How to Clean a Copper Plate

How and with what to clean copper at home

Over time, copper household items darken and lose their shine, so you need to know how to clean copper in order to return it to its original condition.

Why copper products need to be cleaned regularly

The process of blackening metal is a natural process. When copper products come into contact with moist air, they form a film on the surface. It can be easily removed with improvised means or industrial mixtures, but over time it appears again, so cleaning copper must be done constantly.

Copper can be oxidized during chemical reactions. In its pure form, it is a metal with a characteristic reddish luster. In open air, the element forms a compound with oxygen and changes its color. First, films or deposits on copper acquire a purple tint with a red tint. This indicates the formation of the first stage of oxidation. The product then turns black when reacted with oxygen again.

Plaque on a copper product

A green coating on copper appears after the metal has been in a humid environment for a long time. This is a hydroxyl film. The compound is poisonous to the human body, therefore it is strictly forbidden to eat from dishes covered with such a coating.

In addition, whitish, yellow or black spots may form.

Effective cleaning methods

You can clean copper in any available way, but before choosing a method, you should determine whether the color change occurred due to a chemical oxidation reaction or whether the varnish coating on the product has simply darkened. To conduct the experiment, just mix baking soda and vinegar 9% in a 1:1 ratio and apply the mixture to the dishes.

If a reddish surface begins to appear under a thick layer of plaque, it means the metal has oxidized. Here industrial products or folk remedies that can be easily made at home will come to the rescue.

If there are no changes, this indicates darkening of the varnish. To restore the natural shine of a copper product, just wash it with warm soapy water.

Cleaning copper from white deposits

White spots are formed from the same oxidation. The formation of a whitish patina is associated with other metals contained in the copper alloy. There are several options for cleaning copper from such plaque:

  1. Chalk, ammonia. To prepare the paste you need to take 2.5 tbsp. l. 25% ammonia solution, 1 tbsp. l. crushed chalk and 5 tbsp. l. water. Then you should apply the mixture to the object, hold it for a while, wipe with a small sponge and rinse with running water.
  2. Vinegar, salt (for a thick layer of plaque). First, the product should be washed with any dish soap and dried. Pour 9% vinegar over the surface with whitish spots and sprinkle with fine salt on top. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Then wipe with a soft cloth and rinse.
  3. Ketchup. Apply the product to the product, brush with an old toothbrush and wash.

How to clean copper from black and green deposits

Ammonia will help remove blackness from copper. Soak a cotton cloth in the liquid and gently wipe the surface of the product. Use a clean rag to remove any remaining ammonia.

A mixture of turpentine, oxalic acid and vodka in equal proportions will remove toxic green deposits on the surface of copper products. The product is applied to the product, then the remaining solution is removed.

Cleaning copper from rust

Cleaning of copper products is carried out using aggressive acids. You should work with gloves and in a room with good ventilation. Hydrochloric or other acid is applied to a small piece of material. The product is thoroughly wiped, then rinsed in running water.

Mechanical cleaning of copper products

Over time, a layer of dirt forms on the surface of the metal. In this case, mechanical cleaning of copper products is used. Most often, the problem occurs with jewelry and other items with raised images.

To carry out the manipulation, you should stock up on a sewing needle, brush or cutters. Any of these devices will effectively remove dirt on the convex surface and between the cracks.

To begin with, keep the bracelet, cross or earrings in distilled water for 40-50 minutes. Soaking will allow you to easily remove the whitish coating. Then, using one of the cleaning tools, the dirt is gently removed. To avoid damaging the surface of the jewelry, it is recommended to first apply synthetic resin to its surface.

Mechanical cleaning of copper utensils can be done using baking soda or salt. Any of these products is applied to the surface with a soft sponge and rubbed with little effort.

Paste GOI

Goi paste is light green or malachite bars containing chromium oxide. This is an abrasive substance that has found its application in grinding steel and non-ferrous metals.

Copper cleaning paste is dissolved in machine oil, and the product is wiped with a flannel cloth. A brush cannot be used with this processing method, because After this, the product cannot be restored. Numismatists do not recommend using this paste when cleaning antique coins.

Effectively cleaning copper coins

Previously, small coins were made from a copper alloy. Today they are considered a rarity. Since a film often forms on the surface of coins, this reduces their value. To remove oxidation and return items to their original appearance, antique dealers use industrial cleaning products. With their help, you can not only return coins to their original condition, but also clean a copper pot or an antique basin.

Ways to clean copper at home:

  1. A pronounced yellow coating on coins indicates contact of the products with a lead surface. Such items can be treated with acetic acid solution.
  2. Citric acid powder will help remove the bright green film.
  3. Remove red deposits with a liquid containing ammonia.

Before cleaning a copper basin, dishes or coins that are considered rare, you need to study the recommended treatment time and the amount of active substance. If you overexpose a copper object in Trilon, acid, or rub it with sulfur ointment in excess, you can ruin antique items.

Boiling coins in soda solution

Baking soda and copper interact effectively with each other, returning the shine to metal products. To prepare the solution, take 1 liter of water and 10 tbsp. l. baking soda. You will also need a small saucepan and an old toothbrush.

The solution should be poured into a container and the products should be lowered into it. They should be covered with at least 2 cm of the solution. Place the pan on the fire and boil the contents for 20-30 minutes. Then you need to let the coins cool. Already cold products are treated with a toothbrush, removing remaining dirt.

Trilon B

Trilon B is another option for processing copper at home. This is a ready-made chemical mixture that is sold in jewelry stores. It is designed specifically for copper surfaces, does not destroy the metal, like some acids, and carefully cleans it of oxide.

Metal products are placed directly into a jar of the substance using plastic tweezers for 10-20 minutes. Then they are taken out and washed. If the oxide layer is too thick, the procedure will have to be repeated several times.

