What is artistic forging

Artistic forging: features, materials and advantages

Artistic forging is a metal processing method through which experienced craftsmen use rough iron to create airy and graceful interior and exterior elements. It is used in the manufacture of railings, fences, furniture, gazebos, swings, benches, etc.

Forged products with original patterns can radically change the appearance of residential, administrative, commercial and other buildings and give them individuality.

They are used for landscape design of territories, and are also used as decorative elements in the arrangement of various premises.

Advantages of artistic forging:

  • uniqueness (each creation of the master is unique and original; a blacksmith does not have identical objects);
  • beauty (processing metal under pressure, making it plastic and pliable, allowing you to create elegant products with ornate patterns and complex shapes);
  • long service life (forged parts of the interior and exterior are coated with a special anti-corrosion agent, thanks to which they serve their owners for a long time);
  • strength (high strength indicators are determined by the hardness of the metal).
  • combination with both traditional and modern materials used in construction and decoration (forged items can be combined with brick, wood, stone, etc., which allows you to maintain style and implement extraordinary design solutions).

Materials used in forging

To make elegant lace interior and exterior items, blacksmiths choose metals that have certain indicators of ductility, fluidity and toughness. These materials include brass, copper, steel, iron, gold and silver. These metals, when subjected to force, change their original shape, but do not tear or form cracks. They perfectly retain their newly acquired shape.

Cold and hot forging of interior and exterior elements

Hot forging

This metal processing method is the most popular. It is used for the manufacture of exclusive architectural and decorative elements. Hot forging involves heating the original workpiece (the procedure gives the product softness and ductility) to a certain temperature.

Failure by the master to observe the heating temperature can lead to material losses (when overheated, the metal becomes brittle, its structure and appearance change). After applying heat to the workpiece, the blacksmith gives it the required shape using a hydraulic press, pneumatic or steam-air hammer, and then cools the metal in water.

The process can be carried out either using special equipment or manually.

The second method of metal processing is rarely used. It is used for mass production of elements, the connection of which is carried out by welding. Finished products made using the cold forging method, although beautiful, are not unique. Such items do not belong to genuine artistic values.

Cold forging is the processing of metal without heating it. The material is deformed under the influence of a press, after which it is annealed. Precious metals are processed using this method; they have all the characteristics necessary for cold forging.

How to distinguish welded structures from artistic forging?

Designers often use forged products when arranging living spaces. Unique metal furniture and household items add personality to homes. They fit harmoniously into any interior and exterior. Sometimes a forged product becomes the main decorative element of a room or garden plot.

But some unscrupulous workshop workers offer clients products joined by welding, passing them off as artistic forging. It is not difficult to distinguish genuine artistic forged products from welded ones. In the design of the first, at least one of the following details must be present:

  • bent or twisted elements;
  • finials, leaves or other decorative details in the ornament;
  • crowns;
  • elements connected by clamps.

As a result of metal processing by forging, blacksmiths obtain a piece of furniture or household items that has artistic value.

Metal products have been decorated with ornaments since ancient times. The ancient Celts applied patterns to armor, daggers, and cups. In Kievan Rus, craftsmen made objects that surprised with their strength, reliability and beauty. Metal processing by forging became widespread in the 17th-18th centuries. At that time, window grilles, fences of parks, palaces and mansions, and temple doors were decorated with openwork forged elements.

With the development of technology in the twentieth century, the demand for products made by stamping increased. But interest in artistic forging did not fade away. Currently, many owners of private houses, cottages, and apartments decorate their premises and plots of land with original forged elements. You can order high-quality products from the master blacksmiths of the Rublev interior design studio.

Design studio masters create forged objects using various methods:

  • hot forging (by heating the workpiece and processing it on a special machine);
  • cold forging (through mechanical action on the metal).

Our specialists are skilled in working with metal and have all the necessary knowledge in blacksmithing. They use both traditional methods of processing the material and modern methods, thanks to which they produce high-quality forged items characterized by originality, durability and practicality.

Craftsmen use special means to protect products from the negative effects of the environment. The items they make serve their owners for a long time.

Source: https://www.stroysmi.ru/interer/hudozhestvennaya-kovka-osobennosti-materialy-i-preimushhestva/

What is artistic forging and where is it used? — Socio-political online magazine “Garlic”

Metal forging can be considered one of the most ancient crafts, when people had to make both weapons and various things for labor. At first, soft metals were used, and then they learned to work with iron. The forged lamp turned out to be very beautiful, and other items were made in the same exact way. Especially when artistic elements are used.

What is artistic forging?

When making metal products, it is very important to ensure that they not only meet their intended purpose, but also look beautiful. It is important to know that artistic forging has been used all along. For example, the armor of ancient warriors looked simply amazing. In the Middle Ages, metal patterns became simpler. But during the Renaissance, interest in this art increased again.

What can be distinguished in artistic forging? When it comes to products that use forging elements, rod and strip are usually used. The rod can be presented in two types, where the cross-section is offered as round or square. When processed, such products acquire a certain shape, and the most important feature here is the curl. It can be called the most used pattern in artistic forging. It is especially often used in the manufacture of decorative elements.

Main advantages

Many people know F. Dostoevsky’s expression as “Beauty will save the world.” And it must first of all be attributed to artistic forging, which has its advantages:

  • uniqueness, because the result is a unique design;
  • ideal combination with almost any construction and finishing materials;
  • the ability to create a variety of patterns;
  • can be used to create all kinds of designs.

Although this type of forging is more expensive, the product takes on an unusual appearance. Manual labor is definitely used here, especially if you have to make something intricate. And where can you find such jewelry?

There can be only one answer to the question posed - everywhere, from just the fence to the interior. As for the fence, the first thing to include here is a gate and gate.

Artistic forging is often used as decoration when making a gazebo or canopy over a porch. With its help it will be possible to decorate decorative elements. Forging can be either cold or hot type, when the metal has to be heated using a forge.

It is used when working not only with black steel, but also with other metals: aluminum, brass, copper, stainless steel.

Source: https://4esnok.by/novosti-kompanij/chto-takoe-hudozhestvennaya-kovka-i-gde-ispolzuetsya/

What is artistic forging

Metal today is the main product for the manufacture of various things and mechanisms. It occupies a special place in the production of forged products.

