My eyes hurt from welding, what should I do?

Eyes hurt from welding - what to do at home

A person’s vision can deteriorate not only due to illness, but also due to his own carelessness. Thus, pain in the eyes often occurs after a person has been engaged in welding work.

Few people know that the work of welders is considered harmful; a person constantly inhales metal fumes and strains his eyes, monitoring the quality of the weld through the screen of a protective mask. If a person cooked without a mask and looked at the electric arc, this could lead to a burn to the cornea.

If your eyes hurt from welding, treatment is necessary. You can use medicines and traditional medicine methods.

Why do my eyes hurt after welding?

If your eyes hurt after welding, this indicates a retinal burn. The clinical picture depends on the degree of eye damage. In total, doctors distinguish 4 stages:

  1. Easy stage. The mucous membrane turns a little red, and slight pain is felt. There may be slight clouding of the cornea, which is reversible.
  2. Middle stage. The eyes are very sore and red. A cloudy film and ulcers appear on the mucous membrane.
  3. Difficult stage. The cornea becomes cloudy, which leads to significant deterioration of vision. There is a cutting pain in the eyes, the victim has a feeling that sand has been poured onto the mucous membrane.
  4. An extremely difficult stage. In this case, the cornea becomes cloudy and the person feels severe pain. Tissue death begins, which leads to loss of vision.

Severe burns can be caused by welding metal without a mask. In each case, treatment is selected individually. If for mild burns there are enough medications, then for severe damage to the cornea, surgical intervention is indicated.

You can injure your eyes not only by welding, but also by watching the process. It is required to observe safety precautions when performing such work.

First aid

If during welding work a person picks up “bunnies”, then he needs to be given first aid as soon as possible. If work was carried out without a protective mask, then scale particles could get on the mucous membrane. They are removed with a clean cotton swab, after which they are washed with plenty of cool running water.

The patient needs complete visual rest. It is recommended to put him to bed, the curtains in the room are first closed. If a person has seen enough glare from welding, he needs help. You can follow this algorithm:

  • Cool compresses are applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes.
  • To relieve irritation and inflammation, you need to apply lotions with strong tea leaves or cool chamomile infusion.
  • To prevent infection and relieve inflammation, Sodium Sulfacyl is dripped into the eyes.
  • Place 1 cm of Tetracycline ointment under the lower eyelids.

To reduce pain, you can take Nimesulide or Ibuprofen. Antiallergic drugs can also help eliminate inflammation; the patient can be given Cetrin or Tavegil.

After providing first aid, the victim should be shown to a doctor. In especially severe cases, hospitalization is necessary.

Dangerous activities

Do not rub the affected eyes with your hands, as this will further injure the mucous membrane. Do not rinse the visual organs with water of questionable purity, as this can lead to infection.

It is unacceptable to use questionable alternative methods of treatment. It must be remembered that the eyes are a very sensitive organ that reacts sensitively to any negative factors.

And most importantly, you should not delay seeing a doctor. It must be remembered that only a specialist can prescribe adequate treatment that will help avoid visual impairment.

Treatment at home

If a person “caught bunnies” during welding, but the burn to the mucous membrane is not severe, then treatment can be carried out in normal home conditions. In case of mucosal injuries of any etiology, it is important to prevent infection from getting into the eyes.


The victim is recommended to instill the following medications into the eyes:

  • Visine or Visoptin. These medicinal solutions moisturize the mucous membrane, cleanse it of debris and eliminate inflammation. Apply eye drops 3-4 times a day, one drop on the lower eyelid.
  • When the mucous membrane is burned, a feeling of sand in the eyes is often observed. Painkillers such as Tetracaine or Lidocaine will help eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. They are dripped into the eyes as prescribed by a doctor several times a day.
  • To prevent infection of the visual organs, antibacterial drugs are prescribed - Tobrex, Floxal, Levomycetin drops. It is recommended to drip such solutions every 3 hours; after a couple of days, the number of procedures is gradually reduced.

To quickly heal the cornea, you can also use ointments. They are placed in the conjunctival sac and then gently massaged onto the eyelids. For burns of the mucous membrane, use Tetracycline and Hydrocortisone ointment. Korneregel, which contains dexpanthenol, helps a lot. This substance promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues. The viscous form of the gel allows the medicine to remain on the mucous membrane for a long time.

For burns of the mucous membrane of the eyes, it is often recommended to use Actovegin gel. This drug moisturizes the cornea and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Folk remedies

You can treat corneal burns after welding using alternative medicine recipes, but you need to keep in mind that such treatment can only be used for mild burns. In severe cases, you cannot do without medications:

  1. If your eyes begin to hurt after welding, it is recommended to immerse your face in cold water for a few seconds. Just do a few of these approaches, after which the pain subsides.
  2. Take a raw potato, wash it and cut it in half. Apply the slices to the eyelids for 20 minutes. After this time, the pain subsides.
  3. Chamomile is brewed by pouring a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of plant material and keeping it warm for 20 minutes. After this time, the broth is filtered. Soak cotton pads in it and apply to the eyes. Chamomile decoction has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Therefore, after such procedures the pain decreases.
  4. Experienced welders always use a proven recipe to eliminate corneal inflammation. Take two tablespoons of warm concentrated decoction of medicinal chamomile. Add a teaspoon of butter to it and stir until completely dissolved. Cotton pads are moistened with the resulting composition and applied to the eyes. This is a trouble-free remedy that helps quickly eliminate pain and irritation.
  5. For mild eye irritation, honey compresses can be applied to the eyelids. To do this, mix a teaspoon of honey with a tablespoon of warm water and moisten gauze napkins in the resulting solution. Apply them to the eyes for 15 minutes. This recipe can be used if you are not allergic to bee products.
  6. Aloe leaves are washed, crushed and poured with a small amount of warm water. Leave for an hour, after which gauze napkins are moistened in the solution and applied to the eyelids.
  7. A cool cabbage leaf will help relieve pain. Immediately after welding, the leaves are applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes. It is worth carrying out such procedures several times a day.

You can make eye lotions with a decoction of sage or calendula. Plantain leaves applied to the eyelids will help quickly eliminate inflammation.

To quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can alternate several treatment methods at once. In some cases, non-traditional methods complement drug therapy.

