How to weld with self-shielding wire

How to cook with semi-automatic and wire without gas

How to cook with semi-automatic and wire without gas

Semi-automatic welding has a number of significant advantages. Firstly, it makes it possible to weld long seams, and secondly, it has a better welding seam than electrode welding. Also, using a semi-automatic machine is most convenient for welding thin metal, the thickness of which is less than two 1.5 mm.

With all this, semi-automatic welding has only one significant drawback, which is the need to use shielding gas. To do this, with a small welding machine you need to carry a large gas cylinder, which in turn is very, very inconvenient.

You can eliminate shielding gas from use and use only wire welding. However, it is not ordinary wire that is suitable for this as a filler material, but flux-cored wire. You can learn about how to cook with wire without gas and what is required for this below, from this publication from the website

Semi-automatic welding: what happens and how

If with welding with electrodes everything is more or less clear: you inserted the electrode into the holder, threw the mass onto the workpiece and began to cook, but with semi-automatic welding, things are different. When semi-automatic welding, a wire is used as a filler material, which is enveloped in shielding gas during welding.

In turn, gas is needed to protect the weld pool from its interaction with the environment. This is the main disadvantage of semi-automatic welding, since you need shielding gas, which is not always at hand.

What to do in this case? Is it possible to cook with wire and semi-automatically without gas?

How to cook semi-automatically without gas

For semi-automatic welding without gas, you can use a special flux-cored wire. The structure of the flux-cored wire is designed in such a way that there is powder inside it, which, when the wire burns, enters the weld pool, thereby protecting it from harmful influences from the outside.

At its core, this powder is the same protective gas, or, if you like, an electrode coating, which also plays a protective role for the weld pool. This coating consists of rutile and fluorite, and its more precise composition can always be found on the packaging with the electrodes.

Thus, using a semi-automatic machine, you can weld with cored wire without gas. This provides an excellent opportunity to use semi-automatic welding in the most inaccessible places, for example, at heights, where it is not possible to deliver a gas cylinder.

Features of cored wire

Cored wire has different diameters, the smallest diameter starts from 0.8 mm. The thickest wire for semi-automatic welding without gas has a diameter of 2.4 mm. In turn, such a large selection of diameters provides the widest possibilities for semi-automatic welding: starting from welding thin metals only 1.2 mm thick, and ending with metals one centimeter thick.

Using flux-cored wire and a semi-automatic machine without gas, you can weld both carbon steel and galvanized iron with stainless steel. In this case, the filler inside the wire may differ in its composition, and this is very important to take into account when choosing flux-cored wire for welding.


Flux-cored wire and welding using it

Not all welding work can be done with a semi-automatic machine and a gas cylinder. Yes, it’s easier and faster to work with this set; the seams are formed neatly and firmly. But when working at heights or when constantly moving, this method is extremely difficult, since the cylinder with protective gas itself weighs about eighty kilograms. In these cases, flux-cored wire welding technology without gas is used.

Today we will look at all the advantages and disadvantages of this method, get acquainted with the features of welding flux-cored wire without gas and understand where this technique is used.

The essence of powder welding

When a metal is heated, a process of diffusion occurs between the materials. The ingress of foreign substances from the environment into the welding area has an extremely negative effect on the quality of the seam.

It oxidizes and rusts over time, products become fragile, and this situation can lead to serious consequences, especially if these are critical structures. To protect metal from corrosion, protective mixtures are used that create a special shell into which oxygen does not penetrate.

Cooking using a gas cylinder is not always appropriate, so the idea arose to modernize the technology and use wire filled with protective powder.

The uniqueness of the flux-cored wire welding method lies in the content of the protective composition. The wire is made hollow, built-in stiffening ribs prevent the wire from breaking, and a powder called flux is placed inside. The components are good conductors of electric current. When heated, the tube melts and the contents flow directly into the weld pool, providing the necessary protection for the seam.

Manufacturers make different flux compositions depending on the application. Its components are written on the wire packaging container and designated by the corresponding guest. This information is extremely important to avoid errors during operation.

The diameter of the cored wire varies in gears from 0.8 mm to 3 mm. You will be able to weld thin metals, stainless steel, carbon surfaces and galvanized steel. All you have to do is choose the appropriate flux composition and purchase a semi-automatic machine.

Application area

The use of welding with self-shielding wire is in demand in hard-to-reach places. To make it easier to move the welding machine for work at heights or in narrow tunnels, purchase compact models that can be hung over your shoulder and do not require a power source more powerful than a standard 220V network. Such welding requires practical experience; beginners will not always be able to cope with such tasks.

Advantages and disadvantages of powder welding

Mechanized cored wire welding has not become an exclusively universal method, but there are certain advantages:

  • there is no need to move large gas cylinders;
  • no obstacles in movement;
  • Efficiency is higher than when welding with electrodes;
  • The electric arc is not knocked down by the wind.

The disadvantages of such welding include:

  • high cost of components;
  • the connection is of poorer quality than when using shielding gas.

It is not profitable to use the powder method in everyday welding work. Although it has a number of positive aspects, more classical methods of joining metal will be more effective.

Features of the welding process

To ensure that the welding seam is as strong as possible when using flux-cored wire, certain features should be observed during the work process. Beginning craftsmen have difficulty drawing an arc and forming an even joint. In this regard, we recommend setting the welding current to straight polarity. The polarity adjustment is located inside the semi-automatic body. Accordingly, you need to swap the ground and burner cables.

To work with wire, it is necessary to attach rollers that will rotate the filler material. The rollers are sold separately and are designed for several wire diameters. Their markings are indicated on the side of the box. Do not press the rollers too hard as the wire may break. You can also remove the nozzle, which is designed to concentrate the gas flow. To prevent sticking, purchase a special coating at any welding shop and apply it to the tip.

For welding in a powder environment, it is not necessary to use powerful welding machines. The low arc voltage and slow feed speed of the self-shielding wire will provide a better quality weld.

If you are welding a thickness of 1.5 cm, then set the arc voltage to no more than 15 V, it should be intermittent, and fix the feed speed at two meters.

At first it may seem to you that the work is moving too slowly, but for the formation of a seam it is just right. Tilt the torch and move the seam forward.

Slag formation is inevitable. It must be removed after each cooling. If you are making multi-layer seams, then this procedure is mandatory. After the slag has been removed, brush the seam with a wire brush.

