What is made from brass


Brass (yellow copper) is one of the most useful and most commonly used alloys. Its composition varies over a fairly wide range depending on its purpose, but the main components - copper and zinc - are usually found in a ratio of about 2 parts copper and 1 part zinc. You can read about the benefits of copper in my blog article, and here I present to your attention information about the benefits of zinc for our body:

Zinc is a vital and necessary substance in the human body. Performing many different and useful functions for the body, and influencing all organ systems, it is an indispensable component in the life of the body. Zinc promotes the formation of collagen fibers and skin cell renewal. It reduces the appearance of acne, allergic skin reactions, prevents early wrinkles, and reduces dry skin.

 Zinc is involved in the process of protein synthesis and is an essential element for normal nail and hair growth. With its deficiency, the hair splits, loses its shine and even falls out. Nails become brittle, peel, and white spots form on them. Zinc is designed to stimulate brain function, especially those parts responsible for memory and concentration. Studies have shown that with a lack of this microelement, attention and memory deteriorate.

 It helps the body resist stress and nervous overload.

Zinc was discovered in the 16th century, and brass was already known to the ancient Romans and was prepared by them by reducing the smelting of copper (or oxygen copper ores) with galma, which was believed to have the property of turning copper yellow.

This method of preparing brass was also practiced in the Middle Ages and survived until our century, but is now completely abandoned.

Brass is harder than copper and therefore more difficult to wear; it is very malleable and viscous and therefore easily rolled into thin sheets, flattened under the blow of a hammer, drawn into wire or stamped into a wide variety of shapes; it melts and casts relatively easily at temperatures below the melting point of copper.

Although the surface of brass, if not varnished, turns black in air, yet in bulk it is more resistant to the action of the atmosphere than copper. Finally, it has a beautiful yellow color and polishes well.

What is the value of this metal and why is it remembered when it comes to jewelry? Brass got its name “eternal metal” for its wear resistance. Products made from it are little affected by time and do not lose their original appearance. Due to its ductility and ease of processing, this alloy is widely used by jewelers to make costume jewelry.

History of brass

Copper has been known to people for several thousand years. But the enterprising ancient Romans learned to produce brass by alloying copper with zinc ore. They used it to make jewelry and elegant, thin-walled dishes. Then the production of brass products spread to Central Asia. From there, dishes made from this alloy were brought to Rus'. Here it was highly valued for its resistance to external influences and its bright shine.

In the 18th century, copper mining was opened in the Urals and the production of various alloys was organized. Since then it has become widespread. Products made from it appeared in almost every home.

But Ukrainian jewelry has always performed two functions - protective and informative. The first had amulet and ritual jewelry that was worn only on the body - wedding rings, bracelets and crosses. Well, those that were worn over clothes spoke eloquently about the wealth of the owner: six threads of coral alluvium, for example, cost as much as a pair of oxen.


Zgarda is a metal amulet necklace consisting of two or three rows of crosses strung on a red or metal base. At the back of the neck, the zgardas are connected by two discs - chaprags, which are larger in size than the crosses themselves on the necklace.

Solar symbolism is drawn on the cheprags: a wheel with eight, six or four spokes (the latter option is, in fact, a cross), a rosette or concentric circles. Very often, zgardas, along with dukachs, were part of complex Ukrainian necklaces - namysto.

Shelesty is a metal necklace made of small round bells, which were made and worn in the Hutsul region. The most archaic of all Slavic jewelry.

Interesting Facts

  • In Rus', brass products were exchanged for sable furs. The price was set simply - the buyer filled the dishes to the brim with sable skins and gave them to the seller.
  • It has a good heat capacity, so the most popular household utensils in Tsarist Russia - samovars - were made from it. They heated up evenly and retained heat for a long time, because of this there was no need to melt it again, because this procedure was quite labor-intensive
  • The Moscow monument to Minin and Pozharsky is made of this metal alloy, although it was believed that it was bronze. This was only revealed during its restoration. A significant sum for those times was collected for the monument, opened in 1818. It remains unclear who received part of the money saved by the creators of the monument, since brass is much cheaper than copper.
  • On the African continent, brass is highly valued. It is used to make dishes for ceremonies and ritual masks.
  • Brass has another interesting property. Unlike other metals, it is not magnetized. Therefore, this alloy was used to create cases for magnets and frames for compasses. Thanks to the skillful work of craftsmen, such products turned into real works of art. They were considered an extravagant gift for educated men.
  • If you add 2.5% aluminum to an alloy of nickel and copper, the result is a material that cannot be distinguished from 583-carat gold with the naked eye. Jewelry manufacturers take advantage of this. However, this feature of brass is also well known to scammers who make fake “gold” jewelry from it.
  • Church utensils, decorations for books (clasps, squares) and pectoral crosses are also cast from this alloy. Military insignia: orders and medals are most often made from it.
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Cleaning brass products