Reason to see a doctor

If you cannot eliminate pain in the eyes using traditional methods, you should see a doctor. In addition, you should contact a specialist in the following cases:

  • after welding work, vision decreased noticeably;
  • the eyes are too red or there is redness of the cornea;
  • the feeling of sand in the eyes does not go away for more than 2 days;
  • after a burn to the mucous membrane, body temperature increased or general health worsened.

It is worth seeing an ophthalmologist even if the treatment prescribed by the doctor does not help within 3 days. The doctor may change the treatment regimen or supplement it with other medications.

It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if an eye injury is observed in a child. Parents should ensure that children are not in the vicinity of welding work.

Recovery duration

The duration of recovery depends on the degree of damage to the cornea. In mild cases, treatment does not take even a week; in severe cases, complete recovery may take more than a month.

Sometimes the consequences of corneal burns have to be eliminated surgically. In this case, the patient treats the eyes with antiseptic solutions for several weeks after the operation. After serious eye injuries, a person should be under medical supervision for some time. Such people should have their visual acuity checked frequently.

Possible consequences

If the damage to the cornea is not severe, then all symptoms go away quite quickly. To eliminate unpleasant consequences, it is enough to frequently wash your eyes with herbal decoctions and apply lotions to them.

In case of severe burn of the eye mucosa and untimely treatment, the following complications may develop:

  • corneal clouding;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • astigmatism;
  • ulcers on the cornea;
  • chronic keratitis.

Severe damage to the cornea can also cause complete blindness.

When performing welding work, you should always wear a special mask. You should not watch welding without protective equipment, as this can lead to severe burns of the mucous membrane. If your eyes hurt badly after welding work, you can use lotions based on tea leaves or a decoction of medicinal herbs.


Eyes hurt from welding: how to treat and what to do - the best tips

During the welding process, the welder is exposed to x-rays, which ultimately damages the eyes. Drug intervention is not always required; sometimes folk remedies are sufficient. Let's look at the symptoms, reasons why your eyes hurt from welding, how to behave, what to do in these situations.

Causes and symptoms

There are many factors why welding hurts your eyes. One of them is that during welding, sparks emit thermal radiation. If an unlucky craftsman who has picked up bunnies from welding seriously hurts his eyes, this is quite logical, since the device, if handled incorrectly, has a bad effect on them.

In case of severe damage from welding, it is important to provide first aid in a timely manner in order to prevent negative consequences.

The cornea is the first to suffer and hurt - it is a sensitive, easily inflamed tissue. The official name of the symptoms is electroophthalmia.

As a result of light radiation, not only a feeling of pain in the eyes occurs, but also redness of the cornea, cloudiness, swelling, photophobia, lacrimation, burning, itching.

There are four types of damage:

  • light;
  • synthetic;
  • cumulative burn;
  • thermal.

In case of thermal injury from welding, the cornea suffers the least. The victim has noticeable redness in the eyelid area, swelling, swelling and inflammation.

Severe symptoms in case of chemical damage, blisters form around the eyes, the eyes hurt at night, they hurt.

Light damage is characterized by death of the skin and poor separation of the film from the conjunctiva. The fourth stage is dangerous, as a result of which necrosis is detected, the cornea becomes cloudy, and rejection of the conjunctiva.

Ignoring symptoms and untimely treatment can cause complete loss of vision. If the master has seen a lot of welding and now his eyes hurt and begin to water, it is recommended to provide first aid.

What to do if your eyes hurt after welding

If welding gets into the worker’s eyes and they are very painful, it is recommended to determine the extent of the damage. This will help you choose auxiliary treatment methods. The victim can feel the effects of radiation in a couple of hours; if the first unpleasant manifestations occur, emergency assistance is provided, then you need to visit a specialist.

How to relieve eye pain due to welding at home:

  1. Painkiller. The group of analgesics includes “Ketanov”, “Analgin”, they will help if the organs of vision hurt. Tavegil will relieve inflammation.
  2. Creating a favorable atmosphere. Light is contraindicated for the patient; close the curtains, creating twilight.
  3. Cold compress. Helps eliminate fever.
  4. Drops with antibiotics, for example Levofloxacin.

If the victim does not have burns, it is not recommended to close the eyelids when coming into contact with light. This will allow you to avoid changes in darkness and light.

To make the visual organs less painful after welding, tetracycline ointment is applied twice a day to the lower eyelid area. If after these manipulations the victim continues to feel a burning sensation, swelling is felt, the affected areas become red and painful, and the cornea is cloudy, it is important to visit an ophthalmologist.

Drug treatment

After a complete examination, the ophthalmologist will give an opinion, determine the level of damage to the visual organs, tell you what and how to do if your eyes hurt from welding, and prescribe adequate treatment measures.

Medical therapy is carried out in the following areas:

  • the patient is prescribed drops in a course of three days; “Vizin”, “Tsipromed”, “Ophtal” help get rid of redness;
  • Lidocaine, Alcaine, Tetracaine can relieve pain;
  • Actovegin gel fights swelling and helps restore the membrane.

Ophthalmologists recommend using painkillers and anesthetic eye drops after welding, since they contain diclofenac. This group includes “Diclo-F”, “Clodifen”.

If the patient is diagnosed with a secondary bacterial infection, antibiotic-based eye drops for redness are prescribed. If the patient receives severe burns, angioprotectors are prescribed to normalize the condition of the blood vessels - Pentoxifylline or analogues.

The course of treatment is aimed at complete restoration of the cornea and retina. The drugs will help protect and prevent damage to the retina, supply tissues with oxygen, and eliminate the inflammatory process after exposure to welding.

When to see a doctor

After providing first aid, monitor the patient’s reaction. If redness, swelling, or swelling intensifies, it’s time to see an ophthalmologist immediately. Folk remedies improve the condition of the eyes, which are very painful from welding, only at the first stage of radiation. In other cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

After such an unpleasant acquaintance with welding, the eyes of a master often not only hurt, but also water. Therefore, the patient is prescribed glasses with glass lenses; they will protect vision from direct sunlight. They need to be worn not only on the street, but also at home.


To avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to carry out welding work in a protective mask. The product is equipped with a special glass that acts as a light filter. Thanks to this, polarized radiation is blocked and the organs of vision are safe.

