How to make a snail for a cold forging machine

We develop drawings of a machine for cold forging with our own hands, taking into account the change of attachments

The functionality of this product will depend only on your efforts spent both in the initial and final stages of work.

Therefore, so that in the future the unit does not have too narrow a range of applications, it is necessary to very carefully consider all possible options for improving it and transfer them to circuit diagrams.

Let's try to get acquainted with the rough sketches and work on assembling this product. At the end of the article you can download detailed drawings of the “Snail” cold forging machine as an archive.

Tips for developing do-it-yourself cold forging machine drawings with a list of materials

When developing drawings of a cold forging machine with your own hands, try to include as many options for attachments as possible, which will help increase the number of ways to bend parts. This problem can be solved in several ways:

1. We take a large sheet of metal as a support sheet and place several different “snails” and other attachments on it, at a great distance from each other. The disadvantage of this solution lies in the limited free space. Long parts will be very difficult to rotate; you will need to constantly ensure that they do not move out of the nozzles.

2. We are developing options for improved attachments. For example, you can make a gathering “snail”. When completely disassembled, it will have only one curl; when assembled, it will have 3-4 curls or more (if necessary). Each segment will be attached to the previous one and to the very base of the support sheet using metal pins.

drawing of a cold forging machine described in the article; machine described in the article

3. And the most effective option is to develop a product with the ability to change attachments. This is how a rectangular slot is made in the canvas into which nozzles attached to a rectangular sheet of metal will be inserted. Fixation will be carried out to the product rack itself using bolts.

Read our article “Metal laser cutting machine – a reliable and indispensable assistant in everyday life.”

We will consider the simplest model in terms of manufacturing, which can be improved if desired. It will only be necessary to make minor changes to the preliminary diagrams. To make it we will need the following :

  • Welding machine;
  • Drill with carbide drills;
  • Reciprocating saw or regular hacksaw;
  • Square metal pipe;
  • Metal sheet;
  • Round metal pipe;
  • Metal rods;
  • Bearings (large and medium size);
  • Bolts with nuts size M8;
  • Metal rod.

“Snail” cold forging machine “Snail”

The process of assembling a homemade cold forging machine with a non-replaceable attachment with your own hands

The process of assembling a homemade cold forging machine with your own hands will look like this:

1. First, the support post is assembled. It consists of four identical sections of square pipe. At the bottom they are connected to each other by four sections of shorter length, and the same number at the top. In appearance, this design resembles the base of a stool. Cutting is done with a saw, joining is done with a welding machine.

2. Next, two circles of equal diameters, as well as four right triangles, are cut out of the sheet. The triangular parts are welded to the bottom of the round pipe section, leaving a free edge at the top. It turns out to be something like a pyramid. Using a wide base, we apply the part to the center of the circle and weld it.

3. The circle with the welded part is attached to the four upper horizontal strips using bolts. We drill holes with a drill.

4. Next we make the handle of the product. To do this, you need a long piece of rod and a piece of metal sheet. The first cut is slightly larger than the diameter of the circle, the second is equal to it. The end of the first must be bent at an angle of 30°, the bent edge is connected to the edge of the second cut by welding a jumper from a piece of rod. Another piece of rod is welded a little lower. We weld a long handle to the side of the jumper so that one of its edges extends towards the structure made from cuts.

5. Guide bearings are put on and fixed onto the short end of the handle and onto the section welded at the bottom. On the section located on top, we mount a thick metal coil in a horizontal position, which will act as a bending element. At the free end of the lower cut we make a hole with a diameter equal to the diameter of the pipe.

6. We put the assembled handle through the drilled hole onto the peak (with the thread already applied) of the “pyramid”. We tighten a wide nut with a small circle welded on top; the upper circle will be placed on it. We weld the finished “snail” to the center of the uppermost circle.

All exact dimensions of the product are calculated independently. We make calculations based on your needs. We designate the product parameters at the stage of developing draft diagrams. You can download the drawings of the cold forging machine “Snail” here.


Snail cold forging machines: homemade and purchased, operating principle and equipment: universal, templates, patterns, tools

On this page you will find information on the topic “snails for cold forging”, as well as links to other pages of our site that are related to this topic. Read the detailed information below, to find out more, please follow the links that interest you; at the end of the page there is a list of pages with this label.

To decorate the interior of premises and local areas, curls made of metal rods are often used . A snail cold forging machine is a device used to create rounded patterns (curls, volutes). You make templates from metal sheets with your own hands for future use.

This article is devoted to the purpose of snail machines, their structure and scope of application in general, without dividing them into homemade and industrial ones. There is a separate article on homemade devices of this type on the site.

Operating principle and device

The snail machine allows you to produce rounded shaped elements with or without heating. The master works manually or uses an electric drive (this method is used when it is necessary to perform large volumes of work).

The snail machine can be designed in different ways:

  • In the form of a template that is welded to the base;
  • In the form of separate collapsible elements (segments), which are fixed to the base.

Cold forging machine Snail type Stalex SBG-30. Photo ForgingPRO

A simple manual drive is used by winding the rod onto a template using hands or levers . To operate an electrically driven machine, the lever is attached to the bed leg and moves using a bearing that moves along the base of the scroll. In devices with a complex design, rotation is performed by a jig attached to the shaft axis. It can be moved using levers or an electric drive.


There are several main varieties among snail pens :

  • Manual monolithic non-removable . It uses a fixed metal template.
  • Manual removable design . When using it, the metal is bent around segments that are inserted into holes on the plate. Useful for creating a variety of parts with unusual shapes. The cross-section of the metal rod is limited.
  • Collapsible models with rotation . Used using mechanical force, they allow you to obtain identical products with complex shapes. They work using levers.
  • Horizontal and vertical models . They allow you to bend metal in a comfortable position and simplify your work.

Snail type machine PROMA/ Photo

If the work takes place on a monolithic jig, then the final parts have the same shape. And when using removable structures, the curls are more diverse. But the reliability of fastening the template under such conditions is lower than that of a permanent one. The threaded connections will have to be constantly tightened, otherwise they will quickly weaken.

Other equipment: universal, templates, patterns, etc.

