What extension cord is needed for a welding inverter?

What extension cord is needed for a welding inverter?

page » Articles about welding » Welding station » Equipment » Cable » Welding cable for inverter

The market for the production and sale of welding equipment offers a wide range of equipment of rectifier, transformer and inverter types. It is the latter type that is most widespread.

Inverters are easy to use, compact, mobile, easy to connect, affordable, and suitable for beginners and experienced professionals. The popularity of this equipment requires the correct choice of cable for it. The article will discuss which cable is best to use for an inverter welding machine.

Welding cable design

To ensure the normal functioning of the inverter, wires with a copper base should be used. Copper is the best conductor of electric current. You should also use cords that are highly flexible. They simplify the work process and guarantee freedom of action for the performer.

The cable design includes the following elements :

  • conductive copper core consists of many wires, the cross-section of which does not exceed 0.2 mm;
  • covering can be made of rubber or rubber (natural or butadiene);
  • The separating layer is made of a special transparent film that prevents the coating and core from sticking together.

Characteristics of welding cables

As noted earlier, the cable for the inverter must be highly flexible . In addition to this important property, electrical conductors are required to meet the following characteristics :

  1.  Strength , i.e. resistance to mechanical stress: shocks and tears.
  2. Resistance to temperature fluctuations, the ability to use the conductor in conditions of very low or fairly high temperatures.
  3. Resistant to sunlight and moisture .
  4. Immunity to mold and mildew .
  5. Elasticity - minimal likelihood of bending.

Welding cable for inverter: types

There are few brands of conductors designed specifically for welding work. And there are only two types of cables that meet the above characteristics: KG and KOG.

Among craftsmen, the first type is in particular demand - flexible cable (KG). It should be used to connect mobile mechanisms to networks with alternating voltage up to 660 V with a frequency of 400 Hz . DC voltages up to 1000 V .

KOG is a particularly flexible cable, analogous to KG, indispensable when working in hard-to-reach places, ensures quick changes in the position of equipment and guarantees freedom of action for the performer.

It is recommended to use it for connecting electrode holders, automatic and semi-automatic installations to networks with alternating voltage up to 220 V with a frequency of 50 Hz or constant - up to 700 V.

If the performer is thinking about which brand of cable for the remote control of the welding inverter is more suitable, then you can choose KOG.

Each of these brands has the following varieties, which are clearly distinguishable if you look at the markings:

  • KOG-HL/KG-HL - cold-resistant , resistant to extremely low temperatures, down to -60°C;
  • KOG-T/KG-T - tropical , resistant to various types of mold formations, operating temperature should not exceed +55°C.

You should also pay special attention to the following varieties:

  • KGn has non-flammable insulation and should be used in fire hazardous conditions.
  • KOG-U is used only in temperate climates , in the temperature range from -45 to +40°C.

Many performers have equipment of specific brands or manufactured by specific factories. Welders are especially often concerned with the question of which welding cable to choose for the Resanta inverter? Both brands: KG and KOG would be a suitable choice in such a case.

Section selection

Choosing the right wire cross-section is the main task. The conductivity depends on the cross-section, which, in turn, has a direct impact on the speed of work and the quality of the formed connection. The cable must comply with the technical specifications of the inverter.

Conductors with a small cross-section (up to 7 mm2) will be a suitable option for small devices that operate from a household electrical network of 220 V.

Also for inverter-type units, cables with a cross-sectional area of ​​10 are suitable; 16 and 25 mm2. More detailed information about the characteristics of the KG and KOG conductors is provided in the linked articles.

Important! Use of unsuitable wire may result in overheating, fire and/or short circuit, which may cause equipment failure or fire.

When connecting conductors to the inverter, you must adhere to the following rules :

  • connection is made using special lugs , insulation of connections is required;
  • The cords should be connected to each other by crimping ;
  • When connecting to connectors and electrode holders, polarity must be observed ;
  • The cables the power of the existing device.

It is not always possible to perform crimping when connecting two pieces; some practitioners use the following method of splicing cables.

Is it possible to extend the welding cable on the inverter?

The length of the wire is selected based on the magnitude of the output current load and its losses along the length. The longer the cable, the higher the losses and the lower the current. In order to achieve balance, the performer has to set an increased voltage, which can lead to a change in the arc and equipment breakdown. Therefore, excessive extension of the inverter welding cables is not recommended.

On the other hand, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the experience of a practicing welder on YouTube.

Important! The suggestion to use a welding cable extension for an inverter should be treated with suspicion and skepticism.

However, it is worth noting that manufacturers do not set any restrictions on the extension of wires. A special connector for the welding cable to the inverter will help you make the connection efficiently, easily and quickly. More information about connectors of various types is presented in the article “Connector for welding cable”.

Consequently, each performer will be able to independently answer the question posed in the title.

Where to buy electrodes of various brands

Choose manufacturers and sellers of welding electrodes by clicking on the link below to the page of our catalog of companies.

Select a company

Source: https://respect-kovka.com/kakoy-udlinitel-nuzhen-dlya-svarochnogo-invertora/

Extension cord for welding machine

To work effectively, welders have to constantly move around the site, and the socket is located in only one place, so in most cases it is simply impossible to do without an extension cord. The most popular cable length that can make your work comfortable is 20-40 m, generally speaking. And in special cases everything is selected individually.


