How to clean gold from negativity

How to clean gold from foreign energy?

A person who has received a beautiful piece of jewelry made of precious metal as an inheritance or as a gift is faced with a reasonable question: “How to cleanse gold from foreign energy?” Astrologers from all over the world agree on one thing: jewelry, even new ones (the energy of the jeweler can be transmitted), must be cleaned.

We dedicate this short article to ritual cleansing of negative energy. Knowledge of simple techniques, as practice shows, brings exceptionally good results.

Gold: magical properties and healing properties

From time immemorial, gold jewelry has been an indicator of not only high wealth. Gold is a symbol of health and strength, lightness and relaxation. Solar metal has the best effect on family values, strengthens marriage bonds and creates a protective barrier in the family.

Kindness and openness to the world are qualities that gold loves. People who chose to wear exquisite and luxurious gold items attracted attention with their confidence and generosity.

Knowledgeable magicians share their little secret: the precious metal does not like stingy and arrogant people.

Thanks to its special properties, gold brings strength, health, activity and efficiency to its bearer. Wearing a medallion, chain, ring or bracelet affects the bioenergy points of the body, improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Amulets and talismans made of gold, so popular at all times and among all peoples, carry a powerful charge of positive energy.

One thing is certain - there is a quick solution to psychological problems in a positive direction: sensitive and timid people acquire additional qualities; individuals who are weak in spirit become wiser and more judicious.

Golden Harmony

The mysterious power emanating from gold jewelry must not only be positively charged, but also its own. If you got gold by inheritance or as a gift, then it definitely carries energy that is alien to you.

Such decoration will definitely have a bad effect: you will gradually feel a loss of strength, irritability and mild ailments.

There is no need to scare, but damage (a specially induced negative program) can also be transmitted due to the unique ability of gold to absorb any energy manifestations.

Ritual cleansing of gold jewelry

Esotericists believe that each thing has its own energy and can easily absorb the energy of other people. Jewelry was no exception. Knowledgeable people believe that before wearing jewelry, especially used ones, it is imperative to clean it, otherwise the worn item will affect a person’s fate, most often in a negative way.

The Power of Prayer

Negative energy belongs to the lower astral world. Prayer and turning to God is the spiritual elevation of a person. Roughly speaking, the lower classes are afraid of the divine principle. A God-fearing and believing person, putting on gold jewelry and praying, will undoubtedly cleanse the item of foreign energy.

Magicians also recommend slightly different methods:

  1. you can read prayers on the water and keep the gold jewelry there for no more than three days;
  2. go to church and wash with holy water.

Burning fire

Do you have doubts about your new gold jewelry? Cast aside shyness and boldly go to the kitchen or to the fireplace. As a last resort, light a match, candle, or use a lighter. There is only one action - while holding gold over the fire, negative energy is burned.

Cleaning with water

The best and easiest way out is cold running water. If you need to clean a gold ring, then open the tap and hold the gold item under running water. River, lake, and sea water may be suitable.

Another method is to place the product in a small container filled with water and place it in the freezer. The water must turn into ice. After defrosting, wash the product and wear it calmly.

Miracle salt

It is possible to cleanse gold of negative energy using ordinary table or sea salt. Any method is suitable: washing, washing, scraping, rinsing, polishing, etc. The main “face” is the positive fluids of salt, which effectively correct and absorb negative forces.

Alternative medicine advises taking one tablespoon of salt and dissolving it in a glass of water. Gold should be dipped into the prepared solution, placed on the windowsill during the full moon and kept in the moonlight for a week. The gold item can be worn after 7 days.

Power of light

The sun's rays help cleanse the energy of gold. One of the simplest and most accessible methods: while cleaning jewelry, imagine how the smallest particles of light penetrate the gold and completely clear it of foreign information.


How to cleanse gold from someone else's negative energy - Emotionally

When buying jewelry, few people pay attention to the fact that earrings or a ring also need cleaning - and not only physical cleansing of dirt, but also energetic renewal. Any person who picks it up can energetically influence the jewelry. Even just being in an irritated state can already transfer this state to an object. There are several simple and effective ways to cleanse gold from foreign negative energy.

Purification by fire

You need to light a candle and look at its flame for several minutes. Closing your eyes and remembering the flame of the fire, you need to turn your attention to the jewelry. Imagine how the flames cover it from all sides, cleansing it of everything bad.

Another way of cleansing with fire works if you take a small candle and move circles around the jewelry counterclockwise, looking at the flame of the fire. At the end, you need to cross the object being processed.

Cleansing with water

To perform this method, running water is required. By placing the jewelry under running water, you need to imagine how it washes away all the negative energy. You must firmly believe that this is exactly what is happening. You can imagine how dirt is washed off from a thing. To better visualize what is happening, you can soap the jewelry and wash off the foamy water and imagine how all the negativity goes away.

