How to flare a tube at home

Flaring copper tubes at home

Adjusting the diameters of pipes when connecting them is not an easy task. Either there is no workpiece of the required size, or the wall thickness in different parts of the part differs. But the need to work with product diameters arises not only in industry; expansion of structures for hermetically sealed fastening of household communications is also often required. Let's find out what do-it-yourself flaring of copper tubes is, why it is carried out and how to proceed to get a good result.

The essence of the process

Radial deformation or flaring of copper pipes in the hole of a special apparatus is necessary to create a strong adhesion of structural elements, for example, a pipe with a tube sheet. In this way, parts are secured in condensers, boilers, oil coolers, steam generators and other heat exchangers.

This is what a flared pipe looks like

Stages of pipe flaring

Manipulations are carried out in three stages:

  1. The required gap between the part and the tube sheet is selected.
  2. Both elements are deformed.
  3. The pressure (load) is removed from the outer surface of the deformed workpiece.

During the process of flaring copper tubes, the metal softens, stretches (goes into a state of plastic deformation), and the tube sheet material goes into a state of elastic deformation. For the manipulation to be successful, the grating material must be harder than copper.

At the end of the flaring process, the grid “encircles” the pipe section. We obtain a press connection, the strength of which is ensured by the contact pressure of the surface of the part and the grid hole.

Proper stretching will allow you to achieve maximum tightness of the connection.

Sometimes welding is used to connect these elements - this type of fastening is called combined. When installing a copper water supply, one of the parts is expanded, then a second pipe is inserted into it, after which the gap between them is filled with solder.

For combined connections, welding is used

It may be necessary to change the diameter of parts in the following cases:

  1. If a stamped (cast) product of the required shape cannot be purchased ready-made (it is not produced or is out of stock).
  2. A delicate adjustment of the bending angle, the size of the tube or its internal diameter is required.

Ways to increase pipe diameter

The tool used to carry out the manipulation is called a copper tube roller. In industry, high-strength shafts are used, which are rolled several times, resulting in a profile of the desired configuration. Work can be performed on special machines and machines, bending rollers.

Rolling machine allows deformation to be carried out evenly

Copper is a ductile material, so if you have dexterity and great physical strength, you can manually try to pull a copper blank onto a conical template (blank) to get the desired connection.

They resort to this homemade method, which does not use rolling for copper pipes, in extreme cases, since the result is difficult to predict.

There may be ruptures in places that bear the maximum tensile load; a thin part may simply become wrinkled and become unusable due to uneven thinning of the pipe walls.

The second option is intermediate between full processing of workpieces and stretching parts by force - using an expander. The device has several replaceable nozzles that allow you to use a lever to stretch the pipe to the desired diameter in one go.

An expander can be used

Important. An expander is good when you need to do work quickly, but the results of such expansion also do not guarantee one hundred percent success. If the walls of the tube were not ideal initially (they had differences in thickness in different areas of the surface), thinner zones will stretch more, while thicker areas will not change shape. And if you try to “press”, just as in the previous case, ruptures and breakage of the part are possible.

A proper copper pipe flaring machine consists of a roller or several rollers made of carbide materials that are rolled over the inner surfaces of the pipe many times.

During the flaring process, the pressure increases with each revolution - the workpiece is deformed in the desired direction gradually and smoothly, which eliminates the possibility of ruptures.

In each approach, the rollers change the internal diameter of the workpiece to a minimum value; the metal easily tolerates such gradual stretching.

In this case, the wall thickness changes evenly; denser sections of the pipe with different wall thicknesses are rolled out to the same thickness as the thinner ones. And the surface becomes perfectly smooth, without roughness. Just as under the weight of a tram, which passes over and over again on the rails, the latter become smooth and shiny, the surface of the part under the influence of the shafts will be uniform.

You can also flare the segment using a cone. The principle of operation is simple - the cone is pressed into a pipe pre-fixed in a vice to the required depth, then removed. The quality of the result is inferior to working with shafts, but cones are also used quite often.

How to make a tool

The ideal solution is to purchase a ready-made machine. But if this option is not suitable, and it was not possible to give the required diameter to the workpiece with your bare hands, we will make a tool for the work ourselves, since at home it is impossible to flare a copper tube efficiently without a device.

Drawing of a homemade rolling machine

The metal is soft, but we need to achieve an exact match between the end of the tubes and the landing cone, otherwise we will not be able to achieve a tight connection.

Once you've made your copper pipe bender, you'll be able to use it for years to come, making the project worth the effort. The design of the device is simple - it is a frame made of two identical corners.

What tools will you need for the job:

  • sharpening machine;
  • drilling machine;
  • Bulgarian.


How to flare or bead copper tubes with your own hands

When installing or repairing pipelines, heating or cooling devices, it may be necessary to connect copper pipes to each other or to other structural elements. To create a strong connection, you have to resort to flaring - expanding the edge of the pipe and giving it the shape of a socket, which allows you to connect structural elements without loss of throughput.

Flaring technology and stages

Copper tubes are connected to each other or to other elements of the pipe structure by welding or coupling.

Depending on the connection method (fitting or welded), the technology for preliminary preparation of the pipe edge differs.

  • To complete the welded assembly, the end of the pipe is expanded - the hole is expanded until its internal diameter becomes 0.1-0.2 mm larger than the external diameter of the attached part. The gap between the elements to be connected will be filled with solder during the soldering process, which will ensure the strength and tightness of the assembly.
  • To make a fitting connection between parts, the hole in the copper tube is not simply expanded to the required size, but a chamfer of the desired shape is prepared at the end, usually at an angle of 45⁰. This increases the contact area, thereby ensuring the reliability of the unit. The natural plasticity of copper also helps with this - when the joint is compressed with a fitting, the softened metal tightly grips the part attached to the pipe and fills all the gaps.