No matter how many of us love physics at school, it is the school physics course that we will need to remember in order to theoretically calculate the length of our extension cord. Let's remember that the resistance of a copper conductor is calculated as follows: R= 0.017 *L/S. Also in our case, we can use Ohm’s law for an incomplete chain I=U/R.

Let's decipher the letters in our formulas, which can take on any meaning.

  • 0.017 – resistivity of copper cable; Copper is taken a priori, since it has the lowest value.
  • L - extension length, mm.
  • S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor, mm2.
  • U is the nominal voltage in the electrical network, V. However, the actual voltage should be measured, since the condition of most networks leaves much to be desired.
  • I—maximum inverter current, A.

From the formula R= 0.017 *L/S a simple and obvious conclusion follows: the resistance increases with increasing cable length (at the same time a voltage drop is observed) and decreases with increasing its cross-section. Accordingly, the length and cross-section of the cable must be selected in such a way as not to provoke a voltage drop on this cable.

You should absolutely not use home extension cords to connect household appliances. Manufacturers save on the cross-section of the cores of such carriers; they will certainly flare up when the inverter is connected. You should also not use conductors with a cross section of 0.75 mm2 or less.

In general, it should be noted that a 2.5 mm2 cable is enough for reliable operation at a current of 160A, you just need to make a “note in the margin” that the wiring to the outlet must withstand such a load.

Those who like to wind the cable into a reel when welding should be warned. The phenomenon of Faraday electromagnetic induction, which inevitably arises around a conductor with alternating electric current, has not yet been canceled.

And even if the induction in the coil is too low to lead to undesirable consequences, during prolonged welding the wire will still heat up (heating up to 70 ° C is considered normal). In a tightly wound coil, the cable does not cool and an increase in temperature will inevitably lead to melting of the insulation with all the ensuing consequences. troubles.

The copper itself will most likely remain unharmed, since it has a high melting point of 1080 °C, but the insulation will stick together. Conclusion: work on an unwound cable or, if this is not possible, on a loosely wound one, so that heat dissipation is ensured due to natural air circulation.


Let's return to the question: what cross-section should I take the extension cord?

 Previously, we would have said that if you have a good network at home and the maximum current of your welding machine does not exceed 160A, then you can take 1.5 mm2 - that’s enough. It is faster for the circuit breaker to trip or for the inverter to go into overheat protection than for such a cable to burn out. It is very simple to check this statement: it is enough to place a 160-amp device on a load ballast and turn it up to the maximum current.

A cable with a length of 10 m x 1.5 mm2 can last a long time. In our case, the exposure was made for 12 minutes (arbitrarily, this time could be longer or shorter). During this holding time, the cable warmed up, but it was not so hot that it was impossible to grasp it with an unprotected hand (or it began to smoke). That is, a cable with a cross-section of 1.5 mm2 carries a load of 160A, but this, of course, is the limit and it is better not to allow this.

However, if you are not going to “scald” the whole day with the “four”, this option is quite acceptable.

Why do we not recommend taking a cross section of 1.5 mm2 today? Very simple. Because they don't report! You take a 1.5 mm2 cable, and it turns out to be 1.1-1.2 mm2. Conclusion: even if you have a good network, take 2.5 mm2. They may not report it either, but in any case this will be enough for household needs.

What length?

It all depends on your network and device. Example from practice. Carrying length is 120-130 m, welding with a Forsazh 161 machine from a shield and a good network: with a “troika” you can weld, but it’s quite difficult, but with an electrode ø2.5 mm you can weld freely and even cut something!

Which plug and socket should I use?

An ordinary 16A socket and simple high-quality plugs burn and melt at currents above 160A (but these are like consumables). When you buy, be sure to take a magnet with you to the store and “feel” the plug with it (the socket, however, no one will let you take it apart) - is it magnetic or not? Nowadays there are a lot of low-quality goods painted to look like copper or brass.

, how to choose the length and cross-section of the welding cable.

Source: https://svarka-master.ru/udlinitel-dlya-svarochnogo-apparata/

What wire cross-section should I choose for welding machine extensions?

Electric arc welding is the most common method of permanently joining metal. When using this method, the transformer serves as a current source. Electrical energy is supplied by an extension cord for the welding cable.

Cable requirements for a welder

“What extension cord is needed for a welding inverter?” is the most common question asked by beginners. Taking into account the specific operating conditions, the carrying wire for welding must have the following properties:

  • ability to transmit high currents;
  • flexibility to move the device around the work site;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • quality that ensures uninterrupted and safe work.

If the above requirements are met, it is possible to use an extension cord for the welding inverter for welding work.


The variety of welding units has given rise to a wide selection of conductors, which differ in the number of cores:

  1. Single core cable . Possessing good elasticity and conductivity, it is used in the operation of welding inverters for household use.
  2. Twin cable . Each core transmits its own charge - positive and negative. Due to its high conductivity, this cable is used in pulse welding.
  3. Three-core cable . Used in industrial devices operating at a voltage of 380 V.

The welding cable is made of copper or other metals with high current conductivity.

Conductors are marked with letters and numbers. Explanation of the designations of the most popular extension cords for welding inverters is given below :

  • 1-3 – determines the number of cores;
  • VChP / VCh P – high-frequency current of direct/alternating nature;
  • HL – cold-resistant. Can be used at temperatures down to -60 Cº.
  • T – tropical. Can be used at temperatures up to +55 Cº.

The most used types are:

  • KG – flexible cable;
  • KS – welding cable;
  • KOG is a particularly flexible cable. A variation of the previous brand. Designed to operate under alternating voltage conditions of 220 V, or constant voltage of 700 V.


