What is medical silver

Colloidal silver: big risks with questionable benefits

What is medical silver

Colloidal silver is a mass-distributed product containing microscopic particles of pure silver. Typically, these particles are found in demineralized water or other liquid.

Colloidal silver is often positioned as a bactericidal substance and a means for external treatment of wounds. Some claim that it helps to quickly recover from colds and other illnesses and even cures cancer or HIV.

But does colloidal silver really boost the immune system? Is it safe for daily use? If you decide to use colloidal silver, then be sure to read on.

Is colloidal silver safe?

Colloidal silver is a popular product in holistic medicine. However, in 1999 (and then 10 years later), the US Food Administration (FDA) issued a press release stating that there is no definitive evidence that colloidal silver is beneficial. Moreover, the results of some studies even indicate a certain risk associated with the use of this substance.

The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) warns (3) that taking colloidal silver poses long-term health risks. In addition, this product will not improve immunity and does not promote recovery.

Clinical trials are still ongoing with colloidal silver, as well as “negatively charged silver nanoparticles” (4). It is possible that at some point the medical community will change its mind.

Risks and Complications Associated with Taking Colloidal Silver

Oral intake of silver is not recommended. Over time, colloidal silver can accumulate in tissues and give mucous membranes and skin a grayish appearance. This is a symptom of argyrosis.

Argyrosis is an irreversible condition. Argyrosis itself is not dangerous; from a medical point of view, it is considered “benign.” Of course, changes in skin pigmentation are not the most desirable side effect. Colloidal silver also interferes with the absorption of certain medications, including antibiotics and drugs used to treat thyroid deficiency. (4)

If you are taking antibiotics for bacterial infections, taking colloidal silver may significantly reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. In other words, taking silver will make you sick even longer.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women who decide to try colloidal silver as an alternative to flu and cold medications should keep in mind that there is no single trial of this drug that proves its safety for the development of the child. If its safety has not been proven, then it cannot be recommended.

Benefits of Colloidal Silver

Silver-based ointments for external use have some advantages. The claimed beneficial properties of colloidal silver include:

  • antimicrobial properties
  • Helps heal cuts and wounds on the skin
  • possible acne treatment
  • assistance in the treatment of conjunctivitis in newborns

Colloidal silver products are marketed as antimicrobial and antibacterial. At least one clinical study suggests that these characteristics cannot be proven. (5)

Colloidal silver is also believed to promote wound healing. According to one study (6), silver wound dressings provide a more effective barrier against infection than other products with similar characteristics. The NIH also supports the idea that colloidal silver can be used effectively in wound dressings. (7)

Colloidal silver is included in some anti-acne products and cosmetics. It is also sometimes used in eye drops to prevent conjunctivitis and in newborns.

As long as colloidal silver is used in small quantities and for external use, the risk of developing argyrosis is low.

Instructions for use

The US Environmental Protection Agency (9) estimates that most of us are already exposed to colloidal silver in our environment on a daily basis. Silver is not a vitamin or mineral found naturally in the body. You don't have to make sure you're getting enough silver or do anything to make up for any deficiency.

According to the EPA table (10), the daily dose of silver (topical, ingested, and in the environment) should not exceed 5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.

The most common commercial form of colloidal silver is a liquid tincture. It can be found in most health food stores. It is also sold in powder form. Some even make colloidal silver themselves using special equipment.


  1. Colloidal silver is a classic example of insufficient evidence that varies dramatically from study to study.
  2. Companies that claim that colloidal silver is a magic cure for diseases such as cancer and HIV do so without any scientific basis.

    There are many other safe options for maintaining health and preventing disease.

  3. If you do decide to try colloidal silver, make sure it will not interact with any medications prescribed by your doctor. Start with external use. Never exceed the dosage.

  4. If side effects such as changes in skin pigmentation or nausea occur, stop taking colloidal silver immediately.

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Source: https://russiaherb.com/kolloidnoe-serebro-bolshie-riski-pri-somnitelnoj-polze/

Colloidal silver ions - how to use for treatment

What is medical silver

If you haven't heard of colloidal silver ions yet, you definitely will soon, especially if you're looking for alternative treatments for common health problems like a runny nose, cold or flu.

To begin with, let us immediately define that by colloidal silver ions we mean microparticles of colloidal silver. They have a pronounced therapeutic effect, unlike ionic silver and silver proteinate (protargol).

Buying colloidal silver today is not difficult. You can see a wealth of information online about the benefits of colloidal silver. But, unfortunately, the information there is confusing, since many sources have completely opposite opinions.

On the one hand, you will come across thousands of reviews about colloidal silver helping people with almost every disease you have heard of. You will also come across some medical websites that warn consumers about safety issues (1). Typically, these sources cite a statement made by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1999, stating that there is no scientific evidence to support the use of colloidal silver (2).

This kind of information can be confusing to even the most seasoned health enthusiast, so we want to lend a helping hand and provide some evidence-based information to help you make an informed choice regarding the uses and benefits of colloidal silver ions.

Colloidal silver ions are useful for treating infections of any nature

What is colloidal silver

Before the invention of the refrigerator, it was common practice to place a silver coin in a container of milk as a preservative, since silver was known to prevent the growth of algae, bacteria, and other unwanted organisms.

Since ancient times, silver has also been a popular medicine for illnesses. Its use as a natural antibiotic continued until the 1940s, when modern antibiotics were developed.

Today, it is clear that people do not need to throw silver coins into water to benefit from colloidal silver! All you have to do is carefully take a few drops from the bottle you buy at the store.

A water solution containing nano-sized particles of suspended silver. Total silver content is expressed in milligrams of silver per liter (mg/L) of water, which is equivalent to one part per million (ppm). The total silver content is divided into two forms: colloidal silver ions and nanoparticles (15).

There are mainly three types of products that are marketed as "colloidal silver" and they can be classified as:

1. Ionic silver 

It is a product whose silver content mainly consists of silver ions. Although ionic silver is often sold as colloidal silver, it is not true colloidal silver. Because ionic silver is the least expensive to produce, it is the most popular product in this category. But it is slightly less effective than silver particles and nanoparticles.

2. Silver proteinate

Gelatin is added to silver proteinate products to keep large silver particles in suspension. Silver proteinate is the second most popular type of colloidal silver on the market and can be easily prepared by adding water to silver protein powder.

 In Russia it is sold under the trade name "Protargol". But silver proteinate is often labeled as colloidal silver, but in fact it is not.

 Silver proteinate is also less effective for human use, and you will not experience the true benefits of colloidal silver.

3. Real colloidal silver 

Finally, truly effective colloidal silver comes in the form of nanometer-sized silver particles (16).

How colloidal silver ions work 

According to a report written by Richard Davis and Samuel Atris of the Silver Institute in 1996, there are three main ways that colloidal silver can help heal the body (3):

  • Catalytic Oxidation: Silver naturally retains oxygen molecules that readily react with sulfhydral (H) groups that surround bacteria and viruses. In turn, this helps block a viable cellular process known as cellular respiration, which is defined as "the set of metabolic reactions and processes that occur in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and then release waste products" ( 4).
  • Reaction with bacterial cell membranes. Colloidal silver ions can directly attach to bacterial cell membranes and cause the same respiration blocking effect.
  • DNA binding.

