How can you demagnetize a magnet?

How to demagnetize an electricity meter after a magnet - Secrets of law

Almost every tenth Russian citizen uses illegal methods to reduce the cost of electricity and water consumption.

It would be more accurate to say that the consumption remains at the same level, but the meter readings provide completely different figures.

To reduce electricity bills on old meters, the readings are “rewinded”, and special magnets are placed on new ones. The same situation applies to water meters.

What types of water meters are there and why is a magnet used?

Every apartment owner is required by law to install metering devices in their residential premises. Moreover, the owners themselves are not against this, because paying according to meters, and not according to the specified standards, turns out to be much more profitable.

It is very important to choose the right meter that can save your own money. Before traveling to the store, it is necessary to correctly classify accounting devices. They come in different types. First of all, they can be divided into those designed for cold and hot water.

In essence, they are no different and do the same job, but there is a difference in the materials that are used to create them. For cold water meters, materials are used that can withstand ambient temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celsius. As for hot water metering equipment, the temperature increases to 150 degrees Celsius.

Modern metering tools can be universal and used for both cold and hot water.

Also, meters are divided by type regarding energy supply. Volatile meters are cheaper and more popular, but you should understand that if there is a power outage, they will stop working. Other meters that do not depend on electricity are also no less popular.

All counters are divided into the following groups:

  1. Ultrasonic. Controls the acoustic effect that occurs during ultrasonic vibration.
  2. Vortex. It takes into account the frequency of the vortices of the water flow, together with the special shape, due to which the speed is described.
  3. Tachometric. It works in tandem with a turbine, which is located in the flow.
  4. Electromagnetic. A magnetic field is induced due to the speed of water passing through the meter.

Among other things, all accounting means can be further divided into household and industrial. The most popular types remain electrometric or tachometer, due to their accuracy, reliability, ease of installation, ease of operation and relatively low cost.

A neodymium magnet, when positioned correctly, has a special effect on the magnetic field, making it possible to slow down its operating speed by up to 70%, without losing the speed of water flow.

What are the legal consequences of violating the operation of water meters with magnets and the penalties?

If during verification of the meter a magnet (or any other magnetic device) was discovered that could affect the meter readings, then the inspector will record an administrative offense and draw up a protocol for causing property damage. In this case, you will have to pay the amount that should have been credited to the account for the entire time that the owner used this device.

To find out the specific amount of the fine, the following happens:

  1. The inspection body establishes the exact or approximate date when the magnet was installed. This is done by checking the latest reconciliation of the inspection body.
  2. If it is not possible to determine the date of use of the magnet, then the average rate of water consumption is taken as a basis, multiplied by 10 and by 3 years, if the inspector did not come earlier. Thus, the final amount of the fine is obtained.

If you refuse to pay the fine, then a more stringent article may be applied, and the fine itself will still be collected in the end, but in court with even more severe consequences.

How to check the need to demagnetize the meter

Even if the auditor did not establish the use of a magnet during the meter verification, the metering device accumulates residual magnetization, which can be detected by special devices. This is also true for tenants, who may find themselves in an unpleasant situation if, after renting a home, the inspector discovers the use of a magnet.

Magnetization can be checked with a Teslameter. If there is residual magnetization, the device will indicate this. But there is a small problem here, because there are still no officially established standards for residual magnetization, but in any case, it will not arise if the owner does not use illegal methods.

Also, at the legislative level, there are no requirements and rules that would describe the measurement procedure.

How to demagnetize the meter and remove residual magnetization

In order not to encounter problems from inspection authorities, when renting an apartment, if residual magnetization is detected, it is best to get rid of it as soon as possible.

There are special demagnetizers for this. They work on the principle of reducing the magnetic field to the level of demagnetization.

Such a device was previously used to demagnetize the head of a cassette recorder.

The demagnetizer is a coil that operates from an electrical network. To turn on the device, you just need to hold the device near the meter for several minutes. This will be enough to remove traces of magnetization from the meter.

If you have minimal knowledge of physics and electrical engineering, then you can make the device yourself at home. The solenoid winding is approximately 1000 turns of PEL or PEV wire with a diameter of 0.7-0.9 mm. The resistance of such a winding will be about 8 ohms. This coil is designed for a voltage of 10-15 volts.

We power the coil with alternating voltage. When demagnetizing, first remove the tool from the coil, and only then turn off the power. Otherwise, the metal may not be demagnetized.

Those demagnetizers that are on sale can have a power from 40 to 120 watts. Modern devices can generate a magnetic field strength of 150 W and operate continuously for more than 3 minutes.

In any case, it is better not to use magnets, because there is no guarantee of their effectiveness given the use of modern water meters, but problems can be caused. You can always reduce your energy consumption by simply installing energy-saving light bulbs and personally monitoring your energy consumption.


How to demagnetize metal at home?

Judging by numerous reviews, when starting to carry out any work, home craftsmen often encounter one problem - magnetization of tools. According to experts, this property of the metal in some cases significantly helps in work, since the tools become better. For example, using a magnetized screwdriver it is much easier to tighten screws in the most difficult to reach places.

But many are also interested in the other side of the issue. How to demagnetize magnetized metal? This interest is due to the fact that in some cases magnetization is undesirable.

It is unlikely that you will be able to make high-quality markings with a caliper with metal shavings stuck to it. It is also inconvenient to use a magnetized cutter. These tools, as a result of exposure to a magnet, noticeably reduce their performance properties.

You will find information on how to demagnetize metal at home in this article.

What is the cause of magnetization?

Before you become interested in how to demagnetize metal, you should understand the nature of this phenomenon. According to experts, magnetization is carried out by paramagnets, diamagnets and ferromagnets. Products based on alloys of iron, nickel and cobalt have their own magnetic field, which is higher than the external one. Tools become magnetized if they are used near electric motors or other emitters. As a result, they will take away some of the magnetic properties.

According to experts, some instruments are deliberately magnetized. These are mainly screwdrivers that are used when repairing mobile phones, computers and various household appliances. Such screwdrivers will become indispensable in situations where you need to tighten a screw, but there is no way to support it with your hands.

It is better not to subject watch instruments to the magnetization procedure, since this can stop their working mechanisms. It is not advisable to work with a magnetized drill or cutter, since small metal particles sticking to the working part of the tool will cause a lot of trouble for the master. Read on to learn how to demagnetize metal.

About the special device

Magnetometers are available especially for this purpose, through which a tool can be both given a magnetic charge and removed. For those who do not know how to demagnetize metal, experts recommend doing the following:

  • First you need to determine what voltage the magnetic field is at. This is a very important aspect, since a mistake can lead to the opposite result.
  • You also need to measure the voltage on the magnet. It must have the opposite sign.