Regardless of the flaring task, the process steps are the same:

  • The pipe is cut strictly perpendicularly, the edges and the outer surface near the cut are cleaned, and if the pipe was deformed during cutting, for example, flattened, the round shape of its cross-section is restored. Even partial failure to complete this step can lead to the fact that the connection will not be reliable and will easily depressurize.
  • Fix the pipe in the matrix of the flaring tool or vice so as to leave approximately 5-6 mm of the pipe free. If the assembly will be made using the fitting method, first put a crimp nut on the pipe and only then fix the pipe in the holder. Putting a crimp nut on a flared pipe is problematic.
  • A stamp of the required size is inserted into the end of the pipe and gradually screwed inward. In this case, the metal softens, stretches, and the edge of the pipe takes on a conical shape.
  • Remove the expander from the pipe, release it from the holder and carefully inspect the resulting socket. If burrs are found along the edge, they are cleaned off.

It is important! If the bell has cracks, its edges are not parallel to each other or are skewed relative to the axis of the pipe, it is necessary to cut off the entire flared edge and repeat the beading process from the beginning.


You can increase the diameter of a soft and elastic copper pipe manually by simply pulling it onto a conical blank of a suitable size.

However, it is very difficult to obtain a bell with the correct geometry using this artisanal method. The walls may have uneven thickness, causing thinner ones to stretch too much and thick ones not to stretch at all. The force applied by a person is also uneven, so it is possible that the pipe will bend during operation and the blank will be skewed, as a result of which the socket will turn out to be asymmetrical and skewed.

To make the beading carefully and form a socket of the desired shape from the edge of the pipe, which can subsequently ensure a reliable connection of structural elements, various tools are used.


This is a manual mechanism in which flaring is carried out simply by applying force, just like when using a conical blank. The expander consists of two handles and an expander - a sliding conical element that is inserted into the pipe. When the levers are acted upon, parts of the expander diverge in different directions, stretching the pipe.

The expander is inexpensive and allows you to get the job done quickly and without much labor. However, it is difficult to obtain high-quality results using this tool. The walls stretch unevenly, and thinner sections may rupture.

Cone flaring machine

This is a small set of two tools: a matrix and the flaring machine itself.

The matrix is ​​a vice with several cylindrical holes, widened at the top to 45⁰. The hole sizes correspond to standard pipe diameters.

The flaring machine consists of:

  • housings with guides,
  • conical expander,
  • control mechanism,
  • power screw.

When the power screw that activates the control mechanism rotates, the expander is gradually screwed into the edge of the pipe, expanding it. The guides ensure that the relative position of the pipe and the expander remains constant, so that there are no distortions and a smooth and neat socket is obtained.

Mechanical flaring machine

This tool is similar to the previous one, but its working body is not a cone, but a set of rollers. The rollers do not stretch, but roll out the walls of the pipe, expanding it evenly and gradually, due to which the metal has the same thickness over the entire flared surface, and the socket is neat and symmetrical.

Electric flaring machine

Such a rolling apparatus, in addition to a mechanical flaring machine, has an electric drive, due to which pipe expansion work is completed faster and with less labor.

Recommendations for flaring

Independent beading of copper tubes is an easy task only if you have practical experience. At the same time, the tightness and reliability of the connections made depend on the quality of flaring.

Therefore, before installing a copper pipeline, installing or repairing heat-generating devices, it is better to practice on pipes of different diameters.

Note! When choosing a tool for flaring, you should evaluate its necessity and rationality of purchase.

A specialist professionally involved in the repair of pipelines or equipment will need a set of professional tools, which, in addition to a flaring tool, includes a pipe edger, a pipe bender and a pipe cutter. For rare repair work, an inexpensive flaring tool with a minimum set of attachments will suffice.

Recommendations to help you perform flaring correctly:

  • Before starting work, carefully check the pipe: there should be no burrs or debris on it, the edge and walls should be smooth and free of bends, only pipes with a round cross-section are allowed for flaring.
  • During flaring, it is important to ensure that the expanding tip does not skew relative to the pipe. Otherwise, the socket will be asymmetrical and will not be able to provide a reliable connection.
  • When expanding a pipe manually, the taper blank should be screwed in rather than pressed into the hole. This will help distribute the force and avoid damaging the pipe.
  • It is better to carry out beading of a pipe with an expander in two or three stages. First, widen the edge a little, and then turn the expander and stretch the pipe to the desired diameter.
  • When installing a pipe into the die of a rolling machine, you should select the hole that exactly matches the diameter of the pipe.
  • Before flaring, the outer surface of the tube is treated with an abrasive sponge to remove dust and debris and ensure reliable fixation in the holder. If this is not done, the tube will slip in the die, interfering with the flaring process.


How to flare a copper tube with your own hands

When connecting copper pipes to each other or when joining them with working parts, for example, air conditioners, special preparation of their ends is required - the so-called flaring. The durability of the future system directly depends on how well it is made, because the vast majority of problems with refrigerant (freon) leakage from air conditioners are associated with poor-quality joints.

Most often, flaring of a copper pipe is required when installing an air conditioner yourself

Our article will discuss how to properly flare a copper pipe.

How to properly prepare a pipe end

Before you start flaring directly, you need to prepare. Preparation begins at the pipe cutting stage, namely, ensuring that after cutting the end of the pipe meets the following conditions:

  • had no bevels (must be made strictly at 90 degrees relative to the axis of the pipe);
  • was smooth;
  • did not have a collapse of the edges.

When cutting a copper pipe, the mistakes shown in the picture are not allowed.

To do this, cutting is carried out according to the instructions below:

  1. A special pipe cutter for copper pipes is put on and secured to the section of the pipe where the cut mark was previously applied.
  2. Slowly cut through the pipe in a counterclockwise rotational motion.
  3. Check the end for any irregularities or bevels.
  4. Using a file and/or sandpaper, remove possible irregularities and burrs from the end.
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Flaring tool

You will also need a flaring machine to complete the task. This is a special die with template holes for different pipe diameters, to which a rolling with a cone is attached. This tool can be purchased at a specialty store. As a rule, it is sold complete with a pipe cutter and devices for processing pipe ends.

