How to determine the quality of white gold

What hallmarks are there for white gold?


White gold is one of the most beautiful and noble jewelry materials used in the production of jewelry and precious crafts. This jewelry product is not pure metal, but an alloy of natural material and alloy components, the presence of which provides the final product with an exquisite color. All jewelry compositions undergo an assaying procedure, that is, testing for the percentage of noble base.

Based on the test results, a special mark is affixed to the final product of production - a sample, the numerical value of which tells the consumer the exact percentage of gold in the alloy. The white noble composition also goes through the testing process and has its own designations.

What types of white gold there are, what qualities they have and what metals are included in the alloy with this or that jewelry mark - information is not useful for anyone who is going to purchase jewelry made of precious metals or simply invest free funds in it.

But first, let's take a closer look at the history of this beautiful alloy.

A popular material for fine and expensive jewelry

The shimmering white alloy gained mass demand in the 30s of the 20th century. The aristocratic strata of society appreciated the combination of shining white gold material with diamonds and pearls, with which the light metal combined much better than ordinary red or yellow gold.


In addition, the gold composition of this shade was distinguished by increased durability and strength, which only added to its popularity and reliably cemented its reputation as an ideal material for the most exquisite precious crafts. The consumer was not embarrassed even by the high price of the product.

As is the case with any other jewelry composition made of metals, the issue of the price of the jewelry will greatly depend on what specific hallmark is stamped on the white gold. And anticipating the possible question of what hallmarks exist on white gold, let us immediately clarify: for this jewelry material there is the same hallmarking system as for precious metals of other colors.

In Russia, the metric system is used for assaying precious metals, according to which the following marks are provided for alloys made of this material: 375, 500, 585, 750, and 999.

It is important to immediately note the white gold hallmark, which has a numerical value of three nines - an obvious fake.

A precious metal marked 999 does not contain the required amount of alloy impurities to obtain a light shade; the mark 999 is a mark for an almost pure “investment” bar or coin for the same purpose.

Useful information about existing markings for light precious metals

What standard of white gold is best is a question that certainly comes to mind for anyone who is going to buy a product made from this noble material. Knowledge of the characteristics of each mark, its advantages and disadvantages can help in choosing a sample of precious material:

  • 375 marking is considered one of the lowest grades. The pure luminous color of the final product is given by the alloy components included in its composition: most often zinc, silver or nickel. There is not a lot of noble gold base in the 375 hallmark - 37.5%, the remainder is a ligature designed to give the final product the desired color and enhance the beneficial properties. The advantages of the 375 marking include the low price and high strength of the products, but the disadvantage is the frequent use in combination of nickel, a harmful and allergenic material. In Europe, they abandoned the use of nickel a long time ago, but in Russia they continue to use it, and they do this most often in the manufacture of the 375 alloy. This fact must be taken into account by people with sensitive skin and a tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Precious metal marked 500 on the surface is rarely found. There are several reasons for this: firstly, it uses a combination of silver and copper, and the shade is unclean, with an unsightly yellow tint. Secondly, such a composition has poor casting characteristics and it is inconvenient for goldsmiths to work with it, and even more so, to make elegant and complex parts;
  • 14k white gold is extremely popular among domestic jewelers: it has the most successful characteristics both aesthetically and practically. Jewelry made from it is wearable and durable, and the product itself retains its shine and brightness of color for a long time, which is especially important in the case of a light gold alloy. The composition of 14k white gold can vary depending on what final properties the manufacturer wants to achieve in the end: silver, copper, palladium or even platinum can be added to it. By the way, some connoisseurs of precious crafts give particular preference to a mixture of traditional base and palladium, because this rare component gives the alloy a unique shine and light shade;
  • The mark with the numbers 750 means that the combination of metals has a high content of noble base - 75%. 18k white gold is valued by professionals for its softness of processing and the ability to produce complex and openwork details. The most elite jewelry houses work with this material - Cartier, Tiffany, Bulgari, and often jewelry made from it has high artistic value. Products with the indicated numbers on the surface require especially careful treatment and care: a high percentage of precious metal makes them vulnerable to external influences. The ligature for a light precious composition marked 750 is usually silver, platinum and palladium;
  • 750 marking is a kind of “ceiling” for a light gold alloy, because in order for the initially yellow base to acquire a pronounced light shade, at least 18-20% of other metals that have a natural white color must be added to it.

925 stamp on the product: what does it mean?

