Features of non-ferrous metals
The process of manufacturing technical equipment today cannot do without non-ferrous metals (CM). This simple element has such useful properties as electrical and thermal conductivity, malleability. Metals are distinguished according to different properties, distinguishing groups:
- Black – Fe and alloys;
- Non-ferrous – metals, except Fe;
- Precious – Au, Pt, Ag;
- Light – with low density;
- Heavy, high density.
The name “colored” was given to all elements with metallic properties, including alloys. In other languages they are called non-iron.
From the point of view of scientists, there is a division according to certain criteria:
- Light – Al, Mg, Ti;
- Heavy – Cu, Zn, Ni;
- Noble – Pt;
- Refractory;
- Scattered;
- Rare earths;
- Radioactive.
Scientists use the separation of CM according to such characteristics that are inherent in certain chemical elements with metallic properties:
Thanks to CM, non-ferrous metallurgy (non-ferrous metals and heavy metals) has been developed all over the world, including our country. This is not only processing, but also mining, improving properties, smelting, and production of alloys.
In the Russian Federation there are CM bases that differ in geography: tin, copper, others.
Characteristics of base metals
There are many CMs, but brief characteristics of the most commonly used ones are given below.
Aluminum (Al), classified into primary and secondary, conducts current well and is ductile. Mechanical characteristics are low.
Copper (Cu) is a commonly found metal with high ductility and is an excellent conductor of heat and current. Cu easily forms alloys with other CMs, which are in demand in the mechanical engineering industry.
Zinc (Zn). It is brittle, but when heated (up to 140 C0) it becomes plastic and is susceptible to the influence of rollers for rolling and forging. It does not rust, but under the influence of acidic and alkaline environments. Melts at a value of 419 C0.
Use of non-ferrous metals
The development of aviation, nuclear technology, and the chemical industry has led to an increase in demand for many CMs and their compounds (titanium, zirconium, hafnium, niobium, etc.).
Cu alloys and plain copper are essential for the mechanical engineering field. They are used to produce pipes, various containers, and are used in cryogenic technology.
Aluminum is required for the chemical and food industries; containers are made from it. Aircraft manufacturing, rocketry, and construction also use it due to its high strength, resistance to rust and the influence of extreme temperatures.
- They conduct heat well and have a high heat capacity (Cu, Mg, Al). This leads to rapid cooling during welding and the need for heating through the use of powerful heat sources.
- Metals such as Cu, Mg, Al, including alloys, have low properties of their original characteristics under the influence of heating. Due to this, the metal is subject to destruction under the influence of impacts. The reason may also be increased weight, when under the influence of aluminum and bronze it leads to the destruction of the weld pool.
- When the temperature increases, CMs begin to destroy gases in the atmosphere in a large volume. There is also interaction at the molecular level with all elements of air, excluding inert ones. The most active are the refractory ones, which have greater activity from a chemical point of view (Ti, Tl, Mb). They are also in the group of refractory, active chemical reactions. Metals are different, and their properties are different, but knowledge of many of their features allows you to apply them in practice and enjoy many advantages. Non-ferrous metals are around us even in small details.
Source: https://mipnn.ru/stati/osobennosti_cvetnyh_metallov
In which industries are non-ferrous metals used?
· 09.09.2019
Non-ferrous metallurgy is a branch of metallurgy that includes the extraction, enrichment of non-ferrous metal ores and smelting of non-ferrous metals and their alloys. Based on their physical properties and purpose, non-ferrous metals can be divided into heavy (copper, lead, zinc, tin, nickel) and light (aluminum, titanium, magnesium). Based on this division, a distinction is made between the metallurgy of light metals and the metallurgy of heavy metals.
Location of industry enterprises [ edit | edit code ]
The location of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises depends on many economic and natural conditions, especially on the raw material factor. In addition to raw materials, the fuel and energy factor plays a significant role.
Several main bases of non-ferrous metallurgy have been formed on the territory of Russia. Their differences in specialization are explained by the dissimilarity of the geography of light metals (aluminum, titanium-magnesium industry) and heavy metals (copper, lead-zinc, tin, nickel-cobalt industries).
Heavy metals [edit | edit code ]
Due to the low energy demand, the production of heavy non-ferrous metals is confined to the areas where raw materials are extracted.
- In terms of reserves, mining and enrichment of copper ores, as well as copper smelting, the leading place in Russia is occupied by the Ural economic region, on the territory of which the Krasnouralsk, Kirovgrad, Sredneuralsk, and Mednogorsk plants are distinguished.
- The lead-zinc industry as a whole gravitates towards areas where polymetallic ores are distributed. Such deposits include Sadonskoye (North Caucasus), Salairskoye (Western Siberia), Nerchinskoye (Eastern Siberia) and Dalnegorskoye (Far East).
- The center of the nickel-cobalt industry is the cities of Norilsk (Eastern Siberia) and Monchegorsk (Northern Economic Region), as well as the urban-type settlement of Nickel (Murmansk Region).
Light metals [edit | edit code ]
The production of light metals requires a large amount of energy. Therefore, the concentration of enterprises smelting light metals near sources of cheap energy is the most important principle for their location.