Kefir, vegetable oil

Kefir contains non-aggressive acids that gently clean the copper surface, leaving a light patina. To carry out the manipulation, all items should be placed in glass containers and filled with fermented milk product. Keep copper products in kefir for 50-60 minutes. Then you need to take them out, wash them under running water and dry them.

When using vegetable oil, you need to additionally take dishwashing detergent, a deep saucepan and plastic tweezers. Pour sunflower or olive oil up to 2 cm high into the bottom of the container and boil. Using tweezers, lower the coins into the pan and keep them on the fire for 10-20 minutes. Then remove the copper products, rinse with dishwashing detergent, wipe and dry.

Citric acid, vinegar

Dark stains on ancient coins can be easily removed with vinegar. First, prepare a solution with 0.5 liters of water, 1.5 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar and 1.5 tbsp. l. rock salt. Copper objects are dipped into the liquid and sent to the fire. It is advisable to boil the coins for 5-10 minutes, then remove them, rinse and wipe dry with cotton cloth.

If desired, vinegar can be replaced with citric acid or freshly squeezed juice. If lemon is used, the fruit should be cut in half and the pulp should be rubbed onto the copperware. Leave them in this state for 10-15 minutes, then rinse under running water.

Precautions when cleaning copper

Before using any cleaning method, you should try the product on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the product and watch the reaction. If there are no significant changes on the copper surface after treatment with an aggressive composition, you can begin cleaning the entire item.


How and with what to clean copper products?


Copper is one of the oldest metals, the qualities of which were discovered by man. Since then, people have made everything from this metal - arrows for spears, dishes, candelabra, statues, coins and jewelry. Today, copper is also used in many products.

Including for creating high-voltage wire lines. It is considered a lucky sign if a copper weather vane is installed over the house. The copper wedding is celebrated under the number of luck – seven. This metal is very similar in quality and appearance to gold.

However, there is a big disadvantage - copper darkens and turns green over time, and the products lose their original shine and attractiveness.

How and with what to clean copper products at home?

As already mentioned, copper items have an unpleasant feature - they darken and turn green. From a chemical point of view, everything is explained simply - an oxidation process occurs. But from the philistine side, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Especially when it comes to antique copper jewelry, coins from a numismatist’s collection, or tableware. It is necessary to clean the item so as not to spoil it, not to erase the design, and to give it a presentable appearance.

The easiest way to buy copper cleaner is at a hardware store, but why pay a significant amount when you can do it at home?

Before starting work, make sure that your product is entirely made of copper alloy. An item coated with a thin copper layer can deteriorate under the influence of potent substances. For this category of products, we use a simple cleaning method - a solution of laundry soap and a cloth.

Determining whether your item is 100% copper or not is easy. If you apply a magnet to an item and it sticks, then the item is not made of copper. Most likely, the metal base of the object is covered with a copper layer.

It is also worth considering the varnish coating of the product. Damage to it can lead to rapid oxidation of copper and loss of appearance of the product. If the item was varnished, be patient and hardworking, and follow the tips below:

  • Remove the varnish completely. This will avoid partial disruption of the surface layer, and will make it possible to clean the item evenly. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of soda for every liter of water. Pour the solution into a container that will fit the item completely, and immerse the item. Boil the solution and leave to boil together with the copper product for half an hour. As the water boils, add it again. Take a dish sponge and use the back of it to scrub off the varnish.
  • The varnished surface of a copper object can be cleaned quickly and easily. To do this, take half a liter of water and 100 g of dishwashing liquid. Apply the product to the item and leave for 20 minutes. Rub the item with a sponge and rinse with running water. Dry the item with a soft cloth.

So, there are several ways to clean copper products:

  • Lemon and soda . Lemon perfectly removes green deposits from the surface of copper products. Cut the fruit in half, pour a little soda on it and clean it as you would with a regular sponge. The acid will eat away the plaque, and the soda will clean the depressions of the relief pattern. If you don't have lemon on hand, use citric acid. Only in this case, take a damp sponge (cloth), dip it in acid diluted to a pulp and clean the product in a circular motion. If the product has a grooved pattern, you can use an old toothbrush instead of a sponge.
  • Cleaning agent and water . This recipe is suitable for copper cookware. It is advisable to clean trays, plates, bowls, mugs and glasses carefully so as not to further intensify the oxidation process. Therefore, any cleaning agent (including soda) diluted in water will work great. Place the dishes in the solution for several hours, the dirt and deposits will dissolve, and they can be cleaned off using the back (hard) side of the dish sponge.
  • Running water . If you recently bought something made of copper and see initial signs of oxidation, you can eliminate them using ordinary running water. Place the product under running hot water from the tap and carefully clean off any green deposits.
  • Lemon juice, wheat flour and table salt . Mix all ingredients in equal proportions, dilute with water to obtain a liquid paste. Apply the mixture to a cloth and clean the product. This product has been used for a long time, and not a single housewife has left a negative review about it.
  • Ammonia . To clean a copper item, take an ammonia solution from the pharmacy, moisten a sponge with it and wipe the surface of the item. In this case, there is only one recommendation - it is advisable to carry out the procedure on the street. You can be poisoned by ammonia fumes indoors. With its help, you will remove not only the green coating from the product, but also the darkening.
  • Kerosene. This product should only be used with a woolen or cloth cloth. Wet the product with water, dip a rag in kerosene and wipe the copper surface. An additional component is regular white chalk powder.
  • Ketchup . It sounds strange, but with its help you can quickly and thoroughly clean copper products. Apply the product to the surface in a thin layer and leave for 12 hours. Then carefully polish the product with a cloth.

How to clean copper coins at home?

Professional numismatists do not ask such questions. They have recipes that have been tested over the years with which they clean copper and other coins.

