How to mine titanium

The Ministry of Natural Resources calculated how much titanium there is in Russia

Demidova Marina. Economist, mathematician. 30 years of experience in government statistics. Date: June 3, 2019. Reading time 6 minutes.

The reserves of TiO2 contained in the bowels of Russia exceed 600 million tons. The only Solikamsk magnesium plant operates on domestic raw materials. Leading enterprises producing sponge titanium and pigment titanium dioxide are completely dependent on imported raw materials.

Titanium is one of the most important structural materials. It combines strength, hardness and lightness. True, the process of obtaining it cannot be called easy. In addition, it is also expensive. Its use began in the 50s of the last century.

The collapse of the Union caused irreparable damage to the titanium industry.

We will learn about its current state, about how much titanium there is in Russia, by referring to the latest state report of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation on the state and use of mineral resources.

Excursion into history

This metal confidently holds 7th place in terms of abundance in nature. What we call titanium today was discovered at the end of the 18th century. The discoverers William Gregor (England) and Martin Klaproth (Germany) dealt with its dioxide, a mineral called rutile. Titanium of 99.9% purity was first obtained in 1925.

Although there is work by the Russian chemist D.K. Kirillov, confirming that this metal in its pure form was first obtained by him back in 1875.

Metal composition and characteristics

Pure TiO2 is 12 times harder than aluminum, iron and copper - 4 times. But a titanium plate weighs half as much as a steel plate with the same strength.

We mainly deal with oxides, titanates and titanosilicates. Dioxides contain 94–99% of the substance. This is maximum.

α-Ti - exists up to a temperature of 883 C, has a dense hexagonal lattice. β-Ti – has a body-centered cubic lattice.

Its features:

  1. When operating titanium products, as a rule, they work with the α-phase, and when melting, with the β-modification.
  2. Its elasticity coefficient and magnetic susceptibility depend on the direction.
  3. The properties of a metal depend on its purity. Impurities affect heat resistance.

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Titanium industry of Soviet Russia

In the USSR, by 1990, an entire titanium industry had already been created, the largest in the world. The volume of production of metal and its alloys exceeded the level of production of the USA, Japan, England, Germany, France and China combined.

Rice. 1. Titanium ore cluster discovered in the Penza, Ryazan, Tambov regions and the Republic of Mordovia

The union national economic complex was working, in which the RSFSR was not the largest part:

  • 40% titanium sponge production;
  • titanium ingots and semi-finished products.

The extraction and enrichment of titanium-containing ores was concentrated in Ukraine.

With the collapse of the USSR, the new Russia was left without its own sources of titanium raw materials. But it was the Russian Federation that consumed 75% of the metal and its alloys.

We had to solve the problem of creating our own raw material base and bringing new deposits into operation. There was even a government order No. 892-r, which approved the Federal Target Program of 1993-2002. on the preservation and development of titanium production in Russia.

During the first ten years of the existence of the new Russia (up to 2010), TiO2 reserves increased 1.5 times - the Chineyskoye, South-Eastern Gremyakha, as well as a number of alluvial deposits were explored and registered.

Mineral reserves in the Russian Federation

As of January 1, 2018, the reserves of titanium dioxide contained in the bowels of Russia exceed 600 million tons.

Table. 1. TiO2 by category, million tons

Inventories - total Including categories
A+B+C1 C2
2008 490,7 173,3 317,4
2009 540,4 212,9 327,5
2010 542,0 212,8 329,2
2011 563,5 232,6 330,9
2012 569,2 238,3 330,9
2013 591,4 254,7 336,7
2014 592,2 254,2 338,0
2015 600,4 261,4 339,0
2016 600,2 260,9 339,3
2017 601,2 260,8 340,4


Birth of a Titan

Exactly 60 years ago, on February 17, 1957, the first titanium ingot was smelted in one of the furnaces of the plant in the town of Verkhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region.

It was these four kilograms that became the starting point in the industrial development of titanium and the development of the aerospace industry in our country. And not only our country. A case in point is that half of the titanium in the Boeing 787 “dream plane” was produced here.

Today, Verkhnaya Salda, without exaggeration, can be called the titanium capital of the world, and VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation is an integral part of the international aviation industry.


The titanium giant VSMPO-AVISMA officially appeared in 2005, when the Verkhnesalda Metallurgical Production Association (VSMPO) and the Aviation Special Materials Plant (AVISMA) from the city of Berezniki, Perm Region, decided to work together.

But the history of the corporation dates back to 1933 from an aluminum products plant in Moscow. The enterprise was to become the main supplier for the developing Soviet aircraft industry.

The war made its own adjustments: the first bombings in July 1941 required the emergency evacuation of the plant to the Urals, to the city of Verkhnyaya Salda.

During the war, the plant met the needs of aviation; the semi-finished products produced were widely used in shipbuilding and tank building, production of ammunition and weapons. When the rocket and space era arrived, they started working on titanium here. The first ingot weighing only four kilograms, obtained in 1957, is still kept in the VSMPO museum. And already in 1976, the world's largest titanium ingot weighing 15 tons was smelted at the plant.