Today, in this way it is possible to obtain not only durable, but also very beautiful products. You can get acquainted with the main types of forged products on the website, where it is possible to purchase them at the same time.

Basic Concepts

Artistic forging is the process of manufacturing different types of metal products using the forging method. This industry is distinguished by the fact that all products are given a beautiful external design.

This allows you to use already forged materials as decorative ornaments, which are original works of art. This technique of processing materials is used to obtain balconies, canopies or individual parts that can complement the appearance of other elements of external or internal design.

Processing technique

To give the metal a certain appearance, it must first be prepared. Artistic forging is performed using several basic techniques:

  1. To give the metal a certain appearance, different blanks are used, which can have a round, square or other cross-section. This process involves heating the product to a certain temperature and then giving it a special shape. In this case, special hammers, chisels and other tools are used to pull and twist metal.
  2. Very often, the connection of individual forging elements occurs using welding, which was not used in ancient times. This allows you to create very beautiful panels and other similar designs, distinguished by their originality and practicality.


With the help of artistic forging, several types of products are obtained:

  • bas-reliefs;
  • various types of gates;
  • railings;
  • all types of fences;
  • some types of furniture;
  • decorative auxiliary elements that are used to decorate doors, chandeliers, etc.

Very often, in artistic forging, the painting technique is used, which allows you to create very beautiful inscriptions that are in harmony with the design of the entire product.

This technique requires special skills and is performed by specialists who study for a very long time. Artistic forging is an opportunity to obtain high-quality and beautiful jewelry for any home.

You can watch the master at work in this video:

Source: http://stroybud.com/chto-takoe-hudozhestvennaya-kovka/

Artistic forging what is it

Artistic forging is the production of elegant household items from metals using forging methods. Artistic forging differs from simple forging in that forged products acquire artistic value and become a work of art.

Artistic forging is used in architecture to create the grandeur of buildings.

Artistic forging products can be: forged gates, wickets, fences, signs, canopies, garden swings, gazebos, weather vanes, grilles, forged stairs and railings, chandeliers, candlesticks and even forged beds and tables.

History [edit | edit code]

The emergence of artistic forging as such goes back to the Celtic tribes, who made the first attempts to decorate materials, surfaces and products. Although the most ancient finds - daggers, gold cups, armor and jewelry date back to the 3rd millennium BC. The main method of processing metals for a long time was forging [1]. Currently, along with the manual labor of blacksmiths in art workshops, the manufacture of products is carried out using industrial methods [2].

Tools and equipment [edit | edit code]

The main devices used in art workshops are similar to conventional forges - a forge and an anvil. The equipment used is a handbrake, and for large jobs a sledgehammer is used. To hold hot metal, sets of pliers are used - serial and special. The latter are made by the blacksmith-artist independently [1].

For artistic forging, chisels, bits, tampers, and rounded hammers are needed. As additional tools, mandrels, crimps, tips, sprockets and undercuts are used, as well as plates - punching, forming, straightening and nailing.

Cold metal working operations require tools for chasing, straightening, grooving and graining, and for fine work - files, cutters, scrapers and dies.

In addition, in workshops, especially large ones, mechanical and pneumatic hammers can be installed [1].

Operations [edit | edit code]

The operations used in an art workshop include [1]:

  • Disembarkation.
  • Broach.
  • Rounding edges.
  • Threading.
  • Decoration of ledges.
  • Bending.
  • Punching.
  • Chopping.
  • Twisting-torsion . A flat, torso or round rod is twisted into a spiral. Twisting is done in a cold or heated state, depending on the thickness of the rod. Twisted rods are used in the design of gratings.
  • Cones . The wire is coiled into a spiral - in the shape of a cone.
  • Spiral volutes.
  • Collection of rings . The workpiece is rolled into a ring of the required diameter. Coagulation is carried out in a cold or heated state, depending on the thickness of the workpiece.
  • Overlapping intersection.
  • Cutting material.
  • Staples.
  • Coinage.

Heat treatment of metal [edit | edit code]

Heat treatment is a set of operations of heating, holding and cooling hard metal alloys in order to obtain specified properties by changing the internal structure and structure. Heat treatment is used either as an intermediate operation to improve workability by pressure or cutting, or as the final operation of a technological process, ensuring a given level of part properties.

The total duration of heating of the metal during heat treatment is the sum of the time of heating itself to a given temperature and the holding time at this temperature. The heating time depends on the type of oven, the size of the parts, and their placement in the oven; the holding time depends on the rate of phase transformations.

Heating can be accompanied by interaction of the metal surface with the gas phase and lead to decarburization of the surface layer and the formation of scale. Decarburization causes the surface of parts to become less durable and lose hardness.

Source: https://ostwest.su/instrumenty/hudozhestvennaja-kovka-chto-jeto-takoe.php/

Artistic forging history and modern methods

December 21, 2015

What is artistic forging? This is an art and craft in which various metals are shaped into desired shapes using high temperatures and tools specifically designed for this purpose. Forged products are used in various spheres of life - from decorating apartments and houses to heavy industry. Today you can see many products that were made using forging of various metals: these are benches, lanterns, fences and fences, tables and even forged chairs.

History of forging

The first forging was done a very long time ago. But the first forged products served strictly for everyday life, but not for the purposes of beauty and interior decoration. In ancient times, forging took place like this: they took iron for this, heated it on a fire, thereby making tools. After the Stone Age there was the Bronze Age. This meant that people began to use an alloy of tin and copper for survival, which became popularly called bronze.

It is believed that they invented a method for producing iron from iron ore in Central Asia in the 2nd millennium BC. e. The products were created using the so-called “cheese-fuel method”, it happened like this: charcoal and pre-crushed ore were mixed together, then the substance was thrown into a pit and set on fire. This method of “preparing” iron lasted until the 9th century BC. e.

Around this time, a new branch of craft appeared, which began to be called blacksmithing. This new industry developed. It was only in the 18th–20th centuries that forges began to become separate enterprises. Then they grew into more - metal processing factories and steel mills. Now these factories and plants are the basis of heavy industry.

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Several types of forgings

Artistic decorative forging is divided into two types: hot and cold. The most common is hot forging. This type is widely used in the manufacture of both forged furniture and various fences.