After these steps, you should touch the magnetometer area to the instrument, as a result of which the latter will be demagnetized.

How to check?

According to experts, the entire work will take no more than 10 seconds. To check the functionality, the magnetized metal must be brought to the screw. This way the master will see at what level of magnetization the tool is. If the result is unsatisfactory, the procedure should be repeated and then checked again.

How to demagnetize metal using an electric motor?

First, the home craftsman should acquire a low-power asynchronous unit. In this case, the magnetization will be reduced by an alternating decaying magnetic field. Before you begin, you need to remove the rotor from the electric motor.

If you need to remove magnetization from tweezers or a drill, then you just need to insert these products into the stator for half a minute. If the stator windings are disconnected from the power supply, the rotation of the magnetic floor will begin to gradually fade away.

According to experts, the remaining magnetization of the tool will be so small that small metal shavings will no longer be able to stick to them.

Alternative option

Judging by numerous reviews, not everyone has the opportunity to get a low-power asynchronous electric motor. Experts advise such craftsmen who do not know how to demagnetize metal at home to use a step-down transformer field. There must be an air gap inside its core. You need to insert a magnetized tool into it for half a minute. It happens that the procedure does not produce results. In this case, it should be repeated.

Using a magnet

Often beginners are interested in how to demagnetize metal with a magnet. It is not difficult to cope with this work. The master should acquire an ordinary, but fairly large magnet, preferably round in shape. Similar products are available in speakers. Next, a drill, tweezers or scissors are passed over the surface of the magnet. It can also be any other metal instrument. The distance from the product to the magnet should be minimal.

About working with large batches of parts

There are times when it is necessary to remove magnetization from many metal products. This is possible through the desired temperature.

How to demagnetize metal by heating? According to experts, this will require heating the products to a certain state, which is also called the Curie point. Iron is heated to a temperature of 768 degrees. A ferromagnet will require a higher range.

Upon reaching the desired temperature threshold, spontaneous magnetized domains are formed.

The process goes as follows. First, one part is brought to the Curie point. Next you should cool it. It is important that it is not affected by external magnetic fields (the only exception is the Earth’s magnetic field).

Next, using a sensitive induction meter, the maximum magnetization is assessed. Next, in the control zone at a distance of no more than 2 cm from the part, the range of different values ​​​​obtained by the MF-23 or MF-23M indicator is measured.

Magnetic induction should be +/- 2 mT.

About a homemade device for demagnetization

Judging by numerous reviews, tunnel devices can be used for this purpose. The design of such a device includes a coil connected to the mains. There is a hole inside the coil where the workpiece should be inserted. Demagnetization can be successfully performed using a homemade electromagnet. It is not difficult to make it from some materials and available tools.

The operating principle is to control the current. Magnetization is carried out by constant voltage, and by alternating voltage - the opposite effect. The reels are made from old TVs. It is enough to disassemble it and remove the demagnetization loop in the kinescope. Then it is folded at least twice. It all depends on what diameter the home craftsman needs.

It happens that one loop is not enough. In this case, it can be supplemented from another old TV. Further, the design is equipped with a fuse button, which will ensure uninterrupted operation.

A device designed for 220 Volts is suitable for permanent use, and 110 Volts are suitable for short-term connections. If the product is 12 V, then experts recommend using a transformer.

With such a homemade mechanism, you can successfully demagnetize even large parts.

A kinescope from a TV is by no means the only option for a home craftsman. Judging by the reviews, good products are made from old reel-to-reel players. The part to be processed should be placed near the product.


How long does the magnetization of a water meter last if a magnet is installed - Civil Lawyer

Prices for housing and communal services are constantly growing, outpacing the rate of inflation. This growth is hitting the family budget hard. Our people have found new, not always legal, opportunities to compensate for financial losses.

Is it possible to demagnetize or what does installing magnets lead to?

The problem of how to consume more and pay less has found its solution through the use of neodymium magnets. If such a magnet is placed next to a water meter, it slows down or stops completely.

A powerful neodymium magnet affects the water meter so that it can stop forever. A complete stop of the meter may arouse the suspicion of inspectors. You need to demagnetize the water meter before they arrive.

Stopping and then demagnetizing the water meter is illegal, so you need to do it yourself, without involving strangers in this matter.

Magnets inside water meters synchronize the operation of its mechanisms. The influence of a more powerful magnet located outside suppresses the field of the internal magnet. The interaction of the water meter parts is disrupted and it stops. From time to time it needs to be demagnetized so as not to arouse suspicion among inspectors who go to apartments every month to take meter readings.

The problem is that in addition to a large number of apartment meters, there is another one that counts the total amount of water consumed in the house. The totality of the readings of all apartment meters must coincide with the readings of the common building meters. If the data from a common house water meter exceeds the value obtained from all apartments, it means that someone is stealing water in the house.

Why a water meter may fail

  • depressurization of the meter;
  • excessive contamination of water pipes;
  • incorrect installation of the water meter;
  • fraudulent actions of the meter owner.

Depressurization is accompanied by fogging of the glass, and the water meter readings become incorrect. To eliminate the defect, you need to close all the taps and call a technician.

If the case is fogged up from the inside, and you need to take readings for payment, dry the lid with a hairdryer so that the droplets evaporate. This does not solve the problem of replacing the IPU, but it will help you pay on time.

After maintenance work, brown slurry flows from the tap. Contaminated pipes cause dirt to enter the meter, disabling it, and distorting the readings. The problem of contamination can be solved by cleaning or replacing. The replacement and cleaning of the water meter is carried out by a specialist from the management company (MC).

The water meter does not work correctly if it was installed incorrectly. On the outside of each meter there is an arrow indicating the direction of water flow. When the arrow points in the opposite direction to the direction of water flow, it is facing backwards.

An error can be made during installation when a hot water supply meter is confused with a cold one. IPUs are designed to operate in their own temperature conditions. Installing a cold water meter on a hot water pipe leads to distorted water consumption indicators and rapid breakdown.

Erroneous water readings can also occur when fraudulent techniques are used, for example, as a result of the influence of magnets that are applied to the water meter. Strong magnets cause the seal on the meter to change color, magnetization increases, and it stops working.

Other stopping methods (cutting the impeller, stopping the dial with a 0.2–0.3 mm needle, pressing firmly on the body) can jam the counting mechanism.

What to do if the water meter breaks due to neodymium magnets

By influencing a water meter with a neodomic magnet, a person expects that his water meter will work less intensively or that the impeller will stop spinning. The main thing is to choose the right magnet. If its power is insufficient, the effect of such an impact will be insignificant. A magnet that is too strong can damage the meter.

