How to sharpen scissors with a whetstone

5 ways to sharpen scissors at home

How to sharpen scissors with a whetstone

Tailor's scissors become dull quite quickly with frequent use. This especially happens when you cut material with sequins and spraying or cut paper with fabric scissors.

In any case, even with very careful use, any scissors will require sharpening over time.

Of course, if you have a serious need for sharp scissors, then you should contact a professional, take them to a special workshop, where in a few minutes they will become your best friend again.

But it often happens that there is no good scissor sharpening specialist nearby, and you have neither the desire nor the opportunity to buy new sharp scissors. Today, there are five old ancestral methods known, thanks to which you can slightly revive dull scissors.

Of course, you should understand that in the future you should still find a good sharpening specialist for your favorite scissors, because the methods that will be described below could not always help. Agree, the degree of wear on the cutting edge of the scissors you have on hand can be different, which means that the intensity of sharpening should be applied accordingly.

By the way, these methods can be used to sharpen circular knives.

Method 1

The foil you're used to using to bake foods in the oven can help keep your scissors sharp. You will need approximately six layers of foil to sharpen your scissors. Place the cut layers of foil on top of each other and start cutting, cutting, cutting. You must continue until you are satisfied with the result of the work done.

Method 2

Sandpaper (sandpaper). It is best to take it on a fabric basis for final polishing. The idea is the same as with the foil, start making cuts with your dull scissors until they become sharp again.

Method 3

Metal kitchen sponge designed for tough cleaning. Choose a softer sponge for sharpening scissors. The idea is the same as in the previous methods, we will simply cut the metal sponge. The only downside to this method is that after the work has been done, there are a lot of small residues left from the sponge, so it is best to sharpen the scissors in this way directly over the trash can.

Method 4.

Tailor's pins can be used not only for chopping off cut pieces, but also for sharpening scissors. You won't believe it, but the idea is the same, we will cut the needle with scissors. Moreover, this must be done carefully, otherwise jagged edges may form on the blade. So, put the needle between the blades of the scissors, try to press it to the top of the scissors, and then start cutting slowly, once you get the hang of it, you can increase the speed.

Method 5.

Using a glass jar to sharpen scissors. In this case, you should take the can that you don’t value very much, because you will need to cut the can, which may result in scratches on its surface. The idea is the same as in all previous methods, place a glass jar between the blades of the scissors and start cutting until the scissors become sharper.

And yet, the methods of sharpening scissors described above are rather emergency assistance, which is needed urgently and under these circumstances. If you are going to engage in professional sewing and are not going to buy new tailor's scissors every time, then you simply need to find a specialist in sharpening scissors. Remember the Russian folk saying: By the scissors is a tailor, by the bristles is a shoemaker.

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How to sharpen scissors video

How to sharpen scissors with a whetstone

Are your kitchen or nail scissors dull? Don’t want to give them to sharpening specialists, but can’t do without this tool? It's OK! So that you can restore the former sharpness of its blades yourself, let's look at how to sharpen scissors at home.

Can scissors be sharpened?

Experts who work with such tools almost unanimously say that it is almost impossible to sharpen them efficiently at home. It is best to immediately take such products to a workshop, where they will be processed using a special machine. Only such a machine will allow you to get a perfect cutting edge, and is guaranteed not to damage the tool.

The same methods for sharpening scissors that are used at home (including sharpening with an emery stone) can only slightly improve the situation.

But more often they lead to the fact that the blades of the scissors begin to cut the material unevenly, and over time they become even more dull.

That is why it is recommended to use traditional methods of dealing with this problem only in extreme cases, when it is not possible to go to a workshop. Let's look at acceptable sharpening methods at home in more detail.

Method 1 - sandpaper

This is the simplest and most affordable option for sharpening scissors at home, which is recommended for use in cases where the blades are not very dull. To complete this you will need a small sheet of paper. It is advisable to take a sample with an abrasiveness of 150-200, but you can try working with coarser materials. Next, you will need to cut this paper, performing about 20 cutting movements, and then simply wipe the blades with a napkin.

If you don't have sandpaper on hand, you can use steel wool or sandpaper instead. The effect will be the same.

Method 2 - foil

How to sharpen nail scissors if you don’t have any special tool at hand for this purpose? A sheet of ordinary foil will help you. You will need to act like this:

  1. To begin with, a sheet of foil will need to be folded several times to form a dense strip of material.
  2. You will need to cut this strip of material with scissors. If you make a few thin strips, you can sharpen the scissors well, but if you stop at just a few wide ones, just sharpen your tool slightly.
  3. Next, you just have to remove the remaining foil from the blade with any napkin.

how to sharpen scissors using foil:

You can use this method to keep your blades sharp. Use it every time you notice that the scissors are cutting worse.

Method 3 - sharpening with a whetstone

This procedure will require a lot of time and effort from you, but it will allow you to get good results if performed correctly. It is recommended to contact it for those people who already have experience working with a sharpening stone. It is recommended to act like this:

  1. First you need to select a fine-grained stone for this purpose. Any other type of it will not only not give you the desired result, but can also ruin the product.
  2. Next, you need to determine the angle at which the product was sharpened by the manufacturer. You will need to maintain the same angle as you work.
  3. After this, you will need to place the blade at the set angle on the sharpening stone so that it lies flat on it.
  4. When you are sure that everything is prepared correctly for work, you can proceed directly to sharpening. The movement of the blade itself on the sharpening stone in this case should be from the stud to the tip of the tip along the working surface. You will need to process the two cutting edges of the scissors in this way. On average, all this work will take you about an hour.

sharpening with a whetstone:

Make sure that you do not change the level of inclination of the blade while working. This will negatively affect the quality of sharpening and in many cases can even lead to damage to the tool.

It is also extremely important during such work to remove all burrs that form on the blade from sharpening. Otherwise you will get an uneven cutting edge.

