What metals are considered precious

List of precious metals and their characteristics



Greetings, my reader! On my women's website in the section: “Jewelry” I would like to make a short excursion into the list of metals that are noble or, that is, precious.

And so, let's answer the question:

What metals are considered precious?

Precious metals are those that are widely used in the jewelry and electronics industries, as well as in nanoindustrial production.

They are distinguished by:

  • extraordinary shine,
  • grace and
  • increased resistance to corrosion and oxidation.

Such metals are rarely found in pure form in nature; they must be specially mined. That is why they received the name precious.

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The list of precious metals includes the following:

  • silver,
  • gold,
  • platinum in its pure form and
  • its alloys (palladium, iridium, ruthenium, osmium and rhodium).

Some scientists consider a metal such as technetium to be a noble metal. It is extremely rare in natural conditions and has increased radioactivity.

Characteristics of precious metals

The following types of precious metals are natural: platinum and its alloys, silver, gold. A detailed description of each species deserves special attention.

The characteristics of precious metals largely determine their area of ​​application.

Each noble metal has some characteristics. For example, rhodium .

Noble rhodium has a silvery color with a bluish sheen. 1 gram of this metal costs about 230 US dollars.

Distinguished by its increased resistance to aggressive environments, rhodium is at the same time quite fragile. It is used only in those areas where there are no analogues for a full replacement.

Rhodium is the most valuable and most precious metal on the planet.

Platinum is the second most valuable noble metal. It is found very rarely in nature in its pure form, more often in alloys with other metals.


To obtain platinum, a complex and costly process is organized.

No acid, taken separately from others, has a destructive effect on platinum. Air does not oxidize this metal over time.

Platinum is valued not only for its silvery-white color, but also for its excellent chemical resistance.

The most important precious metal is gold .

In nature, it is found both in pure form in nuggets and in silver-gold alloys.


Gold, as a metal, is distinguished by excellent thermal conductivity and low resistance parameters.

The peculiarity of gold is its ductility and malleability. The metal is quite heavy.

In terms of chemical resistance and strength, gold is inferior to other noble metals.

The heaviest of the precious metals is osmium .


The silvery-white metal does not occur in its pure form in natural conditions.

Rarity leads to high cost and narrow range of applications.

Osmium is fragile. But at the same time, the metal is refractory and hard, which are its main “trump cards”.


Iridium also belongs to the group of heavy metals.

Its color is also silvery-white, and its distribution is very insignificant.

It is distinguished by simultaneous fragility and strength; due to its hardness, the metal is practically not amenable to mechanical processing.

One of the noble metals is named after Russia - ruthenium .


This is the rarest example of the group of platinum alloys.

Its valuable characteristics are chemical stability and refractoriness.

It, like many valuable metals, is characterized by a combination of fragility and hardness. In chemical reactions, ruthenium can be a catalyst.

Palladium is the lightest precious metal.


Natural sources of palladium are copper-nickel ores.

It is the most accessible and therefore the cheapest platinum group metal.

Its features: ductility, corrosion resistance and flexibility.

Hydrogen dissolves well in palladium. In addition, the metal melts well.

Silver in its pure form is quite common in nature.


This is the most common noble metal.

It is distinguished by softness and plasticity, active participation in various chemical reactions.

Silver has excellent electrical and thermal conductivity.

As can be seen from the descriptions, the properties of precious metals differ from each other. But they all share common features - resistance to corrosion and oxidation, as well as the high cost of the original metal.

To analyze precious metals, you can use several methods:

  • Testing on stone;
  • Cupellation in a muffle furnace is the melting of alloys in order to isolate metals in their pure form;
  • Drip method;
  • Various chemical analytical techniques.

The drop method is the simplest, when the analyzed metal interacts with chromium, ferrous-cyanide, or potassium iodide, silver nitrate, or gold chloride.

The purpose of the analysis is to determine the percentage of precious metal content in the submitted material. In other words, a check is carried out: the alloy in front of the inspectors or pure metal.

Precious metal samples are made to determine the quantitative content of pure metal (silver, palladium, platinum or gold) in master alloys.

In this case, samples are made on those metals that are used in dental prosthetics, the production of coins and medals, and in jewelry production.

Source: https://femininesite.ru/dragocennosti/perechen-dragocennyx-metallov-i-ix-xarakteristiki.html

Precious metals: types, properties, value, application

From ancient times to the Middle Ages, humanity believed that there were only seven metals, each of which was a conductor of one of the then known planets. Among them were those with extraordinary properties. They continued to shine in air and after a long stay in water, they did not succumb to the effects of caustic alkalis, acids and high temperatures. For such a combination of constancy and durability, inherent in perfection, they are called noble metals.

Needless to say, the value of such metals was very high, and the more such metal a person owned, the richer and more powerful he was. Therefore, due to their high cost, they received a second name - precious metals.

Of the seven metals of antiquity, only two, gold and silver, were considered noble. Much later, only in the 18th century, platinum and its satellites were discovered and added to them. So what qualities do the metals in this elite group have?

 What are precious metals?

Precious metals are the most chemically resistant, corrosion-resistant and non-oxidizing metals, which is their distinguishing feature from other known metals.

The reserves of such metals in nature are small; they are found in various ores or in the form of nuggets; in addition, the process of their extraction and extraction is quite labor-intensive.

Thanks to these unique qualities, as well as the beautiful shine and appearance of products made from these metals, they deserve their name.

Naturally occurring precious metals include gold, silver and the platinum group metals: platinum, osmium, iridium, ruthenium, palladium and rhodium.

There are precious metals, so-called isotopes, obtained artificially in special laboratories. The most expensive such metal is californium-252, and the most popular is osmium-187. Some scientists also classify the rare radioactive technetium as a noble metal.


