How to sharpen blades

Knife sharpening. Basics

How to sharpen blades

The tool must be in working condition. In the case of a knife, the main characteristic of the working condition will be its sharpness. We will tell you how to sharpen a knife correctly, what tools you will need for this, and give you a number of useful instructions. "Knife sharpening. Basics" is a basic article for those who are just starting to get acquainted with this art.

How does the blade get dull?

We buy a sharp knife at the store, but over time it inevitably becomes dull if, of course, we work with it. Why does this happen, since the tool is made of good steel and sharpened at the factory? The process takes place at several levels:

  • Microscopic, when particles of steel are ground off the cutting edge during friction with the material, making the edge less sharp. You can't see it, but you can feel how more and more pressure is required to cut over time.
  • Macroscopic, when the tip encounters solid inclusions, such as grains of sand, particles of stone or metal. They are found in almost any material. The edge either moves the obstacle away or moves away itself, while crumpling.
  • If the blade is used inappropriately, its blade can be damaged beyond recognition. This means unscrewing screws, digging soil, etc.

As a result, the working part of the blade is deformed, the edge loses its sharpness and the tool becomes less and less suitable for work. Gradually, hardened steels crumble, and softer and more ductile steels begin to curl.

Rice. 1. The process of blunting and sharpening a knife: 1. When working with a knife, the shape of the cutting edge changes randomly. 2. During the sharpening process, we return the specified shape of the cutting edge or change it. 3. And we give it smoothness, finally removing the burr.

To return the knife to working condition, it is necessary to eliminate the resulting deformation and restore the correct shape of the blade.

What are knives sharpened with?

When sharpening a knife we ​​use a similar process - friction, but this time we control it. With uncontrolled deformation of the steel, the knife becomes dull, with controlled deformation it sharpens, that’s the whole difference.

You can sharpen a steel wedge with any abrasive tool, and in the beginning it was fragments of stones and pebbles. We are modern people, so we will use a specially designed sharpening stone.

If you use a cheap stone to sharpen good steel, be prepared that it will quickly wear out and lose its flat shape. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase a good ceramic sharpening tool or a diamond-coated sample.

Three types of abrasive are enough for the job:

  1. Rough - about 350 units/cm² or diamond marked 160/125. Needed to eliminate severe deformation and is rarely used.
  2. Fine - about 650 units/cm² or diamond marked 100/800. Needed for normal basic sharpening of a knife that has become dull within reasonable limits.
  3. Ultrafine - about 1150 units/cm² or diamond marked 20/14. Useful for grinding and final finishing, removing burrs.

For constant work, bars of the last two types are required, because bringing a knife to a state in which a rough stone is needed is blasphemy. However, an experienced master has all three types.

For convenience, the following points are important:

  • The length of the bar should be 1.5 - 2 times longer than the blade.
  • The width should be 2.5 – 5 cm.
  • The height should be such that your fingers do not touch the table.
  • The block should stand firmly and not slide on the table.

For example, to sharpen a knife on small whetstones, you can make a device like this.

The listed points are very important for achieving correct sharpening, especially at the learning stage. Then, when you get the hang of it, you will be able to cope with the task in less comfortable conditions, but at first, convenience plays an important role.

How to sharpen a knife?

We've come to the most important thing. Sharpening a knife involves placing its blade on a whetstone at a certain angle and running the entire cutting edge along it from the heel to the tip. Proper sharpening requires compliance with three conditions:

  1. The angle of inclination of the blade plane to the surface of the sharpening stone remains strictly unchanged (Figure 2).
  2. The edge line at the point of contact with the block must be perpendicular to the direction of movement (Figure 3).
  3. The pressure should be moderate and uniform; there is no need to “iron” the sharpener or remove chips from it.
  • Figure 2
  • Figure 3

So, we place the blade on the stone perpendicular to its long side, set the angle to 15-20˚, and begin to move the blade along the stone, gradually moving it from the heel to the tip. When turning the edge closer to its end, the handle should be slightly raised above the plane of the stone and pulled back, as if lagging behind the tip. This will allow you to maintain the same angle of inclination and perpendicularity of movement.

When the pass along the entire edge is completed, it is necessary to repeat it in reverse order, as when rewinding. This will make it easier to maintain the correct angle and overall the work will go faster. We perform these movements until a “burr” begins to appear on the opposite side of the edge.

The “burr” can be seen or felt with the skin of a finger when running it perpendicular to the tip. When the edge begins to scratch along its entire length, stop sharpening one side and begin processing the opposite side.

The knife is turned over and work begins on the other side. Gradually, a moment will come when, like last time, a “hangnail” will appear. This means the second side is ready. More precisely, almost ready.

Next, we take a thinner abrasive and start the process from the beginning. Similar to the previous stage, we achieve the appearance of a “burr” first on one side and then on the other side of the cutting edge. At this stage it will be much smaller and thinner.

Finally, the blade is polished to the finest abrasive. Here it is necessary to carefully polish the cutting edges, as if stroking them, and remove even the smallest “burrs.”

Blade position relative to the sharpening stone:


How to sharpen a knife to razor sharpness at home

How to sharpen blades

With the help of a knife we ​​cook food, cut food and do other housework. Therefore, it is very important that the knife blade always remains sharp. Theoretically, there is nothing difficult in sharpening knives, but in practice it turns out that not everyone can sharpen a blade well. To have an idea of ​​what to sharpen knives with and how to do it correctly, we recommend reading our article.

Main types of knives

Before you start sharpening a knife, you need to find out what material it is made of. There are several types of knives:

    • Carbon steel knives are the most affordable, made from an alloy of iron and carbon, easy to sharpen and remain sharp for a long time. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the knife blade oxidizes from interaction with food or an acidic environment, due to this, rust and stains appear on the knife, and food acquires a metallic taste. Over time, after plaque forms on the blade, oxidation stops.
    • Low carbon stainless steel knives are made from an alloy of iron, chromium, carbon and in some cases nickel or molybdenum. Stainless steel knives are inferior in hardness to carbon steel, so they quickly become dull and require regular sharpening. The advantages include corrosion resistance.
    • Knives made of high-carbon stainless steel are a higher class of knives, with a higher carbon content and additions of cobalt or vanadium. Due to the higher quality alloy, this type of knives does not require frequent sharpening and is not subject to corrosion.
    • Damascus steel knives are mainly made as edged weapons, but there are also kitchen options. A Damascus steel knife is a multi-layer blade made from different high-quality alloys. The disadvantages include the high cost of knives.
  • Ceramic knives have gained popularity because of their sharpness and ability not to become dull for a long time. But in addition to their advantages, ceramic knives have a significant disadvantage, which is their fragility when dropped from a height and poor resistance to fracture.

