How to Clean Silver Using Foil

How to clean silver at home | Viralab

How to Clean Silver Using Foil

Silver is a noble metal. Jewelry and other things made of silver are particularly refined, without words speaking about the good taste of their owner.

Despite proper care, silver tends to oxidize in air, so if your silver has darkened over time, be sure to read our effective tips.

The situation can be quickly corrected by returning things to their original shine. And for this it is not at all necessary to seek help from specialists. There are many effective ways to clean silver at home.

And so, in order to effectively clean silver at home and return it, let’s consider what popular folk methods exist.

Cleaning silver with foil and baking soda

This method is recommended for cleaning silverware. Take a fairly deep saucepan or metal basin. Place a sheet of food foil on the bottom of the dish and carefully place silver cutlery on it.

Spread regular soda over the surface of the products (about 3-4 tablespoons is enough) and cover with another sheet of foil. Pour boiling water over everything and bring to a boil.

After this, wait 15 minutes and rinse your silver items thoroughly under plenty of cold water.

Ammonia and tooth powder will help quickly clean silver from blackness.

Mix these ingredients to form a thin paste. If you suddenly don’t have toothpowder on hand, you can easily replace it with regular chalk. Apply the resulting mixture to a silver item with a cotton swab and wait until everything dries. Then all that remains is to remove the product with a soft cloth.

How to clean silver with citric acid

You will need a liter glass jar filled about half or a little more with cool water. Dissolve 100 crystals (100 grams) of citric acid in the liquid and place the container in a water bath. Then put a piece of copper wire and the items that need cleaning into the jar and wait 15 to 30 minutes. The time depends on the degree of contamination of the items. Then do not forget to rinse the silver with clean running water.

Clean silver at home using salt, baking soda, foil and dish soap

This method is good for cleaning silver jewelry, rings, earrings and others. Place them on the bottom of a container previously lined with foil. Make sure that things do not touch each other.

Sprinkle the decorations with a mixture of equal parts baking soda and salt and add a little liquid dishwashing detergent to the dishes. Pour boiling water into the container and wait 10-15 minutes. This time should be enough for things to be completely cleared of plaque.

After this, rinse the products with clean water.

How to clean silver with vinegar

Perhaps the easiest way to clean silver jewelry at home from plaque and dirt. A 6% vinegar solution is suitable for cleaning. You need to warm it up, moisten a piece of cloth in it and carefully wipe the surface of the products.

How to clean silver with potatoes

First you need to peel the raw potatoes, cut them into pieces and put them in a pan with water. Place silver here for a few hours. The starch contained in this vegetable effectively fights against browning. You can also grate potatoes and place silver in this paste.

How to clean silver with an eraser

Rub your silver item with a soft eraser and it will shine like new. This recipe is especially good for things with a relatively large and smooth surface (for example, coins, knives, spoons, napkin rings and the like).

As you can see, the ways to get rid of blackness on your favorite silver items are quite different. You can use any of those described in this article and choose the most effective ones.

Be careful with silver items decorated with precious or semi-precious stones. It is better to entrust such things to the hands of professionals or use tools specially designed for this.


How to clean cupronickel with soda, salt and foil at home

How to Clean Silver Using Foil

› Economy

Cupronickel is an alloy of zinc, copper, nickel and silver. Thanks to this composition, nickel silver products shine, which gives them a solemn appearance. But the metal is characterized by rapid darkening, as a result of which it loses its attractiveness. The problem can be easily solved at home by cleaning with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate/bicarbonate) and other available products. alenaloginova.

What kitchen utensils are made from cupronickel

Cupronickel is a budget alternative to silver. The alloy was created at the beginning of the 19th century by the French Maillot and Chorier. Over time, its composition was improved, the percentage of metals contained in it changed. In the modern version:

  • 30% nickel;
  • 1% iron;
  • 1% manganese.

This material is resistant to oxidation, corrosion and deformation. But over time, darkening, characteristic of rapidly oxidizing brass and copper, appears on the products.

The range of kitchen utensils made of cupronickel is varied:

  • spoons;
  • forks;
  • knives;
  • ladles;
  • Turks;
  • skimmers;
  • caviar;
  • shoulder blades;
  • cup holders, etc.

Cupronickel silver table sets are often made in the classic Old Russian style.

Why does this alloy darken?

Cupronickel contains a high concentration of copper, which is prone to oxidation, which causes a dark coating to appear on the surface. It manifests itself especially intensely when stored improperly: in conditions with high humidity and in open contact with air.

At the same time, cupronickel products are rapidly losing their original attractiveness. To fix this, immediate cleaning is required.

Pros of cleaning with soda

Benefits of using soda to clean cupronickel:

  • quickly returns attractive shine to products;
  • accessible: easy to find in the store closest to your home;
  • is inexpensive;
  • easy to use;
  • safe for the health of adults, children and pets.

Cleansing recipes

It is recommended to clean cupronickel products regularly. Otherwise, dark plaque will become their constant companion.

Preparing for cleaning. Before you start treating cutlery with a soda-containing composition, you need to wash it well with soap and then wipe it dry.

There are many recipes that allow you to quickly clean cupronickel at home.

Simple washing with soda

A slight dark coating on cupronickel products can be removed using ordinary soda without adding other components:

  1. Dilute baking soda in warm water.
  2. Rinse kitchen utensils in the resulting solution.
  3. Rinse with clean water to remove any remaining alkali.
  4. Dry each item thoroughly with a dry cloth.

Table vinegar with soda

Stubborn plaque can be removed using a mixture of table vinegar and soda:

  1. Pour 300 ml of warm water into a bowl.
  2. Add 25 g of soda and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Pour in 30 ml of table vinegar.
  4. To stir thoroughly.
  5. Dip a sponge into the mixture and wipe each item.
  6. If necessary, repeat processing.
  7. Rinse with clean warm water.
  8. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

On a note. If there are persistent stains, it is recommended to rub the surface with the product and leave for 30 minutes, then walk over it with a sponge.

