How much does a 999 gold bar weigh?

How much does a gold bar cost and weigh?

The weight of a gold bar and its value are directly proportional criteria. From our article, the reader will learn what kind of precious metal bar he can buy with his savings, and how to increase the invested amount.

The cost of gold bars in the Russian Federation

The pricing policy in gold and foreign exchange funds depends on a number of internal Russian and external factors. The fundamental criteria are the amount of VAT on the purchase and sale of value, the exchange rate on the world market, the ratio of the exchange rates of Russia and the USA, as well as the quality characteristics of the bar.

Look at the example! At the end of 2018, 1 g of 9999 fine gold cost 3,559 rubles when purchased at Sberbank offices. Today's value has changed significantly due to the signing of a decree abolishing VAT on the purchase of gold bars by the President of the Russian Federation.

How different criteria affect the price of gold metal

    • Frequency or trial. The main factor when valuing precious metals. The highest quality standard in banks and special trading platforms is 9999. These numbers indicate that 1000 g of the bar contains 99.99% pure gold without inclusions of other elements. Samples of 925 and below are used only when turning jewelry, otherwise rings and pendants made from pure material will be very soft and will quickly deteriorate.
    • Ingot type. For sales to individuals, banks and thematic platforms use measured gold bars with a maximum weight of 1000 g. There are also bars whose weight ranges from 11 to 13.3 kg. In addition to weight, they differ from measured ones in purity and contain 99.95% pure gold. Large bars are purchased by large-scale gold and foreign exchange funds, foreign investors, and central banks.
    • The relationship between the value of a gold bar and its price is clear without further consideration. However, modern banking institutions bring a little confusion to this issue. When purchasing precious metal for storage or further investment, you need to pay attention to large bars weighing more than 500 g. In practice, 500 g purchased in one bar costs much less than 10 gold plates of 50 g each. Roughly speaking, the same applies to gold

Above are the main pricing factors on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In addition to those indicated, the cost of precious metal bars is significantly influenced by the situation on the world market and fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate.

Quotes from the Central Bank and Sberbank of the Russian Federation

The founder of prices for precious metals in Russian institutions is Sberbank. Based on its rate, other financial institutions set their prices. Sberbank has almost achieved a monopoly in the gold and foreign exchange issue, however, it cannot dictate its own terms to the people. The weight and price of gold bars in the Bank of Russia depends on the following factors:

  • Number and severity of financial crises at the global level.
  • The presence of energy crises that affected the level of production of gold reserves.
  • General global growth rates of inflation and depreciation of conventional money.
  • The emergence of new large buyers or sellers of raw materials on the world market.
  • The number of existing sanctions and bans that impede the conduct of high-quality trade relations with countries of the developed world.
  • Natural disasters and the impact of human factors on the overall level of resource extraction.

The speculative actions of large investors are also of considerable importance. The London Stock Exchange periodically experiences significant fluctuations in the exchange rate of gold currency due to massive resales for profit.

How the price of gold is formed in other Russian banks

Trade in gold bars is carried out by official banking institutions, as well as specialized trading platforms. Regardless of the demand among users, the company must obtain a certificate from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and register with the State Register.

Constant control by the Central Bank does not allow commercial sites to set their own prices for gold bars. In addition to the recommended rate from the Central Bank and Sberbank, one of the most important factors in further pricing is the value of the London fixing.

Recommended prices for gold, silver, platinum and palladium at the London fixing

It is on the British exchanges that the current level of cost of 1 g of gold is regulated, and the tendency for the price to increase or decrease is formed. Secondary criteria for pricing in regional banks can be considered:

  • The amount of money spent on transportation and customs expenses.
  • Investments made by a bank or platform for the safe storage of gold and foreign exchange reserves.
  • The general financial level of the bank - the worse the economic condition of the merchant, the more premium interest he will charge on gold bullion in order to cover all previous expenses.

The listed criteria must also be taken into account by investors who plan to purchase gold bars not just to save their accumulated money. Long-term investments require an understanding of the principles of pricing for gold and other precious metals in Russian or foreign banks.

Important information! The cost of precious metals varies even in branches of the same bank. There is a local pricing principle here, which depends on the popularity of buying gold bars in a particular region.

The most favorable rates for purchasing bullion in Russia

The table shows quotes for precious metals in Sberbank of Russia. The price changed after the abolition of VAT and was adjusted taking into account exchange rates.

This is the cost of bullion in the Moscow branches of Alfa-Bank. As indicated in the photo, before investing capital, be sure to contact the manager or use sites with more stable quotes.

Such quotes for precious metals are offered by VTB Bank after the abolition of value added tax in the summer of 2019.

Price and weight of gold bars: forecasts

Some analytical experts are quite skeptical about investing in gold bullion. They cite as an example the fact that over the past 8-9 years the gold currency has given a slight increase, comparable to the accrual of ordinary interest on a deposit.

  • If an investor is not prepared to understand the intricacies of the gold and foreign exchange market, as well as the principles of pricing, it is not recommended to make significant investments in precious metal bars.
  • For such people, buying small 50-100 g bars will be a good guarantee for the future and can save a critical financial situation on a rainy day.
  • Large investments in ingots with a mass of 500 g and above are designed for the long term.

Experts assure that gold will not depreciate in the next 70-100 years. The main advantages of such reserves for the future are:

  • High level of investment security - bullion can be placed in bank vaults for a reasonable amount.
  • Constant liquidity is explained not only by the increase in value, but also by the original value of gold bars.
  • The precious metal will easily survive all fluctuations in the exchange rate of the dollar and ruble; it is not afraid of the fall of the world economy.

From the article you learned how much a gold bar costs and weighs; all that remains is to find a quality trading platform and make an investment. Before giving a large sum to strangers, be sure to check whether the site is registered in the state register and request a package of documentation for the gold bar.


How much does a standard gold bar weigh?

Gold bar

Once upon a time there lived the Inca people. It was a developed tribe for its time. They had a lot of gold, so much that they made household items, toys and jewelry from it. And it was like that before the arrival of Europeans. The Spanish conquistadors took the available gold and poured ordinary bricks out of beautiful figurines and objects. This is where the rush for gold began, not as a natural miracle, but as an instrument of power.

And now many are interested in how much a gold bar weighs. After all, when these “bricks” are shown in photographs or films, they seem weighty and large. In fact, there are several banking standards that determine the weight of a gold bar. Let us immediately note that purchasing a gold bar is more of a long-term investment. Since in the future it still has to be sold or given away for further processing.


It's good to know where and how to buy a gold bar. After all, this is not public access material, when you can go to the nearest store and buy a “brick”. It is important to understand domestic and global standards. In addition, know how much gold is in the bar.

