How to clean gold with foil and baking soda

Clean gold at home with soda, vinegar and foil - ways

Pure gold is a very soft metal; it can be dented even by simply squeezing it tightly with your fingers. Therefore, when making jewelry, silver, manganese, nickel, palladium and other chemical elements are added to it.

This makes gold stronger, but it is the impurities that come into contact with the environment, as well as with human skin, that lead to the fact that gold jewelry, no matter how carefully its owners treat it, gradually becomes dirty and loses its shine.

Therefore, during long-term storage, as well as during constant use, they must be cleaned periodically.

Benefits of cleaning gold with baking soda

Cleaning gold will help restore the product to its original shine.

One of the most effective and safest ways to return gold jewelry to its newness and attractiveness is to clean it with soda.

For this purpose, you can use both drinking (NaHCO3) and calcined (Na2CO3) varieties of the substance, which is sometimes called linen. Their main everyday difference is the level of acidity: the pH of drinking soda and soda ash is 8 and 11, respectively. Thus, the latter option is more aggressive and is used in the household exclusively as a cleaning agent.

The benefits of using baking soda when refining gold are:

  • Does not react directly with metal, so there is no risk of damage.
  • Sodium carbonate is able to penetrate the smallest chips and scratches on the surface of the product and easily clean them from particles of dust and dirt.
  • Due to its widespread use, household safety and low cost, this method is not only the most accessible and simple, but also very economical, since you can clean gold at home quickly and effectively with soda without large material costs.
  • You can clean gold with soda manually and this does not require any special equipment, serious knowledge or complex skills - even a schoolchild can prepare a soda solution.

Cleaning does not protect the metal from re-contamination, but the low cost, speed and simplicity of the process allow it to be carried out at any frequency.

It is recommended to clean gold with a warm aqueous solution of soda, without resorting to mechanical cleaning. When solid, this crystalline powder is an abrasive that can scratch the surface and make it look dull and cloudy. Therefore, dry soda, like other abrasive substances, cannot be used when cleaning gold items.

Cleaning methods

Soaking is a more gentle cleaning method

There are several ways to clean gold with a soda solution. The most popular:

The soaking solution is prepared on the basis of drinking or soda ash. In the latter case, a small piece of zinc is placed in the soaking container. You need to boil gold items in a solution of baking soda, to which you can add a little dishwashing detergent.

The process of soaking gold in baking soda is as follows:

  1. A sheet of food foil measuring 30 by 30 cm is placed at the bottom of the glass container.
  2. Soda powder (2 tablespoons) is diluted in a glass of boiled hot water. You can also add half a spoon of table salt to the solution.
  3. The components are stirred until completely dissolved.
  4. Gold items are laid out on foil and filled with water so that it completely covers them.
  5. Soaking lasts 9-10 hours.

If soda ash is used in the solution, then a small piece of zinc (no more than 2 g) should be placed in a glass container along with the gold jewelry. Then the gold and zinc are poured with a solution of laundry soda, prepared at the rate of one and a half spoons of powder per 250 ml of hot water. Since soda ash is a more aggressive substance than drinking soda, the exposure time for gold in its solution is very short - no more than a quarter of an hour.

To clean gold at home with baking soda, place a soft cotton napkin on the bottom of a shallow enamel pan and carefully place the jewelry on it. Then pour the soda solution into the pan, to which you can add a little detergent (no more than half a teaspoon), and put it on low heat. Boiling continues for 20-25 minutes.

After processing the products, the solution should be drained and the jewelry should be washed. This is the final and very important stage, since gold should be washed correctly without allowing a significant temperature difference.

Washing occurs under running water at room temperature. You need to rinse until the soda is completely washed off the surface of the gold. Then the products are wiped with a soft cloth - preferably a piece of velvet - and dried in air, away from sunlight and heating appliances.

When choosing which soda cleaning method to use, you need to take into account the presence of precious stone inserts in gold jewelry. Contact with hot soda solution is strictly contraindicated for pearls, opal, amber and turquoise - a sudden change in temperature can lead to clouding and destruction of the stone.

Cleaning chemicals

Peroxide is an excellent auxiliary component for more effective cleaning of jewelry

Baking soda is not the only ingredient that can be used to clean gold. A high degree of purification of gold products is achieved by the use of hydrogen peroxide. You can simply apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the ring.

Also, a good cleaning result is achieved by using a mixture of peroxide and ammonia. The components are mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1, then the gold items are immersed in this solution for 10-12 hours. The container must be covered with a lid so that the vapors of the chemical ingredients do not evaporate too quickly.

Cleaning tarnished gold jewelry with vinegar is also possible, but requires great care. The concentration of acetic acid should not exceed 3%, but even in this case it must be diluted by half with water. If we are talking about a ring or bracelet with inserts made of precious or semi-precious stones, the use of vinegar when cleaning them is unacceptable.

With any method of chemical cleaning, after completion, the items must be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

Traditional methods

Over the years of wearing gold jewelry, people have come up with many simple and affordable ways to clean it without resorting to chemicals. A good effect is achieved when used for this purpose:

  • Freshly squeezed onion juice - moisten a cloth in it and gently wipe the product with it. After two hours, wash off the juice with water.
  • Sugar solution - stir a teaspoon of sugar in a glass of warm water and put decorations in it. After 2-3 hours, remove, rinse with water and wipe with a flannel cloth or cotton pad.
  • Mustard powder - dilute it with water to a paste-like consistency, moisten a cloth in this paste and polish the surface of the gold.
  • Beer with egg yolk. Mix the raw yolk of a chicken egg thoroughly in half a glass of beer. Apply the resulting mixture to a soft cloth and wipe the contaminated areas.

Many people use lipstick to clean gold jewelry. Most varieties of this cosmetic product contain titanium dioxide, which has excellent cleansing properties. Apply a small amount of lipstick to a cotton pad and wipe away dirt.

Preventive measures

To preserve the shine and shine of gold for as long as possible, it must be handled correctly. If you are going to play sports or do any work associated with increased dirt, humidity, temperature changes - washing, cleaning, servicing equipment, etc. – before starting, hands should be freed from rings, rings and bracelets. Also, they should not be worn when going to the beach or to the bathhouse.

Women should try to avoid getting perfume on them. When removing jewelry, you must wipe it with a cotton swab. It is best to store gold in a box specially designed for this purpose (not a cardboard box!), away from sunlight, humidity and high temperatures.


Recommendations for cleaning gold at home with soda and other available products

With constant wear, gold loses its presentation and becomes tarnished. This happens due to chemical clouding of the metal surface, abrasions and scratches in which dirt accumulates, and other natural causes.

Therefore, even jewelry that has been handled with care will inevitably require cleaning over time. There are a great variety of professional and household methods for cleaning gold.

Cleaning gold at home with baking soda or soda ash is one of the simplest, yet effective ways to brighten the surface of jewelry.