The 500,000th ingot smelted in the new smelter. January, 1976

The enterprise essentially became not only a production facility, but also one of the main research centers in the field of titanium production. VSMPO-AVISMA products were used in many scientific and technical developments, such as the Soyuz-Apollo space complex, the Buran spacecraft, the Energia launch vehicle, and the giant aircraft AN-124 Ruslan and AN-225 Mriya.

Launch vehicle "Energia"

Titan in the sky

Modern Airbuses, Boeings, Embraers, and Superjets also necessarily carry titanium from Verkhnyaya Salda. Today, in total, the corporation’s partners in the global market are more than 300 companies in 48 countries. Snecma, Rolls Royce, Pratt & Whitney, Honeywell, Embraer - essentially, there is not a single aircraft manufacturing company in the world that does not use VSMPO-AVISMA titanium. The corporation is the first in titanium supply volumes for Airbus Industry and the second for Boeing.

Cooperation with Airbus began in the 1990s, when the first agreements for the supply of raw materials were signed. In 2009, a long-term contract was concluded for the supply of flat and round rolled products from titanium alloys, as well as stampings for Airbus aircraft until 2020.

Boeing not only supplies raw materials and titanium products. Back in 1997, the companies opened a joint venture with equal shares of ownership - Ural Boeing Manufacturing (UBM), located in Verkhnyaya Salda. Titanium stampings for the Boeing 787-8 and 787-9 Dreamliner, as well as the Boeing 777, are processed here.

Recently, the American aircraft concern and VSMPO-AVISMA announced the expansion of the plant’s capacity: next year it is planned to open a new site where titanium stampings will be processed for the new family of wide-body aircraft 777X, the start of production of which is scheduled for 2017. As they say in the corporation itself: “The Boeing runway originates in Verkhnyaya Salda.”

“Billet” for the chassis: how titanium is produced

Russian titanium is used to make aircraft parts that are subject to the greatest loads in flight: landing gear, engine and wing components. Some VSMPO-AVISMA products are truly unique. Where else in the world can a landing gear bogie weighing 3.5 tons be made for the giant Airbus A380?!

Manufacturing titanium is an expensive and complex production, and very responsible, where defects are simply unacceptable. The load on the turbine blade is equivalent to the weight of a crowded bus, and the turbine disk must be able to “stop” the car at a speed of 100 km/h. It is not difficult to imagine what kind of disaster can happen to an airplane if a disk or blade is destroyed due to poor-quality metal or the landing gear cannot withstand the load during landing.

The production of rolled rods from titanium alloys for engine blades, as well as ingots and billets, stampings and rolled rings is a complex industrial process.

First, titanium must be isolated from its ores in metallic form. After all, as you know, titanium does not lie in the ground in ingots. Using a complex physical and chemical process, titanium sponge is extracted from ore. These blocks are crushed, creating a so-called charge, with which smelting masters can already work. VSMPO receives titanium charge from a plant in Berezniki.

Then an alloy is created: elements such as aluminum, chromium, and molybdenum are added to titanium. Titanium is melted in vacuum arc furnaces at enormous temperatures, about plus 1700 degrees Celsius.

Here, the bulk charge is first transformed into a so-called consumable electrode - a long cylinder, which is then suspended in the furnace. By the way, the technology of creating a consumable electrode exclusively using a press is practiced only in Russia.

As a result, after two or more melts, a cylindrical ingot is obtained. 

The next stage of titanium production is forging and pressing. The bars are turned into “tickets”. Billet - in English “log” or “log”. The hydraulic press does not hit the ingot, but presses on it with enormous force, about 6000 tons.

After the “billet” is formed, it is processed on a lathe and subjected to ultrasonic testing to identify inhomogeneities. After this, the “tickets” are ready-made products that can be delivered to the customer.

Some “billets” go into further production at VSMPO and are used to make blanks: rods, rings or stampings.

To produce large stampings, such as the landing gear of the A380 or Boeing 787, powerful presses are used, including a unique hydraulic one weighing 75,000 tons. There are only three such machines in the world.

VSMPO-AVISMA successfully “withstands the blow”

Currently, as experts say, the situation on the domestic and global markets for titanium products is extremely difficult. But the VSMPO-AVISMA corporation successfully “withstands the blow” and plans to build on its long-term success.

If we take the Russian aerospace industry, VSMPO-AVISMA not only supplies titanium semi-finished products for serial machines, but also takes part in the creation of the promising MS-21 airliner, the first sample of which was rolled out in June last year. Since there are already orders for more than 100 MS-21 aircraft, the demand for the corporation’s products in the country will continue.

At the same time, VSMPO-AVISMA is actively expanding cooperation with manufacturers from Europe, North America and Asia. For example, under a long-term agreement with Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, the corporation is preparing to mass produce and supply stampings for the largest Chinese airliner, and there are already over 500 orders for it.

At the same time, VSMPO-AVISMA is actively updating its production capacity. The company's investment plan for 2017 is about 10 billion rubles. In particular, large-scale modernization of the ring-rolling complex and the organization of processing of disks and rings is planned with the aim of import substitution of products for the aircraft industry and other industries. As a result, the production volume of titanium rings should increase by 1.6 times by 2020 for Russian consumers alone.