If you happen to work with a welding device, then initially think about observing safety precautions. Every master who has cooked without a mask knows how sore his eyes are afterward. Exposure to welding sparks for too long can even lead to complete loss of vision.

In some cases, surgery is necessary. If the cornea is damaged, it is transplanted.

Additionally, watch an interesting video about why you should not look at welding. Learn about safe distances, prevention and radiation hazards.

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Why can't you watch the welding?

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Eyes hurt after welding, what to do at home

Many welders at home neglect safety rules and can get injured or burn the mucous membrane. It can occur from direct damage to the cornea by bright sparks if special glasses or a chameleon mask are not used.


  • Welding eye burn
  • First aid and what not to do
  • Traditional medicine against “bunnies”
  • Possible complications and side effects

Welding eye burn

If your eyes hurt after welding, this can only indicate one thing - damage to the retina from an ultraviolet flash. It occurs when you look at sparks without wearing safety glasses. The method of treatment will directly depend on the degree of damage, of which in modern medicine there are four:

  • A mild degree, in which the eyes burn a little, the eyelids turn slightly red, but all symptoms disappear the very next day.
  • Moderate severity, in which the patient feels sharp pain and photosensitivity occurs.
  • A severe degree in which the cornea darkens, the eyelids swell, vision becomes cloudy and pain spreads to almost the entire face.
  • A burn of extreme severity, in which the mucous membrane of the eye receives severe injury. At this time, the cornea becomes almost white, the sharpness of vision disappears, and partial or complete tissue necrosis occurs.

In the first two stages, treatment at home is acceptable. More severe injuries require immediate medical attention for qualified assistance. It is impossible to cure a severe burn on your own, but will only aggravate the situation, in which tissue death and loss of vision will occur.

First aid and what not to do

When your eyes hurt from a welding machine, you must definitely seek qualified help. At the first sign of injury from welding sparks, you should rinse your eyes thoroughly. To do this, it is better to use filtered water, since the tap contains a lot of chlorine and magnesium impurities, which can cause even more harm to the irritated cornea. Next, you can use lotions and compresses from herbal decoctions, but at the first opportunity you need to see an ophthalmologist.

After being hit by sparks, you should never rub your eyes, even though they will itch with the sensation of a foreign body that you want to remove. If metal particles get into the eye, you should carefully rinse the eyes with a gauze pad. If you can’t do it yourself, then you need to see a doctor who will remove foreign particles with special tools.

It is strictly prohibited to use various drops without prior consultation with a specialist. Some of them may contain components that will further irritate the mucous membrane.

For severe pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Ketanov) can be used. Such drugs are able to stop nerve endings, so that the patient stops feeling pain.

Even if the treatment went well after welding, so that not even a trace was left, you still need to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist to make sure that your vision is not damaged.

Find out in more detail why your eyes can hurt when welding and what to do about it.

Traditional medicine against “bunnies”

Traditional medicine methods have long been in great demand due to their simplicity and effectiveness. They involve the use of herbs and products of natural origin. Before using this or that method, you should consult a specialist. The thing is that some of them may have a number of contraindications that you are not aware of. When your eyes hurt from welding, the following remedies will help relieve the condition:

  • Herbal tincture. You need to take a teaspoon of crushed linden and the same amount of calendula and chamomile. Pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Then you need to strain the tincture and rinse your eyes every few hours;
  • Honey drops, which are prepared on the basis of natural liquid honey, aloe juice and filtered water. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions and instilled 2 times a day. Honey is one of the strongest natural antiseptics. It promotes disinfection, relieves inflammation and accelerates the healing process of the affected cornea;
  • Applications from herbal decoctions. For them, you can use plants that have a calming and antibacterial effect. These are chamomile, calendula, string, linden, sage. They need to be brewed, cooled and strained. Then you need to moisten cotton pads in the broth and apply them to closed eyes for 15-20 minutes. The same decoction can be used to wash the eyes;
  • Aloe juice is another proven remedy for eye problems. Fresh leaves of the plant need to be washed and removed from the thorns. Then they are finely chopped and poured with a glass of boiling water. After two hours, the resulting liquid is used as compresses. You can remove it in 15-20 minutes. This time will be enough to saturate the epidermis with a fortified composition that easily penetrates through the pores of the skin, accelerates the regeneration process, relieves swelling and reduces inflammation.
  • The leaves of fresh white cabbage need to be chopped in a blender or meat grinder. You can add finely chopped parsley to the resulting paste and apply it to your closed eyelids. Cabbage helps cool and relieve pain, while parsley reduces swelling and brightens the skin around the eyes.
  • Contrast compresses. Cold and hot compresses, clean and without impurities, are applied alternately to the eyes. Cold - for 30 seconds, hot - for 1 minute. Repeat about 5-6 times. This method will help increase blood circulation, due to which intracellular processes are activated and intensive cell renewal begins. By the way, such compresses can always be used to eliminate facial wrinkles and maintain vision;
  • Three tablespoons of crushed oak bark (can be purchased at a pharmacy) should be poured into a glass of boiling water and used as applications.

All described methods can be alternated. In addition to them, the patient must be provided with rest. It is not advisable to open the curtains and turn on bright lights, so as not to further irritate the cornea. When your eyes hurt after welding, but neither compresses nor drops help, this is a reason to contact a specialist. If there is no improvement within a few days, you should definitely call a doctor.

For those who have picked up bunnies, I would like to remind you once again: before using the recipes of our ancestors, you must be examined by a doctor and consult with him. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Possible complications and side effects

Now you know what to do at home if your cornea is damaged. But besides this, it is important to remember that complications or side effects may occur. These may include an allergic reaction, which will cause even greater inflammation or infection as a result of self-treatment.

During the burn period, the upper film of the eye is very sensitive and the slightest infection can cause serious illness. That is why it is important to maintain the cleanliness and sterility of all materials used.

Regarding complications, the third and fourth stages of a burn can provoke necrosis of corneal tissue. In this case, blurred vision occurs first, and over time blindness may develop. To avoid this, you must urgently contact qualified specialists and do not even try to do something yourself.