Cold forging fixtures are used for arc bending, angling or twisting. Below are the main types of equipment.

  • Universal machines are used to produce significant volumes of elements, therefore they are used by employees of large and medium-sized companies. Using universal machines, elements of different shapes are produced: curls, baskets, rings, torsioned rods, etc.

Forging machine Azhur-1M. Photo ForgingPRO

  • Cold forging machines are either manual or electric. Similar devices include a snail, as well as a bender, a twister (flashlight), a wave, and a globe.

The machines also include:

  • Stamp press. Using this device, a certain pattern is applied to metal by printing it from templates under pressure.
  • Mechanical unit . A device that helps bend a rod into a circle shape with different diameters.
  • Forging devices, which include templates, mandrels, and jigs, are used by individual craftsmen who are not chasing the number of elements produced.
  • Hand tools: pliers, forks, heavy hammer or sledgehammer are also more often used by individual craftsmen.

For your information! Templates, jigs and patterns for cold forging can be varied; each master makes them independently to obtain an exclusive form of the material. The most common types are listed above; you can make them yourself at home.

Popular makes and models

Machines for cold forging of metal are easy to purchase in a store. The most common models are listed below:

1. NK-1 is a universal rolling machine for cold forging. It is a multifunctional metalworking plant with several units. Allows you to produce the most common elements: curls, rings, volutes, crow's feet, twisted rods, and can also apply indentation patterns to strips, profile pipes, round timber and squares. Read more about the machine here.

The machine is made by the Nova Kuznya company , which has been on the market for more than 10 years. The company is distinguished by a wide variety of models for both large production and small workshops.

Universal machine NK-1

2. BlackSmith UNV2 is a universal machine for professional forging. Can perform the following operations: bending corners, longitudinally twisting rods, bending pipes, bending curls and waves, creating baskets and cones. It is possible to program operations. More information about him here.

The machine is manufactured in China at BlackSmith with 40 years of experience . The company exports goods to Russia, Germany, Italy, USA, England and other countries.

Universal forging machine Blacksmith UNV2. Photo

3. Decor-3 is a hydraulic press that is capable of performing both cold and hot forging of metal. One worker is enough to service the machine; the production time for one part is 7-8 seconds. Find out more about him.

The press is produced in Russia at the Decor factory , which has been operating for more than 10 years. There is the possibility of personal production of machines and components.

How to make it yourself, sizes and other important information

It is possible to make a snail machine for cold forging yourself. To do this, proceed according to the following scheme:

  • , a drawing of the future model is created on paper . At this point, you need to decide on the size of the materials that you plan to process. The larger the diameter of the proposed bars, the wider the machine pitch should be selected. Usually the turns are spaced at a distance of at least 12-13 mm so that a 10 mm one fits into the groove. rod.
  • To create a working surface, take a metal sheet with a thickness of at least 4-5 mm . A circle with a diameter of 80 cm is cut out of it. The area of ​​the sheet also depends on the models that will be made.

Working surface of the snail before attaching the template

  • To produce the mold, a metal sheet 3 mm thick is taken. On the future device, the edges of the workpiece must be fixed; for this, pressure rollers are used. Instead, they take a cut rod, which is equal in length to the strip of the workpiece.
  • The snail itself is made from a metal rod bent in the desired direction . Instead, they take a sheet of metal, and then cut out segments from it and secure them with bolts.
  • As an additional device, a lever is made from a rod with a cross-section of 2 cm and a bearing.

In addition, there is the possibility of independently manufacturing other machines for cold forging: flashlight, wave and others.


If opportunities do not allow you to make a machine with your own hands, you can easily purchase it in a store. On our website there is a special section with a selection of reliable companies selling ready-made devices.

In addition to the snail-type device that is so popular among customers, manufacturers also offer to buy other cold forging machines: manual and electric.

Purchasing the devices will allow you to complete cold forging projects yourself.


Dimensions of a snail for cold forging drawings - do-it-yourself drawings of snails for cold forging to print: 11 thousand images found in Yandex.Pictures

Since ancient times, hot forging has been known to mankind. The workpiece, heated to increase ductility, was subjected to molding by blows of a heavy hammer. This is how they received weapons and tools, household utensils and jewelry.

Hot artistic metal forgingForging

Hot forging requires highly qualified and experienced blacksmiths, large amounts of labor, materials and complex equipment. Cold forging allows you to produce products from square and round steel without installing expensive and bulky equipment and without setting up complex technological processes.

Cold forging method

The method involves using an important property of metal - plasticity. With the help of various mandrels and mechanical devices, the rod is bent in different directions, twisted, and forms various three-dimensional shapes.

As additional processing, welding and metalworking operations are used to connect parts of workpieces. Entry-level machines are quite simple and are driven by the muscular strength of the master working on them.

The technology is quite accessible for mastering in a home workshop.

The minimum set of forging equipment for cold forging of metal includes:

  • Bending machines, or Gnutiki, are used to bend workpieces at a given angle and radius.
  • Twisters, or torsion bars, are used to twist a workpiece (or group of workpieces) around the longitudinal axis
  • Wave - used to create periodic bends in different directions.
  • Snail forging machine - used to create spiral-shaped curls at the end of a rod.

Cold forgingTwister for cold forgingWaves for performing wave-like bending of the workpieceBend for cold forging

Is it possible to master cold forging yourself? Yes, it is enough to have basic skills in metalwork, design and machining.

Many home craftsmen have made a snail - a cold forging machine on their own, without using expensive components.

Types, structure and principle of operation of the cochlea

Several varieties of the popular machine are used. All of them, regardless of the details of the cochlea device, use a general operating principle. A strip or rod of metal is forcefully pressed against a stationary template or against a movable ploughshare of the snail, forcing it to take the shape specified in the drawing.

Monolithic volute for cold forgingRemovable volute designDismountable volute with rotation

There are:

  • monolithic non-separable volute using a fixed metal template. Used to produce series of identical products
  • removable design - bending is carried out around pins inserted into holes on a solid plate. Suitable for the production of unique parts with complex configurations, the cross-section of the rod is limited.
  • Collapsible volutes with rotation are more complex in design, but make it possible to obtain identical products of complex shape with great accuracy

Making a simple snail with your own hands

The cold forging process requires significant effort. Therefore, before making a snail for cold forging with your own hands, you will need to significantly strengthen an ordinary workbench or build a new one.