Most people still consider gold to be the most precious and rare metal. But in reality this is not so, there are more expensive and valuable metals. In first place is Rhodium.

The noble metal, silver in color, with a bluish tint, was discovered in 1803 in England. The cost of rhodium is approximately $230 per 1 gram, so it is used only where it is impossible to find analogues for it.

This high cost is due to the fact that rhodium is the rarest element that does not have its own minerals.

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In addition to its high cost, this metal is extremely resistant to the effects of aggressive environments and high temperatures. At the same time, the distinguishing feature of rhodium is its extreme fragility.


The second place in value is platinum, which was known in Ancient Greece, Egypt and South America. It was introduced as a new chemical element in 1952 by the Swedish chemist Schaeffer.

Platinum is a rare precious metal found in nature only in natural alloys with other metals. The process of obtaining it is extremely labor-intensive and costly. The special features of platinum include its increased chemical resistance; it is not affected by any single acid. In addition, even with the strongest heat, it does not oxidize in air and does not change its natural silver-white color.


The main precious metal around the world is, of course, gold. It is considered one of the seven metals of antiquity, known since the Stone Age. In nature, gold occurs in its native form with small amounts of impurities and in the form of a natural alloy with silver.

Gold is different because it has exceptional thermal conductivity and very low resistance. An exceptional feature is its malleability and ductility; in addition, it is a very heavy metal.

With all this, gold is inferior to most of the noble metals in strength and chemical resistance.

The largest gold nugget in the world, found in Australia, weighed almost 90 kg. It was given the name "Holterman Plate".


Osmium is the heaviest precious metal, discovered in 1804 in England. This silver-gray metal does not occur in nature in its pure form. Its rarity is the main reason for its relatively high cost, and therefore its use is extremely limited.

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Despite being the heaviest metal, it is extremely fragile. In addition, it has exceptional hardness and refractoriness, these are some of its main advantages.


Iridium, discovered in 1804, is also a heavy metal. This silvery-white precious metal is extremely rare in nature and is considered one of the least common elements.

Iridium is a very strong but brittle metal. In addition, it is characterized by increased hardness, which makes it difficult to machine.


Among the noble metals, there is a metal named after Russia, ruthenium. Discovered in 1844, ruthenium is the rarest element of the platinum group.

Its most valuable properties include refractoriness and chemical resistance. This precious metal is distinguished by its hardness, combined with extreme fragility. In addition, ruthenium can act as a catalyst in some reactions.


The lightest precious metal is palladium. In 1803, it was discovered by the Englishman Wollanstone, bringing it from America. In nature, palladium is found in copper-nickel ores, therefore it is more accessible and cheaper than other platinum metals.

Features include its flexibility, ductility and corrosion resistance. The main unique ability of palladium is the ability to dissolve hydrogen and its exceptional fusibility.


And finally, silver, a known precious metal since ancient times, found in nature in its native form. In addition to silver ores, which contain more than 50% of this metal, there are also complex ores, the silver content of which is lower, but it is from them that the main production occurs.

Silver is a soft and ductile metal, which most actively enters into chemical reactions compared to other precious metals. In addition, silver is an exceptionally thermally and electrically conductive metal.

 Areas of application of precious metals

The areas in which precious metals have found their application are extremely extensive. And if in ancient times the main ones were coinage and jewelry making, in which gold and silver found their place, now the scope of application of existing precious metals is quite wide. This is due to the fact that they have extremely useful qualities that other metals and materials do not have.

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This includes the automotive industry, which uses rhodium, platinum and palladium for the production of automobile catalysts and converter filters. And microelectronics, nuclear testing in the nuclear industry, jewelry production and even dentistry, in which gold has a place due to its properties.

Precious metals find their use in chemical and petrochemical production, such as osmium and iridium. And also in biomedicine and aerospace instrumentation, and even in the production of such military weapons as lasers.

Coinage, photography, electronics, laboratory glassware, mirror coatings and the radio industry are not a complete list in which such noble metals as silver and ruthenium are used. And such a rare element as osmium is indispensable in the pharmaceutical industry; without it, the production of cortisone is impossible.

In addition, precious metals are widely used in the glass industry. They are used in the manufacture of liquid crystal displays, fiberglass and optical glasses.

 Metal as an investment

Precious metals are also actively used as an object of investment. Today, everyone can afford to have their own “gold reserve” by investing in investment precious metals, which include gold, silver, platinum and palladium in high-grade bars and coins.

In addition to traditional investment methods in the form of purchasing precious metals in bars and coins, Russian banks open impersonal metal accounts (OMA). Physical metal is good for long-term investment; you can get significant profits if the asset matures sufficiently. The second method has the disadvantage of lack of deposit insurance, which introduces considerable risk.

Source: http://inzoloto.ru/precious-metalls/dragocennye-metally

Precious metals: description, types, list and characteristics. Precious metal coins:

The term “precious metals” itself implies substances that have a much higher value compared to other materials.

Their value is primarily due to their special chemical characteristics: these substances are resistant to corrosion and destruction, and retain their appearance for a long time.

In addition, nature has very few reserves of precious metals, and their extraction is sometimes extremely difficult. There are eight types of noble metals, each of which has found application in its own field.

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List of precious metals

The following precious metals are known:

  1. Gold.
  2. Silver.
  3. Platinum.
  4. Rhodium.
  5. Osmium.
  6. Iridium.
  7. Ruthenium.
  8. Palladium.

Some scientists identify another element that can be classified as a noble metal - technetium. However, due to its radioactivity, it is not included in the general classification.

Each of the materials occurs in nature either in the form of nuggets or as part of ores or alloys. There are not so many deposits of precious metals throughout the Earth, so their development is carried out under the strict control of those state enterprises on whose territory they are located.

