How to clean cutlery using foil

How to clean cupronickel using foil

How to clean cutlery using foil

Cupronickel is a beautiful metal that resembles silver in many ways. In this article we will talk about the features of caring for cupronickel tableware.

A little history

Cupronickel as such does not exist in nature: in fact, it is a group of compositions made of copper with the addition of nickel, iron, zinc, manganese and some other metals. Most often it is an alloy of copper and nickel, which has its own specific features and properties.

According to historical sources, it was invented in China in the 8th century BC and given the sonorous name “pakfong”. All attempts to unravel the composition of “Chinese silver” by European alchemists were unsuccessful: only by the beginning of the 19th century did mass production of nickel silver begin in Germany.

At first, the European nobility considered such dishes to be “the dishes of the poor,” and therefore still preferred dishes made of other metals - gold and silver. Only by the 20th century did production increase its speed everywhere.

The attractive appearance of cupronickel was used to make cutlery, candlesticks, jewelry and other decorative elements. Wear-resistant, easy to maintain and not too expensive, the alloy is appreciated and actively used in household use.

Interestingly, psychologists consider cupronickel tableware to be beneficial for the psyche. The unobtrusive, calm, noble shine of the alloy calms the nervous system, relieves tension and sets you to a calm rhythm.

Is cupronickel tableware harmful to health?

There is an opinion that cupronickel is dangerous to health. There is some truth in this, since copper, in contact with food, inevitably oxidizes. At the same time, there is nothing to worry about, since all cutlery is tinned - coated with tin or another non-oxidizing compound. Thus, claims about the harm of cupronickel are unfounded.

How to clean spoons, forks and other dishes made of cupronickel

There are several standard rules for caring for nickel silver products, the implementation of which guarantees shine and cleanliness:

  1. Wash cutlery regularly with regular dishwashing gel.
  2. For cleaning, use only soft sponges.
  3. After washing, wipe the products thoroughly, do not leave moisture on them.
  4. Rub nickel silver with a microfiber cloth or velvet cloth to add shine.
  5. It is advisable to store nickel silver dishes in a dry place, wrapped in paper.

It happens that daily care is not enough. In this case, general cleaning using active agents will help.

Baking soda

Water is poured into a small boiling container. Add two tablespoons of baking soda and bring to a boil. After boiling, the devices are immersed in water for 10 minutes. Then remove and wash as usual with a sponge and detergent.

Salt and eggshells

A liter of water is poured into an aluminum container. Add a large spoonful of salt and the same amount of crushed egg shells. Dip cupronickel in water and wait 2 minutes, and then take it out and rub it with a dry towel.

There is another way using salt. The bottom of a deep pan is covered with foil. Cupronickel silver objects are laid out on foil. They are generously sprinkled with salt and a little water is added. They are left in this paste overnight, and the next morning they are washed and dried.

Laundry soap

To add freshness, you need to prepare a soap composition: dilute laundry soap shavings in warm water. Rinse items and wipe dry.


It will help if the cupronickel has been wet for a long time. They wipe the appliances with it, and then rinse and dry.


You can clean cupronickel alloy with sweet water and sugar. Objects are dipped into it for 10 minutes, then cleaned, rinsed and rubbed.

Onion juice

Also removes impurities. They need to wipe down the appliances and then continue washing as usual.

Hydrogen peroxide

Removes even very stubborn stains. Use it to wipe down utensils, especially greasy areas on handles and fork tines.


A teaspoon of ammonia, regular shampoo and hydrogen peroxide are mixed. The composition is used to wipe dirty items, after which everything is washed off. The alcohol solution acts similarly to hydrogen peroxide. After such cleaning, the products acquire a second life.

Important! Cupronickel loves fluid, running water. It is necessary to rinse it with it after cleaning, regardless of the specific method. The water temperature should be cool, as the shine will disappear after hot water.

Special means

They must be free of chlorine and abrasive particles, which are detrimental to cupronickel alloy.

The most popular are the “Sif” gel, the “Amethyst” composition, the “Polymet” paste, and the “Fairy” cleaning gel. All these products are used as regular cleaning at least 2 times a week. The chemicals must be washed off with running water, and the products are dried with a soft towel.

Important! When cleaning cupronickel, you should not use iron wool, as they will wear off the coating and make the product hazardous to health. It is permissible to clean the alloy with a sponge, a rough brush, or dishcloths. Rub the product with velvet cloth, soft rags and microfiber.

How to add shine and remove blackness

Sometimes cupronickel knives and forks lose their former shine and begin to turn black. This is a common drawback of cupronickel alloy. The cause of color loss is most often high humidity. The following methods will help:

  • Cleaning with soda. Baking soda is turned into a paste and rubbed onto cutlery. Then they are washed and dried, and if necessary, the procedure is repeated again.
  • Using ammonia. The devices are wiped with ammonia and rubbed until shiny with a dry cloth.
  • Cleaning with chalk. Chalk and laundry soap shavings are mixed with a liter of water so that a saturated composition is obtained. Cupronickel is placed there and cleaned. After the procedure, everything is rinsed and dried.
  • Eggshells will help remove old stains. The shells of two eggs are mixed with a liter of water and boiled. The devices are immersed in the hot solution for 20 minutes, and upon removal, they are rinsed and dried.
  • Potato decoction is good for getting rid of blackness. The products are dipped into boiling potato broth for at least a quarter of an hour and then taken out. Rinse everything with clean water and rub until shiny.
  • Garlic peel. It is added to boiling water and boiled. Cupronickel silver spoons and forks are placed there, which, when removed after a quarter of an hour, begin to shine.
  • Cleaning with food foil. An original and effective method. A sheet of foil is placed at the bottom of the aluminum container, and the cutlery is laid out on it. Pour a baking soda solution over everything and boil. During this time, a reaction occurs, as a result of which the foil picks up contaminants. Upon removal, everything is washed under the tap and rubbed. The products will shine. Such cleaning with foil cannot be carried out with gold and silver plating, as the reaction will inevitably damage it.

