How to bend a sheet of metal 2 mm

How to bend a sheet of metal evenly

Many people ask the question: how to bend a sheet of metal evenly? And it is not surprising, because when carrying out construction work it may be necessary to perform a similar procedure.

Small diameter pipes are bent using a vice. Very often during construction processes there is a need to bend pipes of quite large diameter. For such work, special machines are needed that bend metal sheets and pipes. The bendable component is not deformed.

How to bend a sheet of metal evenly? Stages:

General technology, principles and features of bending metal sheets.
What metal can be bent? The best materials for processing and shaping are brass, copper and aluminum.
Bending tools. Before starting work, you should prepare a diagram of the future product and calculate the required angle. After this, you need to acquire tools and materials.
Handmade production of a machine for bending sheet metal. Materials and action plan.

Tip: when bending parts, its thickness, ductility are taken into account and the radius of curvature is determined.

Metal bending technology

Bending sheet metal involves performing certain actions that cause the material to take the desired shape. The process of bending metal is performed without the help of welding or other connections that reduce the durability and strength of the material.

When folded, the outer layers of the product are stretched, and the inner layers are compressed. The technology is to bend one part relative to the other at the required angle.

During bending, the metal sheet undergoes deformation. Its value depends on the thickness of the product, ductility, bending angle and bending speed. The process itself is performed on equipment, due to which no damage is caused. If a part is bent incorrectly, various defects may occur on its surface, as a result of which the metal receives various damage along the bending line, which can lead to its breakage.

The bending stress must be greater than its stiffness limit. Plastic deformation may occur as a result of bending. Moreover, after the bending operation, the finished structure will retain the shape that was given to it.

Advantages of the process of smooth bending of metal sheets:

  1. High process productivity.
  2. As a result of bending, you can obtain a workpiece without a seam.
  3. The finished structure is highly resistant to corrosion.
  4. No rust will form at the bend.
  5. The design is solid.
  6. High strength.


  1. Special equipment is quite expensive.
  2. Manual bending is quite labor-intensive.

Unlike structures made by bending metal, welded structures have a weld that is susceptible to rust and corrosion.

Product bending is done manually or using special devices. Manual bending is a complex and time-consuming procedure that is performed using pliers and a hammer. If you need to evenly bend a sheet of metal of small thickness, use a mallet.

Bending of sheet metal is carried out using rollers, roller machines or a press. To shape the material into a cylinder, hydraulic, manual or electrically conductive rollers are used. Pipes are produced using a similar method.

Sheet metal bending is used for home construction purposes to produce gutters, metal frames, profiles, pipes and other structures. When bending the material with your own hands, you can make pipes of different diameters. Using machines, zinc-coated products are bent. To do this, you should make a machine, preferably using a template.

When bending any product, its parameters should be determined. The length of the structure is calculated taking into account the radius. For workpieces that are bent at right angles, without the formation of roundings, the allowance should be 0.6 mm of the total thickness of the sheet.

You can bend the following metals with your own hands:

The bending radius will depend on the quality of the metal and the bending option.

How to bend a sheet of metal evenly with your own hands?

To make brackets using the bending method, the following tools and materials are used:

  • vice;
  • a metal sheet;
  • frame;
  • hammer;
  • power saw for metal;
  • bar.

In advance, according to the scheme, the length of the workpiece strip is calculated and the bending of the metal sheet is calculated. For each bend, a reserve of 0.5 mm of thickness is made and 1 mm for bending the ends to the side. According to a pre-drawn diagram, the workpiece is cut out and the bending point is marked. In order to bend the material, use a vice with squares.

First, at the bending level, you need to clamp the workpiece in a vice. Then the first bend is made using a hammer. The workpiece is rearranged in a vice and clamped by the frame together with the block, after which a second bend is performed.

The workpiece is removed and the length of the staple legs is marked. It, together with the block and frame, is bent and both of its legs are simultaneously bent. The triangle is used to clarify the bend. If it is not done correctly, the bend should be corrected using a frame block and a hammer. When the bending procedure is completed, the structure is filed to the required parameters.

How to bend a sheet of metal evenly: making a machine with your own hands

In order to create a device that allows you to bend a metal sheet at home, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • corner 80 mm;
  • bolts;
  • metal beam I-beam 80 mm;
  • loops;
  • welding machine;
  • clamps;
  • handles;
  • table.

All work begins with preparing the base of a homemade machine from a profile - an 80 mm I-beam. After this, an 80 mm corner is screwed onto the top of the I-beam with two bolts. During bending, it will secure the workpiece. Three hinges from steel doors are welded under the corner, the other halves of which are welded to the corner itself.

To perform bending, two 800 mm handles are welded to the corner, with which you can turn the machine. The sheet bender is pressed to the table using two clamps. The clamping angle is unscrewed. Then the workpiece is laid, and the corner is moved into place.

If necessary, it can be raised without removing it. After this, the material is threaded between the I-beam and the angle. The metal sheet is carefully aligned. The bolts are tightened and by turning the workpiece is bent to the required angle.

A homemade machine is not a universal device, since it is used for bending sheets of small thickness. If there is a need to bend material with a large thickness, you should use machines made in production.


Bending and bending of sheet metal using various methods and devices

Bending sheet metal allows you to obtain a product of the desired shape with relatively little effort. Because welding requires more effort, both physical and financial. A sheet of metal can be bent manually or using automation, but the general principles of operation remain the same. It is the features of this process that will be discussed.

Metal bending is carried out using various methods. Welding is often used, but temperature exposure can change the shape and properties of the finished product. This reduces performance properties and manufacturing accuracy.

Since when bending metal, the outer layers of the metal stretch, and the inner ones begin to compress, it is necessary to bend part of the rolled metal relative to another by a given angle. The angle can be found using calculations.

The product is deformed to those values ​​that are within the specified limits. They depend on the following parameters:

  • Thickness of the metal sheet;
  • How much is the bending angle?
  • How durable is the material;
  • Speed ​​and time of the procedure.