As a conclusion, it can be noted how to help the eyes after a burn, there are many ways, both folk and medicinal. Only a doctor can advise what to do if your eyes hurt from a welding machine, so before using traditional medicine it is recommended to visit an ophthalmologist.


Why do my eyes hurt after welding, and how can I relieve the condition?

Welding work is an activity with an increased risk to health, primarily to the visual organs. If you look at the process with the naked eye, you can “catch” the so-called “bunnies”. After this, your eyes will hurt, and your vision will temporarily deteriorate.

This phenomenon in medicine is called electroophthalmia. In the most severe cases, severe retinal burns are possible, which can lead to irreversible health consequences.

Reasons for development

During the welding process, ultraviolet radiation is emitted, and a person strains his eyes and focuses precisely on the source. As a result, there is a direct effect of ultraviolet radiation on the eyes, and more precisely on the retina, the mucous membrane of the eyes and the cornea. It is the cornea that is the most sensitive place and causes acute pain, which depends on the degree of the burn.

The pain tends to intensify in the dark, when a person sees white “bunnies”. These are peculiar white spots that indicate damage to the retina, which causes vision problems.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the burns.



  • acute pain;
  • blurred vision;
  • tears;
  • a large number of “bunnies”;
  • it hurts to look at the light;
  • Upon careful examination, damage to the cornea and the appearance of a film on the conjunctivitis are visible.


  • severe, ongoing pain;
  • swelling or swelling of the eyelids;
  • sudden deterioration of vision;
  • corneal clouding;
  • the patient feels a foreign body in the eyes.

Extremely heavy:

  • the pain is so severe that the victim cannot open his eyes;
  • complete or almost complete loss of vision;
  • the cornea becomes dull and colorless;
  • severe retinal damage;
  • On examination, tissue necrosis of the organs of vision is observed.

For an accurate diagnosis, an examination by a specialist - an ophthalmologist is necessary. He will make a diagnosis based on the patient's complaints, severity of symptoms and visible damage to the eyes. The main goal is to determine the severity of the pathology in order to choose a course of treatment.

How and with what to properly treat at home?

A very important point is to provide first aid to the victim. Many people may ignore the first symptoms of an eye burn, which can worsen the situation. The following steps must be taken before contacting a medical facility:

  • Give the patient painkillers to reduce the level of pain.
  • Close all curtains and ensure the darkest possible conditions so as not to disturb your eyes.
  • Rinse eyes with clean water several times.
  • If metal shavings or other foreign bodies get into your eyes, you must carefully remove them using a cotton pad or swab.
  • A cold compress is applied to the closed eyes to reduce pain and swelling.
  • You can apply a special antiseptic eye ointment.

Next, you should seek medical help at the nearest hospital.


The following types of drugs are used in medical practice:

  • Vasoconstrictor eye drops - this remedy relieves inflammation and eliminates redness in the affected areas. They are instilled 1 drop three times a day for no more than 3 days in a row (Vizin, Visoptin).
  • Antibiotics for the eyes - drugs are used to speed up the healing of the cornea. The product is instilled into the eyes, 1 drop 5 times a day for a week (Gentamicin, Tobramycin).
  • Painkillers - designed to relieve pain, itching and burning. You can take standard painkillers in the form of tablets (Analgin, Ketanol) or special eye drops (Tetracaine, Alcaine). Doctors strongly recommend not to abuse these drugs and take them no more than 2 times a day.
  • Anti-inflammatory - this type of drug relieves inflammation, partially relieves pain and accelerates healing, and also gets rid of “bunnies”. These can be powders or tablets (Indomethacin, Nimesil). Take the medications twice a day for 3 days in a row.

Under no circumstances should you take medications on your own. Only a doctor should prescribe the dosage and course of treatment, after conducting all the necessary studies.

What is not recommended to do?

It is important to remember what not to do if you have an eye burn after welding:

  • You should not rub your eyes, although usually itching and a foreign body sensation make you want to do so. If you rub your eyes, you can cause an infection or cause even more damage to your vision.
  • Do not use anti-fatigue eye drops or other medications without consulting your doctor. They may contain preservatives that can increase inflammation and cause the development of disease.
  • Do not use tap water to wash your eyes. It contains substances hazardous to the eyes: chlorine, calcium, foreign bodies, sand, rust. For these purposes, it is better to take bottled water or, as a last resort, water from a well, having previously purified it through a filter or at least gauze.

Also, you should not self-medicate without consulting with specialists, so as not to cause even greater harm to your health.

Prevention and recommendations

To avoid possible eye burns, special protective masks or goggles must be used during welding work. In no case should they have cracks or severe scratches that could allow ultraviolet light to pass through.

Today, there are chameleon masks that do not require constant raising and lowering of the protective equipment, that is, they automatically respond to sharp flashes of light, which allows you to do the job as conveniently as possible. It must be remembered that even short-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the eyes can cause severe burns.

Welding work is very dangerous for the eyes, but this is one of the most important organs for a person, which is vital for a full existence. It is best to use special protective equipment when working with a welding machine.

If for some reason a burn occurs, the victim must be given first aid and taken to the nearest hospital.

If a medical facility is unavailable, you will have to use one of the traditional methods of treatment, which may well give a positive result.

Patient reviews

Mikhail, 34 years old:

Although I’m not a welder, my line of work requires me to deal with welding processes, so sometimes I “catch bunnies.” Black tea without sugar helps a lot. I wash my eyes with it a little and then apply a compress. Suitable both in bags and regular sheets.

Irina, 26 years old:

Not long ago, my husband had to be saved from “bunnies.” He and a friend were cooking something in the garage without any glasses or a mask. I bought Tavegil gel at the pharmacy. Very good thing. The pain and inflammation went away within a day. My husband was so scared that he bought an expensive mask. He looks like a grown man, but he looks like a child, by God. I was even afraid to go to the doctor myself.

Igor, 54 years old:

I have been working as a welder all my life, so I know what and how to do. It is best to see a doctor to determine exactly how severely your eyes are damaged. You can first apply Korneregel or make a cold compress, you can use grated potatoes, but you will still have to go to the hospital. This is too dangerous a thing - a burn from welding. I know several cases where people almost went blind from this.