After all, the sample is an indicator of the amount of valuable material in the alloy, since in most cases gold is not present in the alloy in its pure form. It is a soft metal that necessarily fuses with a harder one. For example, 585 standard corresponds to a weight of 14 carats. That is, out of the entire alloy, the ingot contains 14 shares of pure gold.

999 standard corresponds to 24 carats, which means it has 24 parts of pure gold. In percentage terms it is 100%.

Gold is sold in banks or at specialized exchanges or in jewelry stores (if their weight is less than 1 kg). Moreover, in some cases you can buy not the bullion itself, but securities corresponding to its equivalent. The bullion itself may be in a safe deposit box.


There are several standards that differ in application and technology. According to the method, the ingot is divided into:

In the first case, gold is to be sold to citizens, in the second, it is used exclusively in production. According to technology, ingots are also divided into several types:

  • stamped;
  • powder;
  • cast.

In the first case, the ingots are designated SSHZ. Their weight is no more than 0.5 kg. Powdered ones are made electrolytically from metal powder. These bars are not used in the domestic banking environment. And in most international banks they are extremely rare. These are the cheapest bars.

Cast “bricks” weigh more than 500 grams, their abbreviation is SLZ. They are more expensive than powder ones, but cheaper than stamped ones. Each of the ingots is carefully checked. In case of non-compliance with the established GOST, the ingot is sent for remelting to the same refinery that produced it.

Most of the finished products are manufactured according to the standards of the London Bullion Association.


These are products that are made weighing up to 1 kg from 999 gold. That is, the gold content in them is almost 100%. To be precise, 99.99%. They are marked with a sample from the manufacturer. Such ingots are considered small-weight. They are supplied for sale not only to banking institutions, but also to jewelry stores.

For a better understanding of the testing of ingots, it should be noted that the indication of the standard is the quantitative content of pure gold per 1000 parts of the alloy. That is, 585 samples are equal to 585 parts out of 1000, the same applies to 999 samples. In Russia, the production of dimensional ingots complies with GOST R 51572-2000, it has the following characteristics:

  1. Permissible limits of deviation of dimensions. Only length and width are taken into account here. The thickness of the ingot is not taken. The same boundaries are indicated for the mass of the product.
  2. Changes in shape and dimensions are possible subject to appropriate agreements.
  3. The surfaces are free of stains, scratches, chips and other defects.
  4. The surface may change over time due to crystallization of the metal and its shrinkage. A wavy convex or concave surface is acceptable.
  5. The product must have a stamp with legible information regarding the sample or letter marking. The shape of the ingot will depend on the specifics of production. Information that is indicated on the bars: digital designation of the mass, fineness or fraction of the precious metal, manufacturer’s brand, the inscription “Gold” and “Russia” (for domestic production), the latter inscription must be in an oval.
  6. The weight of the measuring ingot is no more than 1 kg.


These are production ingots. How much gold is there in a bar by these standards? The weight can vary within different limits; one ingot can weigh 11-13 kg. Standard products also have parameters defined by GOST:

  1. A standard ingot is shaped like a low prism. It can be changed by prior agreement.
  2. The presence of slag or stains is unacceptable. The surface is flat and smooth.
  3. Depressions no more than 0.5 cm deep are allowed.
  4. The following information is printed on the bottom base: batch number, weight, sample, metal grade, year of manufacture and manufacturer's mark.

The weight of a standard ingot does not exceed 13.3 kg.

In conclusion, let's summarize. Naturally, on the international London Stock Exchange the weight of the precious metal is measured in troy ounces. But in Russia, standard weight measures are more applicable. Thus, measured ingots that are purchased by private individuals weigh no more than 0.5 kg, and standard ingots for industrial purposes should not be less than 1 kg, but most often the weight of such an ingot is from 10 to 13.5 kg.


How much does a 999 gold bar weigh and what is the price for 1 gram and kg

Hello, dear subscribers and guests. This article is about gold. I will tell you how much a gold bar weighs, what they are, what they are used for, what you need to know when buying a gold bar, and how to avoid annoying mistakes.

Types of ingots

Gold bars are used as an investment object, raw material for making jewelry, and gifts. Depending on the method of application, the metal is given different weight, shape and appearance. Refineries are engaged in the production of such products.


Bullion bars are intended for individuals and can be bought and sold at a bank or jewelry store. For ease of circulation, they are issued in different weights, similar to the denominations of banknotes.


The standard version is not intended for everyday use. Its purpose is as raw material for jewelry workshops and factories, so the form of their production is not very diverse.

Technological differences

The methods for making such things also differ. Small products - up to 50 grams - are produced using stamping. The surface of the metal turns out to be very beautiful - smooth and neat, with perfectly executed details of inscriptions and drawings.

Larger specimens are produced by casting. The appearance of cast products is not so perfect, but this manufacturing method is cheaper.

There is also a powder production method - by electrolysis, but it is not used in Russia.

What is the fineness of a gold bar?

The measured ingot is produced as an alloy with the minimum possible amount of impurities, therefore such ingots have the highest purity - 999.9.

The requirements for standard products are also very high, but not so high - their purity, as a rule, is not lower than 999.5.

Ingot weight and dimensions

In Russia, ingots weighing 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 g are produced. Foreign-made products also come in weights of 2, 2.5 grams. 1 troy ounce is often found, equal to 31.1 grams.

International measure

The most common measure for gold abroad is the troy weight system. In bank accounts, gold can be recorded in both the metric system (grams, kilograms) and ounces. This system is used not only for precious metals: it is used in pharmacy and cosmetology to account for particularly valuable components.

Requirements for the gold bar standard

The list of requirements is regulated by GOST R 51572-2000. The document contains dimensions and maximum weight deviations from the norm, regulates the absence of cracks, foreign elements, damage and contamination, and lists permissible deformations that occur during production.

Each product has its own unique number, which is certainly indicated directly on the ingot. In addition, mandatory information is applied to the metal using markings:

  • a stamp in the form of an oval with the inscription “Russia”;
  • exact weight;
  • the inscription "Gold";
  • noble metal sample;
  • brand of the refinery manufacturer.

All inscriptions must be on the title side of the product and be legible. Corrections or merging of letters are not allowed in the text. The presence of defects is the reason for the decrease in the value of a precious item.

However, such requirements are not mandatory. Gold can have any shape, weight and size in case of individual customer requirements.

Weight of a standard ingot in kg in Russia

The requirements are regulated by GOST 28058-89. Permissible weight – from 11 to 13.3 kilograms. The shape of the products is a bar in the form of a truncated pyramid. The document also determines the grade of metal, appearance without defects, permissible deformation and a list of data printed on gold.

Gold bar sizes 1 and 10 kg

The size established for a kilogram measured product: length 105-116 mm, width 48-52 mm. The height of the object is not regulated.