Touchstone (sharpening stone)

Sharpening stones are available with different numbers of abrasive grains per square millimeter. Therefore, for rough sharpening and finishing grinding, you need to use bars with a minimum and maximum abrasive content.

In foreign-made whetstones, information about the number of abrasive grains is on their labeling.

You have to choose domestically produced sharpening stones “by eye” or ask the seller which whetstone to use for initial sharpening and which for final sharpening.

Mechanical sharpener

Mechanical sharpeners are mainly used for sharpening kitchen knives. Although the sharpening process is quick, the quality leaves much to be desired. For this reason, for hunting and sporting knives, it is recommended to use other sharpening methods.

Electric sharpener

Modern models of electric sharpeners allow you to achieve high quality sharpening due to the built-in function of automatically determining the angle of the blade.

The electric sharpener is perfect for both household use and for sharpening knives in catering establishments.

The range of electric sharpeners is presented in a wide range, so the price may vary, but if you want your knives to always remain sharp, then buy more “advanced” and expensive models.


Musat - designed to maintain the sharpness of the knife edge. In shape, the musat resembles a round file with a handle. Musats are included in knife sets, and many owners often confuse them with a tool for fully sharpening a blade. Please note that with the help of musat you can maintain the sharpness of a sharpened knife, but if the knife has become completely dull, you will not be able to sharpen it with musat.

Sharpener "Lansky"

This sharpener is used for sharpening small and medium-sized knives. The design of the sharpener allows you to sharpen the blade at the angle you choose. The Lansky sharpener consists of a rod with a removable touchstone and two corners connected to each other. The corners simultaneously serve as a vice for the knife and a scale for selecting the sharpening angle. The sharpener kit also includes sharpening stones of different grits with ANSI markings.

Sharpening and grinding machines

Sharpening machines are used mainly in production for high-precision sharpening of rotating shaft blades. In addition to high-precision machines, there are electrically driven abrasive wheels and rotating discs for grinding. Sharpening knives on such machines should only be done by an experienced craftsman, because due to the speed of rotation of the circle or disk and the high heating temperature, with any unsuccessful movement, the knife blade will become unusable.

Sharpening a knife with a whetstone

Sharpening a blade made with a sharpening stone is considered to be of the highest quality, provided, of course, that it was carried out by an experienced craftsman. To sharpen a knife on a whetstone, do the following:

    1. Place a low abrasive grit sandstone on a stationary surface. If the block is small, it can be clamped in a vice.
    1. Holding the knife at an angle of 20-25 degrees relative to the surface of the block, begin moving the knife along the whetstone with the cutting edge forward.
  1. Move the blade along the block so that during movement it touches the surface of the whetstone along its entire length.
  2. As you move, try to maintain the same blade angle.
  3. After making 2-3 movements, turn the knife over and repeat the sharpening process on the other side of the blade.
  4. Thus, alternating sides, sharpen the knife until an edge (burr) appears along the edge of the blade.
  5. Swap the coarse whetstone for a grinding stone.
  6. Sand the knife blade until the edge disappears.
  7. Test the sharpness of the knife by cutting a hemp rope folded several times, or try cutting a sheet of paper.

How to sharpen a knife using a sharpening stone, see also in the video:

Sharpening a hunting knife on a Lansky sharpener

Hunting knives are made of hard steel, so their initial sharpening requires sharpening stones with a low content of abrasive grains.

  • Clamp the knife in a sharpener vice.
  • Place a sharpening stone with a low content of abrasive grains on the rod.
  • Select the angle of the block (for hunting knives it is usually from 20 to 30 degrees).
  • Insert the rod into the desired hole.
  • Lubricate the whetstone with the special oil included in the sharpener kit.
  • Start moving the block along the knife blade, from the base to the tip.
  • Flip the sharpener over and repeat the process on the other side of the knife.
  • Once the edge is formed, change the stone and do the final sanding.
  • Since hunting knives are mostly made with a double-sided blade, after finishing sharpening on one side, change the position of the knife in the vice and begin the sharpening process on the other side.
  • Once you've finished sharpening, polish the knife blade with felt.

How to sharpen knives in a Lansky sharpener, watch the video:

Sharpening scissors

Sharpening of scissors must be done on a special sharpening machine. Sharpening blades using improvised materials (sandpaper, the edge of a glass, etc.) can temporarily improve the sharpness of scissors, but not for long. If you do not have the opportunity to have your scissors sharpened by a professional, you can try to sharpen them yourself on an abrasive stone. When sharpening you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • The sharpening stone should be fine-grained.
  • The blade is sharpened over the entire surface of the edge at the same time.
  • The angle of the blade should match the factory edge.
  • The movement of the blade along the stone should be from the screw to the tip.
  • Scissors need to be sharpened disassembled.

When sharpening scissors, do not rush; patience will be your ally in this matter.

You can also watch the video on how to quickly sharpen scissors:

Sharpening plane and chisel blades

Sharpening the blade of a plane and a chisel are practically no different from each other. Therefore, the sharpening process described below applies to both tools:

  • Place the chisel on the whetstone at an angle of 30-40 degrees.
  • Holding the chisel with your hand, use the fingers of your free hand to press the bevel onto the whetstone.
  • Start running the chisel over the whetstone until a burr forms on the smooth side of the chisel.
  • Change the whetstone to a fine-grained one and do the final grinding of the chisel.
  • Check the sharpness of the chisel blade by removing shavings from the corner of the block.

In addition to manual sharpening, the chisel can be sharpened on a machine with a rotating abrasive disk:

  1. Turn on the machine and let the disc reach full speed.
  2. Holding the chisel with both hands, place its bevel against the sharpening wheel.
  3. Be sure to maintain the angle of the chisel, otherwise you will damage the blade of the tool.
  4. Do not press the chisel with great force and do not hold it on the blade for too long, this will lead to overheating of the metal and destruction of the blade.
  5. While sharpening, wet the blade with water.
  6. The final grinding of the chisel blade is best done by hand, using a fine-grained stone or sandpaper.

Do not forget that when sharpening products on a machine, a lot of sparks and small particles are generated that can get into your eyes, so be sure to wear safety glasses. To avoid damaging your hands on the rotating disk, wear gloves.

You can also learn how to sharpen tools from the video:


You can quickly sharpen a knife on a hike or on a picnic using an ordinary cobblestone. Use any stone lying on the ground instead of a whetstone and run the knife blade along its surface. You won't achieve razor sharpness, but you will return the knife to working condition.

Second knife

It is quite possible to sharpen two knives at once, without sharpening stones or tools. To do this, you need to take a knife in both hands and begin to sharpen the blade of one knife on the blade of the other. After 5-10 minutes of this work, the knives will become sharper than before.

