How to choose a current for semi-automatic welding

How to choose a semi-automatic welding machine?

MIG-MAG welding or semi-automatic welding is one of the most popular among professionals. This welding method is increasingly gaining popularity, displacing manual arc welding.

If you decide to try semi-automatic welding, the question will definitely arise: which MIG/MAG inverter welding machine should you choose?

There are a great variety of semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding machines - from easy-to-use and reliable devices that can solve operational problems in everyday life or on a construction site (for example, the IRMIG 160 semi-automatic welding machine) to high-tech devices with synergetic control (for example, INMIG 200 SYN LCD) and powerful three-phase semiautomatic devices for industrial production (for example, INMIG 500 DW SYN).

Fig. 1 – Semi-automatic welding machine IRMIG 160

Fig.2 – INMIG 200 SYN LCD

Fig. 3 – Semiautomatic welding machine INMIG 500 T DW SYN

Which semi-automatic welding machine for home and garden should you choose?

Advantages of the MIG-MAG welding method:

1. This is the most productive type of welding. Due to the wire feeding principle, you can weld continuous long seams without stopping and without wasting time changing the electrode.

2. MIG/MAG welding can work with a very large list of metals, including thin sheets.

3. As a result of MIG/MAG welding, a high-quality, clean, durable seam is obtained with minimal subsequent processing of the joint for painting.

4. Semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding is the simplest and most uncomplicated process and any novice welder can master basic skills in a very short time.

5. MIG-MAG welding allows you to work in any position, allows you to visually monitor the welding process and form a seam.

MIG/MAG welding also has its limitations:

1. Low mobility - you need a gas cylinder and a spool of wire (which is much heavier than an electrode).

2. A starter kit is required - for this welding you will need a torch, a spool of wire, gas cylinders, reducers and hoses.

Fig. 4 – Advantages of semi-automatic welding

Fig. 5 – Disadvantages of semi-automatic welding

But the advantages of this type of welding are undeniable.

Before you start choosing, you need to decide for what types of work the semi-automatic machine will be used. The characteristics (power, current) and equipment will depend on this.

Let's start with the most basic parameter - current strength.

Current strength

The main parameter for any welding machine is the current strength. This parameter determines what thickness of metal you can work with.

For semi-automatic machines, both the maximum and minimum values ​​of this indicator are important.

The maximum value indicator is important for determining the thickness of the metal that the device can melt through. The higher the indicator, the thicker the welding machine can work. If the maximum value is not enough, the workpiece will not be fully welded; the seam will appear to be on the surface.

To repair gates, doors, tanks, containers made of metal 1.0 -1.5 mm, you will need a semi-automatic machine with 160 -180 A.

For work on a car body, where the steel thickness is no more than 0.8 mm, a model with an indicator of 110-120 A is sufficient. Flanges and powerful pipes are welded with equipment from 200 A.

To weld thicker metal, 300-400 A is required.

Sometimes the task is to reduce the welding current to a minimum value in order to weld a thin product. If the lower value of the device cannot drop to a certain minimum current value for a given material and thickness, then there will be burns in the metal during operation.

The lowest limit (10-20 A) is needed for working with the body. In order not to burn through the metal of the same tank and sheet iron, the indicator should be no more than 30-40 A.

To begin with, you can refer to the table below. In the process of work, average amperage recommendations for working on low-carbon steel are given here.

Rice. 6 - Amperage recommendations for working on mild steel

Open circuit voltage

Another indicator that will help you decide on the optimal choice of a semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding machine.

At the moment when your device is turned on, but the arc is not lit, it operates at idle - a kind of standby mode, when the device maintains a certain voltage level - 40-90 V, so that when the contact between the wire and the workpiece is closed, an arc is initiated. The higher the idle value, the easier it ignites.

For a garage and home workshop, it is enough for the model to have an idle speed of 30-40 V.

For a service station or workshop, it is desirable to have indicators of 50-70 V. For production, semi-automatic devices with an idle speed of 80-90 V are used.

Fig. 7 - The process of igniting the welding arc

Welding wire diameter

The MIG/MAG welding machine can work with wire of various diameters - it is not enough to just change the wire spool and the rollers in the feed mechanism. The cable duct and contact tip also need to be replaced. Therefore, the device must be selected taking into account future work.

The thicker the metal, the larger the diameter of the wire required to melt and create a good connection.

Rice. 8 - Reel with welding wire

Fig. 9 – Selection of wire diameter depending on the thickness of the metal

Duration of activation

This is one of the main parameters. According to the international standard EN 60974-1, the switching duration shows how much time from a 10-minute cycle, at an ambient temperature of 40 C°, the machine operates with maximum welding current.

The fact is that during prolonged operation under high voltage, and also depending on the ambient temperature, the MIG/MAG welding machine can overheat and turn off after different periods of time.

Typically, this parameter is indicated as a percentage.

So, if the passport for the device indicates that its on-time is 40%, this means that out of 10 minutes at maximum current it should work for no more than 4 minutes, and for the remaining 6 minutes there will be a pause. Some manufacturers are disingenuous, declaring the AB value at 20 degrees, which doubles it and misleads buyers.

This parameter will be especially relevant when choosing a device for an industrial enterprise, when it is in constant operation and a professional will work on it. A welder in a workshop and garage does not weld for longer than 3-4 minutes, because... Periodically you need to stop to prepare the area for welding, adjust parts, etc.

Synergetic management

The devices come with both manual and synergetic control. In devices with synergetic control, the user only needs to select certain known parameters depending on the model, and the device will automatically adjust the voltage in such a way as to provide the welder with the most efficient and comfortable work.

An advanced welder can manually adjust the parameters to suit his working conditions and can even determine the imbalance of the machine settings by the sound of the operating torch.

If you are just starting out or do not work with the device every day, then assistance in the form of synergetic control will greatly simplify the first steps and help in further work.

Fig. 10 - Synergetic control on a semi-automatic device

Versatility of use

The semi-automatic machine works both with solid wire operating in a protective gas environment (MAG welding) and with flux-cored wire operating without gas (MIG welding). But there are models that work only with one of the types.

In addition, there are semi-automatic machines equipped with a connector for working with stick electrodes (MMA welding).

Rice. 11 – The semi-automatic welding machine IRMIG 180 SYN is equipped with a connector for working with stick electrodes

There are also universal devices that allow you to work with a TIG welding torch.

