Steel sheet weight – Calculator and tables
Sheet metal is a rolled piece of a specific material, most often steel, that is widely used in industrial production, construction, automotive and other industries.
Sheet steel is the most popular type of sheet blanks, which is produced using cold or hot rolling technology. In the first case, the steel will be called cold-rolled (maximum sheet thickness up to 5 mm), and in the second - hot-rolled.
The KALK.PRO sheet metal weight calculator allows you to calculate the weight of sheet steel based on known thickness and area. You can also familiarize yourself with the metal grade and regulatory documents in the corresponding tabs of the tool. The calculator operates on the basis of GOST 19903-74 “Hot-rolled sheet metal”.
Using the calculator, you can find the weight of rolled sheets of any size and thickness, for example sheets of 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 mm, etc., the standard material is carbon steel St3st with a density of 7850 kg/m3.
By default, the weight of 1m2 of sheet steel is considered.
In order to calculate the weight of sheet metal using our calculator, you must follow the instructions:
- Select the metal type (default is Steel ).
- Confirm the type of assortment - Sheet / Plate .
- Select the metal grade (default Steel St3st ).
- Specify the sheet parameters - thickness t (mm), width a (mm), length b (mm) .
- Enter the quantity of rolled metal, pcs .
Formula for calculating the weight of sheet metal
The weight of sheet metal can also be calculated independently using simple mathematical formulas and tables according to GOST.
- a – width;
- b – length;
- t – thickness;
- ρ – density.
Weight table for 1 m2 of sheet metal according to GOST 19903-74
Sheet size (TxWxD), mm | Sheet thickness, mm | Weight of 1 square meter, kg | Sheet weight, kg |
0.5x1250x2500 | 0,5 | 3,93 | 12,27 |
0.7x1250x2500 | 0,7 | 5,5 | 17,17 |
0.8x1250x2500 | 0,8 | 6,28 | 19,63 |
1x1250x2500 | 1,0 | 7,85 | 24,53 |
1.2x1250x2500 | 1,2 | 9,42 | 29,44 |
1.5x1250x2500 | 1,5 | 11,78 | 36,80 |
2x1250x2500 | 2 | 15,70 | 49,06 |
2.5x1250x2500 | 2,5 | 19,63 | 61,33 |
3x1250x2500 | 3 | 23,55 | 73,59 |
3.5x1250x2500 | 3,5 | 27,48 | 85,86 |
4x1500x6000 | 4 | 31,40 | 282,60 |
5x1500x6000 | 5 | 39,25 | 353,25 |
6x1500x6000 | 6 | 47,10 | 423,90 |
7x1500x6000 | 7 | 54,95 | 494,55 |
8x1500x6000 | 8 | 62,80 | 565,20 |
1500x6000 | 9 | 70,65 | 635,85 |
10x1500x6000 | 10 | 78,50 | 706,50 |
12x1500x6000 | 12 | 94,20 | 847,80 |
14x1500x6000 | 14 | 109,90 | 989,10 |
16x1500x6000 | 16 | 125,60 | 1130,40 |
18x1500x6000 | 18 | 141,30 | 1271,70 |
20x1500x6000 | 20 | 157,00 | 1413,00 |
22x1500x6000 | 22 | 172,70 | 1554,30 |
Sheet size (TxWxD), mm | Sheet thickness, mm | Weight of 1 square meter, kg | Sheet weight, kg |
25x1500x6000 | 25 | 196,25 | 1766,25 |
28x1500x6000 | 28 | 219,80 | 1978,20 |
30x1500x6000 | 30 | 235,50 | 2119,50 |
32x1500x6000 | 32 | 251,20 | 2260,80 |
35x1500x6000 | 35 | 274,75 | 2472,75 |
36x1500x6000 | 36 | 282,60 | 2543,40 |
40x1500x6000 | 40 | 314,00 | 2826,00 |
45x1500x6000 | 45 | 353,25 | 3179,25 |
50x1500x6000 | 50 | 392,50 | 3532,50 |
55x1500x6000 | 55 | 431,75 | 3885,75 |
60x1500x6000 | 60 | 471,00 | 4239,00 |
65x1500x6000 | 65 | 510,25 | 4592,25 |
70x1500x6000 | 70 | 549,50 | 4945,50 |
80x1500x6000 | 80 | 628,00 | 5652,00 |
90x1500x6000 | 90 | 706,50 | 6358,50 |
100x1500x6000 | 100 | 785,00 | 7065,00 |
110x1500x6000 | 110 | 863,50 | 7771,50 |
120x1500x6000 | 120 | 942,00 | 8478,00 |
130x1500x6000 | 130 | 1020,50 | 9184,50 |
140x1500x6000 | 140 | 1099,00 | 9891,00 |
150x1500x6000 | 150 | 1177,50 | 10597,50 |
160x1500x6000 | 160 | 1256,00 | 11304,00 |
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Metal weight calculation
The metal is widely used in various industries. When creating metal structures, it is necessary to first calculate two important indicators: strength and total weight.