The corporation also takes part in the development of the Titanium Valley special economic zone. Here, together with the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and the French Figeac Aero, enterprises for processing titanium products will be opened. In addition to the aerospace industry, VSMPO-AVISMA does not ignore other sectors of the titanium market.

Most experts today are confident: no matter what difficulties and problems arise in the aircraft industry or other titanium-consuming industries, VSMPO-AVISMA will continue to occupy a dominant position in them, and Russia will remain the producer of the highest quality titanium in the world. It’s no wonder that VSMPO’s slogan for many years has been “Only movement, and only forward.”

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Make money on titanium: the cost of the metal and how to distinguish it

Titanium is one of the most popular base metals in the industrial sector. Despite the fact that it is not a precious metal, its price is quite high. This is why people often think about the possibility of making money on titanium. To do this, you need to understand what the cost of the metal is, how to distinguish it from other materials, and also where it can be found.

How to distinguish titanium?

Externally, titanium is very similar to most other metals that have a silvery tint. It is quite easy to confuse the material with steel, aluminum or stainless steel.

It’s easy to determine that it’s titanium in front of you. An abrasive wheel will help with this. It is necessary to cut the object from the metal being tested with an abrasive wheel. You will notice a characteristic scattering of sparks. If it is titanium, then these will be sparks of a rich white hue. If it is any other metal, you can admire the sparks of red or yellow color.

You can also determine that it is titanium in front of you by the fact that it heats up faster in your hand compared to other metals. It is worth knowing that this non-precious material leaves a characteristic pattern on the glass that is difficult to confuse with something else.

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Where is metal found?

At first glance, it seems that if titanium is a metal and is in demand in the industrial sphere, then it is found in almost all household devices and other types of equipment. Actually this is not true. It is almost impossible to find material in really large volumes.

It can be found:

  • in fountain and ballpoint pens;
  • in the form of garden tools, for example, shovels, rakes, hoes, etc.;
  • in the form of dishes;
  • as individual structural elements of vehicles, for example, transmission shafts, valves, springs, etc., but recently this has been very rare.

Titanium is a metal that is used in aircraft manufacturing for the manufacture of individual parts, as well as for cladding various structures made of other materials, including other metals.

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Is it possible to make money on titanium and what is its cost?

Literally anyone can make money on titanium, but it’s quite difficult. For an ordinary person who does not have access to a large number of products made from this material, this is practically impossible or the earnings will be insignificant, but the time costs are significant. The exception is people working in turning workshops or in industries where it is possible to receive titanium shavings for free. In this case, earnings on titanium will be impressive, but it all depends on volumes.

How much does titanium cost? Pure material can be sold at a price of 120 rubles per kilogram. But titanium shavings will be bought at a price of about 60-80 rubles per kilogram. It is very difficult to name the average cost of alloys, since it is determined by other elements of the composition.

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Where can I sell titanium? This is a difficult question, since quite a few organizations are engaged in purchasing this material. But you can still find separate metal collection points where you can buy titanium, shavings, and alloys with this material at fairly high prices.

Now you know what a material such as titanium is, where it can be found and what its cost is. Making money on this metal is not the best idea if you do not have the opportunity to obtain titanium in large quantities. Selling a small amount of this non-precious material is unlikely to significantly replenish the family budget.


Production of titanium and its alloys: features of the technological process

Titanium is one of the most important structural materials because it combines strength, hardness and lightness. However, other properties of the metal are very specific, which makes the process of obtaining the substance difficult and expensive. And today we will consider the global technology for the production of titanium, we will briefly mention its properties and the scope of application of products.

The metal exists in two modifications.

  • α-Ti - exists up to a temperature of 883 C, has a dense hexagonal lattice.
  • β-Ti – has a body-centered cubic lattice.

The transition occurs with a very small change in density, since the latter gradually decreases when heated.

  • During operation of titanium products, in most cases they deal with the α-phase. But when melting and manufacturing alloys, metallurgists work with the β-modification.
  • The second feature of the material is anisotropy. The elasticity coefficient and magnetic susceptibility of a substance depend on the direction, and the difference is quite noticeable.
  • The third feature is the dependence of the properties of the metal on its purity. Ordinary technical titanium is not suitable, for example, for use in rocket science, because due to impurities it loses its heat resistance. In this area of ​​industry, only extremely pure substances are used.

This video will tell you about the composition of titanium:

The use of metal began only in the 50s of the last century. Its extraction and production is a complex process, due to which this relatively common element was classified as conditionally rare. And then we will look at the technology and equipment of titanium production shops.

Raw materials

Titanium ranks 7th in terms of abundance in nature. Most often these are oxides, titanates and titanosilicates. The maximum amount of the substance is contained in dioxides - 94–99%.

  • Rutile is the most stable modification; it is a bluish, brownish-yellow, or red mineral.
  • Anatase is a rather rare mineral; at a temperature of 800–900 C it turns into rutile.
  • Brookite is a crystal of the orthorhombic system; at 650 C, it irreversibly transforms into rutile with a decrease in volume.