Fig. 12 - INMIG 200 SYN LCD allows you to work with a TIG welding torch

Such models are more expensive and their choice is determined by the need to work with all types of welding - they are relevant in the garage, car service, where the task is to weld both small and large thicknesses - spars, fasteners, etc.

Pulse welding

Semi-automatic MIG/MAG machines can have a pulse mode. This mode allows you to cook non-ferrous metals (stainless steel, aluminum alloys). Such models are purchased primarily by large service stations.

Device weight

The weight of a semi-automatic machine can vary from 10-12 to 100 kg and above - it all depends on the model, its functionality and additional equipment.

Devices from 12 to 20 kg are suitable for garage or mobile use because... They can be carried by one person without any problems, but a longer hose for the gas cylinder will be needed. Well, or a more compact cylinder. For infrequent use this is optimal.

Industrial models can be equipped with a cooling unit for the torch and a remote mechanism. They are installed on special trolleys, to which a gas cylinder is attached. Such a welding station can be moved throughout the entire territory of the same car service center or workshop.

Fig. 13 - INMIG 500T DW SYN with cooling unit and trolley

Wire feeder

If you choose a semi-automatic welding machine for a home workshop or garage, then it is better to take a compact device where the wire feed mechanism is built into the body of the device.

A device with an external mechanism is necessary in production where mobility is required. Mobility is manifested in the following: the remote wire feeder is connected to the main source of welding current using a cable.

The kit includes a standard cable - 5 meters. As an option, you can buy a cable 30 m long. This mechanism allows you to work at a distance from the main power source. Due to this, mobility is achieved.

This mechanism allows you to work at a distance from the main current source.

Fig. 14 – Wire feed mechanism

So which semi-automatic welding machine is better to buy?

Let's try, using an example, to select a semi-automatic welding machine for the task together.

So, you are looking for a device for periodic work in a workshop or garage. The network voltage is 220 V. There is no welding experience, or there is little experience working with an inverter. The load on the device is not daily. You plan to cook metals from 1 mm to 3-4 mm.

You need a machine from 30 to 200 A - the most popular welding current range for such purposes. The no-load voltage value should be no lower than 40-70 V. The duration of switching on is not very important for you and it is unlikely that you will weld meter-long seams, so feel free to choose 40%.

Such a device will allow you to work, if you are just learning, pay attention to the synergy - it will not only make life easier, but will also make you familiar with this work, making it comfortable and simple.

We list everything you need to start working with a semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding machine:

1. The machine itself is a source of welding current;

2. Welding torch;

3. Cable with grounding clamp;

4. Gas hose;

5. Gas cylinder and reducer;

6. Welding mask

The FUBAG IRMIG 200 SYN device already comes with a torch, a hose, a grounding cable, as well as a cable with an electrode holder, because This model can also cook with an electrode; there are connectors for connecting it.

You can see reviews of semi-automatic machines from professionals below:

Manual arc welding using FUBAG INMIG 200 SYN LCD (Gori Arc channel)

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Semi-automatic welding: technology, correct settings and instructions for beginners - Machine

For welding metals, a laser beam, torch flame or plasma can be used, but one of the simplest and most compact options for devices for performing this type of work is a semi-automatic device.

To ensure that the metal seam is as smooth as possible and protected from oxidation, welding metals in this way is best done using shielding gas.

Semi-automatic welding for beginners is difficult only in the first minutes of mastering. To speed up the learning process as much as possible, you should study the basic rules for handling such a device in advance.

Semi-automatic welding machine: operating principle

In order not to “kill” the device when using a semi-automatic welding machine. To avoid injury, you should know about the safety rules and the operating principle of the device.

The semiautomatic welding machine consists of:

  • housing containing a powerful transformer;
  • hose for supplying current and gas to the burner;
  • cables for connecting to ground and the electrical network;
  • wire feed mechanism.

Also, for semi-automatic welding, you will need to purchase a reel with a special welding wire and a cylinder of carbon dioxide.

The operating principle of the semi-automatic device is as follows:

  1. The welding current is supplied to the torch simultaneously with the shielding gas.
  2. The torch uses a welding wire as an electrode, which is fed automatically using a special mechanism.
  3. An electric arc is formed between the product being welded and the wire, which melts the metal in a protective gas environment, which allows you to obtain a high-quality weld without oxides.

The basic safety rules when working with semi-automatic welding machines are as follows:

  • the body of the welding machine must be grounded;
  • it is prohibited to use the device even with minor mechanical damage or any other malfunctions;
  • in case of significant interruptions in work, be sure to disconnect the device from the electrical network and turn off the supply of protective gas;
  • do not work near flammable and explosive substances;
  • Use a protective mask and gloves while working.

As soon as the basic principles of working with a semi-automatic machine are mastered, you can begin practical work.

Semi-automatic welding: first experience

To gain practical experience, it is recommended to first practice on unnecessary metal scraps before proceeding with complex work that requires highly qualified welders.

For practical work you need to prepare:

  • welding machine;
  • gloves;
  • protective mask;
  • gas cylinder.

The first thing you need to do is set up the welding machine. Correctly adjusted strength of the supplied current will allow you to make a welding seam perfectly smooth and without breaks.

This parameter directly depends on the thickness of the metal being welded, so before starting work, you must read the instructions for the electrical device. Which should indicate the amperage recommended by the manufacturer for a certain thickness of the parts being welded.

Selecting welding modes

You should also make the right choice of the welding wire feed speed, which is regulated by a special mechanism.

The optimal diameter of the wire for welding is 0.8 mm, but when working with very thin metal, you can install a 0.6 mm electrode so that at a reduced current the metal is melted without fading the arc.

If possible, it is better to purchase Italian wire for semi-automatic welding. Imported analogues are of higher quality, but the cost of such products will be several times higher.

Despite the higher cost, such an electrode is more suitable for beginners because it is easier to obtain the desired result, even with insufficient experience in handling an electric welding machine.

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instructions: setup.

Cylinder with reducer

In order to protect the welding site from exposure to oxygen, shielding gas is supplied. The cheapest option for using shielding gas is to purchase a carbon dioxide cylinder with a reducer.

A reducer with a pressure gauge must be installed to monitor the pressure of the supplied gas. To carry out high-quality welding of metals in a shielding gas environment, it is enough to set the working pressure to about 0.2 atmospheres.

Protective mask

To protect your eyesight, semi-automatic cooking should only be done using a protective mask, for example, Chameleon. Modern products have a special adjustment in their design, which allows you to configure the protective mechanism in such a way that it provides high-quality protection only during arc burning.