Method 4 - touchstone

How to sharpen scissors correctly if you have a special whetstone for this purpose? In such a situation, you can act like this:

  1. First, you need to prepare the whetstone itself for work. To do this, it should be laid out on a towel and poured with special oil for honing (this is sold in the same department where the whetstone itself is). If you don’t have such an oil on hand, you can use any other oil or even water - this will not affect the quality of the material processing.
  2. Next, it is recommended to disassemble the scissors by unscrewing their central screw. In most cases, this can be done with an ordinary flat-head screwdriver.
  3. After this, you should take the blade, place it on the inside of the sharpening stone, select the angle of inclination specified by the manufacturer when creating the cutting edge, and then slowly run the blade along the sharpening stone several times. Usually 20 minutes of work is enough to sharpen it. Repeat this step with the second piece of scissors.
  4. Next, you need to assemble the scissors and test their sharpness on the material for which they are intended (for example, fabric or paper). If you note that you are now satisfied with their cutting qualities, consider the task completed successfully. If not, you will have to repeat all the manipulations with the touchstone from the very beginning.
  5. After completing this process, be sure to wipe the scissors with a napkin to remove any remaining burrs.

If your scissors are quite dull, use both sides of the whetstone to restore their cutting qualities: both fine-grained and coarse-grained. If they simply become a little worse at cutting, the fine-grained side alone will be quite enough to process them correctly.

Method 5 - gypsy needle

How to sharpen sewing scissors without any available tools? You can use a regular gypsy needle for this purpose. Here's what you need to do here:

  • To begin with, the needle must be placed between the blades as close as possible to the screw of the scissors.
  • Next, you should press the blades on the needle, trying to push it out. Under this influence they sharpen quite quickly and evenly.
  • At the end, you just need to wipe the blades and you can return them to work.

Remember that this method of working with scissors can work no more than 3 times. After this, you will still have to take them to the workshop for sharpening.

Method 6 - jar

How can you sharpen scissors on glass? It's easy to do this:

  1. You need to take a regular transparent glass jar.
  2. Spread the blades of the scissors so that the can fits between them.
  3. Start cutting the can as you would cut cardboard or paper. With just a few similar movements, glass can significantly improve the condition of the cutting edge of your tool.
  4. After such work, the scissors will need to be wiped with a cloth.


How to sharpen scissors with a whetstone

How to sharpen scissors with a whetstone

Everyone has encountered the fact that scissors begin to cut poorly over time, the blades become dull, i.e., their use becomes impossible. You can buy new ones or have old ones sharpened, but all this requires certain costs.

Diagram of the components of scissors.

You can easily sharpen scissors at home with your own hands. To do this you will need a sharpener or a special sharpening machine. To perform such work, you will have to follow several rules regarding the sharpening angle and direction. The quality and durability of the blades depend on the listed parameters.

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What does sharpening depend on?

The tip angle depends on the material of the scissors.

To properly sharpen a tool, it is necessary to determine the angle at which the blades were sharpened. This is what allows you to do the job quickly and easily, increase the quality of the cut, and prevent premature wear that is detrimental to the scissors. Attention should be paid to the design, as there are closed and open models.

The sharpening angle is selected taking into account the hardness of the material. The higher the hardness indicators, the larger the angle will be. For example, for cutting hard objects the angle is 70-75°. For normal household use, such a hardness is not needed; 60° is sufficient.

The angle must not be changed under any circumstances. At the factory, a single optimal value is set, which fully corresponds to the purpose of the material used and other operating conditions. Changing the angle will not only not make the blade sharper, but will also cause rapid wear.

After this, all you have to do is throw the tool away.

How to sharpen scissors correctly?

High-quality scissors should have a cutting edge angle of about 50 degrees.

To properly sharpen a tool, you must follow simple rules:

  1. The factory sharpening angle cannot be changed; work is carried out strictly at the angle that already exists. This is not difficult to determine; you just need to “try on” the blades.
  2. You need to start working towards yourself. The scissors are carried from the tips to the rings; under no circumstances should you perform back and forth movements. This is exactly the mistake many people make, but in this case the blade is destroyed. It can easily cut at first, but in fact such erroneous actions greatly reduce the service life, and the quality of the cut becomes poor. The tool can no longer be used for fine work, and soon it will become completely unusable.
  3. After sharpening the tool, it is recommended to run sandpaper over the blades. This treatment consolidates the result; it allows you to remove all the small burrs that make the cut less quality. For this, only fine-grained sandpaper is used.
  4. You should check how correctly and well the work is done.

Features of sharpening and working with the tool

Before sharpening the scissors, you need to disassemble them.

Sharpening is not a very complicated process that can be easily done at home. To work, you need to use a special sharpening machine, but if you don’t have one, then a file, a sharpening stone with a coarse grain (or other materials) will do.

After sharpening, coarse-grained whetstones leave oblique small teeth on the surface, but this is not dangerous, since they allow for excellent cutting of material . It is best to use a special electric machine for the job.

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But using it requires experience.

Tool dressing procedure:

  1. The blades should be sharpened only towards you, and the movement will be from the ends to the rings.
  2. Under no circumstances should you violate the factory sharpening angle. Its value will be within 60-75°.
  3. The process is simple, it begins with carefully opening the scissors, then taking them in one hand and the sharpener in the other. You only need to hold the tool by the rings and firmly. The tips should point up, not down.
  4. Next, you should tilt the scissors at an angle convenient for work, but not more than 75°. After this, you need to sharply move a block or file along the surface of the blade from the end to the axis. Several such movements will be required.

If a special machine is used, you must first check the sharpening angle, then firmly hold the scissors in one hand and turn on the machine. To sharpen the scissors, just carefully guide the blades towards the rings. You can’t rush, but you can’t hesitate either. For wetting, use ordinary cold water.