- The raw materials for aluminum production are bauxite from the Northwestern region (Boxitogorsk), the Urals (the city of Severouralsk), nephelines from the Kola Peninsula (Kirovsk) and the south of Siberia (Goryachegorsk). From this aluminum raw material, aluminum oxide is isolated in mining areas - alumina. Producing aluminum metal from it requires a lot of electricity. Therefore, aluminum smelters are built near large power plants, mainly hydroelectric power stations (Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, etc.)
- The titanium-magnesium industry is located primarily in the Urals, both in areas of raw material extraction (Bereznikovsky titanium-magnesium plant) and in areas of cheap energy (Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium plant). The final stage of titanium-magnesium metallurgy - processing of metals and their alloys - is most often located in areas where finished products are consumed.
Today, non-ferrous metals mean a lot in the production of modern technology. Metal, from a chemical point of view, is a simple substance that has the ability to conduct heat and electricity. Its surface has a characteristic shine.
Metals are classified according to different criteria, however, three main groups are distinguished:
Non-ferrous metals is a concept that includes metals and alloys (the exception is iron, which is classified as ferrous metals). They are in great demand in Russia, so they are produced in many regions of the country.
First of all, parts made of non-ferrous metals differ from other metal products in their cost. Limited supplies and difficulties in obtaining the material are the main aspects that explain the price differences.
In addition, parts made of non-ferrous metals are characterized by unique properties, both physical and chemical: softness, ductility, energy conductivity.
This group includes a large number of metals that differ from each other, first of all in appearance, and then in their characteristics.
Source: https://vi-pole.ru/v-kakih-otrasljah-promyshlennosti-ispolzujut.html
Use of non-ferrous metals in industry and construction
The range of applications of non-ferrous metals is constantly growing. It is difficult to imagine at least one industry that does not use copper, aluminum or titanium. Also among the most popular metals are:
- lead,
- platinum,
- zinc,
- tin,
- nickel,
- magnesium, etc.
Any powerful technological complex includes the use of non-ferrous metals in the production process. They are highly valued for their light weight, high electrical conductivity, anti-corrosion properties, flexibility, strength and so on. Naturally, each type of metal has unique properties. Conventionally, they can all be divided into the following groups:
- rare earth,
- lungs,
- noble,
- heavy,
- refractory,
- radioactive.
In their structure, non-ferrous metals have one predominant element and a small amount of impurities. Their density is at least 3.5 g/cm3. They are widely used in aircraft and rocket production. Without them it is impossible to imagine a modern microchip or computer board. Even paint is made using non-ferrous metals.
An excellent example in this context is bronze powder. It is available in three types and acts as a pigment in the production of both varnish and oil-based paints. You can purchase it here. The bronze pigment in the paint gives the surface a characteristic metallic tint.
The paint can be applied to almost any surface, from cardboard to glass.
The metal has high casting qualities. Tin is also part of many alloys that are in demand in manufacturing. It is used in complex mechanical engineering to create bearings and other products.
At the moment, it is impossible to imagine a production complex without non-ferrous metals. Their role in the nuclear industry, chemical sector and mechanical engineering cannot be overestimated. If we talk about construction, then only thanks to aluminum it became possible to erect high-rise buildings with maximum speed and minimum costs. Not only that, brass and other metals are used as decoration materials.
Source: https://nvph.ru/ispolzovanie-czvetnyix-metallov-v-promyishlennosti
Characteristics of non-ferrous metals: distinctive features of the material and methods of its use
In modern conditions, non-ferrous metals have taken one of the leading positions among the most commonly used natural materials. Nowadays, non-ferrous metals are used for the manufacture of most electronic devices and equipment of various modifications.
This material is distinguished by its simplest chemical composition and excellent technical and operational characteristics. The distinctive features of non-ferrous metals include a high level of electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, excellent malleability, and a distinctive metallic luster.
In this article we will look at the advantages of using non-ferrous metals, which are offered by UMMC OCM and methods of their application.
Metals and their classification
Today, there are several main types of metals and metal compounds. Here are just a few of them:
- Ferrous metals (these are metal compounds that include iron and certain alloys of this substance);
- All other metals and alloys of metal components are usually called non-ferrous metals (they do not include iron and its components);
- Precious metals currently include silver, gold, platinum, bronze and other noble metal compounds;
- Light-melting metals (substances with the lowest density);
- Heavy metal compounds (in most cases these are non-ferrous metals and their alloys with a higher substance density than iron and its individual components).
Characteristics of non-ferrous metals and their distinctive features
The name non-ferrous metals is a strict technical definition of all metal compounds and alloys of individual metals, which do not include iron and its derivatives.
On the contrary, substances that contain iron are called black (due to their higher performance properties and distinctive shine).
In Russian scientific literature, under non-ferrous metals one can also find so-called non-iron metal compounds (this name is common in the works of European scientists). Due to the peculiarities of the development of modern Russian science, the term “non-ferrous metals” has not taken root in the works of foreign researchers.
Depending on the metallic and other properties of “non-ferrous” metals, they are divided into:
- Aluminum, magnesium and titanium are so-called light metals or metal compounds and alloys with low strength and thermal conductivity;
- Heavy metals - these include copper, nickel, lead and zinc compounds;
- Precious metals – in particular platinum metal compounds;
- What is meant by refractory metals - in most cases, these are non-ferrous metal compounds and alloys with a high degree of strength, but with an insufficient melting factor. They have a high melting point and a long service life (as they do not wear out).