This is what a tool for flaring copper pipes looks like

How to perform flaring

So, after preparation, they proceed directly to flaring:

  1. If necessary, put a return nut on the pipe in advance, so that later there will be no incident with the fastening of the pipe, since it will no longer be possible to put it on the flared end.
  2. The prepared pipe is clamped in the die, having previously selected a hole of a suitable diameter in it. It is necessary to clamp so that the end of the pipe protrudes slightly above the surface of the die, and the pipe itself is securely fixed. The height of the protrusion depends on the diameter of the pipe and is selected according to the table below.

projection (mm)

Bead diameter (mm) (mm) (in) 6.35 1/4 1.01.3 8.38.7 9.52 3/8 0.81.0 12.012.4 12.70 1/2 0.50 .8 15.415.8 15.88 5/8 0.50.8 18.619.0 19.05 3/4 0.10.5 22.923.3
  1. Next, move the rolling element to the desired hole and clamp it. Usually there are special marks on the die for proper fixation of the rolling element. When properly fixed, the top of the cone will coincide with the center of the pipe hole.
  2. Rotate the screw of the rolling element. In this case, the cone gradually enters the pipe, expanding its end. Rotation is carried out until it stops.
  3. Unscrew the screw back, release the pipe from the die, and check the result. The output should be an evenly flared symmetrical end without displacement to the side and without bevel. In addition, there should be no cracks, breaks or other damage. If something like this occurs, the failed area is cut off and the procedure is repeated.

When flaring a copper pipe, the mistakes shown in the picture are not allowed.

  1. The flared area is processed again - burrs, possible chamfers and irregularities are removed. Here it is necessary to achieve a perfectly flat and smooth surface in order to further achieve complete tightness of the joint.

You can clearly see the rules for flaring from the video below.

If you did everything correctly, then the flared pipe can be considered completely ready for further installation.

Thus, we described the stages of preparing a pipe for flaring, told which one is better and how to use an expander for a copper pipe, and provided instructions for doing flaring yourself.

When installing copper piping systems, it is often necessary to expand the cut end of the pipe - for installing climate control systems or soldering heating and water supply pipelines.

I greet our dear reader and offer an article about what flaring of copper tubes is, in what situations it is used and how to do it yourself.


How to flare a copper tube, how to flare a copper tube with your own hands

Pipes connected to different parts or to each other should not leak. For this purpose, the contacting edges are deformed. The technology is called rolling - increasing the edge of the pipe at an angle. This is the deformation of a section of a part. We'll tell you how to flare a copper tube yourself.

Tubes with socket

Features of rolling depending on the technological processes of pipe fastening

Which flaring option to choose depends on the method of fastening copper tubes to each other or to structural parts:

  1. If welding is planned, the hole is enlarged to the required size. The internal diameter of the pipe must exceed the external diameter of the element being connected by 0.1 - 0.2 mm. The gap between them is filled with tin or other solder. This will ensure reliable insulation.
  2. If the elements are connected by a coupling, the hole is not only enlarged, but also a bell is made at an angle of 45º. The increased contact area will increase the reliability of the connection.

The rolling stages are the same, regardless of the technology for fastening the elements.

Algorithm of actions

How to make rolling of copper tubes with your own hands? Actions must be taken in the following sequence:

Tube cutting device

The pipe must be cut perpendicularly, the edge must be smooth.

  1. It is important to thoroughly clean the outer cut area and its edges. If deformation occurs during cutting, it is necessary to restore the shape of the pipe.
  2. The next step is to fasten the element in the matrix of a special tool for increasing the diameter or in a vice. 5 mm of the end of the part must be left free. If a fitting fastening is intended, a crimp nut is installed on the element before fixing it.
  3. It is necessary to place an expansion cone of a suitable size in the hole and screw it in. After this action, the copper material will stretch, and the end of the part will gradually take the shape of a cone.
  4. The next step is to remove the expander and remove the element to be processed from the holder.

Next, you should inspect the resulting socket. If there are any unevenness, scratches, or microchips left, they must be cleaned. After flaring the tube, you need to wait until it cools down to room temperature and only then begin bonding.

Important! Sometimes, after flaring, cracks appear in the treated area of ​​the tube, and the edges are beveled relative to the axis. Then the processed edge will have to be cut off and start all over again.

Devices and instruments

To do flaring at home, you need to prepare tools. It is possible for a person without experience to increase the edge of a copper tube manually by pulling it onto a conical blank. The disadvantage of this processing method: it will be difficult to obtain a socket with the given dimensions, because the master applies uneven force. This flaring distorts the part. The flaw can be avoided by using special tools.

The construction market offers devices for expanding the diameter of copper products with manual or electric drive. Power tools are used for flaring pipelines and for other purposes. For example, bending at the desired angle. All devices operate on the principle of plastic deformation, which ensures that the internal surfaces of the pipe remain smooth during the process of expanding the diameter of the product.

Flaring tool kit


This is the simplest device - a cone-shaped blank. Made from any metal alloy that is harder than copper. The main advantage of the template is its low price. Moreover, it is easy to use. But this method of increasing the diameter of the product is often accompanied by ruptures in the walls.


This is a manual device in which an increase in the diameter of copper pipes occurs as a result of the use of force. The device consists of 2 levers and a sliding cone onto which the element being processed is mounted.

When you press on the handles of the expander, the expander elements diverge in different directions, and the copper product stretches. This inexpensive device does not guarantee high-quality results.

When using it, it is impossible to control the thickness of the pipe; ruptures may occur in thinner areas.

It is advisable to perform flaring of the product with an expander in two steps. First, slightly widen the edge, then rotate the tool and stretch the pipe to the required diameter.


Mechanical and electrical tools

The mechanical device is similar to a cone one, only its working element is a set of rollers. They do not act by stretching, but by evenly rolling out the walls of the pipes. This technology ensures the same material thickness throughout the entire treated area. Thanks to this, the internal surfaces of the pipe remain smooth during the rolling process, and the socket is neat and symmetrical.