Some unscrupulous sellers often mislead people who have little knowledge of jewelry and sell them cheaper silver under the guise of an expensive light precious metal. Typically, a piece purchased from a scammer will be hallmarked with the number 925, which is an actual hallmark for silver.

It is important to remember that in Russia there are marks for the noble yellow metal, namely: 375, 500, 583, 585, 750, 958, 999. For the white alloy, only five of them are relevant, since in 958 and 999 the percentage of the expensive base too high and does not allow obtaining a different shade of metal with a minimum content of alloy. Based on this, we can conclude that the 925 purity of white gold is an invention of scammers, which is designed for gullible and inexperienced buyers.


How to choose a high quality gold product? — invest in gold

Before you choose gold on the counter of even an expensive store, you should make sure of its quality. Because even an elite salon is not a guarantee that the jewelry will be 100% authentic and of 100% quality. The most common counterfeit is jewelry made from “gypsy gold.” In this case, under the guise of a precious metal, they offer to buy an alloy of copper or another similar metal, polished to a shine.

How to choose the right gold by sample

Gold of the highest standard (purity) is a soft substance. It is not suitable for making jewelry, as it will quickly become unusable - it will tear, become wrinkled. To make gold hard and durable, alloys are added to it. They somewhat improve the technical characteristics of the metal and improve the composition. Typically silver and copper are used for this. To indicate the quantitative composition of gold, a sample is placed on it.

There are two main types of samples in the world - carat and metric. The latter is most often used in post-Soviet countries. For example, if a precious alloy contains 375 grams of gold and 625 grams of additives, then such metal receives a fineness of 375. There are such finenesses of gold: 375, 500, 585, 750, 950, 999.

The gold purity must be indicated on the jewelry. A Ukrainian brand should have a trident figure near it.

How to buy good gold: tips for determining the quality of a product

If you intend to purchase jewelry, then knowing how to choose good gold is a must. Because even buying in an expensive jewelry store does not guarantee the high quality of the product. Take the time to equip yourself with a magnifying glass in order to thoroughly examine the jewelry.

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New items sold in jewelry stores must have sealed labels. All information about the product and its manufacturer is printed on them. Also, the price tag next to the product should indicate the necessary information: name of the product, address of the manufacturer, gold purity, weight of the product.

Pay attention to the inside of the product.
The better the surface is processed, the higher the quality of the product in front of you. There are many alternative ways to check jewelry. For example, you might drop the product on the floor or counter. If you hear a “crystal” sound, then the gold in front of you is of high quality.

The chain can be wound around your finger and unwound. The last process should happen easily and effortlessly. At the same time, the links should not get tangled or twisted.

Keep in mind that Turkish and Tunisian gold may be cheaper, however, it is not always known for its good quality. Various unscrupulous jewelers add too much copper to the alloy and do not add silver. As a result, the “gold” has a reddish tint, but will quickly deteriorate.

Which is better to choose gold - white or yellow?

If you are still undecided whether to choose white or yellow gold, you should remember that the shade of the metal will differ depending on the impurities added to it. Thus, gold made in Europe and the USA has a yellowish tint. Silver is added to it.

And gold in our area is reddish, as it contains copper. But an expensive alloy of white gold is obtained by adding platinum, nickel or palladium to it. Before you choose white gold, remember that it is not cheap, much more expensive than its yellow counterparts.

Which gold should you choose – Eastern or European?

Gold of a reddish hue, which is common among us, is called pink. Its sample is usually lower than, for example, in the United Arab Emirates. They prefer to decorate themselves with items made of 916 and 958 gold. However, such a product quickly loses its marketable appearance. However, the Arabs don’t mind, they have a lot of gold and they are able to change it every day. In our area, the most practical samples are from 375 to 585.

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How to determine the quality of white gold - Articles

White gold is a gold alloy. This means that it is a mixture of gold and another metal, which is usually a white metal such as nickel, palladium or silver. Ideal white gold is made from palladium and gold, being hard and durable. Most white gold jewelry is slightly white and is therefore plated with a layer of rhodium to make it brighter. The quality of white gold is given in carats.


White gold quality (Stockbyte / Stockbyte / Getty Images)

  1. Look at the white gold to determine the karat. The number is usually printed in an inconspicuous part, such as on the inner ring of a ring or on the back of a pair of earrings.