Glass objects

The knife blade can be slightly sharpened on the rough edge of glass or ceramic objects. For example, on the bottom of a glass or the edge of a tile. The main thing is that the surface is rough.

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Leather belt

A leather belt is more suitable for finishing and giving the knife blade a razor sharpness than for rough sharpening. But if there is nothing at hand except a belt, then you can try to sharpen the knife on it. To do this, you need to tighten the belt and start moving the blade along it; you may not achieve strong sharpness, but you will polish the knife to a shine.

By learning to sharpen knives and tools yourself, you will acquire a skill that will be useful to you throughout your life!


Sharper than a razor: How to sharpen knives correctly

How to sharpen blades

Have you come for a barbecue, but your dull “grandfather’s” knife won’t cut the meat? It was necessary to sharpen it in time! So that you don’t get into trouble again in such a situation, our article is about how to properly sharpen knives and “treat” dull blades.

A bread slicer for each

Everyone has knives. Regardless of who you are—an experienced nymphomaniac who won’t go out on the street without three blades and a multi-tool, or an inveterate pacifist and non-resistance to violence—you definitely have a knife. If not with you, then at home in the kitchen. Or in the car. Expensive or cheap, warehouse, tourist, hunting, bought from a fashion catalogue, given to a friend “for a penny”, made in the zone or machined at a secret factory from a rocket nozzle - there are countless of them.

Typical “knife in the car just in case.”

Three quarters of them are stupid. Sometimes you go with friends to the pampas, you need to cut something, and they’re like: “Oh! I have a knife in my glove compartment!”

Something fearful is brought into the light of God, whose wit varies from “dumb as a Siberian felt boot” to “only used to cut up dead mongrels.” And what? They used this to open cans, chop nails on a dare, and pick at bricks. This is how it became.

It’s easier for me - I always have a “folding bag” with me, for a quarter of a century now. And it's sharp.

Do you want the same? Learn to sharpen knives.

Editing and sharpening knives

First, let's separate these two concepts. Sharpening is the formation of a cutting edge (CR), and editing is needed to bring this edge to working condition. At high magnification, the cutting edge of a knife sharpened on a large block looks, frankly, unimportant and resembles a rock ridge eaten away by erosion.

Editing the paint using a fine abrasive allows you to bring this visual nightmare to a more or less decent state. The knife begins not only to cut, but also to shave (if, of course, you did everything correctly).

About sharpening stones

The oldest and most common way to make a knife sharp is by hand sharpening on abrasive stones. A set of decent whetstones is necessary for any thoughtful knife lover, because it is not only a working tool, but also a reason for pride. For home and family, it is recommended to have two or three bars of different grain sizes, as well as a piece of leather rubbed with GOI paste for removing burrs (more on that another time) and final finishing of the blade.

Professional sharpeners, depending on their qualifications, can use up to a dozen natural stones of different characteristics, but the average person has no need for such delights.

A set of Japanese water stones of various grain sizes.

In everyday life you can easily do without such a set. The cutting edge on the blade can be shaped quite successfully using a flat "velvet" file or a piece of sandpaper glued to a piece of wood. In “street” conditions, I even had to sharpen cheap Chinese knives on a concrete curb block, and edit them on river pellets.

Editing the blade on the belt.

But this is completely extreme, and if you decide to master the “correct” manual sharpening, then for starters you can buy an inexpensive combined (double-sided) stone, which is now a dime a dozen in Chinese online stores. Their quality is uneven, but it is quite possible to find very decent samples. I don’t recommend using diamond-coated whetstones - they eat up the blade too much, and there’s a high chance of getting damaged.

How to sharpen knives by hand?

Regardless of whether you decide to master manual sharpening or use small-scale mechanization, the correct way to sharpen knives is to start with a block of the coarsest grain and move on to smaller ones. It is advisable to hold the knife perpendicular to the block.

The most important thing is to maintain the same angle of inclination of the blade to the surface at all times. Movements when sharpening should be uniform and monotonous. The sharpening stone and the surface on which it rests should not move.

To do this, you can put a piece of sheet rubber on the table, or, failing that, a moistened sheet of paper.

Grinding the first third of the knife edge "G. SakaiFoldingHunter" on a 600 grit water stone (before starting work, a block of natural stone is soaked in water for 15 minutes, and then its surface is lubricated with soapy water).

Don’t forget to periodically check how much metal is being removed from the handle, and don’t press the knife too hard - the pressing force against the block should be small but constant. Moving the knife away from you or towards you is a matter of taste; to save time, I do it in both directions.

To begin with, you should practice using a regular board instead of a sharpening stone, and, say, a short ruler instead of a knife. Hands will remember.

Many consider the sharpening process to be a kind of movement meditation; in principle, that’s how it is. The need for constant control and concentration on the task at hand forces you to disconnect from external factors. It turns out to be a kind of zen.

About sharpening angles

Holding a knife at the desired angle while sharpening is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. And what is this corner like? For the vast majority of the inexpensive knives mentioned above, the sharpening angle is 20-30 degrees.

There are many ways to “calculate with your hands” the desired tilt of the blade; The simplest one is to fold a sheet of thick paper into a triangle, one fold is 45 degrees, the second is half as much, 22.5.

We place the resulting pyramid on the block, carefully press the blade against it and remember the tilt and position of the hands.

20-25 degrees is a good angle for a well-worn carbon Opinel.

For the same purposes, you can use special wooden corners or several coins glued with superglue. Or simply buy a special clip for the blade, which will prevent the edge from being too “collapsed”.

True, if the steel is completely “plasticine”, they try to increase the angle as much as thirty-five degrees - cutting such a product will be quite lousy, but it will take a long time. Here you can also play with a sheet of paper, but you will have to fold it not in four, but in three - as a result you will get a corner with a working side close to 33 degrees.

For soft steels there is another trick: the angle is maintained around 30 degrees, but one side of the cutting edge is smoothed almost “into a mirror”, and the other is sharpened on a rough, coarse-grained whetstone. This method is popularly called “gypsy”; at the industrial level, it degenerated into the notorious “laser-sharpened knives” (although, of course, there was no smell of laser there).

Small teeth on one side, a smooth surface on the other, and even the top layer of steel is carburized to hardness - it cuts well until it becomes dull. For cheap domestic stainless steels such as 40X13, 65X13 or the favorite of Chinese manufacturers 420J2, this method works well - try it yourself.

I don’t want to learn how to sharpen knives, I want something sharp right away!

Japanese masters said: “Out of a hundred students sent to be sharpeners, only one has the ability, and out of a hundred capable ones, only one will become a decent master.”

Well, they are all to hell with this approach! After all, the meat for shish kebab needs to be cut right now!