Hot forging

This happens in the following way: the metal that they want to process is lowered into a stamp mold. Next, the stamp is placed in a special oven. Different types of metal have different melting points, which means the furnace is heated to a specific type.

At the initial stage, the furnace is not very hot, so that the metals gradually heat up. Then the temperature is gradually increased to the melting temperature of the desired metal. As the temperature increases, the metal becomes softer and more pliable to work with.

It is important to carefully monitor this process, because the higher the temperature in the furnace, the faster the metal can crystallize, that is, the longer it is in the furnace, the faster it will harden and will not be amenable to processing. Then the stamp is taken out, and the blacksmith immediately begins work on forging the desired item or part.

But before the forging process, the metal is cooled in cold water by simply lowering the blank with it into a special container.

Even after such a process, the surface of the metal is not smooth, it has unevenness and is rough to the touch. To give it a beautiful look, the blacksmith grinds the surface with a chisel and hits it with a hammer several times. This is how the metal turns into a beautiful forging, but before completing the work, it is checked using calipers, templates and rulers to ensure that the result matches the idea.

Cold forging

The cold forging method is not as popular and not as old as hot forging. Its distinctive feature is the production of parts according to templates, which means that it is impossible to obtain a unique or unusual product.

This type of forging is carried out in special workshops, where almost all manufacturing processes are controlled by operators, and not by blacksmiths, as in hot forging. Cold forging was called for a reason - metals really don’t heat up.

Simply the parts that need to be connected are welded using a welding machine.

Enameling is the last step in completing artistic forging. The recesses in the forged product are covered with champlevé enamel, which is produced by mixing alumina, silica and other oxides. They do this so that the product shines and looks much more beautiful.

Forged products were almost always very popular, especially among those who really loved and appreciated this art. Nowadays, custom-forged items are considered a sign of wealth and luxury. It is also worth noting that along with this type of art, artistic casting is also popular. It has lower prices and faster work. Unique things are obtained as a result of forging, because artistic casting is simply pouring metal into a mold.

Our company “Nevskie Resources” plans to develop a direction in metal forging and produce high-quality work. At the moment, we have developed a process for hot forging of blanks with the subsequent production of products called baths for vertical welding.

Our contact numbers: (812) 603-27-55, (812) 603-27-58, (812) 603-27-70 In the technical department you can get advice on all issues, including the cost of products. 

To place an order, just contact our managers by phone or email: [email protected]

Source: http://nevres.spb.ru/news-detail/newresnews/artistic_forging/

Forged products: souvenirs and patterns of artistic forging, sketches of elements and machines for work

If we talk about forged products as objects of our everyday life, then the most suitable words would be high aesthetics, exclusivity and durability. This is a very rare combination of properties - to be functional and beautiful at the same time.

This fully applies to products of blacksmithing. That is why interest and demand for artistic forging items has not decreased for a very long time.

Where is artistic forging used?

Forged items are appropriate everywhere: both inside residential premises and in garden areas. The main thing is to understand and feel the style of the environment so that it harmonizes with the new metal accessories.

The matter is made easier by the fact that almost all decorative forged elements get along well with any type of park or garden landscape.

Artistic forging is good everywhere: surrounded by marble sculptures of Italian squares, and against the backdrop of the bright greenery of English parks, and in the strict symmetry of French parks, and in estates of the classical Russian style. The main thing is a sense of proportion: is the ornament appropriate, are there too many decorative elements, etc.

Many small asymmetrical curls against an overall lush background are not suitable everywhere and not in every home or garden. Baroque, and this is exactly what it is, always requires large spaces both indoors and in open areas.

Modern technologies for forging and decorative metal processing make it possible to make things of any style, including the most modern. Their subtlety and elegance will decorate any landscape.

Classification of decorative elements

The line of difference lies between hot and cold forging.

Stamping or cold forging

Stamping or cold artistic forging is carried out at normal temperature or slight heating to the level of initial structural changes in the metal - approximately 200 - 250 ° C.

But with hot forging, any modifications and shapes are possible - the breadth of embodiment of artistic ideas is much greater.

Forged patterns

There are many of them: from classic to the most modern and sometimes unexpected styles.

The following decorative elements can be made from wire or steel rods:

  1. Spiral.
    This pattern is made up of many circles that become smaller towards the base of the spiral. The spiral can be double-sided or single-sided.
  2. Double helix.
    This is a complex spatial design in which each figure is a double-sided spiral. The largest diameter of the spiral ring is located in the middle part of the ornament, which is why this ornament is sometimes called a Chinese lantern. This element is made from two rods or thick wire.
  3. Volute.
    This is one of the most popular elements that can be arranged in large quantities and in different positions, creating a variety of patterns. It's essentially a simple curl. But it can be positioned differently and have a unidirectional concavity, when the curls are located on one side of the axis. Or they can be multidirectional, with curls on both sides of the pattern axis.
  4. Cool.
    Part of the rod or all of the rod is twisted in the same direction.
  5. Top.
    These forged products with a funny name are made to decorate the tops of window bars, fences and fences. These are rods with sharp edges, to which curls are then attached.

Types of artistic forged products

It is impossible to describe all existing types in this article - there are too many of them. Let's go through some of them - the most popular.


This is the most popular solution among owners of country houses and plots - fences with forged elements. A special place is occupied by forged gates, which can be located separately or built into the wall.

Gates also belong to this most popular group of blacksmith products. This is where the creativity of homeowners knows no bounds: from medieval doors with turrets to lace metal panels with swans.

Such fences can have protective functions, or can serve as zoning areas or small hedges for flower beds.

garden furniture

If possible, each owner of a plot of land tries to arrange the place as a recreation area with a table, benches and chairs. Artistic forging is suitable for this like nothing else, because metal products are not afraid of either precipitation or time.

Products made using artistic forging techniques - 10 photos.

Forged tables can be decorated in a wide variety of ways. They can be made only of metal, or can be presented with countertops made of other materials: stone, plastic, wood.

Strength, durability, stability and high aesthetics, which will decorate any area near any home. This is an excellent choice of garden furniture option.

Garden gazebos

Such a gazebo is the ultimate dream of many owners of open garden plots. It is beautiful, functional, unique and extremely durable. This design will protect from bad weather and is not afraid of wind.