The strength of the structure can be calculated using the methods of the theory of strength of materials. Weight is calculated taking into account the following characteristics:
- standard sample density (determined by physical characteristics);
- metal shape (according to the existing assortment - rolled sheets, channel, angle, pipe, etc.);
- geometric shape, part dimensions.
Metal weight calculation
The presence of various forms of metal products requires an individual approach when calculating the following parameters:
- the mass of the entire metal structure;
- required volume of metal.
We calculate the weight of rolled sheets
Calculating the weight of rolled metal is a fairly simple task of this class. Simplicity is determined by the shape of the sample being studied. To begin calculations, you need to know the following characteristics:
- geometric dimensions of the test sample;
- metal density (for steel you can use the average indicator, which is 7850 kg/m3);
The first stage involves calculating the weight of a sheet of metal with an area of one square meter and a thickness of one millimeter. The volume of this sample is calculated and multiplied by the density of the steel. It is obtained by standard multiplication of three geometric parameters: length, width, height.
Multiplying the result by the density, we get a value equal to 7.8 kg/m3. It will allow you to calculate the weight of a sheet of any geometric size and shape. Convenient because it does not depend on length, width, thickness. You can get the final value without resorting to preliminary recalculation.
Therefore, the main task will be to calculate the volume of the selected sheet.
Sheet metal
For example, the weight of a sheet whose size is one meter long, two meters wide, 0.35 mm thick will weigh 5.5 kg. A sheet 5 mm thick, measuring 1.5 m wide and 6 meters long will weigh 353.25 kg.
Before using a metal sheet as a ceiling or building structure, you should evaluate its weight.
Sheet weight
What is a conversion factor?
It allows you to calculate the weight of products made of any material. It is obtained as the ratio of the density of the selected material to the density of steel. Next, to calculate the required parameter, it is enough to calculate such a parameter of a steel product of a given shape. The resulting result will be multiplied by the conversion factor for this material.
The coefficient is a dimensionless quantity. It has its own specific meanings for various metals and alloys. For example, aluminum has 0.34, copper - 1.14, and 1.12 is used for OTS5-5-5 bronze.
To calculate the weight of a sheet made of the specified bronze, it is necessary to obtain the parameter of the same sheet of steel, multiplying with a conversion factor.
Metal conversion factor
The same calculation method, the use of a conversion factor, can be fairly applied to non-metallic rectangular products. For example, to textolite with a coefficient of 0.18, organic glass - 0.15. The results obtained will satisfy the accuracy requirements.
What makes calculating the weight of metal more difficult?
A serious difference in the data obtained for calculating the mass of a steel product is the technology of its production. The difference between cold-rolled metal and hot-rolled metal can be quite significant. We are talking about the accuracy of geometric characteristics while maintaining density along the entire length of the product.
The use of continuous heating and subsequent cooling leads to such negative phenomena as oxidation and recrystallization. The unevenness of these processes causes a change in such a parameter as thickness.
Metal weight
The accuracy of calculations for cold-rolled and hot-rolled metal profiles will differ. The error caused by thickness instability requires obtaining some average value.
How to calculate the mass of a rectangular profile?
A rectangular profile is a parallelepiped with a given wall thickness. The wall thickness is specified in the technical documentation for a specific sample.
Square profile
Mass calculation can be done in two ways. In the first method, the cross-sectional area is calculated: for a sheet of a given thickness. Calculate the mass of a rectangular parallelepiped based on its external dimensions. Then the same calculations are made for a parallelepiped with internal dimensions. The difference between the two values will be the desired characteristic.
In the second method, the weight of one wall of the structure is calculated. If the cross-section is square, multiply by four. If it is rectangular, the sizes of the smaller and larger walls will be calculated separately. Then multiply each value by two and add the results to get the final figure.
Square profile weight
To simplify the process, special tables have been developed.
Determining the weight of a round profile
Round metal products include solid rods, fittings, and pipes of various diameters. The approach to solving the problem remains the same. If the product is solid, it is necessary to calculate the volume, multiply by the density of the material. The volume of metal is calculated using known geometric formulas.
Round profile weight
If the round workpiece is hollow inside, you need to know the wall thickness. Next, you can use one of the methods applicable to calculate the value of rectangular rolled products. The only difference will be the calculated ratios for finding the volume.
How to find out the mass of a hexagonal profile?
Solid metal rods with a hexagonal cross-section are often used. The calculation method for such products remains the same. It is necessary to remember from the school geometry course how the volume of a regular hexagonal parallelepiped is calculated.
The task is greatly simplified if you know the size or number of such a rental. All numbers are given in a standardized table.
The hexagonal profile with the smallest number 10 weighs only 0.68 kg, the largest number 60 weighs 24.5 kg.
Hexagonal profile
The calculations are based on a formula for calculating the volume of a regular hexagonal prism. Having calculated this volume, it is multiplied by the density of the metal. A mass of hexagonal product is obtained.
It should be remembered that the use of simplified methods gives approximate results. They are used for express assessments. When developing design documentation in detail, more accurate indicators are used.
