How to properly sharpen skates on a machine

Skate sharpening

How to properly sharpen skates on a machine

Instructions for sharpening skates.

Quite a lot of ice palaces are being restored now. At the same time, parents strive to get their child interested in sports, so they send them to various sections and clubs. Nowadays it won’t surprise anyone that a child plays hockey or figure skating. In this article we will tell you how to sharpen your skates yourself.

How can you sharpen your skates yourself?

Many people think that there is no need to sharpen new skates since they are already from the factory. This is not true, factory sharpening is suitable only for a few. Therefore, you will have to try. The most interesting thing is that athletes trust only a few with this work. These are sharpening professionals. After all, a small error can cause a fall when performing complex tricks.

Ways to sharpen skates:

  • File
  • Nadfilkom
  • Bulgarian

How can you sharpen your skates yourself?

How to buy a machine, device, tool for sharpening skates on Aliexpress?

Aliexpress sells special sharpeners for sharpening skates. It is worth noting that they are not the same and differ in sharpening methods. This is a V-shaped sharpening, which we rarely use. It is mainly used by American athletes.

There are also machines for sharpening under the groove. This is exactly the option that is used in our country. The sharpeners look simple. This is a small object with a recess inside. The recess is the thickness of a blade. There is a bulge inside that will help make a groove.

The main disadvantage of such a sharpener is the inability to adjust the depth of the groove.

To make your first order on Aliexpress, read the instructions for registering and searching for goods, payment and delivery on the official website here, or read the article on our website “First order on Aliexpress”.

How to buy a machine, device, tool for sharpening skates on Aliexpress?

What does it mean: skates are sharpened to groove?

Sharpening under the groove in our country is considered the most popular and in demand. A groove-like recess is made inside the blade. Thanks to this, skaters can perform complex pirouettes.

This is due to the fact that most difficult tricks are performed on the inside or outside edge of the skates. The most interesting thing is that this groove differs in depth among people who play different sports and have different weights.

The more a person weighs, the deeper the groove should be. At the same time, the groove of an attacker in hockey should be deeper than that of a defender.

What does it mean: skates are sharpened to groove?

Which skate sharpening is better: straight or grooved?

This question cannot be answered. This is due to the fact that new skates are sold straight sharpened. That is, there is no groove inside. This type of sharpening is suitable for few people. It allows you to develop enormous speed and brake quickly, but maneuverability is lost. That is, turns are more difficult to perform. Therefore, straight sharpening is more suitable for athletes who are involved in sports that involve straight and fast movement.

Skaters, especially hockey players, choose a groove grind. It allows you to develop a speed that is not as high as a straight line, but the skates are very maneuverable. This allows you to perform tricks, turns and spins. It is more difficult to brake on such skates.

Which skate sharpening is better: straight or grooved?

How to sharpen hockey skates at home?

For hockey players in our country, groove sharpening is used. But in Europe and the USA, other types of sharpening are also popular.

Types of sharpening for hockey players:

  • Channel-Z It is becoming more popular in our country. Allows you to move more maneuverably on ice without losing speed. It looks like a depression with a small groove inside.
  • Classic. This is a groove sharpening. It helps develop maneuverability, but “eats up” speed.
  • FTB. This type of sharpening is used in Western countries by NHL teams. This is due to the fact that they mostly perform on artificial ice. Therefore, the main grip and speed can be sacrificed. In profile it looks like two sharp blades with a straight platform inside.

How to sharpen hockey skates at home?

How to sharpen skates at home for figure skating?

For figure skating, sharpening is carried out under the groove. This can be done using a file or a grinding wheel.


  • Take a file and a block of wood. Make a hole in the piece of wood and place a file in it
  • Place the skate blade in the groove and move the block back and forth
  • Continue working until there is a characteristic notch inside

How to sharpen skates at home for figure skating?

How to sharpen speed skating skates at home?