The permissible deformation indicator will depend on them. The next step is to select the type of bending.

Types of bending of metal products

Metal bending is done manually and using automatic devices. In the first case, the process will be quite labor-intensive, requiring the use of pliers and a hammer, as a result of which this procedure will take a lot of time.

It will be much easier and better to mechanize the process with the help of machines and corresponding devices. The cylinder shape is given to the product by special rollers. With their help, chimneys, gutters, and pipe products are created.

The development of machine tool production has made it possible to achieve bending of material for the manufacture of the most complex products. And the quick replacement of the working tool allows you to reconfigure the machine device as efficiently and quickly as possible.

For the modern metal bending process, there are many options for the latest devices. In production, presses are usually used , which can be divided into the following types:

  • Rotary, bending metal by moving between special rollers. Suitable for the production of large-sized products in small batches.
  • Rotary presses bend the plates using bending beams and two plates. The stationary plate is located at the bottom, and at the top there is a rotating plate. The optimal option for processing sheet metal products with a simple relief and small dimensions.
  • Standard pneumatic or hydraulic presses are used for mass or small-scale products made of stainless steel or other metal. Bending is done between the punch and the die. Due to this, even thicker products can be processed. It should be noted that hydraulic presses are used more often than pneumatic ones due to their simpler operation and cost.

Of all the types of equipment described above, the most modern is rotary. It operates automatically, and the worker does not need to calculate the optimal force value in advance.

Rotary presses are also considered automated. Here one sheet is sent to the device, which must be positioned as required by the task. Most often used in small enterprises where they work with metal parts.


This work is usually done with hand scissors . Marks are placed in the right places along which manual bending of the metal will be carried out. The sheet is securely fixed in a vice. The first fold is made with a massive hammer. The product is moved to a new bend location, clamped with a block of wood, and bent in the desired direction.

Upon completion of the work, you must ensure that the product meets the established standards. The check is carried out using a square and, if necessary, defects are eliminated.

Sometimes you need to make a machine at home . This will make bending metal easier and increase productivity. Here you will need a corner, a metal beam, hinges with bolts, clamps, handles, a table and a welding machine. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The base is made of metal; an I-beam profile is suitable.
  2. The corner is attached to the top of the beam using bolts.
  3. Three hinges are welded under the corner using a welding machine.
  4. We bend the aluminum sheet by turning the corner.
  5. Two clamps ensure tight pressing of the metal.
  6. The corner does not have to be removed; you can raise it. Place the product between the profile and the corner. Then a metal sheet is aligned along the edge.

Check the bolts to ensure they are secure. Turn the crossbars and bend them so as to form the desired angle. This will avoid wasting time on angle calculations.

Whatever the devices, the main principles remain the same . By following them, you can obtain products that meet the standards and wishes of the customer.


DIY sheet metal bending

How to bend metal with your own hands? When performing construction work, it is often necessary to bend metal elements. For example, it may be necessary to bend sheet metal or pipes. Pipes with a small diameter are bent using a vice.

Bending of metal sheets on a bending machine occurs without welding and does not disrupt the structure of the metal.

Often during construction work it becomes necessary to bend large diameter pipes. For such work, special machines are needed that bend pipes and metal sheets. In this case, the bending element does not receive damage.

When bending parts, the plasticity of the material, its thickness are taken into account, and the radius of curvature is determined.

What is metal bending technology?

Assembly diagram of a homemade sheet bender: 1 – base; 2 – handwheel nut; 3 – clamp; 4 – bendable sheet; 5 – clamp; 6 – crimping punch.

Sheet metal bending is the performance of certain actions, as a result of which the metal sheet acquires the desired shape. The part is bent without the help of welding or any other connections that reduce the strength and durability of the material.

When a product is folded, its outer layers are stretched and the inner layers are compressed. Bending technology involves bending one part of a part relative to another to the required angle.

During bending, the material is subjected to deformation. The amount of possible deformation depends on the thickness of the material, bending angle, ductility and bending speed.

Bending is performed using equipment for bending parts. This equipment bends the element so that the finished structure is not damaged.

If an element is bent incorrectly, various defects will occur on its surface, as a result of which the material along the bending line will receive such damage that the finished structure may break. Bending is carried out for sheets of various thicknesses.

The bending stress of the material must be greater than its elastic limit. As a result of bending, plastic deformation of the material should occur. In this case, the finished structure after the bending operation will retain the shape that it was given.

Drawing of a sheet bender (details): 1 – clamp; 2 – cheek; 3 – base; 4 – bracket; 5 – welded clamp; 6 – axis; 7 – corner of the punch.

Advantages of the bending process:

  1. The process has high productivity.
  2. As a result of bending, a workpiece is obtained that does not have a seam.
  3. The finished structure is highly resistant to corrosion.
  4. The product is highly durable.
  5. No rust appears at the bend of the product.
  6. The design is solid.


  1. The manual bending process is quite labor-intensive.
  2. Bending equipment is expensive.

Unlike structures made by bending sheet metal, welded structures have a weld that is susceptible to corrosion and rust.

Products are folded manually or using equipment. Hand bending is very labor intensive. It is performed using a hammer and pliers. Folding material of small thickness is done with a mallet.

Sheet metal is bent using rollers, presses or roller machines. To give the sheet a cylinder shape, manual, hydraulic or electrically driven rollers are used. Pipes are made using this method.

Assembly diagram of the working stroke: 1 – wooden insert; 2 – base; 3 – right cheek; 4 – bendable sheet; 5 – clamp; 6 – punch axis; 7 – punch; 8 – punch lever.

Metal bending is used in home construction for the manufacture of gutters, profiles, metal frames, pipes and other structures. When bending sheet metal with your own hands, you can make pipes of various diameters. Using machines, zinc-coated material is bent.

If you need to bend metal at home, you can make a bending machine yourself. To make a machine, you need to make a template from wood that has a contour of a certain, curved shape.