Finding the parameter of a metal pipe of any diameter is carried out similarly to the method for a round profile. Calculate the difference in the areas of two circles. The first has the outer radius of the pipe. The second has the inner radius of the pipe.
The resulting difference is multiplied by the length of the pipe, calculating the volume of metal. Multiplying by the density of steel, the mass of a pipe of a given length is found. Operations with non-ferrous metal products are simplified through the use of a conversion factor.
Pipe weight
When working with ready-made tables, you should find data for a 1 m bar with a radius equal to the outer diameter. Calculate the diameter of the rod, which is equal to the internal diameter. Subtract the smaller value from the larger value to get the desired result. It should be multiplied by the length of the sample.
How to calculate the mass of an angle, channel, I-beam
The parameter is calculated using data on the width of the shelf and the thickness of the metal. The product is considered as half of a rectangular profile.
There are ready-made calculation tables for the entire range of rolled metal products.
However, corners from different manufacturers have real weight characteristics that differ from the tabular data. They deliberately reduce the thickness of the shelf. They are motivated by the desire to reduce the cost of products. The parameter difference differs significantly from the parameters provided by GOST.
Weight of anglesWeight of channelWeight of I-beams
The weight characteristics of the channel and I-beams are determined according to the tables. This is caused by the difficulties of calculating the volume of complex geometric shapes.
How to calculate the weight of metal - formulas and recommendations
If there is no possibility of direct weighing, the weight of scrap metal can be determined in other ways. The most accurate result will be given by calculation, but other possibilities should not be neglected.
So, in order not to burden readers with unnecessary formulas, which will still be there, but below, we will immediately designate the formulas for calculating the most popular products from rolled steel and pipes - rolled pipes.
Here you will not find an online calculator for calculating weight, only formulas that you remember once you no longer have to use special calculators.
For example, when dismantling metal structures or a chimney, you don’t always have a computer, the Internet or a reference book at hand, but the structures are all welded from rolled steel here and our formulas will help out!
Formula to calculate pipe weight
, Where
- M—weight of one linear meter of pipe, kg;
- D is the outer diameter of the pipe being calculated, mm;
- s—pipe wall thickness, mm;
- 0.02466 is the coefficient for a steel density of 7.850 g/cm3.
This formula is very accurate. You can calculate the weight of the pipe and compare the calculated weight with the theoretical one in any range and the value according to the formula will be more accurate! You can also calculate
Calculating the weight of a sheet of metal
, Where
- M—mass of steel sheet, kg;
- S is the area of the calculated sheet, in square meters;
- 7.85 - weight of a sheet 1 mm thick and 1 square meter in area, in kilograms
This way you can calculate the weight of a sheet of metal of any size, for which you can calculate the area. The accuracy of calculations using this formula is higher than the theoretical mass in reference books, because in the assortment, when calculating the mass of metal, the program rounds the values. Well, how to find out the area of a sheet (of any shape - square, rectangle, parallelepiped, trapezoid, rhombus, etc.) - every person who has graduated from high school should know.
How to calculate the weight of reinforcement and rod
For a circle, rod, smooth reinforcement, the formula for calculating the mass will be as follows:
, Where
- M—weight of 1 linear meter of circle/reinforcement/rod, kg;
- D—circle diameter;
- 0.02466 - coefficient for steel density equal to 7.850 g/cm3
To calculate the weight of corrugated reinforcement (A2, A3), you can and should use the same formula! There will be no discrepancies with the theoretical mass, despite the different cross-sectional designs.
It is, of course, impossible to calculate such a pile of scrap metal using formulas without weighing
General approaches or a little boring theory
To determine the weight of any object, simply multiply its volume by its specific gravity. If everything is more or less clear with specific gravity, then volume is more difficult to determine (if you do not consider such simple shapes as a cube). The most general principle for calculating volume is Gulden's principle, when the cross-sectional area of an object is multiplied by its height.
There are also usually no problems with the height of the metal structure; it is easy (or almost easy) to measure directly, especially if the height section is constant. This can be done for steel pipes of any section and profile, I-beams, channels, angles, etc.
We will consider the method for determining the mass of metal objects of complex and variable shapes later.
Volume of the pyramid
The pyramidal ends of the tops of forged steel fences, deflectors and other parts of metal structures are often found. The volume of the pyramid can be easily calculated using the formula:
, Where:
- B is the area of the base of the pyramid;
- H – height of the pyramid.
Since in technology the bases of a pyramid can be a square, a rectangle or a triangle, the problem can be solved quite simply.
Volume of a truncated pyramid
The enclosing caps, protective latches and doors have the shape of a truncated pyramid. In such situations, a dependency is used:
, Where:
- h – height of the truncated pyramid;
- F is the area of its larger base;
- f is the area of the smaller base.
If the pyramidal part of the structure sold for scrap is somewhat deformed, then the missing volume is added or removed from each side.
Volume of wedge and obelisk
The wedge in the technique is often a pentahedron, the base of which is a rectangle, and the side faces are isosceles triangles or trapezoids. The formula for calculating the volume of a wedge is:
, Where:
- a – side of the base of the wedge foot;
- а1 – width of the wedge top;
- b – wedge thickness;
- h is the height of the wedge.
