How to bury metal at home

Blueing metal at home - Metalworker's Guide

how to bury metal at home

Blueing of metal at home is carried out in different ways, which do not require special skills or experience. It is enough just to know the technology for performing this process.

Blueing is also called oxidation. This is a long-known metal processing method that was originally used to protect against corrosion. Now it acts more as a decorative coating - the products take on an attractive appearance.

By performing bluing at home, you can save a lot of money on paying for the same services at a metalworking company. All you need to do is apply a special composition to the surface. It will blacken and form a protective film.

Before bluing, the metal is processed - it must be cleaned and degreased. When everything is ready, all that remains is to choose the appropriate method and proceed according to the scheme.

Devices for preparing metal before bluing

To avoid burns and other injuries, you should follow the following safety rules:

  • Wear gloves.
  • Protect chemicals from accidental spillage and store in original sealed containers.
  • Burn medications should be available near the work site to provide assistance if necessary.
  • Ventilate the room well.
  • Use non-metallic containers.

To work, you will need sandpaper to clean the surface. Then the metal is degreased with a substance inert to it. This can be done with any organic solvent - acetone, B-70 gasoline, perchlorethylene. Its surface is inert (impervious) to these substances.

Metal processing methods

They involve the use of various chemicals, which, when interacting with metal under certain conditions, produce a durable film. The treatment option is selected depending on the desired end result - some add a decorative appearance, others provide good protection against corrosion. The color of the product is also different.

Alkali bluing

The most commonly used method of bluing metal is chemical oxidation with an alkaline reagent. The result is a fairly high-quality and durable coating if you strictly follow the technology. The method is based on the oxidizing properties of the metal. The process takes place at high temperatures - 135-150 degrees, and a specific odor is released.

It is more advisable to carry out bluing using the alkaline method in a non-residential, well-ventilated room or on the street.

The first step is degreasing and thoroughly cleaning the surface of the metal product. Oxidation at home will not be of high quality without preparing the correct alkaline composition. It is prepared as follows:

  1. 100 ml of clean water is poured into a porcelain container.
  2. Add 100 gr. technical soda and 30 gr. sodium nitrate.
  3. The solution is thoroughly mixed and heated to 135-150°C.

The metal is placed in the finished composition for 30 minutes. Then the product must be taken out, rinsed with distilled water, dried and evenly lubricated with machine oil.

As a result, the metal part acquires a bright black color with a blue tint. To obtain a thicker oxide film, the amount of alkali used is increased.

Acid oxidation

Before bluing a metal part, its surface is cleaned with sandpaper, and it can be degreased by placing it in sodium triphosphate or kerosene for 10-20 minutes. While the part is drying, you can prepare a solution:

Oxidation of metal with acid

  1. Tartaric and tannic acids in an amount of 2 grams are diluted in 1 liter of water.
  2. The solution is thoroughly mixed.
  3. Heats up to 140-150°C.

The metal is lowered into the heated mixture for 15 minutes. Afterwards, it should be rinsed with plain water or boiling water - if you need to rinse off the solution better. The final stage is to immerse the metal in machine oil for 1 hour. The part can then be removed, wiped and dried - now it is ready for use.

Thermal method

This option of metal bluing appeared earlier than the others. In terms of execution technology, it is the simplest, but the result is high-quality. It is based on the property of a metal to oxidize when heated and interacting with oxygen. The intensity of oxidation can be adjusted by heating force.

For thermal exposure you will need:

  • 500 ml machine oil;
  • capacity;
  • construction hair dryer or gas burner;
  • pliers;
  • paper napkins.

Heat treatment of metals

The treatment is carried out on a brick surface. You can choose another place, the main thing is that it is non-flammable.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Keep the metal part under a hairdryer turned on at maximum power.
  2. When it warms up, put it in oil. This can be done with pliers so that the metal is completely submerged.
  3. Take out and blot the product with a napkin.
  4. Repeat this procedure 3 more times in a row.

This simple bluing is used to form a protective film on the metal surface - it protects well from corrosion. It will not be possible to add black color and decorativeness using this method.

Metal bluing in the brown spectrum

If a brown oxide film is enough to decorate the metal surface, then this method will be the best solution. It is based on the properties of the main ingredient - iron sesquichloride, or iron (III) chloride FeCl3. This substance will be required in an amount of 100 grams. The second necessary product is olive oil (1 kg).

After mixing the ingredients, a paste is obtained. The metal is covered with an even layer. After 3-5 hours, you need to sand the surface with a metal brush. The process should be repeated several times.

There is another similar option, which has a slightly different composition:

  • 100 gr. ferric chloride;
  • 0.5 kg. olive oil;
  • 0.5 kg. antimony trichloride.

The resulting composition is coated on a steel product and left to react for a day. Afterwards, wipe the surface with a woolen cloth and reapply the product for 1 day. When time has passed, all that remains is to wipe the product again with wool and polish it with a waxed brush.

You can make this method even simpler - use only iron sesquichloride in the process, which is diluted in water at the rate of 150 grams per 1 liter. The metal is immersed in such a solution for the required time to obtain an anti-corrosion film of the desired brown shade.

: Blueing of metal in oil


Metal bluing technology at home

how to bury metal at home

There is a misconception that it is impossible to perform [metal bluing at home], and this technical operation, in any case, should only be performed in factories.

Currently, there are several different ways in which you can effectively deal with rusty metal at home.

This type of processing is necessary in order not only to make the metal more attractive.

With its help, the protective properties against corrosion are significantly increased.

Do-it-yourself steel bluing at home is distinguished by simpler methods of metal processing, which use improvised means.

 At its core, this method of dealing with rusty metal involves applying a variety of coatings to the surface being treated, which form a thin protective film on it.

At home, this can be done using citric or phosphoric acid, as well as using varnish or oil from which a certain solution is prepared.

Of course, industrial technology allows for better processing, but some methods of dealing with rusty metal at home show quite good results.

Features of metal bluing

In industrial conditions, the blackening of the top layer of metal is removed by changing its structural composition.

In addition, a protective coating is applied in a special way, providing high-quality protection against corrosion.

Using industrial methods to combat rusty metal at home is not only impossible, but also economically unprofitable.