The following proportions are used in standard samples (with a permissible deviation of ± 5 mm):

  • larger base, mm – length 54, width 88;
  • smaller base, mm – length 229, width 59;
  • height – 35 mm.
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Weight of a gold bar in storage

The precious metal of the Russian Gold and Foreign Exchange Reserve is stored mainly in objects weighing from 1 to 14 kg.

The United States prefers to store its savings in the form of bars weighing 400 troy ounces, or 12.44 kg.

How much does the largest bar weigh today?

The largest specimen in the world belongs to Japan. Its weight is 250 kilograms, which is even recorded in the famous Guinness Book of Records.

In second place is Taiwan, the happy owner of a piece of gold weighing 220 kg.

Ingot Certificate

Gold is a very valuable acquisition. Like any expensive product, it has a certain list of documents confirming its authenticity and ownership. For gold, such documents are a bank receipt issued upon purchase and a quality certificate, see photo.

Buying and selling

Trading in this product is primarily the prerogative of banks. You can not only buy gold there, but also leave it for storage. Such a financial investment has a high level of profitability, but only in the long term, since the purchase price will be higher than the sale, as with other foreign exchange transactions.

Such an acquisition is subject to VAT, and upon sale the owner is charged income tax. However, these fees will be canceled if more than 3 years have passed since the date of purchase. Therefore, it will be beneficial not only not to sell gold before this period, but not even to withdraw it from the bank.

What determines the price of a bank bullion?

In addition to the current gold rate, the price of the product is tied to its weight. The buyer pays the most money if he purchases metal weighing 1 gram. The higher the weight of the ingot, the cheaper the gold is per gram.

When selling gold to a bank, some financial institutions, for example Sberbank, provide an additional commission, which increases in proportion to the weight of the item being handed over.

Products in poor condition, on the contrary, are accepted at banks, charging an additional commission of about 3% of the value of the metal.

How much does a gold bar cost in Russia 1 gram and 1 kg

As of today. 1 gram of gold costs:

Price for 999 standard according to the Central BankMarket value of the standard todayPrice for scrapPrice in jewelry

For an ingot weighing 1 kilogram you will have to pay (in million rubles):

Where is the best place to buy bullion?

It is always better to purchase such things from financial institutions. In this case, the possibility of forgery is eliminated and the availability of the entire package of accompanying documents is guaranteed.

Where and how to store the bullion

The storage of gold, including in coins, should also be entrusted to the bank. It’s not safe to keep such valuables at home, and there’s no point in keeping them. The financial institution opens a metal safekeeping account for the client - an analogue of a safe deposit box. You can put all your precious savings there, add new ones or withdraw the necessary part.

The cost of such a service will not depend on the number of items, their weight and even the metal from which they are made - all your savings in precious metals can be kept in one place.

To see how Russia's gold reserves are stored, watch the video:


In parting, I would like to wish all my readers to become happy owners of impressive gold savings. Follow our updates, vote by repost for your favorite articles, and I go in search of new interesting and useful topics.


What you need to know about purchasing a gold bar

In order not to make a mistake when buying a precious metal and to receive some dividends, you need to know Russian GOSTs and world standards for gold, its types, identification marks and inscriptions, as well as differences in production technology.

The following types are distinguished:

  1. Measured products are available to citizens for purchase.
  2. Standard products - used in production.

By technology they distinguish:

  1. Stamped - weight less than 500 g. Designated SSHZ.
  2. Cast - weight more than 0.5 kg. They are designated SLZ.
  3. Powder. They are not used in Russia.

Not only in films, but also in photographs taken, for example, for advertising, the bars are not the same. And this is not because of a different angle, as some might think. The fact is that there are measured and standard ingots. All of them are produced according to industry and state standards by refineries.

State and inter-industry GOSTs of Russia differ. Each product made from precious metal is checked. If the weight, size or other standards do not comply with GOST, then the gold is sent to the refinery that produced it for remelting. However, this happens extremely rarely.

The same (standard, measured) bars are manufactured by foreign companies according to standards approved by the London Precious Metals Association. Gold produced by Russia according to these standards is exported.


Russian measured ingot

Products produced up to 1 kg with the presence of 99.99% pure gold, which are marked with a hallmark from the manufacturer, are called measured. These bars are small in weight and are distributed in the jewelry retail chain for purchase by ordinary citizens (Fig. 1).

Sample - the presence (content) of precious metal per 1000 parts of the alloy. GOST for dimensional ingots has the designation R 51572-2000. Special requirements established by GOST and applicable to jewelry of this type:

  1. Possible permissible limits of deviation of dimensions and weight of the ingot for each weight. Of the dimensions, only the width and length of the product are taken into account. The thickness of the product is not standardized.
  2. With the appropriate agreement, the shape, dimensions and some regulatory parameters change.
  3. Grease stains, chips and cracks, and slag are unacceptable on the surfaces.
  4. It is acceptable for the planes of the ingot to change over time due to crystallization of gold and its shrinkage. A concave, convex or wavy surface is allowed.
  5. Mandatory presence of legible digital or letter markings on the product. The shape of the print (convex or concave) depends entirely on the production process.
  6. It is necessary to have an appropriate (extremely clear and precise) inscription on the measured ingots. It is not acceptable to correct or merge signs.
  7. A distinctive symbol may be present on one or more sides.

The front side must have the following inscriptions or markings:

Mandatory state markings on precious bullion

  • the inscription “Russia” located in an oval;
  • digital designation of mass;
  • the inscription "Gold";
  • sample or share of precious metal;
  • manufacturer's brand on the front or back of the product.

To the question of how much a measured gold bar weighs, you can answer: the weight must be present on each product and not be higher than 1 kg. This weight is the most common and sold in Russia.


Standard gold bar

The weight of such a product meets all Russian standards and is the ratio of the actual weight of the product (ligature) to the sample of the precious metal. The mass is checked on special scales. It ranges from 11 to 13.3 kg. GOST has the designation 28058-89 (Fig. 2).

Special requirements established by GOST:

  1. Standard ingots are made in the form of a truncated pyramid of certain dimensions, changeable by agreement.
  2. The surface should be shiny. Without stains and slags.
  3. Depressions up to 0.5 cm are possible.

Markings are applied to the lower base:

  • metal grade;
  • number;
  • weight;
  • try;
  • manufacturer's mark;
  • year of issue.

In the Russian Federation, the weight (and purity) of gold is indicated on one side of the bar and does not exceed 13.3 kg.

They are produced by casting or stamping, the latter being more expensive. They weigh no more than 0.5 kg. Cast ingots are easier to produce. Molten metal (more than 500 g) is poured into a special mold, where it cools.


How much does gold weigh

Throughout human history, gold has had a high price. It was only during the reign of King Solomon that gold was practically priceless. In general, this precious metal is the most desirable for every person. For most, its presence is much more valuable, even if the chain is made of the highest standard and has a small weight.