Skate sharpening: equipment and tools, technology and expert recommendations

How to properly sharpen skates on a machine

In order to get the blades in order, you need to sharpen your skates efficiently and correctly. This can be done in two ways - independently or in special places. Experts recommend not to conduct experiments and immediately contact professionals in their field.

Where can I sharpen my skates?

Let's determine your level to understand which of the possible methods is more rational. If you are an amateur and plan to ride “in circles” without practicing any movements, then you can do it yourself, go to a metal repair shop that has suitable equipment, or to a chain store - for example, you can get decent skate sharpening at Sportmaster. , at the ice arena, if they provide the appropriate services.

If ice is your passion, then the only option would be to contact specialized stores or services in the section that are completely out of luck in this matter.

How are different skates sharpened?

Different skates need to be cleaned differently. For example, if you are involved in speed skating, then all the blades for your skates will be sharpened by hand. Defects on hockey or figure blades are first removed with a machine, and then brought to perfect condition by the hands of a master. Different types of ice sports have their own sharpening technologies.

For speed skaters, the only acceptable option for a working surface is its absolute smoothness. Figure and hockey blades are sharpened with grooves of various shapes and depths.

When should you sharpen your skates?

The frequency of sharpening is determined by the type of sport, intensity of load, skill level, care of the blade and upcoming competitions. It is believed that figure skates are sharpened less often than other skates. In any case, you will have to take your skates to the workshop if you:

  • New, just purchased shoes. A very common misconception is that you can put on new boots and immediately go on the ice. If you ride for yourself, you don’t have to correct the factory’s flaws. If you want to start studying the simplest elements, then you should take them to a worthy specialist.
  • Error during previous sharpening. Professionals in their field can correct almost any flaws - the mistake of an unqualified specialist or the consequences of independent work.
  • Blades slip on ice during acceleration.
  • Blade displacement when turning.

Now let's talk about when you don't need to take them to the workshop. Skaters are quite demanding about the quality of sharpening, but even professionals need time to get used to and break in. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to sharpen skates before competitions.

You can take them to the workshop two weeks before an important event to get them in order. If for some reason you were unable to do this earlier, be sure to tell the master that you have a competition coming up.

It won't remove too much metal from the blades.

Equipment and tools for sharpening

In order for the master to put your skates in order, he will need special equipment. Machines are divided into two types - automatic or manual. Automatic models allow you to place the boot vertically, with the blades themselves located at the bottom. The master only needs to mark the skate, insert the skate into the holder and adjust the diamond discs. Then the machine will do everything itself.

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For manual mechanisms, the skate lies on its side, its blade is directed into the structure, and removal of irregularities is possible only with direct control of the entire process by the master. In addition, a specialist must check the quality of the work performed, and, if necessary, manually fine-tune the blade.

An abrasive stone coated with diamond, a polishing stone and a finishing stone will help him with this.

The craftsman will also need a diamond pencil, oil and wax for sharpening, measuring instruments and other accessories for manual and automatic work.

The quality of the work performed depends very much on the craftsman who carries it out. It is he who evaluates the condition of the blades, selects the appropriate sharpening radius for the skates and finishes them manually. All blades for skaters have a semicircular concavity, which provides them with the ability to perform various maneuvers and jumps.

The groove is sharpened to a depth of 6 to 40 divisions. Usually work is carried out in the range of 10-15. Its size depends on the purpose of skating, the elements performed, the weight of the athlete and the quality of the ice. Based on this information and on behalf of the trainer, the master selects a suitable disc and sets the required radius.

Sharpening of figure skates is carried out in several stages:

  • adjusting the device and installing the blade into the grooves;
  • carrying out work to remove the metal layer and form a groove;
  • checking the quality of sharpening and manual polishing of the surface of the blades to remove burrs, nicks, microparticles and improve adhesion to the surface.

In order to determine the required groove depth, the master is guided by special tables.