Benefits of Cleaning Gold with Baking Soda

  • this method is effective. This substance really purifies gold, this is confirmed by numerous reviews on the Internet;
  • Unlike more aggressive chemicals, sodium carbonate reacts gently with aurum. Jewelry can be easily damaged if vinegar, ammonia or boric acid is used;
  • When cleaning with this substance, the risk of damaging the gold surface is not as high as with mechanical cleaning. Dirt that has accumulated in scratches and pores on the surface of the product can act as an additional abrasive. This can severely damage the surface - the jewelry will have to be taken to a jewelry workshop for polishing;
  • This cleaning method does not require special preparation or a lot of time. Baking soda, water and food foil are available in almost every home, and preparing the solution takes a few minutes.

Chemical methods

There are several ways to lighten gold using soda. The most popular among them:

  • soaking the decoration using foil and a baking soda solution;
  • boiling in a soda solution;
  • soaking in a solution of baking soda and detergent;
  • using a solution of baking soda with zinc.

The cleaning method using foil will require several hours; to quickly brighten gold, it is better to use boiling. Purifying gold by boiling takes less than an hour. When soaking in a soda solution in a container with foil, do not add detergents. And when soaking gold in a solution of soda and detergent, you should not use foil.

Using soda, we can safely clean the gold again. When properly cleaned, the substance cannot damage the surface of the product.

However, this substance does not increase the resistance of the metal to darkening. But this is compensated by the speed and ease of re-cleaning.

For chemical cleaning, regular baking soda, which is sold in any grocery store, and calcined soda (linen soda), which can be bought in a grocery tray, are suitable.

Mechanical methods

Sometimes sodium salts of carbonic acid are used as a polishing paste. The substance is applied to a rag or a drill attachment and begins to clean the surface of the gold. Professional jewelers recommend refraining from this method.

It is better not to polish even after pre-cleaning the gold using another method. Baking soda is a strong abrasive that will greatly damage the soft precious metal.

The essence of chemical cleaning is to remove the outer oxide film and fats; the mechanical method is too rough for this.

How to clean gold at home? You should refrain from mechanically polishing gold with soda. This leads to damage to the surface and the impossibility of restoring it on your own. Such jewelry will no longer acquire its former shine without re-polishing in a jewelry workshop.

Preparation of the solution and cleaning instructions

Below is written in detail how to clean gold in a soda solution:

Soaking gold jewelry in a solution in a container with foil

For this method you will need a piece of food foil and a strong solution of sodium salt in hot water.

Sodium salt 2 tablespoons
Water 250 ml
Foil 1 piece 30x30 centimeters
Salt* 1 tablespoon

*You should use salt carefully, and it is better to add less salt the first time than to spoil the jewelry.

  • the bottom of the glass container is lined with foil;
  • products are laid out on foil;
  • soda and a little salt dissolve in a glass of hot boiled water;
  • the resulting solution is poured into the container with the decoration;
  • After 9-10 hours, the gold needs to be taken out, washed and dried.

Boiling gold jewelry in a soda solution

Water250 ml
Sodium salt 1.5-2 tablespoons
  • Place a soft cloth on the bottom of a metal container and place the decoration on it;
  • make a solution of water, detergent and soda;
  • pour the solution over the product and place on low heat, boil for 20-25 minutes;
  • After boiling, remove, rinse in clean water and dry.

Boiling in a solution of soda and detergent

Water250 ml
Sodium salt 1.5-2 tablespoons
Detergent 0.5 teaspoon
  • Place a soft cloth at the bottom of a metal container and place gold on it;
  • make a solution of water, detergent and soda;
  • pour the solution and put on low heat, boil for 20-25 minutes;
  • After boiling, remove, rinse in clean water and dry.

Using a solution of laundry soda with zinc

Water250 ml
Zinc 1.5-2 grams
Soda Ash 1-1.5 tablespoons
  • place a piece of zinc along with the product in a glass container;
  • fill the container with a solution of soda ash;
  • soak the jewelry in the solution for 5-10 minutes;
  • remove, rinse and dry.

Attention! Gold (especially if it is not of very high quality) may not be cleanable using the household methods described above. In this case, the owner needs to experiment with the duration of soaking and boiling, the proportions of the solution and additives.

If this does not help, then stronger chemicals will have to be used. There is always a risk of severe damage to the jewelry, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

The effect of soda solution on precious and semi-precious stones

You need to be extra careful when cleaning gold jewelry with stones. In the case of precious stones, polishing using baking soda is allowed, since the stones are much harder and less susceptible to mechanical stress.

It must be remembered that the substance can damage the structure of the insert. It is recommended to pay special attention to porous, opaque minerals.

Such damaged stone may begin to deteriorate over time and develop defects that cannot be corrected. In any case, prolonged contact of the chemical solution and the jewelry stone should be avoided.

Exposure to moisture and temperature

Before mechanical cleaning, you should learn more about the stone that is inserted into the gold jewelry. If there is no information on the Internet on how to clean a mineral, you can seek advice from a jeweler.

Some stones are contraindicated for prolonged contact with water and temperature changes. Boiling water can damage the adhesive and the insert will fall off. The best solution would be to take such jewelry to a workshop for cleaning. If this is not possible, then the stone needs to be isolated from water: held above the surface, wrapped or sealed with something.

Pearls, opal, amber and turquoise do not tolerate moisture. Contact with hot water and sudden changes in temperature can lead to discoloration, tarnishing and even destruction of the structure of the stone.

Additional cleaning tools and helpful tips

  • After cleaning the gold, you can rub it with a toothbrush. This should be done before the decoration is dried and wiped dry. Jewelry can be left in the solution and cleaned in water. This will remove dirt on jewelry with many small parts.
  • For more effective cleaning, you can stir the gold in a container. This is done manually or using mechanisms. On the Internet you can find instructions for assembling a special washing container with a motor that will vibrate and agitate the contents of the container.
  • To make it easier to remove gold items from the container, they should be strung on something. Then you won’t have to catch them in hot water and wait until they cool down.
  • After drying the gold, it should be rubbed with a coarse-pile cloth. This will finally remove the solution from the surface and further polish it.

Cleaning gold with baking soda is very easy. But we must remember that if the technology is violated and the presence of foreign substances in the solution is allowed, the result may be negative. It is also easy to damage the surface of the jewelry by improper cleaning.

Following precautions will allow you to obtain shiny gold that will look like new, will delight the owner and delight others.


How to clean gold at home with soda

Over time, any gold jewelry that is worn frequently will tarnish. To return your favorite bracelet, ring or chain to its original appearance, try cleaning gold at home with soda, vinegar or foil.

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How does baking soda affect gold jewelry?