How to check the sharpness of scissors?

Safety rules when working with scissors.

After sharpening is completed, it is necessary to check the sharpness of the tool. The same measures will be required to determine whether the blades need to be sharpened. Lack of sharpening is not always the reason why scissors cut poorly.

In some situations, the cause is a severe loosening of the screw that holds the blades together. They no longer adhere to each other, but begin to wrinkle and “chew” the material. The measures to eliminate the defect are extremely simple.

Just tighten the screw and check the quality of the cut again.

Possible problems that may arise during cutting include the presence of a gap between the sharp tips. If there is such a distance, then the material cannot be cut efficiently. The cutting edges will not converge at the required point, and the material will begin to jam.

If such a discrepancy is detected, then special limiters must be filed with a file. They are located close to the rings and resemble small special soldered joints made of plastic or metal. They must be ground down carefully, constantly checking to ensure that the distance is reduced to the required size.

The work requires patience, but there is nothing difficult about it.

If the operations performed did not help, then the tool will need to be sharpened. Check its necessity. This requires a small piece of fabric. It must be hung in such a way that the edge falls freely. Then several cuts are made. If the cut is smooth, then sharpening the tool is not required.

Various tools can be used for sharpening: usually a special machine is used, but for temporary work a file or a whetstone are suitable.

The device of a machine for sharpening scissors.


How to sharpen metal scissors correctly > Knives > Table of knife sharpening angles: how to sharpen a knife correctly

A knife is one of the oldest tools created by mankind and is indispensable in the household. Knives come in different types, are designed for different things, and are made from different types of steel. But most products have one thing in common: they require sharpening. If you do not sharpen the blade for a long time, it becomes dull and ceases to perform its functions well. In order to sharpen a knife in a timely manner and not spoil it in the process, you need to know the rules of how this is done.

  • Kitchen tools
  • Blade shapes
  • Dulling and sharpening the blade
  • How to determine the sharpening angle of a knife

Kitchen tools

The most commonly used and indispensable type of knife at home is the kitchen knife. At home, various knives are used, depending on the hobby and desires of the owner. Professional kitchen tools are used in professional kitchens of restaurants and cafes. This is a whole range of blades, different in shape and function. They also differ in the material from which they are made.

The most common materials:

  1. Carbon steel is an alloy of iron and carbon, to which vanadium or manganese is also added. Over time, these blades may rust or become stained. They sharpen very well.
  2. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron, carbon and chromium to which molybdenum or nickel has been added. Such blades require constant sharpening; if the blade becomes dull, the knife becomes unusable.
  3. High carbon stainless steel is a combination of carbon and stainless steel, with the addition of vanadium, molybdenum and cobalt. Strength is increased, sharpness retention time is increased.
  4. Damascus steel is a forge of different types of metal, where hard and soft alloys alternate. The material is expensive and is usually used by professionals. Hunting knives, collectible blades and razors are often made from it. Such blades are sharpened only by hand and along the edge.
  5. Titanium alloy - made by sintering a titanium powder matrix with carbide inserts. It does not require sharpening for an extremely long time, but it needs careful handling and requires skills in working with itself and a professional sharpening machine.
  6. Zirconium alloy is a hard mineral ceramic that has been dry pressed and fired. These blades are sharp and do not dull for a very long time, but they are very fragile and require special care and storage. They can only cut soft foods. They require sharpening, and with specialized tools.

To properly sharpen a knife, you need to know what material it is made of. The harder the alloy, the smaller the sharpening angle. The method of sharpening the blade is also selected based on the hardness of the alloy.

Blade shapes

A knife is always a combination of blade and handle. But blades can vary greatly and have component parts. The part of the blade that needs to be constantly maintained and sharpened regularly consists of the following parts:

  1. Cutting edge, cutting edge height
  2. Butt and its thickness
  3. Rectangular section and its height
  4. Descents, their height
  5. Cutting edges, their height and thickness

The following blade shapes are also found:

  1. Wedge-shaped
  2. Razor
  3. Chisel, “Japanese”
  4. "Chopping Chinese"
  5. Bullet-shaped

Dulling and sharpening the blade

Dulling of the blade occurs due to the following factors:

  1. The blade rubs against the product during slicing
  2. The blade has rough contact with heterogeneous particles in products or during falls and impacts with the surface
  3. Chemical oxidation upon contact with acidic foods and herbs
  4. Asymmetrical lateral loads

It is not difficult to determine a dull blade; it can be seen even by eye, but it feels very easy to the touch.

The purpose of sharpening is to restore the correct contours of the cutting edges of the blade and polish them to the required smoothness. The main difficulty of sharpening for people inexperienced in this matter is that you need to maintain the desired angle of the knife at all times during sharpening. To make this easier to deal with, special mechanisms or devices are often used.

Often, in addition to kitchen appliances, you also need to sharpen tools at home such as a straight razor, hairdressing or household scissors, and other tools. If a person shaves at home with a straight razor or often uses scissors as a household tool or metal scissors, they also become dull. The rules and sharpening tools for them are the same as for knives.

Most often, stones are used for sharpening at home. They have different shapes and stones are made from different materials: mineral natural stones, polymer alloys, abrasive mixtures, ceramics. When sharpening on stones, you can set the required sharpening angle and sharpen the knife correctly, but special skill is required.

Sharpeners that are made on the principle of dragging the blade do not allow you to set the sharpening angle, and therefore are suitable only for short-term edits. And in some cases it is generally undesirable to use them - you can damage the edge of the blade.

Chefs use musat - this is a handle with a rod made of longitudinal ribs. But sharpening with musat requires some skill and this method may not work the first time.

There are also electric sharpeners, but they are not suitable for sharpening kitchen knives.

How to determine the sharpening angle of a knife

The sharpening angle depends on the purpose of the blade. There is a table by which it can be determined. It was developed by the global company CATRA, which controls quality and advises on sharpening all types of knives.