Source: https://blisswoman.ru/zdorove/iony-kolloidnogo-serebra-primenenie-i-polza/

Methods of using colloidal silver for medicinal purposes

What is medical silver

A colloidal solution is a mixture in which silver is present in the form of small grains or ions among purified water. It is believed that in this form silver is more easily absorbed by the body. The antibacterial properties of this metal were heard long before the advent of colloidal solutions.

The history of colloidal silver

In the old days, they put silver bars in food if they didn’t want them to spoil quickly. And also silver ions in special solutions were the main drug that destroys bacteria before the advent of antibiotics.

Colloidal silver

Therefore, colloidal silver is not a new remedy in medical practice. Products based on this metal were used for the first time in the 20-30s of the last century. But at the same time, cases of argyrosis, poisoning with this metal, were officially registered in the United States, since the substance is not entirely harmless. A single dose of 6.36 grams is fatal, and argyrosis occurs when more than one gram of metal accumulates in the body.

Therefore, in the US Pharmacopoeia, colloidal silver is considered prohibited for use in treatment. Nevertheless, in the nineties, dietary supplement companies decided to resume production of the colloidal solution, but to do so unofficially.

The US Department of Health issued several fines to manufacturers and banned them from advertising their products. And in Russia, the sanitary and epidemiological station equated silver to metals of the second hazard class.

This means that the metal, like lead, cobalt, and arsenic, has a toxic effect on the body according to the rating.

The action of the colloidal solution is based on the mechanism of blocking the respiratory chain of bacteria. That is, microorganisms become non-viable and cannot reproduce. In this case, the drug does not in any way affect the cell, which functions normally. And sensitivity to silver does not lose over the years.

The colloid is able to penetrate even inside the cell to destroy microflora. The effect of the drug increases with toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, and chlamydia. And the sensitivity to silver in microorganisms is higher than in a normal cell. The metal also affects macrophages and activates the body’s immune response.

The use of silver, from a scientific point of view, is a controversial issue. In many countries, metal is not used in treatment protocols. But statistics show that not a single person has yet died from silver-based drugs.

But to prove the effectiveness of colloidal silver, you can use these studies:

  • An article in a journal of health nutrition and environmental medicine called “Viral Pathogens and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.” It talks about successful cases of therapy for pneumonia caused by coronavirus. Patients inhaled silver ions using a nebulizer. No side effects were observed, and the concentration of viruses was reduced.
  • Researchers Jansen and Johnson tried combining colloidal silver with gut bacteria. And in the end we got a drug that can resist influenza viruses and rotaviruses.
  • Science journalist Fiona McCrae published the results of a study in which she indicated that adding colloidal silver to antibiotics increases the effectiveness of the latter by a thousand times.
  • Scientist Collins proved in 2013 that silver ions penetrate into cells and are able to fight viruses and bacteria without subsequent resistance. The method works even if the patient is resistant to some group of antibiotics.

This is what colloidal silver looks like under a microscope

Official science in general is skeptical about the use of metal. At the moment, separate articles are appearing on the topic of the benefits or harms of colloidal silver. But most of all, pharmaceutical corporations that produce antibiotics and vaccines against viruses are against the use of this drug.

Colloidal silver, that is, a solution with added ions, is very similar to the structure of our body. By and large, everything in our body is in a colloidal state. This is why charged particles enter cells so easily. In addition, the second component of the solution is water. It is hypoallergenic and cannot cause any reactions or unwanted effects.

But still, you cannot use silver uncontrollably. It accumulates in the cells of the body, causing argyria or argyrosis. This disease manifests itself clinically if the concentration of metal in the body reaches one gram. But in order to achieve such marks, a person needs to drink about one hundred liters of a colloidal solution, and do this at once.

If you want to use this method of treatment or prevention of disease, consult a specialist. He will advise the dosage and also look for the presence of concomitant pathologies.

It is not recommended to take silver if you come into contact with the metal in large quantities daily. You may be allergic to the element. But if an allergy appears after wearing a silver item, this does not mean a reaction to silver. Most likely, this is an allergy to nickel, which is added to alloys.

But other reactions of the body: pressure surges, deterioration in well-being, require consultation with a doctor. Remember, it will not be possible to completely replace conservative therapy with silver. Do not self-medicate, as there is a high risk of complications. And also do not overdo the dosage of colloidal silver.

Methods for taking the solution

For preventive purposes, take the solution one teaspoon per day, and children can be given no more than half a teaspoon per day of this remedy. Hold the solution under your tongue for half a minute and swallow. For external use, you can lubricate the solution on skin pustules or boils.

To treat diseases, focus on the following dosages:

  • For diarrhea, use 10 ml of solution daily 3 times a day.
  • To treat bronchitis, use one teaspoon of the drug 2 times a day. Improvement is observed within three days.
  • To treat gingivitis or stomatitis, rinse your mouth with a colloidal solution up to five times a day. And to cure tonsillitis, rinsing should last at least two weeks.
  • Diseases of the urinary system can be cured by taking colloidal silver two teaspoons three times a day, but not more than five days.

Active ions work best against infections of the gastrointestinal tract. A solution of silver ions, unlike antibiotics, does not kill beneficial microflora. The colloid can also be used by women during lactation, but in small doses. The maximum course of treatment is for a month. Then you need to take a break for two months and, if necessary, resume the course of treatment.

A solution of metal ions is not a panacea. But this remedy can prevent the development of harmful bacteria in the body, and also become an assistant in the complex treatment of the disease.

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Source: https://DedPodaril.com/serebro/vidy/kolloidnoe-serebro.html

Colloidal silver - Human health

What properties does colloidal silver have? In what dosage to use and what health benefits does this natural antibiotic of antiquity provide, which is effective against many diseases.

What is colloidal silver

Have you ever heard of ionic colloidal silver? As the name suggests, it is a suspension of tiny silver particles in a solvent without dissolution , due to the fact that the particles are ionized, i.e. electrically charged.

In fact, the term colloid refers specifically to a mixture in which substances are present in different physical states (in this case, solid and liquid), but do not dissolve in each other and do not react with each other.

Depending on the size of the particles and the degree of concentration, this liquid can have different colors: when they are thinner, the color is much darker, but when they are thick, it is lighter. In general, it is recommended to use a clear suspension because the finer silver particles can be easily absorbed by the skin and mucous membranes.

In addition, colloidal silver is odorless and tasteless (you may only feel a slight metallic taste) and appears to be completely harmless, even if it comes into contact with mucous membranes such as the conjunctiva.

So, despite the name being associated with jewelry and various jewelry, in this case we are talking about a product that has many properties and benefits for our health, which is confirmed by many years of practice.