No matter how hard you try to follow all the recommendations, the seams when welding with flux-cored wire have some irregularities. The imperfection of the seam is caused by an intermittent arc. Sometimes there are unwelded areas, so use this welding method only in extreme cases when another method is impossible.


Semi-automatic welding with flux-cored wire is a very convenient way of welding in hard-to-reach places where it is not possible to work in other modes. Although such welding is rarely used, we still recommend mastering it. Experience will never be superfluous. If you have your own opinion on this matter, please share it in the comments.


Wire requirements

Flux-cored wire is made in the form of a tube. Welding flux with the addition of metal powder is placed inside it. It is classified depending on its purpose, the type of protection used, mechanical characteristics and position during welding.

The vast majority of flux cored wires are suitable for use on low alloy or less durable mild steel.

Among the main requirements for it are:

  • stability in heating by an electric arc and the ease with which the arc occurs;
  • uniform melting of the wire, absence of large splashes;
  • the slag that appears during the powder welding process at the weld site must be easily cleaned off after cooling and ensure uniform coverage of the entire surface of the seam;
  • the seam should not have any flaws.

The use of various fillers, as well as changes in the shell design, can improve the characteristics of flux-cored wire and use it for specific purposes.

Welding wire, which has a flux core, is used to ensure welding of low-carbon steels with a high degree of deposition.

It is used when installing low-alloy steels, as well as when welding in various, sometimes uncomfortable, positions. Flux-cored wire is used to weld cast iron and galvanized steel.

Main types of wire

Depending on the method of use and the method of protection from external influences, wire for flux-cored welding can be gas-protected or self-protective.

Gas-protected type

Gas shielding wire is used when welding is carried out using semi-automatic and automatic machines for low-alloy and carbon steels.

The process involves carbon dioxide or its mixture with argon. Gas comes from outside. The powder filler can be selected to improve welding parameters. For example, you can increase the speed of vertical welding or firmly join difficult-to-weld steel.

This technology is used when it is necessary to create overlaps, when working at joints and at the corners of structures, both for automatic and semi-automatic machines . The use of such technology ensures a constant jet, a reduced level of spatter, as well as resistance to the formation of pores and slag.

The material, which is used in the welding process, has an increased deposition rate, has a low smoke level and allows for high-quality welds.

Self-defensive appearance

Self-shielding flux-cored wire is made in the form of a special “inverted” electrode (as if it is turned inside out). The use of this type of welding allows work to be carried out under different temperature conditions (even extreme ones), with strong gusts of wind, and the like.

The main components of the core are various additives (dioxidizing, slag-forming and protective), which allows welding to be carried out without the use of gas.

Self-shielding welding wire has a number of positive features, among which are:

  • the ability to carry out welding work in various positions;
  • due to the openness of the arc, it is possible to carefully move the deposited metal;
  • a special type of wire coating ensures its resistance to pressure exerted by the rollers;
  • By controlling the chemical composition, it becomes possible to obtain a very specific composition of the slag.

In installation environments, mechanized powder welding is becoming increasingly common. Although many people complain about the high cost of consumables, the efficiency of powder welding is significantly higher, you just need to choose the right brand of wire.

Advantages of the powder method

A large number of advantages have determined the popularity of powder arc welding technology. When working with flux, it becomes more difficult to accurately hit the electrode at the desired point, and difficulties arise in controlling the seam.

In semi-automatic welding, problems arise with the flow of shielding gas. Air currents can blow it away, and the nozzles can splash.

The use of flux-cored wire for semi-automatic machines solves such problems. No flux, gas cylinder or all related tools are required. Powder welding combines the advantages of open electrodes and an automatic welding method.

It will only be enough to clearly determine the direction of the electrode to the desired point and control the process of formation of the weld. This makes it possible to achieve deposition exactly as intended during the manufacturing process of the consumable material. The welder only needs to select the right brand of wire by studying its characteristics and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Filling and outer shell

The outer part of the cored wire itself is made of cold-rolled strip, which has a special level of softness. The purpose of the wire is determined by the chemical properties of its core.

It is based on dielectric components, including iron powder of rutile and fluorite concentrate, additives to increase the quality of the weld, organic and carbonate additives for the release of protective gases.

Powder welding by this method has similar specifics to work performed using electrodes. The protective layer melts under the influence of the welding current, and the core itself melts due to the presence of an electric arc and under the influence of the temperature of the hot metal.

If there is a need to apply several layers of welding, then the working surface is cleaned of slag formed on the previous layer.

Where is the method without protective gases used?

Often, it is inconvenient to carry out welding work using ordinary electrodes, since the location of the surfaces to be welded makes it difficult to connect them. To provide comfortable conditions, special consumables were developed.

It makes it possible to carry out welding work in any position and in the absence of a gaseous environment. Special-purpose wire ensures forced formation of seams, allows welding under water, as well as automatic welding.

You can weld both in a lower position and vertically (in some cases) due to the fact that the welding baths have a corresponding connector. The type of material used is selected based on its characteristics and the specifics of the work to be done.

Flux-cored wire is considered the most optimal option when work is carried out in open areas.

Wind and drafts have virtually no effect on the quality of welds, but their parameters are somewhat inferior to those provided by gas or electrode welding.

Flux-cored wire is selected not only on the basis of its technical features, but also guided by the need for a specific diameter for a given welding.

The diameter should not be less than 2.3 mm. Wire of a smaller cross-section is used only when welding on metal structures with the smallest thickness.

When carrying out welding work, they use a special automatic or semi-automatic hose welding machine, which has a section for placing a coil of wire.

It is secured by a latch in the handle, and is fed through a special hose, which ensures the stability of the arc and allows the core to completely melt. Semi-automatic machines for using flux-cored wire usually have a “No Gas” mode, which makes it possible to change the polarity.

Welding work using shielding gases

Gas shielded welding involves supplying a gas jet to the melting area using a torch. Or powder welding is performed in special chambers containing gas inside.

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The most common is jet protection. Its quality is determined by the dimensions and design of the nozzle, as well as the distance between the nozzle cut and the surface of the material being welded. The most effective protection is achieved by using stationary chambers containing gas. The product is placed there during work.

Semi-automatic welding in carbon dioxide is carried out using special equipment, which ensures excellent quality of the weld, a narrow heat-affected zone, and a high wire melting rate. All this increases the productivity of the process and increases the reliability of the finished structure.