  • More common compounds of metal with iron are ilmenite (up to 52.8% titanium). These are geikilite, pyrophanite, crichton - the chemical composition of ilmenite is very complex and varies widely.
  • leucoxene - is used for industrial purposes . Here a rather complex chemical reaction occurs, in which some of the iron is removed from the ilmenite lattice. As a result, the volume of titanium in the ore increases – up to 60%.
  • They also use ore where the metal is not bound with ferrous iron, as in ilmenite, but appears in the form of oxide iron titanate - this is arizonite, pseudobrookite .

The most important deposits are ilmenite, rutile and titanomagnetite. They are divided into 3 groups:

  • igneous - associated with areas of distribution of ultrabasic and basic rocks, in other words, with the distribution of magma. Most often these are ilmenite, titanomagnetite ilmenite-hematite ores;
  • exogenous deposits - placer and residual, alluvial, alluvial-lacustrine deposits of ilmenite and rutile. As well as coastal-sea placers, titanium, anatase ores in weathering crusts. Coastal marine placers are of greatest importance;
  • metamorphosed deposits - sandstones with leucoxene, ilmenite-magnetite ores, continuous and disseminated.

Exogenous deposits - residual or placer deposits, are developed using the open-pit method. Dredges and excavators are used for this.

The development of primary deposits is associated with the sinking of mines. The resulting ore is crushed and enriched on site. Gravity enrichment, flotation, and magnetic separation are used.

Titanium slag can be used as a feedstock. It contains up to 85% metal dioxide.

Receiving technology

The process of producing metal from ilmenite ores consists of several stages:

  • reduction smelting to obtain titanium slag;
  • chlorination of slag;
  • metal production by restoration;
  • Titanium refining – as a rule, is carried out to improve the properties of the product.

The process is complex, multi-stage and expensive. As a result, a fairly affordable metal turns out to be very expensive to produce.

This video will tell you about the production of titanium:

Ilmenite is an association of titanium oxide with ferrous iron. Therefore, the purpose of the first stage of production is to separate the dioxide from the iron oxides. To do this, iron oxides are reduced.

The process is carried out in electric arc furnaces. The ilmenite concentrate is loaded into the furnace, then a reducing agent is introduced - charcoal, anthracite, coke, and heated to 1650 C. In this case, iron is reduced from the oxide. Cast iron is obtained from reduced and carburized iron, and titanium oxide turns into slag. The latter ultimately contains 82–90% titanium.

Cast iron and slag are poured into separate molds. Cast iron is used in metallurgical production.

Slag chlorination

The purpose of the process is to obtain metal tetrachloride for further use. It turns out to be impossible to directly chlorinate ilmenite concentrate due to the formation of a large amount of ferric chloride - the compound very quickly destroys the equipment. Therefore, it is impossible to do without the stage of preliminary removal of iron oxide. Chlorination is carried out in mine or salt chlorinators. The process is slightly different.

  • A mine chlorinator is a lined cylindrical structure with a height of up to 10 m and a diameter of up to 2 m. Briquettes of crushed slag are placed on top of the chlorinator, and gas from magnesium electrolyzers containing 65–70% chlorine is fed through the tuyeres. The reaction between titanium slag and chlorine occurs with the release of heat, which provides the temperature required for the process. Titanium tetrachloride gas is removed from the top, and the remaining slag is continuously removed from the bottom.
  • Salt chlorinator , a chamber lined with fireclay and half filled with the spent electrolyte of magnesium electrolyzers. The melt contains metal chlorides - sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Crushed titanium slag and coke are fed into the melt from above, and chlorine is injected from below. Since the chlorination reaction is exothermic, the temperature regime is maintained by the process itself.

Titanium tetrachloride is purified several times. Gas may contain carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other impurities, so purification is carried out in several stages.

The spent electrolyte is periodically replaced.

Metal production

The metal is reduced from tetrachloride with magnesium or sodium. Reduction occurs with the release of heat, which allows the reaction to be carried out without additional heating.

Electric resistance furnaces are used for restoration. First, a sealed flask made of chromium-nickel alloys 2–3 m high is placed in the chamber. After the container is heated to 50 C, magnesium is introduced into it. And then titanium tetrachloride is supplied. The feed is adjustable.

1 recovery cycle lasts 30–50 hours, so that the temperature does not rise above 800–900 C, the retort is blown with air. As a result, from 1 to 4 tons of spongy mass are obtained - the metal is deposited in the form of crumbs, which are sintered into a porous mass. Liquid magnesium chloride is periodically drained.

The porous mass absorbs quite a lot of magnesium chloride. Therefore, after reduction, vacuum distillation is carried out. To do this, the retort is heated to 1000 C, a vacuum is created in it and kept for 30–50 hours. During this time, impurities evaporate.

Reduction with sodium proceeds in much the same way. The difference is only in the last stage. To remove sodium chloride impurities, titanium sponge is crushed and the salt is leached from it with ordinary water.


The technical titanium obtained in the manner described above is quite suitable for the production of equipment and containers for the chemical industry. However, for areas where high heat resistance and uniformity of properties are required, metal is not suitable. In this case, they resort to refining.

Refining is carried out in a thermostat, where the temperature is maintained at 100–200 C. A retort with a titanium sponge is placed in the chamber, and then, using a special device, a capsule with iodine is broken in a closed chamber. Iodine reacts with the metal to form titanium iodide.