An obelisk is a hexagon, the base of which is rectangles located in parallel planes. The opposite faces are symmetrically inclined to the base of the obelisk. Volume of this geometric body:
, Where:
- a and b – dimensions of the length and width of the larger base of the obelisk;
- and a1 and b1 – the smaller base of the obelisk;
- h – height of the obelisk.
Volume of rod and pipe
To calculate all geometric sections based on a circle, you cannot do without the parameter π – 3.14 (higher accuracy is not required for scrap metal). Then for the cylinder we have:
, Where:
- R – rod radius;
- H – rod length/height.
For a pipe (hollow cylinder), the volume is calculated by the formula:
, Where
r is the inner radius of the pipe.
Volume of a cone and truncated cone
The geometric shapes of cone and truncated cone are widely used in the design of parts of mechanisms and machines. The volume of the cone is:
, Where
- R – radius of the cone base;
- H is the height of the cone.
To calculate the volume of a truncated cone, a more complex relationship is used:
, Where
R is the radius of the smaller base of the cone.
Volume of spherical elements of metal structures
In addition to the sphere itself, in practice we also have to calculate the volume of the spherical segment and sector. The following dependencies are used:
Volumes of rolled profiles
Most often it is necessary to determine the weight of tees, I-beams, channels, and angles. The following dependencies are used for this:
For the brand
,where b and b1 are the width of the shelf and wall of the tee, respectively; h and h1 – thickness of the base and flange of the tee; H – height of the T-bar fragment;
For I-beam
,where H is the height/length of the I-beam; a – I-beam wall thickness; с and с1 – thickness of the I-beam flange at the base and at the end, respectively;
For the corner
,where H is the length of the corner; l1 – angle thickness; h1 and h2, respectively, are the width of each shelf.
How to establish the mass of a structure of particularly complex shape
This problem can be solved in two ways. According to the first of them, the value of the so-called fill factor is established (the method is used for dimensional units, the disassembly of which is either difficult or completely impossible). For example, for sliders of crank machines, the fill factor is taken to be 0.30.35. Then the mass of node G is calculated under the assumption that it is solid, and then the result is multiplied by the fill factor.
Nistratov’s empirical formula gives approximately the same accuracy:
, where P is the nominal press force in tons.
In an original way, you can install a lot of small one-piece structures according to the volume of water they displace. To do this, water is poured into a tared container to the brim. Place the container in another with a much larger volume, and then place this structure in the first container. The volume of water displaced by it is weighed. This volume will be equal to the volume of the structure.
Online metal calculator - weight calculation
Metal calculator is a convenient solution for determining the weight of rolled metal. Before purchasing such products, you must first find out which car is suitable for transportation. It is the total weight of the rolled metal that will influence the tonnage of the car or other vehicle for transportation.
A natural question arises: how to calculate the weight of the required number of products? Previously, calculating mass required a lot of effort even from experienced specialists. After all, carrying out various calculations was impossible without knowledge of the theoretical basis of different metals, formulas for calculating volume, forms of rolled metal, and much more. It is this labor-intensive process that prompted the search for effective and quick methods.
Today, instead of various tables, formulas and lengthy calculations, the most convenient way is used - an online calculator.
Metal weight, length and cost calculator
How to use the calculator?
The standard metal calculator on our website will allow you to accurately calculate the weight of the products you are interested in. Our clients have the opportunity to calculate the weight of products by specifying specific lengths and dimensions. The calculator operates online and is also available for download. To calculate the mass of products, you just need to select:
- the steel grade of interest;
- rolled metal assortment;
And then - indicate the dimensions of the sides. This application makes it possible to determine the weight of the product of almost all existing grades of steel: black, non-ferrous and stainless. The online calculator will allow you to determine the mass of products made from alloys of copper, bronze, aluminum and others. Our clients will be able to calculate the weight of circle, rod, strip, sheet metal, plate, beams, round and profile pipe.
A convenient widget demonstrates what specific characteristics are required for further calculations. Each type of rolled metal product has an addition in the form of a schematic image of its cut with each shelf, face, etc. displayed in the form of letters. The unit of measurement for dimensions is the millimeter, the weight is calculated in kilograms accurate to the second decimal place.
How is product weight calculated?
The purpose of the online calculator in this section is to make it as easy as possible for you to determine the mass of the metal you are purchasing. The calculation formula reveals the weight of 1 mm of rolled steel multiplied by the length (when calculating the weight in accordance with the length value). If weight is used as the initial data, and a table of rolled metal from tons to meters is also needed, first of all it is necessary to determine the cross-sectional area of the rolled product, which was multiplied by the specific gravity.
Next, the weight should be divided by the amount determined by the multiplication method - this way you will get the length of interest by weight. It should be taken into account that the table of weight of non-ferrous metal is influenced by the temperature indicator of the calculated product, since at different temperature values steel has different densities. Accordingly, the calculation takes into account the standard steel temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.
For non-ferrous metal products, other temperature values are used; it is necessary to keep this fact in mind.