Sodium bicarbonate creates an alkaline environment that effectively dissolves particles of sebum and other impurities. When using soda in powder form, it acts as a “scrub” - the small abrasive particles that make up the powder clean strong dirt well. However, despite the popularity of this product, it also has negative sides:

  • If the proportions are not observed when preparing a soda solution, the increased alkali content can damage the product.
  • Using a brush and baking soda powder at the same time will “tear off” the top layer of your jewelry, so do not use brushes when using powder.
  • When cleaning white gold, baking soda should be used with caution. White gold is a rhodium-plated metal alloy. It has an increased tendency to abrasion, so it is worth using gentle products to clean the spray.

Soda solution for cleaning gold

An aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate is popular. This is the easiest way to clean gold items and does not require any additional components:

  • Prepare a 10% water-soda solution. To do this, mix 15 g. baking soda powder and 150 ml. warm water. Stir until the powder is completely dissolved, then put on fire.
  • Place jewelry into the boiling solution and boil for 5 minutes.

Jewelry with glued stones cannot be boiled. When boiling, the adhesive composition will disintegrate and the stones will come off.

How to clean gold with foil and soda?

Cleaning with foil and baking soda is an interesting method that can be used to gently clean your favorite piece of jewelry without damaging the coating.

You don't need complicated preparations - the ingredients can be found in every kitchen. To put your gold jewelry in order you will need:

  • Glass or ceramic bowl with high rims.
  • Soft napkin made of thick pile. If you don't have such a napkin, you can use regular flannel.
  • 1 glass of hot water.
  • 1.5 tablespoons of baking soda.

Take your chosen container and cut out a piece of foil. The foil should completely cover the container and protrude slightly beyond the edge. Pour hot water into a bowl and add baking soda powder. Stir until the baking soda is completely dissolved, then lower the foil. Place gold jewelry on a laid piece of foil and leave it to “soak” for 8 hours.

When you remove the items from the solution, rinse them under warm running water. As a final step, wipe each piece with a soft cloth to polish and add shine.

Read further: cleaning silver with soda and foil.

Cleaning gold with vinegar and soda

To clean your favorite jewelry with acetic acid, you must first find out whether it is possible to clean gold with vinegar, and how to do it correctly.

You can use acetic acid for a certain type of gold jewelry: jewelry made of yellow and red gold. Acetic acid should not be used to clean items made of white or matte gold, as well as “jewelry” with inserts.

Cleaning gold using a soda-vinegar mixture is carried out as follows:

  • Lightly dampen the item that needs cleaning with warm water.
  • Dip in dry soda. The powder should completely cover the product.
  • Add 2-3 drops of 9% vinegar on top.
  • When the reaction begins with abundant foam, carefully begin wiping the jewelry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Do not use brushes or sponges with abrasives - this will damage the coating.

If the jewelry contains precious stones, you should avoid the vinegar-soda solution - a large amount of carbon dioxide released during the reaction can damage the stones or worsen their color.

This especially applies to natural pearls - under the influence of acetic acid, they will darken and lose their shine.

Soda and detergent

This method will help clean simple stains, but is not suitable for things that have greatly changed their original color. Also, using this gentle method will not be able to get rid of traces of oxidation that appear on the jewelry.

As “tools” you will need:

  • Any metal pan or other deep metal container.
  • Thick and soft cloth for wiping.
  • 1 glass of hot water and 1 teaspoon of any dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. It is better to give preference to liquid soap or a product without fragrances.
  • 2 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate.

When all the ingredients are prepared, start cleaning:

  • Pour hot water into the pan, then add detergent or liquid soap. Mix thoroughly, add soda powder.
  • Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Place decorations in boiling water. You need to boil jewelry for 10-15 minutes. You should not keep them longer - if the dirt has not come off, it is better to repeat the procedure again after 2-3 days.
  • Remove the products and rinse under warm running water. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

When cleaning rings, earrings or pendants, string them on a thick thread. This way your decorations won’t “scatter” around the pan, and removing them from boiling water will be easier and safer.

Lime, salt and soda

If you need to clean a matte gold piece, you should avoid using abrasives and polishing. The coating of such jewelry is very delicate and is easily erased when using aggressive agents. Therefore, use a softer method:

  • Take 19 gr. quicklime, dilute in 100 ml. water.
  • Add 10 g to the solution. regular salt and 10 gr. baking soda.
  • Let the solution sit for 3 days, then immerse the items in the solution for 2 hours.

Soda Ash and Zinc

Many professional jewelers use this simple but little-known method to quickly remove dark stains from gold and silver jewelry.

Place a piece of zinc and decorations in a glass or enamel container. It is necessary to lay it so that the zinc is in contact with the product. Then you need to pour a hot solution prepared from 1 tbsp into the container. soda ash per 0.5 liters of hot water. The oxidation reaction will dissolve the stains, returning the products to their original appearance.

How to care for gold jewelry?

A few simple tips will help extend the life of your favorite ring, chain and other jewelry:

  • Avoid interaction of jewelry accessories with aggressive environments. Remove rings when working with cleaning agents and detergents; do not wear jewelry in the solarium, bathhouse or sauna. Sudden temperature changes and powerful exposure to ultraviolet radiation will quickly deteriorate the coating, causing it to darken and fade.
  • Don't wear jewelry to the gym. Firstly, when playing sports, a chain or ring can cause injury, and secondly, increased sweating also serves as an aggressive environment.
  • Store jewelry in special boxes, do not leave them in a sunny place.

These simple rules will help you extend the “life” of gold jewelry, preserving their pristine, mesmerizing shine.


How to clean gold at home with foil and soda?

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Question for experts: how to clean gold?

Best regards, I

Best answers

toothpaste, but not powder, a napkin, just not hard. Never use vinegar.

Gold? 1. To clean gold, you can use simple washing powder. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add a little powder and put in gold items (without stones), boil for 5-7 minutes. You will immediately see how the dirt, even from the most inaccessible places, will come away on its own. 2. Cleaning with soda. Fill the gold jewelry with warm water, after adding soda (70-80g).

Soak it in this solution for a day. 3. Advice from professional jewelers: place a cloth at the bottom of the bowl, and place your jewelry on the cloth. Fill them with water so that they are covered and the water does not boil away over low heat in about 20 minutes. Add 1/2 tablespoon of cleaning product (for example, Fairy). Boil all this over low heat for 20 minutes. 4.

Immerse the gold in regular Coca-Cola and leave for 8-10 hours. Then wipe with a cotton swab. Attention! Do not use this method for gold items with stones - the stones will turn black. 5. Prepare the mixture: dilute a couple of caps of shampoo with water (about 2 to 1), add 3-5 drops of ammonia. Dip gold items into this mixture and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Then we rinse the product in warm water and wipe it with a hard fleecy cloth.

6. Nitric, hydrochloric or acetic acid will effectively help clean gold products. It is advisable to use concentrated acids. After cleaning, rinse the product thoroughly in warm water. When cleaning, do not allow acid to come into contact with your hands or eyes.