According to it, depending on the purpose of the blade, the following sharpening angles are recommended:

  1. Thinning and loining - 5–10 degrees
  2. Fruit - 10–15 degrees
  3. Cutting - 15–20 degrees
  4. Boning for meat and large fish - 20–25 degrees
  5. Cleavers , hatchets and vegetable knives - 30–35 degrees
  6. Chopping axes - 40–45 degrees
  7. Table knives - 55–60 degrees
  8. Hairdressing scissors - 45–55 degrees
  9. Household scissors - 50–60 degrees
  10. Tin snips - 75–85 degrees
  11. Straight razor - 10–15 degrees

In the table you can also find angles for rarer tools that can be used at home.

Also, do not wash knives, razors, scissors and other metal blades with hot water or put them in dishwashers to avoid dulling too quickly.

It should be taken into account that stones and sharpening stones are also designed for different types of blades - these properties are indicated on them, and the stone must be chosen so that it fits the existing blades for sharpening. Often the stone comes complete with a set of knives and must be suitable for a particular set or blades with similar characteristics.


How to set up and sharpen scissors at home -If the scissors begin to cut poorly, this does not mean that they need to be replaced with new ones. Having figured out how to sharpen scissors at home, you can give a familiar tool a second life and show yourself as careful owners. Moreover, old tools made of durable steel often surpass the quality of modern Chinese crafts.

Preparatory work before sharpening

The easiest way to sharpen office scissors or haircut scissors at home. Accessories from a manicure set (nippers, tweezers and scissors) are much more complicated.

Before you start sharpening the scissors, you need to carefully inspect them. Perhaps the reason for their poor performance is not only and not so much that the axis between the knives has become loose. Typically, a bolt or rivet is used as the axle on the scissors. If the halves of the scissors are fastened with a bolt, then you can simply tighten it.

If the blades do not close well together when the screw is tightened, you can slightly sharpen the stop heel next to the hole for the bolt, thereby bringing them closer to each other. There is no need to try to bend the blades of the scissors for better closure. This most likely will not correct the situation, but the instrument can be damaged irrevocably.

If a rivet is used as a connecting element between the blades, then, if necessary, it can also be tightened. Scissors are only riveted when they are open, otherwise they can be damaged. To properly tighten the rivet, the scissors must be opened and placed on the anvil (there is always a metal object at home that can be used for this purpose) and, using a bit, carefully flatten the rivet, periodically checking how the blades open and close.

If the problem persists, then the scissors are dull and need to be sharpened. This can also be done at home.

How to sharpen scissors yourself

Usually a whetstone (whetstone, whetstone) is available at home and is used for sharpening and straightening knives. If not, then you can purchase it at almost any hardware store. Typically, the bars have two different sides - fine-grained and coarse. At the first stage, the rough side of the whetstone is used. Sharpening work is carried out in the following order:

Sharpening scissors using an emery stone

  • The touchstone is placed on a cloth and moistened with water.
  • If the scissors are fastened with a screw, then they should be disassembled; if they are riveted, then open the blades as much as possible.
  • Trying to maintain the tilt of the factory sharpening as much as possible (it cannot be changed), the blade is placed on the whetstone so that the plane of the blade is tilted away from you. During sharpening, you must ensure that the chamfer is always parallel to the surface of the block. With a calm movement, slowly move the blade away from you and to the side, so that the bar evenly passes along its entire length, moving from the end to the joint. These steps should be repeated several times until the blade becomes sharp. The blade can only be drawn along the block in one direction!
  • After sharpening both blades, it is advisable to align them on the fine-grained side by running the flat inner side of the blade and the chamfer several times along the block.
  • Assemble the scissors and check how well they cut.


To check the sharpness of the sharpening, you need to take a piece of thin fabric and, holding it suspended, cut it with scissors. If the cut is smooth and the material does not bite between the blades, then the tool is perfectly sharpened and ready for use.

Features of sharpening manicure scissors

Unlike cutting tools, nail scissors are difficult to sharpen correctly at home. If the blades of such scissors are straight (usually nail scissors or universal ones), then they can be repaired and sharpened according to the same scheme. But you need to use a small block with fine grain, preferably with diamond chips. You need to pay very close attention to the inclination of the cutting chamfer - it differs from the inclination angle on other scissors.

Nail scissors

If cosmetic scissors have thin curved blades (for skin and cuticles), then repairing and sharpening them at home is almost impossible. You can independently tighten the connecting bolt of such tools or slightly adjust the blades with a needle.

How to sharpen nail clippers

Manicurists often divide nail clippers and skin clippers, calling the former clippers and the latter tweezers. First, let's figure out how to tidy up your wire cutters at home.

  • When sharpening nail clippers, the first thing you should do is remove the backlash, which is often present even in brand new tools. If this is not done, then it is almost impossible to achieve correct convergence of the cutting parts.
  • Using a narrow diamond block, you need to sharpen the blades from the inside, aligning the cutting edges.
  • Sharpen the blades on the outside and trim the tips.
  • The cutters are placed on the table, clamped and sharpened both blades from the outside at the junction, trying not to disturb the geometry. This operation must be carried out until the mirror plane on the tip of the blade is barely visible.
  • The blades are polished with a piece of leather or polishing paste.
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Nail clippers

If the closure of the cutting surfaces is tight (checked by looking through the light) and the nippers cut and do not tear the plastic film, then the sharpening was carried out efficiently.

Tweezers are somewhat more difficult to sharpen. Although the operations are practically the same as with wire cutters, they should be performed very carefully, carefully and slowly. They require a lot of patience, but sharpening makes sense, since good, high-quality tweezers are expensive. The most important thing when sharpening is to achieve complete convergence of the jaws along the entire length. Otherwise, the tweezers will tear the cuticle. A properly sharpened tool removes skin with light pressure, leaving a clean cut.