Cleaning cupronickel is a simple task that requires a minimum of effort and money. The above cleaning methods are effective and safe. They guarantee high-quality care and long service life of cupronickel cutlery.

Our mothers knew exactly how to clean cupronickel spoons at home - previously such utensils were considered ceremonial and were taken out of the closet only on major holidays. Today these healthy recipes are almost forgotten, and in vain. Situations may arise in life when it doesn’t hurt to know how to clean spoons and forks made of this metal correctly.

Features of cleaning cupronickel products

It was not in vain that cupronickel products were and are considered ceremonial. Spoons and forks really look very elegant thanks to the special shade of the metal and soft shine; cupronickel is hygienic, but, unfortunately, not very practical. Cupronickel silver devices tend to oxidize, fade and turn black over time, even if they are properly looked after and carefully stored, used only on special occasions.

Blackened cupronickel spoons, forks and knives do not emit toxic substances that could harm human health during their use. But such devices do not look very aesthetically pleasing, do not please the eye and do not improve appetite. They definitely have no place on the holiday table. And they won’t look very good on everyday wear.


How to clean cupronickel yourself

How to clean cutlery using foil

Have your nickel silver spoons, forks and knives darkened? Don’t know how to properly clean such metal to restore its former shine? Not scary. So that you can cope with such a task, in this material we will look at how to clean cupronickel.

Why does cupronickel darken?

Why do cupronickel spoons and forks darken? This can happen for various reasons:

  • due to storage of such utensils in unsuitable conditions;
  • high humidity in the room;
  • improper care of such products.

In such cases, moisture accumulates on the surface of the product, which subsequently leaves dark spots and streaks. Fortunately, with proper cleaning, they can be easily and quickly removed using both special means and folk recipes.

Method 1 - special cleaning products

How to clean cupronickel coins and kitchen utensils? It is best to use specialized products for this purpose that do not harm the metal, but are good at removing any darkening.

Such products are produced in the form of special cleaning wipes, as well as powders, pastes, and sprays.

In most cases, it is enough to apply such products to cutlery or coins and wipe them well to remove any deposits.

Important: when choosing professional products for cleaning cupronickel, give preference to those that not only remove dark deposits, but also form a protective film on the dishes. They will allow you to forget about this problem for a long time.

Method 2 - Baking Soda

How to quickly remove dark deposits from cupronickel dishes? This can be done using ordinary baking soda. If the products have darkened not so long ago, all you need to do is put a small amount of soda on a cloth and wipe all the products well with it.

If the dark coating from the dishes is difficult to remove, you can treat it with soda in a different way. They do it like this:

  1. Take a small piece of foil and line the bottom of the pan in which the cutlery will be cooked.
  2. After this, add 4 tablespoons of soda to the pan. Then they place on the bottom the cupronickel dishes that need to be put in order.
  3. Next, you just need to pour boiling water over the products and leave them in the water for a few minutes. During this time, the dark layer will come off completely.
  4. If the dirt on the knives, forks, and spoons is very strong, you can put a saucepan with them on the fire and boil them for 15 minutes. This is guaranteed to rid the product of any dark plaque, even very old ones.

Important: never use this cleaning option for gold or silver plated items. The beautiful coating will come off completely in this solution.

Method 3 - alcohol

How to clean darkened spoons and forks? Use ordinary alcohol for this purpose. Just put a small amount on a cloth and wipe your appliances with it.

Tip: if you don’t have pure alcohol on hand, feel free to use vodka instead. It copes with dark plaque just as well.

Method 4 - ammonia

Darkened cupronickel can be easily cleaned using ammonia solution. You just need to soak the products in it for a few minutes, after which they will need to be taken out, rinsed under running water and wiped especially thoroughly. There will be no trace left of the dark coating.

You can also use this product in another way: just put a small amount of ammonia on a cloth and thoroughly wipe the spoons and forks with it. In just a few minutes of work, ammonia will completely remove any dark stains from your appliances.

Method 5 - potato broth

This is another simple recipe for cleaning cupronickel products at home. For it, you will need to take a potato decoction, bring it to a boil, put the products there and leave for 20 minutes.

After this, you will need to carefully remove the spoons and forks, rinse them thoroughly and wipe them dry. After this, plaque will not appear on them for a long time.

Method 6 - vinegar

If you need to quickly get rid of slight darkening, use vinegar. Apply it like this:

  1. Take a glass of water, add a teaspoon of table vinegar to it, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Soak a cloth in the solution and run it over all dull cutlery.
  3. Rinse the products well in running water and rub them with a clean cloth.

Important: this cleaning method can be used quite often. It practically does not harm the metal.

Method 7 - sodium thiosulfate

This is another inexpensive and very accessible means for cleaning cupronickel, which can be purchased at almost every pharmacy. It is used like this: a small amount of sodium thiosulfate solution is applied to the devices, and then thoroughly wiped with a cloth. After this, the products must be rinsed in running water and wiped dry.

: clean nickel silver cutlery until shiny:

Tip: use this method if you want to deal with a light dark coating. It will rid the products of it in a matter of minutes.