Semi-automatic welding machine without carbon dioxide for wire welding

The semi-automatic welding method in a protective gas atmosphere is widely known and used. Semi-automatic welding without gas is also capable of producing high-quality seams. This requires a special welding wire, precise adjustment of welding modes and care in handling the welding material. The method is used by both professionals and amateurs at home.

Features of the method

The flux necessary to create a protective gas environment is included in the welding wire. Burning in an electric arc flame, the powder filler releases the necessary gases, protecting the weld pool from contact with oxygen, nitrogen and water vapor.

The wire is fed by a roller mechanism from a reel at a constant speed through an opening in the torch. The electrical wire also runs through the same hose. The second wire is fixed to the cleaned area of ​​the workpiece.

Flux-containing welding wire for welding without gas is the main feature of the method . Its production is a complex technological process, and it costs several times more than usual. It should also be handled with care - the shell containing the flux powder is fragile and can be damaged if it is moved suddenly or carelessly.

Basic operating principle

The basic principle of operation is based on the welding material: flux-containing wire.

When producing such a material, a flux-containing powder is pressed inside an elastic metal shell, its composition reminiscent of the coating of rod electrodes.

The shell serves as a filler material.

The following designs of flux-cored wire used for welding without gas are often found:

  • cylindrical shell;
  • double-cavity with bend,
  • double-cavity with two bends,
  • coaxial two-layer

The flux contains rutile, reducing agents and substances for the formation of slag . In addition, alloying additives necessary to give the weld material the required physical and chemical properties are added to the powder: Ni, Mb Mn, Fe and others.

Types of flux-cored wire cross-section profiles.

In this case, it is the shell that is used as a filler material. When flux powder burns in an electric arc flame, carbon dioxide CO2 is released . This cloud displaces air in the area of ​​the weld pool and reliably protects the melt from contact with oxygen and nitrogen from the air, as well as from the water vapor contained in it.

As the burner moves along the seam, the cloud moves along the arc, protecting the bath until the seam material cools and crystallizes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of using the gasless welding method are as follows:

  • mobility increases, since there is no need to drag heavy cylinders, fittings and bulky hoses;
  • a wide selection of welding consumable compositions for each combination of welded alloys, their thickness and spatial configuration;
  • the ability to weld longer continuous seams compared to the traditional MMA manual welding process with discrete electrodes;
  • better conditions for visual control of the arc and seam compared to processes with gas supply; the working area is not covered by a gas nozzle.

This method also has disadvantages:

  • a high difference in the price of flux-cored wire increases the cost per linear meter of a seam;
  • the need to fine-tune modes;
  • the need for a semi-automatic inverter with the option of operating in direct and reverse polarity.
  • the thick layer of slag formed increases the complexity of cleaning the seam after welding.
  • difficulties when working with thin sheet metal (thinner than 1.5 mm).

Experienced craftsmen who know whether it is possible to cook semi-automatically without carbon dioxide say that increased caution is also necessary when manipulating flux-cored wire: unlike regular wire, it is very fragile and prone to creases.

Equipment used

Any semi-automatic MIG/MAG machine with the ability to switch from direct to reverse polarity is suitable for welding without gas. The normal mode when working with gas supply is reverse polarity. The plus is connected to the workpiece, and the minus to the burner. To work with flux-cored wire, the correct mode is straight polarity, as when welding with electrodes . This increases the energy of the arc and the temperature it develops.

The feed mechanism of a wire welding machine operating without gas must be perfectly adjusted to avoid distortions and creases. What is suitable for regular wire will destroy flux wire.

Device characteristics

In order to choose the right semi-automatic welding machine for working without carbon dioxide, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • the device must be light and small-sized so that there is no need for a gas cylinder;
  • the device must be affordable;
  • the inverter device must have ample opportunities to configure the parameters of the electric arc;
  • the unit must allow the use of different types of welding materials.

When choosing a welding technology, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that carbon dioxide is heavier than air and sinks downward. Therefore, the method is unsuitable for working in the upper position and with large slopes of inclined seams : the weld pool will not be sufficiently protected. Only the most qualified and experienced welders will be able to weld ceiling seams using flux-cored wire; it is too difficult for beginners.


The quality of the seam directly depends on the correct settings of the machine parameters. Before starting welding you need:

  • determine the strength of the welding current based on the material of the workpiece, the thickness of the wire, the thickness of the parts;
  • adjust the speed of the feed mechanism by installing one of the sets of gears;
  • check the operation of the arc on a test section;
  • if the arc is stable and the quality of the seam is good, you can weld the main seam.

If the current is too high or too low, you should adjust the settings before starting production welding.

Welding technique

The technique has much in common both with the work of the MMA method with discrete electrodes, and with the work of a gas semi-automatic MIG/MAG.

Before starting welding, you should clean the seam area using an angle grinder to clean the workpiece from mechanical impurities, traces of rust, and remnants of old paint coatings. Next, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease the seam area and the adjacent area no less than 10 cm in order to wash off all oil and fat contaminants.

The seam edges are cut without any special features.

The burner must be moved along the seam smoothly, without jerking. The electrode should be pulled off and the arc extinguished at the end of the seam smoothly so as not to disperse the protective cloud of carbon dioxide on the cooling weld pool.

Welders who know how to weld parts with flux-cored wire without gas pay attention to the following nuance. During welding, there is still a risk that slag from the burning flux powder will unexpectedly flow into the weld pool . In this case, both the strength and durability of the seam in this area may suffer.

In this case, you should interrupt the work, clean the seam area from slag and re-weld it.

Working with an inverter

To work with flux-cored wire, you will need a semi-automatic inverter welding machine with the ability to switch direct and reverse polarity modes - the answer to the question: “what is the name of the type of apparatus for such work?” The “minus” contact is connected to the burner, and the “plus” contact is connected to a cleaned and degreased area on the workpiece.

When welding without gas, straight polarity is used

If a feed mechanism with soft rollers or reduced clamping force is available, it is better to use it. It significantly reduces the risk of damage and wire breaking during feeding.

Is it possible to cook without gas using a semi-automatic machine? Semi-automatic welding without gas is widely used where it is necessary to increase the mobility of the welder and it is inconvenient to carry a bulky apparatus with gas cylinders. A wide range of flux-containing welding wire, which forms a protective cloud of carbon dioxide in the electric arc flame, allows you to successfully weld parts of different configurations from various alloys.


