How to sharpen kitchen scissors

How to sharpen scissors correctly

With prolonged use, any sharp objects gradually become dull and begin to cut worse. High-quality and professional scissors for hair cutting, sewing and manicure are quite expensive. Therefore, it is cheaper and more practical to sharpen products than to buy new ones.

It is recommended to sharpen professional scissors every six months, universal scissors - once a year. The best solution would be to contact a professional. But if you don’t want to give the tool to a master for sharpening, you can perform the procedure yourself. Let's look at how to sharpen scissors at home.

A universal way to sharpen scissors

A universal method is the use of a special sharpening stone or, as it is called, a whetstone. This method is available to everyone. To start sharpening, place the tool on a towel or cloth and wipe the surface with oil (machine or special for scissors) or plain water.

After processing, unscrew the main screw using a flat-head screwdriver and disassemble the product into individual blades. Disassembly will make sharpening easy and quick. For preventive maintenance when blades are only slightly dull, use the fine-grit side of the whetstone.

If the blades are very dull, first treat the surface with the coarse-grained or coarse side of the whetstone, and then with the fine-grained side. First, sharpen the inside until the blade becomes sharp. Use movements in one direction only, moving from the spout to the handles. Don't sharpen your blades back and forth! When processing, keep the sharpening angle within 65-70 degrees.

After the inner sides, sharpen the outer side and remove small burrs using sandpaper. After the procedure, reassemble the instrument and check the result of the work. Clean the item with a tissue.

Five ways to quickly sharpen scissors

  1. Take aluminum foil and fold it lengthwise into six layers. Then start cutting the resulting thick foil strip with scissors until the blades become sharp. Cut along the entire length of the blade from base to tip. Once finished, wipe the item with a damp paper towel and wipe dry. This method is not suitable for manicure tools;
  2. By analogy with foil, you can use sandpaper.

    It is best to take fabric-based material with a grain size over 150. Fold the sheet so that the rough side is on the outside. Start cutting the sandpaper in the same way as foil until you get the desired result. After processing, wipe the blades with a dry cloth.

    This method is also not suitable for small nail scissors with curved blades;

  3. Take a metal kitchen scrub sponge and use it the same way you would use foil or sandpaper. Cut the sponge using scissors, but be careful as it leaves a lot of debris. Therefore, it is better to perform the procedure over a previously spread newspaper or trash can.

    Wipe the treated blades with a damp cloth and wipe dry;

  4. Use a glass jar that you don't need. Clamp the product between the blades of the tool and start cutting until the blade becomes sharp and smooth. Position the can so that it is as close as possible to where the blades are held together. Wipe the sharpened object with a damp and then dry cloth;
  5. You will need a sewing pin or gypsy needle.

    In this case, the needle or pin is clamped between the blades of the scissors, as in the glass jar method. Start cutting and continue until the blades become sharp. Then wipe the surface with wet and dry wipes.

How to sharpen nail scissors and tweezers

It is more difficult to sharpen nail clippers and scissors than universal and stationery scissors, cutting or sewing scissors. This is due to uneven blades of manicure devices. If sharpened incorrectly, it is very easy to ruin such products. A suitable method in this case would be to use a diamond rod in the form of a cone.

Before sharpening the nail scissors, it is better to disassemble the small device. This will make the job easier. Then, with smooth and careful movements, move the diamond rod in one direction only! Carefully remove the metal from the surface until you reduce the shiny stripes to 0.2-0.3 mm. Such stripes appear where the blades rub against each other.

Work each blade in turn, moving the diamond rod in one direction only. Then assemble the scissors and snap into place with light force. Lightly sand the cutting edges again. For nail scissors, use a sharpening angle between 45-69 degrees.

For tweezers, take a small, narrow diamond stone and sharpen the blades from the inside until the cutting edges are straight. After internal processing, the blades of the tweezers are slightly sharpened on the outside to correct the tips. At the end of the procedure, the blades must be polished with leather material or a special polishing paste.

What not to do

Scissors and other manicure devices cannot be sharpened using folded foil or sandpaper. This method gives the feeling of sharpness of the blades only for a short time. However, due to this procedure, the products deteriorate greatly, the sharpening angle changes, as a result of which even an experienced craftsman cannot restore the devices.