The main parameters for selecting an extension cord for welding with an inverter are:

  1. Cable type. KS, CG, COG, etc.
  2. Operating temperature range. Medium, tropical, cold-hardy.
  3. Number of cores
  1. Cross-sectional area. Measured in sq. mm.
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Selection of section and length

Errors in choosing the required cable cross-section can result in short circuits , which significantly reduce the service life of welding equipment. Under conditions of small cross-section, the current condenses on the fuses. The emergency protection system will respond to this by periodically de-energizing the device.

The ratio of current and power to the cross-section of the welding cable for conductors made of copper and aluminum is indicated in the table:

Selection of the required cable cross-section based on the current and power of the welding machine.

As production tests show, increasing the length of the remote wire does not affect the operating parameters and quality of the weld. However, the vast majority of operating manuals recommend using a cable with factory parameters, and after it wears out - with similar characteristics.

Calculation example for selecting an extension cord

The maximum permissible length of a copper welding cable is determined by the ratio of the maximum cross-section to the correction factor . It is determined by the base current strength:

  • 200-500 A. The correction factor is “2”;
  • up to 200 A. The coefficient is equal to the result of dividing the applied current by 100.

For example, let’s calculate the maximum allowable length for the Brigadier MMA-180S inverter. The current strength is 180 A. Since the current strength does not exceed 200 A, the correction factor will be 180/100 = 1.8. The manufacturer recommends using a power cable with a cross-section of at least 16 square meters. mm.

Thus, when working with this inverter, the maximum permissible length of the welding cable is: 16/1.8 = 8.89 (meters)

Features of choice

The choice of cable for the welding unit is carried out depending on the following parameters:

  • Voltage in the working network . The parameter specified in the passport must not be less than the network value.
  • Device power . As the power of the device increases, the current increases.
  • Operating temperature . The operating temperature range of a standard cable is from -20 to +40. If the operating temperature exceeds these indicators, use a cable of a certain design - cold-resistant or tropical.
  • Planned bend radius . The minimum bending radius of KG class cables is the sum of eight outer radii. If this condition is not met, it recommends using cables of the “KOG” class - especially flexible cables.

When choosing a cable, pay special attention to the manufacturer's information. By some signs you can determine the quality of the product:

  • Cross-sectional area . The product of a responsible manufacturer indicates the usable area of ​​the core.
  • Vein formation . A large number of wires indicates flexibility and good throughput.
  • External insulation . PVC shell instead of rubber increases service life.
  • Wire material . High-quality products are made from copper.

Operating rules

When using the cable, you must follow the instructions from the manufacturer - this will extend the service life of the product.


Purchasing a cable for a welding machine is an important event. However, if you follow the above rules, even a beginner can handle it.

Source: https://svarka.guru/oborudovanie/rashodniki-i-kompletuyushie/udliniteli.html

Extension cord for welding inverter

Reading time: ≈4 minutes

Included with any inverter is a welding cable. Its length, as a rule, is no more than two or two and a half meters. If you are a beginner, then extending the wires will not be a big problem for you. But for practicing craftsmen, the question is “is it possible to lengthen the welding cable on the inverter?” more relevant than ever.

Choosing an extension cord for a welding inverter is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to take into account the cross-section of the cable for the welding machine, what kind of cables there are, and what features need to be taken into account.

Types of extension cords

To figure out which extension cord is needed for a welding inverter, you need to know what you can buy in the store. Manufacturers offer two types of extension cords.

This is a standard welding inverter extension cord that simply allows you to be more mobile. The second type is extension cords, which not only increase the length of the welding cable, but also increase the size of the wire for the welding machine.

This type of extension cord is needed when your cables are not designed to carry the input voltage current when welded with a transformer.

Based on these features, you should start your choice.


What else should you consider if you need to choose an extension cord for a reel welding machine? First of all, resistance. After all, the extension cord is the same current conductor as the welding cable itself. And it is designed for certain loads. Simply put, you need to know how much current the extension cable can handle.

To determine the resistance we need to know two formulas: R=ρ×L/S and I=U/R . Thanks to them, we will be able to accurately calculate what loads the extension cord must withstand.

S is the cross-sectional area of ​​the cable (usually measured in square millimeters and indicated on the cable itself), L is the length of the extension cable, and ρ is the resistivity (depending on the metal the cable cores are made of).

Now the second formula. Here I is the value of the maximum current with which we can cook using an extension cable. U is the network voltage. It is important to indicate the actual DC voltage, and it is often less than 220V. This way the calculations will be more accurate.

Based on these formulas, it can be understood that the voltage on the welding machine largely depends on the resistance of the extension cable. The greater the resistance, the more the voltage drops.

Ideally, extension cables and welding leads should not significantly affect your electrical voltage. It is better to purchase high-quality ready-made extension cords in the store, they are the safest. In addition, before purchasing such cables it is easier to select the wire cross-section.


So, you have selected and purchased extension cables. It would seem that it’s time to connect them and start welding. At this stage, many beginners make a number of mistakes, due to which the cables are not effective enough or do not work at all.

First, always straighten the inverter extension cord before use. Don't let it twist into knots or break. This applies to cables of any length.

Decide in advance what maximum length is optimal for you and do not buy too long cables, which will be wound into a reel for most of the welding. This is an irrational use.

In addition, when coiled, cables can cause increased induction. This is fraught with melting of the wires and failure of the inverter itself.