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Getting rid of eye pain after welding

If your eyes hurt from welding, this is a sign of a retinal burn, you should provide first aid to the victim and begin drug therapy to avoid the development of irreversible degenerative processes in the organs of vision.

Welders most often suffer from retinal burns

Causes of eye pain after welding

Retinal burn (electro-ophthalmia) is an occupational disease of welders, a consequence of working with welding equipment without eye protection.

Pain in the eyes is a consequence of the aggressive effects of ultraviolet and infrared rays, smoke and gas on tissues; particles of hot metal can enter unprotected organs of vision.

Symptoms of eye burns from welding

The clinical picture of the disease depends on the severity of the injury; the faster help is provided, the easier the recovery process will be.

Degree of retinal burn Main features
Light · severe burning sensation in the eyes; · the conjunctiva turns red and swells; · the eyes water, there is a sensation of the presence of sand in them; · the cornea becomes cloudy.
Average · constant pain syndrome; · intolerance to bright light; · films can be seen on the conjunctiva that are easily removed; · erosion.
Heavy · significant clouding of the cornea; · eyes burn, a nagging pain is felt; · eyelids swell; · visual acuity decreases.
Extremely heavy · unbearable pain, severe swelling of the eyelids, literally hurts the eyes; · the process of tissue death begins; · the cornea loses its shine and color; · complete loss of vision.

What to do if your eyes hurt from welding

If signs of retinal damage appear, it is necessary to protect the person from bright light - put on glasses, take him into a dark room. Then eliminate the main manifestations of the injury, call a doctor, or take the victim to the hospital.

Eye drops after welding

If a person has seen enough of welding, eye drops and ointments are used to eliminate the consequences of the burn; in rare cases, the ophthalmologist may prescribe medications in tablet form.

Group of drugs Drug name Treatment regimen
Vasoconstrictor drops - eliminate swelling, help relieve pain Octilia, Okumetil Three times a day, 1 drop, duration of therapy – 3 days.
Eye drops with analgesic, freezing effect Lidocaine, Novocaine, Tetracaine 1 drop per day for two days. Longer treatment is allowed only on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist.
Drops from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Clodifene 1 drop every 4–6 hours for three days.
Antibacterial agents – help restore damaged tissues, reduce the risk of complications Tobramycin, Gentamicin 1-2 drops every 5-6 hours. Duration of treatment – ​​7 days.
Antihistamines – help relieve swelling and itching Dexamethasone In the first day after injury - 1-2 drops every 2 hours, then the procedure can be carried out 4-5 times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, you can treat eye burns using lotions and drops made from natural ingredients.

The simplest and most affordable method of treatment is to apply warm compresses from strong tea leaves; the tea should be without additives or flavorings. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, it needs to be done 4-6 times a day.

What to do if you caught bunnies from welding:

  1. Grind raw potatoes in a blender, place the pulp between two layers of gauze, apply to damaged red eyes for a quarter of an hour. Sessions need to be performed every 5–6 hours.
  2. Mix aloe juice and melted honey in equal parts, instill 1 drop of the mixture in the morning and evening. The medicine accelerates regeneration processes and eliminates inflammatory processes.
  3. Brew 240 ml of boiling water and 10 g of crushed chamomile inflorescences, leave in a closed container for a quarter of an hour, strain. Soak cotton pads in the infusion, apply a compress for 10 minutes, repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
  4. Oak bark accelerates the process of regeneration of the conjunctiva - brew 220 ml of boiling water, 5 g of crushed raw materials, leave for 2 hours. Soak cotton pads, apply to eyes for a quarter of an hour, do the procedure at least three times a day.

Potato compress will restore your eyes well

To quickly eliminate swelling, you can apply fresh white cabbage puree to your eyes - such a compress cools, soothes, and helps to quickly cope with inflammation.

Any means of alternative medicine can be used only a day after the injury.

Can you go blind from welding?

You can go blind from welding bunnies if you work for a long time without protective glasses or a mask - with a fourth-degree burn, the tissue begins to die, which leads to complete loss of vision. In addition to blindness, with significant damage to the cornea, clouding with a cataract may occur, often scars remain at the site of the ulcers, chronic ophthalmic inflammatory processes and astigmatism develop.

What to do if your eyes hurt from welding

During welding work, it is necessary to use goggles and protective masks to protect the eyes and also prevent burns to the cornea. If it happens that after working with an electric welding machine, your eyes become watery and very painful, you need to take immediate action. We will consider further in the article how electrophthalmia is treated.

Why do welding hurt your eyes?

Why welding hurts the eyes is of interest to many, but not everyone understands what exactly is happening and how it can have a negative effect on the organs of vision.

The process of joining parts into a monolithic product is very responsible and at the same time unsafe for human health.

In addition to the fact that some types of welding, such as arc welding, release a lot of chemicals, the process also produces ultraviolet sparks that negatively affect the visual system.

It is because of this that you need to carefully protect your face, but just look at a spark once, and light spots appear in your eyes after welding, as a result of which the retina is damaged.

It should be noted that not only the master, but also everyone who looks at these sparks can suffer from the flame of the device. Children, especially, cannot deny themselves the pleasure of contemplating the beautiful sparks as they pass by the welder. After this, the eyes become red, and the child complains of burning and cutting sensations. Welding often causes headaches and decreased vision.

If the lesion is mild, nothing bad happens; a slight tingling sensation when blinking will go away the next day. But if the master looked at UV for a long time without protection, then it is necessary to undergo treatment, otherwise complications may arise.

When the mucous membrane is damaged, it is susceptible to various pathogens. Therefore, during this period you can catch an infection.

Therefore, in addition to relieving the symptoms of “bunnies,” it is recommended to take remedies against viruses and bacterial organisms.

How to treat eyes from sparks

What to do if your eyes hurt from electrophthalmia. This is a phenomenon that occurs as a result of damage to the mucous membrane of the eye due to strong ultraviolet irradiation. As a result, the eyes hurt, sting and water after this.

As a rule, this phenomenon goes away after two to three days, but severe pain does not allow you to open your eyes, headaches and runny nose occur.

That is why it is recommended to undergo an examination by a specialist so that the doctor can determine the extent of damage to the retina, since in some cases a severe burn can provoke negative consequences.