Titanium wires are stretched in the retort, through which an electric current is passed. The wire heats up to 1300–1400 C, the resulting iodide decomposes on the wire, forming crystals of the purest titanium. Iodine is released and reacts.

With a new portion of titanium sponge, the process continues until the metal is exhausted. Production is stopped when, due to titanium growth, the wire diameter becomes 25–30 mm.

In one such apparatus you can obtain 10 kg of metal with a share of 99.9–99.99%.

If it is necessary to obtain malleable metal in ingots, proceed differently. To do this, titanium sponge is melted in a vacuum arc furnace, since the metal actively absorbs gases at high temperatures. The consumable electrode is obtained from titanium waste and sponge. The liquid metal solidifies in an apparatus in a crystallizer cooled by water.

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Melting is usually repeated twice to improve the quality of the ingots.

Due to the characteristics of the substance - reactions with oxygen, nitrogen and absorption of gases, the production of all titanium alloys is also possible only in electric arc vacuum furnaces.

Read about Russia and other titanium producing countries below.

The titanium production market is quite closed. As a rule, countries that produce large amounts of metal are themselves its consumers.

In Russia, the largest and perhaps the only company engaged in the production of titanium is VSMPO-Avisma. It is considered the largest metal manufacturer, but this is not entirely true. The company produces a fifth of titanium, but global consumption looks different: about 5% is spent on products and the preparation of alloys, and 95% is spent on producing dioxide.

So, titanium production in the world by country:

  • The leading producing country is China. The country has maximum reserves of titanium ores. Of the 18 known titanium sponge factories, 9 are located in China.
  • Japan ranks second. Interestingly, only 2-3% of the metal is spent in the aerospace sector in the country, while the rest is used in the chemical industry.
  • Russia and its numerous factories occupy third place in the world in titanium production. Then comes Kazakhstan.
  • The USA, the next producing country on the list, consumes titanium in a traditional way: 60–75% of titanium is used by the aerospace industry.

Titanium production is a technologically complex, expensive and time-consuming process. However, the demand for this material is so great that a significant increase in metal smelting is predicted.

This video will tell you how titanium is cut at one of the production facilities in Russia:


Guide to all types of Astroneer resources

In this guide, Ephemera will tell you in videos, pictures and text about all types of resources in the Astroneer game. Relevant for release.

Watch on Twitch.

About soil centrifuge

Let's start with a soil centrifuge. It is created in an average printer using 1 unit of aluminum and 2 units of compound. This machine is good because it requires almost nothing to create initial resources. More precisely, it needs electricity and soil. You can collect soil in a container, which in turn can be crafted in Astronir’s backpack from resin.

What a centrifuge can create from soil at maximum load:

  • Connection - 8 units.
  • Resin - 8 units.
  • Organics - 8 units.
  • Clay - 6 units.
  • Quartz - 4 units.
  • Graphite - 2 units.
  • Ammonium 1 unit.

Soil centrifuge

Mined resources and locations:

This resource can be found almost anywhere, as organic matter is extracted from grass, trees, flowers and more. Even if nothing grows on the planet, this does not mean that there are no mushrooms in the caves. Organics can be found on all planets! Plus, if you put organic matter in a smelter, you will get carbon, which in turn can be used as fuel for the average generator.

Medium Generator

This resource is also quite easy to find, but on some planets it is more difficult to find resin, on others it is easier. Looks like yellow tubes.


A resource that is present on all planets, but on some in very small quantities.

Another resource that is present on all planets. Looks like pink columns. When quartz is melted, it turns into glass.


Another resource that can be found on any planet with varying degrees of probability. You can put it in a smelter and get ceramics out of it.

Release clay

Another resource that is present on all planets. Looks like black bars. In a chemical laboratory, 2 units of graphite can be used to produce 1 unit of graphene.


Another resource that can be found on any planet with varying degrees of probability. A very important resource, since it can be used to make hydrazine in a chemistry laboratory. Now in release it can be obtained in a soil centrifuge, yay!


Present on Silva and Kalidor. Looks like green-orange columns. Malachite is used to melt copper. On Silva the easiest place to find is in the mountains.


It looks like blue-brown round balls and can be found on almost any planet. Aluminum is melted from laterite.

Release laterite

A resource that is found only on two planets - Knitting and Glacio. Looks like green bars. Titanite is melted from titanite.

Titanite release

This resource can be found on any planet. Looks like black and purple debris. Sphalerite melts zinc.

Sphalerite release

This resource can only be found on Novus and Glacio. Looks like red crystals. Hematite melts iron.

Hematite release

This resource can be found on Novus and Knitting. It looks like yellow and red pasta sticking out in different directions. One of the few resources that is used in its pure form (for the manufacture of storage batteries).

Lithium release

This resource can only be found on Desolo and Kalidor. Looks like green-brown-yellow cubes. Tungsten is melted from wolframite.

Release wolframite

One of the most controversial resources in the game. Crafted from scrap that can be found near various crashed objects. To process scrap into scrap, you will need a shredder, large or medium. The scrap itself is used only as a resource for the exchange station. At the same time, the station itself still needs to be created, and the exchange rate, to put it mildly, is not worth the effort of collecting scrap.