Hockey skates are sharpened more often than figure skates. Constant collisions with other players, the puck or hits with a stick oblige athletes to sharpen them once a week or even more often. The sharpening technique for hockey is different from others; it can be done in 3 ways.

For amateur skating, the standard method is used - a groove is made in a semicircle inward. Most manual and automatic machine shops offer these services. The next option is the so-called Cannel Z.

Thanks to the unique groove configuration - semicircular with a square notch - the blades become thinner less, as they are sharpened to a shallower depth while maintaining and increasing quality characteristics.

The third method - FTB sharpening of hockey skates - is practically not used in Russia.

Sharpening stages

The sharpening process itself involves several steps:

  • Step 1. Assessing the condition of the blade, choosing a sharpening method and groove depth. For convenience, a diamond pencil is used to apply the markings.
  • Step 2. Surface treatment on installation. The boots must be secured using special clamps and the device must be started.
  • Step 3. Check the symmetry of the ribs on both pairs. Using skate sharpening devices, treat the surface to remove burrs and other irregularities.
  • In order to correctly perform the work on automatic or manual machines, you will have to refer to the instructions. It describes in detail the setup of the device, the rules of sharpening and working with tools.

Experts recommend monitoring the condition of the blades. The deeper the grooves from impacts on them, the harder it is for a specialist to restore them to an acceptable working appearance. To prevent skates from having to be taken frequently for correction, walking outside the ice arena without covers is highly discouraged. The same goes for metal curbs at exits, ceramic tiles and wooden decks.


How to sharpen skates

How to properly sharpen skates on a machine

How long ago did man begin to move on ice using wooden, bone or iron strips called skates? The iron skate from Scandinavia is already more than 1800 years old. Probably, even then the question arose of how to sharpen skates, because the aforementioned runners made of wood and bone, attached with special straps to shod feet, were apparently used to have fun much earlier. This strap fastening of skates continued until the very beginning of the 20th century, when skates attached to special shoes appeared in the arena. A modern skate weighs much less, is stronger and more comfortable, and is more advanced. During the development of models, specialized ones for figure skaters, hockey and running ones emerged.

The production of modern skates involves at least 45 operations, and begins with sewing special boots. Skate boots are made from synthetic materials, which both look and feel little different from leather. All workpieces are prepared taking into account lightness, the absence of bulky seams, etc. but at the same time it withstood increased loads when the athlete skated on ice. After all, not only how to properly sharpen skates affects how long an athlete can stay on the ice.

The skating boot is quite complex; its design uses special ankle support pads and foam inserts that follow the contours of the athlete’s ankle. The inner lining of the boot has no seams or protrusions, eliminating abrasions and foot injuries.

The sole is made from a particularly durable composite carbon material. It is installed ideally so that the athlete can maintain balance for a long time throughout the ride. And the skate blade is attached to such a special boot on special holders, forming a solid structure.

After which it’s time to fulfill the conditions on how to properly sharpen skates.

Modern skate

It seems that there is something special about the way the skates should be sharpened. But in fact, sharpening skates, both for amateurs and professional athletes, is actually one of the main conditions for successful skating. For hockey players, it affects the stability, speed, and maneuverability of each player on the ice. At the same time, unsharpened skates can pose a significant danger to the athlete’s health.

Poorly sharpened skates are very fraught and very dangerous. A player can, when pushing or braking, or during some maneuver or feint, the skate can roll up and go to the side. Especially if sharpening was done according to the principle “how to sharpen skates at home.” The result is injury to the player himself or to an opponent/partner who is caught in the middle. It's so easy to pull any muscle or tendon, even tear it. The skate must be perfectly sharpened.

How to sharpen skates at home

You can take them to a workshop and get what you want for money. But if you are into amateur hockey, you will have to sharpen your skates often and you will lose a lot of money. You can turn to a friend for help if he has the appropriate machine or device. And if you really need it, then you can try to come up with something yourself.