In addition to the above types of “non-ferrous metals”, dispersed metal compounds, radioactive and rare earth metals are also distinguished.
Our country contains a large number of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (in all modifications of this substance). That is why the Russian Federation is famous for the production of metal products, and non-ferrous metallurgy is actively developing. Non-ferrous metallurgy includes the search, storage and transformation of non-ferrous metals, as well as the smelting of non-ferrous metal alloys (heavy and ferrous metal compounds are used together with non-ferrous metals).
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List of categories:
Source: https://stroidom-shop.ru/plus-minus/harakteristika-tsvetnyih-metallov-otlichitelnyie-chertyi-materiala-i-sposobyi-ego-ispolzovaniya.html
Non-ferrous metal products. Types and scope
Non-ferrous metal products. Types and scope. 3.55/5 (70.91%) lost 11
Rolled metal has occupied an honorable niche in almost all spheres of human activity. It is simply impossible to imagine modern life without it, because metal products are present everywhere.
Rolled metal is divided into two main types – black and non-ferrous. The first is made from ferrous metals, that is, from iron. Products made from all other substances are called non-ferrous metal products.
If you decide to purchase metal products from non-ferrous rolled metal , we advise you to do so from trusted manufacturers.
What metals are included in the non-ferrous group
Non-ferrous metal products are used in almost all areas of industry. Automotive manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, space industry, shipbuilding, building construction, radio engineering, production of household appliances and other equipment - all these industries use various non-ferrous metals, and this list can be continued for a very long time. The type of material used in a particular area depends on its purpose and properties.
Some materials are used to make jewelry. Such substances include platinum, gold and silver. These materials are also used in other industries.
The most common non-ferrous metals are copper, aluminum, zinc, tin, titanium, lead and others. In general, there are a large number of non-ferrous metals. All of them are used for the manufacture of certain products. This group is united by one important criterion - the absence of iron.
All categories of metals can be divided into the following types:
- light (aluminum, magnesium, beryllium, titanium);
- heavy (copper, nickel, zinc, tin), including rare substances (cadmium, mercury, bismuth);
- noble or precious (gold, silver, rhodium, iridium, platinum group (except nickel);
- refractory (zirconium, chromium, vanadium).
Also, non-ferrous metal products are further divided into two large subcategories:
- Varietal. This group of products includes wire, hexagons, profiles and various rods. They are made from almost all types of non-ferrous metals, starting from the most common ones, such as aluminum, copper, and adding various alloys. Long products have found application in the manufacture of electrical products. Aluminum profiles are used for various construction and repair work.
- Sheet. This type of rental includes various tapes, strips and sheets . It is used in construction, mechanical engineering, military industry and many other areas. It is often used as a material for the design of interiors and exteriors of buildings.
If we talk about the types of materials, the most common are, of course, aluminum and copper.
Aluminum rolled metal
Aluminum rightfully occupies one of the leading positions both in production and in application among all non-ferrous metals. This is explained by the fact that it is relatively easy and cheap to extract. In addition, it has other advantages:
- ease of processing;
- light weight;
- high rates of thermal and electrical conductivity;
- resistance to corrosion.
Pure aluminum itself is not as popular as alloys using it. The most common composition is duralumin . To produce it, aluminum is combined with magnesium. Without this alloy it is impossible to imagine aircraft manufacturing, astronautics, construction, etc. Aluminum is also very often combined with copper, silicon and zinc.
Materials obtained by combining aluminum with other substances are more popular than this metal in its pure form. This is explained by the fact that without additives it does not have sufficient strength, which increases many times with the addition of other components.
Copper rolled metal
The most intensive uses of copper are in electronics, water pipes and electrical wiring. The metal gained popularity in these areas due to several positive characteristics:
- high rates of electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity;
- corrosion resistance;
- resistance to high and low temperatures;
- low susceptibility to ultraviolet rays.
The main disadvantage is low strength, but this can be eliminated by using the alloying method (adding other components). Alloys obtained in this way are more durable and practical. The most common ones are:
- brass, which is obtained by adding zinc;
- bronze - tin is most often added to the alloy, as well as other metals except nickel and zinc;
- cupronickel - nickel is added to the alloy.
Noble (precious) metals
There are many metals in this group, the most common of which are listed above. The most popular is, of course, gold. This material is quite rare, but very easy to process. That is why craftsmen create difficult-to-make, but very beautiful jewelry from it.
Nowadays, gold is considered a unique sign of high prosperity. This is influenced not only by the high cost and appearance, but also by the historical factor. The fact is that this material has been known to mankind for a very long time and at a certain time it was used to pay for various goods. Now the level of the economy of states is calculated in gold reserves.
Like many other metals, gold is practically never used in its pure form. This is explained by the fact that there is very little of it in nature, and extraction is quite expensive and difficult. The metal is diluted with other substances that affect the appearance and properties. In addition, the substance in its pure form is very plastic and easily amenable to mechanical stress. By creating alloys it becomes much stronger.
Areas of application of non-ferrous metal products
Most metals and their alloys have good technical characteristics that are highly valued. Therefore, they are widely used in areas where severe demands are made.