Independent hot or cold coating is performed by applying some special compounds to the metal surface, which not only remove its blackening, but also form a thin protective film.

The means for bluing can be purchased at any specialized store, and in a fairly wide assortment.

Thus, bluing in saltpeter allows you to achieve a fairly high-quality result; in addition, a special pencil for bluing allows you to effectively remove the blackening from the metal.

In some cases, you can use orthophosphoric or citric acid, and also prepare a solution for treating stainless steel in oil.

Regardless of which technology - phosphoric acid, citric acid or oil - is chosen to combat rusty metal, the entire process can be divided into several separate stages.

First of all, the metal surface is thoroughly polished and cleaned. After this, degreasing is carried out, for which a special solution is used.

Next, carefully apply the selected bluing agent. At the final stage, finishing of the metal surface is performed.

It should be noted that depending on the part, its technical characteristics, as well as the chosen method for bluing, certain nuances and subtleties may arise, but the general algorithm of actions always remains unchanged.

It should also be remembered that after degreasing the surface to be treated, it should not be touched, which means that all work is best done with rubber gloves.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Secrets of cold galvanizing of metal

Basic processing rules

Blueing is essentially a chemical treatment of metal surfaces, in which not only the blackening is removed, but also a protective layer is applied.

These works are classified as hazardous, and therefore must be performed in compliance with certain rules and under special conditions.

Since the solution used for bluing contains chemically active substances with acid, special containers must be used for it.

In addition, such processing of metal surfaces also involves mechanical work, which means it is necessary to have on hand appropriate means to protect the eyes and skin.

You should also perform metal processing in a room that is equipped with a ventilation system or has a powerful exhaust hood.


Rules for bluing metal at home

how to bury metal at home

To give a presentable appearance and protect against rust, metal bluing is used. At home, this procedure is quite simple to perform if you know the basic ways to do it.

Features of work

Using home bluing is a profitable procedure that allows you to save your family budget. In this case, a special composition is applied to the metal, allowing it to be blackened and forming a protective film.

First, the steel is cleaned and degreased, then the surface is treated using the chosen method.

Safety regulations:

  • All work is done with gloves;
  • The bluing solution contains various types of chemicals, so it should be stored in its original packaging and be careful not to spill the substance;
  • There should be burn remedies nearby so that first aid can be provided if necessary;
  • Work is carried out in a well-ventilated area;
  • It is better not to use metal utensils when working.

You will also need sandpaper. It is used for cleaning surfaces. Metal is usually degreased with acetone, perchlorethylene, B-70 gasoline and other organic solvents. Its surface is inert (impervious) to these substances.

Alkaline bluing

The most popular method of blackening steel is chemical oxidation with an alkaline composition. The result obtained is quite high quality and durable when the technology is strictly adhered to. The method is based on the ability of the metal to oxidize. The work is carried out at 135-150 degrees, and you should be prepared for the characteristic smell.

Alkaline blackening is best done outside the apartment. This can be done in the yard or garage, in a room with good ventilation.

So, let's begin. The first step is to degrease and thoroughly clean the surface of the metal object. Remember that bluing at home is impossible without preparing a good alkaline composition.

You can do this as follows:

  1. Pour 100 ml of plain water into a porcelain bowl.
  2. Add 100 grams of technical soda and 30 grams of sodium nitrate.
  3. Stir thoroughly and heat the resulting composition to 135-150 degrees.

The solution is ready, now you need to immerse the product that you plan to burnish into it for half an hour. Then the metal is washed with distilled water, dried and lubricated evenly with machine oil.

As a result of alkaline bluing at home, a bright black color with a blue tint should appear. To obtain a thicker oxide film, the percentage of alkali in the solution should be increased.


Features of metal bluing at home

After rough processing, metal blanks are subjected to various surface processes to improve the quality of the finished product. These include metal bluing. This is a special chemical or thermal process that is carried out to improve the corrosion resistance of a product.

What is bluing?

Steel bluing is a treatment during which steel is coated with an oxide film. In this case, the product is exposed to chemical or thermal effects. The thickness of the surface coating with an oxide layer can reach 10 mm.

Burnishing is considered an effective method of combating rusty metal and the spread of corrosion. If the stages of the selected bluing technology are carried out correctly, complete elimination of rust can be achieved. Burnishing is applied to those blanks that will not be painted in the future.

At the same time, the process of increasing corrosion resistance and changing the appearance does not in any way affect other parameters of metal products. When carrying out processing, the features of bluing should be taken into account:

  • observe safety precautions;
  • adhere to the specified temperature regime for heating the workpiece;
  • When working, use utensils made of galvanized metal.

This way you can protect the body from harmful fumes and increase the effectiveness of your actions.

Bluening methods

Various steel bluing technologies are used in production. Surface treatment is carried out using purchased chemical compounds or improvised means. It is important to know the stages of the work so as not to damage the metal workpiece.


The alkaline method can be used at home. The process consists of several main stages:

  1. Degrease the surface to be treated.
  2. Prepare a stainless steel container with 100 ml of clean water.
  3. Pour 30 grams of sodium nitrate and 120 grams of caustic soda into the liquid. Mix the ingredients thoroughly with water.
  4. Slowly heat the mixture to 130°.
  5. Transfer the workpiece to the chemical composition.

When the surface of the product takes on a dark shade, you need to remove it from the chemical and wipe it with distilled water. The last step is to lubricate the workpiece with machine oil.

When carrying out work, it is strictly forbidden to change the amount of chemicals used. Otherwise, the metal surface may be damaged. When the product is in a container with a solution, you need to control that it touches each of its sides. There will be stains in the empty spaces.


When using this method of bluing metal, you need to use an acid solution. Processing process:

  1. Remove debris, dirt, paint, and rust from the surface of the workpiece.
  2. Immerse the workpiece in a metal basin with clean kerosene. There it should be kept for 25–30 minutes. After cleaning, rinse the workpiece in clean water. Dry in a ventilated area.
  3. Make a composition for bluing. To do this, mix 2 grams of tartaric acid, 2 grams of tannic acid and a liter of clean water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and heat slowly to 150 degrees.
  4. Dip the workpiece in the chemical composition and leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Wash the product with distilled water and immerse it in a container with machine oil for 60 minutes.