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Self-assembly of the machine must be carried out on a tabletop made of a plate at least 4 mm thick. Next, to make a homemade snail for cold forging, you will need a drawing. The outline of the future product must be drawn on it, and the outlines of a non-separable template or segments of a collapsible template must be inscribed on the inside of this outline.

How to make a snail for cold forging

Next, we will consider the manufacture of three versions of the snail for cold forging:

  • Monolithic non-removable
  • Removable design
  • Collapsible snail with rotation

Depending on the capabilities of the home craftsman, product production plans, and the number of different standard sizes, you can choose one of these design options.

Monolithic non-demountable snail

Particular attention should be paid to the development of the template diagram, since after welding to the plate it will be very difficult to make adjustments to the dimensions and configuration. The turns of the future curl should be placed at a distance of 12-13 mm, taking into account that a 10 mm rod should fit into the resulting grooves.

Monolithic non-demountable snail

A base with a diameter of 80 cm is cut out of a plate with a thickness of 4 mm, then according to the drawing, a template for a curl is cut out and formed from a strip with a thickness of 3 mm. To make bending easier, it should be calcined, then an oblique chamfer should be made along the top side, and the bottom should be welded to the base along the contour.

The base is attached to the frame with bolts or clamps. This fastening allows you to quickly use different templates as needed.

Removable design

The template for cold forging is made from a steel plate no thinner than 10 mm and is attached to the base with threaded connections. The manufacture of the product begins with the inner curl. The end of the workpiece is clamped into the groove on the inner segment of the template.

Removable snail design

For insurance, you can additionally press it with a small clamp. Using a lever with a large arm, made from a rod with a cross-section of 2 cm, the remaining part of the workpiece is screwed onto the template with force. The design can be improved by using a lever with a movable bearing attached to it.

Collapsible snails with rotation

In this version, the snail template, called a ploughshare, is fixed on a massive plate 4-10 mm thick. The shape of the workpiece is changed by rotating the shaft in which its free end is fixed. The shaft rotates by means of a lever or gate welded to its upper end.

The ploughshare can be made of several segments connected to each other by hinge pins. The curvature of the surface of the share is changed by special adjusting screws. A system of holes must be made in the surface of the base to fasten the plowshare segments in the position specified in the drawing.

Collapsible snails with rotation

It is difficult to make a snail for cold forging with a collapsible share with hinge pins in a home workshop. It will be faster and cheaper to order these parts from production. It is better to make a collapsible ploughshare without hinges with your own hands. It is required to make a drawing of the template parts and mark the mounting holes on it.

A system of holes is drilled in the base to fasten parts of the share in different positions, providing different curvatures.

Now you can, by moving the fasteners from hole to hole, make curls of different radii.

Drawings of a snail for forging

Novice craftsmen often neglect the importance of the design stage and make templates for cold forging by eye. This may be enough to “feel the metal” and understand the essence of the process with your own hands.

Drawing of a snail for forging

But if you want to get beautiful products as a result, and even more so if you are planning to produce a series of identical elements, then when manufacturing a machine you cannot do without accurate calculations of all parameters - bend angles and radii, torques, maximum forces and others. An accurate calculation will allow you to create with your own hands a high-quality snail machine for cold forging, which will last a long time and will delight you with ease of operation and high-quality aesthetic products.

Source: yandeks-kartinkax-kovka-in-2018-pinterest.html

Drawings of a homemade snail for cold forging

To add beauty and sophistication to metal gates or fences of country houses or private houses, spiral elements are increasingly being used. In order not to buy such elements in stores, manufacturers of fences and gates often bend them themselves.

To make spiral-shaped steel parts yourself, you need a special device called a snail. With the help of such a device, metal rods and strips of different sections are bent.

If the workpiece has a square cross-section with a side of up to 12 mm, then such workpieces are bent with your own hands at normal temperature (so-called cold forging).

Figure 1. DIY drawing of a snail.

Considering that such a machine is needed by people who usually work with metal, they can make it with their own hands. In order not to waste time and money reinventing the wheel, drawings of a snail for cold forging will help them. It is good to use low-carbon metals for the manufacture of spirals due to their good ductility characteristics.

General structure of the machine

Figure 2. Drawing of the base of the cochlea.

A cold forging snail is a metalworking device that contains a device that fixes the workpiece. A shaft with a spiral element is fixed to a thick metal disk or plate.

The end of a rod or strip is inserted into the locking device, then a rotating shaft winds it onto a spiral element.

The bending occurs from the action of the pressure roller, which presses the workpiece against the spiral element. Depending on the design of the desired product and its size, for each type of figured part, separate snails or snails are made with the ability to change their curvature.

There are several options for drawings for making a cold forging machine. Based on the type of shaft drive in machines, they can be manual or electric. First, let's look at a drawing of a machine for cold forging of a manual drive.

Also read: Everything about plumbing and pipes from A to Z.

Drawings of a manual machine

Figure 3. Drawing of the base of the cochlea.

The machine, according to this drawing (Fig. 1), is mounted on a base, which is a rectangular slab with dimensions 220x190 cm.

This 5mm thick plate has two holes. One of them is round, with a diameter of 14 mm, for the shaft axis, and the second is oval, with a width from 6 mm closer to the shaft axis to 7 mm further from the axis (Fig. 2). This base is welded to two legs, which have a hole for their fastening (Fig. 3).

The shaft axis has a tapered end. It is firmly attached to the base with two M14 nuts.

The drive axle is freely put on the axle, which has a head with two mutually perpendicular through threaded channels (Fig. 4).

Handles are screwed into these channels.

Parallel guide runners (2 pieces) are welded to the lower surface of the base along an oblong hole.

Figure 4. Drawing of the cochlea axis.

The spiral-shaped element (the snail itself) is prefabricated. It consists of 4 elements, hingedly connected to each other by pins threaded through the eyes (Fig. 5).

Each cochlea segment connecting pin has a knurled head.