In reality, product sizes, especially in large volumes, may not correspond to the stated values. This is explained by the fact that the weight table does not take into account deviations from certain geometric characteristics of products, which actually occur in reality.
Rolled metal calculator online, metal weight table
The metal calculator for stainless steel products from the Regional House of Metal company will help you calculate the weight and cost of products based on given overall dimensions and specified steel grades.
The widget allows you to get the weight of products of almost any steel grade used today: black, non-ferrous, stainless steel. In particular, the non-ferrous rolled metal calculator will help in calculating products made from alloys of copper, bronze, aluminum and others. In the product catalog you can buy the following types of rolled metal: pipes, long products (angle, circle, channel, beam), strip, wire rod, hexagons and sheets.
Metal calculator
With relative accuracy, you can calculate the weight of rolled metal and the amount of steel reinforcement. By entering dimensions and lengths, you can calculate the weight of the products. The calculator works in online mode for quick weight calculation, for this you need:
- select the required steel grade;
- select rental category;
- Enter the dimensions and dimensions of the sides.
Our resource specialists periodically update the steel grade for accurate and up-to-date calculations of products. In the calculation process, the specific gravity of rolled metal (calculator table) steel and size (metal thickness, sheet width, diameter of pipe wall, channel, etc.) are used.
Sometimes when the grade of steel from which it is made is unknown, in this case you can use universal grades such as St10 and St20. If you still have suspicions about the raw materials, you can perform a chemical test. metal analysis.
Rolled metal weight table
The calculation formula determines the weight of 1 mm of rolled steel multiplied by the length (if the weight is calculated based on the length value). In the case when the initial data is weight and a table of rolled metal from tons to meters is required, the cross-sectional area of the rolled metal multiplied by the specific gravity is first determined, after which the weight is divided by the value obtained by multiplication and we obtain the required length by weight.
It should be noted that the weight table of rolled metal depends on the temperature of the calculated rolled product, so, at different steel temperatures, its density changes significantly. Based on this, the calculation uses a universal steel temperature of 20 °C. For non-ferrous metal products, other temperature values may be used, please pay attention to this.
In real life, the sizes of rolled products produced, especially in large-volume batches, may differ significantly from the calculated values. This is due to the fact that the table of mass of rolled metal does not take into account deviations from the exact geometric parameters of the product, which necessarily exist, especially for large volumes.
How to correctly and quickly calculate the weight of rolled metal - with and without tables
The issue of calculating the weight of rolled metal is relevant not only for specialists, but also for private developers and home craftsmen. If you have a reference book at hand and, especially, an online metal calculator, it is not difficult to make the appropriate calculations. What if you only have a tape measure and a calculator on your phone? It is difficult to obtain accurate results with such an arsenal, but it is quite possible to approximately determine the weight of some metal products.
What is a conversion factor
Let's complicate the task. Suppose you need to buy a sheet of non-ferrous metal. Let's use a conversion factor, which is the ratio of the density of a particular metal or alloy to the average density of steel. By multiplying the weight of a steel product of a certain range and size by the coefficient of the desired metal or alloy, we obtain the weight of the part.
Name of metal or alloy | Coefficient |
Aluminum | 0,34 |
Copper | 1,14 |
Brass LS59 | 1,08 |
Bronze OTS 5-5-5 | 1,12 |
Gray cast iron | 0,9 |
Example - let's calculate the mass of a bronze sheet with a thickness of 2 mm and an area of 2 m2.
7.85x2x2x1.12 = 35.2 kg
Attention! The same simple algorithm can be applied to non-metallic sheet materials, for which there are also conversion factors. For example, for rubber - 0.17-0.23, organic glass - 0.15, caprolon - 0.15, textolite - 0.18, rubber - 0.17-0.23.
How to find out the mass of a pipe
To determine the mass of pipes, it is optimal to use tables.
Nominal diameter, inch/mm | Wall thickness, mm | Weight, kg | Nominal diameter, inch/mm | Wall thickness, mm | Weight, kg |
1/4 (8) | 2,35 | 0,65 | 11/4 (32) | 3,25 | 3,14 |
1/2 (15) | 2,65 | 1,22 | 11/2 (40) | 3,25 | 3,61 |
3/4 (20) | 2,65 | 1,58 | 2 (50) | 3,65 | 5,1 |
1 (25) | 3,25 | 2,44 | 21/2 (65) | 3,65 | 6,51 |
If you don’t have access to reference materials, and simple geometric formulas are not an obstacle for you, calculate the weight yourself. To do this, we find the difference between the area of the circle along the outer radius and the area along the inner radius. We multiply the resulting difference by the length of the pipe and the density of the steel - 7,850 kg/m3.
For pipes made of non-ferrous metals, the conversion factors that we discussed above are used.
How to find out the mass of a cylinder using tables for a round bar
If you have access to tables for calculating the mass of round timber, then it is very easy to determine the mass of a cylinder with any wall thickness. To do this, find the weight of 1 m of rod along the outer diameter of the cylinder and subtract from it the weight of 1 m of rod along the inner diameter. Multiply the result by the height of the cylinder (in meters). The mass of the cylinder is found.