Sound cleansing

Cleansing jewelry using sound waves also has a good result in updating the energy of objects. To carry out the procedure, you need to place the item next to the speaker or player, directing the sound source to the jewelry. You need to find a melody with the sound of a gong, and when it sounds, imagine how the waves penetrate through the jewelry, cleansing it. Indian mantras also have a cleansing effect.

Cleansing with light

This type of cleaning is recommended for jewelry without stones. It is necessary to place the decoration in a place where the sun's rays fall and leave it in a motionless position for several days. Thus, it will be cleansed not only with the help of the sun, but will also come under the beneficial influence of the light of the Moon.

Salt cleansing

For many centuries, salt has been considered a good way to cleanse the energy of objects. For the procedure, you need to immerse the jewelry in a glass of salt, leave it for a day, and then remove it without touching the crystals with your hand. Salt that has collected all the negative energy must be thrown away.

Whatever method of cleansing you choose, you need to remember that even a cleaned piece of jewelry will immediately begin to accumulate new energy dirt from the outside. To avoid this, try not to hand your jewelry directly into anyone’s hands, and if they really ask, then hand it over by placing it on the table.


How to cleanse gold from another person's negative energy

A person who has received a beautiful piece of jewelry made of precious metal as an inheritance or as a gift is faced with a reasonable question: “How to cleanse gold from foreign energy?” Astrologers from all over the world agree on one thing: jewelry, even new ones (the energy of the jeweler can be transmitted), must be cleaned.

We dedicate this short article to ritual cleansing of negative energy. Knowledge of simple techniques, as practice shows, brings exceptionally good results.

Gold and human bioenergy

Thanks to its special properties, gold brings strength, health, activity and efficiency to its bearer. Wearing a medallion, chain, ring or bracelet affects the bioenergy points of the body, improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Amulets and talismans made of gold, so popular at all times and among all peoples, carry a powerful charge of positive energy.

One thing is certain - there is a quick solution to psychological problems in a positive direction: sensitive and timid people acquire additional qualities; individuals who are weak in spirit become wiser and more judicious.

How to clean rings and other jewelry from other people’s energy and your own?

We often inherit jewelry. However, this is not only beauty, luxury and memory - it is also a certain energy, and not necessarily favorable for the new owners. How to clean rings from someone else's bad energy?

Let's simulate the situation. Let's say you inherited two engagement rings from your grandmother. Antique and incredibly valuable, with sapphires inside.

You want to get married in them, because they are truly incredibly beautiful and seem to be made for your fingers! However, you know that neither her marriage nor that of her great-grandmother (from whom she, in turn, received her wedding rings) was happy and ended badly.

Somewhere you read or heard that objects absorb energy and then can ruin someone’s life. And now you, seemingly not believing in all these “fairy tales,” at the same time have doubts. Is it necessary to cleanse the energy of the ring or is this the lot of especially suspicious people?

The situation may be slightly different, but the essence is the same: you get other people’s jewelry, and you are wary of the prospect of wearing them - you never know. Experts say that people who are afraid of the energy absorbed and given off by a ring, chain or something else are indeed right.

This is especially true for wedding rings, which must be cleansed of foreign energy. These objects are most vulnerable to the influence of human energy because they are always in contact with his aura. And if someone was unhappy, then the wedding ring or, say, the ring that he wore for a long time will turn into a thing that brings misfortune or destroys the aura, and, consequently, life.

You need to clean rings of negativity when wearing not only other people’s jewelry, but also your own, personally purchased jewelry. People also don’t need the burden of their own everyday burden. Moreover, if a person cannot boast of powerful energy, then it would not hurt him to clean even a new ring in order to rid it of the influence of those who had it during the process of manufacturing and selling.

Fire, water and, or How to clean rings from foreign energy

Cleaning the energy of a ring (including a wedding ring) - as well as other jewelry “with history” - is not difficult and does not require special abilities and skills from a person. You can use the help of the element that you consider most trustworthy and with which you are most friendly.

1. Water

The easiest way to drive away unnecessary energy is with the power of running water. To do this, you need to attach a bag with jewelry to the tap and keep it under the stream - the longer, the more reliable the cleaning. However, in the case of some stones (for example, painted) and copper alloys that are not protected by coatings, this number will not work: their appearance can be very significantly damaged.

2. Light

This method is also not for all stones, since some of the “picky” ones do not like direct sunlight (for example, citrine or amethyst, yellow topaz).

  Therefore, you need to make inquiries in advance about how a particular stone relates to such sunbathing.

If they are not contraindicated for him, then all that needs to be done to cleanse the jewelry from the negative energy of the previous owners is to put them on the windowsill (not in the bedroom) for several days and let the sun and moonlight work on them.

3. Fire

The cleansing power of a candle flame can be helpful in this case too. Just keep in mind that not all stones like heating either. It is possible to clean rings and other jewelry using an imaginary fire, although this may be more difficult for many people.