Method 8 - eggshells

How to clean nickel silver so that it shines like new in just a few minutes? Use fresh egg shells for this purpose. Proceed like this:

  1. Grind the shells.
  2. Place a pan of water on the fire and add a tablespoon of table salt to it.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, add the eggshells to it first, and then the cutlery.
  4. Keep the devices in the solution for 15-20 minutes. During this time they should completely lighten.
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Important: Do not use this recipe to clean silver. This metal will react to such influence differently than cupronickel.

Method 9 - toothpaste

Cupronickel silver cutlery can be cleaned very well with regular toothpaste. You will need to work with it like this: apply the paste itself on a cloth and wipe the cutlery with this cloth until they are completely free of dark stains. After this, the product must be rinsed.

Tip: instead of toothpaste, you can use regular tooth powder. It copes even better with various darkening.

Method 10 - crushed chalk

This is another fairly effective method that was previously used even by some jewelers. It is used like this:

  1. Dissolve 50 grams of soap in water, then dilute 50 grams of chalk in the same solution.
  2. Next, add another liter of water to the resulting mixture and mix everything until smooth.
  3. The resulting mass is used to polish the products, after which they are wiped dry with a cloth.

Important: make sure that the polishing compound is completely removed from the metal after use. Otherwise, it may leave white streaks on it and you will have to start cleaning all over again.

: an effective method for cleaning nickel silver and silverware:

Method 11 - ultrasonic washing device

How to clean cupronickel spoons if you don’t have any household chemicals on hand for this purpose? Use an ultrasonic washing device for this purpose. To do this, just take a small bowl, fill it with water, put spoons and forks in it, then place an ultrasonic cleaner in the bowl and let it work for a quarter of an hour.

This method can be used even for those devices that have not been cleaned for a very long time. It copes well with the most stubborn stains.

How to care for cupronickel so that it does not darken

It’s not enough to figure out how to quickly clean cupronickel. It is also necessary to ensure that products made from it do not darken for as long as possible. To do this, you should follow the following rules for handling such metal:

  • Store it only in places where chlorine-based products cannot reach.
  • Wash products made of this metal only in non-hot water.
  • Always wipe cupronickel silver spoons, forks, and knives dry. Never put them away for storage if such devices are still even slightly damp.

If you follow these recommendations, your nickel silver products will have to be cleaned extremely rarely. You can completely forget about using special tools for this.

: sparkling spoons in minutes:


Cleaning stainless steel cutlery

How to clean cutlery using foil

Before the celebration approaches, housewives are especially concerned about the question of how to clean stainless steel spoons and forks at home. Stainless steel cutlery resists rusting. However, their daily use provokes a loss of shine and worsens the appearance. Particular problems are encountered if forks and spoons have a ribbed surface. Dirt particles accumulate between the protruding elements. It is not always possible to wash them efficiently.

Housewives do not want to put up with even minor contamination of cutlery. Everyone wants to demonstrate their housekeeping skills. It is for this reason that they are eager to dive into the process of finding secrets, the best ways to clean forks and spoons.

General cleaning recommendations

Stainless cutlery can retain its original appearance only if it is properly stored and promptly cleaned from contamination. Spoons and forks will always remain sparkling if you follow simple recommendations:

  • It is best to wash cutlery immediately after eating (in this case, food particles will not have time to dry out, so they will easily separate from the surface);
  • if the spoons and forks were not washed immediately, it is recommended to pre-soak them in a special solution with detergent (this will soften food residues, they will easily separate from the surface of the cutlery);
  • It is best to wash with detergents, using a soft sponge (the use of abrasive objects and brushes provokes scratches);
  • the rinsing process can be improved by adding a little ammonia to the water (using this recommendation, you can make forks and spoons really shine);
  • After washing, it is necessary to wipe the surface of each fork and spoon (to remove moisture to prevent stains and deposits).

Cleaning methods using improvised means

Over time, cutlery loses its shine, and the space between the raised bulges is filled with food debris. The problem is aggravated by the fact that washing heavily soiled forks and spoons using detergents does not give a positive result.

The housewife does not raise her hand to say goodbye to cutlery that has lost its shine, but she also does not want to put up with their condition. In these cases, it is useful to listen to the advice of experienced housewives who will share their best secrets that allow you to perform a miracle at home.

It’s easy to give a second life to stainless steel spoons and forks if you choose one of the recommended methods using:

  • soda;
  • soda;
  • citric acid;
  • vegetable oil;
  • potatoes;
  • foil;
  • vinegar;
  • tooth powder;
  • ash.

Cleaning with baking soda and citric acid

Spoons and forks will delight housewives with their appearance, restored to an amazing shine if you resort to using a cleaning method using soda and citric acid.

To do this, you will need to perform several sequential steps:

  • prepare a basin (deep enough so that the prepared items can be immersed in it);
  • pour citric acid and soda into it (you need to take twice as much citric acid as soda);
  • pour hot water into the bowl with the dry ingredients;
  • place cutlery in the prepared solution for a quarter of an hour (in case of severe contamination, you can increase the effectiveness of the solution by adding vinegar);
  • after 15 minutes, remove the forks and spoons and rinse;
  • Wipe thoroughly with a dry towel.

Cleaning with tooth powder

You can quickly and effectively clean cutlery from dirt using tooth powder or paste.

Cleaning using this method is carried out in the following sequence:

  • spoons and forks are immersed in boiling water and kept in it for several minutes;
  • each item is removed separately;
  • Toothpaste is applied to the surface and actively rubbed in with a brush;
  • wash the washed items to remove the powder by rinsing it under running water;
  • wipe cutlery with a towel.