    18K white gold is the purest, but also the softest and usually the yellowest. 14K is stiffer than 18K and lighter. If your white gold is delicate and will not be used frequently, karats between 14 and 16 years are recommended.

    If it is a ring, use them with 10 and 14 karat, which are stronger and whiter.

  2. Determine if white gold is rhodium by examining its color. This type of other will have a bright silver color, while the uncovered one will look slightly yellow or gray.

    If white gold is bathed, the rhodium will wear away over time and the garment will have to go through this plating process again. While most of today's white gold is rhodium plated, this high quality grade of gold is not and will appear a little grey.

    Low quality white gold will appear more yellow and should be washed more often.

  3. If you think the ring is rhodium plated, check it to see the color through the plating. This will help you determine how the product will look when the coating begins to wear off where it comes into contact with the skin.

    High quality white gold, less yellow and more silver, will contrast less with the rhodium plating and make it less noticeable when you start wearing it.

    Poor quality white gold will appear very yellow through the rhodium plating after constant use.


  • Avoid buying white gold mixed with nickel. This element will make the white gold softer and more vulnerable to scratches and abrasions, and may also cause allergic reactions. In some cases, it can even cause a red rash where the white gold touches the skin. Confirm with the seller that there is no nickel in the alloy.


How to distinguish gold from fake

Gold is a precious metal, an eternal subject of disputes and conflicts between people. It will probably never lose its relevance. And not only beautiful jewelry is made from it. It is part of various microcircuits and digital equipment.

If the product is made entirely of 99.9% , then it can be easily bent. After all, gold is a soft metal. Therefore, in order to increase its strength, other metals are mixed into it.

Thus, our 585 sample is obtained - 58.5% is gold, 41.5% will be impurities. Nowadays, when almost everything is counterfeited, gold products are no exception.

In the declared sample, either the percentage of gold may be less than 58.5 , or there will be no gold at all. How can you figure out for yourself whether the gold in the jewelry is real? Here are the most common and accessible methods.


It is advisable to arm yourself with a magnifying glass or magnifying glass. Carefully study the sample - its shape and boundaries. On a real gold product, the hallmark has:

  • clear boundaries
  • well-readable digits of the sample number,
  • manufacturer's icon.

If the sample is uneven and all its inscriptions merge, then this is a reason to suspect a fake. It is worth noting that antique gold items may also have a washed-out hallmark, so be aware.

"On the tooth"

Feel like the hero of a movie about the Middle Ages and try to squeeze your ring, for example, with your teeth. The higher the sample, the clearer the mark from your teeth will be. Although, the same trick can be done with tin.


To test this method, you need to take unglazed dishes . We pass the product along the walls of the dish, pressing lightly. Be careful not to scratch the decoration. Look at the trace that remains: yellow symbolizes the originality of the jewelry, but the dark, black color will tell you that the jewelry is clearly not gold.


It is better to take a powerful, heavy magnet. Those hanging on the refrigerator with scenic views may not be up to the task. Apply a magnet to an object made of gold. If it does not react in any way to a magnet, then it is indeed made of gold.

Nitric acid

Testing gold with nitric acid

Perhaps the most reliable method at home. The product should be placed in a metal container. Pipette the acid and gently drop it onto the test sample. Now let's look. If the place where the acid got into did not change color, then - hurray! - you have a gold product. If the color of the product has become milky, then it is simply coated with gold plating. The black spot indicates that the jewelry was made from ordinary metals.

A few more options on how to check a real gold product.

  1. Place the decoration in a bowl with acetic acid for a couple of minutes. If it has not darkened during this time, then the gold is of high quality.
  2. Small jewelry such as a ring, earrings, pendant can be tested for sound. It is enough to drop them on the table and listen to how it rings at the moment of falling. If the sound is very clear, similar to the sound of crystal, then this indicates good quality of the jewelry.
  3. You can apply a little iodine to a small area of ​​the product. If it darkens, then the product is made of pure gold. If the iodine turns white and evaporates, then the jewelry is fake.

Testing gold with acetic acid

How to distinguish gold from gilding

You should study the decoration in detail. There should be no scratches on it, much less abrasions. Perfectly smooth surface. Try scraping the product a little in an invisible area. The spray will come off slightly.

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At home, you can use a lapis pencil. You can easily buy it at a pharmacy. A small cut is made on the sample being tested in an inconspicuous place and washed with water. Next, draw with a lapis pencil and observe. If the area has not darkened, then the product is made of real gold. Other metals immediately give a dark color.