How to calculate the mass of an equal angle angle, channel, I-beam
The weight of a linear meter of corner metal depends on the width and thickness of the shelves.
Attention! The weight of a corner calculated using a geometric formula or determined from a table may differ greatly from the actual one. This is due to the fact that some manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of products, reduce the thickness of the corner flange in places where verification measurements are not provided. Such a difference can significantly exceed the tolerances provided for by GOST.
Weight per linear meter of the most common range of equal-flange angles
Shelf width, mm | Shelf thickness, mm | Weight of 1 m corner, kg | Shelf width, mm | Shelf thickness, mm | Weight of 1 m corner, kg |
20 | 3 | 0,89 | 40 | 3 | 1,85 |
20 | 4 | 1,15 | 40 | 4 | 2,42 |
25 | 3 | 1,12 | 45 | 3 | 2,08 |
25 | 4 | 1,46 | 45 | 4 | 2,73 |
32 | 3 | 1,46 | 50 | 3 | 2,32 |
32 | 4 | 1,91 | 50 | 4 | 3,05 |
36 | 3 | 1,65 | 63 | 4 | 3,9 |
36 | 4 | 2,16 | 63 | 5 | 4,81 |
It is difficult to independently calculate the mass of a channel and an I-beam due to the complex shape of the section. In this case, tables are used.
Channel weight table
Profile number | Weight 1 m, kg | Profile number | Weight 1 m, kg | Profile number | Weight 1 m, kg |
5 | 4,84 | 12 | 10,4 | 20 | 18,4 |
6,5 | 5,9 | 14 | 12,3 | 22 | 21,0 |
8 | 7,05 | 16 | 14,2 | 24 | 24 ,0 |
10 | 8,59 | 18 | 16,3 | 27 | 27,7 |
I-beam weight table
Profile number | Weight 1 m, kg | Profile number | Weight 1 m, kg | Profile number | Weight 1 m, kg |
10 | 9,46 | 18 | 18,4 | 27 | 31,5 |
12 | 11,5 | 20 | 21,0 | 30 | 36,5 |
14 | 13,7 | 22 | 24,0 | 33 | 42,2 |
16 | 15,9 | 24 | 27,3 | 36 | 48,6 |
Metal weight calculators
If you have access to the Internet, calculating the mass of rolled metal is not difficult. The metal calculator can be used online or downloaded to your computer.
How the calculation is performed:
- Select the type of rolled metal from the list.
- Fill in the data in the dimensions specified in the program.
- Press the calculation button.
- Calculators also usually indicate the weight of a linear meter of a specific assortment and the number of meters per ton.
Attention! All data provided by metal calculators is based on GOST. In the absence of tabular values, the mass is calculated using geometric formulas, adjusted for the manufacturing features of these products. In standard calculations, the density of steel is assumed to be 7,850 kg/m3.
The actual mass of rolled metal almost always differs from the theoretical one.
How to use reference books
A convenient reference material is the collection of authors P.M. Polivanov. and Polivanova E.P. “Tables for calculating the mass of parts and materials.” The directory contains tables that allow you to easily and quickly determine the weight of rolled products of round, rectangular, hexagonal sections, sheets and strips, equal and unequal angle steel, I-beams, channels, round and profile pipes.
The collection contains formulas that can be used to calculate the areas and volumes of geometric figures. A detailed table of conversion factors allows you to accurately calculate the mass of a non-ferrous metal or its alloy.
Approximate calculation methods can only be used to preliminary determine the mass of materials, products and structures. To draw up design documentation, only accurate data that fully complies with GOST is used.
Formula for calculating the mass of metal
The metal is widely used in various industries. When creating metal structures, it is necessary to first calculate two important indicators: strength and total weight.
The strength of the structure can be calculated using the methods of the theory of strength of materials. Weight is calculated taking into account the following characteristics:
- standard sample density (determined by physical characteristics);
- metal shape (according to the existing assortment - rolled sheets, channel, angle, pipe, etc.);
- geometric shape, part dimensions.
The presence of various forms of metal products requires an individual approach when calculating the following parameters:
- the mass of the entire metal structure;
- required volume of metal.
How to find out the mass of a pipe
Finding the parameter of a metal pipe of any diameter is carried out similarly to the method for a round profile. Calculate the difference in the areas of two circles. The first has the outer radius of the pipe. The second has the inner radius of the pipe.
The resulting difference is multiplied by the length of the pipe, calculating the volume of metal. Multiplying by the density of steel, the mass of a pipe of a given length is found. Operations with non-ferrous metal products are simplified through the use of a conversion factor.
When working with ready-made tables, you should find data for a 1 m bar with a radius equal to the outer diameter. Calculate the diameter of the rod, which is equal to the internal diameter. Subtract the smaller value from the larger value to get the desired result. It should be multiplied by the length of the sample.
Calculation of the weight of metal of various sections based on its size: basic methods and their features
Metal is the main material used in many industries. Various designs are made from it. In addition, it is used as a material for the manufacture of parts and assemblies of machines and units.