When the plasma combustion process dies out, the window of the mask will be transparent enough to allow you to continue working without removing the protective device.

Such welding helmets will be especially convenient for novice welders; in outdated models, the protective glass was too shaded, which made the welding process very inconvenient, due to poor visibility of the weld after the arc has died out.

Welding technology

When all the preparatory work has been carried out, it is necessary to connect the “ground” to the metal being welded. If you have to work with small parts, then welding is done on a metal table, to which the corresponding conductor is connected.

If there is no table, then the work can be carried out on a horizontally located metal sheet with a thickness of at least 2 mm, to which the “ground” of the welding machine is connected.

Before starting the welding process, it is also necessary to adjust the amount of protrusion of the welding wire from the nozzle. It is recommended to install such a protrusion no more than 5 mm. If the wire protrudes more significantly before starting welding work, it must be shortened using wire cutters.

Before making a continuous weld, it is recommended to position the parts to be welded as close as possible and to carry out spot welding in at least two places by striking the electrode against the metal at the joint. This is necessary to ensure the immobility of the parts being welded.

If you need to weld one sheet of metal onto another, then in this case you can use clamps to securely fasten the welded parts. Once the immobility of the parts is ensured using any of the listed methods, you can begin making the weld.

To weld parts, an arc igniter is made and the metal is melted at the junction of the metals to form a seam. If during the first attempts to weld parts the arc does not ignite stably, it is necessary to increase the current supplied by the welding machine.

For proper arc formation, it is necessary to briefly touch the wire to the metal parts to which the “ground” is connected. Then tear off the wire to the minimum possible distance to form a stable electric arc. In this way, the seam is welded from one edge to the other, gradually moving the arc over the surface of the parts being welded.

  • thin metal connection.
  • welding thick metal for beginners.

Aluminum welding

The use of shielding gases in semi-automatic welding makes it possible to perform high-quality connections of aluminum parts in this way. Welding aluminum is a rather complex process even for an experienced specialist; it will be even more difficult for novice welders to complete such work.

How to semi-automatically cook aluminum parts:

  • the surface of the welded parts is cleaned from the oxide film;
  • the workpieces are heated in a furnace or using a gas burner;
  • the welding machine is switched on to high-frequency alternating current mode;
  • a cylinder with argon or argon-helium mixture is connected;
  • The arc is ignited and its length is maintained in the range of 12-15 mm.

In this way, parts made of this low-melting metal are welded. To perform the work, you will need to purchase aluminum products as filler wire. And to ensure stable wire feeding, the device must be equipped with a larger diameter nozzle.


For novice welders, you learned how to weld semi-automatically with carbon dioxide correctly from this article. To consolidate the information received, it is recommended to immediately begin practical exercises and carry out a trial connection of parts using this method. Lessons will allow you to quickly master a semi-automatic machine at home.

It is recommended to start welding aluminum and other non-ferrous metals only after welding of ferrous metals is well mastered. This article tells you how to cook stainless steel with a semi-automatic machine.



How to choose a semi-automatic welding machine - types of semi-automatic welding machines

  • Types of semi-automatic welding machines
  • How to choose a semiautomatic welding machine

How to choose a semi-automatic welding machine - types of semi-automatic welding machines

Choosing a semi-automatic welding machine is quite a difficult task, since the market offers a large assortment of welding equipment, therefore, it’s easy to get confused. Today, when there are dozens of different models of semi-automatic welding machines, you should not base your choice only on the country of manufacture and brand.

A semi-automatic welding machine must be chosen strictly from the tasks that they will have to solve in the future. Moreover, if we are talking about a household semi-automatic welding machine, because in this case there is no need to overpay for auxiliary functions that are equipped with semi-professional and professional semi-automatic welding machines.

Types of semi-automatic welding machines

To find out better which semi-automatic machine is better to choose, you should consider their existing types:

  1. Transformer semi-automatic devices are easy to use and reliable, however, due to their large dimensions and weight, they are most often used as stationary equipment;
  2. Inverter semi-automatic machines are small in size and are not as demanding on the quality of power supply as stationary devices. In this regard, inverter semi-automatic devices have found wide application in everyday life and industry.

In addition, the inverter semi-automatic machine can be configured very flexibly, which makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of welding.

How to choose a semiautomatic welding machine

When purchasing a semi-automatic welding machine, it is recommended to look at the following parameters:

  1. The voltage of the electrical network from which the semi-automatic welding machine will operate;
  2. What metals will need to be welded using a semi-automatic welding machine? It can be either non-ferrous metals or steel;
  3. Thickness of the metal being welded;
  4. Intensity of use of semi-automatic welding machine;
  5. Additional functions.

For domestic conditions, semi-automatic welding machines operating from a single-phase network are most often used. However, you should know that if you plan to intensively use semi-automatic welding, for example, for car repairs, then there are also models that operate from a three-phase network.

Three-phase semi-automatic welding machines are professional models that can cope with any load.

The second criterion when choosing a semi-automatic welding machine is the permissible current for welding and the operating time of the equipment (see The ability to weld thick metals depends on the permissible current that a semi-automatic welding machine is capable of producing. In addition, the thickness of the wire used for semi-automatic welding depends entirely on this characteristic.

As for the duration of operation, most often, the passport for a semi-automatic welding machine indicates the time of continuous operation of the device. Consequently, this characteristic of a semi-automatic machine should be chosen based on the characteristics of the welding work and its duration. Household semi-automatic machines are designed for welding for no more than 4 minutes, after which they need some time to break and cool down.

It is equally important, before choosing a semi-automatic welding machine, to decide on the wire feeder. The better the semi-automatic wire feeder is protected from external influences, the longer it will last. Dust and dirt that can get inside the reel can significantly shorten the life of the feeder.


Semi-automatic welding modes in shielding gases

Using a semi-automatic welding machine in combination with shielding gas is almost always a winning option. Thanks to this set of equipment, you will have access to high-quality and fast welding of steel, aluminum, copper and other metals. But there are also features that the welder must take into account before choosing this welding method.

First of all, a complete beginner is unlikely to be able to do the job efficiently. This is due not only to a lack of experience, but also to the fact that a semi-automatic machine needs to be properly configured and the necessary consumables selected. Experienced craftsmen say: “To set up semi-automatic welding modes in a shielded gas environment, you need to spend several years studying literature, GOSTs and painstaking work. Without practice, nothing will work out.”