Noble metals from the platinum category

Five more types of precious metals come from the platinum category:

  • Palladium (Pd) is the 46th element of the periodic table and has a silvery-white color. The melting point is 1552°C, and its density is 12.02 g/m3. This is the metal with the smallest mass among others from the platinum category. At the same time, it is extremely resistant to aggressive environments and chemicals. Other advantages of palladium include ductility, ease of processing and polishing, and the ability to retain shine.
  • Rhodium (Rh) is a white metal with a blue tint, located at position 45 of the periodic table. Among the chemical characteristics, its high density is noted - 12.42 g/m3, as well as its melting point - 1960 ° C. This is one of the refractory metals; along with sufficient hardness, it is also brittle. Rhodium is highly reflective and resistant to water, oxygen, and is not affected by any acids. Only alkaline cyanide mixtures dissolve rhodium.
  • Ruthenium (Ru) is an element of the periodic table with atomic number 44. This metal is white in color with a silvery tint and its appearance is very similar to platinum. However, it is distinguished by great hardness with simultaneous fragility, as well as very difficult fusibility. Ruthenium melts at 2950°C, and its density is 12.37 g/m3. A distinctive feature is its resistance to chemical attack. It is the rarest of the platinum group metals.
  • Iridium (Ir) is a precious metal located at 77th place in the table of chemical elements, colored white with a gray tint. The main qualities of iridium are high refractoriness, brittleness and at the same time increased hardness. The density is 22.42 g/m3, and the melting point is 2450°C. This is the reason for the difficulties in processing it, since it can only be worked under high pressure and at high temperature. In addition, this metal does not interact with any chemical compounds, be it alkalis, acids or mixtures thereof.
  • Osmium (Os) is an element from the group of platinum metals, occupying 76th place in the periodic table. This material is the most difficult to process, extremely brittle, but at the same time it is very hard and extremely refractory. The density of osmium is 22.48 g/m3, and its melting point is the highest among platinum metals - 3047 ° C. A special feature is its pungent odor, as well as absolute resistance to any alkaline or acidic environments.

Areas of application of precious metals

Each of the noble metals has its own scope of application. Precious metals are used:

  • In the production of jewelry.
  • For minting coins of various denominations, as well as commemorative and anniversary banknotes.
  • As hard currency for investing and opening deposits in banking institutions.
  • In mechanical engineering for the production of various parts.
  • In the field of radio and electrical engineering, microelectronics, as well as in the field of high technology.
  • In the chemical industry, as well as medicine.
  • In the space industry.

Investing in precious metals

Is it profitable to invest hard currency in a bank? Precious metals are the most stable currency, which, if successfully invested, can increase the owner’s profit, as well as protect him from market fluctuations. All over the world, banks practice opening impersonal metal accounts, which can be held as deposits or participate in exchange transactions. Banking transactions involve: gold, platinum, palladium and silver.

Precious metal products

Precious metals are used in large quantities in the manufacture of jewelry. Moreover, metals can be used both in pure form and as part of alloys, while they enhance and compensate for each other’s qualities. What is the most popular precious metal in jewelry? They mainly use three metals that have been known since ancient times: gold, silver and platinum.

What is the significance of precious metal content in jewelry? Their sample depends on this.

Precious metal coins

For the production of banknotes, that is, coins, valuable metals have been used for many centuries, since they are the most stable currency. Currently, they issue commemorative and collectible banknotes, and also use coins made of precious metals as a means of investment.

Precious metal and its content

The value of certain parts found in electrical engineering or automobiles directly depends on the content of noble metals in them. Information about this can be found on the websites of the parts manufacturer, as well as in special reference literature.

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Source: https://BusinessMan.ru/new-dragocennye-metally-opisanie-vidy-perechen-i-xarakteristiki-monety-iz-dragocennyx-metallov.html

Precious metals: list, characteristics, features of investing in precious metals:

Since ancient times, people have isolated precious metals. Two of them - gold and silver - were additionally considered noble. Their value was high, the precious metal was widely used to pay for various goods. And today little has changed in this regard.

Journey into the past

The original, oldest system known to us, involved the isolation of only seven metals. Each of them symbolized one of the planets of the solar system, which they were able to discover without the use of optical devices. Precious metals stood out separately among them.

Their peculiarity is the possession of extraordinary properties. Thus, they can shine after prolonged exposure to water and air, are not corroded by caustic alkalis and acids and can withstand high temperatures.

For their constancy, the combination of the listed properties and the durability that perfect materials have, they were called noble metals.

In the eighteenth century, platinum was added to the list, and there are now eight. The more of these materials a person owned, the more powerful and richer he was. Due to their high cost, they also received their second name, as we know them - precious metals.

What are they?

Precious metals are materials that are chemically resistant, do not oxidize in air, and are resistant to corrosion. Their reserves in nature are small. This is their distinctive feature from other known metals.

They are found in different ores or as individual nuggets. This is complicated by the fact that the process of their extraction and subsequent extraction is quite labor-intensive.

Thanks to these features, as well as the beautiful appearance and shine of products made from these metals, we can say that they fully deserve their name.

What does this mean?

Precious metals are gold, silver, platinum, osmium, ruthenium, iridium, rhodium and palladium. Their isotopes, obtained using special laboratories, are also valuable. Thus, the most popular material is osmium-187, and the most expensive is californium-252. You can also find references to the fact that some scientists attribute rare radioactive technetium to this group. But the article focuses on the provisions adopted in the Federal Law “On Precious Metals”.

How about more details?