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Special mixtures and compositions available on the market will not damage the rare item and will make it shiny and attractive.

However, many of them use mixtures that they prepare themselves, using the simplest ingredients. If you have copper antique coins at home and need to clean them, follow the instructions below:

  • Yellow plaque . This problem occurs in products whose alloy contains a large amount of lead. You can fix the problem using table vinegar (9%). To begin with, coins are placed in a solution of water and laundry soap for 3 hours. After this, take out the coins one at a time and clean them with an old toothbrush. Rinse each coin with warm running water and dry. Apply vinegar to a cloth and wipe the products on each side to the desired shine.
  • Green plaque . In this case, food grade citric acid is used. It is necessary to rinse the coins thoroughly using regular tap water and a soft cloth. Dilute citric acid at the rate of 1 teaspoon per half glass of water. Dip a cotton pad into the solution and clean the coins on each side. At the end of the process, rinse with water and wipe the item dry. You can replace citric acid with oxalic acid. This product is several times more aggressive than citric acid. Therefore, its portion should be twice as small. At the same time, it is necessary to work with gloves.
  • Red plaque . In this case there are two ways out. The first is to leave everything as is, in order to make the appearance of the product even more attractive, closer to the effect of antiquity. The second is to clean it until it shines. It's not difficult to remove it. It is necessary to stock up on a 5% ammonia solution. Dip copper coins into the liquid one at a time, rinse with cool tap water and wipe dry. You can replace ammonia with ammonium carbonate, but you need to wear gloves when working with it.

Those who like a reddish coating (patina) on copper coins can create it themselves. To do this, take the following components:

  • Distilled water – 1 l;
  • Potassium permanganate (manganese) – 5 g;
  • Copper sulfate – 50 g.

Mix all ingredients in an enamel bowl and heat over low heat. Do not bring the solution to a boil. Turn off the gas and place copper coins in the solution. Monitor the reaction by removing and turning over the coins periodically.

After you have achieved the desired effect, you need to remove the coins from the solution and apply a mixture of benzene and denatured alcohol to the surface. Mix the components in equal proportions.

January 14, 2014, 10:51


How to clean copper products from blackness at home

Copper is a metal that becomes cloudy over time and loses its natural luster. This fact is associated with constant contact of the metal with a humid air atmosphere. The destruction of copper is a natural process, so it makes sense to use natural remedies to combat blackness and metal oxides.

There are many commercial products that are designed to clean copper from oxides, but these products contain chemicals that are harmful to human health. Luckily, there are a number of home remedies that can be used to clean copper products and are even recommended instead of commercial products.

Metal oxidation

Copper (lat. Cuprum) is a chemical element , which in D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic table is designated by the symbol “Cu” and has serial number 29. It is a transition metal with a characteristic luster of a reddish hue. In most chemical compounds, copper exhibits the +2 oxidation state, but can sometimes be in the +1 oxidation state.

When exposed to open air, the color of the metal changes to red-violet, which is associated with the formation of Cu2O oxide (copper oxide I) on its surface, which then turns into CuO oxide (copper oxide II), which has a blackish tint. In turn, copper ions Cu2+ give it a bluish tint.

Copper objects placed for a long time in a humid atmosphere are covered with a dense hydroxyl film, which has a green color . Copper hydroxide is poisonous.

Also, greenish-blue films of copper acetate can form on the surface, which are obtained as a result of the interaction of the metal with acetic acid, have a bitter taste and are poisonous.

When using copper cookware for cooking, appropriate precautions must be taken to avoid poisoning due to the presence of oxides and hydroxides on the surface of the copper.

How and how to clean copper at home

Copper was one of the first metals mastered by man back in prehistoric times. Weapons and tools, household utensils and jewelry were made from copper.

And all these millennia, people have been faced with the question: how to clean copper products from the stains that inevitably appear on them.

How to clean copper

 How to clean copper

  • Tomato ketchup. Apply a small amount of tasty seasoning to the stain and leave for several minutes. Rinse off with plenty of water.
  • In case of light stains, you can try washing them with a regular gel detergent. The gel is squeezed onto a soft sponge and then applied to a copper object. After leaving for a minute, rub the surface and rinse with water.
  • Used for large products, such as a samovar. Cut the lemon in half and rub the half over the surface of the product. Next, clean with an elastic fluffy brush and rinse with water.
  • Vinegar dough. Mix vinegar and regular table flour in equal parts. Stir until a homogeneous paste-like mass is obtained. Next, the paste is spread in a thin layer on the surface to be cleaned. After waiting for complete drying, remove the product with a rag or wooden spatula. The product must then be polished with a soft cloth.

If the above methods do not lead to success, use the following method:

  • Prepare a stainless steel basin or pan.
  • Pour vinegar and add a couple of tablespoons of regular table salt. Stir thoroughly.
  • Immerse the item to be cleaned in the solution and bring to a boil.
  • Remove from heat and leave to cool at room temperature.
  • Drain the cooled solution, rinse the copper object and wipe dry.

Cleaning copper with vinegar

If you decide to clean copper, take precautions. The use of protective gloves and glasses is mandatory. If you dilute vinegar essence, you should ensure ventilation of the room.

Cleaning copper at home

Copper utensils and jewelry should be cleaned regularly. With regular care, copper cleaning is carried out by regular washing or wiping with kitchen or sanitary gel. If plaque covers a significant area and cannot be removed by simple means, more radical cleaning methods are used.

How else can you clean copper?