Colloidal silver - an ancient antibiotic

In the past, silver ions were used to treat infections until they were replaced by antibiotics in the last century. This was primarily due to the high cost of producing colloidal silver products and the greater specificity of synthetic antibiotics.

However, in the last decade, interest in this “ancient antibiotic” has returned. There are several reasons for this, here are some:

  • antibiotic-resistant bacteria: uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the spread of resistant microorganisms that do not respond to conventional treatment methods;
  • Today, the cost of producing colloidal silver is not as prohibitive as in the past, and the product is now available to everyone, in any format (tablets, eye drops, creams, sprays, patches and bandages);
  • In addition, in some cases, long-term consumption of antibiotics can lead to depletion of the bacterial flora, the presence of which is a prerequisite for a healthy life. Colloidal silver has no such contraindications and does not damage the immune system.

Colloidal silver against bacteria and infections

So, let's see what effect colloidal silver has on microorganisms, and try to understand whether there is a scientific basis to support these theses.

According to those who recommend the use of colloidal silver, its main mechanisms of antibacterial action take the following forms:

  • interacting with the DNA of bacteria, blocks the reproduction and reproduction of genetic information;
  • makes vital enzymes of microorganisms inactive and destroys them, forming hydrogen sulfides;
  • according to some fans of colloidal silver, it blocks the flow of energy by reacting with bacterial cytochromes, a structure that ensures intracellular respiration and, accordingly, is necessary for the survival of pathogens;
  • causes detachment of the cell membrane of bacterial and fungal pathogens.

This is why some people choose to fight infections with colloidal silver , used both topically and systemically.

However, a natural question arises as to why colloidal silver does not harm humans. It's all about the dose: in high concentrations it can kill even multicellular organisms such as humans and animals. But, keeping in mind pharmaceutical suspensions of colloidal silver, you can rest assured: the standard concentration is absolutely harmless to humans!

When to use colloidal silver

Thanks to its use from antiquity to the present day, the idea has emerged that colloidal silver can be effective against more than 250 different microorganisms, but we cannot talk about bactericidal and fungicidal effects, since it is not a medicine .

Let's look at a short list of ailments for which colloidal silver has been actively used in the past:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system: Even in ancient times, colloidal silver was recognized as an excellent natural remedy against colds, coughs, flu, colds, pneumonia and pleurisy, thyroid infections, sinusitis, sclerosis in the throat, tonsillitis, allergic rhinitis and asthma.
  • Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Diseases: Many claim that consuming colloidal silver helps with various infections such as Helicobacter pylori and Staphilococcus aureus; or in the case of intestinal problems such as parasites, gastritis, as well as cystitis, prostate infections,. Its action can also be useful in dental hygiene, for contrasting dental plaque.
  • Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes: the antibacterial function of colloidal silver has a positive effect against various dermatoses, acne (including rosacea), rashes, fungal infections, ulcers, herpes and even psoriasis.
  • Generalized Infection: Colloidal silver can play the role of an excellent adjunct in the treatment of general diseases that affect the entire body, causing various problems, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, herpes zoster, blood poisoning syndromes.
  • Cuts, wounds and burns: Our ancestors have found that colloidal silver stimulates tissue growth, which is why some use it to disinfect wounds and burns.
  • Tumors: Recently, British researchers, as outlined in an article published in the Daily Mail, have suggested that colloidal silver may help fight cancer when used together with chemotherapy.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis and hemorrhoids: the anti-inflammatory effect of silver ions relieves pain symptoms and minimizes inflammation.

How to use colloidal silver

Colloidal silver, by its nature, can be taken in a variety of ways, such as:

  • It is recommended to take it orally in case of febrile conditions or infectious diseases such as scarlet fever;
  • Gargling is recommended in case of inflammation and infection of the throat or oral mucosa;
  • Possible local application to the affected area, in case of wounds and burns;
  • There are commercially available eye drops that are suggested for infections of the conjunctiva and the eye in general.

Dosage clearly varies depending on the product used, disorder , and dosage regimen; In principle, two broad categories can be distinguished:

Oral administration: the liquid is slowly absorbed through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity; for this, it is placed under the tongue for several minutes to facilitate the absorption of small particles.

The dosage varies depending on the concentration of silver: it is usually stated in ppm, which means “parts per million” and is a measure of how many suspended particles of silver are in a solution. For example, 10 ppm is the optimal dose and corresponds to 10 mg of silver per liter of solution (usually distilled water). On sale you will find products with concentrations ranging from 5 to 20 ppm.

It is recommended to take colloidal silver between meals, except in cases of intestinal infections, when the drug should be taken before the meal.

The dosage also depends on the purpose for which the product is used:

  • For those using colloidal silver as a tonic, such as during the winter months, it is recommended to take 1 tablespoon (always a plastic one to avoid metal interactions) 3 times daily.
  • For those who use it as a supplement to treat minor conditions such as seasonal flu or cough, naturopathic doctors recommend taking 3 tablespoons of colloidal silver 3 times a day.
  • Finally, in the case of more serious pathologies, such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections, as a rule, take a whole glass 3 times a day.

Remember, however, that if you decide to use colloidal silver, you must read the instructions carefully to avoid overdosing.

Topical Application: Colloidal silver is often applied topically, directly to the part that needs to be treated.

It can be found commercially in the following formats:

  • In the form of drops, which are used for burns, acne and wounds, as well as in the ear to treat otitis media and in the nose for severe colds.
  • In the form of a nasal or throat spray, which allows you to spray the product directly through the oral cavity.
  • There are also patches and bandages soaked in colloidal silver, which are applied to damaged skin and allow the silver to be slowly absorbed.

Contraindications and side effects of colloidal silver

To date, colloidal silver does not seem to have any particular contraindications or side effects, however, be sure to be careful if you suffer from metal allergies, as colloidal silver can cause potentially fatal reactions in these cases.

In the past, a very common side effect of chronic silver intake was encountered, this condition is called argyria , and is characterized by the appearance of grayish spots on the skin.

For some time, colloidal silver was even blamed for the occurrence of this disease, but special studies have shown that taking this product, even in excess of recommended doses, does not lead to argyria, which occurs when absorbing other forms of silver.

In any case, it is always better not to improvise and consult a doctor or specialist before you start using colloidal silver.

Source: https://healthpeaple.ru/kolloidnoe-serebro.html

Colloidal silver - a panacea for all ills? :

Colloidal silver is a product consisting of large quantities of microscopic silver particles suspended in deionized and demineralized water. It became available thanks to high scientific technologies. Its production method is electrolytic.

Beneficial features

Colloidal silver is a unique natural antibiotic. It was approved for use by the Federal Food and Drug Commission (USA) almost a hundred years ago - in 1920. The product in question is considered the most powerful and safest natural antiseptic for our body.

It is capable of suppressing the vital activity of at least seven hundred types of pathogenic microorganisms, including streptococci, staphylococci, typhoid bacteria, dysentery and many others.