Soda, chalk and laundry soap

The combination of sodium bicarbonate, chalk and laundry soap will help not only get rid of plaque, but also polish kitchen utensils:

  1. Grind 50 g of laundry soap and 45 g of chalk.
  2. Mix the ingredients and add 1 liter of hot water.
  3. Stir until soap foam appears.
  4. Add 40 g of baking soda.
  5. Thoroughly rub the surfaces to be treated with the resulting composition.
  6. Rinse with warm water.
  7. If the contamination is difficult to remove, you need to repeat the procedure several times.
  8. Wipe thoroughly with a dry cloth.

Soda, ammonia and chalk

The tandem of sodium bicarbonate, chalk and ammonia works well for cleaning and polishing cupronickel cutlery:

  1. Combine 30 g of soda with 50 g of crushed chalk.
  2. Pour 20 ml of ammonia into the resulting mixture.
  3. Stir the mixture and add enough water to make a thick paste.
  4. Using a sponge, scrub all kitchen items.
  5. Rinse with warm water.
  6. Wipe dry with a waffle towel.

Boiling with soda

If you don’t have time to clean nickel silver products manually, you can use a quick and effective method - boiling:

  1. Pour water into an aluminum container, add 2 tbsp. l. baking soda and put on fire.
  2. After boiling, place the cutlery in the water and leave on low heat for 10–15 minutes.
  3. After this time, remove the products and wash them with regular dishwashing detergent.
  4. Rinse under running water and wipe dry with a towel.

Soda and foil

To carry out such cleaning, you will need a small container (necessarily made of aluminum), baking soda and ordinary food foil:

  1. Cover the bottom of the container with foil.
  2. Place cutlery on it (preferably in one layer).
  3. Fill with water at room temperature.
  4. Add soda in the ratio: 60 g per 2 liters of liquid.
  5. Boil for 15–20 minutes;
  6. Rinse with clean running water and wipe dry.

Rules for caring for cupronickel products

Kitchen utensils made of cupronickel must be treated in the same way as silver ones.

Attention! Do not remove dirt from such products using abrasive cleaning powders, especially those containing chlorine. This will not only damage the polish, but will also speed up the oxidation process.

Proper care requires strict adherence to the following recommendations:

  • Clean only with products that are suitable for silver and jewelry.
  • After all manipulations, thoroughly rinse the products with running water.
  • Then be sure to remove all moisture from the surfaces using a soft cloth.
  • Store cutlery in a special case or boxes.
  • Do not place cupronickel items next to perfumes or aggressive household chemicals (alcohol vapors, like chlorine, accelerate the oxidation process).

Reviews from housewives

You can glean a lot of useful information from the reviews of housewives, so before you start cleaning, it’s worth reading the opinions of several of them.

Irina (Volgograd). My husband and I were given a luxurious table set made of nickel silver for our wedding. For a long time we took care of it and did not use it, and recently we opened the case and were upset - all its contents were covered with a black coating.

At first I tried to get rid of it using regular dishwashing detergent, but to no avail. My mom's advice was to boil spoons and forks with foil and baking soda.

I couldn’t even imagine that I would get such a result - all the accessories sparkled like new.

Polina (Kursk). My nickel silver pieces are 20 years old and they are still in excellent condition. The secret is quite simple - every time after washing, I rinse them with a concentrated soda solution. And a product made from chalk, soda and ammonia helps me remove old dark plaque. Guests often cannot distinguish my cutlery from silver because of the dazzling shine.

Valentina (Perm). When I saw that my cupronickel spoons and knives had turned black, I wanted to throw them away. But a friend advised me to clean it with baking soda-based solutions. I tried it, but I didn’t like it - it takes too much time. Then I read on the Internet a life hack using foil and soda. The result exceeded all expectations: after the first application, the black coating completely disappeared. I recommend to everyone.

Tatiana (Yaroslavl). I usually clean cupronickel cutlery with a homemade mixture of soda, chalk and laundry soap. This option suits me quite well - it doesn’t take much time, and all the components are available and inexpensive. The result is also excellent.

List of store-bought products suitable for cupronickel

Store-bought household chemicals can also quickly rid nickel silver of dark deposits:

  • "Metal Cleaner";
  • "Ultra Shine";
  • "Lemon Fresh";
  • "Aladdin";
  • "Sanita";
  • Sunlight Jewelry Cleaner;
  • "Sif."

The products listed are alkaline due to the soda content.

On a note. When purchasing a product for caring for metal kitchen utensils in a store, you need to study its composition in detail - it should not contain chlorine-containing ingredients. Otherwise, cupronickel will darken and acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.

How to clean silver with baking soda at home.

Cleaning cupronickel with soda, foil and salt at home Link to main publication


Cleaning silver at home with foil, soda and peroxide to remove blackness

How to Clean Silver Using Foil

Over time, silver objects become covered with a thin film and a plaque forms. Under the influence of external factors, the metal may darken and lose its shine. To clean silver at home, different methods are used. The most effective is using foil, soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Preparing silver items for cleaning

Silver jewelry develops a black coating over time

Silver is a popular and inexpensive metal that is used in jewelry workshops and for making cutlery. Items made from a pure component are difficult to find; an alloy with copper is usually found. 925 purity means 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper were used.

Silver and added impurities easily enter into chemical reactions with sulfur, which is found in the air and human sweat. The speed of blackening of products is also affected by:

  • the presence of strong oxidizing agents;
  • high humidity;
  • high ambient temperature.

The more impurities a product contains, the more susceptible it is to oxidation. Therefore, cutlery needs more frequent and thorough cleaning than jewelry.

If you are cleaning silver at home for the first time, follow these tips:

  • Find out the sample . The choice of products suitable for cleaning the product will depend on the percentage of silver and impurities. Possible types of samples: 720, 800, 875, 916, 925, 960, 999.
  • Degrease the item . Over time, a transparent film forms on jewelry. To remove it, you need to soak the products in a soapy solution. You can use shampoo or dishwashing gel.

To carry out the procedure for cleaning jewelry or dishes, you can use soft-bristled brushes, sponges, and cotton napkins. If you clean silver with dry powders or metal brushes, you can leave microcracks and scratches.

If the jewelry contains a precious stone - pearls, coral, amber - such items should not be dipped in boiling water. Inserts may fade or crack. Sapphire, emerald, and aquamarine are not afraid of heat treatments.