Medication methods

If the eyes cannot be opened at all, this indicates severe damage. In some cases, if the patient was looking at welding, surgery may even be prescribed to preserve vision. After examining the patient, the doctor decides what to do and which treatment methods will be most effective. The most commonly used means are:

  • antibacterial drugs, the action of which is aimed at disinfecting the already affected mucous membrane, for the purpose of preventive methods against conjunctivitis. Antibiotics also promote rapid healing of the cornea. The most effective are Oftalmodek, Vizin, Oftaquix. You can also drip Levofloxac when your eyes hurt after welding.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops help relieve swelling and relieve pain in the eyes. The first day they need to be used 4 times a day, the second - three, the third - two. Further, if the symptoms disappear, you can stop using the drops;
  • anesthetics help to “freeze” the pain syndrome. The most commonly recommended are Lidocaine drops, Alcaine or Tetracaine. It is impossible to drip painkillers more than twice a day.

Attention! Before taking medications, you should consult a specialist and be sure to read the instructions.

Only a specialist can correctly advise what to do if your eyes hurt from electrode sparks. If, after a few days, the eyes do not go away, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist again.


Self-medication is strictly prohibited, as it can harm your health!

There are many traditional medicine methods that can be used if your eyes hurt from welding, but before doing this you need to consult a doctor. That is, traditional methods can be used as additional therapy to the main course of treatment prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Let's consider the most common and effective among them:

  • Compresses with herbal decoctions. Medicinal plants have antiseptic and soothing properties. When your eyes hurt from a spark, you can prepare the following remedy: add dry herbs of chamomile, calendula, string and sage with water and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Then cool to room temperature and strain. Moisten cotton swabs with the resulting decoction and apply to the eyes for 15-20 minutes. You can repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day;

It is forbidden to use cotton wool for compresses, as the villi can get on the mucous membrane.

  • A potato mask is considered one of the best ways to make you feel better when a master has seen enough of welding and as a result receives a retinal burn from strong ultraviolet rays. To prepare it, you need to grate raw potatoes and wrap the resulting mass in gauze. Then these masks need to be applied to the face. Leave for half an hour, then wash well under warm running water;
  • Aloe with honey. Before using this method when your eyes hurt after working with a welding machine, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to bee products, since they are a strong allergen. A teaspoon of natural honey and aloe juice should be poured into a glass of boiling water. When the tincture has cooled, you need to moisten cosmetic discs in it and make a compress. Leave for at least 20 minutes.

The presented video tells what to do if you have seen enough welding and your visual organs hurt.

Precautionary methods and prevention of electroophthalmia

Symptoms of a burn do not appear immediately, but begin to burn, cut and tear the eyes after 3-4 hours. Then discomfort arises progressively. If you accidentally see welding sparks with an unprotected glance, you should not wait for symptoms to appear. It's better to take precautions right away. You can use anti-inflammatory drops to reduce swelling.

It is not recommended to leave the house during treatment to protect your vision from additional damage from sunlight. Watching TV or using electronic gadgets is also not recommended. At this time, the organs of vision should be completely calm in order to quickly get rid of the signs of a burn.

Understanding why your eyes hurt from welding, it won’t be difficult to protect yourself, or provide help in case of a mistake.

If you do welding, you need to know how to help yourself in case of a burn. These are basic first aid rules.

As for preventive methods, you cannot ignore safety rules during work, since the use of protective glasses and a mask is the key to healthy vision.

Protective masks, goggles and other accessories must be worn when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. This applies to all people who work on equipment or spend a lot of time under the scorching sun or in a solarium.

To protect the child’s vision, the child needs to have an educational conversation about the dangers of sparks from childhood.

We looked at the main ways of what to do if your eyes hurt from working on joining metal. So, knowing why your eyes hurt after welding, you can prevent this phenomenon using preventive methods.

  It is also important to know what to do if your eyes hurt from sparks generated when working with a welding machine, in order to provide first aid in a timely manner. If after a few days treatment measures do not produce results, this is a serious reason to contact an ophthalmologist. You can't joke with your eyes.

If you do not protect them, you can get a serious burn that will have to be removed surgically.


I've seen enough welding and my eyes hurt - how to treat them at home

If welding causes pain in the eyes, doctors diagnose electroophthalmia.

The main cause of the condition is a violation of safety regulations, namely performing work without a protective mask or glasses.

When welding is performed, the electric arc emits ultraviolet radiation. It is dangerous for the corneal mucosa due to physical burns. Severe pain is explained by the increased sensitivity of the cornea.

Symptoms of electroophthalmia

The symptoms of electroophthalmia depend on the degree of eye damage. For example, with a slight burn of the corneal tissue, the victim experiences itching and burning. The doctor determines a decrease in the transparency of the cornea.

A moderate degree of corneal burn by electric welding is characterized by several signs:

  • Photophobia.
  • Corneal erosion.
  • Severe pain.
  • Film on the conjunctiva.
  • Flashing “bunnies” before the eyes.

Severe eye injury from welding is indicated by symptoms such as:

  • Nagging pain.
  • Swelling of the eyelids.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • Sensation of a foreign body under the eyelid.
  • Significant clouding of the cornea.

4th degree of burn injury from welding gives the most severe consequences:

  • Blindness.
  • Retinal damage.
  • Necrosis of ocular tissues.
  • Conjunctival rejection.
  • Fading and colorlessness of the cornea.
  • Severe pain that prevents you from opening your eyes.

What to do if your eyes are burned by welding

If your eyes ripple after welding, there is a feeling of sand, pain and any discomfort, the victim must be given first aid. It consists of washing the eyes with a solution of manganese or a large amount of clean, cooled water after boiling. Small particles are removed from the eyes with tweezers or a damp cotton swab.

What eye drops can be used immediately after welding? For workers who have received a burn, doctors recommend numbing the cornea with Lidocaine (2% solution).

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If metal shavings cannot be removed from the affected organ, the patient is given an injection with soluble calcium - this will help cleanse the mucous membranes. Then an antiseptic (tetracycline ointment) is placed under the eyelids.

For anti-inflammatory drugs, the victim is given Tavegil or Diclofenac, and for oral painkillers - Analgin, Ketanov.