  • Citric acid powder is diluted at the rate of a tablespoon of acid per liter of water. Add a teaspoon of table salt and stir thoroughly. Use the resulting solution to wipe away plaque stains using a sponge or cloth. The method is convenient for items that do not fit in the sink: large figurines, door and window fittings, samovars, teapots, etc.
  • Black deposits should be cleaned with ammonia. If you have to clean dishes, be sure to thoroughly rinse the utensils with plenty of water. If ammonia enters the human body, it can lead to serious poisoning. In the case when individual stains merge into a continuous layer of plaque, it is better to soak the entire product for one to three minutes.
  • It is better to clean red stains with an ammonia solution with a strength of no higher than 10%. Carefully! Ammonia is poisonous. Be sure to provide adequate ventilation.
  • It is good to clean yellow and black stains with a mixture based on regular 9% vinegar. To one part vinegar, take one part salt and two parts water. Immerse the item to be cleaned in the tank with the solution and bring the mixture to a boil. Carefully monitor the disappearance of stains - as soon as they have dissolved, stop boiling and allow the tank to cool. Next, the product should be rinsed with plenty of water and wiped dry.

Before you begin cleaning the entire copper item from oxides, you should test the effect of the cleaning composition in an inconspicuous place or in a small area.

If the product is effective and does not damage the surface, you can clean the entire product.

If you simply clean copper, the stains will go away, but the item itself will not shine. A dull surface can be made shiny using one of the following methods:

  • Mechanical polishing with newspaper or printed leaflet printed with black ink only. Rub the surface until the shine is restored.
  • Wiping with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. Precautions must be taken: the room must be well ventilated, and the use of protective gloves and goggles or a transparent face shield is mandatory.
  • Mix equal parts vinegar, table flour and regular salt. Stir until it becomes a thick paste. Apply the paste to the cloth and polish the surface until shiny. At the end of the operation, rinse the item with warm water.

Polished copper

To restore the shine to copper products, you should regularly care for them. Then it will be possible to do without the use of strong chemicals that are hazardous to health.

As copper products are used or stored, their shine gradually fades, and they begin to become covered with plaque - oxide films. They have a variety of shades - from dark green to light blue.

There are several main causes of plaque:

  • Due to contact with oxygen in the air, the copper surface becomes covered with a layer of green patina.
  • Copper jewelry darkens when it comes into contact with skin and sweat secretions. If the copper darkens very quickly, it may indicate a health problem
  • Plaque also occurs when there is high humidity or direct contact with water.

Craftsmen often deliberately patina their products, giving them a more antique appearance. This is the so-called “noble patina”

Methods and rules for cleaning copper yourself at home

Copper products are not only coins that are collected by numismatists, but also a variety of decorative items that have beauty and elegance. But over time, the metal becomes covered with oxides.

Copper oxide is a brown or black deposit that appears on copper products when exposed to moisture. This coating gives coins and jewelry an unattractive appearance.

For this reason, every owner of such products wonders how to clean copper with their own hands at home.

Cleaning copper with lemon

What not to do?

Before you start cleaning copper from dirt and oxides, you should know which cleaning agent should not be used for this purpose.

This is a powder containing abrasive particles that can scratch the metal, after which it will be impossible to return it to its original appearance.

The use of any acids (citric, sulfuric, hydrochloric) can also damage a copper product, especially if we are talking about a coin made of copper. Fragile copper decorative items should not be boiled or exposed to hot steam, otherwise they may break.


You can clean copper at home using the following means:

  1. Soap solution: this is the easiest product to make and is ideal for caring for copper if the product made from it is slightly dirty. It is enough to soak the copper product in warm soapy water for several hours, rinse it and wipe it dry.
  2. Soap paste: If the item needs a more thorough cleaning, you can prepare a soap paste. This is easy to do: take a bar of soap and rub it on a fine grater, then add water to form a thick paste. This mass needs to be coated on a copper product. It is advisable to leave the pulp for several days - this approach will improve the cleaning result.
  3. Lemon: you can take half of this fruit and carefully rub the cut side of the copper product. At the end of the procedure, the item should be gently cleaned with a brush.
  4. Vinegar paste: cleaning copper with this product is very effective. To prepare the gruel, you need to take equal parts of salt and flour, then combine them with vinegar so that it looks like a dough. The mass is applied to a copper object and wait for it to dry. As soon as the mixture dries on the metal surface, it should be brushed off and the product itself should be rinsed thoroughly.
  5. Ammonia (ammonium chloride): This remedy is excellent if the copper product is covered with a thick layer of patina. The powder must be poured into a deep vessel, and the copper object must be heated. After this, touch the ammonia powder with a hot product. Thus, you need to treat the entire surface of the product.
  6. Ketchup: This food product is often used to clean copper products. You need to apply a thick layer of ketchup to the item and leave it for a few minutes. Afterwards, the product should be rinsed with water and wiped dry with a cloth.
  7. Kefir: This drink contains an acid that effectively removes dirt from the surface of copper products. It is enough to saturate microfiber or cotton wool with kefir and start cleaning the copper object.
  8. Olive oil: This product is suitable for cleaning small copper objects, such as coins. However, the owner of such products should prepare for the fact that cleaning may last a month, but the main advantage of this cleaning method is that the oil cannot harm the metal in any way. How to clean copper: you need to take a deep bowl and pour olive oil into it, then put copper items in it. After a few days, they are taken out and cleaned with a soft brush, after which they are immersed in oil again. Over the course of one to two months, this action is repeated 5-6 times.
  9. Trilon-B: when answering the question of how to clean copper, this product should be mentioned. It is diluted in water in the following proportion - 1 part Trilon-B and 10 parts water. The item to be cleaned is immersed in the resulting solution and its condition is monitored. As soon as the desired result is achieved, the copper product must be removed and washed in running water.

Cleaning copper with ketchup

If a copper decor item has become tarnished, but has not yet become dirty, you can clean it with crumpled newspaper (this is how windows were cleaned in the past).

Many owners of copper products are wondering not only how to clean copper from dirt, but also how to give it an ideal appearance. To do this, you need to prepare a product consisting of the following components:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • potassium permanganate - 5 grams;
  • copper sulfate - 50 grams.