There are the following noble metals:

  1. Rhodium. The most valuable material. Its cost is about $230 per gram. For comparison, gold is a good hundred times cheaper. Because of the price, it is used only when it is not possible to find an analogue. Rhodium is the rarest element that does not have its own minerals. This element is highly resistant to high temperatures and aggressive environments. However, it is extremely fragile.
  2. Platinum. Ranks second in value. It is a rare precious metal that occurs in nature only as a natural alloy with other elements. Getting it is a costly and time-consuming matter. It has increased chemical resistance. Platinum cannot be affected by any single acid. Also, when heated, it does not oxidize in air and does not change its natural silver-white color.
  3. Gold. Perhaps this is the most famous and recognizable precious metal in the whole world. It has been known to people since the Stone Age. In nature, gold occurs as a native form, where a small amount of various impurities is present, and also as a natural alloy with silver. It features exceptional thermal conductivity and very low resistance. It is also easy to forge and has ductility. And the last important property is that it is a very heavy metal, in the literal sense of the word. At the same time, it is inferior to most other representatives of noble metals in its chemical resistance and strength.
  4. Osmium. This is the heaviest element. It has a silver-gray color and is not found in nature in its pure form. Its rarity is the main reason for its high cost, and as a result, limited use. Even though it is the heaviest metal, it is extremely brittle. In addition, among its advantages, exceptional hardness and refractoriness should be mentioned.

The precious metals market is quite active. The most popular are gold and silver. Platinum and palladium are a little more difficult to find. To acquire other metals, special structures are required.

What other materials are not covered?

There are four left:

  1. Iridium. Refers to heavy metals. It has a silvery-white color. It is extremely rare in nature and is considered one of the least common elements. Heavy, but fragile. It is characterized by high hardness, which makes mechanical processing of the metal difficult.
  2. Ruthenium. Named after Rus'. Its name was used in Latin to designate the territory of the Eastern Slavs (Ruthenia). Rarely found. It has refractoriness and chemical resistance. It is characterized by hardness, which is combined with fragility. Can act as a catalyst for certain reactions.
  3. Palladium. The lightest precious metal. It is found in nature during the development of copper-nickel ores, so it is quite accessible and cheap when compared with other representatives. It is flexible, ductile and resistant to corrosion. The main unique ability is the dissolution of hydrogen and exceptional fusibility.
  4. Silver. Precious noble metal, known since ancient times. Found in native form in nature. Found in silver and complex ores. It is a ductile and soft metal, which most actively enters into chemical reactions (when compared with other representatives of the group). In addition, it has exceptional thermal and electrical conductivity.

Transactions with precious metals are carried out on exchanges (unlimited) and with the help of banks (with gold, silver, and, to a lesser extent, platinum and palladium).

Areas of use

Where are precious metals used? The scope of their application is extremely wide. In ancient times they were used in jewelry and coinage.

Now this is the automotive industry, where platinum, palladium and rhodium are used, microelectronics, the nuclear industry, dentistry, petrochemical production, biomedicine, and aerospace instrumentation.

How not to recall the same jewelry making, coinage, electronics, laboratory glassware, mirror coating, radio technology, photography, pharmacology, glass (liquid crystal screens, fiberglass, optics).

Using metals as an investment

Today, everyone can start building their own gold reserves. After all, investing in precious metals is an affordable investment. In practice, it refers to investing in silver, gold, platinum and palladium, which are sold in bullion. Another option for purchasing precious materials is purchasing high-grade coins.

In addition, impersonal metal accounts are offered. Banks offer them quite actively. In this case, precious metals allow you to receive significant profits, despite the low interest rate. This is due to an increase in value by the amount of inflation (or even more), which allows you to increase the value of assets despite economic downturns and losses.

True, the deposit is not insured, and this is an investment for a considerable time.

How to earn? Specifics of precious deposits

Let's look at the example of gold. This metal is actively becoming more expensive. Since the American dollar was abolished with this element, its price has jumped forty times over the past half century. Although if we talk about the real cost, then its growth is much more modest - depending on the methodology, values ​​​​of up to four hundred percent are quoted. For half a century. However, we must admit that this is not bad.

In general, it should be noted that, although quotes for precious metals may periodically creep back to previous levels, over time they recover all lost positions.

Therefore, by investing in gold, you can count on an increase in real purchasing power simply due to the rise in price of the metal. And if you put it on deposit, the profit will be greater.

The price of precious metals may fluctuate, but ultimately a person will make a profit. But be aware of the risk! After all, these deposits are not insured.

Working with jewelry works of art

This includes both familiar jewelry and coins made of precious metals, as well as unique jewelry. It should be noted that their cost is slightly higher than simple ingots. If we talk about coins, then usually the difference does not exceed several times. Or it may even be measured in double-digit percentages. With jewelry it's not so simple. In their case, the difference is at least several times.

And the more complex and expensive it is, the more work was put into its creation, the higher the cost of the jewelry and the metal from which it is made will differ. Although, if you don’t go into the higher price segment, you can purchase jewelry works of art at a small markup. In addition, it should be remembered that jewelry is more expensive when sold than simple ingots.

True, this requires more work, but still.

Where can an individual purchase?

The easiest option is to contact a financial institution. For example, to Sberbank. Precious metals are sold in the form of bars, and here everyone can find exactly what interests them. One gram of silver? No problem. Ten grams of gold? No questions.

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A five-kilogram silver bar? No problem. Very often they not only sell precious metals, but also provide opportunities for storing them. Fortunately, the situation can be monitored in real time.

I went to the website of my bank, went to the appropriate tab - and right away the accounting of precious metals was kept.