When bending a product, you need to determine its dimensions. The length of the structure is calculated taking into account the bending radius of the sheet. For workpieces bent at right angles without creating roundings, the bend allowance should be 0.6 of the sheet thickness.

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With your own hands you can bend structures made of ductile metals: copper, brass, aluminum. The bending radius depends on the quality of the material and the bending method. Products with a small radius of curvature are made of plastic materials.

How to make a bracket using the bending method

When bending a steel strip on a roller machine, the top slot on the bar must match the size of the strip.

Materials and tools:

  • a metal sheet;
  • vice;
  • hammer;
  • frame;
  • bar;
  • electric saw for metal.

First, you need to calculate the length of the workpiece strip using the diagram and calculate the bending of the metal sheet.

When calculating for each bend, make a margin of 0.5 of the strip thickness and 1 mm for bending the ends to the side.

According to the diagram, the workpiece is cut out and marks are made for the bending point. The workpiece is bent in a vice with squares.

First you need to clamp the workpiece in a vice at the level of the bend. Then use a hammer to make the first bend.

Then the workpiece is rearranged in a vice and clamped with a frame along with a block. Then make a second bend.

After this, they pull out the workpiece and make marks on the length of the staple legs.

The bracket with the frame frame is bent in a vice, while both of its legs are bent. The bend is specified with a triangle. If the bend is made incorrectly, it is corrected with a hammer and a frame block. After the bending process, the structure is sawn to the required size.

How to make a metal bending machine with your own hands?

Techniques for bending metal: Techniques for bending strips: a – bending order; b – bending an acute angle.

Materials and tools:

  • metal beam I-beam 80 mm;
  • corner 80 mm;
  • bolts;
  • loops;
  • welding machine;
  • handles;
  • clamps;
  • table.

First, the base of a homemade machine is made from a metal profile - an 80 mm I-beam. Then the 80 mm angle is screwed from above to the I-beam using two bolts. The corner will secure the workpiece during bending.

3 hinges from steel doors are welded onto the I-beam under the corner. The second halves of the loops are welded to an 80 mm corner, which is turned towards the I-beam.

This angle bends the material when the angle is turned. To make bending, two 800 mm handles are welded to the corner. The machine will be turned by the handles.

The sheet bender is pressed to the table using two large clamps. Unscrew the clamping corner. Then the workpiece is laid. The corner is moved to its place.

You can simply lift it up without removing it. Then the workpiece is threaded between the angle and the I-beam. Carefully align the metal sheet along the edge of the corner.

Then tighten the bolts firmly and, by turning the traverse, bend the workpiece to the required angle.

A homemade machine can be used to bend metal sheets of small thickness. For bending sheets of greater thickness, industrially manufactured machines are used. If you follow the right technology, you can obtain finished products of high quality.


How to bend sheet metal at home? — Handyman's Handbook

alexxlab | 05/04/2019 | 0 | Questions and answers

How to bend sheet metal at home

In the process of building a house or cottage, there is often a need to equip drains, sewers, and metal frames.

When manufacturing such products, it is necessary to give the flat workpiece the necessary spatial shape. Advice from experienced craftsmen on how to bend a sheet of metal at home will allow you to produce good quality structures that will last a long time.

Bending technology - basic information

Metal bending is performed without welding seams, which avoids corrosion in the future and produces a product of increased strength. Deformation does not require significant effort and is usually performed in a cold state.

The exception is hard materials such as duralumin or carbon steels. Sheet metal bending technology is developed according to the assigned tasks in such options as:

  • radius,
  • multi-angle,
  • single-angle,
  • U-shaped.

A special case is flexion with stretching. This technology is used in the manufacture of parts with large bending radii and small diameters. When making parts with your own hands, the process is combined with operations such as cutting or punching.

Soft types of metals and alloys, such as brass, copper, and aluminum, are well suited for home processing. The production of products by bending is carried out on rolling or rolling machines, or manually.

The last procedure is quite labor-intensive. Bending is done using pliers and a rubber hammer. If the sheet is thin, use a mallet.

How to bend at right angles

To bend a bracket from a metal sheet, you will need a set of tools and accessories, consisting of:

  • vice,
  • hammer,
  • power saws,
  • bar,
  • frames

The length of the strip is made according to the scheme, with the calculation that there should be a margin of 0.5 mm for each bend, plus another millimeter for folds on both sides. The workpiece is placed in a vice with squares. Clamping it along the fold line, process it with a hammer.

After this, the future bracket is unfolded in a vice, clamped with a frame and a block, and the other side is formed. The workpiece is pulled out, the required length of the sides is measured, making bends along the bottom.

Use a triangle to check the correctness of the angle, correcting inaccuracies with a hammer. When performing both operations, the workpiece is pressed with a block and a frame. The finished staple is filed to the desired size.


How to make a sheet bending machine yourself

To give the metal the desired configuration, tinsmiths use a sheet bending machine. But what should a master do if he doesn’t have special equipment at hand?

In fact, the question of how to bend sheet metal at home is easily resolved. It is enough to use your own ingenuity and basic equipment to make a simple machine.

To make a bender for a metal profile, you will need:

  • I-beam 80 mm,
  • fasteners (bolts),
  • loops,
  • corner 80 mm,
  • clamps,
  • a pair of handles.

You will also need a welding machine and a stable table on which the finished machine is mounted.

The basis of the device is an I-beam, to which a corner is screwed with two bolts, holding the workpiece during the bending process. Three door hinges are attached under it by welding. Their second part is welded directly to the corner.

In order for the machine to easily turn while bending sheet metal, handles are attached to it on both sides. The finished machine is secured to the table with clamps. Before laying the workpiece, the corner is unscrewed or lifted. The sheet is pressed, aligned along the edge and folded, turning the machine by the handles. The homemade device is only suitable for processing workpieces of small thickness.