Although brass is called an “eternal metal,” it can darken when in contact with water. It is not difficult to correct this situation. There are several simple and accessible ways.

  • Wipe the product with a cotton swab soaked in acetone. Then wash with soapy water and dry.
  • The easiest way to clean brass is with baking soda and a toothbrush. The main condition: after cleaning, be sure to dry the product with a hairdryer to remove moisture, otherwise the brass will darken again.

Many items for interior decoration and a wide variety of jewelry are made from brass. Earrings, rings, chains and pendants, brooches and bracelets - these jewelry are plated with gold, silvered and blackened.

The range of products made from this alloy is limitless, and their beauty is bright and durable.

And most importantly: this yellow-gold metal has protective properties. Brass jewelry is worn to protect a person. Brass is used in protective magic to return negative energy to its sender.

Source: https://osart.com.ua/%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%83%D0%BD%D1%8C/

Brass plates 44 readings:

Brass plates are one of the most presentable and durable ways to decorate metal signs, facades and doors. Very often they are used to create the interior of large companies, offices and administrative institutions, less often - in shopping and entertainment complexes, schools, and universities. Made of soft brass, such signs look beautiful and original in any interior, symbolizing success, respectability and prosperity of the company.

Advantages of brass as a metal

Brass signs are made from brass (an alloy of copper and zinc), which usually has a golden hue. This metal has excellent performance characteristics, including:

  • Plastic. Brass has sufficient softness and malleability in molding and rolling. That is why you can use it to create signs of any shape, with any relief and design.
  • Reliability. In order to increase the strength of plates, other metals are added to copper - zinc, chromium, etc., as a result of which the finished products demonstrate high resistance to mechanical damage and do not deform.
  • Practicality. Brass products do not require complex maintenance. They are not subject to corrosion, so they are suitable for outdoor use. Such products can be secured either with double-sided tape or with self-tapping screws.

Features of making brass plates

Brass plates are made from sheets of non-ferrous metal up to 7 mm thick. From soft and ductile metal you can create all kinds of products: nameplates and tags, office and facade, ritual and name plates. As a rule, letters and images are applied using raised or deep engraving, and the finished products have a glossy or matte background. Volumetric letters are considered an original solution.

Manufacturing of brass plates in Moscow

The MosStamp operational printing house specializes in the production of all types of printed products and offers to order inexpensive brass plates. The company's experienced specialists are able to complete projects of any complexity in the shortest possible time.

Products are manufactured using innovative equipment and popular technologies - engraving, casting, laser cutting, 3D milling. Promotions and discounts, delivery services and urgent production of signs, and competent advice on all issues are provided for all clients.

Source: https://cpv.ru/modules/publisher/item.php?itemid=4976

How to distinguish a high-quality faucet from a low-quality one?

When replacing plumbing fixtures in the bathroom or kitchen, problems arise in choosing faucets. Today the range and price range is very wide. In large chain stores you can find a mixer for 300 rubles, and in front of it there may be a similar one in appearance, but for 5,000 rubles. The buyer has questions about the difference between the two. This article was created to answer several of these questions.

Materials from which faucets are made

Modern faucets are made mainly from two materials:

  • Silumin is an alloy of aluminum and silicon. Low quality Chinese faucets are made from it. The main disadvantage of this material is its fragility (it can literally be broken with your bare hands). A silumin mixer is easily identified by its light weight and low price. It will look unattractive - with poor, cheap coating and gaps
  • Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Strong and expensive material. Faucets made from it are more expensive, but can last for five years or more without the need for repairs. A brass faucet can also be identified by its weight, but only in its case will this weight be impressive. There is a large selection of European and Chinese brass faucets on the market.
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Chrome plated brass faucet Cheap silumin faucet

For those who have doubts, I am posting a video from HansGrohe, which shows the process of making a real brass faucet. This is how they do plumbing in Europe. High-quality materials and expensive, qualified labor are used here

What is better: cartridges or crane axle boxes?