To sharpen manicure instruments, you should also not use a standard grain stone or sharpening stones. They leave rough marks on cutting surfaces. To ensure that such products last longer, it is important to organize proper care. Let's look at how to properly care for different types of scissors.

How to care for scissors

For long-term use, clean the products after each use with wet wipes and be sure to wipe dry. Regularly lubricate the rubbing elements with oil, but avoid treating the blades.

Use manicure tools only for their intended purpose and store them in a special case in a horizontal position. Items can only be stored in a clean and dry state.

Try not to drop the product, do not expose the item to temperatures and mechanical pressure. Treat products with special or regular machine oil to prevent rust and premature aging. But remember that the blades cannot be lubricated with oil!


How to sharpen metal scissors

Are your kitchen or nail scissors dull? Don’t want to give them to sharpening specialists, but can’t do without this tool? It's OK! So that you can restore the former sharpness of its blades yourself, let's look at how to sharpen scissors at home.

Can scissors be sharpened?

Experts who work with such tools almost unanimously say that it is almost impossible to sharpen them efficiently at home. It is best to immediately take such products to a workshop, where they will be processed using a special machine. Only such a machine will allow you to get a perfect cutting edge, and is guaranteed not to damage the tool.

The same methods for sharpening scissors that are used at home (including sharpening with an emery stone) can only slightly improve the situation.

But more often they lead to the fact that the blades of the scissors begin to cut the material unevenly, and over time they become even more dull.

That is why it is recommended to use traditional methods of dealing with this problem only in extreme cases, when it is not possible to go to a workshop. Let's look at acceptable sharpening methods at home in more detail.

Method 1 - sandpaper

This is the simplest and most affordable option for sharpening scissors at home, which is recommended for use in cases where the blades are not very dull. To complete this you will need a small sheet of paper. It is advisable to take a sample with an abrasiveness of 150-200, but you can try working with coarser materials. Next, you will need to cut this paper, performing about 20 cutting movements, and then simply wipe the blades with a napkin.


If you don't have sandpaper on hand, you can use steel wool or sandpaper instead. The effect will be the same.

Method 2 - foil

How to sharpen nail scissors if you don’t have any special tool at hand for this purpose? A sheet of ordinary foil will help you. You will need to act like this:

  1. To begin with, a sheet of foil will need to be folded several times to form a dense strip of material.
  2. You will need to cut this strip of material with scissors. If you make a few thin strips, you can sharpen the scissors well, but if you stop at just a few wide ones, just sharpen your tool slightly.
  3. Next, you just have to remove the remaining foil from the blade with any napkin.

: how to sharpen scissors using foil:


You can use this method to keep your blades sharp. Use it every time you notice that the scissors are cutting worse.

Method 3 - sharpening with a whetstone

This procedure will require a lot of time and effort from you, but it will allow you to get good results if performed correctly. It is recommended to contact it for those people who already have experience working with a sharpening stone. It is recommended to act like this:

  1. First you need to select a fine-grained stone for this purpose. Any other type of it will not only not give you the desired result, but can also ruin the product.
  2. Next, you need to determine the angle at which the product was sharpened by the manufacturer. You will need to maintain the same angle as you work.
  3. After this, you will need to place the blade at the set angle on the sharpening stone so that it lies flat on it.
  4. When you are sure that everything is prepared correctly for work, you can proceed directly to sharpening. The movement of the blade itself on the sharpening stone in this case should be from the stud to the tip of the tip along the working surface. You will need to process the two cutting edges of the scissors in this way. On average, all this work will take you about an hour.

: sharpening with a whetstone:


Make sure that you do not change the level of inclination of the blade while working. This will negatively affect the quality of sharpening and in many cases can even lead to damage to the tool.

It is also extremely important during such work to remove all burrs that form on the blade from sharpening. Otherwise you will get an uneven cutting edge.