Bending a metal sheet with a hammer

In order to bend a sheet up to 1.2 mm thick at a right angle, use the simplest tools - pliers (clamps) and a rubber hammer.

The processing is carried out on a flat wooden block. The fold line is drawn using a pencil and ruler. Then the sheet is clamped with pliers so that their ends fall exactly on the marking line.

The edge is gradually bent upward, moving along the fold. Once the angle approaches 90 degrees, the sheet is placed on the block and finally leveled using a hammer.

Narrow parts, such as tin edges, are made in this way.

Tip: Use a rubber or wooden hammer to prevent dents from forming on the metal. If bending is performed with a conventional tool, you need to take a textolite plate as a gasket.

It is convenient to bend sheets up to 2 mm thick on a desktop. The metal is positioned so that the marking line falls on the edge. A steel corner is placed under the material being processed.

The sheet is clamped in a vice using two wooden blocks. Bending is done using a hammer, tapping the metal from one end to the other. At the same time, the edge of the sheet is directed downward so that it ultimately lies completely on the corner fixed along the edge of the table. This method can be used to make products of any width, including boxes or barbecues.


Making pipes without using a machine

Home craftsmen have invented a lot of ways to bend a metal sheet into a pipe without using a machine.

We propose to consider the simplest option using a blank of suitable size. It is made from an old pipe of suitable diameter.

A sheet of metal is laid out on the floor and a piece of the required length is cut from it. To determine the required size, the required pipe diameter is multiplied by 3.14 and added 30 mm for the seam.

A pair of tubes are welded to the blank on both sides, perpendicular to one another. The crowbar should be freely inserted into their holes.

Master's recommendation: by bending a metal sheet using a blank, it is convenient to make pipes no more than a meter in length.

To use the device, the effort of three people is required. The blank is placed on the edge of the sheet. One person stands on top, two others screw the metal onto the blank, turning the crowbar 90 degrees.

The entire length of the sheet is rolled in this way, the remaining edge is hammered. The seam is secured by welding.

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It must be taken into account that the bend radius of sheet metal depends on its thickness and manufacturing method. Hot rolled steel is more suitable for pipes; profile products are made from cold rolled steel.


How to bend a steel sheet evenly without a bender

During the manufacture of products from metal sheets, there is an urgent need to evenly bend the sheet to the specified dimensions. With a sheet bender, work is much simplified, but not all craftsmen have such a device. There is an easy way to do this without special equipment or tools.

What you need to have

You will need measuring tools, a grinder with stones 1 mm and 2 mm thick. For safety reasons, special glasses are required. We will bend sheet steel 2 mm thick, the dimensions are selected depending on the net length and width, taking into account the size of the bends. It must be bent on any flat profile with a metal hammer.

Sheet metal bending technology as an example

Let's look at the process using the example of making a lid for a smokehouse. The sheet thickness in our case is 2 mm.

Make markings on the sheet. For each bend, 35 mm is provided; for bending, it is recommended to subtract 4 mm from this size. Accordingly, you need to draw a rectangle 508×308 mm on the sheet, the bends will be 31 mm long. Draw lines under the ruler.

So that the sheet can be easily bent, it is necessary to cut small grooves. Put on safety glasses or a mask and use a grinder to smoothly walk along the lines, cutting depth is approximately one millimeter, but no more. Disc thickness 1 mm.

Change the disk to 2.5 mm and go over the lines again. There are two reasons to use two disks.

  1. A thin disk is much easier to work with, it gives an even cut, and it’s easier to control the depth.
  2. The wide disc increases the kerf, which allows you to bend metal without resting on the edges.

Cut through one side of the corner; they are completely cut off after bending.

Start bending the sheet. Place it exactly along the sawing line on the profile, bend one side first, then the opposite.

Tap gradually along the entire length, bend slowly, do not try to make a large angle at once.

Repeat the operations with the remaining edges of the sheet.
If the line is not perfect, then place the part on its edge and trim the problem areas. Check the product. Everything is fine - cut off the remaining tails with a grinder.

Boil the cut areas at the corners. Using a grinder, remove scale, metal stains and sharp edges, and give it a marketable appearance.


An even bend is obtained due to preliminary cutting; along these lines the metal bends much faster, and the thick edges are not deformed. Using this method, you can bend thick sheets to fit various products.


How to bend metal - Metalworker's Handbook

Bending sheet metal allows you to obtain a product of the desired shape with relatively little effort.

Because welding requires more effort, both physical and financial.

A sheet of metal can be bent manually or using automation, but the general principles of operation remain the same. It is the features of this process that will be discussed.

Metal bending is carried out using various methods. Welding is often used, but temperature exposure can change the shape and properties of the finished product. This reduces performance properties and manufacturing accuracy.

Since when bending metal, the outer layers of the metal stretch, and the inner ones begin to compress, it is necessary to bend part of the rolled metal relative to another by a given angle. The angle can be found using calculations.

The product is deformed to those values ​​that are within the specified limits. They depend on the following parameters:

  • Thickness of the metal sheet;
  • How much is the bending angle?
  • How durable is the material;
  • Speed ​​and time of the procedure.

The permissible deformation indicator will depend on them. The next step is to select the type of bending.

Types of equipment

For the modern metal bending process, there are many options for the latest devices. In production, presses are usually used , which can be divided into the following types:

  • Rotary, bending metal by moving between special rollers. Suitable for the production of large-sized products in small batches.
  • Rotary presses bend the plates using bending beams and two plates. The stationary plate is located at the bottom, and at the top there is a rotating plate. The optimal option for processing sheet metal products with a simple relief and small dimensions.
  • Standard pneumatic or hydraulic presses are used for mass or small-scale products made of stainless steel or other metal. Bending is done between the punch and the die. Due to this, even thicker products can be processed. It should be noted that hydraulic presses are used more often than pneumatic ones due to their simpler operation and cost.

Of all the types of equipment described above, the most modern is rotary. It operates automatically, and the worker does not need to calculate the optimal force value in advance.