Features of flux-cored wire welding

Novice welders often ask the question: “Why do we need other components at all if there is a semi-automatic machine that performs fast and high-quality welding using ordinary wire and gas?” Yes, semi-automatic welding equipment is often used for amateur and professional welding.

In such devices, the wire is fed continuously, so the seams are strong and durable. There is no need to constantly change the electrode if you need to weld a long seam or deposit a lot of metal. At the same time, the quality of welding work is head and shoulders above that of work with electrodes. However, there is one “but”.

Welding using a semi-automatic machine requires a gas cylinder, the weight of which reaches 80 kilograms. If you work outdoors or are forced to constantly move from place to place while welding, then a semi-automatic + gas cylinder combination significantly complicates the task. This problem can be solved using a gas hose, but it is not cheap. An alternative is powder-cored arc welding (FCAW), which simulates gas-shielded welding without the need for a gas cylinder.

What is this? How does it work and what are the advantages and disadvantages of flux cored electrode welding? Let's figure it out.


  • basic information
  • Application
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Welding Features
  • Instead of a conclusion

basic information

Welding with flux-cored wire in a gas-free environment is a very interesting method. During operation, the electric arc forms a seam, and oxygen can enter the welding zone, which will negatively affect the quality of the welded joint.

To avoid problems, you need to protect the welding area from negative influences from the atmosphere. For these purposes, you can use a bulky gas cylinder, but this complicates and slows down the work process.

Therefore, semi-automatic welding with flux-cored wire without gases was invented.

What is the hallmark of flux-cored arc welding? First of all, the composition of this material. The wire is hollow, its walls are equipped with stiffening ribs, and a special powder is placed inside. Thanks to this unique design, the wire does not wrinkle and conducts current well. At the same time, the surface and powder melt, forming a gas cloud that protects the metal from the negative effects of oxygen.

The powder inside the wire is flux. Each manufacturer uses its own composition, so it may vary. The scope of application of flux-cored wire also depends on the composition. Usually the composition is written on the wire packaging; it is regulated by a special GOST. Carefully study this information on the packaging to avoid mistakes when welding with flux-cored wire.

Manufacturers produce wire in a large number of diameters, so you can weld almost any metal. You can choose from components with diameters from 0.8 to 3 millimeters. You can weld thin steel, carbon steel, stainless steel and even galvanized steel. Just choose the right type of flux in the wire and get to work, all you need is a semi-automatic machine.


Welding with self-shielded flux-cored wire is useful for working in hard-to-reach places. For example, for welding at high altitudes or in deep tunnels. For such purposes, we recommend purchasing a compact welding machine that can be hung on your shoulder and that works with a standard 220V socket. Powder welding of metal structures using this method requires some skill in order to carry out the work quickly and efficiently.

Welding Features

When welding with flux-cored wire, there are several key features to consider in order to get a quality result. It is sometimes difficult for beginners to conduct an arc and form an even seam, so it is recommended to set straight polarity on your semiautomatic machine when welding. To do this, you need to switch the contacts located inside the semi-automatic device. The wire connected to the burner must be disconnected and connected to ground, and the cable from ground is switched to the burner.

To work with wire, you also need to install special rollers that feed the material. The rollers are selected in accordance with the diameter of the wire itself. Typically, one set of rollers can be used with several diameters at once; they are indicated on the side.

Don't forget that the wire is hollow and you don't need to clamp the rollers too hard so as not to deform it. In order for the wire to be pulled through easily, you need to remove the tip. It is also not necessary to use a nozzle, because we do not use gas in our work.

To prevent metal splashes from sticking to the tip, you need to lubricate it with a special product that can be easily found in a welding store.

Powder core welding with wire should be performed at low voltage and with a minimum wire feed speed. Therefore, we do not recommend using overly powerful devices for these purposes. Their “power” may be too much for working with cored wire.

If you need to weld metal one and a half centimeters thick, then set the voltage to no more than 15V and the feed speed to no more than 2 meters per minute. At first it may seem to you that this speed is insufficient, but believe me, you will not waste much time. It is better to hold the burner at an angle and move it forward.

The arc should be intermittent.

Note! During welding, slag is formed, which then solidifies on the weld seam. After the metal has cooled, the slag must be removed mechanically. If multi-pass welds are planned, then removing slag is a must. To improve the characteristics of the seam after removing slag, you need to clean the surface with a wire brush.

An important fact is that the joints are rough and not entirely smooth (compared to gas welding); sagging and visible defects similar to scales can form. This is a consequence of working with an intermittent arc. Uncooked areas are also common. This should be taken as a given and powder welding should be used only in special cases.

Instead of a conclusion

Semi-automatic welding with flux-cored wire without gas is an excellent method if you need to carry out work in hard-to-reach places and there is no need to save on gas. It is enough to set the straight polarity when welding on your machine and get to work. Of course, you will need time to get used to this method of welding, but it is a very useful experience.

The advantages of this method greatly simplify welding in various situations: from working at height to quickly repairing metal structures with the need to constantly move. It may be more difficult for beginners at the first stage, but over time you will get used to it and will feel all the features of the “behavior” of the arc. Be sure to test powder electrodes and tell us about your experience in the comments. Also share this article on social networks. Good luck!


Semi-automatic welding: technology, correct settings and instructions for beginners - Machine

For welding metals, a laser beam, torch flame or plasma can be used, but one of the simplest and most compact options for devices for performing this type of work is a semi-automatic device.

To ensure that the metal seam is as smooth as possible and protected from oxidation, welding metals in this way is best done using shielding gas.

Semi-automatic welding for beginners is difficult only in the first minutes of mastering. To speed up the learning process as much as possible, you should study the basic rules for handling such a device in advance.

Semi-automatic welding machine: operating principle

In order not to “kill” the device when using a semi-automatic welding machine. To avoid injury, you should know about the safety rules and the operating principle of the device.

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The semiautomatic welding machine consists of:

  • housing containing a powerful transformer;
  • hose for supplying current and gas to the burner;
  • cables for connecting to ground and the electrical network;
  • wire feed mechanism.

Also, for semi-automatic welding, you will need to purchase a reel with a special welding wire and a cylinder of carbon dioxide.

