-shaped hook. With forward movements of the handle, it is screwed into it, simultaneously tightening the wire into the knot. To make a high-quality twist, the master will need two or three movements. This allows you to complete reinforcement work with a semi-automatic hook in a shorter time.
Buy or make a hook?
There is no point in purchasing an automatic hook for home use. It is expensive and designed for large volumes of wire.
DIY crochet hook
Often, factory-made crochet hooks do not fully satisfy the needs of builders performing reinforcement. This is because their rods may have an incorrect bend.
It happens that the length of the working surface is too short and does not allow making a knot in a hard-to-reach place. In such cases, a homemade crochet hook is twisted.
We make the right construction hook with our own hands. Materials
To make hooks, specialists use electrodes for welding machines, or less often, a piece of steel wire at least 4 mm thick.
There is no need to create drawings; you only need the following materials:
- - trowel handle, piece of hose or roller handle
- - electrode or 4 mm wire
- - sharpener
- We make a handle from the hose for the future hook, or use the handle from a trowel/roller.
- We insert the rod (electrode or wire) into the hole in the handle or into a piece of hose and fix it with epoxy resin.
- After the epoxy has dried, bend the rod 90 degrees at a distance of 5 cm from the handle.
The correct bend resembles a rocker arm.
- We bend the end of the rod in an arcuate manner.
- We sharpen the sharp part of the electrode with a sharpener or a file.
HELPFUL HINT: If instead of a handle you attach the end of a homemade hook to a screwdriver, then you will get a semi-automatic hook made by yourself
Crochet reinforcement. Technology
The process of knitting reinforcement for constructing a foundation, flight of stairs or screed differs only in the type of crochet hook. The technology of knot twisting itself does not change. It is usually recommended to immediately cut the steel wire into pieces of 30-40 cm. Experienced craftsmen first make several test knots to clearly see how long a piece of wire is required. This way the wire consumption will be minimal.
HELPFUL ADVICE: If you come across heavy bending wire, you can warm it up over a fire for 30 minutes, let it cool, and then get to work.
Stages of tying reinforcement
- — cutting steel wire for workpieces
- - folding the workpiece in half and turning it around the intersection of the rods
- - gripping the ends of the wire with a hook through the loop of the workpiece
- — 2-3 rotational movements to obtain a knot
- - neat crochet twist tightening
- — checking the assembly (we move the reinforcement bars - they should fit tightly to each other)
The whole process is very simple. But before you try, it’s better to study photos of the creation of reinforcing structures.
Hook for tying reinforcement - types, manufacturing methods and use
The connection of metal reinforcing bars into a frame for concrete structures in private housing construction occurs using the knitting method. To assemble the reinforcing frame, a special device in the form of a small hook is used. Let's look further at how to make a hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands and how to work with it correctly.
Methods of knitting reinforcement
Before choosing a specific method, you should know that the strength of the connection should ensure the stability of the frame only during concrete pouring. The presence of spiral protrusions on the surface of the reinforcement greatly simplifies the process - you just need to press the rods tightly against each other and they automatically interlock.
How can you fix the reinforcement?
Knitting fiberglass reinforcement
Using electric welding
This method is now almost never used on construction sites, but about 40 years ago it was the main method; this was the only way frames were made at industrial enterprises for reinforced concrete structures. Welding ensured adequate strength for the large reinforcing chords. They were prepared in a separate workshop and then transported to the filling line.
Welding reinforcement
Knitting with wire did not provide rigidity; often the rods were displaced from their original position. As a result, marriage appears.
But this method has several significant drawbacks.
- Firstly, you need to keep a welding machine and long cables at your workplace, which makes the work much more complicated; you have to drag them between fittings, untangle them, etc.
- Secondly, there is a high risk of damage to the protective insulation of cables from the sharp ends of the rods, and this is extremely dangerous for the life of the welder.
- Thirdly, not all construction sites have electricity.
Using tying wire
Knitting can be done manually, semi-automatically or automatically. The last option is used only by professional builders who constantly perform this operation. The manual method using ordinary hooks can be considered the simplest and most accessible. As for the knitting speed, it depends not so much on the tools and devices, but on the professionalism of the worker.
Knitting reinforcement
It is the second method that we will dwell on in more detail; industrial options have nothing to do with individual developers.