Precious metals are not as important as they once were, but they do not lose their value. Only one kilogram of gold allows a person to become rich. But to earn it you need to work hard. Moreover, not only in quantitative terms, but also qualitatively. After all, valuable metals are not something formed in one generation. They have been accumulated for thousands of years, so to get some of these treasures, you need to work hard. After all, you can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

Source: https://www.syl.ru/article/386071/dragotsennyie-metallyi-perechen-harakteristika-osobennosti-investirovaniya-v-blagorodnyie-metallyi

Noble metals: what they are, list of precious and semi-precious alloys, properties, extraction, application and cost per gram

Hello dear reader. In this article we will talk about precious metals and everything related to them. Noble metals have always attracted attention, but few people know why they are so highly valued, where they are used and, most importantly, how they can make money.

What it is?

Noble metals are distinguished from other elements by their ability to maintain their molecular structure under the influence of an unfavorable environment. They cannot be decomposed, and the melting point of these elements is extremely high. They do not react with oxygen and do not produce oxides. Alloys with precious metals can only be obtained through complex chemical manipulations using the strongest reagents.

The mass share of precious metals in the total production of natural resources is very small, which explains the high price of these elements, as well as their special status.

A complete list of names of precious metals was prescribed in 1998 in the Federal Law “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones”. According to Russian legislation, platinum and five of its group metals, as well as the popular silver and gold, are considered precious.

History of appearance

Noble metals are a valuable and non-renewable natural resource. None of the precious metals can be obtained experimentally, so for the scientific community the appearance of these elements on Earth still remains a mystery. At the moment, there are two working versions of their appearance:

  1. Space. Proponents of this hypothesis believe that we owe the appearance of precious metals in the earth's crust to meteorites that bombarded the Earth at the dawn of its formation. However, this version has a serious drawback - scientists have found that the average meteorite contains only about 0.005% of the total weight of noble metals, which in no way correlates with the volumes mined at different deposits.
  2. Tectonic. According to this assumption, all precious metals were born under the influence of high temperatures and in the presence of special conditions in the core of the planet, and then were thrown to the surface with lava flows. This version has more supporters than the space version, however, it cannot answer all the questions. In particular, it is not clear why these natural resources stopped forming again and entering the upper layers of the earth's crust along with volcanic lava emissions.

The question of the origin of noble metals and their alloys is one of the most important. If scientists are ever able to answer it, it will change the entire existing system of relationships in the world.

Which metals are noble and their properties?

This group of metals received the name “noble” due to their special characteristics. Depending on the variety, their physical and chemical properties may manifest themselves to varying degrees, but they always remain unique.


Rhodium is a member of the platinum group. It is a light metal and has a pale blue color. It is distinguished by a high degree of hardness and, at the same time, fragility.

Valued for its high reflectivity and resistance to chemical attack. Rhodium can only be oxidized with hot sulfuric acid. The melting process begins when heated to almost 2000 °C.


Because of its white luster, platinum, discovered in the mines of America, was originally called “silver.” Only in 1751 platinum received the status of a precious metal, and its value instantly surpassed the then known silver and gold. It has high ductility and can be easily forged (which is why it is loved by jewelers). At the same time, platinum is harder than gold, refractory, resistant to chemical influences, and not subject to oxidation.


Like platinum, it has good ductility and malleability, but has lower melting points. Reacts only with aqua regia, invulnerable to alkalis, salts and acids. In nature, specimens of pure gold with a pronounced yellow color and characteristic shine are rarely found. Most often, miners encounter green faded ore.


The most refractory of the noble metals. The melting point reaches 2700 °C. In addition, osmium does not dissolve in acids. External characteristics are white and hard. Belongs to the group of heavy metals.


Like osmium, it is a heavy metal. The most durable, dense, refractory and insoluble in acids, gray-white in color. The melting point is slightly lower than that of osmium and is 2454 °C.


In terms of external characteristics, ruthenium can easily be confused with platinum. The noble metal resembles iridium in its melting point and has increased strength and density. It is interesting that only ruthenium and osmium form water-soluble cakes under the influence of alkali, oxidizing agent and high temperatures.


Soft, malleable, white with a silver tint. When heated to 860°C, palladium forms oxides, but becomes pure again as the temperature rises further. The melting point is 1554 °C.


Among the noble metals, silver has the lowest density and a relatively low melting point - 960 ° C. It is best forged and serves as an excellent heat and electrical conductor. It practically does not react with acids, but darkens under the influence of hydrogen sulfide, which is part of the atmosphere.

List of semi-precious metals

In jewelry production and instrument making, metals are actively used that are not essentially precious, but have a certain value. They are conventionally called semi-precious. Among the most popular types are the following:

Their price fluctuates in the average price range and does not exceed $2 per gram.

How are they mined?

Placers of precious metals are practically no longer found on the surface of the Earth. For example, gold mines are a kind of underground reservoirs in which ore is first turned into solution, and then filtered and sent for further processing.

The extraction of silver and other precious metals occurs in parallel with the extraction of the main mining ore, such as copper or lead. This is explained by the insignificant content of platinum group precious metals in the earth's crust and the unprofitability of their extraction. Silver is also quite rare in its pure form and makes up only about 20% of the total ore.

How are precious metals processed and purified?

The ore obtained by miners is unsuitable for use without preliminary cleaning and processing. It will be convenient to consider them using the example of gold, which is mined in large quantities.

The very first stage of processing for a long time remained cyanidation of gold ore, but over time this method developed into heap leaching. The method involves exposing the ore to cyanide and then filtering the resulting gold sediment - concentrate.

The concentrate undergoes a series of physical and chemical studies, background radiation testing, and only after that it is sent for further purification - refining. In a nutshell, refining is the liquefaction, straining and recovery of the original material, the only difference being that the recovered gold has no impurities. The gold alloys obtained after refining can be sent for casting into ingots.

Areas of application

Platinum, gold and silver are familiar to everyone in jewelry. However, the main use of precious metals is in the instrument making industry. They are used in the space, mechanical engineering, automotive, food industry and other areas.