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The operation of a water meter is based on magnetism, therefore, a neodymium magnet can suppress the force inside. After this, there are only 2 options left: sit and wait for the controllers or demagnetize the water meter yourself. The meter must be demagnetized using a homemade demagnetizer made from a transformer.

How controllers can find out everything

Hot and cold water meters in the apartment are checked by an inspector once a month. The controller’s responsibilities include taking readings and monitoring the integrity of the seal placed on the water meter body during installation.

Any violation of the integrity of the housing or seals is grounds for accusing residents of fraud. The controller measures the magnetic field around the meter; the parameters may deviate from the norm due to the fact that it was influenced from the outside.

The action of a magnet in 90% of cases leaves marks on the meter. The first thing the inspector will pay attention to is the anti-magnetic seal (if there is one), which changes its color under the influence of neodymium.

An experienced or well-trained inspector will pay attention to several factors that are unnatural for a water meter:

  • the meter needle twitches unnaturally;
  • the meter makes sounds that are unusual for it;
  • The dial doesn't work.

How to demagnetize if you decide

The water meter may stop working because it has received a blocking charge. A simple 220 volt inductor can demagnetize a water meter after a magnet .

A kinescope winding from an old Soviet TV or monitor is used as such a coil. If you don't have anything similar at hand, you can use any other solenoid. To successfully demagnetize a water meter, you need to apply a magnetic field to the source and hold it next to it for about half a minute.

The metering device must be passed through all the fields of the electromagnet, but without fanaticism, because the water meter has its own magnet, the field of which can weaken. Then, without disconnecting the electromagnet from the power source, the meter must be put aside and only after that the electromagnet can be disconnected from the network.

If you turn it off without removing the counter from it, the last pulse of the electromagnet will magnetize it again.

Find out magnetization

Lifehack for those who have a compass at home! If you present the compass to the demagnetized meter, the needle will remain in place. If you don't have a compass, you can make it in 2 minutes using a regular needle.

Magnetization, or rather its degree, is measured in amperes per cubic meter. Magnetization cannot be determined without special magnetometer devices (teslameter). To measure the magnetization of water meters, a domestic magnetometer ION 3701 is used. With a mass of 170 grams, it has dimensions: 113x75x27.

It can operate both from an electrical network and from batteries. ION 3701 makes up to 3 measurements per second. Each manufacturer has its own standards for the magnetization of meters. The power of magnets in water meters is not standardized, so the IPU norm must be looked at according to the technical documentation for it.

Therefore, not all controllers have the equipment necessary for such measurements. The cost of ION 3701 exceeds 30,000 rubles, despite its compact size.

Residual magnetization problems may be detected by the inspector, but this cannot be used as evidence of your guilt. There are no authorized norms in the legislative framework that would regulate this issue.

Making a homemade degausser

It’s easy to make a degausser yourself if you use some old transformer for this purpose, for example, from a radio or TV. The transformer must be disassembled by removing the upper protective plates. They come in 2 types:

When disassembling the transformer you need to be very careful. Because if the primary winding is damaged, the transformer can either be thrown away or rewinded by hand.

Then the W-shaped plates need to be inserted into their original place, and the straight ones can be thrown away. Then the mains wire is soldered to the primary winding wire.

The secondary winding wires must be insulated as they will not be used. The simplest degausser is ready for use.

Removing residual magnetization

Residual magnetization is a property of a permanent magnet; it persists even when the water meter is already demagnetized.

But since it is preserved, it is possible to prove the effect of a neodymium magnet on the counter. Residual magnetization can be removed from the water meter through a variable metering demagnetizer.

The process of removing residual magnetization will not take much time. How to do this was said earlier, see above.

We try to disguise our attempts

Management companies do not want to incur losses, and put a reliable barrier to fraud with water meters. A generally accepted means of such protection are anti-magnetic seals. It differs from all others in that the magnetic effect on metering devices can already be judged by its appearance.

The consequences of using magnets on them are clearly visible, because the filling changes color. The antimagnet is glued to the water meter body. The problem with this seal is that it can be peeled off, and exactly the same sticker can be stuck in its place. The new filling is no different from the old one. Using this technique, you can shift responsibility for excessive water consumption to the management company.

The use of magnets to stop the meter does not remain without a trace. The water meter will either noticeably slow down or stop working altogether. The inspector will notice everything during the next inspection and draw his own conclusions. In order for him not to notice anything, the water meter must be demagnetized.

Liability and fines

In case of fraudulent activity, a criminal case may be initiated. If the violation of the law, the essence of which is contained in Article 159, is proven in court, the violator of the rules for using housing and communal services may receive a severe punishment in the form of a fine.

Its size depends on the scale of the damage caused. If the amount exceeds 6,000,000 rubles, the fraudster will face a real prison sentence of up to 5 years and a subsequent two-year period of police supervision.

However, such a severe measure is rarely used.

Pampering with water meters may not end so tragically, but troubles will be guaranteed. If the Criminal Code establishes a violation of the use of water meters, it has the right to apply penalties to the fraudster.

A person caught using fraudulent schemes will be forced to pay a very large fine, the amount of which is 10 times the total cost of housing and communal services for six months.

In addition, the law allows a persistent violator to be transferred to pay for services according to the tariff.


How to check magnetization and demagnetize a water meter at home

According to statistics, every tenth citizen, despite the risks of being fined an impressive amount, uses his own methods of magnetizing a water meter so that it shows less volume of water resource consumed.

Types of water meters and selection criteria

When choosing a water consumption meter, you should remember that they are divided into several large groups:

  • Vortex. The peculiarity of their work is to remember the frequency of the vortices, which are carried out due to a special shape located in the water flow.
  • Ultrasonic brings the calculation thanks to ultrasonic vibrations that have an acoustic effect.
  • The electromagnetic device calculates the flow rate of water, which is memorized and induced by a magnetic field.
  • A tachometer water meter is a meter that is connected to a turbine located in the pipeline.

Among the listed types of water meters, the most popular among owners of apartments and private houses are electromagnetic and tachometer.

When purchasing a metering device, you should be guided by the following criteria: availability of service, manufacturer (it must specialize in the production of metering devices), pipeline diameter, cost, warranty and operating period, equipment dimensions. Also, before purchasing, you should consult with a utility company employee and a consultant in the store.

What is a magnet

The problem of how to pay less for consumed resources has long been solved through the use of neodymium magnets. If such a device is placed near the meter, it will slow down or stop.

However, it is worth understanding that such a magnet can completely damage the structure. A complete stop of the water meter may arouse suspicion among utility company employees. Therefore, it is necessary to demagnetize the water meter before the controller arrives.