How to Use Foil, Baking Soda, and Peroxide to Clean Silver

Foil and soda solution are an effective means for cleaning silver.

Common means for giving silver items a pristine shine are foil, soda and peroxide. They are used separately or solutions are prepared. They are suitable for cleaning silver cutlery or items without precious stones.

Before starting work, be sure to check the reaction of the product with the prepared mixture. Try to remove black deposits from a small area. If the silver becomes lighter and is not damaged, you can continue working. When the stain becomes more distinct, this method cannot be used to clean the item.

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The main condition when working with foil is that it touches the surface of the object. During the reaction, an electric current of minimal charge appears, which cleans the metal of silver sulfide.

To speed up the process and improve the appearance of the item, use soda and foil. The method requires the tightest possible contact of the metal with the foil.

You can clean silver using hydrogen peroxide yourself at home. The solution is used to brighten heavily soiled products. The method is effective, but if the decoration or cutlery is of low quality, it can be ruined.

Peroxide is suitable for restoring high-grade metal. The result is a brightened, shiny product. If the admixture of components included in the jewelry is high, the item will turn black and it will be difficult to clean it.

Recipes for effective cleaning methods

The easiest recipe for cleaning silver

You can care for your silver yourself, without turning to professionals. Proven home methods for cleaning plaque and blackness are suitable for this:

  • Soda and foil . Mix 1 tbsp in a metal bowl. l. soda in 0.5 liters of water. Place the dishes on the stove and bring the solution to a boil. Cover the bottom with foil and pour the soda mixture from the bowl onto it. Place silver items for 5-7 minutes. When the products become lighter, rinse them in clean water and then sand them with a soft cloth.
  • Soda and salt . Add 25 g of salt to 1 liter of water and mix. Place the bowl on the stove and bring to a boil. Place decorations or cutlery in the solution for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse everything under running water and rub with a soft flannel cloth. The method is quick and restores the shine of silver.
  • Soda, foil, salt, liquid soap . Wrap a flat container with sides in foil. Place silver items on the bottom. Mix 1 tbsp. l. salt and soda. Sprinkle the resulting powder onto the products. Add 4 drops of liquid soap to 0.5 liters of water and stir until foam forms. Pour the silver solution. Wait 20 minutes, drain the soapy water, remove clean items, and rinse under the tap.
  • Hydrogen peroxide . You can clean silver with hydrogen peroxide at home by following simple rules. Wash items in soapy water. Dilute 20 ml of peroxide in 1 liter of warm water. Lower the silver for 15 minutes. Then rinse and place on a cotton napkin. Earrings, pendants, chain will be like new.
  • Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide . Add 20 ml of ammonia and 20 ml of peroxide to 1 liter of water. Mix the solution. Place the contaminated items in the bowl and wait 10-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse everything and rub with a napkin.

If one method doesn't work, try another. But it’s better not to experiment with traditional methods for a long time and entrust the cleaning to professionals.

Caring for jewelry with stones

Silver with stones should be polished with a soft cloth after cleaning.

Chains, pendants, rings with stones should be treated with professional products purchased in the store. Traditional methods are not suitable for washing such jewelry. Using industrial solutions, you don’t have to worry about the stone becoming dull or losing its shine.

If it is not possible to purchase the product, ammonia will do. Add 5-6 drops of alcohol to 200 ml of water. Dip the decoration into the solution, leave for 3-5 minutes, rinse with clean water.

After washing, the jewelry must be polished with a piece of flannel or suede.

Traditional methods for cleaning silver

Toothpaste removes plaque from silver well

To restore the gloss and shine of silver yourself, you can try alternative methods that cope with blackening of the metal.

Contaminated products can be cleaned with citric acid . It must be diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1:4 (50 g per 200 ml). Heat the bowl with the solution in a water bath. Place all products into the composition and boil for 15-30 minutes. The duration depends on how dirty the jewelry is. For better results, you can put a small piece of copper wire.

Potato broth is useful for cleaning silver items. Place foil and decorations in a saucepan with the broth. Leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly under cold water, dry, and polish.

Toothpaste contains abrasive microparticles that clean and polish metal well. Copes with plaque and slight blackening. Apply the paste to a damp soft bristle brush and clean the product. Then use a brush to rinse it in clean water and rub with a microfiber cloth. If the decoration is very dirty, you can add a few drops of ammonia to the paste.

Vinegar, dish detergent, salt, decoction after boiling eggs and Coca-Cola are also used for cleaning . To thoroughly clean items from dirt, you can brush them with a toothbrush. A suede cloth is suitable for polishing silver items.

Before using any of the traditional methods for cleaning silver from blackening, it is important to test the effect of the substance on a small area of ​​the item. If the reaction is positive, the metal is cleaned, then the procedure can be continued.

Prevention of blackness on silver

Earrings, rings, and chains made of silver can retain their aesthetic appearance longer and not turn black if you follow the rules of caring for them.

Prevention of metal blackness:

  • store silver jewelry in a place separate from other items;
  • the room should be dry;
  • do not keep objects in the sun;
  • Do not use rough sponges for cleaning;
  • select boxes and storage boxes that do not contain sulfur; cardboard and viscose silk are also not suitable;
  • remove jewelry before cleaning, taking a bath or shower;
  • the hair dyeing procedure can negatively affect the metal, so it is advisable to remove the earrings and chain;
  • To regularly care for your jewelry, you can use a soap solution and a toothbrush;
  • For long-term storage, silver is wrapped in foil.

Self-cleaning silver from blackness at home is possible if you know the main points and characteristics of the metal. After cleaning jewelry, it is recommended to follow the storage conditions so that they do not lose their shine.


How to clean silver using improvised means

Every person has silver things: earrings, rings, bracelets, crosses, and cutlery. People notice that silver can turn black over time. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned correctly and it is important to know the properties of the metal.

Metal properties

Silver is a noble metal. It is not subject to corrosion and oxidation, so jewelry and cutlery will last you for many years. In ancient times, people actively used silver because the metal is malleable and malleable. Tools, jewelry, and coins were made from it.