The arcuate lugs have holes for the connecting pin. They are welded to the ends of the segments. The amount of bending of the cochlea is regulated by special adjusting screws, which are screwed into the connecting end of each of the three segments so that they rest against the end of the previous segment.

Each adjustment screw has a slot on one end surface for a flat-head screwdriver.

The central segment of the volute is an eccentric with a hole for the drive axis, the first part of the spiral element and a fixing cutout. The fixing cutout is an eccentric semicircular recess in the first part of the segment with a radius of 7 mm, the center of which is located at a distance of 8 mm from the center of the part. The thickness of the central segment, like the other segments, is 25 mm.

Figure 5. Drawing of a cochlear segment.

An eccentric with a grooved lower part, into the transverse channel of the head of which a wing is inserted, is placed inside the guide. The latter is aligned coaxially with the semicircular cutout of the drive axle, and then welded.

A slider is inserted into the longitudinal hole of the base, which is pressed from below to the base. The slider fits freely between the guide rails using the flange cutouts.

A roller axis, which has a hex head, is screwed into the upper part of the slider.

The roller itself is loosely attached to the roller axis.

In this way, the roller can take a position along the oblong hole of the base and is fixed in any such position by screwing the roller axis onto the slider.

Working with this device is quite simple. To begin, insert the end of the rod or strip into the recess of the drive axle. By turning the eccentric using the thumb, the workpiece is clamped between its lower end and the walls of the recess. To do this, the roller is brought to the workpiece, the roller axis is screwed with a 12mm wrench onto the slider, clamping it. The workpiece is placed between the eccentric of the central segment of the volute and the roller.

Next, turn the drive axis clockwise, winding the workpiece over the central segment. When the workpiece is wound to the end of the central segment, a second segment is attached to it using a connecting pin. The roller moves to a new position.

And so on, it is bent until the workpiece is given the desired shape. To remove the resulting product from the machine, the eccentric is turned with a thumb and the end of the workpiece is released. Having lifted the drive axis with the eccentric and the entire volute, the latter are removed from the manufactured spiral.

Electric drive machine

The drawing of an electrically driven cold forging machine differs from the one described above only in that instead of a manual drive axis, the central segment of the volute rotates on the shaft of a reduction gearbox.

To do this, an electric motor with a power of up to 0.5 kW is mounted on a welded frame, which, through two reduction gearboxes, drives the snail into rotational motion at a speed of 5-6 rpm. In this case, the role of the base of the machine is played by the table of the resulting design.


How to make a snail for cold forging with your own hands

Any owner of a small workshop can make a beautiful fence from a metal rod. The main decorative elements that create the pattern of the canvas are snails for cold forging, which you can create with your own hands. Spirals of various sizes are laid out in a pattern and secured by welding. The result is fabulously beautiful lace made from rough metal.

Cold forging is performed on various devices that are simple in design. It’s difficult to buy a conductor; it’s easier to make one yourself. Snails are made in various ways. Each master draws his own sample. The optimal form is the golden ratio.

Snails for cold forging

Types of device and principle of operation of the cochlea

The spiral obtained by the rod after bending depends entirely on the shape and size of the jig for artistic forging. If it is non-separable, then for each pattern you need to make a separate tool. There are different types of jigs for artistic cold deformation of thin rolled products: from manual bending devices to modernized pipe benders. Without industrial equipment, you can make your own only the following types of snails for cold forging:

  • monolithic;
  • removable;
  • collapsible.

The structure and principle of operation of homemade snails are quite simple. First, the end of the rod is clamped in the center of the spiral, and then the rod is bent along the outer surface of the conductor. Using the simplest equipment, a master with a rod walks around the snail, manually and with the help of a lever, placing it in the conductor. When using a movable device, a lever is used to rotate it.

The jig can be positioned horizontally and a device can be made with a steering wheel when the stamp rotates vertically. Cold forging with manual bending is possible on small sections of the rod (up to 12 mm).

Design specifications

The dimensions of the volute for cold deformation are determined by the diameter of the rolled product being bent and the required curl size. A sketch of the design of the forged product is first made. It is broken down into individual elements. For each spiral, a conductor is made - a snail or any other.

The simplest machines for cold forging have a massive, durable stand, at the upper end of which there is a groove for fixing a plate with a jig. Deformation is carried out due to the efforts of the master’s hands. He clamps the end of the rod and walks around the fixture.

If there is a rotary table and a lever, it is possible to produce volutes for rolling of a larger cross-section.

Do-it-yourself machine: design tips and drawings of a snail for cold metal forging

Recently, cold forging has become a favorite pastime of many, which makes it relatively easy to create beautiful things with your own hands. This type of activity requires specific tools and equipment.

It is not always possible to purchase professional equipment for your hobby. The reason for this is usually the high price.

The snail is one of the most common machines used in cold forging. Therefore, the article discusses how to make a snail for cold forging of metal with your own hands.

Why cold forging?

Cold forging of metal has priority over conventional forging. First of all, this:

  • ease of work;
  • does not require high skills;
  • no high temperatures.

Using cold forging, you can create beautiful decorative elements for various items from furniture to fences.

Cold forging technology involves mechanical processing of metal without heating it to hot temperatures. Parts are obtained by pressing and bending. They are connected to each other by welding into single patterns.

Types of snails

The snail machine is a twister machine that allows you to obtain curls according to a template. There are two types: with a ploughshare and lever ones.

Snails with a ploughshare are a metal base (frame), with a main axis fixed to it, around which the guide parts of the ploughshare are located. Levers diverge from the axis, applying force for bending. The ploughshare is made of high-alloy chrome-plated steel (40X steel), which characterizes its high strength characteristics.

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This machine is suitable for strips and rods. You can curl them up to 5 turns.

Lever snails are a machine with a solid base or mounted on a metal plate, having a stationary template and a pressure roller. This snail model is popular among craftsmen and is quite easy to make yourself.

All parts can be made of ordinary steel, and a bearing is suitable as a pressure roller.

It is possible to obtain up to four curls on a lever scroll. Its productivity compared to a snail with a ploughshare is much lower.