How can you sharpen scissors at home?

Are your kitchen or nail scissors dull? Don’t want to give them to sharpening specialists, but can’t do without this tool? It's OK! So that you can restore the former sharpness of its blades yourself, let's look at how to sharpen scissors at home.

How often to sharpen scissors

It’s not difficult to figure out how often scissors should be sharpened. Normally, this procedure should be performed once every few months, depending on the quality of the steel from which they are made. If you use scissors infrequently, in some cases they can be sharpened once a year.

If such a tool is used particularly frequently, as well as its storage conditions are unsatisfactory, they have to be sharpened every month. However, in such cases, it is advisable to have several tools of the same purpose on hand to reduce the level of wear and tear.

Do you know how to sharpen knives? Read in this article.

How to prevent scissors from getting dull

So, you figured out how to quickly sharpen scissors at home. Now it is important to make sure that you need to do this procedure as rarely as possible. To do this, you must follow these rules for working with this tool:

  • Always use scissors strictly for their intended purpose. If you purchased cutting products, do not use them to cut other materials, such as cardboard. Under no circumstances should you use them in cooking. All this significantly reduces the service life of the product and leads to the fact that they become dull easily and quickly.
  • Always clean the blades from dust and residual materials after use. Get a special cloth for this.
  • Ensure that the tool is stored correctly. Be sure to keep it in a case. Store such products in a dark, dry place.

If you follow these guidelines, your tools will hold an edge for a long time. You will only need to make sure that they do not become too dull and sharpen them in a timely manner as needed.


2 ways to sharpen metal scissors

When processing metals using the [mechanical cutting] method, significant effort is required. The quality and accuracy of the cut depend on the correct sharpening of the tool, the condition of the knives and cutting edges. Read on for more details about sharpening metal scissors using the simplest methods.

Cutting metals with hand scissors - main features

A characteristic feature of the work of hand scissors is that the tool not only separates the material, but also pushes it apart. Moreover, unlike other [cutting] methods, the process occurs mechanically. A well-sharpened tool practically does not compress the material, but if you notice that metal scissors do not cut, you should take a closer look at their surfaces and the knives in general.

What features of the tool should you pay special attention to? The cutting force and the condition of the metal edges depend on several factors:

  • rounding of cutting edges - sharpness of blade sharpening;
  • mating line - upon careful examination, you will notice that the edges diverge slightly from the base to the middle;
  • the area of ​​the direct contact spot of the surfaces - a characteristic light strip of pure metal remains on the contact line;
  • the state of the connecting hinge - it should neither dangle nor create additional “pulling” force when the knives move.

The first sign of loss of sharpness is the expansion of the contact strips of the blades and the characteristic chewing of the metal when cutting. If upon inspection you find that the light stripe has not become larger than 1 mm, then it is quite possible to sharpen the scissors quite quickly and without a special tool. If the width of the strips has increased to 2 mm or more, the tool is seriously worn out. There are also possible options - insufficient bending of the knives, abrasive effects, low-quality steel.

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How to properly sharpen metal scissors at home

The sharpening angle of metal scissors should be within 75 degrees with a steel hardness of 58-60 HRC. Deviations from these parameters are minimal, so when purchasing a tool for professional work, it is worth checking the metal with a file. Usually, the main sharpening is done using emery (grinding wheel), but if this is not possible, you can use improvised means.

Proper sharpening of metal scissors is a complex of influences.

  1. The cutting edge surfaces must be at the correct angle.

  2. The thickness of the metal along the edge is an important criterion; usually, without special instruments, it is checked by eye. Sharpness is considered sufficient if the eye does not perceive the thickness of the edge; it is lost during inspection.

  3. It is very important to sharpen the scissors so that no steps are formed on the contact patch. This shape does not allow the blades to pass smoothly along the cut site, and the blades begin to diverge, resting on the material.

  4. Metalworkers know that [hydraulic shears], guillotines and other mechanical cutting tools are not sharpened until the burr is completely removed.

  5. Direct cutting with metal scissors occurs closer to the point of convergence of the blades. This is where the maximum force occurs, which leads to increased wear.  

If the tool is not critically worn, then you can sharpen the scissors at home, without even holding them in a vice.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Choosing a cutting saw for metal

Sharpening scissors with sandpaper and a needle at home

Typically, sandpaper and a needle are used to quickly restore the cutting ability of metal scissors. The point is to quickly restore the smoothness of the cutting edges, eliminate burrs on them, and give the metal a minimal rounding along the cut line. They work simply - cut fine-grain sandpaper into narrow strips. During the cutting process, the surfaces of the contact patch are partially leveled.

The second option is to use a thick needle. It is placed between the blades at the very base and a movement similar to cutting is made. But without the desire to eat the igloo! When the blades are compressed, the needle is allowed to move forward so that it removes burrs from the cutting edge.

For metal scissors, which are used to cut not very thick steel or soft sheets, periodic cutting of foil or kitchen hedgehog is suitable. However, all these methods are good when the instrument needs to be quickly brought into relative order. For complete sharpening you need to use emery, needle files, whetstone and other tools. Without full skill and understanding of metal structure, this can be counterproductive.


How to properly sharpen knives at home

A knife is a versatile item that is used for cooking, cutting vegetables and fruits, and for many other purposes, so it is extremely important that its blade always remains in working condition. There are many ways to sharpen this tool. But if in theory everything is simple, then in practice inexperienced housewives may have a number of questions. Professional advice will teach you how to sharpen knives correctly.

Types of knives

If you do not sharpen a knife for a long time, then over time it will cease to perform its functions. The frequency of sharpening it depends on what type of steel or material it is made of. As a rule, the following types of models are distinguished:

  1. Carbon steel. This type of tool is the cheapest on the market. The product can be easily sharpened at home. However, it was not without its drawbacks. With prolonged use, rust spots may appear on the blade, indicating oxidation.