So, if you are learning Zen in other ways, or you don’t have enough time/patience, or, finally, you suffer from an acute form of upper limb aphedronality, don’t despair. Especially for such cases, there are a lot of simple but effective devices that help keep the cutting tool in very good condition.

Twenty years ago, the pioneer and main manufacturer of such devices was the American company Lansky; its Lansky Sharpening System (LSS) set was a kind of standard on the market. Today, our dear Chinese comrades offer exact copies of the “system” at half or three times the price. The stones, of course, are of a lower grade, but otherwise the thing is quite suitable.

American and Chinese sets - the choice is yours.

And here's how they sharpen it:

As you can see, everything is very simple and effective. Anyone can do it. However, more complex sharpening devices are now available, real machines with a bunch of adjustments and replaceable whetstones.

But LSS remains a timeless classic. In our area it was dubbed the “Lansky corner” - and be careful not to confuse it with the “Lansky flyer”. The flyer is also a simple device from the same company and it also helps in maintaining the sharpness of the knife. However, it is not suitable for sharpening, but for editing it is the sweetest thing. “CrockStick” are two pairs of metal-ceramic rods of different grain sizes in a wooden box-stand.

Place a pair of rods at the desired angle, take the knife with your “working hand”, and hold the base of the sharpener with your weak hand. Hold the pre-sharpened blade vertically and move it downwards, as if cutting a piece of sausage - the cermet will quickly bring the edge to a razor sharpness.

The “corner + flyer” pair is an almost ideal option for anyone who doesn’t want to bother with bars. However, there are a lot of “bagels” on the market now, from famous manufacturers to budget Chinese. Choose according to your taste and wallet.

Other knife blades

Manual and mechanical, of various designs - the knife-loving public has come up with a lot of things, but personally I respect only two varieties.

Firstly, the grinder . This is a belt surface grinding machine that allows you to perform a variety of operations - from sharpening a blade to making a knife (and other useful things made of wood and metal) in general.

Making a grinder with your own hands is especially chic; many topics are devoted to this on specialized forums. With proper practice, sharpening a knife with this device is literally a matter of minutes. I don't have a grinder, but I want one. Of course, there is nowhere to put it, but I still want to.

Secondly, musat . In essence, it is a round (less often semicircular or oval) file with a very fine notch. Musats are made of steel (including diamond-coated) and metal-ceramic.

Despite all its primitiveness, it is the musat that is the primary tool for straightening knives in the kitchen. However, it all depends on practice: in the same way, it is necessary to maintain a constant correct angle in relation to the blade. Whether to steer the blade towards yourself or away from you is your own choice. The main thing is to develop the correct movement.

I almost never use other “sharpeners” and don’t see much point in them. It will be interesting - I'll tell you next time.

Yuri Muller |


How to properly sharpen knives on a machine

> Knife sharpening


The sharpness of the knife affects the speed of work performed and ensures the safety of users. It is achieved both mechanically and through the use of motorized devices. The second option makes it easier to restore the cutting edge. But working on the equipment is impossible without knowledge of how to properly sharpen knives on a sharpening machine.

Sharpening or straightening knives

Before returning the knife blade to its original state using an electric sharpener, it is necessary to determine what actions are required for this tool - sharpening or straightening. When using a blade, the tip is often damaged and deformed.

It forms:

  • edge bend;
  • chips;
  • wavy surface.

Electric knife sharpener.

Removing defects on a grinding machine will require the use of different attachments and changing the rotation speed. Otherwise, you can cut off the excess layer of metal. To avoid this, you must first straighten the tool using mechanical straightening using a tool in the form of a round file (musat). It has a special surface made of durable steel, ceramics or diamond chips. The device is suitable for removing the bend of the blade at the edge.

Experienced craftsmen sharpen blades on a sharpening machine at minimum speed. The wave-shaped deformation is cut off completely. There is no other way to remove it. Chips should be removed in the same way. Then you need to start sharpening the tip.

Grinding knives on a machine

Grinding is the final stage in sharpening blades. When the blade is brought to the desired sharpness, burrs appear. They are removed by processing the tool on a nozzle with fine abrasive crumbs. Then they transfer to a felt disc with the application of a special GOI finishing paste. The knife is polished until absolutely smooth.

Electric knife sharpeners

Modern electric sharpeners are a design with an electric motor, on the axis of which abrasive discs coated with diamond are located. The components of the sharpener are placed in a closed housing with slots for the blades. There are models in which the angle of the blade is set automatically.

Electric sharpeners have the following advantages:

  • compact dimensions;
  • availability of sharpening and polishing modes;
  • connectors for different types of knives and scissors;
  • safety at work.

Before using the sharpener, you must read the instructions, which include:

  • device description;
  • work rules;
  • sharpening direction;
  • recommended implement angles.

To add sharpness, the blade must be inserted into the hole of a working sharpener and pulled towards you. The number of repetitions depends on the degree of edge wear (from 5 to 10). The blade is then polished.

The disadvantages of an electric sharpener include its relatively high price. It must be remembered that tools sharpened with this equipment quickly become dull.

How to sharpen knives on a machine correctly

A sharpening machine is an electrical device with abrasive attachments that differ from each other in the size of the granular chips.

Before working on the sharpener, consider the following points:

  • knife functionality;
  • metal quality;
  • sharpening angle;
  • rotation speed of the nozzles.

Knife sharpening machine.

All points are interconnected. The value of the sharpening angle before polishing the object depends on the cases in which this or that tool is used:

  1. 10-17° - for thin tools (razors, scalpels). These items are treated only with fine-grained nozzles operating at reduced speed. With a minimum sharpening angle, the edge is the sharpest, but such objects become dull faster.
  2. 20-25° - for kitchen knives. Small tools with a thin blade can be irrevocably damaged by a rough abrasive wheel. In this case, a fine-grained disk with a low number of revolutions is used.
  3. 25-30° - for tourist and hunting blades, which are made of durable Damascus steel. Kitchen cleavers used for cutting meat and chopping bones are also sharpened at this angle.
  4. 30-40° - for rough tools, the use of which makes work in the garden easier, and for tools capable of cutting carpet, hoses, and cardboard.

On modern industrial sharpening machines there are no problems with maintaining the sharpening angle: the knife is inserted into special openings and secured. The fixed position allows you to sharpen the blade symmetrically on both sides.

It is difficult to measure the angle at home. Experts advise focusing on the width of the eyeliner (the size of the cut from the edge to the entire area). For kitchen blades it is 2-3 mm, for rough tools (an ax, scissors for gardening) - from 4 to 5 mm. If the knife is sharpened correctly, the eyeliner will be the same along its entire length.

On an emery machine

An electric sanding machine is a necessary item in the household. Use it to sharpen any cutting objects. The kit includes abrasive discs with coarse and fine crumbs.