Metallurgical companies produce various types of rolled metal:
The most common is the pipe. When the need for this material arises, it is important for the consumer to determine the characteristics of the rolled metal offered by a specific selling company. To obtain this important information, they most often turn to special tables. Based on the data contained in them, you can find out the most important parameters:
If an enterprise or organization requires metal pipes, then by referring to the weight table, you can obtain all the important information about these products.
When rolled metal is used to construct structures, the most important thing is the correct selection of material. It must be of high quality , since the reliability and service life of the structures being built depends on this.
Often structural elements are created using profile pipes. Before purchasing material for their manufacture, you should find out the physical and technical characteristics of the material. Weight tables that contain all the necessary information can help with this.
By turning to them, you can find out what specific gravity an individual pipe will have, and then, based on the figures obtained, calculate the weight of the structure.
Based on the indicators contained in such tables, it is possible to determine the specific gravity of pipes, based on the dimensions of pipe products, as well as a number of other factors.
Why do you need to know the specific gravity of a profile pipe?
The importance of such information is great due to the fact that profile pipes have certain differences from standard plumbing products. Most often, pipes with a square or rectangular cross-section are offered on the market. The main advantage of such pipe products is their high quality and strength of the steel from which they are made.
In the construction of various structural elements, profile pipes are widely used. They have become widespread in various industries. When creating metal structures, the problem arises in determining the weight of the product. For this, the necessary calculations are carried out. After completion, the received data is entered when filling out the documentation.
Along with responsible companies, there are also unscrupulous sellers on the market who, when offering products, try to deceive customers. Every year the number of pipe products from the Middle Kingdom is increasing, which in terms of their quality characteristics do not always meet the requirements of domestic production.
In the case of Chinese pipes, there is one feature that many potential buyers simply do not know about. The thing is that the thickness of the pipes is determined at the edges of these products. This is where measurements are most often taken. But in the remaining sections of the pipe the thickness is very small. Therefore, such a defect can only be identified if the mass of the product is determined.
Calculation of the specific gravity of a profile pipe
To calculate the mass of a single profile metal pipe, you can use special calculators , which are available on many websites of specialized companies. Using this program, you can find out the weight of the pipe in a short time. Using this calculator is quite simple.
Algorithm of actions
All that is required from a potential buyer of pipe products is to enter in the fields of the program:
- pipe length;
- profile length;
- wall thickness.
Then all that remains is to choose the grade of steel from which the product is made. When the "enter" button is pressed, the user can obtain a detailed calculation of the specific gravity of the metal. When using such programs, you should be aware that in most calculators, the weight of profile pipe products is calculated based on the base value of steel density at the level of 7850 kg / cubic meter. m.
Using such programs, in addition to mass, you can also calculate the footage of pipe products. In this case, it is possible to accurately determine the linear meter of pipe per fixed mass.
Formula for calculating the specific gravity of metal
In addition to using a calculator, there is another method for calculating the mass of a tubular product. To do this, you can use the geometric formula for calculating the weight of metal. First you need to find out the cross-sectional area, and then multiply by the length of the segment. The result obtained must be multiplied by the density of the metal from which the product is made. You should be aware that depending on the grade of steel, the density of the metal may vary.
How to determine the specific gravity of a metal?
The pipe mass is calculated using the following formula:
M.P. = S*2*(A+B)*ρ.
In this formula, S is the wall thickness in meters, the letters A and B indicate the profile length in meters. And the density of steel is denoted by the letter ρ.
Metal is the most common material used in various industries. Various types of rolled metal are used for the manufacture of structures. Most often profile pipes are used. The use of high quality products ensures reliability and long service life.
A wide range of profile pipe products are offered on the market by a large number of companies. Along with reliable sellers, there are also companies that, under the guise of quality products, offer low-grade pipe products. Most often, they sell Chinese-made pipes under the brand names of well-known manufacturers, which are not of high quality.
In order to purchase truly high-quality products, an organization or enterprise must, when purchasing pipes, calculate the weight of the products they plan to purchase.
This will allow you to avoid buying a low-quality product and pay money for a good profile pipe. Using an online calculator, you can quickly calculate the weight of pipe products. There is also a special formula with which you can find out your weight.
The resulting figure will help you conclude which pipe the seller is offering – a high-quality one or an imitation one.
How to calculate the mass and weight of metal according to density tables and according to GOST for steel hardware having a circle in cross-section - Machine
The metal is widely used in various industries. When creating metal structures, it is necessary to first calculate two important indicators: strength and total weight.
The strength of the structure can be calculated using the methods of the theory of strength of materials. Weight is calculated taking into account the following characteristics:
- standard sample density (determined by physical characteristics);
- metal shape (according to the existing assortment - rolled sheets, channel, angle, pipe, etc.);
- geometric shape, part dimensions.
Metal weight calculation
The presence of various forms of metal products requires an individual approach when calculating the following parameters:
- the mass of the entire metal structure;
- required volume of metal.
How to calculate the mass of a sheet of metal
If there is no possibility of direct weighing, the weight of scrap metal can be determined in other ways. The most accurate result will be given by calculation, but other possibilities should not be neglected.
