How to make a mold from lead

DIY lead products

How to make a mold from lead

Lead and its alloys are widely used to make typefaces, plain bearings, and many small parts. In addition, lead is the main component of rechargeable batteries of different capacities.


In everyday life, lead is used to make fishing gear, weights for balancing wheels, etc.
Most machine parts and components manufactured using lead are produced using foundry technologies.

Lead casting process

Lead alloys are multicomponent compositions that can contain up to 10% copper. Its presence significantly increases the melting point.

The second most important component is antimony.

The main advantage of lead alloys is that molds of almost any configuration can be used to work with them, at fairly low pressures.

The melting point of lead is quite low - 325-350 degrees, and this allows you to cast lead parts at home.

For casting lead, injection molding technology is used. Melting furnaces use equipment that runs on various types of fuel - gas, fuel oil, coke and electrical energy.

This equipment must meet the following requirements:1. Minimum time spent on melting.2. Minimal material loss.3. Minimum fuel consumption.4.

Safe and comfortable work. To obtain molten lead and its alloy, the temperature provided in the furnaces is sufficient to melt the lead.

Lead is processed in crucible furnaces.

The main difference between this class of equipment is that the melt does not come into contact with fuel combustion products.

Lead and its alloys are melted in furnaces with metal or graphite crucibles, which can operate on several types of fuel.

Crucible furnaces are produced in two versions: • stationary; • rotary.

Furnaces with graphite crucibles for casting make it possible to melt various metals - lead, tin, and aluminum.

Moreover, the transition from one metal to another occurs with minimal costs. But crucibles made of graphite have low durability and therefore crucibles made of cast iron are more often used.

Lead casting process

The procedure for obtaining lead parts is as follows. Lead pigs or scrap are immersed, where the transition of lead from solid to liquid occurs.

After this, the liquid material is poured into prepared models.

The principle of castings in industry and households is the same, the key differences are only in scale.

Lead smelting molds

As noted earlier, lead is cast into molds to produce parts.

Casting molds are made from different materials - steel, cast iron, graphite, and aluminum alloys are used in industry.

At home, sand, gypsum, silicone and other materials are used.

The lead casting mold can be made by hand, but mechanized equipment is most often used. Moreover, in many home workshops you can find hobby mechanical equipment.

Structurally, the mold for casting lead products consists of several parts: 1. The actual form, as a rule, includes two parts.2. Fusible or non-fusible rods, guides and locks.

To make a plaster mold, you need to prepare two boxes made of wood. Then, gypsum, diluted to a creamy state, is poured into a wooden box.

After some time, the plaster begins to harden, at which time the future product can be installed in it. In this case, it should be half immersed in plaster. This will form the first half of the mold.

A similar operation must be performed to obtain the second form. After the plaster has dried, the form is ready.

In order to be able to pour molten lead during the manufacture of the mold, it is necessary to form a casting hole.

Molds for casting zinc products

Before pouring into the mold, its working surface must be greased with oil. This will make it easier to disassemble the mold later. After the workpiece is ready, it is taken out of the mold and subjected to mechanical processing.

Parts can be produced using different types of materials to make molds. For example, casting into metal molds is the most common type used in production.

Cast iron, steel and aluminum are used to make molds. On an industrial scale, the production of metal casting molds is not particularly difficult.

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All documentation necessary for the manufacture of molds is developed in the design bureau and transferred to production, where it is manufactured.

Silicone Lead Casting Mold

The fact is that almost all operations to create a mold are done manually, applying silicone to the model in layers and carefully leveling it with your hands.

In addition, it must be taken into account that the applied layer must dry, which takes 10–15 minutes.

But in this case, the result lives up to expectations and the output will be a multi-turn form.

Lead Die Casting

Injection molding technology is used when the task is to produce small castings with thin walls.

This technology has certain advantages: 1. High precision castings.2. High surface quality.3. There is no need for further mechanical processing of cast products.4.

Possibility of manufacturing workpieces with complex configurations.5. High productivity of the injection molding complex.6. Low number of substandard products.


Saving money and resources when producing large batches of castings.

Application area of ​​lead casting

Lead is one of the top five non-ferrous metals used in everyday life and industry. It is second only to aluminum, copper and zinc.