An electric device differs from a mechanical one in the presence of an electric drive. It significantly reduces the process time and does not require any effort.

Flaring machine powered by electricity

Important! A craftsman faced with choosing a tool for rolling must determine its necessity. For repairs, a simple device with a simple set of attachments is sufficient. It would be advisable for a specialist who lays and repairs pipelines to buy a professional set.

Helpful tips for completing the process

The tightness and reliability of the fastening depends on how well the work is done. To do flaring yourself and get a good result, you need experience. If you lack the skills, before installing a copper pipeline, it is advisable to first practice on pipes of different diameters.

In order for flaring to be of high quality, it should be performed in accordance with the recommendations:

  • Before starting the technological process, it is necessary to visually identify the presence of burrs and irregularities on the product. Dirt should be removed from the inner and outer surfaces of the tube. Flaring is done only on products with a round cross-section.
  • Before starting the technological process, the outer surface of the copper part should be thoroughly brushed to remove dust and debris.

Cleaning with an abrasive sponge

  • It is important to firmly secure the product in the holder. If this is done carelessly, the tube will slide in the matrix, which will not allow for high-quality processing.
  • If the edges of the copper element are expanded manually, the cone must not be pressed in. The blank should be carefully screwed into the hole. Then the force will be evenly distributed and it will be possible to avoid ruptures of the product wall.
  • During operation, it is important to ensure that the bell does not skew relative to the axial one. If this happens, the connection will not provide complete insulation and high wear resistance.
  • When installing an element into the die of a rolling device, it is important to select the hole size that matches the diameter of the copper tube.

With proper flaring, you will get a high-quality socket for a strong, tight connection.


Products – Tekhmashholding – group of companies, official website

    Flaring is a process of partially changing the configuration of the edge of a pipe to give a hollow product the required shape by expanding or narrowing its diameter by a given deformation of the metal.

    Areas of application

    The practical application of pipe flaring has a somewhat specific situation. This is due to the fact that the method of connecting pipes using flaring is a rather old technological technique, which, with the development of industry, was largely replaced by other types of connections. But a number of specific areas of application of flaring have not found a proper technological replacement and are still used in their unchanged form. As an example, we give the most typical and common areas of application of flaring, namely:

    • In the energy industry, in the manufacture of water tube heat exchanger grids to create a strong, sealed connection between copper or brass pipes and the cylindrical holes of a steel tube grid. And also at housing and communal services enterprises for the corresponding repair of these water-tube heat exchangers. Flaring is increasingly used to secure pipes in various boiler equipment such as condensers, steam generators, economizers and oil coolers.
    • In the household sector for creating detachable connections from copper tubes during the installation of air conditioning systems. Copper pipes are used to connect the external and internal blocks of the split system, through which the refrigerant circulates.
    • In the food industry, in the manufacture of industrial refrigeration chambers, to create reliable detachable connections of copper and brass tubes directly at the installation site of the equipment, allowing it to fit into any room configuration with standard equipment.
    • In alternative energy when installing heat pumps, for connecting copper pipes in complete analogy with split systems.
    • At automobile industry enterprises in the manufacture of quick-release connections of steel tubes for the hydraulic brake system or copper tubes for the hydraulic clutch system of a car. Flaring and stamping are also used in the manufacture of various cooling radiators for internal combustion engines.

    Features of the technology

    In the modern automotive industry, there are eight types of flaring of copper, brass, aluminum and steel tubes. They are used to create detachable connections for various hydraulic and fuel systems in modern cars. Most types of these flaring are produced industrially on special machines in the factory.

    Three types of flaring

    But the main three types of flaring are the most common and are used both in the automotive industry and in the installation of various power equipment. These include:

    • simple single flaring to a “D” cone, made at an angle of 45 degrees in the form of a single funnel, most hand-held tube flaring tools are suitable for its manufacture;
    • double flaring of tubes to an “E” type cone is also performed at an angle of 45 degrees in the form of a single funnel with a double reinforced edge of the tube; a more specialized flaring tool with special nozzles is suitable for this;
    • one-time flaring of steel pipes for type “F” fungus is performed with a special eccentric flaring.

    Pipe flaring is a rather complicated operation technologically and requires careful preparation. Therefore, to obtain a high-quality connection using flaring, it is necessary to fulfill and observe the following conditions:

    • The pipe cut must be perfectly straight,
    • the walls of the pipe intended for flaring must have the same thickness over the entire diameter;
    • The flaring area must be perfectly flat and smooth, and there must be no traces of residual deformation or cracks.

    Tube flaring technology

    Tube flaring technology

    The technology for flaring pipes can be illustrated by the operation of a hand-held flaring tool, which consists of a base with countersunk holes for the main pipe sizes and a corresponding set of nozzles.

    Before starting work, the tube must be cut evenly, so that the cut is strictly perpendicular to the central axis. It is recommended to use pipe cutters specially adapted for this purpose. After this, we process the cut edge of the pipe with a file or cut off a chamfer using a rimmer and thereby remove all burrs from the inner and outer parts of the end.

    Next, a tube is inserted into the hole of the base strictly along the diameter and clamped with a strong metal frame so that the edge of the tube protrudes slightly above the plane of the base level.

    We take a nozzle corresponding to the hole, which is a steel cylindrical object on one side with a cone-shaped surface and a device for a pressure screw on the other side. Depending on the type of future connection, the flaring nozzle may have a different shape, so we select the surface of the required configuration.

    Having installed the nozzle we need, we begin to gradually tighten the screw of the centering rod, pressing the surface of the nozzle onto the tube, gradually pressing it to the edges of the hole in the base. Upon completion of the operation, the rod screw is unscrewed, the base is disassembled and the flared tube is freely removed from the device.

    The most important thing is not to forget to put the fitting nut on the tube in advance, otherwise you will have to repeat all the operations in the same sequence one more time.