The operating principle of the semi-automatic device is as follows:

  1. The welding current is supplied to the torch simultaneously with the shielding gas.
  2. The torch uses a welding wire as an electrode, which is fed automatically using a special mechanism.
  3. An electric arc is formed between the product being welded and the wire, which melts the metal in a protective gas environment, which allows you to obtain a high-quality weld without oxides.

The basic safety rules when working with semi-automatic welding machines are as follows:

  • the body of the welding machine must be grounded;
  • it is prohibited to use the device even with minor mechanical damage or any other malfunctions;
  • in case of significant interruptions in work, be sure to disconnect the device from the electrical network and turn off the supply of protective gas;
  • do not work near flammable and explosive substances;
  • Use a protective mask and gloves while working.

As soon as the basic principles of working with a semi-automatic machine are mastered, you can begin practical work.

Semi-automatic welding: first experience

To gain practical experience, it is recommended to first practice on unnecessary metal scraps before proceeding with complex work that requires highly qualified welders.

For practical work you need to prepare:

  • welding machine;
  • gloves;
  • protective mask;
  • gas cylinder.

The first thing you need to do is set up the welding machine. Correctly adjusted strength of the supplied current will allow you to make a welding seam perfectly smooth and without breaks.

This parameter directly depends on the thickness of the metal being welded, so before starting work, you must read the instructions for the electrical device. Which should indicate the amperage recommended by the manufacturer for a certain thickness of the parts being welded.

Selecting welding modes

You should also make the right choice of the welding wire feed speed, which is regulated by a special mechanism.

The optimal diameter of the wire for welding is 0.8 mm, but when working with very thin metal, you can install a 0.6 mm electrode so that at a reduced current the metal is melted without fading the arc.

If possible, it is better to purchase Italian wire for semi-automatic welding. Imported analogues are of higher quality, but the cost of such products will be several times higher.

Despite the higher cost, such an electrode is more suitable for beginners because it is easier to obtain the desired result, even with insufficient experience in handling an electric welding machine.

instructions: setup.

Cylinder with reducer

In order to protect the welding site from exposure to oxygen, shielding gas is supplied. The cheapest option for using shielding gas is to purchase a carbon dioxide cylinder with a reducer.

A reducer with a pressure gauge must be installed to monitor the pressure of the supplied gas. To carry out high-quality welding of metals in a shielding gas environment, it is enough to set the working pressure to about 0.2 atmospheres.

Protective mask

To protect your eyesight, semi-automatic cooking should only be done using a protective mask, for example, Chameleon. Modern products have a special adjustment in their design, which allows you to configure the protective mechanism in such a way that it provides high-quality protection only during arc burning.

When the plasma combustion process dies out, the window of the mask will be transparent enough to allow you to continue working without removing the protective device.

Such welding helmets will be especially convenient for novice welders; in outdated models, the protective glass was too shaded, which made the welding process very inconvenient, due to poor visibility of the weld after the arc has died out.

Welding technology

When all the preparatory work has been carried out, it is necessary to connect the “ground” to the metal being welded. If you have to work with small parts, then welding is done on a metal table, to which the corresponding conductor is connected.

If there is no table, then the work can be carried out on a horizontally located metal sheet with a thickness of at least 2 mm, to which the “ground” of the welding machine is connected.

Before starting the welding process, it is also necessary to adjust the amount of protrusion of the welding wire from the nozzle. It is recommended to install such a protrusion no more than 5 mm. If the wire protrudes more significantly before starting welding work, it must be shortened using wire cutters.

Before making a continuous weld, it is recommended to position the parts to be welded as close as possible and to carry out spot welding in at least two places by striking the electrode against the metal at the joint. This is necessary to ensure the immobility of the parts being welded.

If you need to weld one sheet of metal onto another, then in this case you can use clamps to securely fasten the welded parts. Once the immobility of the parts is ensured using any of the listed methods, you can begin making the weld.

To weld parts, an arc igniter is made and the metal is melted at the junction of the metals to form a seam. If during the first attempts to weld parts the arc does not ignite stably, it is necessary to increase the current supplied by the welding machine.

For proper arc formation, it is necessary to briefly touch the wire to the metal parts to which the “ground” is connected. Then tear off the wire to the minimum possible distance to form a stable electric arc. In this way, the seam is welded from one edge to the other, gradually moving the arc over the surface of the parts being welded.

  • thin metal connection.
  • welding thick metal for beginners.

Aluminum welding

The use of shielding gases in semi-automatic welding makes it possible to perform high-quality connections of aluminum parts in this way. Welding aluminum is a rather complex process even for an experienced specialist; it will be even more difficult for novice welders to complete such work.

How to semi-automatically cook aluminum parts:

  • the surface of the welded parts is cleaned from the oxide film;
  • the workpieces are heated in a furnace or using a gas burner;
  • the welding machine is switched on to high-frequency alternating current mode;
  • a cylinder with argon or argon-helium mixture is connected;
  • The arc is ignited and its length is maintained in the range of 12-15 mm.

In this way, parts made of this low-melting metal are welded. To perform the work, you will need to purchase aluminum products as filler wire. And to ensure stable wire feeding, the device must be equipped with a larger diameter nozzle.


For novice welders, you learned how to weld semi-automatically with carbon dioxide correctly from this article. To consolidate the information received, it is recommended to immediately begin practical exercises and carry out a trial connection of parts using this method. Lessons will allow you to quickly master a semi-automatic machine at home.

It is recommended to start welding aluminum and other non-ferrous metals only after welding of ferrous metals is well mastered. This article tells you how to cook stainless steel with a semi-automatic machine.



Semi-automatic welding without gas with conventional wire: technique, equipment, features

Semi-automatic welding equipment is most often used in everyday life. Such devices are not bulky, but they work just as well as a machine gun to create structures.

Owners of summer cottages and cars buy semi-automatic machines to solve problems with the repair of parts and large structures.

Even the mandatory use of compressed gas cylinders and additive wire does not lower the semi-automatic machine in the eyes of welders.

In addition, you cannot always take a gas cylinder with you. Working outside or welding structures on high-rises and poles is impossible using a gas environment.

Welders know that such semi-automatic work can be done without gas; one filler wire will suffice.

In this case, you need to take into account the nuances of welding, which we will describe in our article. If your goal is neat seams and no problems in the process, we recommend reading the material to the end.

Is welding possible without gas?