Method 4 - touchstone

How to sharpen scissors correctly if you have a special whetstone for this purpose? In such a situation, you can act like this:

  1. First, you need to prepare the whetstone itself for work. To do this, it should be laid out on a towel and poured with special oil for honing (this is sold in the same department where the whetstone itself is). If you don’t have such an oil on hand, you can use any other oil or even water - this will not affect the quality of the material processing.
  2. Next, it is recommended to disassemble the scissors by unscrewing their central screw. In most cases, this can be done with an ordinary flat-head screwdriver.
  3. After this, you should take the blade, place it on the inside of the sharpening stone, select the angle of inclination specified by the manufacturer when creating the cutting edge, and then slowly run the blade along the sharpening stone several times. Usually 20 minutes of work is enough to sharpen it. Repeat this step with the second piece of scissors.
  4. Next, you need to assemble the scissors and test their sharpness on the material for which they are intended (for example, fabric or paper). If you note that you are now satisfied with their cutting qualities, consider the task completed successfully. If not, you will have to repeat all the manipulations with the touchstone from the very beginning.
  5. After completing this process, be sure to wipe the scissors with a napkin to remove any remaining burrs.


If your scissors are quite dull, use both sides of the whetstone to restore their cutting qualities: both fine-grained and coarse-grained. If they simply become a little worse at cutting, the fine-grained side alone will be quite enough to process them correctly.

Method 5 - gypsy needle

How to sharpen sewing scissors without any available tools? You can use a regular gypsy needle for this purpose. Here's what you need to do here:

  • To begin with, the needle must be placed between the blades as close as possible to the screw of the scissors.
  • Next, you should press the blades on the needle, trying to push it out. Under this influence they sharpen quite quickly and evenly.
  • At the end, you just need to wipe the blades and you can return them to work.


Remember that this method of working with scissors can work no more than 3 times. After this, you will still have to take them to the workshop for sharpening.

Method 6 - jar

How can you sharpen scissors on glass? It's easy to do this:

  1. You need to take a regular transparent glass jar.
  2. Spread the blades of the scissors so that the can fits between them.
  3. Start cutting the can as you would cut cardboard or paper. With just a few similar movements, glass can significantly improve the condition of the cutting edge of your tool.
  4. After such work, the scissors will need to be wiped with a cloth.


For such work, be sure to take exactly the jar that you don’t mind. The fact is that after such work, scratches may remain on the material that you cannot remove with anything.

How often to sharpen scissors

It’s not difficult to figure out how often scissors should be sharpened. Normally, this procedure should be performed once every few months, depending on the quality of the steel from which they are made. If you use scissors infrequently, in some cases they can be sharpened once a year.

If such a tool is used particularly frequently, as well as its storage conditions are unsatisfactory, they have to be sharpened every month. However, in such cases, it is advisable to have several tools of the same purpose on hand to reduce the level of wear and tear.

Do you know how to sharpen knives? Read in this article.

How to prevent scissors from getting dull

So, you figured out how to quickly sharpen scissors at home. Now it is important to make sure that you need to do this procedure as rarely as possible. To do this, you must follow these rules for working with this tool:

  • Always use scissors strictly for their intended purpose. If you purchased cutting products, do not use them to cut other materials, such as cardboard. Under no circumstances should you use them in cooking. All this significantly reduces the service life of the product and leads to the fact that they become dull easily and quickly.
  • Always clean the blades from dust and residual materials after use. Get a special cloth for this.
  • Ensure that the tool is stored correctly. Be sure to keep it in a case. Store such products in a dark, dry place.

If you follow these guidelines, your tools will hold an edge for a long time. You will only need to make sure that they do not become too dull and sharpen them in a timely manner as needed.



How to sharpen scissors at home?

How to sharpen scissors at home without a specialized tool?

In principle, there is no difference in sharpening with ordinary kitchen knives, but you need to adhere to a different angle at which the cutting edge is kept to the whetstone. If in the case of knives it is from 14º to 18º, then with scissors it is 50º.

But this is only suitable for ordinary tools that are used for cutting fabric, paper, cardboard. Is it possible to sharpen nail scissors? What about those used for haircuts? What about a utility knife (for precise cutting of paper)?

  • Simple sharpening methods
  • Other sharpening methods

Simple sharpening methods

The most affordable sharpening option, which even the fairer sex can use, is foil.