This is one of the oldest methods of coating metal surfaces with an oxide film. Thermal bluing is performed outdoors. The workpiece heats up slowly. Heating must be stopped at the moment when the top metal layer reacts with oxygen. As a result, an oxide film should form.

Means for bluing metals

To easily carry out the processing procedure, you can choose ready-made products for bluing metals. They are applied to the surface to be treated using a brush. The further process of work depends on what composition was purchased.

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Oil coating

Oil bluing is considered one of the simplest methods of processing metal surfaces. Work process:

  1. Clean the part from dirt, paint, and rust. Degrease and dry the surface.
  2. Coat the surface with oil. It is applied with a brush.
  3. Transfer the workpiece to the muffle furnace and heat to 350 degrees.

You need to remove the product after obtaining the desired shade. Olive, gun and machine oil are suitable for the technological process.

Use of saltpeter

To change the color of a metal product, you can use saltpeter. To do this, you need to purchase ready-made liquid at a hardware store and boil the product in it for 60 minutes.

Means "Clover"

You can bury the metal using the purchased product “Clover”. Initially, the surfaces of the workpiece are cleaned of dirt, rust, and paint. Treated with sandpaper. The product is applied in an even layer to the product. After a certain period of time, a white solution should appear, which must be removed. If the effect is insufficient, the procedure is repeated.

Blueing metal at home

Blueing of metal at home can be done in two ways: cold or hot. In the first option, purchased solutions are used, which are applied to the surface of the workpiece with a brush. After obtaining the desired shade, the chemicals are washed off with soapy water. Burnishing steel in oil is a cold method.

When using hot metal processing, the chemical solution must be selected especially carefully. It can degrade the strength of the material. Experts recommend using alkaline compounds. They do not have a detrimental effect on steel surfaces. When hot processing, the temperature cannot be increased quickly.

The optimal temperature is 100 degrees Celsius. Treatment takes on average about 45 minutes. It is important to use bluing containers made of galvanized metal. The room must be equipped with a good ventilation system. A person must use safety glasses, a respirator, gloves, and overalls.


Blueing of metals at home: what is it, basic rules of oxidation and processing

Many people mistakenly think that it is impossible to blue metals at home; this is only done in factories. However, today there are various ways in which oxidation can be carried out quite effectively at home.

This type of processing is necessary not only to make the metal quite attractive, but also to significantly increase its protective properties against corrosion.

Burnishing metal at home is distinguished by fairly simple processing methods, in which improvised means are used.

This method of dealing with rusty metal involves applying a variety of coatings to the surface being treated, resulting in the formation of a thin protective film .

At home, this is done using phosphoric or citric acid, as well as varnish or oil from which the solution is prepared.

Industrial technology provides for higher quality processing, however, in domestic conditions, some methods can show quite good results.

What is metal bluing

Steel tends to rust; corrosion can occur even at the slightest contact with water, if the surface is not wiped with an oily rag after that. Even high air humidity can cover metal with rust.

To protect it, it is coated with a special anti-corrosion paint, but this method is not suitable for threaded connections and moving parts. Therefore, to protect against corrosion, bluing is used, which many call blackening or oxidation.

Do-it-yourself bluing is done by applying a special composition to the surface of the metal, which forms a thin protective film on its surface. You can purchase the composition at any specialized store; the selection is quite wide. The best quality result is shown by bluing in saltpeter.

Regardless of what technology will be used to combat rusty metal, the entire process is divided into several stages:

  • first, grind and clean the metal surface;
  • then it is degreased using a special solution;
  • then very carefully apply the purchased oxidation agent;
  • Finally, surface finishing is performed.

Do not forget that certain subtleties and nuances may arise depending on the chosen method of bluing and the technical characteristics of the part. However, the general processing rules always remain the same. It is also necessary to remember that after the surface has been degreased, it should never be touched, so work is usually done with rubber gloves.

Chemical oxidation treatment

Chemical oxidation of the metal is quite often carried out. This method is quite effective, and if you follow the technology, you can ultimately achieve good results. Oxidation is based on the ability of a metal to oxidize .

The preliminary stage consists of mechanically treating the surface of the workpiece and degreasing it. Then they begin to prepare the solution. It is very important to do this correctly. To do this, take a porcelain container of certain sizes.

100 ml of ordinary water is poured into it and a little sodium nitrate and 100 g of technical soda are added. The solution is thoroughly mixed so that all components dissolve in it.

The resulting mixture is heated to a temperature of 140 degrees and the workpiece is immersed in it for half an hour.

After this, the part is removed from the solution, thoroughly washed with distilled water, dried and generously lubricated with machine oil using a soft brush so that the layer is uniform. A metal surface treated in this way becomes black with a blue tint . If oxidation was carried out correctly, in compliance with all the rules, then the metal as a result becomes smooth and does not need to be polished again after that.

Application of rust varnish

There is a method of blueing a metal surface called “rusty metal”. With its help, the surface becomes even and smooth at little financial cost. Its essence is as follows: the product being processed is placed in a corrosive chemical environment . As a result, black and red iron oxide forms on the metal surface.

To remove the red coating, use a brush with stiff metal bristles; the black oxide remains. This method of processing is quite time-consuming, but very effective. First, the metal is mechanically processed, degreased and placed in a special solution.

The liquid that will be used for bluing using the rusty varnish method is prepared in porcelain containers. The solution is prepared on the basis of hydrochloric acid. It is poured in a small amount into a prepared container and mixed with metal filings, rust and nitric acid. Then the solution is thoroughly mixed so that the chemical reaction accompanied by the release of gas completely stops.

After this, water and vodka are added to the mixture in equal quantities. The solution must sit for some time, then it is drained to remove scale and precipitated salts. Then the metal being processed is placed in the mixture for some time and waited until it turns black, and then thoroughly washed under water.

Other bluing methods

Quite often, a special pencil is used to oxidize metal. Before you start working with this chemical pencil, the metal surface should be treated mechanically and then degreased. There should be no traces of grease or dirt left on the metal surface. In this case, it is imperative to use special protective equipment .

In addition, oxidation is often performed by painting the metal surface with a solution called “clover”. This method is quite effective if the metal surface has minor corrosion. In this case, coloring is performed to the maximum, several times.