The properties of lead determined the scope of its application. The main consumer of this metal is the enterprise for the production of rechargeable batteries.

This is because lead is highly resistant to alkalis. For installation in batteries, grids made of an alloy of lead and antimony are used.

Certain volumes of lead are used for the needs of electrical engineering; it is used in the cable and wire industry.

Fuel production also cannot be done without lead. It is used to produce tetraethyl lead, which is used to improve the performance characteristics of fuel.

Application area of ​​lead casting

The use of nuclear energy has given rise to many technical problems, and one of them is radiation protection. Lead absorbs gamma rays; it is this property that has made it possible to use lead for protection against radiation.

The paint and varnish industry consumes large amounts of lead; lead oxide is used to produce red lead. Lead casting at home

Casting lead at home is quite feasible.

To obtain molten lead, it is enough to heat it to a temperature of 327 degrees. To do this, you can use a gas stove or burner.

Some craftsmen manage to use industrial hair dryers that can heat the air up to 500 degrees.

Scope of lead in the home

As a rule, casting at home is carried out for the purpose of obtaining fishing equipment - sinkers, spinners. In addition, figurines of soldiers, parts of jewelry, etc. are cast from lead.

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We take apart what is unnecessary and create what is needed: how to make a very beautiful mirror from an old chandelier

How to make a mold from lead

Friends, I have a very cool project that I can share with you right now. I'm still euphoric because I ended up with incredible home decor that I made with my own hands. A beautiful mirror was created from an ordinary chandelier. You will learn right now how I managed such a transformation.

List of required materials and tools

In order to make an incredibly beautiful mirror from an old chandelier with your own hands, you must first prepare the following tools and materials:

  • old chandelier;
  • wire cutters;
  • jewelry pliers;
  • wood;
  • blade;
  • plywood sheet;
  • round mirror (its diameter should be from 15 to 20 centimeters);
  • leather gloves;
  • dye;
  • hot glue;
  • picture hanging kit;
  • sandpaper;
  • wood burning tool.

Precautionary measures

Before we get started, let's talk about safety. Some colored glass lampshades can be made from colored plastic. Until you know for sure, wear protective gloves while working.

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You also need to take precautions when working around or with lead found in stained glass. To determine whether your lamp has a lead tip or copper tape and solder, you need to carefully pry off the outer tip and remove it from the glass. If you see copper, then you can act boldly without fear of lead.

If you don't find the copper tape, stop and don't continue. There's a good chance your stained glass lampshade was made with lead. I do not recommend working with lead if you are inexperienced in this matter.

Dismantling the chandelier

Now let's start disassembling:

  1. Take your wire cutters and carefully cut them into the edge of the glass. Try working your wire cutters parallel rather than perpendicular first. This way the glass will not break.
  2. Once you have a section, bend it away from the glass.
  3. Avoid using glass as a lever as this may break the glass.
  4. From time to time you can hear the crunching of glass. Most likely, you touched the edge of the glass with the wire cutters. Proceed carefully.

Make sure you use good leather gloves to protect yourself.

This process may take you some time, so be patient. Stained glass lamps are made to last, so disassembling them will not be easy.

Using a wood burning tool

I worked from the outside when disassembling the lampshade and this is probably the best way. Before starting with the white glass center section, I had to remove the metal ring that held the bulb and cord in place.

  1. Use wire cutters and cut into the center hole.
  2. Grab the cut piece with a pair of wire cutters and twist the metal piece as if you were opening a tin can.
  3. Be patient and keep working on small sections.
  4. To disassemble the final section, use a special wood burning tool.
  5. Continue working until you have separated all the sections from each other.

Cleaning glass parts

Before you move on to the next part of the project, you'll need to sand down the edges of your pieces.

  1. While wearing gloves, use a razor blade to scrape away any remaining copper tape, solder, or other sticky material from the face and edges of the parts.
  2. Apply a little glass cleaner. Clean the glass. If necessary, use the blade again.
  3. Finally, use sandpaper to lightly sand the edges of the glass. This will remove any remaining dirt or green patina that may be present in the copper.