But if you think about it in general, how much does gold weigh? It is clear that the answer to this question will largely depend on what state it is in, for example, ingot or other form. Now we bring to your attention a detailed look at how much a gold bar weighs, as well as how much gold weighs in ounces and grams.

Moreover, let's consider interesting facts that are associated with the use of gold in our lives.

How much does a gold bar weigh?

An ingot, or “ingot” as it is called, is a block of metal, in our case gold. Moreover, the ingot comes in different shapes, categories and weights. In banks, as a rule, the bar has the highest purity of 999.96. Such gold is considered almost pure. Gold bars have two types:

In most cases, such bars weigh 1000 grams . If you want to purchase such an ingot, then you can do this at any bank. As for standard ingots, their weight is regulated by the state and industry standards.

The weight of such an ingot ranges from 11 kilograms to 13.3 kilograms . Another interesting fact. On the territory of Ukraine, gold bars of non-standard weight are produced, for example: 500, 250, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and even 1 gram .

According to official information, the weight of the largest ingot on earth, made of the purest gold, is 200 kilograms .

If we talk about the method of making gold, then there is also a difference. For example, stamped ingots are cut from flat sheets, while cast ingots are produced in finished molds. Moreover, gold is produced in the form of semi-finished products, namely wire, ribbons or foil. Most recently, a chip gold bar was made the size of a credit card. In this case, the bar weighs from 1 to 20 grams , which is sealed in certified packaging.

Another interesting fact is that in 1943, a gold reserve law was passed in the United States of America. It stated that this precious metal should be stored only in bullion. Its standard weight should be 400 troy ounces, but for commercial purposes in the United States different weights of bars are allowed.

So, for the production of jewelry, an ingot weighs 1 kilogram, but in places where gold is mined, an ingot weighs 1200 troy ounces, where they are cast. So, the conclusion suggests itself: in one ingot of 999 fineness, there are 999 grams of pure gold per 1 kilogram. It is clear that the ratio of gold in our chains is completely different.

This is due to the fact that gold is a soft metal, so the chains would break very quickly, and the rings would simply bend.

Another comparison of values ​​is also surprising. As mentioned above, the standard weight of a gold bar is on average 11 - 13.3 kilograms. This mass is much heavier than a bucket filled with water. Therefore, when you next carry a bucket of water, you can imagine the mass of a standard-sized gold bar. It is unlikely that you will be able to hold it at least once, but no one can stop you from imagining it!

Weight of gold in a troy ounce! The history of its appearance

The troy ounce is a non-metric unit of weight commonly used in international commodity markets. In this case, the sale or purchase of gold is carried out. But how much does one ounce of gold weigh? How many grams does it contain?

One troy ounce contains 31 grams of the highest purity gold. To be very precise, then:

1 ounce = 31.1034768 grams.

Where did this dimension come from? Its appearance is attributed to the French city of Troyes during the Middle Ages. At that time it was a major financial and commercial center of Europe. Moreover, it was in this city that the most famous accurate money changers were located.

Many gold coins of that time, in most cases, weighed around 30 grams . For this reason, the troy ounce also has a similar weight and is still used in banking, jewelry and numismatics.

And still in the world, many coins are issued based on the weight of an ounce or its small fraction, namely: a third of an ounce, a half, and the like.

As for the cost of an ounce against the dollar, this was and remains the main quotation for gold throughout the world. Its value is determined using the London fixing. It is held twice a day by major players in the gold market. However, the world knows not only the size of a troy ounce of gold.

Gold in other dimensions

All over the world, other measures of gold were previously and even now used. Here are the most famous:

  • An ancient Roman ounce had an approximate weight of 27.3 grams .
  • An ounce of Maria Teresa had a weight - 31,1025.
  • 1 pharmacy, which was used on the territory of Russia until the thirties of the twentieth century, was equal to 29.860 grams .

Each of these units of measurement is close to the sum of 30. This is precisely related to what was discussed above. Large gold coins had exactly this weight. Most likely, such an amount of metal was extremely convenient to use in trade matters. Similarly, in our times there are popular banknotes, for example, 100 dollars, 100 euros or 5,000 rubles.

But there are other measures for measuring the weight of gold, although they are less common, and if so, then only within this country. For example, the Jewish measure shekel is known - 1 shekel = 11.4 grams of pure gold . In Luxembourg, gold is measured in the unit of measurement - scrap or tola. So, 1 tola is equal to 11.6638 grams .

In Taiwan, gold is measured in bas, which is 15.244 grams . Thailand also has its own unit for measuring the weight of gold - tael, where 1 tael = 37.5 grams of gold . Not far from this value is another measure with the same name - tael, which is used in China and Hong Kong.

In these territories, 1 tael = 37.429 grams of gold .

Interesting facts about gold. How much is there?

Gold is used not only in trading operations. For example, for many years this precious metal has been used to reward athletes at the Olympic Games who took first place.

For the first time back in 1894 in Paris, a gold medal was awarded for first place, which was coated with a pure weight of 6 grams of gold . This weight was considered the standard, but over the years it has been deviated from.

Such a prize was not always welcomed, and only in 1908, at the fourth Olympic Games, they began to award medals again, only this time the medal was made entirely of gold.

Its size was small with a diameter of 3.3 centimeters, but the weight of the gold medal was 25 grams. It is worth noting that the value of such a medal has never been measured by its actual cost. For example, today a standard gold medal can cost a maximum of 250 US dollars.

This fact is confirmed by one case when the Polish swimmer in 2004, Otylya Jedrzejczak, sold her gold medal at auction, which she received in Athens, for as much as 82,500 US dollars.

The conclusion is obvious: if you want to make good money on gold, then you should win the Olympic Games and get a medal weighing 6.5 grams worth $250, sell it for 85.5 thousand! Not a bad investment for the future!

Another interesting fact, or rather, the question: how much does the gold of the entire Earth weigh? According to some estimates, approximately 145,000 tons .

But then another question arises: how many tons of gold are produced each year? It should be noted that gold mining or production is growing every year. In 2001 alone, 2,604 tons of gold were produced. But these figures can safely be called relative.

Why? The thing is that every year illegal gold mining takes place in a number of countries. Accordingly, the exact mass of gold mined for one current year can be stated relatively!

Well, have you ever thought about how much a ton of gold is? As mentioned above, gold is usually measured in ounces, which is equal to 31.1034768 grams. It's very easy to calculate. The density of gold per cubic centimeter is 19.32 grams. As for the ounce, its density is 1.61 grams per cubic centimeter. So, 1 t = 1000 kg ≈ 32,150.72 troy ounces. As a result, all that remains is to do the following multiplication:

1.61 × 32,150.72 = 51,762 cubic centimeters.