You shouldn’t count on a complete restoration of the tool’s functionality, but this method will help out in emergency situations.

You will need food foil (preferably aluminum), which must be folded into the correct shape of an elongated rectangle. Its width should correspond to the length of the cutting edge of the scissors. Length - the longer the better. The number of layers is from 4 to 6.

Now just cut the foil evenly. It is better to do this in even lines so that the entire blade is sharpened evenly. Literally 10-20 movements will be enough to radically improve the sharpening of the tool. After all manipulations, wipe the blades with a damp sponge.

How to sharpen nail scissors? Some of them use diamond coating on the edge, so foil won't help. Ideally, special sharpening stones are used, but they can be replaced with sandpaper with a grit of 100-200.

To sharpen the scissors, it is advisable to disassemble them (unscrew the holding screw), but this is not possible everywhere. Many instruments use permanent rivets. How to sharpen scissors at home using sandpaper?

The angle is selected in the range from 15º to 22º, after which the edge moves perpendicular to the rough base. 10-20 movements on each side of the blade will be enough. For high-quality sharpening you will need a diamond sharpener. Unfortunately, it is quite expensive.

You can sharpen metal scissors in a similar way, but they will require higher-grit sandpaper. Angle - 40º-50º (it is better to check this information on the packaging - the sharpening angle is indicated there).

You just need to take into account that metal scissors have their own service life. If it is used up, then sharpening will no longer help, since the entire cutting edge is erased along with the coating.

Other sharpening methods

When talking about how to sharpen scissors at home without special tools, it is necessary to mention the method using a gypsy needle. To do this, the needle is installed diagonally from the connecting bolt, then, holding it with your fingers, you should slowly close the knives. The needle will “travel” along the edges, thereby removing the top knocked down ball of metal.

But in this way it will not be possible to sharpen nail scissors, as well as too large ones (for these you can use a glass bottle instead of a needle, according to the same principle).

The following types of scissors can be sharpened well with glass:

  • stationery;
  • for haircuts;
  • with diamond coating on the cutting edge.

Although it is still better to use a water sharpener for all of them. These are inexpensive and allow you to sharpen even without experience in this matter.

How to sharpen scissors to perfection?

This can only be done using a sharpening machine, on which the sharpening angle level is set.

The cost of such equipment is 2-3 thousand rubles. Additionally, this machine will require sharpening stones. It is recommended to have 2 of them - with low and high grain size. You will also need Goya paste to remove burrs and protect the metal from corrosion. This is the only way to properly sharpen scissors.

But we should not forget that the cutting edge often gets knocked off due to loose screws. Therefore, sharpening must begin with tightening the bolt. If a rivet is used instead, it is better to contact a specialist.

Sharpening scissors at home is no more difficult than ordinary kitchen knives. It is important to maintain the correct cutting edge angle. It is different from the traditional one, so you should not use automatic sharpeners designed specifically for knives.

Although there are also universal ones. For example, these were produced by Fiskars. They are suitable for knives, scissors, and even an ax. But they are not cheap.


Sharpening scissors for household, kitchen, and office scissors

We have been sharpening scissors since 2003

Each of our masters sharpened several thousand scissors

We sharpen scissors in Moscow

● The scissors stopped cutting 

● Blades simply glide and do not cut

● Scissors crush the material


How to properly sharpen scissors at home?

Sooner or later, the scissors become dull and begin to cut worse. Usually people prefer to buy new ones, because their cost is not very high. But some are interested in the question of how to properly sharpen scissors at home? It's quite simple and doesn't take much time. For this purpose, things that can be found in each apartment are used.

You can sharpen any scissors: manicure scissors, construction scissors, office scissors. Depending on the type, the methods of adding spice differ. Use sandpaper, a gypsy needle, and special sharpeners. It is important to be careful when working and carefully study the algorithm of actions. It is better to give preference to simple solutions to this problem.

The easiest ways to return sharpness are to hairdressing scissors and stationery scissors. The manicure option is much more difficult to put in order. Before you start sharpening, it is important to make sure that the reason is really that the tool is dull.