This is an illegal matter, so everything needs to be done at home yourself, without involving strangers.

Most water meters are equipped with a magnetic coupling, which means that the counting mechanism transmits impulses to the impeller via magnetic waves. If you bring a strong magnet with dimensions, for example, 25*45, 30*45, 25*55, to the device, it will restrain (attract) the magnets installed in the device itself. As a result, the water meter readings do not correspond to real figures. Using this approach, people consciously stop a large number of water meter models.

Magnets located inside metering devices synchronize the operation of all mechanisms due to magnetic impulses. The external influence of a more powerful magnet suppresses the internal magnetic field. The interaction between the components of the metering device is disrupted and as a result it slows down or fails. Every month, controllers walk around apartments and take readings from dials; in order not to arouse suspicion, the device must be demagnetized regularly.

There is another problem: quite often recently, in apartment buildings, another water meter is additionally installed, which counts the total amount of water consumed in the house. The sum of apartment meter readings must necessarily coincide with the general building readings. If the readings are different, someone is using a magnet in the house.

The main reasons why a meter may fail:

  • illegal actions of the owner of the metering device;
  • depressurization of the device;
  • incorrect installation of the water meter;
  • pipeline contamination.

If the device is depressurized, the glass begins to fog up, and the readings become invalid. To fix the problem, you must close all taps and call a specialist.

It is worth noting that some electricity meters are stopped or slowed down in the same way.

How to demagnetize a water meter

By influencing the water meter with a powerful magnet, the homeowner expects to slow down the meter. The main task is to choose the right magnet. If it is overly powerful, the device may fail; if it is weak, the effect will be unnoticeable.

Demagnetization is a mandatory procedure that will extend the life of the water meter, and also prevent utility services from finding out about fraud. To get rid of magnetization, use a demagnetizer, which you make yourself from a transformer.

The water meter may fail if it receives a blocking magnetic charge. A simple copper coil with an inductance of 220 Volts can demagnetize it.

In the form of such a coil, the kinescope winding of old Soviet monitors or televisions is often used. The meter will begin to demagnetize if you bring the solenoid (coil) close to it. Do not hold it for a long time, otherwise the magnet built into the device may weaken.

Please note that the electromagnet cannot be disconnected from the power source until it is removed from the water meter, otherwise it will become magnetized again.

How to check magnetization

Lifehack: this is easy to do if you have a compass at home. If the meter is demagnetized and a compass is brought to it, the needle will remain in place.

The degree of magnetization is measured in amperes per cubic meter (A/m3). It is almost impossible to calculate it without special equipment (with the exception of a compass, and then an error will be observed). To obtain accurate data, magnetometers are used; as a rule, they use the domestic model ION 3701. It operates not only from the mains electricity supply, but also from batteries. Capable of taking up to 3 measurements within a second.

Making a homemade demagnetizer

It is not difficult to demagnetize at home; for this you will need an old transformer (from a TV or receiver). It needs to be disassembled by removing the protective plates located at the top. They exist in two types:

When disassembling the transformer, you should be very careful, because if the primary winding is damaged, the transformer will need to be rewinded manually or simply thrown away. Next, you need to solder a network wire to the wire of the primary winding. Please note that the secondary winding wires must be insulated, otherwise they will not be used. The simplest demagnetizer design is ready for use.

Residual magnetization: how to get rid of it

Residual magnetization is a feature of the state of a permanent magnet; it will persist even when the meter has already been demagnetized. But since residual effects remain, utility workers will be able to prove the effect of the neodymium magnet on it.

You can get rid of it by using a variable metering demagnetizer. The procedure takes only a few minutes. The algorithm of actions is similar to that described in the previous section.

How to hide “traces of a crime”

Of course, management companies do not want to incur losses, so they impose strict sanctions against water meter fraudsters. Thanks to anti-magnetic fillings, they can effectively combat the use of magnets. It has one peculiarity - only by its appearance can one determine that an external magnet was used to slow down or stop the device.

The filling changes its color as a result of exposure to magnetic waves. An antimagnet is glued to the body. Utility services did not think about the fact that the sticker with the seal can be easily peeled off and a new one can be stuck on, which will be no different from the previous one. Having this information, you can confidently believe that you are “right” to shift all responsibility for incorrect meter readings to the management company.

What are the consequences

When using magnets to save the family budget, everyone should be aware that if you commit fraudulent actions, a criminal case may be brought against you under Article 159.

  If guilt is proven in court, the user of EZHKH services faces severe punishment in the form of a fine or imprisonment for up to 5 years. It all depends on the scale of damage caused to the utility company, if more than 6 million.

rubles, the option of imprisonment is being considered. However, the latter preventive measure is rarely used.

Fraud can cause big trouble. If the management company establishes a violation of the operation of water metering devices, it has every right to apply penalties to the owner of the living space. As a rule, the fine is the total cost of services for 6 months, increased by 10 times.

Everyone should be aware that the use of magnets cannot remain without a trace. The device may not work correctly or stop altogether, so it needs to be demagnetized regularly so that the controller does not suspect anything during inspection and taking readings.


How to magnetize a magnet at home - Metals, equipment, instructions

Using strong neodymium magnets, you can easily remagnetize your old magnets so they become magnets once again.

If you have old magnets that stop attracting and lose their magnetic properties, don't despair and don't throw them away before you try to recharge them.

Neodymium magnets are part of the rare earth group of magnets and are called NdFeB magnets (NFB) because of their composition: Nd = Neodymium, Fe = Iron and B = Boron.

  • 1 Understand why magnets lose their magnetization. Over time, older types of magnets (not neodymium magnets) lose their magnetization if they: - were stored incorrectly (without a ferromagnetic armature that completes the magnetic circuit), - were dropped, - were stored with other magnets
  • 2 Understand how magnets work. Good working magnets have two poles: a North Pole and a South Pole. They are located at the ends of the magnet and the magnet is strongest there. The magnet is weakest in the very middle. Fields tend towards their opposites. Remember that singly charged magnetic poles repel, and opposite magnetic poles attract.
  • 3 Santa and his magnets live at the North Pole. Identify the poles of a strong magnet. You will need to identify the North Pole of a strong magnet. You can do this in the following ways: - use a magnet with the north and south poles marked (the easiest method!) - stack an even number of magnets together and hang them by a string tied in the middle, allowing the stack of magnets to spin freely. The North Pole will point north. (This is contrary to the rule about poles being attracted to their opposites, but they were named after the location of north and south, after which the names of the poles were shortened to north and south.) - use a compass and the arrow that usually points north will point to the South Pole of the magnet
  • 4 Remagnetize the old magnet. Take your old magnet and a strong magnetized magnet with the north and south poles marked. One side or end will be north and the other side or end will be south. Pat or rub a strong neodymium magnet with its North Pole along one side or end of the old magnet. Then rub the neodymium magnet along the other side or end of the old magnet, with its South Pole. This should remagnetize or recharge your magnet.
  • Because of its strength, a neodymium magnet is required to do the same job as older, much smaller magnets.
  • Recharge or remagnetize old magnets with kids for a quick science lesson.
  • Keep all magnets away from your computer.
  • 1 How to read faces
  • 2 How to read faces (part 2)
  • 3 How to determine the phases of the moon
  • 4 How to Remagnetize Old Magnets Using Neodymium Magnets
  • 5 How to make a rain gauge from a plastic bottle
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How to make a magnet?