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  You will still need a lit candle: you need to look at it long enough for the flame to be imprinted on the retina. How to understand this? If you move your gaze to another place, there will still be a candle in your eyes.

  It is with this imaginary light that you need to illuminate the decoration.

4. Sound

Certain sound waves also have a cleansing effect, including those produced by a bell. The biggest solution is to make the jewelry being cleaned “listen” to a real bell ringing. But you can also turn on the corresponding recording or make do with the ringing of a miniature bell.

5. Salt

Salt is known as a substance that can effectively absorb negative energy. The magic spice will also help in the case of rings. You just need to immerse them in crystals, hold them for a day, and then, without touching the salt, take them out (pick them up, for example, with a pen). Spent salt must be disposed of, and it is advisable that it be immediately away from the house.

 6. “Comprehensive” ritual for cleaning jewelry from negativity

If you want to deal a “massive blow” to the bad energy of wedding rings and other jewelry, follow these steps.

  • Pour spring water into a wooden bowl and add three tablespoons of salt - preferably sea or pink Himalayan. Place the rings and place the bowl on the window sill during the full moon. Let it stay like this for 48 hours. The waning moon will help draw out bad energies from jewelry. If you have rock crystal, you can throw that in the bowl too.
  • Then take out your wedding rings or simple rings and hold them over the flame and smoke of a white candle, imagining white light streaming onto them from your third eye (between your eyebrows).
  • At the end of the ritual, place the rings that you cleanse from bad energy in the ground - in a pot in which some healthy plant is growing, and leave it until the new moon.
  • Then rinse them under running water, dry them - and they will be as good as new and will not harm you in any way!

How often do you clean your rings from energy – someone else’s and your own? Approximately once a year or immediately after your jewelry had to go through an unpleasant event with you, for example, a funeral, serious illness, problems at work, and so on.

How to clean rings and other jewelry from other people’s energy and your own?


How to remove someone else's energy from gold

» Articles » How to remove someone else’s energy from gold

The world around us is filled with flows of energy; it is present within us and is inherent in all objects without exception. Jewelry, especially those made from gold, has a powerful energy force. This is due to the popularity of this precious metal when creating jewelry.

We come into contact with them every day: we wear earrings, rings, chains. With such a constant and close relationship, energy will undoubtedly be “absorbed” into gold jewelry.

And if you didn’t buy new jewelry, but they were presented to you or left as an inheritance, you will have to wonder how to cleanse gold from someone else’s energy? We will look at all the nuances of this procedure in this article.

What do the experts say?

Sometimes we don’t buy gold jewelry new in the store, but we get it from someone else. For example, a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. It happens that we exchange rings or earrings. So, often mother and daughter borrow certain embellishments from each other.

How to clean a gold ring from foreign energy? — Experts in this field strongly advise cleaning gold items even after purchase, and even more so when received from another person. This simple process will take very little of your time.

Important! Don’t forget to cleanse your own jewelry of accumulated negative energy. At a minimum, you need to clean it once a year, or more often. And it’s even better to do this for the whole house, especially if you notice that quarrels and situations of misunderstanding have become more frequent in your family.

Use our tips from the article “How to clean your house?”

How to cleanse gold from foreign energy? — Deciding on the means

What products are suitable for the cleaning process? All negativity can be easily removed:

  • using running water, the power of fire;
  • Salt is very effective when fighting negative energy.

There are other ways.

How do you know that the procedures performed were successful? Very easy! Put on your jewelry and, closing your eyes, listen to yourself, your feelings.

Important! If you feel calm and positive emotions, it means that the ritual to cleanse gold from foreign energy was effective. Additionally, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from negativity and, with our help, choose effective amulets to protect your home.

Is it necessary to remove negativity from rings and other jewelry and why?

Cleansing a gold ring from foreign energy is not only necessary, but urgently necessary!

Why should this be done? Jewelry can accumulate energy from past owners for many years. As they walk through life with their owners, jewelry adapts to them.

Important! Gold jewelry has exceptionally powerful energy, especially if the item contains precious stones.

However, this does not mean that when purchasing a new ring in a jewelry store, you are insured against any negative consequences:

  • You can’t even imagine who tried it on before you. Perhaps the person was unable to buy it, and the product will be imprinted with a bitter feeling of annoyance or even envy of the one who can afford it.
  • Also the creator of the jewel! Performing such concentrated and painstaking work, the jeweler unconsciously directs his emotions and energy into the jewelry. What if he is in a bad mood due to serious problems? And all this will “settle” on the product.

Clean, clean and clean again!

Negative energy can appear in jewelry from people's envy or anger. Another source could be a situation in which you participated and gold was put on you. For example, a quarrel, an accident, visiting unfavorable and ominous places.  