Also ensure that extension cables do not overheat during operation. Check the wires periodically and pick them up. If you can hold it calmly for a few seconds, then the temperature is not higher than normal. And if the cable gets so hot that you cannot handle it without gloves, then you need to stop welding and check the integrity of the cable.

Excessive heating of the cable also leads to failure of the welding machine and destruction of the cable itself.

As for storage, you need to be careful here too. Do not wrap the wires tightly, as this will deprive them of natural ventilation. Try to store cords in a dry, clean place and do not leave them outside or expose them to direct sunlight. Make sure that the connecting contacts and the cable plug do not become dirty or rusty.

Instead of a conclusion

You may need a welding cable extension in many situations. Welding a greenhouse or garage door, for example. And if for some a plot of 6 acres allows them to reach the standard cable to the welding site, then owners of large plots immediately face additional problems. We recommend that you purchase an extension cord anyway, even if you have never needed one. This way you will significantly expand your capabilities. We wish you good luck in your work!

Source: https://svarkaed.ru/oborudovanie-dlya-svarki/detali-i-prisposobleniya/udlinitel-dlya-svarochnogo-invertora.html

What extension cord is needed for a welding inverter - Metalworker's Guide

To work effectively, welders have to constantly move around the site, and the socket is located in only one place, so in most cases it is simply impossible to do without an extension cord. The most popular cable length that can make your work comfortable is 20-40 m, generally speaking. And in special cases everything is selected individually.

What cross section should I choose for the cable and machine for the welding machine? — Electro Help

page » Articles about welding » Welding station » Equipment » Cable » Section of welding cables

Welding cables are used to connect equipment to the electrical network, as well as to the electrode holder and ground terminals. Since wires perform such an important function as transmitting significant amounts of current, they are subject to strict requirements and high safety standards.

  • Cable requirements
  • Types and markings
  • Section

Cable requirements

The main requirements and standards for conductors:

  • Wires are used in various conditions, so they must be resistant to shocks, breaks and aggressive chemical environments ;
  • Cords are stored in a coiled form, so the wire must withstand repeated winding and unwinding ;
  • The cross-section of the cable for the welding machine must withstand the current load of the equipment. Therefore, it is very important to select the correct wire cross-section. Our article will be devoted to this topic.

Types and markings

Russian and foreign manufacturers offer a fairly wide selection of cables that differ in technical characteristics. The main types of conductors include the following:

  • single-core wires are used to equip portable units; the core is made of copper or its alloys; the most popular brand, the cross-section of which varies significantly - KG, is often used by KOG performers;
  • wires with two or more cores have a wider application; they are used not only for various types of welding: arc, pulse, automatic, but also for cutting; more detailed information is provided here.

Marking of wires for welding is carried out using a combination of letter and numerical designations: KS - welding cable, numbers indicate the number of cores.

In addition, manufacturers produce conductors for use in special climatic conditions : cables with the designation T - tropical, resistant to temperatures up to +50°C; KH - implies resistance to cold, to temperatures down to -60°C. Conductors without such markings are intended for moderate ambient temperatures.


To perform the work safely, as well as to eliminate the possibility of equipment breakdown, you should select the correct cable cross-section for welding.

Important! small a cross-section can cause equipment malfunction . If the cross-section is less than the required value, then the current will not flow through the conductors and the unit will turn off or burn out.

It is very important to correctly correlate two parameters: cross-section and currents of the welding cable, since they are closely related. Thus, it is important for each performer to know what cross-section of welding cable should be selected when working with different current loads.


There are two main varieties, which differ both in appearance and in purpose. In any case, they serve to conduct current. The first extension cord for a welding machine is an ordinary network connection device that helps increase the distance from a stationary power source.

The second type of extension cord allows you to increase the size of the wire for the welding machine, which is responsible for conducting the output voltage current, which is obtained after processing by the transformer. This is especially true if the apparatus itself is located permanently at the post, and it is necessary to carry out welding further than is provided for by the dimensions of the post.


Each extension cord for a welding inverter may have its own unique characteristics, which depend on the scope of application and are manifested in the form of core diameters, length itself, features of the pin, and so on.

Bsb 35-50

Characteristic Values
Cable length, m 5
Number of brass plugs 2 pcs, Abicor Binzel
Plug diameter, mm  13
Cable cross-section, mm square 25
Similar models Bb 35-50

Fork Bsb 35-50

Bsb 10-16

Characteristic Values
Cable length, m 3
Number of brass plugs 2 pcs, Abicor Binzel
Plug diameter, mm 9
Cable cross-section, mm square 16
Similar models Bb 10-16

Source: https://svarkaipayka.ru/oborudovanie/svarochnie-apparaty/udlinitel-dlya-svarochnogo-invertora.html

Extension cord for a welding inverter: how to choose, what types there are, how to calculate the load

The complete set of any device includes, of course, a cable for welding. But its length is often up to three meters - this is not enough.

Amateurs have no problem extending carriers to the length they need; of course, it is not at all guaranteed that they will follow all the instructions and not violate safety rules.

But real experts have a dilemma: “Is it worth increasing the length of the cable for equipment, or is it not for nothing that it is so long?” So the topic of our article is very useful and in demand, especially for those who want to learn something new and useful.

It may seem to you that choosing a good extension cord is a piece of cake, you just go to the store and say what you want, but before that you need to make some measurements, without which you will not be able to purchase an extension cord for a welding inverter, but this is not at all true.