So, in order not to burden readers with unnecessary formulas, which will still be there, but below, we will immediately designate the formulas for calculating the most popular products from rolled steel and pipes - rolled pipes.
Here you will not find an online calculator for calculating weight, only formulas that you remember once you no longer have to use special calculators.
For example, when dismantling metal structures or a chimney, you don’t always have a computer, the Internet or a reference book at hand, but the structures are all welded from rolled steel here and our formulas will help out!
How to calculate the mass of metal - Metalist's Handbook
Galvanized steel sheet can be used in different ways in agriculture, industry, construction and many other areas of human activity.
And in order not to encounter scammers who will try to sell you a low-quality metal product, you need to know all the parameters that determine real galvanized sheet steel.
For example, transport marking of packages must be applied according to GOST No. 14192-77 with dark-colored dyes on the end of the surface of the pack and on the side of the surface of the roll. The marking must contain primary and secondary inscriptions that carry information.
Sheet according to GOST No. 14918-80
The standard conditions apply to steel in the form of sheets and coils that are hot-dip galvanized in permanent galvanizing units.
The technical degree coefficients, which are established by standard norms, must be in accordance with the requirements of the first two quality categories.
Galvanized sheet steel is divided into:
1. By purpose:
- for types for cold stamping - X W,
- for cold profiling - X P,
- for painting - P K,
- general use - OH;
2. According to the ability to draw (steel category X W):
- conventional hood - H,
- deep drawing - G,
- very deep drawing - V G;
3. According to the uniform thickness of the special zinc coating:
- with normal thickness variation - HP,
- with reduced thickness variation - U P;
4. By mutual agreement of the customer and the manufacturer, steel can be manufactured:
- with zinc stains on the surface - KP,
- without zinc stain on the surface - MT;
5. Depending on the thickness of the special coating, galvanized steel is divided into three classes:
- elevated,
- first,
- second.
Galvanized steel is produced in widths from 710mm to 1800mm, thickness from 0.5mm to 2.5mm from cold rolled steel.
How to calculate the weight of galvanized steel sheets?
M=M1+M2, where M is the final weight of the sheet (kg), M1 is the weight of iron (kg), M2 is the weight of zinc (kg).
In this case, M1=T1 x l1 x H1 x P1,
where T1 is the thickness of the iron sheet (mm). When calculating, it is important to take into account that the thickness of the iron is 0.05 mm lower than the finished product for class 1 zinc special coating and 0.03 mm less for class 2; l1 - length of sheet iron (m); H1 - width of iron sheet (m); P1 is an indicator of iron density (7.85 t/m3).
M2=T2 x l2 x H2 x P2,
where, T2 is the thickness of the galvanized layer (depending on the category, where the thickness of the 1st category is 0.0381 mm, and the second is 0.0216 mm); l2 - length of special coating (m); H2 - width of special coating (m); P2 is an indicator of zinc density (7.13 t/m3).
Thanks to the formula, it is possible to make calculations before purchasing. This will allow you not to be deceived and to accurately calculate the required amount of material.
There are also tables that already have calculations and ready-made results. Therefore, in some cases, avoiding calculations, you can refer to the following tables:
Table for calculating the mass of galvanized sheet steel
Thickness of galvanized steel | Number of m2 of galvanized steel in 1 ton | Weight 1m2 galvanized steel |
0.4mm | 299.40m2 | 3.34kg |
0.45mm | 267.92m2 | 3.73kg |
0.5mm | 242.42m2 | 4.13kg |
0.55mm | 221.36m2 | 4.52kg |
0.6mm | 203.67m2 | 4.91kg |
0.65mm | 188.60m2 | 5.31kg |
0.7mm | 175.59m2 | 5.70kg |
0.75mm | 164.2m2 | 6.09kg |
0.8mm | 154.32m2 | 6.48kg |
0.9mm | 137.65m2 | 7.27kg |
1mm | 124.22m2 | 8.05kg |
1.1mm | 114.09 m2 | 8.83kg |
1.2mm | 103.95m2 | 9.62kg |
1.5mm | 83.51m2 | 11.97kg |
2mm | 62.89m2 | 15.9kg |
2.5mm | 50.45m2 | 19.82kg |
Table for calculating the mass of galvanized steel with polymer coating
Thickness of galvanized steel with special coating | Number of m2 of galvanized steel with special coating in 1 t | Weight 1m2 of galvanized steel with special coating |
0.4mm | 318.47m2 | 3.14kg |
0.45mm | 283.29m2 | 3.53kg |
0.5mm | 253.81m2 | 3.94kg |
0.55mm | 232.02m2 | 4.31kg |
0.6mm | 213.22m2 | 4.69kg |
0.65mm | 196.67m2 | 5.08kg |
0.7mm | 182.15m2 | 5.49kg |
0.75mm | 170.07m2 | 5.88kg |
0.8mm | 158.98m2 | 6.29kg |
0.9mm | 141.04m2 | 7.09kg |
1mm | 125.94m2 | 7.94kg |
Online form for calculating the weight of galvanized steel