Important! The most dangerous in this regard are ancient precious jewelry and treasures. Especially those recovered from ancient burials and tombs. Believe me, being located next to human remains for several centuries, such objects carry not just negativity, but extreme danger!

How do you understand that you need to cleanse gold from someone else’s energy? Pay attention to the appearance of such emotional symptoms: loss of strength, bad mood, apathy, etc.

Methods for cleaning gold

So, you have decided to cleanse gold of negative energy at home. Let's consider which of the many methods will be suitable. The main forces in the fight against negative aura have always been the four earthly elements, but they are not the only ones that can help you.


Fire has enormous cleansing power:

  1. Hold the item over the fire for a few seconds. Incense can be used.
  2. Another option is to light a candle and watch the flame for two minutes. At the same time, your eyes will retain the image of fire.
  3. After this, take the product and imagine how the fire consumes it and burns all the negative energy.

Important! Ash, as a derivative of the action of fire, also does a good job of cleaning gold. It is enough to place the decoration in it or wipe it.

If such simple methods fail to remove negative energy, then it may be worth taking the item to be melted down.


Rinse your jewelry under running water.


The power of the earth will effectively cleanse gold of foreign energy. Bury the required item for a week and you will get rid of it.


Take a glass and add ⅓ salt, put a ring and cover it to the top with salt. After a day, you can take out the item, and the salt needs to be buried in the ground or thrown into the river.

You can use table or sea salt. Using a saline solution will also be effective.

Important! It is better to remove the decoration using a stick, spoon or pencil.


Believers often find solutions to problems with its help. For this purpose, holy water and church candles are used. Place the gold jewelry on the table and use the burning candle to make circular movements counterclockwise.

Important! The number of revolutions is related to your sensations. As soon as it seems to you that the jewelry has been cleaned, you can stop manipulation.


Sound vibrations are a rather unusual method of how to cleanse gold of negative energy. You can play them using a gong, a simple or church bell, or loud music. Concentrate and imagine how sound waves penetrate the jewelry, penetrate it, cleansing it of negative energy.

Important! Try using the sound of the mantra “Om” by making it yourself or through a player.

Sunlight and moonlight

Place the decoration where it receives direct sunlight or moonlight. This could be a window sill, a balcony. Leave for 7-8 hours. Make sure it is not cloudy during this period of time.

If the item is set with precious stones, be careful as some of them may fade in the sun. For example, amethyst, citrine, yellow topaz.

Important! If you decide to use moonlight, be sure to pay attention to the phase of the moon. Carry out all actions only on the waxing moon.

Antique jewelry, removal of negative energy and ancient damage

Old antique objects are most saturated with dark energy. How to cleanse gold from negative energy in such cases?

Antiques are quite ancient things, their age varies from fifty years to several hundred centuries. “Younger” jewelry is estimated at 20-50 years old, they are also called dilapidated. Thoughts, ideas and emotions of previous owners are very firmly imprinted on metals, especially gold. And such a precious stone as amber strongly attracts curses.

Important! The older the item, the more negative energy it contains.

Antiques and antiquities can be cleansed of foreign energy using the above methods.

Have you completed all the procedures and no longer doubt that jewelry can cause you harm? Read our post at the link, because now is the time to figure out how to properly wear women’s rings on your hands.


We have studied in detail why it is so important to cleanse jewelry of foreign energy and where it comes from in gold jewelry. You can choose an effective way to protect yourself from negative consequences and emotions. By regularly carrying out simple procedures, your sense of self will be in harmony and calm.


Why gold brings misfortune: is it possible to wear someone else’s gold?

The powerful energy of the yellow metal is compatible with the biofield of 15 percent of all living on Earth, and for the rest, wearing gold for a long time is fraught with troubles and misfortunes. the reason why gold brings misfortune lies in its indomitable sunny disposition, which can be compared to an unbridled horse.

That is why the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else’s gold is obvious: if you trust its owner and managed to find a common language with the owner of the jewelry, the jewelry will not harm you.

But if we are talking about gold that belonged to a stranger or, even worse, a person with a bad reputation, there is a real danger of “picking up” other people’s problems along with the gold.

Is it possible to carry gold from a pawn shop?

Looking at jewelry at a tempting price, many people wonder what will happen if they wear someone else's gold? How to clean gold from negativity? And this is not without reason, since the paths through which outwardly attractive pendants, rings, earrings and bracelets end up in a pawn shop are very often associated with despair and the incredible desire of the true owner of the jewelry to return what was lost due to the plight.