If the cornea is burned, it is strictly forbidden to rub your eyes. A person’s attempt to alleviate the condition in this way leads to increased itching and causes blepharospasm. Additional injury to the cornea creates even greater discomfort and provokes inflammatory reactions.

Drug treatment of electroophthalmia

If a patient has seen enough welding and his eyes hurt, treatment will be carried out at home.

Surgery is justified only in severe cases. Home therapy is based on the following activities:

  1. The use of antibiotics to accelerate the healing of the cornea and prevent keratitis and conjunctivitis (5 – 7 days with the administration of the drug, 1 drop up to 6 times a day).
  2. The use of eye drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. They relieve swelling, inflammation and redness. The first few days after the injury, eye drops are applied up to 3 times a day.
  3. Use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Lidocaine, Tetracaine and Alcaine eliminate itching and work like anesthetics, creating a freezing effect. They are used no more than 2 times. in a day.

All drugs that are suitable for the treatment of electroophthalmia are divided into several groups. They are prescribed by a doctor to achieve different therapeutic goals. Buying drops at random is unacceptable.

Let's list what you can put in your eyes after welding to eliminate swelling and inflammation:

  • Visine.
  • Visoptician.
  • Octilia.
  • Prokulin.

Following the instructions, the products are administered 1 drop 3 times. in a day. The maximum duration of treatment is 3 days. During this time, burning, itching, swelling, and redness should disappear. For inflammation of the eyes after a burn, Indocollir, Prenacid and Diclofenac (an analogue of Diclofenac) are also used.

eye drops for welding bunnies are prescribed for 1 week, using 4 to 5 times a day. The effectiveness of their use is manifested by a reduction in pain, rapid restoration of the cornea and prevention of bacterial infection.

Antibacterial drops against electroophthalmia:

  • Tobrex.
  • Gentamicin.
  • Tobramycin.
  • Oftaquix.
  • Levofloxacin.

Anti-inflammatory powders and tablets Indomethacin and Nimesil for eye damage from electric welding, take 2 r. per day for 2 – 3 days. The purpose of the products is to drive away the “bunnies”, reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

Treatment of victims of welded eyes with folk remedies

After an accident, not every worker knows how to treat an eye burn from welding at home. Therefore, if you cannot visit a doctor in the near future, you need to use folk remedies to alleviate the condition.

Vasoconstriction can be achieved by tea leaves or cooled tea bags. Warm lotions with tea relieve swelling and redness. The crumbly tea leaves are placed in a gauze bag, brewed and applied to the eyes.

For eye burns, chamomile flowers and butter help quickly relieve inflammation:

  1. Two large spoons of herbal raw materials are steamed with boiling water and after 10 minutes, cotton pads are soaked in the liquid and placed on the eyes.
  2. Chamomile infusion is combined with 2 tbsp. butter, stir and make applications. Butter can be alternated with vegetable oil.

Honey in the treatment of electroophthalmia is used following this folk recipe:

  1. In the amount of 1 - 2 tbsp. The beekeeping product is placed in warm boiled water and stirred thoroughly.
  2. A cotton pad is generously moistened with a sweet solution and applied to the diseased organ.
  3. Remove the decongestant compress after 30–40 minutes.

When your eyes burn after cooking, folk healers recommend potato masks. 2 – 3 root vegetables should be grated on a coarse grater and the pulp should be placed in a multi-layer gauze bandage. The compress is applied for half an hour. It eliminates swelling, reduces pain and creates a cooling effect. Cabbage leaves are also used for this purpose (the raw material is passed through a meat grinder).

Continuing the topic “What to do if your eyes hurt from welding,” we will consider the option of treating electroophthalmia with the help of aloe.

Fresh healthy leaves are finely chopped and poured with warm boiled water. After 2 hours, the extract is used for compresses, applying moistened tampons to the eyes.

Another aloe remedy is prepared by mixing the sap of the plant with honey. In the morning and evening, 1 drop of the homemade drug is injected into the eyes.

Reason to urgently consult a doctor

If you cannot eliminate the “bunnies” and pain in the eyes after welding on your own, the victim should consult a doctor.

After all, it is possible that unfavorable changes are already occurring in the visual system. Complications of a burn can include clouding, erosion and ulceration of the cornea, decreased visual acuity and keratitis.

To avoid new problems, a person urgently goes to an ophthalmologist if the pain becomes unbearable and the discomfort is either continuous or lasts longer than 3 days. If immediately after a burn the victim notices a sharp drop in vision, you should contact a specialist on the same day.

(7 4,43 out of 5)


What to do if your eyes hurt after welding

The threat is that the effect of bunnies can only appear after 4-5 hours, sometimes at night. In this case, it is urgent to provide first aid.

Note! If it hurts to look at objects, you react to light, there is a feeling of sand in your eyes, redness, you can say that your eyes are burned.

Eye burn from welding - what to do

What to do in case of electroophthalmia? If you receive a burn, you need to rinse your eyes with a weak solution of manganese or boiled water. Then numb with lidocaine drops 2%. Next, apply drops to your eyes that will relieve inflammation and prevent infection - Visine. Sicaprotect is used to restore the mucous membrane. Then you should definitely contact an ophthalmologist.

First aid at home

If you have “picked up bunnies” or tears flow from welding, then here are some tips from professional welders that can help and relieve pain at home. It is worth noting that they are based on our own experience and are highly effective in treatment.

Eyes hurt and water after welding

If you experience pain after welding, do not rub your eyes or disturb them, so as not to provoke an inflammatory process. For pain relief, rinse with clean water. If small particles get in, remove with a clean cloth.

There is no need to drip your eyes with drops that come to hand (for fatigue, allergies). It is not recommended to rinse with tap water, as the composition contains substances that can irritate the shell. You can apply a cold compress for 5 minutes and apply antiseptic ointment.

Take your usual painkiller and anti-inflammatory, then see a doctor.

Important! If a speck gets into your eye, read here what to do at home.


If your eyes are tired from welding, brew tea bags and let cool to room temperature. Place on your eyes and keep for 15–20 minutes, then change to others. If you only have loose tea at home, brew and strain. Make cotton-gauze swabs, soak them in tea leaves and apply them to your eyes. This procedure will help narrow the vessels of the conjunctiva and relieve pain.