How to clean silver using improvised means

Every owner of a precious metal is interested in what methods can be used to clean it. In this article you will learn more about ways to clean rings, bracelets, pendants, and cutlery.


Take 1 teaspoon of 10% ammonia and 250 ml of water and mix. You can add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap. Soak silver items in the solution for 10-20 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.

If the jewelry has minimal blackening, wipe it with a clean cloth soaked in ammonia.

This is 100% the method that many people use.

Remember! You cannot use ammonia to clean silver with pearls, as the pearls may react and change color.


Yes, no matter how strange it may sound, lipstick can really clean the product. This method has only one drawback: the product can only be cleaned with a smooth surface.

Simply rub the blackened jewelry with lipstick and wipe thoroughly with a cotton swab. The lipstick contains titanium dioxide, which removes impurities and polishes fat to a shine.


The paste contains polishing particles that will gently polish your silver jewelry. Wet the toothbrush with water, apply the toothpaste, and brush over the surface of the product. Rinse with warm water. Voila, your product is sparkling again!

Egg yolk

Rub the decoration with a cotton swab dipped in egg yolk. Give it time to dry. Rinse with water. Your bracelet or ring will be like new again.

Baking soda and aluminum foil

This is one of the most effective ways. Place foil and whatever you want to clean at the bottom of the pan. Boil water, add soda per 1 liter of water, take 50 grams of soda. Pour in the decoration, wait a couple of minutes. Remove carefully and rinse with water. Look how the product has changed.


Remember to properly care for your products. I hope these methods will help you in the future. Maybe you know some other useful tips for cleaning precious metal? Please share in the comments.


Rules and algorithm for cleaning silver with foil and soda

Cleaning silver is a procedure that must be carried out regularly. Silver is a widely used metal in jewelry, and it looks every bit as good as gold.

But this metal has one drawback - it must be cleaned regularly, as it enters into some chemical reactions and becomes covered with a dark coating.

Of course, you can always take the jewelry to the workshop for cleaning, but what if this is not possible now? There are many ways to clean this metal, one of them is cleaning silver with soda and foil.

Jewelry made from precious metals has long been in fashion as part of a person’s everyday accessories. And just like clothes, they should be well-groomed. If the jewelry is dull or tarnished, then no matter how much it costs, it will not look beautiful.

What do you need to clean silver?

Not only jewelry, but also other silver products can be found in the collections of the house. These could be spoons, forks, knives, other utensils, figurines or coins, and even interior items. Often there are products on which silver is only a coating, and under it there is an object made of another metal. How to clean such silver jewelry and interior items? Be more careful so as not to erase the top layer.

Reasons why products lose their appearance

Silver may tarnish over time. The main reason for this unpleasant phenomenon is high humidity in the room. Can ruin the appearance of metal and constant contact with human skin. Upon contact with sulfur, a reaction occurs that leads to just such consequences. Therefore, all products containing sulfur should be kept away from silver.

When cleaning products with some inserts made of precious and semi-precious stones, you should be especially careful. Namely, it is better not to clean products containing:

Such elements are very sensitive to chemistry and mechanical stress; if handled incorrectly, they can easily be damaged. The most effective products for cleaning silver are those that can be bought in stores. However, if this is not possible, traditional methods will also work.

Cleaning with improvised means

How to clean silver with baking soda and foil? For this method of cleaning silver products at home, you will need:

  • a saucepan for filling with water;
  • baking soda, two glasses;
  • a quarter glass of salt;
  • soft cloth;
  • tooth cheek with soft bristles;
  • aluminium foil.

Cover the container with foil

The process itself will look like this:

  • Line the bottom of the pan with aluminum foil until it covers the bottom completely.
  • The walls do not need to be covered with foil, provided that the silver product does not touch them.
  • Fill a saucepan with water. The water should not boil, somewhere around 60–80 degrees. Just pour enough to completely cover the product.
  • Add a mixture of soda and salt, mixing everything thoroughly.
  • Leave the item to be cleaned in the solution for 5–10 minutes.
  • After this time has passed, remove the product and remove any remaining plaque and dirt using a toothbrush.
  • Rinse the jewelry with cold water and wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.
  • Your decoration is cleaned.

The amount of ingredients added to the solution, soda and salt, will depend on the size of the product to be cleaned. In addition, more of these components should be added if the product is too dirty.

Some tips for cleaning silver

If your jewelry has not yet become very dirty, you can quickly clean it with a soap solution. How to clean silver this way? After soaking the jewelry in this solution for a while, simply brush it with a toothbrush, applying gentle pressure.

A product without stones can be clarified using ammonia or citric acid. To enhance the effect, heat the solution.

You can wash silver items in potato broth. Just put the item in there for a few minutes and take it out. Use wool for wiping and polishing.

Jewelry is usually worn to attract attention. You will also attract him with blackened silver, but only in the bad sense of the word. Cleaning such a product at home is not only possible, but also quite easy.

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How to clean silver with foil

From time immemorial, jewelry was intended to evoke in others emotions favorable to the person being decorated. After all, you must admit that it is pleasant for a person to look at clean, shiny jewelry. Therefore, it is necessary to store it properly and clean it occasionally to maintain the beautiful appearance of the jewelry.

Silver is one of the favorite materials for making jewelry, because it looks beautiful and is inexpensive. But since this metal has a very characteristic, and not at all pleasant, feature of darkening over time, a lot of methods for cleaning it have been tested in practice.

Cleaning silver at home with foil and soda is one of the most effective, simple, and therefore popular. This and other options will be discussed in this article.

Why do jewelry spoil?

From time to time, silver becomes dull; one possible reason is increased levels of humidity. Metal is also affected by contact with human skin:

  • Moisture;
  • Cosmetics with sulfur;
  • Features of human sweat.

In order to know how to clean silver at home, we must look at the types of this metal:

  • sterling;
  • monetary;
  • nielloed;
  • matte;
  • filigree.

Important! There is no need to clean filigree, blackened types of metal!

It is also necessary to take into account the location of additional elements. You should be careful if the inlay contains:

Methods for cleaning silver

Below is a description of what you use to clean silverware and dishes. Each proposed method is simple and will not require much effort from you. The effect is usually noticeable literally immediately.