We completely agree with this statement. But we are not in a hurry to discount novice welders. Especially for them, we have prepared a short article that will help them understand welding modes and begin to apply the information received in practice. When compiling this article, we were guided not only by our own experience, but also by reference literature.

Main settings

In order to correctly select the semi-automatic welding modes, you need to clearly understand what these modes consist of. Next, we will list the main parameters of welding modes, knowing which you will be able to correctly select the settings of the semi-automatic machine.

Diameter and grade of wire

Let's start with the wire diameter. It can range from 0.5 to 3 millimeters. Typically, the diameter of the wire is selected based on the thickness of the metal being welded. But in any case, each diameter has its own characteristic features. For example, when working with small-diameter wire, craftsmen note a more stable arc burning and a lower metal spatter coefficient. And when working with wire of larger diameter, it is always necessary to increase the current strength.

Do not forget about the brand of wire used. More precisely, the metal from which the wire is made and what substances are included in its composition. For example, for welding low-carbon or low-alloy steel, it is recommended to use wire with deoxidizing agents, and the composition should contain manganese and silicon.

But, in fairness, the protective gas environment is often either alloyed or high-alloy steel. In such cases, use wire made of the same metal as the part to be welded. Pay attention to the choice of wire, because if you choose the wrong one, the seam can turn out porous and fragile.


Semi-automatic welding modes in shielding gases: selection, calculation, tables

In most cases, using a semi-automatic welding machine along with shielding gas is a great idea.

This method provides a wide range of possibilities, such as speed and quality when welding different metals - copper, aluminum, steel, and others.

However, before starting welding, it is necessary to study the specifics of working with such a set of equipment, learn how to select a semi-automatic welding mode in a shielding gas environment, and only then will this really simplify the work of the master.


The first thing you should definitely pay attention to if you decide to use this method of work is the qualifications of the master. It will be difficult for a beginner to understand the settings and choose materials wisely.

Work experience plays an important role and should not be underestimated. Professionals especially like to repeat how important it is to spend decades on self-study, become familiar with books, study standards and, of course, practice.

Without this, it is difficult to achieve success and quality. It’s hard to disagree with this, but let’s not give up on young specialists, because we all started somewhere.

It is for those who want to learn all the intricacies of this work, the correct calculation of the semi-automatic welding mode in a shielding gas environment, that this article was written.

Study the theory carefully and put it into practice – that’s the whole secret. It contains not only the knowledge of specialists, but also information from reference books and professional literature.

Strength, polarity and type of welding current

After correctly selecting the materials, the next step is to set up the semi-automatic mode for working in a protective gas environment. These three parameters - strength, type and polarity of the welding current are the main ones, and are certainly present even in cheap samples.

Let's take a closer look at each of them. The voltage is adjusted based on the characteristics of the material you will be working with and, of course, the diameter of the electrode. Depending on the current strength, for example, the penetration depth changes.

Let's talk about the other two parameters. The most common method of welding in a protective gas environment among high-class craftsmen is to set the following parameters: direct current and reverse polarity.

Do the opposite - and you will get a very undesirable result in the form of unstable arcing and, as a result, significantly worsen the result of your work.

While following the rules, do not forget about the exceptions: if you work with aluminum, you need alternating current.

In order not to fall for the bait, like all beginners, be sure to pay attention to the voltage of the welding arc. But it is precisely this important parameter that ensures the required depth of metal penetration and the welding joint itself.

To adjust, focus on the strength of the welding current. If metal spatters and unwanted pores appear in the material, the voltage is too high and the shielding gas will not be able to penetrate into the desired area.

Wire feed speed

The quality of your work is influenced by the mechanism. Which provides wire feeding. With semi-automatic welding, this is the key to accurate and coordinated work.

As soon as you start welding, immediately adjust this parameter for semi-automatic gas shielded welding - not too fast and not too slow. Only this can guarantee you an even and durable seam.

Again, the amperage should be used as a guide when setting this parameter. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the feed speed ensures arc stability and uniform current generation.

Welding speed

The next thing is the welding speed. It mainly affects the physical characteristics of your seam. For this, there are standards for calculating the semi-automatic welding mode in shielding gases, but with experience you will be able to adjust it yourself, depending on the specifics of the metal and its size.

So, the thicker your material, the higher the speed and narrower the seam should be. But excessive haste is also unacceptable, and will only lead to the fact that the electrode will no longer be in the protective gas zone and will simply oxidize under the influence of oxygen.

Well, slowness is the key to a loose and porous seam.

Electrode tilt

Finally, the stumbling angle for all novice craftsmen during welding is the angle of inclination of the electrode. Basically, everyone tries to hold the electrode using the most convenient method, but this is a significant mistake that will certainly make itself felt.

After all, this mainly affects the final result.

What welding options are there? There are basically two of them, let's look at each of them. Welding at an angle forward - this way you can see the edges better, but at the same time the weld area is worse. In this case, the depth is less.

Backward angle welding is the opposite - here you need to be guided by the specifics of the process. The first type is perfect for thin material, but the second can be used with material of any other thickness.

Calculation tables

With experience, you will definitely gain experience and immediately select the necessary settings for semi-automatic welding in a shielding gas environment. Beginners cannot avoid trial and error, but tables specially created for this will help make the work easier at first.

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Combine this theoretical knowledge with your experience and experiments - and you will definitely achieve great success.

Table No1. Recommendations for setting when welding low-carbon or low-alloy steel when forming a butt weld in a protective gas environment in the lower position with a current of reverse polarity (for example, carbon dioxide and its mixture with oxygen or argon).

Table No2. Recommendations for setting up for working with rotary butt joints using carbon dioxide, and its mixture with oxygen or argon, reverse polarity current.

Table No3. Recommendations for setting up when creating an overlap weld using carbon dioxide and its mixture with oxygen or argon, reverse polarity current.

Table No4. Recommendations when working with carbon steel, in a vertical spatial position, using carbon dioxide and its mixture with oxygen or argon, reverse polarity current.

Table No5. Recommendations for setting up semi-automatic welding in a shielded gas environment when creating a horizontal connection using carbon dioxide, reverse polarity current.

Table No6. Recommendations for setting when working with ceiling joints using carbon dioxide, reverse polarity current.

Table No7. Recommendations for working with the “point” method.