The common old-fashioned method of “taking a file” clearly will not give a high-quality result. You can try to make a special holder for abrasive and thus solve the problem of how to sharpen skates, whiling away the evenings monotonously sharpening skates.

But after familiarizing yourself with the available samples of automated sharpening, you can try to do something similar, say, together with a friend. Moreover, such sharpening of skates is a fairly short procedure.

The use of modern machines allows you to spend no more than 10 minutes on it, depending on the complexity of the condition.

Skates must be sharpened before each training session, and sometimes several times during a game. Usually the player himself feels when his skates need to be sharpened again. Damage to the sharpening can be due to the fact that the skate has driven into the skate, poor quality of the ice, or the presence of foreign objects on it. Sharpening is checked quite simply. Run your fingernail along the blade; if the nail comes off, the sharpening is good; if not, it’s time to sharpen.

How to check if skates are sharpened

When taking care of your safety at the skating rink, it is important to ensure that your skates are always well sharpened. But how should skates be sharpened? For high speed, the surface of the skate blade is sharpened evenly; such a flat sharpening optimally ensures maneuverability at high speed and is used in bandy.

But for amateur skating, it is best to sharpen skates with a groove. The depth of the groove depends on whether the ice is open or closed. Closed ice is softer and the groove needs to be made deeper. This sharpening lasts longer and is best suited for not very smooth ice surfaces.

This is what sharpened skates look like: They have a sharp edge and a flat or flute grind. When sharpening, the blade is first fed over an abrasive wheel (if the work is not done manually) that has the appropriate profile and thickness. By the way, as a rule, the profile of the abrasive wheel is adjusted with special diamond or corundum pencils before carrying out work.

After sharpening the working plane, the edges of the blade must be processed on both sides. For this, abrasive bars are used, with their help the edges are cleaned on both sides of the ridge. All skates are sharpened individually. An experienced master is akin to a playing team member.

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He knows not only how to determine whether skates are sharpened, but also takes into account the skating style of each athlete, his preferences and wishes. Properly sharpened skates affect the quality of the game, and sometimes its outcome. As an example, there is a known real case when a team flew to a competition without a grinder.

As a result, the players were unable to play a single game normally until their grinder urgently arrived.

How and on what should skates be sharpened?

There are many different machines and devices available for sharpening skates. One of the machines: Blackstone X0-1 and X0-2 Spinner V. Its use eliminates the question of how to determine whether skates are sharpened.

 Produced in portable cases, the machines are convenient for transportation and can easily be placed in the trunk of a car. To prepare for use, the top cover is opened and parts are removed.

  One of the parts of the case simultaneously functions as a frame; a number of protective screens (X01 and X02) made of transparent impact-resistant materials on an elbow bracket can be attached to it with screws.

Mobility and high quality of correct sharpening

The machine includes an electric emery drive with a horizontal abrasive wheel, a holder for a skate blade with a clamping clamp, a set of replaceable abrasive wheels of different thicknesses for sharpening flat or to a groove of different depths. In addition, the kit includes a key for manually replacing the abrasive wheel, safety glasses, and a replaceable diamond spinner disk for shaping the profile of the abrasive wheel. Instructions – a manual for the user on how to check whether the skates are sharpened.

The special skate holder at the base has three adjustment screws to align the horizontal position of the skate blade. At the top of the holder there is a special screw fastening with a clamping strip. Here the skate is placed horizontally between the base of the holder and the removable clamping bar.

Allowing you to accurately fulfill the requirements of what sharpened skates look like. Rotating the set screws in the base of the holder clockwise lowers the side. And vice versa. The basis for moving the holder is the frame plate, located strictly perpendicular to the axis of the drive motor.

  On the lower plane of the base of the holder there is a replaceable self-adhesive gasket, which ensures ease of sliding along the work table of the bed.