There are countless design options for gazebos; these are excellent prospects for high-flying thoughts.

Forged bridges

If there is water, you need a bridge. Even if it is the smallest one, it will bring comfort, originality and a unique fairy-tale atmosphere to the landscape of your site. Such bridges are usually made graceful, thin, with decorative elements in the form of plants, butterflies, and petals.

Arched ceilings and pergolas

A pergola is neither a gazebo nor a canopy. These are special structures for supporting flowers, from which entire walls and ceilings are made. With their help, you can create entire corridors of flowers and climbing plants.

Forged trellises and arches are excellent companions for the most exquisite plants; they will only emphasize the entire aesthetics of leaves, petals and tree trunks.

Country grills and other accessories

Outdoor barbecues have become the ubiquitous embodiment of outdoor recreation. We're not talking about regular barbecues - the little monstrosities scattered around public parks like trash. We are talking about garden barbecues, made according to sketches of artistic forging and having an additional role of decorating any personal plot.

If it is not possible to purchase expensive blacksmith furniture or household items, you can limit yourself to small accessories such as forged lamps, miniature stands for flowers, baskets for umbrellas in the hallway, etc. – there are a great many options for such little things.

Despite their small size, they will add a serious dose of high aesthetics to the overall picture.

DIY forged products

It is clear that blacksmithing has always been an elite craft for a narrow circle of craftsmen; this pleasure is neither cheap nor easy. In addition to technical experience, you need to have artistic taste and a sense of style.

At the same time, instead of the classic hammer and anvil, artistic forging machines are increasingly being used today. They make blacksmithing more accessible, but experience and, most importantly, blacksmith’s creative talent have not been canceled.

Well-developed spatial thinking, ingenuity, the ability to make the right choice, speed of action and, of course, creative imagination - this is the necessary set of properties of a high-flying blacksmith master in order to make real works of blacksmith art.

In addition, hot free forging is hard physical work, which is something you need to remember before deciding to start your own blacksmithing business. And the blacksmith's workshop, in its conditions, is very far from the usual office premises.

Equipment for artistic forging in this case will be quite accessible and inexpensive: a welding machine, an angle grinder, a power source and electrodes.

Source: https://tutsvarka.ru/kovka/kovanye-izdeliya

Features of artistic forging

Advantages of products with elements of artistic forging:

  • Uniqueness. The blacksmith creates a unique design every time.
  • Long service life.
  • Possibility of use in small areas and in large funeral complexes.
  • Resistant to temperature changes.
  • No complicated care.
  • Wide selection of patterns.
  • Combination with any material - granite, wood, brick, etc.

To create forged items, metal is used that meets the required ductility and toughness. It can be brass, steel, iron, copper, silver or gold. Such materials bend and form any shape without tearing or cracking.

For example, aluminum is lightweight and attractive in appearance. However, it is rarely used in its pure form, as over time it loses its durable characteristics.

Copper is suitable for creating vintage-style jewelry. Over time, the material becomes covered with a patina, which makes the product look antique. More often, to create forged products, craftsmen combine copper and zinc to form brass. The resulting composition is distinguished by a yellow tint, increased strength and anti-corrosion characteristics.

An alloy of copper and nickel is called cupronickel. It has a milky silver color, so it is often used to create patterns with imitation silver.

From solid rods of various sections, blacksmiths create composite elements that will later turn into ornate patterns. Before installation, the finished product must be treated with a special compound that will protect the surface from rust.

In architecture, two types of artistic forging are known, depending on the processing:

Hot forging

This method is the most popular. It is used to create unique decorative elements. The source is heated to a specific temperature, making it soft and plastic. It is important here not to overheat the material. Otherwise, the base will become fragile and lose its attractive appearance.

After heat treatment, the blacksmith gives the product the desired shape using a special press and hammer, and then cools the structure in water.

Cold forging

This type of treatment is used less frequently. It is used for mass production, and the elements are connected by welding. Such products are beautiful, but not unique.

Cold forged parts are created without heating. The metal is modified under the influence of a press, and only then fired at high temperatures. This method is relevant for precious materials that have the necessary characteristics for gentle processing.

The cost of forged products depends on the size of the design and the complexity of the work done. In any case, a fence with artistic forging will cost more than its metal or granite counterparts. Even in ancient mythology, blacksmiths were compared to gods. For example, Hephaestus, Vulcan, Thor and Amatsumara were fond of this art of forging. Such an elite destination requires an appropriate price.

Basic forged patterns

Despite the individuality of the product, it is still possible to highlight the most popular elements in artistic forging:

  • Curls . Spirals are directed in one direction or in several. Up to 5 turns can be made from a 1-2 cm rod.
  • Chinese lantern . This design of two or three elements is presented in the form of a spiral in two rows.
  • Volute . This is a single-sided or double-sided curl, which is more often used to decorate balustrades or trellises.
  • Cool . The pattern is a twisted rod and is used to decorate balusters, fireplaces, and decorative elements.
  • Pommel . This is the final element on the bars of the gratings. A series of curls are attached to the peak, which creates a beautiful combination.

Patterns are often made using cold artistic forging, since hot forging requires more time, classification and, accordingly, costs several times more.

Forged fences

Artistic forging at RitualGranit is more often used to create forged fences for graves. They protect the territory from animals or random visitors, and also give the burial a finished appearance.

A fence with artistic forging in Minsk is not afraid of temperature changes, weather changes and does not require complex maintenance.

In addition, forged fences can be endowed with the individual characteristics of the deceased. For example, add an anchor to a laurel branch or stars if the deceased was a naval soldier. A metal treble clef or the silhouette of any musical instrument is relevant to a musician.

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Are you going to order a product with artistic forging in Minsk? Leave a request and we will call you soon to clarify the details!

Source: https://ritualgranit.by/blog/chto-takoe-khudozhestvennaya-kovka/

Artistic metal forging technique

[Artistic metal forging] is a type of decorative and applied art when sophisticated objects are created by forging (deforming) metal.

There are hot forging and cold forging.

For hot forging, the workpiece is preheated in a forge, and then processed on an anvil, periodically reheating the object in the fire.

Cold forging does not require pre-heating of the part.