It has been clinically proven that liquid contaminated with a huge number of bacteria Ebert, Flexner, streptococcus and staphylococcus within a few hours after adding silver (up to one gram per liter) becomes sterile and remains so for a long time.


Taking colloidal silver suppresses vital activity and stops the reproduction of parasites, bacteria, fungi, and viruses foreign to the human body, and also activates natural defense mechanisms.

However, the most important thing is that this drug does not affect friendly microflora. The excellent bactericidal effect of colloidal silver is explained by its ability to suppress the activity of the enzyme that ensures the oxygen exchange of all simple microorganisms.

This is why pathogenic protozoa die in the presence of silver ions.

How it all began

Colloidal silver began to be carefully studied in the second half of the century before last.

Research began mainly after Karl Crede (German gynecologist) discovered the powerful antigonorrheal effect of a one percent solution of silver nitrate.

Thanks to this, purulent gonorrheal inflammation of the organs of vision was no longer encountered in newborns in German maternity hospitals. We can say that this discovery was a new milestone in the study of the prevention of severe bacterial infections.

Worthy change

The work of Karl Crede was continued by his son. In August 1897, a talented German surgeon at the Twelfth International Congress of Doctors in Moscow reported on the widest possibilities of using silver preparations in purulent surgery. In addition, he noted that their intravenous administration can achieve positive results in eliminating septic infections. Benne Crede's proposal for the use of medicines containing silver in a non-ionized state was invaluable.

Among them are the preparations “Protargol” (silver oxide sol) and “Collargol” (colloidal particles of metallic silver). Their modifications have served the benefit of medicine for more than a century. A distinctive feature of the drugs was that they did not have cauterizing properties, which cannot be said about previously used silver salts. The product in question was highly praised by Russian experts.

For this reason, colloidal silver was actively used in military field surgery during the fighting in 1904.

Rescue from many ailments

Silver preparations administered intravenously helped eliminate septic arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatic endocarditis, rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory diseases, influenza, pneumonia, purulent septic diseases and brucellosis. When taken orally, they coped with gastritis, anastomositis, and gastroduodenal ulcers. When applied externally, colloidal silver healed purulent wounds, burns, and eliminated venereal diseases.

Increasing popularity

Due to the widest spectrum of antimicrobial action, the absence of resistance to the drug by the vast majority of pathogens, low toxicity and the almost complete absence of allergic reactions, colloidal silver has been increasingly used in official and folk medicine in many countries of the world. In 1910, specialists from the Grayden company published an abstract review based on generalized experience in the practical use of the substance in question.

It was devoted to methods of treatment of such infectious diseases as abscesses, relapsing and typhoid fever, inflammation of the lungs, middle ear and paranasal sinuses, gonococcal sepsis, gingivitis, dysentery, diphtheria toad, leprosy, keratitis, conjunctivitis, mastitis, epilepsy, meningitis, mild chancre, pyaemia, anthrax, erysipelas, syphilitic ulcers, tabes dorsalis, trachoma, acute articular rheumatism, furunculosis, pharyngitis, cystitis, endometritis, endocarditis, chorea, corneal ulcer and epididymitis.

Directions for use and contraindications

Colloidal silver can be used in different ways:

  • drip into the nose, mouth, ears, eyes;
  • spray on the genital mucosa;
  • place half a teaspoon under the tongue;
  • use for inhalations and rinses;
  • dilute in water when taking baths;
  • add one tablespoon to every liter of drinking water.

Does colloidal silver have any contraindications? Yes, it is not recommended for use by persons with an allergic reaction to this product. In addition, pregnant women and nursing mothers should only start using colloidal silver after consulting a specialist.

Second Life

After the discovery of sulfonamides and antibiotics, the popularity of colloidal silver decreased markedly. Currently, interest in drugs based on it is growing again.

The reason for this is severe allergic complications after antibacterial treatment, the toxic effect of antibiotics on internal organs and their ability to suppress natural defense mechanisms.

In addition, after prolonged use of antibiotics, fungal infection of the respiratory tract, dysbiosis, and the emergence of pathogen strains resistant to the medications taken are often observed.

Modern research

Experts have identified the ability of silver ions to destroy vaccinia viruses, entero- and adenoviruses, as well as some strains of the influenza virus. In addition, colloidal silver helps cure viral enteritis and plague in our smaller brothers – dogs.

Science experiment

In the New York University Department of Orthopedics, colloidal silver was used to treat the problems in fourteen patients with infectious complications following surgery. Feedback from doctors about the results of the experiment is clearly positive. In all patients, the bacterial flora in the wounds decreased significantly (based on direct colony counts). In no case were there any negative consequences of therapy recorded.

Illustrative facts

  • Currently, about seventy percent of burns in the United States are treated with silver compounds.
  • About half of the world's largest airlines use water pre-treated with silver to protect passengers from infections, including dysentery.
  • Colloidal silver ions are widely used to disinfect swimming pool water.
  • In Switzerland, many people use silver filters to purify water in offices and homes.
  • ISS specialists use only “silver” water.

Source: https://www.syl.ru/article/140820/mod_kolloidnoe-serebro---panatseya-ot-vseh-bed

Silver for the human body: The healing properties of silver

Silver for the human body. This metal has been known to mankind since time immemorial, when the very concept of “science” did not yet exist. It was endowed with magical properties, which is why this “ lunar metal ” at one time was even valued more than gold.

And medieval alchemists considered silver the key to creating the philosopher's stone. Much later, when civilization took a confident step towards technological progress, people discovered the true purpose of this element.

In this article we will talk about the healing properties of silver and its role in the human body .

Silver in the optimal natural form and dosage is contained in beekeeping products - such as pollen, royal jelly and drone brood, which are part of many natural vitamin and mineral complexes of the Parapharm company: "Leveton P", "Elton P", "Leveton" Forte", "Elton Forte", "Apitonus P", "Osteomed", "Osteo-Vit", "Osteomed Forte", "Eromax", "Memo-Vit" and "Cardioton". That is why we pay so much attention to each natural substance, talking about its importance and benefits for the health of the body.

History of the discovery of silver

The history of the discovery of silver is lost in the mists of time. The origin of silver items found in excavations in Egypt dates back to 5000-3400 BC. However, it is reliably known that in this part of the world silver is very rare and was presumably brought here from the Middle East. Silver was considered sacred in Babylon and Assyria.

The Latin name of this element ( Argentum ) comes from the ancient Greek argyros (according to another version from the Sanskrit argan ) and is translated as “white”, “light”, “brilliant”. Some researchers note the connection between the name of this element and the name of the hero of the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" - Arjuna.

But its Central European and Slavic etymology still causes a lot of controversy among philologists. It is generally believed to be derived from the word sapra , meaning "moon". This is why silver is often called the “ moon metal ”.

Interesting fact: Argentina owes its name to silver. When the conquistadors first set foot on its shores, the natives presented them with silver jewelry as a gift. Believing that the local region was rich in this metal, the Spaniards called the open part of the world Argentina (Latin for “Silver”). Imagine the disappointment of the greedy conquerors when it turned out that there was very little silver here.