Sharpening knives on an emery-type sharpening machine follows the following algorithm:

  1. The blade is applied with its edge to the rotating coarse-grained disk from the side.
  2. The blade must be tilted to the required degree.
  3. Run the edge along the disc from the base of the handle to the tip, without changing the inclination or direction.
  4. The movements are repeated on the reverse side of the blade.
  5. The number of repetitions should be the same on both sides.
  6. You need to sharpen until burrs appear.
  7. The roughness is carefully removed.
  8. The blade is edited using a fine-grain attachment, alternately on each side.
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To sharpen the tip evenly, you need to move it smoothly and without strong pressure along the side of the nozzle. If this is done slowly, the blade will overheat and the edge will become damaged.

On a machine with an abrasive wheel

A machine with an abrasive wheel, or grinder, is used for sharpening knives and tools, which allows amateur craftsmen to save on purchasing an electric sharpening machine.

To sharpen the blade, the grinder is strengthened with the disc facing up. During work, nozzles with medium and fine abrasives are alternately used. The sequence of actions is the same as when working on sandpaper. It is important to take into account the rotation speed of the grinder’s nozzle, which reaches 11 thousand revolutions per minute at minimum power. Therefore, before you start sharpening, you need to understand the nuances and practice in the presence of an expert.

Tips from experts on sharpening knives on a machine

When working on a sharpening machine, expert advice will come in handy:

  1. To avoid overheating of the knife blade, you need to use sharpening machines at low speed.
  2. If it is impossible to reduce the rotation speed of the nozzles, you should keep a container of cold water nearby to periodically cool the heated object.
  3. Do not check the sharpness of the blades with your fingers: this can lead to cuts and infection. In such cases, tests with a sheet of paper or a tomato are used.
  4. During sharpening, metal particles and crumbs bounce off the nozzle. Therefore, experts recommend using protective equipment (glasses, long sleeves, gloves).
  5. In order for knives to remain sharp for a long time, they must be stored correctly: placed in separate wooden holes or on a magnetic panel.
  6. Use sharp tools for their intended purpose. It is acceptable to cut on a wooden surface. Glass, plastic, iron lead to deformation of the blade and loss of sharpness.

When sharpening a knife, you need to use protective equipment.

If you strictly adhere to the algorithm for working on a sharpening machine, then even a beginner will be able to restore the blade. Using the recommendations received will help you avoid common mistakes in sharpening knives.

How to properly sharpen knives on a machine Link to main publication


How to quickly and easily sharpen a razor

Most people around the world use various shaving machines to maintain a neat appearance. This applies to both men and women. An easy-to-use device allows you to remove excess hair on the face and body, easily and without unnecessary hassle.

It is also quite possible to sharpen a razor, significantly extending its life

Shaving has been used since ancient times. Most likely, this is due to the inconvenience caused by overgrown facial hair.

There are several types of razors:

  • Straight razor . Has an open blade. You need to handle it carefully; an awkward movement can lead to a cut. It takes skill to hold the sharpened surface at the right angle to achieve the result;
  • Safety razor . In such a machine, the sharp edge is located at a given angle, making it more difficult to get a cut from touching. The market offers types with replaceable blades, “cassettes” of several blades, and disposable options. They are convenient to take with you on the road, they do not require a network connection and are very easy to use;
  • Electric razor . A modern look for such devices. The cutting surface is hidden behind a special mesh, which protects against injury. A special feature of this type is the need for electrical power to operate. Some models are equipped with batteries for autonomy for some time.

One of the main disadvantages of this item is that the blades become dull after a period of time. However, not everyone knows that it is quite possible to sharpen a razor for further use. There are methods and devices that will allow you, to avoid unnecessary costs, or, if necessary, adjust the blade.

Do I need to sharpen my razor myself?

The procedure for renewing the sharpened edge of a blade is not as complicated as it seems at first. Self-sharpening will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses and restore the sharpness of your razor for a while when it is not possible to purchase a new one.

If you are interested in the question of how to sharpen your razor, then there may be several answer options:

  1. Special devices
  2. Tools at hand.

Razor sharpening devices

Due to the great demand for machines and the question of how to sharpen an old blade, some manufacturers have launched special sharpening devices that allow you to carry out such a procedure as sharpening razor blades at home. This device is a plastic base with abrasive applied on top. Using this item, if necessary, can give your machine a second, or even a third life. The whole procedure will take 5-10 minutes.

How to sharpen a disposable razor

Many people really think that it is not possible to sharpen a safety razor blade again, but this is not so. To do this you need to purchase a sharpening device. Instructions for sharpening at home are below.

To sharpen the machine, a strip of special plastic mixed with the smallest abrasive is used, laid on a convenient base in the form of a block. Such devices include RazorPit (manufacturer – Denmark) and Zattoch (Ukraine)

There are several razor blade sharpeners, but the principle of use is the same for all. The action takes place in three stages:

  • Apply a little shaving gel to the abrasive surface. This is done in order not to create unnecessary damage on the cutting edge;
  • Run the razor over the surface in the opposite direction to the direction of use. You need to make about 30 movements;
  • Rinse the machine and sharpening device with water. It is necessary to remove the smallest particles of metal and abrasive so as not to spoil the characteristics and avoid unnecessary skin irritation.

After carrying out these simple manipulations, you will get your razor in working condition.

Sharpening a disposable machine on your jeans

Improvised means are also very popular for sharpening razors. If we are wondering how to sharpen our razor at home or how to sharpen razor blades in a cassette, then the answer is - we sharpen it with jeans.

To do this, you will need denim (or other tough material), a hard surface and a few minutes of time.

It turns out that you can easily extend the “life” of a cassette. All you need is jeans and a little patience.


  1. The fabric must be turned wrong side out. This side is more suitable for the upcoming procedure due to its rigidity and helps not spoil the appearance of clothing if jeans or a jacket are used;
  2. We stretch the improvised abrasive onto a hard surface. The base can be a ruler, book, pen or something similar. Position the material so that the threads run along the entire surface;
  3. To sharpen a disposable razor, take it and move it against the direction of shaving across the threads. The necessary friction will remove microscopic nicks from the surface of the blade and remove a thin layer of metal. You will have to repeat the movement about 100-150 times.

After this, the razor can be used again. The convenience of this particular option is that in almost any trip, car, etc. You can find a cloth that will serve as an abrasive and help restore the instrument to create the perfect look.

Other methods, alternative sharpening methods

A little about other techniques for sharpening and maintaining the performance of blades, knives, etc. It must be said right away that these options do not have a scientific explanation, but judging by the reviews of people who use them, the service life of shaving accessories and cutting objects is significantly increased.