Portal users share their experience of tying reinforcement cages manually and using electric tools
How and with what to tie the reinforcement? At first glance, it seems that the answer to this question is simple. We take a soft annealed knitting wire, a hook and get to work. But the experience of users of our portal suggests that even in such a simple matter there are a lot of nuances, starting from the choice of wire diameter and ending with the method of binding. However, these “little things” directly affect the speed of work and final costs. So, from this article you will learn:
- Is it profitable to tie a reinforcement cage with a battery-powered knitting gun?
- How to make a homemade hook for tying reinforcement.
- How to learn to crochet reinforcement.
Do-it-yourself hook for tying reinforcement: How to make it yourself? +
A hook designed for knitting reinforcement is a device for fastening reinforcing bars together. Knitting reinforcement using a hook is a very simple process.
This is the most effective method, since it does not require special skills and knowledge, as is the case with welding. There is also no need to buy expensive equipment. The only device you need is a hook for tying reinforcement.
This simple tool can be purchased at any hardware store, and if you wish, you can learn how to make crochet hooks yourself.
One of the types of execution of a simple hook
A crochet hook significantly reduces the labor intensity of the process of forming a solid object from twigs. Metal frames are used when pouring concrete into walls, foundations, etc. The reinforcement is knitted using soft wire, which is highly flexible and durable.
Using special knitting wire
To quickly and reliably make the strapping, a special baked steel wire of round section with a diameter of 0.8 to 1.2 mm is used to fasten the reinforcing elements. It bends easily, fits tightly to the joint, and stretches well (that is, it does not tear when knitting).
When working with such material, the knitter does not require any special skills. This method is successfully used both for tying the reinforcement of a reinforced concrete monolithic slab and for the reinforcing frame of any foundation.
How to quickly knit reinforcement, what materials, tools and equipment will be required for this.
Methods and schemes for tying reinforcement with wire
There are two ways to fix reinforcing bars: manual and automated.
The manual method uses four types of tools:
- Pliers;
- Hook (simple and reversible);
- Screwdriver with attachment.
Using pliers is not very convenient. Therefore, they are rarely used and only for assembling small frames. Crochet is used more often. This simple device, with some skill, helps to quickly connect steel rods.
There is an improved modification of the simple hook (reversible). Its basis is a screw that rotates when the handle is pulled back.
By combining a hook with a screwdriver, home craftsmen have created another convenient device for fixing steel rods in a frame.
Automated knitting is performed with a so-called pistol. This is a rather complex and expensive device used at large facilities. Its performance is such that tying one knot occurs in 1 second.
The device is equipped with a compartment in which a spool of wire is installed. The working body of the gun delivers it to the fittings and ties it into a knot.
Let's consider the main methods of connecting reinforcement for the foundation. Experienced builders practice four main methods of tying reinforcement to assemble various frames and meshes:
- welding of fittings;
- tying reinforcement with wire;
- overlapping reinforcement connection
- mechanical connection of reinforcement using steel couplings.
All methods have their pros and cons. When building small houses, the installation of a reinforcement frame using welding or knitting reinforcement using wire is most often used.
Comparing these two methods is not entirely correct, since these are different technologies, but there are still situations when choosing between these methods will help save time and money, without harming the strength of the structure.
Connecting reinforcement by welding is one of the most effective methods, but the use of this type of connection of reinforcement is not always appropriate. Most often it is used for the installation of large frames for multi-story buildings and heavy brick cottages.
Disadvantages of connecting reinforcement using welding:
- professional skills are required or you will have to resort to the services of a welder, which will significantly affect the cost of the structure;
- reduction in the strength of reinforcement products at welding points;
- not possible to use, for example, one of the most popular classes of reinforcement A-400 (A-III) cannot be connected by welding, it will not be possible to weld fiberglass reinforcement;
- the possibility of damage to joints during concrete compaction with vibrators.
How to knit reinforcement with your own hands: devices and methods
Tying reinforcement for the foundation is an important stage in the construction of a building. How long the structure will stand depends on the quality and strength of the frame. Therefore, you need to pay maximum attention to this process, as well as purchase high-quality components.
Mating is a lengthy task, although not very difficult. Especially a lot of time will be spent on the reinforcing belt of the slab foundation. There, the number of intersection points is in the hundreds or even thousands. And each such intersection requires fixation, which means it needs to be knitted. And often twice.
There will be more work with a slab foundation
Things will go faster when installing a strip or pile foundation. In this case, when building a bathhouse, you can get by with several hundred tying points, although it all depends on the size of the building and its layout.