We must take into account a huge number of factors, such as the diameter of the wire, and a lot of other characteristics, for this we wrote our article, so that you can better navigate when you find yourself faced with a large selection in the store.

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Types of extension cords

How can we not get lost standing in front of the counter in a store and choose exactly what we need, since there is a huge assortment of welding equipment on the market? But this entire assortment can be divided into only two types.

An ordinary, universal extension cord, the function of which will help you move quickly and unhindered across a large area. But the second type serves as an extension not only for the welding cable, but also makes the cord larger for the welding itself.

You will need a second type of extension cord for your welding inverter in case you are welding with a transformer and obviously the cables cannot handle the amount of incoming current.

When you understand the types, types and general assortment, we can go to the store.

Parameter calculator

There are a variety of welding machines, such as those that use stabilizers such as a reel, so how can they choose the right carry.

Resistance is the first criterion you should pay attention to. After all, everyone knows that an extension cord passes current through itself in exactly the same way as the cable itself does.

It cannot withstand uncontrolled loads and may break, so this needs to be calculated accurately.

To determine the resistance, we need two physical formulas R=×L/S and I=U/R.

These formulas will help us determine exactly how much power our extension cord can carry.

Source: https://prosvarku.info/prisposobleniya-i-detali/udlinitel-dlya-svarochnogo-invertora

Extension cord for welding machine wire section

To work effectively, welders have to constantly move around the site, and the socket is located in only one place, so in most cases it is simply impossible to do without an extension cord. The most popular cable length that can make your work comfortable is 20-40 m, generally speaking. And in special cases everything is selected individually.

Which extension cord to choose for your home, garage, cottage - 5 rules

An extension cord is the same necessary element of electrical wiring in the house as sockets, switches and other equipment.

You can find dozens of their varieties in the store. Which one to choose and what parameters to pay attention to first.

Remember that the longer the carry, the greater the voltage loss will be. For household appliances, the optimal length of the extension cord is from 3m to 7m.

The contacts of the sockets are simply not designed for more, no matter how thick the wire turns out to be.

By the way, many sockets for sockets are needed not to connect a large number of devices at the same time, but in order not to constantly pull out the plug, thereby protecting against loosening of the contacts.

Select the wire cross-section for connecting the load of room equipment (TV, computers, refrigerators) to at least 0.75 mm2.

Many people do not know, but all extension cords must be manufactured and comply with GOST R 51539-99 (IEC 61242-95). It is called "Extension Cords for Household and Similar Purposes on Cable Reels." You can download it here.

Here are the regulated wire cross-sections for extension cords in accordance with this standard:

  • load up to 6A (1.3kW) – 0.75mm2
  • load up to 10A (2.2kW) – 1mm2
  • load up to 16A (3.5kW) – 1.5mm2

The type of wire is most often PVA with polyvinyl chloride insulation.

In this case, it is advisable to have the diameter of the wire itself (not a separate core) from 5 mm and above. If this is not the case, the manufacturer most likely saved on something - either on copper or on insulation.

The KG brand can also be used instead of PVA. It is more resistant to negative temperatures and changes in weather conditions. For street or garage use, this choice would be more correct.

Drag PVA several times across a concrete floor, and its insulation will come to an end. KG is more resistant to such operating conditions. Other cable brands are also applicable:

Here are the appropriate wire cross-sections for high-quality carriers, and what can be safely turned on in them without the risk of overheating (refrigerators, washing machines, TVs, drills, grinders, heaters, etc.):

Unfortunately, you will almost never find factory-made household extension cords with a cross-section of 2.5 mm2 in stores. Unless it will be reels or reels of great length, from 50 meters and above.

Therefore, such models (with wires 2.5mm2, 4mm2 and higher) are often made independently.

For more powerful devices, such as inverter welding machines, there is a completely different class of products.

A high-quality model must have protection against pulling and bending of the wire.

This applies equally to both the connector with the plug and the place where the conductors enter the extension cord housing.

Never operate a carrier with twisted wires. Firstly, this will sooner or later lead to damage to the cores, and secondly, such a cable will simply heat up.

Please note that extension cords can only withstand their rated load when the cable is completely unwound. On the case, sometimes special symbols are applied, with the maximum current when the wire is wound and unwound.

Before buying an extension cord, look at what kind of plug it has:

  • cast
  • detachable

If the fork is not cast and can be disassembled, then there is a risk of running into a dubious product. It is these forks that are easiest to make using a homemade method.

To produce solid ones, you at least need some professional equipment.

In addition, if your equipment has a plug without a Euro socket, then an extension cord with a Euro socket is contraindicated for you. The use of Euro adapters and adapters in this case increases the contact resistance several times.

The transition resistance of one contact in the new model should be no more than 0.05 Ohm. During operation, it can deteriorate to 0.1 Ohm.

That is, with a rated load of 10A, only on the plug-socket contacts alone you can lose up to 10W of power every hour. Here is a summary of voltage and power losses in extension cords depending on the length, material and cross-section of the cores.

And this is with standardized values. What happens if you stick various adapters in?

Also pay attention to the location of the plug-in contacts of the sockets. They must be made so that the plug of the connected device is inserted diagonally or obliquely, and not vertically.

Otherwise, it will be impossible to connect the second plug to the adjacent socket.

Strive to choose models with built-in surge protection and protection from dust and moisture. Moisture resistance is indicated by the Latin letters IP. Household extension cords most often come with IP20 numbers.