If the metal is very damaged, then it is best to burnish it with a solution of saltpeter. To prepare it, you must use stainless steel utensils. Take 1 liter of water and a small amount of sodium nitrate and caustic soda . The resulting mixture has a rather pungent odor, so it is necessary to use a respirator for work. As a result of this bluing, the metal surface acquires a reddish tint with a bluish tint.


Metal processing using bluing must be carried out in compliance with all necessary conditions and safety regulations. The effectiveness of the result depends entirely on which method was used and the quality of the components used. Oxidation helps protect the metal from corrosion for a long time.


Cold bluing at home for metal and steel (video)

Blueing of metal is one of the most popular ways today to paint a metal product, with the purpose of decorating any edged weapon, for example, a knife, or simply preventing the appearance of rust and corrosion on a steel item.

  • The procedure for chemical bluing of steel at home step by step (general diagram)
  • The most common methods of chemical bluing
  • Alkaline method
  • Oil bluing
  • Burnishing with egg white
  • How to burnish steel surfaces correctly?
  • Additional processing of blued metal
  • How to get a faded color?

The most common methods for bluing steel are:

  1. A chemical method, when cleaning and painting a product is achieved by exposing the metal to various chemicals.
  2. A mechanical method in which powder or paint is applied to a product by methods such as enameling, sprinkling or hammering.

Due to the fact that the chemical method of bluing is simpler than the mechanical method for use at home, it is more often used by hobbyists to apply blackening , an exquisite design or an unusual color to a steel product.

The procedure for chemical bluing of steel at home step by step (general diagram)

  1. Before starting work, the surface of the object must be cleaned of any contaminants, including invisible ones.
  2. Next, it is necessary to degrease the working surface. For this purpose, the product must be immersed in special solvents that can effectively remove oil.

    These bluing fluids include ethyl chloride, ether and gasoline. If your object that you want to bluing is too massive, then it would be better to degrease it in a bathtub filled with caustic soda solution.

  3. After this, you must, without touching your knife, gun or other product with your hands, place it in a container with paint. Coloring occurs using the immersion method.

Alkaline method

This is one of the best options for bluing metal at home that you can do yourself. Before you start you will need:

  • Protective equipment such as face mask and gloves.
  • Water.
  • Sodium nitrate.
  • Digital scales.
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Container made of stainless steel.

The bluing procedure is done as follows: during the work, the product will be boiled in an alkaline solution , so maintaining the temperature required for the successful operation will be a prerequisite for the success of your undertaking. In other words, you must ensure that the liquid is constantly in a boiling state. The procedure is carried out over 1.5 hours, during which you need to remain close to the product, periodically adding water to the container as needed.

The next step is to degrease the item being blued to remove any fat or oil that could negatively affect the resulting color of the item. Complete immersion of the object in the solvent helps protect against possible color differences. And at the last stage, a fat-free product, for example a knife, must be washed with soap.

Oil bluing

This method is characterized by low monetary costs and can be done at home. To complete it you will need the following:

  • Fine grit sandpaper.
  • Alcohol lamp.
  • Olive oil.

First, you will need to polish the surface of the product with sandpaper. This is necessary in order to remove various roughnesses and irregularities from the metal , which can spoil the appearance of the object after bluing.

Then, having thickly coated the surface with olive oil, you need to start heating the steel or metal over an alcohol lamp. In this case, it is impossible to indicate any exact firing time; the main criterion for a successful operation is to make sure that the product has acquired an even black color.

After this, allow the item to cool to room temperature and remove excess oil with a napkin or cloth.

Burnishing with egg white

An unusual, but nevertheless effective and intriguing method of bluing that is easy to do at home. You will need:

  • Egg white.
  • Soda solution.


Blueing of metal and steel at home: types, examples of recipes

Blueing (blackening) of metal or steel is a coating of the surface with a special layer. It gives the product a certain color: black, blue or another. With this treatment, a beautiful tint appears. However, the method is widely used due to its practical benefits: objects coated with a special film are well protected from corrosion. The process has long been widespread in industry. Some people use bluing at home.

There are several ways of such processing . In industry, bluing is carried out by changing the structural composition of the surface. Application - in a special way. At home, using such technologies is very expensive or simply impossible.

However, there are ways to blacken steel at home. This does not require industrial equipment. Everything you need can be found in the store. These methods are presented below.

Hot method

The hot method involves exposure to high temperature . First, the metal is tarred, then burned, for example, with a blowtorch.

The principle is as simple as possible and has been used since ancient times. Even an ordinary kitchen stove is enough for work. Under the influence of temperature, the top layer interacts with oxygen.

Heating should be carried out slowly, gradually increasing to 400 °C. The surface becomes first brown and then black. You will need oil: olive or gun oil. It is important to calculate its amount and not overdo it. Otherwise there will be stains.

The method at home is used less often than others due to technology. Although it has advantages:

  • the protective effect lasts longer than with the cold method;
  • harmless to health;
  • requires low costs.

Before flameless firing, it is advisable to treat the product with a special composition, which includes:

  • sulfur;
  • grease.

The ratio of components is one to twenty, respectively. Apply as thin a layer as possible. As a result, the protective surface is very smooth.

You can check the quality of bluing in a simple way. Dip the brush into plain water and brush over the treated surface. There should be a film, but not a drop.

Cold way

Another processing method is cold bluing. Often used if products cannot be subjected to heavy loads. It takes a little time and also doesn't require a lot of money.

The idea is to coat the surface with a special solution, for example, Parisian oxide. Typically applied with a brush. For greater effect, the product is immersed in the solution. After the procedure, the product:

  1. They wash.
  2. Wipe with a rag. It must be moistened with alcohol.

Application of oxidizing agents

There is a method using molten oxidizing agents:

This blackening of metal at home involves immersion in a melt. The product remains in it until the surface acquires a characteristic color . When working, it is worth remembering that the listed substances are hazardous to health. They can be replaced with the following solutions:

  • hot salt;
  • alkaline.

Some features

Blueing steel at home is not difficult. Oxidizing agents are used for processing other metal products:

  • cast iron;
  • copper, which acquire an intense red color.