Modern faucets use either cartridges with a ceramic plate inside or faucet axle boxes to mix hot and cold water. There are two types of crane axle boxes:

  • Ceramic - a modern modification in which the amount of water is adjusted by changing the angle of rotation of the ceramic plate. Such crane axle boxes are distinguished by their convenience and long service life.
  • Worm drives are an old type of axle box crane. These were on Soviet mixers. In them, the water flow is regulated using a rubber gasket at the end of the worm. This gasket quickly wears out and the mixer begins to leak.
  • Ceramic cartridges - it is a plastic case containing two ceramic plates. One of them can move with the help of a lever, but the other cannot. The device of a ceramic cartridge.

In my opinion, faucets with cartridges are more convenient. There, only one lever is used to control the flow and temperature of the water. The service life of ceramics is determined by the amount of sand and sludge in the water pipe. If there is little or none at all, then a good cartridge will last you at least 7 years. The service life of ceramic faucet axleboxes is the same as that of cartridges. Therefore, the question of choosing between them is more a matter of personal preference.

Faucet axle boxes and cartridge for mixer

Which shower switch is best?

If you are buying a shower faucet, then pay attention to the switch. It is better to choose a faucet with a ceramic switch. This will eliminate two problems with mixers with diverters at once:

  • The spring is activated while using the shower - at the most inconvenient moment you have to constantly monitor the position of the diverter.
  • When using a faucet, water drips from the shower head - this is caused by dried out gum.

Diverter with spring and rubber bandCeramic divertor

European or Chinese faucet?

From my sales experience, I can say that European manufacturers are superior in quality to Chinese ones, but among the latter you can also find decent specimens. The trouble is that our importers prefer to buy low-quality goods from China at low prices and make greater profits from them.

At the same time, Chinese goods develop a negative image, although, in fact, there are worthy copies that are not inferior to well-known European brands. I can also tell you a secret - some European manufacturers have long moved production to China.

Thus, they achieved cost reduction without loss of product quality.

Summary of the article

When purchasing a mixer, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Faucet weight – The faucet should be heavy.
  • Material - the faucet should be made of brass. DO NOT BUY SILUMINO MIXERS.
  • The coating on the faucet should be smooth, shiny and free of stains.
  • Ceramic cartridge and ceramic faucet axle boxes - these elements will ensure a long service life of the mixer.

The design of the mixer does not affect its functions in any way and therefore you can choose it at your discretion. That's all! I look forward to your questions in the comments.

Source: https://znayteplo.ru/vodoprovod/kak-otlichit-kachestvennyj-smesitel-ot-nekachestvennogo/

How to identify brass at home - Metals, equipment, instructions

For most of us, knowledge about copper and its properties is limited to a school chemistry course, which is quite enough at the everyday level.

However, sometimes there is a need to reliably determine whether a material is a pure element, an alloy, or even a composite material.

The opinion that this information is needed only by those who are engaged in the acceptance or delivery of scrap metal is erroneous: for example, on amateur radio forums, topics are often raised about how to distinguish copper in wires from copper-plated aluminum.

Briefly about element No. 29

Pure copper (Cu) is a golden-pink metal with high ductility, thermal and electrical conductivity. Chemical inertness in an ordinary non-aggressive environment is ensured by a thin oxide film, which gives the metal an intense reddish tint.

The main difference between copper and other metals is color . In fact, there are not so many colored metals: only gold, cesium and osmium are similar in appearance, and all elements included in the group of non-ferrous metals (iron, tin, lead, aluminum, zinc, magnesium and nickel) have a gray color with varying intensity of shine.

An absolute guarantee of the chemical composition of any material can be obtained only through spectral analysis. The equipment for carrying it out is very expensive, and even many expert laboratories can only dream of it. However, there are many ways to distinguish copper at home with a high degree of probability.

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1. Determination by color

So, we have before us a piece of unknown material that needs to be identified as copper. The emphasis on the term “material” rather than “metal” was made specifically, since recently many composites have appeared that are very similar to metals in appearance and tactile sensations.