    If such a cutting tool is used during cooking, the food will acquire a metallic taste.

  2. Made from low carbon stainless steel. Such knives have good corrosion resistance, but the material from which they are made cannot be called hard. Products made from this type of steel require constant sharpening by hand.

  3. Made from high carbon stainless steel. The models have many advantages. They are not subject to oxidation and corrosion, they do not need to be constantly sharpened, and the blade remains sharp even with regular use. The only disadvantage that can be noted is the high cost.
  4. Made from Damascus steel.

    If the first three types of tools are used primarily in the kitchen, then this product is made as a bladed weapon. Since the blade consists of many layers of various high-quality alloys, the knife has an original and unique pattern.

  5. Made of ceramics. The most popular option.

    Its main advantage is that there is no need to sharpen the blade frequently. The tool remains sharp for a long time. Its significant disadvantage is fragility. Ceramic models do not withstand impacts and fracture loads. For example, the housewife will not be able to cut meat bones with a ceramic tool.

Sharpening tools

Proper sharpening of knives is the main condition for successful work in the kitchen, so the choice of sharpening tools must be approached with special care and thoroughness. The following types of such instruments are distinguished:

  1. Muscat. This item is very similar in appearance to a file; it has a round, elongated shaft and a comfortable handle. It makes it very easy to keep your knife in working condition. However, if the kitchen helper is very dull, then it will not be possible to sharpen it. For these purposes, craftsmen recommend using another sharpening object.
  2. Mechanical sharpener.

    The device is in great demand among housewives. You can sharpen a blade with it in the shortest possible time and without much effort. However, the quality of sharpening will not be the best, so the procedure will soon have to be repeated. The tool is only suitable for kitchen knives.

  3. Electric sharpener. It, unlike the mechanical version, copes with its task well.

    In addition to sharpening, the sharpener can also polish knives, scissors or screwdrivers. A significant drawback of the device is its high cost, ranging from 3 to 60 thousand rubles, depending on the power and speed of operation.

  4. Machine with abrasive wheel. It is intended for professional sharpening. As a rule, it is used in industrial organizations.

    This device hardens steel at a certain temperature. Failure to follow this rule can cause irreparable damage to the knife.

  5. A whetstone (stone) is the most effective way to sharpen a dull knife. Although this process is not the fastest and easiest, it is very entertaining.

    Experienced craftsmen recommend having two bars on hand: a fine-grained abrasive for grinding and a coarse-grained one for sharpening. There are four types of sharpening stones: diamond, ceramic, Japanese water and Arkansas.

Tips for choosing and working with a bar

Sharpening stones can be of various types. If a person has experience, then you can pay attention to more expensive options for bars, for example, diamond ones. For a beginner, it’s better to start with a more budget model, for example, ceramics. Such a stone can be found in almost any hardware store.

Ceramic bars are affordable and have increased wear resistance.

When choosing a device, you should consider the advice of the experts:

  1. It is advisable to choose a sharpening stone a couple of centimeters longer than the blade to be sharpened.
  2. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the fact that the stone is intact and has no cracks or chips.
  3. A medium-hard whetstone is suitable for beginner sharpeners. For those who have already mastered the basics of this craft, masters recommend purchasing several stones of different grain sizes.
  4. To make the knife sharp, stones are combined with a special abrasive paste GOI.

Step-by-step instruction

A step-by-step master class will help you learn how to sharpen knives with a whetstone. But before proceeding with this process, you should place the sharpening tool in clean water. Thanks to this, dust will not fly from it during sharpening.

Sharpening begins with a coarse-grained stone. Many beginners are interested in what the correct sharpening angle is. Craftsmen recommend sharpening kitchen utensils for home use at an angle of 25 degrees. However, this indicator depends on where the cutting tool will subsequently be used . For example, to fillet fish, an angle of 30° is required, knives for Japanese cuisine are traditionally sharpened at 20°, and hunting or tourist knives at 35-45°.

One very important rule to remember is: the smaller the angle, the sharper the knife blade. Professional sharpeners advise choosing the optimal angle and also trying to maintain it along the entire cutting edge while working on the stone. To do this, you need to carefully ensure that the sharpening stone is positioned perpendicular to the surface and slides from heel to tip.

It is necessary to sharpen with smooth continuous movements, slightly pressing on the blade. The handle should be lifted at the moment when the block reaches the bend of the blade.

Do not neglect grinding, because it is at this stage that you can get rid of burrs and make the surface perfectly smooth. To do this you will need a fine-grained abrasive. The technique of movements is the same as when sharpening.

Using improvised objects

You can sharpen knives correctly not only with a whetstone. Home craftsmen use improvised items for this purpose:

  1. Cobblestone. Instead of a block, you can take an ordinary stone, which can always be found on the street. Excellent sharpness cannot be achieved in this way, but it is still possible to return the blade to working condition.
  2. Knife. In many films you can see how the hero sharpens two knives against each other at once.

    This method is very effective. To do this, the tools position the blades away from you, holding the knives crosswise, and then begin simultaneous sharpening with smooth movements.

  3. Ceramic products. You can sharpen the knife a little using ceramic utensils.

    In this case, you need to choose the right surface - it should be rough.

The sharpening process cannot be called a simple matter, because one wrong movement can ruin the cutting tool. If a person just needs to sharpen kitchen utensils, then it is much simpler and easier to purchase an electric sharpener. However, it will be very useful for avid hunters and lovers of wild recreation to know how to sharpen knives by hand.


How to sharpen scissors at home? > Useful tips > How to sharpen scissors at home?

Scissors, along with a knife, share the palm among cutting devices used in the household. But, unlike the main kitchen assistant, their scope of application is not limited to this territory.