Semi-automatic welding requires inert (or carbon dioxide) gases, melting filler wire and flux. This technology is called MIG/MAG.

With its help, working welders obtain strong connections, the quality of which cannot be complained about. Manual electric arc welding (MMA) produces this effect with difficulty.

But the first option includes many details: a gas environment, the semi-automatic device itself and wire. The last two elements cannot be excluded, but without the first one a seam may turn out.

The main disadvantage of MIG/MAG is the gas. The cylinders with it are large and difficult to carry. In places where there is little space or there is no stable platform for work, there is no place to install a gas supply system.

If there is a lot of material for soldering, the cylinders need to be changed or refilled, but in hard-to-reach places this is not easy due to the fact that the refill cannot be carried with you along with all the other equipment. Is it possible to refuse the gas environment in these cases?

Welders believe that they can do the job in the same way as with gas, but without the latter. They decide that a semi-automatic machine with filler wire will make good seams without the influence of gas.

But will they be as dense and neat as those obtained in a gaseous environment? Let's tell you further.

Welding without gas with regular wire

Using an additive in a semi-automatic machine without gas makes no sense. First of all, because the filler wire has the characteristics of melting and creating a connection.

This applies specifically to MIG/MAG technology, in which it is mandatory(!) to use gas. The wire without it will flow to the electrode rod and splash to the sides.

The functions of a semi-automatic device do not correct this, because this is a technological aspect of the method.

This is similar to a situation in which instead of your usual right hand, you have to write and brush your teeth with your left. The hand is uncomfortable because it is not ready for this.

The filler material is not suitable for welding in conventional atmospheric gases. What is the way out of this situation? Using wire filled with flux and metal powder.

In appearance it does not differ from a simple metal rod. But the flux inside the wire is released when the metal coating melts. It protects the seam from splashing without using gas.

That is, semi-automatic electric arc welding cannot take place without the participation of a gas cylinder. Or rather, this can be done, but the joints will not be tight and even enough, possibly with defects in the form of cracks or pores.

Most often, such designs are labeled as defective. Use this type of welding only if there are no other options. If you have a choice, it is better to buy cored wire and weld with it. MIG/MAG without gas - only with cored wire!

Flux cored wire may cost more than gas and regular wire combined. This method will not help you save money. But the flux inside the wire does not fully protect the metal from corrosion.

Therefore, MIG/MAG welding without gas is not suitable for load-bearing structures or serious work. This applies, for example, to the connection of stainless steel parts.

Flux-cored wire accelerates the oxidation of stainless steel and the formation of rust. All these nuances indicate that it is not worth constantly using “powder” instead of a gaseous medium.

It is needed for urgent and quick work that does not require high quality, but must be resolved on the spot.


So, you will not achieve the effect of the filler material without using gas; in this case, you need a wire “filled” with flux. The technique of such soldering is simple, similar to conventional manual electric arc welding.

But there are also differences between them. What rules of technology do you need to know so as not to aggravate the situation?

The device must be powered by direct current with reverse polarity. Switching between types of current (AC/DC) is also suitable. Manufacturers create cored wire that is specifically suitable for working with direct current.

But there are also those who make AC wire, and you can buy it if you need it. But there are few brands of such material, so it is difficult to find, and the spattering of metal in this case will increase.

In the wire certificate, the manufacturer must indicate its protrusion from the mouthpiece. It depends on the diameter and is on average fifteen to twenty millimeters.

The offset should not change during operation so that the connection is stable. Recommendations on device settings, current and voltage should also be in the passport.

The channel for the burner, which directs the flow of the material, should be 1-2 millimeters wider than the radius of the wire itself. For example, you have a powder rod with a cross-section of 3 mm, which means the channel width will be 4-5 mm.

Choose a copper channel tip, 40-45 millimeters long.

There is no need to rewind the powder filler material; the coil it is sold inside is suitable for use directly from it. But before work, the coils need to be calcined in an oven.

Leave the bay for three hours in an electric oven and heat it to 200-250 degrees Celsius. Wires with organic “impregnations” can be used without calcination. The parameters of the latter are also indicated in the material passport or the seller’s certificate.

To form even seams using the torch, make oscillating movements with it.


The welder cannot always take a gas cylinder and filler material to the work site. This problem is solved by using semi-automatic welding without gas. In this case, the filler wire must be replaced with a wire “filled” with powder flux.

It repeats some of the properties of an inert protective gas environment. But the density and reliability of such a seam will be much lower than with the classic MIG/MAG technique. Therefore, you should not choose flux-cored wire every time.

Do not experiment with a regular additive without using gas. The seams that you get this way will be defective, and the structure will be prone to corrosion and cracks.

The combination of gas and additive was selected a long time ago and has tested itself. This technology is a patent of experienced craftsmen, and changing it is a bad idea. Good luck!


Semi-automatic welding technology without gas using conventional wire

Reading time: 6 minutes

Household semiautomatic welding machines are one of the best-selling types of welding equipment. With the help of a compact semi-automatic device, you can not only solve many problems in the country, but also patch the car body or repair a fence. And despite the need to use gas cylinders and filler wire, which increase the cost of welding, semi-automatic machines are still in great demand.

However, the use of gas cylinders is not always possible. There are plenty of examples: from welding at height to urgent field work at a construction site. In such situations, welders ask the question: “Is it even possible to use a semi-automatic welding machine without gas, using only filler wire?” Answer: yes. But with some reservations, which we will discuss in this article. Read to the end to draw the right conclusions and get decent quality seams.

Welding without gas with regular wire

Welding with a regular filler wire without gas using a semi-automatic machine is a pointless undertaking. Such welding is practically impossible due to the characteristics of the filler wire itself. Let us repeat that in this article we are talking about MIG/MAG welding technology, where the use of gas is mandatory.

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If you remove the gas and leave only the filler material, it will either constantly splash or stick. And this problem cannot be solved with the built-in functions of a semi-automatic machine. It's just the technology.

The absence of gas when welding with ordinary wire is the same as taking away one of a person’s hands and forcing him to perform familiar everyday actions.

So, wire filler materials are suitable for welding without gas. What to do then? The so-called cored wire comes to the rescue. It looks like an ordinary metal rod. But its core contains flux, which, when the wire melts, is released and allows cooking without gas.