History of artistic forging

Artistic forging has been known since ancient times; mention of artistic forging can be found in the legends of ancient peoples, for example, in the myths of Ancient Greece, which tell about the magnificent armor that the blacksmith god Hephaestus created with his own hands.

Artistic metal forging was widespread among all nations who knew how to work with metal; archaeologists date the first objects decorated with forging to the 3rd millennium BC.

Master blacksmiths used forging to decorate everything with their own hands - from weapons and armor to household items, dishes, and later forged products began to be used in architecture. Special equipment for forging appeared much later.

The photo clearly shows how thin and airy a forged metal product can be.

Along with the change in fashion and artistic styles prevailing in society, the type of objects made in forges also changed.

All styles of art - from strict Gothic to elaborate Baroque - can be seen in forged products created in different years.

The offered photos clearly show that forged products belong to different styles.

The design of forged items underwent significant changes to comply with the latest trends in art, however, the key points remained unchanged - everything was made in a forge-workshop, where there was special equipment. Each item emphasized individuality and showed the status of its owner, be it a rough pattern on a metal dish or the intricate ligature of a forged gate of an estate, as in this photo.

Of course, initially forged products were made by hand, but with the development of technology, the work of the blacksmith became more mechanized, equipment appeared that made it possible to maintain a constant temperature in the forge, and pneumatic and mechanical hammers were invented.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Secrets of cold galvanizing of metal

In the modern world, craftsmen who create forged works of art can do the work with their own hands or use equipment to perform artistic forging of metal.

Forging tools

Just like thousands of years ago, the most important tools for doing forging yourself are an anvil, hammer and forge. This standard forging equipment can be purchased by anyone today.

A forge is a special furnace in which the workpiece is heated to the required temperature. An anvil is a metal support block on which a workpiece is forged using a hammer.

Depending on the size of the product, hammers of different weights are used - from a handbrake to a sledgehammer.

You can imagine the work of a blacksmith at an anvil and other forging equipment by watching this video.

In large art workshops, pneumatic or mechanical hammers are used to forge large objects.

Auxiliary blacksmith tools include pliers - a device for holding a part.

The pliers have long handles to avoid burns when heating metal in a forge and injuries when forging a product.

Also in the group of auxiliary tools for hot forging are various rounded hammers, chisels, rams, bits, undercuts, crimps, etc.; craftsmen also use several types of plates.

During cold forging, in the hands of the master you can see files, scrapers, cutters, stamps, as well as various tools for graining, corrugating and chasing.

Depending on the dimensions of the item being made, the blacksmith uses tools of various sizes; in this photo, the blacksmith’s tools are somewhat reminiscent of surgical instruments.

This entire tool is used if the master performs artistic forging with his own hands.

Also in the workshops you can see special machines for artistic forging, one of which is shown in the next photo.

Types of blacksmithing

Artistic forging of metal is performed by deforming the workpiece, and depending on the type of workpiece (metal strip, rod, pipe, wire, etc.), the tool used and the processing method, the craftsman can perform the following work with his own hands: making cones, baskets, rings , spirals, twisting the rod, chasing, punching holes or chopping.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Methods and types of mechanical processing of metals

In the photo below you can see the simplest elements of artistic forging.

Large forged products are created in parts - the craftsman forges individual elements with his own hands, which are then assembled according to a pattern into a single whole.

The elements are connected using clamps and rivets, which is also a decorative element (see photo); in some cases, various types of welding are used.

Therefore, art workshops where they do forging are also equipped with welding machines.

Types of modern forging equipment

Machine tools greatly facilitate the work of a blacksmith; now, instead of a whole set of blacksmith tools, the master gets control of one machine and essentially becomes its operator.

Instead of hard physical work, the blacksmith installs the necessary equipment on the machine, secures the workpiece and presses one button or pedal.

In addition to this, the time required to manufacture one item is reduced; the products have the same shape and size, as they are made according to patterns (equipment) or using software control.

The use of machines for artistic forging, due to their compact dimensions, frees up additional space in the workshop.

Forging machines

The main equipment for artistic forging is forging machines.


  • machines for hot metal processing;
  • machines for cold metal processing;
  • universal machines that allow the use of both processing methods.

“Cold” processing includes, for example, bending parts according to a template, manufacturing twisted parts, cold cutting of workpieces, winding rings and spirals.

The following work is performed using the “hot” method: forging “legs”, forging and rolling dense “legs”, forging domed and faceted peaks (see examples in the photo).

The most common in our country are the domestic universal machines “Master-2” and “Master-3”, which allow you to perform artistic forging with your own hands.

The advantage of these machines is their reliability and reliability, as well as the wide range of forging operations available for these machines.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Using solder for soldering aluminum, copper, steel

I would also like to note the convenient price segment for Russian buyers, and the availability of all equipment elements and spare parts for these machines.

The “Master-2” machine performs forging using “cold” and “hot” methods; a propane oven is used to heat the workpieces, which complements the equipment of these machines.

Source: https://rezhemmetall.ru/hudozhestvennaya-kovka-metalla.html

What you need to know about artistic forging when making forged products

According to technical terminology, artistic forging is a method of metal processing in which the required shapes and sizes are achieved through deformation. This definition hides one of the most ancient technologies, which allowed man to take a huge step in history and has not lost its significance today. Forging is actively used in metallurgy and mechanical engineering.

What is artistic forging

The main sign of artistic metal forging is the presence of a creative or artistic component in the product produced by the master. This product can be made for practical use or have only aesthetic value. Artistic forging has long been established as an independent type of blacksmithing, and another specialization has been added to the blacksmith’s profession - metal artist.

Tools for artistic forging

For many centuries, the standard set of blacksmith equipment and tools has not changed. A forge with coals, bellows for fanning them, a hammer and anvil, tongs and a barrel of water were the main tools of the blacksmith. The development of medieval production introduced elements of mechanization into this set, and the industrial revolution turned blacksmithing into an industry aimed at mass production of products.

This direction received at its disposal a whole range of special equipment for artistic forging, machines and devices that made the work of a blacksmith easier and made it possible to produce complex products.