Before sharpening, the wheel profile is prepared. To do this, screw in or unscrew the adjusting screw to ensure contact between the diamond spinner and the wheel profile. The resulting dispersed abrasive dust is automatically discharged through a special nozzle in the direction opposite to the sharpener. After completing the profile shaping operation, the spinner moves back to its original position. During sharpening, if necessary, giving the desired profile can be carried out repeatedly.

The SZK-1 machine can properly sharpen skates

To check the horizontal position of the skate blade positioned in the holder, special marks are made on its working sharpening point at the beginning and end.

  And a check is carried out with a special mechanical attachment with a level and a double-sided pointer showing the perpendicularity of the resulting edges and the sharpening plane. If the geometry meets the requirements, the levels on the right and left show the same number of marks on the scales.

After checking the correctness of the sharpening geometry, its edges are fine-tuned using a special abrasive stone with a groove corresponding to the width of the skate blade.

Among the domestic machines we can mention SZK-1, made on a special vibration-damping frame. It has a powerful electric drive (1.1 kW) with a switch. An easily removable crank arm with a screw clamp is attached to the frame - a clamp for the skate holder, ensuring the correctness and perpendicularity of its position.

The composition includes a diamond pencil for flat sharpening and for sharpening under the groove. The ability to connect a dust removal system is provided. As in the previous machine, the abrasive wheel is located horizontally. To ensure horizontal advancement of the skate blade, a special support bar is installed.

The abrasive wheel is covered with a protective casing.

Ensures proper sharpening of skates

The ProSharp AS1001 professional stationary sharpening machine is designed somewhat differently. In it, the abrasive wheel rotates in a vertical plane, and the blade of the skate in a special clamp passes over it. Feeding can be done manually or automatically. Dust removal is also automated here.

The machine is controlled from a panel that has a switch key, four buttons that control the direction and speed of the skate, flat sharpening, and groove sharpening depending on the type of skate and the thickness of its blade (all of these options can be easily adjusted during operation). The amount and force of pressing the abrasive wheel to the plane being sharpened is easily adjusted.

  Centering the skate blade is accomplished by simply turning the handle.


How to sharpen skates with your own hands?

In winter, many people start skating and skiing. To enjoy outdoor activities in winter, you need to be able to keep your equipment in good condition. Skate sharpening is a special procedure that must be carried out regularly.

Sharpening a skate on equipment

How often should you sharpen?

This question is most often asked by beginners. Professional skate sharpening is performed 2 times in 7 days if a person trains 4 times a week. However, this is the opinion of professional hockey players and figure skaters. Beginners, amateurs who do not engage in sports associated with special equipment, ride for their own pleasure, need to learn to determine that the edge has been damaged.

You can understand that the blades are dull based on several factors. Firstly, the socks will move apart on the ice. Secondly, if you run your palm over a damaged cutting edge, marks will remain on the skin. Thirdly, chips and burrs may be visually visible.

Do I need to sharpen new equipment?

Most manufacturers do not sharpen the cutting edges of ice skating equipment. Because of this, it is necessary to carry out a processing procedure immediately after purchase, before using them. However, models from Reebok with a T-blade do not require sharpening after purchase.

What do sharpened skates look like?

To determine the correct sharpening of skates, you can use several methods:

  1. Gently run your fingers along the edge. There should be no chips on it that could leave scratches.
  2. Use your fingernails to run along both sides of the cutting edge. Sharpened skates will leave scratches.
  3. Check visually. To do this, you need to look at the blade from the ends. It should look like two cutting edges with a groove running between them. If there are chips on the ribs, you need to think about regrinding.

Professionals test the sharpness of performing some movements on the ice. To do this, a side search is performed. If your feet don't slip, the blades are sharp.

Appearance of sharpened skates

Why do you need to sharpen?