  1. The first and one of the main steps is to wash the metal in a thick solution of detergent.
  2. For the best effect, bring the solution to 50 C, soak the devices or decorations for 30 minutes.
  3. After this, we wash everything soaked with a sponge.

Cleaning silver at home with foil and baking soda:

  1. Pour water into a half-liter container, add two tablespoons of soda, and heat it up.
  2. When the container with water boils, place a small piece of food foil in it.
  3. Next, we place our decorations, cutlery or cleaning items in the container.
  4. Do not hold for long - 5-7 minutes.

A solution of salt, soda, detergent

We will need aluminum cookware:

  1. We fill it with water and add detergent (liquid).
  2. Next, add salt and soda.
  3. Boil our decorations over low heat for 30 minutes.
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Tooth powder, ammonia, soda:

  1. All ingredients are mixed.
  2. The mixture is applied to the silver with a soft brush and then washed off with water.
  3. Finally, be sure to dry the products well and polish them.

Mortar for products with stones and other elements:

  1. We take: water, laundry soap shavings, ammonia.
  2. Bring the solution of these substances to a boil.
  3. After it has cooled, apply it to any silver items with a toothbrush.

Important! Hard-to-reach areas can be cleaned with ear sticks.

Another solution for simple products without stones:

  1. We heat citric acid or ammonia to enhance the effect. You can also grate the potatoes and then add water.
  2. Dip the products into the chosen product for a couple of minutes.
  3. Then we take the wool and rub it until it shines.

Tips that will come in handy when cleaning silver:

  • Clean silverware and cutlery separately from other types of household utensils to avoid scratches and damage to finishes.
  • When cleaning and washing silver, do not use rubber gloves, as they may cause microcracks.
  • It is advisable to give products with French or oxidized metal to professionals.
  • You should not “go too far” with cleaning silver, as you can tear off the decorative coating, for example, mistaking it for plaque.

How to properly store silver?

It is advisable to store silver separately from other metals - in boxes or velvet bags. If they are not available, then you can use plastic bags, the main thing is that they do not scratch each other!

The following materials cannot be used for storage:

  • Paper packaging;
  • Cardboard;
  • Viscose silk.

Important! Such packages contain sulfur, which causes the silver to darken.

Also, the storage location should not be in damp places, direct sunlight or high temperature.


How to clean silver with soda and foil (+ recommendations)

Decoration serves as a magnificent addition to a person’s beauty. It is for this reason that every person strives to maintain their jewelry in the best possible condition. Let's look at what kind of care should be taken for silver items so that they serve and delight us for many years.

Researchers believe that the first jewelry and objects made of silver appeared in ancient Egypt. This happened in the period from 500 AD. Considering that silver is not found in perfectly pure form in nature, it was highly valued by people in ancient times. Even gold was sometimes less valuable in the eyes of our ancient ancestors. Moreover, since ancient times silver has been given symbolic as well as magical meaning. It was believed that it had some unearthly power.

Today, many homes contain silver items of various types. It can be:

  • Jewelry;
  • interior items;
  • cutlery.

Over time, silver can lose its original beauty. It may simply darken. Sometimes you can notice a green or blue coating on an object made of silver metal. What about shine? Is it possible to restore the product to its former charm? Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to do this on our own, at home. Let's find out in more detail how soda and foil can help us.

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Reasons why silver darkens

Silver can tarnish from time to time. One of the reasons may be increased humidity levels. Moreover, this effect occurs on this material as a result of long-term contact with human skin. In order to avoid the process of silver tarnishing, it is important to know all the reasons for this action. It is also important to know how to clean such products. Some of the reasons why silver can turn black are:

  • moisture;
  • cosmetics with sulfur;
  • features of human sweat.

So, the product darkens when it is exposed to humid air or skin. Although silver is resistant to acids and alkalis, it is susceptible to hydrogen sulfide in the air. When silver encounters sulfur in cosmetics, blackening occurs.

And human sweat can have this effect on metal. Scientists have proven that the color of such a precious metal as silver can change. It all depends on the composition of human sweat.

Excess nitrogen in the human body contributes to the accelerated process of darkening of silver.

In order to know how to clean this metal the right way, you need to consider some factors. For example, the alloy of the product is important. The following alloys exist:

  1. sterling;
  2. monetary;
  3. nielloed;
  4. matte;
  5. filigree.

In addition, it is important to take into account the presence of additional elements such as stones and other inserts. You should be careful if the product contains elements such as:

In this case, it is better to entrust the cleaning of the product to a professional. These stones are sensitive and gentle to the influence of chemicals and acidic agents. At home, without skills, you can easily ruin them.

The most effective option for cleaning silver metals is to have them cleaned with a professional cleaner. You can find and purchase such goods at a hardware or jewelry store. If you don’t have special liquids and products at hand, then folk methods of cleaning silver will come to the rescue.

Cleaning silver from tarnishing with soda

The easiest and most affordable method used to clean silver is soda. To make the solution, we need half a liter of plain water, as well as two tablespoons of baking soda. Mix the soda and place the container with the solution on the fire. It's very easy to do at home.

When the water boils, place a small piece of food foil in the container. Now we can put our silver items into the water. Keep them in water for just a few minutes and they will be clean and sparkling again.

You can make another solution with soda to clean the products. We take an aluminum dish, fill it with water, add a little liquid detergent, and also put a little salt and soda. We boil our decorations over low heat for half an hour.

If you have valuable silver items that you wear only on special occasions, you can store them in a dry place. It is better to wrap each decoration in foil, one at a time. This will protect the silver from oxidation, and it will serve you for many years.

If your silver cutlery has turned black, you can also clean it with baking soda. To do this, you need to put them in a container with foil at the bottom. You can sprinkle up to three tablespoons of baking soda on top of the utensils.

You should again put food foil on top. Now fill the container with boiling water. The soda will do its job, and after fifteen minutes you can rinse the devices with running water and use them again in everyday life.

This makes it easy to clean cutlery at home.

You can take a container, wrap it in foil, and fold the silver into one layer. Then you can sprinkle salt and baking soda on top, as well as a few drops of dish liquid. All this also needs to be poured with boiling water for ten minutes.