Conclusion: semi-automatic welding without gas with ordinary wire is possible, but the resulting seams are no good and the work itself is extremely difficult to perform. Use this method only in emergency situations when you have no choice at all. In other situations, it is better to use cored wire with flux inside. At the moment, this is the only gas-free welding method when using MIG/MAG technology.


Cored wire for semi-automatic machines - a solution to the problem of a large gas cylinder

Welding work in which semi-automatic machines are used has a number of undeniable advantages - the possibility of long-term continuous operation, large volumes of metal applied to the surfaces being processed, and high quality of the seam.

But the semi-automatic device has one very significant drawback. Unlike the widely used coated electrodes, which are very convenient and easy to use, it requires a large cylinder with working gas and a multi-meter gas hose.

This circumstance makes it impossible to work with a semi-automatic welding machine in places with difficult access - at high altitudes, underground or under water. This difficulty is solved by using flux-cored wire for a semi-automatic machine.

Features of the use of cored wire

Welding with it is often used when installing large metal structures in unusual conditions (for example, at a height or, on the contrary, underground). Despite the fairly high quality of the seam, it is not suitable for welding highly loaded joints and pipes designed for significant operating pressure.

Flux-cored wire for semi-automatic machines has a wide range of grades - they differ in sheath material and powder composition. This must be taken into account when welding different metals or their alloys. Each of them requires its own variety.

Another feature of working with it is to set straight polarity on the semi-automatic welding machine before starting work. Since this is usually done by switching the terminals inside the device body, it is also worth calibrating the pressure rollers that ensure the supply of consumables from the reel.

The rollers should press on it with just enough force to ensure its movement and fixation. Any deformation by pressure rollers is unacceptable - this will lead to damage and jamming of the wire in the cable channel of the semi-automatic welding machine.

And finally, you should take care of the burner tip. Before the flux-cored wire for a semi-automatic machine appears when fed from the torch, the tip must be unscrewed. And only after it comes out, screw it back on, but without the nozzle. Since gas is not supplied, there is no need for a nozzle.

The main thing is to choose the optimal ratio of the diameter in the tip and the thickness of the supplied electrode - they should be as close as possible, but not coincide. It is recommended to coat the tip itself ahead of time with a special substance that protects against the adhesion of drops of melt and slag.

Primary requirements

All its varieties must meet four groups of requirements:

  1. When melting there should be no significant spattering, and the melting process itself should be uniform;
  2. The electric arc between the workpiece and the electrode (which is the tip of the wire protruding from the torch) should occur without difficulty and be stable. A draft and even wind should not be a hindrance for her.
  3. The slag formed during work should be distributed evenly and not penetrate deep into the seam. It should come off easily from the metal.
  4. The seam itself, with the usual qualifications of the welder, should be smooth, without pores or cracks.

Operational Features

As already mentioned, it is used to weld metals with direct polarity.

  • Straight polarity means that the positive contact of the welding machine is connected to the workpiece itself with a ground cable, and the negative contact is connected to the electrode via a welding cable

In the settings of the welding machine, the minimum feed speed and operating voltage are set. For example, when using a 1.2 mm diameter, the optimal feed speed would be 2 meters per minute and the voltage would be 14 V.

It is common for her to form a thick slag layer on the seam made. If the seam is planned to be multi-pass, then this slag must be carefully removed with a metal brush and hammer.

In general, according to reviews, the seam is almost always quite rough, has large scales and sagging. If the welder acts carelessly and hastily, lack of penetration may occur. This is virtually inevitable when working with an intermittent electric arc.

Types of cored wire

Flux-cored wire for semi-automatic machines is divided into four types according to the nature of its design:

  1. simple tubular shape;
  2. with one bend of the shell;
  3. with two shell bends;
  4. two-layer.

Its overall dimensions vary in a wide range of diameters - from 0.8 mm to 2.5 mm.

A simple tubular one can have slight nuances in its design - it can either be seamlessly drawn from one piece of metal, or bent from a sheet of metal into a cylinder with a butt joint. There may also be an overlap connection between the workpiece and the shell.

A special powder is evenly placed inside the wire. Its composition may vary depending on the purpose of the parts being welded and the characteristics of their further operation.

In general, the powder consists of ferroalloys, minerals and other chemicals of complex composition. In any proportion, they create a protective layer of neutral gas that separates the melt from atmospheric oxygen. In addition, the gas released by the powder:

  • alloys;
  • deoxidizes;
  • stabilizes the electric arc;
  • simplifies the formation of a uniform seam.

Depending on the composition of the powder, self-shielding wire for semi-automatic machines is divided into types:

  • Fluorite;
  • Fluorite-carbonate;
  • Rutile;
  • Rutile-fluorite;
  • Rutile-organic.

All of the above types have self-protective properties. To weld with them, there is no need for an additional carbon dioxide cylinder.

Features of welding technique

Fundamentally, welding using it does not differ from welding using widely used consumable electrodes. The formed weld seam is clearly visible throughout the work, which facilitates application in several stages.

  • A feature of flux-cored wire is the intensive formation of slag covering the seam. It is recommended to clean it immediately after formation with a suitable tool (for example, a wire brush). Otherwise, there is a risk of slag getting into the working area and, as a result, the appearance of defects and a decrease in mechanical strength

Due to the peculiarities of the technology, the seam formed is inferior in strength to that created using consumable electrodes. Therefore, to prevent an even greater decline in quality indicators, you need to carefully adjust the feed rollers before starting work. This will stabilize the feed and eliminate accidental deformations, jams and breaks.


Welding with flux cored wire without gas

Semi-automatic welding allows for faster welding due to the continuous supply of wire, which serves as filler metal. Thus, it is possible to deposit large volumes on worn surfaces or create long seams on metal structures without the distraction of changing the electrode.

The quality of the seam is much better than when working with coated consumables. But the semi-automatic device has one drawback - in addition to the device, it is also necessary to deliver a gas cylinder weighing 83 kg to the workplace. This makes the task much more difficult. A long gas hose is not always at hand.

An alternative is flux cored wire welding, which eliminates the use of shielding gas. How does it work, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the method?

Self shielding wire

To create a weld with an electric arc, it is necessary to protect the weld pool from interaction with gases in the surrounding air. For this purpose, coating of coated electrodes or inert gas is used, supplied around the filler wire from the nozzle of a semi-automatic device. But it is not always possible to deliver a heavy cylinder to the workplace, and the process with coated electrodes is too slow. Therefore, semi-automatic welding with flux-cored wire without gas was developed.