A solution is prepared from these components and heated over low heat to 80 degrees. Afterwards, a copper object is immersed in it for several hours. Cleaning is completed by rinsing the product with clean water. After drying, you can coat the metal with a layer of a mixture consisting of alcohol and benzene, taken in equal parts.

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If a copper product has a high value from the point of view of history and culture, then it is recommended to entrust its care to a professional, since improper cleaning can lead to damage to a valuable item.

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How to clean copper from plaque at home

If you store old or commemorative coins (for example, commemorative Soviet money), copper jewelry at home in a box, over time they oxidize and darken.

To restore their original appearance, you can use special cleaning products designed to remove green deposits and oxides. But you can effectively get rid of plaque at minimal cost.

Good helpers in deciding how to clean copper at home are common products found in the kitchen.

Causes of plaque

Copper is a typical metallic element, shiny with a red tint. In the open air, as a result of oxidation, it darkens and gradually acquires a rusty brown color. It turns green on very thin sheets.


When copper products are exposed to the atmosphere, a thin layer of corrosion products forms on their surface, the color of which changes over time. This layer in its final form is called patina, characterized by the green color observed on oxidized examples of ancient Roman dishes from excavations.


On new copper objects in pink tones, after a few weeks the colors become darker, an oxide appears - a brown tint, slowly turning into black. The patina formation process ends with the creation of a green layer. This last phase takes the longest, and the speed at which it is created depends on the location of the copper piece (on average, 10–20 years or more).

Home cleaning of copper products

There are many ways to clean copper. Both chemical pastes and solutions and toothpaste are recommended. It is difficult to say which option will be better for cleaning copper products. The effectiveness of cleaning depends on the age of the item, the degree of plaque density, etc. You may have to try several options for cleaning the oxidized surface.

Salt + vinegar

Mix salt and vinegar in a free proportion to form a paste. Apply it to the oxidized object. Use a thick layer of paste and apply it so that the copper is completely covered.

Leave the paste on for 15 minutes to allow the mixture to penetrate as deeply as possible into the plaque.

Dampen a sponge with vinegar. When cleaning an embossed item (eg, coin, nickel, vase), use a soft toothbrush. It will be able to clean the product more effectively and remove plaque in the recesses.

Thoroughly clean the item of oxide using a circular motion.


The fact that ketchup can save copper bracelets, chains, crosses, and rings from oxidation seems incredible. But it is so. Just put the items in ketchup for a few hours and see for yourself.

Important! In addition to copper, this product cleans brass well.

Lemon + salt

Lemon in combination with salt removes green deposits from copper well. Mix lemon juice and salt to form a paste. Apply a homemade cleaner to the surface of the copper item. Apply the paste with a cloth, very carefully to avoid scratches. Don't rub, the paste will work just fine.

Instead of juice, you can use a solution of citric acid. Using this method, you can clean the copper frame of the icon, since when cleaning with citric acid, juice and salt, there is no need for wetting or rubbing.


The most gentle way of how and how to clean copper at home is a solution of water and soda. It gently removes scale, dirt, and plaque from copper teapots, candlesticks, bells, and pots without damaging the surface.

Cleaning procedure:

  • Dissolve a handful of baking soda in 4.5 liters of warm water. Use a container large enough to accommodate the entire item being cleaned.
  • Gently remove dirt with a soft brush.

Cleaning with soda solution is suitable for a Panchenkov grid (also called a Panchenkov nozzle) - a regular wire nozzle inserted into the tube of a moonshine still. The mesh is designed to purify alcoholic liquid during the production process.

The next copper item that can be cleaned with soda solution is the moonshine still coil, located inside the refrigeration unit.

Vegetable oil

A good way to clean copper from oxides is vegetable oil. You cannot use motor oil, either synthetic or mineral, as it contains chemicals that damage the surface:

  • Pour vegetable oil into a bowl and place the items to be cleaned in it. If you use a copper basin as your main utensil, clean that too at the same time.
  • Once a day, remove the products from the oil, carefully clean the surfaces with a soft brush, then return them back to the oil.
  • Repeat the procedure until completely clean. The process may take a week or more depending on the degree of contamination.
  • Wipe cleaned copper products with a paper napkin or cotton cloth.

Chemical substances

Almost any chemical cleaning of copper products is destructive. At best, only the patina is damaged, but more often the surface is softened by acid, which can render the item unusable. Chemicals include both specialty and general cleaning products, such as those used in the kitchen.

You can clean copper from blackness with sorrel, which is soaking in an acidic bath. However, chemicals that clean old oxide are either ineffective or destructive. The most correct method of dry cleaning is chelaton. It is used only locally, short-term and only in cases of severe oxidation. Chelaton does not react with copper, but with its compounds, including patina.

Cleaning Copper Coins

Copper numismatics are most susceptible to oxidation. However, this is not always an undesirable condition. If the coins have a brown or blue-green patina, this is a noble patina. It won't be deleted! But coins often corrode and develop a fungal patina. Such coatings must be removed.

The first way to clean copper coins at home is by washing them with soapy water. You can also try toothpaste.

To clean numismatics, use a cotton cloth soaked in iron oxide or chromium oxide.

Copper and its alloys can be cleaned by electrolysis using orthophosphoric acid with the addition of 100 g/l sulfuric acid. This is a dangerous chemical, so be careful!

Important! Acidic products are good for cleaning copper radiators of geysers and stove radiators. Do not use them to clean copper cookware, cup holders, copper pots, i.e. items that come into contact with food.

It is better to clean the copper pot outside and inside; it is better to clean the samovar until it shines with more neutral means, for example, lemon or vinegar. The same applies to kitchen faucets in the kitchen, faucets in the bath.