You can, of course, hire a crew, but they will ask for a considerable amount. Knitting the foundation yourself will save you a lot of money.
Now about where to knit. There are two options - immediately on site on the foundation. In the case of a slab foundation, this is probably the only possible way: the volumes are too large. For a strip or pile frame, you can tie a frame on a site, table, special stand, etc., and then install it in a trench or pile.
Wire for knitting
To connect rods in low-rise construction, annealed low-carbon steel wire is used. It is also called “knitting” wire. Its quality and parameters are regulated: all characteristics must comply with GOST 3282-74.
For low-rise construction, wire with a diameter of 1.0 -1.4 mm is needed. Experts believe that the best option is 1.2 mm or 1.4 mm. The millimeter one is too weak and often breaks; the larger diameter one is difficult to rotate.
Regular annealed wire is dark in color. There is also a light one - it is galvanized. The protective coating greatly increases corrosion resistance without affecting flexibility and elasticity. It costs more, but the reliability of the binding, together with the quality of the reinforcement and concrete, determines the reliability of the entire foundation. So this is a case where you need to take the best.
Wire for tying reinforcement can be sold in coils or already cut
Unannealed wire is produced. It costs less, but its ductility and strength are lower, and it breaks more often. So it’s better to take one that has undergone heat treatment.
One connection requires from 25 to 50 cm of wire. Having cut a piece of a given length, it is folded in half and used in this form. The larger the diameter of the rod, the longer the piece of wire needed for knitting. For reinforcement 10 mm is 25 cm, for 12 mm 30 cm is enough, for 14 mm 35-40 mm is required.
Longer sections are needed in those places where three rods have to be connected. And there are many such places. Here you will need 50 cm sections.
They sell wire in coils, or already cut into pieces of a certain length. Sliced packages can be of different weights - from 0.5 kg to 10 kg and more.
Devices for tying reinforcement
How easy and fast the knitting will be depends on the tool you use. You can twist the reinforcement by hand, but it is difficult and time-consuming. There are various devices for this. Simple and more complex.
The most widely used are various hooks. There are quite a few of them in stores; they are made independently from any piece of wire of a suitable diameter.
Hooks for tying reinforcement have different lengths, handles and shapes
There are simple ones, with straight or curved steel handles. They differ in the angle of bend of the handle, the shape of the hook, and its size. How to decide which is more convenient? Just try to work. No other way.
There are mechanical hooks - they have a spiral built into the handle. There is no need to rotate them when knitting. Just pull up. The handle slides along the screw groove, turning the hook. Watch the video to see how it works.
There is a special tool in which pliers and a mechanical hook are connected. Thicker single wire can be used for knitting with them. It is placed under the intersection of the reinforcement bars and inserted into the pliers. They are clamped in the clamp, the excess wire is bitten off. The next step is to pull the handle a few times. The pliers begin to rotate, tightening the knot. Such a device costs $40-60. How much you need it - decide for yourself.
Mechanical handle pliers
There are other ticks. Also special for knitting, but they are rotated by hand. You don’t need a lot of turns here - the pliers allow you to grab the wire close to the reinforcement and only make one or two turns.
They differ from ordinary ones in the shape of the cutting part - they must hold the wire. Professional knitters on construction sites work using just such a tool. They say that with pliers, tying goes twice as fast as with a hook and a gun. There are two more advantages:
- No need to cut the wire. It is wound into small skeins, which are held in the left hand.
- There is no overspending: “tails” of a few millimeters remain. This is important for large volumes. Special pliers are used when knitting the reinforcing belt. They have a different shape of sponges: they hold the wire
Believe it or not - it's up to you. But it looks amazing.
Devices for automating knitting are available for sale. These are the so-called knitting guns. They are “charged” by wire and run on batteries. All human involvement consists of bringing the gun to the joint and pressing the trigger guard. A second or two, and the gun will wind several turns around the intersection of the bars and make a knot.
Buying such a gun to tie one foundation is an unjustified waste of money. They are rarely purchased even by those who do this professionally. Their cost is considerable: no less than $500.
How to knit reinforcement for a foundation
Procedure for crocheting reinforcement
Since a hook is most often used when tying reinforcement, we will tell you how to use it. Cut pieces of knitting wire of the required length are folded in half and slightly bent (about a third of the length is bent). Push the bent side under the joint (diagonally).