First of all, these areas are the aviation and space industries. In the construction of modern aircraft, aluminum alloys are used quite intensively. This type of metal is called aircraft aluminum.
It boasts high strength values, so parts made from it can withstand significant loads.
The automotive industry shows great demand for non-ferrous metal products. By using aluminum, copper, their alloys, etc., speed and maneuverability are significantly increased.
A mixture of aluminum and magnesium is widely used in shipbuilding. Therefore, this composition is called marine aluminum. The material is highly durable, resistant to corrosion in fresh and salt water, and welds well.
If we talk about gold, it is widely used not only in jewelry, but also to create various expensive parts.
In addition, the areas in which rolled metal is used can be continued for a very long time, from industry to jewelry. All metals and alloys have unique properties, taking into account that each of them finds application in one area or another.
Source: https://mechanicinfo.ru/cvetnoj-metalloprokat-vidy-i-oblast-primeneniya/
Non-ferrous metals: features and application
The term “heavy metals” appeared during the period of industrialization, when the concept of “heavy industry” came into use. This name was coined based on the importance of the industry for the development of the national economy, but as a result, it successfully separated heavy metals from light ones.
Experts draw a line between heavy and light metals, dividing them by density. It is interesting that in foreign sources there are no similar names that could summarize the two groups. However, in technology their importance is still recognized as paramount after iron.
Features of non-ferrous heavy metals and their use
Since the beginning of the 19th century, non-ferrous metallurgy has developed widely. Metals and alloys received the role of substitutes for iron in areas of production that required features that were not sufficiently expressed in steel. From this moment on, heavy metals began to be used in almost all industries.
Today, the most common heavy non-ferrous metals include:
- Copper.
- Nickel.
- Lead.
- Zinc.
Like copper, nickel is an important metal for industry and manufacturing. Compared to other metals, nickel is the strongest and hardest, and is also highly resistant to corrosion. In its pure form, nickel can be easily processed.
The disadvantages of nickel include its high cost, so pure metal is rarely used. To protect the material, it is coated with iron, magnesium and other metals. Nickel is often used to produce products used in the chemical industry.
Nickel is most in demand for the creation of iron-nickel batteries, which are lightweight and reliable, surpassing lead products in all respects.
Today, nickel is most used in alloys with iron, since in this case the best qualities of the material for the construction of machine tools, machines, and military equipment are revealed. In addition, nickel alloys are resistant to heat due to their ability to not oxidize, and are used in the creation of turbine engines and reactors.
Nickel was discovered in the mid-18th century, but only a century later the metal began to be actively produced for sale. The basic properties of nickel (heat resistance, strength, corrosion resistance) were discovered only in the 20th century. From that moment on, the demand for the material increased several times.
Today, the world community is trying to take into account the consumption of nickel, applying measures to save the metal. To do this, it can be replaced with chromium and coated with steel to reduce consumption.
Lead is one of the oldest known materials, having been discovered before our era. The high demand for the metal was explained by its high density and good processing properties. Lead was part of ancient jewelry; coins were cast from it and projectiles were created from it. After the discovery of gunpowder, lead became especially in demand - bullets were created from it.
In the 19th century, lead became the main material for the development of the chemical industry, as scientists discovered its resistance to acids and reagents. In addition, lead can protect products from corrosion. Today, lead is used for winding cables used in humid environments.
Lead batteries are especially important in their properties. They are much cheaper than nickel ones, but have similar characteristics. More than half of the world's lead reserves are used to create cables, batteries and other technical devices. Lead alloys are valued for their strength and hardness. They may contain tin, copper, cadmium or sodium and calcium.
Today, the demand for lead significantly exceeds its production, so experts remind us of the need to save metal. Lead shells are replaced with plastic, and coatings with synthetics. Zinc is often used as a replacement.
Features of the delivery of heavy metals
In any city in Russia, non-ferrous metal can be handed over to special points. Each point operates on the basis of admission rules, which are not too different from each other. The main features include the following nuances:
- Only grouped metals, one lot at a time, are accepted.
- The classification of a heavy metal is carried out according to its external characteristics; a specialist also examines the markings and, if necessary, conducts a chemical analysis.
- Delivery is carried out by net weight.
- Any metal in large quantities is accepted only on the basis of documents confirming that it is owned.
- Metal should not be included in the list of materials prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation.
Source: https://CvetMetLom.ru/info-metal/tyazhelie-cvetnie-metalli
Non-ferrous metals and their applications
Non-ferrous metals and their alloys are in great demand and are widely used in all sectors of industry and agriculture. These include all metals except iron and its derivatives, which are classified as ferrous metals.
Almost all non-ferrous metals have the following properties:
- Resistant to corrosion and significant temperature changes;
- Plasticity;
- Versatility of application.
In addition, an important feature of non-ferrous metals is that their properties can be changed by hardening, artificial aging or heat treatment. They are also well processed by stamping, rolling, forging, welding, soldering, pressing and cutting.
The most valuable non-ferrous metals are: Aluminum; Copper; Nickel; Tin; Lead; Zinc; Magnesium.
Lead and zinc
Although lead and zinc are mined from the same natural deposits, their applications differ significantly. Lead's resistance to aggressive influences allows it to be used as protective coatings for telephone and telegraph wires. In chemical production, special equipment is made from it.