The easiest way to calculate the semi-automatic welding mode in shielding gases is to use tables

Choosing a semi-automatic welding machine: which one is better for car repairs

Choosing a semiautomatic welding machine is not a very simple task. The welding equipment market offers a large number of similar devices, which differ from each other by slight differences in parameters. Manufacturers are trying to work for the future and use new developments in electronic components.

Differences can be found:

  • In the characteristics of the parameters;
  • In functional features;
  • In the list of possibilities;
  • In the features of the protection scheme.

Characteristics of parameters

The first indicator is the power source. For household semi-automatic welding machines, the power source is an alternating current network with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. power supply indicates the range of changes in the supply voltage at which the device continues to operate normally. This value is indicated as a percentage of normal voltage or in voltage units.

The power consumption of a semi-automatic device must correspond to its performance. Sometimes, along with the power consumption, the recommended power when operating from a generator is indicated. If a device consumes 5 kW of electricity, then it cannot provide more power to the device output.

Devices may differ in open circuit voltage. This is also an important indicator of the perfection of the circuit diagram.

The main quantity in the characteristics of the device is the current supplied to the electrodes. Typically a range from a minimum to a maximum value is specified. If the semi-automatic device is universal, then the output current range is indicated for all modes separately.

Another important characteristic is the on-time or operating mode. This parameter is indicated as a percentage. It characterizes the cyclical operation and pauses for a given device.

The characteristics of semi-automatic welding machines must indicate the wire feed speed, the type and weight of the reel, and the permissible wire diameters.

Non-critical characteristics are the weight and dimensions of the device.

Functional Features

It is not difficult to find differences between semi-automatic welding machines based on the functions they perform. Even universal devices can provide three types of welding:

  • MMA – manual welding with a separate electrode;
  • TIG – inert gas welding;
  • MIG/MAG – welding using a welding wire in a layer of inert or active gas.

To the functional features of universal semi-automatic machines, you can add the presence of smooth arc ignition, soft start and finish, 2 in 4 cycle mode, in which there is no need to constantly press the button.

Not all devices have a manual wire feed mode, which allows you to quickly replace the wire spool and bring its beginning to the contact part.

Possibilities of semi-automatic welding machine

Devices may differ in the ability to control the welding process with one button. There must be manual adjustment of the output current and voltage. The presence or absence of a digital current and voltage indicator is also an important indicator for normal operation.

Protection circuits

Each manufacturer strives to develop a circuit that could protect the device from any critical situations - overheating of components, overvoltage and excess current.

A light indication is installed on the case, which indicates a violation of one or another mode of operation of the device. The presence of an indication always reflects the level of development of the semi-automatic machine, according to which selection can be made.

Types of semiautomatic welding machines + ()

All semi-automatic welding machines are divided into three types according to the power source with which welding is performed:

  • Transformer;
  • Rectifier;
  • Inverter.

Transformer semi-automatic devices are used in stationary operating conditions because they have a large weight and dimensions. This also applies to rectifying types. Semi-automatic inverter welding machines are used in everyday life. They are light, compact, and do not require much power from the power source.

Most semi-automatic welding machines perform MIG/MAG welding - welding metals under a layer of inert or active gas using a supplied welding wire.

This type allows you to weld most metals with high quality welds and a stable penetration rate. Argon is used as an inert gas, and carbon dioxide is used as an active gas. For some jobs that require high-quality seams, a mixture of these gases is used.

Sometimes welding is provided in the NO GAS mode, when instead of the usual welding wire, a coil with self-shielding flux-cored wire is installed in the semi-automatic machine. This type of welding does not require the organization of a gas cushion at the welding site.

Universal semi-automatic welding machines are capable of performing MMA classification work and argon-arc welding with direct current TIG DC.

Choosing an inverter semi-automatic machine for garage work + ()

To choose an inverter-type semi-automatic welding machine for work in a garage, you need to determine the work that you plan to perform. The thickness of the metal being welded determines a lot, because such indicators as the power of the device, the duration of activation, and the diameter of the welding wire used will depend on this.

When choosing a machine based on the welding current, you need to make an adjustment upward. For example, if according to calculations a current of up to 120 A is required, then the semi-automatic device must have a reserve of at least 150 A. This is due to the fact that not all manufacturers ensure the accuracy of the specified characteristics of the devices. A device that has a current reserve will overheat less and operate without overloads.

The power consumption of a semi-automatic device also matters when choosing a device, because the garage cannot always provide sufficient quality wiring. If it is made without a current reserve, then the use of an inverter semi-automatic welding machine can lead to its overload or even failure.

And the garage power protection circuit must correspond to the load that the semi-automatic device will create. If the protection circuit contains circuit breakers for low current, then during operation they will often be knocked out. This mode of operation is extremely dangerous for an inverter semiautomatic device.

To work in a garage, you need to choose a semi-automatic machine with low performance. This will be quite enough to perform a large list of works. A household device powered by a 220 volt medium power network is suitable.

Which semi-automatic machine to choose for car repair + ()

Body work predominates in car repair. The bodies of modern passenger cars are made of thin metal. To weld it, you will need a small current and a welding wire thickness of up to 0.8 mm. It is less common to weld some parts that have a thickness of 1 to 5 mm.

It follows from this that to perform welding work it will be quite enough to purchase a semi-automatic inverter welding machine of medium power. It will not overuse electricity in the garage, will provide sufficient on-time, will not overload, and overload the network.

Such semi-automatic machines have a large base of spare components and types of welding wire. And the price for them is quite affordable. The main thing is that there is current and voltage regulation available. Such semi-automatic machines will not be able to weld large volumes of thick metal, but this is rare in car repairs.

When choosing a semi-automatic machine, you must also pay attention to the mechanical features. For example, a semi-automatic machine with a wire feed mechanism that is convenient for reloading would be preferable. This mechanism is always loaded with work, so the drive must have a motor of sufficient power, and the mechanism itself must be made entirely of metal parts.

It is desirable that the semi-automatic machine be universal and have the ability to operate with a piece electrode in manual mode.

There is an option for using transformer-type semi-automatic welding machines in garage mode. They are somewhat cheaper than inverter samples, but they do not have automatic adjustment of current and voltage. The current is switched only in idle mode by a discrete switch.

The output current has a high level of ripple, which in frequency approaches twice the frequency of the supply network. They are easy to repair, but the quality of welding is much lower than the quality of welding of inverter samples.

The best manufacturers of household semi-automatic devices

We can name several manufacturers of semi-automatic welding machines that produce equipment with good quality indicators and reasonable cost. Among the best examples of the budget price segment is the Chinese company Elitech. The company produces reliable devices with good quality and decent functionality.