The wire structure is hollow and has several versions with one or two stiffeners. They are formed during the production of this consumable material during the process of laying the powder and turning the tubular structure.

The ribs prevent the structure from creasing when lightly accidentally pressed. An electric current is supplied to the wire, which excites the welding arc. The temperature of the latter melts the metal tube from which the seam is formed and the powder contained in it.

The mixture forms a gas cloud that protects the molten metal.

The powder inside the wire is flux. Its composition may differ, and this determines the use of the material. The presence of rutile and fluorite concentrate can reach 60%. The composition can be read on the packaging in the GOST or ISO marking, on the basis of which a decision is made on the suitability of this consumable for welding a specific type of steel.

Welding with self-shielding flux-cored wire is in demand in hard-to-reach places. This can be work at heights or in underground tunnels. A small semi-automatic machine can be hung on your shoulder, and to perform welding you only need a 220V socket. Due to its compactness, this technology is widely used on construction sites and installation work. Assembly and welding of metal structures in this way is very fast. But it is not suitable for welding pipes under high pressure.

The wire is widely used due to the variety of diameters, the minimum value of which starts from 0.8 mm and ends at 2.4 mm. This allows you to weld both thin sheets of steel, with a wall thickness of 1.2 mm, and thick sides up to 7-10 mm. This method can work with carbon steel, galvanized iron and stainless steel. To do this, it is important to choose the right material for the wire itself and the type of internal filler.

Advantages and disadvantages of cored wire

The welding process using a continuous feed of self-shielding wire has several advantages:

  • no need for a gas cylinder;
  • easy transportation of equipment to the workplace;
  • the ability to weld in hard-to-reach places (on the roof, in a tunnel);
  • high speed of work compared to coated electrodes;
  • low sensitivity of the arc to wind and drafts.

But this type of welding also has disadvantages. One of them is the high cost of consumables. It's not worth buying it to save on gas. Self-protecting wire pays off only in hard-to-reach places. Another disadvantage is the poor quality of the seams compared to a semi-automatic welding machine, which was used to weld in an inert gas environment. This type of welding is also not suitable for connecting pipes under pressure.

Features of work

As you can see in the video, working with flux-cored wire has several specific features that a welder needs to know. To successfully conduct an arc and form a seam, it is necessary to set straight polarity. On semi-automatic machines this is done by switching contacts inside the device. The wire going to the burner is connected to the ground cable, and the wire from ground is switched to the burner terminal.

It is important to install rollers that match the diameter of the wire used. The range of diameters to which they fit is indicated on the side of the roller. The pressure roller (movable) should not be tightened too tightly due to the hollow structure of the wire. This can deform it and cause a blockage in the cable channel.

To smoothly draw the wire from the clamping mechanism to the outlet of the torch, you need to remove the tip. It is screwed on after the end of the consumable element appears from this edge of the channel.

The diameter of the tip is also selected to match the wire. A hole that is too large will make it difficult to control the arc. Since no shielding gas is used, it is not necessary to put on the nozzle.

To prevent splashes from sticking to the tip, the latter is sprayed with a special agent.

Seam technology and characteristics

Welding with self-shielding wire is performed at a minimum voltage and feed speed. For metal 1.2 mm thick, a voltage of 14V and a speed of 2m/min are suitable. Sutures can be placed by moving the torch at an angle forward or backward. All this is done with an intermittent arc.

A slag crust forms on the joint surface. It is impossible to separate it with a hammer after waiting for the metal to cool. For multi-pass seams, this action is necessary for good adhesion of the next layer.

Seams using flux-cored wire turn out to be rough, with large scales, and characteristic sagging when working with an intermittent arc. A common defect is lack of penetration. Molten metal splashes are moderate. After completing the weld and removing the slag, the joint is cleaned with a metal brush.

The use of flux-cored wire allows welding work to be carried out in hard-to-reach places. Although the quality of the seam is inferior to welding in an inert gas environment, other positive aspects of this method greatly facilitate installation and construction processes.


Principles of semi-automatic welding without gas

To connect metal parts in a workshop, it is recommended to use semi-automatic welding without gas. The method is considered safe and accessible. This eliminates the use of additional equipment to provide a gaseous environment at the site where the seam is formed.

Welder welds semi-automatically without gas

Wire selection

For welding without gas, flux-cored wire is required. It is a hollow metal tube filled with special flux and steel chips. It is installed in a special mechanism for uniform feeding. The welding wire is selected according to the material to be joined.

Advantages and disadvantages of cored wire


  • flux-cored wire welding does not require an additional gas environment;
  • the ability to move equipment to any location;
  • performing work in hard-to-reach places;
  • high speed method of joining metal parts.


  • high cost of consumables;
  • The quality of the seam is worse compared to the gas method.

Refueling and consumption

To weld with wire, you must do the following:

  • Rollers of a certain diameter are installed on the device;
  • It is not recommended to tighten the clamping mechanism with force;
  • the tip on the welding head is removed;
  • when the end of the material appears on the head, the tip is put on again;
  • To protect against splashes of molten metal, it is necessary to carry out treatment.

The flux material is selected depending on the metal being welded. In this case, the flow rate is regulated on a semi-automatic device and depends on the magnitude of the electric current.

Necessary equipment and types of wire

For connection without gas, any device with the ability to switch reverse polarity to direct polarity can be suitable. When using wire with flux, select a semi-automatic welding machine without gas. In this case, it is necessary to connect the terminals of the equipment, as when working with electrodes. The result will be increased arc output energy, as well as temperature at the weld.

Initially, the feeding mechanism is debugged. The resulting distortions can damage the material and reduce the quality of the connection. When choosing equipment, consider:

  • small size for quick movement;
  • smooth adjustment of the electric arc;
  • use of various materials.

The following types of wire are distinguished:

  • with flux core;
  • with metal powder core.

Wire for semi-automatic machine

Equipment setup

The selected parameters will help you connect metal parts with a high-quality seam. Pre-requisite:

  • determine the amount of electric current to be supplied to the equipment terminals;
  • configure the inverter welding machine according to the specified parameters;
  • install a set of gears on the feed mechanism;
  • make a test seam on a piece of metal;
  • After making sure that the parameters are set correctly, perform a metal connection.
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