How to clean copper?

How to clean copper from various types of contaminants without damaging the metal and so that it shines again? This question is often of interest to modern needlewomen who make various jewelry from copper, as well as modern housewives who still use copper cutlery and other kitchen utensils made of this metal.

Despite the fact that copper is a fairly plastic and wear-resistant material, it is susceptible to oxidation, so when exposed to moisture, an unpleasant greenish coating appears on the surface of copper cutlery or jewelry. If you cook food in dishes made of oxidized copper, the food will acquire an unpleasant taste and smell, and will also become unsafe for health.

Also, the surface of copper products may darken, so you need to know how you can clean metal from various types of contaminants at home effectively and safely.

Cleaning copper at home

To clean copper at home, it is enough to use the simplest folk remedies. Experienced housewives do not recommend using abrasive household chemicals for cleaning metal, as such products can damage the surface of the product.

Using the example of cleaning a copper pot, we will show how to easily and quickly clean this metal from green deposits, blackness or dust.

  1. The first step is to thoroughly rinse the copper product in the usual way using dishwashing detergent, and then wipe the surface dry. Apply the selected cleaning agent to the surface.
  2. If you decide to use a homemade cleaning solution, you will need to make it in advance.
  3. Next, you need to thoroughly wipe the surface of the copper product with a lint-free cloth. A microfiber cloth is perfect for this purpose; you can also use a soft sponge or an old toothbrush.
  4. Once you are sure that there are no dirt or deposits left, the copper pot, cutlery or jewelry can be washed under running cold water.
  5. To restore shine to a product made of this metal, you can additionally use lime or lemon juice, which you also need to thoroughly rub on the copper surface. Don't forget to rinse the product after completing the procedure.
  6. Now you need to wipe the copper product dry with a towel or clean cloth.
  7. Afterwards all that remains is to polish the copper using a suitable compound.

Many people are also often interested in how to polish copper at home. For this purpose, you can use a special paste based on trivalent chromium oxide. The texture of this paste resembles plasticine. A piece of GOI paste is rubbed onto the cleaned copper surface, then the copper product is washed and wiped with a towel. You can polish and grind this metal using tooth powder, but finding such a product is quite difficult.

In the table below we have collected the most effective and popular folk remedies for cleaning copper products at home.

Means Mode of application
Table vinegar Table vinegar is very often used in households to clean various contaminants from the surface of kitchen utensils. This is because it is an effective and safe product that will definitely not harm either the object requiring cleaning or the person. To clean the copper surface from dirt and dust, as well as carbon deposits, you need to wash the product in the usual way and dry it. Then you should apply vinegar to the copper and add table salt on top. Next, you should clean the dirt using a cotton cloth in a circular motion until the desired result is achieved. Then all that remains is to thoroughly rinse and polish the copper product. More information about this method can be found in the video below.
Liquid soap You can effectively clean copper even from old plaque using liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. To do this, pour water into the pan so that the product requiring cleaning can be completely contained in the liquid. Add a little liquid soap to the water and then bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and place a copper object into the liquid. We boil the metal until the surface begins to clean itself. After this, you will need to rinse the copper item under running water and, most likely, clean it additionally with soda to remove the most stubborn stains. Otherwise, boiling does an excellent job of removing even the oldest plaque.
Citrus You can clean copper from blackening using citrus fruits. To do this, rub the surface of the product made of this metal with half a lime, adding a little table salt or baking soda. You can also squeeze the juice from a lemon, mix the liquid with baking soda and rub the resulting mixture onto a copper surface. The effect of cleaning will be noticeable almost immediately. Be sure to thoroughly rinse, wipe and polish the cleaned surface to prevent oxidation of the metal.
Wine vinegar and flour To independently restore the previous appearance of a copper product, you should prepare the following solution. Mix 200 milliliters of vinegar and two teaspoons of table salt in a deep bowl. Pour regular wheat flour into the bowl so that the result is a mass reminiscent of sour cream. Mix the homemade copper cleaning solution thoroughly. We thoroughly wash the copper cutlery and dry it with a towel, then fill the spoons and forks with the prepared solution. Leave the copper to clean for 20-30 minutes. After this, we rinse the copper under running water and polish it with a dry cotton cloth.
Ketchup Few people know, but you can clean copper at home with ordinary ketchup without additives. To do this, simply apply tomato sauce to the contaminated area of ​​the copper product, and then wait half an hour. After the specified time, the copper will be cleaned; all that remains is to remove the plaque and ketchup with a sponge or cloth.
Amidosulfuric acid This method cannot be called completely folk, because we will use amidosulfuric acid. You can purchase such a product in a specialized store. Note! Only 100% copper can be cleaned in this way, because the presence of impurities in the metal can cause the product to darken. Products should be cleaned in this way in accordance with the instructions on the acid packaging. Don't forget to wear rubber gloves when working with this substance.

In order to polish a copper product for preventive purposes, you can use only fabric, for example, wool or suede. If the copper has darkened, you will have to use additional products. You can find commercial products at your local hardware store that are specifically designed for cleaning and polishing copper and similar metals.

Cleaning copper coins at home is easy; just use one of the methods described above. Collectors also often polish and clean copper coins in melted laundry soap.

Experienced housewives advise storing copper cutlery in special cases, putting a small piece of chalk in there. This way you can protect products from oxidation. It is recommended that the copper should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It is better not to store copper items near heaters and radiators.

If you often wear copper jewelry, try to wash and polish your bracelets and chains after each use. From prolonged contact with the skin, copper also becomes covered with a greenish coating. Moreover, such plaque may remain on the skin.

Having studied in detail all the effective means for cleaning copper, now you know how to keep objects and products made from this metal clean at home.

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How to clean copper products at home?