Another company producing semi-automatic machines with a reasonable price-quality ratio is Foxweld. The devices of this company are very economical. It is equipped with a burner with a gas supply hose of sufficient length and quality. This company is still unknown to a wide range of buyers, and therefore does not have a dealer network.

But the best performance is achieved by Overman brand devices. The machines are capable of welding many types of wire. Interesting developments and solutions are used in the design of semi-automatic machines. Semi-automatics have a weight that is slightly heavier than other manufacturers. But this is the only negative.

new review + ()

Place Name Price, rub.)
1 AuroraPRO Overman 2000 9,6/10 29400
2 Elitech IS 220 P 9,0/10 27010
3 Resanta SAIPA-200 8,2/10 24940

The best semi-automatic machines are opened by AuroraPRO Overman 2000.

The machine is intended for wire welding only. The lower voltage threshold at which the device operates stably is 140 V. The device provides good smooth adjustment of current and voltage. There is only one drawback - the wire feeding mode is somewhat rigid. But the quality-to-price ratio in this device is the best.

The Elitech IS 220 P semi-automatic welding machine can operate normally when the mains voltage drops to 160 V. The maximum power consumption does not exceed 5.4 kW. With a maximum welding current of 180 A, the on-time is 80%. The good ergonomics of the device allows it to be used in different levels.

Resanta SAIPA-200 is widely distributed. The maximum welding current of the device stated in the description reaches 200 amperes. In practice, this is not always confirmed, but such a value is not always interesting for the user. But the switching time reaches 70%. Wire up to 1 mm is used, without overheating or overload.

Final conclusions

For non-professional use, semi-automatic welding machines of medium power and low cost are quite suitable. It is not difficult to choose and buy a device to perform high-quality work. For the garage, for garage work at the household level, it is better to use inverter-type semi-automatic welding machines. Given the price/quality ratio, it is easier to achieve high-quality welding with them.

Transformer-type semi-automatic devices should be better suited for stationary garage operation, but, not having sufficient automatic control functions, they are less preferable. High-quality car repairs can only be done with an inverter option.


How to properly set up a semi-automatic welding machine: setting table

The saturation of home workshops with complex professional-level power tools is impressive. But not all of the equipment's rated capabilities are used. How to set up a semi-automatic welding machine for metal of different sections, change it to aluminum, stainless steel - dry information in the instructions is not enough. Let's turn to the knowledge of production workers.

External influence on settings

Changing the spatial position of the seam, strengthening the leg, thickness, and configuration of the joints of one metal will require different settings. Basic settings of a semi-automatic machine (PA):

  • Arc voltage; the adjustment is reflected in the change in current value.
  •  Current – ​​wire feed; An increase in wire feed speed is responded to by a proportional increase in the current value and vice versa.
  • Gas consumption is set based on the main parameters and is regulated by assessing the quality of the seam while excluding pore formation.

Further, based on the results of the test pass, the modes of electric arc welding in a shielding gas environment are adjusted.

For an experienced practitioner, even the sound of a lit arc is informative. Once you purchase a semi-automatic machine, you will have to get used to its features and the need to adjust to changes:

  • The configuration and assembly of PAs with equivalent characteristics differ in their filling; differences in configuration are found among the same manufacturer.
  • Voltage fluctuations disrupt settings; the transformer PA will turn off, and the inverter may burn out.
  • Changing the composition of the shielding gas.
  • Changing the brand and diameter of the wire.
  • Even minor repairs or replacement of components will have an impact.

Gas protection

Gas flow also refers to calculated tabular values . Does not directly affect the settings of the semi-automatic welding machine. Control is simplified if the gearbox is equipped with 2 scales. Registration of the reduced flow value is perceived more objectively with the installation of a rotameter.

The rotametric flow meter shows the supply of carbon dioxide (argon) working pressure in constant values. The static pressure reading will drop when the burner trigger is triggered, creating a protective cloud. The initial range for the rotameter is 6–10 l/min, for a gearbox with pressure gauges – 1–2 atm.

Economical consumption is selected according to the porosity of the seam: the gas flow increases until the pores disappear . In a room with forced exhaust and in the wind, in order to save money, it is preferable to use cored self-protecting wire.

Selection of gas mixture

The choice of mixture is determined by the quality requirements and material properties:

  • CO2 is an ideal protection for the weld pool of structural steels, deep penetration, but the spattering and roughness of the weld are not suitable for fine work.
  • A mixture of argon and carbon dioxide C25 (75% Ar; 25% CO2) - the combination is suitable for welding thin-sheet structures, creating a uniform seam with a minimum of splashes.
  • Composition of 98% Ar; 2% CO2 – for stainless steels.
  • For aluminum – argon in its pure form.

Voltage setting

The power consumption for burning the arc and melting the metal is determined by the voltage setting. Energy consumption increases with increasing penetration depth (material thickness) and wire diameter.

The settings of household PAs are stepped. Coarsening with min/max modes or multi-mode, with soft adjustment as an extended range of adjustment of the welding voltage of the Wester MIG-110i semi-automatic machine for 10 settings.

On the inside of the casing cover there is a table of regulations for voltage settings . This is the manufacturer’s main hint; it is printed on models that differ in power and technical equipment.

The final solution is how to set up a semi-automatic welding machine for the operator. Vague recommendations are not dogma, the main criterion is the depth of penetration and the strength of the connection.


The procedure for changing polarity is simple. Under the cover there is a sign indicating which type of metal and wire require direct or reverse polarity. Direct - the burner is connected to the minus terminal. With straight polarity, the melting of the wire is accelerated by 50%, but the stability of the arc decreases.

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Welding with self-shielding flux-cored wire is carried out with straight polarity . The maximum heat generation energy is spent on protecting the seam. The flux will react without any residue. The tendency to splash is compensated by indifference to under-cleaning of work areas and gusts of wind. Costs in the form of splashes and slag crusts are a necessary evil.

A solid copper plate in a gas cloud is connected to the positive terminal . Preparing material for welding involves cleaning up signs of corrosion, contamination of joints, and cutting. Conductivity increases with increasing diameter. For large cross-section workpieces, there is a reason to increase the wire cross-section.

Wire ejection and release

The length of the consumable electrode extending from the contact tube (tip) and the size of the working gap of the torch affect the quality of the permanent connection.