Imagine that you are taking candy from a child, but he cannot give you back because he is weaker than you and shorter. Tears, despair, lost opportunities, and sometimes the death of someone close or the inability to pay off a large debt - this is what lies behind gold from a pawnshop. And since yellow metal perfectly absorbs all emotions and emotional disturbances, when wearing someone else’s jewelry from a pawnshop,

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You unwittingly take on the negative energy of pain, despair, suffering and illness. Moreover, the more expensive you want to buy inexpensive jewelry, the higher the chance of “picking up” a long trail of problems and sudden illnesses. It is better not to buy such gold at all, since only a very strong psychic can clear it, and only on condition that your personal immunity is sufficiently resistant to the powerful energy of gold.

How to clean gold from foreign energy: methods of cleaning gold

A dark bag of salt, holy water, fire, and the sound of church bells will come to the rescue. But the most effective way to cleanse gold from foreign energy is to melt the metal and get a new, unique item.

If you bought gold at a good price and want to keep the jewelry in its original form, you can clean the metal from the accumulated energy of the previous owner using spring or spring water. Throw the product into a glass and place it in the freezer overnight, turning it on at full power.

It is believed that the next morning after defrosting, the ring will be absolutely “clean”, although it is recommended to repeat cleaning periodically, and check the gold itself for compatibility with its energy. Wear it for several days and observe what is happening in your life; if the changes are positive, then there is nothing to worry about.

If troubles start to happen, or even worse, you get sick, then it’s better to get rid of such gold altogether!

How does gold affect potency?

The insidiousness of the yellow metal lies in the fact that it kills male power imperceptibly and not immediately, as soon as the gold ring is on the finger. Scientists conducted experiments and found out how gold affects potency; it turns out that even a fraction of a milligram of gold oxides can disrupt the normal functioning of the glands - regardless of the sample.

There are biologically active points on a person’s fingers, through which gold transfers its energy to the owner. Gold rings may not cause harm to everyone’s health right away, but only years later, when they oxidize from close contact with the skin of the finger and begin to release chemical reaction products. It is they, say English researchers, that most strongly influence the male sex glands.

Yellow metal needs to be periodically cleaned yourself using salt: just place the jewelry for three days in a bag with white crystals and tie it tightly with a red thread. But even purified gold negatively affects the potency of men, but the hormonal system of women is better protected from external influences.

It is believed that gold improves vision and memory, relieves irritation and eliminates depression. Helps cope with rapid heartbeat, hypertension, and mood swings. Gold has a positive effect on stomach ulcers.

Gold jewelry will bring the greatest benefit to active people, but melancholic or phlegmatic people may feel spiritual dissonance when coming into contact with the yellow metal.

Gold and its energy

Newlyweds who got married and exchanged gold rings should not change these “complicated jewelry” to more modern ones during the next 9 years of marriage. The ideal option is to melt down the existing attributes of the unity of hearts and get new gold jewelry based on the same yellow metal, so you will preserve everything good and valuable that has been acquired in the family and be able to increase it.

It happens that one of the spouses loses a sacred piece of jewelry and then the question arises: What to do if the wedding ring is lost?

Losing your wedding ring is not a good sign, but it doesn't necessarily lead to a breakup. There is no need to make a tragedy out of this, but it is better to think about what is good in your marriage, what you have not yet lost in it, and focus your attention on this. You can't buy yourself a new ring. Let your husband buy it. The new ring should be blessed in the church on any holiday; this will help your family unite their love.

Is it possible to wear someone else's gold?

It is strictly forbidden to lend personal jewelry such as baptismal crosses, engagement rings and wedding rings to friends or acquaintances. Other jewelry (earrings, chains, bracelets) can be given to a relative or good friend with whom you have spiritual contact and understanding.

If it already happens that you made a mistake and let someone wear your wedding ring, the gold needs to be cleaned on the day of the Full Moon. A special cleansing ritual is to place the ring on the threshold of your house and, entering from the street, step with the heel of your left foot into its center.

After this, the gold ring should lie near the threshold of the house all night, becoming “henpecked” and submissive to your will, after which the jewelry can be brought into the house - it is, as it were, reprogrammed and re-enters your life purified.


How to effectively clean gold from foreign energy at home

Every thing in the world has its own special energy. The most powerful is found in jewelry. At the same time, gold itself has been considered a mystical element, full of witchcraft charm, since ancient times. Many wear products made from it constantly, and they, in turn, absorb all the good and bad thoughts of the owners and, as a result, turn into independent and often dangerous sources of negativity.

Those who have received jewelry by inheritance or as a gift should think about how to cleanse their gold of bad or foreign energy. The most effective methods are described below.

Recommendations from experts

People do not always buy gold jewelry in stores. Some people get them from relatives or friends. Sometimes they are simply exchanged. Very often, for example, girls borrow rings or chains from the boxes of their mothers and girlfriends.

Experts strongly recommend performing a cleansing ritual before putting the product on your body. Moreover, they indicate that it is necessary to do this not only with old things, but also with completely new ones.

The fact is that negative energy is constantly collected in gold - for this it just needs to lie in the window of a jewelry store.