There are a number of features that it is advisable to remember:

  1. If the products are heat-sensitive or hardened, then it is better not to touch them. Blueing will degrade performance.
  2. To complete the process, you must remember to wash the product with a special product. After drying, oil lubrication is sometimes required.
  3. It is not difficult to find the necessary substances in stores, for example, saltpeter, citric acid.
  4. It is also possible to remove blackening. For this you will need a special pencil.
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Preparation is important:

  1. Before starting, you need to clean the surface and sand it.
  2. Degrease with a special solution.
  3. Don't forget about rubber gloves to protect your hands. The processed product must not be touched.
  4. Create ventilation, exhaust.
  5. Select a vessel with suitable properties. The volume should allow the product to be processed to be completely drowned. A material that is not afraid of the substances used is suitable: glass, porcelain, stainless steel, earthenware.

As for color, it can also be important for some products. You can get different colors: from yellow to black, its shades. Therefore, strictly speaking, blackening and bluing are not the same thing.

To achieve the desired color, you will have to further clarify the components of the solutions or pay attention to the heat treatment mode. For example, one way is as follows:

  1. Take copper nitrate (70 g) and alcohol denatured alcohol (30 g).
  2. The salt is heated until it melts.
  3. Add denatured alcohol.
  4. The product is coated with this mixture.
  5. Heat until the desired shade is obtained. The color will change.

There are many recipes for bluing. Each master prefers his own , some may have tricks. In ancient times, blued steel recipes were often kept secret. Today you can find various recipes for every taste.

Cold bluing

The following example of cold bluing of a house can be given:

  1. Take a liter of water (distilled), two types of acid: 30% hydrochloric (4 g), 69% nitric (13.5 g). Ferric chloride (170 g) and divalent copper sulfate (4 g) are also added.
  2. The mixture is treated with the surface and left for some time. The longer the better.
  3. Rust is removed using water steam and a brush.
  4. Everything is repeated until the result is the desired one. Some do this up to 10-20 times.

Recipe with oxidizing agent

For example, the following recipe for an alkaline solution can be given:

  1. You will need caustic soda (400 g), sodium nitrate (10 g), water (600 ml).
  2. The mixture should act for 30 minutes or longer.
  3. Then the surface is washed well, dried, and slightly oiled. If the alkali is not completely washed off, plaque will form.

Care should be taken during operation. Hot substances and chemicals can cause damage to health or damage property. It is important not to forget about the correct selection of containers, suitable clothing and basic safety precautions.


Burnishing steel at home

Burnishing (otherwise known as oxidation) is the process of coating the surface of steel products with a thin layer of oxides. Burnishing is carried out chemically - using reactions with various substances and thermally - by heating.


The goal of the process is to increase the corrosion resistance of products and improve their appearance. Traditionally, bluing was applied to steel weapons - first to cold steel, and then to firearms. Today, steel bluing is widely used in defense and civil engineering, as well as in artistic crafts. The process is also available at home.

What can be achieved by bluing

As a result of chemical or thermal treatment, a layer of iron oxide with a thickness of 1 to 10 microns appears on the surface of a steel part. The thickness of the layer is determined by the selected processing technology.

Blueing of metal allows you to achieve two main goals:

  • Increasing the corrosion resistance of the product. Treated parts do not rust.
  • Improved appearance. It is especially important for those parts that, due to operating conditions, cannot be painted.

Temperature conditions for bluing

The treatment does not affect other properties of the steel.

Blueing of steel is possible not only in production conditions, but also at home. There are many methods and compositions, almost all of them involve the use of chemically active substances that can cause serious harm to health. To successfully and safely use these substances at home, you must follow the following safety rules:

  • Use a protective mask and gloves.
  • Ensure ventilation of the room in which work is carried out.
  • Use stainless steel utensils.
  • Do not exceed the recommended processing temperature.

Methods for bluing metals at home and requirements for their implementation

Popular methods of bluing metal at home are:

  • Boiling in self-prepared or purchased chemical compositions.
  • Coating the steel with special oil and subsequent heat treatment.
  • Coating the surface with the prepared composition at room temperature.

Burnishing steel at home

Chemical bluing of iron also involves preparatory operations of etching and cleaning, as well as grinding and polishing.

When carrying out blueing of steel, it is important to select a container for the solution so that it completely covers the object being treated.

Popular bluing methods

The most common methods of bluing at home are:

  • alkaline;
  • thermal;
  • acidic.

The alkaline method is well suited for self-use at home. It will require

  • water;
  • precision scales;
  • sodium nitrate and hydroxide.

For the coating to become durable, the process must last at least an hour and a half.

The technology for bluing steel using the alkaline method at home is divided into the following operations

  • Degrease the surface with a solvent or special degreaser.
  • Pour 100 g of water into a stainless steel container with a capacity of at least a liter.
  • Add 120 g of caustic soda and 30 g of sodium nitrate, stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  • Heat the solution to 130-145 °C.
  • Place the product in the dish, avoiding touching the walls.
  • After 20 minutes, after the part has turned black, rinse it in distilled water.
  • After drying, generously lubricate the product with machine oil and wipe thoroughly.

Steel bluing with alkali

Careful adherence to proportions and parameters will allow you to obtain a smooth and abrasion-resistant coating that does not require polishing.

Important! The product must be completely covered with the solution throughout the treatment. Otherwise, coating inhomogeneities, color transitions, etc. are possible.


This method involves the use of acidic solutions.

Before starting processing, you should carefully remove all rust from the surface of the object. To do this, use ordinary sandpaper, and in hard-to-reach places and with severe rust, use a grinder or a screwdriver with a wire brush.

Means for degreasing steel before processing

Next, chemical cleaning is carried out. It is used for

  • sodium triphosphate;
  • ethanol mixed with kerosene;
  • or pure kerosene.

The product is placed in a container with the solution so that it completely covers it and kept for at least a quarter of an hour. After cleaning, the product is washed with plenty of water and dried.

The composition for acid bluing consists of:

  • water: 1 l;
  • tannic acid: 2g;
  • tartaric acid: 2g.

After thorough mixing and complete dissolution, the composition is heated to 150 ° C and the workpiece is completely immersed in it. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with running water and briefly dip in boiling water for complete and high-quality rinsing.

Components of the solution for bluing

The last stage of the process is soaking in machine oil for an hour. After drying, the product is ready for use.