They can only be used in dry and dust-free rooms, but not in the bathroom or garage. Models with IP44 protection already have dust and splash protection.

Do not confuse models of surge protectors and simple carriers with a shutdown button. The latter have a built-in switch designed to manually turn off the power.

It in no way protects the equipment from voltage surges and imbalances. To do this, there must be at least a varistor inside the case. What this is will be discussed below.

By the way, the switches themselves are different:

  • bipolar
  • four-pole

It is better to choose 4-pole networks. It's quite easy to distinguish them.

Four-pole is twice as wide. It is he who breaks both phase and zero.

Be careful!

One of the most common types is the so-called computer extension cord or surge protector. It has a built-in switch in the case that can be used to turn off the power to all outlets.

It is usually designed for a current of 10A (power 2.2 kW). Each socket in them has a grounding contact. Which is extremely necessary for apartments with three-wire wiring (phase-zero-ground).

The supply wire on high-quality models must be marked. The brand and core cross-section are stamped on it.

Do not buy carriers where the cross-section of the wires is less than 0.75 mm2 or where there are no identification marks on the wires at all.

However, you should not particularly trust the thickness of the cable itself. It is quite possible that the insulation in it will be quite thick, but the veins will be very thin.

Such a wire will definitely heat up, even with minimal load.

The most important thing in such models is that there is not just a switch inside, but an “automatic machine” that will automatically operate when the load is exceeded.

This extension cord is used to power computers, LCD and LED TVs, printers and other household appliances.

How does it protect equipment from voltage surges? In order to understand this, you need to look inside the case.

To do this, unscrew the screws on the back side and remove the cover. The contact pads of the carrying sockets must be made of brass plates.

Most of them are 0.3mm thick. Higher quality models for high currents have a thickness of up to 0.6 mm.

In cheap Chinese counterfeits you can find not brass, but just iron plates coated with brass. You can check this with an ordinary magnet. Non-ferrous metal will not be magnetic, but iron will easily.

In addition to worse conductivity, the iron contacts after the first use of a wide Euro plug will expand and will not return to their reverse state. Brass has significant elasticity.

By the way, many “Soviet” plugs will not fit into such connectors due to the presence of side grounding pins.

The most important element that protects all connected equipment is a varistor. Phase and zero approach it from both sides. With a short-term voltage surge (about 300V), its resistance drops sharply, but the current flowing through it increases.

Due to this, the voltage on the varistor itself is stabilized. If the surge is not short-term, but the overvoltage occurs constantly, then it simply closes the circuit and an artificial short circuit is created inside the case.

That is, if the voltage in the sockets jumps and remains within 300V, the internal resistance of the varistor sharply decreases (down to zero), and it trips, creating a short circuit.

And it is from this short circuit that the circuit breaker turns off, protecting all connected devices.

Higher quality products are equipped with several varistors, plus capacitors and inductors.

In inexpensive ones, all protection ends with a varistor and a circuit breaker or push-button fuse.

It is recommended to use such a carrying extension cord specifically for household appliances, and not for power tools - grinder, drill, hair dryer, etc. By including powerful devices in it, you reduce the service life of the extension cord by several times.

The plates themselves are not spring-loaded, although they are brass. And at relatively high currents they burn out quickly.

For more powerful loads, you can choose models without built-in switches. Protection in this case must be provided by automatic devices in the panel.

Choose such models for garages and cottages with a wire cross-section of at least 2.5 mm2, since socket groups are often protected by 25A circuit breakers.

They also have brass contact plates inside them. Sometimes they are attached to a base made of non-combustible material. This is directly responsible for the fire safety of the entire block.

One such material is polyamide. In general, all manufacturers must make the extension cord housing from non-flammable plastic, but not all “Chinese” comply with this.

The power wires can be either soldered or resistance welded (the best option), or simply tightened with screws in special terminal connectors.

It is more reliable when the clamping occurs with a plate, because very often these screws crush the tip of the wire, worsening the contact area and the contact itself.

If your carrier is made in this way, then it would be more advisable to crimp such wiring with an NShV tip.

Soldering may fall off at high currents and heat, but nothing will happen to the welding. Even during short circuits.

In addition to the contact brass plates, do not forget to check the plug itself with a magnet. It should also be made of non-ferrous metal and not be magnetized.

Unfortunately, most often there are cheap extension cords on sale, which hide a bunch of potential dangers.

In appearance, everything seems to look civilized, and the inscriptions are calming. Rated currents up to 16A, voltage 250-260V! and so on.

However, once they are revealed, all the shortcomings are revealed. The most painful place is the undersized wire cross-section. You won't see this under the “thick” insulation and molded plug.

But inside the case, at the points of connection to the plates, you can already compare it with something.

Next come the magnetizable contact plates. This picture says a lot:

Sometimes they are even made from tin cans, as evidenced by the pattern on the sides. Instead of brass, galvanized iron is used here. As a rule, in such models the fork itself is made of the same material.

Even with a load of less than 1 kW, the wire begins to heat up, and with prolonged load it can melt. All this is fraught with the risk of fire.

Therefore, be careful when purchasing and never trust only inscriptions and brand names. You can choose a high-quality extension cord for absolutely any purpose with a length from 1.5 m to 50 m here.

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Source: https://domikelectrica.ru/kakoj-udlinitel-vybrat-dlya-doma/

What cross-section of wire is needed for welding. Carrying for welding inverter

Welding equipment is widely used at home, for which special devices are created that meet the requirements for comfortable home use. The professional field of application also has its own models, and almost always specialists may encounter such a problem as a lack of wire length for work. This situation can be encountered both at home and at work.