Resources that can be obtained from the smelter:

  • Carbon
  • Aluminum
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Titanium
  • Tungsten
  • Glass
  • Ceramics

Atmospheric condenser

By creating an atmospheric capacitor and properly powering it with electricity, you will be able to extract various gases on various planets except Desolo:

  • Argon - Available on Glacio and Knitting.
  • Helium - Available on Aatrox.
  • Hydrogen - available on Silva, Novus, Knitting and Kalidor.
  • Methane - available on Aatrox and Novus.
  • Nitrogen - Available on Silva, Aatrox and Knitting.
  • Brimstone - Available on Kalidor and Aatrox.

Chemical laboratory

It is mainly needed for the production of hydrazine and other complex resources; you can look up all the recipes in the chemical laboratory itself.



In this article I will start a story about the titans in the game Empires & Puzzles. Who are they, what to do with them and what they are like. Well, all the information about the Titans that I could collect.

Tiatnas are very powerful creatures that can only be fought together with other players in the Alliance. Titans are only available to players who are members of any Alliance. If you are not in the Alliance, you cannot fight the Titans.

Players are not required to join Alliances. If you don't want to play with other players, you can continue playing Empires & Puzzles without joining an Alliance. But everyone who joined the Alliance receives additional benefits:

  • Firstly, from each titan the player receives loot (things, objects and resources in the form of food and metal)
  • After the Alliance defeats 5 titans, the Titan Hunt Chest is filled and you receive additional loot from it.

Loot is received by all Alliance players who made at least 1 hit on the Titan and are in the Alliance at the time of the victory on the Titan or its escape.

Those. It is beneficial to join the Alliance. It is from Titan that you can get most of the rare items. This is the fastest (relatively) way to obtain items for the Rebirth of your Heroes.

The Titans Appear

Titans appear every 23 hours. Those. The time of appearance of the next Titan (regardless of whether it was defeated or escaped) is always 23 hours, and moves back an hour every day.

After appearing, Titan can be attacked for 22 hours. The time for how long the Titan will be available, and the time for how long to wait for the Selling Titan, is always available on the Titan icon, on the panel with information about the Titan, or in the Alliance window.

When the Titan appears, you will see the Titan icon on the Mission Map.

Titan icon

The icon shows the Titan, below it is the time when it will be available for attack, below it is the health scale (red) and even lower is the rank of the Titan (number of stars).

Alternatively, you can go to the Alliance panel and click on the Titans tab. There will be all the information about the current Titan.

Titan Information

But rarely does anyone do this. The easiest way is to click on the Titan icon on the map and open the Titan window.

Titan Window

This window contains all the information about Titan:

  • Titan name
  • Titan Rank (number of stars)
  • Titan Release Color
  • His image
  • Current life (red life bar)
  • How much time is left before the Titan escapes?
  • Best attackers on Titan
  • Event log, which shows who fought the titan and when and what damage it caused

Battle with the Titans

To fight the Titan, you need to spend Alliance Energy. You can accumulate a maximum of 3 Alliance Energy points.

Each point of Alliance Energy is restored in 4 hours. Those. They can be completely restored in 12 hours.

The maximum number of hits on Titan can be:

8 – if you have accumulated 3 Alliance Energy points at the time of Titan’s appearance (+5 will be restored in 20 hours)

11 -if you have accumulated 3 Alliance Energy points at the time the Titan appears (+5 will be restored in 20 hours) + 3 if you increase the level at the moment when the Titan is available for Attack

Well, if you have flasks with Alliance Energy, you can hit as many as you have flasks.

To fight the Titan you have a limited amount of time (one and a half minutes). You need to try to deal as much damage as possible during this time. We have a separate article on the strategy of battles with the Titans ( UNDER DEVELOPMENT, COMING SOON! )

Titan Characteristics

The New Alliance begins the battle with the weakest Titans – 1*. After the Alliance was able to kill three 1* titans in a row, a 2* titan appears.

After three 2* titans are killed in a row, a 3* titan appears.

And so on.

The maximum titanium level in the game (at the moment) is 12*. There are new plans to raise it to 15*.

In addition to rank, titans differ in Elemental colors, just like Heroes.

The higher the Titan's rank, the more health and special attacks it has. Therefore, the higher the Titan's level, the more difficult it is to kill. Usually, after rank 6*, Titans add Negative Effects that are applied to higher Heroes (minus to armor, attack, accuracy, poison or fire causing damage for several turns)

In addition, Rare Titans were recently introduced into the game. They appear starting from 5*. Rare titans have more health and stronger attack. Moreover, if the Alliance defeats such a Titan, all members of Alyan (who hit the Titan) have an additional bonus chance to receive a Rare Item. This item is usually depicted next to Titan.

According to statistics, 2-3 members of the Alliance receive such an item. So the chances are not very great.

The list of Titans with their characteristics is already ready!


Since I haven’t fought everyone yet, the statistics will be incomplete. But I will replenish it as much as possible. If you send me screenshots of Tiatnamia x characteristics that are not in this table, I will be grateful to you and will be happy to update the table.

Loot Distribution Rules for Defeated Titan

Many players are concerned about the question of how the loot of a defeated Titan is distributed among the members of the Alliance?