You can also make a solution for cleaning silver from tooth powder, soda, and ammonia. This method is considered the most effective. The mixture is applied to the silver with a soft brush and washed off with cold water.

Do not forget that silver cleaning is carried out only when necessary. For example, there is no need to clean the following types of silver:

The fact is that blackness creates a special charm in such silver. It’s stupid to spoil such sophistication. Therefore, do not attempt to clean these types of silver.

Cleaning silver items with stones

There are liquids for cleaning jewelry and household silver. They help prevent harm to the product during the process. Moreover, these products create a protective film on the silver product. But there is a way to clean your silver yourself, at home.

If the product contains stones, then it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists. You can make a good cleaning solution. We will need:

  1. water;
  2. laundry soap shavings;
  3. ammonia.

Let's bring this solution to a boil. Once the mixture has cooled, it can be applied to any silver item with a toothbrush. This will clean the metal. Blackness directly next to the stone can be removed using cotton swabs. We wet the stick in the solution and lubricate the product around the stones. Our silver is pure. As you can see, it can be cleaned at home without any problems.

Some recommendations

There are three good tips. If the product is dirty, just place them in a soap solution. Let the products sit in this water for some time. You can then clean your silver jewelry with a soft, flexible brush.

If the product does not contain stones, then it can be easily lightened. We will need a solution of such products as:

  1. lemon acid;
  2. or ammonia.

To enhance the effect, you can heat our solution. You can also use regular potatoes. It needs to be grated and then filled with water. Decorations are immersed in this water for a couple of minutes. The wool should then be used to polish the silver to a brilliant shine.

You can also use an eraser to clean silver inserts at home. You need to rub with the light side of the rubber band. With a little effort, you will soon notice that the blackness will come off the silver. Instead of an eraser, lipstick is often used. With its help, silver is cleaned without scratches.


Cleaning silver with soda and foil at home: how to clean it properly and is it possible, recipes for solutions and step-by-step instructions | mk-soyuz.rf

Greetings. The unique shine of silver (Ag) products is due to its white color and ability to reflect 95% of the visible spectrum.

Pure metal is quite soft and easily changes shape, but is practically not susceptible to oxidation. To give Ag items strength, other components, such as copper, are added to the alloy. This leaves the precious metal susceptible to oxidation, which must be removed to maintain its shine.

One way is to clean silver with baking soda and foil. I will tell you in what situations this processing method is appropriate, and how not to harm the jewelry.

Types and causes of silver contamination

The following factors can lead to oxidation:

  • storage in a room with high humidity,
  • direct contact with household chemicals,
  • contact of cosmetics with metal,
  • frequent contact with water (for example, if you take a bath without removing jewelry),
  • dirt settling on a fatty base (sweat).

Copper, which is part of the alloy, reacts with sulfur contained in human sweat and air. It is because of this reaction that silver is coated with a dark, thin layer of Ag25 (silver sulfide). The more impurities in the jewelry, the more actively it darkens. Especially cutlery.

Is it possible to clean silver with baking soda and foil?

Baking soda is an excellent absorbent that, when used correctly, can restore the lost shine to silver. And together with foil it causes a combined chemical reaction that reverses the oxidative process.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

Unlike mechanical removal of dirt with polishes, which remove part of the precious metal along with plaque, cleaning with soda and foil has virtually no disadvantages. The aluminum contained in the foil attracts sulfur atoms, converting Ag25 back to silver.

This cleaning method is suitable for openwork jewelry and twisted chains, because it allows you to remove plaque even in hard-to-reach places.

There is only one drawback - the item may become cloudy.

Which samples can withstand this treatment?

Vsevolod Kozlovsky6 years in the jewelry business. Knows everything about samples and can identify a fake in 12 seconds. The lower the standard of silver, the more susceptible it is to blackening. Pure silver is not prone to oxidation, which means it does not need cleaning with soda and foil at all. Therefore, the method will be effective for 800, 830, 875 stamps. In rare cases required for 925 and 960.

You should never clean gold-plated or blackened silver using this method, since along with unwanted contaminants you can remove the decorative coating and oxide layer.

What not to clean silver

Silver should not be treated with aggressive detergents, as instead of restoring shine, the opposite effect will occur.

Oxidized products and jewelry with pearls do not tolerate treatment with ammonia.

Using hard brushes and sponges will scratch the coating, because silver is very sensitive to mechanical stress.

How to clean silver with baking soda and foil at home

This method of cleaning silver is the most gentle and affordable, since almost every home has a package of baking soda and baking foil. And even if not, they can be purchased at the nearest mass market.

The complete process, including boiling water, preparing and waiting for the result, will take no more than 10 minutes.

Precautionary measures

Some people recommend cleaning jewelry in boiling water along with baking soda and foil, but this should not be done because pieces of the material may peel off and damage the jewelry.

If objects with stones or pearls require cleaning, then this method should be abandoned so as not to spoil their appearance.

Cleaning Solution Recipes

For 1 liter of hot water you need 50 g. soda You can dissolve the powder in an already heated liquid, stirring thoroughly, or add it before boiling. No further additional components are required.

Preparation of the solution

The reaction occurs faster when the solution is warm, or even better - boiling water.

You need to act according to the following scheme:

  • add sodium bicarbonate to the water and stir thoroughly,
  • Place foil on the bottom of the prepared container,
  • lay out the decoration,
  • pour in the resulting mixture,
  • wait 3-5 minutes,
  • remove the product and rinse under water,
  • polish.

You can also use another method:

  • cover the bottom with foil,
  • put decoration,
  • add the required amount of soda,
  • to fill with water.

If not all blackening has been removed, the procedure can be repeated until the desired result is obtained.

Preparing Jewelry for Cleaning

Before processing, it is necessary to wipe the product from dust and rinse under warm water.

Cleaning process

The reaction between Ag25 and aluminum occurs only when they come into contact. Therefore, after covering the surface of the bowl with foil, you need to place the blackened object on it. Only then is soda added and everything is poured with boiling water (or a ready-made soda solution).