Some unscrupulous sellers pass off brass items as gold . Their color is very similar. How to distinguish a fake?

  • if the color of the product is slightly different from the usual gold color, then it is better to refrain from purchasing;
  • too attractive low prices for jewelry also cast doubt on their quality;
  • Brass, although similar in color to gold, is much lighter in weight than this noble metal. The weight of the product being too light should alert you.

How to distinguish white gold from silver

White gold has recently gained enormous popularity. After all, products made from this material are especially exquisite.

  1. To avoid buying regular silver instead of white gold, you should take a closer look at the color of the jewelry. Silver tends to have a cooler undertone.
  2. You can run the product over white paper. Gold will not leave marks, while silver will leave a dark streak.
  3. Experiments with a lapis pencil and vinegar, which were mentioned just above, are also suitable for testing.

In order not to bother checking the authenticity yourself, you can take the jewelry to a jewelry maker. It will accurately determine the composition of your product.

And in order to have no doubt at all about the quality of your gold, it is best to purchase it in special jewelry stores that have proven themselves to be the best.

How to distinguish gold from fake Link to main publication


How to distinguish gold from gilding: 7 accurate ways to check, video

A sign of the times is the emergence of more and more jewelry stores, their number is steadily growing, and the quality of the jewelry products offered is increasingly being questioned. But they are made quite skillfully. Even experts cannot always guarantee the authenticity of precious items.

In addition, only a small specific segment of the jewelry is subject to inspection. Having superficially checked the product (no more is required from him), the expert confirms its authenticity and the fake, containing a minimum of pure metal, is sent for sale to the store.

Nobody wants to become a victim of deception and give money for fake jewelry. Then it makes sense to learn how to identify pure gold from counterfeit yourself. First of all, you need to know something about gold itself and its characteristics. Additionally, here you will receive some tips on how to distinguish gold from gilding.

Gold: what is it?

Rare earth precious metal yellow in color. Does not oxidize and does not lose its properties over time. Due to its plasticity and softness, it can be easily processed using both cold and melting methods. Its softness does not allow it to be used as jewelry in its pure form.

To make jewelry, harder metals are added to give it hardness, such as silver or copper. All so-called gold jewelry are alloys.

Any jeweler is well aware of the ratio of gold in the alloy. Some of them, especially unburdened by conscience, use this knowledge for their own selfish purposes. But there are some rules that can help determine whether the gold you are being offered is real or a cheap fake.

Buy gold only in reputable jewelry stores operated by jewelry factories, but not in boutiques and small stalls. The cost will, of course, be more expensive, but there will be less risk of buying a fake.

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A real ingot must be marked with data about the sample. A careful study of the tag will tell you about the manufacturer, the price per gram and for the entire jewelry as a whole, weight, sample. There must be an OTK stamp. The sample indicates the content of pure gold in the jewelry.

The most popular are 585 and 750. This means that they contain 58.5% and 75% pure gold, respectively. When the sample is found, you should carefully examine the clasp of the bracelet or earring. If there are scratches on them, then you should not take this product.

The reason here is the following. In bracelets, chains and earrings, the sample is placed on the clasps. And suppliers only send locks for inspection and, after inspection, calmly place them on gold-plated fakes.

Finally, you should find the logo or imprint of the manufacturing company on the reverse side of the jewelry. The method described now relates to the visual assessment of gold.

But this is also not an indicator of reliability, since in Turkey, for example, they can give you any test before your eyes. Yes, and not only there. A fuzzy, blurry sample is the first sign of a fake; such gold should not be taken. The second detail that you should pay attention to is the inside of the product, which should be perfectly mirror-like, without any irregularities or roughness.

How to distinguish pure gold from gilding?