For example, rhodium, due to its distinctive chemical properties, is used as a coating on silver and gold products, which significantly extends their service life and protects them from mechanical damage. Iridium is indispensable in the production of watches and in the manufacture of devices for the chemical industry.

Does everyone have samples?

The sample installed on the product indicates the mass fraction of the main substance in the resulting alloys. According to Russian legislation, all alloys (and products made from them) in which the precious metal content exceeds 30% of the total mass are subject to branding.

Where can I buy or sell?

The main lots on the market remain platinum and gold.
If you represent a company or have an individual entrepreneur, it is more profitable to buy metals from officially registered brokerage companies that work with leading manufacturing plants. It is easier for an individual to cooperate with banks that offer a wide range of services for the purchase of precious metals. For example, buy bullion and put them in your own cell, open a deposit and even make money on your investments.

Which precious metal is the most expensive?

If we are talking about the most popular and popular metals, then the leading place in the price ranking is occupied by palladium, platinum and gold.

However, Californian is rightfully considered the most expensive metal on earth.

It is mined during the operation of powerful nuclear reactors. The price for 1 gram of Californian is 6.5 million dollars. Next on the list of expensive metals is rhodium. It is estimated at 225 thousand dollars per gram.

Is it profitable to invest in precious metals?

Of course, the rarest metals are valued many times more, but professional investors do not recommend buying them. For successful investments, it is better to choose the most common metals that are in stable demand. Now it is palladium, platinum, gold and silver.

To understand how profitable it is to invest in these metals, it is enough to look at the tables of price changes and profits provided by the Central Bank.
Gold | USD | 1 oz

Gold shows the best results in terms of stability.

According to official data over the past 10 years, palladium has proven to be the most profitable investment.

For example, in 2010, one gram of this metal brought investors almost 125 rubles. However, this same metal turned out to be the most unstable. Price crashes happen extremely often.

Palladium | USD | 1 oz

Investment methods

The list of possibilities here is quite wide, but they all have their pros and cons:

  1. Buying bullion. The easiest way to invest. However, when selling, you will have to pay 18% VAT, and when selling to a bank, you will also have to pay 13% income tax.
  2. Buying coins. Collectible coins are not the best type of investment. Reason: high cost and 18% VAT. They are of greater value to numismatists than to professional investors.
  3. Shares of companies mining precious metals. They can bring large and constant income, but there are also some inconveniences: they can only be bought on the stock exchange, and you cannot do without the services of an experienced broker.
  4. Securities. Quite a new but interesting way of investing. You can buy securities on the stock exchange. Each security is backed by 3.1 grams of gold reserves held by HSBC in London. The only downside: with a modest investment, you won’t be able to cash out the papers in real gold.
  5. Bank account. There are two options here: a COX account or a compulsory medical insurance account. In terms of generating income, it is the second option, an impersonal metal account, that is interesting. According to the principle of operation, this is nothing more than a foreign currency deposit. The interest on deposits is small, but if the price of metal rises, you can make good money on the difference in prices. Taxes on gold bars purchased under compulsory medical insurance are paid only if the owner decides to cash out the account after receiving the metal in hand.

Of all the investment methods described above, the most effective is the compulsory medical insurance contribution. However, for those who keep their finger on the pulse of the cost of precious metals or know a good broker, I advise you to try more interesting options. For example, shares or securities.

The most expensive precious metal in the world - Useful materials on the corporate website "Russian Gems"

There are few precious metals in the world, which is why their value is so high. There are natural precious metals - they are found on earth in the form of nuggets or in various ores, and there are artificial precious metals - they are also called isotopes and are obtained in laboratories. The process of extracting precious metals in nature is labor-intensive, but obtaining them in laboratory conditions is even more difficult, so the price of isotopes can exceed the price of natural metals by hundreds and thousands of times.

Important: of the laboratory-produced metals, only 2 are included in the list - the most expensive and most in demand. The remaining places were occupied by natural noble metals.

10th place. Silver. From $0.6 per 1 gram

A relatively inexpensive and widely sought-after noble metal. It has been known since ancient times, as it is often found in native form - ancient people did not have to smelt silver from ores.

Interesting: there are very large silver nuggets. The largest of them weighed 1420 kg and was found in Chile.

The metal is used in electronics, jewelry, coinage, and as a coating for mirrors. The number of areas in which silver is used is increasing - this metal is used not only alone, but also as part of various alloys.

The antibacterial properties of silver are used on space stations: this metal is used to purify water. In Japan, silver is used to purify the air, and in the confectionery industry the metal is used to decorate desserts (it is known as additive E174).

The largest reserves of silver are in Australia, Poland, the USA, Mexico, and China.

9th place. Rhenium. 2.5-5 $ per 1 gram

Silver-white metal widely used in the chemical and electronics industries, medicine and metallurgy. Rhenium is dense, melts at high temperatures, and is quite plastic.

Due to its properties, it is in great demand: rhenium is used to make jet engine nozzles, and it is used in the synthesis of high-octane gasoline.

This metal is mined mainly from molybdenum and copper ore: to obtain 100 grams of rhenium, about 200 tons of ore are processed. Large deposits are located in Chile, Russia, and the USA.

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There is such a process as “renaining”. Unlike chrome plating and galvanizing, it is less known, but its effectiveness is high. Rhenium coatings protect against the action of alkalis, acids, and sulfur compounds. Hydrochloric acid is transported in tanks made of steel sheets coated with rhenium.

8th place. Osmium. From 12 $ per 1 gram

The metal is bluish-silver in color and has a strong unpleasant odor. This sharp, unpleasant, irritating smell resembles a mixture of bleach and garlic, and it is thanks to it that the metal got its name, because “osme” is translated from Greek as “smell.” This dense and at the same time brittle metal is found in a natural alloy with iridium; it does not exist in nature in its pure form. It is found in iron meteorites.