Thermal bluing is the oldest and simplest method for home use. The whole process boils down to heating the steel in the open air. It lasts until the upper layers of steel react with oxygen in the air and result in an oxide film. The more a part is heated, the darker it becomes.

Thermal bluing

It should be remembered that heat treatment also changes the physical properties of the steel of the entire product.

Features of chemical bluing and recipes for some compositions

Before applying a new coating at home, you must remove the old one. This is done by combining mechanical and chemical cleaning methods.

To obtain a durable and beautiful coating, the part must be boiled for 30 to 90 minutes, during which time part of the solution boils away. The workpiece must be completely covered with the composition at all times, so the composition must be prepared with a reserve and periodically topped up during boiling.

At the end of the chemical bluing procedure, the product should be washed in a soapy solution, dried and generously lubricated with oil.

There are many options for chemical bluing. In some, the composition is made by the master himself, while others involve the use of ready-made factory-made products, such as Parisian oxide, Voron3M, Clover and others.

Means for bluing metals

Relatively simple methods of bluing, available for doing it yourself, include surface application of oil, saltpeter and the purchased composition “Clover”

Sapphire for bluing

Oil coating

This is one of the most popular home methods. The technology is divided into the following operations:

  • The part is sanded and degreased with a solvent.
  • Cover with oil.
  • In a muffle furnace it is heated to 350-400 °C. It is permissible to use an oven.
  • The cooled part takes on a black or brown tint.
  • To saturate the color, the procedure is repeated.

The oil is applied with a brush or by dipping the product into a container of oil. Different types of oil are used, such as

  • weapons;
  • olive;
  • flaxseed

Use of saltpeter

Home craftsmen achieve excellent results using saltpeter solution. You can purchase a ready-made solution, or you can make it yourself:

  • water-1000 ml;
  • sodium nitrate - 0.5 kg;
  • caustic soda - 0.5 kg.

After boiling for an hour, a smooth surface of a deep blue-black color is obtained that does not require further processing.

Means "Clover"

The gel-like product can be purchased in 50 ml jars and is used for alloys with a chromium content of no more than 3 percent

Means "Clover"

It is designed to restore localized corrosion. To obtain a bright shade, the product will have to be applied several times. The product should first be sanded and wiped with a degreaser.

Apply clover with a brush and leave for two minutes. The white-yellow coating that appears is washed off with water and the part is wiped with a rag.

Cold bluing at home

“Clover” does not require heat treatment of the part, so this method is considered cold bluing. Cold bluing can be carried out by other means.

  • "Voron-3M". The drug forms a dense film of deep black color on the surface.
  • "Paris Oxide" An imported selenium-based preparation is supplied in three containers: 1- for surface preparation, 2- the main composition and 3- a fixative that gives the coating additional protection.

Liquid for cold bluing is applied to the parts with a brush, and after painting it is washed off with warm soapy water. The method is popular for processing barrels and other parts of firearms that do not require boiling.

If you are bluing steel at home, you need to wisely choose the components of the boiling solution. Heating hardened parts can lead to them losing their strength properties.

Alkaline solutions have a less harmful effect on steel, and experienced craftsmen advise choosing them. Treatment with acidic solutions is preferably carried out at low temperatures

So, for example, when using an acid composition for bluing steel from:

  • calcium nitrate – 94%;
  • orthophosphoric acid – 3%;
  • manganese dioxide – 3%.

processing is carried out from half an hour to 45 minutes at 100 ° C

Metal blackening

Depending on the acidity of the environment in which the workpiece is processed, the color of the resulting coating changes, from yellow to black. Therefore, bluing and blackening of metal are not the same thing. The required shade is selected by varying the intensity and duration of heat treatment and the percentage of solution components.

Metal blackening

If you take a mixture of 7 parts copper nitrate and 3 parts alcohol denatured alcohol, apply it to the product and heat it over a fire, then as it heats up the coating begins to change its color. When the desired shade is achieved, stop heating.

It is also possible to blacken steel by coating it with oil and calcining it in an open flame. The result is a durable film of deep black color. There are other compositions for blackening.

Using machine oil

Oil bluing of steel is also available at home.

To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • 0.5 liters of oil.
  • Equipment for placing the product: hooks, pliers, spacers.
  • Stainless steel container.
  • A sufficient amount of rags or non-woven napkins.


Burnishing a knife at home

  • November 25, 2018
  • Equipment
  • KaplyaDegtya

For some reason, it is believed that metal bluing cannot be carried out at home, that such an operation is performed only in factories. In fact, this opinion is wrong and at home, using simple improvised means, you can not only protect metal from rust, but also give it a beautiful black or blue color. So, let's look at ways to perform blueing work using a knife as an example.

Features of home technology

It is quite natural that using industrial methods of knife bluing at home is unprofitable from either an economic or technical point of view. In production, steel blueing is achieved by changing the structure of the upper layers of metal using chemicals. Using this method at home is not advisable; there are much simpler, but quite effective ways to blue a knife at home.

Bluening methods

There are three ways to blue steel:

  • Cold - when the product undergoing bluing does not experience thermal effects.
  • Hot - during the bluing process, the product is subjected to some kind of heat treatment.
  • Treatment with an oxidizer is the most difficult method for home use, since it requires not only the use of chemicals, but also heating to high temperatures.

Now let's take a closer look at what techniques for bluing a knife can be used at home. Before using any of the methods, it is necessary to degrease the steel with alcohol and wipe dry with flannel.

Lemon acid

This bluing will protect the metal from corrosion and give it a beautiful black color. The method of bluing steel using citric acid has been used for a long time, but is only suitable for high-carbon metals. In addition, you should know that bluing a knife in citric acid is best done when the knife performs purely decorative functions, since this method of blackening metal is not durable and the entire coating will come off very quickly when sharpened.

In order to blacken a knife using citric acid, you will need:

  • citric acid – 1 sachet;
  • water heated to 90 - 95 degrees;
  • machine oil;
  • knife.

Pour hot water into a glass or stainless steel bowl and dissolve citric acid in it in proportions of 1/10, that is, 1 part citric acid to 10 parts water. Place the knife in the water and leave it for 50 minutes.

Move the knife periodically, as bubbles forming on its surface will prevent air from entering and interfere with the bluing process. After 50 minutes, the steel should turn black, which means that the bluing process has come to an end.