As you know, scissors are indispensable for working in gardens, tailor shops, and hairdressers. The purpose of the instrument determines its shape and size. Janome sewing machines are used in the sewing, knitting, footwear and other light industries, as well as in everyday life.

You can purchase it at the Lapka specialized sewing equipment store.

  • How to properly sharpen scissors at home: preparation
  • How can you sharpen scissors at home?
  • Checking the sharpness of the cutting tool

During operation, all scissors tend to become dull and can no longer cut as well as at first. In this case, the idea arises of purchasing new ones, because their price is affordable for everyone, but knowing how to sharpen scissors at home, you can extend their service life .

How to properly sharpen scissors at home: preparation

Drawing a parallel with skates, the blades of scissors should have a similar sharpness. The main principle is that uniformity and linearity must be strictly observed during processing. The angle for sharpening is selected taking into account the hardness of the material from which the cutting device is made. The lower the indicator of this mechanical characteristic, the smaller the angle should be.

If the scissors cannot cope even with cutting ordinary paper or thin fabric, it is necessary to diagnose the cutting edge and other elements of the tool:

  • Checking the hinge assembly . Weak fastening of the cutting edges practically negates the correct functioning of the tool. If the scissors are screw-type, then the threaded connection should be tightened. If they are riveted, they crimp the rivet. In scissors connected in the classical way, you need to check for play from time to time.
  • Geometry assessment . Looking at the blades from top to bottom, on working scissors you can observe a negative bend angle. There should be close contact at the point where the cutting edges meet. Separated blades, even with a slight play between them, will never fully cut the material, even if their edges are perfectly sharp. If you need to bend the blades a little, you can do this yourself, observing safety precautions.
  • Checking the condition of the cutting edges . Before you start sharpening the scissors, you need to carefully inspect them. There may be nicks or rust on the metal frame. It often happens that perfectly sharpened blades begin to cut poorly due to some small chip that does not ensure complete mating of the edges. It is enough to eliminate it, and the scissors will be suitable for cutting.
  • Cleaning the surface of cutting edges . You often have to use office scissors to cut adhesive tape. The adhesive sticks to the sharp halves, followed by particles of dust and dirt. The remaining pieces of tape block the cutting edges and stick to the material being processed. You can use alcohol or solvent to remove foreign objects and glue.

How can you sharpen scissors at home?

  • File . You can sharpen scissors or a kitchen knife by turning to tools such as a file, diamond file or whetstone for help. To sharpen the blades, you need to drag it several times with force along a special block located on the table. With one hand you need to press it to a flat surface, and with the other you need to sharpen the edges, moving from the rings to the ends of the scissors. A slightly different scheme is used to work with a file. The file handle is placed in the working hand, and the spread halves of the scissors are placed in the other hand. For convenience, the sharp end rests on a non-slip plane. After sharpening, use your finger to test how sharp the edges are.
  • Sandpaper . Another quick way to sharpen is to use fine-grained or coarse-grained sandpaper. The abrasive sheet is bent in half, leaving the working part outside. Make several cuts. This method allows you to slightly sharpen dull scissors, but only temporarily. It is problematic to grind down the steel layer using sandpaper, so this technique is only suitable if there is an urgent need to cut something off.
  • Aluminium foil . You will need a medium-sized foil sheet, which needs to be folded along its entire length in several layers. Cut the resulting thick strip of foil. The main thing is that the cut is made across the entire thickness, from the base to the end of the rolled sheet. The efficiency of sharpening the tool depends on the number of thin strips cut. When you only need to sharpen the cutting tool a little, it is enough to cut off a couple of wide strips. At the end, the blades are wiped with cotton napkins to remove stuck particles of foil.
  • Sewing needle . An ordinary needle is suitable for sharpening scissors. Open the scissors to their maximum width and place the needle near the section. The cutting edges slowly close together, thereby moving the needle to the bottom of the blades. The procedure is repeated several times.
  • Cup . The problem of dull scissors is solved with a ceramic cup. It is turned upside down and the sharpened edges are moved back and forth.
  • Steel wool . A washcloth used for washing dishes also sharpens metal very well. To restore the sharpness of the blades, you need to cut the washcloth into several parts, making sure that the entire length of the cutting edges is used.

Checking the sharpness of the cutting tool

After sharpening the scissors, you need to evaluate their cutting ability. Exactly the same measures are necessary to check whether the blades need to be sharpened at all. As practice shows, not in all cases the lack of sharpening has a negative effect on the sharpness of the tool.

Sometimes the reason for poor cutting properties lies in severe loosening of the fastening screw . Blades that do not fit well together will crush and chew the material. The solution to the problem is quite simple. You just need to tighten the screw and try to cut something.

A possible problem that you may encounter while cutting is a small gap between the sharp ends. The presence of such space will not allow high-quality cutting of the material. If the cutting edges do not converge at a certain point, the material begins to wrinkle.

Having discovered that the edges diverge, you need to use a file to process a special stop on each cutting blade. They are located next to the rings and are small metal or plastic soldering. Grind them down carefully, periodically checking to ensure that the distance is reduced to the required mark.

It will take endurance, the work is monotonous, but not difficult.

If the manipulations done did not bring results, then sharpening is indispensable. To check its feasibility, take a small piece of fabric . Hang it so that its edges hang freely. Then the incisions are made. A crooked cut indicates that the tool needs to be sharpened.


How to sharpen nail scissors at home

That unfortunate hour has come when you no longer rejoice at buying brand new manicure scissors, but lament over them. The previously sharp, blade-like working edges became dull and stopped performing their tasks efficiently, causing more discomfort than benefit. So what should you do - throw away the careless tool or do the wiser thing by modifying it? We think the answer is obvious. Prostonail experts will tell you how to sharpen nail scissors at home and what you will need for this.