Rotary presses are also considered automated. Here one sheet is sent to the device, which must be positioned as required by the task. Most often used in small enterprises where they work with metal parts.

Self-production of the machine

Sometimes you need to make a machine at home . This will make bending metal easier and increase productivity. Here you will need a corner, a metal beam, hinges with bolts, clamps, handles, a table and a welding machine. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The base is made of metal; an I-beam profile is suitable.
  2. The corner is attached to the top of the beam using bolts.
  3. Three hinges are welded under the corner using a welding machine.
  4. We bend the aluminum sheet by turning the corner.
  5. Two clamps ensure tight pressing of the metal.
  6. The corner does not have to be removed; you can raise it. Place the product between the profile and the corner. Then a metal sheet is aligned along the edge.

Check the bolts to ensure they are secure. Turn the crossbars and bend them so as to form the desired angle. This will avoid wasting time on angle calculations.

Whatever the devices, the main principles remain the same . By following them, you can obtain products that meet the standards and wishes of the customer.


DIY sheet metal bending technology

In the process of building a house or cottage, there is often a need to equip drains, sewers, and metal frames.

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When manufacturing such products, it is necessary to give the flat workpiece the necessary spatial shape. Advice from experienced craftsmen on how to bend a sheet of metal at home will allow you to produce good quality structures that will last a long time.

Homemade sheet bending machines (sheet benders)

Many products are made from sheet metal - drainage systems, shaped parts for roof cladding covered with corrugated sheets or metal tiles, flashings for plinths, corners for structures made of corrugated sheets, etc. All this can be done by a special bending machine for sheet metal. We’ll talk about how to make a sheet bending machine with your own hands in this article.

Types of sheet benders

There are three types of sheet metal bending machines:

  • Simple manual ones, in which metal bending occurs when force is applied in a certain place. These units make it possible to bend sheet material in a straight line at any angle - from several degrees to almost 360°. For bending sheet metal
  • Hydraulic machines in which sheet metal is bent to the shape of a matrix using impact. The matrix can be straight or curved. This equipment is professional, used in medium and high-power enterprises.
  • Roller or roller bending machines. In them, the sheet of metal is not bent in a straight line but is rounded. Using this equipment, you can make pipes or other similar products yourself. To obtain radial bending of a metal sheet

All these devices are classified as sheet bending machines. The easiest way to make one with your own hands is the unit of the first group, a little more difficult - the third (rollers for sheet metal). So we’ll talk about them - from how to make a sheet bending machine with your own hands.

Simple manual

Shaped metal parts cost a lot of money. Even more than corrugated sheeting or metal tiles, therefore it makes sense to make a simple machine for bending sheet metal, and with its help make as many corners, ebbs and other similar parts as you need, and exclusively to your own dimensions.

Drawing of a bending machine for sheet metal Sheet bender - side view Another model

If you're worried about appearance, you shouldn't be. On sale today there is sheet metal not only galvanized, but also painted. In all designs, the sheet is fixed tightly, so that when working it does not slide on the table, which means that the paint does not rub off or get scratched. It is also not damaged in places of bending. So the products will look quite decent. If you try, they will look even better than what they sell on the market.

Powerful sheet bending machine from brands

This sheet bending machine will require a flat surface (table), preferably metal, three corners with a shelf width of at least 45 mm, and a metal thickness of at least 3 mm. If you plan to bend long workpieces (more than a meter), it is advisable to take wider shelves and thicker metal. You can use brands, but this is for bending metal sheets of large thickness and length.

You will also need metal door hinges (two pieces), two large diameter screws (10-20 mm), wings on them, and a spring. You will also need a welding machine - weld the hinges and make holes (or a drill with a metal drill bit).

For a homemade sheet bender, a 70 mm brand was used - three pieces of 2.5 m each, two bolts of 20 mm in diameter, a small piece of metal 5 mm thick (for cutting jibs), a spring. Here's the procedure:

  1. Two brands are folded, and grooves are cut into them at both ends for hinges. The edges of the recesses are beveled at 45°. The third tee is cut in the same way, only the depth of the recess is made a little larger - this will be the clamping bar, so it should move freely.

    Cutting notches for hinges

  2. Weld the loops on both sides (weld on the front and back).

    Boil the loops well

  3. Two jibs on each side are welded to one of the brands (the one farthest from you, if you “open” them). They are needed so that you can install the clamping bar clamp bolt on them.

    Such jibs

  4. Weld the bolt nut to the jibs.

    Weld the nut

  5. Install the clamping bar (third cut tee), weld metal plates with a hole in the middle in the upper part. The diameter of the hole is slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt. Center the holes so that they are on the same vertical line with the welded nut. Weld.

    Center, weld

  6. Cut the spring so that it raises the pressure bar by 5-7 mm. Pass the bolt into the “ear” of the clamping bar, put on the spring, and tighten the nut. After installing the same spring on the other side, the clamping bar rises on its own when unscrewed.

    Little things left

  7. Weld two pieces of reinforcement to the screw head to serve as handles for tightening.

    Weld pieces of reinforcement to the bolt head

  8. Weld a handle to the movable (closest to you) brand. That's it, you can work.

    Homemade sheet bender in progress

This option is very powerful - you can bend long workpieces and sheets of considerable thickness. Such scales are not always in demand, but they can always be reduced. The video suggests a similar design of a smaller size, but with a different fastening of the clamping bar. By the way, no one bothers you to also install a spring on the screw - it will be easier to raise the bar. What’s interesting about this design is that you can make beading on it, something that such devices usually cannot do.

This model is welded from a thick-walled angle, the frame is made like an ordinary construction sawhorse, which is welded from the same angle. The handle is from a luggage trolley. The design of the screws is interesting - they are long, the handle is curved in the shape of the letter “L”. Convenient to unscrew/screw.