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Firstly, if the Titan escaped everyone gets minimal loot: food, iron and 1* craft item and possibly 1* rebirth item

If Titan was defeated, then things become difficult. I'll tell you how



< GregTech

Titanium (chemical formula Ti) is one of the GregTech modification resources. Mainly used for crafting high-tech mechanisms and advanced tools.


 �  �
 �  �
Titanium dust

Reverse craft

Additionally, items can also be melted in a smelting furnace.


Titanium Rod, Titanium Plate, Key Titanium gear
Titanium rod,Titanium plate
 4 4  4 4
Energy: 12,800 eE
Time: 160 sec
Voltage: 4 EU/t
Diamond dust, Titanium rod, Titanium plate, Circuit diagram, Battery
Cliff Digger
Additional Recipe
Diamond Dust, Titanium Rod, Improved Circuitry, Lithium Battery or Energy Crystal or their upgrades
 �  �
 �  �
Diamond Jackhammer
Additional Recipe
Titanium rod
 3 3  88
Energy: 4,500 eE
Time: 7 sec
Voltage: 30 EU/t
Standard rail
If RailCraft is installed


Titanium plate,key Titanium movement case
Titanium plate, Mechanism parts
 6 6  
Energy: 3,200 eE
Time: 20 sec
Voltage: 8 EU/t
Titanium plate, Bronze plate or Brass plate, Tin plate or Zinc plate or Aluminum plate
 �  �  333344
 �  �
 �  �
Composite Ingot
Additional Recipe
Chrome plate, Titanium plate, Improved movement body or Steel movement body High-tech mechanism
Titanium Plate, Energy Flow Chip, Ender Chest, Computer Tesseract Generator
Titanium Plate, Energy Flow Chip, Ender Chest, Enhanced Gear Case or Steel Gear Case Tesseract terminal
360K Helium Cooling Rod, Ruby, Lithium Battery or Energy Crystal or their upgrades, Titanium Plate, Composite, Improved Circuitry
Mining Laser
Replaces the standard recipe.
Artificial Diamond, Mining Drill, Improved Electrical Circuit, Titanium Plate
 �  �
Diamond Drill
Replaces the standard recipe.


Current time: 18:04. Time zone GMT +3.


Titanium casting

Titanium is a young metal. It was opened at the end of the 18th century. Titanium has a high melting point (1670 °C), low specific gravity (4.5 g/cm3) and high strength and corrosion resistance.


The high price and complexity of metal processing determine its relatively narrow use in industry - only for the most critical parts. The lightweight and durable metal is used to make highly loaded parts and assemblies in the aerospace, defense and oil industries.

Titanium casting technology

The complexity of titanium casting technology is determined by the high melting point and very high chemical reactivity of liquid titanium. It tries to react with all the gases in the air. Therefore, titanium casting was traditionally carried out in an atmosphere of inert gases. To do this, the melting furnaces were isolated from the atmosphere by pumping special gases into them and creating excess pressure.

Titanium casting technology

Subsequently, vacuum melting and casting plants were developed. They combine in one evacuated volume the processes of metal melting, casting and cooling of the casting. Casting is done in graphite molds. Along with this technology, the method of vacuum casting using lost wax models is also used. Shell casting technology is also used.

Modern casting methods make it possible to obtain strong and homogeneous castings that satisfy the most demanding design requirements. The casting method also has an advantage over machining on machines and welding in terms of better metal utilization. Many manufacturers have begun to increasingly use cast parts instead of milled ones.

The metal is not widely used in artistic casting due to the complexity of production. The first titanium statue of Yuri Gagarin in Moscow became widely known in the art world.

Scope of application of titanium alloys

Titanium has excellent structural properties: it is strong (twice as strong as aluminum), light (almost twice as light as steel), elastic, does not rust, and withstands tensile, compressive and torsional stresses well.

The widespread use of light and durable metal is hampered by its high cost and processing complexity. Titanium is used to make the most critical, highly loaded parts in the aerospace industry - where low weight is more important than high price.

These are both airframe parts and engine parts - supercharger impellers and air intakes.

Scope of application of titanium alloys

Titanium is also widely used in the production of weapons - from parts of small arms and body armor to submarine hulls that can withstand diving to record depths of 1,000 meters.

In the oil and gas industry, titanium alloy casting is used to manufacture pipes and valves for oil and gas production plants, oil pipelines and oil and gas refineries.

Rolled and cast titanium is also used to produce parts for luxury and racing cars and motorcycles, bicycles and watches.

Due to their physiological inertness, titanium alloys are also used to make dental and bone prostheses.

Main characteristics of titanium alloys

The high reactivity of titanium makes it possible to produce its alloys with many metals, obtaining materials with significantly improved and even unique properties.

Titanium forms

Nickel alloy Nitinol has a “shape memory” effect and is widely used in medicine and aerospace

NitinolThe essence of the memory effect

Aluminum alloys are resistant to prolonged heating and corrosion resistance, which makes them suitable for use in aviation and automotive construction.

The barium alloy is used as a getter in cathode ray tubes and high-vacuum pumps.

Aluminum alloy is widely used. Ti-6Al-4V (or VT6), approximately 6% aluminum and approximately 4% vanadium. Almost half of the titanium produced is used for it.