Every person has a magnet in their home; it can be used in the household or decorated and attached to the refrigerator so that it serves as an interior decoration. However, few people know that you can create it yourself at home. Below we will describe how to make a magnet with your own hands.

There are several ways to make a magnet; Some of them are very simple, so anyone can do them. It just takes patience and a little skill. You will not need to collect certain metals, melt them and add special substances.

You can make a magnet using a strong permanent magnet. You will only need to swipe the metal object in exactly one direction a few times. But such a magnet will retain its magnetic properties for a short period of time, so the procedure will have to be repeated from time to time.

In order for a metal object to acquire magnetic properties, you need to pass an electromagnet across its surface. In this case, the object will retain its magnetic properties longer and will not need to be “magnetized” often. Read about making an electromagnet in our article How to make an electromagnet.

In order to make a more durable magnet, you will need to find a hardened steel bar and an inductor. However, the size of the piece of steel must completely fit inside the coil. To avoid a short circuit, it is better to include a fuse in the circuit.

To make a magnetized item last longer, it is recommended to find a bar made of steel, iron or alnico. The latter is quite difficult to find, but if you need a durable magnet, you can try to find it.

How to magnetize a magnet yourself, is this possible if the magnet was hanging on the gate and lost power?

The old magnet can be recharged with a new strong neodymium magnet.

If the magnet is not completely discharged and there are no pole markings on it, first try to determine its north-south poles.

When you have determined it, rub a strong magnet against a weak one: the northern end against the northern one, and the southern end against the southern one. You need to rub in one direction - from the center to the edge.

If you couldn’t determine the poles of the old magnet, it’s okay, it means it’s completely exhausted and will still recharge after the neodymium magnet.

Once upon a time, in a young radio technician's group, we magnetized screwdrivers so that they would hold small screws. To do this, they wrapped insulating paper around the screwdriver shaft and wrapped it with a wire from a disassembled transformer, then they briefly connected the battery and the screwdriver became magnetic.

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You can use the same method. You just need to wind a LOT of turns of insulated wire onto the magnet, sorry I don’t know how many exactly - you need to experiment, but at least half a thousand turns that’s for sure.

In order for the magnet to become strong, a decent amount of current will have to pass through.

To do this, take an electrical plug with a cable and screw it to the wires on a magnet, connect only one wire through a 1-1.5A fuse, and insert the plug into the socket.

The fuse will quickly blow and the current will not have time to change direction, it will only make a half-sine wave, which means the magnetic field will be constant, so it will magnetize the old magnet.

You can magnetize an old demagnetized magnet using a powerful (strong) neodymium magnet.

It is enough to know a few important points regarding magnets in general:

Magnets have a “North Pole” and a “South Pole” located at the ends of the magnets.

They are designated by letter and color, “N” is the north pole, “S” is the south pole.

Single-charge poles repel, differently charged (opposite, that is) poles attract.

Decide on the poles of the neodymium magnet and the poles of the old (not working) magnet.

That’s all the preparation (theoretical), and then the process of magnetization itself, simply with three powerful magnets along the edges of the demagnetized one (north-north, south-south), first along one side, then along the other.

As a rule, these actions are quite enough for the magnet to “recharge” and work as before.

There are other, more complex ways to magnetize old magnets.

In order to avoid the problem of magnets demagnetizing in the future, they must be stored correctly; there are a number of rules.

The answer is clear, of course it is possible, but this requires a source of a very powerful magnetic field.

I think it’s unlikely that you will find a magnetizer with coils with a power of about 10 kilowatts in your stash, but finding a large and powerful neodymium magnet is quite possible.

The magnets need to be folded with their sides attracted to each other and the centers aligned, fixed in this position with non-magnetic materials, since when magnetized they will move relative to each other and left like that for about 2 hours, this will be enough.

In general, nothing is impossible, the question is whether it is advisable to damage another magnet in order to recharge the demagnetized one.


How to demagnetize things at home

Often, after returning from the store, customers find anti-theft clips on their clothes that the sellers have not removed. It is quite problematic to remove a magnet from clothing on your own, and therefore, if you still have the receipt, it is better to return to the store, where they will quickly open it using a special device.

But if the item was purchased in another city, the receipt was lost, or you simply don’t have time to go to this store, then you will have to act on your own. You should immediately take into account that the magnetic tag contains indelible paint inside, which will ruin the renewal if any careless action is taken.

What is a magnetic tag

This is a magnetic-acoustic anti-theft sensor in the form of a plastic clip.

  • metal rod for clothes;
  • balls and two different cones;
  • protective spring for fixation;
  • capsule with indelible paint.

When you try to open it, it closes even more or fails altogether. However, many ways have been found to remove the magnet safely.

The most common proven methods

You need to act extremely carefully, then it is possible to successfully remove the clips at home without special pullers.

Advice! Before removing the clip, it is recommended to place the item in the freezer so that the paint in the capsule hardens - there will be less risk of staining the clothes.

Methods without and with a magnet:

  1. Scrunchy. The accessory is placed between the fabric and the convex part of the magnet, which rotates, and is pushed until the elastic hooks tightly and the rod is free - then you can begin to move both parts in different directions until they are completely open.
  2. Lighter or candle. With the help of fire, the convex part is melted, after which the internal contents of the clip are removed and opened.
  3. Wire cutters. The convex part of the magnet is cut off with a tool, then the protective mechanism is removed and the remains of the clip are removed.
  4. Hacksaw for metal. A saw works on the same principle as wire cutters: they separate the head and disassemble the mechanism. For safety, keep the latch with the convex side up.
  5. Round or square magnet. It is purchased in a specialized store. A magnet is applied to the rounded part and the clip opens easily. If you were unable to demagnetize the tag on your clothing the first time, you need to turn the magnet over to the other pole or take a more powerful one.
  6. Screwdriver with drill. Drill out the middle until the needle comes away from the plastic. Then carefully disassemble.