    Tip: as with any processing of metal products, it is recommended to lubricate the flaring area with a small amount of machine oil in advance.

    Equipment used

    An expander is the simplest and most uncomplicated device for flaring small-diameter tubes, which is a device with replaceable nozzles that allows you to expand tubes in one simple operation. True, you shouldn’t expect any special quality from the expander, and working with it requires a certain skill.

    The next category of hand tools for flaring are various sets, which usually include:

    • two base strips with specially shaped holes corresponding to the main standard sizes of steel and copper pipes, in quantities from 5 to 11 pieces, depending on the configuration and price,
    • flaring device with thread for attaching five replaceable dies.
    • set of interchangeable stamps.

    Often, such kits are equipped with manual rollers designed for cutting aluminum, brass, copper, steel and metal-plastic pipes with a diameter from 3 to 29 mm inclusive.

    It is worth noting that, according to numerous reviews on forums on the Internet, users pay attention to the direct dependence of the quality and reliability of such tools on the cost of the sets. As a rule, a cheap tube flaring machine breaks down quickly and is not recommended for use in large volumes of work.

    The next category of devices are various types of tube flaring machines. They are distinguished by more reliable and high-quality components, high cost and are intended for professional use.

    On the machines, pipe flaring is carried out using an electric, hydraulic or pneumatic drive using torque controllers for complete automation of work processes.

    Specifics of flaring steel and aluminum

    When flaring steel or aluminum tubes, unlike copper and brass pipes, the rolling operation must be carried out slowly, constantly monitoring the condition of the surface, since when excessive pressure is applied, ruptures can occur when the metal is stretched. This is due to the fact that steel and aluminum tubes have less ductility, so when a fungus or cone is formed, numerous microcracks can form.

    If there is uncertainty about the sufficient ductility of the material of steel or aluminum tubes, it is recommended to preheat them before flaring, respectively, for steel to 500-600⁰ C, and for aluminum to 200-300⁰ C.

    How to flare tubes

    You need to change a steel or copper tube in your car, and there is no specialized flaring tool available, making it difficult to find or buy one. This is where advice on how to flare a tube with your own hands comes in handy.

    Let's get started:

    1. To begin with, we take two small wooden blocks, selecting the size and thickness so that they can be clamped in a regular vice.
    2. We clamp the selected bars in a vice and drill a through hole in the center of the seam of their connection with the diameter of the same steel or copper tube that you need to flare.
    3. Next, on one side of the hole, use a drill of a larger diameter to drill a small cone-shaped recess. All the foundation is ready.
    4. We fix the tube in a manufactured base made of two wooden blocks and firmly clamp the entire structure in a vice. The tube should rise one or two millimeters above the surface of the bars.
    5. We take a steel ball from a bearing with a diameter approximately one and a half to two times larger than that of the tube and, with not very strong blows of a hammer, begin the flaring process. If the tube begins to slip in the wooden base, then, if necessary, wrap it with fine sandpaper.

    Advice. If the “flared” connection leaks, then to eliminate the leak, you can place a thin lead washer between the tube and the fitting.

    If you know your flaring method or have special experience in this matter, share it in the comments block.

    Stainless steel pipe rolling technology

    Pipe rolling or rolling is a technological process, the purpose of which is to deform them in different directions. Thanks to this operation, it is possible to create a suitable material for laying water pipes and other parts used in everyday life or industry.  

    Rolling tool

    Like rolling metal sheets, rolling stainless steel pipes is carried out using special tools and bending machines. With their help, you can easily give the product the desired shape without affecting its chemical properties.

    There are a huge number of tools for rolling. Each of them is designed for pipes with a specific diameter.

    • To fix the depth of products with a diameter of 6-11 mm, it is customary to use T series equipment.
    • CT type tools are suitable for pipes that have the same diameter behind the weld seam.
    • For diameter 5.5-11.5 mm - RT.
    • The P series is intended for more serious structures, from 12 to 40 mm.
    • CP equipment is useful when rolling thick tube sheets.
    • Finally, for thin-walled stainless steel pipes, you will need a tool marked 5P.

    Rolling, as such, can be carried out both in a special workshop and in a regular workroom. As a rule, rolling tools are made from high-quality alloys, and therefore they do not require repair for a long time.

    Stages and features of rolling

    The process itself takes place in three main stages. During rolling, the product expands under the influence of high temperature and physical pressure. During direct rolling, it is given the required shape. Finally, the last step is flaring, which ensures the tightness of the connection.

    It is worth noting that excessive physical impact on a stainless pipe can ruin its properties, and therefore the rolling process should be carried out with special attention.


    Flaring of copper tubes

    Pipes can have a wide variety of diameters. That is why it is quite difficult to adjust them to each other during the joining process. Work with diametrical dimensions is carried out in industry and private workshops. Pipe flaring is considered a complex process, which is characterized by a large number of features.

    Flaring of copper tubes

    When might flaring be necessary?

    Today, rolling of copper tubes is carried out extremely often. This technology is used in the following cases:

    1. The shape of the pipe needs to be changed. An example is obtaining an oval cross-sectional shape.
    2. Most often, flaring is carried out to change the outer and inner diameters. When connecting copper pipes, it is necessary to ensure perfect tightness, which is achieved by adjusting the surfaces to each other.
    3. Copper tubes of the required shape are not available on sale.
    4. It is necessary to change the size and shape of the tubes to suit specific conditions.

    Flaring tool

    Flaring is also performed in the manufacture of jewelry and various mechanisms. Various special tools can be used for work, for example, a cone flaring machine.

    How to choose a flaring tool?

    In order to achieve high quality when flaring, you should correctly select the most suitable tool. When using the simplest devices, negative consequences can occur:

    1. Serious ruptures occur in the walls of copper tubes, which significantly reduce the strength and service life.
    2. Small cracks can cause the walls to wrinkle.
    3. It is difficult to achieve uniform thickness. Even a slight deviation leads to a decrease in the strength of the formed joint.