The classic coal forge still remains in the blacksmith's arsenal, but muffle furnaces and induction heaters have also come to its aid.
Many forging machines retained their historical names, corresponding to their purpose - benders, snails, waves, twisters and torsion bars - but received a powerful electric drive or turned into universal multifunctional machines. gold troika cold forging tool

Hot artistic forging

During hot forging, the product is subjected to preliminary and, if necessary, accompanying heating to increase softness and ductility. There are two types of hot forging of metal:

  1. Free or hand forging, in which the workpiece is freely placed on an anvil, and the required shape and size are achieved by blows of a hand or mechanical hammer. This type also includes forge welding - the connection of parts heated to the melting temperature using a forging tool.
  2. Stamping, in which the workpiece is placed in a die with an internal cavity, the shape and size corresponding to the finished product. During the forging process, the workpiece is deformed and fills the empty die area.

Handmade artistic metal forging

Cold artistic forging

In cold forging, the product is processed without preheating.
It takes a lot of force to deform cold metal, so this method is used for processing small-section workpieces. For cold artistic forging, a variety of machines are used, including cold stamping. Cold forging - my machines and devices.

Basic artistic forging techniques

Each type of forging of metals and alloys has its own technologies and processing methods. Artistic forging, taking into account its specifics, uses in its arsenal almost all the basic techniques of blacksmithing, with the help of which any creative idea can be expressed in metal.


The purpose of the operation is to reduce the length of the workpiece while simultaneously increasing the cross-section. In hot hand forging, the heated part is placed vertically on an anvil and hammered at the upper end. By heating individual places and holding the part with tongs, thickened nodes, bends, volumetric or flat elements of the intended decoration can be made on it.


Broaching is the opposite operation to upsetting and is used to lengthen the workpiece. The direction of impact when broaching is across the axis of the part with its rotation or advancement along its length.


Depending on the shape of the workpiece (flat, round, hollow, ring) and the equipment used, the broaching technique includes many techniques. Individual broaching techniques can be called by their own terms - spreading, flattening or rolling.


The operation is used in hot forging methods and consists of rounding the edges of profile blanks. Initially, the corners of the workpiece are forged, bringing it to an octagonal cross-section. The final rounding is performed using special crimps or cutout hammers.


Threading various elements through each other is a common technique actively used in artistic forging. Threading is carried out in two ways - by assembling according to the principle of chain links or by flashing a hole in one of the elements. In this case, chisels of the required shape and size are used for the operation.

Decoration of ledges

Ledges of various shapes in the artistic forging technique are made for both decorative and technological purposes in order to secure the parts together. The ledges are made using sharp anvil ribs or special backing equipment.


Bending is a common technology actively used in artistic forging. Special machines and devices have been developed for bending, allowing craftsmen to work according to their own templates.

DIY forged elements and parts

Today there are shops or workshops offering artistic forging products of their own production. The demand for these products is stable, despite the inflated cost of forged products.

If you wish and have some experience working with metal, much of the range of artistic forging professionals can be done with your own hands. It is not at all necessary to arm yourself with a forge and a sledgehammer or purchase a special machine.

Even for the manufacture of complex elements or products, a workbench, a vice, a welding machine and a hammer are sufficient. The material for amateur creativity will be a round rod, a profile pipe with a small cross-section, a narrow strip of steel or sheet metal.

Forged pattern with your own hands. Artistic forging of metal.


As furniture for self-production, you can consider garden or country tables and chairs, decorative shelves for walls.
Forged elements can decorate the interior of a kitchen, bedroom, hallway or garden gazebo, and an old stool or floor lamp intended for scrapping can be reinforced with forged strips and presented as an antique. Forged furniture. Table and chairs


A gazebo, the cherished dream of summer residents and owners of their own plots, does not have to be made of wood or brick.
You can also make a metal structure from a profile. It is easy to turn it into a light and elegant composition with the help of hand-made forged parts - an openwork arch twisted from a steel circle at the entrance, curlicues around the perimeter of the gazebo or an intricate pendant for a lamp. Gazebo alone over the weekend. Preparation and assembly.


Forged gates and entrance gates are perhaps the most popular products from the range of artistic forging today, in which practicality is combined with artistic taste.
Meanwhile, many owners of private houses, for economic reasons, make do with an entrance unit purchased or independently made from standard rolled metal and metal profiles. Do-it-yourself gate with a wicket. Artistic forging.

Any metal structure can be classified as non-standard or made initially using the simplest self-made forged elements. The already mentioned steel rods, profiles or strips are used as a workpiece. From them you can make various twisted patterns and monograms, leaves and buds, strict or arbitrary geometric shapes.

Source: https://metalloy.ru/obrabotka/kovka/hudozhestvennaya

Forging. Glossary of terms

Communication with any specialist significantly expands not only the horizons, but often the customer’s vocabulary. When you turn to the workshop for forged elements for your own country house, you will definitely encounter some new concepts for you. In order not to confuse the masters with the wording of their questions and to easily understand what they are telling you, we have compiled a small dictionary of basic “blacksmithing” terms.

Brothers Johann and Georg Schmidberger in their forge in Molln, Austria. Lisi Niesner/Reuters

General concepts

Metals and alloys used in artistic forging are iron, steel, copper, bronze, brass, tin, aluminum.

Malleability is a property of metals that allows them to be susceptible to forging and other types of metal processing. The main indicators of malleability are resistance to deformation and ductility.

Corrosion resistance is the ability of a metal to resist exposure to an aggressive environment.

The rigidity of forged structures is the property of forged parts of metal structures not to change geometric dimensions under external influence.

Elements: forged and cast

Often, to reduce the cost of the product, it is proposed to “assemble” the structure from ready-made elements. Or the description of a project made from your picture mentions names that are unfamiliar to you. Most often these are classic decorative elements of forged products.

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This may upset some, but forged elements are usually made in China. Wholesale suppliers bring batches of elements for blacksmiths to order from extensive catalogs.