Attention, further reading is contraindicated for realists: anti-scientific knowledge


How to sharpen a knife so that it becomes like a razor - useful tips and life hacks

It is impossible to imagine a kitchen in which there would be no knives. After all, when cooking, you can’t do without this tool. Often, not one knife is required, but several. And each tool in a set of knives is designed to perform certain functions.

But even when a cook has a whole collection of knives in stock, he has to periodically sharpen them. After all, these tools cannot always remain sharp, especially if they are constantly used for cutting various food products.

But if the knife becomes even a little duller, food processing will no longer be as high quality as in the case of using a sharp, well-sharpened tool.

Therefore, do not forget to sharpen your knives and keep their blades as sharp as possible. It is recommended to do this at home, since frequently seeking help from professionals can cost a pretty penny. It’s better to spend a little time learning how to sharpen knives and practice a little once, than to call a sharpener every time you lose their sharpness.

In reality, sharpening knives is not a difficult job, and it does not take much time. But an ordinary knife, which many people may have in their kitchen, is not suitable for frequent use. It will not help sharpen the tool to such an extent that it becomes no less sharp than a razor. It is better to take care of purchasing other equipment, which, as practice shows, is more effective. Let's consider one of the options.

This stone is well suited for sharpening knives that have lost their sharpness. However, acquiring it today is not so easy. More precisely, it is not easy to find it on sale. Just a few years ago, such devices could be seen in almost every store. Now this is very rare.

Those who have such a stone at home are lucky. You need to try not to lose it. Not all sharpening stones are created equal. They can be distinguished by their rudeness. The toughest ones are used for aggressive sharpening. And for everyday use, a medium-grained piece of ceramic is quite suitable.

Any knife already has a certain sharpening at the time of purchase. And usually the one who purchased it only needs to make sure that the sharpness remains the same. That is, as soon as the knife becomes dull and begins to cut worse, it is necessary to sharpen the tool, returning it to its original sharpness.

When sharpening a cutting tool, it is important to pay attention to the angle of the edge. In this case, it will be possible to significantly reduce the time required for work. In addition, sharpening at any other angle may damage the blade.

What should be the angle

The optimal angle for sharpening is 20 degrees. If the knife is sharpened at a larger or smaller angle, its sharpness will not be maintained for long. Everything, of course, depends on how much the actual sharpening angle differs from the recommended optimal one.

How to move your hands correctly

When sharpening, you need to perform the correct hand movements. When the blade touches the whetstone, you should try to move your hands in an arc.

If you synchronize the movement correctly and maintain the optimal tilt angle of 20 degrees, the result will certainly please you: the knife will acquire excellent sharpness, and the need for the next sharpening will not arise soon.

For those who are just starting to sharpen knives, it is recommended to place a small metal object, such as a coin, under the sharp edge to maintain the desired angle.

To make the cutting tool sharper, you can use a little oil. This can be either ordinary vegetable oil used in the kitchen or special mineral oil. It should act as a lubricant that promotes sliding.

The oil is very easy to use. You just need to pour it on the sharpening stone before starting work. However, many manage to use even plain water instead of oil. They only periodically wet the stone, which also improves gliding.

Many people want to give a knife blade the sharpness of a razor. However, in the case of a kitchen knife, this is still not recommended. After all, when cutting food, it will quickly become dull again. A rough edge has a better effect on food fibers. This means that such a knife will have some properties of a saw. A coarse sharpened tool is well suited for cutting meat and chopping vegetables.

However, there is one type of product that, on the contrary, is better to cut with a blade sharpened to a razor sharpness. We are talking about fish. When it is necessary to cut fish, it is better to use a knife with a fine sharpening.

In general, it is impossible to give a knife the sharpness inherent in a razor by simply sharpening it using a whetstone. Only fine-tuning the blade will help make a cutting tool sharp. And this stage of bringing the tool into working condition begins after sharpening itself.

The finishing of the knife should be done manually. And various devices such as sandpaper and other “sharpeners” will not give the desired effect. They are only suitable for simple sharpening, when you only need to return the knife to the sharpness it has lost, and not turn its blade into something similar to a razor.

What is needed for finishing

  1. For finishing, you will need bars of different grain sizes. There should be at least two of them. However, professionals use at least three.
  2. You will also need genuine leather. You should choose a thicker material, taking, for example, a piece of some leather belt. Moreover, it is not advisable to use a skin substitute.
  3. To work you will need GOI paste.
  4. You also cannot do without technical Vaseline.

Finishing on a block with a small grain size

First you need to use a fine-grained block. The knife should be positioned so that the line of its tip and the vector of movement always make an angle of 90 degrees. There is no point in sharpening a knife by holding it diagonally, that is, at some other angle to the motion vector.

Finishing on genuine leather

When leather is used for finishing, the position of the point line must be changed. The blade is moved slightly forward with its butt. You need to repeat this a maximum of three times, and then change the position of the blade again. Before starting work, GOI is applied to the surface of the skin.

Most often this product is sold in solid form. Therefore, before use you need to prepare a special mixture. Solid GOI is ground into powder and added to Vaseline. Then these two substances are mixed. The resulting composition can be applied to the skin by rubbing it thoroughly.

A knife that has lost its sharpness is a useless item. And any piercing-cutting instrument, no matter what quality metal its blade is made of, and no matter how sharp it is at first, sooner or later becomes dull. This is especially true for kitchen knives that are used daily.

Therefore, for owners of these tools, the question of how to sharpen them always remains relevant. And in fact there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to know the basic rules and remember some nuances. Anyone can sharpen a knife at home. The main difficulty in this work lies only in being careful and maintaining the correct angle. But just a little practice and you can forget about this problem.

Embedded video for How to sharpen a knife so it becomes like a razor


How to sharpen razor blades at home

Table of contents

  • 1. What is important to know
  • 2. Methods and step-by-step guidance
  • 2.1. Sharpener RazorPit and cheaper analogue Zattoch
  • 2.2. Denim
  • 2.3. Leather belt
  • 2.4. Pyramid
  • 2.5. Sharpening with a stone
  • 2.6. Sharpening with sandpaper
  • 3. Features of sharpening a disposable razor
  • 4. Features of Gillette sharpening
  • 5. Features of sharpening a straight razor

The main accessory for men's daily grooming that requires attention is machines. Mainly used - disposable, T-shaped or reusable with replaceable cassettes.

It happens that the blade becomes dull or the replacement cassettes run out. You have to shave with unsuitable material, which results in severe skin irritation, abrasions on the face, and the hair is shaved poorly.

Home techniques will quickly restore the original appearance of the sharp material, extend the shelf life, help save money and help out in any situation.

Methods and step-by-step guide

Specialists, barbers and men who practice self-care for the machine use several methods.