How to clean cupronickel spoons at home without damaging the product

To create the perfect table setting, cupronickel silver cutlery needs to shine and sparkle. It lifts your mood and improves your appetite. In the last century, cupronickel silverware, spoons, and forks were considered the best.

Today, such things are no longer made. However, in many families they remained as collection material.

To preserve the original beauty of these objects, you need to know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home and what methods exist.

Why do products darken?

There are many reasons for the darkening of cupronickel objects:

  1. Excessive air humidity;
  2. Improper care and storage.

Each product made of cupronickel requires special care and cleaning. The peculiarity of such dishes is that food particles can get into microcracks on its surface or relief patterns. This can significantly reduce the visual appeal of the product. And high humidity, in addition, greatly affects the oxidation process of the cupronickel surface.

This is due to the copper content in this alloy. Therefore, such things should be stored exclusively in dry places . After washing the dishes, you need to diligently wipe them from any remaining drops of water.

Remember, water is the most terrible enemy for cupronickel .

How to clean nickel silver from blackness?

Nowadays you can find a large number of different cleaning products on store shelves. These include powders, gels, and solutions for cleaning nickel silver from dirt. They are easier in terms of time and effort spent on cleansing.

The easiest and most convenient way is to use gels or other liquid products. Also a very effective way to combat stains is abrasive powder. But it has a big drawback - it scratches the surface. Therefore, it is better not to use it to clean cutlery .

It is also not recommended to use products containing chlorine, as it can damage the surface of cupronickel items.

Additional recommendations

There are many ways to clean cutlery. However, prevention is always better. Below we provide several recommendations that will help keep cupronickel tableware constantly clean.

  • After each use of dishes, try to rinse them in a soda solution. If it is not used often, then check it regularly and periodically rinse with soda.
  • Cupronickel silver cutlery should be stored separately from kitchen utensils made of other metals.
  • Try not to store such dishes in a room with high humidity. It would be a good idea to use silica gel desiccant.
  • To polish devices, you can use pastes that are sold in jewelry stores.

Now you know how to clean cupronickel at home quickly and effectively. The choice of method depends on the complexity of the contamination and the availability of the necessary substances. Share the results of the work done and your own methods of cleaning cutlery in the comments on our website

How to clean cupronickel at home

If you decide to clean nickel silver products with ordinary “folk” means, it will not cost much. All methods are quite economical for your budget.

You can use:

  1. Tooth powder or paste.

Take a dry cloth and any toothpaste. Squeeze a little paste onto a cloth and wipe the nickel silver items until the black spots disappear;

You can use it, as in the case of toothpaste, or put it in boiling water, and boil the blackened dishes in the resulting soda solution for several minutes;

A more costly method in terms of time and effort. Chalk must first be ground into a fine powder, and then objects must be polished with this powder. Fine chalky “sand” has a tendency to get clogged into the recesses of the decor of dishes, so it will take a lot of patience to clean everything perfectly clean;

It can be used in the same way as baking soda.

Use shells from raw eggs only; they will not work after boiling. Wash it well and grind it to a powder. Pour one tablespoon into boiling water. salts and powder from the shell, then lower the items for 15-20 minutes until the blackness is completely cleared;

Soak items in an alcohol solution;

For 1 liter of water you will need 100 grams of acid. The products need to be boiled for 20-30 minutes until the blackness disappears completely.

You can read about this method of cleaning cupronickel in a separate paragraph below.

Before cleaning the surface of the metal, you must first clean it of dirt and grease that has accumulated in the relief recesses.

Do not use sandpaper or hard brushes, they will only scratch and damage the metal, but gentle abrasives (chalk, tooth powder, etc.) will gently clean the surface of dirt.

After cleaning, wash the items well in warm water and wipe dry thoroughly. Do not leave the devices wet, otherwise the black spots will return again.

What is cupronickel, its pros and cons

Cupronickel is an alloy based on three components: nickel, copper and zinc. Sometimes it also includes some other components, for example, manganese or iron. Cupronickel can be distinguished by its characteristic appearance, reminiscent of silver. It owes this feature to its second popular name - “silver of the poor.”

Just in case! We wrote about how and how to clean silver in this article.

Products made from this material have many advantages:

  • Low cost;
  • Presentable appearance;
  • Strength;
  • Long service life;
  • Rust resistance;
  • Low thermal conductivity.

But there are two big disadvantages:


How to clean silver using foil and soda without ruining it

Silver jewelry and other items made of this metal that are coated with black and tarnished will acquire an attractive shine by cleaning the silver with soda and foil.

This is one of the most effective cleansers that not only restores radiance, but also stops oxidative processes.

Darkening of silver can be due to various reasons.

Precious metal darkens and tarnishes with time and moisture, with prolonged contact with human skin and sweat glands. Silver items lose their luster when exposed to hydrogen sulfide in the air.

Using foil and soda you can clean jewelry, cutlery, and silver interior items. Baking soda has pronounced absorbent properties. Unlike chemical cleaners, cleaning silver with this method is gentle and does not affect the top layer of the metal.

Baking soda is used as a bleaching and cleaning ingredient. This product activates a chemical reaction with aluminum and foil, which produces atomic hydrogen. It is this component that facilitates the easy removal of the oxide film from the silver product and the restoration of the precious metal from the oxides.

At home, you can clean 800, 830, 875, 925 and 960 silver with baking soda and foil. The method is not used for blackened and gold-plated precious metals.

How to clean silver with baking soda and foil

Watch the video instructions for cleaning silver with soda and foil using the example of a silver coin.