Now about how to recognize a fake from pure metal.

have long been known :

  1. To the sound . You need to throw the product onto any perfectly smooth, hard surface. For example, a table. Pure, crystal ringing will testify to pure gold. However, this method is not suitable for chains and bracelets.
  2. "On the tooth" . This method has been around as long as gold. It was also used by our ancestors, who literally tested the authenticity of real metal. A fake is always solid. If you scratch it, then under the top layer of gold there will be a dark-colored alloy.
  3. Vinegar test . When placed in vinegar or treated with vinegar (drop it on the jewelry), real gold will remain unchanged. The fake will darken in two minutes.
  4. Iodine test . Drop onto the surface of the product. Real gold will not react to this in any way. The fake will have a light to black stain.
  5. Pencil to stop bleeding (lapis pencil) . Moisten the surface a little and apply a line. The gold will not react, and the fake will instantly oxidize and darken.
  6. The solar way . The simplest authentication method. Examine the jewelry in the shade and immediately take it out into the sunlight and examine it again. Real gold will shine equally in the shade and in the sun. The fake looks dull and faded in the shade, but shines in the sun.
  7. Gilding is quickly determined with silver nitrate (can be purchased at a pharmacy). The surface of the product, previously moistened with water, must be wiped with a cotton wool moistened with silver nitrate. The gold will not react and the gold-plated surface will darken.

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Now you know how to distinguish gold from gilding or fake. The described methods are quite enough to be able to independently determine the authenticity of your gold jewelry.


White gold hallmark: what numbers are there, how to identify them and what they mean

Today, many people prefer to wear gold jewelry. One of the most popular and expensive metals used for making jewelry is white gold alloy. When buying jewelry, many cannot understand what is the difference between white and yellow metals? After all, the sample of white gold is no different from the sample of yellow gold.

Gold jewelry has always been considered an indicator of wealth. Wealthy citizens often choose jewelry made from the colorless variety of this precious metal. Today, the composition of gold has undergone changes. Gold without impurities is not used, as it is too soft a metal.

In order for its properties to become hard, a part of another metal is added to the composition of gold. Impurities such as silver and nickel are added to colorless metal alloys, and for yellow gold, an admixture of copper and silver is used. Some options may use palladium and platinum, but the addition of these metals significantly increases the price of jewelry.

When purchasing gold jewelry, it is worth considering the fact that the hallmark number of white gold cannot be higher than 750. In order for this metal to acquire a white tint, it is necessary to add at least 18% of an admixture of the same white metal. After adding a ligature to a common precious alloy, it acquires the necessary hardness for creating jewelry masterpieces. The white variety has a unique shine similar to that of diamonds or platinum.

How did this alloy come about?

In the first half of the 20th century, many European jewelry lovers fell in love with this metal for its color, which looked ideal in combination with pearls and diamonds. At that time, silver alloys were often used, but silver was not of very good quality, so high society chose jewelry products made from white precious metal with the addition of nickel. But it turned out that the latter causes allergic reactions and is not suitable for jewelry making.

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In our country, an admixture of copper was added to the composition, which gave the jewelry a reddish tint and did not look decent. This type of precious metal in Russia is still produced today with low-quality silver alloys. Such products, which have a purity of 375 and 500, should be treated with caution .

Strengths and advantages

With the admixture of high-quality metals, a more noble composition is obtained, suitable for making jewelry. This metal is easy to process and retains its shape for a long time.

Not only the beauty of the white appearance of the precious metal helps to make a product unique, but also the fact that many types of precious stones can be set in it very easily. It is in combination with colorless gold that products with stones are most often found.

The noble metal harmoniously sets off the jewelry stone with its light. Several types of metal give gold an attractive white hue:

  • silver,
  • platinum,
  • palladium,
  • zinc,
  • nickel.

Depending on which of these metals is used, you can understand how durable the product will be and how long it will be used. Silver is used more than others, since other metals raise the cost of jewelry. Nickel not only causes allergies, but also gives gold a yellow tint, so you have to resort to using rhodium plating.

It is believed that the colorless variety of the precious metal turns yellow over time. This can indeed happen, but only if nickel is added to the alloy. This cannot happen with the addition of other metals. Jewelry made from this type of gold is very durable, over the years it practically does not lose its attractiveness, does not fade or scratch. Such jewelry is passed down from generation to generation and is often family heirlooms.

The cost of jewelry depends on what standard is indicated on it. For the white variety of gold there are 585 or 750. The price may also depend on the amount of impurity of another metal: accordingly, the more impurities, the cheaper the jewelry will cost.

Only alloys with an admixture of platinum, even of low standard, will not be cheap . The jeweler is responsible for maintaining quality standards. When buying jewelry, don’t be shy about asking for a quality certificate; no one is safe from counterfeiting. A large number of counterfeits are imported from neighboring countries, the quality of which is inferior to their domestic counterparts.