Mirror decoration

Let's move on to the most interesting part, the design of the mirror.

  1. Lay out some white paper. The paper should be larger than the mirror.
  2. Reassemble all your pieces in the same order they were previously in.
  3. Find something to use as your center circle. A yogurt jar worked for my model.
  4. Align everything the way you want.
  5. I made sure that the points of the white and dark blue pieces were aligned and that there was space between the white pieces.

Making a sketch

Now that the pieces are arranged in the order you would like your mirror design to appear, trace the outer edge with a pencil.

  1. Transfer each piece to another piece of paper in the exact order because no two pieces of glass are the same.
  2. Mark the top of your sample.
  3. Trace the center circle.

For my mirror, I outlined only the dark blue glass and then arced the pieces together.

Making the mirror base

Cut out the traced design and then place the design on a sheet of plywood. Be sure to transfer the designation for the top onto the plywood. Stick to the pattern to ensure the build process is successful.

  1. Cut your template onto the plywood using a jigsaw with a blade of at least 15 teeth every two and a half centimeters for a smoother finish.
  2. Use a special sponge to sand the edges to avoid any rough edges.
  3. Transfer this top mark to the back of the plywood.
  4. Cover the board with several coats of paint.
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Build process

Once the paint is dry, it's time to assemble the mirror. Find the mark you made for the top of the design and place it in the same place as the glass you transferred after tracing the outline.

  1. Take the paper template and line it up on top of the plywood so that all the edges line up.
  2. Make an indent below the mirror using a pen.
  3. Place the yogurt jar in the center of the plywood where you made the indentations.
  4. Assemble your template, now we are just doing a dry fit.
  5. Finish by attaching a mirror in the center.

Hot glue takes a long time to dry - 24 hours and 72 hours to fully cure.

I placed my design in the sun so that everything would dry much faster. Once the glue has completely cured, you can attach the structure to the mirror in order to hang pictures.

And now you can find a place for your incredible decor, which you were able to make yourself. My mirror turned out even better than I expected. I am very pleased with my work.


How to drill through tempered glass at home?

How to make a mold from lead

Glass is one of the most difficult materials to drill; it is hard, but at the same time quite fragile. These characteristics make it extremely difficult to make clean holes in it, but it is quite possible. Moreover, this can be done even with the help of ordinary tools that are at hand for anyone who independently engages in construction and repair.

How to drill a hole in glass

The complexity of the work directly depends on what you use for drilling. The simplest option is to use a screwdriver or a drill with a diamond-coated tubular drill installed on it. The main requirement for the tool is the presence of a speed regulator. The entire procedure will be performed at relatively low speeds, since the higher the speed, the greater the likelihood of surface damage and cracks.

Since diamond coating, like glass, tends to overheat due to friction, we will constantly have to cool both contacting surfaces. For this we need plasticine or a plastic bottle cap.

After you have decided where the hole should be, you should place a lid filled with water directly on its center (or make a “pool” of plasticine around this place). Then you can move on to creating the hole. In this case, you should periodically pull out the tool so that water can fill the resulting void.

Having gone deeper, approximately half the thickness of the sheet, we turn it over, mark it and repeat all the same procedures, only now on the other side. To learn how to drill glass correctly, watch the video:

How to drill glass

Before modern construction tools and consumables appeared, a lot of ways were invented to make a hole in glass. The most popular is to use a regular drill, which is first heated red-hot on a burner or gas stove flame, and then hardened in wax. Then everything is done exactly as described above.

Also, to solve the problem, you can use a copper tube mounted directly in the drill chuck. In this case, it is necessary to secure pieces of cardboard with an existing hole on both sides of the glass, and it is better to place the sheet itself on a rubber base to reduce vibrations. In this case, the composition of the “coolant” also changes - corundum powder should be added to the water.

How to drill through tempered glass

There is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to make a hole in tempered glass. Theoretically, this is possible, however, it is very difficult to implement it with your own hands.

The problem is not only that it is usually quite thick, but also that there are a large number of defects in the sheet itself, which are visible to the naked eye. Heating makes the material harder and more brittle.

In addition, the internal stress of the sheet increases, which, as a result of external influences, simply bursts or crumbles into small pieces.


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