Make a mixture of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide (in equal quantities) and tooth powder (not paste) until a creamy paste forms. Place gold items into the resulting mixture for a couple of hours.

Then, if it is a chain or a shaped item in the palm of your hand, clean it with a soft brush or just a sponge.

Rinse under running water (you need to rinse for a long time under good pressure to knock out all the remaining powder, for example, from the links of a chain). After this entire procedure, products with even coatings can be sanded with a soft woolen cloth. Products become like new.

Ammonia, dishwashing detergent, a little washing powder, mix everything in tolerably hot water, put the products in, let them sit for 15 minutes, then take a used, soft toothbrush, go through particularly difficult places, rinse the products in cool water, wipe dry cotton cloth. This is how we cleaned items in a jewelry store before we had an ultrasonic machine.

I clean it the old fashioned way: with salt or soda.

I clean it in a simple way: water + ammonia + soap, pour everything into a glass, stir for a couple of minutes and rinse with clean water, the dirt comes off on its own. No abrasive substances, including the tooth. powder!

Galina Russkova (Churkina) GALJ:

rub on woolen cloth

only ammonia! 50/50 water + ammonia. leave for 20 minutes. then rinse with water!

soda. I fill a glass with hot water, pour in soda, and throw gold into the glass.

After a while I scrub it with a toothbrush

Nowadays, such special wipes are sold in jewelry stores - they are already soaked in the necessary solution - they clean instantly, and are inexpensive.

I put all the products in a glass and fill it with LOC-universal. After a while I rinse with water.

Just like in cooking, “we quench soda in vinegar,” you just throw in the gold along with the soda.

You can also use lipstick to clean gold items smoothly. Apply and rub thoroughly with a cotton pad.


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Answers from experts

Well, in general, you can buy GOI paste and clean it with it, but here are your options

How to clean gold? (cleaning methods suggested by different people)

1. Using detergents (dishwashing detergents, washing powders, laundry soap) - the most frequently proposed method.

Pour a little water into a small saucepan and add stir. powder, dishwashing detergent, dip gold into this solution and cook (boil) gold items in it for 5-10 minutes. Then, rinse with running cold water. Everything should shine.

Or add all this to hot water and leave overnight (no need to boil anything).

Warnings: - the solution must cover all products completely - there should not be a lot of solution (more precisely, a lot of water in the solution so that there is a good concentration of detergents)

— it is not recommended to do this with products with stones!

I tried it and the gold really shone! BUT the smoke remained. "Go ahead.

2. Boil the gold item in a soda solution, and then rub it with a fleecy cloth.

3. Gently brush the product with toothpaste/powder using an old toothbrush (like your teeth).

Warning: - they claim that “powder is an abrasive, it leaves scratches” - this takes a long time - this method is better suited for silver items

- toothpaste is preferable

I tried it and the burn became a little “paler”, but it didn’t come off completely (maybe I didn’t rub it enough? But the chain is so thin and all twisted, I’m afraid I’ll just wipe it off before I get to all its inner corners).

4. Immerse gold jewelry in sweetened water for a while.

The method seemed completely unsuitable for cleaning up soot, so I didn’t even try it. Although, if the others don’t help, I’ll “return” to him.

5. A tablespoon of grated laundry soap should be poured into half a glass of boiling water. Briefly immerse gold jewelry in a boiling solution and add ammonia.

6. Just put gold items in ammonia for some time.

7. Ammonia and 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix a bottle of peroxide and 1/2 bottle of ammonia. Put the gold there overnight and cover the container (so that it doesn’t smell like ammonia). In the morning, rinse under running water

8. Pour a quarter of warm water into a jar, add an ampoule of ammonia, half a teaspoon of regular washing powder, 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide, mix and put gold items in there, close the lid (so as not to smell). Leave for 5 minutes, shake the jar thoroughly and then rinse all products with warm water.

9. Clean the gold with baking soda using a toothbrush.

- soda is an abrasive, it scratches products (and scratches silver too)

And it’s good to clean silver (you can also use cupronickel) in this way: boil the potatoes, let the broth cool, put foil on the bottom of the saucepan (of course, take the potatoes out of the pan)))) put foil to cover the bottom and put the silver in there, better leave it overnight. It will be white, like new!

10. Take it to a jewelry workshop and have it cleaned.

Like all jewelry: baking soda with ammonia in distilled water. This is how they clean it in jewelry workshops.

Cleaning gold jewelry with ammonia ============================================================= ==

Method 1. Add a few drops of ammonia to a glass of water and immerse gold jewelry in it. After an hour, take them out and rinse them in clean water. If the jewelry is very dirty, you can add a little liquid soap to this composition.

Method 2. Pour an equal amount of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia into a glass of water. Add a little washing powder to them. Place gold jewelry there and leave for five minutes. Then remove them from the glass, rinse them in clean water and dry them with a soft cloth.

Cleaning gold jewelry with lipstick ==============================================================

Apply any lipstick to the gold item (you can use the cheapest one). Wait a little and carefully wipe off all the lipstick with a clean, dry cloth. Your gold jewelry will immediately shine like new. Titanium dioxide has this effect on gold.

Cleaning gold with mustard powder ================================================================ Mustard powder is a mild abrasive, so it will not cause any harm to gold rings. To clean them, sprinkle a little dry mustard on a cloth and gently polish the items.

Peel it with potato peelings, or let it lie in sweet water.

Take some GOI paste (available in the market) and smear it on a piece of cloth. Rub the gold item on this cloth. Wash your earrings, ring, chain or other jewelry with a soft brush in a soapy solution with the addition of ammonia (ammonia) in the following proportion: 1 tsp. ammonia + 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap + 1 glass of hot water.

Rinse the product with clean water and dry with a piece of soft cloth. Or, if funds allow, take it to a workshop, where they will clean and polish you on a machine. It will shine like new.


How to clean gold at home with stones? — Comfort of Your Home

Gold is a precious metal that absolutely everyone is partial to. These decorations hardly deteriorate, but they also need care. Let's look at how to clean gold at home to make it shine. There are many ways and they are quite simple. Unlike costume jewelry, such products are practically impossible to damage when cleaning.

If stones are inserted into the jewelry, the process becomes more complicated. The fact is that each mineral requires an individual approach. They cannot be boiled like regular gold accessories. These rings and earrings are very fragile, so you need to hold them firmly in your hands when cleaning. You may need professional help if you are afraid of damaging your jewelry.

Gold is a noble metal, but it can also lose its pristine beauty. If the jewelry has not been cleaned for a long time, it can be seen with the naked eye. Such products will not decorate the housewife as much as they could. Pollution also causes harm to humans. For example, due to unwashed earrings, an inflammatory process begins on the earlobes.