A hook is inserted into the resulting loop; the free ends, which are on the other side, are also placed on the hook and bent. Now they begin to rotate, twisting the turns and tightening the connection (clockwise or counterclockwise - depend on the situation, do what is more convenient).
When the knot approaches the reinforcement, the hook is simply removed.
Here you need to decide how tightly to tighten the knot. You can’t overtighten—the wire will burst, and you can’t allow the reinforcement to dangle. It should fit snugly. The knot should not be on the side, but clearly above the intersection. Therefore, hold the hook above the cross.
There is a little trick that will allow you to pull the rods well together and secure them. Approximately before the last two or three turns, the hook must be pulled towards you with force, stretching the wire. And with tension make the last turns. Due to its elasticity, the wire stretches a little, the knot becomes tighter, and the reinforcement is well tightened.
Another note - the length of the twist should not be long. You can get 3-5 turns. This will be enough to make the connection strong.
There is another way to knit reinforcement. They differ only in the way they fix the free end on the hook: put the wire a little behind the hook and start twisting. The one described first seems to be the most convenient. In the sense that one hand remains free, it can be used to hold the reinforcement.
The knot should be exactly above the junction of the reinforcement bars
After you have removed the loop, bend all the ends under the connection - this way they will not interfere, and you will not get hurt or tear your clothes during further work.
Tying reinforcement with a screwdriver
There is no process that our people will not try to modernize in their own way. So knitting reinforcement is much faster using a conventional screwdriver. The hook is pre-made, fixed in the holder, and the lowest rotation speed is set.
The procedure is the same as when using a regular hook. Only after you have secured the free ends of the wire to the hook, turn on the screwdriver for a couple of moments. After tightening the loop, turn off the tool and remove it from the hook. With practice, you can do one knitting per second.
Knitting with plastic clamps
You can tie the reinforcement with mounting plastic clamps. They are also inserted under the connection diagonally, the end is threaded into the latch and tightened. Everything happens quickly.
But how durable the connection using plastic clamps will be is a question. Most likely, nothing will harm the plastic in the screed: it is chemically neutral. But, it has a decent elongation factor. That is, under prolonged static load it will stretch. The rods will begin to “walk”, which can lead to destruction of the screed. Combined with the fact that the clamps are more expensive (albeit not much), this option does not look so attractive.
How to make a hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands
You don't have to buy a hook. You can easily make it yourself, and you can choose all the sizes “to suit you”, make it as convenient for you.
Thick steel wire with a diameter of 4 mm or more is suitable. For example, an electrode can be used.
Bend a circle at one end of it. The handle will rest against it. Just make a circle. If you just bend it, it will be inconvenient: you will constantly cling to your sleeves. So try and bend it well so that the edge rests on the rod.
Bend the rod itself approximately in the middle at an angle of 30 degrees. You should get something similar to a rocker arm. String two or three washers onto the rod, pull them to the ring - they will fix the handle.
Options for homemade hooks for frames
You make the handle itself. There are several options:
- Two tubes are needed. One is slightly larger in diameter than your rod (4 mm requires an internal diameter of 5-6 mm). The second one is even bigger. Their length is a third of the entire hook or a little more. You insert one into the other and rivet their ends with a hammer.
- Weld washers on both sides of the tube, the inner diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the rod.
- Turn a handle from wood on a lathe. But you need to take dense wood - pine or spruce will not work - they will wear out quickly.
- Use a piece of polymer pipe. The stopper at the bottom is a welded washer or nut.
- Your option.
Place the finished handle on the rod and weld a lock washer to prevent the handle from rolling down.
Now we make the hook itself. Use a grinder to sharpen the end of the rod into a cone. There is no need to make it sharp, just slightly rounded. Then use pliers to bend it into a crochet hook. That's it, your instrument is ready. You can start working.
You will need to experiment with the angle and length of the hook itself - choose the one that is convenient for you. Some people find it convenient to use a short, steeply curved hook, while others find it better to work with one bent at a slight angle, but of great length. In general, try it. The main condition is that he should not break the wire. Then the connection will be reliable.
There are many ways to tie reinforcement to a foundation with your own hands. The matter is long, but not the most difficult. Choose the method that is more convenient for you, as there will be a lot of work.
DIY hook for tying reinforcement
If the construction of any building is planned, then in any case the question will arise about the need to build a foundation.
Most often, such a base requires reinforcement, which improves the strength characteristics and strengthens the concrete mixture, making the structure stable and reliable. The reinforcement can be made either by welding or by hand.