In modern life there is a huge number of copper products, which over time, under the influence of various factors, become dark and even become somewhat cloudy. Learn from this article how to clean copper without damaging the structure of the entire product.

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As you know, copper products have long been recognized by connoisseurs as high-quality and reliable things. Based on a copper alloy the following are made:

  • dishes;
  • Jewelry;
  • decorative items;
  • electronics parts;
  • coins;
  • figurines.

All these products not only look elegant, but are also quite durable in use. Despite their luxurious appearance, many copper objects have a positive effect on human health. Thus, people with severe heart and vascular diseases are recommended to wear bracelets made of copper alloys. In this case, a process of normalization of blood pressure and improvement of well-being is often observed.

Basic cleaning methods

Despite the positive aspects of using copper products, over time they can develop dark or green deposits, leading to a loss of shine. To return a copper product to its original appearance, you can use some secrets for cleaning it at home.

In order to clean your favorite copper product, you need to take a small container of hot water, add a little of any cleaning product and dip a sponge or soft rag into the solution. Then you should gently rub the copper product with this sponge, and then lower it into another container with clean water. In this simple way you can rid a copper product of minor contamination.

To clean copper items at home, freshly squeezed lemon juice works great. They need to rub the copper product and then rinse with warm water.

You can clean copper using regular tomato ketchup. Squeeze the required amount of ketchup into a deep bowl and lower the copper product into it. Leave for about ten minutes, then remove and rinse thoroughly in warm water. An object made of copper will look new.

If a dark stain appears on your favorite copper alloy household item, dip it in a weak vinegar solution, where two tablespoons of table salt have previously been dissolved.

Then place the container with the product in the vinegar solution on the fire and boil for ten minutes. Under the influence of acetic acid and elevated temperature, the process of dissolving the oxides that have appeared on the copper will begin. Then take the product out and let it cool.

After this, immerse it in clean water for a while, and then wipe it dry with a soft cloth.


The above methods for cleaning copper products should be used after preliminary testing of the method on a small surface of the product in order to identify the nature of the metal’s reaction to the cleaning agent. If no changes occur as a result, you can safely clean the product further.

How to clean copper coins at home?

In order to clean copper coins from many years of dirt and oxides, you can use the following methods.

If a yellow coating begins to form on the surface of copper coins, most likely the copper has begun to come into contact with nearby lead. You can clean coins from such deposits by simply immersing them in a ten percent solution of acetic acid. You can prepare it yourself by simply mixing one part of acetic acid with nine equal parts of clean water. After the plaque has dissolved, the coins should be taken out and washed with warm water.

If your copper coins have a reddish coating on them, you can get rid of it with ammonia. Cleaning occurs as follows: coins are dipped into a pre-prepared ammonia solution (ammonia solution) of five percent concentration.

After some time, you can observe the reddening of the solution due to the dissolution of the reddish coating. Sometimes you need to leave products in this solution for several hours to return them to their original appearance.

  After this, the coins must be rinsed with clean water and wiped dry.

If a greenish coating begins to appear on copper coins as a result of long-term storage at home, you can clean it as follows: pour one tenth of citric acid into a glass and add water at room temperature to it to the edges of the glass.

You need to put your coins in the resulting solution and watch what happens. Under the influence of an acidic environment, a greenish coating will begin to move away from the walls of the coin and color the entire solution in the corresponding color. As soon as all the plaque has left the copper coin, it must be removed from the glass and rinsed well in warm water.

Then it is advisable to polish the coin a little to give it a sparkling appearance.

Adding shine to copper products

Often ordinary people are interested in the trivial problem of cleaning copper to give it its original shine. Here are some effective ways to achieve the desired result.

To give copper objects a sparkling shine, rub them with a mixture consisting of equal parts of flour, table salt and vinegar essence. After this, the cleaned copper items should be rinsed well with running water and wiped dry.

You can restore the shine of copper objects using ordinary black and white newspaper. Roll it into a small ball and polish tarnished items with it. Everything will shine again!


How and with what to clean copper products from blackness and green and white deposits at home

Copper products have remained relevant and popular for several centuries. But their noble appearance is often spoiled by a greenish dull coating that forms on the surface layer due to an oxidative reaction with air. You can clean copper objects from oxides using modern chemical products or simple home techniques. Convenient and non-hazardous cleaning options will return your household utensils and other items to their original shine and attractiveness.

Reasons for the raid

Dishes, furniture fittings, jewelry and other things made of copper need periodic cleaning to remove green deposits. This need is associated with the characteristics of the metal. Due to prolonged exposure to air or exposure to temperature, such things become covered with a dark greenish film. Oxides are especially noticeable on dishes that are constantly used in the kitchen. Darkening can only be removed by cleaning.

Jewelry with copper behaves differently. They sometimes darken, but then return to their original state. It is widely believed that this behavior of the metal is a reflection of the health of the owner of the jewelry. In reality, such changes only reflect a reaction to environmental indicators: fluctuations in humidity, pressure or temperature.


Oxides on copper cookware are especially dangerous. If plates and pots are not cleaned for a long time, the metal releases toxic substances that are harmful to human health.

Cleaning copper products at home

Copper products that are constantly used should be cleaned regularly. A simple rinse under the tap in dishwashing detergent is suitable. Instead, you can wipe down copper items with sanitary gel. If these methods do not bring cleanliness and a significant part of the product remains covered with plaque, more aggressive cleaning methods are used.

Vinegar with salt

In this case, rub the item with a soft cloth using a special product. It is mixed from 1 cup of ordinary vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. salt. After cleaning objects from oxide, they are washed with clean water and wiped thoroughly.

Another method for cleaning copper at home is to boil the item in a solution of salt and vinegar. For it, add 1 glass of ordinary vinegar and 1 tbsp to 3 glasses of water. l. table salt. The copper product is placed in the prepared solution and left to heat up. After 15 minutes of boiling, it is possible to remove all the green deposits. Then the item is taken out and washed under running water with detergent.