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Reasons for darkening of gold accessories:

  • Violation of ligature inscription. Jewelry is usually made from alloys with silver, palladium, copper - these components increase the risk of wear resistance. Gold with a large number of impurities oxidizes quite quickly. In such a situation, you should not clean the products at home; it is better to seek the help of a specialist.
  • Human nutrition. Substances leave the body through sweat, which interacts with the bracelets and oxidizes them. A film appears containing dust particles, sulfides, and grease.
  • Cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. They usually contain iodine or mercury. Gray spots may appear on the chain. In this case, the metal is destroyed and it will not be possible to clean it yourself. It is worth contacting a jeweler.
  • Polishing paste. Sometimes products are coated with this product. When wearing jewelry, part of it wears off, so dark stains remain on the skin, and light stains remain on the ring. Then you need to remove the layer with a soft cloth.

Each piece of jewelry requires an individual approach. The method is selected based on the color of the product - it can be white or yellow. The coating can be matte or shiny. It is important to consider whether there are stones - earrings with diamonds will require careful handling. The nature of the contamination is also important.

General rules for washing products at home:

  1. Jewelry with stones should be cleaned using only gentle methods, without adding acids or abrasives. It is advisable not to immerse them in water, but to use a soap solution or a special paste.
  2. You should not wash different jewelry in the same bowl (for example, gold and silver). There is a risk that they will turn white.
  3. Vinegar, dry soda and citric acid should be used very carefully. These methods are suitable for jewelry that is in good condition. If damaged or scratched, there is a risk of damaging them even more. Also, these methods are not used for accessories with stones.

There is no need to add laundry soap to the washing solution. This can cause the jewelry to become duller and lose its shine. It contains acids that are incompatible with gold.


The product will help you achieve maximum effect when cleaning your home yourself. The method is applicable exclusively for products without stones. To prepare it, you will need:

  • water – 250 ml;
  • 10% ammonia solution – 0.5 tsp;
  • dishwashing detergent (optional) – 1 tsp.

Mix the ingredients, lower the accessory. The liquid will instantly turn dark. Then take it out and rinse.


For this you need the following ingredients:

  1. Boiling water – 250 ml.
  2. Ammonia – 1 spoon.
  3. Washing powder, liquid soap or detergent - 1 spoon.

Pour water into a glass plate, add other ingredients and mix thoroughly. Leave the products in the solution for two hours, then rinse with water and dry. The method is suitable for gold items with stones, but instead of boiling water you need to use room temperature and keep them in the solution for a short period.

Toothpaste or tooth powder

Silver accessories are often washed with the paste; this method is also suitable for gold. To do this, apply the cleaning agent to a soft cloth or cotton wool.

The method is used for gold jewelry with stones, since it does not require immersion in water. At the same time, you should pay attention that there are no small solid particles in the paste. Tooth powder should not be used for this purpose, because it is an abrasive agent.


To clean using this method you will need the following ingredients:

  • baking soda – 1-1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water – 250 ml.

Mix the ingredients. Spread foil in a plate and pour in the solution. The products should be left for 8-12 hours (you can keep them overnight). The method is not used for gold earrings with pearls and other stones.

Dish detergent

Using this method, you can clean the accessory from iodine and other dirty stains. To do this, you need hot water (but not more than 60 degrees) and detergent. Lower the jewelry and leave for about two hours. After this time, you need to pull them out and wipe them with a standard toothbrush. If contamination remains, you can repeat the procedure.

A mixture of liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide

To prepare you will need:

  1. Water – 250 ml.
  2. Ammonia – 1 spoon.
  3. Liquid soap – 2 drops.
  4. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution – 30 ml.

Pour water into a plate, add the remaining ingredients and mix. Immerse the jewelry in the solution for a quarter of an hour. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth. The method is not suitable for earrings with topaz and similar stones.


If you don't want to use ingredients like alcohol and peroxide, we recommend cleaning your jewelry with a saline solution. To prepare you will need:

  • water – 0.5 cups;
  • non-iodized salt – 3 tbsp. l.

Keep the products in the mixture overnight and dry with a soft cloth.

The following ways will help you add shine to your favorite ring or bracelet:

  1. Hyposulfite solution. You can find it in special stores. The product works well to remove iodine stains from jewelry. You need to take one tablespoon of it and dilute it in a glass of water. Hold the jewel for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Lipstick. It contains titanium dioxide, which can help get rid of blackness. Apply the cosmetic product to a piece of cotton wool and wipe the accessory over the surface.
  3. Onion or vinegar. After wiping with products, rinse the product and dry thoroughly.
  4. Chemical solutions for cleaning gold jewelry. Thanks to them, sulfur compounds and fat are removed.
  5. Special paste. To prepare it you will need Vaseline, grated soap, crushed chalk and water. The components must be in equal quantities. Mix everything, apply to the surface of the decoration, wipe with a soft cloth. Then wash with water and dry thoroughly.
  6. Sugar. The method will make the jewelry shine, but will not remove dirt. To do this, you will need to dilute three teaspoons in a glass of warm water and leave for 8-12 hours.
  7. Paste GOI. You need to dip a piece of rag in it and wipe the product. Afterwards, you need to rinse the ring in a solution of a teaspoon of ammonia, a tablespoon of liquid soap and a glass of hot water. Then rinse the jewelry and remove excess liquid using a soft cloth.

This species must not be kept in boiling water. Usually the stones are secured with glue, so they can easily fall out. For hard types such as zircon, emerald, topaz, diamond, garnet, peridot and ruby, the following cleaning methods are suitable:

  • Cleaning solution. The method is relevant for light contamination. The water should not be hot. Walk over the decoration with a soft brush, then polish. The method is used for artificial stones. For example, for accessories with cubic zirconia.
  • Ammonia. It is used in advanced cases. Dilute a teaspoon of the product into 1/3 cup of water, then shake - this way they clean hard-to-reach areas. Leave in the liquid for 10 minutes and rinse the product.
  • Petrol. It will help eliminate grease and stains. To do this, you need to wet the rag and wash the jewelry.
  • Products for professional cleaning. They can be bought in a special store. Instructions are usually included.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Dip a rag and carefully wipe the product.
  • Fine ash. To get it, you need to burn a match and then polish it.

There are many methods for hard types, but soft stones require more careful handling. This group includes serpentine, opal, pearls, coral, turquoise, malachite, and amber. The following rules apply:

  1. Jewelry should not be subjected to intensive cleaning, especially with hard brushes. There is a risk of damaging the surface of the stone, leaving scratches.
  2. Special wipes for glasses are suitable for these types. They can be regular or impregnated.
  3. When washing with soapy water, use a soft cloth and do not keep accessories in water. Liquid usually has a negative effect on stones. Therefore, they also need to be dried very well.
  4. For real pearls, you should not use lemon juice or vinegar, as the acid will cause corrosion.
  5. The best option for these stones is a mixture of equal amounts of alcohol and water. After keeping the ring in it, you need to wipe it with a soft cloth, first dipped in a solution with soap. Rinse, dry well.