If with a compact inverter for home you can still go to another place and move it, then with professional equipment this is not always possible. An extension cord for a welding inverter helps solve this problem. Welding machines have quite a lot of power, so switching elements are needed to connect and operate them. These elements will be able to withstand the specified operating parameters.

Ordinary household networks and extension cords from them are not always suitable.

Calculation example for selecting an extension cord

When calculating which extension cord is needed for a welding inverter, you should understand that, first of all, it is a conductor of an active load, which becomes higher with increasing power.

The resistance of the extension cord can be determined by the following formula R=ρ×L/S. All electrical processes taking place in the system are subject to the basic laws of electrical engineering, in particular Ohm’s law I=U/R. Here the law is taken for a section of the circuit, since even after connecting the electromotive force, it does not affect the result. The symbols in the above formulas mean the following:

  • I – maximum current at the highest load of the inverter;
  • U is the voltage that is obtained from the network, and the real one is taken, not the nominal one, which can differ markedly from the standard 220 V;
  • S – cross-sectional area of ​​the cable, which can be found on the marking if there is a ready-made option;
  • L – extension length;
  • ρ is the specific resistance, which depends on the metal of the cores from which the extension cord is made.

According to the above formula, you can easily see the relationship between the length of the conductor, which is the extension cord here, and the resistance. There is also an inverse relationship between resistance and cross-sectional area. The higher the resistance of the extension cord, the more the voltage across the welding machine will drop.

To correctly calculate what kind of extension cord you need using the above formula, you should decide what amperage you mainly use. Many, as well as foreign analogues, operate normally at 170 A, although they have a large margin of maximum current. Based on this, we can accept the standard position for such parameters for the wire cross-section of 2.5 mm square, which should be obtained according to optimal calculations for such parameters.

Features of choice

The welding leads for the inverter and extension cord should not have a noticeable effect on the supplied voltage from the mains, but should be of adequate thickness to withstand the loads.

Thus, everything should be reduced to ensuring that, with a minimum voltage drop, the core has maximum resistance to high power.

If you have to determine everything by eye and there are no precise tools for measuring, then you should select an extension cord of such a cross-section that would be no less than the thickness of the core in the room.

It’s safest to use purchased extension cords that have high-quality insulation.”

With ready-made cables, it is easier to choose what wire cross-section is needed for a welding machine, since they are immediately made according to optimal standards for certain types of equipment.

Proper use of an extension cord

Sometimes, the very advantages for which this device is created can become disadvantages. First of all, you need to pay attention to the fact that the extension cord must be used in a straightened state. Whatever cable you use for the welding inverter extension, it should be positioned so that it does not get twisted.

For this reason, it is necessary to choose the length optimally, since otherwise, if everything is wound on a coil or other device, induction may occur that forms in the ring conductors. The resulting inductive reactance may not have any effect on the operation of the inverter, but there remains a risk of the temperature rising to such a level that the insulation on the wires begins to melt.

It is not recommended to do a full winding, as it reduces the level of natural ventilation, and an increase in temperature leads to an increase in resistance.

The average temperature that extension cords can withstand is 70 degrees Celsius. This way, you can easily determine the permissible temperature, since if your hand can withstand the hot wire, then this is quite normal. If there are large overloads caused by the resistance of the extension cord, the inverter may turn off.

often a length of 20-30 meters or more is required. , in theory, is a conductor with an active load component. Its resistance, who remembers it from the school curriculum, is determined from the simple formula Rpr. = ρ × L / S, and electrical processes obey Ohm’s law. As a formula, you can use its version for an incomplete chain I=U/Rpr. since when using a network connection, the source EMF does not affect the result.

  • ρ – resistivity of the conductor, depends on the material of the wire. Of the available materials, copper is the least important.
  • L – conductor length. In this case, this is our extension cord.
  • S – cross-sectional area of ​​the wire. It is indicated on the label.
  • U – network voltage 220V. But such a voltage is ideal; it is practically necessary to measure the real value. The correct choice of extension cord depends on this.
  • I – current at maximum load on the inverter.

The formula shows a direct dependence of resistance on the length of the conductor and an inverse dependence on the cross-sectional area. And as the resistance increases, the voltage drop across the circuit section increases. That's all the wisdom. The extension cord for the welding inverter should not have a significant effect on the network voltage. The voltage drop across it should be minimal.

In any case, the cross-sectional area of ​​the cable should not be less than the cross-section of the wiring in the house. Do not try to use household carriers. The cross-section of wires for household appliances is selected to a minimum; you can save a lot on expensive copper. From experience we can say that a wire cross-section of 2.5mm2 will ensure safety with a welding current of up to 170A, provided that the network wiring can withstand it.

It is rare that anyone at home is able to work with such current.

I would like to warn lovers of convenience. Do not wrap the extension cord around a reel. Do not forget about the occurrence of induction in ring conductors. If the resulting inductive reactance does not affect the operation of the inverter, then an increase in temperature in the coil, due to additional inductance, can melt the insulation on the wire. If you decide to wind, then do not wind tightly, it will reduce natural ventilation, and therefore worsen the cooling mode.

You should not be afraid of heating the extension cord wires. The normal temperature for wires is considered to be 70°C; at this temperature the hand burns, so if the hand can withstand it, the extension cord will not overheat. But if the inverter turns off, then the supplied voltage is too low and the cause should be looked for. It does not necessarily relate to portability; rather, the problem is the low voltage of the supply network.