Beginners sometimes ask why sharpen equipment. There are several reasons for this:

  1. The quality of gliding improves.
  2. Using sharpened skates makes it easier to accelerate and maintain balance.
  3. The accuracy of performing individual skating elements increases.
  4. Easier to control balance.

With poor sharpening, the legs will move in different directions, movements will become uncontrollable.

Types of sharpening

Before you start restoring the sharpness of your equipment, you need to study the types of sharpening of skates:

  1. Standard - second name - radius. The groove should be positioned on the blade so that it forms a semicircle directed towards the foot. The radius gradation starts from 6 and ends at 40 degrees. The size of sharp edges and the depth of the recess are calculated using a table of grooves, which can be found on the Internet.
  2. Channel – Z. This is a unique sharpening that is similar to the standard one. Initially, the groove is turned, as during normal turning. After this, a square groove is made in it. The sharpening depth for the double groove reaches 2 mm.
  3. V - Canadian type of blade processing. Used in North America for over 20 years. It is popular when processing hockey equipment used by NHL athletes. It stands out for its high efficiency compared to other technologies.

The average sharpening time on high-quality ice of indoor skating rinks is 12 hours.

Tools and equipment

To properly sharpen your skates, you can use several tools. These include:

  1. Files, needle files. Hands-on experience is required to operate these tools. Processing time starts from an hour or more.
  2. Abrasive whetstone. A plastic slingshot that has abrasive surfaces for sharpening the blades. With its help, it is convenient to remove burrs that remain after rough processing. It is difficult to correct chips and chips using an abrasive whetstone.
  3. Whetstones are a classic tool for sharpening various tools. Depending on the size of the abrasive chips, there are different types of cutting edge processing.
  4. Sharpening machines. Specialized equipment that is used in professional workshops. They require correct settings, choice of turning mode, and selection of abrasive.
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It is advisable for beginners to conduct their first processing training with old equipment.

Additionally you will need the following devices:

  1. Diamond pencils for creating grooves.
  2. Touchstones that will be used to remove burrs.
  3. A vice in which the blades will be secured.
  4. Needle file, file.

If you don’t want to try sharpening the blade yourself, it is recommended to leave the job to professionals.

Proper sharpening of a skate

Preparation for sharpening

Before you start turning the cutting edge, it is necessary to carry out preparatory steps. These include:

  1. Check the integrity of the instruments.
  2. The thickness of the ribs should be the same.
  3. Sharpen the blade at a 90 degree angle.

It is important to adhere to the original configuration of the cutting edges so as not to damage the equipment.

How to sharpen at home?

Turning skates at home requires following a number of rules and taking into account the features of the equipment. Independent work is accessible to anyone. It is necessary to select tools in advance and prepare the workplace.

Sharpening figure skates at home

Sharpening skates with your own hands depends on the type of equipment. When working with figure skates, people with little practical experience may experience the following errors:

  1. When turning different sides of the blade, there is no uniformity. Because of this, the skater will lose balance and perform certain elements incorrectly.
  2. Removing varying amounts of steel along the entire length of the cutting edge. If the quantity is uneven, the balance of stability on the ice will be disrupted.

Sharpening goalie skates

Goalie skates most often collide with the puck, because of this they have a modified shape and additional protection. Although they stand separately from other equipment, sharpening their blades is no different from sharpening other types of equipment.

Hockey skate sharpening

When it comes to turning equipment for hockey players, professional players give preference to craftsmen who carry out work on automatic machines. This is due to the fact that an incorrectly sharpened blade can take a hockey player out of the game, causing the team to suffer serious losses.

When turning hockey equipment, it is necessary to choose the right type of processing. The most popular option is channel z. This option eliminates possible slippage during sudden movements.

To sharpen hockey skates, you need to pick up a sharpening machine and practice on an old pair.

How to check sharpening?