Washing products with stones is also carried out using the following folk recipes:

  • protein and beer. Mix the components thoroughly in equal proportions. Dip a flannel cloth in the mixture and clean the jewelry;
  • onion juice The method eliminates greasy stains. Squeeze the liquid out of the vegetable, leave the accessory for ten minutes, wipe thoroughly with a brush;
  • vinegar will help remove dirt from hard-to-reach areas;

: how to clean gold with stones at home so that it shines?

Basic storage rules:

  1. Any jewelry should be kept in a dry, dark place and ensure that it does not get wet.
  2. Gold should be kept separate from other metals, especially silver. From their contact, the attractiveness of jewelry is lost.
  3. Jewelry should also be kept in a different place.
  4. If gold earrings or rings contain artificial stones, they should be stored in wooden boxes, first wrapped in cotton fabric. This type of crystal loses its former attractiveness faster and careless handling leads to the appearance of cracks and scratches.
  5. Caring for jewelry should be periodic - they need to be cleaned and wiped with a flannel cloth before leaving.
  6. A padded case is suitable for storing gold. You should not keep it in boxes or cardboard, because they contain sulfur, which causes dark stains to appear on the jewelry. They should also not be left in plastic packaging.
  7. Accessories with precious stones must be removed before cleaning. They are badly affected by household chemicals and dishwashing detergents. They need to be washed two to three times a year.
  8. You will need to remove rings and chains before swimming in the pool (chlorine can cause harm) and the sea (various impurities and salts). It is also worth doing this during sports training, as sweat is released intensely.

When cleaning, it is important to hold the jewelry tightly and be as focused as possible. You should try to avoid alcohol, peroxide, and citric acid if the contamination is not too strong.

There are a lot of methods for cleaning gold jewelry; they are simple, but require some care. It is recommended not only to wash products at home, but also to periodically contact a specialist. They can not only provide professional assistance to the jewelry, but also advise methods based on its individual characteristics.


Baking Soda for Cleaning Gold Jewelry: Tips and Tricks

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Gold is the most sought after metal from which jewelry is made. Red, white, yellow gold shimmers in the sun and gives a noble shine to a delicate woman’s ear or hand - with earrings or a bracelet on the wrist, to a brutal man - with a chain around his neck or a stylish wedding ring. Sopotniccy.

Recently, exotic types of gold have appeared - green, blue, gray, which is used in small quantities to decorate jewelry from the usual color palette, but any metal fades over time.

To preserve the magical light of a wonderful metal, it must be periodically refreshed, returning it to its original shine and beauty.

Cleaning gold yourself at home is quite easy, without going to a jewelry workshop.

Is there a difference in cleaning gold of different colors?

When cleaning gold items of any color, certain rules must be followed in order not to damage the jewelry, since gold is a fairly soft metal.

Important! You need to treat white gold with particular care, excluding brushing with a toothbrush using rough abrasives (toothpaste or powder).

When cleaning, follow the following algorithm:

  • applying a cleaning mixture to products;
  • cleaning with a soft cloth and cotton swabs;
  • polishing the product with a soft bristled cloth.

Ordinary baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, or sodium bicarbonate), which can be found in any housewife's kitchen, is excellent for cleaning gold jewelry.

Soda is not aggressive, interacts gently with noble metal and cleans surface dirt well without scratching the surface of the jewelry.

Cleaning gold with soda is an ideal option for those who like to keep their jewelry in excellent condition!

Methods for cleaning with soda

There are several options with which you can restore the shine and beauty of jewelry. They all vary in time: from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

The duration and method of cleaning depend not on the color, but on the sample of the products: the higher it is, the easier it is to return them to their original appearance.

Attention! Low-grade gold is difficult to clean at home and requires longer exposure and complex, multi-component cleaning compositions.

Method No. 1 “Simpler than simple”

Lightly moisten the jewelry with water, apply a thin layer of baking soda, and then wipe it with a cloth. This option is good for preventative cleaning of lightly soiled jewelry once every 30 days.

Method No. 2 “Foil + soda”

This method involves soaking the jewelry for 10 hours, so it is better to use this option in the evening.

  1. To do this, line a narrow container with regular food foil.
  2. Then prepare a cleaning solution: add 2 tbsp to a glass of hot water. l. soda and 1 tsp. salt.
  3. Pour the resulting solution over the jewelry, placed in a container covered with foil, and leave for 8-10 hours.
  4. Then rinse and wipe.

Method number 3 “Boiling gold”

This method of depositing gold with soda will require 30 minutes of time, so it is better to clean several items at once, stringing them on a thick thread so that you can easily remove the entire bunch from boiling water and rinse.

  1. To prepare the cleaning solution, dissolve 2 tbsp in a glass of water. l. baking soda.
  2. Cover the bottom of any container with a cloth, place decorations on it and fill with the prepared solution.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer for 25–30 minutes.
  4. Wash and dry the products.

Method No. 4 “Boiling water +”

This option is preferable either for very contaminated products or for products with a purity lower than 585.

When preparing a cleaning solution, add 2 tbsp to a glass of water. l. soda and 1/2 tsp. dishwashing detergents (for example, “Fairy”). Next, as in the previous method: pour in, boil for 30 minutes, rinse.

After treating gold jewelry with cleaning solutions, they should be rinsed.

Important! To ensure that there are no chemical components left on the products, which can later cause allergies from contact with the skin, it is better to rinse them with plenty of running water.

Then they should be dried, spread out on a napkin, and then wiped with a dry cloth for shine.

Options for cleaning jewelry at home can only be used for jewelry without gemstones or inserts!

Tips and tricks

Gold jewelry is something that is passed down from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter.

I would like to preserve the original beauty of the product so that it pleases the eye for another generation, and does not go to a pawn shop for pennies as “scrap gold.” All this is possible if you take proper care of your jewelry.

If jewelry contains inserts of precious and semi-precious stones, then they can only be cleaned in a jewelry workshop.

Amber, pearls, and turquoise do not tolerate prolonged contact with water and chemicals—the stones lose their color saturation and shine. The glue of the inserts can melt under the influence of high temperatures, and the stone will simply fall out of the jewelry and be lost.

Any option is unacceptable, so we clean products with stones only in the workshop!

In order to less often turn to the rather expensive services of jewelers, shine in your surroundings and preserve your gold jewelry for future heirs, you need to remember just a few rules:

  • remove all jewelry when taking a bath or shower;
  • remove rings and bracelets when applying night cream to your hands;
  • Remember that gold is a soft metal and avoid contact of jewelry with hard surfaces.

Alternative methods for cleaning gold

Gold jewelry can also be cleaned using other inexpensive methods - using ammonia or hydrogen peroxide.