Small manual sheet bender for DIY production

This homemade sheet metal bending machine has many features:

  • The corners are not arranged with shelves facing each other, but are directed in one direction. Because of this, attaching the loop is not the most convenient, but it can be done. Features
  • On the bend of the far (fixed) corner, small stop plates for the pressure strip are welded on both sides.
  • The screw nut is welded on the same strip (on both sides).

Pressure bar

Now let's move on to the design of the clamping bar (pictured above). It is also made from a corner, but is laid on the machine with an upward bend. To ensure that the bar does not bend during operation, reinforcement is welded on - metal jumpers. Small metal platforms are welded at both ends of the strip, in which holes are drilled for bolts.

Another important point is that the edge that faces the bend is cut off to obtain a sharper bend angle.

The bar is set like this

The clamping bar is placed on the machine, and a spring is placed in the place where the nut is installed. The handle is installed in place. If it does not press the bar, it is raised above the surface due to the elastic force of the spring. In this position, the workpiece is tucked under it, positioned, and pressed.

Place a spring under the hole, then a bolt

A good option for home use. It will not be possible to bend thick metal, but tin and galvanized steel can be bent without difficulty.

Sheet metal rollers or roller bender

This type of sheet bending machine can have three types of drive:

  • manual;
  • hydraulic;
  • electric.

They make rollers for sheet metal with manual or electric drive with their own hands. Manual ones have 3 shafts, electric ones can have 3-4, but usually there are also three.

Roller bending machine

This machine needs a good solid foundation. This could be a separate bed or some kind of workbench or table. The basis of the structure is rolls. They are made the same size. The two lower ones are installed permanently, the upper one is movable, so that in the lower position it is located between the rollers. By changing the distance between the lower rollers and the upper one, the radius of curvature changes.

The machine is set in motion using a handle attached to one of the shafts. Then the torque is transmitted to other rollers through sprockets. They are selected so that the rotation speed is the same.

If the equipment is intended to produce pipes, the upper roller on one side is made removable, with a quick fixation system. Once the sheet is rolled into a pipe, there is no other way to pull it out.


How to bend a tin sheet with your own hands

In the process of building a house or cottage, there is often a need to equip drains, sewers, and metal frames.

When manufacturing such products, it is necessary to give the flat workpiece the necessary spatial shape. Advice from experienced craftsmen on how to bend a sheet of metal at home will allow you to produce good quality structures that will last a long time.

How to bend an iron sheet without a bending machine

In the process of building a house or cottage, there is often a need to equip drains, sewers, and metal frames.

When manufacturing such products, it is necessary to give the flat workpiece the necessary spatial shape. Advice from experienced craftsmen on how to bend a sheet of metal at home will allow you to produce good quality structures that will last a long time. You don’t need a bending machine for the job; we’ll make do with a small set of tools that we have in the workshop.

There is an easy way to do this without special tools like a sheet bender.

Inventors shop at a budget Chinese online store.

You will need measuring tools, a grinder with stones 1 mm and 2 mm thick. For safety reasons, special glasses are required. We will bend sheet steel 2 mm thick, the dimensions are selected depending on the net length and width, taking into account the size of the bends. It must be bent on any flat profile with a metal hammer.

DIY electronics in a Chinese store.

Sheet material bending technology

Let's look at the process using the example of making a lid for a smokehouse. The sheet thickness in our case is 2 mm.

Make markings on the sheet. For each bend, 35 mm is provided; for bending, it is recommended to subtract 4 mm from this size. Accordingly, you need to draw a rectangle 508×308 mm on the sheet, the bends will be 31 mm long. Draw lines under the ruler.

So that the sheet can be easily bent, it is necessary to cut small grooves. Put on safety glasses or a mask and use a grinder to smoothly walk along the lines, cutting depth is approximately one millimeter, but no more. Disc thickness 1 mm.

Change the disk to 2.5 mm and go over the lines again. There are two reasons to use two disks.

  1. A thin disk is much easier to work with, it gives an even cut, and it’s easier to control the depth.
  2. The wide disc increases the kerf, which allows you to bend metal without resting on the edges.

Cut through one side of the corner; they are completely cut off after bending.

Start bending the sheet. Place it exactly along the sawing line on the profile, bend one side first, then the opposite.

Tap gradually along the entire length, bend slowly, do not try to make a large angle at once.

Repeat the operations with the remaining edges of the sheet.
If the line is not perfect, then place the part on its edge and trim the problem areas. Check the product. Everything is fine - cut off the remaining tails with a grinder.

Boil the cut areas at the corners. Using a grinder, remove scale, metal stains and sharp edges, and give it a marketable appearance.

Watch the video


How to bend a sheet of metal into a pipe

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Sometimes, during construction or some other household work, it is necessary to bend the metal, giving it a certain configuration. Professional tinsmiths have a special tool for this - a sheet bender. But what about a home craftsman who, apart from his own hands and some improvised means, has nothing? Should you go out and buy a bending tool or rent one?

It turns out that you don't have to do any of this. All it takes is a little ingenuity and basic equipment that every home craftsman has in his home. Bending sheet metal with your own hands can be a fun process for you, of course, provided that the thickness of the metal plate does not exceed 3 mm.

Bend a sheet without a bender

Let's look at several options that explain how to bend a sheet of metal at home.

As a hand tool for bending, we use a ruler, chalk or pencil, a vice, 2 wooden blocks, a steel angle and a rubber hammer. To bend a sheet of metal, it must be laid out on the work table so that the edge that should become curved protrudes beyond the table. First, the bend strip must be marked along a ruler. The fold marking should match the edge line of your desktop.

Cover the end of the table with a steel corner. Secure the metal sheet on both sides with a vice using wooden blocks. We begin to bend the protruding edge of the sheet, tapping it with a rubber hammer, gradually moving from one corner to another: first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

We strike with a hammer until the bent edge completely goes down and lies flat on the steel corner, which is fixed at the end of the table. In other words, the angle should be 90 degrees. In this way you can bend sheets up to 2 mm thick.