Sometimes the fastening axis is weakened where a regular rivet or bolt is used. In this case, they should be tightened. If after this the scissors do not cut well enough, you should sharpen the stop heel. It is located near the hole with the bolt. There is no need to try to close the blades, as this will only increase the problem.

If a rivet is used in the connection area, it should be tightened. First, the scissors should be opened and placed on any metal product.

Then, using a beard, flatten the rivet and check the closure of the blades. If the situation has not changed and the tool still does not cut, it needs to be sharpened.

Nail scissors must not be sharpened with foil or sandpaper. The method will give the tool sharpness for a short time, but it will deteriorate and the sharpening angle will change. Even an experienced specialist cannot repair the product.

Also, a regular grain stone or whetstone will not work for a manicure set. There will be marks on the coating. It is important to understand that individual methods are suitable for each type of scissors.

You will be able to sharpen the tool yourself if you have the following equipment at home:

  1. Diamond circle. It is chosen for any scissors, but it is especially effective for large products. For example, a tool for shearing sheep or gardening. For a manicure device, you should use a rounded stone or a diamond file.
  2. Sharpening stone. The main difficulty lies in the selection of grain size. If you need to sharpen very sharply, the fine-grained part is used, in other cases the coarse-grained part is used. Hairdressing products are sharpened with a coarse-grained bar, otherwise they will be very sharp, but it will not be possible to cut curls properly. The hair will begin to slip from the blade.
  3. File. It allows you to cope with difficult tasks. For example, with metal cutting products that have teeth. The main difficulty is choosing the size.

When using kitchen scissors privately, it is worth purchasing a special device to change their sharpness. You can buy a device that is both a knife and a sharpener for scissors; it will be indispensable in the household.

If there are no devices, it is worth using improvised means. Sharpening will be quick and easy. It is important to understand that the result will not be durable.

The sandpaper method is effective if the scissors are not very dull. You need to proceed as follows:

  • Place the sandpaper with the abrasive part.
  • Cut the paper into long strips so that the action passes over the entire area of ​​the blade. There should be about twenty movements.
  • Wipe the blades to remove any crumbs.
  • Do a check.

The method is suitable for zigzag scissors. It is difficult to sharpen such products using a bar due to the specific edge.

Foil is used from improvised means. For maximum spiciness, cut a large number of thin strips. If you need a light point, you can make 2-3 wide lines.

Sharpen as follows:

  • Prepare a sheet of 25 cm. Fold it lengthwise several times to form a dense strip.
  • Cut the foil along the lines.
  • It is important that the blade is fully involved in the process.

When you use a metal sponge, it leaves residue flying. There are a lot of them, so cleaning can be difficult. It is better for the process to take place over a bucket. Algorithm of actions:

  • Prepare a kitchen sponge. If possible, you should give preference to a softer option.
  • Cut it with the whole blade. The sharpness of the scissors depends on the number of cuts.

The gypsy needle is suitable for small tools, for example, for cuticles. You can use it to sharpen nail clippers.

To use this method you will need:

  1. Cutting a needle. Close the scissors and try to guide the needle along the blades.
  2. There is no need to put in a lot of effort; it is better to carry out the procedure with light movements.
  3. Continue the process until you get the result.

The needle can be replaced with a screwdriver, sewing pin, or knitting needle. It is important to cut metal.

When using a glass jar, you need to choose the unnecessary option as it will get scratches. For small scissors, use a bottle with a narrow neck.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Cut the can. It should move backwards and the blade should slide.
  • The actions are repeated until the effect is noticeable.
  • Wipe the blades as there will be some invisible dust on them.

It is important to understand that folk methods are designed for immediate results. To keep the tool sharp, you will need to constantly return to them. Therefore, it is worth using professional methods whenever possible.

Recommendations for sharpening at home:

  1. Pay attention to the factory sharpening angle. The procedure must take place at the angle specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, the device will be hopelessly damaged.
  2. Sharpen "at yourself." It is important to monitor your own movements and not act “back and forth.” Scissors are sharpened from the end to the rings.
  3. Remove burrs. They are removed with fine-grained abrasive. It should not be used for hairdressing scissors, as it acquires unnecessary sharpness.
  4. Check the work. Cut surfaces for which a specific type of tool is created. To test the tailor's scissors, you need to cut the material. A thin flap is taken, hung, and cut. If the cuts are smooth, then the scissors are sharpened.