Cleaning silver items with soda and foil is the fastest way, which requires minimal time and material costs. The whole process will take no more than 10–15 minutes, and the result can be seen after the first use.

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For cleaning you will need:

  • baking soda;
  • baking foil.

You can effectively clean silver with foil and soda solution in various ways, depending on the degree of contamination of the precious metal products.

Before cleaning, the blackened product must be prepared - washed in warm water, cleaned of dust.

An easy way to clean light stains

If the precious metal has minor stains and darkening, you can use a simple and affordable method with baking soda and foil.

  1. Place a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of a small bowl.
  2. Place the silver item on the foil.
  3. Then soda is added - add a thin layer of the product.
  4. Fill with water and leave for 5-7 minutes - the appearance of fluffy foam indicates an active chemical reaction.
  5. Rinse the product under running water and dry with a paper towel.

If, after the first procedure, blackened spots remain on the silver, the cleaning is repeated 2-3 times until they completely disappear.

Effective cleaning of medium-sized stains

Soda solution with foil is an effective method for cleaning silver items from medium to light stains.

  1. Dissolve 50 g of baking soda in 500 ml of hot water.
  2. Place a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of a small pan or bowl.
  3. Lay out the silver item and pour in the baking soda solution.
  4. Leave the decoration in the solution for 4-6 minutes.
  5. Rinse the cleaned item in cool water and polish using a small piece of velvet, wool or fleece.

The basic rule for effectively cleaning silver items is to first use foil and only then use a soda solution. To activate the chemical reaction, contact between the precious metal and aluminum is necessary, so first the decoration is laid out on foil, then baking soda is added.

How to clean silver with vinegar You will learn: the pros and cons of cleaning silver with vinegar solution, precautions; cleaning methods - removing light stains and cleaning heavy deposits and

Cleaning from heavy dirt

To clean heavy, extensive stains, remove blackened spots and restore shine to silver items, it is best to use boiling water. At high water temperatures, the chemical reaction proceeds much faster and more actively.

  1. Line the bottom of a small saucepan with a sheet of baking foil.
  2. Mix 100 g of baking soda with 1 liter of water.
  3. Place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil.
  4. Immerse your silver item in boiling water for 13–16 seconds.
  5. Remove the decoration from the saucepan, rinse and dry with a napkin.

You can use another method to clean cutlery, figurines and other silver items. Line the bottom of the saucepan with a small sheet of food foil, lay out the cutlery, sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate on top and cover with another sheet of foil. Pour boiling water over the products and leave for 13–16 minutes. After this, they need to be rinsed under running water and dried with a paper towel.

Is it possible to enhance the effect?

You can increase the effectiveness of cleaning products with baking soda and foil by heating the water. The hotter the soda solution, the faster the silver item will be cleaned.

Ways to improve efficiency:

  1. Adding laundry soap or table salt to the cleaning solution - for every tablespoon of soda, add 1 spoon of soap or ½ spoon of table salt.
  2. Silver items should not be kept in boiling water for longer than 25–35 minutes.
  3. For the most severe, advanced contamination, food-grade sodium bicarbonate can be replaced with a calcined product - in this case, its dosage is reduced to 2.5 tsp.

Baking soda combined with foil is a simple, affordable and effective way to clean silver items at home. It helps stop oxidative processes, remove blackness and cloudiness, and restore impeccable cleanliness and shine to jewelry.

Silver cleaning Jewelry cleaning


How to clean cutlery: 10 proven methods

Over time, cutlery made from stainless steel, silver, cupronickel or other alloys inevitably fades.

Currently, there are many household chemicals available to restore the original shine to spoons, forks and knives.

However, housewives often prefer proven traditional methods, since they are not so aggressive, do not cause allergies, and the necessary components are always at hand.

When cleaning cutlery, difficulties may arise if the handles have grooves or raised patterns. In such areas, dirt, plaque easily accumulates, and blackness appears. For these cases, soaking and boiling are used.

Attention! To clean cutlery from plaque, you cannot use abrasive substances, as micro-scratches will appear that will forever ruin the appearance of the product.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel appliances are quite unpretentious and durable. But with insufficient care, they become covered with plaque and have an unpresentable appearance.

In order to clean stainless steel products, there are several proven folk methods:


Simple soda will help get rid of tea deposits on spoons, and it is better to slightly moisten it before the procedure to a paste, then cleaning the products will not affect the condition of the metal.


To do this, you need to prepare a solution of salt, soda and water. The first components - 1 tbsp. l., water - 1 l, mix it all, immerse the devices. Boiling time over low heat is 30 minutes. After this, drain the water and rinse under running water. After this procedure, the blackening will disappear even from the most intricate patterns. To enhance the effect, place foil on the bottom of the pan.

Soda and mustard

To remove dark plaque, use a mixture of soda and mustard. They need to be taken 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Immerse stainless steel items in the solution for half an hour, then clean further with a toothbrush.

Potatoes or onions

An onion or potato will help to polish. Peel the selected vegetable, cut it and rub it on cutlery, then polish it with a soft cloth, rinse in running water, and wipe dry.

Cupronickel spoons and forks

Products made from cupronickel, which is an alloy of copper and nickel, are more susceptible to oxidation than others.

When in contact with air, and especially with moisture, a film forms on the surface of the metal, which means cupronickel knives, spoons and forks quickly become dull and become covered with a dark coating.

Such cutlery is a real rarity today; our grandmothers loved them. But even now, having found such a rare item in the closet, the question arises of how to clean it.

To clean cupronickel products, you can use household chemicals, but very carefully. An excellent alternative is traditional cleaning methods that use universal soda, salt, and vinegar.