This cleaning method is used for copper items with or without a protective coating.

Cleaning with ketchup

This is an easy and affordable method to clean copper products from plaque. In this case, cover the surface of the copper item with the sauce and set aside for 30 minutes. Then polish the surface with a soft cloth, and wash off the remaining ketchup with warm water. This method returns the lost shine to the item. In the same way, you can clean copper utensils from patina using kefir.

Cleaning with salt and lemon

In this way, you can clean a copper basin at home or large copper products until they shine, for example, samovars and pots. Cut the lemon into two parts and sprinkle the cut area with coarse table salt. Then polish the surface of the kitchen utensils.

You can make a special paste for cleaning copper. For it, mix table salt, baking soda and flour in equal volumes, then add lemon juice to form a paste-like mass. This product is used to rub the surface layer of the object until it shines. After cleaning, the item is washed with heated water. As a result, the copper product acquires a mirror shine.

Using Baking Soda

It is convenient to use baking soda to clean copper at home in combination with lemon juice. Use the resulting liquid to wipe the surface layer of the item with a soft cloth and then rinse. Instead of lemon juice, you can clean copper with citric acid dissolved in water and soda.

Another way to use baking soda to clean copper from oxides is by boiling:

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. soda and lower the product completely into the liquid.
  2. The container is set to heat up and boil for half an hour, after which the heating should be turned off.
  3. Then the product is washed with heated water and wiped completely.


Using the proposed method, green deposits are removed from a copper product. It is also used to remove damaged varnish on copper items.  

Use of chemicals

Sulfuric acid removes darkening and green deposits from the surface layer of copper very well. It is mixed in equal proportions with water and a copper bracelet or other objects are placed in the liquid. When the seething begins, take the item out and wipe it well with a soft cloth. Then the item is laid out on a flat surface to dry. This cleaning method returns the product to its original shine.


When working with sulfuric acid and other aggressive substances, put rubber gloves on your hands, and protect your respiratory organs with a respirator. 

Another cleaning method is to use the drug Trilon-B. The substance is stirred in water in a ratio of 1:10. Afterwards, the copper product is lowered into the resulting liquid and observed. When the required degree of cleanliness is achieved, the item is taken out and washed with clean water.

Cleaning Copper Coins

Coins made of copper and its alloys are often found in the collections of numismatists. Over time, their appearance deteriorates. A yellow film appears on coins if lead is included in the alloy. You can get rid of such a substance by immersing objects in a vessel with a solution of laundry soap. After 2-3 hours, the coins are taken out and wiped with a rag soaked in table vinegar. After such cleaning they become shiny.

You can remove blackness from copper using citric acid:

  1. Mix a solution of 200 ml of water and 2 tsp. citric acid.
  2. Soak a piece of cotton wool with the product and wipe the parts of the coin.
  3. After cleaning, the products are rinsed well.

Reddish deposits from coins, crosses and bracelets made of copper are removed by treating with ammonia. Things are dipped in ammonia for half an hour, and then washed in heated water.

Removing black and green plaque

To degrease the surface and remove the patina, use a mixture of turpentine, oxalic acid and ethanol. A solution is prepared from these equal volumes of funds. A rag is moistened in it and the products are wiped. Another cleaning method is to use crushed chalk and kerosene. The substances are combined to form a thick mass and used to polish objects.

When the layer is insignificant, it can be easily removed with ordinary soap. It is dissolved in water and the entire thing is dipped into the soapy solution. Then polish with a thick sponge.

A greenish and black layer on copper utensils indicates its unsuitability for cooking and preserving food. Such products must be cleaned before use.

Cleaning rust

In addition to plaque of various shades, rust appears in the top layer of copper objects, which is iron oxides in the form of flakes. To remove it, use strong acidic solutions, and to wash products, use a baking soda solution.

An acid solution is poured into a cup made of ceramic, glass or other inert material and the copper product is immersed in it with tweezers. A reaction will begin, during which rust is removed and dark smoke comes out. When the process is complete, the product is carefully removed and placed in a baking soda solution to neutralize the acid. The washed item is thoroughly wiped with a rag.


When handling acid, be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves, wear a protective mask or goggles and a respirator.

Cleaning a Turk, samovar or kettle

The exterior of this kitchen utensil can be cleaned using any of the suggested methods. The inside is much more difficult to clean. There, objects are oxidized by water, but also covered with a lime layer.

To remove dirt from the inside, potato peelings are used. They are placed in a bowl and poured over with boiling water. Then set the utensils on the fire and boil the cleaning for an hour. Then the contents are poured out, and the utensils themselves are washed in heated water with detergent.

To complete the cleansing, boil plain water several times in a cleaned container. This gets rid of traces of limescale.

Useful tips

To ensure that copper items last longer, they should not be cleaned with abrasives or rubbed with metal brushes. Copper is a fairly soft metal and is easily scratched by hard objects.

It is better to store copper utensils, jewelry, embossing and coins in a special cabinet. It must be dry and ventilated. In such conditions, things made of copper retain their attractive appearance. If objects are kept in constant humidity under conditions of a significant increase in temperature, they quickly lose their attractiveness and become covered with patina.

You cannot cook food containing foods with a high acid content in copper cookware. This renders kitchen utensils unusable. When cookware has a decorative coating, it should not be polished or cleaned with abrasive materials. Such items can only be washed in heated water using a soap solution. Periodically wipe all copper utensils with a clean, soft cloth to prevent dust and soot from settling on them.


To maintain the attractiveness of copper products, it is important to clean them regularly. If previously this was done only with vinegar, salt or citric acid, now other, more effective methods can be used.

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