Advice! A suitable magnet can be removed from a used hard drive (you will need up to 4 of them).

Any of these methods is effective, but the last one, with a magnet, is considered the safest. Forgotten clips on new clothes are a fairly common problem; fortunately, craftsmen have invented at least 5 methods to easily remove a magnetic lock without damaging your new clothes.


How to demagnetize a water meter at home

The constant increase in utility tariffs creates problems for the family budget of many Russians. Reasonable savings in energy consumption do not always allow for the desired reduction in payments. Recently, neodymium magnets have become widespread, used to slow down the operation of individual metering devices.

But the use of these technical means is illegal and leaves consequences that are easily identified during verification. Let's consider possible ways to demagnetize water meters after exposure to a neodymium magnet.

Using neodymium magnet

Neodymium magnets have been widely used in recent years as a means of stopping or slowing down the operation of a meter. The production of these products is established by numerous companies offering these products to clients.

The magnet is selected depending on the brand of the installed meter, but it is impossible to guarantee the effectiveness of the result, since the developers of metering devices use all kinds of methods of protection against unauthorized influence.

In most cases, the use of a neodymium magnet reduces the flow rate of the water meter by up to 70%, which provides decent savings on payments.

How to determine magnetization

The occurrence of residual magnetization is typical for corresponding materials that have been exposed to a magnetic field for a long time. The degree of magnetization is checked using a special device - a Teslameter.

Having identified traces of residual magnetization in a water meter, representatives of utility services can make claims against residents, pointing to evidence confirming falsification of the device readings through the use of a magnet.

However, although state standards regulating quality criteria regarding the degree of residual magnetization are not provided, excessive attention from utility workers to the condition of the meter is undesirable, therefore, a consumer who has turned to this not entirely legal method of saving is recommended to eliminate the remaining traces of impact on the water meter.

Methods for demagnetizing a water meter

To eliminate the magnetization of water meters, the consumer can use the following methods:


How to remove a magnet from clothes

Clothes magnets are installed in almost every store; they do not allow you to bring in clothes without paying for them. But sometimes, due to inattention, the cashier may not notice the tag or forget about it and not remove it. Often several magnets are hung on an item. Having discovered a find at home, the question immediately arises of what to do and how best to proceed.

What to do if store consultants forgot to remove a magnet from clothes

You should not throw away the receipt immediately after purchase; it may still be useful. In this case, the best option would be to go to the store where the item was purchased, show the cash receipt and ask to remove the tag. The consultant, having examined the receipt and made sure that the purchase has been paid for, will remove the magnet on the clothing in a couple of seconds with a magnet to remove the protection from the item.

If the receipt has not been saved, or there is no opportunity to go to the store in the near future, do not be upset - you can remove the protection at home.

Before you remove the store tag, you should figure out which one is exactly on your purchase.

Inexpensive and small items are often labeled with sticker tags that can be peeled off without any problems or effort; they are not even removed in stores.

There may be a radio tag, they are most often small in size and without a surprise inside - you can remove them at home without difficulty, the purchased item will not be damaged in any way.

If your purchase includes a magnetic-acoustic device, then problems may arise - such tags are larger in size and stronger, and in this case you cannot do without the help of foreign objects. You should be careful with these clips, because... they may contain a capsule of paint that can ruin the item.

Quickly remove the magnet from clothes after purchase

If you haven't made it to the store, try the following:

  1. You can remove a magnetic tag from clothing using a strong magnetic device and a knife. A knife with a thin blade is inserted under the top clip, and a magnetic device is applied on top. Despite the fact that the device is quite strong, the tag is removed after just a few seconds - the upper part is simply demagnetized and remains on the magnet, and the lower part is removed without effort.
  2. You can remove a magnet from clothes at home using cold. The purchased item must be placed in the freezer for an hour. After the magnet freezes, an elastic band is pulled under the upper clip (the clip is turned in different directions until the elastic rests all the way). After this, the store tag needs to be split with a hammer or other object.
  3. The pliers will help you disassemble the top clip and remove everything inside. The method is quite complex and requires care. It will be easier to do this with two people, one disassembles the clip, and the second holds the clips and does not allow them to connect.
  4. To remove a magnet from clothing, you will need a file. The tag rod is simply sawn into 2 parts. This method is quite dangerous; often the tags contain paint, which will be problematic to wash off.

The listed methods work, but are not entirely safe for the fabric - in these ways it can be accidentally cut or wiped. Magnets for removing protection from clothing are often tightly attached - if a girl wants to remove the tag, she may not be able to do anything.

How to remove magnets from clothes without damage

A few more ways:

  1. One of the best options is to purchase a magnet for removing clips from clothes. Magnets for clothing stores can be purchased online. They cost around 2000 rubles. You should be more careful, because... Not all tags are demagnetized by every device.
  2. When you can’t go to the store where you bought the item, you can try going to any other one - every department has magnets for removing sewing from clothes. But it’s not a fact that they will be able to help with the problem. Employees have every right to refuse. If you have friends or relatives who work as a consultant, you can ask them to remove the tag at work - if this does not contradict the store rules, they are unlikely to refuse help.
  3. It is worth trying to demagnetize the tag using the intercom on the door. Often the keys on intercoms are strong and can help with the problem. One of the sides of the clip is brought close to the key on the intercom - if it is strong enough, the tag will be removed.
  4. Rubber bands can help remove the protection. The elastic is pushed under the top clip until it stops. As soon as the elastic is in place, the clips turn in different directions. This may take a lot of time and effort, but the clips will move away from each other and then it will be possible to remove the clips.

How to remove a magnet using a lighter and a screwdriver

How to remove clips from an item - use a lighter and a screwdriver (separately or together):

  1. Use a lighter to melt the clips. Once it becomes possible to remove the spring from the inside of the protection, the lighter will no longer be needed. Now the main thing is to disassemble the magnet. First of all, you need to remove the spring that creates pressure, after which the container with paint, if any, is removed. Then, using any narrow object, the magnet is picked up and pulled out; a screwdriver can also work.
  2. Using a screwdriver, pry the tag off from below, then you need to press hard on the handle of the tool and try to lift the magnet up. The other side of the tag must be kept down. Here it will take a lot of effort to lift 1 of the sides of the magnet. It is important to do everything quickly and sharply.

If the protection ends up on your shoes, you can remove it using the same methods. The easiest way is to use a magnet - this way the purchase will definitely not be spoiled.

It is possible to remove the clips at home, but it will require patience, effort and accuracy. If you do something wrong, then the thing will be damaged - then it will be a shame for the money spent.


How to demagnetize metal - Metalist's Handbook

Craftsmen when working with various metals are faced with a problem - magnetization of tools.