The relative position of the burner tip relative to the nozzle varies in individual designs. They are located at the same level, the contact tube is recessed or extended relative to the nozzle up to 3.2 mm.

At a short reach, welding of structural low-alloy steels is carried out - increasing the distance thins the cover with protective gas. The flux-cored wire is artificially lengthened to increase the melting point .

Arc setting

Already simple PA models have a vernier control over inductance values . Setting the hardness changes the temperature of the arc and the depth of penetration with a noticeable convexity of the seam. Parts are sensitive to overheating and thin walls no longer interfere with welding.

Reducing the compression of the current channel (increasing inductance) raises the melting temperature, the penetration is deep, and the weld pool liquefies. The seam bead is flattened. Controlling the penetration depth, arc and bath temperature is a qualitatively new level of setting up a semi-automatic welding machine.

Small diameters of the additive make the arc more stable, the deposition rate increases, the penetration depth is optimized, and spatter is reduced. Based on the convexity of the seam and the amount of spattering, the length of the arc is specified: a short one gives a volumetric seam, a long one interferes with the concentration of the melt .

Inductance max Inductance min
The penetration deepens Low temperature arc
Weld pool liquefaction Splashing increased
The seam bead is even and smooth Volumetric seam bead
Corner, reinforced seams Setting up a semi-automatic machine for welding thin metal

Wire feed speed control

The wire feed activation switch can be two-position (High/Low) or multi-stage. Larger diameter solder is dispensed at a slower rate, optimizing the process.

Before starting work

When the PA is prepared for work according to the instructions, it is worth spending time clarifying the configuration modes. To help, we offer a table as a guide. Drawing up an analogue with the individual properties of PA will help in determining the best modes and clarifying the capabilities of the technique .

The own table of welding current for a semi-automatic machine tends to grow with new material and welding conditions. It won't hurt to check the position of the switch on paper to help you remember.

The recommended voltage is selected. By manipulating the current strength and the additive supply rate, we select the optimum with a decrease in current and a maximum supply. Then, as the amperage increases. The voltage changes every 0.5 A. The detailed table will become your personal speed adjustment instructions .

Indicative table: welding current (wire feed speed), interdependence of process components:

The influence of stress on the quality of the seam

A convex weld with sufficient penetration without porosity, sagging and undercuts will only be produced when the main component - stress - is balanced with the accompanying ones.

Low settings produce a tapered high seam with little penetration. High – flattened with spreading and deep crater of the bath. Excessive voltage has a negative effect on weld formation : it is not possible to create a bead of sufficient volume when the melt depth is on the verge of burning through.

In the photo above:

  • the calorific value of the voltage is optimal;
  • insufficient;
  • redundant.

Possible problems and errors

Problems and mistakes when blindly following average recommendations are the fault of the welder. This was mentioned above. Selecting a welding mode is a delicate matter. Creativity and attention to detail are half the way to success .

Relying on the experience of a professional will help:

  • Crackling or clicking sounds are a signal of insufficient solder supply speed.
  • The additive melts further away, up to the tip - the feed rate is reduced.
  • Excessive spatter - increase gas supply and inductance.
  • Porosity, shades of brown and green on the seam – poor gas protection.
  • Burning, lack of fusion - too much or too little voltage, adjust the inductance.
  • Unevenness of the seam, instability of the arc, lack of penetration - contamination of the welding field, loose clamp of the mass.
  • Variability of the fullness of the bead, notches - the speed of the torch and the position relative to the seam are disturbed.
  • The seam is interrupted, uncontrolled spattering - the arc length has been exceeded.


How to choose a semiautomatic welding machine

Semiautomatic welding machines are most often used in auto repair shops. This welding method uses a wire electrode on a spool and a shielding gas. This method is best suited for indoor use as gusts of wind can blow the shielding gas away from the work area, resulting in poor weld quality.

It is not recommended to buy a cheap semiautomatic welding machine. The price of the welding machine will later affect the quality of the welding work. More expensive welding machines are distinguished by high quality electronics and a reliable wire electrode feeding mechanism.

Choosing a semi-automatic welding machine - what to look for when purchasing

When choosing a semiautomatic welding machine, you should pay special attention to the operating current range, the ease of use of the torch and switches on the transformer, and the portability of the device.

Current strength

The depth of the weld seam depends on the strength of the current feeding the arc. Below is a table of the current required for butt joints of metals of different thicknesses:

Metal thickness (mm) Current (A)
2 90
2,5 110
3 130
4 150
5 180

Current required to join sheets with V-shaped bevel edges:

Metal thickness (mm) Current (A)
3 90
3,8 110
4,5 130
6 150
7,5 180

The semi-automatic welding machine is also characterized by a minimum operating current. With a working current of 30 A, you can weld steel 1 mm thick. Welding sheets with a thickness of 0.8 mm will require more skill and experience. For body work, a welder with a minimum operating amperage of 30 A or less is required.

Ease of use of the burner

The burner should be convenient and easy to use. It is difficult to cook with a burner that is too bulky and heavy, especially in hard-to-reach places.

It is more convenient and safer to use a burner with a contactor. The contactor allows voltage to be applied to the electrode when a button is pressed. A burner without a contactor is constantly energized, and if you accidentally touch something with the electrode, an arc will form.

With or without gas

When semi-automatic welding using a wire electrode, a shielding gas is required, which shields the weld pool from the adverse effects of air. The semi-automatic welding machine allows you to weld without gas, using flux-cored wire electrodes. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

Disadvantages of flux-cored wire welding include poor visibility of the work area and splashing of molten metal. After welding, the seam must be cleaned. Among the advantages of using flux-cored wire, in addition to the absence of the need for a gas cylinder, it should be noted that the welding machine can be used outdoors.

It is easier to cook in a protective gas environment. You can clearly see the work area, the seam is neater and there is much less splashing. Disadvantages of semi-automatic welding using gas include low portability and the need for wind protection when used outdoors.

Security measures

Welding is accomplished by melting a wire electrode and nearby metal. Thermal energy comes from an electric arc. The weld pool (the area of ​​molten metal) is protected from environmental influences by shielding gas. Welding produces a lot of heat and bright light. The welder must wear special clothing and a welding mask that protects the face and eyes.

The wire electrode must protrude from the burner to the required length. It is brought to the working area until the arc appears. They should not touch the metal, this will lead to the formation of craters, which will deteriorate the quality of the connection. Before work, it is recommended to test the welding machine on unnecessary scraps of metal.