Advantages of the snail lever machine:

  • withstands up to 1000 cycles;
  • easy to use for beginners;
  • allows you to make reverse bends after the curl and in its core, which significantly increases the cost of the final product;
  • it is possible to obtain flat turns from strips.

Industrial snails can be electrically driven, which eliminates the need for physical effort. Despite the significant simplification of the work, craftsmen are inclined to use manual machines, because the expenditure of electrical energy is not justified by the result of the product.

Options for “domestic” snails

A snail for cold forging of metal at home is prepared based on the above description of the lever type. Therefore, to work, you need to create the following parts:

  • bed (metal plate, at least 4 mm thick);
  • axis;
  • a platform for a template (sometimes the bed can serve as such a platform);
  • template plates;
  • lever arm;
  • pressure roller.

Design options for a snail machine for cold metal forging with your own hands are discussed below.

Option one. Classical

 The template parts are welded around the axis to the round metal plate base. The lever with the pressure roller is mounted so that when it rotates, the roller moves around the circumference of the base.

In this design, the template is assembled from separate parts. The disadvantage of this design may be uneven joints, which will affect the quality of the product.

Option two. Full band

It differs from the classic one by making the pattern in the form of an unbroken spiral. The disadvantage of this design is the inconvenience of removing the finished coil.

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Option three. With removable guides

For the convenience of obtaining variations of finished curls, it is possible to make a machine with removable template guides. To do this, holes are drilled in the base and threads are screwed into them. The template parts are secured with bolts or threaded legs. The combination of different links will allow you to diversify the assortment.

Option four. With removable ready-made templates

It is a structure where the templates are welded to their own base nickels, which in turn are bolted to the base of the machine. This option is more reliable than the previous one. It has no joints, therefore it will allow you to obtain high quality products.

By creating equipment for work on his own, the master not only saves money, but also puts his soul into the finished product throughout the entire process.


How to calculate a snail for cold forging

Admiring the beauty of an openwork metal fence or admiring the incredible twisted pattern on the railing of an iron staircase, few people think that they were made using the cold forging method. You can learn to embody beauty in metal without much effort.

To do this, it is enough to have minimal skills in working with metal and have special machines for cold forging. What is cold forging? What machines are needed for it? What can be made on these machines? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

It would be more correct to call cold forging - mechanical bending of a metal rod on specialized machines to give it the shape intended by the manufacturer. Bending rods in the machine can be done either manually using levers or using electric motors.

In addition to metal rods, cold forging can be used to bend small-diameter pipes, narrow iron strips and fittings. Using the cold forging method the following are produced:

  • Twisted fences.
  • Decorations for residential buildings.
  • Patterned gate.
  • Railings for balconies and stairs.
  • Metal garden benches.
  • Decorations for gazebos and lanterns.
  • A large number of grating options.

Elements made by the cold forging method
Having mastered the cold forging method, you can easily start your own business producing metal products. At the same time, you will only need initial financial investments for the purchase of machines, and if you make the machines yourself, you can get by with minimal costs.

Below we will give you instructions on how to assemble cold forging machines yourself.

Machine "snail"

Making a snail machine is one example of independent design, and it makes no sense to give advice with an exact indication of the dimensions of all parts.

You need to be guided by your idea of ​​​​the operation of the machine, how and what will bend, how many turns of the spiral will be enough for high-quality work, what size the lever with the tabletop will be.

If you understand the essence of the machine manufacturing process, then the assembly itself will not cause any particular difficulties.
Machine “snail”

Manufacturing of main machine components


The process of bending an iron rod exposes the machine to heavy loads, so when making the frame for the “snail”, only a metal corner, channel or thick-walled pipe is used. Do not make a frame from wooden beams; such a table cannot withstand prolonged loads and collapses.


The tabletop for the “snail” is made of a metal plate cut in the shape of a circle, at least 4 mm thick. From the same slab, a second tabletop is cut out, repeating the shape of the first.

The snail segments will be placed on the second tabletop and the products will be bent.

During the cold forging process, the tabletop takes on the bulk of the load, so there is no need to save money and make it from a thinner sheet of iron.

Main shaft and lever.

The main shaft is placed centrally between the tabletops and is attached to the base using four right triangles. The shaft can be made from a thick-walled pipe of the required diameter. The lever is attached to the shaft using a ring and rotates around it; in addition, a roller is installed on the lever for bending rods on the upper tabletop. Machine diagram

Marking and installation of attachments

Depending on whether you want to produce only the same type of samples or you need more artistic products, there are three options for the snail device.
Option #1. This is the simplest of the three options; its essence is that the outline of a spiral is drawn on the tabletop.

Drawing of “snail” segments At its core, this is a drawing of future products that you will produce on the machine. After applying the diagram, it is enough to cut out several segments from thick strips of iron of different widths that follow the line of the drawing and weld them to the tabletop according to the markings.

With such a static “snail” you can make simple bends.

Option #2.

The second option is the most popular among homemade machines; it involves making a collapsible snail from removable parts. Holes are drilled along the contours of the markings into which threads are cut. Next, templates for the stop segments are made from cardboard or plywood and metal overlays are made from them. Finally, holes are drilled in the pads, which should coincide with the mounting sockets on the tabletop.

To secure the segments, bolts are mainly used, but you can also make cylindrical stops. This “snail” design will allow the production of spiral-shaped workpieces with different radii on one machine. “Snail” from metal strips Option No. 3. In the third option, instead of collapsible stop segments, several removable modules are made with different volute options, which change as needed.

The module is made of a piece of iron onto which segments repeating parts of the spiral are welded. “Snail” modules

Machine assembly.

  1. Install the frame in a place where you will have easy access to the machine from all sides.
  2. Concrete the legs of the frame in the floor or secure the frame in another accessible way.
  3. Weld the main table top to the frame.
  4. Install the main shaft by welding it to the tabletop and strengthening it with triangles.
  5. Place the rotating lever onto the shaft.
  6. Install the top tabletop by welding it to the main shaft.
  7. Place the snail segments on the tabletop.