Finding silver in nature
and its uses

Despite the fact that it is a fairly common metal, mined in its native state, its content in the earth’s crust is very insignificant - only 70 mg per ton. Much more of it is found in clay soil (1 g per ton).

Due to its good solubility, quite a lot of silver is concentrated in water, especially sea water (approximately 0.04 micrograms per liter). Speaking about the presence of silver in nature , it should be mentioned that the ancients called it “a gift from heaven.”

And all because this metal is often found in meteorites.

Interesting fact: the largest silver nugget was mined in 1420 from a mine in Chile. But a 20-ton giant discovered in 1904 in the Canadian province of Ontario is considered a real miracle of nature! Because of its gigantic size, it was called the “Silver Pavement.”

The scope of application of silver is very extensive.

  • It is used to make jewelry, coins, orders, medals, and dishes.

  • Due to its good electrical conductivity, it is widely used to create solders and contacts in electrical engineering.

  • Used in the photographic industry and for making mirrors because silver compounds are highly sensitive to light and have good reflectivity.

  • Silver iodide is used to control the weather. It is sprayed into the atmosphere to disperse clouds or, conversely, to cause heavy precipitation.

  • As a catalyst to speed up chemical reactions.

  • In gas mask filters.

  • To create detonators in explosives.

  • Silver chloride is found in the surface coating of some radars.

  • As a disinfectant for water disinfection.

  • Batteries and accumulators containing silver last much longer.

Medical uses of silver

The healing properties of silver have been known since ancient times. In ancient Egypt, healers applied silver plates to wounds to avoid blood poisoning.

And the commanders of ancient times stored water in silver vessels to disinfect it during long campaigns. The medical use of silver has not ceased to this day.

Due to its powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, silver colloid (solution) is still used in medicine as an alternative to antibiotics.

This metal is used today to treat many disorders.

  • Acute infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract: influenza, ARVI, tonsillitis.

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers and others.

  • Lesions of the oral mucosa (for example, stomatitis)

  • For diseases of the lungs and bronchi: pneumonia, bronchitis and others.

  • Skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections.

  • Infectious diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes (for example, conjunctivitis)

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system: gonorrhea, chlamydia and others.

  • In case of dysfunction of the adrenal glands.

  • For atherosclerosis and asthma.

And yet the reaction to this drug in scientific circles is far from clear. This is largely due to a number of contraindications and a significant risk of silver poisoning .

Doctors also treat so-called “silver water” with a certain skepticism, that is, enriched with silver ions. Despite its undeniable medicinal properties, its excessive consumption can also lead to intoxication. The permissible dose of silver in drinking water is 40-50 mcg per liter.

Currently, the medical use of silver also includes such areas as the production of dietary supplements. An example is a vitamin complex such as Leveton Forte. One of the components of the drug, drone brood, contains silver. This supplement helps the athlete adapt to stress and has anabolic, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant properties.

The role of silver in the human body

The biological role of silver in the body has not yet been fully studied. This is largely due to its low content in the cells of the human body (about 0.02 micrograms per kilogram of weight). We can definitely say that this element plays an important role in ensuring the stable functioning of the peripheral nervous system. It has also been proven that leukocytes are able to absorb silver and transport it to the source of the inflammatory process.

What happens
when there is a lack or excess of silver in the body?

The daily requirement of this substance for an adult is approximately 0.1 mg. At the same time, only 5 percent of the total amount of silver consumed with food is absorbed.

With a lack of silver in the body, the following occurs:

  • Decreased immunity.

  • General deterioration in health: frequent headaches, fatigue.

  • Disruption of the cardiovascular system.

  • Increased blood cholesterol.

Silver is a heavy metal and is only slightly inferior to lead in terms of toxic effects on the body. A dangerous dose is considered to be 60 mg, and a lethal dose is 6.3 g.

Let's name the main symptoms of silver poisoning

  • Metabolic disease.

  • Deterioration of vision due to excessive concentration of silver in the retina.

  • Liver damage, accompanied by pain in the right side.

  • Metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

  • Reduced blood pressure.

  • Convulsions.

• Severe silver poisoning causes a person to fall into a coma, with possible death.

With an excess of silver in the body, over time a specific and quite rare disease such as argyria can develop. The patient's skin and mucous membrane acquire an earthy-gray tint due to the accumulation of silver in them. However, this disease does not pose any threat to health, except for aesthetic imbalance. Moreover, people suffering from argyria are significantly less susceptible to various infections.

Interesting fact: an allergic reaction to silver is very rare. Probably, on this basis, the legend was born that “ lunar metal ” is a talisman against evil spirits. It is not difficult to imagine what fate awaited potential “witches,” “vampires,” and “werewolves” who were unlucky enough to be born with allergies in the Middle Ages.

What foods contain silver?

Silver is a food additive E174, so it is found in many canned products. This metal is also found in many vegetables, fruits and berries. So, what foods contain silver ?

  • In cranberries, watermelons, pumpkin, dill, cucumbers, pine nuts.

  • In some mushrooms: porcini and honey mushrooms.

  • Sea fish (sardines, salmon) and seafood are rich in silver.

You can ionize water with silver by holding a silver spoon or coin in it for some time.

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Source: https://leveton.su/serebro/

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is a natural, completely safe antibiotic for the human body, characterized by its high toxicity against many harmful microorganisms, viruses and parasites. While a regular synthetic antibiotic can stop the reproduction process and destroy up to 10 types of bacteria, colloidal silver copes with 600-650 types.

Colloidal silver drug catalog

Due to the fact that parasites and microorganisms do not have resistance to the “silver” antibiotic, it has become widespread in the fight against bacteria and as a prevention of infectious diseases, and is actively used as an antiseptic, for compresses and rinses, and water disinfection.

The healing properties of silver and its ability to stop the proliferation of microorganisms dangerous to human health have been known since the time of Hippocrates; silver plates were applied to wounds to prevent suppuration, and to teeth (for pain or gumboils).

Before the invention of refrigerators, silver coins were placed in vessels with milk, which slowed down the process of souring the product.

Silver dishes made it possible to keep water fresh and usable for a long time; gradually people noticed that the aqueous solution itself, charged after prolonged contact with silver, had healing, wound-healing abilities. By the way, it is no coincidence that the fonts in any church are made of silver.

Composition of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is an absolutely pure natural substance based on purified demineralized water and silver ions.

Essentially, this is a solution of silver, which is produced without complex chemical reactions, but only under the influence of an electromagnetic charge, which distributes tiny solid particles of the noble metal in water in a non-settled (suspended) state, forming a colloidal solution. Colloidal silver may contain Argentum particles of different sizes ranging from 0.005 to 0.015 microns.

The manufacturing technology of such an antibiotic is based only on a natural process and does not require the addition of various dyes, stabilizers and other chemical components. The colloidal solution of silver is colorless, tasteless and odorless, occasionally it can be slightly yellowish, non-toxic, and safe for the body. Its characteristic feature is that it is harmless even when used systematically, because

there is no accumulation of metal in the body (in this case, the use of this antibiotic should only be carried out in courses, from a week to one month).