Accordingly, a ton of gold is equal to a small cube whose side alone measures 37.27 centimeters. If you had a gold bar in front of you that had one cubic meter, then it would weigh 19.321 tons .

It is worth mentioning separately about the ancients of this world. Just imagine, the golden sarcophagus of Tutankhamun weighed 1.5 tons .

So, as you can see, the answer to the question of how much gold weighs is quite varied. It all depends on what condition it is in. But everyone would agree that they wanted to have at least a small piece of gold of the highest standard, even the smallest size!

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How much does a 999 gold bar weigh - types, cost and investment tips

Gold has long been one of the most reliable and profitable areas for investing savings. The gold market is least susceptible to shocks from financial and political crises. In addition, this noble metal is exhaustible and its value will steadily increase over the years. At the same time, not all citizens know where and in what weight they can purchase pure gold bullion, designated 999 fine.

Main types of gold bars

All bars are cast mostly from pure gold without impurities (999 fineness) and can be found in two varieties, namely:

Measured gold bars are produced weighing up to 1 kg and are available for purchase by individuals and legal entities. There are a number of GOST requirements (R51572-2000) that apply to products of this class:

  • The ingot may have the shape of a truncated pyramid or parallelepiped;
  • Its surfaces are smooth and shiny - without stains, cracks, scratches or chips;
  • A concave, convex or slightly wavy surface is allowed, since crystallization and shrinkage processes occur in the metal over time;
  • On the front side of the ingot there is a clear digital and letter marking of the product (in some cases, the manufacturer's logo is indicated on the reverse side).

Standard gold bars are used for production purposes and are not sold. They essentially serve as a guide for smelting measuring ingots as a sample. The GOST requirements (R28058-89) for such products are as follows:

  • They have the shape of a truncated pyramid, on the upper section of which the metal grade, its number, weight, sample, year and manufacturer’s logo are clearly marked;
  • The surface of the ingot is smooth: without stains, chips, scratches;
  • The depression on the surface layer of the metal cannot exceed 0.5 cm.

All gold bullion products are divided according to their production technology into the following varieties:

  • Stamped ingots or SSHZ have a weight of less than 0.5 kg;
  • Cast ingots or SLZ have a mass of over 500 grams.

In foreign countries, there is also a special type of 999 gold bars - powder form. However, it is not used in Russia.

Weight of 999 gold measured bars

It was established above that it is measured gold bars that are the object of investment that is available to any citizen who has free funds. At the same time, you can purchase gold bars at any commercial bank that includes operations with precious metals in its list of activities.

Thus, at Sberbank of Russia you can purchase 999 gold bars of the following weight categories:

  • 1, 5,10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 grams in standard packaging;
  • 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 in high-strength gift packaging.

Currently, this particular financial institution occupies a leading position in the Russian Federation in terms of the number and volume of transactions with precious metals in general and with gold in particular. After acquisition, gold can be handed over to the person or stored in a bank safe deposit box.

What is the price of 999 gold bars in Russia?

The cost of gold bars, which are both sold and purchased by commercial banks of the Russian Federation, depends on a number of important factors, including:

  • The cost of pure gold, which is set daily at the auctions of the largest precious metals exchanges in the world - see here;
  • Added value, that is, the costs that were incurred during the production of the ingot by the refinery and its transportation to the bank. In addition, it also takes into account insurance deductions and the interest that the commercial bank itself puts on profit;
  • Refinery, which is the brand of the manufacturer (ingots from such well-known manufacturers as Argor Heraeus, Valcambi, Degussa are more expensive);
  • Ingot manufacturing technologies, since stamped ingots are always more expensive than cast ones;
  • The presence or absence of a certificate of conformity from the manufacturer;
  • Packaging formats, having a standard or reinforced (gift) appearance. Ingots that do not have packaging are sold significantly cheaper.

It is also important to consider that there is a difference (spread) between the selling and purchasing prices of gold bars. Thus, in 2015, at Sberbank of the Russian Federation, 1 gram of gold bullion could be purchased for 3,200-3,600 rubles. At the same time, it was possible to sell the same amount of precious metal only for 2,200-2,500 rubles.

Thus, purchasing gold bullion is a very real prospect even for private investors, since investments can be made in metal weighing from 1 to 1000 grams in any commercial bank that carries out this type of activity. In the future, the purchased bullion can also be sold through banking institutions.


How much does a gold bar weigh: the largest, standard, measured:

A long time ago, in America, there lived an ancient people - the Incas. He possessed huge reserves of the yellow metal. There was so much of it that the Incas made dishes from it, as well as other useful things. No one thought that ordinary metal, which, moreover, is poorly adapted for economic life, would subsequently destroy the most ancient unique peoples.

They were destroyed by European colonialists, who began melting metal from practical household items into useless bricks. This is how the local aborigines saw the situation. European colonialists rubbed their hands - they found gold - an artificial source of wealth and power.

How much does a gold bar weigh today? What is its price? Let's try to answer this question.

How much does a gold bar weigh, which is the largest to date?

The record holder for weight is a Japanese ingot created by the Mitsubishi Corporation. Its weight is 250 kg. The price of such a giant is about 4 million US dollars. Japan has ousted Taiwan from the Guinness Book of Records - previously this country had the largest ingot of 220 kg. Another number “9” was added to the Japanese giant. This means that the purity of the Japanese record holder is 999.9. The product is close to absolute ideal. How much does a gold bar weigh (standard)? More on this later.

How much does a gold bar weigh (standard) in kg

Standard bars are precious metal bars produced at specialized enterprises. They are manufactured according to certain standards - they are installed in each state independently. In our country there is an international one, which is reflected in GOST 28058-89. So how much does a gold bar weigh, based on global standards? Its weight ranges from 11 to 13.3 kg.

What is a sample

Fineness is the proportion of base metal in an alloy. In gold watches, rings, and other jewelry, 585 standard is usually used. This means that a little more than half of them are pure gold. This is believed to be the optimal amount to use in jewelry, otherwise it will constantly break and bend.

The highest purity used in gold bars is 999 (99.99%). International standards have a slightly lower specific gravity of the noble metal - 995%.

Measured gold bar

A measuring ingot is a small ingot that is widely popular among investors, banks, and pawnshops. So, let’s answer the question of how much a gold bar (measurement bar) weighs. It all depends on the type of ingot. There are two of them, depending on the manufacturing method:

  1. Stamped bars - the manufacturing technology is similar to the production of coins. Their weight ranges from 1 to 100 grams.
  2. Cast - “normal”, from the point of view of the common man, ingots. Their weight ranges from 200 to 1000 grams.

Is it profitable to invest in gold?

A novice investor is interested in the question of whether it is profitable to invest in precious metals. This question was once asked by one of the largest investors in 2005. The cost of one Google share was equal to one ounce. By 2008, an ounce was worth almost 2.5 times more than the share of the largest holding. It should be taken into account that 2005 marks the active development of the global information giant.