Do your eyes burn after welding? Then prepare a potato mask. To do this, take 2-3 pieces of raw potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater. Fold a gauze bandage in several layers, place the resulting mass on it, wrap it and apply it to your eyes for 30 minutes. This will significantly reduce pain, relieve swelling and provide a little coolness.


Add 2 tbsp to warm boiled water. l. honey and stir well. Make cotton swabs, soak them in the solution and apply to your eyes. Renew the compress every 30 minutes. Honey relieves pain and redness well; it especially helps when your eyes hurt after welding.


This is a universal remedy for relieving inflammation or if your eyes are cloudy after welding. Take pharmaceutical chamomile 2-3 tbsp. l. and pour 1 tbsp. boiled water. Let sit for 10 minutes and cool to room temperature. Apply compresses to your eyes, changing the bandage every 10–15 minutes.


Cut fresh aloe leaves into small pieces and add cooled boiled water. Let it sit for 2 hours and then you can use it as a compress. Pre-moisten cotton swabs in the solution and place on your eyes. The juice of the plant copes well with inflammation. You can also mix aloe leaf juice with honey and drop 1 drop into your eyes morning and evening.


Oak bark has always been famous for its healing properties. Therefore, if your eyes hurt from welding, you can also use a tincture of 3 tbsp. l. bark. Pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave to steep. After 3 hours, soak cotton swabs and apply to eyes for 20 minutes.


This product can be found in every home! Fresh cabbage leaves are great for relieving pain. Pass a few leaves through a meat grinder, you should get a paste that you apply directly to your eyes. A feeling of coolness, relief from pain and inflammation are guaranteed.


Make an herbal tincture from several herbs: chamomile, linden and calendula. Combine them in a 1:1:1 ratio and pour 0.5 liters of boiled water. You can wash your eyes with this solution every 2–3 hours.

To make it easier for the patient to perceive light, it is recommended, if possible, to create twilight in the room: close the shade curtains, turn off the TV and computer, and turn off the lights. Alternatively, you can put him in dark glasses. Provide bed rest and complete rest. You can give painkillers: Analgin, Ketanov, and anti-inflammatory tablets: Diclofenac, Nimesil.

Note! If you have eye pain from welding, it is strictly forbidden to: use eye drops without a doctor’s prescription; rinse under running water; rub your eyes.

Now you know how to treat if your eyes hurt from welding. The main thing is to provide first aid and relieve pain as quickly as possible. You can use several methods at once to more effectively relieve inflammation and swelling. For example, while the aloe is infused, you can apply honey or tea, and in between compresses, rinse with herbal tincture.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Of course, you should not completely ignore contacting a medical facility, since you cannot independently determine the extent of eye damage. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Based on the nature and symptoms of pain, four degrees of eye burns can be distinguished:

  • mild: burning eyes, red conjunctiva, cloudy cornea, mild itching;
  • moderate: hypersensitivity to light, cutting pain, film on the conjunctiva;
  • severe: feeling of sand in the eyes, partial loss of vision, swelling of the eyelids and sharp pain when trying to look;
  • extremely severe: complete loss of vision (blindness), colorless or faded cornea, inability to open the eyes.

Note! If you have tried all methods of pain relief at home for several days, but the pain has not disappeared, you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist. He will be able to determine the extent of eye damage and prescribe treatment.

How long will your eyes hurt?

Symptoms of a burn do not appear immediately; they increase gradually over 7 hours. If the retina is not damaged, the eyes will hurt for several days. The pain is accompanied by anxiety, spasms, and tears.

But all this passes over time. If a serious burn was received, the course of treatment will be determined by the ophthalmologist, and the duration of pain will depend on the severity of the injury.

Even after a course of treatment, painful sensations do not immediately leave the victim.

Any thermal burn does not go away in one day; full recovery will take at least a week or more depending on the severity. Even if you feel relief the next day, continue to carry out the procedures daily. Therefore, it is better to take a day off from work or sick leave. Remember, eye diseases should not be approached carelessly or irresponsibly. Take care of your eyesight!


8 recipes to eliminate eye pain after welding

Each profession is dangerous in its own way. If we consider welding work, then it must be performed by an experienced specialist, while observing safety precautions. Sometimes even the slightest carelessness can lead to serious consequences.

First of all, your eyes should be protected. If you do not protect them with special glasses, your eyes will hurt after welding. This process cannot be called pleasant, so it must be treated as quickly as possible.

What proven folk or pharmacy remedies should you use if your eyes hurt after welding?


Do your eyes hurt from welding? This is the result of non-compliance with safety regulations. To protect the visual organs from this unpleasant symptom, you must wear a special mask. They are equipped with special glass, which can be used to minimize the impact of welding on the eyes. If you ignore this rule, you can get a retinal burn. Symptoms of the lesion manifest themselves in different ways. It depends on the degree of burns.

There are 4 of them in total, and each has its own clinical picture:

  1. Mild degree. It is characterized by a slight burning sensation, hyperemia, itching of the eyes, and clouding of the cornea.
  2. Average degree. It is accompanied by severe pain, increased sensitivity to light, erosion of the ocular cornea, and the formation of a film on the conjunctiva.
  3. Third degree.

    With such a lesion, severe clouding of the cornea, swelling of the eyelids, deterioration of visual function, and nagging pain develop. A person may also feel the presence of a foreign object in the eye.

  4. Last degree. It is accompanied by extremely severe and unpleasant symptoms, as well as severe pain. A person develops complete blindness, discoloration of the cornea, slow death of the conjunctiva, and tissue necrosis.

    Due to severe pain, it is difficult for a person to open his eyelids.

Eyes after welding may hurt due to the influence of UV rays on the cornea, which are formed during the welding process. The more intense these rays are, the more severely the organ of vision gets burned. With excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation, a person risks losing his vision completely.

Causes of pain

The principle of the negative impact of welding work on the eyes comes down to the effect of UV rays on the cornea. If you work with a welding machine for a long time without a special mask and glasses, then there is a high probability of developing painful sensations.


Eye treatment for welding can be done using effective pharmaceutical and folk remedies. If your eyes have been burned from welding, it is important to wash them first. You can use either purified water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After this, you can use the drops. But let’s dwell on this in more detail.

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