Thousands of people pass by it every day, many of whom feel anger and envy because they cannot buy an expensive trinket for themselves.

In addition, your own gold, even if no one touches it besides you, must also be rid of the negativity that has accumulated in it. Here, the energy rehabilitation procedure is carried out at least annually, but better - every quarter.

You need to take action as soon as possible in a situation where you notice that in the house you have started to:

  • quarrels arise;
  • some unpleasant events occur.

How to cleanse jewelry from foreign energy

According to long-standing folk traditions, gold jewelry is cleaned in several ways. All of them are recognized as equally effective, so you just have to choose the most convenient option from the ones offered below.

So, in particular, it is enough to sanitize new products or those inherited from a close relative:

  • natural running water (a river or even a stream will do);
  • flame (even a gas stove burner will do).

If there is reason to believe that the ring or chain is charged with negative energy, it is advisable to use table salt.

These are far from the only options, but undoubtedly the most popular.

How to clean - procedure

It is generally accepted that one of the four main elements removes the charge of someone else’s energy. We are talking, as you might guess, about:

  • air;
  • water;
  • earth;
  • fire.

These are not all available methods, but we will talk about others in more detail below.

Let's start with the flame. The procedure will be as follows:

  • light a candle (gas burner);
  • wait a minute;
  • hang the decoration on a thread;
  • hold over the fire until it lights up;
  • extinguish the flame immediately;
  • let the product cool.

This option is not suitable for jewelry with precious stones. For the latter, you should use cold ash. Simply place the item to be cleaned in a saucer of powder and leave it there overnight, then wipe.

With water, everything is simple - throw the decoration into a river or stream in a shallow place and remove it from there in a few minutes.

The land is good at removing the remaining energy from the previous owners. Bury the gold in the garden and get it out in a week.


How to cleanse jewelry from foreign energy 4.75/5 (4)

You don’t have to be an esotericist or a fifth-generation clairvoyant to feel the influence of someone else’s energy. And if this energy is pure and inspiring, then that’s certainly great. What if it’s negative and sucks the vitality out of you? We agree, it's unpleasant.

Moreover, it can be dangerous to both health and life if the product has been damaged. Often ordinary things or jewelry made of wood and precious metal are able to accumulate the energy of their owner.

We will discuss in our article how to cleanse jewelry from someone else’s negative aura.

Reasons for the accumulation of negative energy in jewelry

Any of our emotions are either positive or negative. It’s good if the previous owner of a beautiful necklace, ring or bracelet was a positive and cheerful person, such jewelry will absorb less bad energy, but still none of us is immune from failures, illnesses and other circumstances that make us despondent. What reasons can become a source of negative energy release? Here are the main ones:

  • Chronic depression;
  • Betrayal of a loved one;
  • Envy, resentment;
  • Diseases;
  • Death.

If jewelry or precious stones were inherited from your mother or grandmother, then such products absorbed many events in the life of several generations. Such valuables are subject to mandatory cleaning. Each person’s own energy also varies in strength. Some people, even after buying new jewelry, need to clean it, because many bracelets and beads in ethnic style are made by hand, and this is also someone else’s energy.

Ways to clean jewelry

Experts advise once every six months to clean out bad energy not only from jewelry that you got from another person, but also from your own. During this time, our favorite rings and beads also manage to absorb the destructive power of everyday troubles, stress, envious glances and other negativity. Esotericists and people close to magic recommend using natural elements for purification: fire, water, earth and light.


You can also clean jewelry using sunlight and moonlight. To do this, you just need to arrange the jewelry on the windowsill in such a way that they have good access to the sun during the day and the moon at night. Don't forget that some natural stones and natural wood jewelry cannot withstand prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. For example, citrine, yellow topaz, amethyst and other minerals are ardent opponents of such procedures.

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How to clean gold from foreign energy: ways and methods, expert advice

Our distant ancestors noticed that gold is a precious metal that has not only material value, but also undoubted energy potential. Many believed that it would help get rid of diseases, prevent exposure to poison, and help prepare a love potion. That is why the material began to be so highly valued.

Later it was discovered that gold not only has a certain power, but is also capable of absorbing the energy of its owners, which is often not at all positive. Therefore, the question of how to purify gold from foreign energy has become relevant. The article offers an overview of the most effective methods that can be used by modern people.


Why is it important to clean? Jewelry is not just beautiful and expensive trinkets. Created by the hands of the master, they embodied his most intimate experiences and became a reflection of his soul. That is why new jewelry, be it a ring or earrings, created with love, most often carries a positive charge, brings joy and good luck to its owner and does not need any cleaning.

However, the further fate of the item may be different: often its owners lead a less than righteous life and die a violent death; some ancient necklaces and tiaras may have previously belonged to families who are under a family curse. That is why they need to be freed from the energy burden of their previous owners, cleaned, and positively recharged. And you can do it yourself, even without any magical experience.