    Eccentric flaring machine VALUE

    You can select a tool for flaring copper tubes by considering the following information:

    1. Flaring depth.
    2. Internal diameter of the product.
    3. Certain characteristics of the material: hardness and degree of ductility.
    4. Outside diameter.
    5. Wall thickness. This parameter determines how difficult it is to process the workpiece.
    6. The distance by which the product can protrude beyond the boundaries of the locking mechanism.
    7. Distance between centers of internal holes.
    8. Presence and characteristics of connecting seams. Some blanks are obtained by welding the ends. The resulting weld may react differently to plastic deformation.
    9. The need to form grooves on the surface. Flaring can also create the required grooves in the copper tubing.

    Most of the devices used are characterized by versatility. All mechanisms may also differ from each other.

    Tools designed to carry out the work in question allow:

    1. Eliminate the possibility of severe cuts. This is achieved by gradually applying pressure, which is distributed evenly.
    2. Achieve uniform wall thickness. Moreover, a similar result can be achieved even if the workpiece initially had uneven walls.
    3. The hole inside the product becomes smooth and even.

    Electrically driven devices are characterized by greater productivity. They are widely used today and are indispensable when it is necessary to deform a product with large wall thickness.

    How to make a tool?

    A homemade tool can be made for long-term use. The design is quite simple; it is represented by a frame made of two corners of similar geometry. When assembling the mechanism the following is used:

      1. Bulgarian.
      2. Grinding and drilling machine.
      3. Two bolts with a thread of at least 8M.
      4. A corner 100 mm long can be used as the main material. It is best to choose a stainless steel version.
      5. Mandrels.

      The corners are fastened together with bolts. To do this, appropriate holes are made using a drilling machine. Holes are drilled at the base of the chamfer.

      Homemade flaring machine

      You should work with such a mechanism in the same way as with many others that can be purchased in specialized stores.

      How to flare a copper tube?

      Due to the high ductility of copper, processing copper tubes made from this alloy is quite simple. Do-it-yourself flaring of copper tubes is carried out as follows:

      1. The workpiece is clamped in the holder so that it extends beyond the edges by 5-6 mm.
      2. Instead of a cone, a special nozzle is installed that fits the diameter of the workpiece.
      3. The fitting is put on, attention is paid to the direction of the thread.
      4. The die must be made of a material whose hardness is much greater than the hardness of the workpiece. It is pressed in, causing the edge of the end to deform.
      5. Instead of a stamp, a cone is installed. It is pressed in gradually. Only with uniform exposure can the required quality of the resulting product be ensured.
      6. After processing, the workpiece is inspected. If minor defects appear, they can be cleaned out.

      Some workpieces are less susceptible to processing using the method in question. An example is brittle alloys, in the structure of which cracks and other defects may appear during deformation.


    How to roll a tube at home - Metals, equipment, instructions

    Repairing the brake system often comes down to more than just replacing the brake pads or replacing and bleeding the brake fluid in both circuits. More complex, requiring care and certain qualifications during installation, is the repair of brake pipes. This often happens when there is through corrosion or pipe destruction due to an accident or brake caliper repair.

    Repairing brake pipes with your own hands and successfully connecting the brake pipe to the distribution fitting, tees, master cylinder and brake calipers requires high-quality processing of the end of the pipe and the formation of a flange flange, or the so-called “funnel”. It is obtained using the brake tube flaring procedure.

    There are several main funnel options.

    1. European standard mushroom (in the center). Its shape resembles a wheel tire and is widely used in most cars produced in factories on the Eurasian continent. This turns out to be the most durable connection option among those given, but is considered disposable. If set up skillfully, it can be used up to three times.
    2. An ordinary simple funnel, obtained by bending the walls of the end part of the tube with a special tool for flaring brake pipes.
    3. A funnel made by double folding the lip of a tube or a simple funnel. Considered standard in American cars. This type of brake tube flaring is obtained from fungus by upsetting its upper part using a conical mandrel.

    The time of using a simple funnel is long gone; first of all, the metal from which the pipes on old cars were made has changed.

    Instead of soft and ductile rolled copper, durable and hard steel pipe is more often used.

    If previously the driver could flare the end with the help of pliers, a wrench and a couple of blows with a hammer, now it is impossible to flare steel brake pipes without a device.

    How to flare brake pipes yourself

    The main condition for successful pipe end flaring has always been and will be the use of high-quality, or better yet professional, tools. For our cars, Europe-Asia, buy metric flaring kits.

    The Americans look more than decent, sparkling with chrome, but they can slip an inch system.

    The old Soviet standard for a copper brake pipe was 8 mm, more recent Soviet and Russian versions used 6 mm steel.

    In terms of choice, the most affordable is the Force 656B, 906T2 brake pipe flaring kit; you can use the more elegant JonnesWay kits, or the common Biltema or Licota.

    The flaring tool kit includes:

    • a screw rolling press and a clamp, which is used to tighten the vise bars and deform the metal of the brake tube;
    • two split clamp bars with six to seven holes with cones into which tubes for flaring are clamped;
    • cutting device that allows you to cut off the end in a strictly perpendicular direction;
    • a set of mandrels and cones of various diameters for the formation of fungi.

    When choosing a flaring kit, pay attention to the following points. First, the screw pairs of the screw-nut of the press and the clamps should be matte black. This indicates heat treatment and hardening of the screw surface. A cheaper option uses chrome plating.

    Secondly, the accuracy of the calibrated holes in the vise bars. Typically, the inner surface of the cones is coated with a protective phosphate-based oxide film. This coating facilitates the sliding of the deformed metal along the inner surface of the matrix.

    Third, all calibrated holes have numerical markings of sizes, indicating units of measurement - millimeters or inches, punched by embossing to a depth of up to 0.1 mm, without additional chrome plating or painting. Alternatively, the entire structure can have an oxidized coating. Non-working parts can be painted with plain light paint.  