Colloidal silver does not affect the action of other medications and does not react with them, so joint use is not prohibited.

In pediatric practice, colloidal silver has been used for many years as the main component of such well-known drugs as Protargol, Vitargol, Collargol.

In its pure form, the release of the solution was difficult for a long time due to the complexity due to the instability of the composition, but today the problem has been solved and, in addition to the listed drugs, the Argentum colloidal solution is produced in the form of a biologically active food supplement.

Antibacterial liquid is supplied in very dark glass bottles, which prevents ultraviolet rays from entering and changing the properties of the composition.

The dietary supplement does not contain any other compounds, it only contains:

• Argentum colloidale (colloidal silver);

• purified (deionized) water.

Properties of Colloidal Silver

The antibacterial properties of silver, given to the semi-precious metal by nature itself, have not changed over the centuries. Argentum prevents the activity of pathogens:• bacteria;• unicellular pathogenic microorganisms;• viruses;• fungi.

Silver itself is not capable of killing microorganisms, but its ions act as blockers of respiratory enzymes in bacteria and parasites, thus suppressing their vital activity and ability to reproduce. After some time, the pathogen dies without oxygen and is eliminated from the body.

The colloidal solution creates an environment in which pathogenic organisms cannot exist, but it is important that this substance does not affect the activity and life of the cells themselves and does not cause them any harm. That is why this solution is also effective against infections that penetrate inside cells (for example, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis and others).

Four main properties of colloidal silver can be distinguished: • has a bactericidal effect; • has antimicrobial and antiseptic qualities; • relieves inflammatory processes;

• supports the body's defenses (its immunity).

The use of colloidal solution depends on the pathological process. Possible use:• orally (inside);• for external treatment of wounds on the body;• vaginally;• anally;• as inhalations;• for gargling.

Once inside, the silver solution quickly enters the blood and travels along with it throughout the body; for the first three to four days, the substance accumulates in the tissues, and once the desired concentration is reached, its beneficial properties begin to appear. The composition is then easily removed from the body.

The solution is also applied directly to open wounds, cuts, ulcers, abrasions, pimples, boils, irritations and rashes on the skin. The composition is effective for treating the site of an insect bite and relieves inflammation at the burn site.

The colloidal silver solution does not burn, does not burn or cause pain, because... It does not destroy tissue cells.

Therefore, it is used for instillation of the eyes, ears or nose, both in adults and in children. The solution is approved for use even by babies from the first day of life, so it is used to treat the navel and prevent conjunctivitis.

Colloidal silver instructions for use

For internal use, it is advisable to keep the calculated dose of the solution in the mouth for about 30 seconds, then swallow. You can add the dietary supplement to food, dilute it in juice, compote or water.

Recommended dose for oral administration: • adults – 1 teaspoon; • children – 0.5 teaspoon.

Attention! You should always pay attention to the dosage indicated by the manufacturer.

You should not take colloidal silver solution continuously for more than 10 days, optimally 5 days to a week. After this, a break of at least 20 days is required.

Indications for use of colloidal silver

There is a huge list of diseases for which the use of colloidal silver is indicated, which is explained by the solution’s ability to block the vital activity of almost 650 types of pathogens.

This solution will be a real salvation for people who are professionally involved in sports, who always need to be in excellent shape and have no time for illness.

Let's look at some of the most common examples in which a colloidal silver solution will help you:

• colds (flu, acute respiratory infections, pharyngitis, laryngitis);

• infectious inflammation of the throat and tonsils (sore throat, tonsillitis);
• respiratory tract infections (whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia); • diseases of the nasopharynx (rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis);

• joint inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis, osteomyelitis);

• genital tract infections (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea);

• fungal vaginal diseases (thrush (also known as vaginal candidiasis));

• infections and inflammations of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis); • acute infections (scarlet fever);

• ophthalmological diseases (conjunctivitis, blenorrhea);

• inflammation of the meninges (meningitis, arachnoiditis);
• food poisoning and diarrhea; • helminthic infestations;

• urological inflammations (cystitis, urethritis);

• inflammation of the female organs, cervical erosion; • fungal infections of the skin (lichen, candidiasis, athlete's foot);

• dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea, various rashes, psoriasis, erysipelas;

• systemic lupus erythematosus; • acne, suppuration and boils; • burns; • bites; • wounds, cuts, scratches; • skin herpes.

Separately, the effect of colloidal silver solution in the case of intestinal infectious diseases should be highlighted.

As is known, taking synthetic antibiotics leads to unpleasant consequences in the form of dysbacteriosis, which destroys not only pathogenic microflora, but also microorganisms useful for the functioning of the digestive tract.

If you use a colloidal solution with silver ions in the fight against intestinal infections, then the functions of the intestine will not be impaired; it will continue to digest food, absorbing useful substances.

Contraindications to the use of colloidal silver

Allergic reactions to a solution of colloidal silver are an extremely rare occurrence, because no dyes, stabilizers or other allergens are added to the composition - only a suspension of argentum. The only exceptions can be people who, due to their professional activities, have close contact with this element. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the component.

These are also rare cases, and even a reaction to silver jewelry cannot be an indicator of intolerance to this particular metal, because the alloys contain nickel and other allergenic components. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should always consult a doctor before taking the dietary supplement orally (orally).

Among the side effects, one can note the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, in which the following are observed: • weakness; • general deterioration of health; • fatigue; • temporary signs of intoxication. This manifestation may be a consequence of the death of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms and the influence of their decay products on the body.

Some FDA publications describe another side effect - argyria. It manifests itself in the form of changes in the pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes, which acquire a bluish or silvery tint. But these are the rarest cases, which are possible with excessive dosage and taking the solution for a long time, without breaks.

In history, there is a case of argyria, which developed in a man who took a silver solution of 0.5 liters per day for 6 years. With adequate dosage, colloidal silver has only benefits for the body.

Colloidal silver price, how to buy

You can buy colloidal silver right now on our website. We offer certified bioactive supplements that meet high quality standards and international standards and do not contain components or modified substances hazardous to the body.

You can buy colloidal silver in any way convenient for you:• by placing an order on the website (to do this, you just need to select the product, add it to the cart, fill out the established order form, indicating your personal and contact information, choosing a convenient method of delivery, payment );• by driving up to our store (here you will immediately pay and be able to pick up the selected product);• by calling us by phone (our manager will be happy to advise you on all your questions, place your order, agree on the delivery method (by courier, in the form postal item) and organizes fast dispatch).

Delivery of products is possible to any region of Russia and is carried out from Monday to Saturday. The payment method will depend on the chosen type of product purchase; we have the following payment options:

• cash; • cash on delivery; • bank card.