The white appearance of the precious metal in comparison with platinum can be distinguished by paying attention not only to the color, but also to the chemical composition. Colorless gold contains additives of other metals, but platinum does not contain them. So, the manufacturer can make inclusions of nickel, and this, in turn, quite often provokes allergic reactions. If platinum is added to the main material, then you don’t have to worry about allergies - it doesn’t cause them.

There are practically no small parts in platinum products, since this natural material is very durable and difficult to process. Jewelry made from pure platinum is very expensive and often has its own hallmark. It will be difficult for a non-professional person to distinguish platinum from colorless gold. When purchasing, you should always ask for documents for the product, and also look at the hallmark.

The differences between silver and colorless gold are quite difficult to find. The second may be more brilliant .

Sometimes silver items are plated with rhodium, as is jewelry made from the colorless precious metal. For this reason, it is quite difficult to distinguish them from each other; a lot depends on the jeweler and his honesty.

Sample determination methods

A very important criterion for determining the quality of a colorless precious metal is the sample. And it is very important to be able to determine what standard is on white gold.

Fineness is the ratio of the precious metal to the amount of impurities in the composition. There are only two types of sample systems: carat and metric systems. As a rule, in Europe and Russia they use the metric system.

Colorless gold is the main metal used in jewelery making and its hallmarks are used in accordance with international standards. In the domestic production of white gold products, strict GOST standards are adhered to.

It is important to know what types of white gold there are. 5 types of samples are used:

  1. 375 sample. This sample contains only 37.5% gold, and the remaining 62.5% is impurities from zinc, silver or nickel. Products with this hallmark are not of very high quality and tend to fade over time.
  2. 500 sample. Here the ratio of gold is 50% and impurities are 50%. The alloy contains silver and copper. This composition is quite difficult to process, so jewelers try to avoid this composition in their work.
  3. 585 sample. A frequently used sample. The composition includes 58.5% gold, and the rest is impurities from silver, palladium or copper. This alloy is considered quite durable and hard and is widely used by jewelers in production. Products made from 585 standard are very wear-resistant and do not fade over time.
  4. 750 sample. Very high quality composition, it includes 75% gold. This alloy is mainly used for the manufacture of elite, expensive, filigree products. Products of this sample are not suitable for daily wear, as they are prone to damage.
  5. 958 sample. It is very rarely used in production, since the main part 95.8% consists of gold. Such proportions produce a soft alloy, and are used mainly for making parts on jewelry, but not as a base material.

In Russia, only these types of samples are used . Other countries may use different samples. For example, in Turkey they can supply any sample to order. Unlike domestic producers, where everything is controlled by law, no one monitors this.

The characteristics of a colorless precious metal can be varied and are determined only by what exactly is contained in the alloy. This type of precious metal is used in several states, such as:

  1. solid,
  2. Softened,
  3. Molten.

The first modification is ideal for making jewelry, the second for making bases, and it is very good to work with metal melting, making various coatings thanks to it.

Due to its attractive appearance, colorless precious metal and diamonds are the most popular combination, which has become very popular both as finished products in retail outlets and in personal orders for specialists.

It is believed that the frame favorably highlights the sparkle of the stones introduced into the decoration, since it does not distort their natural color. It is for this reason that wedding rings are made from a colorless precious metal.

How to spot a fake

Due to the high demand for white gold, a very common type of fraud has emerged. Interested buyers are offered to purchase jewelry at a low price with a quality mark of 925. People, without thinking, purchase jewelry, rejoicing that they bought an expensive product at a low price.

However, it later turns out that 925 is a silver standard. To avoid such situations, you need to contact only large jewelry stores with a quality certificate for all products. In an attempt to save money by buying gold secondhand or at a pawnshop, you may encounter scammers and give your money for a low-quality product.

How not to be confused with silver

This problem will be relevant for those who have not fully gotten used to trusting even the samples that are indicated on the products. From the outside, the metals are literally indistinguishable, but even an amateur can distinguish a fake. Knowledge of such subtleties will help reduce the influx of counterfeit items that are presented as particularly precious items, but in fact they are made of silver, the cost of which is an order of magnitude lower.

Basic testing methods: visual examination of the sample, the shine of the product, as well as chemical data on strength, hardness, survivability in acidic and alkaline environments, monitoring the response to iodine.

White gold, without exaggeration, is the most popular precious metal in our country; it is always affordable and is a fairly wear-resistant material.

Such jewelry can be worn by people of any age, gender and social status. The best gift for any occasion would be a piece of white gold jewelry.


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