In the latter case, you need a special device that you can make yourself. This article will tell you how to make a hook for tying reinforcement with your own hands.
What is a hook for tying reinforcement and its types
To knit reinforcement with your own hands, special tools are used. One type of such tool is a special hook. It is quite convenient and easy for them to tighten the wire connecting the reinforcement structure. Usually the hook has a certain shape and is made of metal, and for ease of handling it is equipped with a handle. It can also be purchased at building materials stores, but it’s easier to do it yourself, knowing the features of the tool’s shape.
There are several types of hook for tying reinforcement:
- A simple device (homemade or purchased);
- Screw;
- Semi-automatic.
A separate type of device for tying reinforcement is a special device in the form of a gun. With its help, you can quickly make a reinforcement cage, since the knitting speed with such a tool is up to 1 knot per second.
In this case, there is no need to cut the wire into separate pieces; the device itself cuts the ends and makes the knot in the required place. In addition, the presence of a battery makes it mobile. An automatic hook for reinforcement is most needed by professional builders who often have to perform work related to the installation of reinforcement structures.
Homemade hook
A hook made by yourself can be used for small volumes of work, since it is difficult to do large volumes with such a device.
Making your own hook that is optimally suited to the specific parameters of the future fittings is quite simple. To do this, you can use a regular welding electrode, the thickness of which should be at least 4 mm. You can use other material, the main thing is that it is elastic and soft enough.
To create such a device you need to stock up on:
- A steel rod, the length of which is 15-20 cm, and the cross-sectional diameter is from 5 to 6 mm;
- Two hex nuts, as well as two washers, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the reinforcement and can fit tightly onto the rod;
- The handle is from an old screwdriver or roller.
Nuts and washers are used to secure the handle on the rod to prevent it from loosening during operation. In this case, the handle around the rod should rotate freely and without obstacles. The second side of the rod must be sharpened; it is bent as shown in the pictures.
Knitting with such a convenient tool is simple and quick, yet it is quite durable, and anyone can make it.
Screw hook
It is easier to purchase such a tool in a specialized store than to make it yourself. In a way, it is also semi-automatic, since its handle ensures the rotation of the tip thanks to its special device. At the same time, forward movements of the hook occur.
If you pull it towards you, the wire is tightened by turning the tip. In this case, no great effort is required, and the reinforcement is knitted quickly. This tool is very convenient and easy to use, but it is not cheap and its purchase is justified for large volumes of work.
Semi-automatic devices
One of the options for self-manufacturing a semi-automatic tool for working with reinforcement can be considered a hook, which is a nail with a cut off head and a corner bent according to a certain principle, which is inserted into a screwdriver.
A hook made in this style is quite convenient and easy to use, and also ensures quick work.
Knitting technique
When using a simple homemade crochet hook, the knitting technique involves the following steps:
- The wire, which will be the fastening element, is cut into pieces of 30 - 40 cm;
- Each piece is folded in half and applied to the intersection of the rods. Apply from below, slightly lifting the edge of the wire;
- The end of the hook is threaded into the resulting loop, and the second end is bent on the back side of the tool;
- Then, holding the tool firmly in the hand, they perform a circular rotation, which causes the rods to twist among themselves;
- After the number of turns necessary for fixation, the hook is pulled out.
Important! Tying the reinforcement too tightly can break the wire.
Knitting with a screw hook is performed in the same way, but instead of rotating, the handle is pulled towards itself, which activates the rotation mechanism of the hook.
Attention! With high quality knitting, the reliability of the screed is checked by shaking sections of the reinforcement structure relative to each other. It is necessary to exclude their movement.
Some features
Low carbon steel is best for tying. It is difficult to deform, and if necessary, it can be annealed, which will improve the properties of the material. To ensure an optimal level of flexibility, the diameter of the wire is chosen to be about 1.5 cm. Too thin and it will quickly break, and thicker will not be able to bend as necessary.
A convenient and simple tool that is not so difficult to make with your own hands - a hook for tying reinforcement - will help you quickly and effortlessly make the necessary structure, which will improve the strength and wear resistance of the foundation. At the same time, the durability and reliability of the house will be improved.
You can understand the principle of operation and gain some experience in practice only if you try to tie the reinforcement with your own hands using a hook. This simple and interesting process will become even more amazing and exciting if you use an independent device. Having decided to tie the reinforcement in this way, you should choose the type of crochet hook, depending on the parameters of the future design.