If possible, disassemble the tool by removing the securing bolt. Sharpening blades separately is more convenient and efficient.


Experienced manicure specialists give scissors to professionals for sharpening. The rough method using large abrasive particles will damage cuticle nippers and tools. Therefore, it is better not to sharpen an expensive device yourself. Sharpening is often done using a laser.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a diamond file.
  2. Lightly move the file towards the ends.
  3. Make sure that the sharpening angle does not change.

Standard methods can be used, but must be done very carefully. Nail scissors with curved blades are easier to buy than to sharpen. But you are allowed to adjust the bolt if it helps.

For haircut

It is better not to sharpen it yourself, otherwise the tool will be damaged. To create these products, hard and durable steel is used. It is hardened, so you can do without sharpening for a long time. When it is required, special equipment is used - a machine with a laser sight that has replaceable disks.

Products for thinning are more difficult to put in order than others. They are non-standard, multi-blade. There are two blades - one is straight, the other is serrated. The sharpening angle of the teeth is 70 degrees. At the top of the corner there are grooves that hold the curls. Therefore, a special device is required. You need to contact a professional to use a sharpener with an angle adjustment.

Sheep shearing shears are unusual. They are sharp to cut fur precisely. A needle and sandpaper will not help here. You need to use wheels with small abrasive particles.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Open the tool and place them on the circle.
  • Turn on the sharpening machine and sharpen to maximum results.
  • Repeat the procedure for the other blade.

In this case, such popular methods as sharpening with a needle, sandpaper or file are suitable.


Experts advise treating garden tools at the end of the season. These are not only scissors, but also pruners. You can use a sharpening machine if available. If it is not available, you should use standard bars sold in gardening departments.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Remove dried dirt and rust from the tool.
  • Place the blade against the block and begin sharpening.
  • Repeat the procedure with another blade.

how to sharpen scissors at home?

To keep scissors sharp for a long time, you must follow these rules:

  1. If the tool is used for cutting material, it should only be used for this task. Do not cut meat, paper or other objects with it.
  2. Threads of metal and lightning are cut by other devices.
  3. Kitchen, manicure or flower scissors must undergo mandatory disinfection.

You cannot boil the instrument; you should use a regular antiseptic for processing. Otherwise, they will deteriorate - they will stop cutting, and rust will form. They should be lubricated every six months.

The sharpening procedure is quite simple, but it is better to avoid losing the sharpness of the scissors. In addition, with the help of traditional methods it will not be possible to preserve the result for a long time. The main thing that can be done for this is to use the tool for its intended purpose.


How to sharpen scissors at home

Scissors are widely used in everyday life and professional activities. And often their blade becomes dull at the most inopportune moment. This tutorial on sharpening hairdressing tools or household scissors will help you improve them yourself.

"Fast" sharpening

What if you need scissors right now? For example, you need to finish cutting a dress or finishing a paper craft. In this case, you can sharpen the scissors quickly so that you can perform this procedure carefully later.

To quickly give the scissor blades the necessary sharpness, you will need a simple needle. It is inserted between the blades of the scissors and, as it were, cut, drawing the scissors along the needle with force.

It can also be replaced with a thin object made of glass or iron. For example, a bottle neck or an iron rod.

This method of sharpening does not give a 100% long-term result. But it will strengthen the blades for a while.

Sharpening with emery

This method has the best effect. Moreover, learning to sharpen hairdressing tools and household scissors with its help is very simple.

The technology for carrying out the work is similar to that described above. Only instead of a needle or glass you will need a small piece of sandpaper. It is advisable to use coarse-grain paper. It is more convenient to process.

To make the scissors sharper, simply “cut” the sandpaper several times or rub the blades with pressure. However, only the outer edges of the scissors can be sharpened in this way. It is not recommended to use sandpaper on the inside. This will not only not sharpen them, but, on the contrary, will ruin them.

Sharpening with a file

There are attachments that are best suited for scissors, kitchen scissors, hairdressing scissors, and fabric scissors. And you won’t need training in sharpening manicure tools in Moscow, just a good file. For the procedure, you need to hold it tightly in your hand and run the blade of open scissors over it several times. Remember: the edge is sharpened only from the outside.