Pure zinc is often used to make galvanized iron. Both metals are widely used in various alloys for the manufacture of equipment components in mechanical engineering, metallurgy, medicine and other sectors of the national economy.
Source: https://metresspb.ru/index.php/stati/25-tsvetnye-metally-i-ikh-primenenie
Non-ferrous metals and alloys: key characteristics and areas of application, marking
Non-ferrous metals are all existing metals with the exception of iron and its alloys (cast iron and steel - these are considered ferrous). Alloys of non-ferrous metals are mainly used as structural materials for various works. To understand their purpose, you should be able to correctly decipher the markings of alloys.
There is no unified system for marking non-ferrous metals and their alloys. However, they are always marked with letters and numbers, where the letters indicate whether the material belongs to one group or another, and numbers in different groups of materials or alloys can mean different things, for example:
- if it is a pure metal, then the degree of its purity;
- number of alloying elements;
- alloy number, etc.
Marking of copper and alloys based on it
When it comes to technical copper, the marking contains the letter M. Next are numbers indicating the degree of its purity. For example, M3 copper includes more impurities compared to M000 material. The letters at the end mean the following:
- B-oxygen-free material;
- R - deoxidized;
- K-cathode.
Copper in its pure form is often used as a conductor material for electrical purposes. The material lends itself well to soldering, deformation and welding, the only drawback is that it is difficult to cut.
In copper alloys, markings have an alphanumeric system by which their chemical composition can be determined. Thus, alloying elements are indicated by their initial letters, for example:
- K-silicon;
- Phosphorus;
- B-beryllium;
- O-tin, etc.
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc . They are divided into the following types:
- two-component (simple) - include mainly copper and zinc, as well as impurities in small quantities;
- multicomponent (special) - in addition to the main elements, there are additional alloying ones.
The markings for plain brass include the letter "L" indicating the type of alloy, as well as a two-digit number indicating the average amount of copper in the composition.
Two-component alloys respond well to pressure and can take forms such as:
- tubes and pipes with different sections;
- stripes;
- sheets;
- rods with different profiles;
- wire.
If products have high internal stress, they are prone to cracking. And if they are stored outdoors for a long time, transverse and longitudinal cracks may appear. To prevent this from happening, relieve internal stress by annealing at temperatures up to 300 degrees.
The marking of multi-component brass after the letter “L” contains letters indicating the alloying elements in the composition (in addition to zinc). Next comes a series of numbers separated by a hyphen, the first number is the average amount of copper (in %), and then - each alloying element in the order corresponding to the letter designation. The order of letters and numbers depends on which element is contained.
Those that are larger come first, then the elements are indicated in descending order. Cast brass is marked with letters LC (the second letter is zinc), followed by a number indicating the percentage of zinc content. Further marking proceeds, as in other cases. These types of materials are used in the production of bushings, shipbuilding materials, bearings, fittings and liners.
Bronze refers to a combination of copper with other elements, without zinc being the main component. Bronze can be deformed or cast. The marking of such material begins with the letter combination “Br”.
In casting types, these letters are followed by letters with numbers indicating the elements and their percentage in the alloy. The rest is assumed to be copper. In some cases, the marking has the letter “L” at the end, indicating that the material is foundry.
Bronze has excellent casting properties and is used for shaped casting. It is also used as an anti-friction and corrosion-resistant material in the production of:
- worm wheels;
- headbands;
- bushings;
- gears;
- fittings;
- valve seats, etc.
In addition to the listed features, it is worth noting that all copper alloys are highly resistant to low temperatures.
Aluminum can be produced as wire rod, ingots, pigs and much more, as well as as a deformable semi-finished product (profiles, rods, sheets and much more). Depending on the degree of presence of impurities, the material can have three types of purity:
- special;
- high;
- technical.
Primary aluminum is marked with the letter “A”, as well as a number indicating the amount of impurities in it.
This material lends itself well to deformation, but is difficult to cut. By rolling it can be used to produce foil.
Aluminum alloys are wrought and cast.
The marking of cast aluminum surrogates includes their main composition. Mostly it starts with the letter “A”, which indicates aluminum as the main material. Then there are letters and numbers, depending on the other elements and their percentage in the alloy. Some begin with the letters "AL", which means cast aluminum alloy, followed by a number corresponding to the material number. If the letter “B” appears at the beginning, this indicates high strength.
Aluminum and its alloys have a wide range of uses. Thus, technical aluminum can be used in electrical engineering as a current conductor instead of copper. And casting alloys are often used in the food and refrigeration industries in the production of parts of complex shapes that are resistant to corrosion and have low density. For example, these are levers, compressor pistons and much more.
And deformable aluminum surrogates in the same area are used in the production of parts through pressure processing. These are rivets, containers, etc.
The key advantage of aluminum materials is their high cold resistance.
Titanium and titanium alloys
Titanium and its alloys are marked in accordance with existing GOST letters and numbers. There are no regularities in labeling. However, the key feature in this case is the mandatory presence of the letter “T”. The numbers indicate the conditional number of the titanium alloy.
Technical titanium can be marked as VT1−0 or VT1−00. Everything else means titanium alloys and has other markings, which are designated differently, and it will not be possible to list them all.