After carrying out the work, you need to check the sharpness of the blade. This requires several steps. These include:

  1. Inspect the edge. It is important that the sides are symmetrical, without differences in height or chips.
  2. Use a plastic stick to move along both sides of the blade, controlling the pressing force at the same level. Inspect its surface. There should be no gouges or serious scratches on it.
  3. Indicator of a sharp edge - the equipment must be level on the ice. A hockey player's legs should not move in different directions.

If any burrs remain, they must be removed using a sharpening stone with fine abrasive particles.

Today, craftsmen sharpen the blades of sports equipment according to European standards. This is due to the fact that such technologies can reduce friction and increase riding comfort. The combination of the radii of the grooves and their depth will help increase the speed of skating during the game. During transportation and storage of equipment, it is advisable to use special protective covers for cutting edges. They come in rag, rubber, silicone.

Many people love to skate on ice.
However, dull blades will not allow you to fully enjoy this activity. Because of this, it is advisable to learn how to sharpen cutting edges yourself, so as not to spend money on specialized workshops. Sharpening skates at home. How to sharpen your skates yourself.

How to sharpen skates with your own hands? Link to main publication


Skate sharpener: sharpening methods, important requirements. Wow little block! Or a pocket sharpener (rule) for skates What is the best way to sharpen

In this article we will talk about skate sharpening machines presented on Aliexpress .

Each sports equipment requires careful care and preparation. How the athlete performs directly depends on this. In this case, sharpening is important for skates. Moreover, this is necessary not only for professionals, but also for those who like to ride. It is fashionable to purchase a special machine on Aliexpress at a competitive price.

Skate sharpening machine on Aliexpress: catalog, photo

Skates today are extremely popular not only in professional sports, but also among recreational skaters. To use one pair of skates for a long time, you need to wear them out periodically. The very first devices were somewhat primitive, but with the development of technology they also changed. Modern skate sharpening machines consist of a rotating grinding disc and two diamonds that can work on any surface.

Today, electronic models of devices are very popular, allowing you to make some settings and use skates based on their parameters. For some machines, the program is capable of saving and reproducing these parameters.

The purpose of the machine is to make skating convenient and fast. Stability on ice depends on how well they are sharpened. Today, manufacturers are actively creating universal devices, as well as highly specialized ones that can work with only one type of blade.

It is worth noting that each type of skate has its own sharpening characteristics, and therefore you should choose a machine based on what products you plan to work with.

As a rule, skate sharpening machines have:

  • Blade holder with screws
  • Metal dust suction device
  • Abrasive discs and diamond wheel
  • Swivel lever for smooth sliding along the blade of the working tool

How to make a machine for sharpening skates with your own hands?

A ready-made skate sharpening machine is not that cheap, so not all novice athletes can afford such a purchase. In this case, you can buy a used unit or make it yourself.

Such machines will allow you to manually sharpen skates with a stone. This is a very simple equipment suitable for beginners and amateur professionals. You can watch the video to see how to properly make the machine yourself.

Skate sharpening machine on Aliexpress: sale, discounts, free shipping

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Hello, friends! Well, summer has begun here, and we need to prepare for winter now, so as not to be like that turtle from the old Soviet cartoon, which always did not make it at the right time of year. I invite all curious people to visit under cat.

When skating on city open-air skating rinks, you should not trust the constancy of the ice surface, because the asphalt is hidden everywhere, but 5-10 such holes and the skates slowly begin to get bites on the edges of the blade.

For a long time, the thought did not leave me: “If the Chinese counterfeited the Apex Edge Pro for sharpening knives, and quite efficiently, then they could come up with something for sharpening skates?” And yet, yes, they came up with it (or copied it), it doesn’t matter at all, the subject exists, without thinking for a long time, I found it on Ali, grabbed the card, ordered it and waited.

What can I say, I haven’t found such devices on Ali anymore, and the seller’s orders for it can be counted on the finger of one hand. Let me point out right away that I’m not saying that this is a professional sharpener and it is a panacea, no, excuse me. This is just a pocket rule and nothing more.


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