Egg shell decoction

A decoction of eggshells will help clean nickel silver items from blackness. Few people know such an effective method that our grandmothers used. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Grind the shells of 3 eggs thoroughly into powder.
  2. Pour water into a wide saucepan, immerse the items until the water completely covers them.
  3. After boiling, add egg powder and 1 tbsp. l salt.
  4. Boil the spoons for 5 minutes, do not overcook.
  5. Remove the devices and rinse in cold water.
  6. Wipe dry.

Food foil

Foil can cope with darkening that cannot be removed by other means. For cupronickel devices you will need a sheet of foil and soda ash. The cleaning process looks like this:

  1. The volume of the solution depends on the number of spoons, forks, and knives. For every liter of water you will need 5 tbsp. l. soda They need to be dissolved in warm water.
  2. Boil the solution, immerse foil, cut into strips and cutlery, into it, place the foil on top.
  3. Boil for 30 minutes over low heat, then turn off and leave in the pan until cool, this may take several hours.
  4. All that remains is to remove the devices from the solution and wipe them with a towel.

This is a very simple way to clean even the most neglected cupronickel items to a shine.

Chalk polishing

Chalk will help remove minor traces of darkening and polish cupronickel spoons at home. It should be crushed into powder and, using a damp cloth and powder, rub all contaminated areas. This option for cleaning cupronickel products will only help if the blackening is fresh. After the procedure, rinse with warm water.

Important! After such cleaning, you should thoroughly wipe the devices so that dark spots do not appear again.

How to clean gold plated appliances

Cupronickel silver spoons with gilding look chic, but only when they are looked after. To clean gold-plated spoons, use wine vinegar, turpentine, and egg white.

The cleaning process is extremely simple - moisten a cotton pad in the selected product and wipe the devices, including areas with gold plated. Treat each area as best as possible. If egg white is used, it should first be whipped into a stable foam.

After using any of these products, rinse the products under running water and wipe dry.

How to avoid black deposits on cupronickel products

Cupronickel silver cutlery is unlikely to be used daily, so it needs to be stored properly. Follow these guidelines to prevent these items from darkening:

  • Spoons should be stored in cling film, and each one should be wrapped separately. This will minimize air access to them. Alternatively, you can wrap them in foil or parchment, the main thing is that they do not touch each other.
  • After use, wash immediately and dry thoroughly to remove moisture.
  • It is better not to use household chemicals for cupronickel, as they cannot clean as efficiently as the above products.
  • The optimal storage location is a dark case.
  • Do not use chlorine-containing bleaches for washing - they will ruin the spoons forever.
  • To restore shine, you can polish the spoons with a special paste that is used in jewelry workshops for silver.

Cupronickel spoons are a real rarity, and every year they will become more and more valuable, so it is important to maintain their attractive appearance and know how to do it.

Recommendations for proper care 

To ensure that you have to clean as little as possible, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Wash immediately, do not allow food residue to dry on them.
  • If the food is still dry, then before washing it, soak it in warm water for 15 minutes.
  • It is better not to use hard scourers, including metal ones. They leave micro scratches in which dirt will get stuck in the future.
  • After each wash, spoons and forks should be thoroughly washed and wiped dry.

How to quickly clean cutlery made of stainless steel, cupronickel and silver (video)

How to restore shine to stainless steel and cupronickel cutlery Link to main publication


Cleaning cupronickel with foil. How to clean cupronickel spoons at home

Cupronickel is a silver-colored alloy of copper and nickel, which is used to produce various products. Most often used for making cutlery, dishes, coins and jewelry. It has pronounced anti-corrosion properties.

Products made from have disadvantages, the main of which is darkening and stains resulting from prolonged use and exposure to external factors.

Many people wonder how to clean cupronickel? This can be done easily at home using certain tips.

Methods for cleaning cupronickel

Cleaning cupronickel silver from blackness at home can be done in several ways. The choice of method and product depends on the type of product and the degree of darkening. For cleaning, you can use cleaning products, abrasives or foil. Next, we’ll look at how to clean cupronickel and what you need to do it.

Cleaning nickel silver items with foil

The use of foil can be combined with the use of soda and salt. It is necessary to place foil on the bottom of a pan or other similar vessel. Place the utensils on the foil and fill them with water so that it completely covers them. Using baking soda and salt will help get rid of stubborn dirt collected in micropores. You can add about three tablespoons of each substance.

Then you need to boil the water and keep it on the fire for about 20 minutes. High temperature will not affect the alloy of copper and nickel in any way, so there is no need to worry. After the required time has passed, the pan must be removed from the heat and left until it cools completely, without removing the utensils from the water.

After cooling, the cutlery can be removed from the water and rinsed under running water. It is very important to wipe the products dry with a dry towel. So that the evaporated moisture does not leave new stains.

Foil cleaning is a fairly effective solution and can also be used as part of a coin cleaning routine.

Using commercially produced cupronickel cleaners

The development of the chemical industry allows the use of special cleaning products made in the form of gels, solutions or powders. Such means are quite effective, allowing you to put in less effort and time than using folk remedies and methods.

The best way is to use liquid products and dry cloth. You can use special napkins pre-impregnated with the product in production. Abrasive cleaning powders are no less effective, but they can scratch the surface, so they are rarely used for cleaning cutlery.

Some products create a protective film on the metal surface. This film protects against repeated darkening and damage to products. Therefore, special gels are recommended to be used to restore the appearance of old cutlery.