Since there is little metal in the bowels of the earth and it is dispersed, osmium is used only in the most necessary cases - where it gives a significant effect at low cost. For example, osmium is used in pharmacology to produce the drug cortisone, and it is also used as a catalyst for reactions in the chemical industry. Places of extraction: Canada, Colombia, Russia, USA.

7th place. Palladium. About $15 per 1 gram

A silvery-white metal with excellent characteristics - fusible, lightweight, ductile, polishes well, and is practically resistant to corrosion. The most flexible of all platinum metals.

Due to its properties and low price, it is increasingly used in jewelry: craftsmen create a wide variety of products from palladium and experiment with jewelry design. Palladium is included in alloys for industry and the medical industry, coins are minted from it, and it is used for anti-corrosion coatings.

The largest deposits of palladium are in South Africa and Russia, and it is also found in meteorites (3-8 grams of palladium per ton of meteorite matter).

Palladium, like platinum, fights cancer cells and slows their growth. However, unlike platinum, the toxicity of palladium is almost ten times less. Preparations based on this metal are undergoing clinical trials.

6th place. Iridium. About 17 $ per 1 gram

A metal with special properties - it is hard and at the same time brittle, highly resistant to corrosion and has a high melting point. Heavy, dense, silvery-white, looks like tin. This material is almost never used alone; it is added to various alloys. It is used in the manufacture of laboratory scales, length and weight standards, and medical instruments. Used in dentistry and biomedicine.

When creating jewelry, platinum is often combined with iridium, which makes the products harder and more wear-resistant. If 10% iridium is added to platinum, the alloy will become three times harder than soft platinum. Jewelry made from this alloy is not only durable, but also very beautiful. The main iridium deposits are located in South Africa. In an entire year, the world uses about a ton of metal, and two-thirds of this volume is used in the chemical industry.

Interesting: there is a hypothesis that it was iridium that caused the death of dinosaurs. The fact is that more than 60 million ago a meteorite with a high content of iridium and other platinoids fell to Earth. Some scientists believe that upon contact with chlorine, the metal began to release a toxin. There is also an opinion that the dinosaurs died due to the huge amount of metals in the air - dust from the collision covered the Earth for several days

5th place. Rhodium. From $30 per 1 gram

A noble metal belonging to the platinum group. Rhodium is hard, has a strong shine and pronounced reflective properties, it is resistant to oxidation and high temperatures. Rhodium is used for the final coating of jewelry. It is considered a rare material - about 30 tons are mined worldwide every year. The largest deposits are located in Canada, Russia, Colombia, South Africa, and Mexico.

Rhodium plating protects against oxidation and tarnishing and provides additional shine. A rhodium plated item can range in color from light gray to black. The shade depends on the technology used and the metal on which the coating is applied (silver or gold).

The metal is used in the production of car mirrors and headlights, and in the manufacture of nuclear reactors. Most of the material mined in the world goes into the production of automobile catalysts. The demand for the metal is constantly growing, scientists are in search of equivalent substitutes, because natural reserves of rhodium are small.

4th place. Gold. From $35 per 1 gram

The most famous precious metal, found in nature only in its pure form. Malleable and quite durable, resistant to corrosion - the characteristics of gold are excellent, which is why it is so often used by jewelers and specialists in other fields.

Just imagine: one gram of gold can be stretched into an ultra-thin string more than two kilometers long! Gold is used in dentistry, the electronics industry, and is added to a special shell in a neutron bomb.

Among the largest gold-mining countries are China, Australia, and the USA.

3rd place. Platinum. About 60 $ per 1 gram

Unlike gold, it is not found in its pure form in the depths, only in natural compounds with other metals. It is widely used in jewelry, used in medicine, and is used to mint investment coins. A ductile, dense silver-white metal with a special shine, refractory - to extract 10 grams of pure platinum, you need to process 3 tons of ore. The largest producing countries of this noble material are Canada, Russia, South Africa, and the USA.

Interesting fact: platinum was not immediately appreciated. It wasn't until the mid-18th century that people realized the value of platinum, and before that, counterfeiters used the metal to counterfeit gold and silver coins. With equal volume, platinum is heavier; it was used to weigh down coins.

2nd place. Osmium-187. $200,000 per gram

The densest substance on the planet, yet fragile. Used in medical research as a catalyst for chemical reactions. Obtaining Osmium-187 artificially is difficult and time-consuming - this work lasts about 9 months. The material is very rare; only Kazakhstan sells it on the world market.

1 place. California-252. From $6,500,000 per 1 gram

This material owes its name to the place where it was artificially obtained - the University of California. Californian was first mined in the laboratory in 1950, and today the annual production of this metal is about 40 micrograms. The half-life of the isotope is 2.6 years.

There are 17 California isotopes in total, the most expensive and in demand is isotope 252. It is used in scientific experiments, in radiation therapy for tumors, in searching for reserves of gold and oil in the bowels of the earth, and the energy of one gram of the material can replace the energy of a nuclear reactor. Impressive? The cost of the isotope on the world market is no less spectacular: there is evidence that the price of a gram reached 10 million dollars.

Source: https://russam.ru/stati/o_juvelirnyh_izdelijah/p18883-samyj_dorogoj_dragotsennyj_metall_v_mire/

The most expensive precious metals and their characteristics

The category of precious metals includes components of ore origin that have increased strength, brightness, and high ductility. In addition, such materials are characterized by thermal conductivity. These precious metals also have the ability to conduct electricity.

The properties of such metals neutralize the effect of aggressive environmental agents and acid-base components. Metals in this category are neutral to ultraviolet and infrared radiation and sudden thermal stress.