The compound transfers sulfur from the silver to the aluminum so the Ag25 can attach to the foil or form into small flakes. Since a slight electrical charge is formed between the connected components, the reaction process begins to hiss and foam rises. Therefore, the best place for the procedure will be the sink.

If the product becomes cloudy, you should use a soft fleece cloth and remove the sediment.

How to restore the shine of silver in 3 minutes, watch the video:

Other cleaning methods

Soda solution can be used not only with foil.

For 0.5 liters of hot water and 2 tbsp. l. soda can be added:

  • 100 ml 6% vinegar and 2 tsp. salt (leave for 10 minutes, rinse and wipe),
  • 1 tsp. salt (leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse and wipe),
  • 2 tbsp. l. ammonia (immerse in the composition for 15 minutes, wash, wipe),
  • ammonia and tooth powder in a ratio of 5:2:2 (apply with a soft brush, remove blackening, rinse and wipe).
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If you don’t have baking soda or foil at home, but you have citric acid, you can use it to clean silver:

  • dissolve 100 g in 0.5 ml of water. substances,
  • put on fire and bring to a boil,
  • soak the decoration in a water bath for 15-30 minutes,
  • rinse and dry thoroughly.

For silver without impurities, the following recipe is suitable:

  • mix ammonia and 3% hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions,
  • add 1 tsp. soda,
  • mix,
  • lower the jewelry for 15-20 minutes,
  • cutlery - for 60 minutes.

In addition to improvised means, you can purchase special chemicals designed to clean silver.

How to clean jewelry with stones

Products containing:

  • pearl,
  • amber,
  • ivory,
  • corals.

It is best to entrust such jewelry to craftsmen, since these elements are sensitive to any influence.

An additional way to clean silver with precious and semi-precious stones from contamination is to soak it in a soapy solution for an hour, followed by brushing with a toothbrush. Be sure to polish with a soft cloth at the end.

Rules for wearing, caring for and storing silver items

It is necessary to remove dirt from silver as it turns black or at least once a year.

At the same time, it is imperative to store jewelry in a dry place, away from medications, cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals. It would be good if these were special cases or jewelry boxes. And storage in foil can protect silver from moisture, mechanical damage, and oxidation.

Jewelry must be removed before cleaning, washing dishes, taking a bath, or using face and body creams.

Silver items that are rarely used require more careful care, so they should be cleaned every two months.

Cleaning silver with soda and foil at home - step-by-step instructions, recipe options - Website about

Decoration serves as a magnificent addition to a person’s beauty. It is for this reason that every person strives to maintain their jewelry in the best possible condition. Let's look at what kind of care should be taken for silver items so that they serve and delight us for many years.

Researchers believe that the first jewelry and objects made of silver appeared in ancient Egypt. This happened in the period from 500 AD.

Considering that silver is not found in perfectly pure form in nature, it was highly valued by people in ancient times. Even gold was sometimes less valuable in the eyes of our ancient ancestors.

Moreover, since ancient times silver has been given symbolic as well as magical meaning. It was believed that it had some unearthly power.

Today, many homes contain silver items of various types. It can be:

  • Jewelry;
  • interior items;
  • cutlery.

Over time, silver can lose its original beauty. It may simply darken. Sometimes you can notice a green or blue coating on an object made of silver metal. What about shine? Is it possible to restore the product to its former charm? Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to do this on our own, at home. Let's find out in more detail how soda and foil can help us.

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How to clean silver using foil and baking soda?

The loss of the original shine of silver items is explained by several factors: the formation of an oxide film due to exposure to oxygen, the influence of chemicals (shower gels, cosmetics, chlorinated pool water), and the clogging of small jewelry elements with particles of dust and dirt. Cleaning silver with soda and foil effectively removes all of the listed types of contaminants. It belongs to the category of chemical, as it is caused by the reaction of aluminum and soda with water.

This method is not suitable for cleaning blackened silver. Dark areas will become faded, and white areas may appear stained from an oxide film that has settled on them.

How it works?

The recipe requires only 3 ingredients:

  • baking soda;
  • baking foil (aluminum);
  • water.

Soda plays the role of a cleansing and bleaching component. In addition, it enters into a chemical reaction with aluminum and water, during which atomic hydrogen is released. It is he who restores metal from oxides. As a result, the oxide film from the silver is removed and cleaned. Sometimes it immediately dissolves in water, but more often after treatment the product needs to be wiped with a soft cloth to remove any remaining plaque.

Step-by-step instruction

The procedure will not take much time. It will take about 15 minutes to do everything. At the same time, no special knowledge or skills are needed - the method is absolutely safe for use at home.

So, how to clean silver using foil and baking soda?

  1. Tear the foil into a deep bowl (for example, a mug), add baking soda and stir. For 200 ml of water you will need 2 teaspoons of soda and a piece of foil approximately 15 cm by 10 cm.
  2. The next step is to place silver items in a container and pour boiling water on top. Be careful! A reaction will occur and foam will form, which may spill onto the table.
  3. Without waiting for the water to cool, after 5-10 minutes you will need to remove the silver and wipe it with a soft cloth. After this, the products will sparkle like new.

During the cleaning process, an unpleasant odor of hydrogen sulfide will be felt. Don't be alarmed, it indicates that a reaction has occurred and the silver is actively being purified.

How to enhance the effect?

There are several options for using the recipe. Cleaning occurs even in cold water when soaking. However, in this case you will have to wait from 1 to 2 days. Many, on the contrary, strive to intensify the reaction so as not to wait, but to immediately get a clean, sparkling product out of the solution.

  • To enhance the effect, the classic recipe includes laundry soap and salt. The proportions are: 500 ml water, 2 tbsp. spoons of soda, 1 tbsp. spoon of table salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of grated soap or the same amount of dishwashing detergent.
  • Heating always speeds up a chemical reaction. Therefore, in order to clean silver as quickly as possible, the solution with the products can be brought to a boil over low heat. But no more than half an hour!
  • Instead of regular baking soda, you can use baking soda for washing. It is more caustic, so the concentration must be halved (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of boiling water).

Using foil you can not only clean silver, but also store it. It protects the metal from darkening (oxidation). To do this, each product is wrapped in a thick layer of foil and stored in a dark place, for example in a box.