Ferrotitanium (an alloy with iron containing 18-25% titanium) is used in the production of steel for its deoxidation and for binding non-metallic impurities

Titanium is also used as an additive for alloying special steels: high-strength, heat-resistant and for particularly severe operating conditions.

Titanium investment casting

This method is more often used when casting small-sized castings with complex configurations or thin walls.

Titanium investment casting

Models are made of wax or polystyrene. The model completely repeats the configuration of the finished product, but has dimensions increased by the amount of casting shrinkage. The model also includes small vertical rods up to the level of the mold fill, used to form injection holes.

Molten metal enters the mold through the sprues. The models are combined into blocks, which are placed in a flask, which is filled with highly dispersed graphite powder. Compaction is carried out using the vibration method. To achieve better compaction of the powder, compaction is carried out layer by layer.

When ready, the mold with the model block is placed in a vacuum chamber and the melt is poured into it.

The hot liquid metal melts the model material and displaces it in the form of gases directly through the walls of the mold. The melt fills the mold, exactly repeating all the details of its relief. Cooling of castings is carried out according to a special schedule to reduce the likelihood of residual stresses in the metal.

Materials and equipment for titanium casting

Due to the high activity of heated titanium, it is necessary to use specific equipment for casting it.

The melting unit and the mold casting machine are placed in a sealed evacuated chamber. High-performance pumps remove both initial air and gases generated during melting and casting.

Mold Casting Machine

Conventional ceramic crucibles are not suitable for melting; graphite crucibles are used instead. In electric arc furnaces, where heating occurs from the inside, cooled containers coated with a thin layer of titanium metal are used - the so-called garnissages. A consumable electrode is lowered into the crucible from above. Automatic feeding maintains a constant distance from the electrode to the surface of the melt as it is consumed.

Below the crucible there is a block of casting units into which the melt is fed under the influence of its weight. To improve the distribution of the melt over the mold, the block with molds can be rotated.

The time for overturning the crucible is determined based on constantly monitored parameters - crucible temperature, pressure, chemical composition of the melt.

Graphite molds

Molds are made from graphite. Recently, instead of expensive graphite molds, they are beginning to use molds made of conventional refractory materials with a special thin protective coating that prevents titanium from reacting.

The complexity of technological processes, the high price of equipment and consumables, and highly qualified personnel make the titanium casting process accessible only to specialized industrial production.


Spheres and areas of application of titanium

Titanium is a unique metal. The properties of this material make it indispensable in many areas of human life. Titanium became known more than two hundred years ago and has not lost its popularity since then. It is one of the most common elements in Mendeleev's periodic table. To prove this, we will take a closer look at the applications and applications of titanium.

Properties and characteristics of titanium

Titanium boasts a very advantageous set of various properties. These include:

  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • high strength indicators;
  • high melting point;
  • density indicators are higher than that of aluminum;
  • thermal conductivity is lower than that of aluminum and iron;
  • titanium can be used over a wide temperature range.
  • The listed properties of titanium indicate that it can be used for a variety of purposes. This is exactly what we will talk about in more detail. First, it is worth noting that titanium has not only different properties and characteristics, but also grades.

    Titanium grades

    Titanium has a fairly large number of different grades. Each brand has a different content of chemical elements and impurities, such as nitrogen, silicon, oxygen, iron and others. Let's take, for example, titanium grades VT1-0 and VT1-00. Titanium of these grades is used for technical purposes, as it has relatively low strength due to the low amount of impurities in its composition. That is, the composition of a certain grade of titanium affects its properties and quality indicators.

    Where is titanium used?

    Initially, titanium was used mainly in the military industry, but over time it began to be actively used in other areas, such as:

  • energy industry. Titanium alloys have found their application in the production of heat exchange equipment, various pipes, and also as their coatings.
  • chemical and petrochemical industry. Titanium sheets are used to produce various parts of chemical and petrochemical equipment.
  • food industry. Equipment in this industry has very high demands, and titanium alloys meet them. This metal is used to make centrifuges, measuring tanks, filters, vessels and other equipment for the food industry.
  • pulp industry. This industry is characterized by very complex processes that require materials with high quality indicators. Such materials include titanium.
  • Automotive industry. It has been proven that the smaller the vehicle weight, the lower the fuel consumption. This increases its efficiency and environmental friendliness. The low mass of titanium makes it possible to reduce the mass of car parts.
  • decorative and applied arts. Titanium is well processed, thereby allowing it to be used for the manufacture of various jewelry, sculptures, and monuments. For example, earrings for piercing are made from titanium. They can be used for primary punctures, since titanium does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Application of titanium in construction

    Properties such as strength, resistance to corrosion, chemicals, precipitation, ultraviolet rays and other adverse environmental factors allow the use of titanium in construction.

    Titanium, as a building material, is popular in many countries around the world. For example, in eastern countries titanium is used as a roofing material. Very often, buildings are clad with titanium because of its beneficial properties in other countries of the world.

    Cornices, columns and other building elements are also lined with titanium.

    This non-ferrous metal has proven itself over the years as a reliable and durable material. The areas and applications of titanium are very extensive and due to its unique properties, this metal is called the “metal of the future.” There is not a drop of doubt that titanium will not lose its popularity even after many years.


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