Important! Usually, these products are also present in every home medicine cabinet, so you can use them, but not forgetting that any of these products is a more aggressive environment, and it is not recommended to use them all the time.

THIS IS INTERESTING:  How to clean copper coins from oxide

Cleaning gold with ammonia

With this method, it is better to use not pure pharmaceutical ammonia, but a solution: add 1/2 tsp to 200 ml of warm water. ammonia and 1 tsp. any shampoo. Immerse jewelry in the resulting mixture for 5 minutes, then rinse and dry.

Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide

To obtain a cleaning solution, pour 30 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 tsp into a glass of water. washing powder. Place decorations, shake several times, then rinse and dry.

Whether to clean gold with soda or folk remedies is something every woman decides for herself, because it is a beautiful metal, so beloved by the fairer sex. This is a symbol of sophistication, material well-being and excellent taste.

Centuries fly by, but gold is still in price and is the best gift for the tender half of humanity.

It is not at all difficult to take care of your jewelry, and it will always remind you with its shine and original beauty of that unforgettable day when the ring, chain or bracelet first came into contact with your skin.


How to clean silver using foil and soda without ruining it

Silver jewelry and other items made of this metal that are coated with black and tarnished will acquire an attractive shine by cleaning the silver with soda and foil.

This is one of the most effective cleansers that not only restores radiance, but also stops oxidative processes.

Darkening of silver can be due to various reasons.

Precious metal darkens and tarnishes with time and moisture, with prolonged contact with human skin and sweat glands. Silver items lose their luster when exposed to hydrogen sulfide in the air.

Using foil and soda you can clean jewelry, cutlery, and silver interior items. Baking soda has pronounced absorbent properties. Unlike chemical cleaners, cleaning silver with this method is gentle and does not affect the top layer of the metal.

Baking soda is used as a bleaching and cleaning ingredient. This product activates a chemical reaction with aluminum and foil, which produces atomic hydrogen. It is this component that facilitates the easy removal of the oxide film from the silver product and the restoration of the precious metal from the oxides.

At home, you can clean 800, 830, 875, 925 and 960 silver with baking soda and foil. The method is not used for blackened and gold-plated precious metals.

How to clean silver with baking soda and foil

Watch the video instructions for cleaning silver with soda and foil using the example of a silver coin.

Cleaning silver items with soda and foil is the fastest way, which requires minimal time and material costs. The whole process will take no more than 10–15 minutes, and the result can be seen after the first use.

For cleaning you will need:

  • baking soda;
  • baking foil.

You can effectively clean silver with foil and soda solution in various ways, depending on the degree of contamination of the precious metal products.

Before cleaning, the blackened product must be prepared - washed in warm water, cleaned of dust.

An easy way to clean light stains

If the precious metal has minor stains and darkening, you can use a simple and affordable method with baking soda and foil.

  1. Place a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of a small bowl.
  2. Place the silver item on the foil.
  3. Then soda is added - add a thin layer of the product.
  4. Fill with water and leave for 5-7 minutes - the appearance of fluffy foam indicates an active chemical reaction.
  5. Rinse the product under running water and dry with a paper towel.

If, after the first procedure, blackened spots remain on the silver, the cleaning is repeated 2-3 times until they completely disappear.

Effective cleaning of medium-sized stains

Soda solution with foil is an effective method for cleaning silver items from medium to light stains.

  1. Dissolve 50 g of baking soda in 500 ml of hot water.
  2. Place a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of a small pan or bowl.
  3. Lay out the silver item and pour in the baking soda solution.
  4. Leave the decoration in the solution for 4-6 minutes.
  5. Rinse the cleaned item in cool water and polish using a small piece of velvet, wool or fleece.

The basic rule for effectively cleaning silver items is to first use foil and only then use a soda solution. To activate the chemical reaction, contact between the precious metal and aluminum is necessary, so first the decoration is laid out on foil, then baking soda is added.

How to clean silver with vinegar You will learn: the pros and cons of cleaning silver with vinegar solution, precautions; cleaning methods - removing light stains and cleaning heavy deposits and

Cleaning from heavy dirt

To clean heavy, extensive stains, remove blackened spots and restore shine to silver items, it is best to use boiling water. At high water temperatures, the chemical reaction proceeds much faster and more actively.

  1. Line the bottom of a small saucepan with a sheet of baking foil.
  2. Mix 100 g of baking soda with 1 liter of water.
  3. Place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil.
  4. Immerse your silver item in boiling water for 13–16 seconds.
  5. Remove the decoration from the saucepan, rinse and dry with a napkin.

You can use another method to clean cutlery, figurines and other silver items. Line the bottom of the saucepan with a small sheet of food foil, lay out the cutlery, sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate on top and cover with another sheet of foil. Pour boiling water over the products and leave for 13–16 minutes. After this, they need to be rinsed under running water and dried with a paper towel.

Is it possible to enhance the effect?

You can increase the effectiveness of cleaning products with baking soda and foil by heating the water. The hotter the soda solution, the faster the silver item will be cleaned.

Ways to improve efficiency:

  1. Adding laundry soap or table salt to the cleaning solution - for every tablespoon of soda, add 1 spoon of soap or ½ spoon of table salt.
  2. Silver items should not be kept in boiling water for longer than 25–35 minutes.
  3. For the most severe, advanced contamination, food-grade sodium bicarbonate can be replaced with a calcined product - in this case, its dosage is reduced to 2.5 tsp.

Baking soda combined with foil is a simple, affordable and effective way to clean silver items at home. It helps stop oxidative processes, remove blackness and cloudiness, and restore impeccable cleanliness and shine to jewelry.

Silver cleaning Jewelry cleaning


How to clean gold with vinegar

Today you will learn how to clean gold with vinegar and soda. Recipes and tips will help you clean not only ordinary gold, but also white, matte, and even with stones. Also get answers to frequently asked questions regarding stain and stain removal.

Removing contaminants from gold at home

Is it possible to clean gold with vinegar?

Gold jewelry tends to lose its natural shine over time. This will happen even if they are constantly in the box.

The gold is sent to a jewelry salon for cleaning or you can clean it yourself. For this purpose, a remedy that is always available in the house is suitable - vinegar. Apple juice is considered safe. Thanks to its mild acids, it gently cleans the most finicky metals.

However, most jewelers and consultants recommend using only professional cleaning methods. This is because using vinegar incorrectly will harm the jewelry, especially if it has embedded stones.

Find out how to test gold for authenticity with vinegar so as not to harm the product.

What reaction occurs between vinegar and gold

Real gold does not react chemically with acids, including vinegar. This ensures that your product remains not only clean, but also without any changes.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

Like other cleaning methods, vinegar has benefits:

  • the absence of chemical components makes it safe for people and the environment;
  • cleans efficiently, while the procedure itself does not require much effort from you;
  • the ability to purchase the substance in almost any store.