The key advantage of titanium and materials based on it is an excellent combination of properties such as:
- relatively low density;
- very high corrosion resistance;
- high mechanical strength.
But they also have disadvantages - they are scarce and expensive. For this reason, the use of this material in the refrigeration and food industries is limited. Titanium alloys are advantageously used in the following industries:
- shipbuilding;
- rocket science;
- aviation construction;
- chemical engineering;
- transport engineering.
The materials can be used at high temperatures up to 500 degrees. Products based on titanium materials are produced by pressure processing and also by casting. In composition, casting alloys correspond to wrought alloys, but when marked at the end they are indicated by the letter “L”.
Technical magnesium does not have the best properties, so it is not used as a construction material. But magnesium alloys, in accordance with standards, are divided into casting and wrought.
In accordance with GOST, foundries are marked as “ML”, as well as with a number indicating their conditional number. In some models, after the numbers there are the following lowercase letter designations:
- “pch” - increased purity;
- “he” is a general purpose material.
And deformable magnesium alloys are marked with the letters “MA”, as well as a number corresponding to the conditional number of the material. After the number there may also be the designation “pch”.
Magnesium materials have an excellent combination of properties such as:
- low density;
- high corrosion resistance;
- relatively high strength;
- good technological qualities.
Magnesium alloys are used to produce parts of simple and complex shapes that are highly resistant to corrosion. For example:
- fittings;
- neck;
- pump housings;
- gasoline tanks;
- brake wheel drums;
- steering wheels;
- farms, etc.
Lead and tin in pure form and alloys
Lead in its pure form is almost never used in the refrigeration or food industries, and tin in the food industry is used as a coating for food containers. When it is marked, “O” means tin, and the numbers are its conditional number. As the number increases, the amount of impurities increases. The letter combination “pch” indicates increased purity of the material. In the food industry, for the purpose of tinning tin plates, tin is used, marked as O1 and O2.
Depending on their purpose, lead or tin alloys are divided into two categories:
Babbitts are complex combinations of lead and tin, additionally containing copper, antimony, etc. They are marked with the letter “B”, as well as a number indicating the percentage of tin in the composition. In addition to the letter “B”, there may also be letters indicating special additives, for example:
- N - nickel babbitt;
- C - lead babbitt and others.
It is impossible to determine the complete chemical composition only by the brand of Babbitt. In some cases, even the amount of tin is not indicated, although about 10 percent of it is present in the BN brand. There are babbits without tin (in particular, lead-calcium ones).
This material is recognized as the best antifriction material and is used primarily in plain bearings.
The second category is solders. Depending on their characteristics, they are divided into the following characteristics:
- by melting temperature;
- by key component;
- according to the melting method and other features.
In particular, according to the melting temperature, solders are of the following types:
- especially low-melting (melting point is about 145 degrees);
- low-melting (from 145 to 450 degrees, respectively);
- medium-melting (from 450 to 1100 degrees);
- high-melting (1100−1850 degrees);
- refractory (temperature from 1850 degrees and above).
The first two categories are used for low-temperature soldering, and the others for high-temperature soldering, respectively.
Based on their key component, solders are of the following types:
- tin;
- aluminum;
- cadmium;
- gallium;
- lead;
- zinc, etc.
Non-ferrous metals and their alloys can have different purposes and different technical characteristics. Their features can be determined by the markings applied, which you need to be able to decipher.
Source: https://tokar.guru/metally/markirovka-cvetnyh-metallov-i-splavov.html
Non-ferrous metal products: types and areas of application
Non-ferrous metal products are important in human life. It has become widespread in most industries. In some, it is used as a material for the manufacture of certain products, in others - as part of complex mechanisms, structures, and so on.
The use of non-ferrous metals, by and large, is due to their quality characteristics and high performance indicators. Why, for example, are wire, pipes, sheets and rods, as well as other types of rolled metal, used in certain areas?
Because in addition to the special properties they possess, such products have increased resistance to destructive external factors, in particular to corrosion processes.
Particular attention should be paid to the quality of rolled metal, purchasing it only from reliable manufacturers or suppliers.
Areas of application of rolled metal
Most non-ferrous metals have high technical characteristics. It is for this reason that they are used in those areas where very serious demands are placed on products.
- Construction and installation works. Undoubtedly, ferrous metals play a priority role here. But it is impossible to do without non-ferrous rolled metal during construction. In particular, a brass sheet is used here, which is immune to ultraviolet radiation, moisture, and temperature changes.
- Aviation and space industry, automotive industry. Here, too, you can’t do without non-ferrous metal products. It is used in the manufacturing of housings, electrical wiring, mechanism parts, and so on.
- Electronics. It is difficult to imagine a TV or telephone that will use only ferrous metal. Undoubtedly, without non-ferrous metals, which are excellent conductors (light, strong, reliable), not a single technically complex device can be created.
The list goes on. Actually, there is not a single area of human activity in which non-ferrous metal products are not in demand. But each of them uses certain types of it.
Main types of non-ferrous metal products
If ferrous metal products are made from iron, then non-ferrous metal products are made from a variety of non-ferrous metals (as well as their alloys). The second contains a variety of alloys: aluminum and nickel, zinc and copper, magnesium, lead, tin and so on.