After assembly, test bend the rod. To learn more about assembling a snail cold forging machine, watch the video:

Torsion bar machine

This machine is designed for uniaxial longitudinal twisting of a workpiece from a transverse or square rod.
Torsion bar machine A channel or I-beam is used for the base of a torsion bar machine. A thick iron strip is attached to it by welding, onto which a vice is installed to clamp the stationary part of the rod.

The vice is secured with four bolts with a diameter of M16 or more. To increase the clamping strength of the bar, corrugated sheet steel plates are welded onto the vice. On the opposite side of the base, guide rollers are installed, to which a clamping unit for the movable part of the workpiece is attached.

It is made of a steel bushing, in which it is necessary to provide holes for clamping bolts located at an angle of 120 degrees. The bolts must have a flat end and be made of high quality steel. Both clamping devices must be positioned coaxially; to do this, they must be checked using a level, a plumber's square and a caliper.

Types of machines Next, you need to make a handle for turning the moving part of the clamp. Its lever should hit as long as possible to reduce the applied force. It is better to make the handle itself with a rubber bushing to prevent the hand from slipping during operation.

After the machine is fully assembled, it is checked for the reliability of the moving elements and the accuracy of the deformation of the bar. After checking, the machine is attached to the support frame. A simple model of a torsion bar machine. How to make a torsion bar machine with your own hands, see the video:

Machine "gnitik"

To qualitatively form a corner in a product produced by cold forging, you will need a machine called a “bend”.
It consists of a steel plate with a movable stop on which there are two support shafts and a lever. “Gnutik” machine The workpiece is placed between the wedge and the support shafts.

After this, with the help of a lever, the wedge is shifted towards the shafts, which leads to bending of the workpiece. Computer model of the machine It is quite simple to make such a machine, the main thing is to follow the given drawing and use tool steel, since during operation a large load is applied to part of the device.

You can also watch how to make a “gnitik” machine in the video:

Wave machine

It would be more correct to call this machine a controlled wave. The equipment of the machine consists of a pair of steel disks with a diameter of 140 mm, which are bolted to the worktop. The axis of rotation of the universal wrench is fixed to the drive disk.

“Wave” machine Wave control occurs as a result of changing the distance between the disks. When the bar is rolled around the drive disk with a knob, a pattern is formed, after which the bar is removed from the conductor and a pattern is formed on the other side.

You can watch the machine in action in the video:

Machine - press

A press is needed to form the ends of the rods. This machine works on the principle of a flywheel; first, by rotating the bar with weights, the screw striker is pulled back until it stops. After this, a replacement stamp is inserted into the slot and the workpiece is placed. Next, quickly spin the bar in the opposite direction and leave it to rotate freely.

Finally, the striker hits the die shank strongly, due to this, a force sufficient for stamping is developed. Rolling press

As for the manual rolling mill, you can make it yourself, but you still have to order special steel rolls, bearing bushings and shafts, and buy gears in the store.

Only “crow’s foot” and “leaf” tips can be produced on such a machine.

Connecting and painting parts

Elements produced by cold forging are connected in two ways:

  • Welding - parts are welded to each other, and the scale is ground off with a grinder or other grinding machine.
  • Clamps - this type of connection looks much more beautiful. For clamps, stamped strips of metal with a thickness of 1.5 mm or more are used.

Finished products are painted using blacksmith enamels or acrylic-based metal paints.
Connecting parts using welding

Products produced by cold forging

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the options for products that you can make using the cold forging method:

  • The fence element is completely made using the cold forging method. Clamps are used to connect the parts. The following machines were used for manufacturing: “snail”, torsion bar, “bend” and “flashlight”.
  • Soda bench - made by cold forging and covered with wood. Welding and clamps are used to connect the elements. Machines used in production were “snail”, torsion bar, and press.
  • Balcony railings - production method - cold forging. The railing elements are connected using welding and clamps. The machines used in production are “wave”, “snail”, press.
  • Stair railings are produced using the cold artistic forging method. The parts are connected by welding. The machines used in production are torsion bar, flashlight, and snail.
  • Visor - the frame of the visor is made using cold forging. The parts are connected by welding. In the manufacturing process, machines were used - “snail”, “wave”, press.
  • The grill is a simple design made using the cold forging method. Clamps and welding are used to connect the parts. The barbecue elements were produced on machines - torsion bar, "snail".
  • Double bed - cold forging method is used for the backrests. Connections are made by welding and clamps. In the manufacturing process, machines were used - “snail”, “wave” and press.

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As can be seen from all of the above, the cold forging method does not require large financial costs and is quite easy to learn, so if you decide to start learning blacksmithing with this method, then you did the right thing.


How to make a curl from a profile pipe

Metal processing at home can be carried out in several ways - cold or hot forging, mechanical or welded connection of individual elements. Experts use a comprehensive set of these methods, resulting in functional and aesthetically pleasing homemade products. You can make any forged products from a profile pipe with your own hands using special devices or machines.

What can be forged from a profile blank?

Profile pipes include products whose cross-section is not round. It can be oval, rectangular or square. The difficulty of processing lies in maintaining the maximum load on the walls of the workpiece. If this is not provided for, a rupture may occur and the integrity of the structure may be compromised.

Using cold forging, you can make the following elements from a profile pipe:

  • Arcs. The most common type of processing. Greenhouses and frames of complex structures are made from the blanks.
  • Spirals and curls. Unlike rods, they have a large bending radius, which is due to the likelihood of rupture. Used for fences, gates and decorative grilles.
  • Volumetric spirals. They can become the basis for decorative decorations.
  • End flattening, forming clamps to connect parts of the pattern.

Unlike stamping, during cold forging the metal of the profile pipe practically does not flow. This allows you to maintain its original dimensions and strength parameters.

Forging tools and accessories

To manufacture forged products from profile pipes, it is necessary to use special tools and devices. You can make them yourself from scrap materials, order them from an experienced craftsman, or purchase factory models. You should also arrange a work area - a functional table, and provide space for forging long pipes.

To process small workpieces, you can use a tabletop with dimensions of 2000*1500 mm. It houses the main tools and devices for the production of products from profile pipes.


Designed for making arcs of various diameters. The machine consists of a T-shaped base on which support rollers are located in pairs. On the vertical stand there is a support roller, the height of which is adjusted using a threaded mechanism.