First of all, we consider color. It is advisable to do this in daylight or “warm” LED lighting (under “cool” LEDs, the reddish tint changes to yellow-green). It is ideal if there is a copper plate or wire for comparison - in this case, errors in color perception are practically eliminated.

Important: old copper products can be covered with an oxidized layer (a greenish-blue loose coating): in this case, the color of the metal must be looked at in a cut or saw cut.

2. Determination by magnet

Color matching is a reliable but not sufficient method of identification. The second step of independent experiments will be a test with a magnet. Chemically pure copper is classified as diamagnetic - i.e. to substances that do not respond to magnetic influence.

If the material under study is attracted to a magnet, then it is an alloy in which the content of the main substance is no more than 50%.

However, even if the sample did not react to the magnet, it is too early to rejoice, since often an aluminum base is hidden under the copper coating, which is also not magnetic (this can be eliminated by filing or cutting).

3. Determination by reaction to flame

Another way to identify copper is to heat a sample over an open fire (gas stove, lighter or regular match). When heated, copper wire will first lose its shine and then turn black-brown, covered with oxide. This method can also be used to cut off composite materials that, when heated, begin to smoke and form a gas with a pungent odor.

4. Determination through chemical experiments

The reaction with concentrated nitric acid is indicative: if the latter is dropped onto the surface of a copper product, a green-blue color will occur.

A qualitative reaction to copper is dissolution in hydrochloric acid followed by exposure to ammonia. If a copper sample is left in an HCl solution until completely or partially dissolved, and then ordinary pharmaceutical ammonia is dropped into it, the solution will turn intensely blue.

Important: working with chemicals requires precautions. Independent experiments should be carried out in a well-ventilated area using personal protective equipment (rubber gloves, apron, goggles).

How to distinguish between copper and its alloys?

Copper alloys are widely used in industry.

Over many years of research, it has been possible to obtain many materials with unique properties: high ductility, electrical conductivity, chemical resistance, strength (all depends on alloying additives).

The most common are bronze (with the addition of tin, aluminum, silicon, manganese, lead and beryllium), brass (with the addition of 10-45% zinc), as well as copper-nickel alloys (nickel silver, cupronickel, copel, manganin).

Only bronze and brass are difficult to identify, since copper-nickel alloys differ significantly in color due to their low copper content.

Copper or brass?

Brass can contain from 10 to 45% zinc, a silver-gray metal. Naturally, the more zinc, the paler the alloy. However, high-copper brasses, in which the amount of additives does not exceed 10%, differ little in color from the copper sample.

In this case, you can only trust your feelings: brass is much harder and more difficult to bend (for greater reliability, a comparison with a reference sample is advisable). You can try to remove the shavings: copper shavings will have a curl shape, brass shavings will be straight, needle-shaped.

When the samples are placed in a solution of hydrochloric acid, no reaction with copper is observed, and a white coating of zinc chloride forms on the surface of the brass.

Copper or bronze?

Like brass, bronze is much stronger, which is explained by the presence of harder metals in the alloy. The most reliable test will be a “tooth test” - there is unlikely to be a trace of pressure left on the surface of the bronze.

You can also experiment with a hot saline solution (200 g of table salt per 1 liter of water). After 10-15 minutes, a copper sample will acquire a more intense shade than a bronze one.

For those familiar with electrical engineering

Very often, copper cores from electrical cables are sold as scrap non-ferrous metals, and there are often cases when copper-coated aluminum is used in the production of electrical products. This material has a significantly lower density, but due to its irregular geometric shape, determining the volume to calculate the density is quite difficult.

In this case, copper can be determined by electrical resistance (of course, if you have the appropriate instruments - a voltmeter, ammeter, rheostat). We measure the cross-section and length of the core, take instrument readings, and Ohm’s law will help you.

Resistivity is a fairly accurate characteristic by which any metal can be identified with a high degree of reliability.


It is possible to accurately determine the quality of copper scrap or the content of the main substance in the alloy only after an examination: all of the above methods are approximate.

If we consider pricing when purchasing scrap metal, the most expensive is electrical copper, the cheapest are alloys of the brass group.

The final cost of the transaction can be clarified with the managers of companies involved in the purchase of scrap non-ferrous metals.

Source: https://spb-metalloobrabotka.com/kak-opredelit-latun-v-domashnih-usloviyah/

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