Is there much gold left in the ground?

Gold, due to its value, rarely goes out of circulation. This means that gold teeth, for example, may contain metal from the pottery of royal monarchs. Of course, this is rare, but almost all the metal that humanity has ever mined is still in circulation. Scientists have estimated that another 80% of the precious metal is in the ground, therefore, it is not too late to think about searching.

Olympic medals

How much does 1 gold bar weigh, how much pure metal is in it - we have already said, and how much precious metal is in modern Olympic medals? It is a myth that they are made entirely of gold. Only the medals at the 1912 Olympic Games were truly gold. All others have only pollination. Only six grams of this metal are applied to Olympic medals.

Legend of the Golden Fleece

Many peoples used sheep's wool to wash gold. This method was practiced by some peoples of the Caucasus, the Egyptians. The Greeks, who saw the spoils with their own eyes, were not privy to the mysteries of all operations. They saw only the finished picture: sheep's wool, all covered with precious metals. This is where the legend of the Golden Fleece came from.

Corn eats gold

Surprisingly, ordinary corn “extracts” gold from the ground and accumulates it in its stalks. This was discovered by chance when analyzing the composition of the ash.

Corn feeds on solutions of various salts from the soil to obtain vital elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Along with them, the plant extracts other elements, including gold.

However, you should not rush to grow corn on your farms for the sake of metal: the concentrate is so small that it is unlikely that you will get rich by growing this plant for gold.


Bank gold: standard, rate. How much does a bank gold bar weigh:

Gold has been a very reliable and profitable way to invest savings for thousands of years. It is weakly susceptible to various shocks that occur during political and financial crises. But in this particular case, let's talk about bank gold.

Introductory information

The noble metal is present on earth in limited quantities. If it runs out, its value will increase over the years. Although it is possible to learn how to synthesize it. But now we have to make do with what we have. Bank gold is bullion with a purity of 999(.9).

What does this indicator mean? If gold is 999, then this means that the bar contains 999 parts of the precious metal and 1 unit of impurities out of 1000. For 999.9 the quality is even better. The amount of impurities in it is reduced by 10 times. But obtaining such pure precious metal is very problematic and expensive.

The purity of bank gold affects the price, as does the weight.

What types of ingots are there?

There are two main varieties:

  1. Measuring ingots. Their weight is no more than one kilogram. Manufactured for subsequent sale to individuals and legal entities. There are GOST standards regulating the classification of products into this class. Thus, the ingot must be made in the shape of a truncated pyramid or in the form of a parallelepiped. The front side must contain clear alphabetic and numerical markings of the product. It is permissible to have the creator's logo, which is indicated on the reverse side. The product should be smooth and shiny. Stains, cracks, chips and scratches are grounds for replacing the product. Although a convex, concave or slightly wavy surface is considered acceptable. This is due to the fact that over time the metal undergoes shrinkage and crystallization processes.
  2. Standard ingots. They are necessary for the production of measured ones. Not on sale. In fact, they are a guideline for the smelting of measured ingots; they do not fulfill any other goals or tasks. These products are also subject to GOST standards. According to him, they should have the shape of a truncated pyramid. The metal grade, weight, number, year, hallmark and manufacturer's logo are clearly marked in the upper part. There should be no chips, scratches or stains on the surface of the ingot. It must be smooth. The depressions should not exceed half a centimeter.

They also differ in manufacturing technology. Highlight:

  1. Stamped ingots. They weigh no more than 0.5 kilograms.
  2. Cast ingots. Weight more than 0.5 kilograms.

About mass

Now let's look at how much a bank gold bar weighs. Attention will be paid to measured objects, because they are objects of investment that are available to citizens with free funds. At the same time, they can be purchased at any banking institution that offers transactions with precious metals.

So what do they offer by weight? If you go by Sberbank, you can buy 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 and 1000 grams. Moreover, they will be either in standard or gift packaging. A feature of the second is increased strength, as well as a lower denomination available for purchase - a maximum of 50 grams.

After acquisition, gold bars can be easily transferred to a third party, sold to a bank, or kept in a safe at home (if someone takes the risk).

How much does it cost?

You can't say it that quickly. This is due to the fact that the answer to this question depends on a number of factors that can significantly affect the price. Bank gold varies within a certain range depending on:

  1. Added value. This includes the costs that were incurred when producing the ingot at the refinery, its transportation to the bank, insurance deductions, and a percentage of profit.
  2. The cost of pure gold. It is set daily during trading that takes place on the largest precious metals exchanges.
  3. Refining. In simple terms, this is payment for the manufacturer's brand. That is, ingots cast or stamped by well-known manufacturers will cost more than those created by less popular ones.
  4. Presence/absence of a certificate of conformity provided by the manufacturer.
  5. Production technologies. Stamped ingots are always more expensive than cast ones.
  6. Packaging forms. If it is not there, then the ingots will be cheaper. Then comes the standard one, followed by the hardened (gift) type.

About pricing

There are certain differences when buying and selling gold bars. It's called a spread. It should be noted that the exchange rate of bank gold is characterized by a fairly significant difference. The year 2015 is indicative in this regard. So, then 1 gram of gold bullion was purchased for 3200-3500 rubles. But it could be sold to banks for about 2200-2500.

Why is pricing so difficult?

It is important to understand that gold should be considered solely as a long-term investment. Its real value is growing, albeit slowly, but surely. So, over the past half century it has doubled.

That is, by selling a gram of gold you can now buy twice as much of the precious metal as in the early 70s. Although, if you are interested in long-term investing, then this is a good and very real prospect. It is suitable even for private investors.

After all, you can make an investment in almost any commercial structure. The same goes for selling. Let's look at this in more detail.

Acquisition and sale

It's good to know where you can buy gold bars. After all, this is a specific material; you cannot buy it in the nearest store. It is necessary to have at least a basic understanding of domestic and world standards. You need to understand how much gold there is in the bar.

The most reliable option is to come to a banking institution and purchase value. You can use the service of impersonal metal accounts. Another alternative is to purchase it secondhand or on the exchange through a brokerage company. We should not forget about jewelry stores, although they, as a rule, do not specialize in simple bullion trading.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options. But you must be careful and have a clear head so as not to purchase a fake. Although this option is unlikely, stories about similar problems pop up here and there from time to time.

Now, how is bank gold sold? Places of sale are the same as when purchasing. Although the process has its own specifics. For example, in some cases it is possible to sell not the bullion itself, but securities that correspond to its equivalent.

In this case, the gold itself will be in the safe deposit box. When selling ingots, an examination is usually requested. This negatively affects the amount of profit received.

Those who want to make money in the short term using bank gold usually use impersonal metal accounts.