The prices for all products presented on our website are affordable and competitive; they differ to your advantage from the cost of the same goods in other companies. At the same time, the attractive price does not affect the quality of the product itself, and we guarantee this. To make your purchase even more accessible and cost-effective, keep an eye on promotions for our customers, periodic discounts on goods, and special offers.

Source: https://ru-transferfactor.ru/kolloidnoe-serebro-2

Colloidal silver: applications and reviews

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Liquid silver is widely used for medical purposes to eliminate bacterial infections and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. The use of this metal nitrate as an antiseptic and cauterizing agent has been known for several centuries. This substance received regulatory approval as an antiseptic in the early twentieth century.

Composition of the medicinal product

The dietary supplement colloidal silver consists of silver molecules of the highest standard, with a diameter of 0.004 to 0.020 microns, which are dissolved using highly purified demineralized water. In addition, the medication contains a stabilizer - a 30% solution of ferrous sulfate or a 1% suspension of sodium sulfide and organic protein.

The mechanism of action of colloidal silver on the body

The main effect of such a colloidal solution is its antibacterial effect; this substance is a natural antiseptic. It is capable of inhibiting the synthesis of a plasmonic enzyme, which is produced by pathogenic bacteria and viruses for their oxygen metabolism and respiration, as a result of which they die. The use of liquid argentum is aimed at getting rid of various groups of harmful microorganisms, preventing them from developing resistance to the product.

The high biological activity of microelements-metals in the human body is associated, first of all, with their participation in the formation of certain enzymes, vitamins and hormones.

In addition, they have the property of plasmon resonance, which reduces the toxic effect on cells. It has been established that animal and human tissues contain some amount of Ag nanoparticles (approximately 20 μg per 100 g of dry matter).

Particularly high levels of the metal were found in the brain, endocrine glands, liver and kidneys.

Liquid silver molecules take an active part in the metabolic processes of the body. Depending on the concentration, its ions and cations can stimulate or inhibit the action of a number of enzymes. Under the influence of the substance, the intensity of oxidative phosphorylation by the mitochondria of brain cells increases several times, the content of nucleic acids increases, which improves the functioning of neurons.

Indications for use

Silver preparations are used to eliminate many diseases caused by bacteria. A colloidal solution is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • to reduce the risk of infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • with reduced general and local immunity;
  • for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc.);
  • with staphylococcal and streptococcal lesions of the mucous membrane and conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • bacterial diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, halitosis);
  • to eliminate abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • to protect sulfhydryl groups of lens proteins from oxidation in degenerative eye diseases;
  • skin infections: acne, psoriasis, vaginal candidiasis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • soft tissue abscesses;
  • to prevent exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis);
  • parasitic infections (toxoplasmosis, ascariasis, etc.);
  • with atherosclerosis.

Instructions for use

Silver solutions are used externally or internally depending on the type of disease, the severity of its course, the presence of concomitant treatment or chronic damage to organs and systems of the body. In addition, the dosage of the medication depends on the patient’s age and body weight. The instructions for using the colloidal solution should be explained to the patient by his attending physician.

Boosting immunity

Orally for adults, 10-15 drops (1 ml) per day, pre-mixed with water, juice or tea (50 ml), during meals. The duration of the course of preventive therapy is approximately 1.5-2 months. If necessary, the dose can be repeated, but not earlier than after 4-6 months. To increase immunity, children over 6 years old should take the medicine 4-5 drops for 2-3 weeks.

Nasal drops for a runny nose

For drug therapy of acute or chronic rhinitis, adults are recommended to instill 1-3 drops into the nose in each nostril 2-5 times a day for a week. Before using a pharmacological drug, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the nasal passages of mucus, using special saline solutions. If after using liquid silver the swelling intensifies or bleeding begins, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In the treatment of wounds and burns

In the presence of incised wounds, postoperative sutures, burns, an infectious process when the skin is damaged (inflammation, abscesses, staphylococcal infection), apply a colloidal solution to the damaged area, one teaspoon from 1 to 5 times a day. In addition, you can use a medical bandage: apply a small amount of the medicine to a clean bandage and apply for 2-3 hours.

Silver solution for throat

For inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to take the solution as follows: 15-20 drops up to 5 times a day until complete recovery. You can use additional inhalations with the medicine using a special ultrasonic device: mix 7-8 drops of the medicine with 50 ml of water, carry out the procedure twice a day. The additional use of local anti-inflammatory drugs speeds up recovery.

Features of using liquid silver

Pharmacological agents that contain molecules of this metal should not be used for a long time (more than three months), since it tends to accumulate in soft tissues and human organs and have a toxic, destructive effect on the cell membrane. In addition, the solution should be used with caution in patients with chronic liver and kidney damage (cirrhosis, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, etc.): this interferes with the metabolism and excretion of the drug, which can lead to severe poisoning.

During pregnancy

Silver solution drops are contraindicated during pregnancy. In the body of the expectant mother, the content of harmful and toxic elements becomes much greater, as a result of which the liver and kidneys undergo an impressive load.

If during pregnancy a woman takes additional solutions or salts of heavy metals, these organs cannot perform their function and metal molecules accumulate in the tissues.

In addition, the use of colloidal solution is contraindicated during breastfeeding.

In childhood

There are no direct strict contraindications to the use of liquid silver by children. Pediatricians strongly recommend that children not take this medication orally until they are 5-6 years old due to the high risk of developing argyria, gastrointestinal bleeding, or drug intolerance. You can use a solution of this metal for a short time according to the instructions, externally to speed up the healing of wounds or burns.

Side effects and contraindications

You should not take a silver solution for medical purposes if you are hypersensitive to medications that contain molecules of this metal. In addition, the colloidal mixture is not recommended for children under 6 years of age, people with serious metabolic disorders or endocrine diseases. Side effects of using this liquid metal include skin rash, itching, bleeding gums, brittle nails and hair.

Silver poisoning

Acute poisoning with silver dust or colloidal solutions usually leads to damage to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

The mucous membrane becomes covered with ulcers, bleeds, swells greatly, and with extensive damage to toxic compounds, its integrity may be compromised.

The gradual accumulation of this inorganic substance provokes argitrosis - staining of the skin and mucous membranes with a reddish-brown or gray color. Severe, life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding often occurs.

Colloidal silver price

The cost of colloidal silver depends on the form of the drug, the degree of purification, the quality of the main active substance and auxiliary components. The price of the drug may be influenced by the region and pharmacy in which it is sold. The cost of the medicine can be set by the manufacturer. In addition, you can order colloidal silver from an online pharmacy with delivery. Check out the price of the medicine in Moscow pharmacies:

Release form of the drugWhere to buy the drug, MoscowCost, rubles
Collargol, 50 ml Social Pharmacy 275
Collargol, 100 ml Kalina Farm 315
Protargol Zol, 30 ml Chamomile 400

Results of using colloidal silver

Reviews after use

Anastasia, 63 years old, I was advised by a neighbor to use silver in solution to increase immunity in the autumn-winter period. I purchased medication from one of the pharmacies in St. Petersburg. I took the medicine for more than three months, I didn’t notice any special effect, but by the end of the course a rash appeared on my hands. After I stopped taking silver, it went away.