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Sharpener RazorPit and cheaper analogue Zattoch

The Danish company RazorPit has developed a sharpener for sharpening blades. This method is proven and has proven itself among users. There is also a budget analogue of the Ukrainian company Zattoch on the market.

An oblong leather plate on an adhesive tape, the surface of which is treated with diamond chips and is itself sharpened.

Using the RazorPit (Zattoch), the blades are sharpened as follows:

  • A few drops of shaving gel are applied to the surface of the device.
  • Then the razor moves in the opposite direction.
  • 25–30 movements are recommended.

One procedure per month is enough to turn the machine into a reliable shaving tool. The video shows how to sharpen 3 different blades with a Zattoch sharpener.


You can sharpen a razor at home on jeans. Denim fabric on the reverse side is dense and rough, copes well with a dull blade.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • The jeans are turned inside out.
  • You need to place a hard thing made of cardboard or wood under your jeans. A ruler, a block, or a sleeve from plastic bags will do.
  • The razor moves across the fabric in the opposite direction to a classic shave, without damaging the jeans.
  • 30–50 times is enough.

As the machine is used, the procedure is carried out regularly until the material is completely thinned.


Some sources claim that the pyramid for sharpening a blade was invented by the Czech engineer K. Drobal. It can be bought or made from improvised materials. Cut a square from chipboard or cardboard, and the edges are parallel to each other (the size is indicated in the pictures below). Secure them with tape or glue in the shape of a pyramid. Further, according to the instructions:

  • place the pyramid on a hard, flat surface;
  • the design is oriented with its edges to the cardinal directions;
  • place the blade inside the pyramid on a cardboard pedestal at 1/3 of the height, in the direction from south to north (or vice versa);
  • keep the cassette in this condition for a week.

The surface of the blades must not touch anything!

Sharpening with a stone

Not everyone can succeed in sharpening shaving blades with a stone the first time; it also all depends on the material. For the procedure, synthetic stones without lumps with a uniform surface are used.

The procedure goes like this:

  • The stone is wetted with water.
  • The razor carefully moves along the stone in the opposite direction.
  • 25–30 movements are enough.
  • When sharpening a straight razor, carefully hold the blade with your thumb and forefinger. You should sharpen first on one side, then turn it over and sharpen on the other side.

Sharpening with sandpaper

Sharpening with sandpaper is a simple and straightforward method. Sandpaper with a grit of more than 2000, water and a flat surface are suitable for this.

Features of sharpening a disposable razor

If you find yourself in a place where your razor is inaccessible, then disposable razors come to the rescue. Therefore, sometimes you shouldn’t throw away the machine right away. You can rinse it thoroughly with water, then use one of the already known methods, and the machine will serve you well.

Features of sharpening Gillette

You can sharpen a Gillette razor at home using a pyramid or denim. Mak 3 machines have advantages over others, since the company has been producing razors for a long time and knows the needs of consumers well.

To properly sharpen a Vest razor blade using denim, watch the description above or the video.

Features of sharpening a straight razor

Sharpening a straight razor at home is not easy. It takes care, practice, and proper technique.

Sharpening features:

  • Use belt or stone sharpening methods.
  • Observe safety precautions with sharp objects.
  • Maintain the correct sharpening angle.
  • During processing, there is no need to press the device hard.
  • Sharpen first on one side, then on the other.


How to sharpen an electric razor: complete instructions

An electric razor is the most convenient tool for shaving, since it does not require the use of cosmetics, hygienic procedures, and most importantly, after such shaving there is no irritation, cuts or abrasions on the skin. And if a few years ago the device was a novelty for many men, today every third man has an electric razor in his arsenal of shaving accessories.

Despite the functionality and quality of the device, the electric razor periodically needs sharpening. Otherwise, dull blades will not cut, but rather pull hairs out of the skin, causing severe irritation and ingrown hairs. Therefore, when purchasing such a device, you need to immediately inquire about how to sharpen an electric razor after a while if the blades do not perform their functions well.

Why do you need to sharpen electric razor blades?

The advantages of an electric razor are the circumstances it requires for shaving. More precisely, it does not require it, since using an electric razor you need to remove excess hair dry without water, foam or other shaving products. The device is compact and mobile, so it can be used anywhere. Ideal would be devices that have a self-cleaning function, but there are still few such models on the sales market.

Important! Dull blades do not cut, but pull out stubble hairs, scraping off the top layer of skin.

During operation, it will be necessary to sharpen the blades of an electric razor, and even if we consider models with self-sharpening blades, sooner or later it will be necessary to sharpen them. Some men prefer to simply replace the blades with new components, while others turn to specialists. In fact, many people will be able to sharpen their electric razor blades themselves to restore its functionality.

Special sharpeners for blades

To sharpen the blades of all kinds of safety razors, including electric razors, experts recommend using special sharpeners from different manufacturers. Due to the fact that demand always creates supply, such devices have been created for self-sharpening knives and blades. We are talking about a pen-shaped device with flat plastic, the surface of which is treated with abrasive.

Thanks to the abrasive, such a device can be used to sharpen the blades and knives of shaving tools, be it disposable or reusable machines or electrical appliances. A prominent representative of such a sharpener is the RazorPit device of Danish origin, as well as the Ukrainian analogue of this device Zattoch with an affordable price.

Instructions on how to sharpen electric razor blades with such a sharpener include several steps:

  1. A little shaving gel or shaving foam familiar to men is applied to the surface of the sharpener.
  2. The cutting part of the device must be moved along the abrasive opposite to the direction that a man follows when shaving.
  3. The number of such movements should be about 20-30 times, depending on the service life of the electric razor.

Have you ever heard of such sharpening?

Not really

In fact, sharpening blades using sharpeners is the easiest and most accessible way for many men to revive a razor. Sharpeners are relatively inexpensive and can be used for their intended purpose for a long time, guaranteeing sharp sheaths for electric razors or razors.

“If you have never sharpened blades before, and have not worked in this direction, it will be safer to give this work to specialists, or buy a new razor!”

How to sharpen an electric razor at home?

Electric razor blades are usually made of stainless steel, which is coated with a layer of ceramic or titanium on top. Any owner will need to sharpen an electric razor sooner or later, so the issue of self-sharpening at home is relevant for everyone. Experts offer several effective techniques that will help every man get used to resuscitating an electrical appliance and returning it to service.

Using sandpaper

The most standard sharpening of electric razor blades involves using 1200 or 2500 grit sandpaper. To do this, you need to remove the knives from the electrical appliance, and then treat the surface with 1200-grit paper. Namely, insert the knives into the shaft or cardan of the device, place it and firmly press it against the paper, then turn it on and hold for 10 seconds.