    Advice! If funds allow, choose a set in which the rolling press is equipped with an eccentrically seated working cone. In such a device for flaring brake pipes, there is a limitation on the size of the pipe fitting being performed, that is, the cone will not expand the edges to a larger diameter than necessary.

    Procedure for flaring brake pipes using a fungus with your own hands:

    • select from the set a device for precise perpendicular cutting of the end of the brake pipe, insert it into a hole of the appropriate diameter, tighten the screw and turn the cutter a couple of times until it stops;
    • there is also a sharp semicircular saw for removing internal chamfers and burrs;
    • after filing the end of the brake pipe with a file, place a fitting nut on the pipe and secure the end in a vice with a clamp, observing the amount of release of the end of the pipe above the plane of the vice;
    • add a couple of drops of brake fluid to the end of the tube, insert a mandrel of the appropriate size and press down on the edges of the tube, obtaining a fungus.

    Important! With high-quality flaring, there should be no marks or imprints of the parting line of the vice on the pressed metal surface of the tube.

    If, according to the flaring conditions, it is necessary to obtain the American version of the fitting, a cone is inserted into the clamp, and the edges of the upper part of the fungus are pressed under the cone of the matrix. Sometimes a ratchet is built into the design of the clamp, which allows you to limit the force applied to the surface of the fitting.

    If flaring needs to be done quickly and at a large number of points, in the case of copper pipes, a simpler tool is used - pliers and a rotary roller.

    The plasticity and pliability of copper does not require much effort to deform the metal, so it is faster and easier to flare the end with the force of your hand. Due to the compactness of the device, the pliers can be used for flaring brake pipes directly on the car, in conditions where it is difficult to carry out work with a standard set.

    Features of flaring brake pipes

    Steel brake pipes, unlike copper ones, have practically no reserve of ductility, so fungus and funnel can result in the formation of a large number of microcracks.

    In this sense, the rolled edge of the fungus remains less sensitive to the presence of microcracks, unless, of course, they are located only in the area of ​​the hole.

    If cracks have formed on the periphery, in the widest part of the fitting, this option is definitely subject to rejection.

    At the first stage, after cutting and filing the end of the tube, it is flared to fit the fungus. Next, the resulting version is subjected to short-term annealing by heating with a burner, which makes it possible to relieve a significant part of the stress in the metal.

    The third stage will be flaring at an intermediate angle of 25-30°, instead of the required 45°, and repeated annealing. The last thing to do is final flaring to the desired funnel size.

    If possible, before flaring the tube, it is worth practicing making a steel American funnel on an unnecessary piece of pipe made of a similar material.


    Flaring copper tubes: how to do it correctly, a set of tools and accessories for do-it-yourself work

    When installing copper piping systems, it is often necessary to expand the cut end of the pipe - for installing climate control systems or soldering heating and water supply pipelines.

    I greet our dear reader and offer an article about what flaring of copper tubes is, in what situations it is used and how to do it yourself.

    What is it and why is flaring necessary?

    Flaring is a radial uniform expansion of the walls of a copper pipe. When flaring, a conical expansion of only the end of the pipe or expansion of a sufficiently long section can be carried out, in which a sleeve is formed - a section of larger diameter.

    The need for such deformation at home arises:

    • When installing air conditioning systems.
    • When repairing refrigerators, heat exchangers, cars, household appliances, heat pumps.
    • When installing heating and water supply systems.

    When installing using welding (soldering), the ends of copper pipes are flared in the form of a coupling, inserted into a pipe of the original diameter and welded. Flaring is used less frequently than soldering with fittings, as this method is slightly less reliable, but sometimes fittings may be in short supply or not available for repair work.

    The need for flaring arises if the necessary fittings are not at hand, it is not possible to purchase a copper tube of the required diameter, or a very precise adjustment of the size of the tube along the internal section is required. In practice, flaring is used when installing climate control equipment, in cars, and during urgent repair work, when copper tubes available on the farm are used.

    Flaring stages

    To obtain a high-quality cone or expansion coupling at the end of a pipe, it is necessary to follow the correct work procedure.

    Flaring as a process of deformation of the ends of copper pipes includes the following steps:

    • Cut off the pipe blank. Copper is a very soft material, so it is necessary to use a quality pipe cutter designed for soft pipes made of non-ferrous metals.
    • After cutting even with a high-quality pipe cutter, the copper pipe becomes jammed and its internal diameter decreases. Therefore, with the help of a special device - a rimmer - a chamfer is removed from the inside of the workpiece, and the shape is restored.
    • Clean the end of the tube from burrs, remove copper shavings, dust, dirt, and grease.
    • The workpiece is inserted into the flaring machine and rotated until a small socket is obtained with a wall angle of 45° to the pipe axis.
    • Take out the product, try it on to see if it is the right size for further installation with a union nut. If the diameter of the socket is insufficient, then the flaring operation is repeated. An insufficient socket during installation creates an unreliable connection: water leakage is unpleasant, refrigerant leakage is dangerous, since it consists of toxic fluorocarbons.
    • Then the pipe is used for its intended purpose.

    All the details of flaring a copper tube can be seen in the video.

    Tools and accessories for rolling

    For high-quality expansion of pipe ends, a special tool is used - mechanical or electrically driven. The use of cones or templates and manual expansion are used only for manual rolling of single pipes. If you have to install a heating system or plumbing, it makes sense to purchase a mechanical flaring machine.

    Tips for choosing a tool

    Before purchasing devices, it is worth assessing the need for such a step. Branded professional tools are very expensive and only pay off if you are professionally involved in the installation of climate control or refrigeration equipment or copper heating systems.

    To install heating and water supply systems in the house, it is worth purchasing a budget mechanical model. It is worth considering the option of renting or from friends. Mechanical models provide good quality processing of workpieces - the thickness of the walls of the socket is the same, without cracks or tears, with a smooth surface.