To prevent the hand with the file from slipping, you can find an elbow rest. It will be more convenient to work this way.

It will take some time to keep the scissors sharp. You can carefully check the sharpness of the blade with your finger or cut paper, checking how easily the scissors move.

Professional sharpening of tools can be ordered at the Sharpening Center workshop: Moscow, st. Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya, house 11, building 4. Directions - at


How to sharpen nail scissors at home - Metals, equipment, instructions

Scissors are the second most frequently used cutting tool in the kitchen after a knife. Without them, it can be quite difficult to cut up fish, some parts of poultry carcasses, etc.

But, unlike the said “king of the kitchen,” their area of ​​use goes far beyond the boundaries of this territory. After all, there are also scissors for gardening, tailoring, manicure, hairdressing, etc. Depending on their purpose, they have different shapes and sizes.

With frequent use, the blades become dull. Therefore, you have to think: is it possible and how to sharpen scissors at home? The tips presented in this article will help solve this problem.

Surely some of them will be useful due to their simplicity and ease of use, and they will be used by housewives if necessary.

Method one: how to carry out preliminary sharpening “in a hurry”

It is possible that there are neither special materials nor appropriate sharpening devices at hand. In addition, the problem must be resolved quickly and without delay. After all, there are such situations, for example, when you urgently need to finish cutting a dress, and the scissors begin to “chew” the fabric.

In this case, take an ordinary needle and, as it were, cut it, moving the blades with some force. You can use a thin glass object (a bottle neck) or some kind of iron rod for these purposes. Of course, this method of sharpening scissors does not provide 100% quality results.

But for some time you can still experience the tangible sharpness of the blades in practice.

Method two: how to sharpen scissors using sandpaper

The technology for carrying out the work will be similar to the tips described above. To do this, take a small piece of sandpaper and cut it with scissors in different directions. You can also rub the blades with the specified material, pressing lightly from above.

In this case, it is necessary to use coarse-grained material, which is easier to process. When working, be sure to take into account that the sharpening area is the outer edges of the scissors. You cannot rub the inner surface, otherwise you may not “cure” the instrument, but ruin it.

These two options for sharpening scissors are quite simple and accessible. But for better results, you can use other methods.

Method three: use a file

There are special whetstones that can be used to sharpen not only kitchen knives, but also scissors. These also include various diamond needle files. To process the blades, they are carried out several times on the specified object, which lies on a flat surface.

With one hand you need to press the block to the table, and with the other hand you need to move the scissors (leaning against the outer side of the tip) in the direction from the handles to the ends. They work a little differently when using a file. It will take some time to sharpen the scissors well. In one hand (working) a file is held by the handle, in the other - open scissors.

You can rest the tip against some non-slip surface for support. After a few strokes, carefully test the sharpness of the blade surface with your finger.

Method four: how to sharpen scissors using special tools and devices

There are several types of processing devices. First of all, these are, of course, special machines. By lightly pressing the blade against the rotating disk, sharpening occurs. Of course, this requires a certain skill and skill.

There is also a risk of injury to fingers, so children should never be allowed to operate these devices. A simpler and very convenient device, especially for direct use by women, is a sharpener for knives and scissors, sold in supermarkets and hardware stores.

Just one movement and the blades will be sharp without any additional processing. Therefore, having such an item at hand will be very useful for the housewife.

Sharpening in several stages

So, having studied all the options described, how to sharpen scissors correctly? If there are no special factory devices at home, it is recommended to carry out the work in several stages to obtain the best result.

To do this, before machining, remove accumulated dirt from the blades using a cotton swab or a cloth soaked in solvent. Depending on the purpose of the scissors, this may be soil, food residues, paint, fine fabric dust, etc.

Removing the extraneous layer will ensure a better result. Then use a file or coarse stone first. After this, to secure the result, use coarse sandpaper, and then fine sandpaper. Finally, lightly tighten the bolt holding the blades together.

After all, perhaps this was the main reason that the scissors do not want to “obey” the master.

All! The gun is ready to go!


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