  • Possibility of replacing rollers for bending pipes of various sections;
  • Changing the distance between support elements to vary the radius;
  • When making it yourself, it is recommended to use a U-shaped metal profile with a thickness of at least 2 mm.

The design of the bend for profile pipes differs from the traditional one. It is impossible to make a high-quality bend without evenly distributing the load over the entire surface. The average cost of a homemade model is 9,600 rubles.


Used for twisting profile pipes for artistic purposes. For processing, it is recommended to use models with a plowshare, which facilitates the manufacturing process, reduces the time of controlled deformation, and improves its quality.

The machine consists of a base on which a movable block for fixing the workpiece and a mechanism with a plowshare for twisting are mounted. Main equipment parameters:

  • Maximum and minimum length of processed products.
  • Section of the workpiece, its dimensions. They depend on the shape of the fastening mechanism;
  • Drive type – manual or mechanical. To produce forged products from profile pipes at home, budget models with manual drive are most often used.

The price of a complete set is from 16,800 rubles.


It is used to make spiral-shaped components. The device consists of a square or rectangular platform. There are holes on it for installing supporting arc elements. A pipe end is used to secure the pipe. The bend is formed by the action of a lever mechanism with a support roller.

Snail characteristics:

  • maximum and minimum bend radius;
  • workpiece size;
  • permissible degree of mechanical impact.

The average cost of a household snail for bending profile pipes is 12,000 rubles.

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Machine tools as an alternative to tools

If you plan to organize home production, and not perform one-time work, it is best to purchase a combined machine for cold forging. It will take up significantly less space than the equipment separately.

Most models have an electric drive, which speeds up the production process. Contents and functionality depend on requirements. The average cost of such equipment is from 60,000 rubles.


Snail machine for cold metal forging: drawings and instructions

Using a snail device for cold forging, you can make shaped and beautiful metal parts with your own hands. A homemade snail machine is quite easy to assemble, so any home craftsman can make it, even with little skill in this work.

In the article we will look at the advantages of cold forging, and also tell you how to make a tool for work yourself - a template, drawings, photographs and videos can help you in your work, and as a result you will be able to assemble a simple and useful device for working with metal.

Features and advantages of cold forging

Cold forging is the most popular type of work, due to the fact that it can be used to produce original parts of various sizes and shapes. Using a cold forging machine, you can make:

  • decorative lantern;
  • fencing for flower beds;
  • railings;
  • original fence;
  • bench handles and so on.

What these elements made using this process look like can be seen in numerous photos.

The advantage of cold forging is that it is very easy to assemble a machine with which you can make these parts with your own hands. This will significantly save on the purchase of expensive equipment.

The cold forging process consists of three stages:

  • bending;
  • pressing;
  • welding of individual elements.

The equipment required for this job is quite compact and simple, and does not take up much space in the garage or workshop.

Cold forging process

Cold forging is usually where beginners begin to learn metal processing, since this process is quite safe and simple, since in this case you will not have to deal with high temperatures, as with other types of forging.

For this process, as a rule, a ready-made template is used , namely, product blanks. Naturally, cold forging also has its own nuances, usually they consist in the fact that the part is easy to deform or damage during operation: forged products often break, and there is no way to correct this situation, so forging must be done very carefully.

But, with the help of a high-quality machine and a drawing of the future product, you can easily learn how to make products with wavy, twisted and other original shapes. The procedure for processing parts using cold forging takes place in several stages. First, create a drawing or template for the future product.

It is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the part in order to purchase the required amount of raw materials, as well as to correctly adjust the machine. Different machines may provide different possibilities for making patterns - this will depend on the complexity of making the fixtures. For example, the simplest machines, assembled with your own hands, can only bend parts , while using more complex designs you can create patterns and other products.

Then, when the drawing or template is prepared, you need to stock up on the required amount of raw materials in accordance with your calculations. For cold forging you will need metal rods; they can be purchased at the store. The rods must not be very thick, otherwise they will be difficult to bend. The next stage is the production of parts.

The most important thing here is to set the settings correctly so that during operation of the machine the parts do not become deformed or damaged, since this cannot be corrected.

At the very end, the manufactured parts are attached to the frame. This is done by welding. You need to be especially careful when welding with thin-walled tubes, since they are quite easy to burn through, in which case the design will be faulty and you will need to do everything again.

But before you start cold forging, you will naturally need to make the machine that is required for this. The “Snail” machine is the most popular device for making metal patterns using cold forging.

Making the “Snail” machine

The procedure for assembling a machine has several stages, after completing them in order, you will have a ready-made device that you can use to create figured products for your home or cottage.

Before you start cold forging you need to make a drawing and template . It is made on graph paper, which reflects the natural dimensions of the upcoming product. On paper, you need to start a spiral with gradually increasing turns.

The turns need to be increased taking into account the pitch if you decide to make symmetrical products, but if this is not important to you, then the turns of the spiral can be increased disproportionately.

Before assembling the “Snail” machine, you need to make a drawing and determine the diameter of the workpieces that you will then process on it. The pitch must be selected taking into account this value: it must be larger than the cross-section of the rod being processed.

If the step is not large enough, then you simply will not be able to remove the product from the machine without damaging it. That is, all the work will be done in vain. The working surface of the snail can be made with your own hands from a sheet of metal with a thickness of 4 millimeters . The dimensions of the surface will depend on the size of the product you need to process - you must first make a drawing so that all dimensions can be calculated.

To make the mold, strip metal with a thickness of at least 3 millimeters is usually used. So, it’s much easier to work with a homemade snail. In order to facilitate the procedure, it is necessary to secure one edge of the workpiece so that it does not slip off.

As a retainer, you can use a cut part of the rod, which is not inferior in size to the strip. During the cold forging process, it is also necessary to fix the part to the workbench. Since during cold forging the force on the part is quite large, it is worth thinking about fastening it separately, since you will not be able to hold the product yourself - it can jump out and ruin all your creative fruits.

The remaining elements of the snail are very easy to make - the main thing is that before starting the independent process, you need to watch the video and use the drawing. The machine you assemble can be either collapsible or monolithic - determine in advance which design will be more acceptable to you, and draw up a drawing to carry out all the work using it.