For example, this is how you can make a box for a simple garden barbecue (the corners, of course, will have to be welded later).

Important tip: If you don't have a rubber hammer, you can use a regular one. Then you will need to beat off the edge through a wooden block or textolite plate. Only in this case there will be no hammer marks left on the bent edge.

Option 2

If you need to quickly bend a thin sheet of metal (0.8-1.2 mm), you can use ordinary pliers as a bending tool. You will also need a ruler, a pencil and a flat wooden block, as well as a rubber or durable wooden hammer. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • on a metal sheet we outline the edge of the future fold using a ruler (the line can be additionally pressed a little with a sharp object);
  • We grab the edge of the sheet with pliers so that their ends fall exactly on the marking line;
  • gradually moving the pliers along the markings, bend the edge upward;
  • repeat until the bend angle approaches 90 degrees;
  • To accurately align the angle, we “put” the bent sheet on a wooden block and beat it with a hammer until the exact geometry of the angle is obtained.


How to bend sheet metal at home

If you have already started a major renovation with your own hands, regardless of where it is carried out: at home or in an apartment, then you need to be prepared for many tests.

Among other things, a number of issues may arise that are very difficult to solve without the proper experience and special equipment. For example, not everyone knows how to bend a sheet of metal, reinforcement, profile, corner, etc., while obtaining a decent result.

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In this article we will try to answer “inflexible” questions, while making do with a minimum amount of tools.

Very often, when installing metal structures, it is necessary not only to cut steel sheets, but also to give them a curved shape. This can be done at home without spending money on third party services.

For example, how to bend a sheet of metal? To do this we need a wooden or rubber hammer, pliers, and a table. If a 90-degree bend is expected, then this set of tools should be sufficient.

The sheet is simply hung over the edge of the table, after which the desired curvature is achieved by uniform tapping in the bending area.

If the workpiece is relatively small, then you can use a vice, in which, using two gripping bars, you can firmly secure a sheet of metal, and only after that bend it with a hammer. If necessary, the bend can be heated with a gas burner, but this method is not applicable to galvanized products!

Bend a sheet of metal

If we are talking about a thin metal sheet, then the bending procedure can be significantly simplified. To do this, the metal is “scratched” at the bend (we use a rule or a metal ruler, and a pointed piece of a hacksaw blade for metal as a cutter). The metal, cut to half its thickness, subsequently easily bends along the outlined line. We can say that we have almost figured out how to bend a sheet of metal.

We bend galvanized steel

How to bend galvanized steel? This can be either a galvanized metal sheet or a finished product, for example, a profile. The sheet is bent in the same way as when bending any other metal sheet. How to bend a profile? You'll have to tinker with him.

To obtain a large radius of curvature of a square or rectangular profile, you can use the following method: tightly fill the profile with fine sand, plug both holes with wooden stakes, and only then bend it by gently tapping it with a mallet.

To bend a U-shaped profile (this, in principle, also applies to obtaining sheets of curved shape), it is necessary to additionally use a form object, the curvature of which corresponds to the finishing part. To facilitate the bending process, triangular elements can be cut out in the profile.

Then the bent product is “wrapped” around the object by uniform tapping with a hammer. Important! In order for the bend to be as even and correct as possible, the hammer blows should be light and lie as close to each other as possible .

How to bend galvanized sheet easier? Using a grinder, we make one or two cuts in the bend area (thereby temporarily weakening the structure), bend the product, and then weld the bend. This approach is important to use when bending profiled pipes and products of complex metal shapes.

We remember that you cannot heat galvanized steel to simplify bending!

Perhaps one of the most difficult tasks faces people who are thinking about how to bend a corner. To get a solid product, you will have to sweat, evenly and slowly tapping the surface of the corner, gradually bending it.

It is recommended to use a gas burner, which can be used to heat the bend. You can do it easier - use a grinder as in the case described above with a galvanized product.

It’s even easier to buy an already curved product, then the question “how to bend a corner” will disappear by itself.

How to bend reinforcement

At home, it is quite possible to bend the reinforcement, however, a lot depends on your physical characteristics and the diameter of the metal rod. How to bend reinforcement? To do this, we need two pieces of steel pipes, the diameter of which is greater than the diameter of the bent rod.

The longer the length of such pipes, the easier it will be to bend the reinforcement (gain in strength due to leverage).

All you need to do in order to bend the reinforcement is to insert it into two pipes and, securing one of the pipes (pressing it with your foot or resting it between the pillars), using the second as a lever to give the reinforcement the desired curvature. That's all!

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How to bend a metal sheet?

A technological operation such as [sheet metal bending] allows one to form a workpiece of the required configuration with minimal physical effort.

An alternative to bending rolled metal is the welding process, but in this case it takes much longer and is somewhat more expensive financially.

Sheet metal bending can be done manually or automatically, however, in both cases, the technology of the process itself remains unchanged.

In the case when bending is carried out on rolled products that have a large radius, as a rule, the neutral layer is located in the middle part of the thickness.

 In turn, if the minimum radius is taken, then the above-mentioned layer is already shifted directly towards the compression region of the material.

In industrial production, sheet metal bending technology is carried out using special equipment, in which preliminary calculations are made and the corresponding GOST is taken into account.

The technology for bending rolled steel with your own hands has its own characteristics, despite the fact that the necessary calculations must also be made and GOST taken into account.

In this case, a special device is used, and in order to change the configuration of the metal sheet, it is necessary to make some effort and be sure to take into account the calculation.

Basic principles of metal bending

Several different techniques can be used to change the shape of rolled metal.

Very often, welding is used in this case, however, such a thermal effect on the metal not only greatly affects its structure, but also significantly reduces its strength indicators, and, accordingly, reduces its service life.

In this case, the shape of the sheet metal can be changed due to a certain force, at which structural changes do not occur in the workpiece.

The peculiarities of bending rolled metal are that when performing this metalworking operation, the outer layers of the material are stretched and, accordingly, the inner layers are compressed.