Acanthus leaf is a classic decorative element depicting the leaf of a southern plant. Balusters are shaped columns connected at the top by railings. In blacksmithing they are used in the manufacture of railings for stairs, balconies, and terraces. Flowerpot decoration, stylized as a vase or basket. Volute element in the shape of a curl. Wider - a spiral-shaped motif in architecture, often with a peephole inside. Monogram are the initial letters of proper names, connected to each other in an openwork pattern. A garland is a motif made from an interweaving of flowers, leaves and fruits, sometimes intertwined with a ribbon. Cartouche is an element in the form of a scroll or shield with curled edges. Bracket (forged) is an artistically designed part or structure that is attached to the wall and serves as a support for something. A medallion is an oval or round frame for any image, as well as the design itself, a relief ornament, enclosed in such a frame. Finishing is a decorative completion of the upper part of a pillar, stand (balls, peaks, cones, etc.). The end is a classic element of artistic forging, the final part of a forged product, characterized by a drawn-out end (often a delicate curl with decreasing thickness). Palmette motif in the form of a stylized multi-lobed palm leaf. A rosette motif that looks like a round stylized image of a flower with identical petals. Solomon's spiral (basket, cone) is a decorative element formed from thin rods, spirally twisted and forming a hollow openwork “cocoon”. Flowers One of the most popular motifs in artistic forging. Most often they are made in parts, after which they are assembled into an artistic pattern using welding, riveting or soldering.

It wouldn't hurt to know that

Rapport is a repeating element of an ornament. A module is an artistic and decorative element (or fragment) taken as the basis for constructing the same repeating pattern. A link (section) is a part of a metal fence or fence, delimited by two posts or posts.

Finishing of forged products

Burnishing is a heat treatment of a metal product with preliminary application of special chemicals to its surface: acids and oils. As a result, the metal is covered with a blue-black oxide film. Etching is the creation of a design, pattern, or inscription on a metal object using caustic chemicals.

Inlay decoration of metal forged products with other non-ferrous metals or precious stones. Notching is a decorative metal treatment that involves applying “dashes” to the surface. Used to create fine figured designs, for example, depicting veins on plant leaves.

Patina is an oxide-carbonate film that has a color tint (silver, bronze, green). Patina is formed under the influence of the environment, while at the same time protecting the metal from destruction. It has decorative value especially in the production of semi-antique forged items.

Corrugation is one of the methods of decorative finishing of forged products using blacksmith tools (rough engraving). Filigree decorative finishing of metal products with patterns made of twisted wire. Palace of Solemn Registration of Births, St. Petersburg


A clamp is an element connecting several rods or other forged elements. Today it is used only in manual hot forging. Bindra is a wire used to temporarily (before welding or soldering) connect elements of a forged product. A rivet is an iron rod that is cylindrical in shape with a head at one end; used for connecting forged elements and parts.


Riveting is one of the oldest methods of joining forged metals, when individual parts are connected using rivets.

Soldering is the process of introducing solder (molten material) between metal parts, which has a melting point lower than the parts being fused, resulting in a strong connection being formed.

Welding is a method of joining metal products by jointly deforming them after heating the welding points. Previously, a forge was used for this; today gas and electric welding are more often used.

Processing of forged products

Quenching is the rapid cooling of steel heated to a very high temperature; gives the product hardness and other necessary qualities. Cleaning is the mechanical removal of scale, weld beads, welding spatter and other metal defects from a forged product.

Matting by sandblasting is the treatment of the surface with a jet of sand supplied under pressure, which allows you to level the surface and make it rougher (to improve the adhesion of paints and varnishes). Anti-corrosion treatment is the coating of metal surfaces with a thin layer of another metal, alloy, or non-metallic material to form an anti-corrosion coating to protect against corrosion.

Primer is the application of a preliminary coating to a forged product to improve adhesion (sticking) of the main protective or decorative coating. Painting is the application of a protective or decorative (often these functions are combined) coating to a product.

Galvanic coating is a metal film applied to the surface of metal products using the electroplating method to give them hardness, wear resistance, anti-corrosion, anti-friction, and decorative properties (zinc plating, anodizing, chrome plating, nickel plating, oxidation). The method is not widely used due to its high cost. Louvre, France, 17th century

Rolled material

What the blacksmith will make the product from.

A semi-finished metal rod, a blank for the production of parts using plastic deformation or cutting. Depending on their purpose, the rods have a cross-section of round, rectangular, hexagonal, less often trapezoidal, oval or segmental in shape.

  • Square - a square rod with a diameter of 8 to 25 mm.
  • Round timber - a rod of round cross-section.

* A change in the cross-section of a standard square rod from 20?20 to a strip of 30?5 and then to a strip of 20?10 can only be achieved using the forging method. Round timber blank with a diameter of 50 mm, used for turned parts. A strip of rod of rectangular cross-section, half in relation to the square. A profiled dimensional piece of a product obtained by rolling, pressing, molding (flexing) between rolls. Profile section - a section along a line perpendicular to the long side of the segment; varies in width. Forging is an intermediate blank or product obtained by forging or die stamping. Depending on their characteristics, forgings are divided by cross-section - square, rectangular, polygonal and round, as well as by manufacturing method - stamped and forged.


Forging is one of the main types of metal forming using heat. According to the technology, they distinguish between hot (processing of hot metal), cold (deformation of cold metal blanks), and mixed (use of forged, finished cast and welded elements). Die forging is a method of processing iron in which the required shape is obtained by pressing prepared materials into a special metal mold.

Casting is the process of producing shaped castings by filling prepared molds with molten metal. Cast elements (balls, peaks, etc.) are often used in parallel with forged elements and are integral parts of fences, gates, and railings. Stamping is a type of metal forming in which the formation of a forging from a heated workpiece is carried out using a special tool - a stamp.

A blank stamp for the production of standard repeating elements required in large quantities (for example, the same type of curls for a fence). Torsion (twisting) is a method of processing metal rods to give a decorative appearance. Rods with a thickness of no more than two centimeters, pre-annealed and cooled in air, can be twisted in a cold state using simple technologies. Mansion fencing Z.

G. Morozova on Spiridonovka, Moscow

Metal processing techniques

Rolling is the transformation of wire into a narrow strip by rolling it in special rollers, one of the classic techniques of artistic forging. Drawing is a metal forming process in which round or shaped workpieces are pulled through a hole whose cross-section is smaller than the cross-section of the workpiece.

Knockout is the bending of a part on a mold using hammer blows with preheating. Cutting out (cutting) is the production of parts of a given shape from sheet metal using cutting tools by cutting. Punching is cutting out parts of a certain shape or part of a workpiece using a sharp tool (chisel, blacksmith axe, etc.).