How to sharpen nail scissors at home

Of course, the easiest and at the same time the most effective way to sharpen tools is to take them to a master who will carry out this procedure professionally.

But the price for his services is often not at all budgetary, so girls resort to independent methods of solving the problem.

We are not advocating for either the first or the second option, we’ll just say: if you are confident in your own abilities, then carefully read the algorithm of actions presented below. If you doubt your personal skills, then leave these manipulations to the pros.

For those beauties who dared to undertake such a home experiment, we offer several sharpening methods. Choose the one you like and go ahead:

  • sharpening scissors with a sheet of sandpaper. Perhaps one of the simplest methods of sharpening. You will need a small piece of sandpaper used for household purposes, as well as the tool itself. Having rolled up the sandpaper in two layers, start cutting it, trying to capture the entire area of ​​the sharp edge. With each movement you make, the sharpness of the tool will increase, and the amount of effort applied will decrease. Upon completion of manipulations, wipe the scissors with a damp cloth to remove metal shavings;
  • Sharpening nail scissors with foil is also not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Taking a piece of roll into service, roll it several times. Next, repeating the movements of the schoolchildren during the appliqué lesson, cut thin strips, pressing the blades harder every time. Complete the procedure by wiping the scissors with alcohol and enjoy their original sharpness;
  • The lucky ones who have a sharpening stone at home will have the hardest time of all. Alas and ah, this is the truth of life. But, in fairness, we note that this method of sharpening is the most effective. Use the coarse-grained side of the stone to begin with, and then finish with the fine-grained abrasive. To make everything go as quickly as possible, prepare the scissors in advance by unwinding their design. This is done by unscrewing the central gap connecting the 2 parts of one whole. Now you need to place one of the blades with the inner flat side (which is usually in contact with the other half of the scissors) on the whetstone. Next you need to choose the right angle at which to sharpen the blade. A dozen repeated movements will be enough to complete the job. To ensure that the tool is sharp enough, you can mark the sharp parts of the blades with a felt-tip pen before starting sharpening. If after the procedure the marks are erased, it means that the scissors are sufficiently sharpened. The test can also be carried out on a piece of polyethylene; if they do not crumple it and cut it easily, then the cutting edges are sharp enough;
  • Sharpening nail scissors with a needle is a doable task even for a clumsy beginner. Take a brooch, a pin or a classic steel needle and use scissors to imitate “cuts” on it, making progressive, smooth movements. Carefully watch the blades to avoid injury and do not forget to wipe them with a damp cloth when finished;
  • sharpening using the neck of a glass bottle occurs according to the principle described above.

As you can see, the sharpening process is not so complicated, but painstaking. But the result from the efforts made will definitely not leave you indifferent. Well, in order to extend the life of your instruments, it is enough to adhere to a few basic rules for caring for them:

  • do not forget to clean the instrument from excess decorative gel coating or epidermal residues after each use;
  • do not neglect banal lubrication. Even ordinary oil can be used for this purpose; it should be applied to friction points;
  • Do not use manicure tools for purposes other than their intended purpose. Of course, sometimes you want to cut paper or a piece of fabric with nail scissors, but this will only make them dull or even break;
  • remember that there is only one correct option for storing manicure tools - in a high-quality, waterproof, durable case and in a horizontal position.

By using our life hacks and adopting some tips, you will significantly extend the life of your favorite manicure accessories so you can create thousands more incredible designs on your nails.


Self-sharpening hairdressing scissors: how to sharpen correctly?

I admit that the answer to this question will disappoint you. But it’s better if he disappoints you - because the alternative is completely bad.

Sharpening professional hairdressing scissors yourself is a simple matter. Go to any river, lake or pond, take the scissors in your right hand, swing them harder and throw them further into the water. Please - self-sharpening is completed.

You may ask what sharpening has to do with it.

It’s simple: sharpening hairdressing tools without the appropriate equipment and experience is the same as throwing them into the river. Most likely, you will no longer be able to use them. There is a chance that professionals from the service center will be able to resuscitate them - but it is small. There is a chance that fishermen will be able to fish your scissors out of the pond - and it is about the same.

But if you really try to sharpen the scissors, you will spend more time, nerves, and perhaps invest in some kind of sharpening materials. What is this all for? Save money - throw them away immediately without suffering.

Why can't you sharpen professional scissors yourself?

The best blades for scissors are the ones that you can apply the best edge to and not suffer from how quickly it wears off. Even the most beautiful blades with poor sharpening will be just rubbish.

But that's not so bad.

The trouble is that the structure of the metal can be damaged due to poor-quality sharpening - and even the most intelligent sharpener will not be able to make the cutting edge ideal.

And sharpening of some types of blades cannot be done efficiently even in most service centers. This primarily applies to convection blades and thinning blades. Both are sharpened on very high level equipment. However, in some ways it is easier with them - both are usually applied to high-hardness steel and do not require additional sharpening for years.

How do you know when it's time to sharpen your scissors?

Yes, this is a very important point - because scissors really need to be sharpened not only correctly, but also on time. This will be better for your clients too - dull scissors begin to chop and break hair rather than cut it. The result, of course, is frayed ends that tend to split in just a couple of weeks. This will be better for your scissors too - because in advanced cases, scissors that have not been sharpened for a long time, again, deteriorate irrevocably.

We even published a special guide on how to carefully and accurately check the sharpness of scissors.

In general, how often you will have to sharpen your scissors, of course, largely depends on how high-quality the scissors are in principle. How hard their steel is and how skillfully the first sharpening is done.

At Mustang, we pay a lot of attention to ensuring that our scissors last a long time on one sharpening - this saves your nerves, money and time, and allows the scissors themselves to serve for a long time. Admire the models in our catalog and see which one is best for you:

  • 5,500 ₽More details
  • 5,500 ₽More details
  • 6,000 ₽More details


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