The technology for bending any sheet metal is that part of the rolled product is bent relative to the other at a strictly defined angle.

READ Metal shot blasting

Calculation allows you to obtain the value of a given bend angle.

Of course, due to the applied force, the metal itself is subjected to deformation in a certain way, which has an acceptable limit, which, according to GOST, depends on parameters such as the thickness of the material, the bending angle, as well as the fragility and speed of the operation.

This technological operation is carried out on special equipment, which makes it possible to obtain a product without any defects.

In conditions where the work is done with your own hands, a special device is used to bend metal.

In both cases, it is necessary to take into account that if the product is bent improperly, then microcracks will form on the surface of the material, which will subsequently cause the metal to weaken directly at the point of bending, which can lead to serious consequences.

Modern capabilities make it possible to bend rolled products of very different thicknesses, while the created stress must exceed such a parameter as the elastic limit.

In any case, the deformation of the sheet metal must be plastic.

It should be noted that the seamless structure obtained in this way will have high strength and have a certain resistance to corrosion.

Types and types of bending

Any metal bending can be done either with your own hands or using special professional equipment designed for these purposes.

It should be noted that when performing this technological operation with your own hands, you will have to expend some physical effort and time.


In this case, bending is carried out using pliers and a hammer; in some individual cases, a special device is used.

It should be noted that bending a thin metal sheet, as well as aluminum, with your own hands is done using a mallet.

At industrial enterprises, they try to automate this process in every possible way and use manual or hydraulic rollers, as well as special roller units, directly for bending.

For example, to give a product a cylindrical shape, metal is bent using rollers. This is how pipes, chimneys, gutters and much more are produced.

Most often in industrial enterprises, metal bending is performed on special press brakes.

READ Removing rust from metal - how and with what?

Depending on the functionality, such presses can have different designs and, accordingly, sizes.

It should be noted that modern equipment makes it possible to perform high-tech operations with metal.

Thus, new industrial machines make it possible to simultaneously bend a sheet along several lines in one working cycle, which makes it possible to produce parts of any complexity.

As a rule, such equipment is quite easy to operate.

You can reconfigure it to work with other materials quite quickly.

This operation requires special attention if it is necessary to bend aluminum sheets.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that sheet aluminum has slightly different strength and elasticity parameters than other types of metals.

Do-it-yourself bending

Each metal has its own GOST, which must be taken into account when making calculations that result in the minimum bending radius of the sheet.

The calculation in which the parameters are indicated is always individual. Features of bending a metal sheet take into account not only the minimum bending radius, but also the elasticity coefficient, as well as strength characteristics.

Bending metal sheets allows you to obtain profiles with various configurations, prefabricated partitions, slopes, and many other products.

Before moving on to metal bending, it is necessary to make the appropriate calculation in accordance with GOST and determine the minimum radius of the bending line.

The length of the bending strip must also be determined, and it is necessary to make a minimum allowance directly on each bend line.

The sheet metal itself, made of aluminum, stainless steel, etc., should be aligned and cut, if necessary, in accordance with the drawing. Do-it-yourself cutting is usually done with scissors using appropriate technology. If you don't make an effort, nothing will work out.

Next, marks should be applied to the workpiece in certain places, along which bending will be carried out.

The metal workpiece is firmly clamped in a vice of suitable size along the drawn bend line, after which the first bend is made using a heavy hammer.

Next, the metal workpiece is moved to the next place of the technological bend, together with a wooden block it is tightly clamped, after which the next bend is made, according to the drawing.

READ Methods and types of mechanical processing of metals

After this, the bracket legs are marked and in a vice, using a hammer, both legs are bent in the given direction.

At the end of the work, using a square, you need to make sure that the workpiece meets all the specified parameters.

If there are some discrepancies with the preliminary calculations, they should be corrected in the same sequence.

More details about how to bend metal sheets with your own hands using a vice and a hammer are described in the video below.


Procedure for cutting metal

As a rule, before bending metal workpieces, they are given the shape specified in the drawing, which simplifies the work and obtains a more accurate bending radius.

Cutting a metal sheet is a separate technical operation, which is carried out using its own technology.

In most cases, cutting metal workpieces is carried out using sheet metal shears, which are called a guillotine.

Such machines, as a rule, are installed at enterprises and allow you to quickly complete the necessary work, taking into account the bending radius and density of the material.

At home, metal cutting is carried out using special metalwork shears.

It is worth noting that hand scissors cut metal with a minimum thickness.

For thicker metal, chair or roofing shear types should be used.

Metal cutting at home, if necessary, can be done using a hacksaw.

In this case, you will have to expend some physical effort and monitor the quality of the resulting cut.

If metal cutting is performed with a hacksaw, then the tension of the blade should be controlled while performing the work, since the evenness of the cut largely depends on this.

How to cut a metal sheet with your own hands is described in the video below.



How to bend a sheet of metal into a pipe

If you have already started a major renovation with your own hands, regardless of where it is carried out: at home or in an apartment, then you need to be prepared for many tests.

Among other things, a number of issues may arise that are very difficult to solve without the proper experience and special equipment. For example, not everyone knows how to bend a sheet of metal, reinforcement, profile, corner, etc., while obtaining a decent result.

In this article we will try to answer “inflexible” questions, while making do with a minimum amount of tools.

Very often, when installing metal structures, it is necessary not only to cut steel sheets, but also to give them a curved shape. This can be done at home without spending money on third party services. For example, how to bend a sheet of metal? To do this we need a wooden or rubber hammer, pliers, and a table. If a 90-degree bend is expected, then this set of tools should be sufficient.

The sheet is simply hung over the edge of the table, after which the desired curvature is achieved by uniform tapping in the bending area. If the workpiece is relatively small, then you can use a vice, in which, using two gripping bars, you can firmly secure a sheet of metal, and only after that bend it with a hammer.

If necessary, the bend can be heated with a gas burner, but this method is not applicable to galvanized products!

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