Bending changes the shape and geometry of the metal, performed without preheating. Under the influence of force, the workpiece bends and deforms, its outer layers are stretched, and its inner layers are compressed. Rolling is a form of pressure processing of metals and metal alloys, which consists of compressing them between rotating rolls of rolling mills.

Chopping is the process of working metal using a special blacksmith axe, chisel or undercut. One of the technical methods of artistic forging, the result of which is the cutting off of a part of the metal along the outer contour of the workpiece.

Straightening (straightening) of rolled products, wire, long forgings, stampings, castings, machined parts to eliminate distortions and other defects. Embossing is the artistic processing of metal, the production of drawings, inscriptions, images, which consists of knocking out a certain relief on a plate.

Source: https://designcapital.ru/article/19

What is: artistic forging

07 October 2013, 14:52

Forging itself, as an ancient method of metal processing, arose during the founding of the first states - Iran, Mesopotamia, Egypt; forging was used by the Indians of North and South America and other peoples. The art of metal processing was one of the signs of statehood. First of all, forging was used in the manufacture of weapons, household items, and tools; artistic forging appeared much later.

A little history

From the 14th-15th centuries, the spread and gradual popularization of artistic forging began, which became a luxury item that not everyone could afford.

With the development of trade and technical crafts, artistic forging is becoming increasingly expressive, especially in Germany and France. Italy, Czech Republic. Architectural metal reached its peak during the Renaissance, during the creation of landscape gardening ensembles.

The main customer for the blacksmiths was the church. At all times, the blacksmith always worked under the strict guidance of the architect. The concept of an artist-blacksmith was completely absent.

Forging during the Baroque period became more intricate, it was distinguished by a complex alternation of elements, a large number of curls, and it looked very magnificent. The Rococo era finally changes the appearance of forging - symmetry, abundance, and accumulation of elements disappear in it; Rococo is characterized by plant motifs and filigree.

In Ancient Rus', blacksmiths enjoyed special respect. They made swords, helmets, chain mail, shields, horse harness decorations, and together with jewelers they created stunningly beautiful jewelry. With the development of cities, blacksmithing became widespread; blacksmithing cartels were created in cities in Rus'.

Artistic forging was widely used in the architecture of palaces under Peter I, who was an ardent supporter of change and an adherent of European culture. Then, having gained a strong position, forging as a decorative element was steadily used in architecture.

In the 20th century in the Soviet Union, forging gave way to casting (primarily this is due to the development of rolling and stamping production).


Currently, artistic forging is again gaining popularity, and now it is literally entering our home - in the form of interior items and landscape design. Along with the manual labor of blacksmiths in art workshops, products are manufactured using industrial methods.

The greatest demand among forged furniture are beds, benches, tables, chairs, fireplace accessories, hangers, flower stands, shelves, consoles, lamps, chandeliers, sconces, as well as various accessories. Forged gates, balcony and lawn fences, gazebos, pavilions, arches, bridges, and garden benches are widely used in landscape design. Accessories are also interesting - forged flower stands, stands, door handles, figures for the garden.

The choice of forged products requires a sense of style, because forging has polar properties - it can be either very elegant, modern, or “heavy”, archaic. A landscape designer will help you with the choice of artistic forging; in addition, many companies offer to make forged products to order.

Manufacturing process

Forged products, like many centuries ago, require great skill and diligence. They are born as a result of long and painstaking work: first, designers create and refine a sketch to the smallest detail, then carry out computer modeling.

And only then, after agreeing on all the nuances with the customer, the craftsmen begin the mystery of transforming cold and shapeless metal into amazing works of art. Disparate forged elements are combined into a single composition, forming complex patterns, intricate ornaments, and openwork.

Modern machines and equipment allow you to reproduce a design of any complexity that your imagination is capable of.

One of the varieties is cold forging - in which the product is not heated, but processed with hammers and other tools. It is believed that cold forging is preferable because it does not affect the metal at high temperatures, which supposedly makes it stronger.

Forged gates

Forged gates are in great demand. They can be built into a wall or gate or located separately. The choice of a forged gate is very important, since the gate is the first thing people see when approaching the house.

Fully forged fences are very common in European gardens; in our country, a combination of materials is more often used. Forging looks very beautiful with stone. The combination of forging and wood creates the feeling of a real medieval gate.

Forged products are coated with paint of different colors, their height can also be different - from 1.5 to 3 or even 5 m.

Wrought iron furniture

Forged tables can be chosen in different designs, they come in different colors and sizes, and can combine different materials (combination with wood is a classic option, forged tables using glass are distinguished by the Art Nouveau style). Forged benches, as a rule, also represent a combination with wood, although there are also completely forged benches. A wrought-iron bed is what will be the highlight of your bedroom interior. Forged furniture is an excellent choice, because it is durable, stable, and very beautiful.

Forged arches and pergolas

Forged arches and forged pergolas are used to create corridors in a summer cottage; they are used for zoning a garden; they often serve as a support for climbing plants on the site. Forged arches and pergolas will highlight the beauty of flower beds and ponds.

Forged lanterns, lamps

The advantage of forged lanterns and lamps is that they fit well into different architectural styles. Tall wrought iron lanterns create a romantic mood; sometimes they look a little old-fashioned, which gives the garden a special charm. Forged lanterns can also be attached to the walls of the house. Small forged lanterns and lamps can be placed in a rocky garden or placed near a pond.

Forged accessories

The size of a summer cottage does not always allow for the placement of large forged products, so you can limit yourself to forged accessories. These can include forged figures for the garden, forged flower stands, door knockers, and umbrella holders.

Caring for forged products

Forged products are durable. Typically, manufacturers provide a warranty of 5-7 years. However, while forged items in the interior do not require special care, forged items in the garden that are exposed to adverse weather conditions need to be looked after. Once every two to three years, it is recommended to apply powder coating or refresh the paint. Also, do not forget to lubricate the moving mechanisms of forged gates and gates.

In recent years, artistic forging has seen an active revival.

Instead of bulky stone fences, elegant wrought iron fences are coming to estates; home interiors are complemented by wrought iron furniture, lamps and other elements that perform both their direct functions and serve solely for decorative purposes. More and more people prefer forged interior items, as they make rooms presentable and emphasize the delicate, impeccable taste of the homeowner.  

Source: https://www.ikirov.ru/news/23648-chto-takoe-hudozhestvennaya-kovka

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