  1. If you need a homemade snail machine to be made monolithically, then weld the structure onto the working platform so that all parts are stationary. The most important thing with this type of construction is to securely and correctly fix the end of the product that you are going to process.
  2. If you decide to make a collapsible machine for cold forging, then in this case it is necessary to make mounting holes on the working platform, with the help of which you can connect the “body” of the structure to the platform.

A removable machine is good because, if necessary, it is more convenient to move it, or remove the structure in order to repair or replace damaged elements - with a monolithic type of structure, you will not be able to do this.

But with a removable structure, the quality of fastening the parts will be much worse - you will need to constantly adjust the threaded connections yourself, since they will inevitably weaken during operation.

There are other types of machines for cold forging, but the “Snail” type design is considered the most functional, and it’s quite easy to do it yourself.

Price issue

If you want to use a snail as a tool for your hobby, then you need to take into account that, although the design itself will not cost you much (it does not need any specific tools and parts), cold forging still implies certain expenses.

Since, you will need to spend money directly on the materials that you will use in the future. And the larger the product is supposed to be, the more money you will need to spend.

In order to estimate costs, always create a preliminary drawing of the product , which displays its actual dimensions. For example, to make an average flower stand, you will need to spend at least 3,000 rubles on rods.

You can calculate how much material more complex products will require on your own.

The price will also depend on the complexity of the product that you plan to create using a snail - the more complex elements it contains, the more expensive the design will be for you.

You will not need to spend a lot of money on tools directly for the machine itself, but if you have never assembled such structures before, then it is advisable to purchase ready-made equipment for it - in this case, the machine will serve you much longer, and you will be able to work on it much simpler.

For finishing after forging, you may also need certain products - at a minimum, you will need to purchase paint and primer in order to give the product an attractive and finished look.

Despite these costs, cold forging, using a snail, is still the most popular and affordable method for metal processing. You can do this work both for your own needs and at a professional level, but in this case, over time you may a more powerful machine is needed.


DIY snail conductor for cold forging

One way to decorate areas is to use forged items. Fences, benches, gazebos, stair railings and other similar structures look very decorative. Moreover, in most cases, these products are not forging in its traditional sense.

Most often, this is done not in a forge or with a hammer and an anvil, but with the help of some devices that allow you to create a wide variety of patterns and products from metal strips and square rods. To make such products you will need cold forging machines.

Some of them you can make with your own hands, others are easier to buy.

What kind of devices are used?

Cold forging is characterized by various curls, bends, twisted rods, etc. Almost every type is made on a separate device - a specific machine. They can be driven manually or electrically. For small volumes “for yourself”, manual cold forging machines are used.

Although they are not particularly productive, they are much easier to manufacture. If it is necessary to put production on stream, similar devices are made, but with electric motors. In this case, there is almost no need to physically work, but the complexity of making the device increases significantly.

In our material we will talk about manual machines for cold forging.

What devices are used:

    Torsion bars. With their help, tetrahedral rods or strips of metal are twisted in the longitudinal direction. The result is twisted columns, which are also called torsion bars.

This is what a torsion bar and the machine of the same name look like

This is how they make a flashlight

Device for cold forging snail - for forming curls

For bending anywhere and at any angle - bending machines (bending machines)

Machine "Volna" - for the formation of the appropriate relief

Machines for shaping the ends of rods. In this case - crow's foot

For a beginning craftsman, the most relevant machine for cold forging is a snail. Only with its help you can make many interesting things - from a fence and gate to a bench and other similar products. In second place in terms of necessity is a torsion bar machine. It adds variety to the details. All the rest can be purchased or made as you improve and gain skill.

Homemade “Snails”

In essence, this is a modernized bending machine (pipe bender), but these improvements make it possible to easily make curls from fairly thick rods (up to 10-12 mm cross-section) and repeat them with a high degree of accuracy.

One of the homemade cold forging machines

These cold forging machines have several designs, but the easiest to implement is the one with a round table with a central leg. A lever with rollers on bearings at the end is movably attached to the leg. They make the bending process easier.

The table surface can be made of steel sheet with a thickness of 10 mm or more. For the leg, you can use any thick-walled round pipe. It is important to make the structure stable, since lateral forces will be applied, so side posts, spacers, and a stable base are needed.

Drawing of a cold forging machine “Snail”

It is easier to make a lever from a square pipe with a thick wall - at least 2-3 mm. The cross-section of the pipe is 25*40 mm or so. Attaching the lever to the leg can be done on a bearing, or you can simply take a small piece of thick-walled pipe of a larger diameter, put it on the leg, and weld a stop strip on the bottom so that the lever does not fall down. The option with a bearing gives easier movement, but if there is lubrication, the second option also works.

Lever mounting option

The shape of the lever is also important. The lever is double, the upper part is working, the lower part is supporting. Wherever there are connections, it is advisable to add reinforcement, since the efforts are significant.

The lever must be reliable, with reinforcement

A mandrel or jig is fixed on the table - the shape along which the curls are bent. They are made in different diameters so that you can make curls of different diameters. Such mandrels can be prefabricated to form a larger number of bends. Each such sample must have rods that are installed in holes in the table. This is how this template is fixed. Also, its shape must be designed in such a way that the end of the rod is well fixed in it.

Variant of conductors for the snail

Often, mandrels are machined from a metal circle of a suitable diameter using a grinder, but there are options made of metal with steel plates welded onto it, curved accordingly.

How to make a similar machine for cold forging is in the next video. There is also a good description of how to bring the ends of the workpiece to a decent state - ordinary raw edges look very rough. There is special equipment for processing them, but, as it turns out, you can do it without it.

Torsion bar machine

As already mentioned, these cold forging machines allow you to make longitudinal bends on the rod. This is a relatively simple design. The main task is to fix one end of the rod motionless, attach a lever to the second, with which you can twist the workpiece.

A piece of profiled pipe with a thick wall (at least 3 mm) is suitable as a base. The retainer can be welded from the same rods, leaving a square gap of the required diameter. You can use a properly sized cable clamp (available at a rigging store). Any of these stops is welded to the base.


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