Cleaning from darkening with vinegar and soda

Vinegar and baking soda are easy to find in any kitchen, so these products are primarily suitable for cleaning.

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Soda is used in the form of a solution. For 1 liter of water you need to add 50 grams of baking soda. You can rub the devices with the resulting solution using a napkin, or rinse them in a container. After cleaning, the product must be rinsed in clean water and wiped dry.

Vinegar should be used in the same way. The solution is prepared by adding a teaspoon of vinegar to a glass of clean water.

Such products will not help cope with old dirt that has penetrated into the micropores of the alloy; however, it is perfect for periodically cleaning spoons. Its advantages are the simplicity and availability of cleaning products.

Preparing a decoction for cleaning cupronickel

At home, you can prepare decoctions based on various substances that can be used to clean cupronickel. Usually the base is eggshells, potatoes or garlic peels.

A decoction based on eggshells is quite an effective remedy that can correct even old stubborn stains. It is prepared by adding the shells of two eggs to one liter of boiling water. Cupronickel silver products should be immersed in boiling broth for several minutes. After this, they can be taken out and washed with running water.

A decoction of garlic peels is prepared in a similar way. The effectiveness of the product depends on the amount of husk. The duration of boiling spoons and forks depends on the degree and age of contamination.

Potato broth is the least effective, but is gentle on coatings. Therefore, it is recommended for use when cleaning products with gold or blackening.

The use of ammonia

A solution of ammonia is prepared by adding 2 tablespoons of alcohol to half a liter of water. Polishing cutlery with this solution can quickly remove old stains. You just need to wipe the forks or spoons with a sponge with the applied solution.

To ensure that cupronickel products do not have to be cleaned of significant contaminants that are difficult to clean, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. Proper care and storage prevents the alloy from reacting with oxygen and water.

It is this chemical reaction that causes darkening and staining.

Cupronickel should be stored in a dry place, protected from water and moisture.

After using the devices, they must be thoroughly washed using regular detergents. Additionally, you can use special gels to create a protective film. But you should absolutely not use products containing chlorine. It negatively affects the appearance of the metal, causing it to darken and lose its shine.

After thorough washing, cupronickel should be wiped dry. This will avoid stains and water reaction with the alloy. Proper care of cupronickel allows you to preserve its appearance for many years.

How to clean cupronickel silver spoons and forks from blackness

Literally half a century ago, cupronickel cutlery was popular and was present in almost every home. Today, many people keep them in their closets. Spoons and forks made from this material are beautiful, but the trouble is that they quickly darken, which ruins their presentable appearance. To clean cupronickel silver from blackness at home, you will need ammonia, foil, tooth powder, soda and other available items.

How to clean cupronickel silverware from grease

Cupronickel silver, darkened by time, is not difficult to lighten. However, much more often the devices are not just dark, but also dirty, with residues of grease and dust on the carved patterns of the handles. In this case, you first need to wash off the grease and dirt, and only then start brightening the metal.

Do not attempt to lighten metal without first removing any dirt from the corners of the design or engraving on the handles. On a lightened surface, dark grooves will be more noticeable.

First, old dirt needs to be softened so that it comes off easier. It's better to clean it like this:

  1. Boil enough water in a saucepan to cover all utensils.
  2. Add dish detergent or any other liquid cleaner. Place all items that need cleaning into the container.
  3. Leave the cupronickel in the solution for several hours, shaking from time to time. As the water cools, you can heat it over a fire, since fat dissolves much better in hot water.
  4. Brush with a stiff toothbrush. Stubborn fat will come off easily, and the bristles of the brush will help scrape out the smallest indentations.

When the fat from the grooves has been removed, you can begin to lighten the nickel silver. Although, perhaps after the previous procedure the devices will already acquire an attractive appearance and will not require further processing. But for perfectionists and those who like to bring everything to perfection, we have prepared the following selection of cleaning methods.

Removing black plaque from cupronickel

The method works in the most advanced cases. Silver items can be cleaned in the same way. You will need foil, salt, soda and a saucepan.

Your appliances are like new again!

Do not forget to wipe cupronickel spoons and forks after each wash, since darkening of the metal is often caused by moisture.

Cleaning cupronickel silverware with abrasives

Like any metal, cupronickel lends itself well to polishing. We are not talking about sandpaper or a stiff iron brush. On the contrary, such devices will only ruin your dishes, leaving unsightly scratches on them. But light abrasives such as chalk, soda or tooth powder are what you need!

Cleaning solutions

For a thick and old layer of blackness, we recommend using the foil and boiling method, but if the darkening is not severe, you can use further recommendations.

Small dark spots will easily dissolve if you dip spoons and forks for 30-40 minutes in any of the following solutions:

  • Ammonia. Mix equally with slightly hot water. Lower the appliances and then treat with a sponge.
  • Wine or table vinegar. Prepare a solution at the rate of 2 tablespoons per liter of warm water. After soaking, also clean the devices with a brush or cloth, and then rinse under the tap.
  • Medical alcohol. Soak the devices in pure alcohol, or combine it with water (2 to 1, most of the alcohol). After cleaning, do not forget to rinse the dishes under the tap.

These methods are good for periodic routine cleaning when the metal is just starting to darken and needs to be freshened up.

And finally, the last two ways to clean nickel silver from blackness at home.

Boiling with egg shells:

Boiling with citric acid:

  1. Dilute 100 grams of citric acid in 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, throw a piece of copper wire into the pan.
  2. Place the items in boiling water and continue boiling everything together for another 20 minutes. Fire intensity is medium.
  3. Rinse the cupronickel in running water and dry with a towel.
    After treatment with citric acid, the blackness and old fat stuck to the grooves will go away.