Practical properties of valuable metals

Thanks to these and other technological characteristics, precious metals are of great practical importance. Most of them are actively used for scientific and industrial purposes. The value of precious metals can also be called the possibility of their use for aesthetic purposes - in the production of jewelry.

  • The main industries where materials from this category are used are radio electronics, astronautics, and biological medicine. In addition, precious metals began to be used in pharmaceuticals for the production of certain groups of drugs.
  • The properties of these metals in the production of laser devices demonstrate no less value.
  • Even in the manufacture of some household products one cannot do without their alloys. For example, in the production of mirrors or certain types of tableware, individual types of this group are also used in a comprehensive manner.

Some noble components or their alloys are actively used in optical production - this is the production of fiberglass components, liquid crystal displays, and optical glass.

At the same time, they are used in jewelry production and investment activities.

Classification of main types

Eight types of noble metals are used in practical use, whose amazing properties were noticed in ancient times. These types of noble components in former times attracted attention mainly for their aesthetic qualities. However, practical craftsmen of previous eras noticed in gold and silver the ability for long-term use while maintaining the original properties.

The following elements are of practical and investment interest today:

Investment properties of precious metals

Almost all eight copies can act as an investment instrument. But gold, platinum and silver received the greatest recognition in this capacity. They are used for long-term investing to achieve conservative goals, ensuring the safety of investments rather than their profitability.

Forms of investing in precious metals include the physical purchase of gold bars, investment and collectible coins, as well as impersonal metal accounts.

Coin catalog

Source: https://xn----8sbebdgd0blkrk1oe.xn--p1ai/dragmet/dragocennye-metally-i-ix-cennost.html

Unique properties of precious metals and their areas of application

In ancient times, humanity knew about the existence of seven precious metals associated with the planets of the solar system. Some of them, according to people, have magical powers and extraordinary properties. For example, precious metals shine in the open air and even after a long stay in water, and are also not afraid of strong alkalis, acids and high temperatures. For such characteristics they are considered noble.

Precious metals have always been highly valued, and the more jewelry a person had, the more influential and rich he was considered.

It is precisely because of the high cost, limited reserves and difficulty of extraction that these elements are called precious.

Initially, only two metals were considered noble - gold and silver. In the 18th century, this list in reference books was expanded by platinum and elements belonging to the platinum group.

Today, eight elements are considered noble metals. They are used in various fields. Precious metals include gold and platinum, silver and palladium, as well as the platinum elements: rhodium and osmium, iridium and ruthenium.

Technetium is also recognized as noble, but due to the fact that the metal is radioactive, it was not included in the general list.

And today, precious metals include isotopes that scientists have created artificially. The most expensive of them is californium-252, and the most popular is osmium-187. Detailed information about these precious metals can be obtained in a specialized reference book.

Electrical engineering

The unique properties of noble metals make it possible to protect electrical contacts from oxidation and burnout, which makes them reliable and trouble-free when used in electrical engineering.

Alloys of many precious metals are used in high-precision instruments and electronics. Silver salts (silver iodide, silver bromide, silver chloride) are used in the production of photosensitive elements.

Solders made from these precious elements are used in the manufacture of critical electrical devices where strength and reliability are required.

Many rare elements are used in the production of heating elements, thermocouples, etc.

Jewelry industry

All noble alloys are used by jewelers. They are used to make elegant earrings and beautiful rings, lovely bracelets and chains, crosses and cigarette cases, eyeglass frames and other products. By adding certain metals to alloys, jewelers manage to improve the performance properties of jewelry.

What are precious metals for jewelers? Jewelers value not only the beautiful shine and color of materials, but also the unique properties of precious metals. In particular, the fact that they almost do not react with the human body, as a result of which, in general, they do not cause allergies and skin diseases.

In addition, precious metals in the form of jewelry bring joy to their owners for a long time and are often inherited from generation to generation.


The properties of precious alloys, such as resistance to aggressive substances and catalytic abilities, make them indispensable in chemistry. They are used to make special equipment and utensils for alkalis and acids. Due to their unique catalytic properties, some of these elements are used in the production of various substances (gasoline, aromatics, etc.).

Automotive industry

Catalysts are manufactured for exhaust systems. Noble metals, which are used in the manufacture of automotive parts, can effectively neutralize harmful chemical compounds. For such purposes, rhodium, platinum and palladium are mainly used.


Noble metals are used in the production of surgical and other instruments and various parts for equipment. Some metals are also used in dentistry to make dentures. Many compounds of these precious elements are included in the composition of drugs, which can be clarified in the reference book of drugs.


Precious alloys are necessary for the construction of spacecraft, since only they can ensure their reliability and reliability, and they are also able to cope with various overloads.

Glass industry

Precious materials are also used in the glass industry, in particular, they are used to make containers for glass melting. They are used in mirrors for lasers.

There are many industries that currently use noble metals. Our ancestors mainly made money and jewelry from these metals, but today the areas of application of these materials are increasing every day.

Banking sector

Noble metals, in particular gold and silver, were used in ancient times to make money. Silver gradually lost its relevance.

Today, coins are still made from precious elements, and investment banking bullion is also poured from them. This allows people to invest their capital profitably, since regular currency is constantly depreciating, but bars and coins are always in value. Today, everyone can invest their savings in precious metals of the highest standard. In addition, today many financial organizations offer citizens to open special metal accounts.

Making investments in noble elements is very profitable, since in the long term, the owner can receive impressive profits. Metal accounts have one drawback - the lack of deposit insurance, which promises the bank client a big risk. In conclusion, here is a list of investment precious metals:

Gold 2303,3
Silver 31,55
Platinum 1715
Palladium 1467

Source: https://ProDragmetally.ru/dragotsennye-metally/unikalnye-svojstva-i-primeneniya.html

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