Marina, 43 years old A friend recommended me a silver solution to eliminate the symptoms of chronic thrush. After consulting with a doctor, I ordered Protargol sol at a discount from an online store, delivered by mail. I used the medication for a month, twice a day, morning and evening. The burning and itching noticeably decreased after a few days, then completely disappeared. Pavel, 28 years old The doctor recommended dripping colloidal silver into the nose for chronic rhinitis.

The medicine relieves swelling well, is not addictive, after about a week the swelling of the mucous membrane decreased significantly, the runny nose went away. I didn’t notice any side effects, but the nasal mucosa stung a little, and immediately after using the drops I sometimes sneezed several times.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment.

Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Source: https://sovets.net/15947-kolloidnoe-serebro.html

Silver treatment - traditional medicine

 Silver treatment entered the arsenal of traditional medicine as soon as people encountered this wonderful metal. Silver is the oldest antiseptic on Earth. People have noticed what wonderful qualities water acquires after interacting with this metal: it can kill microorganisms and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Silver is a strong poison for most microorganisms. For example, carbolic acid and sublimate, considered the best antiseptics, have, respectively, 2000 (!) and 3.5 times weaker effects on microbes than silver solutions, and they are also toxic to humans.

Plain water infused with silver is much more effective and safer than bleach. Silver water inhibits the development of viruses, fungi and bacteria. Silver in colloidal solutions has a detrimental effect on more than 650 types of microorganisms pathogenic to humans.

Treatment of diseases with silver

Water infused with silver is effective in treating many diseases. It’s not difficult to make: just heat the silver product over a fire, then immerse it in spring, boiled or distilled water for about two hours.

Gargling with silver water is indicated for pharyngitis, sinusitis, sore throat and flu. You can rinse your mouth with this water if you have periodontal disease, stomatitis and gingivitis.

If you are suffering from conjunctivitis, rinse your eyes with silver water, and if you have a runny nose, place 3-4 drops in each nostril twice a day. For chronic runny nose, increase the dose to 5-6 drops.

Silver water will also help with gastrointestinal diseases. It should be consumed half a glass 2-3 times during the day before meals. Treatment is long-term, up to 4 weeks. It cannot be interrupted. Even if you feel an improvement before this period, continue to drink silver water for prevention.

Silver treatment is effective for skin diseases. Silver water is used in the form of compresses, lotions and rubdowns for fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin. Due to their mild action, silver ions contained in silver water can be used in the treatment of burns, dermatitis and eczema.

Using silver water in baths

Rash, diaper rash, prickly heat and redness in a small child quickly disappear if the skin is treated with silver water, so it is useful to add it to the bath for bathing babies up to one year old.

Patients with diabetes often suffer from difficult-to-heal wounds, purulent inflammations and trophic ulcers. Special baths with silver water will help ease their suffering and significantly improve their well-being.

Silver water is prepared for it - one liter of water in an enamel bowl is ionized using a special ionizer device, then 20 aspirin tablets (acetylsalicylic acid) are added to it. After a day, the finished infusion can be added to a bath with water at a temperature of 37-40 degrees.

Take a bath 10-15 minutes before bedtime every day or every other day. 5-8 procedures are enough to notice a positive effect.

Treatment with silver leads to the accumulation of ions of this metal in every cell of the body, so the highest effect begins to appear 3-4 days after its start. Use silver water if you suffer from any of the above diseases; it will not cause harm, but the benefits can be invaluable.

Source: https://ittoot.ru/sovety/__trashed-60.html

What is colloidal silver?

Colloidal Silver is small particles of silver, ranging in size from 5 to 300 nanometers, suspended in water to form a colloidal silver solution.

The fact of the antimicrobial effect of silver is confirmed by the centuries-old history of its use. At the moment, there are preparations of colloidal silver for both oral and topical use.

Combining effectiveness in combating microorganisms and safety, they are widely used to combat infection.

Healing silver

For a long time, silver was considered the main natural antiseptic. But with the discovery of antibiotics and their widespread use in medicine, the situation has changed dramatically.

Each individual antibiotic is effective against 5-10 types of pathogenic bacteria. And until bacteria learned to show their resistance to them, antibiotics coped with a bang against a certain infection.

It should also be noted that in the last century, the concentrated and high-quality forms of silver that are available to us today did not exist. For these reasons, the use of silver preparations has faded into the background.

However, now humanity is faced with certain problems when using antibiotics:

  • resistance of bacterial strains to antibiotics;
  • death of natural intestinal microflora and dysbacteriosis;
  • other side effects, the most common being allergic reactions.

For these reasons, scientists began to re-examine the valuable properties of silver, its wide spectrum of action and work on its effectiveness and safety.

Medicinal silver comes in the following types:

  • ionic (silver salts),
  • colloidal (fine silver),
  • cluster (nanosilver or biosilver).

These subtypes of silver differ in particle size, have different solubility in water and exhibit different bactericidal properties from each other.

The most pronounced practical results were achieved by developers and manufacturers of colloidal silver. Colloidal silver preparations have proven themselves to be an effective and safe means of fighting infection.  

What is colloidal silver?

The benefits of silver

Colloidal silver has a wide spectrum of activity against bacteria, viruses and fungi. Silver has the ability to destroy specific enzymes that are involved in the oxygen metabolism of bacteria and viruses. Also, its antimicrobial activity is due to the catalytic effect of silver on proteins and membrane structures of microorganisms.

Silver ions have the amazing ability to be continuously generated and eliminated from the surface of nanoparticles as they bind to the biological substrate. In other words, silver nanoparticles are a kind of depot of silver ions.

Based on this, impressive concentrations of silver ions are formed locally (near the surface of the particles), fatal to microorganisms, but safe for the human body.

As a result, an effective, mild and prolonged effect of colloidal silver preparations is ensured.

I would also especially like to note the advantage of colloidal silver, such as synergism with the normal microflora of the human body.

Silver fully justifies its title as a noble metal and, unlike antibiotics, does not cause dysbacteriosis.

When taking silver, pathogenic microflora is selectively inhibited, which in turn leads to the development and reproduction of normal microflora of the human body.

Research on the effectiveness of colloidal silver

Studies conducted to determine the effectiveness of colloidal silver have shown that colloidal silver solution has both bacteriostatic (stops the growth of bacteria) and bactericidal (kills bacteria) properties. It is active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Antiviral properties have also been confirmed against viral DNA polymerase and reverse transcriptase, i.e. enzymes directly involved in the reproduction of viruses. A detailed description of the studies and confirmation of the results in vitro and in vivo are contained in the patent (United States Patent 7135195), issued for this substance, unique in its beneficial activity.

How does colloidal silver work?

Confirmation of a wide spectrum of antibacterial action of colloidal silver at a concentration of 10 ppm

Source: https://nsp-sun.com/blog/chto-takoe-kolloidnoe-serebro/

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