After such processing, all the steps are repeated, only they use paper with a maximum grain size of 2500. At the end of the work, all components are cleaned, the workplace is cleaned, and the electrical appliance is assembled. Experts advise using sandpaper without a soft backing when it comes to sharpening electric razor knives. This technique is followed with such machines for which other methods are not effective, for example, the “Era - 100” model.

Using a screwdriver and glass

To begin with, a man needs to have a drill with reverse or a screwdriver, and also prepare glass for sharpening the knives of the device. The principle of sharpening involves reverse reversing the screwdriver, since moving it clockwise will only dull the blades even more. The blades are taken out of the razor, placed under glass, after which the knives are sharpened using a triangular attachment and a reverse movement. Small turns of the screwdriver last no more than 5 minutes.

Using GOI paste

Sharpening a razor involves the use of another device - GOI paste. This product was first put on sale a hundred years ago. The original purpose of the paste was to polish metals, stone, ceramics and steel, and later for other surfaces. Today, several types of pasta are offered for sale:

  • for a matte effect on the surface;
  • for rough polishing;
  • for a glossy effect and finishing.

If we talk about the metal of electric razor knives, the paste cannot be applied to it in its pure form; it is diluted to the state of a solution or applied using a soft cloth. An electric razor is sharpened with GOI paste as follows:

  • the paste is dissolved in a vessel with a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • add a little solvent to the mixture;
  • Next, the electric razor knife blocks need to be lowered into the solution;
  • you need to hold the knives for as long as the average shaving procedure lasts;
  • At the end, you need to wipe the knives with a paper towel and reassemble the device.

Manufacturers of paste and specialists in sharpening blades and knives of electrical appliances note that after these manipulations the device will work like new. When changing blades, it is recommended to first carry out a similar polishing paste so that the razor works 100%.

Using denim

You can restore the sharpness of razor blades or electric razor knives using denim. The method does not require financial costs and promises results no worse than in previous methods. The instructions involve the following steps:

  • denim fabric is turned inside out;
  • a small piece of jeans, inside out, is placed on top of a durable object, such as a wooden block, ruler or cardboard cylinder;
  • if the jeans are sewn evenly, the lining is held diagonally; if the jeans are made of diagonal fabric, the lining is fixed evenly;
  • The razor knives are moved across the fabric in the opposite direction from what is usual during shaving.

Advice! Sharpening electric razor blades using jeans fabric will not always be effective. It all depends on the quality of the fabric, the service life of the device and the materials used to make the knives.

Such manipulations will preserve the integrity of the fabric and sharpen the blades. But this method is suitable for temporary sharpening several times. And for an electric razor, this method is not always quite effective; many experts note that it is difficult to find high-quality jeans for sharpening knives.


With patience and skill, every man can rehabilitate his electric razor by sharpening its blades. This will preserve the service life of the device for a long time and provide the man with high-quality and unhindered shaving of stubble. If you follow all the instructions and rules, home sharpening will be in no way inferior to that performed by a master. The highest quality method is considered to be sharpening with GOI paste, after which the service life is extended for another year.

(2 3,00 out of 5)


How to sharpen a razor - 6 ways: food foil, sandpaper, stone sharpening, how to sharpen with a pyramid, leather belt, denim

Even the best brands of razors become dull over time, reducing the quality of the shave. By providing proper care and using our tips on how to sharpen a razor, the service life can be significantly increased. The main thing is to use suitable materials for sharpening so as not to damage the edges, and also to follow the technology.

What is important to know about self-sharpening machine blades

Shaving with a blunt edge is not at all uncomfortable, but it can lead to inflammation or irritation on the skin. Blunt edges can be easily sharpened; it is important to correctly calculate your strength and take into account some nuances.

Main subtleties:

  1. Only disposable razors, as well as replaceable shaving cassettes or cartridges, can be sharpened. With conventional blades, the result will not justify itself, and there is a high risk of accidental cuts in the process.
  2. It is better to throw away cheap disposable razors or shaving accessories of poor quality (damaged, rusted) immediately, without exposing yourself to the risk of accidental injury.
  3. Good quality products from trusted manufacturers can be sharpened in specialized workshops. Such a procedure will cost less than a new purchase; the main thing is to choose a good specialist.

The advent of safety razors seemed to have solved the problem of dealing with stubble forever. At the same time, disposable machines and cartridges quickly break down, so you have to constantly spend money on purchasing new accessories. You can solve this problem by sharpening it yourself; the best methods are given below.

Methods for sharpening a razor

The best option would be to purchase a special sharpening device. Externally, it is a small plate coated with fine diamond chips.

How sharpening occurs:

  1. Apply a small amount of shaving gel to the plate.
  2. Guide the machine in the direction of shaving movement.
  3. Repeat movements 25-30 times.

High-quality sharpeners can be purchased from the Razor Pit brand (Denmark), as well as its budget analogue - Zattoch (Ukraine). Chinese fakes, despite the minimum price, do not justify their purpose at all.

We use denim

An original method, for which you will need a small piece of fabric, you can use the finished product - it will not be damaged when sharpening. Place the fabric on a hard, flat surface with the wrong side turned out. The movements are carried out in the opposite direction than when shaving (30-50 times). This method is convenient to use on the road or in hiking conditions.

Special pyramid

An original way with a minimum of costs is to use a cardboard pyramid. It must be made to size, and a pedestal with blades fixed on it must be placed inside. A small hole is cut into the body of the pyramid on one side and placed on the south side. The structure should remain in this position for a week, but it is forbidden to move it or touch it with your hands.

Sharpening stone

This method requires some skill, so not everyone succeeds the first time. A stone of uniform structure is used, without inclusions or large particles on the surface. You must first moisten it with water, and then perform 20-30 passes in the direction opposite to the shaving movements.


Having fine grit sandpaper (over 2000) on hand can also quickly restore sharpness. It needs to be slightly wetted, the movements are similar to the method of using a sharpening stone.

Food foil

Sharpening a razor on a roll of food foil is an effective, quick method. To do this, it is better to use the end of a new roll; there should be no dents or deformations on the foil. Repeat the movements at least 30 times, the direction is away from you.

How to sharpen a disposable razor at home with your own hands

Typically, disposable razors are not intended for long-term use, but throwing them away after the first shave is an unaffordable luxury . If you carefully care for the blade and avoid damaging it, the product will last for months without any problems and will help you out in an unforeseen situation.

Basic rules for maintaining and sharpening a razor:

  1. After shaving, you must thoroughly clean the body of hair and detergent residues. It is best to use warm (not hot) water.
  2. The machine must be stored in an upright position, avoiding direct sunlight and high humidity. If you need to take the razor with you on the road, the razor must be absolutely clean and dry.

It is most convenient to sharpen a disposable machine using denim or the back of a belt. As a rule, workshops do not sharpen such products, and sandpaper or a stone can damage the metal, which is usually not of the highest quality in such products.

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