Specific points

Now let's talk about some details. First of all, about standard ingots. If they are mass-produced, their weight does not exceed 13.5 kilograms. There may be large values, but this is an exception.

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Most ingots produced range from 10 to 13.5 kg. It is also necessary to note the difference in the measurement of masses. For example, in our country it is customary to use a unified measurement system based on the gram.

But if you go to an international stock exchange, for example the London one, then the precious metal will probably be measured in troy ounces.

How much does a standard gold bar weigh?

The most expensive of the precious metals, which comes first in the system of monetary relations, is gold. Since ancient times, this metal has been highly valued. They learned how to clean it from impurities of other base metals. Now gold is popular, both as precious jewelry and as a profitable investment.

The history of gold bars

Many millennia BC, people already appreciated and understood the superiority of gold over other metals. The ancient Egyptians considered gold to be 2.5 times more expensive than silver.

With the gradual development of civilization, cities and states needed a unified system for evaluating various goods and works in order to carry out the necessary equal barter - exchange. Gold was ideal for this and became a universal payment method.

With its help, monetary relations between countries were strengthened and developed.

Even now everyone knows the phrase “worth its weight in gold,” and in ancient times gold had to be weighed all the time, because the metal was measured in grams. Around the 6th–5th centuries BC. e.

ancient people began to create bars from an alloy of silver and gold, this made sales and purchases much easier. The bars appeared in set sizes, usually 10, 20 or 50 grams.

Ancient people, of course, could not achieve high purity of gold; its composition was no more than 50%; currently, gold bars consist of 99.9% gold.

Modern gold bars

Despite the fact that many millennia have passed, in the modern world gold is still the main indicator of the well-being of any country. All gold bars have a monetary equivalent, which most often grows over time. The owner of this metal will always be able to profitably (at the exchange rate) exchange it for any financial value. Gold is always a profitable investment.

The term “ingot” implies that the precious metal is of high purity. Gold bars form the country's gold reserve; they serve as an anti-crisis reserve and adjust the exchange rate of the national currency. Sufficient reserves of gold in the vaults of state banks guarantee greater economic independence of the country.

Types of gold bars

Gold bars are divided into two categories based on weight, quality and manufacturing process requirements. The classification looks like this:

  1. Measured gold bars correspond to a specific set of technological processes for purification from impurities (refining) at a given manufacturing plant. The weight of a measured ingot can be from 1 to 1000 grams, and the share of gold itself in the total mass must correspond to 99.99%. Such alloys with low weight are available for purchase in Russian banks.
  2. Standard ingots comply with the requirements of state standards of the Russian Federation.

Additional requirements are imposed on measuring products in accordance with GOST R 51572-2000. Namely:

  • absence of damage and fatty film on the product;
  • slight concavities or convexities are possible;
  • compliance with appropriate dimensions according to weight;
  • Each copy is accompanied by a certificate listing its characteristics;
  • mandatory marking with the name of the country (in an oval), name of the alloy, weight, % mass fraction, product number and manufacturer's mark.


Types and weight of gold bars

Many people, when they saw a gold bar, were interested in the question: how much does it weigh? Considering that this metal has one of the highest density values ​​among all others, and the ingot itself is of impressive size, this figure is clearly not small. Investors will need to know how much a standard gold bar weighs.

Ingot weight

An ingot is a piece of metal, it looks like a bar and comes in several different grades and weights. Bankovsky has the highest purity of 999.9, that is, it is almost pure gold.

How much does a gold bar weigh? In most cases they weigh 1 kg. These are the types of investment objects that any bank can offer you. Standard bars are regulated by government or legislation. They weigh between 11 and 13.3 kilograms.

In some countries, the bank may offer you to buy bullion of different weights starting from 1 gram. The largest bar on earth weighs 200 kilograms; it is also made of the purest gold.

In 1943, the United States passed the Gold Reserve Act. It stated that gold in the country's reserves should be stored only in the form of bars. The standard bullion in the US Gold Reserve weighs 400 troy ounces. But for commercial purposes they also allow the use of ingots of different weights.

So, for jewelers they are made weighing one kilogram; at gold mining sites they are cast at 1200 troy ounces. A troy ounce weighs approximately 30 grams and is an international measure of the weight of gold. Gold is traded in troy ounces on precious metals exchanges.

To imagine how much a gold bar weighs, you can take a 10-liter bucket and fill it with water. Try to lift it: it’s heavy, isn’t it, but a gold bar weighs even more.

Measuring ingot in Russia

Products that are produced weighing up to one kilogram, have a purity of 999.9 and are used for investment by individuals are called measured. Used for sale, they are marked. Special requirements established by GOST include:

  • Permissible deviations of dimensions and weight for each weight. At the same time, the thickness of the product is not standardized; standards are established only for length and width.
  • If there is an appropriate agreement, some parameters may change, including dimensions and shape.
  • The products should not have chips, cracks, or grease stains.
  • Changes in planes over time due to crystallization or shrinkage of the metal are allowed. The surface can be concave or convex.
  • The product must be marked, the inscriptions must contain letters and numbers and be legible.
  • Correction or merging of characters in the marking is unacceptable.
  • A distinctive symbol may be applied to one or more sides.

Gold bank bars

In accordance with the standard, they are marked as follows:

  • the inscription “Russia”, which is located in an oval;
  • designation of mass in numbers;
  • the inscription "Gold";
  • sample or fraction of metal;
  • The manufacturer's brand is placed on the back or front side of the product.

Thus, the measuring ingot must be marked and the weight must be indicated on it, which cannot exceed one kilogram.

Standard Ingot

How much is a standard gold bar? It must meet all Russian standards, and its mass is checked on a special scale. It ranges from 11 to 13.3 kg, and the ingot must comply with the rules:

  • It must be made in the form of a truncated pyramid, which has established dimensions, which, in the case of a specific agreement, can be changed.
  • The surface should be shiny. The presence of stains and slag is not allowed.
  • There may be depressions up to 0.5 cm on the surface.
  • The marking is applied to the lower base and should include: metal grade, sample, manufacturer's mark, year.

In the Russian Federation, all this is indicated on one side of the ingot. Of course, you can’t lift a brick weighing more than 10 kg with your fingers.

Interesting facts about product weight:

  • Gold is not only used in trading and jewelry. It has been used for many years to make Olympic medals. The first medal made weighed only 6 grams; the mass of modern medals is larger.
  • According to estimates, a total of 145,000 tons of gold were mined, but it is impossible to calculate how much remains, since new deposits are still being discovered.
  • The weight of gold is quite large. A ton is a cube whose edge is only 37 centimeters long. And if you weigh a cubic meter of this metal, you get more than 19 tons.
  • Tutankhamun's sarcophagus, which was made of gold, weighed 1.5 tons.