All that remains is to rinse the knife in clean water, lubricate it with machine oil and wipe dry.

This method of bluing, although it protects the metal from rust, is rather of a decorative nature due to the fact that with the slightest impact, the coating comes off and the procedure for bluing the knife will need to be carried out again.

Coca Cola

Another way to blacken a knife at home is using Coca-Cola. By the way, this drink is very versatile and is most often used not for its intended purpose, but for all kinds of experiments, including with metals. So, to blue a knife in Coca-Cola you will need:

  • glass or metal container made of stainless metal;
  • Coca Cola;
  • knife.
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The bluing process is similar to the previous one, but does not require heating. To bluing using this method, you need to place the knife in the drink for a day or two, periodically turning it over and releasing the bubbles. After this time, you need to replace the drink with a new one and re-place the knife there.

This procedure must be performed until the knife acquires a beautiful black color, usually within a week, changing the drink every two days.

Make sure that the Coca-Cola completely covers the knife by 5 centimeters and do not forget to turn it over periodically, since bubbles accumulating on the surface of the knife will interfere with the blackening process.

After this, you need to rinse the knife well in clean water, possibly with some soap, and lubricate it with machine or gun oil. Without lubrication, rust appears on the metal very quickly; it becomes visible already during the drying process.

This method of bluing is best suited for narrow, flat surfaces; for example, bluing a bayonet in this way will allow you to achieve a more even coating than on any complex surface with many bulges and bends. In addition to Coca-Cola, you can also use Pepsi-Cola. Blackening occurs due to phosphoric acid, which is part of these drinks.

This method of bluing a knife is quite durable. According to reviews, even if small scratches appear during use, the coating does not come off. In addition, the product turns out absolutely smooth, as if it had not been subjected to any influence.

The only disadvantage of such bluing is that it takes quite a long time and requires constant contact with the product (it is necessary to turn the knife up to 4-6 times a day), since otherwise the bubbles will result in piebald inclusions on the surface of the knife.

Acetic acid

Burnishing a knife in vinegar is practically no different from the two previous methods. The knife must also be placed in vinegar and periodically shaken and turned over to prevent bubbles from settling on the surface of the product.

In addition, if the knife handle is plastic or plastic, then it must be protected from the effects of vinegar, for example, by covering it with paraffin.

Blazing a knife can also be done in heated vinegar, then this method will be more similar not to blackening, but to etching of metal.

You can not completely immerse the knife in vinegar, but wrap the blade in a fleecy cloth well soaked in vinegar, but this method is more labor-intensive, since the cloth must be periodically wetted.

The coating turns out to be quite beautiful, not completely black, but rather dark gray. This kind of bluing of a knife is not particularly durable, so it is best used for decorative knives and other metal interior items.

It should also be said that not any metal can be blackened with vinegar, but only hydrocarbon metal. Therefore, during the first hours, carefully monitor how the steel behaves. If you notice that white inclusions appear on the surface, then this method of bluing, unfortunately, is not suitable for this metal; subsequently the inclusions will not disappear, but will only become more contrasting.

Rusty varnish

Burnishing a knife with rusty varnish has both its advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage of this method is that it is possible to burnish knives that have tin solder on them, since all previous methods are not suitable for these purposes - the tin will either dissolve or will not change its color.

In addition, using rusty varnish, you can carry out spot bluing of a knife, that is, blue only certain areas of the blade or handle. The coating layer is quite thick, compared to previous methods, and the steel itself is matte after such bluing.

The disadvantages of blueing a knife in this way are that knives, especially industrial ones, are most often made from various alloys, and rusty varnish is very sensitive to impurities, that is, each metal in the alloy will be painted in its own color and red-brown and brown spots. If you notice such an effect when applying varnish, it is necessary to remove the varnish as quickly as possible, even before oiling the surface, otherwise these stains will not be removed later and the knife will be damaged.

Other significant disadvantages include the fact that this method of bluing a knife is sensitive to various nuances of the process: the quality of degreasing, drying temperature, and bluing time.

In addition, the bluing process is quite lengthy and requires your direct presence, since the varnish must be applied several times and each time after drying, steam it, and then rinse under running water. All these procedures must be repeated until you are satisfied with the final result.

After that, you need to place the knife in boiling oil for about 5 minutes, and then wait for it to cool completely and only then begin the grinding process with a soft flannel cloth.

Hot bluing method

In addition to the above, methods of bluing a knife using calcination are also used at home. Before burying a knife in this way, it must be coated with linseed oil, animal fat or wax. After which the knife must be well heated over fire. Some people do this in a regular kitchen frying pan, but keep in mind that the dishes will be damaged after this.

Before using this method, you can first immerse the knife in a solution of copper sulfate and ammonia: 100 grams of vitriol and 10 grams of ammonia are diluted in one liter of clean distilled or settled water. Dipping and heating the knife must be done several times until you get the desired color of the metal.

Chemical bluing

Burnishing a knife in this way can only be carried out under conditions of good exhaust and ventilation, as otherwise it can be hazardous to health!

  1. Place a knife in a mixture of saltpeter and caustic soda (30 grams of saltpeter and 100 grams of soda) heated to 140 - 160 degrees and keep it there for at least half an hour. With this method of bluing, a beautiful deep black color is obtained, giving off a blue tint.
  2. Dilute potassium or sodium hydroxide in a high concentration in an alkaline solution and place a knife in this solution. This method will give a bluish film on the surface of the knife.


Coat the knife with oil - you can use linseed, machine oil, gun oil, even sunflower oil. You can apply the oil either with a brush or simply by dipping a knife into it. After this, bake the knife in the oven to 400 degrees. After cooling, check the result and if the color is not saturated enough, repeat the procedure. Once finished, cool the knife and remove the oil with a soft flannel cloth.

Technology for steel bluing at home

Steel blueing is a complex procedure that is widely used. It allows you to paint a metal product, protect it from rust and other things. In addition, decorative finishing of materials is carried out in this way. Blueing of steel is carried out in different ways.

The most common is the use of chemicals.

Hi all. Today I want to show you two ways to blue metal at home. Burnishing is given

Blued steel knife

As a result, the iron oxidizes and a protective shell is formed on its surface. The latter protects products from damage and exposure to adverse factors. At the same time, the metal can retain its natural color.