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Let's get acquainted with how to clean gold from other people's energy with salt. To carry out this ritual, you will need a container of water and any salt (both table and sea). The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Pour salt into the container; just take a small amount of the substance, enough to fill the bottom.
  2. Place the required amount of gold items into the solution. These can be earrings, rings, chains, bracelets. The main rule is that they must be completely hidden under the liquid. The number can be any, but it is important to immerse products of approximately the same degree of contamination in salt during one cleaning procedure. So, it can be your own jewelry, which is recommended to be cleaned approximately once a year. Or several products inherited from one person are immersed in a container with a salty solution; as a rule, they also have the same energy potential. Finally, if the ring or earrings were purchased from a pawn shop, individual cleaning is recommended.
  3. Next, the container with salt and products is placed on the windowsill.

The duration of the effect depends on the contamination of the energy field of gold. You can clean your own jewelry for a day; items from a pawn shop can be cleaned for a week.

Let's look at some secrets of how to clean gold from someone else's energy with salt. A container with saline solution can be placed on the windowsill both in the morning and at night. If you plan to do this in the dark, then it is important to look at the lunar calendar and choose the waxing moon to begin cleansing. Carrying out rituals on a decrease can have the exact opposite effect and not clean the product, but charge it with negativity.

If the cleansing effect begins in the morning or afternoon, you should remember that not all stones and minerals can be placed in direct sunlight. Thus, yellow topazes, citrines, and amethysts can fade, so they need to be protected from sunlight.

Do new jewelry need to be cleaned?

The answer to this question seems obvious - the product is new, never worn by anyone, where will the negative energy come from it? And yet she is present. Let us recall the technology of product production. Modern workers in the jewelry industry are in no way reminiscent of craftsmen of past eras who put their souls into their creations.

Many riveters, assemblers, and grinders come to the workplace in a bad mood, work with irritation, charging the product with their negativity.

Next, the jewelry goes to the couriers, who will not always treat it with due respect (surely everyone has observed how delivery service employees throw and kick packages and parcels).

And finally, the beautiful product ends up in the store window. How many people will look at it with greed, because such a purchase is not available to everyone!

That is why it is important to subject even new products to rituals. We have already looked at the simplest one, how to clean gold from foreign energy with salt. It is ideal for neutralizing new products; in this case, keep the product in the container for 3 days. However, let’s make a reservation - if there are stones on the jewelry, then it is better not to expose them to salt, as there is a risk of spoiling them.

Holy water

Let's get acquainted with how to cleanse gold from foreign energy with holy water. This method is suitable exclusively for people who trust; you will need a small amount of water taken from the church and consecrated, as well as a church candle. Let's describe the ritual step by step:

  1. Pour water into the container.
  2. Light a candle.
  3. Immerse the jewelry in water.
  4. Taking the candle in your hand, make circular movements around the container. At this moment, you can read the words of the prayer to yourself.

As a rule, the believer will understand based on how he feels that the jewelry has been cleaned and the procedure can be stopped. If this does not happen, faith is not strong enough, so it is recommended to choose a different method.

Indian way

Let's look at how to clean gold from a pawnshop from foreign energy. There are quite a lot of tips, but the simplest and most effective method is to use incense. These can be aroma lamps, incense sticks, candles. The procedure is simple:

  1. Light the stick.
  2. Place the product to be cleaned into the smoke that was formed during the burning process.
  3. The duration of exposure is 3-5 minutes.

A week later, at about the same time, the procedure is repeated. Exposure to the aroma twice is enough to completely rid a piece of jewelry from a pawn shop of negativity.

Other options

In addition, you can use other simple methods.

  • Running water. The decoration is placed under a stream of cold water, and gradually the negative energy comes out of it. Suitable for cleaning those products that have not been subjected to prolonged exposure to ill-wishers. For example, if at work the owner of a gold ring realized that a colleague was jealous of her, then it is better to clean the ring with water.
  • Fire. The method is very accessible, but effective. You should light a candle and look at its flame for a while, fully concentrating. After this, put on the jewelry and visualize the effect of the fire element on it, which seems to burn away all the negativity.

Sound method

Let's continue to consider how to clean gold from foreign energy. For this simple method you will need a regular bell. You should take it and “ring” the decoration for at least 3-5 minutes. It is very important to focus on the process itself and not be distracted by extraneous noise. In addition to an ordinary bell, you can also use a recording of its ringing, the main thing is the very fact of the sound of certain motives.

Important Tips

Considering how to clear foreign energy from gold from a pawnshop, we suggest you get acquainted with some tips that will allow you to avoid mistakes.