The method of welding with a wire electrode using shielding gas is quite difficult to master and can be dangerous for beginners. This welding method is quite difficult to learn on your own.

Duration of switching on the welding machine

This parameter can be found among other characteristics of the welding machine. The duty cycle (DS) shows how long the welding machine can operate at maximum load as a percentage of 10 minutes. For example, a duty cycle of 40% means that the device can operate for 4 minutes at maximum load, after which you will need to wait 6 minutes for the device to cool down.

The length of time the welder is turned on is important if you plan to weld a lot of thick sheets of metal. For body work, where the thickness of the parts is insignificant and the work is carried out at low current, PV does not play a big role.

Turning off and cleaning the welding machine

After completing the work, the welding machine must be turned off immediately. The welding machine can only be cleaned after it has been completely turned off.


In most cases, the torch is included with the welding machine. However, burners wear out quite quickly and if you decide to buy a new or more convenient burner, pay attention to the compatibility of the cable plug.

Gas reducer

Cheap gas reducers are equipped only with a pressure gauge that shows the gas pressure in the cylinder. More expensive gearboxes are equipped with a flow meter that shows the rate of gas flow from the cylinder.

Protective clothing

To protect against molten metal, cotton welding clothing and gloves are highly recommended.

Welding mask

Most inexpensive welding machines are equipped with a manual mask, which is extremely inconvenient to use. When buying a mask, it is better not to save money and buy a mask with auto-darkening (chameleon). The glass of such a mask remains transparent until the arc appears.

For what kind of work can you use semi-automatic welding in a garage?

  • Car floor repair. The semi-automatic welding machine is well suited for repairing a car floor when it is necessary to apply a patch. The metal is quite thin and easy to weld. Welding the floor may not be very precise and accurate, since it will subsequently be under the rug.
  • Pipe frame. A wire welding machine is suitable for assembling an aluminum frame. However, it should be kept in mind that welding aluminum is difficult and parts can be easily damaged.
  • Exhaust pipe repair. Using a semi-automatic welding machine, you simply need to put a patch on the exhaust pipe. When welded correctly, the seam will be strong and reliable.
  • Bodywork. Using a semi-automatic welding machine, you can also carry out body work. In this case, the welding seam must be precise and neat. It is better to carry out body work with a certain amount of experience in semi-automatic welding.

Which semiautomatic welding machine should you choose for your home?

Below are the most popular semi-automatic welding machines with a description of the main characteristics.

AuroraPRO Overman 200

rating: 9.6/10

Welding inverter, semi-automatic

Input voltage: 187-253 V

Welding current: 40-200 A

Operating voltage: 16-24V

Duration: 40%

Wire diameter: 0.6-1mm

Minimum metal thickness: 0.6 mm

Weight 15.5 kg

Price: 23300 RUR


rating: 9/10

Welding inverter, semi-automatic

Input voltage: 160-253 V

Welding current: 30-180 A

Duration of activation: 80%

Wire diameter: 0.6-1mm

Weight 17 kg

Price: 20500 - 23700 RUR


Welding inverter, semi-automatic

Input voltage: 198-242 V

Welding current: 30-200 A

Duration: 70%

Wire diameter: 0.6-1mm

Weight 14.35 kg

Price: 20410 RUR


How to choose a semi-automatic welding machine for home and garage work

A variety of welding machines are used for various types of work on creating metal structures. One of the most versatile and productive is the semi-automatic.

It is distinguished by its high speed of welding, the ability to lay long continuous connections and minimal subsequent processing of the joint for painting.

Semi-automatic machines can be large and small, expensive and cheap, but the key parameters regarding their suitability for specific types of work are hidden in their configuration and characteristics. We offer a number of tips from experts on choosing semi-automatic welding machines for various purposes.

The best manufacturers of semi-automatic welding machines - which company to choose

When you urgently need to purchase a high-quality semi-automatic machine, you turn to trusted manufacturers:

  • Resanta;
  • Fubag;
  • Inforce;
  • Aurora;
  • Patriot.

But the capabilities of each individual machine are so different from others that it is better to familiarize yourself with specific models in the rating of the best semi-automatic welding machines. This will help you navigate their advantages and disadvantages and choose more suitable equipment.

For those who want to understand each characteristic themselves and choose a semi-automatic machine on their own, the material below has been prepared.

Operating principle and design of semi-automatic welding machine

Semi-automatic devices have become widespread due to the ease of operation with them. Unlike manual electrode welding, there is no need to regularly interrupt to replace a burnt-out electrode and seams can be made 2 m or more in length.

This significantly speeds up the process of welding structures, especially large ones. If pipes of large diameter are connected, then placing them on rollers will create one continuous circular joint.

The semi-automatic machine is also convenient due to the standard length of the nozzle and the distance between it and the seam. Unlike an electrode, which shrinks as it burns and requires control not only of the arc size, but also of the filler element itself, which is inconvenient for beginners, equipment with wire allows you to maintain a constant distance to the surface to be welded.

Many welders like the semi-automatic machine and the subsequent minimal processing of seams. They have no slag on the surface and the product can be painted immediately.

The equipment is suitable for:

1. Creating tacks;

2. Scalding;

3. Pulse welding;

4. Carbon steel connections;

5. Creating seams on stainless steel;

6. Cooking cast iron.

The operating principle of the semi-automatic machine is divided into two processes:

1. Electric;

2. Gas.

The first is to generate the required voltage on an inverter or rectifier, where a high current is created and the volts are lowered. The housing contains a drum with wire and a feed mechanism consisting of support and pressure rollers.

The electric motor starts the rotation and the wire, which serves as an additive element, moves into the torch through a special metal channel. At the end of the nozzle there is a mouthpiece to which voltage is supplied. Thanks to the minimal input hole and good contact, a current with a “+” value is transmitted to the wire.

The second contact with the indicator “-” is connected to the ground cable and attached to the product. Pressing the button on the torch starts the feed mechanism and power. The short circuit of the wire on the product initiates an electric arc. Here the second process is connected, without which semi-automatic welding would be impossible.

In parallel with the current, pressing the burner button activates the gas valve and the supply of carbon dioxide or its mixture with argon from a cylinder with a reducer to the burner nozzle. The latter has a tubular extension, which promotes good distribution of inert gas around the weld pool. This protects the molten metal from contact with the surrounding air and prevents carbon from being released, which would create pores and weaken the weld.

To ensure this complex process, the semi-automatic device has everything necessary:


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