In order for nickel silver products to shine clean and not require intensive cleaning, they should be properly cared for:

  • Do not use chlorine bleach or any detergent containing chlorine to clean cupronickel spoons, forks, cup holders and decorations.
  • Store products wrapped in foil - this way they darken much more slowly.
  • Wipe items dry after washing and keep them in a dry place.

That's probably all the care tips. If you are unsure about any cleaning method, try it on one item first, or contact a professional.


Cleaning cupronickel cutlery - Tips

Cutlery made from cupronickel is practically in no way inferior to silver, either in quality and service life, or in appearance. However, over time they tend to darken. This is due to the interaction of the alloy with certain types of substances, for example, water.

To ensure that forks and spoons continue to shine after washing, they must be thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth. Also, streaks and stains remain as a result of poor cleaning - there are times when food is not completely washed out of the recesses on the appliances. Find out how to clean nickel silver spoons, forks and knives quickly and economically.

How to clean cupronickel with store-bought products

If you don’t know how to clean cupronickel, then the first thing you should pay attention to is store-bought products. They will completely rid your products of dark plaque. You will have to spend money on drugs, but the expense is quite small, and the funds will last for a long period of time:

  • dish powders. Preference should be given to those containing very small grains of abrasive particles and no chlorine. Also, do not use hard tools for cleaning - a metal sponge will leave scratches on nickel silver dishes. For example, the Lemon Fresh cleaning product does an excellent job of removing this kind of stain.
  • liquid gels and creams that specialize specifically in cleaning this metal. The most common and inexpensive are “Sanita”, “Sif”.
  • means for silver. You can find similar ones in jewelry stores. They are not cheap, but they are worth buying. You will not only get rid of blackness, but also protect your devices from oxidation in the future. Among such drugs are Sunlight Beverly Cleaner and Aladdin.

How to clean using traditional methods

Cleaning cupronickel at home can also be done using “grandmother’s” methods, which are no less effective. They do not require large financial investments - most of the necessary equipment is at hand for every housewife. Find out how to clean cupronickel silver cutlery using improvised means and correctly.


For this method you will need the shells of two raw eggs and a liter of water. A hot decoction is made from the stated components, into which the devices are lowered and boiled for a couple of minutes. Afterwards they are washed and wiped dry. It is recommended to finely chop the shells first.

Medical alcohol

If you don’t have one on hand, then vodka will do just fine. To clean, moisten a non-woven cloth with a small amount of liquid and vigorously wipe the contaminated area.

Sodium thiosulfate

This solution is available in pharmacies without a prescription and is quite cheap. To prepare the product, it is recommended to dilute one part of thiosulfate in three parts of water and then treat the products with a cotton pad.

Tip : Hard-to-reach places can be cleaned with a fork, using the cloves as a sharp tool.


Many people have tried this method at least once on darkened silver items, as a result of which they acquired their original shine.

In the case of cupronickel, toothpaste can also act as a cleaning agent, however, the devices should first be thoroughly washed in a soapy solution.

It is more convenient to apply the paste using a toothbrush to the entire surface of the devices with quick movements, paying special attention to the carved fragments.


Before you start cleaning, the chalk must be ground into powder. If you have a mortar, use it. Then add a couple of drops of water (depending on the amount of powder) and stir until a thick mass is obtained. Apply to the product and rub thoroughly. Carefully clean carved utensils with this product - chalk often accumulates in the recesses of the design.

Potato broth

Great way to clean up! When boiling potatoes, do not get rid of the broth - pour it into a separate pan, wait until it boils and dip the spoons in the hot liquid for half an hour. After a while the plaque will go away.

Onion and garlic peels

Onion peels can be used not only to color eggs before Easter, but also to combat stains on dishes. Just prepare a standard decoction of water and garlic and onion peelings and boil the utensils in it. Cooking time may vary depending on the degree of contamination, so do not forget to remove the products from the liquid from time to time and check the result.


Based on your knowledge of chemical reactions, you can do the following:

  1. Place baking foil on the bottom of the pan. Pour water.
  2. Add four tablespoons of baking soda.
  3. Place the devices in the container. Leave it for a while.

Important : if the desired result is not achieved for a long time, boil the utensils with foil and soda. At high temperatures the process will go much faster. However, it is not recommended to use foil for devices with inclusions of gold.

Milk serum

Heat the required amount of whey and place the utensils in the container for 30 minutes without removing the pan from the heat. After a while, rinse with running water.

Carbonated drinks

This is a longer method using soda, but the results are worth the wait. Fill the damaged appliances with any carbonated drink and leave for two hours. Afterwards, rinse the items with cool water.

Shine product

Cleaning your appliances from plaque is only part of the job. You also need to add shine. There are several ways you can do this:

  1. Toothpaste applied to a cotton pad. It is necessary to polish the device with it until it begins to shine.
  2. Raw potatoes. The principle is the same as with the oral cleanser.
  3. Pasta. Boil the pasta and place spoonfuls into the pan without draining the broth. Leave on the stove like this for about 20 minutes.

Now that you know how to clean cupronickel, you will not have any difficulties in putting your kitchen utensils in order. There are quite a lot of methods, you can choose any according to your own capabilities. But in order not to resort to emergency methods, remember that prevention is necessary, so try to always wipe the products dry after washing. Good luck!


How to clean cupronickel at home?

Have your nickel silver spoons, forks and knives darkened? Don’t know how to properly clean such metal to restore its former shine? Not scary. So that you can cope with such a task, in this material we will look at how to clean cupronickel.

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