Non-ferrous metal can be classified according to the physical characteristics of the metal from which it is made. For example: rolled products from heavy metals, light, refractory, rare, radioactive and noble metals.
sheet metal
There are sheet and long rolled metal products:
- sheet - flat products: strips, sheets, tapes;
- varietal - volumetric products: rods, circles, wire, hexagons, others.
rolled metal products
The following types of rolled products are most in demand in construction and manufacturing (classification according to the metal used in their production):
- brass;
- babbitt;
- rolled aluminum;
- zinc;
- bronze;
- duralumin;
- fechral;
- copper;
- rolled tin;
- nickel;
- titanium;
- nichrome;
- rolled lead.
Brass is one of the most popular types of non-ferrous metal. The price of brass sheet may vary significantly from one supplier to another. You can always purchase high-quality material at a competitive price from us!
Source: https://o-trubah.com/materialy/mednye-truby/cvetnoj-metalloprokat-vidy-i-sfery-primeneniya/
Use of non-ferrous metals - useful information
The current economic situation in any country in the world implies the presence of a variety of income-generating enterprises. One type of such activity is non-ferrous metallurgy.
Main Application
Today, many non-ferrous metals are known, the most popular of which include:
- Tin.
- Molybdenum.
- Copper.
- Aluminum.
- Lead.
- Tungsten.
- Zinc.
These are not all the metals that people use in their lives to one degree or another. In the conditions of development of market relations, a rather attractive price has been established for them. The better developed the non-ferrous metallurgy in the country, the better the living conditions of the people in it.
Manufactured products can be used in many areas of human life and activity. For example, aluminum is often used for the manufacture of various building materials, food foil, castings for sanitary parts, etc. At the same time, lead is used to create the strongest possible seams during welding or soldering of structures or structures. To impart better properties to ferrous metals, zinc is applied to their surfaces.
Alloys in industry
Sometimes in industry alloys of non-ferrous metals are used more often than their “pure” components. Most of them, after processing, obtain completely different characteristics. In most cases, they can be used to create decorative jewelry, but some of the alloys are more resistant to elevated temperatures, have greater ductility or low density. In order to have constant access to raw materials, non-ferrous metals collection points are being created throughout the country.
Aluminum alloys are especially popular. Their name depends on the second metal that is added to it. In order to classify and separate them, it was decided to mark them with special signs. Each alloy has several letters and numbers. The first letters usually indicate the metals that were used to create the alloy. Numbers usually indicate the number, and magnalia indicate the amount of magnesium. Also, the following numbers indicate the technological features of the non-ferrous metal alloy.
Typically, aluminum alloys are more expensive.
Non-ferrous metal waste or scrap is highly valued by buyers, despite the large amount of impurities. In most cases, the latter cost absolutely nothing. If there are a lot of impurities in the scrap being sold, then the cost may be low.
Source: https://timemet.ru/2016/09/01/gde-mojno-ispolzovat-cvetnye-metally/
Properties and scope of non-ferrous metals
Category: Sales of rolled metal and reference information
A broad group of non-ferrous metals includes metals that do not contain iron or its derivatives. They are rarely found in nature, so their extraction requires considerable effort and is characterized by high material costs, but is justified due to the operational features they have.
Due to their special properties, non-ferrous metals are in great demand in all areas of activity, so their production cannot be suspended even for a short time. The properties of representatives of these metals, such as ductility, anti-corrosion resistance, stability under temperature changes and versatility make them irreplaceable.
By mixing various components, alloys are obtained that differ from pure metals in improved properties. By processing non-ferrous metals by stamping, forging, pressing, cutting, rolling, it is possible to significantly expand the boundaries of their application. In addition, their properties can be changed using hardening, heat treatment and artificial aging.
A useful property of metals is the possibility of recycling, thanks to which valuable raw materials are returned to industry and at the same time natural reserves are preserved.
Classification of non-ferrous metals
A variety of non-ferrous metals are widely used in the production of heat exchangers, rocketry, electronics, space technology and nuclear energy. Due to their extraordinary properties, brass, copper, aluminum and titanium are most often used in industry.
One of the most common metals is copper, which has a wide range of applications.
Possessing chemical resistance, electrical conductivity, malleability and plasticity, it fully justifies its purpose in aircraft manufacturing, construction, industrial energy and in the field of medicine and the production of efficient heat exchangers due to its very high thermal conductivity.
It is used to make copper finned tubes used for super efficient heat exchangers. Read about the features of its use in this article. But the cost of this non-ferrous metal is very high and must be justified. Brass is slightly less thermally conductive and much cheaper.
Brass is widely used to make various heat exchangers. For example, air coolers in the usual N-ukhl4 design are assembled on the basis of a brass finned tube of the following brands: L63, L68, L93, L96, LO70.
Other heat exchangers, such as the network water heater, are made on the basis of a smooth pipe without fins, as well as the horizontal PSG heater.
In addition to pipes in our production of heat exchangers, we also use brass sheets marked L63, L68 for the manufacture of tube sheets and gratings in the oil cooler mo 53 and mo65 for fastening heat exchange pipes using the rolling method.