    In any case, you should buy the tool in specialized stores or construction supermarkets, with a receipt and an issued passport, with a guarantee and a performance check by the seller.

    Recommendations for performing flaring at home

    With any processing method, it is necessary to strive to obtain a smooth mirror surface of the bell without grooves, dents, tears and distortions, and different wall thicknesses. The tightness of the connections subsequently depends on the quality of flaring.

    It is advisable to carry out flaring using a special tool - this ensures at least acceptable quality of the products. Uneven stretching of the wall and cracks may in the future provoke the occurrence of ruptures, and, as a result, a violation of the tightness of copper pipelines. A leak of water or freon from the air conditioning system can cause a lot of trouble.

    How to flare a copper tube

    The workpiece is clamped in the manufactured fixture. The end of the workpiece should protrude 5-6 mm above the level of the holder. Then a conical mandrel stamp is carefully and slowly screwed into the tube, the edge of the tube expands and forms a socket.

    Then the punch is pulled out, the shape and dimensions of the socket are checked, and, if necessary, the expansion parameters are corrected using a cone.


    I wish good luck to the dear reader in his endless work of arranging his own home. Let this article add another grain of useful knowledge and skills to the reader on the issue of installing copper engineering systems. Subscribe to the newsletter of articles on the site, share useful information with friends on social networks.

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    How to flare a tube without a special tool

    Flaring of copper tubes, also called rolling, is a technological operation, the essence of which is to deform their walls in the desired direction. The need to carry out such an operation arises in cases where it is necessary to make a hermetically sealed and reliable connection of copper tubes with various devices and instruments or to dock them together.

    Rolling a copper tube with a hand tool

    Tubes made of copper are quite common today, and in cases where their connection must be detachable, flaring is indispensable. For flaring tubes made of copper, both special equipment, mass-produced, and a set of simple tools can be used, which, if all technological recommendations are followed, also allows this process to be carried out efficiently.

    Execution Features

    Flaring of copper tubes may be necessary if:

    • the cut end of the tube must be given the required configuration;
    • the end of the product must be prepared for its connection using a coupling (in this case, using flaring, the geometric parameters of the tube are adjusted, such as the internal diameter, bending angle, etc.);
    • it is necessary to prepare the ends of the copper tubes for their connection by soldering.

    Pipes are cut to length using a special tool - a pipe cutter for copper or aluminum pipes

    To qualitatively flare a copper tube using special tools and devices, you must perform the following steps.

    • The end of the tube whose connection needs to be made is carefully cleaned.
    • A special coupling is put on the stripped end.
    • Using a special tool or device, the end of the tube is flared until its expansion angle is 45°.
    • After the procedure is completed, the end of the product is removed from the device. You can then immediately begin making the connection.

    If you have never performed such a technological operation before and are going to carry out flaring with your own hands for the first time, then you should cut off the tube with some extra length (2–2.5 cm), which will allow you, in case of failure, to flare it again, cutting off the defective section.

    Reamer - devices for stripping the ends of copper tubes

    If it is necessary to flare a copper tube in order to connect it by soldering, then the sequence of actions for carrying out such a procedure will look as follows.

    • The surface of the end of the tube that needs to be flared is carefully cleaned (for this it is best to use a special brush).
    • Using a special device, the end of the copper tube is expanded to such an extent that the end of another tube can be inserted into it and at the same time maintaining a gap of 0.124 mm between the connected elements. Naturally, for this you need to use a measuring tool.
    • The flux necessary to ensure the formation of a reliable and tight connection is applied in an even layer to the inner surface of the pipe section that has already been flared.
    • The end of the second connection element is inserted into the flared part to a depth equal to the diameter of the pipe.
    • Using a gas torch, electric soldering iron or blowtorch, the future joint is heated until the solder begins to melt.
    • Melted solder fills all the gaps between the edges of the copper pipes being connected, resulting in a reliable and tight connection.

    After the connection of the two copper tubes is formed, they must be placed on a horizontal surface and allowed to cool completely. Only after the joint has completely cooled can the resulting structure be used.

    Tools and accessories

    In order to flare tubes made of copper with your own hands, use special devices. Such devices can be either manual or electric driven. They are used for installation of air conditioning, water supply and heating systems. Tools equipped with an electric drive often combine several functions: with their help, you can not only flare a copper tube, but also bend it at the required angle.

    Any device used to flare tubes made of copper operates on the principle of plastic deformation, so it is very important that it handles this process as carefully as possible, without disturbing the homogeneity of the structure of the material, maintaining the uniform thickness of the walls of the products, as well as the smoothness of their internal surfaces.

    Scheme of correct flaring and examples of an incorrectly performed operation

    To perform high-quality flaring of copper tubes (even if you are doing it yourself for the first time), you can use one of the following devices.

    This is a cone-shaped blank made of a harder metal alloy than copper. The advantages of such a device are low price and ease of use. Meanwhile, its use may be accompanied by ruptures in the walls of the copper product, which results in low quality flaring.

    With this simple device you can flare one tube, but you can’t talk about any quality of work

    The main working element of this device is a hard alloy roller, which, rolling along the edge of the copper tube, gives the latter the required configuration. The use of a mechanical flaring machine makes it possible to uniformly deform the treated section of the tube and form walls of the same thickness at its end with a high quality of their inner surface.

    Hand tools are capable of providing high quality flaring and good work speed

    Such a device with a whole set of replaceable attachments, having all the advantages of a mechanical tool, allows you to flare copper tubes with higher productivity and less labor costs. Perhaps the only drawback of an electric flaring machine is its fairly high price.

    The battery of this flaring machine lasts for approximately 100 operations.

    This manual device, operating on the principle of a lever mechanism, allows you to flare the end of the tube in one movement. Despite its simplicity of design, such a device also has a number of significant disadvantages, the most significant of which is the inability to control the wall thickness of the workpiece. Thus, the use of an expander, which is most often chosen by those who do flaring with their own hands, does not guarantee a high-quality result.

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