In some jobs, magnetic properties help with actions, for example, with a magnetic screwdriver you can install a screw in a hard-to-reach place.

The build-up of metal shavings when using a caliper, file or drill can interfere with marking or a straight cut line.

How to demagnetize metal at home

The main reasons for metal magnetization

Magnets are media that create their own magnetic field. Main groups of magnets:

  • paramagnetic materials;
  • ferromagnets;
  • Diamagnets.

Steel products based on alloys of iron, cobalt or nickel refer to substances whose own magnetic field is higher than the external one, i.e. to ferromagnets. The magnetization of a substance is considered to be the sum of the magnetic properties of particles per unit volume.

At the moment the Curie temperature threshold is reached, spontaneous domains with magnetization are formed, which spread until they are completely filled.

Under normal conditions, it is possible to obtain a magnetized tool when working close to electric motors, magnetrons and other elements.

The metal takes away the properties of magnetism from a nearby emitter, thereby becoming magnetized.

Magnetized screwdriverMagnetized paper clip

Working with small parts with a magnetized tool can cause a lot of trouble. Sharpening metals with increased magnetism properties is impossible to ideal sizes, because... the material is covered with shavings.

Using a demagnetization device

The demagnetization device comes in three variations. The basic elements can be selected at home, using simple methods that do not require much effort to manufacture. There are special devices that can both demagnetize and magnetize an element.


Magnetometers are used in the following sequence:

  • The magnetic field strength of the instrument is an important parameter that needs to be determined, because it is possible to get a negative result;
  • the same parameter must be found on a magnet of the opposite sign;
  • touching the tool to the area of ​​the device will demagnetize it.

The process takes place within 10 seconds; at home, no connection to the electrical network is required. The functionality is checked as follows: the self-tapping screw is brought to the magnetized metal, and the level of magnetization is checked. Afterwards the demagnetization process occurs and is checked again.

Methods for demagnetizing metal

There are several ways to demagnetize metal structures. Devices are used depending on the frequency of use, purpose and power. Before you demagnetize metal at home, you need to understand the existing structures.

  1. An ordinary magnet is large in size; a tool is held over it at a minimum distance, on the verge of the attraction process. The magnet can be removed from an old speaker, most of which are round in shape. The process is carried out when the product is removed from the structure, loosening it; the further the tool is from the structure, the smaller the amplitude. The location of the axis on which there is no magnetic field depends on the design of the product.
  2. More frequent use will require a device operated at home from the mains. It is possible to make the device at home or purchase it at radio parts stores. The main component is a coil of wound wire connected to a transformer. The supply of alternating current allows you to demagnetize the element, direct current - vice versa.

Removing magnetization with a magnetometer

There are many variations and kits for demagnetizing metals in production.

Tunnel devices include a coil having an opening connected to a network.

The size of the hole can be different, depending on the purpose and dimensions of the parts being processed. Multi-band magnets driven by motion, rotation of which occurs with speed control, the impact and change in amplitude is carried out by moving the part away from the body.

Electromagnets operate from a 220 or 380 volt network and allow you to demagnetize an element with a tap for a certain time. Container mechanisms allow you to install the product to a device in which the necessary environment is automatically created.

How to make a demagnetization device at home

It is possible to make an electromagnet for demagnetization at home; for this you will need some materials and available tools. Operation occurs by controlling the current; constant voltage can magnetize the element, while alternating voltage, on the contrary, produces action.

Homemade device for demagnetizing metals

The coil can be made from parts of an old TV, or rather the demagnetization loop of a kinescope. It is important to maintain consistency during manufacturing for a correct process.

  • The loop is folded several times until the coil reaches the required diameter. If one loop is not enough, you can sequentially add a second one; this design will allow you to work with large elements.
  • A fuse and a button are connected for normal, uninterrupted operation.
  • Designs for 220 Volts can be used constantly, those designed for 110 V are connected for a short time, 12 V are used through a transformer.

Installation for demagnetization from a transformer

The resulting mechanism is perfect for large parts. When working with small devices, you can prepare a mini kit at home.

For operation, any coil is used, for example from an old reel-to-reel player, connected in series with a transformer.

Use occurs by applying voltage, the part is placed near the mechanism, then removed, while the power of the device remains on.

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How to make a degausser with your own hands

Fig.2. Transformer movements when demagnetizing an object (screwdriver)

To the current network

Fig.1. Electromagnet design

To demagnetize the instrument, the device is plugged in and slowly brought towards the instrument in a circular motion. Without interrupting the circular movements, they are slowly carried away from the instrument to a distance of I - 1.5 m. This completes the process. If the tool is strongly magnetized, the cycle must be repeated.

Stuff the W-shaped plates into the coil frame so that the magnetic circuit is open (Fig. 1). Connect the mains winding of the transformer to the network. The device is ready for use.

Bring the transformer to the object requiring demagnetization, as shown in Fig. 2. Move the transformer evenly over the part for a few seconds, then, performing circular movements with the transformer, move it away from the part and turn off the current. The part is demagnetized.

The magnetic core of the transformer can be restored and the transformer can be used for its intended purpose. The electromagnet from the Moscow-5 electric razor is very convenient for demagnetization, since it does not require modification.

Turko S.I., Bryansk

The device for demagnetizing a tool is an ordinary electromagnet operating from an alternating current network. On the magnet coil frame (Fig.

1), made of fiberglass laminate (textolite) with a thickness of 1.5 - 2 mm, a winding consisting of 1680 turns of PEV-2 with a diameter of 0.35 - 0.38 mm is wound turn to turn. Each row of winding is wrapped with 1 - 2 layers of capacitor paper.

The core is assembled from transformer steel plates measuring 20x70 mm. The plates can be cut from steel from the core of a suitable power transformer.

Fig.2. Protective cover

The demagnetization cycle lasts no more than 15 - 20 s, but even in such a short period of time the inductor gets very hot, and for safety reasons it must be placed in a plastic case with holes for cooling (Fig. 2).

A device for demagnetizing metal objects can be easily made from the choke of a ballast for a fluorescent lamp (a device from a lamp with a power of at least 80 W is suitable). The throttle casing is disassembled and all external parts of the magnetic circuit are removed (the core is left).

The outer secondary winding (if any) is usually removed, but you can leave it in place, securely insulating its ends. The primary winding is connected to an alternating current network and demagnetization is carried out slowly in a circular motion, first bringing the object to the magnet and then moving it away.

Continuous operation of the magnet is no more than 30 s.