Thus, one kilogram gold bars are used for investment. Used for storing reserves in the gold and foreign exchange reserve - 400 troy ounces or no more than 13.3 kilograms. If you wish, you can go to banks and buy a gold bar of one gram of gold.


Dimensions and weight of 999 gold bar

Gold remains the most common and reliable investment option due to a number of features. The market for precious metals, especially gold, is less susceptible than others to various price fluctuations due to economic and political factors. Investors are often interested in the weight of a .999 gold bar, as it appears to be the purest variety of this precious metal.

Can the 999 sample be considered pure?

Before finding out how much a 999 gold bar weighs and its key parameters, it is advisable to determine the purity of such a product. To begin with, it should be noted that absolutely pure gold does not exist in nature, and only metal with varying proportions of impurities in its composition can be obtained industrially.

Such ingots are called “4 nines”, since the content of the base metal in them reaches 99.99%. Such products can be considered standard, since they seem to be the purest of all products available to investors. Thanks to such features, they are widely used by government financial institutions - Central banks of various countries to create funds.

To improve the quality of finished products, they are subjected to various cleaning methods, including both physical and chemical ones. Such material is rarely used in jewelry products, since its distinguishing features are extremely high cost and low strength. Because of this, products with a lower proportion of gold and higher resistance to deformation have become widespread.

999 gold is extremely rarely used for making jewelry

Material properties

Despite the fact that most consumers associate gold with a yellow metal, in its natural form it can be found in a variety of forms. As a rule, the sizes of this type of natural metal vary from small particles to medium-sized nuggets.

Because they contain a high proportion of impurities, their color can vary from greenish to gray, making them difficult to identify . Only high quality material has a bright yellow color, the amount of impurities in which is extremely small. This metal is soft - this property has been used since ancient times to determine the quality of gold.

The melting point of the high-grade product is 1063 degrees Celsius, and the boiling point of the material is located at 2947 degrees.

It is important to consider that when melted, gold changes its color to light green, and when boiled, the vapor will have shades from yellow to green.

High-grade gold is widely used in the manufacture of various alloys, which makes it possible to achieve characteristics more suitable for the production of jewelry. As additives, as a rule, silver, copper, nickel, zinc and other materials are used, which significantly increase the strength of the alloy and reduce the ductility.

If we consider the density of a 999 gold bar, we should remember that it is about 19.3 g/cm3. Similar values ​​are typical for pure material without impurities, however, nuggets found in nature have a lower density - about 18.5 g/cm3. This difference is due to the presence of impurities that affect the properties of the metal.

Types of ingots

Today, there are 2 main categories of gold bars of this standard. First of all, these are measured ingots, the weight of which can reach 1 kg. Their acquisition is available to both individuals and legal entities, and their characteristics and quality indicators are regulated by GOST No. R51572-2000:

  • product shape – truncated pyramid/parallelepiped;
  • The plane of the ingot should not have any damage, cracks, stains or other defects. Concavity/convexity or slight waviness of the surface of the product is allowed, which is due to natural processes;
  • the front side of the product must have a clearly readable marking containing letters and numbers identifying the manufacturer. It is also permissible to place such information on the back of the product.

Another group of this kind of ingots is the standard variety. Such products are not sold - they are used exclusively in industry.

Ingots must meet certain criteria

At the same time, they serve as a model for the manufacture of dimensional type ingots and must comply with another GOST No. R28058-89:

  • shape - a truncated pyramid with the obligatory application on the upper section of information about the grade of material, the number and weight of the ingot, the year of production and the manufacturer’s symbols, as well as the sample;
  • the surface should not have visible defects, stains, or chips;
  • the depression located on the surface should not exceed 0.5 cm.

At the same time, the classification of gold bars involves their division according to production technology. The first group consists of SSHZ, which have a weight not exceeding 0.5 kg and are manufactured by stamping. The second group consists of SLZ - cast ingots, the mass of which exceeds 0.5 kg. A third type of such products is presented abroad - powder ones, but it is not used in the Russian Federation.

Weight and cost of ingots

Since the measured type of such products is often used as an object for investment by legal entities and individuals, their acquisition by any financial institution that carries out transactions with such materials is allowed. In the largest organization of this type - Sberbank, the client can purchase products weighing from 1 to 1000 grams, packaged in regular packaging.

At the same time, it is possible to purchase products in gift format, but the range of such products is much smaller - from 1 to 50 grams. Currently, Sberbank of the Russian Federation ranks first in the number and volume of transactions related to precious metals. If desired, the client can place the bullion in a cell, which will allow it to be stored safely.

The cost of such products varies and depends on many indicators, including:

  • market value of the material;
  • markup for production and transportation;
  • brand recognition of the plant that produced the ingot;
  • technologies used in production - cast products are cheaper, and stamped products are more expensive;
  • presence/absence of a certificate of conformity from the manufacturer;
  • packaging option.

Among other things, the client should learn about the concept of spread - the difference between the cost of selling and purchasing such products. The difference in quotes when buying/selling can reach 1000 rubles per 1g and more, which must be taken into account in advance. A similar situation is observed when exchanging currency, but the spread in this case will be much smaller.

When planning operations on the international market, it will be useful to know that abroad the mass of a gold bar is measured not in kilograms familiar to citizens of the Russian Federation, but in troy ounces. A similar unit of measurement is widely used in international gold trade - its weight is 31.1035 grams.

Gold is considered a stable asset

Investment prospects

Having found out the basic properties of such products, their weight, as well as the place where they can be purchased, many investors think about the advisability of investing in gold. If we consider the indicators and dynamics of price changes for this precious metal in the long term, we can note a stable increase in its value.

This is due to a number of factors, the main one of which seems to be a reduction in reserves of this material.

Since a shortage or even a slight reduction in supply in the market can lead to an increase in the cost of goods, gold prices will continue to rise in the long term.

However, if you plan to invest for a short period, gold is unlikely to meet the investor's expectations. This is due to the fact that it can take several years to realize a profit from purchasing bullion, and the selling spread significantly offsets the income indicators. Because of this, purchasing gold can be considered an unpromising solution for short investment periods.

How to buy bullion at Sberbank

If an investor decides to make this kind of investment, it is necessary to contact one of the reliable financial organizations located in the Russian Federation. Using Sberbank as an example, we can examine in detail the procedure for purchasing 999 fine bullion bars. The algorithm for purchasing will be as follows:

  1. Visit a branch of the organization where transactions with precious metals are carried out;
  2. Present the necessary documents - for individuals this is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, for legal entities a certificate confirming registration with the inspection committee of the Assay Committee;
  3. Select the weight of the product and check it using a scale. The permissible error is 0.01 grams;
  4. Purchase an ingot and also receive a certificate containing detailed information about the product and manufacturer.

It should be remembered that, in addition to the cost of the bullion itself, the consumer must pay 18% VAT, which is levied on all transactions carried out in the country with precious metals.


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