Disadvantages include the inability to clean jewelry with inlaid stones or some white or matte alloys with vinegar. You are also required to follow the instructions and exercise extreme caution when working with the solution.

With the help of a preservative, not only noble metals are cleaned, but also other alloys. Find out how to clean copper coins with vinegar at home.

Cleaning gold with vinegar solution

Cleaning with white vinegar

Every jewelry lover sooner or later has a question about how to clean gold with vinegar. This method is suitable for products made of red and yellow metal.

First, place the jewelry in a ceramic or glass container and pour white vinegar until it covers it. After 15 minutes, rinse under cold running water.

Brush several times with a soft toothbrush for best effect.

In addition to gold, other products are also cleaned with a preservative. Cleaning silver with vinegar is just as effective as cleaning gold.

Cleaning with apple cider vinegar

Suitable for updating the appearance of your jewelry made of any type of gold.


  • apple cider vinegar - 200 ml;
  • table salt – 50 ml;
  • flour - 50 ml.


  1. Soak the products in half the apple cider vinegar for 20 minutes, while they should be completely covered with liquid.
  2. In another container, mix the remaining vinegar with salt. Adjust the consistency with flour until it becomes paste-like.
  3. Apply the resulting paste to a soft toothbrush and wipe. Don't press too hard.
  4. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times, after each rinse the jewelry under a cold tap.
  5. Wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.

Using vinegar and citric acid

Dilute a pinch of citric acid in a glass of vinegar and place the gold jewelry for 5 minutes. After this, rinse and dry.

Add soda

Soak the jewelry in water and dip it on all sides in baking soda powder. Add 2-3 drops of table vinegar to start the reaction. After 2 minutes, wipe with a soft cloth.

Every woman has silver jewelry in her arsenal, but they often become darker. Therefore, look at how to clean silver with soda at home without harming the product.

Have you tried cleaning gold jewelry with improvised means?

Vinegar, soda and foil

Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2-3 drops of vinegar in a glass of hot water. Cover the bottom of the container with foil, add gold and fill with solution. After 10 hours, rinse with water and dry.

Do not use this method on jewelry with gemstones. White Gold Cleaning Foil


In theory, everything is simple, but in practice, questions arise about how to properly clean gold with vinegar at home.

Which samples can withstand this treatment?

Copper, silver and other impurities that are part of the gold alloy react with acetic acid. The chance of spoiling the product increases with the increase in the percentage of other metals.

Never treat 375 sample with vinegar solutions.

Sample standards in Russia:

Try gold Alloy composition
375 37,5 % gold, silver, copper
500 50 % gold, silver, copper
586 58,5 % gold and silver, copper, palladium and nickel
750 75 % gold and platinum, silver and copper, palladium, nickel
999 99,9 % gold

Why gold must be cleaned

Cleaning your gold is important for both appearance and health. This is due to the fact that dirt, dust and sebum accumulate on the products. In turn, they cause inflammatory processes, for example, due to dirty earrings, the earlobe becomes infected.

What else can you use?

In addition to table and apple cider vinegar, the following is used:

  • petrolatum;
  • lemon juice;
  • crushed chalk;
  • ammonia;
  • rubbed laundry soap;
  • toothpaste;
  • eraser.

All methods have indications for use.

Example of using some other methods:

What are some tricks to make gold shine?

To make gold shine, use one of these simple tricks:

  1. Boil the decoration in 250 ml of water and 1 teaspoon of liquid detergent for 15 minutes. Be sure to line the bottom of the container with a cloth.
  2. Mix 4 tablespoons of non-iodized salt in a glass of water and place the jewelry there for 12 hours.
  3. Completely dissolve 1 teaspoon of dish soap and 2 tablespoons of ammonia in hot water. Pour the mixture over the decorations for 2 hours.

After using any method, rinse your gold in cold water.

Is it possible to clean if there are stones on the jewelry?

All stones have different densities and surface compositions, so the approach to cleaning each is different:

  • Amber and pearls are considered the most fragile. It is better not to clean jewelry with them yourself, but to immediately take them to a workshop.
  • Products with rubies and topazes must not be placed in hot water.
  • Do not use abrasive materials (soda, salt) to clean turquoise and opal.
  • Cubic zirconia, diamonds, precious and semi-precious stones require special attention and caution. Clean them with ammonia or gasoline and a cotton swab.

A clear example of cleaning gold and pearls:

Can it be cleaned if the gold is white?

Nickel and copper are added to the white gold alloy, and the surface is coated with rhodium. Because of this, it is very sensitive and requires special care. In this case, it is better to replace vinegar with ammonia. To do this, place the jewelry in a solution of 2 tablespoons of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of detergent for 45 minutes.

Can it be cleaned if the surface is matte?

Do not use any brushes, aggressive or abrasive products, including vinegar, on matte surfaces. To clean such jewelry without damaging it, leave it in the ammonia solution for 2 hours.

How to prepare products for cleaning

Immediately before cleaning, soak your pendants, rings or earrings for 8-10 hours in a saline solution (2 tablespoons per glass of water), and then rinse. This way, you will increase the effectiveness of subsequent actions.

Is it possible to clean gold with 70% vinegar?

Immersing gold in acetic acid causes irreparable harm. To make 9% vinegar from 70%, dilute the essence with 9 tablespoons of water. In turn, this will change the proportions of all recipes and reduce the quality of processing.

How long will it take to clean?

From 5 minutes to 12 hours depending on the degree of contamination, the chosen method, the presence of stones, the sample and composition of the alloy.

What kind of vinegar can I use?

It is better to use apple cider vinegar. Table white 9% and 6% are also suitable.

What to do if gold quickly darkens after cleaning

If you constantly wear and leave jewelry on, it can quickly become dirty and dark. It is also worth paying attention to the alloy sample. The lower the percentage of gold present, the greater the chance of frequent darkening of the coating. The answer to the question whether vinegar darkens gold is definitely no, but this only applies to solutions using 9% and 6% essences.

To solve this problem, remove your jewelry at night and wash it regularly in soapy water.

Can vinegar be used on gold plated jewelry?

Vinegar is used to wash gold plating:

  1. Soak the decoration in a liquid of 9% concentration.
  2. Leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Wipe with a soft cloth without pressing too hard.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.

What to remember

  1. Always take care of your jewelry, even if it is in a box.
  2. White, table and apple cider vinegar are suitable for these purposes, but in no case 70% essence.
  3. The more gold there is in the alloy, the longer it will remain in good condition.
  4. Jewelry with stones, white gold, or a matte finish requires specific cleaning techniques.
  5. Depending on factors, the process will take from 5 minutes to 12 hours.

We invite you to share the article with your friends and write about your experience with gold!

Reviews from those who have tried cleaning gold with vinegar

I really liked the foil method. It really works! I even cleaned my grandmother's old rings and her gold teeth.


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