Power extension cord for welding machine and inverter on a 30 meter reel.

Extension cord on a reel of 30 meters for a welding machine and inverter. The cross-section of the extension cord wire is 3x2.5, allowing you to use the extension cord on a Umelets series reel with almost any welding machine or inverter. A powerful extension cord can withstand loads of up to 5,000 Watts at a current of 16 Amps.

Household welding machines (both transformers and inverters) have an approximate power of 3.0-5.0 kW. The power extension cord on the reel is used at temperatures of +1-+40 degrees Celsius.

To work at low temperatures, you should buy an extension cord on a metal reel with a KG wire.

Product passport

Power extension cord type UХз 16-004 on a reel

Technical data

The extension cord is designed to connect household electrical appliances with a power of up to 3500 W to
an AC electrical network with a voltage of 220 V 50 Hz. The extension cord is operated and stored at ambient temperatures from 1 to 40°C and relative humidity up to 80%. The product is certified. Certificate No. TS RU CU.ME64.В.00275

Safety and fire safety requirements. Do not use the extension cord in fire hazardous, chemically active or

humid environments, as well as subject to mechanical and thermal influences leading to destruction of the product. Certificate of acceptance and sale

Extension cord brand UHZ 16-004 on a reel

Date of issue_____________________

Date of sale_____________________

Warranty The manufacturer guarantees the normal operation of the extension cord for 1 year from the date of sale

subject to compliance with the rules of operation and storage.

The service life of the extension cord is 6 years.

Explanation of welding cable and extension cords.

Dear customers, in this article we will tell you how long an extension cord can be used to connect a welding machine, what kind of extension cord it should be, and give practical advice on this topic.

Wire section resistance:

R – Resistance.

L – Length in meters.

Source: https://stdpro.ru/tools-and-equipment/what-wire-size-is-needed-for-welding-carrying-for-welding-inverter.html

What wire cross-section is needed for a welding inverter?

Firstly, if you choose a cable to connect the ground clamp and electrode holder to the welding machine, you need to consider the following operating features:

  1. Welding machines of any type produce significant currents - from 10-20 to 400-500A. At the same time, household inverter-type welding machines are usually designed for 200A with a deviation of 50A in each direction, and industrial welding transformers produce currents of 400A.
  2. A welder encounters a wide variety of tasks in his work, from simple seams in convenient positions to welding products of complex shapes or in hard-to-reach places.
  3. In addition to various tasks, you have to cook both in very hot rooms and in the cold in winter.
  4. To transport the equipment, the cables are rolled up.

It follows that the cable must meet the following requirements:

  1. The power welding cable must be flexible to ensure ease of manipulation of the electrode or torch for a semi-automatic welding machine.
  2. The conductor must have thick insulation and be resistant to aggressive environments, shocks and breaks.
  3. To work in cold conditions, the conductor must be frost-resistant.
  4. Welding of metals occurs with low voltage but high current, so there is a separate requirement for the cross-section of wires for connecting electrode holders and ground. This means that the wire must be thick to minimize voltage sags and losses.
  5. Must withstand repeated bending and winding/unwinding during transportation.

Suitable cable brands and types

The most popular option for a welding machine is the KG cable; it is a flexible single-core cable with a stranded core in rubber insulation. COG is also popular - with increased flexibility. There is also a specialized KS, these are the main brands of conductors that are used for welding work.

The title may also contain a note about the performance:

  • T – tropical version, can operate at ambient temperatures up to +50 (according to some sources 85) degrees Celsius.
  • KX or HL - frost-resistant, works even at -60 degrees Celsius.

And also the prefix P - an additional sheath of the core made of polymer materials.

The numbers in the marking indicate the number of cores and their cross-section, for example: KG 1x16 indicates that it consists of 1 core with a cross-sectional area of ​​16 square meters. mm.

Cable for connecting the welder to the network

In addition to connecting the electrode and ground to the welding machine, you also need a cable to connect the welder to the power supply. Regardless of what type of machine, inverter or transformer, the welding current reaches hundreds of amperes, but the supply current is much lower. It can reach about 30-50 Amps, depending on the power of the welder.

Therefore, to power it you do not need such a thick cable as for the electrode holder. It is calculated depending on the distance from the connection point to the power grid. If you have a single-phase household appliance of the inverter type at 220, or a two-phase transformer at 380V, then a copper conductor with a conductor cross-section of 2.5-4 kV, mm is suitable. Based on the number of cores, a two-core cable is used if there is no grounding at the site and a three-core cable if you are connecting to a grounded outlet.

For convenience, a network cable 3-5 meters long is enough, and for carrying around the site, use a carrier with a cross-section of 2.5 square meters. mm, if the carrying length is 10-20m. For reliable operation of the device from a longer carrying distance, for example 40-60 meters, it is better to take a cable with a cross-section of 4 square meters. mm.

If you are going to use a long carrier, it is better to buy an extension cord with a reel, then the cable will not get tangled under your feet and will last longer. However, in the coil it will not be cooled well, so that it does not overheat, it is better to take a cross-section with a margin.

For industrial three-phase 380V devices, four-core copper cables with a cross-section of 4-6 square meters are used. mm, or aluminum - with a cross-section from 16 sq. mm. Do not forget to check the correct connection and direction of rotation of the cooling fan, if present.

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