  1. During cleaning, you should not allow envious people, ill-wishers, or simply people with heavy energy to appear in the house; they will reduce all efforts to zero.
  2. When using salt, it is important not to place gold and silver jewelry in the same container. Each metal will protect its own charge; they will certainly come into conflict, which, in turn, will negatively affect the energy potential.
  3. Next, if salt was used, after removing the product from the container, it should be rinsed with running water and wiped gently, only then can it be worn.

We learned how to clean gold from foreign energy. Please note that the importance of this procedure should not be neglected. Metal really absorbs the mood of the owner, and the envy and anger of others, so it is important to cleanse it of this in a timely manner. Only in this way will wearing jewelry be safe and bring joy.


Is it necessary to do this?

Jewelry is most often purchased from gold. And these products are by no means always “from scratch” from a specialized store. Many interesting and unique items can be found on special forums on the Internet and in consignment stores. And some people get this rarity from the older generation of the family.

In the first 2 cases, you have no idea who wore the rings and necklaces, what events they are associated with. Therefore, it is highly advisable to carry out the appropriate procedure to cleanse gold of negative energy at home. Even if you don’t believe in it and consider everything to be speculation, it’s worth doing, because it won’t take much time.

And you will be confident that the jewelry will certainly not harm you.

As for jewelry that was given to you by relatives, you should be careful here too, especially if the ring is already a couple of hundred years old.

Experts recommend that even the jewelry that you wear yourself be cleaned periodically, because we are all upset, sad, angry, and all this information is recorded on the metal, continuing to influence us as we wear the items.

Important! Even jewelry that you buy in a store should be cleaned before wearing. Remember that before this, the craftsman who made it, or the people who work on the production line, if this is stamping, came into contact with the metal. Then came the store clerks, numerous people who tried on the jewelry. Everyone left their mark in any case.

How to clean gold from foreign energy? 7 rituals

In all religions and rituals for the direction and purification of energy, the following elements are invariably present:

Salt is also an effective remedy for neutralizing all bad things.

As you can see, you don’t even have to buy anything in order to cleanse the ring of other people’s energy. The main thing is to follow all the rules of the ritual.

Important! Remember that ancient jewelry must be especially carefully cleaned of negative energy. They came to you through the centuries, collecting people's anger, despair, grief, envy and many other negative emotions throughout this time. Therefore, regarding such products, it is appropriate to use not 1, but all 3 methods using various means in order to surely achieve a positive result.

Ritual 1

In this case, the power of fire is used, which is probably the most powerful. There are different ways to direct the fire in the right direction:

  • Hold your product directly over a burning flame. A wax candle is best suited for these purposes.
  • In the second case, you need to look at the fire for several minutes, and then turn your gaze to the product and mentally imagine how the fire burns all the bad energy out of the metal.
  • If you don’t want to play “games” with an open fire, then just carefully sprinkle your ring with ash and rub it over the surface. This substance is a derivative of the action of fire, therefore it is also excellent for purifying gold from foreign energy.
  • You can do something drastic: take the item to a jeweler and have it melted down.

Ritual 2

This step will take you a few minutes and is extremely simple to perform. Open the water tap and place the ring or any other product under the water. Let it flow down it for several minutes, taking “all the evil” with it into the sewer.

Ritual 3

This option is suitable for those who live in a private house. Choose a memorable place on or near your site and bury your product. All bad energy will be neutralized by the earth after a week, when you can take it out and safely wear it.

Ritual 4

Salt. You can use absolutely any, but it is better suited to cleanse a gold ring of negative energy, ordinary cooking or sea water. To carry out an effective ritual, it is enough to place the decoration in the very center of a glass with salt for 1 day.

You can use this product in another way - prepare a saline solution from a couple of tablespoons of salt and a glass of water and keep your product in it. Leave for at least 1 day. In this case, the decoration will also be cleaned of dirt.

Ritual 5

For believers who often visit the temple, the solution to the problem lies on the surface. The next time you visit church, fill yourself with holy water and buy a candle. At home, do the following:

  1. Place the product on the table.
  2. Light the candle and move it over the decoration in a counterclockwise direction.
  3. Finally, sprinkle with holy water.

Ritual 6

Some experts in the field of esotericism claim that it is quite effective to remove all bad energy from metal and even remove damage using sound. You can use the sound of a gong, a church bell, or even your favorite music, but at high volume. During the ritual, you need to imagine how sound waves cover all the negativity and remove it.

Ritual 7

The sun and moon are 2 luminaries that many give superpowers in terms of invisible energy. In this case, this force can also be used. Simply place your ring or other jewelry on any surface so that the sun or moon shines on it for 7-10 hours. If you prefer the second, then it must necessarily be the phase of the waxing and not the waning moon, and certainly not the full moon.

Important! Remember that not all gemstones can withstand direct exposure to ultraviolet light. With such a long process, amethysts, citrines and yellow topazes can fade.

Now you are ready to fight evil, no matter how old it is. Put the suggested methods into practice and wear your jewelry with pleasure!


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