Crochet hook for reinforcement. We knit correctly!
Those who have at least once in their life encountered the manufacture of a strip foundation or other reinforced concrete structures know what a painstaking and tedious job tying reinforcement with wire can be. To facilitate and speed up this work, special devices were invented - hooks for tying reinforcement. They will be discussed in this article.
A hook for tying reinforcement is needed to make a frame by tying with overlapping wire the joints of vertical and horizontal reinforcement. The result is a rigid frame ready for concrete pouring. Welding in this case is undesirable, due to changes in the structure of the metal in places of heating, which leads to a loss of its strength.
Some may say that they can tie wire with pliers. Yes, good old pliers can accomplish this task, but only if there are about twenty twists. With a larger number of connections, the knitting process itself will take a lot of time and effort. Simply put, your fingers and hands will get tired. This is where a crochet hook comes to the rescue.
How to make a hook for tying reinforcement?
This is the most uncomplicated tool. It is so simple that you can make it yourself if you wish. To do this you will need: a piece of reinforcement about 6 mm thick and 26 mm long. First, the distance for the handle is measured - it is about 10 cm. Next, we bend the reinforcement at a right angle.
We retreat 4 cm and bend it 90° again, but only in the other direction. In place of the handle we put a nut and washer, slightly larger in diameter than the fittings, and bring them to the first bend.
Next, for ease of rotation, we put on a pre-prepared piece of metal tube that rotates freely on the fittings.
To prevent this handle from falling out, we fix it with a washer and nut. It turns out to be something like a bracelet. We bend the other edge a little and sharpen it. It turned out to be a simple hook for tying reinforcement for small jobs.
For those who don’t want to look for something and are tormented, you can purchase for little money a ready-made hook that is more suitable for such types of work. The advantage of a store-bought one over a homemade one is a more comfortable handle and the quality of the metal of the working part. The shape of homemade and purchased ones is almost the same.
How to crochet reinforcement
1) Cut pieces of wire about 30 cm long (the length depends on the thickness of the reinforcement).
2) Fold the wire in half.
3) Make a bend around the finger, stepping back a third of the length from the loop.
4) Next, we push the bend under the joint of the reinforcement and insert the hook into the loop.
5) Grab the second end of the wire with the tip of the hook and make rotational movements.
6) With each turn, the wire tightens and tightly grips the crossbar of the reinforcement. It is very important not to pinch the wire so as not to break it.
7) Pull the hook out of the loop and bend the protruding part along the reinforcement. When tightened, the reinforcement should not move freely at the connection point.
Types of hooks for tying reinforcement
There are two types of hooks for tying reinforcement manually - simple and screw. Also, for large volumes of knitting, use a homemade hook clamped into a screwdriver or drill. And a special, professional pistol will do this job as quickly as possible.
Screw hook
Its design is a little more complicated than the first one. It’s unlikely to be possible to do this on your own. It consists of a handle with a rotating mechanism, which, when the hook is pulled up, causes the working part to rotate. Something like a spinning top. The principle of operation is approximately the same, only it is not the outer part that rotates, but the inner one.
The tip of the hook has the usual shape. Wire blanks are made the same as for a simple hook. It is very important to ensure that the ends of the wire catch on the hook at the moment of rotation.
Knitting with a screw hook is much easier than usual, since you don’t need to rotate your hand, which is why it most often gets tired.
Knitting gun
This is the easiest way to connect reinforcement with wire. Here the tip of the gun works like a shuttle, throwing the wire and evenly making identical loops. There are both battery-powered and mains-powered pistols.
The time of one connection is 1 piece per second. Due to this, the performance of the rebar tying gun reaches maximum speed compared to other methods.
The disadvantages of the pistol include:
1) Availability of an electrical network for connecting or charging the battery.
2) High cost of the device.
3) Wire of the same diameter is used.
4) A rather complex wire feed mechanism that requires maintenance and, if necessary, qualified repairs.
Knitting reinforcement with a screwdriver
Another option is a mechanized hook, a drill or a screwdriver with an attachment. In this case, the hook can be a nail with a bitten off head and a curved sharp end.
The advantage of this method is that it is not your hands that rotate the hook, but an electric motor, and this makes the work easier.
It should be noted that the power tool must be powerful enough to twist the wire.