In conclusion, the foil and soda method is effective and allows you to quickly and effectively clean silver at home. However, it is better not to take risks with expensive products. It would be better to delegate this task to a professional jeweler or purchase a special product. To clean silver, wipes, washing and cleaning solutions are produced (Tableau, HG or other companies).


How to clean silver with foil and soda? | WHO?WHAT?WHERE?

Silver that has become tarnished or covered with a black coating can easily be restored to purity and shine using the simplest materials at hand: soda and foil. Once you know how to clean silver with foil and baking soda, you can do it in minutes.

Please note that these ingredients are suitable for processing both silverware and jewelry, provided that the jewelry does not contain natural gemstones.

A prerequisite for cleaning silver using foil is that all objects must touch its surface.

During the reaction, a weak electric current is generated, which helps clean the metal from dirt and silver sulfide, which causes darkening of the surface.

Method No. 1

Take a small deep bowl and line its entire surface with foil. Place the silver jewelry in this bowl and add baking soda until the powder completely covers it. Pour boiling water over the soda and wait for the reaction to complete. When the baking soda stops fizzing (after 10 minutes), remove the cleaned jewelry, rinse it with clean water and dry it.

Method No. 2

Pour 500 ml of water into a saucepan and add 2 tablespoons of soda. Wait until it boils and place a piece of aluminum foil at the bottom of the same container. Turn off the heat. Now put your silver items in the water and keep them there for about 5 minutes. During this time, silver sulfide will react with aluminum and the silver will be purified. Carefully remove items from the solution and rinse with cold water. Dry the items thoroughly before storing them in the box.

Method No. 3

Line the bottom of the container with foil and place the silver jewelry in a single layer. Fill them with a mixture of soda and salt (1:1 ratio) and drop a little dishwashing liquid. Fill the container with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Once your silver items are clean, rinse them under running water to remove any remaining cleaner and dry them.

Method No. 4

Severely tarnished silver can be cleaned as follows. Cover the pan with foil and lay out the silver so that it lies in one layer and each item is in contact with the foil, but does not touch the areas of the container that are not protected by it. Take baking soda and salt in a 2:1 ratio and dissolve this mixture in hot but not boiling water. Fill the pan with the solution (the water should completely cover the items) and wait 10 minutes.

Remove silver items one at a time and scrub them well with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Dirt accumulated in hard-to-reach corners will easily peel off from the metal. Rinse cleaned items with clean water and dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

It is necessary to clean silver using any of the above methods at least once a year, and if necessary, more often. To prevent your jewelry from darkening and needing cleaning less often, store it in a dry place, away from medications, cosmetics and household chemicals.


Cleaning silver with baking soda and foil at home

Silver is a widely used metal, which is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also in the production of cutlery and other household items. Outwardly, it looks no worse than gold, but is much cheaper. But silver has one drawback - it quickly darkens, so we will look at how to clean silver with soda and foil separately and together.

Why does silver darken?

The main reason why silver darkens is considered to be exposure to the environment, namely moisture, cosmetics, and human sweat, because they contain sulfur or hydrogen sulfide, which has a detrimental effect on silver items. In addition, excess nitrogen in the human body and released through the sweat glands also contributes to rapid darkening.

Thus, at some point, any silver jewelry can deteriorate. That's why it's important to know how to properly store and clean such items so as not to damage valuables.

Cleaning with soda

Pour a liter of water into an aluminum bowl, add 20 grams each. soda and salt, as well as a little dishwashing detergent. As soon as the solution boils, lower the silver items into it and leave them there for 30 minutes.

You can wrap the inside of any container with foil, pour a tablespoon of salt and soda into it and pour a glass of boiling water. Dip silver jewelry into the mixture and wait until the solution cools. After this, the original shine will return.

The method of soda, toothpaste and liquid dishwashing detergent (all ingredients must be taken in equal parts) also copes with the task perfectly. The resulting paste is rubbed onto silver utensils. At the end of the procedure, all that remains is to rinse them with water and wipe dry.

If there are precious stones on the products, then try a composition of water, soap shavings and a few drops of ammonia. After bringing everything to a boil and letting it cool, treat the silver with a cloth. Hard-to-reach places can be rubbed with a cotton swab dipped in the same solution.

Cleaning with foil

Foil and potato broth will help to clear dark spots on silver at home: pour the liquid that remains after boiling the potatoes into a container, and put a piece of foil in there. Immerse a silver chain or any other item in the composition for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the jewelry, rinse under water and dry.

Place several sheets of foil in a solution of vinegar and water (1:1), and then immerse the silver in it. Leave it for several hours, then wipe the metal with a cloth.

You can clean silver jewelry or cutlery with citric acid and foil - the composition is also prepared as in the recipe with vinegar. After storing the products, be sure to rinse them and dry them with a soft cloth.

Cleaning with baking soda and foil

Now let's combine soda and foil to clean silver: take 2 tablespoons of soda for half a liter of water, put the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Next, place several pieces of foil in the boiling solution and place all the silver objects there. Just a few minutes of being in such a non-standard boiling composition, and the products will be like new.

You can clean silver using foil and soda with the addition of vinegar or citric acid. In this case, you don’t have to boil anything; just make a remedy from a liter of water, a tablespoon of soda and 0.5 liters of vinegar or 1 tbsp. spoons of acid. We add pieces of foil there, and then add all the silver items. After 5-6 hours, objects will shine again, attracting attention.

Silver care

Purification of silver using foil occurs due to the reaction between silver and aluminum sulfite. Moreover, in a cold aqueous solution the processes take longer than in a warm one. But in order to carry out such procedures less often, you should learn how to properly care for silver items:

  • ensure storage in special boxes or places protected from light and dust;
  • remove silver jewelry before applying cosmetics, showering and sleeping;
  • It is also important to clean the house without wearing silver rings, chains, etc.;
  • Silver cutlery should be washed and wiped dry immediately;
  • If such items are to be stored for a long time, wrap them in foil; it will provide protection from external influences.

When cleaning silver, you should also follow a number of rules:

  1. Do not use hard wire brushes.
  2. Do not overexpose the products in the compositions.
  3. For wiping, use only suede or other similar soft material.


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