Read also: Soldering iron tip made of brass

how to do it yourself

When demagnetizing the kinescope, rainbow circles are visible

A degaussing device can be made from a choke from an old fluorescent lamp. You need to remove the outer metal casing from the inductor, leaving the winding and inner core. Then solder a power wire to the winding with a connected plug for a 220 volt network. And wrap it with electrical tape. The result was an ordinary electromagnet with a large dispersion field.

Or you can make an electromagnet yourself (see figure). The core is assembled from 60 electrical steel plates with a thickness of 0.35 and a length of 70 mm. The winding contains 1680 turns of PEL-0, 38 for a network voltage of 220 volts or 970 turns of PEL-0, 47 for a network voltage of 127 volts.

The demagnetizing device is connected to a 220 volt network at a distance of about 1 meter from the part being demagnetized, then slowly brought almost to contact, made several circular movements and gradually removed. There is no need to keep it turned on for a long time, because... After a minute or two the winding gets very hot.

A demagnetizing choke is used to demagnetize picture tubes of televisions and monitors, metal tools (tweezers, screwdrivers, etc.), drills, bolts, screws, magnetic heads, for quickly erasing magnetic tapes, etc. and so on.

Good to know

In metallurgical plants, electromagnetic cranes can carry enormous loads. Massive blocks of iron or machine parts weighing tens of tons are carried by these cranes without any attachment. Sheet iron, wire, nails, and scrap iron are also transported without boxes or packaging.

Man has been using magnets in various areas of his life for a long time. Often we do not notice their presence in the devices around us and the additional convenience of their use. Today, the vast majority of household appliances and appliances are created using magnets.

However, many unexpected problems arise in everyday life, especially of a technical nature. It happens that you need to maintain or strengthen the effect of a particular magnet, and especially vice versa - demagnetize it. Let's dwell on the last problem - how to demagnetize permanent magnets?

After reading a selection of our practical tips, you will find out how, in what way, and whether it is possible to demagnetize “home” magnets without outside help.

Basic methods for permanent magnets

In everyday life, it is sometimes convenient to use magnetized tools, for example, a screwdriver, which will prevent the screw from falling off at the most inopportune moment and in a hard-to-reach place. But the properties of a permanent magnet are not always useful or necessary. With the same files, drills, taps, etc. magnetized during work. It will be obviously more difficult to work due to sticking metal filings.

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In this case, there are several solutions to this problem. Let's note two of them.

Method 1. Heating to a temperature above the Curie point

The Curie point is the temperature at which the symmetry of ferromagnetic atoms is destroyed. Simply put, you take your magnetized tool and heat it up quite a lot. Strict atomic symmetry is broken, and the instrument loses its magnetic properties under the influence of heat.

Method 2 . Homemade degausser

This method will require the presence of an electromagnet operating on alternating current, in the form of any coil (hollow solenoid) designed for the existing voltage in the house. There are many reel options.

Suitable, say, is a coil from an old electromagnetic bell, a solenoid relay for a car starter, etc. The primary winding from some transformer is also suitable, especially if its frame is cylindrical. Secondary - can be wound up as unnecessary.

We place the demagnetized tool inside for a few seconds and turn on the “unit” to the AC power supply.

How to demagnetize a permanent magnet reliably, and at what voltage? There are a couple of nuances:

  • We connect the coil, designed for 220 V, directly to the electrical network. A 110-volt coil can similarly be connected directly to the network, but not for long. We connect the 12 volt coil through a step-down transformer.
  • When demagnetizing, first remove the tool from the coil and only then turn off the power supply. Otherwise, the metal may not be demagnetized.

If there are no mentioned solenoids (from an old coil or transformer winding), you can wind a small demagnetizer coil with your own hands. How to successfully demagnetize a permanent magnet with it? A number of parameters will need to be met:

The resistance of such a winding will be about 8 ohms if:

- the solenoid frame will be 80 mm long, with an internal diameter of 30-35 mm;

— at the edges of the frame, when winding, leave cheeks 80 mm in diameter and 5-6 mm thick;

- wrap approximately a thousand turns of PEL (or PEV) wire with a diameter of 0.7-0.9 mm around the solenoid.

For large plumbing tools, you will need a more powerful (larger diameter) demagnetizer. It can be mounted from the demagnetization loop(s) of an old picture tube.

The magnets are connected to each other - how to separate them

How to demagnetize a magnet from a magnet (disconnect), especially if they are powerful? Let us immediately make a reservation that it is useless to separate powerful magnets by simply breaking them, and you can get injured. In this case, you can also give at least two pieces of advice:

Method 1: Using diamagnetic metal sheet

  1. Using a metal wedge made of some diamagnetic material (duralumin, copper, etc.), try to widen the gap between the magnets, but be careful - do not use an iron hammer (it attracts).
  2. Insert a sheet (can be metal) into the gap that is larger in area than the magnets, which will serve as a guarantee that everything can come back and the magnets will attract each other again.
  3. Secure the lower magnet, and begin to move the upper one until you feel that it is freed from the attraction of the lower one.

Read also: Tool for spp clamp

Method 2. Using plywood

  1. To separate the magnets, a sheet of thick plywood (10 mm) is used. A hole is made in it for the magnet (if it is impossible to create a gap between the magnets). This sheet will serve as a kind of stop for one of the magnets during the separation process.
  2. Disconnection occurs in the same way as in the first example.

Everything described above are little tricks mainly for amateur locksmiths. And now a little about the twists and turns with magnets during shopping, which most of our lovely ladies so adore.

Shopping and magnets

Today, in the vast majority of supermarkets, special magnetic alarms are attached to goods, and sometimes it happens that a customer finds herself in an unpleasant situation after purchasing, for example, a new coat. The purchase is completed, but at the exit from the store this “stop light” still signals “theft” - the seller forgot to neutralize the sensor from the product.

Or the electronics may malfunction. Guard magnets are designed in a special way and vary depending on the product they “protect” - with visible or invisible labels (stickers), plastic clips, etc. And they are attached to clothes in different ways, and you can’t just unhook them, since when removed they can even ruin the material of the coat with paint.

But if this happens, and you come home with a working sensor, you still need to remove it from your new purchase, because the next time you go to the store wearing new clothes, it may not work in your favor.

But it is not necessary to physically remove the magnet from clothing (especially in inconvenient places). This problem can be solved in another way; the most effective and safest way is demagnetization with a so-called neodymium (which has the highest power) disk-shaped permanent magnet with a sufficiently large working area. It is on free sale. It is enough to move this magnet over the clip, and the sensor will be demagnetized.

You can answer the question in the same way: “How to demagnetize magnets on shoes”?


As you can see, there are a lot of ways to demagnetize any household magnets. If you can’t make a demagnetizer yourself, then you can contact the Internet and order it from the World of Magnets. They have a store in St. Petersburg.


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