This can be achieved by oils and acids that are used in the bluing process. The degree of heating of chemical compounds also affects.

Burnishing steel at home

This procedure is mainly carried out in production. Since it is quite labor-intensive, it requires the use of special equipment and materials. How to bury a metal barrel at home? But, as practice shows, it is quite possible to do it at home.

The main thing is to choose the right oxidation method. There are some that can be done effectively at home. They are carried out quickly and simply using available tools.

Burnishing components

In this way, the external appearance of the product can be improved and the metal will be more attractive. In addition, its protective properties are improved. It is resistant to corrosion, since after the procedure a thin protective film is formed on the surface of the product.

If work is carried out at home, then citric or phosphoric acid, varnish or oil are usually used. A special solution is prepared from these components and applied to the metal product.

If we talk about industrial technologies, they involve the use of other means. This ensures high quality processing. But, as practice shows, the procedure carried out in domestic conditions is not inferior in this indicator.

She is also able to demonstrate excellent results.

Execution Rules

Burnishing steel at home involves chemical surface treatment. Thus, its top layer is removed and a protective layer is applied. Since it involves the use of chemicals, it is quite dangerous.

Therefore, when carrying out it, it is necessary to follow some rules. They will protect your hands and other parts of the body from burns that can be caused by substances.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the container in which the mixture is prepared. When choosing it, it is better to give preference to dishes made of porcelain, glass or earthenware. Metal containers are prohibited.

The second rule concerns the mechanical stage of the work. When carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to wear safety glasses and a special uniform. They will protect your skin and eyes from exposure to aggressive chemicals and acids.

In this case, you should carefully approach the choice of premises. It should have good ventilation and powerful exhaust.

Surface preparation

Chemical bluing of steel involves performing various interrelated works. First you need to prepare the surface. This stage consists of its high-quality and uniform cleaning.

This will remove a layer of dirt, dust and grease. Powdered pumice, sandpaper, and fine-grained sand will help you cope with this task well.

Attachments for steel processing

After this, it is necessary to prepare the reagents that will be used for bluing. How to remove rust from metal at home? It is worth considering their properties. Since not any liquid can be used for bluing steel.

Some can ruin products. To prevent this, you need to use them correctly.

Chemical oxidation

The most common means for bluing steel is liquid. This method of carrying out the procedure is distinguished by its effectiveness. It allows you to get good results, but subject to compliance with the rules.

This method is based on the ability of steel to oxidize.

The process consists of the following work. First, the surface is cleaned and degreased. After this, a special solution is prepared that will be used. It is important to follow the proportions and rules of its preparation.

Even the smallest flaws can lead to a deterioration in its properties. As a result, the end result will be of poor quality.

To prepare the solution you will need plain water, sodium nitrate and technical soda. All components are taken in quantities of 100 grams. The solution must be prepared in a porcelain container.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. After this, the mixture is heated to 130 degrees.

To carry out bluing, the product must be placed in a hot solution. Leave it for a while. 30 minutes will be enough.

After which the product must be removed and washed with water. Distilled is good for this job.

The final stage of work is drying the part and lubricating it with oil, which is used for machines. This work can be done with a soft brush. In this case, it is necessary to cover the surface carefully and evenly.

The result will be a homogeneous layer, as shown in the photo below. It will have a black color.

Determining the quality of work is easy. Just look at the surface of the metal. If all the rules are followed, it will be smooth.

Thus, there is no need to sand the product.

Carrying out bluing is not an easy task. It must be carried out carefully and carefully. Safety rules must be followed.

Otherwise, you risk harming your health.

You can watch the bluing procedure in the video below. The subtleties and features of the process are clearly shown here. They will help a beginner get good results when working at home.

To get a good result, you need to choose the optimal method of carrying out the procedure and use high-quality products. This way you can extend the service life of the part. It will be reliably protected from various adverse factors that are inevitable when using metals.

Additional Information:

  • Degrease the surface with a solvent or special degreaser.
  • Pour 100 g of water into a stainless steel container with a capacity of at least a liter.
  • Add 120 g of caustic soda and 30 g of sodium nitrate, stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  • Heat the solution to 130-145 °C.
  • Place the product in the dish, avoiding touching the walls.
  • After 20 minutes, after the part has turned black, rinse it in distilled water.
  • After drying, generously lubricate the product with machine oil and wipe thoroughly.
  1. Place the part on a brick;
  2. Heat with a gas burner until glowing (heat as hot as the heater allows);
  3. Place the heated workpiece completely in oil;
  4. Remove and place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil;
  5. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times until the metal is given the desired color.

The result of industrial processing is a change in the chemical and structural composition of the “upper” layer of metal. The resulting iron oxide plays the role of a protective coating for the entire workpiece. Even if this method is feasible at home, it is extremely unprofitable, since it will require not only special knowledge, but also significant material investments.

This blackening of metal at home involves immersion in a melt. The product remains in it until the surface acquires a characteristic color . How to clean silicone sealant from hands at home?

When working, it is worth remembering that the listed substances are hazardous to health. They can be replaced with the following solutions:

The first step is to prepare a saturated electrolyte solution, similar to the procedure for chrome plating steel. Anodizing involves processing aluminum in a container of liquid where current is applied. A simple medium-power battery is suitable as a power source.

This bluing agent is often used to obtain a smooth and even surface. It contains steel shavings, but they can be replaced with cast iron shavings. In this case, financial investments will be minimal. In this case, the workpiece must be placed in a chemical agent.

The result is red or black iron oxide. This instruction, as a means for cold bluing, gives a long-lasting and effective result.

The simplest way to apply an oxide film to products is alkaline bluing. The operating principle is based on the use of caustic soda and sodium nitrate (used as a fertilizer). Both components have a pronounced alkaline reaction.

The best results are achieved by using a mixture of twenty parts grease and one part sulfur. The latter contributes to the formation of a very dark layer of iron sulfide. Sulfur balm can be made from sulfur by dissolving it in a small amount of turpentine and then mixing it with linseed oil.

The composition is distributed in a thin layer over the surface of the workpiece and subjected to flameless combustion, which leads to uniform bluing.


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