Additional Tips
1) Due to the fact that the reinforcement has different thicknesses, it is advisable to experiment with different lengths of wire to choose the best option. The length that will curl sufficiently and not leave long tails is the best for blanks.
2) At the beginning of twisting, the revolutions are made faster until the wire is stretched and only then, slowly press it so that it does not break.
3) The strength of the connections is checked not by twisting the twists, but by the absence of play between the reinforcements.
Each method discussed in the article has its pros and cons, but they are all effective and efficient. With the right choice of hook and tying wire, as well as some skills in crocheting, your foundation will be strong and durable without cracks or breaks.
Hook for tying reinforcement – Home insulation school
Foundation insulationHook for tying reinforcement
Tying reinforcement is one of the key actions when laying the foundation of any building. In addition, reinforced frames are widely used in the construction of swimming pools and other objects. Creating a high-quality frame from reinforcement bars requires the same reliable tools. To solve this problem, a special hook is used for tying reinforcement.
Hook for tying reinforcement
What characteristics this item should have, how to use it, and what models have currently gained popularity among craftsmen, you will learn from this article. So let's start with the basics.
Prices for various models of hooks for tying reinforcement
Depending on what type of product you plan to purchase, the cost of the latter will vary. Naturally, simple models will be the cheapest. Mechanized hooks will cost a little more, and the most expensive will be professional devices, also known as guns for tying reinforcement. In the table below we will look at all three categories of tools, compare their prices and technical characteristics.
Model name | Specifications | Product cost |
Hook for fastening reinforced mesh SIBRTECH |
| 134 rub. |
Hook for fastening reinforced mesh SIBRTECH 84879 |
| 220 rub. |
Hook for connecting reinforcing bars, mechanized SPARTA 848805 |
| 630 rub. |
Mechanized hook for tying reinforcement KA300 |
| 800 rub. |
Gun for tying reinforcement RT 308 GROST |
| RUR 38,790 |
Gun for tying reinforcement RB655 MAX |
| RUB 148,000 |
The principle of operation of a hook for tying reinforcement
Regardless of what type of hook for tying reinforcement will be used in the work, one technology is used to create the frame, which is easy to implement. The main thing is to choose the right consumables, but we will consider this point below.
To tie the reinforcement bars, you will need a special wire, which is cut into pieces. Their length is usually from 30 to 40 cm. These are the most common indicators, but the calculation of this parameter always depends on the thickness of the reinforcement section.
Important! Before starting, it will be useful to try tying a few test knots. This will help you choose the optimal length of wire with which you can create strong frame meshes. Then cut the existing wire into pieces of the required length.
Knitting a reinforcing belt using hooks is carried out according to a simple pattern. What steps should you take:
- Fold the tie wire in half.
- Pass the folded piece under the cross, in other words, the fastening knot.
- Cross the loop with the free ends.
- Insert the end of the hook into the wire loop and hook onto the free ends.
- Start the usual rotational movements, with the help of which the wire will be wrapped.
- After the first few turns have been made, reduce the rotation speed and carefully tighten the knot until the end. Otherwise, there is a risk of breaking the wire.
- Pull the hook out of the loop and check the resulting connection for strength.
To check the reliability of the resulting unit, it is not necessary to check the strength of the wire and how tight the connection is. It is enough just to try to shake the bars of the reinforced mesh. If the result is correct, they will be motionless.
This was a knitting pattern using a regular crochet hook. However, it also works when using a screw type product. The beginning of mating follows the same principle. The wire is folded in half and then passed under the crossed reinforcement bars.
Next, its edges are folded and secured to the hook. The main difference between a mechanized product is that to tie the wire, you just need to pull the hook handle towards you. There is no need to wrap the wire yourself using rotational movements of the brush.
The hook shaft begins to rotate due to displacement. Next, the handle is released, after which the action is repeated. The number of times this procedure will need to be repeated depends on the degree of hardness to be achieved. Plus, the device has one more feature - the product can both fold and unfold during operation. We remind you that to rotate the product, just pull its handle towards you.
Important! If a connection of particular complexity and importance is to be made, the wire is wrapped around the intersection of the reinforcement several times without tightening too much. After this, you can use the device to finally twist the wire and fix the rods.
The described binding scheme is quite simple, but at the same time it ensures reliable fastening of the reinforcing belt. Thanks to this, many can save money on this type of construction work. With a little practice and “straight hands”, you can knit reinforcement bars yourself, which will save a sufficient amount of money.