Aluminum alloys, distinguished by their lightness, strength and unique performance properties, are worthy representatives of non-ferrous metals both in the aerospace sector, construction, automotive industry, and in the field of engineering technologies.
We use aluminum pipe, mainly AD1 grade, for the production of finned brass, stainless steel and copper-nickel pipes. This pipe is the basis of air coolers, gas coolers and oil coolers dc and dc.
Titanium is valued for its strength, reliability and anti-corrosion resistance, which makes it possible to create high-strength but lightweight structures used in aviation and mechanical engineering.
Since non-ferrous metals are in great demand, mining is carried out on a large scale, which has a negative impact on the environment.
The problem of mineral depletion can be solved by the further development of secondary production, which will reduce the burden on mining and improve the environmental picture.
At our MetalExportProm enterprise, we manufacture titanium heat exchangers for special operating conditions from seamless titanium pipe.
In addition to the production of heat exchangers, consumers of non-ferrous metals are many enterprises where their distinctive characteristics are required. They are widely used in the production of pipeline fittings: valves, taps and gate valves, various fittings due to the corrosion resistance of these materials, and therefore the long service life of the finished products.
If you look broadly, Russian non-ferrous metals have very high quality and excellent performance properties, although the price is slightly higher than well-known analogues, but it’s worth it!
Interesting materials from the MetalExportProm website:
All the best and good mood to you!
Source: https://ural-mep.ru/ceni-na-metalloprokat/svoiestva-i-oblast-primeneniya-cvetnih-metallov.html
Recycling of non-ferrous metals
The production of non-ferrous metals and alloys from primary raw materials is an expensive and labor-intensive process, so many enterprises strive to return as much scrap containing the necessary components to the working cycle as possible. This allows you to save significant funds on mining and ore smelting.
What metals are classified as non-ferrous scrap?
The question of what is considered recyclable material of this type is regulated in GOST 1639-2009. Scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and alloys such as:
Non-ferrous recyclables also include bimetals and complex scrap. The type and, accordingly, the value of the metal is determined by the method of its formation, physical condition, overall dimensions, chemical composition, and degree of contamination.
Processing stages
- Examination.
All supplied scrap metal must undergo radiation monitoring, inspection for explosion hazards and contamination with harmful chemicals. Raw materials that do not meet the standards must be decontaminated and rendered harmless. - Sorting.
Scrap that has passed the test is classified by metal. This is the longest stage, but it allows you to save time in the future on the production of new material. Scrap with a similar composition is used to produce metal of a certain purity or alloy.
- Shredding and packaging.
For this purpose, the raw materials are shredded and pressed. Packaging methods depend on the type and condition of the metal. Lumpy scrap can be transported directly in wooden boxes or containers. Waste in powder form is first packed into paper bags. Paste-like metals are placed in steel drums or chemical containers.
Wood shavings and wires are packed in wooden barrels for dry packaging.
Areas of application of recycled materials
Non-ferrous metals are in demand in many areas of production due to properties such as:
- wear resistance - anti-friction characteristics ensure a long service life of structures with a high coefficient of friction;
- inertness in aggressive chemical environments - products made from non-ferrous metal can be used to work with acids, alkalis, and salts;
- immunity to corrosion - during oxidation, a protective film is formed on the surface of the material, which prevents destruction from penetrating inside;
- high electrical conductivity - non-ferrous metals have a large number of freely moving electrons.
Aluminum is used in aircraft and shipbuilding, the aerospace industry, and the production of power lines.
Copper and its alloys are used for the manufacture of cables, wires, pipes for heating appliances, household and decorative products.
Nickel is in demand in the production of batteries and containers for chemically aggressive substances.
Tin is used to make various parts for devices, including bearings, as well as tin cans.
Lead is needed for the production of batteries, telephone cables, and chemical equipment.
Titanium is actively used in rocket, aircraft, shipbuilding, oil and food industries, and medicine.
Zinc is used in mechanical engineering and metallurgy. It is used to coat iron to protect it from corrosion.
Source: https://priemmetall.ru/company/stati/vtorichnoe-primenenie-cvetnyh-metallov/
Application of heavy non-ferrous metals and alloys
Copper, nickel, lead, zinc and tin are called heavy metals. This name arose during the period of industrialization of the country in connection with the concept of “heavy industry” and its significance for the development of the national economy. At the same time, this name successfully distinguishes heavy metals from the equally important aluminum and other light metals that have a lower density.
The conditional boundary between heavy and light metals is considered to be a density of 5000 kg/m3. In foreign languages there are no similar names that summarize these groups of metals; however, their importance in technology is everywhere recognized as paramount after iron.
Iron has long been the main material for building structures, mechanical engineering and transport. However, already in the 19th century. With the development of new industries and technology, some of its shortcomings came to light.
Of course, we are not talking about pure iron, but about its industrial alloys - cast iron and steel.
Possessing a wide variety of valuable properties, ordinary cast iron and steel are at the same time insufficiently resistant to corrosion in air and especially under the influence of water, solutions of salts and acids, have little thermal conductivity, little electrical conductivity and have a fairly high coefficient of friction.
Heavy non-ferrous metals and their alloys have been used since the beginning of the 19th century. became iron substitutes in those industries that required special properties that were not sufficiently expressed in cast irons and steels.